Faith FE
Teens Tell All
Jars of Clay progay remarks Is shacking up better than marriage?
10 Fashion Commandments
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Teens take you into their world and you may not like what you
Christian teens ask our editors the tough questions on faith, homosexuality, sex and more.
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Creators FEED
o Where are the youth
wanted to see more young
in today’s churches?
women. And the case for young
And no, I don’t mean
men, is 100 times worse!
the little children who have no
They’re lost, like sheep without
choice but to show up, go to
a shepherd, more so than young
youth class and sing on the
girls, though both are missing in
praise team, I’m talking the
young 15 to 25 group, who usually have the choice as to whether or not they show up, and then decide to do something else entirely?
Well, no more! We designed this magazines experience to address the youth, and the Christian leadership who hopes to guide them along life’s way.
That’s why I penned, ‘Return’, quite some time ago while at a Women’s Conference at our local church here in VA. While we had a great time, I just
- Linda Pintus
Though it’s a long road, its time for our kids to return to the Kingdom
Managers FEED didn’t do with our faith. And to
ow awesome is this edition?
top it off, we threw in a whole bunch of fun stuff like, ‘The 10 Commandments of Fashion’, so
We’re working more and more
youth today can know how to
to make sure each issue is an
dress godly, and still look great.
experience, more than a magazine!
Finally, I hope you peer thoroughly through ‘Teens Tell
That’s why this month, you’ll
All’, as much research went into
experience the hearts and
finding out the hearts of what
minds of youth the world over,
young people think, so we can
on their thoughts about faith,
better connect them to the God
relationships and what the last
of the bible.
generation did wrong. The next generation is always a good reflection of what we did or
- Jamiel Cotman
To reach the next generation, were’ going to have to wake up.
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Return Answering Gods call to young people
Rachel Evans What Generation Y really wants from the church is not a change in style but a change in substance. We want an end to the culture wars. We want a truce between science and faith. We want to be known for what we stand for, not what we are against. We want to ask questions that don’t have predetermined answers.
God is calling you back. And
Believe it or not, Gods kingdom,
before you run to church,
not church, is the solution to
realize, that’s not what I’m
every problem your generation
talking about. The ‘back’ I’m
is facing. Where is His
talking about is His kingdom.
And heal the sick in it and say to them, the kingdom of God has come close to you. Luke 10:9
The question isn’t where, but what. After Jesus told his disciples to heal the sick, he commanded them to say, “The kingdom of God is come near to you.”
But seek ([z]aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness ([aa]His way of doing and being right), and then all these things [ab] taken together will be given you besides. Matthew 6:33
God wants you to return to His kingdom, or, His way of doing things. Because unfortunately, todays culture has driven you away from that.
Why it is that nobody’s popular until they get pregnant, break the law, have sex or rebel against their parents? Why it is that nobody’s cool unless they use profanity, deal drugs, or do the wrong thing?
I’ll tell you why, - the devil. And
There are three ways that
no he doesn’t have horns and a
today’s young people can return
red suit, but he manages to
to Gods way of doing things:
influence the hearts and minds of today’s leaders.
Linda Pintus
Make no mistake about this path, it’s not going to be a smooth road, but that’s ok. God’s not looking for wimps who want everything easy.
You didn’t evolve, like the
were created means a whole lot
culture has taught you, from a
that you should never lose sight
pond of chemicals. Knowing you
You can’t follow God, without going against
Creation means intent
Satan. You can’t live for
Creations means purpose
Christ, without retaliating
Creations means success
against the world.
The moment you think you’re
something God put you here for
here by accident, you’re out of
that the world can’t do without,
agreement with God, and can
you start to get hungry to find
no longer walk with Him [Amos
out what it is, and friend, there is
3:3]. However, the moment you
only one person that can tell
realize that you were made with
a purpose, that there is
Recognize what God is for, not just against
Unfortunately, Christianity has
financially and eternity
been marketed as a list of, ‘don’t
hereafter, it will look a lot
do’s’. As a result, it sounds
different. The person of Jesus is
more like a living cell than
for your peace, the principles of
salvation. However, once you
Jesus are for your prosperity.
realize that faith in Christ and
The person of Jesus is for your
Gods word is key to having a
eternal life, the principles of
happier marriage, success
Jesus are for your earthly life.
There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. Proverbs 14:12
Don’t be fooled, going against
learned that you have to have
Gods word may seem like it
less fun now, to have more fun
leads somewhere fun, but I’ve
later. Or, you’ll have a lot of fun now and no fun later. Decide.
Recognize, you must rebel
You can’t follow God, without
regarding the Christian faith as
going against Satan. You can’t
a to-do list for lame people,
live for Christ, without retaliating
never having fun, taking no risk,
against the world. It baffles me
and playing it safe. This is a lie
when I hear of young people
from Satan!
Enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and spacious and broad is the way that leads away to destruction, and many are those who are entering through it. But the gate is narrow [contracted [a]by pressure] and the way is straitened and compressed that leads away to life, and few are those who find it. Matthew 7:13-14
Do you know what that verse
to promote the right things in the
means? It means you’re going
midst of adversity.
to have to put up resistance, rebel, and go against the way things are, to establish how they should be. No, you won’t be just avoiding doing the wrong things, to be truly Christian, you’ll have
You’re going to have to say, “I believe marriage should be between a man and a woman”, and proceed to show them how much fun a heterosexual
marriage can be by having a
Make no mistake about this
fulfilling one yourself.
path, it’s not going to be a
You’re going to have to not only say, “No” to drugs, but say “Yes” to treating your body right and feeling healthier, happier and more whole than your friends who don’t.
smooth road, but that’s ok. God’s not looking for wimps who want everything easy. He’s looking for a generation of warriors, who’ll move aggressively towards His kingdom, and live for Him right
You’re going to have to turn away from the temptation to bicker about others behind their back and be mature enough to
in the enemy’s face. There’s a lot of risk involved in that, but I’ve got a feeling you’re up to the challenge.
find something good to say about them instead.
Don’t be fooled, going against Gods word may seem like it leads somewhere fun, but I’ve learned that you have to have less fun now, to have more fun later.
Rebecca Hines
Gods Guide to Popularity
Do you have to make a sex tape, post rude things on Facebook, or just be outright rebellious in order to be popular? Pop Quiz.
How many people on earth have your fingerprint? A) 14 B) 7 C) 187 The answer? None of them! As you probably guessed, there is nobody else quite like you. So let me ask you this: Why try so hard to be like everyone else? I mean, think about it. Nobody
standing out that you’ll become
goes to Burger King because it
known. Why don’t young people
reminds them of McDonalds.
get this?
Nobody marries person A, because they remind them of person B. In the same way, you’ll never become popular God’s style, trying to fit in with everyone else. In fact, it’s in
Listen to radio, click on YouTube, turn on the flat screen. You’ve get ton, after ton, after ton of folks trying to be the next big thing.
The next Justin Beiber The next Nicki Minaj The next Miley
When the master key is being the first you, the only you, and nothing but you! Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: others. It’s the originals that Notice, in order for God to make
everyone talks about.
his name great, or popular, he
But here is the key, you’ll never
had to get away from the people
know who you really are, until
that were around him. Why?
you know who God is. When
Because copies can’t become
you do, you’ll start to learn more
great. They’re just like the
and more about you
Trust me, there are tons of talented people who don’t live for God. You’ll never stand out that way.
