FaithTalk Magazine Fall 2019

Page 1

The Power Of Prayer Page 10

Overcoming "Life's Entanglements" Through Prayer Page 22

Finding Your Place In God's Larger Story Page 33




Barb Yoder General Manager

ph: 813-349-8232 fax: 813-639-1272

5211 W Laurel St. Tampa, FL 33607

Greetings Friend! We chose “Prayer” to be the focus of this FaithTalk issue for some very personal reasons. About this time last year, three of our Salem Media staff in our Tampa office (including me) were diagnosed with cancers. As you can imagine, these diagnoses rocked our otherwise normal lives, but because of our faith in Jesus Christ, our prayers and the prayers of so many others, we have come through cancer with a deeper faith and a closer walk with the Lord than ever before. In Luke 18, Jesus told his disciples a parable of the judge and the widow to show them that they should “always pray and not give up”. And 1Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to “pray continually”.

God wants to have an intimate relationship with each of us through prayer and thanksgiving. Do you have that kind of relationship with God? Don’t wait until life rocks your world to talk with God in prayer continually throughout your day. Start by asking Jesus into your life, accepting that He died, was buried and resurrected as payment for your sins and that through believing this you’re a forgiven child of God. I praise God each of the cancers that hit the three of us are gone! Heaven is my home and someday my body will give out, but until the day that God calls me home I strive as it says in Romans 12:12 to “be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer”! Be encouraged in your prayer life through the radio ministries’ messages on FaithTalk Radio heard on AM570, FM100.3, AM910 and FM102.1, streaming at, on Alexa at FaithTalk Tampa or download our app FaithTalk 570 & 910. We praise God for the many broadcast and digital sources to hear the inspired Word of God! And turn the pages ahead to read some wise insight on prayer. Serving you and our ever-present God,

BARBARA J. YODER GENERAL MANAGER FaithTalk 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM and 102.1 FM


General Manager BARBARA YODER

Production Director/Morning Host BILL CARL

General Sales Manager STEVEN BALTIMORE

Afternoon Host CASEY MYRICK

Promotions & Marketing Director ZULIMAR RODRIGUEZ

The Bill Bunkley Show Host BILL BUNKLEY

Operations Manager JOE WEAVER

On-Air Studio Engineer Operations Asst. Mgr. JOSE CRUZ



Business/Traffic Director KIMO GRAY Office Manager/Human Resources TAMMY BANCROFT

Email letters to Barb Yoder *Any comments sent to us shall be subject to and governed by Salem Media Group for any use at its discretion. Comments may be edited for length and clarity.

Please contact Zuli Rodriguez via email zuli@salemtampa. com to be added to the mailing list, report a change of address or to request a bundle of magazines.

Executive Sales Director MERRY BROCKET Sr. Media Specialist MARC LECHER Sr. Media Specialist (Sarasota) RACHEL KNIPFER Sr. Media Specialist (Sarasota) REBECCA MARCHINO

On-Air Studio Engineer YEHUDY DIAZ On-Air Studio Engineer KEVIN SWARTS On-Air Studio Engineer KENNETH ZYER Traffic Coordinator CINDY SHEFFER

6 All Stressed Up And No Where To Go

by David Jeremiah

10 The Power Of Prayer

by Gary Roy

14 When Your Prayer Is: Lord Am I Going To Live Or Die by Bill Bunkley

16 How Honest Are You?

by Bryant Golden

19 Where The Action Is: Victory Is Achieved Not On The Field Of Conflict But The Hill Of Prayer by Charles Stanley

22 Overcoming "Life's Entanglements" Through Prayer by Steven Weiler

25 Red Sea Moments

by Joe Harris

28 Praying Gods Heart

by Joni Erickson Tada

31 The Only Source Of Wisdom

by John MacArthur

33 Finding Your Place In God's Larger Story by Jim Daly Inspiration behind the theme for this edition of FaithTalk Magazine “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)

All Stressed Up, with Nowhere to Go by Dr. David Jeremiah

I was only thirty-five, so I ignored the pain the first time it occurred. The second time, my chest squeezed sharply as I bent over my desk a few days later. I knew it couldn’t be disregarded any longer. I thought about all the men I knew who were in seemingly good physical shape that had dropped dead of a heart attack at a relatively young age. So, I headed in to see my doctor. I admit to being filled with apprehension. Although I was in pretty good shape, I was concerned that the chest pain was some kind of warning sign I should not ignore. The doctor put me through a stress test, and then sent me to more specialists. Eventually we sat down to talk about what the test revealed. I braced for the worst. “You’re going to die one of these days,” the doctor said bluntly, “but it won’t be from your heart. Your heart’s as strong as a horse.” He went on to identify the suspected source or my discomfort—stress. I sat there for a few moments, 6


digesting that information. Stress was toward you, changing to a better job, causing my heart very real, physical the birth of a baby, or too much noise pain. I didn’t know whether to be where you work.” relieved—or embarrassed. On the bad side, stress is a major “What’s your lifestyle like?” the contributor to heart problems, some doctor wanted to know. forms of cancer, accidental injury, cirrhosis of the liver, and depression. I’d spent the past several years as Stress can be dangerous to your pastor of a growing church, working health, so its warning signs are not on my seminary doctorate, being to be ignored. a husband to my wife and being a father to my young children. Researchers tell us that we’re a stressed-out culture. People The doctor quickly classified me as everywhere feel the effects of stress a hard driving, over-achieving “Type in anxiety, headaches, tension, and A” personality—a stressor in and of burnout. Prescription drugs for itself. dealing with various manifestations of stress are the most prescribed of Was I stressed? No doubt about it. the last century. And the chest pain had indeed been a warning. We, as Christians, are not immune to stress either. Many of the most The Many Symptoms of Stress famous preachers in history, wellrespected, spiritual men like Charles Stress, according to John Meadows, H. Spurgeon, suffered from major educator and lecturer on stress depression, which was probably management, is “your body’s physical, stress-induced. mental, and chemical reactions to circumstances that frighten, excite, In other words, often people who confuse, endanger, and irritate you. work the hardest and strive for Stress can be good or bad. It can be excellence feel very stressed and are a car wheeling around the corner prime candidates for burnout.

FAITHTALK 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM & 102.1 FM

Burnout, in particular, is a prevalent indicator of stress and a big problem for Christians. It has been defined as “working hard and diligently toward a goal that can never be achieved.” In other words, there will always be more that we can do for Christ.

relationship with God. We’ll always have outer stress, but when our life is built on an inner strength through our relationship with God, outside influences have limited ability to shake us. To build inner strength we need to get into God’s Word, and get God’s Word into us. We need The Peace We Need to hear it, read it, memorize it and meditate on it. As we do, our lives Christians are no more immune to will be strengthened and made ready stress and burnout than anyone else. to meet with whatever stress comes But, we have been given effective our way. resources for coping. The secret to diffusing the stress in your life is Pray. In Philippians 4:6, the apostle found in knowing peace. Peace is the Paul instructed us to “Be anxious for opposite of stress. nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, Although you can’t prevent stress— let your requests be made known to you would get stressed just trying to God; and the peace of God, which avoid it—you can put the power of surpasses all understanding, will peace in your life to counter it. The guard your hearts and minds through peace that comes from God is more Christ Jesus.” than a match for stress. Praying sounds simple enough, Now you may be thinking, “I’ve got but it takes discipline to accomplish. God’s peace, but the stress is winning.” When I pray, I like to write out an Every Christian who knows God has actual list of my cares and concerns. a kind of peace. You have peace with Then, as I bow and pray, I picture God. Your relationship with God has myself handing everything on my list, been restored through Jesus Christ one by one, over to God. I determine for eternity. to leave my list there with Him before I say amen. Often, when I’m tempted But not every Christian has the to go back and get the list—and I am peace of God. This is peace that tempted—I remind myself that those you can possess, but it’s one that concerns are now God’s problem. I you must diligently pursue. It’s the remind myself, “No, I’ve committed kind of peace that is guaranteed to my cares to God. I refuse to worry any Christian you will take the right about it because God can handle it.” steps to de-stress, rather than stay distressed. Eliminate sin. You avoid stress when you avoid sin. It sounds so Practice These De-stressors simplistic, doesn’t it? You invite stress into your life by refusing to live as There are several ways to de-stress disciple of Jesus Christ. When you our lives: deliberately ignore God’s commands, you commit to self-induced stress Live life from the inside out. because you are living a double life. We are strong enough to face In fact, when you’re experiencing outward stress when we have spent undue stress, you ought to first check time strengthening our personal to make sure you’re following the will LETSTALKFAITH.

