The Patriot February 2017

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Far from a Fairytale Shawnee mission south 5800 W 107th St, Overland Park, KS 66207 (913) 993-7500

issue 6 VOL. 51


Need a summer job? The City of Overland Park Outdoor Pools are now hiring! Pool Cashiers start at $7.25/hour! Lifeguards start at $9.00/hour! This includes a $1.00/hour bonus if contract is fufilled. Assistant Swim and Dive Coaches start at $10.00/hour! For more information and job applications, visit

Isolation is a major form of emotional dating abuse among teenagers. One in three adolescents in the U.S. is a victim of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse from a dating partner. Photos by savannah morgan Photo Editor

Contents News


Features 14


News to Know


Photo Essay


Kansas Funding


National Signing Day


Giving the Basics


Crowd Control


Trump’s First 12 100 Days Forensics 13



Amelia Holcomb Editor-In-Chief Features Editor Sophia Belshe Assistant Editor-In-Chief Opinion Editor Savannah Morgan Photo Editor Mark Holland News Editor Tara Phillips A&E Editor


Christian Duke Bowling twins

Q&A with Cosmina Backs, Cameron Maxey


Teen Dating Violence


Converting to Islam


Louder Than a Bomb

Avery Woods Sports Editor

Mara Baine Writer

Lily Wagner Web Editor Infographics Editor Madison Holloway Ads Editor Miah Clark Copy Editor Editorial Cartoonist Blake Atkinson Writer




Staff Editorial


Little Mermaid




Frozen Moo Review


The Debate: Not My President


Academy Awards


Who, What, Wear


Twitter Contest


High School Relationships


Women’s Rights

Hannah Carter Photographer

Mitch Brock Writer

Angela Machado Writer Addie Soyski Writer

Tess Conley Writer

Nichole Thomas Writer

Kice Mansi Photographer

Faith Danaher Writer Anastasia Jackson Writer Muriel Lund Writer

Hannah Underwood Writer

Jillian McClelland Photographer

Cassandra Awad Photographer

Julie Fales Adviser

Maxie Crimm Photographer

The Patriot is a news magazine that aims to objectively present topics affecting Shawnee Mission South High School, as well as connect with readers on issues concerning the student body. Staff members reserve the right to express their views in the Opinions section. These pieces are labeled and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the staff as a whole, except the Lead Editorial, which represents the views of the editors. Under the First Amendment and Kansas Law, The Patriot staff is entitled to freedom of the press and neither the school nor district is responsible for any content or coverage. The staff encourages letters to the editor, but they will only be published if signed. The editor-in-chief reserves the right to refuse or edit any letters for reasons of grammar, length and good taste.

Table of Contents


News to Know Trump Fires Attorney General, To Hire New One

By Hannah Underwood Writer

2016 Hottest Year on Record

This past year, 2016, was the hottest year on record. According to the New York times, 16 of the 17 hottest years on record have occurred after 2000. Scientists believe that these rising temperatures are due to the “El Niño”weather pattern, but the effects of it will likely decline in the upcoming year. Dr. Michael Mann from Pennsylvania State University claims that about 75 percent of the rising heat could be attributed to human causes and life. “[Climate control] is a major concern because warm gases are being emitted into the atmosphere more every year,” senior Andrew Anderson said. “I think we need to continue to find ways to reduce global warming.”

Houstons’ Restaurant Abruptly Closing

Houston’s Restaurant on the Country Club Plaza closed on Jan. 31 after the owners struggled to find an agreement on their lease with the Plaza. The Plaza owners wanted to close the restaurant for a few

Houstons closed on Jan. 31.

Photo By Cassandra Awad weeks for internal repairs, but the owners of Houston’s did not want to completely shut down. Initially, the restaurant was supposed to close on March 31, but this date was moved abruptly up to Jan. 31 for reasons unknown. “I’m really going to miss their spinach and artichoke dip and the chicken tenders,” senior Molly Wiskur said. Wiskur and her family were regulars at Houston’s. The owners of Houston’s would like to open up at another Kansas City location in the near future.

Attorney General Sally Yates was fired by President Trump on Jan. 30 in what has been a tumultuous past few weeks for him. It is believed by many that Trump fired Yates for her outspoken statement against Trump’s executive order to ban citizens from primarily Muslim countries from entering the United States. Trump claims that she has betrayed his administration with her statement. “I think [this] shows that Trump is hypocritical as far as he wants people to disagree with him, but then turns around and fires the first person who disagrees with him,” senior RJ Haskin said. Many Americans believe the firing of Yates is resemblant of when Nixon fired his Attorney General during the Watergate scandal, in what is called the “Saturday Night Massacre.” However, as soon as he obtains approval from Congress, Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama will take role as President Trump’s Attorney General.

Shout Out To Sports

senior Madi McAvoy for being selected the Spectrum Sports Hy-Vee Player of the Week. Last week, Madi averaged 20.5 points per basketball game and in a game against Shawnee Mission West, she had 24 points, 10 rebounds and 5 steals.




The Academic Decathlon team won State and will be advancing to Nationals on Apr. 20 in Madison, Wisconsin. Team members include Ben Hanson, Amelia Mullin, Nicolas James, Nick Dunn, Charlie Stallbaumer, Brittany Kulla, Townes Deluca, Lauren Bass and Evan Haseltine.


senior Olivia Mark will be recognized with National Center for Women and Technology Aspirations in Computing awards.

Kansas House Taxation Committee Chairman Marvin Kleeb, R- Overland Park, left, and state Sen. Les Donovan, R- Wichita, right, meet face-to-face in Topeka, Kan., Thursday, June 11, 2015, as the two hash out the provisions of a bill to satisfy the $400 million shortfall in the budget. With Kleeb is Rep. Tom Sawyer and with Donovan is Sen. Tom Holland, the Senate Agenda Chair.

Photo By Bo Rader, Tribune News Service

Managing The Budget In the midst of budget deficits, Kansas makes cuts.

by Nichole thomas Writer ducation has been deemed one of the most important aspects of society, yet politicians keep cutting its funding. Ever since the implementation of the 2012 tax cuts, Kansas is facing a gap between their revenue and their expenses. Kansas’ income is lacking to pay its bills. To fix this issue, the Kansas Government has cut the funding for medical programs, teacher pensions, and educational funds. Since being elected in 2010, governor Sam Brownback has drastically slashed the state’s income taxes in the hope that the Kansas’ economy would revive and more jobs would be created. “[Brownback] is advocating two completely new programs, which sound wonderful. One would provide


dental school to increase the amount dentists in the state. But where’s the money?” ELL teacher Jonathan Callison said. The effects of budget shortfalls have been felt locally. Shawnee Mission schools’ budget has been cut by nearly $2.1 million, although there is a possibility of a $1.6 million increase. Government teacher Tony Budetti believes larger class sizes, more availability of online classes alongside fewer extra-curricular activities, electives, teacher training opportunities and higher course fees might be in store for the future of meeting educational funding demands. The arts programs have taken one of the biggest hits from all the cuts. Fundraising has now become an essential part of the programs. Brownback cut public funding in hopes private funding would go up. The main goal of these cuts is to close the budget gap. Shawnee Mission schools had to make

Of The Money Alloted To Education: 49.5 % of the budget goes

to teacher salaries 14.1 % of the budget goes teacher benefits 5.7% of the budget goes to supplies and services 4.6% of the budget goes to transportation numerous changes in order to accommodate to the cuts. Crowded classrooms, fewer teachers and less extracurricular activities are a few side effects. “I wish the budget cuts would motivate the citizens and parents to vote in ways that make it clear that public schools are serving a very important role in our economy and society,” Budetti said.



