Families NW London Magazine issue 133 Jan Feb 2020

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New Year, New Outlook! Parenting Education Clubs and Classes What’s on

Issue 133 January/February 2020


Welcome to the

January/February issue! CONTACT US: Families North West London Magazine Editors: Heather Waddington and Janine Mergler P.O. Box 2378, Watford WD18 1RF T: 01923 237 004 E: Editor@FamiliesNWLondon.co.uk Listings and Features Editor: Anna Blackshaw E: Listings@FamiliesNWLondon.co.uk


www.facebook.com/FamiliesNWLondon @FamiliesNWLon Readership of over 60,000 local parents, carers and teachers every issue. Published seven times a year. For families from birth to twelve.


4. New Year advice 6. What are the jobs of the future? 8. The ‘Good Enough’ Parenting club 10. Local Clubs, Classes and Activities 12. What’s On

March/April 2020 - Easter and Summer Camps and Childcare Deadline 5 Feb 2020 May/June 2020 - Children’s Parties and Summer Activity/Childcare planning Deadline 6 April 2020 Send in your news, stories and advertising bookings to the details above.

Where is Families North West London? Families North West London Magazine is distributed bi-monthly throughout north west London. An area bordered by the A40 to the south, by the A5/M1 to the east and out towards the M25 in the north and west. You can collect a copy FREE from scores of outlets: schools, nurseries, play groups, clubs and classes, sports centres, children’s libraries, family doctors and baby clinics, theatres, your local council offices and children’s shops. If you would like to stock copies to give to parents, please let us know.

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Feature images used under license from depositphotos.com. Other images have been supplied by independent sources.

Families North West London Magazine is part of Families Print Ltd, a franchise company. All franchised magazines in the group are independently owned and operated under licence. Families is a registered trademark of LCMB Ltd, Remenham House, Regatta Place, Marlow Road, Bourne End, Bucks SL8 5TD. The contents of Families NW London Magazine are fully protected by copyright and none of the editorial or photographic matter may be reproduced in any form without prior consent of Families North West London Magazine. Every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine, but Families North West London Magazine, its distributors, the franchise company, Families Print Ltd, and LCMB Ltd cannot be held responsible for the claims of advertisers nor for the accuracy of the contents, or any consequence thereof.


Calling all families -

Wear a Hat Day needs you! The annual fundraising extravaganza Wear A Hat Day returns in 2020 – Families Magazine and Brain Tumour Research are calling on you to get involved! Wear A Hat Day 2020 takes place on Friday 27 March, at the end of Brain Tumour Awareness Month. Over the last decade, this hattastic event has raised more than £1 million in support of the charity Brain Tumour Research. It has become a must-do event for many children and parents and their communities. Taking part is really easy and the charity has some great ideas on their website to help you plan and host wonderful hat-themed fundraising events. Register today to ensure you get your FREE fundraising pack in time: www.wearahatday.org Brain tumours kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer. No family should be devasted by a brain tumour. Wear A Hat Day is a really important campaign be involved with – not only is it great fun but with your participation, it becomes a powerful symbol of hope for all affected by this disease. Together we will find a cure. www.wearahatday.org

Researchers at the Birkbeck Babylab expand studies to include school age children! The Babylab use cutting edge technology and a variety of methods to create fun and interesting studies to learn how brains in babies, toddlers and children develop. Two of their researchers, PhD students Lisanne and Aude, are currently studying 2 – 6 year olds and looking for new children to join their study. Lisanne uses motion capture cameras and Duplo toy blocks to learn how the ability to remember instructions and create things in the correct order to achieve a goal develops throughout childhood. The technical psychology term for this is action sequencing and is essential to daily life.

NEWS Perform is celebrating its 20th anniversary! Families chatted to founder, Lucy Quick How did Perform start? I was a musical theatre actress in Oliver! at the London Palladium and I loved working with children. I had a vision for a drama school that wasn’t about talent or auditions; where performing arts would be used to develop what we now call the 4 Cs: confidence, communication, coordination and concentration. Where is Perform at now? Starting with two classes in 2000, we now run 472 schools across the South East and West, employ over 250 teachers and have almost 8000 children attending weekly. What’s the secret of Perform’s success? We put child development at the heart of everything we do. What does the future hold? Opening more Perform schools across the country – we’re just launching in Nottingham - and continuing our confidence crusade to help children fulfil their potential through drama, dance and singing. What are you proudest of? My teachers. They are the most inspirational bunch of talented and enthusiastic people you’ll ever meet. Try a FREE no-obligation drama class in NW London and SW Herts. Visit www.perform.org.uk/try to book and quote LNW120220 to claim your £40 discount!

Home from Home with Chilly Powder Do you prefer winter or summer in the Alps… or both? Francesca, Paul and their three children live in Morzine in France all year round and have a good knowledge of Alpine traditions and the Morzine people. Having adapted their chalet holiday style over the years to suit the tastes of their regular guests, they offer the perfect ski and summer holidays for either families, couples or mixed groups in relaxing luxury, with fantastic food and outstanding facilities, with unrivalled in-house childcare facilities. For many returning guests Chilly Powder is considered a real home from home. For more about Chilly Powder chalets for summer and winter visit www. chillypowder.com

Aude is also interested in action sequencing and uses a game on a touch screen computer where children build recipes for their favourite cartoon characters. The way the children plan, hesitate or change their minds while playing will provide insight into how action sequences develop and improve throughout childhood. They are currently recruiting children from birth to school age to take part in their research in the heart of Central London. Participants will be compensated for travel expenses. Enjoy a fun day out in London and sign up today! www.cbcd.bbk.ac.uk/babylab

Local School Celebrates Sunday Times Ranking Reddiford School was delighted to be ranked 4th in the top 100 Independent Preparatory Schools in England by the Sunday Times. Head Teacher Mrs Batt says “This is reflective of the excellent education children receive at Reddiford, along with the support and dedication of their highly experienced staff. Although this position is a reflection of the academic ability of our children, we also work very hard to get the balance right between academic achievements and a broad education that prepares pupils for senior schools and beyond. Of course, our pastoral support is at the centre of everything we do and Reddiford children thrive as a result of our warm and happy environment.” The school is looking forward to a new gym and specialist classroom opening in February 2020. www.reddiford.org.uk


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New Year, New Outlook By Susie Ramroop


o you ever wonder why new year’s resolutions fail? Partly it is because people rely on motivation to keep them going. Motivation, though, isn’t enough - an extremely clear and strong desire to be different is what is required.

Clarity about who you want to be rather that what things you want to acquire or do is the most powerful motivator.

Knowing why you want to be different is what will keep you committed As a parent, it is easy to be self-critical; to feel guilty for not having spent enough time with the children, for being too strict, or too lenient. Most parents have something that they would like to work on changing.

Constantly telling yourself you are not enough is not going to help you achieve change Reframing your outlook to be more positive and to focus on what you want to be, instead of who you don’t want to be is a winning formula. Take the focus off the area you believe you are failing in and move your focus to your positive alternative. Is it that you want to be more kind? Patient? Loving? Choose the ONE thing that you want to be more of and create a filter to bring this into everyday life. A filter is a question that can help you to keep your focus in any given moment. 3 years ago I decided that I wanted to stop being so righteous. I became that way because I often felt in a position where I had to defend myself with family, and felt I had to prove I was worthy at work. I didn’t like what it was doing to my relationships and so I looked at what the opposite way of being would be – for me it was kind. If my daughter did something that I didn’t approve of, yes I need to draw it to her attention, but I don’t need to labour the point. There is a clear moment when she gets that she has made a mistake, and her face shows that she now feels bad about it. At that point, I no longer need to be right. It is a time to focus on how I do want her to behave, while modelling kindness. When I am coaching my clients, I have knowledge and can see things in them that they don’t. I don’t want to be a know it all about this, I want to be kind and deliver it with love.

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So my filtering question became “How can I say this with kindness?” When trying to construct a way to give someone feedback or say no, I run it through my kindness filter. There has to be a payoff for committing to a filter – feeling like a better person, and a better parent is likely to be it. When you feel at your best, you bring the best out in others, and you model this for your children. Of course, this isn’t going to be perfect 100% of the time, but having this intention set, and a reminder in the form of a filter is really helpful. It isn’t a one time resolution, it is a commitment to being the best version of you that you can be. So who are you going to be in 2020? Drop me an email and let me know.

Susie Ramroop is a Mindset Coach helping busy parents to focus on what truly makes a difference in life and at work. Please send any comments and questions to susie@susieramroop.com. www.susieramroop.com


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The Future of Work What Can We Do to Prepare Our Children? By Gabrielle Nash


t is exciting when your child heads off to school for the first time. What will their first day be like? What will spark their interest? The goal of school is to give your child the necessary tools and skills to enter our grown-up world and ultimately find a job. But what kind of job will that be? The world of work is undergoing a transformation and future careers will look very different to the those of today. Many of the jobs our children will do don’t currently exist, just as the top ten jobs in 2011 didn’t exist in 2004. As new technologies explode onto the scene, new job opportunities are created. According to Randstad, it is estimated that today’s students will have 10 to 14 jobs before their 38th birthday!