of God . . . because living outside of God’s will is a very stressful place to be. Remember Jonah? Fast. Fasting, or denying oneself physical nutrition for a time, is a neglected discipline in our society today, but the Bible promises great strength and power when prayer is coupled with fasting. Jesus recommend prayer and fasting to His disciples when they were confronted by the most stubborn demons (Matthew 17:21). Prayer and fasting also can be a powerful prescription for chronic stress. It empowers you to break the chains of stress you are bound in. Find solitude. You probably spend a lot of time in the company of other people. Even when you’re home alone, you turn on the TV or radio for company. We’ve forgotten how to live quietly, but often that’s where we can hear God best. If you’re experiencing stress in your life, try spending more time alone. Talk a walk, sit outside on the porch or find a quiet room inside. Cultivate quiet times into your life. You’ll feel less stressed and begin to hear what you hadn’t heard before with clarity, beginning with the voice of God. Streamline your agenda. Take the bold step of saying “no” once in awhile. Reduce your stress by taking control of your calendar. Remember, God alone should set the pace. You cannot give in to demands for your time that God has not endorsed. Seek Him as you plan your day. Cultivate a positive attitude. In Philippians 4:8, we are told by the apostle Paul to think on what is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, good, virtuous, and praiseworthy. In Philippians 2:5, Paul tells us to “let this mind be in you which was also FALL 2019



in Christ Jesus.” Sometimes we bring stress into our lives by dwelling on the negative or by giving in to worry, fear, anger, or bitterness. I’m sure you’ve heard the popular phrase that Christian teenagers have made their call to discipleship: “What would Jesus do?” Another question you can ask yourself in light of Philippians 2:5 is: “What would Jesus think?” If you resolve to have the mind of Christ, you’re going to be less stressed in your thinking. Maintain your temple. God created your body and soul to be unified. What affects one will affect the other. Eating right, exercising, and

taking time for rest and relaxation are important to reducing stress. The Christian has even more of a mandate to pay attention to physical fitness because we have been told explicitly that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Take good care of yourself. Eat healthy foods, get the proper amount of exercise, and purposefully pursue some form of relaxation and rest, when rest is called for. If you have been dealing with stress in your life, be encouraged! The God of all time and space is caring for you and is watching out for your needs. His power is above anything that

can cause stress in your life, and His peace is so supernaturally comforting that the Scripture says it can’t be understood by our human minds. One of Jesus’ great promises is found in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” A modern paraphrase reads like this: “Good morning, this is God! I will be handling all your problems today. I will not need your help—so, have a good day.” All stressed up with nowhere to go? With God you always have somewhere to go no matter what you’re facing! In Him you will find rest.

Dr. David Jeremiah is the founder of Turning Point Radio and Television Ministries and senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in California. Tune in weekdays at 4:30 am, 8:30 am and 1:30 pm to hear the teachings of Dr. David Jeremiah on FaithTalk 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM & 102.1 FM.

When God wins a city over to Christ, it’s through the local church. We at FaithTalk know that, as Bible teachers, you are the voices of God in the Tampa Bay area. And, because your message is so critical, we want to help you expand your church’s ministry.


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Barb Yoder

General Manager 813-349-8232 |



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Allen Jackson Ministries with Pastor Allen Jackson Weekdays at 8:00AM As a young man, Pastor Allen Jackson made a decision to spend his life sharing with others what he had discovered to be the most abundant way to live. Allen Jackson Ministries has developed tools to take the message of God’s Word to where people live around the corner or across the globe.

The Living Word with Pastor Danny Hodges Weekdays at 10:30 AM Calvary Chapel Fellowship is founded upon Spirit-filled worship and the consistent teaching of the Word of God. From that foundation, we focus on reaching out to a lost and dying world.

Thru The Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee Weekdays at 5:30 AM & 10:30 PM Thru the Bible takes the listener through the entire Bible in just five years, threading back and forth between the Old and New Testaments. You can begin the study at any time. When we have concluded Revelation, we will start over again in Genesis, so if you are with us for five years you will not miss any part of the Bible.

Calvary Church Radio with Pastor Willy Rice Saturdays at 12:30 PM & 6:00 PM Calvary Church Radio hosted by Dr. Willy Rice of Calvary Church in Clearwater, Florida is a listener supported radio ministry that focuses on Building Relationships to Bring People to Dynamic Life in Christ.


FALL 2019



The Power Of


by Pastor Gary Roy

It was a cold January day when I received a call to go to the hospital and visit with a member of our church who was in the emergency room. Upon arriving, I discovered that Mel was in very serious condition with an aneurysm that was on the verge of bursting, putting his life in danger. As I listened to the doctor tell Mel that he needed surgery to live, he also told Mel he had a slim chance of surviving the surgery. Mel’s response was, “I am ready to go be with the Lord if that is what He wants.” His wife, Iva, in response to the doctor, spoke up and said, “He is not going to die if the Lord has anything to do with it.” Wow, what a great response. Little did we all know, the Lord DID have something to do with it. We began to pray throughout the evening as they prepared Mel for surgery. The doctor was certain that he would not survive. We asked the Lord in prayer, “If it is Your will that Mel live, we ask for healing, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

hours. We continued to pray. At approximately 3:00am, the doctor came into the waiting room with surprise all over his face. His words, “Mel came through the surgery just fine... He is going to be alright,” assured us that God truly granted the request of prayer and it was His will that Mel live. That was almost nine years ago and Mel is doing just fine today. PRAYER WORKS!.. God’s word tells us to pray without ceasing. Sometimes, what seems to be impossible situations, must be approached with “fervent prayer.” “The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.“ James 5:16.

The surgery went on for several

Jesus was approached with the



In the gospel of Matthew, the disciples of the Lord received instruction about “fervent” prayer. According to the account, a young boy had been brought to the disciples with an epileptic condition in which the disciples had no power to cure.

FAITHTALK 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM & 102.1 FM

issue and healed the young boy giving great instruction to the disciples. “The disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?” So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” What can we learn from this? Well, first of all, we must pray in the name of Jesus Christ, for no one can come to the Father except through Him. The power of prayer is manifested in “Jesus’ Name.” Second, we must

“ T h e e ff e c t i v e f e r v e n t prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:16.

“believe” God can do anything. Expect God to do great things. All things are possible to those who believe. “Do not be unbelieving, but believing.” Third, and most importantly, prayer must be according to God’s will.

with God. Reverently talk to God with a believing heart. We speak to Him with our lips and our heart. We listen to His response with faith and trust according to His word. Prayer should be a normal part of the Christian life. It is not some liturgical list of meaningless words, but a cry from the heart that acknowledges our faith that God hears us with sincere compassion. Interceding on someone’s behalf through prayer reflects the heart of Jesus Christ. He is always interceding on our behalf at the throne of God.

As long as God is glorified, and not man, He will answer prayer. “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked Him.” I John 5:14-15 Prayer works! So, putting it to work in the name of Jesus Christ Prayer is also necessary for our Lord and on His authority, is Salvation. We read in Romans 10:13, essential. Prayer is communicating “For whoever calls on the name of the

Lord shall be saved.” It was the sinner who prayed at the altar and said, “God be merciful to me, a sinner.” God answered and saved the sinner. A sincere request that brought great results. So, what is it you need in prayer today? Have you brought it to the Lord Jesus Christ by faith, asking for His will? Trust Him and don’t stop praying. His answer may not be what you desire, but it will always be what is best for you and will bring glory to the name of Jesus Christ. “Pray without ceasing.” I Thessalonians 5:17

Dr. Gary Roy is Senior Pastor at Colonial Oaks Baptist Church in Sarasota, Florida. He is the host of Faith Answers Radio Program Saturdays at 12:00 pm on FaithTalk 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM & 102.1 FM.


