Faith FEED Aug 2014

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Faith + Innovation

Fa h FE






When Men Were Men p96

Taking a look at some of the world’s most innovative ministries to men


A bridge. That’s what Faith FEED is. We use innovative journalism, design and overall content to feed Gods word to this current generation and thereby extend its legacy to the ones to come.

Faith + Innovation

Buckle up for the adventure of your life! It’s what you’re made for.

12 Deep within each man is a divine hunger and thirst for adventure. But why?

Faith FE



Chief Editor Assistance Editor Editorial Staff

Linda Pintus Rebecca Hines Stephen Crawley Tim Robinson Jenny Cummins


Jamiel Cotman Will Doniker Lance Cummins





Take a look at some of the world’s most innovative ministries to men


26 Meet the modern husband and learn his secrets.


Does prayer make you pitiful or does it make you powerful?

Hello Pastor, I’m Bob. And I haven’t been to your church in a while. Here is why?


Creators FEED


That’s just where we come in. fter much pushing

and shoving, production manager finally convinced me that an edition for men was a good idea. Well, he didn’t have to do much. We learned in our research that men are going through quite a lot. They’re less interested in getting married, having kids and leading a family, let alone going to church and leading a community. And given that, not more than half of our readers are men, I thought, “Hey, let’s give it a shot!” They need faith too!

We, feed faith to the masses via creative journalism, digital art, photography and beyond. Perhaps men wouldn’t be in the condition they are in today had another content publisher stepped up before. Here is to you guys!


Managers FEED


’m very excited about this

month’s edition. I personally run a private men’s group and am a very active men’s ministry volunteer at my local church. So I personally had much influence regarding the editorial of articles like, ‘The Great Adventure’ and ‘When Men Were Men’ along with the last page. I hope in earnest that you grasp the severity of this editions content because its something that men in the body of Christ along with the world needs to get a hold of Hopefully this will help.

Gods has a special thing He wants men to do on earth, that I’m convinced; we’ve all lost great awareness of.

-Jamiel We’re challenging men to be sons of the creator not sons of the culture

What makes a man? I’m convinced there is something in every man that pulls him towards risk, challenge and danger for a godly cause.

The Great



hether it’s Call of The

Wild, Survivor Man, or Duck

According to him, the video game industry is successful because it does three things for boys and men:

Dynasty, have you noticed men

It gives them a mission that’s

have always had a fascination with

greater themselves

adventure? Deep within each man is a longing for challenge. Buried within the male psyche is a

It provides them a brotherhood that would die for

yearning for risk. A hunger. A thirst

the cause

even. To step up and go against

It offers them a fighting

how things are, to establish how they should be! It’s a calling from


which they can’t turn back. Don’t

These adventures make men of

believe me? Just ask Tom Chatfield

boys. These adventures are the

author of, Fun Inc: Why Gaming will

kind of thing Jesus used, to turn

Dominate the 21st Century.

twelve ordinary men into champions!

The moment you accept the call to, “make disciples of all men” [Matt 28:19] and ask God just how you in particular can do that, the journey begins!

While women engage when they feel safe, as a man you won’t engage until you feel challenged.

The Call And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. Ezekiel 22:30

It’s going to take you out of your comfort zone. It’s going to unlock your potential. It’s going to bring you uncommon reward. Men have a longing for this adventure imbedded in them, that won’t rest

God the Father has given each of

until it’s embarked upon. It’s a

his sons a calling from eternity

call to advance His kingdom,

that’s greater than themselves.

using your unique gifts, talents

and convictions. And though

you stick to the script God has

women are invited to help, I’m

provided for your life [Ps 139:16].

convinced men are supposed to

All of the great explorers were

lead. It’s why Jesus poured the

men. They pushed past the

bulk of his time into twelve men,

comforts of safety and embraced

and is why each guy has a bent

risk. Even today, we don’t

towards risk and adventure to

associate manhood with safety,

begin with. It’s what you’re made

but the ability to run to, not from

for! Make no mistake about it


boys, this isn’t another sermon. This is real! You’ll be in over your heads. This is mission impossible [without God]. Real blood will spill. Real marriages will fail. Real lives will be lost or saved, depending on whether or not

You never call someone that is not needed. Likewise, unless you realize the kingdom needs you in this critical moment, you won’t ever muster the strength to respond. God wants you to step up as His man in your community, living right and

God the father has given each of his sons a calling from eternity.

utilizing your gifts to uplift others.