The bible says He created you like Him [Genesis 1:26-27]. But if you don’t know what ‘Him’ is like, you’ll live your entire life, trying to be like everyone else, not realizing how awesome you already are! Usually, in scripture, when people
? became closer to God, they became more confident and powerful themselves. “The people who know
their God will be strong and do exploits.” [Daniel 11:32] Revelation of who He is gives us a piercing mirror of how we should be.
And wouldn’t you guess, we
? So how do we get closer to
tend to act like who we think we
God, so He can reveal
are. I’d go as far as saying that if
ourselves to us, and make our
you don’t know who you are,
name great?
you’re bound to act like someone else.
Look at your gifts. You’re never closer to God, than when you’re in His will for your life. Sure I could have said, “pray” or given you any other generic Christian answer. But that would have made you stop reading. Looking at your gifts, and what comes naturally to you, is a hint of what you’re here for. And when you embark upon doing that thing, you’ll have a peace with God that is unlike anything you’ve experienced.
Stop trying to blend in, when you were born to stand out. This has to do with morals. Don’t merely identify and use your gifts, live right. Trust me, there are tons of talented people who don’t live for God. You’ll never stand out that way. Don’t be another gifted ball player, who ends up strung out on drugs. Don’t be another beautiful young girl, who yields her life to being promiscuous.
that makes your name great. And
So the next time someone asks you
there are plenty of gifted people who
the rhetorical question, “Who do you
don’t live right. Be different. Be holy.
think you are?” smile and say, “Different”.
Copies can’t become great. They are just like the others. It’s the originals that everyone talks about.
I’m different
I’m holy
I subscribe to
Faith FE
Thou shalt be bored was definitely not in the bible the last time I checked, but it would appear most think it is.
What 2 Do? 10 Ideas 4 Bored Christians
Before we get started?
This article is for leaders. I’m sorry, but God’s not looking for conformists. If all you want to do is figure out what everyone else is doing that’s fun, go surf the web. The remainder of this article isn’t for trend surfers but trend setters, youth who are willing to do something different, outgoing, unique, but most especially, supernaturally fun!
Book club Book clubs sound lame right?
its obvious that reading can be
Wrong! If you look at the
very cool, if you surround it with
BILLIONS of dollars Amazon is
discussions, brunching, and life
making each year, the 1,000’s
application. Who are we kidding
of people that visit your local
here, it can be outright life
Barnes and Nobles each week,
A few tips.
First, be thou cool. I mean really, if you’re going to be in boring mode, this isn’t for you. Make sure you’re doing all within your power to make the event fun, and, be open to ideas from yourself, God and others that will make it that way.
Don’t make reading the center of it. Reading is just one thing you do, discussion is typically the height of the book club meet. In essence, you’re gathering with people who have the same values and interests as yours, discussing those things and
amplifying the books effect! You see, it’s one thing to read about, ‘How The Mighty Fall’ by Jim Collins, it’s another thing entirely to have lunch with someone who really lived it, ask them questions on how you can avoid it, and listen to Jim Collins lead a discussion on it as well. Do all you can to enhance the books experience.
Don’t confine it to a bookstore. You don’t have to always have it at Barnes and Nobles or a local library. How cool would it be for you to have a book club meeting about, ‘Edible Plants’ at a local kitchen that cooks them? Or, a review of ‘The Book of Kings’ at a war museum?
Witness But before you pick up your
Also, witnessing doesn’t have to
bible, you may not have to move
be so direct. You can simply
an inch! Right here online, lay
share a fun activity you did at
billions of people waiting to hear
church or for Christ in general.
about Christ.
Who said telling others about
said telling others about God has to be in the traditional more classic ‘Hey do you know Jesus?’ form? One teen said, “I love to ask my friends, ‘What’s your relationship status with Jesus’” Or cut the slogan’s altogether and bring up an intriguing topic from scripture. Your friends would love to hear about
prostitutes, wars, mysteries, and dramas in scripture. But most of all, witnessing for Christ will position you as a leader amongst your friends. Believe it or not, the Holy Spirit has spoken to many of those you’re around about coming to Him, but they’re too afraid to do anything about it. However when you do, it encourages them to come out of the closet about their convictions as well.
Read ‘The Year of Living Biblically’ by A.J. Jacobs and do it!
Remember, this is about being different, and finding what others
miss out on. You could have that
Talk to Your Parents About
parent that others wish they had,
you know, the cool ones. But you’ll
No really. Think for a moment, we always look outside of our families,
never know until you bite down and ask them the hard stuff.
whether it’s a concert, celebrity, store
For instance, ask your parents
or mall, to get a dose of fun. Could we
about their first time having sex.
be overlooking a great resource?
Or, talk to them about whether or
Remember, this is about being
not they’ve experimented with
or not they’ve experimented with
questions regarding your faith as a
drugs. If they’re honest, you’ll learn a
believer [think, How to handle
lot about why they tell you what they
being tempted by ______] and
do and if they’re dishonest, you’ll get a
begin to discuss and interact with
kick out of seeing them squirm.
others regarding it. Rehearse what
you’re going to say to someone you’re trying to win, impress or
And before you pick up a book, I’ll
reach for Christ .
have you know that classroom methods [reading, writing, lectures]
are the worst way! Real learning,
I just know you’ve ran into a
according to Professor Edgar Dale,
problem and thought, ‘When I get
comes when we do. Reading and
the time, I’m going to deal with
writing is more of a reinforcement
this’. Well tadaa! Now is that time.
The bible says, “Making the most
Now, remember, you and I are kingdom rebels, born of God, and not of this world. So its our legacy and duty even to be different, outstanding and unique. So learn about something your friends aren’t probably thinking about. Take for instance, music in the bible. Don’t want to use the bible? No prob! Do a web search on some of the more pressing questions regarding
of every opportunity, because the days are evil” [Eph 5:16]. This is one thing that you’re doing, that your future self is going to thank you for! There have been plenty of times when I just ran into a bored slot in my day at work, time at church [waiting for my husband] or a Saturday at home.
To date, I have turned that recurring bored time at work, to a career development club, that boring second Sunday at church waiting for my husband, to a Christian women’s group, and those boring Saturday’s, oh well, still just bored there, ha. But you get my drift. We claim that we never have enough money, but time is more valuable than that, yet we waste it all of the time. Be productive, use bored time to attack a problem. Say Thankyou
who went out of the way to find them a discount. Especially in today’s fast pace society. I’ve made it a habit to personally send a reminder to blog writers, Facebook members and people on Twitter if they said something that blessed me. “Hey, your article on ________ really cheered me up. I was down about a situation at work and forgot about …” Can you feel where I’m coming from? There is an energy to being that one person who stopped whatever they were doing, to
“Leadership without ego is a rare
turn around, and say, “Thankyou”.
commodity”, according to Bob Evan’s
know you’re grateful. You don’t have
Tedx Talk. And you would be
to be sappy, just, “Hey thanks for
surprised at all of the many saved,
letting me know I was doing that all
sanctified Christians who love Jesus,
wrong, it really helped me.” will do.
attend church, give tithes and
Trust me when I say, its become a
offerings, but never say “thankyou” to
secret joy of mines, that I’m sure you’ll
the grocerer who went out of the way
learn to have fun with as well.
to find them a discount. Especially in
Warning: This doesn’t work unless you
today’s fast pace society. I’ve made it
actually put in the effort.
a habit to personally send
For instance, an email may be ok to Thank someone who’s blogging in another country, but if its your father at home, or, your pastor at church, or just
You don’t have to be sappy, just, “Hey thanks for letting me know I was doing that all wrong, it really helped me.” will do.
the manager at work, its better to pull them aside and let them know you’re grateful.
