Families NW London Magazine Oct 2018 issue 124

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Parents Evening advice Thinking Skills The Secret of State Boarding schools School Open Days What’s On for October

- including, Half Term, Halloween and Fireworks

Issue 124 October 2018


Welcome to the October issue! CONTACT US: Families North West London Magazine WATFORD


Editors: Heather Waddington andRICKMANSWORTH Janine Mergler


STANMORE P.O. Box 2378, Watford WD18 1RF HATCH END M25 NORTHWOOD T: 01923 237 004 E: Editor@FamiliesNWLondon.co.uk EDGWARE HARROW WEALD











@FamiliesNWLon Readership of over 60,000 local parents, carers and teachers every issue. Published seven times a year. For families from birth to twelve.

UPCOMING ISSUES: Nov/Dec 2018 - ‘Seasonal Celebrations’ Deadline: 10th October 2018 Jan/Feb 2019 - ‘Nurseries and Childcare’ Deadline: 25th November 2018 Send in your news, stories and advertising bookings to the details above.


Feature images used under license from depositphotos.com. Other images have been supplied by independent sources.

4 Thinking Skills for the Future

5 Parents Evening Advice 6 Why does my child not like school? 8 The Secret of State Boarding Schools 12 Clubs and Classes

14 Whats On

Cover image: depositphotos.com

Where is Families North West London?

2 Families North West London

Families North West London Magazine is part of Families Print Ltd, a franchise company. All franchised magazines in the group are independently owned and operated under licence. Families is a registered trademark of LCMB Ltd, Remenham House, Regatta Place, Marlow Road, Bourne End, Bucks SL8 5TD. The contents of Families NW London Magazine are fully protected by copyright and none of the editorial or photographic matter may be reproduced in any form without prior consent of Families North West London Magazine. Every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine, but Families North West London Magazine, its distributors, the franchise company, Families Print Ltd, and LCMB Ltd cannot be held responsible for the claims of advertisers nor for the accuracy of the contents, or any consequence thereof.

Families North West London Magazine is distributed bi-monthly throughout north west London. An area bordered by the A40 to the south, by the A5/M1 to the east and out towards the M25 in the north and west. You can collect a copy FREE from scores of outlets: schools, nurseries, play groups, clubs and classes, sports centres, children’s libraries, family doctors and baby clinics, theatres, your local council offices and children’s shops. If you would like to stock copies to give to parents, please let us know.


NEWS Reading charity launches ‘Back to School’ volunteer appeal New Perform weekly drama, dance and singing classes for 4-12s in Harrow and Croxley Green Perform is a unique children’s drama school that has a special emphasis on child development. Perform uses a mix of drama, dance and singing to bring out every child’s full potential. Run by highly experienced actor-teachers, in small groups, Perform classes focus on developing the 4 Cs: Confidence, Communication, Coordination, and Concentration. The perform curriculum ensures plenty of fun, using a mix of energetic games, catchy songs and funky dances. All class materials are written by Perform, with apps, CDs and videos the children can play at home to keep the magic alive. Perform offer no-obligation FREE trial sessions. Visit www.perform.org.uk/try to book a FREE class today.

National reading charity Beanstalk is stepping up its search for volunteers across London. The charity is aiming to support more than 1,900 children aged 3-13 across the region who are at risk of falling behind at school without intervention. The increasing number of schools requesting Beanstalk volunteers and the addition of a new early years programme aimed at tackling the word gap among children aged three-five, means more volunteers are urgently needed in readiness for delivering Beanstalk’s programmes this September. Full training and ongoing support is provided to all volunteers. For more information or to apply, please visit the website at www. beanstalkcharity.org.uk or call Beanstalk on 0845 450 0301. www.beanstalkcharity.org.uk/reading-leaders.

New community centre for Wembley Park Wembley Park’s community centre, The Yellow, is opening on the 1st October, in brand-new, permanent premise, with extensive facilities across two floors, with over 390 square metres of activity space. From its new home at 1 Humphry Repton Lane, in the heart of the 85-acre Wembley Park regeneration area, the new Yellow will include floor-to-ceiling windows, a shared kitchen for cooking classes and community supper clubs, meeting rooms and fibre optic Wi-Fi throughout. Fitness enthusiasts will benefit from over £20,000 worth of brand-new sporting equipment, which includes a mini parkour pop-up gym. James Saunders, Chief Operating Officer at Quintain, said: “Community engagement at its best is an exchange of culture and ideas and fosters a sense of pride and belonging in a place. We are delighted to be opening a permanent home for the Yellow, which has done so much already to become a welcoming hub for people from across the Borough www.wembleypark.com


‘Happiness’ service launched to combat school mental health crisis A new wellbeing subscription service is launched this week which aims to tackle the biggest issue facing education today – mental ill health. Dubbed ‘Netflix for wellbeing’, Brilliant Schools is a wellbeing club that enables schools to ‘subscribe to happiness’ by providing tools and resources to help boost the wellbeing of pupils, teachers and parents. The service flips wellbeing on its head – rather than waiting for staff and pupils to break under the pressure, the service provides schools with the strategies, resources and knowledge they need to integrate happiness and wellbeing throughout the curriculum, and into the fabric and culture of the school. Schools, parents and organisations can find out more about the Brilliant Schools service at www.brilliant.school

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How Thinking Skills can equip Your Child for the Future By Dr David Walters


hat jobs will be available to my child when the time comes for them to enter the employment market? It’s a worry for every parent. Artificial Intelligence will ‘kill off’ five million jobs by 2020, according to some of the more alarmist headlines. While AI threatens hundreds of thousands of jobs in the retail and administration sectors, top professions such as the law and medicine are also set to be transformed by the ‘march of the robots’.

So how can we help our children to future-proof their skills? In the world of education, the speed at which the robots are advancing has poured more fuel on to the debate about the value of learning by rote. Are schools, under enormous pressure from government to deliver ever-better exam grades, responding by priming a generation of students simply to remember, recall and regurgitate facts just as the need for those skills is being usurped by Siri and Alexa? Surely, if we want our children to succeed in a future where so many jobs will be dominated by automation, we should educate them with skills unique to human beings? So, what are those uniquely human skills, and where can your child learn them? What do we as a species have going for us that the computers don’t - and are unlikely to for at least a while? One of our most important is cognitive – or thinking – skills. Back in the 1950s a US psychologist called Benjamin Bloom devised his now-famous hierarchy of thinking. This “pyramid of thought” classifies thinking according to six cognitive levels of complexity. It is increasingly relevant today. According to Bloom’s hierarchy, the least complex (lower order) thinking skills such as recalling information form the base of the pyramid and the most complex (higher order) skills, such as creativity, sit at the peak. Put simply, the higher up the pyramid you go, the safer you are from the rising tide of the machines.

4 Families North West London

Thinking Schools, at which these higherorder skills are taught, can be found all over the world, including in Dubai, Lithuania, Norway, New Zealand, Egypt, Nigeria and Thailand. In Malaysia, the government has looked to introduce the Thinking Schools model in 10,000 public schools. In Britain, too, there is a new enthusiasm for schools where these skills form the basis of teaching. There is growing recognition that Thinking Schools drive the type of unique thinking skills and intelligent learning behaviours that we all need in an increasingly technological world. Much of education has shifted too far towards pure recall and regurgitation of fact. But thinking skills are not an education programme; they are an attitude to learning.

In a Thinking School: • all members share a common language of learning; • thinking strategies and tools are used across the curriculum and teachers and students have sound understanding of metacognition; • all students are developing and demonstrating independent and cooperative learning skills; • there are high levels of achievement and an excitement and enthusiasm for learning. Typically, in a Thinking School you will see pupils working with ‘map’-like visual tools which help children to understand their thinking processes and ultimately to create, understand, problem-solve and persist with tasks rather than merely regurgitate answers. Recent research has shown that attending an accredited Thinking School can improve pupils’ GCSE results by as much as a grade above what they were originally predicted. Accredited Thinking Schools have been rigorously assessed by Exeter University’s Cognitive Education Development Unit to ensure that they meet strict criteria and a list of them can be found at http://socialsciences.exeter.ac.uk/ education/thinkingschools/accreditation/ accreditedschools/

Should your child not be at an accredited school, you can still access the Thinking Matters approach to education used by Thinking Schools. Cog-Ignition (www.cogignition.com) works directly with families, and use ‘cognitive coaches’ who work one-toone to develop the thinking skills, attitudes and interpersonal skills needed to succeed at school and far beyond. We don’t have to think of machines purely as a threat. They are, after all, our creation. The key is to develop the intelligences and skills to get them to work for us!

Dr David Walters is Deputy Principal of a secondary school in the South West and Honorary Fellow, Exeter University Graduate School of Education. Thinking Matters works with schools all over the country which want to become Thinking Schools. For further information, visit w ww.thinkingmatters.com

Paediatric First Aid Courses Sun 14 Oct, Sat 3 Nov - Harrow on the Hill

Suitable for Ofsted Registration. Includes some home study.

Certificate valid for 3 years Cost = £85

Contact Margaret at mcstraining@hotmail.co.uk or on 07814 191 395 for bookings Other dates available



Parents evening - the before and the after


t’s perfectly natural to be a little apprehensive about parents’ evening, but this really is a time to collaborate with the teachers so that together you can get the best from your child and make learning as enjoyable as possible.

break; or perform a snippet of the theatre production they saw last or the book they read; suggest they create an experiment or a piece of art using only food from the cupboards. Get them involved in a way that brings their learning to life.

The before…

An what if the feedback is good?

Set your intention in your own mind for the discussion and prepare any questions in advance, keeping in mind the very short amount of time you have and that the teacher will have his/her own intentions for the discussion to fit in too. Assume that you will come away with something to congratulate your child on and something that they can work on with your help at home.

Well tell all your friends and family within earshot. Children digest positive feedback more deeply when they hear it being given to someone else rather than directly to them. Try it, it really works.

The after… So what if the feedback isn’t so great? This consultation is not the end, in fact for this school year it is only the beginning! If you have deep concerns, your child’s teacher will be more than happy to have a follow up meeting to discuss and address your concerns. If your child is struggling with maths for example, there are some great exercises you can create at home that will get your child involved in the real life of finances, without


transferring any limiting money beliefs to them. For younger ones who ask for gifts all the time, ask them how much it costs, and then ask them what else they could have for the same amount. When they compare the instant gratification of the £10 toy versus a day out somewhere, they might choose differently, based on what they value most. This is a great lesson, and one the parents can get involved in too. If your child is struggling with reading, inject some excitement by reading to them something new to both of you and show your own joy of stories. For older children, amplify geography lessons by getting them to plan the half term

Regardless of the feedback, I would recommend having a parent/child consultation as a follow up to parents’ evening. From the age of 4, most children can engage in conversation about what is happening and what they might like to do differently. This low pressure, exploratory conversation is a great way to learn more about where their passions lie, and how they can be explored further at school and at home. Susie is a transformational life coach helping busy professional Mums to redesign their life as they would choose it. She can be found at www.susieramroop. com/booking or www.facebook.com/ coachsusieramroop

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Why does my child not like school?


t’s school time and you are running late. You have reminded your child since she woke up what time you need to leave for school and how many minutes remain to this deadline. You assumed 60 to 90 minutes was ample time but every day, no matter how much extra time you allocate, the story is the same. It’s like groundhog day, repeatedly reminding your child of every action that needs to be taken in order to get ready.

“It’s easy to blame yourself for the anxiety your child feels…” With only 15 minutes to go and no signs of compliance from your child, patience starts to run low and feelings of frustration run high, and it’s beginning to show. The cohesive, gentle voice of the past hour has been replaced with an increasingly louder and irritable one. Then come the tears, and as they roll down your child’s cheeks you are left feeling like an awful parent. You comfort your child, explain that it’s normal not to like school at the beginning of term and that their friends would really miss them if they didn’t go. Slowly you get their agreement and are able to leave the house, just to find yourself in the same predicament the morning after.

Do you feel your child’s anxiety is your responsibility? Sound familiar? It’s easy to blame yourself for the anxiety your child feels and subsequently promise yourself to leave more time to prepare for the day, the next morning.

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But it’s not actually to do with the preparation. It is to do with a type of anxiety that has turned into a habitual pattern, a trauma. This can occur in any situation, not just going to school. However, as adults we can employ a ‘top down’ approach, mindfulness, children of this young age cannot. Their feelings creep up on them before they have a chance to approach and digest them appropriately, it’s out of their control. Calming the anxious child is not just about talking to/at them.

