FaithTalk Magazine 2022 Edition

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Stand Up Page 6

We Must Speak Up Even When Culture Wants To Silence Us Page 17

Straight As An Arrow Page 24



Barb Yoder General Manager

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Welcome Readers! I’m so glad you’ve gotten this issue of FaithTalk magazine as it’s filled with wisdom to make your life more meaningful, intentional and abundant by standing for Biblical truths. But before you can stand for Biblical truth, you need to have a Biblical foundation that is only found through Jesus Christ. Have you made Jesus your ‘true north’? The expression true north is based on a fact that navigators and surveyors deal with every day… a magnetic compass is not a terribly reliable instrument. A magnetic compass points toward the magnetic north pole, which is not the same as the true north, or the geographic north pole. The difference between the magnetic north and the true north can be a matter of several hundred miles and it constantly changes several miles every year due to the earth’s magnetic fields changing over time.

It's an analogy for life. In an ever-changing world Jesus is the constant, unchanging source of truth and life. He is “the same yesterday, today and forever” Hebrews 13:8. Philosophies, attitudes, popular opinions and theories are constantly changing in the world “But the word of the Lord endures forever” Isaiah 40:8. With Jesus as your true north, you’ll find rock solid truths to guide your path. Don’t follow the media/Facebook crowd and changing modern morals, for “small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life” Matthew 7:14. God loves you more than anyone loves you and when you make Him your true north, you’ll experience life abundantly! John 3:16 & 17 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but shall have everlasting life. For Jesus came not into the world to condemn the world but that through Him the world should be saved”. Won’t you make Jesus your true north today? As you turn the pages of this issue, you’ll find wisdom from pastors and leaders that have ministry programs on FaithTalk radio. Be sure to go to for a complete program guide and all the ways you can listen through AM and FM radio, podcast, streaming links, apps and smart speakers like Alexa. I hope you’ll find it’s the Strength Between Sundays that brings you closer to Jesus every day. And if you want to learn more about life with Jesus or have a comment, please reach out and let me know.

Blessings to you and your family,


FaithTalk 760 AM, 104.3 FM, 570AM, 100.3 FM, 910A AM, 102.1 FM *some excerpts are from an article at

General Manager BARBARA YODER


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Stand Up

by David Jeremiah

How to Raise Up Godly Children in a Secular Culture by Rabbi Steven J. Wiler



Spiritual Conflict by Gary Roy

We Must Speak Up Even When the Culture Wants to Silence Us by Jim Daly


The Truth Doesn't Change but You Should by Bryant Golden


Straight as an Arrow


The Most Unappreciated Virtue


The Christian's Identity


My Sheep Know my Voice


The Four Impossibilities of Man


The Good News

by Philip DeCourcy

by Charles Stanley

by Joni Erickson Tada

by Jomo Cousins

by Ralph "Yankee" Arnold

by Robert Morris

Inspiration behind the theme for this edition of FaithTalk Magazine “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV)

STAND UP By Dr. David Jeremiah

Erma Bombeck made us laugh out loud. Even her book titles came with a smile: The Grass Is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank. And, When You Look Like Your Passport Photo, It’s Time to Go Home. And her 1978 classic, If Life Is a Bowl of Cherries, What Am I Doing in the Pits? Somehow we related to her homespun imagery. Life often seems like a bowl of cherries, and during such times it’s easy to count our blessings and enjoy our days. But other seasons of life are the pits; and it’s not just personal pressures that cast down our spirits but societal issues. We’re living in a period of history that makes us heartsick. It takes a lot of optimism to look at our culture without feeling we’re in the depths. In fact, it’d be a fair assessment to say that apart from God’s grace, our culture can never get itself out of the sinful pit it has dug for itself. Let me give you some encouragement. Long ago in the days of Genesis, there was a godly young man who literally found himself in the pit. His problems escalated until he became a slave convicted of crimes he hadn’t committed and was consigned to prison. Yet God used all his circumstances to save his life, his family, and eventually his entire nation. His name was Joseph. 6 |

The Pit When we first see Joseph in Genesis 37, his life seemed idyllic. He was a handsome, well-built fellow with loving parents and a passel of older brothers. The Bible describes him as healthy of heart and full of ambition. He dreamed of making a difference in the world, and he shared his dreams with his family. But there was tension in the home, and one day the sibling resentment grew deadly. His brothers seized him, stripped him, and threw him in a pit. They thought about killing him, but they sold him into slavery instead. According to Genesis 42:21 and Psalm 105:18, Joseph was terrified as he was led away in fetters that cut into his feet. He pleaded for mercy, but his cruel-hearted brothers ignored him. He was taken to Egypt and sold to a master named Potiphar, one of Pharaoh’s officials, the captain of the guard.

Behind the tragic events was the providential hand of God. I doubt Joseph realized it at first, because sometimes it’s hard for us to remember to take God’s sovereignty into account. But nothing happens to God’s children apart from His notice and overruling providence. The Prison

While working for Potiphar, Joseph became an object of lust for his master’s wife. She tried to seduce him, but he resisted. One day, Mrs. Potiphar grabbed Joseph’s robe and tried to pull him into bed. He fled the room, leaving his robe in her hands. She screamed and accused him of attempted sexual assault, and her accusations sent Joseph to prison. Few experiences in life are more traumatic than being falsely accused of a sexual crime, and Joseph had no way of proving his innocence. He was consigned to an Egyptian prison, yet It’s frightening to think how quickly even there he stood up for the Lord things can go wrong—personally, and he stood firm in his commitment socially, nationally, and globally. to his God. We’re never more than a heartbeat The Lord took a stand too. He stood from the next crisis. But there’s a very interesting verse that puts things in with Joseph. Genesis 39 says, “But a different perspective. Psalm 105:17 while Joseph was there in the prison, says that through all these “pit”-iful the LORD was with him… The LORD circumstances, God was sending was with Joseph and gave him success Joseph to Egypt ahead of his people. in whatever he did (verses 20-21, 23,

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NIV). Even in our darkest moments and in the blackest times in history, God is with His children, giving them success and influence. Perhaps you feel imprisoned in some way, either literally or figuratively. Let me remind you of what the Lord said in Isaiah 43:2: “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you.” The Lord will stand with you as you stand for Him, even if the difficulties transcend the years, which is what happened to Joseph. The Palace Joseph was seventeen when he was sold into slavery, and he remained in prison until he was thirty—thirteen years that encompassed the decade of his twenties. Yet God was using every day to prepare him to become a world-changer. One day near the end of that period, Pharaoh called for him. The king had suffered two troubling dreams and he learned Joseph could interpret them. Reminds us of Daniel in Babylon, doesn’t it? Just like Daniel, Joseph stood up for God in a pagan realm, having supernatural insights into the will of God for the culture he was in. “So Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and he was quickly brought from the dungeon. When he had shaved and changed his clothes, he came before Pharaoh” (Genesis 41:14, NIV). Joseph’s interpretive skills, his problem-solving skills, and his people skills all united to bring him to the palace and to the role

