Families West London October 2018 magazine

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How thinking skills can equip your child The benefits of boredom School open day dates Half term workshops

Issue 124 October 2018


In this issue...

This is our “extra” issue - we decided to bring out an extra magazine in October as this is the time when the search for schools is in full swing. There is lots of useful info for you packed in these pages if you trying to make this important decision. But of course, there’s lots more. October means it is nearly time for a break and West London doesn’t disappoint. There is so much going on this half term your little ones will be spoilt for choice. And at the end we bring you a list of the best places in West London to see the fireworks. Enjoy!


News & Views

14 Diary Dates

Thinking Skills What’s on in Coping with STRESS 16 West London School Open Day 6 19 Half Term listings Workshops 10 School News 20 Classified ads and Party listings The benefits of 12 boredom! 4

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Education linked to short-sightedness

The longer a person spends in education the more short-sighted they are likely to become, according to a recent large scale study. Researchers based at the University of Bristol and Cardiff University conducted a study of 68,000 participants’ education, sight and genetic information. The study proves that education is a "causal risk factor" for short sight (myopia). Cardiff University's Prof Jez Guggenheim, from the school of optometry and vision sciences, said “Myopia develops mainly during school years and then tends to stabilise in adulthood.” In some Asian countries like Singapore, South Korea and China, where there are intensive education pressures including homework at pre-school level, as many as 90% of people are short-sighted by the time they leave school at 18. Half of these children are already myopic by the end of primary school, compared to 10 per cent of British children. However, it remains unclear how exactly education impacts a child's eyesight. One finding was that spending more time outdoors protects children against the development of myopia. Another was, near-work activities such as reading contribute to myobpia, although not to the same extent as lack of time outside. Find more info at: www.bmj.com

Reading charity to reach more struggling readers across England than ever before

With the new academic year well under way, national reading charity Beanstalk is stepping up its search for volunteers to help reach more children than ever before with its potentially life-changing reading support programmes. Volunteers are needed nationwide to join Beanstalk’s network of trained reading helpers to help deliver vital one-to-one support to children aged 3 to 13 who are at risk of falling behind at school without intervention. Beanstalk works to close the gap between struggling readers and their peers by providing trained volunteers who support and encourage children on a one-to-one basis in local early years and primary school settings. The increasing number of schools requesting Beanstalk volunteers and the addition of a new early years programme aimed at tackling the word gap among children aged three-five, means more volunteers are urgently needed in readiness for delivering Beanstalk’s programmes in the coming months. If you think you could make a really meaningful difference as a Beanstalk reading helper or a Story Starter volunteer then please get in touch with them on 0845 450 0301. www.beanstalkcharity.org.uk

Lemon Tree and St Matthew’s Montessori schools based in Ealing Broadway offering both full day care (8.00am-6.00pm) and term time (9.15am-3.15am) for children aged from 1.5 years to 5 years old. We offer French, Ballet, Yoga, Drama and PE inclusive of fees. Full and part time sessions available. Qualified and experienced teachers offer a high standard of learning, nurturing and care.

Lemon Tree Montessori: 07495 898 760 (Full Day Care) St Matthew’s Montessori: 07856 364153 (Term Time) Website: www.lemontreemontessori.com

2 Families west London

October 2018


News & Views Should you help with homework?

Mummy MOT

Leaking, incontinence, tummy gaps and pelvic pain may be common but they’re not normal and you don’t have to suffer in silence! Whether you gave birth 6 weeks or 6 years ago, The Mummy MOT is a unique postnatal one-stop-assessment and treatment programme created by top UK women’s health specialist Maria Elliott. It includes a full body assessment and provides bespoke exercises to restore your core and pelvic floor, helping full postnatal recovery. She is also the first practitioner in the UK to offer the new PelviPower™ Therapy Chair! It painlessly helps to heal your pelvic pain, strengthen your pelvic floor and restore your core, while sitting down and without even taking your clothes off! With practices in central London, Richmond and Queen’s Tennis Club there’s somewhere convenient wherever you live. More information at: http://mariaelliottphysiotherapy services.co.uk/ to book appointments: https://maria-elliottphysiotherapy.cliniko. com/bookings#location


