Winter 2015

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FAITH GLAM COFFEE FOUNDER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Sherisse’ D. Woodley PUBLISHER Faith, Glam & Coffee EDITOR-AT-LARGE Sheralyn Y. Woodley CREATIVE DIRECTOR Sherisse’ Woodley COPYEDITOR Tameka Watkins GRAPHIC DESIGNER Erika Stanley BEAUTY EDITOR Lizandra L. Mercado FASHION EDITOR Sherisse’ Woodley FAITH EDITOR Elizabeth Petters FOOD EDITOR Claire Fabrocini MUSIC EDITOR Timothy Johnson SOCIAL MEDIA & MARKETING COORDINATOR Alexandra Jancich CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Delaney DelPonti, Robert Jackson, Marcus Andrew Moore, Ilaan Terrell, Adam Mastroianni, Victor Jelly ADVERTISING & MARKETING INQUIRIES BUSINESS INQUIRIES Terah “Bishop” Woodley II EDITORIAL SUBMISSONS 2



Letter from Editor Faith, Glam & Coffee started as my personal blog. It was not until a few months ago I decided to change the name from Sherisse’ Woodley Blog to Faith, Glam & Coffee. Anyone who knows me, knows those three things are my favorite things in that exact order. In August, after being laid off from my full time job I decided to focus more on my blog in hopes a potential employer would find interest in my writing. Unfortunately there are very talented individuals out there who are just as good of a writer as I am or better with the required experience. I wanted FGC to be more than a blog that talks about faith, fashion, and lifestyle. I wanted it to be a platform where believers and nonbelievers can go to and get inspired, encouraged, and not have to worry if every other article would have a four-letter word or be poorly written. Being a believer does not mean you can’t have fun, or that you don’t have the same interests as others. It was not until a few weeks after I officially launched FGC that I decided to make a holiday magazine. While being the Features Editor at Thrifty Hunter Magazine, I learned so much about the publishing world, and I knew I was knowledgeable enough to create a magazine. I taught myself InDesign in one evening and did research on different magazine designs. The time, prayers, preparation, and endless calls to my mother (the Editor-at-Large) that went into this magazine cannot be described. There were times when I felt like I was chasing a fantasy and not a calling, but each day God reminded me that this isn’t just a hobby. My prayer is that anyone who comes across FGC leaves different then before they stumbled across us. Now getting to the Holidays… Anyone who knows me knows I am a huge lover of Christmas. I start playing Christmas music at the beginning of October and stop mid March. I must admit, I was so excited to see Target put out their Christmas decorations that I bought a few (okay a lot) of décor and decorated my apartment. There is something so magical about the Holidays; people are more loving, you see less frowns and more cheerful smiles, and for some reason life just seems so much sweeter. This holiday season I encourage you to show some extra love to your loved ones and to those who need it. I hope you enjoy this magazine and find it share worthy! God Bless! Sherisse’ Woodley Founder & Editor-in-Chief




For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10 ESV 6



Departments Faith 10

The True Meaning of Christmas

12 Where There Is Smoke There Is...


A Story of Hope, Faith & Healing


Wrapped in Worship



Ph o t o b y D e l a n e y D e l Po n t i

Elizabeth Roy



Holidays Bring Healing

Gabrielle Lewis



Jessica Weimer



The Christmas Story of the Birth of Jesus

Christopher Collins Moore

How My Hair Taught Me To Trust God

Fashion 51

Winter Essentials


Igee Okafor


Having A Uniform


Amanda’s Creative Corner


Eleventh & Sixteenth

Beauty 70

Holiday Beauty Trends


Protecting Your Skin During Winter


DIY Face Brightening Mask

78 Pumpkin Spice Skincare

Food 80

Wine Pairing Your Winter Meal


Sensational Truffles



My Road To Right


Holiday Gift Guide

Spiced Pecans


Getting Creative With Your Thanksgiving Leftovers



Holiday Traditions & Making New Ones


Sisterhood & Motherhood





Charities to Donate To

5 Things That Are Stealing Your Holiday Joy


Simple Decorating Tips For A Cozy Master Bedroom


Music, Melody & The Holidays


My Steps To The Stage


Christmas Movies

3 Steps To Getting Unstuck in 2016


FGC | Faith


By: Melissa Sosa I was raised in a Hispanic version of a Norman Rockwell painting – five siblings dressed in matching pajamas gathered around a beautifully adorned Christmas tree while my father read the Biblical account of the Christmas story found in the second chapter of Luke and my mom prepared the delicious tamales we’d eat later that night before opening presents. Though it was a charmed existence, growing up, I never thought of myself as being blessed to have such a life; for me, it was normal. Holidays were the highlight of the year for our family, especially 10

Christmas. It meant fancy church dresses for the girls and matching suits for the boys, church musical productions that all five of us participated in, and lots of holiday celebrations. My dad, with his pot-belly that jiggled like a bowl full of jelly, often played the part of Santa Claus for the church children. Dressed in a Santa suit, he delivered gifts to all the good little boys and girls, saving the last ones for his own children – who always knew it was him but pretended he was the “real Santa” for the benefit of the other kids. We knew Santa was great, but our daddy was the best. He was our Santa 365 days a year!

My mom and dad married in 1970 and had five children by 1979; life was good. We were raised in a very sheltered environment, surrounded by family and close friends and taught that with God in the center of our family unit, there was no problem that we couldn’t overcome, or any storm that we couldn’t weather. My dad never got to experience the picturesque life he worked so hard to provide for his children. He was raised by a single mother in a time when single mothers weren’t so common and was his mother’s only son. He was the man of the house at a very early age and bore all of the

responsibilities that came with it. He went to school during the day and worked nights and weekends to help support his mother. Even though he was very intelligent, it took him an extra year to finish high school because he missed so much school as a result of his work schedule. It would have been easy for him to quit, but he didn’t. He loved learning and made sure to finish what he started. He wouldn’t quit on anything like his own father quit on him. Over the years, life changed for our family as the five of us grew up. Some moved away to different parts of the country to start families of their own, and our family of 7 has become a family of 25! All five of us are married, four of us have children, and those children are now getting married and starting families of their own – our family is growing and changing; but no matter what changes life brings, one thing remains the same – the love our family has for one another; a love that is deeply rooted in our faith in Jesus Christ.

For the first time ever, this year we faced the possibility of not having Christmas with our Santa. He had a stroke in early November, and the first few days after were quite scary. He didn’t know his own name, and he didn’t know who his children were. He couldn’t move his left side, and he couldn’t speak more than a few words at a time. But we didn’t care about all that. As all five of us hurried to gather around my father’s bedside, we were so grateful to God that he was alive. We knew that as bad as things appeared to be, things could have been so much worse. One night early on during my father’s hospital stay, my mother asked for permission from the nurse to let all of us into the hospital room at once – quite a task considering how many we are – and miraculously, her request was granted. We gathered in that room and prayed for my daddy the way he had prayed for us so many times. We held on to our faith in God, the faith that was instilled in us by my parents, and believed that this storm would

FGC | Faith

pass. Ten days after his stroke, my dad was released from the hospital. The doctors and nurses were amazed with his progress. They didn’t really have an answer for his quick turn-around, but we did. We knew that God heard our prayers. This Christmas we will once again be together as a family – all 25 of us. Some things will remain the same – we will still gather around the tree, wear matching pajamas, eat delicious homemade tamales, exchange presents, and my daddy will still read the Christmas story as found in the second chapter of Luke. But one thing will be very different this year - this time, I will take it all in with a different perspective; this time I will know how extraordinarily blessed I am. ■ Melissa is the executive assistant to the Senior Pastors at Livingway Family Church in Brownsville, TX, and is currently pursuing a graduate degree in Organizational Leadership at Our Lady of the Lake University. She and her husband Emilio have been married for over 20 years, and she the proud mother of three boys ages 19, 14, and 9.


FGC | Faith


FGC | Faith

WHERE THERE IS SMOKE THERE IS... By: Sheralyn Y. Woodley What do you do if you smell smoke or see fire? Would you be prepared? Do you know where the emergency exits are? Do you have an escape plan in place? Fire drills are common in schools, large offices, buildings, and organizations. The question is: are fire drills common in our lives? What would you do if there were a fire in your life? What would you do if you smelled smoke around your life? Are you prepared? Do you know where the emergency exit is? Do you have an escape plan? Smoke from a fire can make visibility very difficult or impossible. Your normal way out or easy way out can be obstructed with something heavy or completely blocked. You have to check to see if there is heat or smoke coming in through the cracks under the doors, through the vents, and if the doorknobs are hot or warm to see if there is fire on the other side of the door. Smoke and poisonous air can hurt more people than the

actual flames. Smoke naturally rises. All the while, you are in the smoke filled or burning facility, your clothes are going to smell like smoke and be filled with soot. The tiniest fire can cause severe damage and be extremely costly. Fires can create visible soot and invisible odor damage. Professionals are usually hired to cleanup after a fire or smoke damage and use the ozone treatment, and it is recommended that you not even attempt to clean yourself. Over 10+ years ago, a quiet, bubbly, happy, sweet, and extremely wise woman, that I still greatly respect today, stood beside me in the back of our church and said to me “I know you are going through and you are all in the fire but, I don’t smell any smoke on you or around you.” I looked at her with a somewhat blank stare and said thank you. Her statement hit me like a ton a bricks but also like a gentle wind. 13

FGC | Faith

Her husband was standing on the other side of me. He was a big man of few words, but was always ready to give you a wise word. He looked at me with his huge grin, nodded, and said, “Listen to her”. I had no I idea she had any inkling of what was going on in our lives. I had never said anything to her or confided in her at all. I thought “WOW, God, WOW, Thank you! “WOW”! That day I walked to my seat for service and those very words has stayed with me to this very day! I have it written on different things in my possession. Sometimes, it is just a simple passing thought that is a reminder of how good God is to me. Other times it is the reminder and comfort that lets me know that I can make it through that particular situation or situations without losing it for the world to see. On October 10, 2015, this very wise woman lost her husband. The man she had been married to for 61 years on September 2nd. In order for your words to really make an impact on a person, your life and the way you handle life situations must be reflected in your walk, not just what you say. Your action must match your words. Her husband battled cancer until he went to go be with the Lord. What I saw through this wise woman, during her long and very difficult life ordeal, is what she told me many, many years ago “you are all in the fire, but, I don’t smell any smoke on you or around you”. Her lifestyle reflected her life. So, how do you not smell like smoke? The key is preparation. Incidents, situations, and trials will 14

happen. They will come. That is life. That is a part of living. I had major health incidents and issues. I gained friends, lost friends, regained friends, lost employment, gained employment, relocated, lost weight, gained weight, lost loved ones, I was in and out of hospitals and emergency rooms, was in debt, and I can add numerous events to this list. As Christians, we have to remember and stand firmly on God’s Word - “No weapon fashioned against you will succeed, and you may condemn every tongue that disputes with you. This is the heritage of the Lord’s servants, whose righteousness comes from me, says the Lord.” Isaiah 54:17 (CEB) God is still showing me, day after day, more about what was meant by those words that were spoken to me over 10 years ago. However, I know that I will never smell like smoke and I will never be burned. It was just confirmed again, what we have been told many times that many of our trials on this journey have not been for us but for others we have come in contact with or will come in contact with. I have to be bold enough to tell my story. My trials, incidents, and circumstances have made me stronger. No matter the season, they were not meant to take me out; they were meant to get others through. “So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is

the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops wellformed maturity in you.” Romans 12: 1-2 MSG The quiet, bubbly, happy, sweet, and extremely wise woman, that stood beside me in the back the church is Mrs. Peggy Shroyer. Over a month ago she lost her best friend Mr. Roy Shroyer. It is through this journey that God has taken our families. We met them and they became an integral part of our family. Mr. & Mrs. Shroyer became grandparents for my kids at events when needed, were their music and math teachers, and we were colleagues and definitely part of the same family. Thank you for those wise words all of those years ago and thank you for living those words for all of us to see. “I know you are going through and you are all in the fire but, I don’t smell any smoke on you or around you.” ■ Sheralyn Woodley is a management information analyst and an educator who has a passion for serving people. She works and serves at The Rock Faith Center as the Public Relations Director. She is a God-fearing woman, who is happily married to Terah Woodley. They have 2 successful children that they are both tremendously proud of, Terah II, & Sherisse’ Woodley. Sheralyn loves spending time with her family, reading, writing, and taking time with special friends. Most of all, she is a Christian, daughter of the King and a servant of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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FGC | Faith

