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The Mortal Prophets

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Carmen Lees

Carmen Lees

The Mortal Prophets - John Beckmann's experimental rock project in NYC is back and shining again. The no wave/Experimental avant-garde blues artist, unleashed Born Under A Bad Sign, from his soon-to-drop album Dealey Plaza Blues outJuly28viaallDSPs.

His take on Born Under A Bad Sign really showcases his skill as a visionary artist andcomposer;hehasanappetitetocreatesomethingnewandoftenaheadofits time.Everycreativespiritneedsthiskindofpassion!


Beckmann's baritone is the star of its dark version of Born Under A Bad Sign, offering a haunting yet stable presence against a dreamlike atmosphere. As you immerse yourself in this track, you'll be transported to a realm of reverie, blissfully detachedfromyoursurroundingsandunawareofthepassageoftime.

The New York-based visionary dropped another sneak peek of his upcoming album Dealey Plaza Blues,givingafreshtwisttotheclassictrack Down On Me

Beckmannexplains: "Down On Me isatraditionalfreedomsongfromthe1920sor earlier that became popular following its remake by Janis Joplin and Big Brother andtheHoldingCompany.ButtheversionIfirstheardwasaveryearlyrecording by Eddie Head and His Family (1930), on the John Fahey compilation called American Primitive Vol 1: Raw Pre-war Gospel (Revenant 206). My version reimaginesthesongandturnsitintoanover-the-topelectro-blues"

With each release, John Beckmann continues to push the boundaries of musical expression, offering a unique and enthralling sonic experience that leaves an indelible mark on the listener. The resurgence of The Mortal Prophets is a testament to his unwavering creative spirit and his ability to carve a distinctive pathintheworldofexperimentalrock.

Markyourcalendars- Dealey Plaza Blues willdroponallstreamingplatformson July28th!Besurenottomissout.



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