When your children settle down to do homework, do you keep close tabs on them and routinely offer to help? Or is your approach more hand’s off? Researchers from Finland have found that although most homework assistance aims at helping the child, one approach is much better at instilling persistence. The study looked at children aged from 8 to 11 years and found that when parents offered opportunities for their child to work independently that the child demonstrated an increased ability to work persistently on his or her school assignments when tested 12 months later. However, when parents provided concrete assistance to their child, the less task-persistent the child’s behaviour later became. This in turn, made parents offer more and more help. “One possible explanation is that when a parent gives a child the opportunity to do homework autonomously, this sends out a message that they believe in their child's skills and capabilities. This, in turn, makes the child believe in him or herself, and in his or her skills and capabilities,” Associate Professor, Jaana Viljaranta from the University of Eastern Finland explained. Similarly, concrete homework assistance especially if not requested by a child - may send out a message that a parent doesn't believe in their child's ability to do their homework. • Dynamic • Innovative When a parent offers the child an opportunity • Effective • Native Female for autonomous working, the child will work perTeacher (& mother of 3!) sistently, which leads to better development of skills. If, however, a parent’s homework assistance involves plenty of concrete help, the child will work less persistently, leading to poorer development of skills. It is important for parents to take their child’s needs into consideration when offering homework assistance. Of course, parents should offer concrete help when their child clearly needs it. However, concrete help is not something that should be made automatically available in every situation “Only when needed,” Viljaranta said. More info at: www.sciencedaily.com

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October 2018

Families west London 3

How thinking skills can equip your child for the future

What jobs will be available to my child when the time comes for them to enter the employment market? It’s a worry for every parent. Artificial Intelligence will ‘kill off’ five million jobs by 2020, according to some of the more alarmist headlines. While AI threatens hundreds of thousands of jobs in the retail and administration sectors, top professions such as the law and medicine are also set to be transformed by the ‘march of the robots.’

So how can we help our children to future-proof their skills? In the world of education, the speed at which the robots are advancing has poured more fuel on to the debate about the value of learning by rote. Are schools, under enormous pressure from government to deliver everbetter exam grades, responding by priming a generation of students simply to remember, recall and regurgitate facts just as the need for those skills is being usurped by Siri and Alexa? Surely, if we want our children to succeed in a future where so many jobs will be dominated by automation, we should educate them with skills unique to human beings? So, what are those uniquely human skills, and where can your child learn them? What do we as a species have going for us that the computers don’t and are unlikely to for at least a while?

One of our most important is cognitive - or thinking - skills. Back in the 1950s a US psychologist called Benjamin Bloom devised his now-famous hierarchy of thinking. This ‘pyramid of thought’ classifies thinking according to six cognitive levels of complexity. It is increasingly relevant today. 4 Families west London

According to Bloom’s hierarchy, the least complex (lower order) thinking skills such as recalling information form the base of the pyramid and the most complex (higher order) skills, such as creativity, sit at the peak. Put simply, the higher up the pyramid you go, the safer you are from the rising tide of the machines.

Thinking Schools, at which these higher-order skills are taught, can be found all over the world, including in Dubai, Lithuania, Norway, New Zealand, Egypt, Nigeria and Thailand. In Malaysia, the government has looked to introduce the Thinking Schools model in 10,000 public schools. In Britain, too, there is a new enthusiasm for schools where these skills form the basis of teaching. There is growing recognition that Thinking Schools drive the type of unique thinking skills and intelligent learning behaviours that we all need in an increasingly technological world. Much of education has shifted too far towards pure recall and regurgitation of fact.

But thinking skills are not an education programme; they are an attitude to learning.

In a Thinking School: all members share a common language of learning; thinking strategies and tools are used across the curriculum and teachers and students have sound understanding of metacognition; all students are developing and demonstrating independent and co-operative learning skills; there are high levels of achievement and an excitement and enthusiasm for learning.

Typically, in a Thinking School you will see pupils working with ‘map’-like visual tools which help children to understand their

thinking processes and ultimately to create, understand, problem-solve and persist with tasks rather than merely regurgitate answers.

Recent research has shown that attending an accredited Thinking School can improve pupils’ GCSE results by as much as a grade above what they were originally predicted. Accredited Thinking Schools have been rigorously assessed by Exeter University’s Cognitive Education Development Unit to ensure that they meet strict criteria and a list of them can be found at: http://www.socialsciences. exeter.ac.uk/education/thinking schools/accreditation/accredited schools/ Should your child not be at an accredited school, you can still access the Thinking Matters approach to education used by Thinking Schools. Cog-Ignition

October 2018

(www.cog-ignition.com) works directly with families, and use ‘cognitive coaches’ who work one-to-one to develop the thinking skills, attitudes and interpersonal skills needed to succeed at school and far beyond.