Matt Bruce

Hugh Hewitt

Mike Gallagher

Dennis Prager

Phil Grande

Bill Bunkley

Larry Elder

Sebastian Gorka



FALL 2019



WEEKDAYS MORNINGS WITH BILL CARL 12:00 am 1:00 am 2:00 am 2:30 am 3:00 am 3:30 am 4:00 am 4:30 am 4:45 am 5:00 am 5:30 am 6:00 am 6:30 am 7:00 am 7:30 am 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 10:45 am 11:00 am 11:30 am 12:00 pm 12:30 pm

Hope In The Night with June Hunt iWork4Him with Jim and Martha Brangenberg Jay Sekulow Live Fresh Wind Radio with Jomo Cousins Verse By Verse with Pastor Steve Kreloff In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah Road To Reality with K.P. Yohannan Sound Of Faith with R.G. Hardy Family Life Today with Dave and Ann Wilson Thru The Bible with Dr. J. Vernon Mcgee Verse By Verse with Pastor Steve Kreloff Grace To You with John MacArthur Focus On The Family with Jim Daly, Juli Slattery, and John Fuller Pathway To Victory with Dr. Robert Jeffress Allen Jackson Ministries with Allen Jackson Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah Living Truth with Pastor Ken Whitten Unfiltered Radio with Bryant Golden Bibleline with Pastor Ralph “Yankee” Arnold Living Word with Pastor Danny Hodges Just Thinking with Ravi Zacharias In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley Family Life Today with Dave and Ann Wilson Jay Sekulow Live A.R. Bernard Daily

MID-DAYS WITH CASEY BELL 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm 2:30 pm 3:00 pm

Fresh Wind Radio with Jomo Cousins Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah Allen Jackson Ministries with Allen Jackson Verse By Verse with Pastor Steve Kreloff The Bill Bunkley Show with Bill Bunkley


6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm

7:30 pm 8:00 pm 9:00 pm 9:15 pm 10:00 pm 10:30 pm 11:00 pm 11:30 pm



FAITHTALK 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM & 102.1 FM

Living Truth with Pastor Ken Whitten Unfiltered Radio with Bryant Golden Focus On The Family with Jim Daly, Juli Slattery, and John Fuller Adventures In Odyssey with Whit & the Gang Spiritual Oxygen with Pastor Trevor Wallace Sound Of Faith with R.G. Hardy The Eric Metaxas Show A.R. Bernard Daily Thru The Bible with Dr. J. Vernon Mcgee Bibleline with Pastor Ralph “Yankee” Arnold Grace To You with John MacArthur



12:00 am 1:00 am 2:00 am 2:30 am 3:00 am 3:30 am 4:00 am 5:00 am 5:30 am 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 3:00 pm 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm

12:00 am

9:00 pm 11:00 pm

Hope In The Night with June Hunt iWork4Him with Jim and Martha Brangenberg Jay Sekulow Live Fresh Wind Radio with Jomo Cousins Verse By Verse with Pastor Steve Kreloff In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley The Christian Outlook Paws & Tales Grace To You with John MacArthur Vacation Nation Radio with Kathryn Hoyt and Sandra Holder Ask An Attorney with Joe Pippen Turning Point Weekend with Dr. David Jeremiah Jene’s Tropicals Bibleline with Pastor Ralph “Yankee” Arnold Following Jesus with Pastor Joe Harris Keeping It Cool with Josh Cabrera Faith Answers with Pastor Gary Roy Grace To You Weekend with John MacArthur Fresh Wind Radio with Jomo Cousins In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley Verse By Verse with Pastor Steve Kreloff Gaining Ground with Pastor Evan Burrows Bibleline with Pastor Ralph “Yankee” Arnold Jene’s Tropicals Keep The Faith with Keith Stevens and Donna Cruz Baldwin McCullough Live with Kevin McCullough and Steven Baldwin Key Life Network with Steve Brown

3:00 am 6:00 am 7:00 am 7:30 am 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 9:00 pm 10:00 pm 11:00 pm 11:30 pm

Keep The Faith with Keith Stevens and Donna Cruz The Eric Metaxas Show Townhall Weekend Journal Family Life This Week with Dave and Ann Wilson The Crucified Message with Dr. Tony B. Young Turning Point Weekend with Dr. David Jeremiah Road To Reality with K.P. Yohannan Heart Of Messiah with Rabbi Steven Weiler Unfiltered Radio with Bryant Golden Bibleline with Pastor Ralph “Yankee” Arnold Focus On The Family Weekend with Jim Daly, Juli Slattery, & John Fuller Faith Answers with Pastor Gary Roy The Barnabas Effect with Pastor Paul Purvis Calvary Church Radio with Pastor Willy Rice Ministry Spotlight with Bill Carl Gaining Ground with Pastor Evan Burrows The Eric Metaxas Show Best Of Ask An Attorney with Joe Pippen Calvary Church Radio with Pastor Willy Rice Special Needs Family Hour with Julie Ames Heart Of Messiah with Rabbi Steven Weiler Focus On The Family with Jim Daly, Juli Slattery, & John Fuller The Christian Outlook Townhall Weekend Journal Jay Sekulow Live Living Truth with Pastor Ken Whitten

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FALL 2019



When Your Prayer is: Lord Am I Going To Or

Live Die

by Bill Bunkley

When we consider the awesome gift a Christian receives of praying directly to the Creator of the Universe, and that He receives and answers each and every prayer, one would think those important moments would be cherished and recognized as something really special. Unfortunately, in our overscheduled and pleasure driven lifestyle here in America, you might be shocked at the number of self-identified Christians who, outside of church, have little or no real prayer life. And for another subgroup of Christians their prayers are quick, simple, and fast drive by prayers. Still another situation I think about is the Christian who runs into another Christian with a known prayer need who says either I have been praying for you, or I will pray for you. Upon departing they do neither. Statistics tell us time and again that between 10% to 25% of any church congregation are tithers. I suspect 14


those who have an active, vibrant, sold out, God dependent daily prayer I went from a healthy radio life will also mirror the same low talk show host and advocate for a number of tithers. Christian worldview in Tallahassee, to an immediate extended stay at the So, with that in mind what club Moffitt Cancer Center undergoing would you say you belong to: the 20% chemotherapy and later in the year club of prayer warriors or the 80% of a bone marrow transplant. the more carnal leaning group. Once again, statistics communicated I wonder if your club membership that depending on which course would change if your ongoing prayer of treatment I would select, my to God was suddenly asking the life expectancy could be greatly question “Lord Am I Going to Live diminished. or Die.” During this time every aspect of my For you see, in February/March walk with Christ rose to an unparallel 2018 I came to that very question, level. My Prayer life, which was daily a bend in the road of my life: Lord and healthy before the diagnosis, are you preparing to take me home went deeper and more intimate than or when this bend straightens by my I could have ever imagined. healing, do you have a deeper calling in my life to serve you in the years After walking so close with the ahead? Father these past 1 ½ years, my life will never be the same. I understand That bend in the road I speak of now why we are instructed take began when the call came in that I everything in prayer to the Lord, and was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid I mean everything, both the large and (AML) Leukemia, the deadliest of all tiny challenges of life. Then you learn cancers in the Leukemia family. as I have learned to trust Him in ALL

FAITHTALK 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM & 102.1 FM

things, even if He were to rich, daily prayer life with call me home today. the Lord before battling cancer or the other major I have two or three challenges of life that will more years before my come your way. Moffitt team will declare me cancer free. For the In closing, I would say to moment, I am a cancer you what the Apostle Paul survivor but that could all instructed the believers change during watching in Thessaloniki “Rejoice and waiting in the years always, pray without ahead. ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is So, I challenge you the will of God in Christ today. Don’t wait until Jesus for you.” (1 Thess your bend in the road 5:16-18) arrives and catches you flatfooted in your prayer And remember His life. You can experience a promise “Have I not

commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9) My hope and prayer is that you catch the vision of a vibrant daily prayer life while walking with Him….and leave those shallow and sometimes unspoken drive by prayers behind. Come join me in the 20% club.