Research on how to make the child feel safer and remove perceived threats Dr Stephen Porges’s research on the Vagus Nerve over the last forty years has enabled a breakthrough and his research into the body’s response to anxiety is documented in the book “The Polyvagal Theory”. The Vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body and affects all vital organs such as the heart, lungs, stomach, liver and more. Based on his research a therapy-based solution called ‘The Safe and Sound Protocol’ has been developed. This trains the body to dampen the response to perceived mild danger and helps the vital organs to continue as normal, and not intensify as if experiencing a trauma. Advanced functions can work as normal and register the threat as it really is.

What is the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) and how can it help? It is a non-invasive intervention involving listening to filtered music that has been processed specifically to retune the nervous system (regulating state). Thus, introducing a sense of safety and increasing the ability to socially engage. This allows the person to better interpret not only verbal speech, but more importantly the emotional meaning of language. Once interpersonal interaction

improves, spontaneous social behaviours as well as an enhanced ability to learn, selfregulate and engage socially are often seen. “The Safe and Sound Protocol is intended to accelerate the effectiveness of other modalities by preparing the person’s emotional and physiological state for engagement.” The SSP involves listening to a specially formulated sequence of filtered music for one hour on five consecutive days. The filtered music is played through headphones on audio equipment (MP3 player) in a quiet and safe environment. It can be done in a therapy setting or at home. Raviv Practice is one of the first therapy centres to use this programme in the UK and has delivered to both children and adults affected by severe anxiety. SSP can make a significant change in stopping anxiety escalating, especially in the very young where brains are still developing. For more information on the Safe and Sound Protocol go to Raviv Practice London – Safe and sound protocol. Call 0203 8870486 to find out more or email usha.patel@ ravivpracticelondon.co.uk for an information pack.




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The Secret of State Boarding State boarding schools regularly out-perform other schools around the country and yet they are still unheard of by many. We caught up with Gary Hickey, Headmaster of Haberdashers’ Adams in Newport, Shropshire, to help unravel the mystery.


here are only 38 state boarding schools in the UK. Nine of those, including Haberdashers’ Adams, are selective grammar schools. As state schools, the education is free so parents only have to pay for the cost of boarding, which at Haberdashers’ Adams is less than £4,000 per term. This offers parents a much more affordable boarding option, particularly when compared to the independent sector when they can easily pay fees of £40,000 or more a year. State boarding does not mean pupils receive any less care and attention than those in the independent sector. Our boarders start their school life at Longford Hall, a Georgian mansion set in 100 acres of grounds. The boys are cared for by a Boarding Housemaster and his team of matrons and tutors and enjoy a lovely homely environment. Older boys live at Beaumaris Hall which has been designed to be a similar environment to university halls of residence. The boys enjoy en-suite facilities in every room with most rooms being double occupancy. They have a large communal area to spend time together in as well as a popular supper kitchen where culinary skills can be cultivated. The majority of pupils join state boarding schools at the age of 11 and continue until they leave school for university. A few may join at 13+ if spaces are available

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while others decide to board in the Sixth Form, recognising boarding as the perfect introduction to living and studying away from home. Within the safety net of the boarding community, they learn to adjust to the freedom and independence of being away from home. A set prep time each night helps to ensure they pay proper attention to their work, establishing good studying habits with support when needed from a team of experienced boarding tutors. This often results in significant academic improvements and by the time they leave for university they are completely prepared and very selfdisciplined. The camaraderie of the boarding houses

is very special indeed and I think the words of a former boarder say it all: “The friends I have made in boarding at Adams will be my friends for life.” Haberdashers’ Adams is delighted to be exhibiting at the 2018 Independent Schools Show in Battersea Park on 1011 November. The school offers a number of boarding open events and taster weekends throughout the year for families who are considering boarding. Further information: Caroline Cheal/ Sonya Wilson, Haberdashers’ Adams, Tel: (01952) 953823 Email: marketing@adamsgs.uk



What’s NEW

Back to School

A great addition for the pencil case! Take two dads, a super cool concept and a seriously safe product which represents inclusivity, confident fun and totally cruelty free - and what have you got?! Scent Republik Scent Stiks. These fathers of pre-teen daughters had the, awesome idea of replacing the ink in marker pens with scent in pencil cases which are totally cruelty-free and completely safe. And voila! – a unique new range of six super cute Scent Stiks! RRP £4.95 https://scentrepublik.co.uk

I saw it first! – Jungle a fun new family game Three hundred jungle animals populate the board of this carefully engineered game. Some are familiar, like the leopard or the hippopotamus, others less so, like the eyelash viper or the giraffe weevil. Pull a counter from the box featuring one of the 300 animals in this game and be the first to spot that animal on the board! Packed in a triangular box with a hexagonal double-sided board, this game features charming illustrations by Caroline Selmes. Simple to understand but addictive to play, this fun and challenging game will delight adults and children alike. Out from 29th Oct RRP £18.98 www.lawrenceking.com

Bamboo Travel Mugs Our beautiful bamboo travel mugs make the perfect reusable coffee cup. For eco-friendly refreshment simply pick your favourite design, fill your new travel cup and go. RRP £9.95 www.rexlondon.com/bamboo-travel-mugs


WHY Do I Have to Sleep? A goodnight story that helps children to let go of excessive thinking, calm their nervous systems and gain greater body consciousness. The book involves the child through calming questions and relatable explanations. After the kids’ bedtime stories you get an extra relaxation meditation that can gradually lul the little reader to sleep. The book also contains sleep training tips and tricks from experts on how to create a calm atmosphere around bedtime with less struggle. WHY Do I Have to Sleep? is the first book in the children’s book series WHY, which the author has written in collaboration with a Danish brain researcher and child psychologist. From £3.88 on Amazon.co.uk

3-2-1… blast off: History Heroes is proud to launch their first, brand new Science Museum licensed card games: SPACE and LONDON. Both SPACE and LONDON are games that encourage all from 8 – 80+ to play together and learn more about their respective themes. Like all other award-winning History Heroes games, these new games include 40 of the greatest characters in history in each theme on fantastically illustrated cards. The aim of the games is to try and win the cards by guessing who the characters are from the facts read out from the cards. Players can play the games as a gentle voyage of discovery or a viciously competitive game by choosing easy, hard or quirky facts from each card. RRP £9.99

Families North West London 9

Education - Independent School Open Days Please check school websites to confirm in advance of visiting advertised open days. Listings are subject to change. Aldenham School Elstree WD6 Boys and Girls 3-18 yrs (Boarding/Day) enquiries@aldenham.com

Open Day: Wed 3 Oct 930-1130 and Sat 6 Oct 10am-12:30pm. Prep School 01923 851664. Senior School 01923 858122

Alpha Preparatory School Harrow HA1 Boys and Girls 3-11 yrs. www.alpha.harrow.sch.uk

Open Day: By appointment 0208 427 1471

Buckingham Prep School Pinner HA5 Boys School 4-11 years www.buckprep.org

Open Day: By appointment. 020 8866 2737.

Charlotte House Prep School Rickmansworth WD3 Girls 3-11 yrs www.charlottehouseprepschool.co.uk

Open Day: By appointment. 01923 772101

Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School Elstree WD6 Boys 5-18 yrs. www.habsboys.org.uk

Open Day: Sat 6 Oct (Prep & Senior); Sat 10 Nov (Pre-Prep). 020 8266 1700

Haberdashers’ Aske’s Girls’ School Elstree WD6 Girls 4-18 yrs. www.habsgirls.org.uk

Open Day: Jun Sch – Thu 4 Oct, Thu 18 Oct, Tue 6 Nov, all 9.15am. Sen Sch – Thu 15 Nov, Mon 19 Nov, both 9.15am. 020 8266 2302 email ldevine@habsgirls.org.uk

High Elms Manor School Watford WD25, Boys and Girls 6 months – 11 years. www.highelmsmanorschool.com

Open Day: By appointment. 01923 681103

The John Lyon School Harrow on the Hill HA2. Boys 11-18 yrs. www.johnlyon.org

Open Day: By appointment. 020 8515 9400

Krishna Avanti Primary School Edgware HA8. Boys and Girls 3-11 yrs.www. avanti.org.uk/kapsharrow

Open Day: Thu 15 Nov, Wed 5 Dec, both 9.30-11am. 020 8381 3344

Merchant Taylor’s Prep Rickmansworth WD3 Boys 4-13. Northwood HA6 Boys 11-18yrs www.mtpn.org.uk www.mtsn.org.uk

Open Day: By appointment. 01923 825648 (Prep) 01923 845514 (Senior)

North London Collegiate School Edgware HA8 Girls 4-18yrs. www.nlcs.org.uk

Open Day: Jun Sch in Action: Wed 3 Oct, Mon 8 Oct, Thu 18 Oct. Sen Sch in Action: Wed 10 Oct. 11+ Open Day: Fri 23 Nov, Wed 28 Nov, both 1.30-3.45pm. Jun Sch 020 8952 1276, Sen Sch 020 8951 6481/6468.

Northwood College Northwood HA6. Girls 3-18 yrs. www.northwoodcollege.gdst.net

Open Day: Sat 6 Oct, 1-4pm (whole school); Wed 7 Nov, 9.30-11am (Sen Sch); Fri 9 Nov, 9.30-11am (Early Yrs & Jun Sch) 01923 825446.

Call us to arrange an individual appointment

10 Families North West London


Education - Independent School Open Days North London Grammar School London NW9 Boys & Girls 11-18 yrs. www.northlondongrammar.com

Open Day: Wed 17 Oct 0208 205 0052

Orley Farm Harrow-on-the-Hill HA1 Boys and Girls 4-13yr www.orleyfarm.harrow.sch.uk

Open Day: Sat 6 Oct, 10am. 020 8869 7634/7600

Quainton Hall School Harrow, HA1. Boys 2.5-13yrs, Girls 2.5-11 yrs. www. quaintonhall.org.uk

Open Day: By appointment. admin@quaintonhall.org.uk 020 8861 8861

Reddiford School Pinner HA5 Boys and Girls 2yrs 9months – 11 yrs. www.reddiford.co.uk

Open Day: By appointment. 020 8866 0660

Roxeth Mead School HA2 Boys & Girls 3months-7yrs. www.roxethmead.com

Open Day: By appointment. 020 8422 2092

The Royal Masonic School for Girls Rickmansworth WD3 – Ruspini House Pre School (boys and girls aged 2-4) Cadogan House Pre-Prep and Prep Department (girls aged 4-11), Senior School (girls aged 11-18)

Open Day: Sun 7 Oct, 2pm; Mon 8 & Tue 9 Oct (morning). 01923 725354

St John’s CofE Primary School Watford WD17 Boys and Girls 4-11 yrs www.watfordstjohns.org

Open Day: Wed 24 Oct. 01923 255 017

St Helen’s College Hillingdon UB10 Boys & Girls 2-11 yrs www.sthelenscollege.com

Open Day: Tue 30 Oct, 9am-12pm 01895 234 371

St Helen’s School Northwood HA6 Girls 3-18 yrs www.sthelens.london

Open Day: Wed 7 & Thu 8 Nov, 9am-12pm; Wed 17 Oct, 9am-4pm (6th form). 01923 843230

St Hilda’s Preparatory School for Girls Bushey WD23 3-11yrs. www.sthildasbushey.com

Open Day: By appointment. 0208 950 1751

St John’s School Northwood HA6 Boys aged 3-13. www.st-johns.org.uk

Open Day: Wed 10 Oct, 9am. 020 8866 0067

St. Margaret’s School Bushey WD23 Girls 4-18 yrs (boarding/day) www.stmargaretsbushey.co.uk

Open Day: Wed 14 Nov, both 9.15am (School at Work); Thu 15 Nov, 5.30pm (Boarding); 020 8901 0872