We don’t have to think of machines purely as a threat. They are, after all, our own creation. The key is to develop the intelligences and skills to get them to work for us!

Dr David Walters is Deputy Principal of a secondary school in the South West and an Honorary Fellow, Exeter University Graduate School of Education. Thinking Matters works with schools all over the country which want to become Thinking Schools. For further information, visit: www.thinkingmatters.com


Helping your child cope with STRESS

Stress in primary school children has risen to worrying levels according to school leaders. 78% of school primary teachers in a recent survey reported a general increase in stress and anxiety among primary pupils.

According to the report by the website, Key, a national school support service, 27% of teachers surveyed attributed the increase in anxiety and stress to tests and 37% to social media. Thankfully MPs have finally acknowledged the adverse side-effects of SATs and have proposed eliminating them for seven year olds by 2023. The government has also committed £300 million to improve young people’s mental health. Many educationalists argue that this is too little, far too late. With evidence of self-harm, eating disorders and stress being on the increase in schools, what should we as parents be doing to help our kids feel less stressed? Get Talking According to a poll run by Time to


Change, 55% of families do not openly discuss mental health. Katie Buckingham from the social enterprise, Altruist Enterprises (altruistuk.com) believes families should talk more about their problems. She believes the first step to combating this problem is to simply start a conversation.

Here are Katie’s six tips (think APPLES) when you talk to your child: Approach casually: mention well-known celebs like Adele who openly discuss their issues Positivity: avoid negative language Patience: no one likes to be pressured Listen carefully: ask open-ended rather than leading questions Encourage: your children to pursue things they love Support: seek extra help if you feel it’s needed.

Create a Healthy Routine Dr. Riccardo Di Cuffa, Director, and GP at Your Doctor (www.yourdoctor.co.uk) says that having a healthy routine can help combat

stress, particularly when your child is making the transition to a new school or starting the new school year. Here’s what is important:

Get Enough Sleep Sleep improves our memory, sharpens our attention span and helps us maintain a healthy weight. Avoiding gadgets an hour before bed and doing more relaxing activities such as reading or having a bath can make all the difference to the quality of your child’s sleep.

Always Eat Breakfast Make sure your child starts the day with a nutritious and healthy meal to set them up for a full day. This will boost their energy and can also improve memory and decrease stress levels.

Check-in with your Child If your child seems stressed, for instance, if they are not sleeping well, not eating well, behaving more emotionally than usual or are less interactive or more clingy, you need to get them to talk and not bottle up their feelings and

October 2018

By Claire Winter worries. Set aside a time when you and they are not too tired, like on the walk to school, or after you’ve eaten your evening meal and ask them how they are really feeling.

Exercise Getting regular exercise can reduce stress. Try to walk to walk to school with your child, visit a playground or park on the way home or get out for a walk at the weekend. Encourage your child to participate in a sporting or physical activity which will build exercise into their schedule automatically.

Anxiety and stress can be selfperpetuating, your child is anxious so only focusses on the things in their life that are causing them to feel stressed. Encourage them to have a positive outlook but also allow them to voice their fears.If you help teach your child about resilience and how to cope with the tough times, as well as the good ones, you will be teaching them a great skill for life. If you are concerned about your child, please make sure you seek help from a medical professional.

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School Open Day Dates School Address Eaton Square Upper School 106 Piccadilly, Mayfair W1J 7NL

Age 11-18

Dates 16 Oct, 21 Nov

Contact details www.eatonsquareupper.school registrar@eatonsquaremayfair.com

Portland Place School


1 Nov 5-7pm 17 Nov 10am-12noon Tours: 3 Oct, 5, 13. 28 Nov

020 7307 8700 www.portland-place.co.uk admin@portland-place.co.uk

Southbank International School 63-65 Portland Place, W1B 1QR (Westminster Campus)


21 Nov 9.30-11am. By appointment

020 7243 3803 www.southbank.org admissions@southbank.org

Hyde Park Nursery The Long Garden, Albion Street W2 2AX and Pre-Preparatory School