Photo Illustration By Maxie Crimm

A Cause For Competition South and East join forces to promote hygiene. By Madison Holloway Ads EDITOR ather than pointing fingers, seeking differences, and making enemies. Students from East and South are crossing the boundaries of a longstanding rivalry to working together to support a good cause in the community. Ideally a rivalry cultivates camaraderie and school spirit within the student body of both schools. However, it can be a fine line between friendly competition and harmful prejudice. Recently, a small group of students and administrators from South and East met to make sure the rivalry between the schools is overall a positive relationship, on that will improve school spirit and engagement in both schools, rather than building a barrier between us. By joining together we are better able to positively impact each other and our community. “I think there is just some unneeded dislike for each other just because one person goes to another school. Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely love the rivalry, I just think some of the negative stigma could be removed,” senior Sam Schneck said. A few members from KSMS and Pep Club were asked to attend a sort of peace coalition to discuss ideas for a collaboration that could redirect




The collected items are taken to sponsor Travis Gatewood’s room Photo By Savannah Morgan

the competitive spirit and bring the schools together to raise support for a good cause. They settled on an organization called Giving The Basics (GTB). Giving The Basics is an organization based in Kansas City that hands out basic hygiene items to those in need. KSMS led a fundraiser for detergent, shampoo, deodorant and toilet paper- the things people need the most. The drive was organized around the South vs. East Basketball game Feb. 24. “This is South’s first year doing Giving The Basics,” KSMS sponsor Travis Gatewood said. With South and East coming together to coordinate their efforts to benefit the community, we thought this would be a good opportunity for both schools to work together for a common goal and to hopefully come together for a shared purpose.” One reason the group was attracted to GTB was how local and

relevant their services were. By fundraising for basic hygiene items they we are able to make a large impact in the lives of our neighbors. “Regardless of if you’re homeless or not, there are people who just don’t have enough money for toiletries,” senior Karynn Carroll said. “I just thought it was cool that, yes, it’s in our community but it’s also in our high school. It’s actually super local.” As of print time, KSMS counted 2,157 loads of detergent, 102 shampoo bottles, and 134 sticks of deodorant that students and teachers donated. As an incentive, fourth hour classes competed each week to see who could bring in the most items; the winners will receive a reward. As of print time, the winners were Molly Fast’s class for loads of detergent, Drew Baranowski’s class for shampoo bottles, and Catherine Geisel’s class for sticks of deodorant. Aside from showing love to the community, the group hopes that this collaboration will help redirect the rivalry for a more constructive use. “The goal for this collaboration between our two schools is to promote a better perspective and understanding of one another,” East senior Bennett Hence said. “... I hope this competition will break the ice for East and South students, and turn a hostile rivalry into a friendly one…” The group hopes to continue meeting in years to come to keep strengthening and improving the relationship between South and East.

Trump’s First 100 Days Trump’s first days in office to involve changes in American policy. By Blake Atkinson Writer


s of press time Donald J. Trump has served as President for 13 days. During that time he has passed over a dozen executive orders ranging from restricting migration from several Muslim-majority countries to withdrawing from the Trans-pacific partnership. His cabinet has been chosen and his policies are already being put in place.


U.S. President Donald Trump speaks on Monday, Jan. 30, 2017 before signing an executive order in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, D.C.

Photo by Andrew Harrer, Tribune News Service

Trump’s first promise has been to give Americans better trade deals. This was one of the biggest parts of his campaign. He called for a withdraw from the TransPacific Partnership as one of his very first executive orders, alongside calling for meetings to negotiate NAFTA with Mexico and Canada. “I mean, [Trump is] just getting a really sound economy going. I mean it’s already sound, but it’s getting better,” Freshmen Ben Gibbons said. Overall, his policies involving this issue have been what many say got him into the White House.

Obamacare to be replaced. While he has not yet repealed the act, he has passed an executive order allowing the secretary of health to interpret the regulations as loosely as possible. “Obamacare to be repealed - I wasn’t a big fan of that. I mean I’m not big on what Obama did, so that would be great,” Gibbons said. While Trump gained most of his support from those who disliked the establishment Republicans, his promises for Obamacare to be repealed have allowed many of the establishment to give him a chance.

Immigration and National Security

Environmental Regulations


While it is not known if Trump will be keeping every single 100 day promise, which almost no President has, he has so far been close to his word. As his policies go into effect, Americans wonder what the future will hold.

His second biggest promise has been on immigration and national security. Banning immigration from several Middle Eastern and African nations until a new screening system is put into place is a major part of that promise. While many of his supporters see these things as necessary, others have found them to be immoral. “I Think it’s un-American and it’s just going to make the region less stable,” junior Jacob Gusman said. Trump has also promised to build a border wall with Mexico while requiring them to pay for it. The Mexican president, Enrique Peña Nieto, has repeatedly said that Mexico will not be paying for the border wall. “I think he should not build a wall with Mexico because Mexico will not pay for it, and Mexicans and Mexican-Americans will try to impeach him” Gusman said.

During Obama’s presidency, his signature policy Obamacare. While it received 60 votes in Senate, not a single one was from a Republican. From day one, the Republicans have been trying to repeal or replace Obamacare, officially the Affordable Care Act. Trump has been no exception, as he has called several times for

His final promise for his first 100 days was to reverse environmental regulations and revive traditional energy sources such as coal and oil, rather than wind or solar. This has been one of his less spoken policies and for good reason. The GOP has been attempting to remove or reduce several environmental regulations such as the endangered species act, one of the biggest environmental bills in US history. “I think Trump shouldn’t be able to do that. The environment is good and him harming it would be bad,” Junior Bryce Rosech said. The GOP has also been attempting to cut the EPA funding by 9 percent and 50 percent of subsidies for alternative energy. He has also promised to make it easier for oil pipelines, such as the Keystone XL, to be built easier.



Creative Competition Forensic students prepare to go to tournaments. By Anastasia Jackson, Writer


even thirty on a Saturday morning is the last time you’d expect high schoolers to be up and about. But for students on the competitive speech and drama team, this is a regular occurrence. These students spend class every day preparing pieces ranging from speeches, poems, monologues, debates and more in order to perform them in front of judges at tournaments. “Forensics is many things, it’s a big header title for many things like track. Like running a 200 meter or jumping over hurdles, forensics is kinda like that with all the different opportunities it has to offer,” King said. Forensics starts second semester, after first semester’s debate season. The first tournament of the season was Jan 2. Several students have already qualified for state, based on these first tournaments. South will host a tournament the weekend of Feb. 18. At the end of Forensics season, there will be three big tournaments. King enjoys doing these tournaments, especially the competitive aspect they bring. “I want to rebuild the forensics tournament,” King said. “All I care about is winning.” Students on the forensics team are enrolled in a class to work every day, because it takes time and effort for students to prepare for a tournament. “Each student has to pick their own event, so based on what they pick, they write speeches and memorize them and practice them or they pick out poetry, read it to



Forensic students work to win all their many competitions. The forensic trophy case showcases years of tournaments.

Photo by Savannah Morgan

Upcoming Tournaments

Friday, Feb. 10 at Olathe South Saturday, Feb. 11 at Olathe South Friday, Feb. 17 at Shawnee Mission North Saturday, Feb 25 at Olathe North interpret it better, and they prepare for the debate round. It’s just what they decide on,” King said There are many reasons why forensics is a very important class to take. Forensics talks about what’s happening right now, and can help students overcome the fear of public speaking. Students also enjoy the freedom that comes with being on the team. “I like this class because it’s open to do whatever you want. Free choice, free will,” freshman Ashton Stevens said. Senior Kenny Chan has enjoyed being on the forensics and debate teams all four years of high school. “I like the performance aspect of

the class and being able to see other schools and districts perform,” Chan said. Every Wednesday, King’s classes practices their work in front of other students to get feedback and improve. This is a way for them to not only help their peers, but also make improvements to their own performances. Forensics class is all about drama and speeches that students make and perform. In the classroom setting students can criticize each other’s pieces. Students get the opportunity to show off their hard work at judged tournaments. The next tournament is Feb. 11.

Winter Sports Highlights

1. 2. 1. Sophomore Gabe Smith wrestles in the South Invitational on Jan. 7. The wrestling team competes tomorrow, Feb. 11, at South. Photo by Hannah Carter 2. Junior Nick Wissel takes a shot at the Deca Charity Game. The basketball team is 6-7 as of Feb. 3. Photo by Maxie Crimm



3. Sophomore Lauren Moreland finishes her serve while bowling. The boys varsity bowling was 7-3 and the girls varsity bowling team was 6-5 as of Feb. 3. Photo by Maxie Crimm 4. Junior Jeff Nasse works on kicking at practice. Nasse is part of the medley relay team that qualified for the state meet. Photo by Savannah Morgan


5. Sophomore Carolyn Schneck makes a pass around a defender. The girls varsity basketball team is 4-9 as of Feb. Photo by Hannah Carter



Signing Off for Sports Senior Emma Jarrell sits next to girls varsity soccer coach Caroline Ewing. Jarrell signed with University of Central Missouri.