Bill Bunkley comments on local, state, national and international issues of the day from the lens of a Christian worldview perspective. Tune in to The Bill Bunkley Show weekdays from 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm on FaithTalk 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM & 102.1 FM, AM 860 and 930 The Answer. His commentary “Something to Think About” can also be heard daily on these stations.


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FALL 2019



by Bryant Golden

My first year of marriage was one of the toughest years of my life. Save your stories about how amazing it was for you and how absolutely in love you were. We just weren’t there. I was a new pastor re-planting a church and my marriage (and it seemed like my life) was hanging on by a thread. I was overwhelmed by fear and anxiety about the future. And that’s when I learned to pray. I mean legit pray - The kind of praying that’s a little desperate and didn’t sound anything like my previous prayers. It happens when you feel like you have no other option and prayer is your only shot. And yea, yea, yea, I know prayer isn’t a last resort, but I didn’t operate that way most of the time. Do you?

grew up in church, we know the verses, and we can be pretty quick with easy answers). Can we just acknowledge that sometimes we are too quick to throw out an easy answer or prescriptive verse rather than just entering into the pain of somebody else and feeling it with them? Pain and anxiety are complex and sometimes you can’t fix it with a verse or a well-worn cliché that ends up on a coffee mug. But, you can be the physical representation of Jesus in someone’s life simply by being present with them. I’m convinced that the reason why we try to find easy answers to others’ pain and suffering is not always because of how they hurt, but because of how their hurt makes us feel. We need to I had heard Philippians 4:6 a get comfortable entering into spaces hundred times. It’s an easy answer for and saying, “I can’t fix this for you, “church people” to anyone struggling: but I’m here for you”. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and But back to my story. “Don’t be petition, with thanksgiving, present anxious but pray more” didn’t seem your requests to God”. Bam! There to work for me either (I’m assuming you go…that’s your answer! You just it hasn’t for you? Is it just me?). I need to pray more. mean, I believe the Bible but (and I would have never said this out loud) Just a side note to all of us that verse seems kind of naïve. I had “church people” (by “church people” prayed A LOT, but my wife was still I’m referring to those of us who struggling with mental illness, my 16


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marriage was a mess, and I didn’t feel any better – the fear and anxiety were still there! At my lowest point while I was searching for some kind of answer, relief, anything really, I realized that the kind of praying Paul (the dude who wrote it and who had a ton to be anxious about) was writing about was different than how I was praying. All of my prayers had been what I’d call Top Line Prayers: I prayed about my obvious circumstances and how I wanted them changed so I could feel better: “God, my marriage is terrible, fix it!” “I’m overwhelmed, help me!” “We don’t know how to survive this, make it go away!” Those aren’t bad prayers necessarily, but they are not what Paul is talking about in Philippians 4:6. Anxiety and fear run deep. And to pray at a level that exposes what’s really going on in our hearts takes Bottom Line Prayers. Here’s what I mean: When Paul says, “present your requests to God”, he’s not talking about telling God about your circumstances and how you want them changed, he’s talking about praying at a deeper level than you’ve ever prayed before. “Present” means “to tell the whole story or to

gain full knowledge of”. See, most of us have never really confronted the full story of why we are anxious and fearful - of why we really want those circumstances to change. We’ve never been vulnerable enough to really figure out why we feel the way we feel. What are you REALLY afraid of? What is REALLY behind that prayer for a change of circumstances? That’s what God is inviting us to bring to Him. But it takes work, it takes honesty, it takes a certain level of rawness that supersedes a lot of the polite cliché prayers we were taught to pray. For me, to get to the level of Bottom Line Praying required deep honesty: “God, I feel like You let me down and I’m afraid of what it will do to my faith.” “God, if I’m honest, it’s more than just the marriage, I’m afraid of losing everything – my reputation, my ministry, feeling like I don’t measure up any more.” “God, I’m afraid my future is over before it starts and I’m having a hard time trusting You.” That was a different kind of praying for me. It went beyond the obvious Top Line Prayers of my marriage being a mess to the level of my deepest insecurities and fears, which difficult circumstances always bring to the surface if you let them. But it’s that Bottom Line Praying honesty that brings clarity to what is really going on in your heart. And Jesus in essence is saying through the writing of Paul, “Bring that honesty to me, come to me, trust me with those emotions. I know about your circumstances (job, your marriage, your adult son), but what are you REALLY anxious and fearful about beneath it all?” Getting honest has the power to change everything.

fear of failure, reputation, your faith, your dreams”. But Jesus also says, “You have to have the honesty to come to Me with your anxiety and fear because I can’t guard what you haven’t acknowledged”. So, here’s the deal. A lot of us have never been honest enough to pray Bottom Line Prayers and expose what is really going on in our hearts. So, let me ask you...What are you REALLY afraid of? • I’m afraid of being rejected. • I’m scared I’ll never find love. • If I say no to this opportunity, I don’t know if I can live with it. • My faith may be lost if God gives me a no. • I feel like I’m falling behind in life and missing out and it’s hard to trust. • I’m terrified others won’t see me as important. • If I fail at this, I’m afraid of being rejected or abandoned by people who love me the most. Maybe what you’re walking through right now, that you’d never choose, is the circumstance God wants to use to lead you to be honest about you and honest with God.

The promise of peace is contingent on our Bottom Line Prayers being real and honest in a way that goes to the level of our deepest insecurities. It’s hard, but that’s where peace collides with your anxiety and although the circumstance may not change, your heart will. Praying your deepest fears and anxieties allows you to fully surrender those thoughts and feelings to Jesus and to trust that no matter what happens, He will be with you and will guide you and will give you peace and strength Here’s the promise from Jesus through Paul in to face whatever lies ahead. Philippians 4:7 when we start to pray Bottom Line Prayers: “And the peace of God (not your changed circumstances), Here’s what Jesus is inviting us into: “Come to me all which transcends all understanding (it goes beyond what who are weary and burdened and I’ll give you rest”. He you thought was possible with what you’re facing), will is saying, “I’ll stand watch over your greatest fears and guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. “Guard” anxieties. Give me your honesty and vulnerability and I’ll literally means to “stand watch of your heart, mind and give you My peace.” emotions”. Your circumstances may not change right now, but the promise is that at the level of your deepest fear and Are you ready to get honest with you and with God? insecurity Jesus says, “I’ll stand guard over your future,

Bryant Golden is the Lead Pastor at Center Point Church. He is also the host of Unfiltered Radio Program airing Weekdays at 6:30pm and Sunday's at 9:30am on FaithTalk 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM & 102.1 FM. LETSTALKFAITH.

FALL 2019









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by Charles F. Stanley If there’s one thing the Old Testament has in abundance, it’s battle scenes. We might be tempted to skim over these passages, thinking they’re just dry historical records that have no relevance for us today. However, God has recorded these events in His Word for our benefit. (See 2 Tim. 3:16.) By searching for the principles embedded in these accounts, we’ll find truth that can transform our lives. For instance, consider the war between Israel and the Amalekites in Exodus 17:8-16. This was the Israelites’ first battle after God delivered them from slavery in Egypt. Their journey through the wilderness had barely begun when the Amalekites started attacking the stragglers in the rear of the caravan (Deut. 25:17-18). The Israelites were in desperate need of help because this was not a fair fight. The Amalekites were seasoned warriors, but the children of Israel were former slaves—experienced in making bricks, not war. Though victory looked impossible, Moses did two things to prepare. First, he told Joshua to choose men for an army; then he took the staff of God and climbed with Aaron and Hur to a hilltop overlooking the battlefield. While combat raged below, Moses raised the staff. As long as his hands LETSTALKFAITH.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting were lifted, the Israelites were victorious, but when his arms grew heavy and dropped to his side, the Amalekites gained the advantage. Seeing Moses’ struggle, Aaron and Hur sat him on a rock and stationed themselves on either side to support his arms. Before nightfall, Joshua and his men had overwhelmed their enemy. And by studying their victory, we can learn a great deal about the power of prayer.

and training in righteousness, 2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV)

Moses’ story shows us how to win life’s battles. When a difficult circumstance arises, our immediate reaction might be to come up with a plan and tackle the problem in our own strength instead of first seeking the Lord. Or perhaps we become discouraged by our own inadequacy and judge the situation as hopeless instead of resting in His sufficiency. Both responses ignore the supernatural power available to us. FALL 2019



thanking and praising God, trusting Him to intervene in His way and time. Your circumstances may leave you feeling defeated, but if you listen, you’ll hear the Lord say, “Victory is on the way.”