The sort of fun God wants you to have is beyond what you can ask or think!
God has a supernatural subscription for the disease of boredom.
Marriage Have
Today, you can have safe sex, in so many forms right?
Sex with a condom. Sex with birth control. Sex with a friend. Sex with the morning after pill. processes to give them a more Then why in the world should you wait, you’re probably thinking? Please understand this, Gods not trying to take away your fun, He’s trying to
than necessary head start. It’s very difficult to have an every increasing sexual fulfillment with someone you haven’t learned to communicate with effectively.
help you have more of it. But in
In light of that, early sex could
order to do that, you’ll have to
be detrimental to a relationship,
sacrifice up front.
taking it away from
The social studies have already shown us that couples who waited until marriage to have sex, allowed communication and other social
communication, commitment and the ability to handle adversity. Relationships were better and better the longer a person
waited to have sex, up until
researcher Dean Busby, of
marriage, with those having sex
Brigham Young University's
within a month of meeting each
School of Family Life
other ending up being the
But wait, there’s more!
worse. It figures, couples who wait to be sexual have time to figure out how trustworthy their partner is, how well they
According to the Centers for Disease Control Prevention, at least 50 percent of sexually active men and women will have
communicate, and whether they
a genital HPV infection at some
share the same values in life
point in their lives. HPV, or
"before the powerful sexual
human papillomavirus, comes in
bonding short-circuits their
both low- and high-risk forms;
decision-making abilities. What seems to happen is that if
low-risk HPV can cause genital warts, and high-risk can cause cervical and other cancers. In
couples become sexual too
90 percent of cases, the body's
early, this very rewarding area
immune system will fight off the
of the relationship overwhelms
disease within two years.
good decision-making and
Hmmm, maybe Gods
keeps couples in a relationship
advice to withstand from
that might not be the best for
premarital sex isn’t so bad after
them in the long-run," study
Hey, just what does God say about fashion and style? We think we’ve got a few of his guidelines and have thrown in some of our own.
Thou Shalt Always Look A Little Undone Chalk it up to our prodigious
to our jean jacket that's starting
laziness, but we're never totally
to rip at the seams, or forgoing
manicured from head to toe.
eye makeup as we hit the town,
Whether it's something as
leaving at least one box
deliberate as wearing an old T-
unchecked feels natural to us.
shirt with a ball skirt, holding on Thou Shalt be Modest and Fashionable Yep. This is the greatest of all
and nice, but the reward goes to
fashion commands. Because oh
the person who dresses
sure, anyone can dress modest
fashionable in addition to that.
Thou Shalt Dress up Oh no. Ever met that person
have you not been to a wedding
that hangs out with you, shops
before?” Is what you want to say
with you, and has lots of fun
when they visit your church with
with you, but when its time to do
you for a funeral, christening, or
something dress-up-ish, they
just plain ol service. Don’t be
look horrible! “I mean really,
Yea, we went there. You should be a little undone, or less together to look comfortable, stylish and relaxed.
Thou Shalt be versatile The same blazer you wear to work should also go out with you to a bar. Same goes for your bateau shirt that you pair as often with skinny trousers as you do with cutoffs. Heck — we even think you should be able to re-wear your wedding dress outside of the big day! Your clothes should be as versatile as you are, and this kind of flexibility is a true mark of on-point personal style.
Everyone knows how to dress down, more credit goes to the young person who can dress up just as well.
Thou Shalt Thrift We like to think about thrifting
inventiveness, and imagination
as the activity that separates
to leave a Salvation Army with
those who are good at shopping
one. In fact, you'd be hard
from those who are good at
pressed to find a Refinery29
spending money. Anyone can
staffer in an outfit that doesn't
head to Madison Avenue and
incorporate at least one thrifted
leave with a treasure, but it
item — it's our shared
takes a strong sense of style,
Thou shalt team up Yep. We’ve seen the best
the more likely they are to look
looking celebrities, artists, and
horrible. Why? Because they
ministers look like total crap.
can afford it that’s why. Money,
These are some of the world’s
without fashion guidance,
richest folk, you would think they
equals embarrassment! So why
have enough money to look at
not learn from there mistakes?
least above average all of the
When you’re in a fashion
time right? Wrong! In fact, the
debacle, quickly snapshot it and
more successful someone is,
text the pic to a third eye. Often,
a nearby friend or relative can
the outside can make the whole
see what we don’t about an
thing pop. But seldom do people
outfit, and one little tweak from
do this.
Thou Shalt Embrace Classics Some things will never go out of
sports blazer as well as every
style, this reduces the risk of
girl. This sounds simple, but
your overall wardrobe. You’ll
you’ll be surprised at the fashion
always need nice jeans, dress
innovators who forget it. You
slacks, a watch and both hard
don’t always have to have a
bottom and soft bottom shoes.
super exciting hook up, to look
You should keep some plain
great. Simplicity, often carries
white t-shirts, solid color
with it a subtle grandeur that
sweaters and short sleeves. I
makes us marvel.
think every guy should have a Thou Shalt Use Bright Colors Sparingly Artist call this “splashing”. But really, which one looks better to you, a dark colored t-shirt with a cool pic
splashed in red, or, a bright red shirt with a splash of navy blue? Splashing is a secret of the most tasteful dressers.
Thou Shalt be spiritually subtle While its cool to wear an earmark of your faith, be it a cross, or, embossed Christ imprinted shirt, what is more cool is when you can make it look like an amazing outfit. All too often, evangelicals hide behind a ‘Jesus Saves’ t-shirt, that doesn’t look good at all, because everyone is afraid to say anything. Well I’m saying it now, its hideous! Not the message, the outfit. If you want to glorify God in your clothing, realize its not about having a bible verse or cross on, its about not dressing provocative, and more importantly, looking good while doing so.
Whoever said you can’t be godly and fashionable at the same time?
Thou Shalt Be Original There is a set of colors that
reaches into your own personal
looks perfect with your skin
style of dress. Think about it.
complexion, eyes and hair color.
Nobody wears that short cut the
Then, there is a certain type of
way Halle Berry does. And no
clothing that outright
guy, child or man, rocks the a
compliments it. No, you don’t
blonde head quite like Justin
have Beyoncé’s curves or
Bieber does. Find out what your
Rihanna’s thinness, but you
thing is. Own it, and innovate
know what, so what! I believe
upon it. You’ll be surprised at
that who God created you to be,
who begins to notice
While we think dressing down is cool, you’ll get more credit if you know how to dress up too!
Do’s Use your fashion team to put aside some pre-approved outfits. That way, you don’t have to call around to wonder what looks good with what when the time comes.