On Feb. 1 student athletes signed their National Letters of Intent for college sports. By Tess Conley Writer or senior Emma Jarrell, competing on the soccer field has been a part of her life since she was five years old. On Feb. 1, she made her commitment to play soccer at the University of Central Missouri official. “It’s a crazy feeling because freshman year I was just the little number 16 running around with all the varsity girls on the field,” Jarrell said. “I was a starter, and Ewing just really believed in me and I believed in myself, and it kind of all went from there.” A common high school athlete goal is to be able to play their sport in college, and for multiple students at South, this is a reality. Feb 1st, National Signing Day, is a day for athletes to make their official commitment to their future college. “It’s a way of giving time between sports for people to have a deadline. The deadline is also for colleges, to make an offer for somebody,” athletic director John Johnson said. National Signing Day is a day to give student athletes recognition for working hard both as students and top athletes in their respected sport. Six seniors are signing this February. “It’s relieving, because now I don’t have to worry about paying as much for school and I know where I’m going to go, and




photos by Savannah Morgan I have the volleyball team and I already know people there,” senior Rosie Briggs said. Briggs is attending Graceland University, and is planning to study psychology. “It was the best combination of athletics and academics for me,” senior Sam Schneck said about William Jewell. Schneck will be playing soccer and studying engineering. Senior Rakeya Martin chose her college, Aurora University in Illinois, for track and field and their nursing program. “They have a really good nursing program, and their [track] team’s pretty good. I will fit right in the midst,” Martin said. On the contrary, Sunny Huettner and Patrick Wilkinson, also student athletes, will not be signing at South’s signing day. Administrators Todd Dain and John Johnson made the decision that any students who are attending college as an athlete but not playing high school sports as a senior are not allowed to sign with their classmates on Feb. 1st. “I want this all to be fixed too for future students, like Patrick and I, that aren’t playing high school sports to be able to sign at school,” senior Sunny Huettner said. Huettner has played varsity soccer since her freshman year, but decided to stop this year because of previous injury. Next year, Huettner will be attending South Dakota State, having committed her sophomore year. On Feb. 1 students, teammates, coaches, parents, teachers and more will gather in the library at 4pm to honor these athletes.

Above: Senior Rosie Briggs signs her letter of intent to play volleyball at Graceland University.

Senior Sam Schneck sits with his club soccer coach at the signing. Schneck will attend William Jewell in the fall.

Photo By Hannah Carter

Crowd Control Controversy The disagreement surrounding girls sports and Crowd Control lives on. By Addie Soyski Writer ast year, there was controversy surrounding Crowd Control and its apparent lack of participation at girls sporting events. Although the contention has cooled, many attitudes have not changed. “I’d just like to see a little more support out there for the girls. They work just as hard as the boys do,” said basketball coach Terry Tinich. Crowd Control has reformed over the past year. These reforms were brought about by themes that caused issues. However, the issue of the absence of Crowd Control at gir;’s games wasn’t addressed. “Last year’s seniors were really pushing for girls to be included in this year’s Crowd Control, which made Crowd Control more supervised and made it seem as though girls would be included,” said senior and varsity basketball player Robyn Macdonald. It’s becoming apparent that the issue of girls games is still pervasive amongst athletes, coaches and students alike. “It’s kind of discriminatory because we’re supposed to be promoting all of the sports, and if we want people to go to the games, we should have people there promoting it,” freshman


Arden Larsen said. Those who are unhappy with Crowd Control make it out that Crowd Control is willing to go to great lengths to make it to boys games, but not girls. “They kinda just show up maybe for the last few minutes of our games so that they’re there in time to watch the boys. We’ll go late, and it just happens that we’re still playing. And even when they are there, they’re not really involved in the game or cheering us on,” Macdonald said. Crowd Control argues that the group isn’t at fault for a lack of attention on girls sports. “There’s not as much of a fan base for it. It’s nothing personal. We’re there to control a crowd. So when there’s not a large crowd, there’s not a lot to do,” senior Ryan Rigler said. Many others may not agree that Crowd Control isn’t at fault, but concur that they do need to attend more girls sports. The administration also doesn’t pressure Crowd Control to go to girls games. “We just say that if you’re gonna go to games, there are certain behavior expectations we have, there are certain theme expectations we have... we tell them that if you do go here are the rules you have to follow,” athletic director John Johnson said. No changes are currently being discussed, but as the idea of more consistently attending girls games becomes more popular, it may happen in the future.

Staff member maintains that Crowd Control attends games. By Mitch Brock Writer houting chants, getting the crowd involved, and making sure everyone has a good time at sport events is what Crowd Control does. The perception of Crowd Control has been skewed over the past two years, but our purpose has not. We want to support our athletes no matter what sport they play or what team they’re on. Just because we don’t tweet out about every game doesn’t mean that those athletes don’t have our support. Being a member of Crowd Control means that you are loud and rowdy at every event you go to, making sure the crowd is on the same page with chants and the game overall, and coming up with theme ideas for games and making sure people know about them. We promote enthusiasm and want the loudest, biggest crowd we can get. Whether it’s a girls basketball game or a Friday night football game, we want to be there. If we were to go home without losing our voice, it’d be considered a bad night. We want to represent our school by showing a high level of school spirit and pride in what we do. That’s the main idea of Crowd Control.


Sports 11

Twinning and Winning By Lily Wagner Web & InfoGraphics Editor

The bowling team has two sets of twins competing this year.

Sophomore Lauren Moreland finishes tossing her bowling ball. Moreland and her twin brother Hayden joined the team this year. Photo by Maxie Crimm

Junior Rhys Jones observes the bowling alley lanes. Jones and his twin Owen are more competitive with each other than the Moreland twins. Photo by Maxie Crimm


he bowling team bowled a double with two sets of twins on the team. With the season well underway, the Moreland and Jones twins are helping their team get closer to regionals. Juniors Rhys and Owen Jones have been on the team for three years, but have been bowling since they were in the seventh grade. “If he does worse one day, I have to do better,” Rhys said. It is a common belief that twins are connected, and the Jones twins think the way they bowl affects each other. “I don’t remember the last day when we both did really well,” Owen said. Even though they are on the same team, they can still be competitive with each other. “It’s more of a competition between me and him than [the Morelands],” Owen said. Sophomores Lauren and Hayden Moreland have been on the team for two years, but started bowling as children. “Since we were six, our aunt got us these bowling balls for Christmas because she wanted us to learn how to bowl,” Lauren Moreland said. “We enrolled in a league and have been doing it ever since.” Both Lauren and Hayden think bowling is important to their sibling relationship. “It’s just fun having relatives on

the same team because we can joke around but be supportive,” Hayden Moreland said. “We can go home and talk about it and both understand it.” While a sibling rivalry would be expected, both pairs pointed out how much support they give each other. “It’s kinda nice because there’s that nice family support. It helps us better ourselves because we are super competitive,” Lauren Moreland said. Despite a recent injury, Lauren Moreland will continue to support the team despite not being able to bowl with Hayden. “I’m sad because I can’t bowl, and I feel disconnected from the team,” Lauren Moreland said, "but I can still come to practice and help with technique.” While there have been twins on the team in the past, bowling coach Kent Thompson thinks having two sets of twins is positive. “They compete against each other a lot. Sometimes it can be too much, but most of the time they handle it pretty well,” Thompson said. Bowling continues through this month, and the team is hoping to continue their success. “The big stuff starts happening in February, with Sunflower League and Regionals,” Thompson said. See the bowling team compete at League on Feb. 14 in Lawrence, at Royal Crest Lanes.



Hall of Famer Back at South South graduate Christian Duke will be the new JV girls soccer coach. By Mitch Brock writer

Former South student Christian Duke is returning to South to coach the JV girls soccer team. Duke graduated from South in 2009.

Quotes gathered by Kice Mansi and Sophia Belshe Photos by Kice Mansi, lily wagner and Savannah Morgan

baseball coach Mitch Wiles What do you expect for this season? “I expect them to go out, play hard, play the game right, and compete.”




occer player and former Shawnee Mission South graduate Christian Duke was inducted into Hall of Fame on Jan. 27, 2017, and will be continuing his legacy at South beyond a plaque and jersey on the wall. Duke will be taking on the role as the girl’s JV soccer coach this year. “Christian is the epitome of what an athlete should be. The whole purpose of him is to serve as a role model of what to do and how to do things right,” Ewing said. “Additionally, he’s done a lot of oneon-one player development training and he knows how to get a player from level B to level A.” With a well experienced coach who has professional exposure, Ewing thinks that Duke is the right person for the job. “We want every player to go out and compete at the highest level possible, and Christian is the perfect person to get them to that level and to make sure that every girl has the opportunity to get to that level and to get to the point where they want to be in the program,” Ewing said. The players also think he will be a great addition to the team because of his experience on the field. “I think Christian will be a good addition to the team because he’s a

very experienced player and I think he can... teach the JV players a lot of things so they can improve and prepare to be on varsity sooner,” senior and varsity soccer player Corinne Rogers said. Improving talent on all levels within the team is stressed a lot by coach Ewing and by the players. “We’ll be doing a lot of the same drills together, as a whole, in practice. Because he is such a good coach, I want all the girls to be able to benefit from what he knows. I think the talent will begin to increase throughout all the teams, not just JV and varsity,” Ewing said. “I’m hoping that the program will become more unified.” As for getting along with the team and program, junior Saba Levendusky, former JV player, thinks he will excel. “He went here, so he knows sort of how the school and team works, and he plays professionally so he has a great sense for the game,” Levendusky said. With Duke’s professional level experience, experience with South, and ability to improve his players as well as he can, the team have high hopes for what he may bring to the table.