Later he repeated his reassurance to them. “You intended to harm me,” he said, “but God intended it for good to The Prime Minister accomplish what is now being done, the Pharaoh told him, “You will be in saving of many lives” (Genesis 50:20, charge of my palace, and all my people NIV). are to submit to your orders. Only with In every situation, Joseph stood up respect to the throne will I be greater than you.… I hereby put you in charge for his faith in God. It’s important to of the whole land of Egypt” (Genesis remember that truth, just as we’ve been 41:40-41, NIV). As Joseph scanned the seeing it in Daniel. While God didn’t landscape, he knew a terrible famine deliver Joseph from Egypt, He used was ahead. He traveled across Egypt, him in Egypt to change redemptive storing up grain, making provisions, history. God’s plan for him was to stay preparing for the coming disaster. He in Egypt; and even when others sought kept Egypt alive, and even his brothers to harm him, God meant it for good. and father came before him for bread God’s plan wasn’t for him to change and grain. One of the most moving Egypt, but to influence those who stories in the Bible—it can bring tears to ruled the land of the Nile. God had a your eyes to read it—is the story of how greater plan than Egypt. He intended Joseph revealed himself to his family for Joseph to rise to a place of influence and made himself known to them and authority, to save his family, and (see Genesis 45:1-11 and 46:28-30). ultimately to pave the way for the nation of Israel. God used Joseph’s faithfulness in a foreign land to save The Purpose His people. Joseph forgave his brothers and made Do you feel your life is in the pits? sense of the tragedies that had shaped his life because he knew God had a Are you ready to give up on the world purpose for everything that happened and on your ability to influence it? to him. It took time for him to gain that perspective; but once he understood I’m sure Joseph had some bleak days it, he spoke with forgiveness, grace, too, but the Lord was with him. The confidence, and maturity. In Genesis Lord used it all to change things—and 45, he told his brothers, “Come close to He will do the same with you. Don’t me…. I am your brother Joseph, the one be dismayed. Don’t stay discouraged. you sold into Egypt! And now, do not Even when circumstances seem be distressed and do not be angry with beyond our control, God will use it all yourselves for selling me here because for good; and in every situation He will it was to save lives that God sent me use those who stand up for Him. ahead of you.… God sent me ahead We’re God’s Joseph for our age, so of you to preserve for you a remnant never be afraid to take a stand for Him! on earth and to save your lives by a Let’s stand up in our Egypt, wherever great deliverance. So then, it was not it is. Let’s stand up for Jesus. you who sent me here, but God” (verses 4-8, NIV). of prime minister of Egypt.

Dr. David Jeremiah is the founder of Turning Point Radio and Television Ministries and senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in California. Tune in weekdays at 4:30 am, 8:30 am and 1:30 pm to hear the teachings of Dr. David Jeremiah on FaithTalk 760 AM, 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM 104.3 FM & 102.1 FM. L E T S TA L K F A I T H . C O M

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2022 EDITION| 9



By Rabbi Steven J. Weiler

Raising up Godly children in our current culture is difficult at best. However, God gives us a promise in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Now all we have to do is figure out how to train up our children God’s way! My wife and I have been blessed with two great girls – now they are adults with their own children. I’d like to tell you it was because we did things right, but that would be a lie. And after all these years, I feel less certain about raising kids then I did years ago!

to teach them. Love God, love your spouse, and “love your neighbor as yourself ” (Numbers 19:18). Culture is critical, and you must set up your life and your home environment as a culture filled with God. You might not be able to live a perfect life, but you can “love God with all your heart, soul, and strength” (Deuteronomy 6:5). Your children will see it, they will feel it, they will know it and prayerfully desire it. Because they love you, they will take on the culture of your house. Your relationship with your spouse is extremely important. Your love for each other, how you deal with expectations not met, and how you deal with your disappointments will be clearly impressed into the minds of your children.

Summarizing what you should do: be intentional, do your best, and at all times, lean on, and trust the Lord. We, as parents, are all different and our children are all different. I’m We all come with a history of pretty sure what works with one child, baggage. As I was reminded by one of doesn’t always work with another. my daughters today, this is a spiritual battle. Mark 3:27: “But no one can On the other hand, I love children, enter a strong man’s house to ransack and will take on the responsibility of his property, unless he first ties up the advising you as long as you take on the strong man. Then he will thoroughly responsibility of listening to my heart plunder his house.” The strong man in this matter. is satan and the one who can bind him up is Yeshua (Jesus). Yeshua has Most importantly - be a good role given us that authority (Luke 9:1,10:19; model. Our children learn more by Matthew 18:18-20; 1 John 4:4, 14:12; how we behave than by what we try etc.). We must continually use the 10 |

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authority that Yeshua has given us in the spiritual realm to affect ourselves and our family here on earth. God’s Word, in the bible, has to be our instruction and our guideline for living, and when we disagree with what the bible says – we must change!! As parents, let us learn from Ephesians 4:20-32 , 20 “However, you did not learn Messiah in this way— if indeed you have heard Him and were taught in Him, as the truth is in Yeshua.With respect to your former lifestyle, you are to lay aside the old self corrupted by its deceitful desires, be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self—created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. “So lay aside lying and ‘each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,’ for we are members of one another. ‘Be angry, yet do not sin.’ Do not let the sun go down on your anger, nor give the devil a foothold. The one who steals must steal no longer—instead he must work, doing something useful with his own hands, so he may have something to share with the one who has need. Let no harmful word come out of your mouth, but only what is beneficial for building others up according to the need, so that it gives grace to those

who hear it. Do not grieve the Ruach ha-Kodesh (Holy Spirit) of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness and rage and anger and quarreling and slander, along with all malice. Instead, be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving each other just as God in Messiah also forgave you.” I don’t have the space in this article to teach on the above scripture, so, I will ask you to do what I have done and continue to do: read it slowly, often, and relate each thought to yourself. It will be powerful and transformative, and if your children ever know that’s what you have done, they will thank you. This is my main idea for you. The secular culture cannot compete with God’s unconditional love. The above scripture is simple to understand, yet so incredibly hard to execute in our lives. However, God gives you these promises; first, 1 John 4:4 “You are from God, children, and you have overcome them, because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.” And Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”

(Isaiah 55:11). We are going to have to “trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding. In all our ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight!” Every child is different; every parent (Proverbs 3:5-6) “Now we know that is different; and even the situations all things work together for good for are different and the circumstances those who love God, who are called around those situations are different. according to His purpose” (Romans I would love to give you a formula and 8:28). tell you “this is the way”, but obviously, It is not that we don’t know these I can’t. I will leave that to the experts. scriptures – we do! But it is critically What I can tell you is that every important that we get these scriptures parent wants do-overs. Every parent so deep in our heart, that we know our wants to take back words. Every actions are – Yeshua, in us. parent wishes they would have said… For all parents, here is my prayer: Parents are fragile, searching how to be the best they can be, yet never “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and shalom in trusting, so you feeling like they are good enough! may overflow with hope in the power of the Ruach ha-Kodesh.” (Romans But God! God is with us! 15:13). Amen & Amen!!! God’s Words will not return void. thinking! Again, you will question yourself and pray you did the right thing. Years later, you might still be questioning yourself.

“Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Please note that I haven’t given you rules on how to deal with your children. There will be times when you lay down the law, sometimes you will give in, and other times you will compromise. There will be times you bite your tongue in order not to say the things you are thinking and then wonder if your silence meant that you condoned wrong behavior. Other times, you will have to say emphatically exactly what you are

Rabbi Steven J. Weiler is ordained as a Messianic Rabbi and serves at Shoresh David Messianic Synagogues. Listen to Rabbi Weiler’s show Heart of Messiah, Sundays at 9:00 am on FaithTalk 760 AM, 104.3 FM, 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM, & 102.1 FM. L E T S TA L K F A I T H . C O M

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SPIRITUAL CONFLICT By Dr. Gary Roy “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.” Matthew 10:34

In today’s world, we are confronted with issues such as abortion, transgenderism, same-sex marriage, and critical race theory, all of which are totally opposed to the teaching of the Bible, yet politically correct and acceptable to society. The battle is good versus evil and right versus wrong. Becoming a follower of Jesus Christ requires personal sacrifice and commitment to God‘s Word, to follow that which is good. When we accept Christ as our Savior, we have the peace of God within our hearts. However, our belief in God’s word brings conflict and warfare from those who are the enemies of the gospel. The strategy of our enemy, Satan, is to place God’s people in a “bad light”, accusing them of being bigoted and hateful and not being very "Christlike" because they disagree with such practices and they stand with the principles of God's word. What makes it even more difficult is that there are "false churches" that tolerate these sinful teachings and practices and proclaim a false message of approval by God, which is a perversion of His Word. 12 |

Because of this, families and friends are often divided over these issues and therefore put in a position to choose sides when it comes to following the Word of God or agreeing with sin just to keep peace within the family.