The Claim For the earnest expectation of the creature waits for the manifestation of the sons of God. Romans 8:19

There’s a man in you that’s dying to get out. He doesn’t run from challenge, he runs to it! Your wife wants to meet him. Maybe, you’re the guy who hasn’t seen him in a while. Things have been

Likewise, there is a you, that you won’t ever see, until you get into your assignment. The adventure you were born to embark upon! God’s calling greatness out

dull in your marriage, single life,

of you! He’s calling His image in

family and career. But no more!

you, to shine forth as it should in

When you step into your purpose

a man [1 Cor 11:7]. That’s the

and calling, your potential will

claim. You are His. Whether or

unlock. Look at it this way, we

not you perform, whether or not

can never see all a fish can do

you succeed, whether or not you

until it gets in the water. We can

ever make it in life, you can fail

never see all a bird can do until it

knowing that you’re a son of the

gets in the air. To see what a car

most high God! But it’s

is capable of, I have to put it on

something about knowing this

the road.

that causes you to not fail in the first place!

Your calling is going to take you out of your comfort zone, it’s going to unlock your potential, and it’s going to bring you uncommon reward.

The real thrill that men seek, is the special thing God has created them to do, whether or not they are aware of it.

Critical Thoughts 1

Men naturally crave the opportunity to face and overcome challenges, and to rise above their preconceived limitations. This is why sports have replaced religion for a large number of men. But Christ’s message, interpreted properly, will provide the sense of personal challenge that you’re missing.

2 .Do you receive the gospel as a personal relationship with Jesus or a calling to join his army? Viewing it as the latter, may assist you as a man in creating a bond with God and other believers as it appeals to your desire for challenge, actions and risk. Be careful how you hear [Luk 8:18].

The quest to advance Gods kingdom in your community is a rigorous call.

. Until you begin aggressively advancing Gods cause in your life, you won’t have lasting fulfillment as a man. It’s what you’re born for!


There is an expectation on us that’s higher than that of other men. Indeed, sons of God are expected to behave differently than sons of the culture. Awareness of that identity, allows

The Challenge From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force. Matt 11:12

our performance to rise to the level of that expectation, and fulfill His call on our lives.

Typically, a man won’t engage until he feels challenged. Women? They won’t engage until they feel safe. Unfortunately, today’s men have received the gospel message as a call to safety not challenge. The gospel is preached as a thing of comfort and not courage.

There is a you, that you won’t see, until you get into Gods call for your life.

Look at bestselling movies amongst women: Sleepless in

Seattle, Twilight, The Notebook and Pretty Woman. What do all of them have in common? They’re about a woman who finds a relationship with a man who can love her unconditionally. Now think about bestselling movies for guys: 300, Black

Hawk Down, and Gladiator. What do they have in common? They’re always about a group of men accepting a challenge! Like the producers of guy films, Jesus knew that men want to expend their lives for a great cause, even if it involves risk!

And though pastors today make

His presence provokes conflict,

Christianity about having a loving

even when he is an infant: Herod

relationship with God [safety

destroys all the male children of

instead of danger] Christ is still

Bethlehem in an attempt to

challenging his men! He recruits

destroy the rival king. Jesus does

nearly 100 by saying “I came not

nothing to avert a growing conflict

to send peace but a sword.

with the Jewish authorities and

Whoever finds his life will lose it.

often speaks harshly to them,

Whoever loses his life for me will

“Brood of vipers, fit for hell.” [Matt

find it!” [Matthew 10:34, 39]. He

23:33]. They accuse him of being

even reiterates the challenge as

possessed by demons, and of

the journey goes on, “Whoever

being a Samaritan, an apostate

does not take up his cross and

who mixes Judaism and

follows me is not worthy of me!”


[Matt 10:38]. By his own account, Jesus comes not to bring peace, but a sword.

Paul took a similar approach. He doesn’t call the church of Ephesus to a relationship but to war!

As a man you’ll never have that bond with God until you embark the quest He has for your life!

“Put on the armor of God that you

We don’t serve a “loving” God so

may be able to stand against the

to speak. Rather, we’ve been

schemes of the devil. Take the

called by a commander and chief

sword of the spirit and the shield

luring us into combat for

of faith” [Eph 6:10-18]. As with

humanity! You’re going to have to

women, the goal is to get men

cross swords with hostile secular

into a close relationship with

worldviews. You’ll have to go

God, however, men bond through

against how things are, to

challenge and action, in much the

establish how the bible says it

same way a football team does

should be. Unless you see it that

against an opponent, or, an army

way, you won’t move

brigade against enemy soldiers.

aggressively into the things of God and closer to Him as a result.