Athlete Snapshots

senior Trenton Holliman What are you most looking forward to this track season? “Seeing a gold medal on my chest for state.”

freshman Maci Gunter What are you most excited about for high school soccer? “Getting to know everyone really well and being a part of the school team.”

Since meeting in middle school, seniors Cameron Maxey and Cosmina Backs have shared memorable moments together. The two have been dating since eighth grade.

photos courtesy of cosmina backs


A &

with seniors Cameron Maxey and Cosmina Backs High school sweethearts Cosmina Backs and Cameron Maxey give the inside scoop on what it takes to be in a four year relationship while balancing school, friends, family and planning for the future.

BY Muriel Lund writer PHOTO BY jillian mcclelland



How did you meet?

M: In middle school, we were in the same science class. B: Lauren Kraly is the one who introduced me to him.

How would you describe your relationship?

M: Three and a half years. B: It will be four on May 21st.

M: Fun. B: Fun? That’s it? M: Easy going, geared towards more of being best friends. B: Yeah it’s like having a best friend but also dating.

What do you think it means to have a healthy relationship?

How has your relationship changed over the past years?

How long have you been dating?

M: As long as you’re happy with the relationship, nothing’s going wrong. B: Keeping it balanced. M: Keeping friends balanced with the relationship. B: Yeah you don’t want to be the couple that always hangs out with just each other and not with their friends so you don’t lose them. Also giving each other what they need and respecting each other.

What qualities do you think a couple needs in order to last a long time? B: Trust, and I think they need to be similar but also not be exactly the same person so you guys have some differences. Mostly trust and also communication.

What are your thoughts about Valentine’s day?

B: I like it personally, we don’t really do anything to celebrate it except going out to dinner at California Pizza Kitchen or something like that. I think it’s about being with people that you care about. M: I mean I don’t know, I don’t think we are getting each other anything.

How do you think being in a relationship all four years has affected your high school experience?

M: You get introduced to more people. I’ve been introduced to her friend crowd and she’s been introduced to mine, so you get to expand who you hang out with. B: It makes it a lot easier for dances because you don’t have to worry about finding a date. I think it has made all of high school a lot easier.

M: It’s kind of changed, I would say more in the beginning we would always want to hang out with each other and now we think about other things at the same time and we realize that we need time with our friends and stuff. It’s more of a best-friendship. B: In eighth grade and freshman year we were kind of obsessed with each other, but once you date for a long time you stop being like that. You’re more independent, but you still hang out.

What advice would you offer other teen couples?

M: Being in a relationship isn’t everything, take time for your friends as well. B: If you get into an argument make sure you talk it out. Don’t just stay mad and not tell the other person because that never works. If you’re in an unhealthy relationship, get out of it.

What do you think love is? What does it mean to love someone? M: To be attracted to someone and wanting to spend time with them. They make you happy. B: Love is something that takes time, you don’t just love someone right away.

What impact do you think going to college next year will have on your relationship?

B: We’re not going to the same college next year so I definitely think that will make it harder. M: I think I’m going to Arkansas. B: And I’m going to K-State so personally I don’t think long distance is going to work out - not that we plan on breaking up - we just don’t know at the moment. M: We hope to still see each other over breaks. B: But we don’t want to be tied down and always worried about what the other person is doing, so it’s better to just break up and have closure.



photo illustration by savannah morgan

Far from a Fairytale

Teen dating violence presents itself in different forms, and isn’t always obvious. By Sophia Belshe Assistant Edior-in-Chief, Opinion Editor enior Cinthia Romo thought everything would be fine when she entered a romantic relationship. “I thought he was a really great guy,” Romo said. “Pretty early on in the relationship, you could tell that there were going to be problems, but nobody really pointed anything out to me because they just assumed that we were this perfect couple.” As their relationship progressed, Romo’s now exboyfriend began to isolate her from her friends. “He ended up isolating me and I couldn’t really talk to anybody about the situation that I was in,” Romo said. “He was very emotionally abusive, so he knew that there were certain things that I didn’t like said to me, but he’d still say them anyway when he was mad.” Unfortunately, Romo’s experience is not an uncommon one. Emotional abuse is one of the most common types of dating violence experienced in high school. “Name-calling, guilt, manipulation and threats of selfharm are used more often than fists,” SAFEHOME Outreach Program Director Mary Stafford said.



Features 16 Features

SAFEHOME is one of the leading support systems for survivors of domestic violence in the Kansas City area. They also provide education to approximately 10,000 students in the area through various programs, including a 10-lesson curriculum that South students experience each year in health class. “The SAFEHOME representatives do a good job at what they talk about, but it’s very hard when they only come once a week,” junior Lauren Bass said. “Most of health the rest of the year is… touching base on other things, and I feel like the SAFEHOME representatives are necessary, but we also need to have more of a focus on it in health classes because it’s such a big part of our lives.” Bass is the co-president of Ignite, a club that aims to educate students about unhealthy relationships and raise awareness for organizations, like SAFEHOME, that can help. And while health classes provide a good base for education on the subject, there is always more to learn. “We don’t have enough time to educate the way we should, but Safehome comes… and the kids really love it and I think they learn a great deal, but there’s so much more to learn,” health teacher Jennifer Owens said. “I think we need to do more character training, and that is lacking in our program.” In addition to educating students on healthy versus unhealthy relationships, sexual assault is also discussed in health classes. “I’m seeing more and more students who are traumatized when we talk about it,” Owens said. “I think kids nowadays are exposed to visual images of violence and promiscuity and they don’t know what to do with what they’ve seen and heard, and then it pours out in sexual assault.” Sexual assault can be a difficult for some to discuss, but it is a relevant issue. One in five women and one in 71 men will be raped at some point in their lives, according to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC). “I myself am a rape survivor and people in the school have treated me really really poorly whenever I came forward with my story,” senior and Ignite co-president Karina Siegrist said. Because it is so difficult for some to acknowledge the issue, victim shaming is a huge problem when discussing teen dating violence and sexual assault. Many victims are frequently accused of lying about their experiences, even though just two percent of rape cases are found to be falsely reported, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the same rate as for other felonies. “Never assume anything about a situation, even if who they are claiming raped somebody is your best friend,” Romo said. “I understand that you want to defend [the accused], and by all means… support them. But don’t go around posting on social media or even just telling other people… that [the victim is] lying, because you don’t know whether or not they are, even if you have heard the story from said best friend’s side, because, unfortunately, we don’t know the entire situation and we probably never will.” While most dating violence statistics are focused around women, men experience dating violence at similar rates to women. One in six men have experienced sexual assault at some point, according to, and one in three adolescents in the U.S., both male and female, is a victim