Think about the struggles in your life. Maybe you’re dealing with an overwhelming situation and see no way out. It could be in the area of finances, health, work, school, or anything else that’s causing stress and confusion. Or perhaps you’re struggling with an addiction, a negative attitude, strong desires, or emotional bondage. Whatever it is, there is hope if you’ll follow the example of the trio whose victory came through reliance on God. A successful strategy involves first fighting our battles in private with God. When we do, He attacks the issue by first dealing with us. And in bringing our struggles to the Lord, we shouldn’t storm into His throne room demanding that He take up our cause; rather, we should humble ourselves and seek His perspective. God’s goal is to clear away everything that hinders us from hearing His voice and receiving His guidance and power. We must believe that no battle is a challenge for almighty God. At the burning bush, when the Lord told Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, He indicated His miraculous power would be associated with the shepherd’s staff (Ex. 4:17). From that point forward, each time Moses 20


stretched out his staff, the Lord performed a supernatural act. By lifting the staff during the Amalekite battle, Moses was demonstrating his faith that God would intervene on Israel’s behalf. In a similar way, our faith today rests on God’s Word: Every page of the Bible affirms the truth that the Lord causes all things to work together for our good (Rom. 8:28). When we ascend the hill of prayer, we gain greater understanding of the Lord and our situation. Because God knows the mind and heart of everyone involved, He sees the conflict for what it really is, not simply what it appears to be. When we seek Him through His Word instead of rushing ahead, He’ll reveal His perspective and provide assurance that we are not alone—He will help us handle whatever difficulties we face. We may grow weary during life’s battles. Moses just couldn’t hold his hands up at times. Haven’t you felt that way about prayer? After repeatedly bringing your petition to God and seeing no results, you may have wondered why you should bother anymore. A long time ago, I discovered that persevering prayer is sometimes like tunneling through a mountain. For a long time, it doesn’t look as if you’re making any progress. But you keep at it, all the while

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Prayer partners are a great asset. When Moses’ strength failed, Aaron and Hur provided support. No one can be strong all the time—we need each other, both to give and to receive encouragement. Prayer partners lift us up, bolster our faith, and supply the strength we lack. What’s more, God’s power is released when two or three gather in Jesus’ name and together seek His will (Matt. 18:20). I have personally experienced the encouragement of faithful prayer partners. In the midst of difficult and exhausting situations, brothers in Christ have crawled underneath my burden and helped me bear it. Their support increased my faith and gave me hope. This is the way God wants us to fight our battles— not in isolation, but joined together in Christ as a cord of three strands that is not easily broken (Eccl. 4:12). Do you have this kind of relationship with a few other believers? The only way it will develop is through mutual honesty and vulnerability. We have to take off our masks, quit pretending,

and let others see us as we truly are. And when we become committed, faithful intercessors for each other, we’ll grow stronger in battle, deeper in faith, and more Christlike in character. Our dependence upon God teaches others to trust Him. The Lord told Moses to record this event in a book and recite it to Joshua. As the military commander who would one day conquer the Promised Land, Joshua needed to know that battles are won not by mighty armies but by divine power, which God chooses to release when His children are prayerful and obedient. In the same

way, the next generation can learn from our example. Sometimes in the heat of life’s battles, we become so desperate for resolution that sitting alone with God on the hill of prayer seems unproductive. We wonder how the situation will ever change if we don’t act immediately. At such times, remember the battle with the Amalekites. Go ahead and ascend that hill—and take a couple of faithful friends with you. Then with faith in God’s Word, persist in prayer and watch Him work wonders.

This article is reprinted with permission from In Touch Magazine, the bi-monthly publication of In Touch Ministries. To receive a free subscription, please visit intouch. org/magazine. Tune in weekdays at 3:30 and 11:00 am to hear the teachings of Charles Stanley on FaithTalk 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM & 102.1 FM.


The psalmist marvels at the majesty of God in all Theearth: psalmist marvels at at thethe majesty of God in all the “When I look heavens, the work the earth: “When look atand thethe heavens, the work of your fingers, theImoon stars which you of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have set in place” (Psalm 8:23). Our natural world have set in place” (Psalm 8:23). Our natural world displays the power of our Creator and testifies to displays power of ourof Creator testifies His glory.the In the summer 2020,and I’ll tour the to His glory. Inregion the summer of 2020,coastline I’ll tour the picturesque of the Alaskan where the mountains, forests, picturesque region the Alaskan where theworks. mountains, forests, and glaciers give us aofclose-up view coastline of God’s wondrous and glaciers give us a close-up view of God’s wondrous works. I invite you to join me and experience Alaska from the comfort of a cruise I invite youtravel to join and experience Alaska theby comfort of a cruise ship as we to me ports rich with history and from marked spectacular ship as we traveltotothis ports rich with history markedwe’ll by spectacular scenery unique snow-capped region.and Together, learn from God’s scenery uniquewith to this snow-capped region. Together, learn from Word, worship Laura Story and Michael O’Brien, we’ll and deepen our God’s faith Word, worship withofLaura Story and Michael O’Brien, and deepen our faith and understanding Scripture. and understanding of Scripture. Our luxury cruise will feature world-class dining and once-in-a-lifetime Our luxury cruise willlong feature world-class dining andjoin once-in-a-lifetime experiences that we’ll remember. I hope you’ll me for this exciting experiences that longofremember. I hope join me for this exciting voyage to view thewe’ll beauty God’s design in allyou’ll its splendor, to open His voyage to view the beauty of God’s design in all its splendor, to open His Word together, and to enjoy the friendship and fellowship of one another. Word together, and to enjoy the friendship and fellowship of one another. Please join me in the summer of 2020 for this exciting adventure! Please join me in the summer of 2020 for this exciting adventure! With my love in the Lord Jesus, With my love in the Lord Jesus,


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FALL 2019



by Rabbi Steven J. Weiler

Thirty years ago, in my early 40s, and after almost 20 years of marriage, I realized that I had an anger problem. It wasn’t that I was an angry person – not at all. However, when I got angry, it wasn’t pretty, and it certainly happened too often. Honestly, before this realization, I would not have called it anger. I felt in my heart that it was righteous indignation. I was right, so I just fought for “justice”.

there and show them who was boss, making sure this argument would stop. I opened the door to charge out there and take care of the matter, when in front of me was the entire school with a large banner saying: Happy Birthday Mr. Weiler. The kids thought it was great, but all I could think about was that they knew me and trapped me into blowing my top – and I fell for it.

delight is in the Torah of ADONAI, and on His Torah he meditates day and night. He will be like a planted tree over streams of water, producing its fruit during its season. Its leaf never droops—but in all he does, he succeeds.

I was the principal of a Messianic Day school in Philadelphia. I also taught a number of classes including a class called “Fundamentals Of Biblical Judaism” – a devotional class. There I taught the teens about character and behavior from the bible, and stressed the love they needed to show. Yet, when they got too talkative or were just not paying attention, my booming voice brought them to an understanding that I was not happy. As they put it, I was intimidating. Or you could say, I wasn’t loving when my button was pushed.