 What Type of Jobs? Just as our parents had never heard of job titles like “social media manager” or “app developer” neither can we as parents fathom what our children might grow up to do. Redundant is the traditional question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Naturally our images of the future workplace are dominated by artificial intelligence, robotics and automation. And whilst it is predicted that the “march of the robots” will

remove a quarter of jobs, experts believe that the future of AI is not to replace humans but to change what humans are capable of. Interactive Scientific, a British software company, believes that we can teach children key skills like good communication, persistence and problem solving, all before knowing what future technologies will look like. These skills will be vital for our children to navigate an unpredictable jobs market.

 What Can You Do to Prepare

Your Child? However good an education your child is receiving, there are very few establishments with a futureproof curriculum, one that can wholly offer the development of skills needed for getting a job in 15 to 20 years’ time. This is perhaps why more and more emphasis could be placed on vocational education. The Edge Foundation works on developing the future of education. They argue that old certainties like a university degree will no longer guarantee a job. Edge Chief Executive Alice Barnard believes “We need to support young people to capitalize on their creativity, develop the problemsolving, communication and team-working skills that employers are crying out for.”

The key things to remember? 1. Interpersonal and communication skills are vital, because the human factor in a job will still be valuable 2. The ability to adapt is crucial. One set of skills will not last 20 years, so teaching a child to be resilient and comfortable with change will help them to continuously learn and evolve. So if your child seems like they’re not excelling in traditional measures of excellence, don’t panic Instead focus on developing their other skills and exploring all pathways. A child who is behind on maths and English might, in fact, have fantastic potential people skills. If they’re empathetic and kind, or adaptable and able to find solutions, that could take them further than their academic ability and give them the foundation to tackle a myriad of roles in the future. For more from Gabrielle Nash, read her blog @londonishmum

Call us to arrange an individual appointment

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Why I Want to be in the

Good Enough Parenting Club By Claire Winter

 Love Yourself


he pressure to be a perfect parent can be overwhelming; particularly when we are bombarded by pictureperfect family lives on social media. Mums who are juggling work and family life effortlessly and also find the time to bake cakes and look fabulous. Celebrities who seem to flit from the school run to photoshoots and still have time to take their kids to Judo. We don’t see the nanny, the makeup artist and the housekeeper behind the scenes. Most people don’t share the messy chaos of family life on their carefully curated Instagram account. So in 2020 shall we all agree to let go of the notion of being a perfect parent and instead start embracing imperfection? No one is flawless and raising kids who understand this is a positive thing. I am bringing up three teenagers and I often say to them: “I am learning how to parent just like you are learning how to grow up.”

Here are ten ways to be a good enough parent in 2020  Embrace Imperfection Being a parent is by far the most important and impactful relationship you can have. You will love and nurture your children throughout their childhood but they will still come back and ask your advice when they are adults. You will both make mistakes and learn to forgive each other. Start learning to love each other’s imperfections and you will build the foundations of a strong relationship for life.

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Parents love their children unconditionally, but what about themselves? Try and silence the critical voice in your mind that says negative things about what you do. Increase the positive self-talk. Talk to yourself in the same way you would talk to your children or a close friend. Loving yourself means acknowledging that you are trying your best and that this truly is enough.

 Learn to Apologise Model the behaviour you want to see from your children. Learn to apologise when you do something hurtful, make a mistake, forget to do something or lose your temper. In this way, your children will learn how to make amends and start to learn when they need to say sorry too.

 Have a Life of Your Own Having a fun life separate from your children and partner is healthy and important. Make time for things like a weekly walk, book club, art class or spending time with friends. This shows your children how to maintain their own interests, hobbies and friendships outside the family unit.

 Take Care of Yourself Take care of yourself in mind, body and spirit. Most parents put themselves last on the to-do list, and become resentful or unwell. Take time out for coffee, long baths, yoga or cocktails. It doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated, just something that makes you feel good.

 Spend Quality Time with your Children Make spending quality time with your children a priority. Even if it is for just 10 to 30 minutes a day. Don’t be on a phone or a gadget; be curious, ask questions, and be fully present.

 Listen Children communicate many things through their behaviour and words. Listen to your children carefully by focussing all your attention on them. You may not agree with all of their feedback, but allowing them the time and space to form an opinion will help them to develop their own self-confidence.

 Develop a Sense of Humour Your kids will love a poo joke and there will be times when you are up to your elbows in it. Parenting is a massive rollercoaster ride and being able to see the funny side of things really helps.

 Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff The house being in a mess won’t hurt anyone! If you do want to get on top of the housework, get the kids to help. We set a timer and all tidy up together. It’s amazing what can be achieved in a short space of time if the whole family gets involved.

 Allow Your Children to Be Who They Are As a parent you want to shape, influence, and expose your children to as many opportunities as possible. But our most important job as parents is to allow our children to be who they want to be. We just need to support and cheer them on from the sidelines.




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Local Clubs and Classes Directory PARTIES

Perform Parties - Based around a colourful theme, Perform’s energetic party leaders use a magical mix of songs, games and laughter to create fun-filled, action-packed parties. Call 0207 255 9120 or visit performparties.co.uk The Windmill Studio Centre (HA4) Fun for kids, hassle-free for parents, birthday parties at The Windmill Studio Centre, Ruislip Manor, for 1-10 years boys & girls include invitations, party leader & assistant(s), freshly prepared food, decorations, music, lights, games, dancing, props and prizes. Optional extras - adult refreshments, face-painting and party bags. Lots of themes from Princesses and Super Heroes to Monsters, Trolls, Makers and Mad Hatters! Modern & clean venue.  01895 624755  thewindmillstudio@gmail.com www.thewindmillstudio.com


Adult Art Classes in Stanmore (HA7) Drawing, painting and mixed media art classes for adults. Weekday morning studio sessions in a relaxed, supportive environment.  020 8954 2897 or 07500 006 099  myartclub@yahoo.co.uk Capital Connection Chorus - female A capella harmony (HA4) Calling women who love to sing! Particularly need lower range voices at present. Perfect way to meet new friends and sing with a great group of women. Wed night 7.45pm to 10.30pm at Ruislip Community Centre.  www. capitalconnection.org.uk Eggless Cake Delights (HA) offer eggless baking, cake decorating and dessert classes for kids & adults in Harrow. Classes are held in small groups in hands on and Demo format, during weekdays, weekends and during term holidays in a friendly environment.  07737847405 or  info@egglesscakedelights.com. www. egglesscakedelights.com Meditation (HA5) Every first Thursday of the month, 8pm at The Stables, Eastcote House Gardens, Eastcote Village, HA5 2FE. Everyone 18+ welcome. Just £5. Feel energised, increase happiness, improve mental clarity and memory recall. Flush out negative thoughts and improve physical and mental health. Ten minute stress relief treatment for newcomers FREE. No booking needed, just come along. For more information, contact Alexandra Barrett: alexandrabarrett@me.com  0775 334 90 24 Rize (NW6) Your energy will Rize with your favourite group exercise classes - sociable and coached fitness in Queens Park, 68 Salusbury Rd, London NW6 6NU.  020 7624 8687 or  queenspark@wearerize. co.uk to book your first session. South Oxhey Choir Why not go along and enjoy an evening with the South Oxhey Choir, no audition required, just enthusiasm for music of all kinds. Popular classic and classic pop. Meet on Tuesday evenings, term time only, at Oxhey Wood School, Oxhey Drive, South Oxhey with plenty of parking. 7pm-8.30pm. First visit is FREE and if you wish to continue then a subscription is applicable.  Ann Cox 07852369935 or sochoirs@mail.com or annecox0107@gmail.com Zest For Life Studio is a new secret fitness oasis for vitality and wellness near you. Let me welcome you in my garden studio to share an invigorating hour of zesty fitness, a unique programme of toning circuit & zumba: enjoy a variety of class at 9am, a personal touch, small group of 6-8. In&outdoor classes. marion.bignone.zumba.com zestforlifestudio@gmail.com

First Aid MCS Training (HA1, HA5) Paediatric First Aid Course. Accepted for full and voluntary Ofsted Registration. Certificate valid for 3 yrs.  Margaret 07814 191 395  mcstraining@hotmail.co.uk