persecute me?” Paul’s answer was, “Who are you, Lord? ”Lord, what would you have me to do?” At that moment Paul made his commitment to follow Christ and leave the world. This brought great opposition in his life and even imprisonment later on Jesus addressed this in Matthew in his ministry. 10:35-36 when He stated: "For I have come to set a man against his father, The great Apostle led many to a daughter against her mother, and a Christ through persecution and daughter-in-law against her mother- personal pain because of his stand in-law; and a man's enemies will be with the word of God. those of his own household." This places many in the difficult position We may not suffer as the Apostle of making hard choices on whether Paul did, but being rejected by to participate in wrongdoing or people we love, because of our faith following Christ. The obvious choice in Christ, is nevertheless painful and is to follow Christ. heartbreaking at times. Jesus made it clear in Luke 9:23 when He said: The upside to taking a stand with God is that some who do not believe may come to repentance and be saved by God’s grace. Some of the worst enemies of Christ have made a change by coming face to face with the truth and being born again. Take the Apostle Paul, for instance. As a devout enemy of Christianity, Paul (Saul of Tarsus) was confronted on the road to Damascus by Jesus Christ himself and asked the question: “Saul, Saul, why do you

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"If anyone desires to come after Me, and not the sin. Never render evil for let him deny himself, and take up his evil but love those who despise you, stand on the truth of God’s Word and cross daily and follow Me." proclaim the gospel to everyone you There is a spiritual battle being know. As Jesus stated on the cross: waged against true believers in Christ “Father forgive them, for they know by Satan himself. You may be made not what they do.” People need the out to be the enemy when in truth Lord. you are the peacemaker. It’s time to stand boldly and not apologize for Have you been pressured to our faith in Jesus Christ. Society is compromise your beliefs for the being inundated and brainwashed sake of having peace with family with lies and hatred toward God and friends? The Bible gives us from the enemy. We must take on the sound advice to apply when faced whole Armor of God and be strong with conflict over the truth of God’s in the Lord and in the power of His Word and how to love our enemies: “Therefore, if your enemy is hungry, might. feed him; if he is thirsty, give him Most of all, we must love the sinner drink; for in so doing you will heap

coals of fire on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 13:20,21 The battle may be tough, but we have the victory in Jesus Christ. One day soon, He will come again and set up His kingdom on earth and rule in righteousness for a thousand years. Be sure that you are saved! “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 May God’s grace be with you as you stand firm in the truth of His Word.

Dr. Gary Roy is Senior Pastor at Colonial Oaks Baptist Church in Sarasota, Florida. He is the host of Faith Answers Radio Program Saturdays at 12:00 pm on FaithTalk 760 AM, 104.3 FM, 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM, & 102.1 FM.

TRINITY SECURITY ALLIES n’s Childre S a f et y

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Trinity Security Allies is a Non-Profit Providing Biblically-Based Church Safety Training, Education and Consulting with an Emphasis on Expanding God’s Kingdom.

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2022 EDITION | 13

WEEKDAYS MORNINGS 12:00 am 12:30 am 1:00 am 2:00 am 2:30 am 3:00 am 3:30 am 4:00 am 4:30 am 4:45 am 5:00 am 6:00 am 6:30 am 7:00 am 7:30 am 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 11:30 am 12:00 pm 12:30 pm

In Touch Ministries with Dr. Charles Stanley Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah Focus on the Family with Jim Daly SEKULOW with Jay Sekulow Fresh Wind Radio with Dr. Jomo Cousins Verse by Verse with Steve Kreloff In Touch Ministries with Dr. Charles Stanley Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah Joni and Friends Sound of Faith with Sharon Hardy Knotts and R.G. Hardy FamilyLife Today with Dave and Ann Wilson Verse By Verse with Pastor Steve Kreloff Grace To You with John MacArthur Focus On The Family with Jim Daly Pathway To Victory with Dr. Robert Jeffress Allen Jackson Ministries with Allen Jackson Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah The Barnabas Effect with Pastor Paul Purvis Unfiltered Radio with Bryant Golden A New Beginning with Greg Laurie Know the Truth with Philip de Courcy In Touch Ministries with Dr. Charles Stanley Saving America Radio with Charlie Kirk SEKULOW with Jay Sekulow Discovering the Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider

MID-DAYS 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm 2:30 pm 3:00 pm

Fresh Wind Radio with Jomo Cousins Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah Unlimited Grace with Bryan Chapell Verse By Verse with Pastor Steve Kreloff The Bill Bunkley Show with Bill Bunkley

WEEKDAY EVENINGS 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:20pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm 11:55 pm

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Yankee Arnold Ministries with Ralph "Yankee" Arnold Unfiltered Radio with Bryant Golden Focus On The Family with Jim Daly Adventures In Odyssey with Focus on the Family The Barnabas Effect Fresh Wind Radio with Dr. Jomo Cousins Sound of Faith with Sharon Hardy Knotts and R.G. Hardy Joni and Friends Unlimited Grace with Bryan Chapell What's Right What's Left Joni and Friends



12:00 am 1:00 am 2:00 am 2:30 am 3:00 am 3:30 am 4:00 am 5:00 am 5:30 am 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 9:00 pm

12:00 am 3:00 am 6:00 am 7:00 am 7:30 am 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 11:30 am 12:00 pm 12:30 pm 1:30 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

11:00 pm

Hope In The Night with June Hunt Focus on the Family with Jim Daly SEKULOW with Jay Sekulow Fresh Wind Radio with Jomo Cousins Verse By Verse with Pastor Steve Kreloff In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley The Christian Outlook Ministry in the Marketplace with Dr. Richard Hamlet Grace To You with John MacArthur Vacation Nation Radio with Kathryn Hoyt and Sandra Holder The Attorney Patrick Smith Show with Patrick Smith Choose Life Radio Jene’s Tropicals with Jene Van Butsel Ask the Doctor with Dr. Michael Lange The Christian Outlook Faith Answers with Pastor Gary Roy The Barnabas Effect with Pastor Paul Purvis Fresh Wind Radio with Jomo Cousins Keeping it Cool with Josh Cabrera Vacation Nation Radio with Kathryn Hoyt and Sandra Holder Gaining Ground with Evan Burrows Allen Jackson Ministries with Allen Jackson Christian Thought with Dr. Richard Lambon Jene's Tropicals with Jene Van Butsel Keep the Faith with Keith Stevens, Donna Cruz Baldwin McCollough Live! with Stephen Baldwin, Kevin McCollough Key Life Network with Steve Brown

Keep the Faith with Keith Stevens, Donna Cruz The Eric Metaxas Show Townhall Weekend Review Family Life This Week with Michelle Hill The Crucified Message with Dr. Tony B. Young Jr. Ministry in the Marketplace with Dr. Richard Hamlet Pastor Robert Morris Ministries Heart Of Messiah with Rabbi Steven Weiler Unfiltered Radio with Bryant Golden Grace to You with John MacArthur Focus On The Family with Jim Daly Allen Jackson Ministries with Allen Jackson The Barnabas Effect with Pastor Paul Purvis The Christian Outlook Gaining Ground with Evan Burrows Gaining Ground with Pastor Evan Burrows Faith Answers with Dr. Gary Roy In Touch Ministries with Dr. Charles Stanley Verse by Verse with Steve Kreloff FamilyLife This Week with Michelle Hill Pastor Robert Morris Ministries Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah The Crucified Message with Reverend Dr. Tony B. Young Jr. Paws & Tales with Insight for Living Adventures in Odyssey with Focus on the Family Focus on the Family with Jim Daly The Christian Outlook Bible Answers Live with Doug Batchelor Late Night with Pastor Al with Al Davis

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UP the culture wants to silence us even when

By Jim Daly

Should Christians befriend And with good reason. members of the homosexual or transgendered community? Christians haven’t had to Should Christians engage in face cultural moral dilemmas the political process? to the degree we do now since our nation was founded. If so, what hope should What’s more, as seismic shifts we place in the government continue to erupt within the for resolution to society’s culture, many more social problems? conflicts will undoubtedly surface. Should Christians attend a friend’s same-sex wedding? All of which leads me to What if the ceremony is for a perhaps the most important parent’s son or daughter? question of all: I frequently get questions like these when I travel and have an opportunity to meet you, friends of Focus on the Family. I appreciate hearing your perspective because it helps me keep a finger on the pulse of the family and the Christian community. In this complex and layered world, there are sometimes no easy answers to these questions. I can tell you that the emotion you’re sharing with me is palpable. The culture is in a moral freefall, and there’s grave concern from many of you about the challenges we’re already facing and those we may encounter in the future. L E T S TA L K F A I T H . C O M