4 Oct 9.30am Nov 9.30am (Taster Morning)

020 7262 1190 www.hydeparkschool.co.uk admissions@hydeparkschool.co.uk

International School of London

139 Gunnersbury Avenue, W3 8LG


By appointment

020 8992 5823 www.isllondon.org

Pembridge Hall

18 Pembridge Square W2 4EH


By appointment

020 7229 0121 www.pembridgehall.co.uk contact@pembridgehall.co.uk

Arts Educational Schools London

Cone Ripman House, 14 Bath Road W4 1LY


By appointment

020 8987 6600 · www.artsed.co.uk pupils@artsed.co.uk

Orchard House School

16 Newton Grove, W4 1LB


11 Oct, 9.30-11.30am

020 8742 8544 www.orchardhs.org.uk info@orchardhs.org.uk

Heathfield House School

Heathfield Gardens, W4 4JU


By appointment

0208 994 3385 www.heathfieldhouse.co.uk

Chiswick and Bedford Park Preparatory School

Priory House, Priory Avenue, Chiswick, London W4 1TX


By appointment 3-11G

020 8994 1804 www.cbppschool.co.uk info@cbppschool.co.uk

The Falcons Pre-Prep School for Boys

2 Burnaby Gardens, Chiswick W4 3DT


By appointment

020 8747 8393 www.falconschool.com admin@falconschool.com

Clifton Lodge School

8 Mattock Lane, Ealing, W5 5BG


6 Oct, 10am-12noon

020 8579 3662 www.cliftonlodgeschool.co.uk admissions@cliftonlodgeschool.co.uk

Durston House

12 Castlebar Road, Ealing W5 2DR


11, 12 Oct Introductory morning 13 Oct 9.30 – 11am

020 8991 6532 www.durstonhouse.org info@durstonhouse.org

St Benedict’s School

Junior School and Nursery (age 3-11) 5 Montpelier Avenue, Ealing, W5 2XP Senior School and Sixth Form (age 11-18) 54 Eaton Rise, Ealing W5 2ES


Sixth Form Open Evening: 11 Oct, Whole School Open Morning: 6 Oct,

Book a place on the website or arrange a personal visit with the Registrar, Louise Pepper, on 020 8862 2254 www.stbenedicts.org.uk

Harvington Prep School

20 Castlebar Road Ealing W5 2DS

3-4 co-ed 2-18G

By appointment

0208 997 1583 www.harvingtonschool.com admin@harvingtonschool.com

St Augustine’s Priory

Hillcrest Road, Ealing W5 2JL

2-3 co-ed (Nursery) 3-18G

Open day: 13 Oct, 10-12 noon

020 8997 2022 www.sapriory.com admissions@sapriory.com

Kensington Park School

40 - 44 Bark Place, London W2 4AT


Open Evenings (Booking essential) Lower School: 7 Nov Sixth Form: 15 Nov

020 3725 3192 www.kps.co.uk registrar@kps.co.uk

Latymer Prep School

36 Upper Mall, Hammersmith W6 9TA


Open days throughout the Autumn Term Telephone for an appointment

0845 638 5700 www.latymerprep.org/open-mornings registrar@latymerprep.org

Latymer Upper School

King Street, Hammersmith W6 9LR


6 Oct, 11+ entrance only. (children in Year 6). Tickets required Contact the Admissions Office

0845 638 5721 www.latymer-upper.org registrar@latymer-upper.org.uk

St Paul’s Girls School

Brook Green W6 7BS


11+ entry: By appointment 6 Oct, 9am and 11.15am 29 Oct, 5pm

020 7605 4882 www.spgs.org admissions@spgs.org

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56-58 Portland Place W1B 1NJ

October 2018






Contact details

Godolphin and Latymer School Iffley Road W6 0PG


For 11+ entry: 16 Oct, 4.45 - 7 pm 6th Form- 4 Oct, 4.45pm

020 8741 1936 www.godolphinandlatymer.com registrar@godolphinandlatymer.com

Hawkesdown House

27 Edge Street W8 7PN


By appointment

020 7727 9090 www.hawkesdown.co.uk

The Lloyd Williamson School

12 Telford Road W10 5SH

6 monthsto 14 yrs

By appointment

020 8962 0345 www.lloydwilliamson.co.uk

Bassett House School

60 Bassett Road W10 6JP


5 Oct, 9.30-11am

020 8969 0313 www.bassetths.org.uk

Notting Hill Preparatory School 95 Lancaster Rd, W11 1QQ


By appointment

020 7221 0727 www.nottinghillprep.com admin@nottinghillprep.com

Southbank International School 95 Lancaster Rd, W11 1QQ (Kensington Campus) W11 3BU