All Saints Toddler Group (HA8) Every Thursday 10am-11.45am. Everyone welcome. A small friendly group run by the pre-school, with qualified staff on hand to provide help and support if needed. At Waltham Drive, Queensbury, Edgeware, HA8 5PQ.  07985 284 498/07958 473 475.  allsaintpreschool@hotmail.co.uk www.allsaintpreschool.com Baby Lab (WC1E) Have fun for free with your baby making discoveries about brain development at the Centre for Brain & Cognitive Development. Birkbeck College, Malet St, London. Travel expenses refunded. 020 7631 6258  www. cbcd.bbk.ac.uk Chinmaya UK (HA) Do you want your children to connect to their Indian culture through stories, games and celebration of festivals? Go along to Bal Vihar classes to explore culture and values in an engaging, positive environment. Every Sunday in Harrow and Hendon for children aged 5-17.  bv@chinmayauk.org www. chinmayauk.org 07812 146428 Gujarati Masti Maja classes by Sansaar (HA5) Fun and interactive Gujarati music, song and dance classes for 3 to 6 year olds in North London, to help your child speak Gujarati confidently. Saturday morning at 9am and 10am at St Lawrence Church in Eastcote, Pinner.  www.sansaar.org Little Stars Baby Club (HA9) A fun and friendly baby club where new mums with babies from birth to sitting can relax and meet new friends whilst babies play and explore with a range of lovely sensory toys. Every Friday 9:30-11:15am at Powell Suites @ Chalkhill Community Centre, The Welford Centre, 113 Chalkhill Road, Wembley Park HA9 9FX. £2.00  0208 385 1836  littlestarswembley@gmail.com The Northwood Speech and Language Therapy Practice (HA6) An Independent Practice providing an exceptionally high quality, caring and individualised service for promoting the communication needs of children. We offer Speech and Language Therapy sessions within a modern clinic base, nurseries and schools. 01923 824 074 07956 994721  www.northwoodpractice.co.uk Portuguese for Children (NW6) Every Saturday, from 10am to 12pm, the

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International Gospel Church on Belsize Road will be open for children from 4 to 12 years of Brazilian-English parents to enrol. Lessons will include how to read and write and Brazilian culture, including music.  contact@igclondon.org.uk Guju Tots Swagatham! Kem Chho? Come along to a FREE taster of these fun-filled 45 minute classes in NW London to help kids 6 months to 5 years learn Gujarati through songs & stories! Interactive, relaxed classes, plus plenty of material to practice at home!  07956 385 316  www.gujutots.co.uk

Sounds Right Phonics Classes for Kids (Various) Classes offer high energy, fun phonics classes for children aged 1 - 4 years old. The classes open a world of Literacy for children and their parents. Classes teach early phonic concepts as well as sound recognition, oral blending and segmenting, also activities to improve gross and fine motor skills ready for writing. A Sounds Right Phonics Class is fun, varied and educational, and the best part is that children don’t even realise that they are learning. Classes run at venues in Pinner, Eastcote, Northwood, Ruislip. Contact Bhavikaa on 07400563192 or bhavikaa@soundsrightphonicsclasses.co.uk www.soundsrightphonicsclasses.co.uk

Sign Language Sing and Sign (Various) Fun classes combining the benefits of baby signing with music to develop language, memory and attention skills. Babies 6-30 months. Bushey, Rickmansworth, Stanmore and Harrow.  www.singandsign.com

HEALTH AND WELLBEING The Bite Me Corner (HA9) Saturday Cooking and Nutrition sessions at 11:00am-12:00pm or 12:30-1:00pm at The Yellow, Wembley. For children aged 7+. Using a combination of organic and commercial produce we create a variety of delicious dishes! From pizza to raspberry white chocolate muffins, Carrot and quinoa balls! The list goes on! Contact us for Cooking and Nutrition Workshops! contact Lauri  07957155421 or contact@thebitemecorner.com Wellbeing Kids Workshops (WD3) Well-being workshops for children aged 9-12yr and 13-17yr olds. Holiday masterclasses to support the holistic mind, body and spirit learning. By exploring emotional intelligence, imagination, yoga, mindfulness, role-play and many more creative/ outdoor activities.For more information, please contact Anita  07956 849614,  wellbeingkids@gmail.com

Massage & Yoga Human Values Based Yoga After school classes run in Harrow by a qualified yoga teacher with over 40 years yoga experience and over 30 yrs teaching yoga in various settings, including adult education and family learning, community clubs, hospitals and mental health centres. For adults and children 6-11 years.  Joyce on 07912 879 103  joycedpower@aol.com

ACTIVITY CENTRES Aspire National Training Centre, Kidz Zone activities (HA7) Wide range of activities available from 6mths to 12yrs. 020 8954 5759  kidzzone@ aspire.org.uk. Wood Lane, Stanmore, HA7 4AP Cloud 9 Leisure (WD25) Imagine a giant inflatable world which combines the fun, challenge and excitement of Ninja Warrior, Gladiator and Total Wipeout! Cloud 9 at Francis Coombe School in Watford is an incredibly new, exciting, active leisure experience for all ages. From a giant inflatable obstacle course and dodgeball arena to a 1v1 battle platform, the fun is endless with plenty more surprises in store.  www.cloud9leisure.com JAMtots (HA4) An interactive daytime activity centre for parents with babies and toddlers. All pay as you go with a variety of sessions that include Parent & Toddler Groups, Musical Tots, Gym Tots and one off events plus special visits from Jimmy the JAMtots Bear. 01895 624755  thewindmillstudio.com Jungle Monkeyz (HA5) offers a unique Indoor Soft Play Area that is a safe environment for children aged 0-9 years. There are special areas for infants and toddlers, as well as the Junior zone for bigger monkeyz which has a 3 tier play structure and exciting Adventure zone. www.junglemonkeyz.co.uk Rumble Tumble Harrow (HA1) Harrow’s only indoor supervised soft play children’s play group. Why not take advantage of the Drop & Shop facility and have a stress free shop, or book a special event in the Party Room available for all occasions. You can even relax and have a snack in the restaurant while your little ones are playing.  0208 427 8847  info@rumble-tumble.com www.rumble-tumble.com The Windmill Studio Centre (HA4) An exciting activity centre that has just about everything to offer for all ages from babies to adults including classes, courses, complementary therapies and room & studio hire. 01895 624755  www. thewindmillstudio.com


Beat Building Vibrant & energising music classes using African drums and funky percussion. Great songs and games get the imagination glowing & introduce the concepts of beats, rhythmic patterns, time keeping & also encourage sharing, taking turns and listening. A wonderful introduction to music and rhythm, beat Building is brilliantly fun!  07721 623 171  info@beatbuilding.co.uk www.beatbuilding. co.uk www.facebook.com/beatbuilding

Colourstrings (various) Music Kindergartens for babies, toddler, and children up to 6 yrs with small, age-related classes. Classes are enjoyable and inspire learning, developing inner hearing and core music skills.  020 8444 9435  www.nlcolourstrings.co.uk Diddi Dance Harrow & North Hillingdon (various) At diddi dance we enhance children’s endless energy and enthusiasm through funky, full of fun sessions that build confidence, co-ordination and creativity. Classes in Pinner,Ruislip & Stanmore with new ones opening soon. To book a FREE TRIAL contact tejal. patel@diddidance.com Monkey Music (Various) Award-winning Monkey Music introduces babies and young children to music in a way they understand and enjoy - and is brilliant fun for children and adults too! The unique four-stage curriculum, written by classically trained musicians, ensures that classes are a “good fit” for pre-schoolers. Parents across the UK have voted it as “Best National Toddler Development Activity” and “Best National Pre-school Development Activity”. Age guides: Rock’n’ Roll from 3m, Heigh Ho from 1yr, Jiggety Jig from 2rs, Ding Dong 3- 5yrs. Classes are open 6 days a week, at venues in Uxbridge, Eastcote, Northwood, Harrow and Stanmore. 020 8427 6595 www.monkeymusic.com OB1 Rhythm & Rhyme (WD17 and HA8) Music and Movement classes are fun, tactile and engaging for both parents and children. Enjoy nursery rhymes, instruments, scarves, ribbons, parachute, stories and music, whilst delighting in puppets and bubbles. Children will learn positive social interaction and enhance their coordination and physical development, as well as excite curiosity. From 3 months to 3 years and follow the EYFS framework. Edgware or Watford.  07522405486  TheatreSchool@OB1.co.uk 8 www.OB1.co.uk/RhythmRhyme