For the next month, I prayed for God to take away that quick trigger (anger) that I had all of my adult life. I couldn’t reconcile teaching my kids about love in a Bible study, and me losing my temper. Finally, God answered me.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof, for restoration, and for training in righteousness, so that the person belonging to God may be capable, fully equipped for every good deed.

This culminated in a day that changed my life. It was my birthday. I was in the teacher’s lounge and two of our older boys, who didn’t like each other, were beginning to loudly argue. Finally, when I couldn’t take anymore, I was ready to go out 22


Psalm 119:11 I have treasured Your word in my heart, so I might not sin against You.

First, He took me to scriptures Hebrew 4:12 For the word of God about meditating on His Word and is living and active and sharper than having His Words deep within me. any two-edged sword—piercing right Here are some examples: through to a separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to Isaiah 55:11 So My word will be judge the thoughts and intentions of that goes out from My mouth. It will the heart. not return to Me in vain, but will accomplish what I intend, and will Matthew 4:4 But He replied, “It is succeed in what I sent it for. written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes Psalm 1:1-3 Happy is the one who from the mouth of God.’” has not walked in the advice of the wicked, nor stood in the way of sinners, John 6:63 It is the Spirit who gives nor sat in the seat of scoffers. But his life; the flesh is of no benefit. The words

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honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any virtue and if there is anything worthy of praise—dwell on these things. Praying Psalm 5:4 helped me have a morning quiet time. Praying Isaiah 61:1-3 put purpose in my heart. Philippians 4:4-8 motivated me to deal with stress the correct You hear my voice. In the morning I way and developed in me a Godly order my prayer before You and watch character which continued to mold expectantly. my behavior.

I have spoken to you are Spirit and are life! I realized the power of God’s Word and somehow, I had to figure out how to get those words deep inside of me because they were the power of God at work. I also realized that because of my life experiences and what I learned from them, I need to be “brain-washed”. I needed to have God wash my brain with His Word. That’s when God showed me how to pray scripture. I am sure there are many ways one can pray scripture, but I did the following for approximately 6 months, and though I am not 100% perfect, I noticed a huge change. In fact, after 6 months, my wife was getting upset with me that I wasn’t coming down harder on the kids the way I used to. (She taught in the school, too.) I believe God led me to these three scriptures to pray: Psalm 5:4 ADONAI, in the morning

Isaiah 61:1-3 The Ruach of ADONAI Elohim is on me, because ADONAI has anointed me to proclaim Good News to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound, to proclaim the year of ADONAI’s favor and the day of our God’s vengeance, to comfort all who mourn to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that they might be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of ADONAI, that He may be glorified.

In short, this is what I mean by praying scripture. I asked God to take each key word and each phrase and brand them in my mind, heart and spirit. I pictured each important word and expanded on them, sometimes recalling where else it was used in scripture. I could spend 10 or 15 minutes just praying Psalm 5:4.

I would think about my mornings and know that God wanted me to speak to Him then. God showed me that I needed to pray first thing, before eating. He wanted to hear my voice. I meditated on the words, ordered my prayer, and watched expectantly. Doing this each day Philippians 4:4-8 Rejoice in the Lord dramatically changed my time with always—again I will say, rejoice! Let the Lord. your gentleness be known to all people. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious It is hard to fully explain this about anything—but in everything, by process in a written article, but I pray prayer and petition with thanksgiving, that I have motivated you to desire to let your requests be made known to overcome your “life entanglements” God. And the shalom of God, which through the power of God’s Word surpasses all understanding, will and praying scripture. Should you guard your hearts and your minds in want to hear more depth about Messiah Yeshua. Finally, brothers and praying scripture, you can reach me sisters, whatever is true, whatever is at 813 831-5673.

Rabbi Steven J. Weiler is ordained as a Messianic Rabbi and serves at Shoresh David Messianic Synagogues. Listen to Rabbi Weiler’s show Heart of Messiah, Sundays at 9:00 am on FaithTalk 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM & 102.1 FM. LETSTALKFAITH.

FALL 2019




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29432C N5-17

by Joe Harris

Have you ever found yourself at a place in life that seems like a dead end? Maybe you spent years heading one direction that you thought God was leading you and now that you are there, you have no idea how to move forward? There seems to be no way out and it seems there is nothing you can do about it? I would suggest to you that the dead-end places that we often find ourselves in are often the moments that God is ready to reveal his glory and power. I’m sure you have read the story of Moses leading God’s people out of slavery in Egypt. But have you ever stopped to think about the moment that he approached the Red Sea? What would that have been like in that moment for Moses? He did everything he could as a leader to follow God’s direction, but now he finds himself stuck in a situation that is impossible to get out of. He cannot keep moving forward because there is no clear path. He cannot turn around and go back or he will be killed by the enemy. So, what does Moses do as the leader of God’s people? He stays strong in his faith, he proclaims the promises of God, and he lifts his hands in prayer! Then what happens? LETSTALKFAITH.

The Living God reveals his power and glory by splitting the sea and showing them a path they never would have found in their own human frailty. In our own lives, when we find ourselves in perplexing situations that have no logical way out, what do we do? Do we go to the whiteboard and focus on strategic planning? Do we quickly Google and find out what other people have done in that scenario? Or do we fall on our faces and cry out to the living God who is able to part the Red Sea? If we are God’s people and we are doing everything we can to follow God’s will for our lives, his path will often lead us into these Red Sea moments. As Psalm 77:19 (NLT) says “Your road led through the sea, your pathway through the mighty waters—a pathway no one knew was there!” Did you catch that? It was God who led them through a path that was humanly impossible to discover. It was a path that could not be seen with natural eyes. It was also a path that demonstrated God’s power and glory.

because these times of excitement only happen at the intersection of impotence and omnipotence. We are weak and powerless, but God is strong and powerful. It’s when we are weak, that God can be shown as strong. In our weakness and frailty, our effort is lifting our hands and hearts in prayer and waiting upon the power and glory of the Holy Spirit to be revealed. We have all been given enough faith to see a mountain thrown into the ocean. We have all been given enough faith to see heaven move on our behalf. But our responsibility is to ASK, SEEK, and KNOCK! Without being intentional in prayer, we will never experience God’s power in our life. If we are unwilling to lift our hands in prayer, we will not see God’s glorious hand move in our lives. Heaven will not invade the earth if we are unwilling to invade the prayer closet. Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you Red Sea moments are exciting, but will find. Knock and the door will be at the moment, they can be perplexing opened. FALL 2019



Another thought to consider about experiencing the power of God through prayer is that the secret to our prayers being answered is getting our requests in line with God’s heart. Our confidence comes from knowing that we have been surrendered to the will of God the whole way into the dead-end. If we find ourselves stuck as a result of our own folly, we will suffer the consequences of the stubbornness of our choices and will. However, when our lives are daily surrendered to Jesus and they are offered to him as a living sacrifice, we can ask, and God will respond. 1 John 5:14 says it like this, “This is the confidence we have in approaching

God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask— we know that we have what we asked of him.”

with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name.” We connect to the heart of God as we get our thoughts off our own frailty and hopeless circumstances and get our minds on his power and the eternal hope we The secret to God answering our have in heaven. prayers is getting our hearts in line with His heart and that happens May God give you the resolve and as we worship. The place where we the faith to get into his presence meet with God is at the avenue of through prayer. I pray for you that thanksgiving and the boulevard of you will do less thinking about your praise. The way to get our hearts in situation and more thanking God for line with God’s heart is by giving your situation. May God reveal his verbal thanks to him and exalting power and glory in your life as you him with words of praise. Psalm live in full surrender and call upon 100:4 says, “Enter his gates with him in prayer as you find yourself in thanksgiving; go into his courts these Red Sea moments.

Joe Harris is the Lead Pastor at Calvary Chapel South Tampa. He is also the host of Following Jesus Radio Program airing Saturdays at 10:30 am on FaithTalk 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM & 102.1 FM.

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Pastors Appreciation Day October 11- Tampa We celebrated our annual Pastors Luncheon with Keynote Speaker Dr. Mark Bailey.