There’s a part of you that won’t

The Crown

be motivated unless you see danger up ahead. He wants a quest, not a relationship. He doesn’t want an empty chair. He wants to fight his way in! Maybe, you’ve been in the light so long,

How can ye believe, which receive honor one of another, and seek not the honor that cometh from God only? John 5:44

you forgot how dark it is out there. But let me tell you, we live in a day and time when families, communities, churches and society needs godly men. And that aint no walk in the park.

Honor. That’s what every man wants right? Whether it’s having the best looking car, winning a football game or punching a guy in the stomach, we go all out to be taken seriously! When you embark upon masculine Christianity and engage the enemy for God,

Like a lion in the jungle, when you get into your calling, your potential will unlock. It’s where you were born to be!

you’ll receive uncommon honor! Jesus referred to it as, “…the

honor that comes from God only.” [Jon 5:44]. And while men give honor to those who do things that other men see, God looks at the heart. If you’re not being true to who he made you to be as a man, you won’t be acknowledged by Him. Make up your mind today to live on the edge! Don’t allow religion and tradition to suppress your masculinity for Christ! When God prompts you to do something, step forward boldly by his grace and get it done without fear or hesitation. It’s the call of the wild!

Jesus never called anyone to a relationship, only to war.

Secrets of a Modern Husband


ell, it finally happened!

adults 18-33 or millenials are %73 single. And while I’m convinced there are many reasons for this, the

The majority of the world’s adult

primary one is that men just aren’t

population is unmarried. The

excited about the idea of marriage

social scientists predicted it, and

anymore and as a result, they

todaa, its here! That means, if

pursue it less. Women are merely

being a husband was a stock,

adapting and following suit. And

today, it’s at an all-time low.

while I can understand why many

According to Pew Social Trends

younger men


Though fewer and fewer men are getting married, we’re finding some Christian husbands using technology to modernize the union and be more fulfilled.

While sons of the culture use technology to objectify women, the sons of God must use it as modern husbands to enhance, build and make their marriages more fun!

Much of your interaction with your spouse will have to be online if you want to really stay connected to her throughout the day. Trust me, it will pay off!

While we want to have that one on one time with our lady, we just can’t wait until then to do so. Touch, caress, and woo her via text, email and phone. It can be equally effective!

Your wife will be highly responsive to your modern approach on being a husband. Women inwardly long for a man to lead romantically with innovation.

feel like walking away, marriage is still an institution from God that provided the best framework for love, romance and family. However, in order to see that more clearly, I dug up some information from guys who are young and happily married today. This is what I learned.

Modern Husbands See “If you’re waiting for everything to Marriage as a Cornerstone be perfect, you’re going to wait Not a Capstone forever” says Randall Goodwin,

There are two views a man has on marriage. View 1 says, “Get “mines” first, and then I’ll find someone to share “mines” with”! Sounds good huh? Let’s look at view number 2. View 2 says, “Find my queen, and my kingdom won’t be far behind!” The modern husbands I spoke with chose the latter.

who married Patricia in 2012. Not only that, but he believes, “Guys who wait too long, date too long are practicing divorce.” In response to our question about why he married at 24 [the average guy married at 29].

“You don’t have to get it right, just get it going. As you go, God helps you get it right” he continues. And while we don’t condone being married without being prepared, there is much truth to that statement. If the wife is indeed a helper like the bible says, you shouldn’t have to have it “all” together before you wife her.

Modern husbands see marriage as a cornerstone to their success in other areas of life, and solicit their wife’s assistance whenever possible.

Modern Husbands Network with Other Modern Husbands

Often, reading a men’s magazine and turning to the section for husbands, is, inadvertently

The iron sharpens iron principle

connecting you with other

applies here [Prov 27:17]. Think

husbands too. “Husbands are

about it. For iron to sharpen iron,

destroyed for lack of knowledge”

the two pieces have to come

giggles his wife [Lisa], referring to

together. As a result, they depart

Hosea 4:4.

having become sharper. William Farqueson says, “I like men’s

groups. I get to network with other husbands and gain insight into what may work” However he would add to this, meetings aren’t always in person.

If you were to put all of the things a woman wants in a man Whether in person or using

together like pieces of a puzzle

online platforms, modern

[confidence, ambition, looks, etc.]

husbands connect with other

it would add up to a romantic

husbands to glean innovative

leader, that is, a guy who knows

ways to build their unions.

how to take caring charge in the

They’re up to date on the latest

framework of romance. However,

gizmos and gadgets, approaches

today’s modern woman is

and systems, methods and

different. The economists show

tactics that make their marriage

us that she is more independent,

more fulfilling, lasting and strong.

better employed, educated and may be making more money than her husband.

Modern Husbands lead their woman in spite of her success

Don’t be fooled, according to these husbands marriage can be far more fun and fulfilling than the single scene.