Do wear something spiritual. This can be a logo of your favorite group at church, or, a t-shirt with a meaningful bible verse on it. The trick here is to make sure it looks good, and is somewhat subtle. Remember, if it doesn’t look good, it won’t glorify God anyway. Secondly, if its not subtle, but is loud and blatant instead, it often rids people of the mystery they need for it to hold their attention and think about what its saying.
Don’ts Don’t dress provocative. If you’re showing too much skin, you’re not doing a whole lot. Remember, you can be very fashionable, attractive and visually enticing, while still being modest. This is what we believe will separate disciplined believers from none believers in the fashion sense. Anyone can show it all, however,
major fashion points is going to go the person who can stay modest and still look very good.
Dares Use the 10 Fashion Commandments to design a shirt of your own that has a Christian message.
We double dare you to not conform to how the world dresses, and look good while doing it!
ur Childre
Stephanie White
and the
W G ord of
1 Chronicles 29:19 And give my son Solomon the wholehearted devotion to keep your commands, requirements and decrees and to do everything to build the palatial structure for which I have provided.
As a parent, our children are our
with the Word of God.
top priority. We love them and
wanted God to give his son the
we want the best for them.
wholehearted devotion to keep
David understood this.
His Word.
What does this
wanted the best for his son,
Solomon, and he knew just what
was necessary for him to have
“keep” means. It was translated
the best – it was a connection
from the Hebrew word shamar.
to hedge about (as with thorns), that is,
guard; generally to protect, attend to, mark, look narrowly, observe, preserve, regard, reserve, save (self), sure, wait (for), watch (-man). “Keeping” the Word means that you hedge the Word in your life – it is protected in your life and nothing makes you stray from it. To keep the Word means that you attend to the Word – you keep your focus on the Word and you look to it instead of other sources. You regard the Word – you have respect for the Word and you understand that it is your life (Deuteronomy 32:47). The Word is our Spiritual life; apart from Christ we can do nothing. We must know that the Word saves us from our flesh; we cannot ignore the flesh on our own. Keeping the
Word is waiting for the Word – it is holding on to God’s promises until you see them come to pass in your life. David understood that the greatest thing his son could do was
shamar God’s Word. David knew from experience. The greatest gift we can give our children is teaching them to shamar the Word of God. Teach them by your example. Open the Word, abide in it, and teach them to do the same. Isaiah 59:21 NIV "As for Me, this is My covenant with them," says the LORD. "My Spirit, who is on you, and My words that I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of their descendants from this time on and forever," says the LORD.
When we understand the value of the Word of God in our lives, this will be one of our favorite promises from God to hold on to. As a child of God, your children are created for greatness. This greatness cannot be experienced apart from the Word of God. God gives us His Holy spirit so that we can connect with His Word, understand His Word, and abide in His Word.
God promises to never leave us nor
forsake us – He says that His Spirit “will not depart.” We have this hope to connect with no matter what the circumstances may be. I began holding on to this promise for my son when he was very young
Faith will enable you to remain patient until Gods Word is fulfilled in your child’s life
As a child of God, your children are created for greatness.
We had our ups and
downs, and life will still throw
children are right now, no matter
more at us, but we have this
what they are saying right now,
promise and this promise is the
you have this promise from
ultimate. If we can hold on to
the Word of God and continue
focus on it regularly, cling to it,
filling ourselves with it, we can
and understand that faith and
overcome whatever comes our
God tells us that faith
promises [Hebrews 6:12]. Your
comes from hearing His Word
child may not want anything to
[Romans 10:17] and faith is the
do with God today, but as you
victory that overcomes the world
abide in the Word, faith will be
[1 John 5:4]. The Word will take
produced, and that faith will
us through any challenge we
enable you to remain patient
encounter victoriously.
until God’s Word is fulfilled in
Write this verse down,
your child’s life.
Stephanie White is a wife, a mother, a Bible teacher, and an author. She has authored four books and co-authored four devotionals to-date. Her website is designed to help share the Good News of God’s Word:
No matter where your children are right now, no matter what they are saying right now, you have this promise from God.
How it was the boy Jesus remained behind at the Jerusalem Temple.
Bobbie Ann Cole’s personal view of the story in Luke 2.
youth was making the steep ascent to
Jerusalem. An excited and joyful pilgrim of twelve or maybe thirteen years, he belted out psalms as he strode ahead.
Bobbie Ann Cole
Jesus’ BIG Decision He was about to make his Bar Mitzvah, through which he would become a fully-fledged member of the community of Israel, called upon during worship to read out portions
He was so young, and a country bumpkin with a vile Galilean accent to boot.
the first five books of the Bible, or the prophets, qualified to
home village of Nazareth, in Galilee.
make up a minyan of ten men for prayer. The youth’s name was
Perhaps it was Shavuot, the Festival of Weeks, a Jewish pilgrimage festival in early June.
Yeshuah — Jesus. Traveling with him were
Jerusalem was a beautiful, bustling city. It seemed to Jesus
his mother, Mary, his father,
that God’s word came to life
Joseph, and a crowd from his
They and Jesus’ guests were astounded by his depth of knowledge and perception.
He could see Abraham
He shivered as he saw
with his knife raised above his
darkness but it was followed by
son, Isaac’s, bound body. He
a flood of bright light as, filled to
heard the voice of his Father,
brimming with love, he
telling Abraham to sacrifice a
ascended to heaven on a cloud.
ram from a nearby thicket
That would happen at this very
season of Shavuot. He would go
He could see the future,
up as Moses came down,
too. He saw himself, processing
struggling as he descended
through the streets on a donkey
from a mountain carrying the
to the adulation of people who
Father’s rules, inscribed on
lay palm fronds on the ground
weighty tablets of stone.
before him. He saw himself
At the Temple, richly
making Pesach, the Festival of
decorated with sheaves from
Passover, here with dear friends
the grain harvests, Jesus
he didn’t recognize.
donned the new prayer shawl his parents had scrimped to
afford and was welcomed as a
into the night at this season.
Bar Mitzvah, Son of the
His insights intrigued and
delighted them when he
He read the portion he had
suggested that the character of
prepared from the Torah scroll.
Boaz was a picture of the
As he began to deliver a
Messiah and Ruth, his bride,
drashah, or commentary, on his
represented His congregation.
portion, the priests’ jaws
They asked him to stay,
dropped. They and Jesus’
even offering him a scholarship
guests were astounded by his
at the most prestigious yeshivah
depth of knowledge and
school of theology in all
He was so young, and a
Jesus knew in his heart
country bumpkin with a vile
that he was made to spend his
Galilean accent to boot, a boy
days deep in the Word and in
destined to follow his father into
prayer. He accepted.
a trade. The priests invited him to
Three days later, his parents showed up in the
join in their discussion of the
Temple courts as He sat in
story of Ruth which is
debate with others of like mind.
traditionally read and debated
They were flustered and upset.
His mother said to him, ‘Son,
mother, he should return to
why have you treated us like
Nazareth with them. Clearly, this
this? Your father and I have
was his heavenly Father’s will.
been anxiously searching for
Rather than follow his own
inclination, Jesus needed to They had assumed he was
embrace obscurity once more
with their party when they set
and complete his apprenticeship
out to return to Nazareth.
in his earthly father’s trade.