A STORY OF FAITH, HOPE & HEALING By: Patricia Ojeda-Gomez The mercies of God are ever present in our lives, it is up to us to recognize them and not take His loving mercies for granted. I am sharing our life story with you, to share the goodness and mercy of God in our lives. Our testimony is one of overcoming heartache, illness and the miracles that God has performed. The creator of the universe has continuously had his hand on our lives. Through our trials and tribulations we have always seen the hand of God working for our good. I hope this testimony will encourage you and help you overcome the trials and tribulations that may arise in your life. The story of Angel and me (Patsy) began in 1983, early in the relationship God revealed his healing power. I had been diagnosed with endometriosis at the age of 16

15, had an ovary removed and was told that I would not be able to have children. The first miracle in Angel and my lives occurred in 1985 when our daughter Rubi was born. Faith is trust, assurance and confidence in God and Jesus Christ. Having faith is not simply believing that God exists; faith is demonstrated by one’s service and obedience to God. God will increase our faith if we fervently ask. In 2006, Angel and I were sitting in a restaurant when he began to experience pressure in his chest, nausea, and profuse sweating. Angel stood up and was ready to walk out of the restaurant when he fell on his back and went into cardiac arrest. I, being a CPR instructor for over fifteen years, was able to perform CPR until the paramedics arrived twenty minutes later. The paramedics

instructed me to continue CPR and shocked Angel three times. After more than thirty minutes of cardiac arrest, Angel’s heart began beating on its own again. This is miracle number two. Angel was informed by the cardiologist, that his artery was 90 percent blocked and he would require surgery to correct the blockage. On the day of the surgery our family and pastor prayed in the waiting room while Angel was being prepared for surgery. Upon arrival in the operating suite, the doctor reviewed the area where the blockage was to be removed; it was identified at that time that the blockage was gone. The doctor called us into the surgery room, he could not believe that the blockage was clear and that blood was flowing through the artery. The doctor stated that

he knew we were a “praying family” and even though he is not a “believer”, he had never experienced a miracle like this before. We thanked God for this miracle; everyone in the room cheered, including the medical staff. Most importantly, a doctor who did not believe in God was a witness to His goodness and mercies. This is miracle number three. The Bible reads: Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone, James 2:17KJV. Angel and I understood that the miracle of a second chance at life was a miracle to be shared with our brothers and sisters. God has given us grace, mercy, love and the responsibility of sharing His goodness and our testimony with others enduring difficult times. Operation H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Endure) was birthed from these trials. Operation H.O.P.E. was birthed to teach the goodness and mercy of God. If one of his children is in need, we are taught to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, and bury the dead. We, as a family of four Angel, Patsy, Rubi and Jesus (our son-in law), through Operation H.O.P.E., have helped hundreds of families bury their loved ones. Hundreds of children that have died, due to trauma, abuse, neglect or chronic illness, have been buried with the assistance of Operation H.O.P.E. One of the worst trials a person has to endure is to bury a child; therefore, we have committed to help families faced with this difficult challenge. Additionally, providing thousands of families with food, school supplies, shoes, clothes, and other needs has been the mission

FGC | Faith

and vision of this family. We have learned to live our lives with purpose.

a complete stranger, a person in need or a neighbor, is what we attempt to do each and every day.

Faith continues to challenge our family. In 2011, we were blessed with a grandson; this is the ultimate miracle in our lives. In 2014, our grandson was diagnosed with epilepsy after suffering a grandmal seizure. Only through faith in God, trusting that He is in control, will we be able to weather the challenges that a diagnosis of epilepsy brings. I firmly believe that God gave us this beautiful child because He knows we are equipped to care for him. We are to bring awareness and hope to families dealing with the challenges of epilepsy. Rubi and Jesus have dedicated their lives to bringing joy to children suffering from illness. They founded the League of Super Heroes, Iron Man, Spiderman, Wonder Woman, etc., who visit children in the hospital and deliver toys and baskets in order to brighten their day. We keep moving forward, believing that God can heal. He has done it before, He can do it again.

Trust in God when all seems impossible, know that he is in control and give it to God to guide you. Doing God’s work and being faithful does not provide an easy path in life; however, Faith, Hope and Healing are what we believe we will receive. Through our works we honor God, for it is He who gives us wisdom, knowledge and the ability to serve.

Angel is at the end of his progressive illness, each day more challenging than the previous. Congestive heart failure makes the simplest tasks, things we may take for granted, a real challenge. Breathing, walking, thinking, or having enough energy to get in and out of a car can be difficult. We have learned not to take anything for granted and try to make a difference in someone’s life daily. Being grateful and helping people in need, in-spite of his failing health, is what Angel strives to do. An act of kindness towards

In conclusion, talk about God’s goodness and mercy. Let others know about the miracles He has performed in your life; use the difficulties to encourage others. God has made great things for us, we are a living testimony and a example of God’s mercy, when everything seemed impossible God had his hand on us. Consider the miracles in your life, build your faith, and live your life with purpose. Impacting H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Endure) Established November of 2009 by Angel Gomez, Ron Stading, and their respective families. Impacting H.O.P.E. strives to bring hope as well as help to individuals and families in time of need. Helping people endure during times of hardship by delivering food baskets during the holidays, helping with home improvements and repairs, scholarships, and much more. The organization awards the “Beacon of H.O.P.E.” to individuals who provide hope during times of need. Impacting H.O.P.E. other wise known as Helping Other People Endure was founded by two families that wanted to make a difference in our community.




Adonis Lenzy

Fred Thomas

Tim Johnson

Twitter @AdonisLenzy Get his latest book “Next�

Twitter: @thepastorfred Instagram: #thepastorfred

Twitter: @timstrel Instagram: @timstrel

Sheralyn Y. Woodley

Kenneth Wampler

Lizandra Mercado

Twitter: @sywoodley Instagram: @sywoodley

Twitter: @K_Wamps

Twitter: @liz_gonzales03 Instagram: @lizandraliane

BUTORS Cheryl Allard

Delaney DelPonti

Shalonda Haywood

Cheryl’s Interior Arrangements

Twitter: @DelaneyDelPonti Instagram: @delaneydel

Instagram: @mysecretplace91

Melissa Sosa

Elizabeth Petters

Denalda Jones

Twitter: @melsosa224 Instagram: @ melsosa224

Twitter: @eepetters Instagram: @lizzpetters



CONTRI Felecia Searvance

Calli Thomson

Claire Fabrocini


Instagram: @cals.cuts

Instagram: @clairefab

Emily Duell

Tara Cole

BethAnn Foro

Twitter: @tlcoleoveracup

Instagram: Twitter: @BethAnnForo

Instagram: @emduell Twitter: @emduell


IBUTORS Patricia Ojeda-Gomez

Igee Okafor

Kimberley Pavao

Operation H.O.P.E.

Instagram: @igeeokafor Twitter: @igeeokafor

Instagram: @kp0ssible Twitter: @kp0ssible

Trenica Gbani

April Oleson

Amanda Trice


Twitter: @faithgirl990 Instagram: aprilash90



FGC | Faith


As I’ve been preparing for this season by upping my workout regimen to offset the extra holiday indulgences and emotionally pep-talking myself through all the haveto’s; I’ve been thinking about how I want to prepare my heart as well. In a season so wrapped up in Christmas trees, lights, cookies and gifts, I don’t want to miss the real reason for the season, Jesus! So, how can we be preparing our hearts to celebrate and honor the reason for it all? I believe we need to turn-up our worship game and recognize all the, sometimes subtle, ways we can worship Christ.


hristmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Isn’t this an amazing time of year? From the decorations to the parties, you cannot mistake this season for another. It’s unique, merry and perfectly set apart. There is a joy and cheer in the air during this season. You can’t help but get swept up in the giving spirit, indulging in relationship and all the decadent holiday treats. But, just as there is a merry side to the season there can also be a not so bright side. I’m not naive to the hustle and bustle that this season brings. I definitely understand how it can parade in the feelings of being overwhelmed; when we start to think about all the things that need to happen, between the washing off of the Halloween face paint to that big bright ball dropping in Time Square. Lastly the shopper’s rage, leading to disgruntled employees, scoots us down that short slide to wrecked spirits. 22

Worship can often get confined in our minds to the obvious praise worthy expressions like singing and dancing. But worship reaches much further and when we recognize that the simple everyday things we do can also be worship, it flips the coin, and we get a heart overwhelmed in Christ and not an overwhelmed life!

Our appearance is worship. As we see our homes, malls, and coffee shops getting decked-out for the holidays let it serve as a reminder that how we dress ourselves is worship. Now, don’t get me wrong here; I’m not implying you run out and purchase a bunch of bling and get all gussied up. Instead, think about your appearance, how you present yourself, what you wear and recognize it as worship. God tells us to get dressed several times in the bible and many times he’s instructing us to put on His character.

FGC | Faith

“Put on the whole armor of God...” Ephesians 6:11 KJV “Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, Colossians 3:12 ESV “To put on” comes from the greek word “endyō” which literally means “to put on”, “clothe yourself”, “settle into a garment.” And just like God gives us instruction to wear His character and spiritually be ready for our day, we can worship Him with how we physically ready ourselves as well. God cares how we get ready and present His temple in the morning. When we view our appearance as worship it fixes our eyes on Him as we physically and spiritually put on Jesus. Allow the act of getting dressed be a reminder to put on Christ each day and worshipfully honor Him with our getting ready in the morning!

Our words are worship.

From the very beginning when God spoke “let there be light” and there was light, those words have power! I greet many strangers during this season with a “Merry Christmas”, “Happy Holiday’s”, and “Happy New Year” that tends to open more conversational doors than the whole rest of the year combined. And just like I tend to be more adoring in my greetings this season; let’s allow this to be a reminder that our words are powerful and therefore can be worshipful to our God.

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:21 NLT “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” Ephesians 4:29 ESV In this season where conversation runs rampant, let our speech be worshipful to the Lord and usher in more grace and peace in place of hustle and overwhelm.

Stewart our resources well is worship: money, time, meals.

Let’s face it, everything we have is because of Christ! Our money, jobs, ability to work those jobs, our homes, and every meal, is because of the incredible grace of God. In this season that is so wrapped up in gifts, meals, and festive activities; let’s remember and worship the One who makes all these things possible by managing our resources of time, money, meals, and stuff well.

“You shall remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth,” Deuteronomy 8:18 ESV So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV

When we recognize where all things flow from, our hearts are set to worship the Lord with what we have. In turn, we are more apt to appreciate, share, and spend wisely those resources. It can be really easy, especially in this crazy season to get swept up in the motion of the holidays but instead let’s be reminded all the more in this season that all the doing, buying, indulging are made possible by the only One who makes all things possible, Jesus! And in recognizing Christ in the everyday simple things we can unlock more joy this Christmas! How we conduct every part of our lives can be worship, it’s only a matter of incorporating a belief perspective over our whole life.

“...Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV These are just a few examples of how we can be wrap in worship this season and put on a heart overwhelmed in Him and escape the sometimes spirit crushing hustle and bustle this season can bring. May you be blessed in this season, wrapped in worship, of the very best reason for this season, Jesus! ■ Check out: for a free online devotional: Advent: Making Room for the King!!