come talk to us about all these red flags and stuff, but you don’t really see Do not stand for abuse. them until you’re either out of that Contact these services for help. relationship, or somebody points them out to you.” SAFEHOME hotline: 913-262-2868 It is also important to continue to National Teen Dating Abuse 24support victims, even once they are out of the relationship, according to Hour Hotline: 1-866-331-9474 Stafford. National Sexual Assault 24-Hour “I know for a good part of last year I was suffering from PTSD from my Hotline: 1-800-656-4673 unhealthy relationship, and it’s really helped me grow as a person because of abuse from a dating partner, I’ve been through that,” Siegrist said. according to But, Violent relationships in men are significantly less likely to adolescence can have serious, long report cases of domestic violence, lasting ramifications by putting victims mostly due to stigma and shaming, making it much more difficult to gauge at a higher risk for substance abuse, eating disorders, risky sexual behavior the effect of dating violence on men. and future domestic violence. But, if “One of the main things we can do victims, like Romo and Siegrist, are to support male victims is make sure able to speak out, their stories can also that they don’t feel invalidated,” Bass be beacons of hope for those dealing said. “Raise awareness that abusers with abusive relationships. aren’t only male or female, and victims “I know a lot of girls that, after aren’t only male or female. I know speaking out about what happened feminism is kind of a controversial to me, they will come up to me and answer… but promoting equality is one confide in me and tell me things that of the main things.” have happened to them because Identifying the issue within a they feel relationship and talking “I know a lot of girls that, after speaking like they’re out about what happened to me, they so alone,” someone about it in will come up to me and confide in me Romo said. order to and tell me things that have happened “I don’t want to get out can to them because they feel like they’re people feel that often be one so alone. I don’t want people to feel way... Some of the most that way... Some people say I’m too people say difficult aspects passionate about it, but I don’t believe in I’m too of dating too much passion” - senior Cinthia Romo passionate about it, violence. but I don’t Only 33 believe in too much passion.” percent of teens involved in a violent This complex, national issue relationship ever tell anyone about the cannot be solved overnight, but abuse, according to “He’d do the whole “I’m sorry”... and through education and awareness, many believe that its effects can be then he’d buy me gifts so he’d make minimized. me feel bad for feeling bad about it. It “Relationships should be a positive, was quite manipulative,” Romo said. enjoyable part of your high school Family and friends are a victim’s largest network of support when trying experience. Any person who makes you feel bad about yourself, whether to get out of an abusive relationship, it’s a friend or dating partner, does but it is important to not force the not truly respect you,” Stafford said. victim into any decisions. “Refuse to settle for a relationship that “It just ends up isolating them is less than what you deserve.” from you, and that’s not a good thing… you feel bad about yourself, It’s definitely hard, because every whether it’s a friend or dating partner, situation is different, but just help does not truly respect you,” Stafford them realize that there are red flags said. “Refuse to settle for a relationship there,” Romo said. “We’ve all had to that is less than what you deserve.” take health. We’ve all had people

Signs of Relationship Abuse Isolation: deciding for the

victim who they can see, who they can talk to, where they can go

Emotional Abuse:

embarrassing victim, making victim feel bad about themselves

Economic Abuse: using people for their money

Sexual Abuse: pressuring

or forcing the victim to do sexual acts against their will

Using Technology: texting constantly to “check in”

Intimidation: putting the the

victim in fear by using looks, gestures, actions

Isolation: deciding for the

victim who they can see, who they can talk to, where they can go

Statistics 1/6 American women have

been the victim of an attempted or completed rape

1/10 rape victims are male statistics from graphics by Madison Holloway



The Five Tenets of Islam

Senior Caroline Cooper shares how she fulfills each pillar of her faith.

1. Shahada proclamation of faith:

photo by kice mansi

In December, senior Caroline Cooper coverted to Islam. The ceremony took place at the Islamic Society of Greater Kansas City.

photo coutesy of caroline cooper

Converting from Christianity Senior Caroline Cooper recently converted to Islam. by avery woods sports editor


fter years of learning about Arabic culture and Islam, senior Caroline Cooper made the decision to convert from Presbyterian Christianity to Islam. “I figured I would do it someday, because I wanted to live and work in the Middle East when I was an adult, but I didn’t really start thinking about doing it this young until I got back from Jordan,” Cooper said. Cooper was in Jordan the summer of 2016 for a school trip. Before converting, Cooper began practicing the religion to make sure she was ready. “You have to be ready to take on those beliefs and values and practices and you have to devote yourself to it. It’s a huge life decision,” Cooper said. To convert, Cooper had to say the Proclamation of Faith. She did her research and used her Muslim friends as guides. Senior Leena Mansi is one of those who was in attendance when she converted. “I was really happy for her, and I just wanted to teach her and was proud of her,” Mansi said. Sophomore Manal Boullaouz



was also one of the people who hugged and wished Cooper the best after the prayer service at the Islamic Society of Greater Kansas City when Cooper converted. “I think this will bring us closer in a different way, because we’ll understand each other in a different way. We’re both Muslim, and so we can connect on that level,” Boullaouz said. Cooper says that she hasn’t faced obstacles, except for trying to explain why she converted. “I’m still learning, and you have to try to explain to people that you can’t just look at something and jump to conclusions,” Cooper said. “I’ve only had one or two people who couldn’t really understand, and they were kind of closeminded about it.” Cooper says that converting is not something to be taken lightly; if a certain religion is truly what you want to believe, she supports conversion. “Just make sure that you’re absolutely ready. It’s not just a cultural thing; that’s a religion… But if that’s how you found yourself and you’re truly ready to do it, that’s great, I’d go for it,” Cooper said. Cooper is also open to anyone asking her questions to learn more or to understand Islam better.

“This is something that I say everyday multiple times a day, as it is part of prayer. The proclamation in English is “I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship besides God, and I bear witness that Mohammad is God’s prophet.”

2. Salat - prayer: “There

are five prayers each day, but I obviously go to school and have stuff going on outside of school and after school so I don’t have time to pray each prayer at the correct time, but I make up the prayers as soon as I get home, so I still pray each one of the five prayers. Prayer is very important for me. It’s a moment to focus on God and I can thank and praise him through prayer.”

3. Zakat - giving to charity: “I don’t really do this

yet because in order for it to be obligatory you have to have a certain amount of wealth, and I haven’t reached that yet. For now I do donate to certain charities and organizations.”

4. Sawm - fasting: “Fasting

is very humbling and it makes you see how lucky you are to have food to eat. Ramadan is a very special month, and I’m glad I was able to experience it in the Middle East.”

5. Hajj - pilgrimage: “This

is something I plan to do when I feel ready. Obviously I’m very new to Islam, and I have a lot to learn and experience before I fully understand how Hajj should change me.”

Senior Anton Caruso debates with junior Tara Phillips about the main idea of a specific poem. Later, they settled on the details and rhyme schemes of the poem.

Sophomore Miah Clark helps write a duet piece between Junior Tara Phillips and Senior Anton Caruso. The group will perform four separate poems on February 28th.

photos by maxie crimm

Louder than a Bomb Fires Up Spoken word team prepares for upcoming preliminaries.

physically out in the world. Although writing is an outlet for many people who want to convey their thoughts and opinions, some of the true magic of poetry lies under the words and in the rhythmic patterns and riddles put into by angela machado the piece. writer “I’m really good with word play and my rhyming his year’s Louder Than a Bomb team is filled with abilities. I change the meanings of words and it all kind of explosive personalities that come together to just comes together,” Caruso said. express what spoken word poetry is really about. Along with being the only male on the team, Caruso’s The team, coached by English teacher Caroline Ewing, unique rapper style sets him apart from the group. After consists of seniors Anton Caruso and Cinthia Romo, needing a class to fill up his schedule, Caruso took creative juniors Tara Phillips, Abby Hindle, Jenica Kolbeck and writing and discovered he had a knack for writing poems. sophomore Miah Clark. Although previous year’s teams The group of six meets around three times every consisted of poets typically who spoke out about social week to work together for hours at a time on both their issues, this season’s members have a different writing style individual and group poems. Long hours at the practices that will focus more on the spoken word sector, while are to prepare the poets for their first competition on Feb. still speaking out about different issues going on such as abusive relationships, eating “Poetry is important because writing can be 28 at the KC Wordshop, located 2010 Baltimore Ave, Kansas disorders and mental health. a big impact to societies. So I think that if you at City, MO 64108. “This year I think we’re “People that go is just the extremely talented, possibly write something really impactful, it can change team and close friends so it’d even more talented in the people,” junior Jenica Kolbeck said. be crazy to get a couple dozen spoken word realm than we kids out there causing mayhem at a poetry slam, of all were last year, but there’s less pressure and a willingness places,” Caruso said. to just say what they need to get said,” Coach Ewing said. Cost of attending the preliminaries is free and Over the past couple of years, the school’s passion students are encouraged to come support their school and for poetry has blossomed, with more students becoming stay socially awakened. Not only will you be able to see interested in the art of spoken word poetry. Ewing has your school’s team, but other schools will also bring their seen an increased amount of students eager to join her best poets to compete. creative writing class in hopes to express themselves “Anyone who goes is just completely transformed in through their writing. the way they think about the youth and different issues “Poetry is important because writing can be a big going on,” Ewing said. “I think that especially right now impact to societies. So I think that if you write something with everything going on in our country and world, it’s just really impactful, it can change people,” Kolbeck said. so important that you guys have the opportunity to speak What sets Kolbeck apart from the group is that she and have people listen. Spoken word poetry and louder writes her romantic love and breakup poems without than a bomb provides that.” fear of making other people uncomfortable. Kolbeck uses poetry as a way to get her thoughts out of her head and




Staff Editorial


he United States is a country of immigrants. It was formed by hardworking individuals seeking a better life for their families, who were willing to risk their lives to ensure better opportunities for their children. President Trump issued a number of concerning executive orders in the first days after his inauguration, but none as appalling as his decision to turn his back on the American tradition of acceptance. His executive order, signed Jan. 27, temporarily halts immigration from seven majority-Muslim countries and indefinitely suspends the Syrian refugee program. Trump’s team hopes that by banning entrance from these targeted countries, which are labeled as “sources of terror,” they will effectively eliminate terrorist attacks and keep American citizens safe. But according to New America, in the 15 years following 9/11, 94 people have been killed by jihadists, or those fighting against the enemies of Islam. And while each of those deaths was a tragedy, and shouldn’t be ignored, PolitiFact points out that none of these deadly attacks were perpetrated by someone from the seven countries affected by the executive order. It is true that at least three non-deadly cases exist in which the attacker was connected to Iran or Somalia, which are both affected by the ban. According to the FBI, white offenders were responsible for 2,755 homicides in 2013 alone. Two thousand, seven hundred fifty five deaths in one year compared to three non-deadly cases in a 15 year period. The immigrants from the countries that the United States was previously accepting were simply not a threat. If Trump insists on basing actions of an entire population on nationality or race, he should be much more concerned about the white population than the Middle-Eastern one. Muslim-majority countries not affected by the ban include Saudi Arabia and Egypt, which have been the home to many of the perpetrators of the 94 murders. Why were these countries not included? Does it



have anything to do with the fact that Trump has significant business holdings in both of these countries? Our knowledge of his potential conflicts of interest would be greater if he released his tax returns. President Trump claims that this is not a Muslim-ban, but he has also said that his policy would prioritize persecuted Christians in the Middle East for admission as refugees. The 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act banned discrimination against immigrants on the basis of national origin, making his ban likely illegal. This nationality based ban on immigrants affects students, scientists and business and technology leaders. It affects the thousands of people who come in peace to the US every year. It is unnecessary and un-American. And then we get to the refugees. Refugees already undergo an extremely rigorous vetting process, one that takes 18-24 months on average and includes referrals, interviews and extensive security checks. These measures are necessary but they are sufficient. If someone can pass the scrutiny of the U.S. refugee admissions program, they should be able to enter and make a life for themselves. According to the UN Refugee Agency, the Syrian refugee crisis is the worst humanitarian crisis since WWII, and 4.9 million Syrians are currently registered as refugees. They have endured a six year long civil war, displacement and violence unlike any that most Americans will ever experience. The White House’s “America First” ideology is dangerous for these civilians who don’t have anywhere else to go. Refugee camps are full, and only provide temporary lodging and aid, not the stability of a home and the opportunity for a job that America’s refugee program provides. Furthermore, the way in which this order was executed was sloppy. Instead of working with key advisors in the appropriate government departments, Trump and his team rushed through the process and promptly delivered a statement to border patrol officials.

Editorial Cartoon by Miah Clark

This caused confusion in airports, then the federally mandated stay following an American Civil Liberties Union’s lawsuit, and finally the redaction of the green card policy. Taking a measured, slower process and working with immigration, terrorism and legal experts to fulfill the overall goal would have reduced the time officials and travelers spent in the detainment process, while making the ban more effective and reducing the confusion as the ban was challenged in court. Moving forward, the order needs to be withdrawn. Trump should work with the judicial and legislative branches to develop a satisfactory plan to realistically carry out his goals regarding national security, but not at the cost of those fleeing oppression. For Trump to indefinitely suspend the Syrian refugee program or end immigration based on religion or nationality is for America to turn its back on the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

9/9 editors agree with the views expressed in this editorial

Learn to Love Yourself First In the midst of Valentine’s Day celebration, be sure to take time for yourself.

By Hannah Underwood Writer et’s face it: Valentine’s Day can be a dreaded holiday for people who don’t have a significant other. They scoff at the sight of bouquets of roses and roll their eyes at the sight of chocolates and teddy bears. For those people, Tuesday, Feb.14 will be just another day of the week. I find that in this day and age too many people, specifically girls, define themselves excessively based on their relationship status. Girls tend to compare themselves in a negative light to other girls in relationships, and see themselves as incompetent or that their lives are incomplete. As natural as it is to long for love, there comes a point where it is not healthy. One thing that I think is so important for young adults is selfsatisfaction, a high self esteem and confidence. If you cannot love yourself, how can you love someone else wholeheartedly? And, who says you cannot feel satisfied from being confident in who you are? The best thing that young adults can do for themselves is to show self-love. Take time to prioritize the things that you love, whether it be a sport, activity, or hobby. Take time to care of yourself, mentally and physically. Surround yourself with only the most supportive and kind people that make you confident and joyful. I noticed that when I started showing more self-love, I had more success in my endeavors. When I made a habit to prioritize self-love, I was able to love other people. My friendships and other relationships began to blossom. Also, once I was able to take care of myself, I could also make time to take care of other people. There is nothing more satisfying for me than caring for other people and seeing the pure joy on their face. This can be achieved through charity work, or something even as simple as treating your friends ice cream every once in awhile. Better yet, instead of purchasing gifts, try buying or even making a little something for the people in your life that you love. All in all, you do not need a significant other to feel loved and worthy, especially on Valentine’s day. Surrounding yourself with people who love you and taking care of yourself to ensure your happiness is more important. And who knows, maybe once you have your needs taken care of and you are truly confident in your own skin, you may even find yourself with a significant other in the future.

L Treat Yo’ Self... And Yo’ Loved Ones - Have a spa night with your friends - Bake a friend or family member their favorite dessert - Try a new after-school activity - Spend a day with your grandparents - Volunteer your time at Harvesters, Operation Breakthrough, or another charity you care about - Give your friends valentines on Valentine’s Day - Cuddle up and read a book




Debate Yes:

By Lily Wagner Web Editor Photos By Hannah Carter


onald J. Trump is not my president. He is not the president that represents me or a majority of Americans. He is not my president because he has sexually assaulted women. There is absolutely no way to right this wrong, but he should acknowledge his actions and apologize. Donald Trump should work to stop sexual assault and the stigma that goes with it in our culture. He is not my president because he has selected and appointed a staff who not only poorly represents American values, but has the potential to strip citizens of their basic civil rights. He surrounds himself with people like Steve Bannon and Jeff Sessions who seek to restrict and remove liberties of Americans who don’t fit their closed minded ideals. Their policies favor the white, christian, heterosexual, cisgender, able-bodied males that they believe make up the majority of the country. Donald Trump should make an effort to have a diverse and qualified staff that represents the values and desires of the United States. He is not my president because he blatantly lies to the American people. The way he has carried himself since announcing his candidacy fits textbook definitions of emotional abuse. Donald Trump should tell the American people the truth. This isn’t hard to do and it would establish a trust that he so desperately needs with the amount of opposition from the people. He is not my president because he has created uncertainty in the reality of our world with the creation and spread of fake news. He calls out the media for being honest and objective. He has sought to control and censor what the American public sees. Donald Trump should not only apologize to the media organizations and journalists he has attacked, but recognize their legitimacy. In addition to this, he should condemn the fake news organizations- both conservative and liberal- that have eroded the integrity of the media. He is not my president because he spreads harmful stereotypes about minorities. Muslims are not terrorists and Mexicans are not rapists. Donald Trump should work to bridge gaps and build trust and respect between minority groups and diminish the stereotypes he has used against them. He is not my president because he hasn’t condemned the support of white nationalist organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan and neoNazis. Donald Trump should denounce the nationalist groups that have supported him and remove people like Steve Bannon from his staff. He is not my president because he refuses to make an effort to unify the country. Several weeks into his term, Trump has shown no effort to mend the wedge he has painfully driven into the American people. He has continued the harmful, divisive rhetoric that was the bread and butter of his campaign. Until he makes an effort to right his many wrongs, I will not respect Donald Trump as my president nor will many Americans.

Poll results: Should people make New Year’s Resolutions?

Yes 63% 22


No 37%

Poll via @SMSPatriot on Twitter

Is the “Not My President” Movement Valid?


by Blake atkinson Writer


merica has been a country for 240 years and throughout that time we have had 45 presidents. After each Presidential election some voters have felt not represented. However in almost all cases life went on and people dealt with it. This election has been different. The night Donald Trump was announced as the winner there were protests and riots all over the country. The not my president movement has been trending all over the internet. At this point however Trump is the president in every single state of the United States Of America. You can say that Trump is not your president but that’s not going to change anything. Trumps policies promise to help remove government corruption and career politician control. His promise of constitutional amendment to set term limits on Congress would put nearly 50 percent of them out of a job. Another promise is to require all incoming officials to terminate all lobbying registrations as well as promising not to lobby for 5 years after the leaving office. These policies are something anyone could stand behind as they fight political corruption and put more power in the hands of the people rather than elites. Trump’s economic policies also promise to put the average working person before the CEO of big business. Trump’s withdrawn from the Trans Pacific Partnership was a major win for Americans. While the deal claimed to be removing tariffs many of the so called trade barriers it was actually removing included environmental and labor regulations. This isn’t the only trade deal we have that harms Americans. NAFTA, a trade deal between Canada, Mexico and the United States, has lead to many issues including over one million jobs having been lost because of it and we have gone from a trade surplus with Mexico and a $26 billion trade deficit with Canada to a combined deficit of $174 billion. Another major piece of a Trump presidency is the defense of the second amendment. While many politicians call for fewer guns and say this will bring safety, there are few statistics to support this. FBI statistics show that states that have adopted laxer concealed carried laws have had an average 8.5 percent drop in murder and 5 percent in rapes. In 1982 the town of Kennesaw, Georgia passed a law requiring all head of households to own a firearm, with the exception of those who are physically or mentally incapable of using the firearm. Burglary rates dropped 89 percent and remain below the average national rate to this day. While Trump’s LGBT, anti-immigration, anti-environment, and at times xenophobic policies might make you dislike him, you must always remember that you will never completely agree with a President and that you must take what you can get no matter how much you disagree with them. We are the United States of America and must remain so. As Abraham Lincoln once said “A house divided against itself is no plan at all.”



Bigger Than Baby Steps Back By Miah Clark Copy Editor, Editorial Cartoonist resident Donald Trump signed an executive order on Jan. 23, 2017 to defund International Planned Parenthood, one of the United State’s leading provider of affordable health care for women. The defunding of Planned Parenthood was done alongside the effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act, but is doing more damage than good to the low-income women and men who are dependent on the services provided by Planned Parenthood. Since it’s formation 100 years ago, Planned Parenthood has worked to provide quality, affordable sexual and reproductive health care to women of the United States and women around the world. Almost half of their total funding comes from federal, state and local governments. By signing the executive order, these funds will be lost. Trump is pulling one of the strongest bricks out the already weak wall that is affordable health care. And for whose benefit? His conservative supporters. The only real gain was in opposition to the executive order. Trump’s only real reason in defunding Planned Parenthood was to receive a pat on the back from his conservative audience, who hope to see the closing of the organization. Taking away Planned Parenthood’s government funding is seen as a necessary push towards their end to Trump and his supporters. Trump labeled the signing of the executive order as his first pro-life decision during his presidency, as it defunds organizations that promote abortion around the world, but his decision does not do as much in reducing numbers of abortions as he and his supporters may believe. According to the Planned Parenthood website, of all the health care services provided by Planned Parenthood, abortion makes up three percent. Affordable treatment for STDs, contraception and cancer screenings are all services that pay the price for the pro-life accomplishment of attacking the minimal amount of abortion services provided by Planned Parenthood. Women and men who are dependent on the other services could potentially face struggles in accessing them, all because of the conservative wish to destroy the organization and its role as the leading provider of abortions in America. Abortion is a basic human right. What a woman does with her body and reproductive system is no one’s concern or decision other than her own. To stop supporting and to shame an organization for encouraging and providing such a service shows that the people in power do not care about women’s rights, or at least feel that they are worthy of being taken away. With Trump’s success in defunding Planned Parenthood, further strides in the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, are sure to follow. As stated on the Obamacare - officially the Affordable Care Act -




website, the ACA has provided 47 million women with private insurance that gives them access to women’s health services. Since 2012, these women, through the ACA, have had access to affordable contraception, HPV testing, mammograms, domestic violence screening and counseling and a number of other services. Over half the women in the United States have avoided or delayed preventive care due to its high cost. Without the ACA, these numbers will only grow. Not now, nor ever will the signing of this executive order be a justifiable choice. A group of high power men should not have the right to make a decision that has to do with what millions of women will do with their reproductive organs. With the defunding of Planned Parenthood and efforts being put towards the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, only more and more women will feel as if they have little to no access to the health care they need. Still, Planned Parenthood will continue to support abortions worldwide and do the work they have always done, only now with the obstacle of the loss of half of their funding. Donations to the organization can be made at The efforts to support and supply women with the health services they deserve cannot and will not be entirely trumped.

Planned Parenthood Services 41% STD/STI Testing and Treatment 36% Contraception 11% Other Women’s Health Services 10% Cancer Screenings and Prevention 3% Abortion Services

1% Other Services Graphics By Madison holloway Statistics Via Planned Parenthood

Photos by Maxie Crimm

All is Fair in (High School) Love High school relationships offer opportunities for personal growth, despite maybe seeming pointless.

By Faith Danaher Writer dults often mock the establishment of romantic relationships in high school, claiming high schoolers are “too serious about love” or that “it’s only a crush”. It is often assumed that we do not understand love because we are “just kids.” And maybe they have a point. All things considered, a romantic relationship can only end in one of two ways: a breakup or in marriage, and the latter is not nearly as likely in high school. So what is the point of dating in high school if the only realistic options are an amicable breakup or unfortunately - heartbreak? Because many high schoolers continue to partake in romantic relationships despite these inevitabilities, there must be some positives that make dating worth it. When asking a group of newspaper staff why people date in high school, I receive a series of responses ranging from “free food” to “new experiences” to “I have no idea.” If you consider only the tangible gains from relationships, you might think of food, gifts and borrowed sweatshirts from your significant other. If these were the only positives of a high school relationships, then they would be easily outweighed by the negatives, like less time for friends, schoolwork and extracurriculars along with the drama and price of relationships. However, there are many positive intangibles that give high school students a reason to pursue relationships. Among these positives are companionship, support and a learning experience. Being in a romantic relationship in high school can be a little emotionally taxing. However, a good relationship can help you grow as a person and become more evolved and ready for the world outside of high school. A relationship can bring new friends, either in


your partner or your partner’s friends. A high school relationship can bring support that allows you to learn and prepare for the real world. By dating in high school, you can figure out what qualities you like and dislike in a partner before being tossed into college life or the real world. High school relationships also teach you how to stand up for yourself and speak up for what you want. They help you learn how to have effective arguments that solve problems. Additionally, the percentage of high school relationships lasting through high school, college and marriage is very low, but there are some that do last. You can date with the thought of marriage in high school, as long as you are willing to accept that it might not last. You should mostly appreciate the learning experiences and the time that you spend with your high school partners. Personally, I believe that the positives of high school relationships outweigh the negatives. I think that the opportunity to learn, grow and have a good time outweigh the possibility of losing time and money, or being thrown into insufferable heartbreak. I am aware that some people might disagree with this article, but I stick by my opinion that high school relationships are a fun chance to learn and grow for the future, as long as you do not take your relationship too seriously and try to relax. Look at the big picture, and do not give up because of a bad high school relationship. Keep going and look at heartbreak as a learning experience and a step forward. Overall, the choice to date in high school is a personal one. If you do not think it will be beneficial to you, then do not date. Everyone should form their own opinions on high school relationships, and, as the old saying goes, “you’ll never know unless you try.”



Seniors Zach Russell, Celeste Kincaid and Michal Lackey play out a scene during rehearsal. Russell plays King Triton, while Kincaid and Lackey play mersisters of Ariel.