“But a modern husband isn’t intimidated by that” says Daryl Bloomfield, who married at the end of last year. “The guys who are staying married today, the ones who know how to be a husband to today’s wives, realize she wants to be lead, even if she’s in a leadership role at work.” Sounds chauvinistic? The scripture says, “For the husband is the head of the wife…” [Eph 5:23]. And though our feminist’s culture rejects that verse, these husbands, along with numerous surveys show that women who defer to the leadership of a husband they trust and love, are happier in marriage.

What the modern husband teaches us, may be what the world needs to see marriages revived and society healed.

Why Church Hates Men

Y .

Ahhhh…now you remember! She

ou know Bob don’t you? Sure

drops him off at McKenzie Auto

you do! He is married to Carol

where he works on trucks and

who works down at the flower

cars. They love each other, and

shop. Every morning they honk

it’s more than obvious. On

the horn riding by your house

Sundays, like many couples in

while you’re headed for work.

your neighborhood, they attend a local worship service.


You’re about to go inside the mind of a man that visits your local church now and then. These are his thoughts. What will you do to change them?


ways to Man Up Your Church

1 . Challenge based culture


Masculine leadership


Active lessons


Visual presentations


Intentional effort

Great ideas to win men, straight from the source

The church as we know it leaves men to walk alone

Ooops, I said, “they” didn’t I? Let me rephrase that…like many

Bob is too big and bad to go to

couples in your neighborhood,

church. He is so cool. ce. He

she attends a local worship servi

stays at home.

My, my, my, that is awful. I mean, Luke 4 makes it clear that Jesus practiced healthy church attendance and participation. But Bob, oh no,

He is so hip you think. Or maybe he is so drained, or tired from all of that work. No, no, it couldn’t be that right? I mean he is not even working that day, or the Saturday before it.

Surely he has rested enough to go to church for one or two hours. And you are a Christian right? So why don’t you go up to him and ask? You believe in this stuff, so why not offer him an invitation? I think you, me, and everyone else knows why you won’t. It’s the same reason why most outreach efforts are geared towards women. It’s the same reason why the church is filled with mostly women. Yea, it’s tumbling through your head, but you have been trained not to say it because it’s the unspoken rule,

Does your church make an intentional effort to reach men?

the code of silence, the hidden issue about our beloved place of worship.

Church Hates Men Of course you have heard it the

Men suffer from secret bondage to things like pornography and online affairs.

other way around. But what if I told you that church, the way it should be, is loved by men? What if I told you that the early New Testament church was primarily men? What if I told you that your brother, father, husband, and even Bob is hungry for spiritual things, but for the most part, it has been presented in a way that only women enjoy? You would believe me yes, but you wouldn’t comment. You would receive it, but you wouldn’t do anything about it. You know why? Because you don’t know how. Thanks to the modern church, people really do not know how to reach men anymore.


The moment you go to a church,

Yet this is what most Christians

whether or not you know it, you are

do because ministering to men is

learning to minister to women. The

a lost art. An art that church isn’t

female majority controls the

interested in taking up.

environment from the time you get to the door. The decoration, culture, songs, and sermons are all designed to keep her coming back. To keep her developed. To keep her strong. So when you go and minister to and help others, you know what you do? You reach out to women, or, you reach out to men in a way that they cannot respond to. Because that’s what you know. More accurately, that is what you see at church, the

Women’s Ministry for Men There are two sorts of ministries to men. The first is someone who understands and celebrates men, and identifies with the issues they face. From that position, he or she shares the gospel of Christ with them,

center that represents Christ to the community. Church hates men alright. And it has, whether or not you know it, trained you to do the same. I cannot think of any greater act of hatred, than to refrain the love of God from someone.

If church was a business, women would be its biggest group of customers.



I’m a man, and yes, I’m important to Gods kingdom!

with a masculine approach, in a way that they can receive it with ease. Jesus ministry was the perfect example of this. He caused 12 men to follow him on foot for 3 years, leaving everything and everyone they held close. The second kind of ministry to men is one that is done on behalf of women. You read that right. Modern churches are a glaring example!



90% of church men’s groups fail in their first two years because I know churches do a lousy job at helping guys. No man wants to come and hear why he should pray, sing, and dance to the lord.

You see, there is a business side to church and ministry. Don’t be scared. Jesus referred to ministry as business [Luke 2:49]. It’s nothing wrong with this. Now, if church is a business, not first, but second, who would you say are its biggest customers, women or men? Let me make it easier. Who would you say is its biggest group of supporters, financially, socially and otherwise?

Of course its women! Pastors know this, as well as workers and leaders, so what do they do? What any good business manager would do silly!