FGC | Faith



The Christmas Story of the Birth of Jesus - Paraphrased from the Bible: This Christmas story gives a biblical account of the events surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ. The Christmas story is paraphrased from the New Testament books of Matthew and Luke in the Bible. References: Matthew 1:18-25; Matthew 2:112; Luke 1:26-38; Luke 2:1-20. 24

The Conception of Jesus Foretold Mary, a virgin, was living in Galilee of Nazareth and was engaged to be married to Joseph, a Jewish carpenter. An angel visited her and explained to her that she would conceive a son by the power of the Holy Spirit. She would carry and give birth to this child and she would name him Jesus. At first Mary was afraid and troubled by the angel’s words. Being a virgin, Mary questioned the angel, “How

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will this be?” The angel explained that the child would be God’s own Son and, therefore, “nothing is impossible with God.” Humbled and in awe, Mary believed the angel of the Lord and rejoiced in God her Savior. The angel explained that the child would be God’s own Son and, therefore, “nothing is impossible with God.” Humbled and in awe, Mary believed the angel of the Lord and rejoiced in God her Savior.

Surely Mary reflected with wonder on the words found in Isaiah 7:14 foretelling this event, “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” (NIV) The Birth of Jesus: While Mary was still engaged to Joseph, she miraculously became pregnant through the Holy Spirit, as foretold to her by the angel. When Mary told Joseph she was pregnant, he had every right to feel disgraced. He knew the child was not his own, and Mary’s apparent unfaithfulness carried a grave social stigma. Joseph not only had the right to divorce Mary, under Jewish law she could be put to death by stoning. Although Joseph’s initial reaction was to break the engagement, the appropriate thing for a righteous man to do, he treated Mary with extreme kindness. He did not want to cause her further shame, so he decided to act quietly. But God sent an angel to Joseph in a dream to verify Mary’s story and reassure him that his marriage to her was God’s will. The angel explained that the child within Mary was conceived by the Holy Spirit, that his name would be Jesus and that he was the Messiah, God with us. When Joseph woke from his dream, he willingly obeyed God and took Mary home to be his wife, in spite of the public humiliation he would face. Perhaps this noble quality is one of the reasons God chose him to

be the Messiah’s earthly father. Joseph too must have wondered in awe as he remembered the words found in Isaiah 7:14, “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” (NIV) At that time, Caesar Augustus decreed that a census be taken, and every person in the entire Roman world had to go to his own town to register. Joseph, being of the line of David, was required to go to Bethlehem to register with Mary. While in Bethlehem, Mary gave birth to Jesus. Probably due to the census, the inn was too crowded, and Mary gave birth in a crude stable. She wrapped the baby in cloths and placed him in a manger. The Shepherd’s Worship the Savior: Out in the fields, an angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds who were tending their flocks of sheep by night. The angel announced that the Savior had been born in the town of David. Suddenly a great host of heavenly beings appeared with the angels and began singing praises to God. As the angelic beings departed, the shepherds decided to travel to Bethlehem and see the Christchild. There they found Mary, Joseph and the baby, in the stable. After their visit, they began to spread the word about this amazing child and everything the angel had said about him. They went on their way still praising and glorifying

FGC | Faith

God. But Mary kept quiet, treasuring their words and pondering them in her heart. It must have been beyond her ability to grasp, that sleeping in her arms—the tender child she had just borne— was the Savior of the world. The Magi Bring Gifts: After Jesus’ birth, Herod was king of Judea. At this time wise men (Magi) from the east saw a star, they came in search, knowing the star signified the birth of the king of the Jews. The wise men came to the Jewish rulers in Jerusalem and asked where the Christ was to be born. The rulers explained, “In Bethlehem in Judea,” referring to Micah 5:2. Herod secretly met with the Magi and asked them to report back after they had found the child. Herod told the Magi that he too wanted to go and worship the babe. But secretly Herod was plotting to kill the child. So the wise men continued to follow the star in search of the new born king and found Jesus with his mother in Bethlehem. (Most likely Jesus was already two years of age by this time.) They bowed and worshiped him, offering treasures of gold, incense, and myrrh. When they left, they did not return to Herod. They had been warned in a dream of his plot to destroy the child. ■ Article written by Mary Fairchild.



For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 ESV

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HOLIDAYS BRING HEALING By: April Oleson Relationships, either between our significant others or family and friends, take work. It is a job that requires both sides to give an equal amount of effort. Often times, during the year, relationships begin to fall apart. Sometimes relationships feel unfixable. When my parents got divorced, I was angry and frustrated with my father. I felt like he had let his marriage fail and did not try to fix things with my mother. As a result, I avoided talking to him. Our phone calls became fewer and fewer, and eventually I began ignoring him all together. However, there was one time out of the year that I still went to visit him; that time was Thanksgiving and Christmas. I do not know if it was because I felt obligated to go see him or if I thought, deep inside, that the holidays would allow a safe haven to discuss our differences. Whatever the reason at that time, I went to his house anyways.

After some time, we began to fix our relationship. Looking back on it now, I see that everyone is more open towards each other during the holiday season. There is a feeling of peace that comes across our society and it gives us that comfort to make amends with each other.

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3 ESV The holidays are a time for that peace in our lives. I believe relationships should be mended no matter what time of year it is; however, the holidays allow for that comfort and peace to help mend what needs mending. There is a feeling of joy and happiness that comes with the season. If you

have a relationship that is broken, do not lose hope! Give fixing it a shot. Just remember a few things, 1. Be patient. The other person might be just as frustrated and hurt as you are with the situation. 2. Pray about it before you talk to them. Ask God to not only open their heart to healing, but to open and humble your heart. 3. Fixing a relationship doesn’t have to happen within family members. What about your relationship with a coworker or friend? It could even be your relationship with God. Whatever the case, do not give up. Relationships are always fixable and the holidays are the perfect time to do it. Jesus came into this world to bring peace and hope. Let peace and hope be a part of your holiday season this year! â–


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When people first meet me they usually wonder, “Is your hair dyed or natural?” If they have the courage to voice their question out loud, I answer, “God did it.” Though a short response, there is a much more complicated story behind my white streaked hair. Once Upon A Time… It began the Fall of 1999. I returned to school from a home that had been a battle ground. It felt like my Mom and I were in a foxhole trying to protect my brother and sister from the rage my Dad was spewing. I never knew when it would come. The only guarantee was it would. Then several weeks into the semester, my friend Jodie died in a car wreck. She had visited the campus a few weeks before and I had just seen her, my friends and I were in shock! Jodie had graduated the past Spring, and I had stepped in to her shoes in many organizations around campus. Walking into our social club meetings and filling her spot there was hard, but facing the little girl Jodie had tutored every week for several years made me want to turn and run. Every week the girl asked where Jodie was but, because she was so young, her Dad wanted me to avoid the question and say Jodie “went home.” I wanted to forget and move on; however, those weekly tutoring sessions were a never ending reminder of my friend. During this time my stomach had been acting up. I would feel queasy, couldn’t eat, and foods I normally loved would make me feel sick. I chalked it up to the stomach problems that ran in my family, and I pushed on through my grief and stress on top of 18 hours of course work. Then everything changed…. At my cousin’s wedding in December the first one appeared. My other cousin, Mallory, was standing over me at the wedding rehearsal and said, “You have a white hair!” I quickly responded, “No, I don’t!” but she insisted. I ran to my

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Mom and had her check, and there it was. At 19 I had my first white hair! NEVER pull that first white hair. Within weeks several spots of my hair began to come in white at the roots. I panicked! I began dyeing my hair to cover the white, but it didn’t work. Since the hair wasn’t just white but lacked pigment altogether, it wouldn’t hold color and I ended up frying it! Then on the back of my head my hair began to fall out. Large clumps of it went down the drain every time I showered. Eventually, I had a bald spot the size of a quarter and as smooth as a baby’s bottom on the back of my head. I tried everything to fix it. I met with my hair dresser and went to doctors, nobody knew what was going on with my hair. On Spring break I walked into a different hair dresser than I normally saw. She immediately recommended a Nioxin product to help with the bald spot. Then early the next summer, I tagged along with my Mom to a doctor’s appointment, and her doctor said, “Oh, you have vitiligo. My son has that!” Finally, I had a name. I learned vitiligo is a stressed induced auto immune disease. It’s where the melanin in your skin is attacked by the body. There is nothing I could do to reverse the effects. I also learned I’m extremely blessed. Blessed, it happened in college where my friends thought my white hair was cool and not in middle school where I would have been teased and tormented. Blessed, my skin coloring is so light you can’t see the spots on my skin unless I’m very tan. Blessed, most of the vitiligo affects my hair and looks trendy and not on my skin in splotches that cause people to stare.


FGC | Faith Most people who have vitiligo are not so blessed. Many have a darker skin tone and have it on their hands and face. I met one man who lost half of the pigment on his face when he was a child. As he grew, the white spots moved to his hands instead.

“’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.’” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Before vitiligo I was really vain about my hair. I kept it long and never wanted to dye it any crazy colors. But God has a way of waking us up. He had Then below those verses I have written: to touch me where I had the most pride in order to get my attention. “Everything, every worry, stress, and fear I put in this box is to be forgotten and left in God’s hands. I lived happily ever after (sort of)… This is to remind me He is in control. I’m not. And God also gave me a disease that is triggered by he always has my best in mind.” stress. One that forces me to rely on Him and learn to trust Him, unless I want it to get worse.

Writing down all my worries and stressors on note Several years ago after hearing my story, one of my cards and putting them in the box has helped me to give them to God. I also love to go back through friends remarked, “How blessed you are to have them later and write on the cards how God has a daily reminder to rely on God.” And she’s right. answered that prayer and situation. It has become It has forced me to walk close to God in ways I a tangible reminder of God’s presence in my life. hadn’t before. When I begin to feel the stress come on, I turn to Him quickly. I seek out verses to hold on to as an anchor for my soul. One tangible way I’ve found to do this is my Prayer box. In the lid I have these verses written:

“We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you…I sought the Lord and he answered me, he delivered me from all my fears.” Psalms 33:20-22; 34:4 NIV


Without God I would have never made it through my last few years of college. Without vitiligo I would have not been forced to deal with my stress and trust issues head on. Furthermore, for everyone who asks, it’s now my chance to point them to God and remind them they can trust Him too. ■ Tara Cole is a wife, mother, writer, and teacher. She has three boys who keep her crazy busy. She teaches Comp I and Comp II (freshman English) online and loves helping her students not fear writing. She is also the author of the ebook The Real Women’s Manifesto: Getting Real with God and with Others, which encourages women to get real and connect with God and other’s on a deeper level. Her writing goals at are to help women draw closer to God and connect with Him on a regular basis.


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By: Sherisse’ Woodley Who is Elizabeth Roy? I’m a twentysomething Los Angeles native who loves the East Coast (I lived there for 8 years) and has an unhealthy obsession with coffee. I have two passions in life: faith and fashion. I created Downtown Demure to encourage other women to live boldly for Christ and learn how to dress modestly (yet stylishly!) When did you first start blogging? I started blogging about a year ago. Sadly, I was a lazy blogger in the beginning of my journey, so I would only update my blog once every few months (I know, that’s like the ultimate blogging sin). I’ve been blogging consistently and semi-seriously for the past year.

Why did you choose the name “Downtown Demure”? Short version of a long story: I love alterations and I wanted to find a synonym for “modest”. After hours of searching, I landed on Downtown Demure. Oddly enough, it works because it captures my sense of style and the mission of my blog.

What is your advice to other bloggers? Blogging can be stressful and discouraging at times. Sometimes you’ll feel like quitting, and feel like you’re failure. But I promise you: if you seek to glorify God first and foremost through your blog, you won’t fail in your journey.

What do you cover and why? I primarily write about modest fashion. I want to encourage women to dress modestly by illustrating how modest dress can be modern and totally chic. Since my faith is the cornerstone of my blog, I also include scripture-based lifestyle post to encourage my fellow Christians to live boldly for Christ.

What are your favorite holiday traditions? Cooking high calorie holiday food with my mom. If it doesn’t have a ton of butter, it’s not worth eating during the holidays! ■ Elizabeth Roy is the founder of Downtown Demure - A modest fashion and Christian lifestyle blog.



