The Torrey Pines High School
Friday, April 28, 2017
Vol. 42, Issue 7, 24 pages
Students watched BMX bikers fly overhead while they listened to a bullying prevention talk when the Action Sports Association’s “No Place for Hate” assembly came to TPHS on April 5. “We are part of what is called the ‘No Place for Hate campaign,’” ASA speaker Dustin Grice said. “The idea is to share how big of an issue bullying is.” Grice shared bullying statistics with students, like “one of 10 students who drop out of school do so because of bullying” and “56 percent of students have witnessed bullying at their schools.” He also explained that there are four different types of bullying: physical, verbal, psychological and cyber bullying. Grice said combining X Games athletes with bullying prevention is designed to keep students interested. “We could just sit you down in a classroom and try to explain this all, but it is a whole different type of world when you have X Games athletes out here with a ramp,” Grice said. While Grice spoke, five awardwinning BMX bikers performed stunts such as 360s, “the Superman” and, to cap it off, a flip over Principal RobCoppo and PALs adviser Don Collins. “I was honestly a bit reluctant about this assembly at first. I was a bit
concerned about the logistics and the danger and that sort of thing,” Coppo said. “But I was absolutely wrong because it worked out really well. There was a great atmosphere, and the antibullying message they are getting out is an important one.” Coppo also was reluctant to step on the ramp after he heard that BMX biker Mykel Larrin wanted to flip over him. But after Larrin successfully cleared him, Coppo said even that was great. “I was a little nervous about it, but it was a lot more fun than I expected,” Coppo said. “All the guys were phenomenal.” Robin Yang (9) said he enjoyed the ASA assembly because even though it was hot outside he could move around freely. “The bikes definitely made it more fun, but it was harder to concentrate on the bullying information itself,” Yang said. According to BMX biker and X Games bronze medalist Anthony Napolitan, although the bikers compete in the nationally televised X Games, they get excited “anytime they are on their bikes” including when they are at high schools. The anti-bullying message the bikers help spread is a message that they can personally relate to. “When I was in school, people would
tell me ‘You ride bikes? What? You don’t play football, how come you don’t play football?’ so there is some relatability there. But all of the statistics are real; bullying is a real thing that happens,” Larrin said. Not all students came to the ASA assembly and according to Coppo, the attendance “may have been less” than other assemblies. Coppo says students and teachers can choose which assemblies they want to go to. “Important things are going on in the classrooms, and that is why we have so many assemblies,” Coppo said. “If you miss one, you feel like you have not missed much.” Coppo said the ASA assembly was a nice change of pace from the normal “guest speaker in the gym” format. “Sometimes going to the gym yet again to have somebody talk to us about a serious topic gets repetitive and we tune out,” Coppo said. “It is a nice change of pace to focus on an issue in a more light and engaging way.” TPHS is just the third school the ASA “No Place for Hate” assembly has visited. Their 17-week, cross-country tour will take them from San Antonio to as far as Chicago. Coppo said that the event worked out really well and that he would like to host ASA again in the future.
CARRYING ON A LEGACY: BMX biker Pat Casey performs a trick on the ramp set up in the quad (TOP). Another BMX biker, Mykel Larrin, pops a wheelie on the ramp (LEFT). ASA speaker Dustin Grice informs students about bullying as a part of the “No Place for Hate” assembly, seeking to bring BMX to a bullying prevention assembly to keep students engaged (MIDDLE). BMX biker Anthony Napolitan lands a trick by riding off the ramp (RIGHT).
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