The teaching methods

They service their customers! From the moment you arrive, everything about church is intended to keep its biggest supporters, women, pleased and happy. Let’s start with the dÊcor. The average church is more likely to look like a Victoria Secret

used at church are not

parlor than a sports center. On to

appealing to the male

sound like romance novels and


the music, it’s more likely to R&B than biblical worship. The sermon? It gets around to addressing

the issues that men face, just as

bank found that the most obvious

soon as it takes care of all the

path to success in business is to

women of course. I mean, we

sell more of your current product,

can’t lose them right? A recent

to your existing customers.

study done by SunTrust

Churches know this! And they don’t try to acquire new support, as is the case with men. Everything they do, is

Attack an issue that men in particular struggle with.

is either for, or on behalf of women. Women want to see men get help, from this, pastors may address guys, but only because

Men don’t want to sing and dance, they want to take

the women want balance, not to


help the men. Church leaders and workers are known for teaching men to be what women, not God wants them to be. Kid’s ministry? Today there are more

sing, and dance to the lord. He

children’s ministries than there

does not want to dance, pray and

are men’s ministries. Why?

sing. He wants to take territory,

Because women typically keep

fight, and kill! In fact, biblical

the kids. Everything you see in

praise and worship had more

today’s churches are accessories

about action, death and killing

for women. Think? If kids were

than it had about love and

that important, why not help their

romance. The Psalms was

fathers rear them by structuring a

written by a warrior king! Today,

solid men’s ministry?

our songs are written by women,

90% of church men’s groups fail in their first two years because men know churches do a lousy job at helping guys. No man wants to come and hear why he should pray,

or, a man who wants to connect with the

female audience at church. Everything they do, is But do you

They don’t want to lose their

know the real reason churches

biggest customers, who are

do not appeal to guys like Bob,

women yes, but it simply costs

who we mentioned earlier?

more to reach men period. The

Money. M-O-N-E-Y!

problems men need solved are far more complicated than Carol’s prayer request for

Relationships, love and family? Is this sermon for me or my lady friend?

emotional healing. Bob is likely to die earlier than Carol. Bob is six times more likely to commit a federal offense than Carol. Bob, that’s right, your friend who lives just across the way,

is 4 times more likely to commit suicide than his sweet, church going wife Carol. He is more likely to have a reading disorder. He is more likely to be incarcerated. He is more likely to have dropped out of school, and the list goes on. The truth is,

Men don’t want to sing and dance, they want to take territory!

churches are not only afraid of Bob, they instinctively know the cost it would take to truly have an impact on Bob’s life. So to hell

Make up your mind to be different!

with Bob! That’s what most

Work with your pastor and leaders

pastors have said by refusing to

to create a church where Bob, not

structure a male friendly church

just Carol can attend each week.

environment. Bob won’t come to Jesus if everyone is trained to reach women only.

2 Half Manhood nd


“The frustrations you’ve been having Robert, aren’t that different than a lot of men our

ere I am again, in the

pastors office at Rock Crest Church in Roanoke, VA. And while I think the scenery is nice, I’m still frustrated because last time, the meeting didn’t go as well as I had planned. “Hey Robert” pastor Joe

age are going through.” Curious as to where this “age” thing was going, I said, “Our age?” He replied, “Well, yea. Both you and I are in our late 50’s and early 60’s and ‘church as usual’ retires us right about now.” He paused, and continued, “And that’s why guys like you and I, who have

says. “How’s it going?” I replied

more fight in us, are getting

happily. To which he replied, “All


is well, and you?” I said “just waiting on the next play” with a smile eager to hear why he called me in.

Meeting with my pastor regularly about a deep void in my marriage, ministry and beyond lead him to this term I never before heard him say.

1 Half st

While men are in the first half of their life, the average church has a lot for them to do. Whether it’s going to prisons, or moving chairs from the sanctuary to the classroom, Christian leaders have a thorough playbook for this group.


Younger men ages 10-45 are the least represented in today’s churches. This groups experiences a culture the tells them Christianity let alone church is a place for the women and the weak.

nd 2 Ages 40-85

Ages 45-65 is the largest part of the male minority in today’s church, as they have more money and are a more lucrative target for today’s pastor. However, this group is being placed on the bench, causing us to lose a meaningful game.


However, when men get into the latter part of their life, church tends to neglect them more heavily. There typically isn’t any leadership training specific for men, utilizing all the experience they’ve gained to help younger men who need it most.

So he laid it out, it was a sketch of a football field, with time zones marked. The first half, he showed, was of young men, who, in this father absent society, didn’t show up to play. And the second half was of older men, who, because of their age, coaches weren’t letting back on the field. “There is nobody who can reach younger men, like older men” pastor Joe said. “However, ‘church as usual’ doesn’t have a plan for you guys”.