In the midst of a society that is morally adrift and increasingly hostile to the Gospel, how does the church keep its equilibrium and stay true to the principles upon which it is founded? On a recent Focus on the Family radio broadcast, Dr. Al Mohler, my friend and former Focus board member and president of Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, lamented that we find ourselves in so much trouble today in large part because the church remained silent at a time of tremendous culture upheaval: 2022 EDITION | 17

“We failed,” Dr. Mohler stated bluntly. “It was a massive failure on the part of the church. Where we should’ve spoken, we were silent. Where we should’ve confronted the issue head-on, the church was fearful. The awakening of the Christian conscience came in the last part of the 1970’s, the early 1980’s when Christians all of a sudden began to understand something has happened. We should have noticed it before. We should’ve confronted it before. But the awakening of the Evangelical conscience didn’t come until a decade after these big changes had taken place.” As a result, the predominant Christian culture as most of us have understood it has largely disappeared in America. That has tremendous implications moving forward for Christians striving to engage those with an opposing worldview.

us, but (God willing) transform our Some Christian activists, in their neighbors. zeal to influence the political process, may have given the impression that Dr. Mohler warns: “We will not our real hope lies in government— believe more than we know, and we in electing the right officials or will not live higher than our beliefs.” enacting good laws. These things are That’s why I believe the church’s important, but they will not solve our primary objective ought to be creating deepest problems. That’s why even as disciples whose beliefs have been we actively engage in the political transformed, not simply demanding arena, we should always keep in mind an unredeemed culture to behave that our true hope is in Christ. according to our Christian worldview. I take great comfort in knowing As Dr. Mohler says, “Mainstream that no matter how things go in Christianity has always had its Washington, D.C., or city hall, closest heresy in moralism. Behavior nothing will thwart God’s ultimate is important, but belief in Christ is plans. I also try to remember that no fundamental, primary, and eternal in one is beyond God’s reach. Saul of its consequences.” Tarsus was not beyond God’s reach. Although he helped orchestrate the Is the local church supposed to execution of Stephen, as recorded be made up of people who already in the New Testament, God already think like us, believe like us, act like knew that Saul would become Paul the us, parent like us, and engage the Apostle to the Gentiles. Paul’s life was culture like us? Or is it supposed to transformed. We need to remember be a place where people will come to this when we engage people who do find hope in Christ even if they don’t not “see” truth at the moment but understand the fullness of how that have the potential to be redeemed. belief will transform their lives?

Part of the answer for turning that around lies in the church finding its way back to making the main thing the main thing again. The bulk of the New Testament, I believe, exhorts us to boldly communicate the message of If it’s not the latter, then it’s not salvation through Christ alone, but to the churches we see in the New season it with love and grace. Testament. In this highly charged partisan and uneven culture, we’re Colossians 4:5-6 says, “Walk in tempted to either attack or withdraw. wisdom toward outsiders, making the We might lash out at the world, best use of the time. Let your speech expecting those outside the Church always be gracious, seasoned with salt, to act like we do. Or we withdraw so that you may know how you ought into our congregations, simply to answer each person.” singing hymns while society crumbles around us. A more effective approach Let us season our words and is to engage those with whom we attitudes with grace but speak from disagree—sitting down with them, if a deep biblical knowledge and possible, and, when feasible, working understanding of the Christian toward the common good without worldview that will not only transform compromising our core principles.

“Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.” Colossians 4:5-6

Jim Daly is the president and host of the National Radio Hall of Fame broadcast, Focus on the Family. Focus on the Family airs weekdays starting at 2:30, 7:00 am and 7:00 pm on FaithTalk 760 AM, 104.3 FM, 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM, & 102.1 FM. 18 |

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2022 EDITION | 19

Experience Your Faith

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The Truth Doesn’t Change but You Should. By Bryant Golden

How many times has the phrase, “The Bible could not be any clearer about…” been used to manipulate and even abuse people? I will not give examples, but just study a little history. It’s happened one too many times.

and Scripture is messy, complicated, and unclear. Heck, some of what Jesus said was unclear. I believe his words, but I do not always understand them.

It is why I would contend that one of the marks of a growing faith Can we just admit: There is a lot that is wondering, questioning, and is just not that clear? We are so fearful investigating. I can tell you that deeper to admit that…afraid of some slippery worship is on the other side. slope, flying off some theological rail, or not taking the Bible seriously. I get The idea that we can formulate an all of that and there is a place for those exhaustive set of theological beliefs concerns. that we never revisit and then say, “The Bible could not be clearer about…” is But there are so many things in dangerous. The quest of following Jesus Scripture that are not unmistakably requires an overabundance of humility crystal clear. It is why I always run to listen, learn, and question. And, yes, back to what I think is undeniable I believe Scripture is reliable and Jesus and that is the resurrection of Jesus. is the ultimate source of truth. But I Contrary to popular opinion, the am not the ultimate source of truth. foundation of the Jesus movement is Nor are you. Our interpretations and not the Bible, it is not Christians, it insights are limited and often wrong. is not doctrine, it is the resurrection. Which means this spiritual journey Without the resurrection, the Bible, is a lifetime of seeing previously Christians, and doctrine do not exist. undiscovered realities, unearthing The only reason we are still talking new questions, and rethinking old about Jesus is because, as crazy as it paradigms. sounds, he came back to life. After two decades of intense study, that is That is scary. But I believe it is the the part that is clear to me. There is invitation of Jesus when he said, “have overwhelming historical evidence for faith like a child.” In her book Out of the resurrection of Jesus that validates Sorts, Sarah Bessey explains how that for me everything that Jesus said and verse is generally used to shut people did. But so much of the rest of theology down and silence the questions. How 2 2 | F A I T H TA L K 7 6 0 A M , 1 0 4 . 3 F M , 5 7 0 A M , 1 0 0 . 3 F M , 9 1 0 A M , & 1 0 2 . 1 F M

many times have you heard that? Just take your sincere, thoughtful, intellectual questions and ignore them and just believe. Maybe that was the reason you walked away from following Jesus. However, the invitation Jesus offers is the opposite of ignoring your honest doubts. Childlike faith is deeply curious. It is unafraid to ask questions with sincerity and find answers. You may have felt on the outside for your sincere questioning and investigating, but you are following Jesus with faith like a child. Your desire for answers and understanding is an act of faith. My faith is anchored in the resurrection of Jesus. It is why Paul wrote in the New Testament that we could know (strong words) where we stand with God because God did something in history through Jesus – he rose from the dead. But my faith is also evolving, questioning, and changing. As it does, my circle has significantly widened to include new people and new theological perspectives. It has made me realize how big, vast, and beautiful the body of Christ is in the world. And all those situations where I’m not certain? Jesus addressed that too when he said in his final hours, “If you forget everything else don’t lose sight of

this one thing: Love others the way that I have loved you.” When you are unsure of what to say or do it comes back to this one idea: What does love demand of you? Even if I can’t find a verse that question is terrifyingly clear. My seminary self had clarity about all the theology. Now more than two decades later, there is more theology that is unclear and murky for me than ever before. That does not make me nervous, it makes me excited. I am continuing the journey of discovering, experiencing, and following Jesus. I am finally learning what it means to have faith like a child.

“Child-like faith is deeply curious. It is unafraid to ask questions with sincerity to find an answer. You may have felt on the outside for your sincere questioning and investigating, but you are following Jesus with faith like a child.” -Bryant Golden

Bryant Golden is the Lead Pastor at Center Point Church. He is also the host of Unfiltered Radio Program airing Weekdays at 6:30pm and Sunday's at 9:30am on FaithTalk 760 AM, 104.3 FM, 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM, & 102.1 FM.