Discovering his absence, Mary
This seemed so strange
and Joseph had once again
because, here in Jerusalem, he
climbed the steep mountain
had seen himself becoming
slope to the city and looked high
High Priest, one day.
and low for him. ‘Why were you searching
Such dreams. How could that ever be the destiny of a
for me?’ Jesus asked. ‘Didn’t
carpenter from Nazareth?
you know I had to be in my
But God’s ways, he knew, were
Father’s house?’
greater than those of man.
He sighed as he realized that to honor his father and
Nothing was impossible for Him. Nothing.
Bobbie Ann Cole is author of ‘She Does Not Fear the Snow’ ‘A Jewish women searches for God’s guidance and finds love indescribable, hope and adventure.’ Her free testimony training program is at .
Stephen Crawley
Male Rite of Passage
A lost art that young boys are secretly yearning for.
Fathers did you know that
passage. In primitive cultures
young men are leaving the faith
the men capture the boys from
at an alarming rate. Research
their mothers and take them into
indicates that more than 70% of
the wilderness. There the boys
boys brought up in today’s’
learn the ways of men.
churches abandon it during their
Convictions are shared. They
teens and twenties.
are subjected to tests preparing
Why is this happening? We work so hard to train them up in the way they should go. How could they simply abandon it after years of valuable training? I believe we can combat this widespread tragedy – if we revive young male initiation. Throughout human history men have had the sacred responsibility of initiating boys into manhood through rites of
them for manhood. These rites of passage are often strenuous and brutal, involve beatings, tattooing, and trials of physical stamina. Once a boy passes however, he’s returned to the village and his manhood is publicly recognized with a ceremony. Christian fathers have inherited a rich tradition of male initiation from the Jews. Hebrews have elaborate
manhood rituals, culminating
those who finish it. It’s getting so
with the Bar Mitzvah, a formal
bad the U.S. Justice
recognition of manhood. Have
Department believes young
you noticed how many of the
boys consider going to prison a
heroes of our faith were driven
rite of passage, and have
into the wilderness and tested
launched an ad campaign to
by God? Scripture is full of
stop the trend.
these tales: the flight of Jacob; the exiles of Moses and David; the temptation of Jesus. The modern church no
Can you see what’s happening here? For centuries, cultures have provided boys with rites of passage. Since we
longer formally recognizes
no longer do this, our sons have
manhood. So our boys obtain
created their own. Leaving
manhood validating experiences
church has become a sign of
wherever they can get them.
Why are young men drawn to dangerous, irresponsible behavior? It’s because we have not laid out the path to true manhood, nor have we bestowed the title of ‘man’ upon
It is time for Father’s to take responsibility for initiating their sons again. Christian men must provide boys with a vision of manhood, and show the
them how the pursuit of Christ moves them closer to it.
trips with their sons or even actual Bar Mitzvah. However you do
What’s really needed is for the entire
it, it must be done for the future of
community of men to see male
Christianity, for the boys themselves,
initiation as their most sacred collective responsibility Christian
and the good of society.
men employ this in many ways, from boy scouts, to
If we don’t challenge the masculine heart within the church, they’ll find challenge outside of it.
Teens Tell All
God, faith, and what they wish Christians would change.
I’m a Christian girl, and often, I have feelings for other girls. Remember that God loves you, and any voice to the contrary is not from Him. He too gets tempted, and does not look down on you for having those feelings. You must realize however, that feelings are followers, not leaders. For instance, when the temperature drops, you FEEL cold, when it goes up, you FEEL hot. In the same way, the world has changed the climate on relationships, and have caused millions to feel that’s its ok. Sex was created for one man and one woman within the covenant of marriage. As you ask God to surround you with healthy examples of that, you will start to feel different. Remember He loves and wants what’s best for you, and knows the true fulfillment is in his design, not the world’s perversion.
Galatians 5:14 For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
I’m 16 and pregnant
First of all, congratulations. While having a child is a major responsibility, it is still a time to rejoice. The bible says, “Children are a blessing from the LORD.”[Ps 127:3] You should do all that is within your power to remember that during this time of change. Understand that whether you planned to or not,
God doesn’t make mistakes, and He has a special thing that he wants your child to accomplish during his or her time here on earth. As a parent, its your job to see to it that the child seeks God and follows hard after Him, and receive His best by fulfilling that purpose. Finally, you must repent, because sex before marriage is a sin, or, missing Gods best for you.
Song of Song 8:4 I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, until he pleases.
I’m a virgin
Renew your mind. Virginity is a
whether its virginity or celibacy
priceless gift you give to the
are more fulfilled within it. So
person you’re going to marry.
while you shouldn’t spurt out
What better way of saying, “I
your sexual status, virgin or not,
honor you” to your future
to just anyone, its definitely
spouse than having waited to
nothing to be ashamed of, and
enjoy the experience of sex with
on the contrary, you should
them. In fact, studies show that
boast in it!
those who wait until marriage, Scripture Proverbs 5:18 Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy y
I keep getting suspended. Let’s face it, school often sucks! It can be boring, tempting, and outright dull. The key here is to recognize where the problem is coming from. Is it you or them? If its them, then you have to be honest with your parents or guardians about unfair treatment, and mannerably work with them in keeping that from taking place. If its you however, pray and ask God to bring you to peace with the rules. Often times, as teens we have a grudge against boundaries that those in charge have setup. But as God reveals the purpose of those rules as being what’s best for you, your performance will begin to improve.
Romans 13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
I smoke marijuana. Stop. You can feel great without drugs, cigarettes or alcohol, by taking care of your body, not destroying it. You should also know that studies dictate if kids that don’t quit before they’re 18, are unlikely to ever stop. That means you’ll spend a lot of money supporting this habit as you grow. Also, it is destined to come between you and the good life God wants you to live. It destroys your brain, it damages your lungs, and shortens your life.
Proverbs 31 It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine; nor for princes strong drink: Lest they drink, and forget the law, and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted.
Good question, because there is definitely a right and wrong way. Let’s start with the wrong way. Don’t just randomly do something out of character and use it to start the discussion. If you want to be taken seriously, be mature and actually schedule a meeting with your parents about it. Let them know that you’re considering it, and would like to hear both sides, the Christian and none Christian way. We’ve all struggled with doubts about our faith, and whether or not we’ve made the right choice to follow Christ. But you must understand if you choose not to follow God, no amount of evidence will turn you back to Him. Faith is a decision of the heart. Please don’t make a temporary decision, due to seasonal doubt. Work with your parents and a local pastor on the issue.
How do I tell my parents I’m considering atheism?
Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Both my parents drink, smoke and my father sells drugs Please understand that you’re not alone. You represent a vast majority of low income, minority and even many affluent households. And, the answer for you, is the same as it is for them, - God. As you look to Him, His principles, His people and His tools to build a successful childhood, you can influence your parents to change or at least alter their behavior on your behalf. Expect opportunities to talk to them about how what they’re doing grieves and wrongly influences you. Be mannerable. Be respectful. But be honest as well. Even the worse of parents tend to want to work out their difficulties if they see its harming their child.
I’m afraid [no future]
When your fears start talking, let faith answer. Go
Aren’t we all? Fear is a
to Gods word and pull out
spirit, that attacks our
promises He’s said about
minds. And we all, strong
your future, your potential,
or weak, have been tempted by it. The key is not to yield to it.
your life.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Rebecca Hines
Premarital Sex
We live in a world that just can’t stop having pre-marital sex.