He then showed me a second football field, with time zones marked. “Men are living longer today, and, are aging better. They are healthier than


ever before and are thus

frustrated at church leadership who wants to sit them on the bench.” My eyes lit. This is so true. My frustration has been because ‘church as usual’ gave me nothing to do. “I want you to lead a men’s group that addresses this issue, called “2nd Half Manhood”!

Men are living longer than before today, yet, churches still run the same ol plays, retiring them too early.

Until we utilize the human capital of men in their 50’s and up we won’t see younger men engage in the local church.

“m-m-me?” I said, voice starting to get light. “Yep. The LORD told me that you’re the one for the job” he replied. He even continued with, “And I’ll be attended many, in not all of the sessions”. I just wanted to get my life together, but according to pastor Joe, neither I, nor the other men in our church would be able to until we gave to each other in this way. He proceeded to lay out the program and prayed me farewell.

After months of planning, I began. Glad to see the pastor, I started with, “Well, welcome guys to our first meeting of the second half” only to have one younger man say to me, “I thought this was men’s night?” I said it is, however, 2nd half men starts a little early and then we join the rest of the guys.

The younger man nodded, listened to me for a few more moments, and then slid out. Pastor Joe urged me to continue. I opened the 20 or so men up to a passage of scripture many of us are quite fond with.

I was surprised at how hungry men and young men were looking for plays they could utilize in the second half for Christ.


And now, behold, the Lord hath kept me alive, as he said, these forty and five years, even since the Lord spake this word unto Moses, while the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness: and now, lo, I am this day fourscore and five years old. 11

As yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me: as my strength was then, even so is my strength now, for war, both to go out, and to come in. Joshua 14

I then took the football I had with me, and lightly threw it to one of the older men sitting in the middle of the room. “God is going to use this program to throw you, and guys like you the ball, my question is, will you throw it back or, will you use it as God intended”. The room became quite as I continued on what they could expect from the group. Today, 2nd Half Men is 50 strong at our church and are leading robust efforts to reach younger men with the principles

I There is a goldmine of experience in today’s older men, that has gone virtually untapped in the modern church.

of husbandry, fatherhood and overall being a righteous man.

Oh, I forgot to share how I did it

Chart out a course of 10 curriculums that activate older men in training younger guys.

Be sure to establish an advisory panel made up of guys who have the highest interest in the program. This will be evident by their showing up to the meetings and serving the effort.

Use active lessons and visual presentations to tackle issues older men have to deal with like being a grandfather.


Men Pray

Whether or not the ladies like it, the scripture makes it clear, something special happens when men pray.


They go from pitiful to powerful!

The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]. James 5:16

Don’t be fooled. Christian men throughout scripture and history have used prayer to allow God into their affairs, changing the course of their marriages, communities, churches and the world!

Contrary to popular opinion, prayer doesn’t make you pitiful, it makes you powerful! It allows God to intervene in your affairs.


They make a connection with God

Prayer isn’t a grammar contest. God wants to talk with you just as a father would with a son in whom he delights.


They lay down their burdens

Take those burdens to the one person who can handle them anyway. He’s waiting eagerly.

Today, the world has placed a lot or responsibility on men. Prayer can be that one moment where you cast it all upon the LORD allowing Him to take it all!

Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of a prayer life is that it will change you.

And before you pull out your ‘to do’ list for God, one of the greatest benefits of prayer is that it changes the one engaged in it. What better a message for men than to realize that they’re not in bondage to all of the traps Satan has them in? Indeed, a changed inside is the cornerstone to seeing change on the outside.

When you work on better, God will make you bigger. Prayer empowers you to do that! Think for a moment, whether it’s your financial problems, marital problems, or parenting problems, the only common denominator in each of those equations is you! Thus, becoming a better man is the cornerstone for having a better life. Prayer is for the guy that realizes the power of being good, not necessarily great. Indeed, if you put down good, to be great, you’ll lose both! Allow God to use prayer to make you a good and better man, and watch Him grow you into a great man!



ars Hill Church announced the

cancellation of their annual Resurgence Conference late Thursday which was expected to feature a lineup of leading evangelical preachers, some who have reportedly cut ties with Pastor Mark Driscoll. Former members of his church also took part in a peaceful protest a few weeks ago to express

Pastor Mark Driscol is said to be given up his days as a “celebrity preacher�

their frustration against Driscoll for dismissing church leaders from Mars Hill in an abrupt manner. He also recently faced criticism about remarks toward women under a pseudonym on the church's website 14 years ago where he condemned the majority of Christian men for being "Promise Keeping homoerotic worship loving mama's boy sensitive emasculated neutered exact male replica evangellyfish." Driscoll also noted

Resurgence conference cancelled amidst Mark Driscolls controversy.

