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Faith Driven Consumer

Raleigh NC, United States

Faith Driven Consumers are people driven to action. We stand up for our beliefs in the most powerful place to demonstrate who we are – the marketplace. We all make consumer choices every day, but how does your faith affect these choices? Have you ever considered the practices and viewpoints of the companies you buy from? How do they recognize and treat your preferences? We live in a world where a small group who want to deny us our convictions can drown out tens of millions of believing, practicing, committed Christians. It’s time for a change. Faith Driven Consumers choose to carefully, constantly aim the dollars we spend directly in support of the companies whose values and behaviors match ours! This is action every one of us can take, every day. We can advocate for and grow values-driven businesses all over America. Whether you are looking to change the world or simply for a place that is comfortable for you, Faith Driven Consumer is your resource.