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By: Sherisse’ D. Woodley Gabrielle Lewis has always been a fan of thrift shopping way before it increased in popularity. When Lewis was laid off from her job in 2009 the encouragement of her husband pushed her to go in a new direction as a celebrity stylist. Throughout Lewis time as a celebrity stylist, her roots stayed true to her love for vintage clothing and thrift shopping. When she was younger, Lewis got most of her clothing from thrift shops due to her mother being a widow and working to make ends meet. 46

It was in 2013, when she decided to create Thrifty Hunter. “Sometimes we are content with our lives, until something comes along and pushes us in a new direction.” It was her mother-in-law who encouraged her to make her blog “Thrifty Hunter” into a magazine. At first, Lewis was hesitant, but after her blog grew popular her mother brought the idea up, and she discussed the idea with a few of her friends and that was the birth of Thrifty Hunter magazine. The first issue was digitally published on April 2013 with Willa Ford as her cover girl. Since then, there have been 14 issues with notable talent on the covers.

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What are some of the challenges you faced in the beginning? Pretty much not knowing where or how to begin. I had lots of creative ideas going on through my mind but I couldn’t figure out how to lay It out. What are some of the challenges you face now that Thrifty Hunter has grown? With the fashion industry continuously evolving some of the challenges we face are just trying to keep up but yet set ourselves a part. We want our readers to see and understand our Vision . We have been told using the word “thrifty” can turn some away because of the meaning of the word, so we have been faced with that challenge of getting our readers and the world to see the true meaning of the word “Thrifty” which means frugal. Society has made that word into their own definition that can make someone look at it negative not even realizing we as humans as some point in life have been or are frugal shoppers . What are some valuable lessons you learned from running Thrifty Hunter? One thing I learned is just to be yourself. And do what your heart wants. What are some things you wished you knew in the beginning? Honestly, there is so many things I can say I wish knew but then when I think about it, I’m glad I didnt know because there would have been nothing

to learn. I wouldn’t have grown to who I am today. Throughout these 3 years I learned how to really lead and through it all press through no matter what obstacles came my way. What are the next steps for Thrifty Hunter? We will continue to put out our quarterly issues and grow our readership. How do you balance being a mother, wife and businesswomen? I work everything in its proper order, a wife, a mother then my business. That is what works best for me and how I balance out. What is your advice for those wanting to start their own brand? I could say a lot but the main thing is just be yourself and do what you feel. Only you know and understand your vision so just do what you know is best. ■ Thrifty Hunter Magazine is an Online Publication uniting individuals from all walks of life. At the heart of this endeavor there is an inspirational message through a unique sense of integrity that combats the materialism of modern society. Whether it’s recreating up-to-the-minute styles easily and affordably for moms to be; cooking a gourmet meal for the entire family on a budget; or traveling to fun and friendly destinations at a fraction of the cost; our publication reflects true worth. We are dedicated to providing readers with a comprehensive guide to living a thrifty lifestyle without compromising comfort, elegance or style.





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Gloves $39.99

Scarf $19.99


Booties $34.99


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Plaid Shirt $29.95 51

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© Adam Mastroianni

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Š Adam Mastroianni


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Photographer: Adam Mastroianni - H&M Suit, Adidas Superstar Sneakers, Warby Parker Sunglasses, Movado Wrist Watch 54

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Photographer: Victor Jolley. Topman Turtleneck, JSLV Jeans, ASOS Chelsea Boots, Movado Wrist Watch, Warby Parker Sunglasses 57

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Š Adam Mastroianni

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Š Adam Mastroianni


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HAVING A UNIFORM By: Felecia Searvance For many people, the idea of wearing the same outfit more than once can seem ridiculous. Why would anyone want to do something like that, especially when purchasing new clothes can be inexpensive and creative? But among some of the most influential and successful people in the world, there are those who have opted out of the fashion overload, and decided to wear the same outfit everyday. Their reasons just might inspire you to do the same. Earlier this year, the Internet buzzed over the story of Matilda Kahl, an art director who abandoned the excessive wardrobe to adopt a uniformed work look. She explained that one day after stressing over what to wear to work, she decided that enough was enough. Rather than wasting her energy over frivolous matters like “what to wear,” she created an iconic, signature outfit that she has worn everyday for the last three years! As I think about her story, I am reminded of when our Lord said.

“Don’t worry about what you will wear” Matthew 6:31 He went on to mention other factors that mankind tends to worry about, but it is interesting that one’s wardrobe comes up in his discussion. The level of stress that we tend to expend over something as menial as clothing is outrageous, so outrageous that a number of successful individuals like President Obama, Mark Zuckerburg, and the late Steve Jobs made it a point to avoid this 60

bothersome task by adopting a uniform. In doing so, they took away the mental fatigue associated with figuring out what to wear for the day. Consider these five benefits that come with establishing a personal, professional uniform. 1. Eliminating decision fatigue: This concept is best described as becoming mentally exhausted after making too many decisions in one day. If you are like the individuals I listed above, then you know what it’s like to have to make so many decisions in order to yield the best results. Having to decide what to wear everyday adds to this fatigue, and actually takes away from making decisions on more important matters. 2. Simplifying one’s life: This idea directly coincides with minimalism and the removal of things that bring little substance to our lives. Too often, we are concerned about material things, and we neglect to address matters that are most important. 3. Establishing credibility: I would argue that this is something that I have concluded based on my understanding of creating a fashion uniform. When I see powerful, successful people wearing the same thing, it tells me that they are consistent, credible, and focused on their work rather than their wardrobe. 4. Eliminating unnecessary expenses: Establishing a set uniform immediately cuts the need for spending too much money regularly on clothes that may never be worn. 5. Always feeling confident and comfortable: You know how it is when you wear that one outfit that makes you feel fabulous, only to wear something different the next day that makes you feel less-than. Eliminate that by creating a uniform based on the staple pieces that bring that same excitement.

FGC | Fashion You might think that establishing a uniform is easier said than done, and you are right. When I first began looking into creating a professional uniform, I did so because I had grown overwhelmed by the menial decision of what to wear each day. At times, I would spend hours trying to come up with an outfit because I had so much in my closet. The desire to adjust my wardrobe came as my professional life began to take off. My writing and editing business was flourishing and I had also been hired to provide professional development training to adult learners at a college where I live. As my schedule increased, I realized that I needed to create something that would fit my personality and work experience. Even though I only own about 45 pieces of clothing, I still find myself spending too much time trying to decide whether or not I would wear red, pink, black, white, or grey. I’m currently in the process of completing another purge that will be strictly black, white, and grey. For me, these colors are always “in season,” and they speak of the type of professionalism that I like most. Although I will not wear the same exact outfit each day, I do have a set uniform for each day of the week. Here’s how it looks: Monday—Friday: I wear a tailored blazer, black chiffon or lace top, black wide-leg pants, and black heels.

Saturday: I wear black leather leggings, a white or black top, a blazer (black, white, or grey), a scarf, and my grey flats. Sundays: I wear a long gown skirt with a sequins top, all black. Each outfit expresses my personality while maintaining a sense of elegance and class. I never feel self-conscious about what I’m wearing because I know that each outfit is appropriate for the setting. It took me a while to figure this uniform out, but I’m glad that I did because I no longer have to worry about what I will wear or whether or not my outfit is appropriate. I realize that creating a set uniform may not be for everyone, but it is certainly the choice for me and other successful individuals. Try it for yourself, and see whether or not you were able to cut out any unnecessary stress from your day. ■ Felecia Searvance is an expert writer, editor, and educator, providing more than ten years of combined work experience. She first began her working career as a high school teacher in Fairfield where she taught English Language Arts for 9th-12th graders. She then took her passion for education and the power it wields to others, and transitioned into the entrepreneurial sphere. She founded LiyahAmore Publishing in 2011, where she continues providing expert writing and editing services to hundreds of writers and authors.


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HOLIDAY BEAUTY TRENDS By: Lizandra Mercado We obviously all want to look our very best at all the parties and events for this holiday season. Here are some of the top holiday beauty trends that will help spice up your look for all the upcoming festivities. Makeup Trends:

Slept-In Waves- This hair trend is better known as “I woke up like this” hair. It’s the sexy tousled wavy style that looks good year round. Whether you have long, medium, or short length hair this hairstyle will look great, it is chic and so effortless!

Well-Defined Brows- Gone is the days of thin, barely there eyebrows ladies! Everyone is wanting full and more defined brows and those that are not able to achieve this look naturally are now able to use brow extensions to get that perfect shape and texture.

Nails Trends:

Matte Lips- From berry lips to a black vampy lip, and oxblood red this season’s lip trend is all about a dark matte lip. Try out any of these 90’s inspired lip colors for the holidays.

Metallic Shadows- Most makeup artists have opted for warm bronze and earthy tones, which is great because they look flattering on almost everyone! They are perfect shades for every skin tone, eye, and hair color.

Hair Trends:

Tops Knots- Half top knots and top knots are not going away anytime soon. This is a huge hair trend and it is perfect for sweater season! This hairstyle looks great when wearing scarves and jackets; it also keeps hair from tangling. This look is one of my goto hairstyles and its great for either a day or evening look. Wet-Look Hair- A deep side part slicked down with pomade might just be the quickest way to add instant style to straight or simple hair. This hairstyle looks elegant and evening ready, perfect for all those holiday parties. Who doesn’t want sleek high glossy hair? 70

Disco Nails- Glitter nails are a “must-do” this season! Make a dark nail polish less intense by adding glitter on top. Of course you can also make this glitter thing a little more low key and just use it over a nude nail polish or perhaps just on its own, and if you really aren’t a fan of glitter just skip this and paint on a metallic color! Glass Nails- The Shattered glass nail trend originated from South Korea but has quickly made its way stateside! If the thought of actual glass on your nails sounds terrifying, no worries; that is not what’s happening here or in South Korea! Women are sticking cut piece of mylar paper onto their nails in a way that resembles shiny, sharp glass pieces. Sounds pretty fun, huh! Head on over to a professional nail salon to get this look. Hope you all are inspired by all these beautiful looks, step out of your traditional beauty look and try something different! ■ Lizandra Liane Mercado is a full time hair and makeup artist from Houston, Texas.

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PROTECTING YOUR SKIN DURING WINTER By: Lizandra Mercado Winter weather is not fun for the skin. The cold weather and low humidity levels create dry air, which steals moisture away from our skin. Without immediate care, dry skin can lead to cracking and bleeding, and the harsh winter wind makes the problem worse. But frigid weather is only part of the problem: Long, hot showers, sweltering offices, and harsh soaps are also to blame. Additional moisture helps, but you need to do more to actually counteract these effects and keep your

skin looking youthful and smooth. You need to “Winterize your skin care routine!” To reduce chapping, redness, itching, and keep skin more healthy and comfortable try these winter skin care tips. These are just a few of the steps you can take to help protect your skin during the cold winter season. Remember, as the weather conditions change, so, too, should your skin care routine! ■

Exfoliate your skin

Use a Hydrating Mask

Use lip balm or lip scrub

We often forget to help the skin slough off dead cells in the winter, particularly on our hands. Find an exfoliating mask and use it on your face and hands, then follow immediately with moisture to truly see a smoother difference. Exfoliating body washes are also helpful during these winter months. Make sure you exfoliate at least once a week!

Buy or make a DIY hydrating mask to provide needed moisture on your skin. I personally like to use natural moisturizing ingredients for this step. Use honey, avocado, yogurt, olive and jojoba oils, almond oil, coconut oil, bananas, and aloe. Mix together what you like or what you already have in your home to create a cream or paste, and leave on skin for 1030 minutes for lasting hydration.

Protect your lips from dry winter weather with a healing lip balm. This is great for a split lip too. The moisture will help prevent further splitting, so it can heal. You can also make a lip scrub using sugar and water to heal chapped lips, however I would not recommend this scrub on a split lip. Wait for lips to heal before using the scrub.


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The Steps

Moisturize your skin more often

Slather on the Sunscreen

Keep showers short

Layer up on the moisturizer during the cold months. Your skin not only needs more moisture, but moisture right after you wash. Applying moisture to damp skin helps seal that dampness into the skin. Keep a bottle near the bathtub, shower stall, and sink so you will remember to use every time you wash. Go for an oilbased moisturizer rather than a water-based, as it is more likely to help your skin retain moisture.