America is a "pussified nation" in his post which was taken down shortly after it was published. He recently apologized for the remarks. Leaders at the Southern Baptist Convention’s LifeWay Christian Resources, informed stores on Friday to stop selling books by the Seattle pastor who has been in hot water. Blogger Warren Throckmorton, who broke the news, has also reported allegations from former ministers that Driscoll publicly asked their wives about their favorite sexual position.

“You have grievously sinned against us [Paul’s wife Jonna and children] by the ungodly manner in which I was terminated, threatened, my name and character maligned and the malice that has been carried out against me and my family in the way my unjust trial was handled. The harshness, abusive power, anger, manipulation, and control exhibited by Pastor Mark and the EE team.’ - Pastor Paul Petry

The “angry young prophet” has thrown in the towel! ‘I am one of the men fired the day of Mark’s rant about two elders he felt needed broken noses. Someone asked what has happened since that day… As to my motives, I want Mark’s best. In my opinion he is a very troubled man. He is caught in his own hell. The consequence, of course, is the influence he has on others, which is mixed. The downside is Mark’s pathology shows up in ways that are impulsive, aggressive, irascible, shut off from effective relational influence, and most apparent not respectful and submissive to anyone, though he claims otherwise.’ - Pastor Bent Meyer

Innovative Men’s Ministries Bio, - Church for Men is purely an online ministry that connects men each month via its blogs, articles and social media accounts. Its founder, Dave Murrow, speaks at churches and men’s events all throughout the year.

Culture, - Instead of attempting to get men into church, Church for Men takes a different approach entirely. They’re using church as a tool to get men into the kingdom! In essence, Church for Men says, “Church, here is what you can do to win men.� We looked at a few of the most innovative ministries to men, and this is what we found.

Noteworthy, - Church for Men is a known thought leader on the topic of men’s ministry with prolific work online, interacting with men, posting videos and speaking on issues that are relevant to their gender. And what issues are these?

Christian women place family over faith Middle age men New Podcasts

Viral videos

Fatherlessness Men’s Blog Innovative Men’s Ministries

Men and women are different

MMA reaches urban men

Is harsh "father love" welcome Men’s League


insermon the modern church? Is the becoming obsolete?

What the NFL ref debacle says about men

Church for Men addressed the widest variety of issues that guys face, and is why we put them at number 1

Bio, - Is a group of pastors and men who are also MMA Fighters, using the combat sport as an analogy of the fight of faith.

Church for Men addressed the widest variety of issues that guys face, and is why we put them at number 1

Bio, - Is a group of pastors and men who are also MMA Fighters, using the combat sport as an analogy of the fight of faith.

Culture, - Fighting the good fight of faith is more than just a scripture to this group. Fight Church really believes in getting in the ring, fighting, and rejuvenating the bond you have with your brother thereby. Also, Fight Church uses combat to framework its teachings about the bible.

Noteworthy, - Fight church created a very successful documentary [self-titled] with the help of Academy award winner Daniel Junge Bryan Storkel. “ Tough guys need Jesus too.� Says Mark, member of the group and repeated viewer of the documentary. Responding to how Fight Church projects the Christian faith.

According to the film trailer, “Finishing strong doesn’t mean that we win every battle. However, if you want the enemy off your trail you have to learn to put your foot on his neck! Mainstream Christianity has feminized men. If we raise our boys to be men, these problems will go away!”

Fight Church bonds its members through combat. And believe it or not, it’s working!

Bio, - 5 Star Man is a men’s group founded by Neil Kennedy on the five principles of Christian manhood [adventure, entrepreneurship, Chivalry, loyalty and philanthropy.]

Adventure Gallant Entrepreneurship Faithful Philanthropic

Culture, Developing men to be men by Gods standard.

Noteworthy, - 5 Star has a strong digital presence. With a wellmanaged website and profiles on major networks like twitter, it engages men far beyond its reach.

Every Man’s Ministry Bio,- Founded by Kenny Luck, Every Mans Ministry is the men’s ministry of Saddleback Church pastored by Rick Warren. Every Man ministries believes that every man is a walking stick of dynamite! What guy wouldn’t want to hear more?

Noteworthy,- Every Man’s Ministry is best known for its book, ‘Awakening A Sleeping Giant’ according to Founder Kenny Luck “ Deep down pastors know they haven’t yet inspired men into the mission and vision of the local church on the same scale as women. Meanwhile, most men feel further detached from worship, left only with worldly expressions of manhood to fuel their identity.