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2022 EDITION | 23

Straight as an

ARROW By Philip De Courcy

A husband and wife who worked for the circus went to an adoption agency to inquire about the possibility of adopting. In hearing of their desire to adopt a child, the social workers naturally raised doubts about their suitability given their on-the-road circus lifestyle. In response, the couple produced photos of their 45foot motor home, which was clean, well maintained, and equipped with a nice bedroom for the child. Still concerned, the social workers raised questions about the opportunity for education on the road. The husband and wife replied, “We have arranged for a tutor who will teach the child all the usual subjects along with French, Spanish, and some computer skills.” Feeling better about the request, the social workers probed one more time regarding the child’s exposure to the rough-and-tumble circus environment. They were assured that there were 17 other children with circus parents who were well adjusted and cared for. The nanny they had selected for the child was a certified expert in pediatric care, welfare, and diet. Having all their questions answered, the social workers were finally satisfied. They asked the couple one last question: “What aged child are you hoping to adopt?” The couple replied, “It doesn’t really matter, as

long as the kid fits into the cannon.” I’m not so sure about firing kids out of cannons in a circus routine, but in Psalm 127, the Bible does encourage Christian parents to see their children as arrows in their hands—arrows that they get to shape, direct, and release against the enemy of our souls and into a world in rebellion against God (Ps 127:4). The image of the arrow flies across the pages of our Bible in a variety of metaphors. It is used of piercing words that wound people (Ps 64:3–4; Prov 25:18), God-sent weather patterns (Ps 18:13–15, 144:6), the harmful actions of wicked men (Ps 11:2), satanic attacks against the soul (Eph 6:16), and divine judgment directed against men (Ex 19:13; Ps 38:2; Job 6:4). In the case of Psalm 127:4, the metaphor likens the blessing of having children to the advantage owned by a soldier whose quiver is packed full of arrows. Fundamentally, arrows are an offensive weapon to be fired at the enemy. The compelling and clear implication of that image is that the raising of a godly family and children who love the Lord and hate evil is one of the chief means of advancing God’s kingdom on earth (Mal 2:15; Ps 97:10). Leading our children to faith in Christ

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badly hurts the kingdom of darkness and greatly helps the kingdom of light. We need to remind ourselves that parenting is a powerful means of spiritual warfare. We, as warriors, get to inflict a wound on the enemy by raising our children by God’s grace and for God’s glory to fight the good fight of faith and stand in this evil day (Eph 6:10–18; 1 Tim 6:12). We need to fight for our families just as the citizens of Jerusalem did under Nehemiah (Neh 4:14). We need to oppose the public education system’s attempts to indoctrinate our children in critical race theory, radical gender theory, and other godless ideas. We need to resist the sexualization of our children by the fashion and entertainment industries. We must fight against government agencies coming between parents and children and diluting parental rights. We need to oppose legalized abortion and the slaughter of untold numbers of children. We must fight for the family as God’s institution and our individual families on all kinds of fronts. One of the best ways to do that is to turn our families into fighters—those who will fight for what is right and those who will fight for the name and fame of Jesus Christ (2 Tim 2:3–4; Isa 59:19). We need to meditate on the metaphor

of children as arrows and God’s calling for us as parents to prepare, point, and project them out into the world as a means of cementing our legacy, growing the church, benefiting the nation, and bringing honor to the Lord who made them. Arrows Are To Be Skillfully Shaped First, we need to shape our children in the gospel. No arrow begins straight. The warrior must take that branch, shape it, and whittle it down. It is the same with our children who come to us bent out of shape by sin (Ps 51:5, 58:3). Our children are not born innocent or good. They are born bad and their hearts are twisted and wicked. Because of that, we need to restrain and train them in the ways of the Lord and His Son (Prov 29:15, 22:6). We need to teach them the Scriptures that are able to make them wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus (2 Tim 3:15, 1:5–6).

(Prov 3:5–6; Matt 6:33; 1 Cor 10:31). Our desire as parents is that our children hit the target of God’s best (Phil 1:10). Sin is like an arrow falling short of its target. The Bible calls sin a falling short of God’s glory (Rom 3:23). Since all things in creation are from God and for God, may we make it our aim as mums and dads to remind our children that they are God’s unique creation, made in His image, and that the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever (Eccl 12:13; Col 1:16–17). Let’s imprint on their soul this idea that the bullseye of their life’s purpose is glorifying God as the unique individuals God has created them to be (Ps 139:13–16; Eph 2:10, 5:15–17). Arrows Are To Be Readily Released Third, we need to work toward releasing our children out into life in the joyful anticipation that, like an arrow, they will go to places we cannot and accomplish things we have not (Ps 18:29). There are few joys in life, according to the apostle John, greater than watching our children walk fast and far in the truth (3 John 4). One of the high watermarks of life is living to see our children and our children’s children progress and prosper in life under God (Ps 128:6).

Good parents focus on feeding, clothing, educating, protecting, and giving a good future to their children. Christian parents, above all else, seek to feed their children the Bread of Life (John 6:35); see them clothed in the righteousness of Christ (Phil 3:9); and have them schooled in biblical wisdom (Prov 1:7), protected by God’s presence (Ps 46:1), and animated by the living God doesn’t want us to be helicopter hope of their future resurrection unto parents hovering over our children eternal life (1 Pet 1:3–5). every waking moment, never letting them out of our sight, never feeding Arrows Are To Be Accurately Aimed them responsibility, never trusting them to do the right thing. Such Second, as a warrior sets his sights parenting turns a home into a prison. on a target, we need to direct our sons Instead, in the early years, God wants and daughters toward a life lived in parents to take charge and walk in front relationship with God, for God’s glory, of their children, leading and showing and according to kingdom priorities them the way. Then in those middle

years God wants parents to walk beside their children, training them in what they should do and letting them attempt to do it. Then, finally, God wants parents to get behind their children, cheerleading them to blaze their own trails in life and take what they have learned from us to apply it to their own lives and emerging families. Parenting is all about working yourself out of a job. Parenting is the shaping, directing, and releasing of an arrow. As a Christian parent, the Bible commands you, “Ready, steady, aim, fire!” When Leonidas and his 300 courageous Spartans blocked the advance of tens of thousands of Persian soldiers at the battle of Thermopylae, he was resolute and resistant. When he was told that the Persians would rain down so many arrows on his mini army that it would darken the sky and blot out the sun, he replied, “Good. We will fight them in the shade.” In these dark and darkening days, may God give us the spirit of Leonidas as parents. May we fight in the shade to advance God’s kingdom throughout the world. May we fight in the shade to help bring our nation back to her Christian beginnings and back to her moral senses. We can do this best by raising up a generation of Godly children who will be unashamed of the gospel, who will be guided by the moral compass of Scripture, who will hate evil and the evil one, and who will love God and His Son Jesus Christ with all their strength and love their neighbor as themselves. God give us children and grandchildren who are as straight as an arrow!

Philip De Courcy is the pastor of Kindred Community Church in Anaheim Hills, California, and teacher on the daily radio program Know the Truth. Know the Truth airs Monday through Friday at 10:30AM on FaithTalk 760 AM, 104.3 FM, 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM, & 102.1 FM. L E T S TA L K F A I T H . C O M

2022 EDITION | 25


by Charles F. Stanley

Virtue By Charles Stanley

Of all the the excellent character qualities we could desire, there’s one that’s often misunderstood and rarely sought. Jesus was “made in the likeness of men” (v. 7). The sovereign Ruler of the universe came to earth as a baby, totally dependent upon others to care for Him. Though He never surrendered His divinity, the Creator of all things took on a human body and nature yet was without sin. No one could tell by looking at His external appearance that God had come to live among humankind.

If you could pick one commendable quality or trait you’d like to be known for, what would it be? As Christians, we desire to be characterized by virtues like honesty, integrity, moral excellence, loyalty, or compassion, but how many of us aspire to be humble? In a society that promotes power and ambition, humility is not highly valued. In fact, it is often thought of as being equivalent to weakness.

attitude will never work. Rather, God is pleased when someone comes to Him with a contrite spirit, confessing that he or she is a sinner in need of forgiveness.