SPORTS AND EXERCISE All Stars Cricket Gives boys and girls aged 5-8 the chance to play, learn great skills and make new friends!  www.allstarscricket.co.uk Capoeira Academy UK (HA) Classes in Stanmore providing outstanding and fun classes for children aged 4+years. A unique blend of martial arts, dance, acrobatics and music; capoeira develops skills for life with inspiring and nurturing teachers.  07841342874  capoeiracademyuk@gmail.com www. capoeiracademyuk.com Echo’s Equestrian Centre (SL0) A small friendly livery yard and Pony Club Centre in Iver, Buckinghamshire. Junior Pony Club and a Hoof Club during the holidays.  07895 706053  www.echosequestrian.co.uk Enjoy-a-Ball classes (Various) Sports coaching for 3-9 yr olds in a fun, positive and non-competitive environment. Ten ball sports for the perfect introduction to sport. Physi-ball classes - Ball skills and core skills for toddlers aged 18mths to 3 yrs. Classes run in Mill HIll, Finchley, Golders Green and Muswell Hill. Enjoy-a-Ball parties are for super-active 3 - 9 year olds. They are full of high energy games loved by boys and girls alike!  0333 334 0845 or 07763746886  www.enjoy-a-ball.com northlondon@enjoy-a-ball.com Everyone Active (various) Everyone Active’s awarding winning learn to swim programme offers lessons for all ages of swimmers, from child classes starting at 4 months right through to adult classes and are available at over 120 sites. All swimming teachers are Swim England level 2 (or equivalent) qualified. All stages are progressive and continually assessed, initially developing water confidence and then teaching children to swim. As they improve, this distance is increased and all strokes are introduced. They also have the opportunity to develop water safety skills and other aquatic disciplines such as Rookie Lifeguard, synchronised swimming diving and water polo.  www.everyoneactive.com/content-hub/swimming/ Field End Flyers Saturday Morning Community Cycle Club (HA5) Saturday in Term Time, Field End Rd for ages 5–11 yrs. Join the friendly team of British Cycling Coaches at 9.45am, and learn fun skills, race on the amazing fully enclosed Cycle Track, make new friends and enjoy a whole morning of fun till 12.30 - (refreshment break half way through). All you need is your own bike, helmet, gloves and water bottle and a shower proof jacket.  Tracey fieldendflyers@gmail.com Harrow Junior Hockey Club (HA1) run sessions for children aged 4- 16 years on Sunday mornings and Tuesday evenings at The John Lyon School Playing Fields, Sudbury Hill, Harrow, Middlesex HA1 3NA.  harrowhcjuniors@outlook.com Hertfordshire Sports Village (AL10) have plenty of activities and sports sessions to keep your children active throughout the year. They cater for all children between the ages of 0 – 17 years and offer everything from swimming lessons, Gymnastics, Mini Movers, Trampolining and Mini Boots.  www.hertssportsvillage.co.uk Ignite Tennis (HA3) Coaching courses for ages 3+ at Kenton Lawn Tennis Club. Junior group coaching is for those who wish to improve their tennis skills with others of a similar age and ability. Each session will cover different aspects of the game and they will relate from one session to the next. All sessions include technical, tactical, physical and mental skills. Contact James  07852 180905  info@ignitetennis.co.uk www.ignitetennis.co.uk Kaishi Karate School runs classes for children and adults in north London. Kaishi has been awarded a Safe guarding kite mark by Sport England. Karate aids self discipline and confidence along with many other benefits. Absolute beginners welcome from age 4-94! See details on www. kaishikarate34.com. Or call Sheena on 0787 550 1674. Little Kickers (Various) Enabling children aged 18mths up to their 7th birthday to develop their coordination, balance and agility through football activity classes Mill Hill, Swiss Cottage, Hampstead, Golders Green, Muswell Hill, Friern Barnet 020 8201 1084  jlevene@littlekickers. co.uk. Ruislip, Northwood/Oxhey, Pinner, Harrow (HA2), Harrow on the Hill and Watford  0208 123 9346  jodiesloan@littlekickers.co.uk or Harrow (HA3) Bushey and North Wembley  0208 422 0676  niro@ littlekickers.co.uk www.littlekickers.co.uk


Local Clubs and Classes Directory SportsKids Academy (WD3 & HA3) SportsKids Academy provide 4 -16 year olds with an exciting and educational sports programme at weekends. We encourage and develop young people to grow as athletes and individuals. We have an extensive programme of team and individual sports as well as weekly team building challenges. All children participate in a wide range of different sports, grow in confidence through leadership skills and have fun making lots of new friends. Their programme includes; American Football, Dodgeball, Handball, Basketball, Rugby, Softball, Gaelic Football, Rounders, Athletics, Cricket, Gymnastics, Tennis, Fencing, Lacrosse, Archery, Netball, Volleyball, Martial Arts, Football, Badminton, Hockey, Orienteering and Golf. 07983392479  sportskids@outlook.com www.sportskidsacademy.co.uk TISKA (HA1/9) Learn the fascinating art of Karate. Classes held in Wembley and Harrow. Families welcome, minimum age 4 yrs. 07739 572487  patel.karate@icloud.com www.tiskakarate-harrow.co.uk Y Active (HA2) New Harrow classes booking now for children and adults at the YMCA. A beautiful studio with free parking and a play garden. Baby, Ballet, Gym, Soft Play and Classes from £4.40. 020 8832 1576  yactive@ymcawestlondon.org www.ymcawestlondon.org

Swimming Aqua Vie are doing regular weekly Tues, Thurs and Sunday Classes in Bushey during term times. Spaces for New babies, toddlers & Adults on Tues and Thurs. Learn mindful effortless swimming in a calm environment in warm water. Use less effort, swim further and experience the joy of water. Email office@aqua-vie.com Tel 01923 245 773 www. Aqua-vie.com Brent Dolphins (NW10/HA0) Swimming lessons for children 5 years and over at Willesden and Vale Farm. Sessions are held in a fun and friendly environment from beginner to competitive swimming level.Further details are available on our website www.brentdolphins.org.uk or you can email our Club Secretary at: info@brentdolphins.org.uk

THEATRE AND PERFORMING ARTS Beverley School of Performing Arts (HA8) After school & Saturday classes in Ballet, Tap, Modern, Jazz, Street, Singing & Drama for boys and girls aged 3-18years. ISTD and LAMDA examinations to advanced level. 07974 750 224  www.beverleydance.co.uk. Future Stars Theatre Arts (various) Drama – Dance – Sing – LAMDA. Future Stars is an established stage school with an outstanding reputation for excellence. They provide fun, fresh and dynamic training in Drama, Dance, Singing and LAMDA taught by the very best in the industry. Ages: 3-18 years. Classes in Stanmore College, Northwood, Aldenham and Radlett. Visit the website to book your FREE TRIAL now! Limited availability! info@ futurestarstheatrearts.co.uk  07912538656  www.futurestars.co.uk Huzzah Performing Arts & Mindfulness Build confidence from the inside out with a Huzzah weekly class. Drama, dance, singing and a touch of mindfulness. Ages 4 - 7. Saturday 1 - 2.20pm in Queen’s Park. Sunday 10 11.30am in West Hampstead. Sign up for a FREE TRIAL  www.huzzahperformingarts.com. Creative, calm, confident kids. JAM2000 Performing Arts & Agency (HA4) Truly like no other, with classes available in dancing and drama from 2.5 years – adults, male and female plus an incredibly busy Agency that is always looking for new recruits for TV, films and commercials. 01895 624755 www.jam2000.co.uk OB1 Theatre School offers affordable classes in singing, drama, dance and musical theatre for students aged 4-18, as well as an accredited musical theatre qualification! Our unique approach to teaching, combined with our small class sizes means that each student is given the training and attention they deserve. Designed to build confidence, encourage creativity and curiosity as well as teamwork. We inspire our students to reach their full potential so they can excel in every aspect of life - not just the performing arts. All The World’s A Stage. Book your free trial/audition in Edgware: 07522405486 / TheatreSchool@OB1.co.uk / www.OB1.co.uk OB1 Vocal & LAMDA Studio (NW7 and SG5) 1:1 private singing lessons with Oren - an award winning singing teacher, as well as 1:1 LAMDA sessions with Georgina, our acting coach. Lessons focus on the individual, enabling students to learn new concepts and technique in a safe and expressive environment. Earn UCAS points through LAMDA exams, build confidence, diction, energy, and expression. Ages 8+ years. We inspire our students to reach their full potential so that they can excel in every aspect of life - not just the performing arts. Lessons in Mill Hill Music Complex and our own studio in Letchworth. VocalStudio@ob1.co.uk www.OB1.co.uk Perform weekly drama, dance and singing classes. Confidence building fun for 4-12s. A unique mix of drama, dance and singing specially formulated to bring out every child’s true potential. Classes are kept small to ensure lots of individual attention. Perform offer no-obligation FREE trial sessions. Venues in Croxley Green, Dartmouth Park, Golders Green, Eastcote, Northwood, Pinner, Harrow, Kensal Rise, Kentish Town, Stanmore, West Hampstead and Wembley. 020 7255 9120 / enquiries@perform.org. uk www.perform.org.uk Jigsaw Performing Arts Schools (Various) A new school year is here - time to try something new with your weekend? their popular dance, singing and drama weekend classes for 3-18-year-olds are designed to develop children’s confidence, self-expression, focus and social skills, while having fun and making lots of new friends. Parents share in the excitement and their children’s progress with regular presentations, shows and reports from their team of highly experienced teachers. For more information or to book a two-week trial, search for your nearest school on their website jigsaw-arts.co.uk or call 020 8447 4530. Sharpe Academy of Theatre Arts (HA1, HA4, HA7, WD3) Performance based theatre school with venues based in Harrow, Rickmansworth, Ruislip and Stanmore where children 3-21 attend weekly classes in preparation for full scale Musical Theatre productions. 01923 437693  www. SharpeAcademy.co.uk