St. Martin’s School Northwood HA6. Boys 3-13 yrs www.stmartins.org.uk

Open Day: Fri 12 & Sat 13 Oct, 10am-12pm. 01923 825 740

York House Rickmansworth WD3. Boys and Girls 3-13 yrs www.york-house.com

Open Day: Sat 6 Oct, 9.30am-12pm (Nursery-yr 8) 01923 772 395


Families North West London 11

Local Clubs and Classes Directory PARTIES Mini Maniacs are an Award Finalist Party Entertainment Business. Specialising in themed and non themed children’s parties for 1-9 year olds. From princesses to Discos, Bouncy Castles to Mascots, we have it all. Our reviews are outstanding and our entertainers are unbelievable. Book today to see the magic for yourself!  07711980132  rav@mini-maniacs.com www. facebook.com/theMiniManiacs www.twitter.com/theMiniManiacs www. mini-maniacs.com Perform Parties - Based around a colourful theme, Perform’s energetic party leaders use a magical mix of songs, games and laughter to create fun-filled, action-packed parties. Call 0207 255 9120 or visit performparties.co.uk Silly Millie the Clown - parties for 3 - 9 year olds. Funny magic show, puppet’s, party games, silly songs & balloon animals. 020 7823 8329 or 07939 239 397  www.sillymillietheclown.co.uk The Windmill Studio Centre (HA4) Fun for kids, hassle-free for parents, birthday parties at The Windmill Studio Centre, Ruislip Manor, for 1-10 years boys & girls include invitations, party leader & assistant(s), freshly prepared food, decorations, music, lights, games, dancing, props and prizes. Optional extras - adult refreshments, face-painting and party bags. Lots of themes from Princesses and Super Heroes to Monsters, Trolls, Makers and Mad Hatters! Modern & clean venue.  01895 624755  thewindmillstudio@gmail.com www.thewindmillstudio.com

CLASSES FOR GROWN-UPS Adult Art Classes in Stanmore (HA7) Drawing, painting and mixed media art classes for adults. Weekday morning studio sessions in a relaxed, supportive environment.  020 8954 2897 or 07500 006 099  myartclub@yahoo.co.uk BaB – Bring a Baby courses for adults. All Bring a Baby Courses are designed for you, the grown up, but are fun and engaging for your kids too. Their courses get 5* reviews because they make it possible for you to learn a new skill and be with your children. Photography, Knitting, Embroidery, Cake Decorating and more.  www.bab-courses.co.uk Capital Connection Chorus - female A capella harmony (HA4) Calling women who love to sing! Particularly need lower range voices at present. Perfect way to meet new friends and sing with a great group of women. Wed night 7.45pm to 10.30pm at Ruislip Community Centre.  www. capitalconnection.org.uk Eggless Cake Delights (HA) offer eggless baking, cake decorating and dessert classes for kids & adults in Harrow. Classes are held in small groups in hands on and Demo format, during weekdays, weekends and during term holidays in a friendly environment.  07737847405 or info@ egglesscakedelights.com.  www.egglesscakedelights.com Meditation Every second and fourth Thursday of the month, 8.00pm at the Stables, Eastcote House Gardens, Eastcote Village, HA5 2FE Feel energised, increase happiness, improve mental clarity and memory recall, flush out negative thoughts and improve physical and mental health. Ten minute stress relief treatment for newcomers.Cost: FREE (voluntary charity donations welcomed). No booking needed, all welcome. For more information contact Alexandra Barrett  alexandrabarrett@me.com,  0775 334 90 24 Movers and Shapers (NW6) Fitness with babies in tow. Book online. www. moversandshapers.co.uk 020 7624 8687 queenspark@moversandshapers.co.uk Yogabellies Aquabellies (various) Beautiful water based yoga classes for women throughout their lives. The sessions incorporate traditional yoga asanas (postures) adapted for water, water relaxations and positive life building experiences for women, mothers and mothers to be. There are AquaBellies - Aquanatal yoga for pregnancy, AquaMamas, post natal and AquaBelles aqua yoga classes suitable for all women. NEW YogaBelles: yoga designed for a unique women’s body.  07840 904887  anjli@ yogabellies.co.uk www.yogabellies.co.uk/members/anjli Zest For Life Studio is a new secret fitness oasis for vitality and wellness near you. Let me welcome you in my garden studio to share an invigorating hour of zesty fitness, a unique programme of toning circuit & zumba: enjoy a variety of class at 9am, a personal touch, small group of 6-8. In&outdoor classes. marion.bignone.zumba.com - zestforlifestudio@gmail.com

First Aid MCS Training (HA1, HA5) Paediatric First Aid Course. Accepted for full and voluntary Ofsted Registration. Certificate valid for 3 yrs.  Margaret 07814 191 395  mcstraining@hotmail.co.uk

LANGUAGES AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT Baby Lab (WC1E) Have fun for free with your baby making discoveries about brain development at the Centre for Brain & Cognitive Development. Birkbeck College, Malet St, London. Travel expenses refunded. 020 7631 6258  www. cbcd.bbk.ac.uk Chinmaya UK (HA) Do you want your children to connect to their Indian culture through stories, games and celebration of festivals? Go along to Bal Vihar classes to explore culture and values in an engaging, positive environment. Every Sunday in Harrow and Hendon for children aged 5-17.  bv@chinmayauk.org www. chinmayauk.org 07812 146428 Club Petit Pierrot (NW3/8/11) French Parent & Toddler group for 2-4 year olds in Hampstead at the JW3 Centre (NW3). Mon from 10.30am-11.15am and will be a multi-sensory session, totally in French, with many fun and varied activities including songs, rhymes, music, arts & crafts, dances and movement, language games, and puppets…all great fun! There will also be new fun French after-school classes on Weds for 4 to 6 yr olds and 6 to 8 yr olds in St Anthony’s School for Girls, Hampstead (NW11). Multi-sensory sessions with arts & crafts and music & movement also take place in St Mark’s Church Hall, St John’s Wood/Maida Vale (NW8) on Thurs, Fri and Sat.  020 7385 5565  admin@clubpetitpierrot.co.uk www. clubpetitpierrot.co.uk Gujarati Masti Maja classes by Sansaar (HA5) Fun and interactive Gujarati music, song and dance classes for 3 to 6 year olds in North London, to help

12 Families North West London

your child speak Gujarati confidently. Saturday morning at 9am and 10am at St Lawrence Church in Eastcote, Pinner.  www.sansaar.org Little Stars Baby Club (HA9) A fun and friendly baby club where new mums with babies from birth to sitting can relax and meet new friends whilst babies play and explore with a range of lovely sensory toys. Every Friday 9:30-11:15am at Powell Suites @ Chalkhill Community Centre, The Welford Centre, 113 Chalkhill Road, Wembley Park HA9 9FX. £2.00  0208 385 1836  littlestarswembley@gmail.com The Northwood Speech and Language Therapy Practice (HA6) An Independent Practice providing an exceptionally high quality, caring and individualised service for promoting the communication needs of children. We offer Speech and Language Therapy sessions within a modern clinic base, nurseries and schools. 01923 824 074 07956 994721  www.northwoodpractice.co.uk Portuguese for Children (NW6) Every Saturday, from 10am to 12pm, the International Gospel Church on Belsize Road will be open for children from 4 to 12 years of Brazilian-English parents to enrol. Lessons will include how to read and write and Brazilian culture, including music. Lessons run from September and February 2016 and are free.  contact@igclondon.org.uk Guju Tots Swagatham! Kem Chho? Come along to a FREE taster of these fun-filled 45 minute classes in NW London to help kids 6 months to 5 years learn Gujarati through songs & stories! Interactive, relaxed classes, plus plenty of material to practice at home!  07956 385 316  www. gujutots.co.uk

Outdoor Forest School Sessions for Parent and Toddlers and Home Educators starting in Oxhey Woods in January every Monday. Children are introduced to the wonders of the woodland through play, song, story telling, craft and practical skills.  Emma on 07900 215512 or  www. forevergreenforestschool.com

Sign Language Sing and Sign (Various) Fun classes combining the benefits of baby signing with music to develop language, memory and attention skills. Babies 6-30 months. Bushey, Rickmansworth, Stanmore and Harrow.  www.singandsign.com

HEALTH AND WELLBEING Wellbeing Kids Workshops (WD3) Well-being workshops for children aged 9-12yr and 13-17yr olds. Holiday masterclasses to support the holistic mind, body and spirit learning. By exploring emotional intelligence, imagination, yoga, mindfulness, role-play and many more creative/ outdoor activities.For more information, please contact Anita  07956 849614,  wellbeingkids@gmail.com

Massage & Yoga Human Values Based Yoga After school classes run in Harrow by a qualified yoga teacher with over 40 years yoga experience and over 30 years teaching yoga in various settings, including adult education and family learning, community clubs, hospitals and mental health centres. For adults and children 6-11 years.  Joyce on 07912 879 103  joycedpower@ aol.com YogaBelliesKidz Family yoga (HA & WD) Share the mental and physical benefits of yoga...peace of mind, relaxation and increases body strength and flexibility! YogaBellies Mum and Baby yoga: Monday afternoons (birth to 10 mths) YogaBellies Little Angels pre-school yoga (18 mths to 4 yrs): Sat mornings, Bushey YogaBelliesKidz family yoga (4-12 yrs): Sat & Sun mornings, Bushey NEW: YogaBelles Mum and Daughter (13-16 yrs): Weekday evening, Bushey 07840 904887  anjli@yogabellies.co.uk; www.yogabellies.co.uk/ members/anjli

ACTIVITY CENTRES Aspire National Training Centre, Kidz Zone activities (HA7) Wide range of activities available from 6mths to 12yrs. 020 8954 5759  kidzzone@ aspire.org.uk. Wood Lane, Stanmore, HA7 4AP JAMtots (HA4) An interactive daytime activity centre for parents with babies and toddlers. All pay as you go with a variety of sessions that include Parent & Toddler Groups, Musical Tots, Gym Tots and one off events plus special visits from Jimmy the JAMtots Bear. 01895 624755  thewindmillstudio.com Rumble Tumble Harrow (HA1) Harrow’s only indoor supervised soft play children’s play group. Why not take advantage of the Drop & Shop facility and have a stress free shop, or book a special event in the Party Room available for all occasions. You can even relax and have a snack in the restaurant while your little ones are playing. 0208 427 8847  info@ rumble-tumble.com www.rumble-tumble.com The Windmill Studio Centre (HA4) An exciting activity centre that has just about everything to offer for all ages from babies to adults including classes, courses, complementary therapies and room & studio hire. 01895 624755  www. thewindmillstudio.com

MUSIC & MOVEMENT Beat Building Vibrant & energising music classes using African drums and funky percussion. Great songs and games get the imagination glowing & introduce the concepts of beats, rhythmic patterns, time keeping & also encourage sharing, taking turns and listening. A wonderful introduction to music and rhythm, beat Building is brilliantly fun! 07721 623 171  info@beatbuilding.co.uk www. beatbuilding.co.uk www.facebook.com/ beatbuilding Colourstrings (various) Music Kindergartens for babies, toddler, and children up to 6 yrs with small, age-related classes. Classes are enjoyable and inspire learning, developing inner hearing and core music skills. New class starting in Hendon in Jan 2017. 020 8444 9435  www. nlcolourstrings.co.uk

Diddi Dance Harrow & North Hillingdon (various) At diddi dance we enhance children’s endless energy and enthusiasm through funky, full of fun sessions that build confidence, co-ordination and creativity. Classes in Pinner,Ruislip & Stanmore with new ones opening soon. To book a FREE TRIAL contact tejal. patel@diddidance.com Mini Maniacs (Various) Multi award nominated classes that are filled with music, dance and exploration – plus plenty of excitement.Focusing on a range of engaging activities, the classes take you up tempo then down tempo, leaving parent and child feeling like they’ve been on a tummy tickling roller coaster!  hilda@mini-maniacs.com www.mini-maniacs. com Monkey Music (Various) Award-winning Monkey Music introduces babies and young children to music in a way they understand and enjoy - and is brilliant fun for children and adults too! The unique four-stage curriculum, written by classically trained musicians, ensures that classes are a “good fit” for pre-schoolers. Parents across the UK have voted it as “Best National Toddler Development Activity” and “Best National Pre-school Development Activity”. Age guides are as follows: Rock’n’ Roll from 3m, Heigh Ho from 1yr, Jiggety Jig from 2rs, Ding Dong 3- 5yrs. Classes are open 6 days a week, at venues in Uxbridge, Eastcote, Northwood, Harrow and Stanmore. 020 8427 6595  www.monkeymusic.com

SPORTS AND EXERCISE All Stars Cricket Gives boys and girls aged 5-8 the chance to play, learn great skills and make new friends! 8 week course starts May 2018.  www.allstarscricket.co.uk Better leisure centres (various) We exist to make community services and spaces better for everyone. That means providing access to quality community leisure and fitness facilities - and more - at a price everyone can afford.  www.better.org. uk/families Capoeira Academy UK (HA) Classes in Stanmore providing outstanding and fun classes for children aged 4+years. A unique blend of martial arts, dance, acrobatics and music; capoeira develops skills for life with inspiring and nurturing teachers. 07841342874  capoeiracademyuk@gmail. com www. capoeiracademyuk.com Echo’s Equestrian Centre (SL0) A small friendly livery yard and Pony Club Centre in Iver, Buckinghamshire. Junior Pony Club and a Hoof Club during the holidays. 07895 706053  www.echosequestrian.co.uk Enjoy-a-Ball classes (Various) Sports coaching for 3-9 yr olds in a fun, positive and non-competitive environment. Ten ball sports for the perfect introduction to sport. Physi-ball classes - Ball skills and core skills for toddlers aged 18mths to 3 yrs. Classes run in Mill HIll, Finchley, Golders Green and Muswell Hill. Call 0333 334 0845 or 07763746886 to book a trial session. Enjoy-a-Ball parties are for super-active 3 - 9 year olds. They are full of high energy games loved by boys and girls alike! 0333 334 0845 or 07763746886  www.enjoy-a-ball.com northlondon@enjoy-a-ball. com Everyone Active (various) Why should your child learn to swim? Swimming is lots of fun for people of all ages and also provides loads of health benefits which can help to keep you and your children healthy and happy at the same time. What’s more, swimming is the only sport which can save your child’s life. Drowning is still one of the most common causes of accidental death in children, so being able to swim is an essential life-saving skill.  To find out more about learning to swim at your local leisure centre visit www.everyoneactive.com. Field End Flyers Saturday Morning Community Cycle Club (HA5) Saturday in Term Time, Field End Rd for ages 5–11 yrs. Join the friendly team of British Cycling Coaches at 9.45am, and learn fun skills, race on the amazing fully enclosed Cycle Track, make new friends and enjoy a whole morning of fun till 12.30 - (refreshment break half way through). All you need is your own bike, helmet, gloves and water bottle and a shower proof jacket.  Tracey fieldendflyers@gmail.com Harrow Junior Hockey Club (HA1) run sessions for children aged 4- 16 years on Sunday mornings and Tuesday evenings at The John Lyon School Playing Fields, Sudbury Hill, Harrow, Middlesex HA1 3NA. Everyone welcome please contact us for more information  harrowhcjuniors@ outlook.com Ignite Tennis (HA3) Coaching courses for ages 3+ at Kenton Lawn Tennis Club. Also fun Tennis Camps during the holidays. Contact James on 07852 180905  info@ignitetennis.co.uk www.ignitetennis.co.uk Kaishi Karate School Kaishi Karate School runs classes for children and adults in North London. Karate helps with discipline, confidence, coordination and fitness. First class is a free trial and free karate suit to new members during the month of October. Call on 07875501674 or see class times on  www. kaishikarate34@gmail.com Little Kickers (Various) Enabling children aged 18mths up to their 7th birthday to develop their coordination, balance and agility through football activity classes Mill Hill, Swiss Cottage, Hampstead, Golders Green, Muswell Hill, Friern Barnet 020 8201 1084  jlevene@littlekickers.co.uk. Ruislip, Northwood/Oxhey, Pinner, Harrow (HA2), Harrow on the Hill and Watford  0208 123 9346  jodiesloan@littlekickers.co.uk or Harrow (HA3) Bushey and North Wembley  0208 422 0676  niro@littlekickers.co.uk www.littlekickers.co.uk London Academy of Gymnastics and Dance (LAGAD) Wembley and across North London (N2, N3, N8, N10, N14, N15, N20, N22, NW11, HA9). Quality, fun and safety conscious classes with fully-trained, highly-qualified coaches. Classes for youngsters from 3.5 years through to advanced levels. Wembley club opens for the summer term in a brand new Sports Hall at the Ark ElvinAcademy (HA9). Wembley Classes for ages 3.5 to 11 years (up to Year 6), all abilities welcome. Holiday Camps, Birthday Parties and Adult Ballet (N10) also available. LAGAD aim to inspire and ignite a passion. www.lagad.co.ukinfo@lagad.co.uk  0208 883 4675 Rugbytots - the UK’s first rugby based play programme for 2-7 year olds. Focusing on developing your child’s motor skills and confidence with funfilled programmes aimed at improving general ball skills, balance, agility and coordination. Currently classes in Watford, Rickmansworth, Bushey and Stanmore.  For more information contact charlie@rugbytots.co.uk


Local Clubs and Classes Directory SportsKids Academy (WD3 & HA3) SportsKids Academy provide 4 -16 year olds with an exciting and educational sports programme at weekends. We encourage and develop young people to grow as athletes and individuals. We have an extensive programme of team and individual sports as well as weekly team building challenges. ALL CHILDREN participate in a wide range of different sports , grow in confidence through leadership skills and have fun making lots of new friends. Their programme includes; American Football, Dodgeball, Handball, Basketball, Rugby, Softball, Gaelic Football, Rounders, Athletics, Cricket, Gymnastics, Tennis, Fencing, Lacrosse, Archery, Netball, Volleyball, Martial Arts, Football, Badminton, Hockey, Orienteering and Golf.  07983392479  sportskids@outlook.com www.sportskidsacademy.co.uk TISKA (HA1/9) Learn the fascinating art of Karate. Classes held in Wembley and Harrow. Families welcome, minimum age 4 yrs. 07739 572487  patel.karate@icloud.com www.tiskakarate-harrow.co.uk Y Active (HA2) New Harrow classes booking now for children and adults at the YMCA. A beautiful studio with free parking and a play garden. Baby, Ballet, Gym, Soft Play and Classes from £4.40. 020 8832 1576  yactive@ymcawestlondon.org www.ymcawestlondon.org

Swimmimg Aqua Vie Swimming based on effortless swimming and true water confidence. Fun classes for babies & Children from 6wks+ to all ages including Adults. New Tues, Wed & Sunday morning classes in Bushey WD23.  01923 245 772  www.aqua-vie.com or email office@aqua-vie. com Brent Dolphins (NW10/HA0) Swimming lessons for children 5 years and over at Willesden and Vale Farm. Sessions are held in a fun and friendly environment from beginner to competitive swimming level.Further details are available on our website www.brentdolphins.org.uk or you can email our Club Secretary at: info@brentdolphins.org.uk . Splashtime Swim School (various) Swimming lessons, Holiday clubs and After school club held at Quainton Hall School.  Splashtime Swim School 07903126486 Children’s Activities 07794078452

THEATRE AND PERFORMING ARTS Beverley School of Performing Arts (HA8) After school & Saturday classes in Ballet, Tap, Modern, Jazz, Street, Singing & Drama for boys and girls aged 3-18years. ISTD and LAMDA examinations to advanced level. 07974 750 224  www.beverleydance.co.uk. Huzzah Performing Arts & Mindfulness Build confidence from the inside out with a Huzzah weekly class. Drama, dance, singing and a touch of mindfulness. Ages 4 - 7. Saturday 1 - 2.20pm in Queen’s Park. Sunday 10 11.30am in West Hampstead. Sign up for a FREE TRIAL  www.huzzahperformingarts.com. Creative, calm, confident kids. Italia Conti Ruislip (HA5) Performing Arts School for 2yrs to adult, Haydon School Eastcote. ISTD Ballet, Tap and Modern, Street dance, Break Dance, Hip Hop, Musical Theatre, Singing, LAMDA, acting, Gymnastics, Lyrical. Call or email for a Free Trial 20 8838 8747  info@italiacontiruislip.co.uk www. italiacontiruislip.co.uk JAM2000 Performing Arts & Agency (HA4) Truly like no other, with classes available in dancing and drama from 2.5 years – adults, male and female plus an incredibly busy Agency that is always looking for new recruits for TV, films and commercials. 01895 624755 www.jam2000.co.uk Perform Weekly drama, dance and singing classes. Confidence building fun for 4-12s. A unique mix of drama, dance and singing specially formulated to bring out every child’s true potential. Classes are kept small to ensure lots of individual attention. Perform offer no-obligation FREE trial sessions. Venues in Croxley Green, Golders Green, Northwood, Pinner, Harrow, Hatch End, Kensal Rise, Kentish Town, Queens Park, Stanmore and Wembley.  020 7255 9120 / enquiries@perform.org.uk www.perform.org.uk Jigsaw Performing Arts Schools (Various) “A new school year is here, which means that children across London and the Home Counties are taking to the stage as Jigsaw begins an exciting new term of drama, singing and dance classes; the perfect activity to escape the cold, wet October weekends. Classes are designed to develop children’s confidence, focus and social skills, while having fun and making lots of new friends. With more children attending Jigsaw Performing Arts Schools than ever before, now is the time to book a two-week trial and discover these unique benefits at a school near you. For more information or to book a two-week trial,  www. jigsaw-arts.co.uk or call 020 8447 4530. Sharpe Academy of Theatre Arts (HA1, HA4, HA7, WD3) Performance based theatre school with venues based in Harrow, Rickmansworth, Ruislip and Stanmore where children 3-21 attend weekly classes in preparation for full scale Musical Theatre productions. 01923 437693  www. SharpeAcademy.co.uk Stagecoach (Various) Training in three disciplines: drama, dance and singing. Great for building confidence, making new friends and beginning to hone talent and enthusiasm for performing, or being coaxed out of their shell by having fun!  Harrow 020 3504 0100 Harrow on the Hill & Sudbury Hill 01923 248 294 Stanmore & Harrow Weald 020 3504 2154 Watford 01727 768 738 Queen’s Park 020 7723 5861 Northwood 01442 263 599  www.stagecoach.co.uk Wordworks Studio (HA5) Individual and group classes in Speech, Drama


and Communication Skills for children 3-18yrs.  wordworksstudio@ ymail.com

Dance Harrow Theatre Dance & Pinner Theatre Dance (HA) Ballet, Modern, Tap and Street Dance. In Harrow, Pinner and Ruislip. ISTD qualified teachers and exams. Classes for children aged 3+.  07804 910 551  Info@ HarrowTheatreDance.co.uk Info@PinnerTheatreDance.co.uk Instep School of Ballet (HA/WD) Trains students of all ages and abilities in ballet, tap, pointe and performance. The school offers examinations with the Royal Academy of Dance (ballet) and the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance (tap), and all teachers are fully qualified and registered with the RAD and ISTD. They produce a summer show each year. Classes in Harrow, North Harrow and Bushey.  07814 793 772  instepschoolofballet@yahoo. co.uk www.instepschoolofballet.co.uk London Academy of Gymnastics & Dance (LAGAD) LAGAD is a specialist company passionate about the provision of high quality, dynamic and fun dance & gymnastics classes. Starting in September 2018, brand new Ballet and Street Dance classes for children aged 3 ½ years upwards at the Ark Elvin Academy. All abilities welcome, Trial Classes available throughout the Autumn term. Wembley (HA9) and venues across North London Contact: 0208 883 4675 / info@lagad.co.uk www.lagad.co.uk The Van Niekerk Academy of Dance (HA7) Ballet classes to develop poise, technique and expression through dance, for boys and girls aged 3-16 years with Royal Academy of Dance examinations  020 8950 2457  www vanniekerkacademyofdance.co.uk

ARTS AND CRAFTS Art Classes for Kids (and Adults) in Stanmore (HA7) Drawing, painting and mixed media art classes for children and adults. On-going, small groups Mon–Thurs afternoons and Saturday mornings in Term Time for children from Year 1 up. Weekday morning studio sessions for adults in a relaxed, supportive environment. 020 8954 2897 or 07500 006 099  myartclub@yahoo.co.uk Art and Craft Club (HA5) Term time, Mon 4.30-5.30, Sat 10-11am or 11-12pm at Harrow Arts Centre. New activities introduced every term; drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, sewing, fabric printing and much more! For 5-11yr olds. Materials provided. Qualified teachers. 07946 055 422  info@mysistersandme.co.uk Artzania Art and Craft Activity Club (HA) A new and exciting Arts and Crafts activity club for children ages 1-11 yrs open during term time and holidays. They offer and Mother Toddler Group art club (aged 1-4 yrs) and an Afterschool/ Holiday Club (ages 5-11yrs) Contact to book your place: Keshma 07419343105  keshma.artzania@gmail.com Blank Canvas Art Club (HA4) Do your kids love Art? Then welcome to the club! Sign them up for these fun classes where I teach art techniques to 5+, 7+ and 11-18 year olds. Weekly term time classes & holiday workshops, with public or small group private options are available in Ruislip Manor & Eastcote. Special member’s benefits, sibling discounts and a refer a friend scheme are available so why not book now & let them develop a love of Art that will last a lifetime! Contact Suzi at  blankcanvasartclub@gmail.com, 07773 819 603 8 www.Facebook.com/BlankCanvasArtClub Messmakers! (HA5) A gentle and fun introduction to creative arts for the very young and their families, with lots of mess and none of the tidying up! Exploring different materials and textures each week. Ages under 5, come dressed for mess! 0208 416 8989  www.harrowarts.com/family Stitch Club (HA5) Stitch and Sketch Club for children and teens. Start with simple hand sewing then developing sewing machine and design techniques to design and create your own items. Saturday Sketch Club develops looking and drawing skills and confidence. Also parties and one-off workshops. Adults’ weekly Dressmaking sessions and occaisional Beginners workshops.  stitch.club E: sam@stitch.club

AFTER SCHOOL CLUB/EDUCATION SUPPORT 1Point4Teacher (HA) Do you have a child in KS1 and KS2? Does your child need more of a challenge? Then give 1Point4Teacher a try today. Lessons from a qualified primary school teacher, with a class ratio of 1 adult to 4 children. English tuition on Mondays and Tuesdays, covering reading comprehension and SPAG (spellings, punctuation and grammar) with math lessons on a Wednesday. Harrow, 5 minutes from Kenton Library.  www.1Point4Teacher.co.uk or email the Head Tutor Mrs Edwin on info@1point4teacher.co.uk Brownies and Guides (Various) Rainbow, Brownie and Guide Units exist across the area which provide fun activities for girls aged from 5 onwards.  www.girlguiding.org.uk/interested or Peggy Brand 020 8205 7597 Champs Learning (HA1) A very structured tuition course for English, Maths, Science and 11+ exams. Courses run at Harrow College. 020 3004 9007  www.champslearning.co.uk Click IT! Computer lessons for Children (HA2) Fun, exciting and educational weekly computer lessons for children aged 2-5. Classes held at nursery schools all over North West London. Have fun learning with technology: mouse and keyboard skills and devices including graphic tablets, trackpads and digital microscopes. Every lesson is designed to complement the EYFS curriculum. Free trials available. 020 8434 7111.  www.clickit-kids. co.uk. wendy@clickit-kids.co.uk. DiscoG Coding Boot Camp (various) Weekly Coding Programme teaches Primary and Secondary School children the basics of coding. Using the Python Programming Language and the Raspberry Pi 3 your child will create fun and engaging gadgets that spring to life with lights and sensors, and prototyping devices that will ‘amaze and inspire’. Tailored courses written to support the National Curriculum for GCSE and A Levels. Adult courses are also available. Gerard on 07767 300940  info@ discogcodingacademy.com www.discogcodingacademy.com Elisa’s Tutorial School (HA8) Experienced private tutor in Edgware. Programmes for children from 2.5-16 yrs. If your child needs a little extra help, in English maths verbal and non-verbal 4+ 7+ and 11+ preparing for entrance exams or you just want to give them every advantage, Elisa can help. 99% success rate. 020 8958 1192 07956868119  www.childrensstories.net www.kidslearnfast.co.uk

Explore Learning centres provide maths and English tuition to 5-14 year olds of all abilities. Visit their website to find your nearest centre or call to book a free trial class!  www.explorelearning.co.uk. Field End Flyers Saturday Morning Community Cycle Club (HA5) Saturday in Term Time adjacent to Field End Junior School, Field End Road, Eastcote, HA4, for children aged 5 – 11 yrs. Join the friendly team of British Cycling Coaches at 9.15am and learn fun skills, race on the amazing fully enclosed Cycle Track, make new friends and enjoy a whole morning of fun till 11.30 - (refreshment break half way through). All you need is your own bike, helmet, gloves, water bottle and a shower proof jacket.  Contact Tracey at fieldendflyers@gmail.com The Harrow Woodcraft Folk (HA) Elfin group for children, 6 to 9yrs. Parents wishing to join their children should contact the District Secretary; John Woolf: 020 8428 2409 or harrow@woodcraft.org.uk www. harrowwoodcraftfolk.btck.co.uk/HowtoJoin Holidaytime After school club is part of Activetime Children’s Activities limited (HA1) Pick’s up from four local school’s at the end of the school day, then take the children back to the club for a snack and the daily activity. They are open Monday- Friday 3pm-6pm The Cadet Centre, Elmgrove Road, Harrow, HA1 2QA. Nicole 07794078452  holidays@activetime.co.uk www. activetime.co.uk Integratedbrain - Improve Co-ordination for learning! (UB5) Activities to help those with poor co-ordination, dyspraxia, dyslexia or fine motor difficulties. Small groups of 4/5 children working to develop better allround motor integration. Usha Patel 07766 837 616 ushapatel.raviv@ gmail.com www.integratedbrain.co.uk JKEducate Educational Consultancy and Tutoring (various) Tutoring, Assessments, Consultancy for children 5-18yrs. 7+, 11+, GCSE, A Levels, SEN, EFL. 020 3488 0754  www.jkeducate.co.uk Karen Wilkin Tuition (HA) 4+/5+ tuition. One to one, tailor made, handson, fun sessions in the comfort of your home. Experienced Montessori teacher with excellent results in all the top schools. Term time and holiday sessions available. 07887 984 401, wilkin@afrormosia.com Knowledge Above Standard (HA7) Maths, English, Verbal and non-verbal reasoning, 7+, 11+ 13+ exam preparation. 07985 588 085  www.knowledgeabovestandard.co.uk Leaders are Readers (HA5 & N21) Offer specialist experience and accelerated learning in their award winning Saturday School, and also run popular Summer and Winter Schools during holidays. 2 hours spent per subject, including English, Maths, Learning to Read and Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning. All programmes are for ages 3.5 to 11 and the success rate is 90% for helping pupils prepare to sit entrance exams, including 4+, 5+, 7+ and 11+. Childcare vouchers accepted. 01992 651 300  www. leadersarereaders.co.uk The London Tutors (Various) Specialises in providing 11 Plus classroom based learning, to yr 4 and 5 students. Prepare students to sit exams for Grammar and private schools.  For a call back email your name and number to info@thelondontutors.co.uk Love 2 Learn (HA) Experienced Primary School teacher and tutor for year 1 to year 6 in Pinner. 11-12 week session taught in small groups. Topics include Creative Writing, Mental Maths, Persuasive Writing, Public Speaking and Cross Curriculum Education. Mrs S Mukhtar. 07958 728184  lovetolearncreatively@gmail.com Lumilie’s Learning World (HA) Children’s Educational/Developmental Classes for 2yrs-5yrs. Interactive Musical Activities, igniting children’s senses to a world of multiple learning opportunities. Expanding curious minds through language, communication, education and creative experiences. Classes at Harrow Arts Centre - Call Andrea 07914 953123 to book your FREE TRIAL.  www.lumilieslearningworld.com Mastermind Tuition (HA) Specialists in 11+. Maths, English, Verbal and Non-Verbal, Grammar & independent School Preparation. £15 per session. Classes in Harrow and Northwood. 075 10 10 50 50. www. mastermindtuition.com Math’scool Award-winning Maths Tuition plus out-of-lesson homework support. 0333 12 33 445  www.mathscool.com Number Works ‘n’ Words (Eastcote) Maths and English tuition classes which target identified needs to improve achievement levels. They set goals for your child, monitor progress and provide regular progress reports. Cater for all levels from Reception to Year 11.  www.numberworksnwords.co.uk The Play Shelter After School Club at Malorees Infant & Junior Schools (NW6) - 3.30pm to 6pm term time. Play schemes available out of term-time. 0207 407 6744. admin@theplayshelter.co.uk www. theplayshelter.co.uk Pinner Tuition Centre (Pinner) After school and Sat tuition for Reception to Year 11 by fully qualified teachers. Tuition in Maths, Reading, Spelling, Writing, SATS, 11+ and GCSE. Free assessment. Ofsted Registered.  www. pinnertuitioncentre.co.uk The Rainbow Club (various) Specialise in preparing for 3+, 4+ and 5+ entrance exams. 07850 045 471  Sonya.Thiru@gmail.com Raviv Practice London (UB5) Catch up reading course. Improve reading age by 1 year in 3 months of home based work. The computer interventions is similar to having a tutor in your home with daily monitoring and feed back. Usha Patel on 07766 837 616  info@ravivpracticelondon.co.uk (registered therapist) Stem Den (HA6) Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths for children aged 5 to 13 years. Develop problem solving skills and learn programming. At St John’s School in Northwood. www.stemden.co.uk Susan Daughtrey Education (SDE) SW Herts courses are based on more than 25 years experience preparing students for 11+ tests. All courses have been personally written by Susan Daughtrey M.Ed, author of the market leading verbal reasoning Technique and Practice series. Every year since 1987, over 90 per cent. of the students on the courses have achieved success.  020 7683 0734  www.sdeuk.org/swherts Type IT! - Touch Typing Lessons for Children (HA2) Learn to touch type! Weekly lessons and intensive holiday courses for children from age 8-18. Highly recommended for children with dyslexia. Classes are held at their office in Harrow on the Hill, HA2 0JT. Free trials available. Adult classes also available.  020 8434 7111.  www.typeitforkids.co.uk. wendy@ typeitforkids.co.uk.

Families North West London 13

What’s On

What’s On Children’s Theatre

We couldn’t fit them all in! More online www.FamiliesOnline.co.uk

Compiled by Anna Blackshaw

We aim to be as accurate as possible, but these listings are compiled several weeks beforehand and may be subject to change. Please check with the venue directly before setting out.

The Alban Arena Civic Centre, St Albans 01727 844488 www.alban-arena.co.uk Sat 20 Oct - Milkshake Live! Milkshake! favourites; Bob the Builder, Little Princess, Noddy, Fireman Sam, Shimmer & Shine, Pip from Pip Ahoy!, Winnie and Wilbur, Wissper, Milkshake’s very own Milkshake! Monkey and two Milkshake! presenters, this all singing, all dancing, musical masterpiece, will take audiences on a journey through the world’s favourite fairy tales. Thu 1 – Sat 3 Nov - Little Baby Bum Step into the magical and colourful world of Little Baby Bum. Join Mia, Jacus, Twinkle and their Nursery Rhyme friends at the world premiere of a brand new live show. An online and digital TV sensation, Little Baby Bum is the world’s largest educational YouTube channel.

The Apollo Victoria 17 Wilton Rd, Pimlico, SW1V 0844 871 3001 www.theapollovictoria.com Ongoing - Wicked The incredible untold story of an unlikely but profound friendship between two young women who first meet as sorcery students at Shiz University; the blonde and very popular Glinda and a misunderstood green girl named Elphaba. Wicked is an unforgettable musical that transports audiences to a stunningly re-imagined world of Oz, providing marvels beyond your imagination.

Artsdepot 17 Wilton Rd, Pimlico, SW1V 0844 871 3001 www.theapollovictoria.com Sun 7 Oct - Comedy Club 4 Kids Since 2005, the Comedy Club 4 Kids has been getting the best stand-ups and sketch acts from the international circuit to do their thing for an audience of children (aged 6+) and their families but without the rude bits! Sat 13 Oct - Morgan & West: More Magic for Kids! Time-travelling magicians Morgan & West return to the stage with a marvellous magic show full of crazy capers for

the young, old, and everyone in-between! Expect the unexpected, believe the unbelievable, but do not dare miss the unmissable Morgan & West! Ages 5+ Sun 14 Oct - Snow White, Rose Red, Bear Brown Snow White and Rose Red – sisters, twins, best friends – have lived in the forest since they were Babes in the Wood. Not as worldly wise as their Mother would have liked, they are nonetheless kind, caring and sometimes a little over enthusiastic in their deeds! When their quiet life is interrupted by a friendly bear a new chapter begins. But why has the bear chosen them as playfellows? All questions will be untangled in this new show from the Woods of Widdershins, using puppets, storytelling, original music and a fantastical fairytale forest. Ages 5+ Sat 20 Oct - Sun 21 Oct - Guess How Much I Love You Join Little & Big Nutbrown Hare, from the bestselling Guess How Much I Love You and I Love You All Year Round collection, as they leap off the page and onto the stage in this magical journey through the seasons. Explore this playful story of love and nature as it unfolds on stage through puppets, live music and lots of joining in Ages 3+ Sun 21 Oct - The Musicians of Bremen This visually stunning adaptation by French company, Compagnie Animotion, tells the tale of four animals put to pasture, too old to be of any use to their masters: a donkey, a cat, a cockerel and a dog. The musical adventure explores their extraordinary friendships, showing that despite our differences, we can be friends, and that we are never too old to live our dreams. With puppetry, movement and trapeze, all accompanied by live music. Ages 3-10 yrs Mon 22 Oct - Ready Steady Lift Off! Ready Steady Lift Off! invites you to take part in our weird and whacky astronaut programme. Go navigate, sing, colour and play your way through the 7 stages of training, from working as a team in a space station to piloting your own rocket around our galaxy. Ages 3-8 yrs Wed 24 - Sun 28 Oct Mischief and Mystery in Moomin Valley Open a book and discover a world where anything

is possible. Be sure to pack your imagination and join us on an unforgettable journey to Moomin Valley where everyone is welcome, nature thrives and adventures are plentiful. Magical puppetry, an ingenious set, original music and interactive play will delight young audiences and encourage them to immerse themselves in a unique participatory story-telling experience. Expect snow, surprises and plenty of Moomin mischief. Ages 3-7 yrs Thu 25 - Fri 26 Oct - Stick Man Touching, funny and utterly original, Scamp Theatre’s delightful adaptation of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler’s Stick Man is back! What starts off as a morning jog becomes quite the misadventure for Stick Man: a dog wants to play fetch with him, a swan builds a nest with him, and he even ends up on a fire! This award-winning production features a trio of top actors and is packed full of puppetry, songs, live music and funky moves. Ages 3+ Sat 27 - Sun 28 Oct - inTarsi Breathtaking acrobatic skills combined with wit, humour and slick choreography make this show a perfect mix for all the family. It’s four guys hanging out, teasing and playing with each other, taunting and supporting each other on an ingenious set that constantly morphs into new landscapes. inTarsi asks questions about how people relate to each other every day, how we can be lonely in a crowd or feel completely connected when we’re all alone, in a light-hearted way.

The Beck Theatre Grange Road, Hayes. 020 8561 8371 www.becktheatre.org.uk Sun 21 Oct - Rapunzel Starring Milkshake’s Jen Pringle, Rapunzel features magical songs, beautiful costumes and scenery, plus a host of colourful characters to create an enchanting and exciting production that captures the spirit and joy of this wonderful story. Featuring all of your favourite characters and iconic moments, plus an exciting mix of familiar songs and original compositions, this hair-larious show is not to be missed. Wed 24 - Thu 25 Oct - Bing Live: Bing Goes To The Theatre Calling all Bingsters! Bing and his friends are coming for the first ever Bing stage show! Join Bing, Sula, Coco and Pando as they find out how to tell stories by pretending, dressing-up and singing songs. Flop and Amma are there to help, but in this magical world of make-believe, things don’t always go according to plan. Full of fun, laughter and music, Bing Live! is the perfect first theatre trip for preschoolers and their families.

Cambridge Theatre 32-34 Earlham Street, London, WC2H 020 7087 7745 www.lwtheatres.co.uk Until 20 Oct 2019 – Matilda the Musical The multi-award winning musical from the Royal Shakespeare Company, inspired by the beloved book by the incomparable Roald Dahl. With book by Dennis Kelly and original songs by Tim Minchin, this is the story of an extraordinary little girl who, armed with a vivid imagination and a sharp mind, dares to take a stand and change her own destiny.

Chickenshed Chase Side Southgate N14. 020 8292 9222 www.chickenshed.org.uk Sat 6 Oct - The Little Soldier (Zhang Ga) Suitable for children over the age of 5 years, this short but elegant piece - with puppetry and Chinese folk dance elements - has

14 Families North West London

been adapted from a best-selling Chinese children’s book set during World War II. Three performers play a strong army. One puppet engages a tough but tender boys heart in the war. Ages 5+ Until Fri 19 Oct - Planet Play Autumn Season Welcome to Planet Play, a magical world of sensory learning, wonder and exploration, for babies and toddlers aged 0-3 years. These 45 minute sessions will encourage young children to develop and explore the world around them through song, music, movement and a truly sensory experience. Ages 0-3yrs Until Sat 27 Oct - Tales from the Shed Autumn Season Vibrant, interactive theatre shows perfect for young children. They are informal, lively and amazingly engaging as the performers and audience share the same space - children are always encouraged to make a lot of noise and to make the story happen. Fridays at 11.30am and Saturdays at 10am & 11.30am Ages: 0-6yrs

Harrow Arts Centre Hatch End HA5 0208 416 8989 www.harrowarts.com Mon 22 Oct - Fireside Tales with Grandad Cuddle up around the campfire as Granddad recalls a daring escape from a hungry shark! Tuck into a marshmallow or two as he attempts to make a new set of underpants for a giant and watch as the shadows between the trees unravel a tale of greedy goblins, grumpy trolls, sneaky princes and a very unusual princess. Exquisite puppets, captivating storytelling and beautiful shadow puppetry combine to create an enchanting show guaranteed to spark the imagination of everyone from ages 4-104.

Little Angel Theatre 14 Dagmar Passage, Cross St, N1 020 7226 1787 www.littleangeltheatre.com Until Sun 11 Nov - The Everywhere Bear The Everywhere Bear has a wonderful time with the children in Class One, but one day he gets more than he bargained for when he falls unnoticed from a backpack and embarks on his own big adventure! This captivating and beautiful story from best-selling author Julia Donaldson and illustrator Rebecca Cobb springs to life with rhyme, original music and delightfully expressive puppets in this fun and exciting stage adaptation. Ages 3-8 yrs Wed 3 – Sun 7 Oct - Five Little Monkeys The makers of the smash hit Dogs Don’t Do Ballet bring the universally popular song Five Little Monkeys to life. Packed with bold, engaging puppets and music from dub reggae and funky rapping to classical ballet. Join Sue the Zoo Keeper as she struggles to get mischievous Little Monkey to bed and discovers that numbers are all around us. Learn to love counting during a riot of music, numbers and clowning in a madcap monkey puppet zoo! Ages 2 – 6. Fri 5 – Sun 21 Oct - The Adventures of Curious Ganz The Adventures of Curious Ganz is a fictitious story based on the true life of 16th century copper smelter Joachim Ganz. It is a celebration of the new, the strange, the brave and the curious! Told through design, table-top puppetry, music and a few words, all wildly based on the principles of alchemy. Ages 7+ Fri 12 – Sun 14 Oct -Apple ‘n’ Spice Introduce your children to Indian storytelling with Apple ‘n’ Spice, an original interactive and multi-cultural dance performance. This charming new fairy-tale tells the story of two


What’s On stepmothers: one from the East and one from the West, the plot thickens as their stories entwine. Created by professional classical dancer Krishna Zivraj-Nair, the show combines contemporary and classical Indian dance with original music and shadow puppetry Ages 3-8 yrs Sat 20 – Sun 21 Oct - Phoenix and Turtle Turtle is a homebody. Never left the pet shop. Rarely out of her shell. She prefers to take things slow. Everyday is the same: wake late, crawl a bit, swim a bit, eat, sleep and repeat. Enter Phoenix. Wild, fiery, a thousand years young. You can’t keep her in a cage for long. Will such opposites fight – or catch alight? A story of friendship and freedom, inspired by the poem by William Shakespeare. Ages 4-8 yrs Mon 22 – Weds 24 Oct - Invisible Me Bo is bored of the ordinary. He wants to stay up late, eat biscuits and conquer the world. One rainy afternoon, an invisible friend comes bursting into his life, turning Bo’s ordinary world upside down. From the creators of The Dream Factory, House of Stray Cats presents a tale of a friendship like no other. Packed full of puppetry, music, magic (and a sprinkle of mischief). Ages 5-11 yrs Thu 25 – Sun 28 Oct - Hey Diddle Diddle When the full moon shines bright there’s magic in the air, and all the animals come out to play. Stay up late with flying cows, jazzy cats and runaway crockery and as we jump and jive to the music in a brilliant new take on the classic nursery rhyme. Original songs played live on stage, brilliant puppetry and lots of laughter, this new show is a wild and musical celebration about the importance of imagination. Ages 3-8 yrs

Puppet Theatre Barge Little Venice W9 (During the summer the Barge is at Richmond, TW10) 020 7249 6876 www. puppetbarge.com Sat 20 Oct – Sun 18 Nov - The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse These two famous mouse cousins take it in turns to visit one another. First the Town


Mouse goes to stay with the County Mouse and has to face up to the unfamiliar world of the wild countryside. Then, the Country Mouse heads into town and has to learn to escape from the house cat and navigate the noisy city traffic. Each mouse ends up much the wiser as a result of their exciting adventures. A delight for young and old, told with rod puppets, music and sing- along songs.

The Radlett Centre 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, WD7 01923 859291 www.radlettcentre.co.uk Fri 5 Oct - How to Hide a Lion When a lion is chased out of town, a little girl, Iris, helps him to find somewhere to hide. Iris embarks on a mission to squash her new friend into a variety of sneaky tight spots, as the misinformed town folk try and track him down. Helen Stephen’s magical book comes to life with playful humour, dazzling puppets and jazz. Ages 3+ Fri 19 – Sat 20 Oct - Tabby McTat Tabby McTat is a cat with the loudest of meee-ews and a best friend with a guitar. Together they sing their favourite songs delighting the crowds, until one day Fred disappears. Separated and alone, Tabby finds shelter and a new life with all the home comforts that any cat could dream of. However, memories of his life with Fred haunt him, and he sets off to search the streets for his longlost friend. Interwoven with original songs, Tabby McTat is the heart-warming tale of friendship and loyalty. Ages 2-7 yrs Tue 30 Oct - Snow White and the Seven Ghouls In the sleepy town of Boney Bottom, the lovely creatures and beasties are getting ready for “Humans-ween”. Legend has it that this is the time of year when all those terrifying humans - only heard of in spooky movies and creepy stories - come out to scare young monsters. Come along and meet the lovely Snow White, the hilarious Polly-Geist, the cheeky Vernon the Vampire, and the evil witch Griselda. “Snow White and the Seven Ghouls” is a sensational retelling of the classic fairytale, with all

the fun of a traditional Pantomime. It’s a spooky Halloween adventure for the whole family! Fri 2 – Sat 3 Nov - Peppa Pig’s Adventure Join Peppa as she gets ready to go on an exciting camping trip to the woods with George and her school friends, including Pedro Pony, Suzy Sheep and Gerald Giraffe. With lunchboxes packed and Daddy Pig driving the bus, Peppa and friends are excited about their outdoor adventure, full of games, laughter and live music! The happy campers soon settle down to sleep and listen to the gentle pitter patter of rain. Safe and warm inside their tents the excited group can look forward to morning time, when there will be lots of muddy puddles to play in! Ages 2-6 yrs

Unicorn Theatre 147 Tooley Street, SE1. 020 7645 0560 www.unicorntheatre.com Until Sat 27 Oct - Mouth Open, Story Jump Out Polarbear makes things up: stories, jokes, adventures – he’s a master maker-upper. But where did it all begin? Mouth Open, Story Jump Out is about the moment that started it all, and how one little decision set off a chain reaction that changed his life forever. International assassins, secret codes, dog-eating boa constrictors and more emerge when a father disappears and a boy discovers a talent for telling tales. An inspiring show about the creative potential inside all of us by one of the UK’s most respected spoken-word artists. Ages 8-11 yrs Until Wed 17 Jul - Baby Show 2018/19 Baby Show is an ever-popular sensory performance with captivating images and intriguing sounds that keep little ones rapt. The show playfully explores getting ready to go outside. Ages 6-18 months Tue 23 – Sun 28 Oct - On The Road Some people feel at home wherever they are. Others spend their whole life looking, wandering, longing for a place to put down roots and call ‘home’. But what exactly makes a home,

what does it mean? On The Road is a wordless story told using sound, dance and movement to explore what it feels like to be a refugee and the universal need we have to belong. Ages 6-12 yrs

Watersmeet High St, Rickmansworth WD3 01923 711 063 www.watersmeet.co.uk Fri 5 Oct - Vienna Festival Ballet presents: The Nutcracker Be swept away on a magical adventure in one of the most famous classical ballets of all time – The Nutcracker. With its combination of enchanting choreography and unforgettable music, this fabulous ballet is a Christmas treat like no other. Returning by popular demand, Vienna Festival Ballet’s production of The Nutcracker promises to delight audiences of all ages with its festive setting and light-hearted story.

Watford Palace Theatre Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 01923 225 671 www.watfordpalacetheatre.co.uk Fri 2 – Sun 4 Nov - The Witches What would you do if you met a witch? Would you know what one looked like? They look just like ordinary women but they’re extremely dangerous to children! Take a seat as Boy and his Norwegian grandmother take you on an unforgettable journey through Roald Dahl’s magical fiendish fantasy, brought to life on stage by some of Hertfordshire’s most talented young performers. But be careful who you sit next to... Real witches don’t wear silly black pointy hats or cloaks and ride around on broomsticks like they do in fairytales... Ages 5+


ONLINE familiesonline.co.uk

Families North West London 15

What’s On

What’s On

listings for all the family Compiled by Anna Blackshaw

To promote your local event, coffee morning, nearly new sale, parenting courses or community group in the next What’s On listing (Nov/Dec 2018 issue) send your entry by 10th October 2018 Email Listings@FamiliesNWLondon.co.uk. Listings in this section are FREE for most non-commercial ventures. Please check details of the events before setting off in case anything has changed since going to print.

www.FamiliesOnline.co.uk for all our local weekly regular events. It’s updated every day!

OCTOBER Until 28 Oct - Special Forces: In the Shadows (SW3) Extreme training, secret missions, total dedication. This major exhibition at the National Army Museum presents ideas of security and secrecy through the lens of British Special Forces. Discover who these elite soldiers are, the training and skills they need and some of the operations they’ve undertaken around the world. www.nam.ac.uk Mon 1 – Wed 31 Oct - Black History Month at the Museum of London Docklands (E14) Every day this October you can discover 2,000 years of the history of Black Londoners, from the Roman era to modern day. Hear stories of those who were once enslaved but fought for freedom after stepping foot in London; how the daughter of a slave rose to nobility in Britain and visit the London, Sugar and Slavery gallery to learn about the impact of the slave trade on London. www.museumoflondon.org.uk/museum-london-docklands Thu 4 Oct – Thu 29 Nov - Living with a Teenager (HA1) A course for parents of teenagers and adolescents 12 years+ run by Hope Harrow. It can be exciting and satisfying helping our young people grow up into capable independent young adults! You will share experiences and look at understanding and acknowledging the needs of pre teens/ teenagers; Practicing ways of negotiating and setting limits; Finding ways to communicate effectively; Explore peer pressure. St George’s Hall, 96 Pinner View, Harrow. To book a place please call 0208 863 7319; info@hopeharrow.org.uk; www.hopeharrow.org.uk Sat 6 Oct - Lots for Tots Sales - Harefield Academy (UB9) An indoor table top sale for sellers of their second hand baby, toddler and childrens items, and those that want to buy them. Visitors can browse each sellers table, paying the seller direct. 10am until 11:30am at Harefield Academy. £1 entry per adult. www.lotsfortotssale.co.uk/harefield/ Sat 6 Oct - Northwood Craft Market (HA6) Beautiful crafts for sale, handmade by local craftspeople, Plant Stall, Teas, coffees and delicious homemade cakes. 10am to 2pm at Northwood Methodist Church Hall. www.northwoodcraftmarket.co.uk Sat 6 Oct - Fun Palaces (N12) A free nationwide celebration of arts, sciences and culture. Fun Palaces take place all over the country, creating welcoming spaces for people to have fun and learn together. Go along to artsdepot for a day of free activities for kids and grown ups. Tiny dancers to mad scientists, there is fun for everyone. www.artsdepot.couk

Sat 6 – Sun 7 Oct - Watford Fringe 2018 (various) Following last year’s successful event, the best of local comedy, music, theatre, dance and art in a variety of exciting spaces including The Pump House Theatre and Arts Centre, Watford Museum, Watford Fire Station, Watling Street Brewery and Watford Colosseum. www.watfringe.com Sat 6, Sun 21 & Sun 28 Oct - Poppy-Making Family Crafts (SW3) Mark the centenary of the end of the First World War by making a poppy and add it to the Remembrance garden at the National Army Museum. Learn about the meaning of the poppy in these drop-in family craft sessions. www.nam.ac.uk Sat 6 Oct – Mon 5 Nov - Happy Halloween at Paultons Park (SO51) Happy Halloween at Paultons is the friendliest, most frightful fun fest in the UK; with over 2000 pumpkins, ghostly scenes, spooky meet and greets, Freaky Fancy Dress competition, the thrilling Little Monsters Ball finale to finish each day and Paultons fun rides and attractions all included in the price! www.paultonspark.co.uk Sat 6 Oct – Mon 6 May - The Sun: Living With Our Star (SW7) The awesome power, beauty and dark side of the Sun will be revealed in a major new exhibition opening at the Science Museum. Spectacular interactive experiences, unique artefacts and stunning imagery will shed fresh light on our evolving relationship with our closest star. www.sciencemuseum. org.uk/see-and-do/the-sun-living-with-our-star Sun 7 Oct - Cheeki Monkeys Baby & Children’s Market Rickmansworth (WD3) Family Fun Day/ Indoor Pop-up Baby & Children’s Market at Mill End Sports Social Sports Club, 52 Penn Rd, Rickmansworth, WD3 8QN. Pre-Loved, Craft, Business, Entertainment Stalls. Buy/ Sell children toys, clothes and equipment. Goody Bags for the first 50 visitors. 12-2pm. Adult £1.50, Kids FREE. Facebook @ CheekiMonkeysRickmansworthandWatford www.cheekimonkeys.co.uk Sun 7 Oct - Watford Colosseum Family Fun Open Day 2018 (WD17) Explore behind the scenes of your local entertainment venue. Backstage tours; sound, lighting & pyrotechnic displays; children’s arts & crafts activities, live music and other activities. 12-4pm, free entry but pre-booking is advisable. www.watfordcolosseum.co.uk Sun 7 Oct - Historic Annual Walk (WD3) Help support Michael Sobell Hospice by joining them on their 7 mile Historic Annual Walk within the picturesque surroundings of Buckinghamshire & The Grand Union Canal. Michael Sobell Centre check in 9am, start time 9.30am. www.michaelsobellhospice.co.uk

Thu 11 Oct - Code Club (NW9) For children aged 8-11, from 4-5pm at Kingsbury Library. Learn how to code. Reserve your place now as space is limited. Free to library members who borrow a book on the day of the event. www.brent.gov.uk Sat 13 Oct - Lots for Tots Sales: Rickmansworth School (WD3) An indoor table top sale for sellers of their second hand baby, toddler and childrens items, and those that want to buy them. Visitors can browse each sellers table, paying the seller direct. 10-11.30am at Rickmansworth School. www.lotsfortotssale.co.uk Sat 13 Oct - Harvest Festival (HP8) Discover the fascinating traditions of farming history at Chiltern Open Air Museum. This popular annual harvest event provides a unique opportunity to explore the sights, sounds and smells of harvest past, with the Museum’s restored 1947 threshing machine working hard to process the year’s wheat crop – as long as the rain holds off!

Take part in family friendly Harvest themed craft activities and treat yourself to tasty home-cooked food from the BBQ. www.coam.org.uk

Sat 13 Oct - Cabbages & Frocks Dog Day Afternoon (W1U) Take your pooches to the popular Dog Day Afternoon at St Marylebone Parish Church Grounds and make sure you do not miss the amazing dog displays led by Dima of the Good Boy Dog School. A fun-filled day for your family and four-legged friends with rosettes, prizes and canine couture as well as fashion, accessories and food for you too. Free entry www.cabbagesandfrocks.co.uk Sun 14 Oct - Build a Bird Box (WD25) Go along to Leavesden Country Park (meet by the children’s play area off College Road) and find out how to make bird and mini-beasts havens for your garden. This is a free event, but booking is required. All ages welcome, children must be accompanied by an adult. 10am-12pm. www.threeriversleisure.co.uk/nature-programme Sat 20 Oct - LiftOff! Gift & Craft Fayre (WD24) Go along to Christ Church on St Albans Road from 11am to 3pm and get a head start on the Christmas shopping. Entry free on the day. Refreshments available. All proceeds will be used to support the families outreach project, Lift Off! www.liftoff.org.uk Sat 20 Oct - Dr Bike - free basic bike repairs (HA4) Free bike checks with Hillingdon’s cycle instructors at Highgrove Leisure Pool in Ruislip. Offering advice on maintenance, safety and security and basic repairs. If you want something fitted take it along and they’ll fit it if possible. Please only take a bicycle that is ridden regularly. www.hillingdon.gov.uk/drbike Continued on page 18


Families North West London 17

What’s On Continued from page 17

Fri 26 – Sat 27 Oct - Museums at Night (NW3) Go along to Kenwood House after hours as part of the nationwide ‘Museums at Night’ series. Explore the resplendent rooms and hear the tales of the house’s fascinating history brought to life. Tours at 6pm and 8pm. www.english-heritage.org.uk Sat 27 Oct - Open Morning in aid of Watford Hospital Maternity Unit (HA6) Busy Lizzy Hillingdon are excited to be holding a Family Open Morning at Northwood Methodist Church Hall in aid of Watford Cots the next generation! The cots are over 30 years old and the amazing midwife team are working hard to raise £20,000 by next year! There will be pregnancy, post natal fitness and Halloween themed baby classes, as well as refreshments, cakes, face painting and goody bags for the little ones! It’s £10 per family, all of the above is included and ALL proceeds go to the hospital. hillingdon@busylizzy.co.uk Sat 27 – Sun 28 Oct – Halloween at the Canal Museum (N1) The Amazing Halloween Experience in partnership with Camden Canals and Narrowboat Association. Enjoy a ghostly cruise through a long dark canal tunnel and beware of the frights! Face-painting, ghost story telling, and lots of lights and decorations. www.canalmuseum.org.uk Sat 27 – Sun 28 Oct - Dance Around the World (NW1) This community festival at Cecil Sharp House celebrates traditional dance cultures from all over the world. Over fifty dance groups will present a programme of non-stop performances and ‘taster’ workshops on each day starting at 10am. Whether you love dance or just wonder what dance is all about, this is the event for you. www.cecilsharphouse.org Sat 27 Oct – Sun 4 Nov - Pumpkin Festival at Willows Activity Farm (AL4) Pick your FREE pumpkin from Willows Pumpkin Patch. Every child can harvest their own pumpkin to take home or carve in the Carving Cavern. The Pumpkin-tastic programme includes pumpkin carving and arts and crafts, Pumpkin Olympics and both the Pumpkin Show and Magic-Ween Show with Samtastic. Plus all your Willows favourites. www.willowsactivityfarm.com Sun 28 Oct - Halloween Scream-ings: Hocus Pocus (WD17) A afternoon of ghoulish at Watford Colosseum! In preparation for a chilling day blankets will be provided to snuggle into or indeed to hide behind during the eerie event! Film starts at 3.30pm. www.watfordcolosseum.co.uk Sun 28 Oct - Halloween Spooktacular (N3) Go along to Stephens House and Gardens for an evening of Halloween fun including a spine-tingling spooky basement tour, creepy garden ghost hunt, fiendish face-painting, ghoulish games, cunning crafts, terrifying tattoos and more. 4.30-7pm. Booking essential limited availability www.stephenshouseandgardens.com

HALF TERM Sat 20 & Mon 22 – Sat 27 Oct - Crafting Communications Tools (SW3) Get creative and construct your own signalling device at the National Army Museum. Make your very own telescope or heliograph and practise sending and interpreting messages in Morse code. You can even take it home afterwards to continue the fun! Collect a free ticket from the Welcome Desk. Ages 6+. www.nam.ac.uk Sat 20 – Sun 28 Oct - Pumpkin Trail @ Headstone Manor Museum (HA1) Can you find all of the pumpkins and headstones and spell out the spooky word? Correct answers will get a (trick or) treat. www.headstonemanor.org