Because it’s better to marry than be destroyed by lust. 1 Corinthians 7:9
You know what, we live in a ut if they can’t stop
generation that just can’t
having premarital sex, they
stop having premarital sex.
should marry. Why?
And though both the bible and science says the prescription is marriage,
the prescription is marriage,
you always. May you be ever
that’s not what the culture is
intoxicated by her sex."
“Whoa! Ahh, you sure
Proverbs 5:18-19 says,
that’s in the bible?” You may be
"Rejoice in the wife of your
thinking. And the answer is a
youth. A loving doe, a graceful
resounding YES! Need more?
deer—may her breasts satisfy
My beloved is mine, and I am his; he grazes[f] among the lilies. 17 Until the day breathes and the shadows flee, turn, my beloved, be like a gazelle or a young stag on cleft mountains.[g]
Ted Cunningham,
hazards of cohabiting or
author of Young and in Love:
shacking up as well. As Andrew
Challenging the Unnecessary
Cherlin of Johns Hopkins
Delay of Marriage believes that
University explains, Americans
while we’ve emphasized the
“have the shortest cohabiting
dangers of getting marriage, we
relationships of any wealthy
should also point out the
country in the world.” So while a
lot of marriages fail, people who
and enjoying sex. They're doing
shack up aren’t necessarily
just the opposite. They're having
living it up either. "Kids are doing the opposite with the message
sex and delaying marriage." Below, we list 3 major reasons why you should lean towards
we're giving them," says
marriage, as the bible suggests,
Cunningham. "They're not
instead of cohabiting like the
delaying sex, getting married
culture is telling you to.
No investors Who would have guessed that your marriage, like a business, needs investors. But that’s what the studies are showing us. Relationships that have community, family and overall social support, last longer. The saying, “Teamwork makes the dream work” really applies here. However, nobody wants to help a couple who are merely shacking up because they don’t know if the couple will even be a couple tomorrow. “Parents, siblings, friends of the partners are less likely to get to know a cohabiting partner than a spouse and, more important, less likely to incorporate a person who remains outside "the family" into its
Though marriage has challenges, the studies show us that shacking up is multiple times worse.
activities, ceremonies, and financial dealings.” says Linda J Waite of The Communatarian Network.
Not Fulfilling And while couples living together tend to have more sex than those who are married, the devil is in the details. These couples, according to Lee Lillard and Michael Brien, are having sex with other partners. So yea, you’ll have more sex, but less exclusivity. It seems couples who live together but aren’t married, quietly except the fact that their partner sneaks out from time to time to be with someone else sexually.
It’s bound to end While many marriages enter into divorce, shacking up is far worse. Furthermore, cohabiters’ have far more frequent and intense disagreements than married couples. According to Linda J White, “Cohabiting unions break up at a much higher rate than marriages. Cohabitors have no responsibility for financial support of their partner and most do not pool financial resources.
Cohabitors are more likely than married couples to both value separate leisure activities and to keep their social lives independent. Although most cohabitors expect their relationship to be sexually exclusive, in fact they are much less likely than husbands and wives to be monogamous.”
The Main Thing Listen. It’s not about avoiding
says Dr. Mohiler of the Southern
cohabitation. In fact, cohabiters
Baptist Theological Seminary.
who planned to marry did a little better than those who didn’t. The point is, while marriage does have some challenges, we can’t throw the baby out with the bath water. “As a married person, I think we [tend to] emphasize a bit [more] of the challenges of marriage over the joys and benefits of marriage,”
To me as a woman, the scariest thing I discovered was that people who cohabit [without plans to marry] have exhibiting the primary trait of someone who will probably never marry, and continue to attract people who don’t want to,- low standards!
Make up your mind, work
lifetime, instead of just shacking
towards, and commit to having
up. And if our studies are right,
an exciting, fun, and sexually
you’re more likely to see it than
fulfilling marriage that lasts a
The point is, while marriage does have some challenges, we can’t throw the baby out with the bath water.
When we put marriage in the ring against premarital sex, the studies show us marriage wins every time!
Top Books 4 Christian Teens
lose to 60 percent of young people who
Based on new research, You
went to church as
Lost Me shows pastors, church
teens drop out after high school.
leaders, and parents how we
Now the bestselling author of
have failed to equip young
unChristian trains his
people to live "in but not of" the
researcher's eye on these
world and how this has serious
young believers. Where
long-term consequences. More
Kinnaman's first book
importantly, Kinnaman offers
unChristian showed the world
ideas on how to help young
what outsiders aged 16-29 think
people develop and maintain a
of Christianity, You Lost Me
vibrant faith that they embrace
shows why younger Christians
over a lifetime.
aged 16-29 are leaving the church and rethinking their faith.
199 Favorite Bible verses is sure to rejuvenate your faith
Yep, teens need a word from God too. With 199 favorite verses you get just that!
ike every girl, Sarah
road was lonely. She was
Jakes dreamed of a life
shunned at school, gossiped
full of love, laughter,
about at church. And a few
and happy endings. But her
years later, when a fairy-tale
dreams changed dramatically
marriage ended in a spiral of
when she became pregnant at
hurt and rejection, she could
age thirteen, a reality only
have let her pain dictate her
compounded by the fact that her
father, Bishop T.D. Jakes, was
Instead, she found herself
one of the most influential
surrounded by a God she'd
megachurch pastors in the
given up on, crashing headlong
nation. As a teen mom and a
with Him into a destiny she'd
high-profile preacher's kid, her
never dreamed of. Sarah's
captivating story, unflinchingly
Found offers hope and
honest and deeply vulnerable, is
encouragement. Perhaps you,
a vivid reminder that God can
like Sarah, find yourself
turn even the deepest pain into
wandering the detours of life.
His perfection.
Regardless of how lost you feel,
More than a memoir, Lost and
you, too, can be found.
ou have been lied to!
too late. It's already stuck in my
Have you been
deceived? Through a nationwide survey and in-depth
"For me, the whole wife and
discussion groups, Nancy and
mom thing is overrated. It isn't
Dannah have listened carefully
cool to want a husband and a
to the heart of your generation.
And here are some things they've heard:
"I know God should be the only thing that satisfies, but if it could be Him and my friends, then I could be happy."
Maybe you can identify. Trying to listen to the right voices can be difficult. This book has been written by friends who will help you find the Truth. Maybe your heart is telling you that some
"It seems like I have been
things in your life are way off
struggling with depression
course. Certain habits and
forever. I always feel like I am
relationships have left you
not good enough."
confused and lonely. This is not
"I tell myself that I don't really
the way it's supposed to be.
listen to the song lyrics, but
In this book, Nancy and Dannah
once I hear a song a few times
expose 25 of the lies most
and start thinking about what
commonly believed by your
they're saying I realize that it's
ay of War’ is the
mighty men and their
second installment
encounters with the Living God
in the ‘Lion of War’
as they go through daily
series, a fictional
struggles and overcome through
epic centered around King
faith. If you like to read about
David and his mighty men,
exploits of selfless men who
referred to by author Cliff
value honor and courage, this is
Graham as ‘The Dirty Thirty’.
a must read! “It inspired me and
The book is a wild, uncensored
made me wish that I could have
and passionate story of these
been in the story fighting
alongside Benaiah. I have
faced death on them. “Never
always loved the story of David
before have I read a book in
and this brought more flesh to it.