Remember to wear your sunscreen. No, sunscreen isn’t just for summer time! Winter sun combined with snow glare can still damage your skin. It may be a summer staple, but sunscreen is essential during the cloudless winter days. Try applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen to your face and your hands (if they are exposed) about 30 minutes before going outside.

Keep your skin happy by using warm instead of hot water for showers and baths. Hot water can remove the natural oils from your skin. You should also keep your shower time to no more than 10 minutes. When you step out of the shower, gently pat dry your skin with a towel, don’t rub. A lukewarm bath with oatmeal or baking soda can help relieve skin that is so dry it has become itchy.

Stay Hydrated

Invest in a Humidifier

Bundle up

We tend to drink less water in the winter because we turn to hot drinks like hot chocolate, coffee and tea, but don’t forget that your skin needs hydration from the inside, out. A little warm water with lemon can be very refreshing and hydrating at the same time, even though you may not feel as thirsty during the fall and winter months. Drink up!

Humidifiers (you know that device you’ve always been meaning to buy) can add mega amounts of moisture into the atmosphere indoors. Plus, they help produce fresh oxygen as you sleep. So even though the dry heat is pumping, you’ll wake up looking fresh-faced.

Get use to wearing gloves and scarves to protect skin from cold winds, rain, and snow. Before braving the frigid outdoors, be sure to cover as much exposed skin as you possibly can. The skin on your fingers and toes is particularly susceptible to frostbite and windburn. Protect your body!


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DIY FACE BRIGH Ingredients: 1/3 cup Greek Yogurt (full fat & live cultures) 3 tbsp cucumber (about ½ of a small cucumber before food processor) 1 tbsp of honey 1 tbsp of baking soda 1 tsp of lemon Coconut oil Directions: 1. Use a food processor to grind up the cucumber and get all the juice. Make sure you’re using less than a quarter cup of cucumber or else it will get too watery. 2. Add in the rest of the ingredients to the food processor. I like to soak my honey jar in hot water before I use it so it comes out easier. If the mixture seems too runny add more yogurt. 3. Put the mixture into a container you can store in the fridge for about an hour. Use within 24 hours! Use your mask after cleansing your face and applying the coconut oil. Apply a thin layer to the skin and lay flat, allow the cool mask to soak in for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with warm water and apply your moisturizer! Enjoy. Article originally posted on Little Lights of Mine by Olivia Vigo


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It seems like there is no end to the Pumpkin Spice empire. Sure, it all started with Starbucks’ infamous Pumpkin Spice Latte, but now we have Pumpkin Spice Candles, and Pumpkin Spice Pringles. What used to simply be an enjoyable, autumnal beverage has escalated into a full-blown seasonal industry. Not that we’re complaining. If you can’t seem to get enough of the PSL craze, here is a quick and easy DIY Pumpkin Spice Latte Face Scrub that is anything but basic. Ingredient Benefits: Sugar: This serves as the base for the scrub and the granules help to exfoliate and remove dead skin. Coffee: The caffeine helps to reduce redness and inflammation while the grounds help exfoliate the skin. Pumpkin Pie Spice: The spices in this mixture help with acne and also firm and plump the skin. Honey: This helps to reduce wrinkles and signs of aging. Coconut Oil: This helps to replenish and moisturize the skin. It also works to breakdown any leftover makeup residue. ■

Ingredients: 2 tsp sugar 1/2 tsp finely ground coffee 1 tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice (you can find this at the grocery store, or make your own with a mixture of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and allspice) 1 tsp honey 1 tsp coconut oil Directions: Add all ingredients, plus a few drops of water, and mix until everything is blended together. The consistency should be thick, yet still fluid. First, dampen your skin with warm water. Massage onto face for about a minute in small, circular motions. Be sure to avoid the eye area as that is the most delicate area of your face. Rinse well with cool water to help tighten pores and tone down any redness and pat dry with a soft towel. Use once to twice a week for soft, hydrated skin and keep that healthy glow all winter long!


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WINE PAIRING YOUR WINTER MEAL By: Claire Fabrocini Searching for the perfect wine to go with your dinner can sometimes turn into a daunting task. We have found that nothing goes better with a delicious chicken dish than Pinot Grigio. Relax and enjoy one of our favorite winter meals! The Holidays are centered around family and food, which makes it the best time to try out new recipes. Pairing the right wine is essential to having an enjoyable meal. When you are cooking for a lot of people its nice to cater to all their pallets. Finding a flavorful dish that is still traditional will usually go over great with your guests. This delicious baked lemon chicken recipe is healthy and easy to make. A smooth white wine goes beautifully with chicken. I opted for Contadino Pinot Grigio 2013, which is from Trader Joes for only $5.99. The light flavors of citrus, pear and apple are delightful and enhance your over all meal. This is a simple yet incredible dish for the Winter season! â–


Ingredients: Boneless skin on chicken breasts Zest and juice of one whole lemon 5 thyme sprigs, leafed and chopped 1/4 c olive oil 1/2 c butter, softened 2 cloves of garlic, minced Salt and pepper to tasted Directions: 1. Turn oven to 375 2. Pat chicken dry and salt and pepper both sides. 3. Create Lemon Garlic Butter by mashing all ingredients. Rub butter mixture under skin of chicken. 4. Let rest while making sides, after side prep heat up pan for chicken with 1/2 of olive oil. 5. Once hot but not smoking, add the chicken skin down and leave to brown for 5 minutes. 6. Turn chicken and transfer to the oven for 15-20 minutes.

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By: Denalda Jones

2 ½ pkg. (20 squares) BAKER’S SemiSweet Chocolate divided 1 pg. (8 oz.) PHILDELPHIA Cream Cheese softened Decorations: Chopped PLANTERS COCKTAIL Peanuts, multi-colored sprinkles


1. MELT 8 chocolate squares. Beat cream cheese with mixer until creamy. Blend in melted chocolate. Refrigerate until firm. 2. SHAPE into 36 balls. Place on waxed paper covered baking sheet. 3. MELT remaining chocolate. Use fork to dip truffles, return to baking sheet. Decorate, then refrigerate 1 hour.

© Robert


Jackson Photography

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SPICED PECANS By: Denalda Jones

Ingredients: 1 egg white, lightly beaten 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 tablespoon water ½ teaspoon ground cloves 3 cups pecan halves ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg ½ cup white sugar ½ teaspoon salt

© Robert

Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. 2. In a small bowl beat the egg white with the water. Stir in the pecans, mixing until well moistened. 3. In a small bowl, mix together sugar, salt, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Sprinkle over the moistened nuts. Spread nuts on prepared pan. 4. Bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes, stirring once or twice. Be careful not to overcook and burn the nuts.

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The second best thing about eating Thanksgiving feast is eating the Thanksgiving feast leftovers after. If your family is notorious for making more food than the guest invited you already have your favorite Thanksgiving leftover recipes. We have searched through some food blogs and websites and found four recipes you can make from your leftover turkey. This is not your typical turkey sandwich recipe or remakes of your Thanksgiving plate. We have a recipe for the cold weather, breakfast, and for your Mexican or Italian food cravings. Regardless, these recipes will not let you down. If you happen to not have any turkey left over, these recipes are worth going to the grocery store and buying a good size turkey breast to put in the oven and combine with these creative recipes. Enjoy your leftovers! â–


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TURKEY & CORN ENCHILADAS Ingredients: 2 cups shredded roasted turkey or chicken 1 cup frozen corn, thawed 1 1/2 cups grated pepper Jack cheese (6 ounces) Kosher salt and black pepper 8 small flour tortillas 1 cup store-bought enchilada sauce 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro


Directions: 1. Heat oven to 400° F. In a large bowl, combine the turkey, corn, 1 cup of the cheese, ½ teaspoon salt, and ¼ teaspoon pepper. 2. Spoon the mixture onto the tortillas and roll. Place seam-side down in a 9-by-13-inch baking dish. 3. Top with the sauce and remaining ½ cup of cheese. Bake until heated through and beginning to brown, 15 to 20 minutes. Sprinkle with the cilantro and serve. From Real Simple

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DAY AFTER TURKEY SOUP Ingredients: Carcass of one turkey (about 1½ pounds) without skin 8 cups low-sodium chicken broth 1 head garlic, halved crosswise 2 bay leaves 2 sprigs fresh thyme 2 cups diced skinless turkey meat (white or dark meat) ½ pound green beans, trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces 2 cups frozen corn kernels 1 large sweet potato, peeled and cut into ½-inch dice 1 cup small dry pasta shape, such as ditalini ¼ cup loosely packed fresh dill sprigs, chopped ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper Kosher salt

Directions: 1. Put the turkey carcass, broth, garlic, bay leaves and thyme in a large Dutch oven (cut carcass in pieces if necessary so it fits) and add enough water to cover by an inch. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat; lower heat and simmer, uncovered, about 40 minutes. Strain the soup through a finemesh strainer into a large bowl; discard the solids. Add all but 2 cups of the broth back to the Dutch oven; reserve the remaining broth for another use (it will keep refrigerated up to 3 days or frozen up to 1 month). 2. Add the turkey meat, green beans, corn and sweet potatoes to the pot; cover and cook over medium heat for 15 minutes. Add the pasta and continue to cook, uncovered, until the pasta and potatoes are tender, 10 to 12 minutes. Stir in the dill and pepper and season to taste with salt. Serve with the bread. Copyright 2013 Television Food Network, G.P. All rights reserved. From Food Network Kitchen

Crusty bread for serving


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TURKEY BOLOGNESE Ingredients: 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil 1 onion, chopped 4 garlic cloves, minced 1 carrot, peeled and finely chopped 1 celery stalk, finely chopped 1 pound shredded cooked turkey (preferably dark meat) 3 cups marinara sauce 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil leaves Salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 pound spaghetti Freshly grated Parmesan

Directions: 1. Heat the oil in a heavy large frying pan over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and saute until translucent, about 5 minutes. Add the carrot and celery and saute until the vegetables are tender, about 5 minutes. Add the turkey and saute 1 minute. Add the marinara sauce. Decrease the heat to medium-low and simmer gently for 15 minutes to allow the flavors to blend, stirring often. Stir in the basil. Season the sauce, to taste, with salt and pepper. (The sauce can be made 1 week ahead. Cool the sauce completely, then transfer it to a container and freeze for future use. Bring the sauce to a simmer before using.) 2. Meanwhile, cook the spaghetti in a large pot of boiling salted water until just tender but still firm to bite, stirring often, about 8 minutes. Drain, reserving 1 cup of the cooking liquid. Add the pasta to the sauce and toss to coat, adding enough reserved cooking liquid to moisten as needed. Serve with the Parmesan. Recipe courtesy of Giada De Laurentiis From Food Network


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TURKEY HASH WITH FRIED EGGS Ingredients: 3 tablespoons olive oil 3/4 pound red potatoes, diced 1 onion, chopped 1 red bell pepper, chopped Kosher salt and black pepper 1 cup diced roasted turkey or chicken 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley 8 large eggs

Directions: 1. Heat 2 tablespoons of the oil in a large skillet over medium heat. 2. Add the potatoes, onion, bell pepper, ½ teaspoon salt, and Ÿ teaspoon pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, until tender and golden brown, 12 to 15 minutes. 3. Stir in the turkey and parsley and cook, stirring occasionally, until heated through, about 3 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, heat the remaining tablespoon of oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. 5. Working in 2 batches, crack the eggs into the pan and cook, covered, to the desired doneness, 2 to 4 minutes for slightly runny sunny-side-up eggs. Serve with the hash. From Real Simple


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CHARITIES TO DONATE TO The holidays have a way of bringing out the best in people. It’s a time where there is love, kindness, and joy in the air that is so contagious it’s hard to resist. As you go out and purchase gifts for your family and friends, buy the necessary items for Christmas dinner, and turn up the heat as the weather continues to drop think of those who are less fortunate this Christmas. What this world needs is love and a helping hand and when we can’t physically help an individual this holiday season donating to a charity will do more than wishing you had extra time to donate your time. We’ve researched and pick our top charities we would love our subscribers this holiday season to donate to. It doesn’t matter the amount, but giving to those who are in need is what Christ wanted us to do.

For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy, and to the poor, in your land.’ Deuteronomy 15:11 ESV But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. Matthew 6:3-4 ESV



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5 THINGS THAT ARE STEALING YOUR HOLIDAY JOY By: Elizabeth Petters The holiday season is a time of joy. No matter what the past year has brought us, the holidays are a warm ending to another year. There’s nothing like family, good friends and food, and Christmas songs to raise our spirits, right? So why do the holidays often leave us more exhausted than when they began? Here are five practical ways to alleviate the holiday stress and bring back the joy of the season! 1. Just Say No. Admit it, we all have a hard time saying no to holiday hangouts. After all, it only comes once a year and we have to squeeze all the fun into a few weeks! But the truth is that sometimes we need to say no to filling our calendar and yes to nights of coziness and a good book. It may seem too hard to say no to another cookie swap, or your work Christmas party, but that may just be what you need. Listen to yourself; your body will tell you when you’ve had enough, you just have to listen. 2. Buy Less. Ever experience the stress of last minute gift shopping on Christmas Eve? I annually experience a minor freak out until all of my shopping is done. How do we remedy this? Buy less. Scratch some people off your gift-giving list or try your hand at homemade gifts. You can even organize a gift exchange for your extended family where everyone picks a name and then only buys a gift for that one person. This eliminates the stress of trying to buy the perfect gift for everyone and spending a lot of money you don’t really have. My family does this every year and it greatly alleviates my holiday stress! At the end of the day, it always helps to remind myself that gifts are an expression of love and not a replacement. Love is a far greater gift than anything we could buy. 92

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down fromt he Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17 ESV 3. Establish Traditions. Traditions are what really bring the holiday to life! I have so many wonderful childhood memories surrounding traditions my family had over the holidays. The completed manger scene that sits on the mantle in my house now is thanks to my mom’s tradition of giving us a nativity figure every year on Christmas Eve. Last year, my husband and I began a tradition of fun Christmas pajamas that we hope to continue with our kids in the years to come. Traditions enhance the anticipation of the holiday and solidify those memories that stay with us always. 4. Give Back. With the busyness of our holiday plans swirling around us, this one can be accidently overlooked. Make a solid effort this year to give to someone in your community. Not only will you be benefitting others, but also you will be humbled in the most beautiful way. Check the local food pantry and homeless shelter for volunteer opportunities. Take a year off from gift buying and give the money to a charity that moves you. Maybe there’s someone

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in your neighborhood who can’t afford gifts for their kids or food for their table. Keep your eyes and ears open to serve others and spread the true joy of the holidays.

story to life in a fun and exciting way. At this time of the year our faith shouldn’t become an afterthought or an accessory, but as always. A priority.

5. Remember The Reason For The Season. This pairs nicely with giving back. It’s easy to get caught up in the bells and whistles of the holiday season. There is so much to distract us from our truest joy found only in Jesus Christ. Take the time to honor our creator this holiday season through everything you do.

Now that the Holiday season is upon us I wish you all a blessed end to this year. May you feel the peace and joy that comes from truly knowing Jesus Christ, and may you experience His blessings in abundance. ■

Do you need some practical ways to do that? Don’t worry I have some! First and foremost, revisit number four and serve those around you in need of love and joy this Christmas. Set aside some time every Sunday to celebrate advent and read the story of Jesus’ birth. If you have little ones in your house, find an advent calendar that helps bring the Christmas

Elizabeth Petters has been a lover of words since she was small, and always aspired to be a writer. After graduating from college with a degree in Human Development, she decided to pursue her dream. Elizabeth is working on her first book, and blogging every moment she can! She believes that living with vulnerability and grace is the key to loving ourselves and others. Elizabeth currently lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and their grown-up puppy.


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SIMPLE DECORATING TIPS FOR A COZY MASTER BEDROOM By: Cheryl Allard Coming home to a cozy bedroom after a hard day’s work or being stuck in traffic for hours is a great way to relax. Everyone loves to curl up in bed and watch an old black and white movie or his or her favorite reality marathon on those cold and rainy days. I am going to share a few tips to improve several areas of your bedroom in order to achieve that cozy affect. Those areas will be color, comforters, curtains, and pillows. Everyone wants their bedroom to be comfortable and relaxing. Traditional Feng Shui, a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing everyone with their surrounding environment, says that blues can slow down your heart rate and lower your blood pressure. So first you should choose paint colors that are calming and relaxing. According to Jackie Jordan the director of Sherwin Williams, a light to medium shade of gray-blue will give this effect. Next, trade out your bedspread for a nice comforter in order to get that luxurious look. Something soft and puffy will do a great job. Using lights from lamps placed on your night stands in-


stead of your traditional ceiling lighting always makes the room look fabulous and rich. While addressing the night stand you should also reduce clutter on them by limiting the amount of items placed on them to three or four things; a lamp, picture, some greenery and maybe a figurine. For your curtains, choose a color that complements either your new comforter or throw pillows. I like curtains that I can use to darken the room on weekends so I can sleep in. You can also buy light colored curtains as long as they come with a dark liner. Another option is to paint one wall a smoke gray if you really want that cozy and warm feeling. If you are renting, check with your leasing agent before painting. Most rental properties only require that you return the walls to their original color before you leave. I hope these tips help you turn your bedroom into your personal paradise. Best of luck! â– Cheryl Allard is a mother, Christian, and began interior design at the early age of 17.

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Sometimes in life we find ourselves still dreaming the dream but not living the dream. We reach a place called “Stuck,” which has the potential to lead to discouragement and unhappiness. We do the same old mundane activities at the work, school, and/or home while constantly dreaming about and imagining the life we really want to lead. Some of us have even reached our big dream or goal in life and have been quite successful. Then over the course of time, a new dream emerges and we are no longer satisfied with our current success; this new desire begins to push us to attain the next thing for our life. I wrote a new book called, “Next” to show people how to manage the emotions of their current situation, encourage, and equip them to take strategic next steps toward their dreams. Anyone can apply these actions and ideas to his or her life. My hope is that in doing so, readers will find the motivation to pursue their dreams once again. For now, here is a little teaser of how you can start moving forward in 2016. Here are 3 simple steps to getting unstuck: 1. Realize You Don’t Have to Stay Stuck. One of the worst feelings in the world is being stuck in traffic when you are trying to get somewhere. It’s frustrating, aggravating, and irritating, even to the mildest-tempered person. To be perfectly honest, I can’t think of anyone who enjoys sitting in traffic. It’s usually a time that brings out the worst in humanity—especially in our language and behavior!

Apply that scenario to other parts of life, and the results are eerily similar. People are on their way somewhere every day. Some are repeating the same actions every day; some are trying to reach a dream they have been aiming at for quite some time. Then it happens. They hit a moment of standstill, sitting idle on the road, and they feel as if they aren’t going anywhere or making any progress.

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Whether you’re stuck in a job, situation, or circumstance, the feeling of going nowhere is simply no fun at all. It’s time to get you moving back in the direction of your dreams. You can do it. All you need is a little push in the right direction. Staying stuck is a choice and so is getting unstuck. That’s right you can make a choice right now and be determined that you won’t waste another minute in a place called settleville. That is the place that fears, distractions, and disappointments have caused people to call home simply because they feel as if it’s the best that they can do. No, there is more in you and more for you. 2. Let Go of Yesterday. When we signed our four-year-old son up for T-ball, I started practicing with him. We spent time in the backyard, practicing hitting the ball and grounding fielders. I taught him how to hit with a Nerf baseball bat and plastic Wiffle balls. But a couple of weeks before his first T-ball practice with his team, I bought him a real bat and ball because I knew they would be using the real thing for T-ball. When I brought the new bat and ball home, he was excited (just like I thought he would be), but he also looked at me and said, “What about my other bat?” I quickly said, “This is your new bat for T-ball.” When we practiced with it for the first time, he took a couple of swings and then began to whine for his old bat. He said the new bat was too heavy, he couldn’t hit with it, and he wanted his old one back because it was better. At that point I was a little frustrated because he was arguing with me instead of understanding that I was trying to help him. And that little aluminum bat wasn’t cheap! I knew I was going to have to change his mind-set quickly and that I had to communicate on a level that he could understand. I told him that the Nerf bat was for when he was younger, like his little sister, and that now he was a big boy about to play T-ball, and that was for big boys. He then said, “Oh, the Nerf bat is for babies and I’m not a baby anymore, Daddy. I’m a big boy.” He got it!


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And pretty soon he was able to swing the new bat just as well as the old one. It just took letting go of what was comfortable. When something new is happening in your life, sometimes the struggle you encounter is the very act of letting go of the old thing. The feeling of familiarity and comfort can keep you from taking the steps you need to take to be effective in your next season.

My encouragement for you today is to let go of: 1. Old mind-sets that are enslaving you 2. Old routines that are boring you 3. Old ways of thinking that are slowing your progress 4. Old expectations that are disappointing you 
5. Old associations that are draining you 6. Old habits that are hindering you 3. Get Rid of Your Excuses. The most destructive force against your dream is your excuses. Don’t let your excuses sabotage your future. Excuses are dream killers and progress stoppers. Some people even use them as a safeguard so they won’t have to take a step of faith and try something new. The only thing that lies between them and their destiny is the barricade of excuses that they have placed on the road themselves. In my personal opinion I think one of the biggest excuses that people give as to why they are not going after their dream, is the fear of failure. Success stories are often birthed from a compilation of failures and mistakes. There is life after your mistakes. There is a future 
beyond your failures. Don’t let the fear of failure stop you from accomplishing the dream that’s inside you. 98

I’ve also come to realize that many times it’s not just the fear of failure that stops us, but it is the fear of others seeing our failures that overwhelms us and stops us dead in our tracks. The thought of possible embarrassment can just be too much for us to deal with, and we don’t want to take that chance. This is where you need to get over the opinions of other people and start realizing that failures can be great teaching moments for you—and for them—along the journey. Failure is only negative when you fail to learn from it. Then your chances of a repeated failure are much higher. You must quit looking at failure as if it means the end of your dream. Start approaching your failures as if they are teachers that are educating you. See yourself becoming smarter, wiser, and better equipped because of each failure that you encountered along your journey. For those of you that are really ready to go after your dreams and make this Next year your best year ever, I encourage you to check out my new book “Next”. It’s a resource for people like you and me. It’s an easy ready with practical action steps that anyone can apply to their lives and start moving closer to their dreams. ■ I’m originally from San Antonio, TX and somewhere along my life journey I took what I call the “NEXT” step and it led me to Nashville, TN. I met my amazing wife Heather at our Church. She is a Forensic DNA Scientist (CSI stuff) so that pretty much keeps me in line. We have two beautiful children, Grayson & Kherington who are the love of our life. I am the Sr. Associate Pastor of Oasis Church in Nashville TN. I’ve been in ministry for over 17 years and love speaking to people from all walks and stages of life and encouraging them to keep moving, keep dreaming and keep reaching for the life that they have imagined. Some of the things I like to blog about are family, leadership and the NEXT. What I mean by that is some times in life we find ourselves still dreaming the dream but not living the dream. The good news is there are some Next steps that can get you there. My wife and I also have a passion to help singles, the divorced and dating couples by sharing our dating story. We are currently writing a book together so make sure to subscribe to my blog so I can keep you updated.

For more information on my Next book go here!


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By: Shalonda Haywood Have you ever thought to yourself while driving down a road, whether you were on the right road or not? Then, only later to find out you were on the wrong road headed in the wrong direction. Often times in life, we choose to take the wrong roads trying to get to our destination. For some of us it took going down several of the wrong roads in order to realize we were still lost. Throughout my life I traveled down some roads, I knew I should have avoided but I thought I knew the way. The dirt road was a road I traveled frequently thinking I would not be affected by the dirt and the dust clouds in the air. My view sometimes became cloudy because of the thick dust and dirt. 100

My life was surrounded by many ungodly and unclean things, which kept me from seeing what I needed to see. We have all been guilty at some point in our lives of being involved in something ungodly. I have always been told to surround myself with positive minded people who want something in life. The more I continued to travel down those cloudy roads, the harder it was for me to progress. It was at that moment when I almost lost my life in a terrible accident and my life flash before me. I decided to get rid of the things and people that were clouding my view. I took many detours in my life trying to avoid or find another way around the test and trials in my life. Not knowing that those

test and trials were there to shape and mold me into the person God had designed me to be. Detours are those alternative routes taken to avoid something that may be going on down a road. They can sometimes put you further away from your destination and/or take you longer to get to your destination. We have to avoid the roads (people or things) that offer us detours in life and prevent us from going down the road we have been assigned to take. Sometimes we avoid certain things because we do not know how to deal with the test and trials. For me, some of my test and trials were financial. I would always try to find a way around having to deal with what I knew was already there.