Ladies Night Out March 14 - Brandon A night of Food, Fun and Faith at BellShoals Baptist Church that featured Christian Comedian Amberly Neese

Pastors Masters Golf Tournament April 11 - Tampa We celebrated our third Annual Golf Tournament at Westchase Golf Club.

For more event information check out LETSTALKFAITH.

FALL 2019



by Joni Eareckson Tada Is there a need for finances in your family? Yes, prayer for needed money is in order, but so is prayer for the rewards of Proverbs 15:17: “Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred.” How much more invigorating it is to seek God’s heart and pray, “Lord, financial blessing isn't the focus; Your Word says I’ve attended prayer meetings that love should be. May we learn to where various requests are divvied live on little if it means leaning harder out for healing, finances, safety in on You, as well as each other.” travel, or job promotions. Naturally, we desire prayer for such things. And When I pray for disabled children, we should put our petitions before I intercede with Matthew 19:14 in God. But a closer look at God’s Word mind: “Jesus said, 'Let the little children will reveal deeper and more divinely come to me, and do not hinder them, inspired ways to pray for friends and for the kingdom of heaven belongs to family. such as these.” In verse 15 we're given a picture of Jesus tenderly placing His Is there a cancer? Yes, prayer for hand on each child. healing is totally in order, but so is prayer for the robust blessings of “Lord Jesus,” I'll say, “Your heart Psalm 119:140: “Your promises have went out to children when You walked been thoroughly tested, and your on earth. I can picture You tousling servant loves them.” It’s so rich to their hair, bouncing them on Your be able to pray, “Lord, this cancer is knee, and laying Your hands on their testing Your promises in the life of my heads to bestow a blessing. If Your friend who is ill, but You are faithful heart went out this way to the boys to every promise You've made to her. and girls who could walk up to You, May my friend learn to love, learn to how much more must Your heart cleave to Your promises through this overflow toward little Jeanette with time of testing.” spina bifida or Benjamin who has cerebral palsy? Today, may they feel I love meeting together for prayer, and if you ask me to lead a prayer meeting, you might be in for a surprise. It’s because I love following God’s agenda and praying “his will be done.” Now, many Christians would say, Well, of course, I pray in God’s will. But do we? Really?



FAITHTALK 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM & 102.1 FM

Your hand of blessing on their heads.” Often, it's helpful to quote an entire passage, substituting a person's name for the pronoun in the passage. If you want to pray that a good friend, grows in her faith, Colossians 1:9-12 is a good example to use. So, pray for your friend this way: “I ask God to fill Susan with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And I pray this in order that Susan may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work she does, being strengthened with all power, so that she may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully give thanks to the Father.” Remember, God's Word is alive, active, and powerful. Prayers laced with the Word of God not only bring about fundamental changes in people and situations, but such prayers keep us in touch with God's priorities. Weaving God's Word into our prayers – and keeping his will, his objectives in mind – brings His purposes to the forefront of every request.

E. M. Bounds was known for his extraordinary prayer life. He once testified, “The Word of God is the fulcrum upon which the lever of prayer is placed, and by which things are mightily moved. God has committed Himself, His purpose, and His promise to prayer. His Word becomes the basis, the inspiration of our praying, and there are circumstances under which by importunate prayer, we may obtain an . . . enlargement of His promises.” I will never forget the time I received an “enlargement of His promises” from praying Scripture. It was in the early '80s, not long after the honeymoon was over for two newlyweds: Ken and me. I learned that my new husband preferred to spend Monday nights in front of the TV with chips, salsa, and the NFL rather than being my hands to write out my Bible study for me. Horrors, I thought, he's not a man of the Word! I was itching to change my husband, but my nagging and scolding only made things worse. Feeling like a martyr, I sought help in God's Word and stumbled across these words in Phil. 2:3-4: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Oh my goodness, that's me, I thought. I want Ken to change for selfish reasons so he'll meet my expectations. And to be honest, I don't consider him "better than myself." I feel I'm the one

in the right. I feel I've got it spiritually the throne of my husband's heart. together, not him. (He's memorized entire chapters, including the whole Sermon on the I was convicted. These verses Mount; I didn't put him up to it, catapulted me into a major prayer really!) Something else is clear: Ken advance for Ken. I sincerely wanted still loves Monday Night Football. to follow God's Word and have What has changed is that so do I humility of mind, as well as to love football! And I've found other regard Ken better than me. How “hands” to help me write out my Bible could I look out for his interests? I studies on other evenings. feverishly flipped through Scripture until I found the perfect passage to I began praying Psalm 24 over my pray for my husband. husband believing that God would change him, but God did much “Who may ascend the hill of the more. He changed me. It was, as E. M. Lord? Who may stand in his holy Bounds would say, “an enlargement place? He who has clean hands and a of His promises.” I'm convinced we pure heart, who does not lift up his soul are still feeling the repercussions of to an idol or swear by what is false. that Scripture prayer. That's because He will receive blessing from the Lord it was based on Psalm 24 and was and vindication from God his Savior. alive, active, and powerful, bringing Such is the generation of those who about fundamental changes in me seek him, who seek your face, O God of where it counted most. And in my Jacob. Selah. Lift up your heads, O you husband, too. gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. The Bible is our prayer book, and Who is this King of glory? The Lord we'd be remiss to neglect its riches. strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in It holds the key to finding God's will battle.” – Psalm 24:3-8 when we pray, providing balance and meaning. Great themes abound– I'd spend evenings in our bedroom, God's holiness, wisdom, faithfulness, praying, “Lord, you want Ken to stand sovereignty, love, and mercy—all of in Your holy place, to have clean hands which beautify our praises, adorn and a pure heart. May you cause him our intercessions, embroider our to lift up his soul to you and receive petitions, and give weight and Your blessing. May he seek your face. significance to every supplication. Lift up the gates of Ken's heart that you, the King of glory, might come in! Most of all, using the Word of God Lord, say to him, 'I, the King of glory, in prayer is about as close as we can will come in and rule your life. I, the get to the Living Word, the Lord Lord, strong and mighty.” Jesus. If we're going to pray in His name, it makes sense to speak in His I can't tell you how many times language. I prayed this way. And now, years later, it's clear that Christ sits on

Joni Eareckson Tada is CEO of Joni and Friends, a global ministry reaching people disabilities for Christ around the world. Used with permission from Joni and Friends. LETSTALKFAITH.

FALL 2019





FAITHTALK 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM & 102.1 FM

by John MacArhur

We live in an information explosion unparalleled in human history—instant, digital access to seemingly endless knowledge. Yet with all we have learned and all that’s been written, man’s wisdom is still powerless to answer life’s most basic spiritual questions—How did we get here? Where do I go when I die? What is the meaning of life? I once read a book by a psychiatrist on how to deal with depression. Among her suggestions was to cultivate a meaningful spiritual philosophy. She said you need to find a belief system that works for you—any will do—but be sure to avoid people who talk about sin and guilt. Her final recommendation was to find the light in yourself. Unfortunately, that is the best that human wisdom can do. True Wisdom Begins with God God defines wisdom this way: “Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding” (Job 28:28). That verse describes saving faith—both fearing God and departing from evil take place initially at conversion. So you begin to be wise when you fear God by trusting in Him and repenting of your sins. As long as you have only human wisdom— or to put it in James’s words, that which is “earthly, natural, demonic” (James 3:15)—you cannot know God or true wisdom. Without that critical first step, there is no relationship to the Giver of LETSTALKFAITH.

all wisdom and understanding. On the other hand, if you have submitted to the gospel in repentance, you know the “only wise God” (Romans 16:27) as your Father. His book of wisdom is open to you as a Christian. The indwelling Spirit of wisdom illuminates to you the wisdom of His Word—you truly can be wise. Why then do we still have a sinful tendency to look first to man’s wisdom and virtually ignore the sufficiency of God’s wisdom found in the Bible? I think if we truly understand the stark contrast—the absolute opposition of the one to the other—we will leave behind the elementary understanding of the world to embrace the riches of divine wisdom. Human vs. Divine Wisdom Today your thinking is attacked by worldly philosophies and methodologies in an attempt to divert you from the Word of God, the only source that can satisfy the deep needs of the human heart. It’s not a new attack. The Corinthian believers had the same problem. They were strongly influenced by the prevailing ideas of their day. When they became Christians and were awakened to the revelation of God, they were exposed to an obvious conflict.