which I felt so involved and
This story also sharpened and
entangled in every element of
reinforced my image of
the story.” - Mike
manhood, the fearlessness, the decision to stand up for what I believe, to be less of a wimp . . .”- Phil For those of us who grew
It is well written and remains faithful to the biblical record which inspires it. Read this book, and let it take you back to the beginnings of the
up with the Sunday school
Kingdom of Israel - to a world of
version of the story of David,
turmoil and awe-inspiring acts of
‘Day Of War’ allows us to see,
heroism. Benaiah, David, and
smell, and taste what the real
the other Mighty Men are going
battlefields of biblical times
to be the heroes of a new
would have been like. No
sugarcoating here. You will experience the unbridled violence of ancient battlefields and the heart-wrenching emotions of the warriors who
Author Cliff Graham is an Army veteran and the author of the Lion of War Series, soon to be a major motion picture
franchise from director David L.
main character, Benaiah, suffer
Cunningham [The Path to
through the insecurities, regrets,
9/11] and producer Grant
and frustration that every man
Curtis [the Spider-Man
battles during his life. The
films]. The book is deeply
relationship between the main
masculine, but not in a giant
characters in the story is
muscle, macho, dumb killing
evidence of the fact that
machine sort of way (though it is
Graham has served in the
a very violent book). Graham
military and understands the
touches on the deeper part of
inexplicable bond of men who
manhood as the reader sees the
fight together.
rt Greco
is discovering
in a dying man’s life: “Oh dear
that God kills and the
Holy Assassin: Be loving
devil gives life — that
enough to eliminate what
Christ is in the business of
pollutes my heart and erodes
destroying and Satan is in the
my soul. And when the day
business of sustaining. While
comes that I attempt to annul
God seeks to kill that which
this contract, to withdraw the
should not be allowed to live in
permission I now give, listen
us, Satan tries to breathe life
instead to the instructions of
into it. Perhaps that’s why he
Your own headstrong mercy.
finds himself addressing God in
Swallow hard, breathe deep,
a rather strange way when he
take aim, and pull trigger.
prays lately, using a much less
common title, his dominant title
Oh dear Holy Assassin: Be loving
enough to eliminate what pollutes my heart and erodes my soul.
n Young and In Love,
struggles with naysayers who
pastor, author, and speaker
dismiss or hinder a God-
Ted Cunningham boldly
designed relationship. It also
argues that young love should
addresses young adults who
be celebrated, even promoted.
struggle with the teachings of
Early marriages can be God’s
other popular books on
will and often provide the key to
abstinence or on delaying dating
sexual purity. With this in mind,
or marriage. And it offers
Cunningham shares the secrets
parents and pastors who feel
to a successful early marriage
concerned about a relationship
with those in their late teens and
a source of wise counsel that
early twenties who are in love.
carefully prepares young adults for a godly marriage.
This book suits anyone experiencing young love who
Early marriages can be God’s will and often provide the key to sexual purity.
Based on the National Study of
"Moralistic Therapeutic Deism"--
Youth and Religion--the same
a hodgepodge of banal, self-
invaluable data as its
serving, feel-good beliefs that
predecessor, Soul Searching:
bears little resemblance to
The Religious and Spiritual
traditional Christianity. But far
Lives of American Teenagers--
from faulting teens, Dean places
Kenda Creasy Dean's
the blame for this theological
compelling new book, Almost
watering down squarely on the
Christian, investigates why
churches themselves. Instead of
American teenagers are at once
proclaiming a God who calls
so positive about Christianity
believers to lives of love, service
and at the same time so
and sacrifice, churches offer
apathetic about genuine
instead a bargain religion, easy
religious practice.
to use, easy to forget, offering little and demanding less. But
In Soul Searching, Christian
what is to be done? In order to
Smith and Melinda Lundquist
produce ardent young
Denton found that American
Christians, Dean argues,
teenagers have embraced a
churches must rediscover their
sense of mission and model an
hope. Based on these findings,
understanding of being Christian
Dean proposes an approach to
as not something you do for
Christian education that places
yourself, but something that
the idea of mission at its core
calls you to share God's love, in
and offers a wealth of concrete
word and deed, with others.
suggestions for inspiring teens
Dean found that the most
to live more authentically
committed young Christians
engaged Christian lives.
shared four important traits: they could tell a personal and
Persuasively and accessibly
powerful story about God; they
written, Almost Christian is a
belonged to a significant faith
wake up call no one concerned
community; they exhibited a
about the future of Christianity in
sense of vocation; and they
America can afford to ignore.
possessed a profound sense of
Almost Christian is a wakeup call no one concerned about the future of Christianity in America can afford to ignore
t can be said that the words
Real? discusses what Scripture
“heaven” and “hell” are
really says about these
thrown around flippantly
mysterious places, giving you
these days. It seems they have
real, solid, reliable information.
become part of our vernacular
The book includes scripture
without much thought or
quotes that capture the current
concern about what they really
interest in the reality of heaven
and hell, while offering readings
The reality of heaven and hell is a hotly-debated topic spurring countless conversations, books, and sermons. It’s fashionable to have an opinion about the reality of heaven and hell, but what does the Bible really say?
Heaven and Hell: Are They
on heaven and hell. Also included are quotes and insights from trusted authors including Billy Graham, Randy Alcorn, C.S. Lewis, and more. For the curious reader looking for more information on heaven and hell, Heaven and Hell: Are they
Real? is the perfect choice.
hat is Jesus worth
have manipulated the gospel to
to you?
fit our cultural preferences. He
It's easy for
shows what Jesus actually said
American Christians to forget
about being his disciple--then
how Jesus said his followers
invites you to believe and obey
would actually live, what their
what you have heard. And he
new lifestyle would actually look
tells the dramatic story of what
like. They would, he said, leave
is happening as a "successful"
behind security, money,
suburban church decides to get
convenience, even family for
serious about the gospel
him. They would abandon
according to Jesus.
everything for the gospel. They
Finally, he urges you to join in
would take up their crosses
The Radical Experiment--a one-
year journey in authentic
But who do you know who lives
discipleship that will transform
like that? Do you?
how you live in a world that
In Radical, David Platt
desperately needs the Good
challenges you to consider with
News Jesus came to bring.
an open heart how we
nthony Spencer is
authenticity and perhaps,
egotistical, proud of
redemption. The adventure
being a self-made business
draws Tony into deep relational
success at the peak of his
entanglements where he is able
game, even though the cost of
to 'see' through the literal eyes
winning was painfully high. A
and experiences of others, but
cerebral hemorrhage leaves
is "blind" to the consequences
Tony comatose in a hospital
of hiding his personal agenda
ICU. He 'awakens' to find
and loss that emerge to war
himself in a surreal world, a
against the processes of healing
'living' landscape that mirrors
and trust. Will this unexpected
dimensions of his earthly life,
coalescing of events cause
from the beautiful to the corrupt.
Tony to examine his life and
It is here that he has vivid
realize he built a house of cards
interactions with others he
on the poisoned grounds of a
assumes are projections of his
broken heart? Will he also have
own subconscious, but whose
the courage to make a critical
directions he follows
choice that can undo a major
nonetheless with the possibility
injustice he set in motion before
that they might lead to
falling into a coma?