FGC | Culture There were times when I had no clue as to how a bill was going to be paid. My first thought was to come up with ways to get that bill paid by doing whatever it took to find the solution to my problem. I will admit I am guilty of thinking that getting a loan would solve my problem, when it actually put me in more debt than I was already in. I had to learn whenever I am faced with a situation; I need to continue to trust God rather than trying to find a way around it. I became a stronger and wiser individual when I learned to face my problems when they arrived instead of trying to take a detour. I learned to also be careful when traveling down those roads with caution signs such as “danger ahead” or “expect delays”. They are there to warn us of the potential delays in what we are expecting to happen. Like the job, you desired to have and they call you only to tell you they have selected someone else for the position. I have personally experienced this and thought there was something I wasn’t doing right. I had to remember the saying “delayed but not denied” because God was my provider.

These caution signs also warn us of the possible dangers and destruction we may be headed into if we don’t turn around and head in the right direction. You can be on your way somewhere you know you should not be going because of that inner feeling (warning) telling you not to go. We often ignore those warnings and continue to go on. When there is a connection with God, you know to listen because that inner feeling is not just a feeling, it is the Holy Spirit. The enemy will set traps or obstacles in our path but God gives us those spiritual warnings to prepare us so we are not distracted or affected by them. Being on rocky roads are the worse roads to be on because they tend to keep you unstable; they are the roads in life where we become indecisive in who we are living for. One day we confess to be a Christian and the next day we are living life as if there is no God in us. I used to think that as long as I went to church on Sundays I was living right. Through the week, I did everything under the sun and would ask God to forgive me for those things on Sunday. It was very hard to par-

ty in a club with worldly music by Salt-N-Pepper and Master P all night and in church the next morning singing, “God is a good God”. I had it all wrong and had learned that I had to be either hot or cold; either I was going to live for God or die and go to hell. We have to know without a shadow of doubt who and what we are determined to live for. God is still working on us all and there are times when you may feel as though your road is ending and you cannot find your way. Getting to the right road that is going to lead you to your destination requires you to make sure your vehicle (life) has downloaded the GPS (Gods Plan of Salvation) in your heart. That is when God steps in and gives you direction. If you plan to one day meet your eternal destiny, choose the right road that will lead to Christ and to your salvation! ■ Shalonda Haywood is a Christian and happily married to her best friend of 20 years, Santonio Haywood. She is the mother of 3 wonderful kids and 2 beautiful grand kids. She works full time at William Beaumont Army Medical Hospital. She loves spending quality time with her family and enjoys window shopping from time to time.


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HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE Finding the perfect gift for your loved ones, friends, or your co-worker for Secret Santa can be stressful. We go a round in circles in our mind on whether the gift that we chose is the one or contemplate how much we should spend on the gift. This gift guide we have will help you for every person on your gift list, and reduce your stress. We’ve handpick out gifts


for the coffee lover, the beauty addict, the fashionista, the tech junkie, the food, for the little munckins in your life, and under $30 gifts to bring to your office Secret Santa or White Elephant. Remember this holiday season that it’s not about how fancy your gift is, but that you took the time out of your schedule to get that special someone a gift.

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2. 3. 4.

6. 5. 7.

1. Keep Cups, $9-22 2. Morning Mug, $29 3. Nespresso VertuoLine Coffee & Espresso Maker, $199.95 4. AeroPress Espresso Maker, $29.95 5. Aerolatte Milk Frother, $19.95 6. Krups速 FastTouch Coffee and Spice Grinder, $19.95 7. Bialetti Simplicity French Press, $29.95


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5. 6.

1. Doll Carrier - Indigo Mint Dots, $25 2. Hape Push & Pull - Classic Wooden Wagon Ride On, $96.50 3. Security Blanket - Holiday Penguin, $9.99 4. Perplexus Epic, $31 5. Gevometric Fair Isle One-Piece, $39.95 6. Driftboard, $303 104

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7. 6.

1. Moustache Mug, $8 2. Mini Boho Glass Candle, $12 3. Speak Wines 2014, $25 4. Portable Phone Charger, $19 5. Lost Ocean: An Inky Adventure and Coloring Book, $10.17 6. Too Legit Water Bottle, $25 7. Threshold™ Stoneware Owl Cookie Jar - White, $19.99 105

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HOLIDAY TRADITIONS & MAKING NEW ONES By: Kenneth Wampler Holiday traditions can be the foundation of a family. From such an early age, you remember the pieces of the day that remind you of the holidays. It is the individual moments that come together to make a successful holiday. As families grow, it can be difficult to keep the same traditions. It is important to remember that, even when plans change; the important thing is who is involved. Here are some tips to stay positive and make the best of any changes that are happening to your standard holiday plan: - Remember what’s important - Focus on the children - Attend holiday events around town - Call and interact with family members Changes can be scary for multiple reasons. The holiday season can add additional stresses, add more anxiety, and pull out extra emotions. The key to beating the holiday stress is remembering what’s important. Don’t stress over food and decorations, they are not what’s important. Spending time laughing with family is important. Those are the memories that are priceless. Sometimes the best thing to do is put the worries in perspective and list out what moments need to be captured, and which ones can be lower on the priority list. As children grow it can sometimes cause chaos with the family tradition. As families grow, it can be hard to balance everyone’s schedule. One tip to helping is just remembering all the joy the holidays bring to the children. The children are building their own traditions, so it is important to give them similar moments to grow up with. 106

One way to fix any holiday blues is to attend local Christmas events around town. Many towns offer multiple holiday activities that incorporate parades, music, and craft events. This is one way to build new traditions with your immediate family. Many of these events happen before Christmas, which allows more flexibility with the scheduling. Not to mention, community involvement can be beneficial to the neighborhood. Here are some ideas to manage it all: - Focus on the items that mean the most - Talk with your family members - Talk to your employer It is important to remember what the best moments were. The moments that mean the most are normally those small moments that are remembered as a peaceful and happy time. One that is discussed with friends is when, as a child, they would help cook with their parents the night before the big family dinner; or, the moment setting out cookies for Santa. These moments are what keep the spirit alive. Because of busy schedules, it is important to communicate with everyone in your family and at work. By having open communication, a plan can be given to ensure everyone is involved and happy. The last thing you want during the holiday season is an upset family member or a bad time. One simple fix to help the holidays is calling and staying in touch with family members. If you are feeling down, you can always pick up the phone talk to your family. Sometimes this small gesture can really change the holiday season. As time goes by, changes are going to happen. It is important to focus on what’s important and really enjoy what the holidays can offer you and your family. ■ Kenneth is a skilled writer with a passion in all areas of media, fashion, and technology. His goal as a writer is to be authentic and practical.

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1. Nordic Ware Danish Ebleskiver Pan, $25 2. Apple-Tree-to-Be Kit, $22 3. Corvi Wine Cooler, $75 4. Large Suede Pot Holder, $22 5.Culinary Herb combo 6 plants, $34.95 6. Tree House Chocolate, $14 108


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ore than a year ago, I made a tough decision to pick up my belongings, take my toddler, and leave my husband and his family. The past several years had been filled with abusive behavior, and the relationship took a downward spiral when my husband was arrested for a serious crime. Although I wanted to do everything in my power to save my marriage and my family, I had come to realize that no one could redeem it except Christ Jesus. But my husband rejected the Lord, and consequently this proved to be a hopeless situation. 110

Either I would stay in this destructive relationship or I would get out of it to save my life and my daughter’s. I chose the latter. For me, leaving the comfort and security of what I knew for so long was quite difficult. I felt lost and certainly afraid; but I also knew that there was more for me if I would only believe. At first, I did not know where to go or who to run to, but I had hoped that my family would be able to help me escape this dark place I was in, and they did. After visiting one of my aunts back home, I told her of my situation and asked if my daughter and I could stay with her for a few months to get me back on my feet. She willingly and graciously complied. During my time with her, she shared many things with me about her own previous struggles of trying to make it with a toddler on her own. I could certainly relate to her. Looking at her now, she is incredibly successful because she was determined not to let her former relationship destroy the great possibilities of her future. She went on to raise a brilliant son and she created a successful career in the education field She even worked her way to establishing herself as a six-figure independent contractor to a large school district in the Bay Area. To say she did well for herself is an understatement. I learned a great deal from her during that short stay. More than anything, I learned about the power of sisterhood and motherhood. As women, we have a strong desire to see the best for

our offspring and ourselves. While we long to have a companion that will share the struggles and successes of life, it may not always turn out as we expect. I loved my husband dearly, more than myself. But I knew that staying with him would do more harm to me than good. What I have found in place of this loss is the growing desire to build solid relationships with other women who have been in similar positions. If we are willing, we can take the little that we have and create a foundation of support (financial, emotional, and spiritual) on which to stand. The journey of reestablishing a life for me and my daughter was difficult, yet enlightening. For so long, I had forgotten about the power I had to create something great. I was so tied into the destruction of my relationship that I had lost my identity as a secure, stable, and godly woman. The more I came in connection with other women who were like me, the more my strength was renewed. (Oh, the feeling that comes when we begin to see our value and our worth once again!) Having gone through this experience, I decided that instead of trying to fight through life alone, I would partner with other single mothers to create a secure home for our children. Just recently, I met with a single mother in Sacramento, CA. She and I will be sharing a 5-bedroom, 3,000-square-foot house in Elk Grove, CA where we intend to divide the cost of living. We both chose Sacramento because it was a place where we could start over. We devised a financial plan that

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worked best for us for the upcoming year. By 2017, I intend to make this experience more official by starting another business that connects professional, single mothers with other women who are also looking to create stability for them and their children. This is what I identify as the power of sisterhood and motherhood. Sisterhood does not necessarily have to be blood-related. Rather, it can be a spiritual connection. If you are like I was, and you are wanting to get out of a dark situation—whether lack, poverty, stress, whatever—consider the possibility of partnering with other sisters to help share the burden of being a single mother. You may find that it is the answer you needed in order to alleviate the problems that you have been facing. In doing so, you make it possible to establish financial stability and security for you and your children’s future. It’s a wonderful thing to empower others and to be empowered by others. ■ Felecia Searvance is an expert writer, editor, and educator, providing more than ten years of combined work experience. She first began her working career as a high school teacher in Fairfield where she taught English Language Arts for 9th-12th graders. She then took her passion for education and the power it wields to others, and transitioned into the entrepreneurial sphere. She founded LiyahAmore Publishing in 2011, where she continues providing expert writing and editing services to hundreds of writers and authors.


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1. Living Proof Happy Hair Days Kit, $32 2. bareMinerals Up Close & Beautiful: 30 Day Complexion Starter Kit, $22 3. Elizabeth and James Nirvana Black Gift Set, $75 4. beautyblender the original beautyblender速 with mini solid速, $25 5. Sephora Favorites Draw The Line, $30 6. SEPHORA COLLECTION Precious Elements Anti-Bacterial Brush Set, $62 7. Ole Henriksen Merry & Bright Duo, $24 112



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By: Timothy Johnson

The Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons have always been particularly exciting, musically, for me. As a songwriter and musical producer, I have always enjoyed arranging music during this season. We begin with a season in history where there is a celebration of harvest, which represents gratitude to God for allowing there to be a harvest. Gratitude by definition is the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful. It is also synonymous with showing appreciation. Music has historically played a vital part in embracing the idea of gratitude and appreciation for the goodness of God. As a worship leader, I often find myself leaning on songs I’ve sung for many years, rather than some of the newer 114

music. Songs like “Thank You”, penned by the late Walter Hawkins and “Thank You Lord”, penned by the late Andrae Crouch, embrace proper theological idealism and perspective of the theme of thankfulness and gratitude. Opposed to the shallow idealism captured recently in music. The Christmas season is one of the most important seasons in church history, as it celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the focus of our belief. We have a great opportunity to sing songs that celebrate the virgin birth and embrace the majestic entrance into the earth of God robed in human flesh.

