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Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions. -Pablo Picasso

Pensez is a trend book filled with thought-provoking images and writing to give

you inspiration and ideas

for interior decoration. Our aim is to encourage you to think deeper

about the sentiment and emotions associated





choose. Our magazine is visual and conceptual, you are encouraged to

use the images and writing to make informed and conscientious decisions

regarding your interior decoration and interpret them into your own style.



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What is colour?

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Blue is ...

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Green Is My Favourite Colour

Page 35


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Page 43






What is colour? Colour is everything. Colour is emotion, memories and feelings. Colour is all around us, it is happiness,

love, sadness and grief all mixed into one. Colour helps us see the joy in life, and helps us overcome

the sadness. Colour reminds us of those we love,

and those we loved; things we have overcame and things we have yet to come. Colour is universal. Colour is what defines us; the colour of your hair, the colour of your eyes; your skin, your

lips. It is what separates us from each other but ultimately brings us all together. Colour is not just visual, but what we feel, smell, hear and taste.

It is a way of expression, and a sign of identity.



Image Above: What do colours mean to you?

Image Opposite: Let your creativity flow and paint, create and expriement with your home interiors. What is your emotional attatchment with the colours you are using?


Blue is swimming in the ocean like a boat; gentle waves keeping you afloat, Purple is the sound of a thunderstorm, Yellow is something happy and warm. Pink is that feeling when you have your first kiss; something so special, a moment of bliss. Green is the smell of grass freshly cut; Brown is the taste of a sweet chestnut. Red is a trumpet loud and clear; Black is the hair of someone so dear. And white is not quite what it seems; for it is all I see before I dream.

Opposite Page: Oil pastels create an array of colours represented in the poem above. Close your eyes and imagine the colours described.




Image opposite: The front cover image shows an group of crayons, what colour stands out to you the most?

Image Above: Visualise that colour, what does it taste like? What does it smell like? Who does it remind you of?

Image Below: Why does that colour stand out to you the most?



What does the colour black represent to you?


Pantone Black


Pantone Darkness



The darkness is suffocating. I can feel it building up inside. It starts in the pit of my stomach like a burning ball of fire before

spreading around my body until it becomes to much to bear. The anger is rising up and I don’t know what to do. I can’t breathe.

This feeling of rage is asphyxiating, the walls are closing in around me and all I can feel is this pure black anger inhabiting my body. It’s paralysing. I close my eyes and that familiar sense of impenetrable darkness

surrounds me. I feel so disconnected, I feel so lonely. I raise my arms up and feel the cold walls; I run my hands up and down. I’m so enclosed.

I clench my fists and dig my nails deep into the palm of my hands. Breathe. Just breathe.

You can get through this; you will get through this.


I squint my eyes together and dig my nails in deeper, my breathing

gets heavier and I start gasping for air; inhaling every last drop in

the room. It tastes clean and crisp; like a late November morning

by the sea, when the wind is cold and it makes you huddle up in your jacket. I can hear the soothing sound of the foam topped waves crashing relentlessly together; the air tastes salty and I can

smell seaweed. The sky is a beautiful shade of deep steel blue-grey,

and the soft grey clouds are slowly passing by, their movement is barely noticeable; even the birds are wheeling in slow lazy arcs. My breathing slows down, my fists loosen their knuckle white grip

and I anxiously open my eyes. The room is no longer coal black, streams of mid-morning light flood the room, hitting everything like a soft blanket of warm honey. The feeling of rage inside me

is melting away like white snow on an early Spring morning;

the walls are no longer velveteen black but their normal shade

of soft white . I take a step forward into the light and I can feel the anger leaving my body, I am no longer its prisoner. I close my eyes

and breathe a sigh of relief as the golden sunlight hits my face. -21-


Image Opposite: Neutral tones represent comfort and warmth. Think of the feeling you get when you put your favourite jumper on, how does it make you feel?

Image Below: Is it soft? Imagine rubbing your jumper against your skin, is it soft and carressing?




Image Below: What is your favourite colour? Why is it your favourite colour?