How do we answer them when they say that the greatest law is the law of love, and that love requires us to embrace them as they are?
church deals with
Gay and Christian? will provide
homosexuality has
solid biblical answers, clearly
become the great moral and
written and based on sound
spiritual issue of this generation.
scholarship, in a compassionate
How do we respond to gay
way that causes the reader to
people who tell us how much
wrestle with the issues and
they love the Lord and
discover the biblical truth. The
experience God’s power? How
book also provides practical
do we answer them when they
guidelines for ministry and
say that the greatest law is the
shows readers how they can
law of love, and that love
resist the gay agenda while
requires us to embrace them as
reaching out to their gay friends
they are? What do we do with
and family
he question of how the
the argument that the Old Testament laws (such as the prohibition against
How do we respond to
homosexuality and the dietary
gay people who tell us
laws) no longer apply?
how much they love the Lord and experience God’s power?
ritten during a
within the human heart, calling
train trip in the
readers to examine what they
late 1940s, The
believe and put aside
Pursuit of God shows how God
preconceived ideas that disrupt
pursues humans to draw them
this relationship with God. “It is
into a relationship with Himself,
a solemn thing,” he writes, “to
while humans thirst after the
see God’s children starving
things of God—though they
while actually seated at the
attempt to fill this thirst with
Father’s table. This book is a
things other than worship of
modest attempt to aid God’s
their Creator. Tozer explores
hungry children so to find Him.”
different aspects of this desire
“It is a solemn thing,” he writes, “to see God’s children starving while actually seated at the Father’s table.
Revised & Updated Edition! God
hungry for an authentic faith that
is love. Crazy, relentless, all-
addresses the problems of our
powerful love. Have you ever
world with tangible, even
wondered if we're missing it?
radical, solutions? God is calling
It's crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe—the Creator of nitrogen and pine needles, galaxies and Eminor—loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. And what is our typical response? We go to church, sing songs, and try not to cuss. Whether you've verbalized it yet or not, we all know something's wrong. Does something deep inside your heart long to break free from the status quo? Are you
you to a passionate love relationship with Himself. Because the answer to religious complacency isn't working harder at a list of do's and don'ts—it's falling in love with God. And once you encounter His love, as Francis describes it, you will never be the same. Because when you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything.
age-Turning Romantic
her Mennonite roots and her
Suspense Set Against
faith as firmly in the past as she
the Backdrop of a
thought. She draws on the
Small Mennonite Town. Lizzie Engel is used to
support of Noah Housler, an old friend, as she hides out and
running away. At eighteen, she
attempts to plan her next steps.
left her Mennonite hometown,
When it becomes painfully
her family, and her faith with
clear that the danger has
plans never to return. Five years
followed Lizzie to Kingdom,
later, Lizzie finds she'll have to
suspicions and tensions run
run again. False accusations at
high, and she no longer knows
her job, a stalker, and a string of
who to trust. With her life and
anonymous threatening letters
the lives of those she loves at
have left her with no other
risk, Lizzie will have to run one
options. This time, however, her
last time--to a Father whose
escape is back to Kingdom, her
love is inescapable.
hometown. As Lizzie becomes reacquainted with Kingdom, she realizes she may not have left
When it becomes painfully clear that the danger has followed Lizzie to Kingdom, suspicions and tensions run high
answers important questions an we trust the Bible completely? Is it sufficient for our
complicated lives? Can we really know what it teaches? With his characteristic wit and clarity, award-winning author Kevin DeYoung has written an accessible introduction to the Bible that
raised by Christians and nonChristians. This book will help you understand what the Bible says about itself and the key characteristics that contribute to its lasting significance. Avoiding technical jargon, this winsome volume will encourage you to read and believe the Bible—confident that it truly is God’s Word.
This book tells you exactly why you can trust Gods word.
ooo, heard about Jars of Clay? Well if you haven’t, I’ll let their words speak for themselves. Dan says
“I'm trying to make sense of the conservative argument. But it doesn't hold up to basic scrutiny. Feels akin to women's suffrage. Is the argument born of isolated application of scripture or is it combined with the knowledge born of friendship with someone who is gay? I just don't see a negative effect to allowing
gay marriage. No societal breakdown, no war on traditional marriage. ?? Anyone?” Whoa! Oh, and we forgot to leave out the others.
“Scripture clearly says...(blank) about... Because most people read and interpret scripture wrong.
I don't think scripture ‘clearly’ states much of anything regarding morality,” and, “I don't particularly care about Scriptures stance on what is ‘wrong.’ I care more about how it says we should treat people.”
And while all of these comments should be addressed, we’ll simply deal with this one from the bands leader:
“Just curious what ‘condoning a person’s [sic] homosexuality’ does. Does it change you? Does
it hurt someone? What is behind the conviction?” Do understand, God created us and not we ourselves. And whether or not it hurts someone isn’t the full barometer of right and wrong, His Word is! That, and that
conviction from a spirit filled believer opposing the matter. A few days after the remarks, Jars of Clay reportedly apologized for their careless words.
alone is what’s behind any
Perhaps Floyd is a champion in more than one way, given that he stood up for the life of an unborn child.
She Killed Our Baby "The real reason me and
I'm totally against killing babies.
Shantel Christine Jackson
She killed our twin babies," says
@missjackson broke up was
undefeated fight champion
because she got a abortion, and
Floyd Mayweather.
Disturbed at her actions, he
the babies, if you wanted me to
cancelled his engagement.
put you back together like I did in the beginning, I could've done
"It hurt my feelings, all because she's selfish because all she's worried about is looks,
it again." Perhaps Floyd is a champion in
talking about, 'I don't want to
more than one way, given that
mess my body up.' Everything
he stood up for the life of an
you got on your body, I paid for
unborn child. .Miss Jackson is
so it's OK,” he said. “Even if you had the baby—even if you had
reportedly dating rapper Nelly now.
Floyd Mayweathers aborted child.
Father arrested after protesting pornographic book his daughters teacher demand she read.
Pornographic Homework?
ineteen Minutes is a
But this year, somebody forgot
novel that 14-year-
to let mom and dad know their
old English students have been
youngsters were going to parse
assigned to read at the local
a literary classic that includes
high school. It’s a story that was
this unforgettable line: “Semen,
first reported by,
sticky and hot, pooled on the
the website of the Education
carpet beneath her.”
Action Group Foundation.
The novel is based on a school shooting and deals with a
variety of issues ranging from
someone had been handing
bullying to sexual violence. In
those passages to students off
previous years, parents have
campus, they might have been
received some sort of
notification about the nature of the novel.
“The School District policies IGE, IJ, IJA, KEC
William Baer became
(available on the school district
furious when he learned that his
website) refer to the procedures
daughter had been assigned the
for the use of novels containing
book. He said the school not
controversial material. The
only failed to notify parents, but
district will take immediate
they also failed to offer parents
action to revise these policies to
a chance to opt their kids out of
include notification that requires
reading the book.
parents to accept controversial
Baer, who is an attorney,
materials rather than to opt out.
put it in perspective. He said if Furthermore, the notification will
Did you catch the part
detail more specifically the
about forcing parents to accept
controversial material.�
racy, bawdy novels rather than opt out?
Last Page
Why try so hard to blend in when you were born to stand out? 1 Peter
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light: