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Volunteer Spotlight
Meet MIKE & LYNN BRINEY from Faith Beecher
What ministry do you serve in? We both serve on the Mobile Food Pantry team.
Can you each share a highlight from serving? Lynn: A highlight for me is getting to know the people we are serving.
Mike: I enjoy the recently added prayer request forms and the prayer circle after the Mobile Pantry is done. Knowing the needs of the people we serve makes praying for them more personal.
The Mobile Pantry allows us to meet other members of Faith Church, with whom we might not interact and otherwise get to know.
What ministry do you serve in? Our family currently serves in the following ministries: Michael - Technical Arts and Frontline Greeter; Selena - Frontline Greeter and Common Ground Ministry; Madison - Technical Arts, Student Leadership Team & Technical Arts; David - Worship Team & Student Leadership Team; Olivia - Worship Team & Faith Students; and Sammy - Technical Arts.`
What is a highlight from serving? As parents it has been such a blessing to see all of our kids valued and encouraged by our church to serve. As a consequence, all of our kids are not only willing to serve but so excited to do so! On a Sunday, when we see the stage lit up by one child, the slides progressing by another and being led into worship by our other two kids, we simply feel so blessed to see God’s hand in their lives and in our church. Grateful is the only way to sum up that feeling!
Meet THE RICH FAMILY from Faith Munster

Meet AMY BOGENRIEF from Faith Dyer
What ministry do you serve in? I have served in The Coffee Shop at Faith Dyer since 2005.
How did you get involved in serving? We were new members of Faith Church and I wanted to get involved. I liked the idea of serving in the newly opened coffee shop because I thought that having a coffee house in a church sounded awesome. Having a dedicated space in our church where people could meet, and enjoy a good cup of brew and conversation was something I found interesting and appealing.
I knew that entering a church for the first time can sometimes feel daunting, but I believe having our coffee shop allows for a welcoming hearth for everyone: visitors, believers, questioners, friends and members. I realize that our team might be the first people that a new visitor might interact with and I want them to feel welcome and comfortable.

Meet THE LAST FAMILY from Faith Highland
What ministry do you serve in? We serve in the following ministries: Jerry - Faith Kids and Prayer Team; Diana - Faith Kids; Caleb - Faith Students and Prayer Team; and Hannah - Shout Out, Faith Kids and Faith Students.
How did you get interested in serving? Jerry: I started in Faith Kids when my children were small. I learned that it was set-up to be extremely easy for a non-teacher type person like me to get engaged; it was a fun program and the kids are amazing.

I started on the prayer team in Cedar Lake when I first became an elder at Faith. The prayer team was struggling to get members from our campus to be part of the team, so I joined to help and found that there has not been a single serving opportunity that has grown me more. I remember learning so much from people like Jack Imer and Bob Eenigenburg. To witness prayer warriors like them just open up and talk to God was great.
Hannah: Watching my parents has always been an inspiration for me as they served so faithfully. Once I started doing it, I couldn’t imagine not doing it.
Can you share a highlight from serving? Diana: I love serving with my family, so that is of course a highlight. The most amazing thing about serving is the pure joy in the children when they are worshipping.

Caleb: A highlight for me has been when my students have asked me questions about joining the church.
Meet KEVIN HARRIS from Faith Cedar Lake
What ministry do you serve in? I serve in Faith Kids and the Reflectors Ministry.
How did you get interested in serving? I started serving in Treasureland (Faith Kids) at Faith Valparaiso about 12 years ago. They needed volunteers; I prayed on it and began serving. A friend of mine and I were assigned to a very special young man; we were Reflectors before the Ministry started. I jumped at the chance to serve in Reflectors when it was formed.
Thank you, Lord, for nudging me to be of service!