Green is my favourite colour


Green Is My Favourite Colour

Green is my favourite colour. I do not know why, except that it

reminds me of happier times. When you were alive, when the world

was vibrant and when life seemed to have meaning. The day you

died I spent hours looking at your sunken face; you looked nothing like the strapping, handsome man I had fallen in love with but every

time I looked at you, your face was softly faded like parchment paper, your hair was that familiar shade of goose grey and your beautiful

eyes looked up at me as though to re-assure me that everything was going to be okay. Oh those eyes. I remember the day I first met you.

I averted my gaze to the the steel blue sky out of fear of possibilities

but when I finally gathered the courage to meet your endearing stare, a shiver of golden light raced down my spine and I knew. I knew that you were the one. When you left me, I felt like an empty shell, it was as though you

had took every last fragile fragment of my soul with you, and my love; it was yours to take. What started as numbness quickly

deteriorated into what felt like my heart being ripped apart by the absence of your being. And that is when the exuberance of

colour left my world, because I could feel nothing but affliction without you by my side. I no longer wanted to see the saffronyellow rays of sunshine or the inky depths of the ocean without you. -28-

It’s strange what grief does. I felt like I was no longer alive, my soul

had been wrenched from my weak body and I was desolate, my heart

ached yearned to be reunited with you. From the outside I was alive, but on the inside I was no longer there; for I died when you did.

Sometimes, I lie in the freshly cut grass, close my eyes and inhale that distinct, intoxicating, herbaceous smell, and it reminds me of that summer we spent in New Zealand drinking too much Sauvignon Blanc. The blades of grass soften and suddenly, I can

feel your arms wrapped around me, reassuring and comforting and

taking me to our place; a sanctuary of happiness where nothing can harm us. When I close my eyes I can smell your aftershave in the folds of your neck and it makes me feel like home. You smelt like

an evergreen forest, undiscovered and comforting, even in silence. Perhaps that is why my favourite colour is green; because it is you, and every time I see it,

I smile silently to myself, because I know you are there. -29-




Image Opposite: Think of the texture assosciated with your favourite colour. Is it smooth? Or is it textured and rough?

Image Above: What object is your colour? How does it smell?



Blue Her eyes are no ordinary blue. They aren’t the rich hue of freshly bought denim, or the colour of a

calm blue sky or even the colour of freshly bloomed bluebells; they are blue like the sea. Turquoise,

crystal clear blue shimmering eyes; although that is probably an understatement. They are iridescent

and flecked with every shade imaginable; too bold to be baby blue, too soft to be cerulean. They are

calm, loving and kind, a total embodiment of her.

Oppsite Page: Different shades of blue and green




Opposite Page: How bright is your favoruite colour? Close your eyes and think of memories assosciated with it.

Yellow. I am allergic to lemons, so it is ironic that I love the colour yellow, given that my hands swell to the size

of grapefruits and it becomes difficult to breathe

at even the slightest touch of one. But yellow is my

happy colour. Yellow is the summer I spent in France, laughing and playing and learning to ride my bike.

Every time I look at those photos it makes me smile; I remember that lemon yellow pantsuit my mother forced me to wear and I chuckle because it really was

quite lovely, it was soft linen and had such delicate

detailing, I was petrified to wear it for fear of getting grass stains on the knees. Yellow is that feeling of the

sun hitting your back; warm and runny like an egg yolk, gently erotic, it smells fruity and fragrant like a honeysuckle. It is the sound you hear when you put your ear to a seashell in hope of hearing waves

gently lapping, or the refreshing taste of homemade lemonade, tangy and sweet at the same time.




Opposite Page: Is your colour addictive?

Image Below: How does your favourite colour make you feel?



Pink. Pink is the feeling I got when we had our first kiss,

a deep magenta filled my body; it was bold and unexpected. Your lips were soft, and your strong

arms were wrapped around my waist; I felt safe and blissfully unaware of anything else going on

around us. My hands were locked around your neck, my fingers were gently tugging at your thick dark hair; I was completely pink. Pink is that feeling I get when your soft hazel eyes meet mine, and I

can feel the flutter of soft pink butterflies in my stomach. It’s been two years now, and that magenta

has faded to a softer rose; it’s warm and reassuring

even on the darkest, coldest day- although I still

get waves of magenta if you catch me by surprise.

Image Opposite: Did you feel pink when you had your first kiss?


Photography and writing by Faith Mitchell

Pensez 2016

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