Culture, - Get in, get strong, and get going!


he united states at one time was a country filled with men’s groups. These organizations helped children, the poor and weak. However, something happened to these groups that has caused a ripple effect of damage and destruction.

At one time, America was filled with manhood development programs such as Rotary, YMCA, Lions and Boy Scouts. However, gender neutralizing these groups has created a society where manhood isn’t mass produced.

Male specific groups like Kiwanis and Optimists existed years ago to assist in the proper development of men, and, our society saw a better economy and more ethical culture as a result.


bout 150 years ago,

Western men began forming and

molded them into

joining organizations that

gentlemen. Every time these men

promoted a noble vision of

gathered they were reminded to

manhood. Men’s clubs such as

serve others – and serve they

Rotary, Kiwanis, Optimist and

did. They built hospitals for

Lions gathered generations of

children (Shriners),

males and

solved the world’s iodine deficiency problem (Kiwanis), and sent generations of youth on international exchange (Rotary). And what U.S. city doesn’t have a Lions Park? But even more important than their good works, men’s clubs produced good men model citizens who were leaders in their communities. The positive

peer pressure in these groups that used to exist in our country, propelled men towards greatness! They included:

A century ago, America knew the power of man on man socialization and training. The country was filled with groups that assisted men and young men in proper development and ethical behavior.

These and others, created some of 

Boy scouts, and similar

the finest men the world has ever


known! We called them “the

YMCAs High school boys’ clubs and sports teams

Service clubs All-male social clubs, athletic clubs, glee clubs and lodges

The military

greatest generation.” They built the most prosperous economy in history and presided over an era of unprecedented peace! Yet for the past fifty years America has been dismantling the very infrastructure that made these men great, in the name of gender equality.

The Problem Begins About 50 years ago, allmale organizations began admitting women. Today, it’s hard to find an organization that

Societies have always

remains male-only. Though this

recognized that men need more

helped, these groups role as an

socialization than women. The

incubator of male character was

animal passions and physical

greatly diminished.

strength invested in men can turn dangerous if not carefully channeled.

Today, it’s difficult to find male only programs. As a result, the country has become scarcer in its supply of men who are capable husbands, fathers and community leaders.

And this socialization must take

(often brutally) taught to use

place in a male-only context. Put

their powers for the good of the

females in the mix and the men

tribe. Women had no such

change. They become distracted.

coming-of-age rituals. There was

They vie for women’s attention.

no need. A more recent example;

They step back and allow women

In the 1920s, high school

to lead. This is why primitive

fraternities were in their heyday,

cultures had elaborate coming-of-

spreading vice and foul behavior

age rituals for young men.

among the young men of

Adolescent boys were forcibly

America. Key Club was founded

removed from the women and

by a group of


businessmen who intervened in

is resurfacing among the men.

these young men’s lives and set

Apart from the presence of strong

them on the right path.

adult men, boys create havoc!

Looking For a Real Man Who is really harmed by the dismantling of our man-building

These same women ask, “Where did all the good men go?” Simple — we dismantled the structures that produced them.

groups? Lower-class women. They can’t find decent husbands. Their sons lack healthy male role models. Their neighborhoods are deteriorating and tribalism

Where are the real men? Today’s women who ask that question should peer back into the past. Rites of passage rituals and male only programs taught men and boys to use their strength for the good of all.

Feminists called these structures

In the past fifty years, Western

“the old boys network.” They

society went from actively

gleefully destroyed them in the

promoting male responsibility to

1970s and 80s, unaware that

passively undermining it. In the

they were consigning their sisters

absence of molding, the

to loneliness, their sons to

character of young men is

listlessness and their society to

eroding. They are reverting to


their natural state: tribalism,

brutality, passivity,

Though feminists criticized these ‘old boy networks’ they produced better social dynamics than we see today.

irresponsibility and predation. The only large, all-male character-forming organization left in America is the Boy Scouts, but it’s under constant siege. The recent battle to admit gays is merely the first step in an effort to gender-neutralize the organization.

The ancients knew what we’ve forgotten: boys do not magically transform into men. They must be molded. Chiseled. Their character is forged as they interact with other men. Mixedgender programming has its role – but it is not very effective in building male character.

Though we’re taught that young boys should look to their fathers to learn manhood, who do today’s millions of father absent families look to for the proper rearing of their boys?



of boys are raped compared to 7.9% of girls

However, when men’s rights activist [MRA] points out this and other disturbing statistics about boys, courts, politics and authorities simply ignore it and in fact see the complaint as chauvinistic.

Source: Center for Disease

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