Part of South’s World The theatre department tells the story of the mermaid, Ariel, in its winter musical.

by addie soyski writer he cast of the upcoming musical, “The Little Mermaid”, is gearing up to take the stage and perform a lighter interpretation of the darker Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, in which the little mermaid does not end up with the prince and dissolves into sea foam. It’s meant to be “a big contrast from our first show Les Mis.,” junior Brennan Lumpkin, who plays Scuttle, said. “They wanted contrast from dark to a lighter tone.” One of the most notable elements of The Little Mermaid is the children’s matinee. Two showings of the musical will be free for district elementary and middle school students with reservations. The matinees are Wednesday Feb. 15 and Thursday Feb. 16 and will begin at 9:30 a.m. There is an additional matinee performance on Saturday, Feb. 18, open to everyone. “It is really fun actually to see the kids, because some of us get to like go out afterwards and actually meet




the kids and that’s the best part,” Lumpkin said. The winter musicals have been children’s matinees for the past three years. Last year’s performance was “The Wizard of Oz”, the year before that was “Mary Poppins”, and “Peter Pan” was performed three years ago. “The Little Mermaid” was picked for the theatre department for inspirational reasons. “This version is really about following your dreams so it’s a great lesson for kids,” theatre director Mark Swezey said. The performing arts department is also incorporating unusual elements into the show, such as flying. Students worked with the theatrical flying company, Flying By Foy, to perfect their flying sequences. “We’re working with a lot more flying in this show. We’re also working with heelys... also changing it up a little tech wise and we’re using projections... and that projector is basically going to make a part of the setting to add a little more to the environment,” Lumpkin said. The reason for all this tech is the nature of the musical. There are three worlds that need props: Ursula’s world, the underwater world and the human world. “It’s very exciting and a challenge because they all have to look different,” Swezey said. “They all have to fit the characters that exist in those worlds, so there’s a lot of color coordinating with lights, costumes

Senior Megan Berning and Junior Brennan Lumpkin rehearse scenes for the show. Berning plays the role of Ariel, and Lumpkin plays Scuttle the seagull. photos by maxie crimm

and scenery,” Students have been preparing for their performance with rehearsals that run from 3:00 p.m to 6:00 p.m each night. “It’s taxing on your body, on your mind. When you get home you just want to sleep, but then you have homework to do… It’s like 24/7, nonstop, going going going,” senior Devin Fuhrmann, who plays Prince Eric, said. “But in the end it’s all worth it because when you see the show you will really understand that the amount of hours we put in, it really makes it worth it.” As well as new tech, there is new techniques to bring the characters to life. “A lot of us are doing movement exercises and working on different characters with diction and our body types and how we walk and talk,” senior Tucker Barry said. Playing a big role in this musical is an exciting experience for many of the performers. “I’m super excited just because it’s my senior year and it’s my last musical ever at this school. I was just pretty excited to get to play such a big role for a final bang,” senior Megan Berning, who plays Ariel, said. “The Little Mermaid” will show Feb. 16-18.The auditorium doors open at 7 p.m. and the shows begins at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults and non-South students. South Students get a free ticket with a student ID.

MOOve Over, Tradition With the new craze over rolled ice cream, Freezing Moo is just the place to satisfy curiosities about the new type of dessert.

by mara baine writer rom the outside of Freezing Moo, there are sticky notes with sketches and quotes on them covering all of the windows, giving the building a colorful look. The colorful outside is just as appealing as the ice cream served inside of it. Upon first entering, the crowds are almost out the door. Freezing Moo is a new ice cream that puts a twist on regular ice cream. Their ice cream is not like most, where you would pick a flavor and they scoop it into a cone for you. This type of ice cream is “rolled ice cream”, which Location: originated from East Asia, and was 6936 W 135th St, Overland Park, KS called Thai fried ice cream. 66213 After ordering and choosing your favorite flavor, the rolled ice cream Newly opened Freezing Moo quickly maker poured milk onto an iced grill. became popular for its rolled ice cream. Then they add more ingredients, and With 10 ice ream flavors and 20 toppings, wait for it to freeze. After this, the Freezing Moo offers a wide variety. photo by hannah carter ice cream is spread out and shaped


into a square and rolled up with your choice of toppings added on top. Some of the flavors included Mint Chocolate, Strawberry Nutella and Banana Nutella, with topping options like marshmallow, fruit and chocolate chips. This type of ice cream has been recently very popular all over the internet, with pictures and videos on Snapchat and Instagram. Freezing Moo’s social media attention is a reason why the crowd is so big. Besides the longer than usual wait, with it taking about 20 minutes to get ice cream on a Friday night, it was overall a fun, young atmosphere. You can print out a picture on their printer and put it on the wall, along with adding to the sticky notes filled with art, quotes and funny jokes. The pictures can be of you, your ice cream or anything you want. When I went, I got the Mint oreo with M&Ms, chocolate chips and marshmallow. The ice cream was good, but tasted a lot like regular ice cream. The only real difference was the shape and texture. It was more smooth and took much longer to melt than regular ice cream, so it was harder to scoop into a spoon. The new experience was well worth the price.

KANSAS CITY CALENDAR Shenyun Performing Kansas City Folk Art Show Feb. 10-Feb. 12 Kauffman Center

Phantom of the Opera Feb. 8 Municipal Auditorium

Festival Feb. 19 The Westin KC at Crown Center

The Kansas City cityscape is accompanied by the Missouri river and skyscrapers. photo by jenna fackrell



And the Oscar Goes To... The Patriot staff made Oscar predictions ahead of the show. Here are the winning picks: The Oscars will premiere Feb. 26 at 6 p.m. on ABC.

Best Picture “Arrival” ”Fences” ”Hacksaw Ridge” ”Hell or High Water”

Best Picture Synoposises

”Hidden Figures” ”La La Land” ”Lion” ”Manchester by the Sea” ”Moonlight” Photo courtesy of Lionsgate

Best Actress Emma Stone “La La Land” Natalie Portman “Jackie” Ruth Negga “Loving” Meryl Streep “Florence

Arrival When twelve mysterious spacecraft appear around the world, linguistics professor Louise Banks is tasked with interpreting the language of the apparent alien visitors. Fences A working-class AfricanAmerican father tries to raise his family in the 1950s, while coming to terms with the events of his life.

Hacksaw Ridge WWII American Army Isabelle Huppert “Elle” Medic Desmond T. Doss refuses to kill people, and becomes the first man in American history Photo courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox to receive the Medal of Honor without firing a shot.

Foster Jenkins”

Best Actor Casey Affelck “Manchester by the Sea” Andrew Garfield “Hacksaw Ridge” Ryan Gosling “La La Land” Viggo Mortensen “Captain Fantastic” Denzel Washington “Fences” Photo courtesy of Amazon Studios



Hell or High Water A divorced father and his ex-con older brother resort to a desperate scheme in order to save their family’s ranch in West Texas. Hidden Figures Based on a true story. A team of African-American women provide NASA data needed to launch the program’s first space missions.

La La Land A jazz pianist falls for an aspiring actress in Los Angeles. Lion A five-year-old Indian boy gets lost on the streets of Calcutta, thousands of kilometers from home. He survives many challenges before being adopted by a couple in Australia; 25 years later, he sets out to find his lost family. Manchester by the Sea An uncle is asked to take care of his teenage nephew after the boy’s father dies. Moonlight A timeless story of human self-discovery and connection, Moonlight chronicles the life of a young black man from childhood to adulthood as he struggles to find his place in the world while growing up in a rough neighborhood of Miami.

Who, What, Wear: Teacher Edition

photos by Cassandra awad

English: Travis Gatewood

Art: Jennifer Hudson

French: Rebecca Haden

Social Studies: Emily Fossoh Science: Julie McCormic Math: Christopher Bervert



Students tweeted or Snapchatted @SMSPatriot “Relationship Goals” @Colindinho_: we “created”


relationship goals



Social Media Contest 3rd

@mia_neader: we “created” relationship goals


@emmabossross: twinning on Toga Tuesday with bae!!

First Place in the Social Media Contest wins a $10 giftcard. Next month’s contest is “What’s your favorite Snapchat filter?” 30


YOU BELONG AT PITTSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY SENIORS: Rumble in the Jungle is Nov. 5! Sign up at Includes campus tour, lunch, and ticket to Gorilla Football!


History on a Page




5 1. Concentrating on drawing his lines, freshman Julian Howard traces a photo of Marlon Wayne.

Howard chose Marlon Wayne to represent Black History Month because he is funny and believes he is a great influence on children.

2. For this year’s Black History Month, the Art Department decided to make feathers to honor Maya

Angelou’s book I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. The feathers will be hung in front of the concession stand for the Feb. 9 basketball game.

3 . During an art class, junior Kylie Fitzpatrick cuts out a feather for Black History Month. Each student was required to cut out at least 10 feathers for this assignment.

4. Using the light table, sophomore Marissa Lunetta traces a photo Ella Fitzgerald, an African American jazz singer. Lunetta chose Ella Fitzgerald because she has always loved her music.


5. Measuring his bubble letters, junior Tareq Mathews finishes up the sketch of his preferred quote by Kobe Bryant. photos by Savannah Morgan

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