None of us would describe Jesus as weak, yet He says of Himself, “I am gentle and humble in heart” (Matt. 11:29). Humility is the opposite of pride and could be defined as lowliness of mind, based on a proper and godly perspective of oneself. The goal is to see ourselves as God does and to accept whatever place He has for us. We must also remember that a person’s position in life is not a measurement of how humble he or she is. An influential job or great wealth doesn’t automatically mean someone lacks humility any more than poverty or a lack of prominence guarantees a person is modest. A humble spirit is an internal quality of the soul that God produces in His children by the power of the Holy Spirit

He took the “form of a bond-servant” (v. 7). Stepping down from heaven to become a man was a tremendous condescension, but the Son of God lowered Himself further. A bond-servant was the lowest slave in the household, and he did the most menial tasks. Jesus told His disciples that He didn’t come to be served but to serve (Mark 10:45), and He even demonstrated this by washing their feet, a task they felt was Jesus didn’t hold on to what was rightfully too undignified for them (John 13:3-5). His—He “emptied Himself ” (v. 7). Because of our human limitations, we Jesus “humbled Himself by becoming have difficulty comprehending what obedient to the point of death” (Phil. Jesus left behind when He came to 2:8). earth. As a member of the Trinity, the Christ was obedient to His heavenly Son has the same nature, attributes, and Father, and His ultimate act of obedience power as God the Father and the Holy required dying for the sins of the world Spirit. Yet He didn’t cling to His rights (1 Pet. 3:18). No one was going to take and equality with the Father. Rather, His life; He was going to lay it down He left the blissful perfection of heaven on His own initiative, in obedience to to come as the Savior of humankind. the Father’s command (John 10:17-18).

In fact, humility is essential for salvation. No one comes to God and says, “Lord, this is Your lucky day; I’m coming to be saved.” That kind of proud

Jesus is our model. When the apostle Paul wrote to the Christians at Philippi, he gave them the following instructions: “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others” (Phil. 2:3-4). Then to make sure they understood what he was saying, Paul added, “Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus” (v. 5). By examining Christ’s attitude, we learn what true humility looks like and how we, too, can learn to walk humbly with God:

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Humility is what God desires for us. The Lord has shown us the attitude we need to have if we are to follow Him faithfully. Too often we focus on our wants—protection, provision, guidance, love, assurance, and blessings—which are all good, but He wants to develop Christlike humility in us. This means we’ll have to do an honest self-evaluation and ask Him to show us where we’re prideful. As we look at the example Christ set for us, we should consider how we measure up to His attitude of humility, by asking: Do my goals in life focus on selfadvancement? Do I hold tightly to my own rights, privileges, desires, or ways?

Am I willing to empty myself of importance, but it leads only to ultimate all these and lay them down in humbling by God. obedience to God? When Jesus’ disciples were arguing How often do I lower myself to do about which one of them was the things that seem beneath me? greatest, He told them, “Whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your Do I consider what I can do to servant” (Matt. 20:26). God is far more serve someone else, or am I interested in a spirit of humility than just looking out for myself ? in the great works we can do for Him. Our goal should be to place ourselves Greatness begins with humility. under God’s mighty hand and trust Him to “exalt [us] at the proper time” No one has ever humbled himself (1 Pet. 5:6). Like Christ, we may not see more than Jesus, and for this reason the exaltation during our earthly life, “God highly exalted Him, and bestowed but when we finally stand before our on Him the name which is above every heavenly Father, what a joy it will be name, so that at the name of Jesus every to hear Him say, “Well done, good and knee will bow” (Phil. 2:9-10). Self- faithful servant” (Matt. 25:23 NKJV). promotion may seem like the path to

This article is reprinted with permission from In Touch Ministries. To receive free discipleship resources, visit Tune in weekdays at 3:30 and 11:00 am to hear the teachings of Charles Stanley on FaithTalk 760 AM, 104.3 FM, 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM, & 102.1 FM.

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2022 EDITION| 27

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Christian’s By Joni Eareckson Tada

A strange thing happened when word first spread that I had stage III breast cancer: I began receiving all things pink. Pink quilts, teddy bears, and t-shirts covered with breast-cancer symbols. Even letters written with pink ink on rosy paper. Each gift welcomed me into a special club. The sisterhood of cancer warriors. Long after my surgery and treatment, whenever I encountered other Christians in the sisterhood, they immediately connected with me as their fellow cancer survivor. If other women were among us, I sensed they had to stand outside our intimate circle of shared suffering. I congratulated these survivors for being cancer-free, but I’d glance at their breast-cancer pins and think, Are you ever going to move on? Is there no better topic of discussion than, “Have you had your annual breast exam?” Hear me: my intention is not to disparage anyone who has survived the tough rigors of breast cancer. But I wonder if some of these Christian women are longing for security and significance that’s more touchable than a faith whose substance is merely hoped for and frustratingly unseen — longing to be a part of something that actualizes one’s identity. Although they would never discount their Savior, they L E T S TA L K F A I T H . C O M

want something more tangible than Putting Things in Their Proper Place their name written in an invisible book of life: Who am I? My backdrop is a It takes the fight and fire of God’s Christian, but I’m a warrior, a cancer Spirit to not be enticed away by these survivor. Know and respect me by that. things. The apostle Peter says to make no provision for the flesh, for these In Christ Alone things “wage war against your soul” (1 Peter 2:11). To find your identity, In a way, I understand the struggle. worth, and value in anything other My quadriplegia constantly clamors for than Jesus Christ is to believe that my undivided attention: empty leg bag, your distinguished career, your prized deal with pain, arrange for help, adjust pet, your parenting skills, your valiant corset, charge wheelchair, look for victory over cancer and quadriplegia, access, and grab that handicap parking or your sin itself makes life more spot before someone else does. It’s my meaningful, rich, or fulfilling. But world. Then again, it is definitively not. Christian, your identity must never be in things that compete for space in your My world, my breath and very being heart. Don’t diminish the price paid for — my identity — is in Christ and you or minimize God’s adoption of you. Christ alone. I am not my own; I was bought with the price of God’s blood (1 Only in Christ do we find breathlessly Corinthians 6:19-20). Satan hates that. fulfilling joy, peace, and meaning. When He will do everything he can — use we live like we died in Christ, our career my wheelchair, my notoriety, ministry, finds its balance, our pet finds its place, whatever — to focus me away from our children benefit unbelievably, and Christ. our victories over trials become reasons to make God famous and happily laud So, I heed the warning of Deuteronomy him before others. 11:16: “Take care lest your heart be deceived, and you turn aside and serve Since Christ is the source of peace, other gods and worship them.” Am I joy, strength, and rest, and in him we saying that my ministry to people with live and move and have our very being, disabilities or your precious Shih Tzu we can be secure and feel significant with her tiny bow is an idol? If they when we see ourselves “in Christ.” Jesus compete for our singular devotion to is ecstasy beyond compare. Why would Christ, then yes. we supplant him with anything lesser? 2022 EDITION | 29

Who Are You?

— voilà — there you will find yourself. As you reach inside the layers of Jesus, you see more of yourself, transformed by the very discipline of knowing him better. “The Bible does tell us who we are and what we should do, but it does so through the lens of who God is. The knowledge of God and the knowledge of self always go hand in hand,” says Jen Wilkin.

Do you want to know who you are? “Your life is hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3). It’s like those handpainted Russian dolls that twist open to reveal — surprise! — another doll inside. Take out that one, open it, and there’s another. This is fun, you discover. Every time you reach in and pull out a new one, you are sure it’ll be the last. But not by a long shot — the Follow the mandate of Colossians joy continues as you relish one delight 3:2-3. “Set your minds on things that after another over all that’s hidden are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life inside. is hidden with Christ in God.” Every It’s a vivid picture of unfolding and day get actively engaged with the delighting in your identity. Who are Holy Spirit in knowing Christ better, you? You are in Jesus and he is in the in discovering “what’s inside.” The Father. So, start opening up Christ and more you look, the more you will be

enthralled by his beauty, captivated by his love, and overcome by the excellencies of his mercy and grace. Boast in your identity in Jesus, and lead someone else to Calvary, like he would. Lay your life down for others as he did. Cherish God’s word as he does. Carry your cross daily in the manner he would. Pray the way he does. Worship the Father like he does. Most of all, ask the Spirit to expose your sins that killed him. He lost his life so that you might find yours, so begin each day asking God to show you the “you” he designed you to be. For you are a treasure, hidden in him.

