2 minute read
True Friends
from February 2020
by SMS Patriot
Friendships can be hard, but friend break-ups are so much worse.
Ilove having relationships with people. Whether it’s friendships, pet companionships, Family relationships or romantic relationships. They are all fun and games until the “love of your life” tells you they need time, your sibling distances themselves from the family for a “break” or even worse… a pet dies. On the other hand, when frienships end it’s usually messy. From experience, I haven’t had a single breakup from a friend group that didn’t end in tears and/or utter hatred for everyone around them.
I’m not sure if I have met anyone who has been in a really great friendship and have it just end for no reason, let alone have it be messy. Honestly, though, I By McKenna Pickering A&E Editor
think if I experienced anything like that I wouldn’t want to share it with anyone.
I’m not saying that all friend breakups end in chaos, just the ones I’ve experienced. Just imagine spending a good chunk of your life with a group of people just for them to get mad at you for something stupid and then end up separating? It sucks. Plus, if you go to school with those people it’s just super awkward to see them. Do I smile? Do I wave? What do I do? The answer is avoid all eye contact in general. You’d think the worst breakup would be a girlfriend breakup, but after being involved in a group with a bunch of guys I’ve found out that it’s much worse to be dumped by who you thought were like big brothers. It hits different.
Dwelling on the past, however, is not ideal. What happened has happened and it was probably for the best. If you have gone through this or are currently going through a friend breakup, keep your head up and just keep on going. It gets better from there.
sophomore Crystal Ugalde Yeah, I have been in a friend breakup and honestly it was great. A lot of weight was taken off my shoulders. I think that spending less time together would have led to us still being friends because we spent so much time together and it was draining. “
I have been in a friend breakup. It wasn’t the best feeling in the world...I think communication with my friends during the friend breakup would have made it a lot better. Also I think that taking a break from each other would have made us stay friends longer.
freshman Jayme Pickering “