2 minute read
Letter from Pastor Bob
Do you feel awake? Not the kind that can be helped with an extra shot of espresso. I mean are you awakened to the presence of God in your life?
Awakening. I’m hopeful you’ve heard this word multiple times already this year; it served as a series title in February/March 2021 and is the foundation of a revival I’m hopeful for, for Faith Church and our region.
I want to hone in on part of its definition, “an act or moment of becoming suddenly aware of something.” In reality we aren’t going to have a lightning bolt moment of awakening; rather, it’s going to come from a place of acknowledgement and acceptance that our relationship with God is our greatest priority and we need to be forgiven for anything or anyone else we give first place in our hearts.
What are you fearful of? What are you afraid of losing? What sin is clouding your ability to fight for and go after your relationship with the King of Kings? God wants to hear from you - No. Matter. What. Wherever you are, whatever is going on, just start a conversation with Him. Pour out your heart. It will not affect His love for you.
An awakening for Faith Church and our region starts in each one of us. My continued prayer is for God to come alive in each of you, so He can be glorified!
Sometimes, we just don’t know where to start, so let me give you some ideas: • Before getting out of bed each morning, say a prayer of gratitude to God for a new, unmarked day.
• Select a book to read to guide you in your journey. Our Bookstore has a lot of great options, including one by Craig Groeschel, “Dangerous Prayers,” that leads you to pray bold, specific, passionate prayers.
• Another opportunity is Faith Church’s first-ever Prayer-A-Thon Relay. On June 25 & 26 each of our five Campuses will come together as individuals, families, small groups and ministries to pray in half-hour increments with a main goal of praying for awakening, revival and renewal of the gospel within our region and south suburbs (refer to page 17). I’m very excited for what this unified prayer time will bring.
No matter the practice(s) you choose this summer, keep confessing, keep praying, keep talking to God. He loves to hear from His children!
Everything for His glory,