Stagecoach (Various) Training in three disciplines: drama, dance and singing. Great for building confidence, making new friends and beginning to hone talent and enthusiasm for performing, or being coaxed out of their shell by having fun!  Harrow 020 3504 0100 Harrow on the Hill & Sudbury Hill 01923 248 294 Stanmore & Harrow Weald 020 3504 2154 Watford 01727 768 738 Queen’s Park 020 7723 5861 Northwood 01442 263 599  www.stagecoach.co.uk Sylvia Young Theatre School (W1H) A specialist performing arts school offering a high level of academic & vocational studies. The Sylvia Young Theatre School is committed to providing high-quality part time training for students aged 4 to 18 years old. Classes are held on Thursday evenings and Saturdays at their Central London school at 1 Nutford Place, and focus on singing, dance and drama. www.sylviayoungtheatreschool.co.uk Young A Listers (HA0) The UK’s first part-time Self-empowerment Drama School, founded by Actor/Writer/Director Samuell Benta, with an intention to raise young people’s awareness about their personal strengths and power. The school offers the chance for children to pursue a career in acting or simply learn some new skills and build their confidence as a person. Classes every Tues and Thurs at St Johns Community Centre in Wembley. www.youngalisters.com info@YoungAListers.com 07508 031 672

Dance Elina Patrou Academy of Dance (formerly The Van Niekerk Academy) (HA7) Ballet classes to develop poise, technique and expression through dance, for boys and girls aged 3-16 years with Royal Academy of Dance examinations www.elinapatrouacademyofdance.com, elinapatrouacademyofdance@gmail.com 07555861561 Instep School of Ballet (HA/WD) Trains students of all ages and abilities in ballet, tap, pointe and performance. The school offers examinations with the Royal Academy of Dance (ballet) and the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance (tap), and all teachers are fully qualified and registered with the RAD and ISTD. They produce a summer show each year. Classes in Harrow, North Harrow and Bushey.  07814 793 772  instepschoolofballet@ yahoo.co.uk www.instepschoolofballet.co.uk Street Dance Academy (WD3) Every Saturday morning from 11th Jan 2020 at Malvern Way Primary School in Croxley Green. 9.30-10.30am (5-8 yrs); 11am-12pm (9-11 yrs). 12-16 yrs register your interest. 0800 0236 236.  www.streetdanceacademy.co.uk Tartan Tots A fun introduction to Scottish dancing for 3 and 4 year olds. Encourages co-ordination, rhythm and keeping time to music. Experienced and qualified teacher. Saturday mornings in Watford. Classes also in Highland dancing for primary aged children.  07866 295694  shunt@moose.co.uk

ARTS AND CRAFTS Art Classes for Kids (and Adults) in Stanmore (HA7) Drawing, painting and mixed media art classes for children and adults. On-going, small groups Mon–Thurs afternoons and Saturday mornings in Term Time for children from Year 1 up. Weekday morning studio sessions for adults in a relaxed, supportive environment. 020 8954 2897 or 07500 006 099  myartclub@yahoo.co.uk Art and Craft Club (HA5) Term time, Mon 4.30-5.30, Sat 10-11am or 11-12pm at Harrow Arts Centre. New activities introduced every term; drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, sewing, fabric printing and much more! For 5-11yr olds. Materials provided. Qualified teachers. 07946 055 422  info@mysistersandme.co.uk Artzania Art and Craft Activity Club (HA) A new and exciting Arts and Crafts activity club for children ages 1-11 yrs open during term time and holidays. They offer and Mother Toddler Group art club (aged 1-4 yrs) and an After-school/ Holiday Club (ages 5-11yrs) Contact to book your place: Keshma 07419343105  keshma.artzania@gmail.com Blank Canvas Art Club (HA4) Do your kids love Art? Then welcome to the club! Sign them up for these fun classes where I teach art techniques to 5+, 7+ and 11-18 year olds. Weekly term time classes & holiday workshops, with public or small group private options are available in Ruislip Manor & Eastcote. Special member’s benefits, sibling discounts and a refer a friend scheme are available so why not book now & let them develop a love of Art that will last a lifetime! Contact Suzi at 8 blankcanvasartclub@gmail.com, (07773 819 603 8 www.Facebook.com/ BlankCanvasArtClub Messmakers! (HA5) A gentle and fun introduction to creative arts for the very young and their families, with lots of mess and none of the tidying up! Exploring different materials and textures each week. Ages under 5, come dressed for mess! 0208 416 8989  www.harrowarts.com/ family Stitch Club (HA5) Stitch and Sketch Club for children and teens. Start with simple hand sewing then developing sewing machine and design techniques to design and create your own items. Saturday Sketch Club develops looking and drawing skills and confidence. Also parties and one-off workshops. Adults’ weekly Dressmaking sessions and occaisional Beginners workshops.  stitch.club E: sam@stitch.club

AFTER SCHOOL CLUB/EDUCATION SUPPORT Academic Primary School Tuition (HA8 & WD23) in Maths/English or Phonics & Writing for 3.5 to 11 year olds at our Little Big Leaders Saturday School, Summer School and Winter School, in our 8th year of success. Tutors support and challenge pupils to improve their learning, and have a track record in enabling pupils to demonstrate progress in their mainstream setting and/or in 5+, 7+ and 11+ examinations. Childcare vouchers accepted. Free trial lessons. 020 3637 6266  www.littlebigleaders.com

All Saints Pre-School Queensbury (HA8) Free childcare for 2-5 yrs, 15-30 hours. Visit anytime Mon - Fri. Waltham Drive, Queensbury, Edgeware, HA8 5PQ. 07985 284 498/07958 473 475.  allsaintpreschool@hotmail. co.uk www.allsaintpreschool.com The Bite Me Corner (UB3) After-School Cooking and Nutrition programme at Cranford Park Academy. Join us on Wednesday 3:30- 4:30pm and Friday 3:30-5pm. For children aged 7+. Get your children excited about making healthy nutritious snacks that they will be able to recreate independently! Using a combination of organic and commercial produce we make overnight fruity oats, perfect for breakfast next day or Cheesyrice- salad! The list goes on!  Lauri on 07957155421 or  contact@thebitemecorner.com Brownies and Guides (Various) Rainbow, Brownie and Guide Units exist across the area which provide fun activities for girls aged from 5 onwards.  www.girlguiding.org.uk/interested or Peggy Brand 020 8205 7597 Click IT! Computer lessons for Children (HA2) Fun, exciting and educational weekly computer lessons for children aged 2-5. Classes held at nursery schools all over North West London. Have fun learning with technology: mouse and keyboard skills and devices including graphic tablets, trackpads and digital microscopes. Every lesson is designed to complement the EYFS curriculum. Free trials available. 020 8434 7111.  www.clickit-kids.co.uk. wendy@clickit-kids.co.uk. DiscoG Coding Classes and Camps (various) Weekly Coding Programme teaches Primary and Secondary School children the basics of coding. Using the Python Programming Language and the Raspberry Pi 3 your child will create fun and engaging gadgets that spring to life with lights and sensors, and prototyping devices that will ‘amaze and inspire’. Tailored courses written to support the National Curriculum for GCSE and A Levels. Adult courses are also available. Gerard on 07767 300940  info@ discogcodingacademy.com www.discogcodingacademy.com Field End Flyers Saturday Morning Community Cycle Club (HA5) Saturday in Term Time adjacent to Field End Junior School, Field End Road, Eastcote, HA4, for children aged 5 – 11 yrs. Join the friendly team of British Cycling Coaches at 9.15am and learn fun skills, race on the amazing fully enclosed Cycle Track, make new friends and enjoy a whole morning of fun till 11.30 - (refreshment break half way through). All you need is your own bike, helmet, gloves, water bottle and a shower proof jacket.  Contact Tracey at fieldendflyers@gmail.com The Harrow Woodcraft Folk (HA) Elfin group for children, 6 to 9yrs. Parents wishing to join their children should contact the District Secretary; John Woolf: 020 8428 2409 or harrow@woodcraft.org.uk www. harrowwoodcraftfolk.btck.co.uk/HowtoJoin Integratedbrain - Improve Co-ordination for learning! (UB5) Activities to help those with poor co-ordination, dyspraxia, dyslexia or fine motor difficulties. Small groups of 4/5 children working to develop better allround motor integration. Usha Patel 07766 837 616 ushapatel.raviv@gmail.com www.integratedbrain.co.uk Karen Wilkin Tuition (HA) 4+/5+ tuition. One to one, tailor made, handson, fun sessions in the comfort of your home. Experienced Montessori teacher with excellent results in all the top schools. Term time and holiday sessions available. 07887 984 401, wilkin@afrormosia.com Knowledge Above Standard (HA7) Maths, English, Verbal and non-verbal reasoning, 7+, 11+ 13+ exam preparation. 07985 588 085  www.knowledgeabovestandard.co.uk Math’scool Award-winning Maths Tuition plus out-of-lesson homework support. 0333 12 33 445  www.mathscool.com Number Works ‘n’ Words (Eastcote) Maths and English tuition classes which target identified needs to improve achievement levels. They set goals for your child, monitor progress and provide regular progress reports. Cater for all levels from Reception to Year 11.  www. numberworksnwords.co.uk The Play Shelter After School Club Malorees Infant & Junior Schools (NW6) - 3.30pm-6pm term time. Play schemes available out of term-time. 0207 407 6744. admin@theplayshelter.co.uk www.theplayshelter.co.uk Pinner Tuition Centre (Pinner) After school and Sat tuition for Reception to Year 11 by fully qualified teachers. Tuition in Maths, Reading, Spelling, Writing, SATS, 11+ and GCSE. Free assessment. Ofsted Registered.  www.pinnertuitioncentre.co.uk Raviv Practice London (UB5) Catch up reading course. Improve reading age by 1 year in 3 months of home based work. The computer interventions is similar to having a tutor in your home with daily monitoring and feed back. Usha Patel on 07766 837 616  info@ ravivpracticelondon.co.uk (registered therapist) Susan Daughtrey Education (SDE) SW Herts courses are based on more than 25 years experience preparing students for 11+ tests.  020 7683 0734  www.sdeuk.org/swherts Type IT! - Touch Typing Lessons for Children (HA2) Learn to touch type! Weekly lessons and intensive holiday courses for children from age 8-18. Highly recommended for children with dyslexia. Classes are held at their office in Harrow on the Hill, HA2 0JT. Free trials available. Adult classes also available.  020 8434 7111.  wendy@touchtypeit.co.uk www. touchtypeit.co.uk