woodland trail, indulge in some spooky treats in the Manor Restaurant, and get creative with creepy craft activities. www.waddesdon.org.uk Sat 20 – Sun 28 Oct - Meet Siyanda, Protector of Plants (TW9) Meet Siyanda, who this October will be inviting visitors to join her mission protect the world’s plants. Kew is teaming up with award-winning theatre company, Theatre-Rites to bring to life the story of the magnificent Temperate House and its precious plants through a theatrical experience using live music, puppetry and performance. www.kew.org Sat 20 - Sun 28 Oct - Celebrating the Circus (EC2Y) Celebrate 250 years of the circus in this surprising and engaging science show at the Museum of London. Tricks, pops and daring acts of courage - and your help will be needed to make the spring-loaded cannon work, perfect the pressure for the bed of nails and much more! www.museumoflondon.org.uk Sun 21 Oct - Victorian Photographic Studio at Headstone Manor Museum (HA1) Victorian photos with a twist! Be the subject of your very own Victorian photo portrait and even try out different facial expressions to suit your mood! 11am-3pm. www.headstonemanor.org Sun 21 – Fri 26 Oct – Half Term Activities at the National Maritime Museum (SE10) ‘Sea People’ on 21st where you can create your own bust to take home; ‘Making Maps’ on 22nd and 26th - explore the world and create a giant 3D map; ‘Tudor Explorers’ on 23rd explores the Tudor period with songs and music; at ‘Life at Sea’ on 24th take part in a series of tasks to give you a taste of the skills a sailor needs; and on 25th think about your greatest endeavours and create a piece that explores your achievements. www.rmg.co.uk Mon 22 Oct - Family Learning Festival: Fun with Food (HA0) Learn to love your vegetables and fruit, and make smoothies and other tasty dishes in this workshop at Ealing Road Library from 2.30-4.30pm. For parents/carers and children aged 5-11. Free but please book in advance. www.brent.gov.uk Mon 22 Oct - Traditional Somali Family Craft Workshop (NW6) Make traditional Somali crafts at Kilburn Library from 2-4pm. Ages 3+, free. www.brent.gov.uk Mon 22 Oct - The Big Draw (N12) artsdepot’s bumper day of drawing and creativity returns, jam-packed with activities for all ages. The Big Draw Festival is the world’s biggest celebration of drawing and it takes place across the globe every year. Join in a day filled with more arty activities than you can shake a pencil at! Book for Ready Steady Lift Off! and get free entry to The Big Draw! www.artsdepot.couk Mon 22 – Wed 24 Oct - Out of this World: Moon (SE10) The Moon-themed morning at the Royal Observatory Greenwich includes a planetarium show, interactive quiz and virtual reality activity. Join the Royal Observatory Astronomers for a series of activity packages. Ages 7+. www.rmg.co.uk Mon 22 - Fri 26 Oct - Airfix: Make and Take (NW9) Go along to the RAF Museum this October Half Term for Airfix Make and Take! There will be a number of different models available suitable for seasoned model makers, or those new to Airfix. Airfix Make and Take is aimed at families with children aged 8 and above, for younger children there is a wooden biplane to assemble and decorate together. All materials will be provided by the museum, just purchase your ticket upon arrival. www.rafmuseum.org.uk Mon 22 - Sat 27 Oct - Halloween Half-Term (N3) Visit the Spooky Basement at Stephens House and Gardens, and venture outside for the ‘Ghosts in the Trees’ garden ghost hunt with a prize for all completed ghost hunts! 1-4pm, no booking required. www.stephenshouseandgardens.com

Mon 22 – Sat 27 Oct - She Tells Sea Tales: Adventure is Out There (SE10) The storytelling festival of high sea voyages returns to Cutty Sark this half-term. Brace yourself for tales of adventure, mermaids and storms in a teacup. If you are feeling inspired by our stories, go along to the Sammy Ofer Gallery to make your own adventure kid suitcase or create your own animated sea story with Chocolate Films. Activities vary throughout the week, check website for details www.rmg.co.uk/cutty-sark Mon 22 - Wed 31 Oct - Create & Grow Spooky Half Term @ Squire’s Garden Centre Stanmore (HA7) Things are getting a little bit spooky at Squire’s Garden Centre this October Half Term. Your little ghouls can paint a ceramic bat tealight holder complete with a complimentary LED tealight or decorate a spooky ghost mobile to scare aware unwanted visitors. There’s even a free pumpkin pursuit around the garden Centre, if you discover the creepy word you’ll be in with a chance to win a prize. Drop in anytime between 10am and 4pm. Fancy dress is very welcome too! www.squiresgardencentres.co.uk Tue 23 Oct - Family Learning Festival: Creative Cards Workshop (NW6) A fun craft workshop for parents/carers and children aged 5-11 at Kilburn Library. Free but advanced booking essential. www.brent.gov.uk Tue 23 Oct - Sparktacular Treasure! & Frankenweenie (HA5) Join Joni Rae Carrack at Harrow Arts Centre on a journey to bring Victor Frankenstein’s Sparky bull terrier back to life in the shape of an animated treasure box, which can keep all your precious item. Followed by a showing of Tim Burton’s Frankenweenie. Workshop 10-10.45am, film starts at 11am. Ages 3+. www.harrowarts.com Tue 23 Oct - Awesome Autumn Terrific Tuesday at Chiltern Open Air Museum (HP8) This October’s Terrific Tuesday theme is Awesome Autumn. Go and take part in the scavenger hunt, make autumn inspired crafts, create your own tussie mussie and chat to the RSPB about the local wildlife. www.coam.org Tue 23 – Wed 24 Oct - Autumn Quest & Craft (NW3) A creative workshop to bring Kenwood House’s world famous paintings to life. Families will get to work together to try out different art and crafts whilst exploring the house and finding out more about its collections. Sessions will take place in the house. Just turn up between12pm-4pm to take part. www.english-heritage.org.uk Tue 23 & Thu 25 Oct - Seeing, Signalling and Stories (SW3) Take your toddlers to this session of stories and song all about communicating with telescopes and signals at the National Army Museum. This early years session of storytelling, singing and play is perfect for families with children aged 3-6. www.nam.ac.uk Wed 24 Oct - STEM Club: Stop Motion Workshop (NW10) New STEM club launch event! Fun learning workshops for children aged 8 – 11 in science, technology, engineering and mathematics at Harlesden Library. Make your very own stop motion animation all about how scientists are saving creatures from extinction. This event is free to library members who have borrowed a book on the day of the event. www.brent.gov.uk Wed 24 Oct - Guy-making Masterclass (HA5) Go along to this great fun workshop at the Heath Robinson Museum – learn how to use old clothes to make your own characterful guy simply as decoration or to put on your own bonfire this Guy Fawkes night. Take along some old unwanted clothes with you to use, the sillier the better… Under 8s 11am-12.30pm; Ages 8+ 1-3pm. Booking essential. www.heathrobinsonmuseum.org

Sat 20 – Sun 28 Oct - Horrible Halloween (HP18) Visit Waddesdon Manor this October half-term, and enjoy a week of treats and trickery with the whole family. Test your bravery by taking part in a ‘Creatures of the Night’

18 Families North West London


What’s On Wed 24 Oct - Coral Reefs: Secret Cities Under the Sea (HA0) Ever wondered what a coral reef is? Go and join Museum scientist and Principal Curator Miranda Lowe at Ealing Road Library, on a journey through some of the fascinating forms corals and other reef animals. Plus make your own mini coral reef to take home. For 8 – 11 yrs. www.brent.gov.uk Wed 24 Oct - Spooky Sing Along & Hotel Transylvania (HA5) Join super singing star Fae Simon at Harrow Arts Centre to learn some of the songs from Hotel Transylvania to prepare you to sing along with Dracula, Frankenstein and other spooky characters when you watch the film! Sing along 10-10.45am and film starts at 11am. Ages 3+. www.harrowarts.com Wed 24 Oct - Half Term Fun: Horrible Halloween Hand Puppets (HA5) Build your very own monstrous puppets at Harrow Arts Centre. Using recycled items you could decorate any monster from a chatty skeleton to a gossipy witch mouth puppet, and then take part in a hair-raising puppet show! 11am-1pm, ages 6-11 yrs. www.harrowarts.com Thu 25 Oct - We Will Remember: Family Drama Workshop (HA2) A special half term drama workshop for parents and children. With the support of professional dramatist and Headstone Manor & Museum’s team, create and perform short plays in response to archive materials held by the museum, telling the story of the Great War in Harrow. Drop in anytime 11am – 3pm. No booking necessary, parents must accompany children. This event is part of the Harrow 1918: Lest We Forget Season. www.headstonemanor.org Thu 25 Oct - Family Learning Festival: Creating Puppetry (NW10) A fun craft workshop for parents/carers and children aged 5-11 at Harlesden Library Plus. Maximum of two children per adult. Free but advanced booking essential. www.brent.gov.uk Thu 25 Oct - Half Term Fun: Graffiti Workshop (HA5) Join professional graffiti artist Morgan Paton at Harrow Arts Centre for an afternoon of creative, spraypainting fun! Live demonstrations by Morgan and an opportunity to decorate your own t-shirt! 1-4pm, 11-16 yrs. www.harrowarts.com Fri 26 Oct - Culture Bite presents: Burger Boy with Alan Durant (UB10) Award winning children’s author Alan Durant will be at the Compass Theatre talking about one of his most fun and hilarious picture books Burger Boy.

Alan will read the story and then go through the long, hard and sometime wacky process of making a picture book that children actually like! Children aged 4-7. www.hillingdontheatres.uk Fri 26 Oct - Halloween Spectacular Event (HP8) Chiltern Open Air Museum’s Halloween Spectacular returns, and this year you are invited to watch a daring fire and LED performance! This is an unmissable evening of spooky fun for all ages in the very unique and atmospheric setting of the Museum’s historic buildings and woods. This year the event will be part of Culture 24’s Museum’s at Night. www.coam.org Mon 29 - Wed 31 Oct - Free-ky Family Fun (WD17) Go along to Intu Watford for a horrifying Halloween filled with frightening free activities! www.intu.co.uk/family-club

FIREWORKS L Fri 2 Nov - Abbots Langley Fireworks Display (WD5) At the Manor House Playing Fields. Organised by the Lions Club of Watford and supported by Warner Bros. Studios Leavesden and Abbots Langley Parish Council. See website for further details. www.abbotslangley-pc.gov.uk/fireworks LFri 2 – Sat 3 Nov - Ally Pally’s Fireworks Festival (N22) London’s biggest and best fireworks festival returns for 2018 with spectacular displays, a bonfire, captivating circus performances, the UK’s largest German Bier Festival, ice skating and London’s finest street food - with a Friday night DJ set from Norman Jay MBE www.fireworks.london LSat 3 Nov - Diwali Celebration Day (HA5) There will be a variety of Diwali activities at Heath Robinson Museum, using both traditional and modern crafts along with story-telling going into the background of Diwali. Suitable for children aged 3–11yrs. This event is usually over-subscribed so booking is essential. www.heathrobinsonmuseum.org LSat 3 Nov - Harrow Fireworks Display (HA3) At Byron Recreation Ground. Gates open 12pm with display at 7.45pm. This year’s Fireworks Display will celebrate both Diwali and Guy Fawkes Night in one big event. Dancing and entertainment, food, shopping stands. Our fireworks display will be dedicated to the festival of light with the fireworks in time to popular Hindu music. www.harrowfireworks.co.uk

LSat 3 Nov – Bonfire and Fireworks Display: Cassiobury Park, Watford (WD18) Go along from 6pm for a fabulous night of fireworks and fun. Organised by WBC with support from Vibe 107.6FM. Entertainment and live performances on stage. The Bonfire will be lit at 7pm followed by a spectacular firework display at 7.30pm. A variety of food and drink outlets, kiddies funfair rides, bungee trampolines and a bouncy slide. www.watfordbigevents.co.uk LSat 3 Nov - Harrow Cricket Club Fireworks Extravaganza 2018 (HA1) Annual fireworks night open to members of the public. Tickets on sale in advance and at the entrance on the night. This is a professional fireworks display by trained pro fireworks technicians, with activities for children, hot food and bar selling reasonable priced drinks for all. Doors open at 6pm, Fireworks start at 7.30pm. Wood End Rd, Harrow. www.harrowcricketclub.co.uk LSat 3 Nov - Maple Cross JMI School: Fireworks Night 2018 (WD3) The annual Maple Cross Fireworks Display in Rickmansworth is back with a bang for Bonfire Night. 4.30 – 7pm. www.maplecrossjmipta.co.uk LSat 3 Nov - St Albans Cathedral Fireworks Spectacular (AL1) Go and enjoy a spectacular event full of fantastic fireworks, food and fun for the whole family at Verulamium Park! There will be a Food Village providing plenty of food and drink for you to enjoy. Display starts 7.30pm prompt (gates open 6pm). www.stalbanscathedral.org LSat 3 - Sun 4 Nov - Languages of London Festival (E14) London is a diverse and global city, which is home to the speakers of over 300 languages. At this special festival weekend at the Museum of London Docklands learn phrases from a new language, discover secret languages of the past and try your hand at British Sign Language. Try communicating in unexpected ways through song, spoken word, emojis and more. www.museumoflondon.org.uk/museum-london-docklands LSun 4 Nov - Cartoon Creation Day (HA5) Join the Heath Robinson Museum and Steve Marchant, Learning Manager at London’s Cartoon Museum exploring cartoonist Heath Robinson’s role in World War One. As well as designing government propaganda, Robinson played a role in cheering on the soldiers struggling on the front, sending cartoons and writing letters. View some of these artworks with museum staff in the morning, and create your own cartoons with the help of Steve Marchant in the afternoon. 11am-3pm. www.heathrobinson.org/museum

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Families North West London 19

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