“The word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. . . . Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?” (1 Corinthians 1:18–20). While the first-century philosophers viewed the wisdom of God as foolishness, in truth, God exposed their so-called “wisdom” as foolish. That opposition makes the wisdom of the world and the wisdom of God incompatible—they are mutually exclusive. God has given man the ability to study, analyze, categorize, and develop the resources of this earth to benefit physical life. But that’s where his wisdom ends. Because of sin, his mind is totally unable to discern the spiritual dimension. He has no power to change his own heart, no understanding to solve his spiritual dilemma, and no resources to satisfy his soul—he is spiritually dead. The wisdom of men makes no contribution in the spiritual dimension, and it doesn’t need to make a contribution. God’s wisdom is rich and infinite—it needs no supplement. True Wisdom Is Divinely Revealed

First Corinthians 2:7 says, “We speak God’s wisdom in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God predestined before the ages to our glory.” The Greek word translated “mystery” doesn’t refer to Paul, describing that conflict, said, something strange or puzzling; it’s a FALL 2019



for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God.” The Holy Spirit— the divine author of Scripture—knows the mind of God perfectly. Therefore He is able to reveal God and God’s will completely. The Bible contains all the However, because of sin, no one wisdom man needs for solving all the can come to that truth on his own. “A spiritual struggles, problems, and issues natural man [an unconverted person] of life. does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and Those deep things of God, Paul says, he cannot understand them, because they “we also speak, not in words taught by are spiritually appraised” (1 Corinthians human wisdom, but in those taught by 2:14). Divine wisdom can’t be empirically the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts deduced by analyzing data and physical with spiritual words” (1 Corinthians evidence (v. 9). It comes only as a gift 2:13). You have a resident truth teacher God gives when His Spirit reveals His to enlighten you about essential spiritual Word to individuals. truths. The Holy Spirit takes God’s Word, the Word He has revealed and inspired, First Corinthians 2:10 says, “To us God and illuminates it for those in whom revealed [His truths] through the Spirit; He dwells. You can rightly appraise the technical term for the kind of truth man has not previously known but is now revealed. The truth that God saves sinners through the substitutionary sacrifice of His Son is now plain to see.

Word, but only when you rely on the giver of the Word. Paul concluded, “We have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16). You can understand if you are diligent and obedient to study and submit to it. Because it is revealed, its authenticity is guaranteed. Because it is inspired, its accuracy is guaranteed. And because it is illumined, its applicability is guaranteed. Don’t turn to human wisdom to solve spiritual problems. If the world had anything to offer, the best of its citizens would not have crucified the Lord (1 Corinthians 2:8). As a true believer, anchor all your confidence in the Word of God, the only source of true wisdom.

John MacArthur is founder and featured teacher of Grace To You. You can hear him daily on “Grace To You,” half-hour radio program dedicated to Jesus Christ and the teaching of the Bible, airing on FaithTalk 570 AM, 910 AM & 102.1 FM weekdays at 6:30 am, 1:00 pm and 11:30 pm.







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FAITHTALK 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM & 102.1 FM

by Jim Daly My friend, Matt, is tall. His height is an advantage in some situations. It’s a liability in others. Once, while boarding a plane, he shuffled down the narrow aisle and – wham! – bonked his head on an open luggage bin door. He looked back to see what he’d hit when – wham! – he hit his head again. Life is like that, isn’t it? You’re walking along, doing your best to love God and your neighbor when – wham! – a crisis hits you out of nowhere. Then, before you’ve fully come to terms with the heartbreak and confusion of that event, another problem blindsides you. One minute life is good, peaceful, and full of hope. The next, an illness, a financial disaster, the death of a loved one – or all three – crash into your life without warning, leaving your head spinning and your faith shaken. Some days the hill we’re climbing can seem so steep that we lose hope of surviving to the top.

immune to the waves crashing into it. tragic loss – you can know that your And He is our redeemer. Redeemer lives and that He will walk with you through every step of your That’s what Job said. You’re probably agony. familiar with his story. Job was a good guy – righteous, in fact. According to David and Marie Works will testify Job 1:1 he was “blameless and upright.” to the certainty of that promise. But the devil trivialized Job’s faith, Somewhere around noon on Sunday, complaining to God, “Stretch out your December 9th, 2007, the Works hand and touch all that he has, and he family left the morning service at New will curse you to your face” (Job 1:11). Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. God accepted Satan’s challenge and allowed the devil to test Job’s They were climbing into their van commitment to Him. In quick when bullets crashed through glass succession, Job lost everything: his and pinged off of metal. A gunman cattle, his wealth, and his ten children. was shooting at them from only ten The devastation was so swift that Job yards away. He emptied his weapon chapter one repeats the phrase “And and moved on in search of more while he was yet speaking…” three victims. Four people were killed times to describe how quickly each that day, including Stephanie and messenger came to alert Job about Rachel, two of David and Marie’s four the latest tragedy to befall him. daughters. Toward the end of the story, Job’s suffering becomes almost more than he can bear. He cries out, “My bones stick to my skin and to my flesh, and I have escaped by the skin of my teeth” (Job 19:20). And, yet, immediately on the heels of that grief-stricken lament, Job says, “But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and He will stand upon the earth at last” (Job 19:25, ESV).

Few of us have experienced trauma like that, but none of us are immune to loss so deep that it brings us to our knees. Psychologists say that we each grieve in our own unique way. But David Works says that he learned something else about grief in the weeks and months following that terrible day: there are no shortcuts.

Life is hard. Jesus told us that it would be. In John 14:33, He says, “In this world, you will have trouble.” But He also offers us hope. Pain and hardship are unavoidable, but through Grief hurts. That’s why we avoid it. His suffering on the cross, we can find No matter what you’re walking If we can shove aside our pain long peace and hope again. He is our rock, through – a minor hardship or a enough, maybe it will disappear on its LETSTALKFAITH.

FALL 2019



own. Side-stepping grief feels better in the moment, but you’re not really grieving if you’re pretending that you don’t hurt. Instead, step by step, little by little, the goal is to walk straight through the middle of your sadness and confront your loss head on.

you can appreciate the passion an event like the Super Bowl or the World Series evokes in entire communities. Stadiums of people and television viewers across the country cheer their favorite teams on to victory, or they mourn in the wake of their defeat.

And, boy, is that difficult – especially if your faith is rooted in your own strength instead of in Someone whose love and power are bigger, wider, and deeper than any of our struggles. We best endure pain when we’re able to recognize its place in the context of God’s larger story for our lives.

But why do we care? After all, we aren’t the ones participating in the game. If our team wins, an enormous trophy won’t adorn our mantel, and we won’t be the ones wearing a championship ring. We will have won nothing.

I think cheering on a team taps If that idea is hard for you to grasp, into that part of us that hungers to be think of it in terms of the world of part of something that’s bigger than sports. Even if you’re not a sports fan, us. God designed us to find our true

significance in His larger story of love and redemption for mankind. Life is hard, and the troubles we face can be almost too much to bear. But our Redeemer lives. He is our hope. He is our peace. From Genesis to Revelation, Scripture promises that God will walk alongside you on your journey through heartache. With time, He’ll help you mend the broken places and guide you – sometimes carry you – through your sorrow. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. When it comes to the road of grief that you’re walking, the shortest distance to healing from where you are is straight to the foot of the cross.

Jim Daly is the president and host of the National Radio Hall of Fame broadcast, Focus on the Family. Focus on the Family airs weekdays starting at 2:30, 7:00 am and 7:00 pm on FaithTalk 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM & 102.1 FM.



FAITHTALK 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM & 102.1 FM

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