Families North West London 11

What’s On

What’s On

listings for all the family Compiled by Anna Blackshaw

To promote your local event, coffee morning, nearly new sale, parenting courses or community group in the next What’s On listing (March/April 2020 issue) send your entry by 1 Feb 2020. Email Listings@FamiliesNWLondon.co.uk. Listings in this section are FREE for most non-commercial ventures. Please check details of the events before setting off in case anything has changed since going to print.

www.FamiliesOnline.co.uk for all our local weekly regular events. It’s updated every day! What’s On Jan/Feb 2020 - Issue 133


Fri 3 Jan - Pantomime Pandemonium (UB10) Get into the pantomime spirit with games and activities inspired by the Great British pantomime, in this hour-long session at Oak Farm Library from 3pm. Suitable for ages 6 to 10. Free event - no need to book. www.hillingdontheatres.uk Sat 4 – Sun 5 Jan - Woolly Jumpers (SE10) Boing and bounce a fluffy sheep made with wool just like the stuff Cutty Sark used to carry all the way from Australia! 11:30am-1:30pm and 2-4pm at Cutty Sark. www.rmg.co.uk Wed 8 Jan - Bach to Baby Family Concert (NW3) Bach to Baby is the acclaimed concert series for the whole family to enjoy together. Featuring outstanding musicians and exhilarating performances in inspiring venues right on your doorstep. 10.30am at Hampstead Burgh House. www.bachtobaby.com Sat 11 Jan & Fri 7 Feb – Dino Snores for Kids (SW7) Ever wonder what happens in the Museum when everyone’s gone home? The night begins as you set up camp in one of the Museum’s spectacular galleries, and there will be plenty to learn and discover during your stay at the Museum. Stalk the galleries as night descends and find T. rex in hidden in shadows. At midnight, it’s time to settle down to sleep. For ages 7-11. www.nhm.ac.uk

Paediatric First Aid Courses

Imagine Children’s Festival 12-23 Feb Fri 17 – Sun 19 Jan - London Model Engineering Exhibition (N22) Now in its 24th year, the popular exhibition returns to the iconic Alexandra Palace. This leading exhibition for model engineers continues to enthral visitors and enthusiasts alike with thousands of scale models from the early age of steam engines right up to today’s modern marvels. There will be plenty of ‘hands on’ activities for children to participate in, from creating a large LEGO mosaic at the Fairy Bricks stand to taking part in model experiments at the Imagineering Foundation stand science lab or even a treasure hunt! www.londonmodelengineering.co.uk Mon 20 Jan - Tiny Troopers: Posters (SW3) Take your little ones to the toddlers’ session at the National Army Museum, perfect for ages 2 to 4. Sing, play and create with your little one - each time, Tiny Troopers will have a different theme, with this session being inspired by Army posters. Sessions start at 10am and 11.20am, and last approximately 45 minutes. www.nam.ac.uk Sat 25 Jan - Chinese New Year (SE10) Visit the National Maritime Museum and celebrate the Year of the Rat. This

family-friendly day will include make and take craft workshops, stories, performances, and a traditional Lion Dance. www.rmg.co.uk Sat 25 Jan - Tiny Groovers: A Day-Time Party for Under 5s and their Adults (E2) Visit the V&A Museum of Childhood to let loose and stomp your feet with your Tiny Groovers. Dance away the January blues and enjoy a DJ set from Mr Manic of Lucky Dip Disco and the surreal and spectacular storytelling from The No-Shamen. Other activities include a movement session with a contemporary dancer, arts activities and sensory experiences for babes. 1-3pm. www.vam.ac.uk/moc Sat 25 Jan - Inventors of Tomorrow Family Workshop (W11) Are you looking for some quality family learning? Enjoy fun for the whole family at the Museum of Brands as you experiment, learn and explore the world of technology, with the unique Inventors of Tomorrow workshop in collaboration with tech toy experts, Big Clown. 2-3pm. amy@museumofbrands.com www.museumofbrands.com

BOOK NOW! Harrow on the Hill Suitable for Ofsted Registration. Includes some home study.

Certificate valid for 3 years Cost = £85 Contact Margaret at mcstraining@hotmail.co.uk or on 07814 191 395 for bookings

12 Families North West London


What’s On Sat 25 Jan - Burns Night Ceilidh at Cutty Sark (SE10) A traditional Scottish night of music and dancing, featuring a bagpiper and readings from Robbie Burn’s Tam O Shanter, for which Cutty Sark is named. Indulge in a dinner of haggis, neeps and tatties with the official ‘address to the haggis’. Ages 18+. www.rmg.co.uk Sat 25 – Mon 27 Jan - The Big Garden Birdwatch (various) Get your garden ready - and be part of something HUGE! The Big Garden Birdwatch is the world’s largest wildlife survey – all you need to do is register then count the birds you see in your garden or local park. ww2.rspb.org.uk Sun 26 Jan - Family Workshop: Brave and Bold (NW1) Listen to tales of rebellious children in this playful family workshop at the British Library. Inspired by the exhibition, Marvellous and Mischievous: Literature’s Young Rebels, join storyteller Olivia Armstrong for stories of young heroes from across the world. Discover how our rebels find courage, conquer dragons and learn just how strong they can be! Then, take part in story-making games. 11am & 2pm. Suitable for ages 5 – 11 years. www.bl.uk Thu 30 Jan – Thu 26 Mar – Effective Parenting (HA1) A course for every parent with a child aged 3-12 years. This 8 week programme is aimed at helping parents and carers learn practical communication skills for everyday life and develop their abilities to bring up confident, happy and co-operative children. Every Thurs (exc 20th Feb) from 7-9pm at Hope Harrow. 020 8863 7319 info@hopeharrow.org.uk www.hopeharrow.org.uk What’s On Jan/Feb 2020 - Issue 133