Joni Eareckson Tada is CEO of Joni and Friends, a global ministry reaching people disabilities for Christ around the world. Used with permission from Joni and Friends. Tune in weekdays at 4:30 am & 9:20 pm to listen to Joni and Friends on FaithTalk 760 AM, 104.3 FM, 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM, & 102.1 FM.

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My Sheep


My Voice By Jomo Cousins

Hearing from God is one of the most critical aspects of a Christian’s faith walk. Logically, if we believe in a God who speaks, then we must believe in an enemy who speaks, too. One of our biggest challenges is that we have so many voices fighting for our ears that we sometimes have trouble knowing whose voice we’re hearing. If we don’t want to be led by the wrong voices, we must become skilled at recognizing the only one that is always right. When I thought of writing about this, I was studying counterfeits and copies. They say that the best way to spot a counterfeit is to study the original. Did you know the Secret Service was created to fight counterfeiting? It was never about security! It was all about making sure we could identify real money versus fake bills.

our uncertainty as his opportunity. One of the enemy’s main goals is to get us to a place where we question God’s will for our lives so that we either make wrong decisions or struggle with indecision. Understand that indecision is a decision. It’s just a slow no and it stems from not comprehending God’s voice. Indecision leads to lack of action, which ultimately amounts to disobedience.

eat fruit from the trees of the garden, except the fruit from the tree which is in the middle of the garden. God said, ‘You shall not eat from it nor touch it, otherwise you will die.’” But the serpent said to the woman, “You certainly will not die! For God knows that on the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened [that is, you will have greater awareness], and you will be like God, knowing [the difference between] good and evil.” And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was delightful to look at, and a tree to be desired in order to make one wise and insightful, she took some of its fruit and ate it; and she also gave some to her husband with her, and he ate. Then the eyes of the two of them were opened [that is, their awareness increased], and they knew that they were naked; and they fastened fig leaves together and made themselves coverings.

When God first created Adam and Eve, the only voice that led them was God’s. Obedience came easier and life was great! But, after they opened themselves up to the devil’s influence, they needed discernment to know right from wrong. That is the epitome of being double-minded and the Bible says that "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” (James Banks have entire departments 1:8) With one voice, there is a simpler dedicated to studying money. choice, but with multiple voices come In these verses, the devil used a Among other things, they learn the multiple choices. little truth with every statement to distinguishing qualities of original trick them. When studying the devil's bills so they can discern when Genesis 3:3-7 (AMP) words in this passage, notice that 46% something is a counterfeit. Similarly, Now the serpent was more crafty of what he said was true. Let’s do a when a person says to me, "Jomo, I (subtle, skilled in deceit) than any living quick truth-meter on his statements: can’t tell if I’m hearing God's voice creature of the field which the Lord God or not," I’ve learned that means they had made. And the serpent (Satan) Lie haven't studied the original enough. said to the woman, “Can it really be “Can it really be that God has said, They haven’t invested enough time that God has said, ‘You shall not eat ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the in reading God’s Word to be able to from any tree of the garden’?” And the garden?’” (Gen. 3:3) discern His voice. And the enemy sees woman said to the serpent, “We may L E T S TA L K F A I T H . C O M

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Lie breakthrough, he’ll usually try to show “But the serpent said to the woman, up with a shortcut to derail us. ‘You certainly will not die!’” (Gen. 3:4) Here are five keys for discerning the Truth voice of the enemy: “For God knows that on the day you eat from it, your eyes will be • He will have you question your opened [that is, you will have greater identity awareness], and you will be like God, • He will offer you a shortcut knowing [the difference between] good • He will contradict God's Word and evil.” (Gen. 3:5) • He will sow seeds of doubt • He will confuse with words You might wonder how Eve, who had been listening to and obeying Before I started my church, my wife God’s voice all along, could be led and I were offered very lucrative jobs astray so easily the first time she with a large ministry. The offer they heard an outside voice. Why was it gave us was very enticing. The salary so easy for the devil to plant a seed of was quite generous, we would have doubt just by telling her that God was our own armor bearers, and we could holding something back from them? pick between having an S600 or an It was because she did not trust God's Escalade, as the proverbial icing on voice and she did not trust God’s heart. the cake! We were extremely excited When we take God at His word, we about the opportunity. can obey Him even when we don’t fully understand Him. While we were deliberating, I was still unsure about whether God was God gives us free will, but the danger telling me to start a church. I had a big of that is that we can be led astray by decision to make: do I preach to 5,000 our own lust for more. Eve chose to people to start off with or do I start a believe the father of lies over the author church with my family in a building of truth because she wanted something with no air conditioning? It seemed God told her she could not have and like an easy decision – a borderline Adam failed to step in. Caveat: Be rhetorical question, but the Holy Spirit mindful of who you talk to. They may said, "Jomo, start with nothing." have a greater understanding of the things of God than you and, like Eve, I thought to myself, “If I start off in you could end up paying dearly for a megachurch, our life would be a lot listening to the wrong voice. easier!” I have always been a provider for my family and I never wanted to Originally, the devil's job was to be in a position where I fell short of bring light and worship to God, but that. At that time, I just couldn’t see he got caught up in pride. Now, his how a start-up church could give us aim is to replace God, so he’s always financial stability. trying to find ways to get in our ears. We hear the devil’s voice most clearly I prayed and God confirmed the when we're hungry, thirsty, or lonely. same message: “Start a church with And when we're on the verge of a nothing but Me.” The message came to

me in a dream that blew my mind! In it, the megachurch’s pastor had a knife at my neck in a threatening manner. I woke up the next day with clarity that his church was not the place for me. I interpreted the dream to mean that if I took the job, that would be the death of my speaking gift. My wife confirmed it, too. She asked me, "Jomo, can you handle that environment? You might end up saying something that would get you fired!" I had to admit that she was right. I’ve always had the ability to say what needs to be said to people – even if they don’t want to hear it. I obeyed the voice of God, started with nothing but a word, and am now serving a thriving ministry. I didn’t know how things would turn out when God first placed the call on my heart, but I knew the importance of spending time developing a relationship with the One who did. I also know that I am not allowed to rest on the laurels of my past victories with God. Every day, new voices try to influence my new choices. Staying planted in the Word is my only assurance that I’ll keep hearing God’s voice above all else.

"A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” (James 1:8)

Jomo Cousins is the Senior Pastor at Love First Christian Center in Riverview, Florida. He is also the host of Fresh Wind Radio airing Weekdays at 2:30 am, 1:00 pm & 8:30 pm on FaithTalk 760 AM, 104.3 FM, 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM, & 102.1 FM. 3 2 | F A I T H TA L K 7 6 0 A M , 1 0 4 . 3 F M , 5 7 0 A M , 1 0 0 . 3 F M , 9 1 0 A M , & 1 0 2 . 1 F M


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The Four IMPOSSIBILITIES of Man By Ralph "Yankee" Arnold Many years ago, I heard an older preacher state that the four biggest lies told were, “Checks in the mail, I gave at the office, I’m from the Federal government, I’m here to help you, and I’m a preacher and I want to say a few words.” After preaching for over 58 years, I assure you that there are many more than those four. In the religious realm, there are a few statements that are attributed to God as the author but have no foundation as truth such as: It is possible for a man to save himself; it is possible for a man to lose salvation, it is possible for a man to please God without faith, and it is possible for a man to lose rewards once they are earned. I would like to discuss four great truths in the Bible that are impossible to be accomplished by man. 1. It is impossible for a man to save himself. Why is this true? The main reason is because God says so. Matthew 19:25 “When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved?” Mat 19:26 “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible;