FGC | Entertainment What a privilege to perform music that celebrates an event that changed the very course of history. We must treasure the moment, especially during these times where the Christ of Christmas is being silenced by a society that has somehow forgotten the true meaning of what we were created to celebrate. In scripture, the statement of melody brings out some very distinct illuminations. Here are just a few:

For the Lord shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody. Isaiah 51:3 KJV

Take an harp, go about the city, thou harlot that hast been forgotten; make sweet melody, sing many songs, that thou mayest be remembered. Isaiah 23:16 KJV Speaking to yourselves in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Ephesians 5:19 KJV In all of the above examples, whether a melody, song, or music played or sang, it caused there to be remembrance of the goodness and provisions of God. Let us not allow society to inhibit or restrict us in our embrace of the elements given to us by God, but let us be reminded of His mercy and His greatness towards us. Remember,

He dwells in the midst of praise; so, every opportunity you have to praise creates a place for Him to not only visit but to remain. ■A native of New Britain, Connecticut, Minister Timothy Johnson began to operate in his gift of music at age 7 and is a prolific songwriter, recording artist, producer, and keyboardist. In 1983, Tim relocated to San Antonio, Texas and continued to assist the ministry as Praise and Worship Leader and a Minister of Music. During this time he was also the national organist for the International Pentecostal Young People’s Union of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World until 1985. Currently Tim Johnson is the Pastor of Rapha Reformation Inc. as well as Advisor to the Pastor of Music and Worship at Place For Life and travels as a musician, evangelist and teacher. He also heads up Timstrel Music Studios LLC where he produces, trains and does seminars on music production, songwriting as well as instrumental and vocal coaching.


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1. sézane® madame pouch, $95 2. Rosanna Ladies Choice Chic Happens Tray, $20 3. Lace-up Heeled Shoes with Mesh Detail, $89.90 4. Strut iPhone 6 & iPhone 6s Case, $32 5. The Nubuck Street Shoe, $95 6. High Heel Velvet Ankle Boots, $99.90 7. Love Style Life, $17.44 116

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1. Linea N째2 Faceted Ceramic & Rose Gold, $79.99 2. Polaroid Snap Instant Digital Camera, $100 3. Apple TV, $149 4. Nest Cam, $199 5. UE ROLL - Sugarplum, $99.99 6. Amazon Echo, $179.99 117

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Š Delaney


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JESSICA WEIMER By: Sherisse’ D. Woodley Tell me about yourself: I’m a Kansas-born gal who traveled the yellow brick road all the way to the City of Angels to pursue my dreams. When did you discover you wanted to do music? I honestly have loved music as long as I can remember. My mom has home-video footage of me singing in front of the fire place at 3 years old (I think my audience was composed of my parents and my stuffed animals). I started playing violin at age 9 and I’ve been performing in musicals, theater, and in front of my teddy bears since I was a tot. What’s the story with Telltale Signs? This is going to be a little cheesy—I apologize ahead of time. Here goes: I had this really catchy melody pop in my head one day with the lyrics “you tell me I’m perfect, you know I’m not.” Those words were on my mind because I was thinking of my boyfriend, Almog, who completely accepts me and loves me for who I am. It was so wonderful and refreshing to be in a relationship where I could be myself, and it still is. I had to write about it.

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Sometimes lyrics and melodies come at the same time, and that’s a miracle. Where do you draw your inspiration from? I’m such a relationship person. Not just romantic—all relationships are important to me, so I use the emotions I get from my relationships to draw inspiration. My friendships and relationship with my boyfriend and family members all affect me deeply. Being in love always provides lots of inspiration, as you can tell thanks to every love song ever. What artists styles do you think you can relate your music to? I love the classics like Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holiday, but I also love Ingrid Michaelson and Sara Bareilles. I think my music reflects the jazzy and indie/pop notes from both genres. What is your favorite Christmas song and why? Oh Holy Night is the song that always gives me goose bumps because the vocals are so powerful. I feel the feels with that one. What are some of your favorite Christmas traditions? My favorite Christmas tradition is turning off all the lights at night except for the tree and listening to music while gazing at the twinkling glow. It’s so beautiful and serene. I also love going to the local garden center in my home town because it’s decked out like a winter wonderland and looks absolutely amazing. ■

When are you releasing your next song? TBD. Hopefully sometime in February or March. I have a music video coming out for Telltale Signs in January, though! What is your writing process? My writing process is so disorganized. I usually have a melody come to me and I record it on my phone so I don’t forget it. Then I write lyrics based on what inspired the melody. 119

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Š Marcus

Andrew Moore

CHRISTOPHER COLLINS MOORE By: Sheralyn Y. Woodley Chris, you have been a musician and a singer for many years. When did you realize that God had blessed you with your gifts? It was probably when I was 10 and my dad bought me my first guitar. When I picked it up it felt like something I was doing my whole life and I was meant to do for the rest of my life. It was as natural as brushing your teeth or washing your face in the morning. 124

Who has been instrumental in helping you develop your gifts? Jonathan Salas helped me realize that the guitar can do so much more than what I thought it could at the time. Then that opened the door to so many other things to learn from other people like Stevie Ray Vaughan, Erik Johnson, Erik Gales, John Mayer, and other great guitarists.

John Forbes helped me cultivate song production skills and took my song writing skills to another level. He helped me understand the intricacies of song writing, like how short a song should be or how to make a song so that someone can understand what you’re talking about in a song. How many instruments do you play and which one is your favorite and why? I play the guitar, piano, bass, and drums. My favorite is the guitar because when I play a guitar I am able to express what’s on my heart, mind, and soul. This allows me all of the best at one time. It’s an outflow of what I’ve been living and I am able to show everyone where I am. Tell us about how you started as a musician and singer? When I was 13, I led worship in our Jr. High Chapel at the school that I attended. List the bands/groups that you have played with. - Oh Broken Remedy - Ana Paula (Diante do Trono - Brazilian artist) - Codigo - CFNI (Christ for the Nations Institute) - We Light the Night You are a songwriter, what are the songs you have written and tell us something about the songs. I’ve written many songs but they usually fall into 2 categories: worship songs and songs for my band. When I’m writing a worship song I’m thinking about Jesus and what He’s done. He’s taken the sins of the world. Also about who He is; He is love. I let that be the center/foundation of the songs I write. My central focus is to show someone through a song that Jesus gave His life for ALL of their sins and asking for nothing in return. He gave up His life and gave us love. When I’m writing a song for my band the message is the same but the “language” is more understandable to someone who may not believe in Christ or has doubts about if God really exists. What made you decide to go to Christ for the Nations Institute (CFNI)? I was looking on youtube and came across a song

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called Blood So Beautiful (a song off one of the schools album recordings). I remember thinking to myself, man I have to be in this place. Through this song God had His grip on me to go there. You met your wife Nahomi at CFNI. How did this happen? At first we were just really good friends. We hung out all the time and played youth conferences together. I guess we just grew on each other and started seeing ourselves as more than friends. We just knew we were supposed to get married so we did it 3 months later! You also now have a beautiful young girl. What is it now like being a daddy? How has it changed your life? My awareness has changed and it’s made me a lot more protective of my family. It’s fun being a dad, watching your little girl grow, and seeing how much she’s learned in 2 months. This will be the first Christmas that you will have a family of your own, how will this one be different than the ones before? I definitely feel a lot older because I’ll be getting gifts for my own child. Family is really important to us, and being around people we love. What advice would you give to young musicians who are starting out? Be teachable!! Humble yourself; that’s a great place to start. We want to create a Holiday Playlist by Chris Moore and the songs on it would be …. - Reliant K Christmas - Tooth and Nail Christmas Albums - Justin Biebers Christmas Album ■ Chris, what are you currently doing? I am working at CFNI in the studio and writing songs for CFN music. I am also recording music for one of my projects, “Oh Broken Remedy”. My future plans are to be at CFNI for a few more years and eventually move and maybe be a pastor… That ones up to God!




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MY STEPS TO THE STAGE By: Pastor Fred Thomas

Life has a way of taking you down a very unfamiliar path sometimes. Just when you think you’re on a designated journey God flips the script. For me, it was about a year and a half ago that I really thought I was moving towards my goals. I was focused on my music and trying to make ends meet. I was working two part time jobs, that were barely paying the bills, but I knew greater was coming.

to my Facebook page, to my surprise thousands of people started watching this video within a matter of hours. A few days passed and I decided to make another version entitled, “It Ain’t No Fun Being Fat on Labor Day”. The following Saturday morning my phone began to blow up! Comedian D.L. Hughley had shared the Labor Day version and the rest is history.

One day while going through my newsfeed on Facebook, I ran across a friend making videos about eating. I thought to myself, eating may be fun but being fat certainly is not. So, as a rebuttal I made my first video entitled, “It Ain’t No Fun Being Fat”. The video was mainly about the negative things overweight people have to encounter from day to day.

I had no idea that making these videos would create a platform for me to become a comedian. It took me a minute to grasp the fact that people thought I was very funny. I’ve always enjoyed making people laugh, but I never dreamed I could do it for a living. I had never performed comedy on a professional level; so, I knew I had to become a student of the craft. I would sit at work for hours watching different comedians and how they worked the stage. I figured, if this is what I’m going to be, I may as well be the best at it. Almost immediately, my inbox started filling up with requests to perform.

Another internet sensation, whose videos had gone viral about eating, had just passed away from complications with diabetes at the age of 23. I wanted to shed a little light on the problems of being overweight in a funny manner. I uploaded the video 128

At first I was not taking it seriously, but then God spoke to me and said I am removing you from “church work” to “Kingdom work”. He said to me, “I’m sending you where the church won’t go.” He was letting me know that it was ok to make people laugh and that they needed to laugh. Now I get numerous testimonials from people that have seen my videos or attended a live show. This is really happening, more and more people are beginning to follow me on social media. Being on stage was a lifelong dream for me. I started traveling and singing at the age of 16. I knew then that I would be on a stage for the rest of my life. Seeing the look in people’s eyes from the stage is priceless; I would do it for free if I could. Becoming a comedian has had its challenges as well; I grew up in a very strict Pentecostal environment that did not believe in telling jokes. I always heard those old preachers say “jokes are lies.” At the time, I had been active in Ministry for more than 20 years, but this was like nothing I had ever done. Building a message to preach comes from the Bible and much prayer. Writing a song comes from the heart, but jokes have to be created. I had to learn that it is not always about finding funny things but making things funny. My comedy is clean Christian comedy; I believe you can laugh without being vulgar. Most of my com-

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edy comes from being in church all my life. Contrary to belief a lot of funny stuff happens in church. I also talk about myself. I often take some of the most tragic times of my life and make them funny. I believe we should be able to laugh at the trials that God has brought us through. I can remember when I first started compiling the videos; I got a message from a young lady in Florida telling me about her dad. She said he had been ill for some time and hadn’t laughed in forever. She showed him my videos and he started laughing, that made my day. It let me know that what I was doing had real meaning. Laughter is like medicine and it is proven to heal a broken heart. My mission is to help heal the land, one laugh at a time. With all that is going on in our world, it is my hope that laughter will be a key component to help this nation cope. ■ Anointed, hilarious and genuine are just a few words to describe The Pastor Fred. From his humble beginnings in Greenville TX, The Pastor Fred has strived to find the funny in all situations. His comedic personality, melodious voice and keen ability to deliver God’s Word has allowed him to bless audiences wherever he goes. In recent days he has become a social media sensation. His hysterical home videos entitled “It Ain’t No Fun Being Fat” have been viewed more than 1,000,000 times on Facebook alone. His quick wit coupled with that southern gospel squall makes him a POWERFUL force on stage, radio and TV.


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