Sat 1 Feb – Mum2Mum Sale Harrow (HA3) Buy quality preloved baby and children’s goods at a fraction of the high street price. Sell your outgrown baby and kids stuff to other mums & keep 100% of the proceeds. Sale takes place at Weald Rise Primary School, Harrow Weald. For further information email harrow@mum2mummarket.co.uk www.mum2mummarket.co.uk Sat 1 Feb - Northwood Craft Market (HA6) A variety of beautiful handmade crafts to browse and buy. Takes place at the Methodist Church Hall in Northwood from 10am-2pm. Entrance is free. northwoodcraftmarket@hotmail.co.uk Sat 1 Feb - Celebrate Chinese Culture Show (WD17) Produced in collaboration with Watford Chinese Association, Watford Palace Theatre present an evening of Chinese culture to welcome in the Year of the Rat. Go along from 5pm for activities in the Café - with the show beginning at 6pm. www.watfordpalacetheatre.co.uk Sun 2 Feb - Cheeki Monkeys Baby & Children’s Christmas Market Rickmansworth (WD3) Family Fun Day/ Indoor Pop-up Baby & Children’s Market at Mill End Community Centre, Church Lane, Rickmansworth, WD3 8HD, 2-4pm. Adult £1, Kids FREE. Pre-Loved, Craft, Business, Entertainment, Charity Stalls. Buy/Sell children toys, clothes, equipment. Goody Bags for the first 50 visitors. Facebook @CheekiMonkeysRickmansworthandWatford www. cheekimonkeys.co.uk Wed 12 – Sun 23 Feb - Imagine Children’s Festival (SE1) Southbank Centre presents the nineteenth Imagine Children’s Festival in February 2020. The largest festival of its kind in the UK, Imagine is dedicated to families experiencing and enjoying all kinds of art and culture together, presenting twelve days of the best international performance, music, literature, comedy, creativity, parties, participation and free fun for children aged 0-11 and their grownups. www.southbankcentre.co.uk


Cheeki Monkeys Market 2 Feb Sat 15 Feb - Hands-on: hats and helmets (SW3) Explore Army headgear in this tactile event for children who are visually impaired, partially sighted or blind at the National Army Museum. Join storyteller Giles Abbott to hear all about what happened when two armies met. Get your fingers on real helmets from the handling collection, then use different materials to make and test your own. www.nam.ac.uk Sat 15 – Sun 16 Feb - Rapunzel Immersion Theatre proudly presents a witty, tongue-in-cheek retelling of the family favourite complete with a laugh out loud script, catchy songs, heaps of audience interaction, and an exciting array of magical characters which include a wickedly boo-able witch, a clumsy Prince, and a feisty Princess with the longest hair you’re ever likely to come across! Magic and mayhem throughout and a chance to meet the characters after the show, this is one hair-raising adventure you won’t want to miss! Ages 4+ www.immersiontheatre.co.uk/rapunzel-2020 Sat 15, Mon 17, Wed 19 & Sat 22 Feb - Story Seekers (SE1) This half term, families can learn about the global impact of conflict, from the First World War and Second World War to today at IWM London. They can get hands-on with real artefacts and explore some of the most interesting and unusual stories of conflict, from people who braved shark-infested waters to ingenious nurses and those who built new machines for conflict. www.iwm.org.uk Sat 15 – Sun 23 Feb - London Puddle Jumping Championships (SW13) This half term take your friends and family and see who can make the biggest splash at the Puddle Jumping Championships at WWT London. Take your wellies and wet weather gear and see if you can complete the Puddle Jumping obstacle course! Make sure to check out the other splash-tastic fun activities on offer for a brilliant day out. www.wwt.org.uk Sat 15 & 22 Feb - Ship Shape Saturdays (SE1) All hands on deck! The whole family is invited to help keep the iconic warship, HMS Belfast, in tip-top condition. Visitors to Ship Shape Saturdays can drop in and learn about what it takes to conserve HMS Belfast, the largest object in IWM’s collection. Alongside expert conservators, visitors will put their learning into practice as they work through specially assigned tasks searching for hungry insect pests and caring for fabrics with specialised tools. www.iwm.org.uk

Sat 15 – Sun 23 Feb – Brick Week (SL4) For the first time, families will be welcomed to the LEGOLAND® Windsor Resort for February half term to celebrate Brick Week. This special event will feature 20 awesome rides and attractions to enjoy and exclusive brick building activities for all the family. www.legoland.co.uk Mon 17 Feb - Pre-film Workshop: Make Your Own Genie Lamp (HA5) Create a lamp fit for a genie in this crafty workshop led by Joni-Rae Carrack at Harrow Arts Centre. Decorate your own genie lamp to keep all your wishes and dreams in before watching Aladdin on the big screen! Participants must be booked onto the screening of Aladdin film to attend. Starts at 10am, £3. www.harrowarts.com Mon 17 Feb - Aladdin (HA5) Live action remake of the classic 1990’s Disney animation showing at Harrow Arts Centre at 11am. Tickets are £4 each. www.harrowarts.com Mon 17 Feb - Sea Legs (SE1) This new interactive STEM family activity at HMS Belfast will explore the science and ingenuity needed to keep the ship and her crew afloat. Families will be taken back to 1942, three years after HMS Belfast hit a magnetic mine – and will have to inspect the ship and find out if everything is shipshape and ready to go. 11am-3pm. www.iwm.org.uk Mon 17 – Wed 19 Feb - The Ice Queen: February half-term fun for 4–10s (HA5) Perform are celebrating the release of Frozen 2 with a glittering drama, dance and singing adventure, returning to icy Arendelle with Elsa, Anna and friends. With original music, colourful costumes and a dazzling performance, this is the coolest half-term treat. 10am to 3pm each day at St Luke’s Parish Hall in Pinner. www.perform.org.uk/icequeen 020 7255 9120 enquiries@perform.org.uk Mon 17 – Thu 20 Feb - Enjoy-a-Ball October Camp (various) Sports coaching for 3-9 yr olds in a fun, positive and non-competitive environment. Ten ball sports for the perfect introduction to sport. We also have Enjoy-a-ball 3-9 year olds and Physi-ball classes - Ball skills and core skills for toddlers aged 18mths to 3 yrs. Classes run in Mill HIll, Finchley, Golders Green and Muswell Hill. 0333 334 0845 or 07763746886 www.enjoy-a-ball.com northlondon@ enjoy-a-ball.com

Families North West London 13

What’s On

Imagine Children’s Festival 12-23 Feb Mon 17 – Thu 20 Feb Hillingdon Archives presents Toy Exhibition (UB8) Join the Hillingdon Local Studies team at Uxbridge Library during the half term holiday for fun activities and a closer look at some of the historic toys in their collection. Open from 8am to 8pm, free entry. www.hillingdontheatres.uk Mon 17 – Fri 21 Feb - Fun Fest Holiday Club Watford at Cassiobury Junior School (WD18) Fun Fest Holiday Club is different because it offers children a choice about how they spend their holidays. With a menu of exciting activities to choose from every morning and afternoon, children can plan their own individual holiday programme and develop social and physical skills. Fun Fest Holiday Club is Ofsted registered for children from 3 years and run by qualified and experienced childcare practitioners along with sports coaches and enthusiastic students. Mon 17 – Fri 21 Feb - Intensive English, Maths and Science Group Tuition (HA8) For children aged 3.5 - 16 years, taking place at London Academy HA8 8DE, from 9am - 1.20pm. Contact Little Big Leaders on 020 3637 6266 or at info@littlebigleaders.com Mon 17 – Fri 21 Feb - Half Term at the Bunker (UB10) Visit the Battle of Britain Bunker for half term family fun, including creative workshops and daily family-friendly tours of the bunker. Last admission 3.30pm. www.battleofbritainbunker.co.uk/ Mon 17 – Fri 21 Feb - Family Mission: D-Day Edition (SE1) Families are invited to pick up a Kit Bag and learn more about the crew who served on board HMS Belfast 75 years ago on D-Day. Teams will work together to find hidden messages, predict the weather for sailing, discover ship life and crack Morse code. Created in partnership with KIT Theatre and Kirsty Harris, this interactive storytelling experience is based on personal stories from those who took part in the biggest invasion in history. Daily, 10am-2pm. www.iwm.org.uk Mon 17 – Fri 21 Feb Documentary Challenge (SE1) Visitors can make and feature in their own mini-documentary, choosing which stories are too important to be kept inside the museum at IWM London. This hands-on activity gives visitors the chance to have their say and share stories ranging from spies to bomb shelters and from refugees to ration books. Documentary filmmakers at SMASH TV will guide families in creating their documentary which will be available to download afterwards. www.iwm.org.uk Tue 18 Feb - Pre-film Workshop: Fit for a King Mask Workshop (HA5) Join the lions of the Pride Lands by making your very own lion mask at Harrow Arts Centre! Get your paws on some crafty materials and learn to make a roar-some mask

14 Families North West London

with crafty maker Joni-Rae Carrack. Participants must be booked onto the screening of The Lion King film to attend. www.harrowarts.com Tue 18 Feb - The Lion King (HA5) Live action remake of the classic 1990s Disney animation showing at Harrow Arts Centre at 11am. Tickets £4 each. www.harrowarts.com Tue 18 & Thu 20 Feb - We Were There: Meet Veterans and Eyewitnesses (SE1) This February half term, visitors to IWM London will have a very special opportunity to meet war veterans and eyewitnesses, including those who lived through the Second World War, the Cold War and the Korean and Falkland Wars, to hear their personal stories of conflict. Veterans will recount tales of their wartime life, giving visitors first-hand insights into the impact of war on people’s lives. www.iwm.org.uk Wed 19 Feb - Relaxed Late Opening: Bank of England Museum (EC2R) A free event for adults and children with autism or other sensory and communication difficulties. Enjoy the museum displays in the evening from 5.30-7.30pm when it’s quieter. Places are limited so you need to book at least two weeks in advance. Phone on 020 3461 5545 (Monday to Friday) between 9am and 11am or between 4pm and 5pm, or email at education@ bankofengland.co.uk. Thu 20 – Sun 23 Feb – VidCon London (E16) VidCon is the world’s largest event for fans, creators, executives and brands who are passionate about online video and building diverse communities. Taking place at the exCel, the festival is the place for kids and pre-teens to meet their favourite creators and YouTubers, as well as experience fan Q&As, panels, workshops and meet and greets. www.vidconlondon.com Sun 23 Feb - The Greatest Showman: Singalong (UB10) A bold and original musical film that celebrates the birth of show business and the sense of wonder we feel when dreams come to life. Go along to this singalong screening of the film at the Compass Theatre, featuring the songs A Million Dreams, Come Alive and This is Me. www.hillingdontheatres.uk Sat 29th Feb – Mum2Mum Market Hillingdon (HA4) At Eastcote Community Centre- Oak Hall, Southbourne Gardens, Eastcote, HA4 9SQ, from 2-4pm. www.mum2mummarket.co.uk hillingdon@ mum2mummarket.co.uk Sun 1 – Tue 31 Mar Storytelling Festival (various) Hillingdon Libraries’ first-ever Storytelling Festival takes place throughout March 2020 and will bring together; World Book Day, Shakespeare Week and World Storytelling Day, along with a whole host of events and activities for all ages. www.hillingdon.gov.uk/culturebite


What’s On

What’s On Children’s Theatre We couldn’t fit them all in! More online www.FamiliesOnline.co.uk

Compiled by Anna Blackshaw

We aim to be as accurate as possible, but these listings are compiled several weeks beforehand and may be subject to change. Please check with the venue directly before setting out.

Compass Theatre Glebe Avenue, Ickenham UB10 01895 673 0200 www.hillingdontheatres.uk

Sat 22 Feb - Pirate Pete and Princess Polly Join the Teddies Music Club team LIVE onstage for this entertaining and interactive, professional children’s theatre show. Singalong on an adventure with Pirate Pete and Princess Polly - you could even go dressed as a Pirate or Princess. Ages 1-6 yrs

Harrow Arts Centre Hatch End HA5 0208 416 8989 www.harrowarts.com

Thu 30 Jan - Bring Your Own Baby Comedy Bring Your Own Baby Comedy is the UK’s top baby friendly comedy club! All shows feature the funniest comedy stars from the circuit and TV and you can bring your baby! Soft flooring, toys, buggy parking and baby changing are provided, so that your baby is happy and you can relax, have a coffee (or a cheeky G & T if you prefer!) and be entertained! Sat 22 – Sun 23 Feb - Oliver! The streets of Victorian England come to life as Oliver becomes the neglected apprentice of an undertaker. Oliver escapes to London and finds acceptance amongst a group of petty thieves and pickpockets led by the elderly Fagin. When Oliver is captured for a theft that he did not commit Mr. Brownlow takes him in. Fearing the safety of his hideout, Fagin employs the sinister Bill Sikes and the sympathetic Nancy to kidnap him back, threatening Oliver’s chances of discovering the true love of a family. Join the students of Sharpe Academy as they present this musical theatre masterpiece and bring these classic characters to life.

Pump House Lower Watford High Street, Watford WD17 01923 241 362 www.pumphouse.info

Thu 20 – Sat 22 Feb - Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat One of the most enduring shows of all time, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is a re-imagining of the Biblical story of Joseph, his father Jacob, eleven brothers and the coat of many colours. The magical musical is full of catchy songs in a variety of styles, from a parody of French ballards (“Those Canaan Days”), to country-western (“One More Angel in Heaven”) and calypso (Benjamin Calypso”), along with the unforgettable classics “Any Dream Will Do” and “Close Every Door”.

The Radlett Centre 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, WD7 01923 859291 www.radlettcentre.co.uk

Thu 6 – Sat 8 Feb - Room on the Broom Jump on board the broom with the witch and her cat in Tall Stories’ fun-filled adaptation of Room on the Broom, the best-selling picture book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. The witch and her cat are travelling on their broomstick when they pick up some hitch-hikers – a friendly dog, a beautiful green bird and a frantic frog. But this broomstick’s not meant for five and – CRACK – it snaps in two... just as the hungry dragon appears! Will there ever be room on the broom for everyone? Find out in the magical Olivier Award nominated show. Ages 3+ Wed 19 – Sat 22 Feb - Peter Pan: A Musical Adventure Join Peter and the Darling family on a magical adventure as they are whisked away to Neverland! With a spectacular mix of swashbuckling adventure and magical storytelling, Peter Pan is guaranteed to bring forth one’s inner child, and send you reeling “Just Beyond the Stars.” Sat 29 Feb - Unbelievable Science Morgan & West present captivating chemistry, phenomenal physics, familiesonline.co.uk

Sat 14 – Sun 15 Mar - Zog - Watford Colosseum

and bonkers biology in this fun for all the family science extravaganza! Expect explosive thrills, chemical spills and a risk assessment that gives their stage manager chills, all backed up by the daring duo’s trademark wit, charm and detailed knowledge of the scientific method. Leave your lab coats at the door it’s time for Unbelievable Science! Ages 7+

Watersmeet High St, Rickmansworth WD3 01923 711 063 www.watersmeet.co.uk

Thu 23 – Sat 25 Jan - Oliver! The streets of Victorian England come to life as Oliver, a malnourished orphan in a workhouse, becomes the neglected apprentice of an undertaker. Consider yourself at home with Lionel Bart’s classic musical based on Charles Dickens’ novel, Oliver Twist. The Tony and Oliver Award-winning show performed by the talented young cast of RARE Productions is one of the few musicals to win an Academy Award for Best Picture and is widely hailed as a true theatrical masterpiece by actors and audience members alike. Sun 9 Feb - Snow Queen When Kai is abducted to the Snow Queen’s frozen palace, his best friend Gerda sets out to rescue him… but will she reach the Snow Queen before it’s too late? Anton Benson Productions are proud to present a magical new adaptation of the timeless Hans Christian Andersen story that inspired Frozen, brought to life by an ensemble of actor-musicians, illusion and puppetry. A magical theatre experience for all the family. Ages 5+

Watford Palace Theatre Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 01923 225 671 www.watfordpalacetheatre.co.uk

Wed 19 Feb - Disgusting Songs for Revolting Children Jay Foreman is an award winning musical comedian whose songs have been heard on BBC Radio 4, Radio 4 Extra, The One Show, London Live TV and Dave Gorman’s UK/Ireland tour. Jay provides a devilishly cheeky hour of songs, poems and comedy for children of all ages in this family friendly show which regularly sells out its entire runs at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

Fri 21 – Sat 22 Feb - Shark in the Park Timothy Pope is looking through his telescope –but wait, is that a Shark, in the Park!? From the creative team behind ‘The Hairy Maclary show’ - see all 3 of Nick Sharratt’s ‘Shark in the Park’ books live on Stage!

Watford Colosseum Rickmansworth Road Watford WD17 0845 075 3993 www.watfordcolosseum.co.uk

Sat 14 – Sun 15 Mar - Zog Large in size, and keen in nature, Zog is so eager to win a golden star at Madam Dragon’s school, where dragons learn all the things that dragons need to know. Zog tries so very hard, perhaps too hard, and he bumps, burns and roars his way through years one, two and three. Luckily, the plucky Princess Pearl patches him up ready to face his biggest challenge yet…a duel with knight, Sir Gadabout the Great! The smash-hit stage adaptation from Freckle Productions promises to be bigger, brighter and more roar-some than ever before - a magical production for all ages.

Winston Churchill Theatre Pinn Way Ruislip HA4 01895 250615 www.hillingdontheatres.uk

Thu 16 – Sun 19 Jan - Robin Hood: The Panto Join Robin Hood and his band of merry outlaws as they battle against the evil Sheriff of Nottingham. Complete with songs, dances and thrilling adventure, Robin Hood: The Panto features characters you already know and love and introduces some new favourites. Join Argosy Players in the Greenwood for great family fun!


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