but with God all things are possible.” God declared is impossible. can save a man, but a man cannot save himself. 2. It is impossible for a man to lose salvation once he is saved. Ephesians 2:8 “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of Why is this true? Again, mainly yourselves: it is the gift of God:” Eph because God says so. 2:9 “Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Notice that the scriptures say, John 6:37 “All that the Father giveth “…not of yourselves” and “…Not of me shall come to me; and him that works”. This can only mean that your cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” destination is not determined by the Jesus says he would not cast us out for way you live your life. It’s amazing how any reason. many are trying to change God’s mind on this. John 6:39 “And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he Titus 3:5 Not “by works of righteousness hath given me I should lose nothing, but which we have done, but according to his should raise it up again at the last day.” mercy he saved us, by the washing of Do you see where God says he would regeneration, and renewing of the Holy lose nothing refers to saved people. Ghost;” This verse tells us how we are not saved, (by works of righteousness John 6:47 “Verily, verily, I say unto which we have done) and how we are you, He that believeth on me hath saved (by his mercy). everlasting life.” If you believe you have something, what is it that you have? It’s Notice how the Lord defines the Eternal Life at the very moment you words Grace and Works. Romans 11:6 believe. It’s like a scenario where two And “if by grace, then is it no more of people say- “Are you married?” “Yes!” works: otherwise grace is no more grace. “Do you have a wife?” “I don’t know!” But if it be of works, then is it no more Somebody doesn’t get it. To be saved grace: otherwise work is no more work.” by grace means there are no conditions Salvation cannot be both ways. It is from man to be fulfilled. According to either a gift that is totally free and I John 5:13, we can know we have right lasts forever, or salvation is of works now the gift of Eternal Life. 1 John 5:13 which would require a person to live “These things have I written unto you a continuous perfect life which God that believe on the name of the Son of

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God; that ye may know that ye have by hearing, and hearing by the word of eternal life, and that ye may believe on God.” the name of the Son of God.” Remember, Salvation is based on 3. It is impossible for a man to please what Christ did for us. Service is based God without faith. on what we do for the Lord. Notice that presenting your body as a living After we are saved, the Lord is now sacrifice is reasonable service. our Heavenly Father and greatly desires to bless us here on earth and Romans 12:1 “I beseech you therefore, to reward us in heaven. brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, Revelation 4:11 “Thou art worthy, O holy, acceptable unto God, which is your Lord, to receive glory and honour and reasonable service.” power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were Rom 12:2 “And be not conformed to created.” From this verse, we not only this world: but be ye transformed by see that God created us, but that we the renewing of your mind, that ye may were created for his pleasure. The prove what is that good, and acceptable, Lord says that all we like sheep have and perfect, will of God.” gone astray. We seek to do that which we deem right in our own eyes. After 4. It is impossible for a man to lose we are saved, it is the will of God to rewards once earned. do that which is right in his eyes. It pleases the Lord when we seek to find A man cannot lose rewards once those things in life that pleases him earned because God promised to and not ourselves. reward everyman according to his own labor. It is the will of God to know the Word of God to know the will of God. 1 Corinthians 3:8 “Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: Hebrews 11:6 “But without faith it and every man shall receive his own is impossible to please him: for he that reward according to his own labour.” cometh to God must believe that he is, God also promised in Hebrews 6:10 and that he is a rewarder of them that “For God is not unrighteous to forget diligently seek him.” your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that Romans 10:17 “So then faith cometh ye have ministered to the saints, and do

minister.” The Lord knows what you have done and are presently doing. Your service or lack of service in no way affects your salvation, because salvation is a work of God. Matthew 6:19 “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:”… Matthew 6:20 “But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal”. (Point is: You cannot lose them) Notice the guarantee in this verse that says, you cannot lose earned what’s earned. Matthew 10:42 “And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.” Knowing these four great truths of the Bible can give you wonderful peace about your eternal salvation. When you believe Christ paid for your sins, it brings great relief to know you have none to pay. When Christ came back from the dead, all He wants you to do was believe he did it for you. You can handle that can’t you? Thank you and God bless.

Dr. Ralph “Yankee” Arnold is the President of Florida Bible College of Tampa and host of the host of Yankee Radio Broadcast Ministry. Tune in weekdays at 6:00 pm to hear the teachings of Dr. Ralph "Yankee"Arnold on FaithTalk 760 AM, 104.3 FM, 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM, & 102.1 FM. L E T S TA L K F A I T H . C O M

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When Christ came, everything changed for the better!

By Robert Morris

Do you get tired of hearing bad news? It can feel inescapable. Whether you watch the news on TV, go online, or scroll through social media, bad news is everywhere. The search for anything different, anything hopeful, anything truly good can feel like a fruitless effort.

report about two of my friends. One was going through difficulties with his church, and the other was in the hospital with COVID-19. I remember lying in bed and praying: “Lord, I just can’t handle this. I want You to help them. I want You to touch them. I’m upset my two friends are going through That’s why I want you remind you such difficulties. I just have to give You that Jesus came 2,000 years ago to bring this burden because I can’t carry it.” good news into this world! The word Finally, I was able to sleep, and when gospel literally means “good news,” I woke up the next morning, while I and its power hasn’t stopped working, thought about my friends and was still moving, or transforming. Now that’s concerned for them, the heaviness that good news! had kept me awake wasn’t there. Consider this: When Jesus was on the earth, He didn’t say, “Repent, for hell is at hand.” He said, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17). He didn’t continually point out what was wrong with the world; He wanted you to focus on the abundant, eternal life you have access to through Him. Everything Jesus did was good news! Mark 1:1 says, “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” In other words, the gospel isn’t just the story of Jesus; the gospel is Jesus. Because of this, you and I don’t only have the story of Jesus; we have Jesus Himself. Let me share a personal story with you that made this truth especially real to me. Recently, I received a bad L E T S TA L K F A I T H . C O M

Here’s why I share this: What I needed at that moment wasn’t just the story of Jesus; I needed Jesus Himself. I needed the Great Physician who heals. I needed the Good Shepherd who causes me to lie down in green pastures. I needed the Almighty God who causes me to triumph. I needed the King of kings and Lord of lords. My friend, that’s the gospel. Jesus is the good news!

news, right? Well, consider the story of the woman caught in adultery. In John 8:3–5 we read: "Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst, they said to Him, “Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?” The scribes and Pharisees were condemning this woman. But what happens next is so powerful … "He [Jesus] raised Himself up and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” … Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst."

When Jesus had raised Himself up and Now, I want to quickly touch on a saw no one but the woman, He said to word we find throughout Scripture that, her, “Woman, where are those accusers on the surface, seems like bad news but of yours? Has no one condemned you?” actually becomes good news through She said,“No one, Lord.” Jesus: condemnation. What comes to mind when you read that word or hear And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I it said? Shame? Judgment? Guilt? condemn you; go and sin no more” (vv. 7, 9–11). The word condemned means “to have a death sentence.” Sounds like bad In other words, “I don’t give you a 2022 EDITION | 37

I am persuaded that neither death death sentence either.” That’s good nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor news! powers, nor things present nor things to John 3:17, one of the most famous come, nor height nor depth, nor any other verses in the Bible says, “For God did not created thing, shall be able to separate us send His Son into the world to condemn from the love of God which is in Christ [pronounce a death sentence on] the Jesus our Lord (vv. 38–39). world, but that the world through Him Romans 8 starts with no might be saved.” You and I were born with a death sentence, but the finished condemnation and ends with no work of Jesus on the cross has saved us separation. That’s good news! and set us free! In fact, there’s not bad news in the Romans 8:1 further declares, “There gospel. Because of Jesus, it’s all good is therefore now no condemnation [death news. And there is no limit to the good sentence] to those who are in Christ Jesus, things He can do in your life! who do not walk according to the flesh, but I hope you’re realizing that through according to the Spirit.” Isn’t that powerful? Jesus everything changes. Bad news And while Romans 8 begins with that becomes good news — news that’s better truth, it ends with an even greater promise. than you think it could be. Even negative

words in the Bible become encouraging and good through the finished work of Jesus. Be encouraged today by the good news of Jesus. He is your Great Physician who heals you. He is your Good Shepherd who causes you to lie down in green pastures. He is your Almighty God who causes you to triumph. He is your King of kings and Lord of lords! I believe your best days are yet to come!

Robert Morris is the Senior Pastor at Gateway Church. He is also the host of Worship & the Word Radio Program airing Sundays at 8:30 am and 4:30 pm on FaithTalk 760 AM, 104.3 FM, 570 AM, 100.3 FM, 910 AM, & 102.1 FM.


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