5 Oct, 9.30-11am By appointment

020 7243 3803 www.southbank.org admissions@southbank.org

Avenue House School

70 The Avenue, Ealing W13 8LS


Individual tours by appointment

020 8998 9981 www.avenuehouse.org school@avenuehouse.org

Notting Hill and Ealing High School (GDST)

26 St Stephens Road, W13 8HH)

4-18G Junior: 4+ and 7+ (Parents Only) Entry at 4+ 15 Oct 1.15am, 16 Oct, 10.15am 7+, 11+ and 16+ Senior: (Parents Only) 8 Oct, 10.45am, 8 Nov at 10.45am Senior School Open Evening: 17 Oct, 4.30pm. Sixth Form: 9 Oct, 6.00pm Parents & girls welcome - no booking

Booking essential. Admissions (Miss Lauren Smith) 020 8991 2165 www.nhehs.gdst.net enquiries@nhehs.gdst.net

Hyde Park Preparatory School and Nursery

24 Elvaston Place, SW7 5NL Middx HA1 3NU


4 Oct, 9.30am 29 Nov, 9.30am (Taster Morning)

020 7225 3131 www.hydeparkschool.co.uk/preparatory registrar@hydeparkschool.co.uk

Norland Place School

162-166 Holland Park Avenue W11 4UH

4-8B 4-11G

By appointment

020 7603 9103 www.norlandplace.com office@norlandplace.com

Orley Farm School

South Hill Avenue, Harrow on the Hill Middx HA1 3NU


6 Oct, 10am-12pm or Wednesday morning by appointment

Booking essential. www.orleyfarm.harrow.sch.uk registrar@orleyfarm.harrow.sch.uk

St. Helen’s College

Parkway, Hillingdon, Middlesex UB10 9JX


School At Work Open Morning: 30 Oct, 9am - 12pm. By appointment only. Visits may be booked by telephone

01895 234371 www.sthelenscollege.com info@sthelenscollege.com Upper School: 01895 234 371 Lower School 01895 272 967

St Paul’s Juniors

Lonsdale Road, SW13 9JT


Open Day 7+, 8+ 3Nov Means-tested bursaries available at 7+, 8+ & 11+

020 8748 3461 www.stpaulsschool.org.uk spjschoolsec@stpaulsschool.org.uk

Kensington Park School Sixth Form

59 Queen’s Gate London SW7 5JP

Open Evenings (Booking essential) Lower School: 7 Nov Sixth Form: 15 Nov

020 3725 3192 www.kps.co.uk registrar@kps.co.uk

Shiplake College Boarding and Day School

Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire RG9 4BW

11-18B 16-18G

Whole School: 14 Oct 9.30am - 12.00pm

Book to attend at: www.shiplake.org.uk/opendays

Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School

Butterfly Lane, Elstree, Herts WD6 3AF


By appointment (01727 873 632 for pre-prep open day)

020 8266 1700 www.habsboys.org.uk office@habsboys.org.uk

Haberdashers’ School for Girls

Aldenham Road, Elstree, Herts WD6 3BT


Senior School in action: 3, 16 Oct, 8, 15, 19 Nov Sixth Form: 8 Oct, 2-4pm By appointmentI

020 8266 2302 (Junior School and Sixth form entry) 020 8266 2338 (age 11+) www.habsgirls.org.uk admissions@habsgirls.org.uk

Eton College

Windsor, Berkshire SL4 6DW


By appointment

01753 671000 www.etoncollege.com

The school where your child will spend most of their teen years will have a huge influence on their development and character. Your choices are important - which is where Open Days come in. Take your son or daughter with you; they will see things through a different set of eyes, and their opinion matters. Not all open day dates were available when we went to press: check the websites of the schools you're interested in for more information and where necessary, to book first. familiesonline.co.uk

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News from the schools Claire teaching phonics to the children at Florida English School.

Notting Hill and Ealing High School

The summer holidays offered one lucky teacher at Notting Hill and Ealing High School the opportunity to travel to Bangalore in India on a unique training programme aimed at inspiring and supporting teachers in countries with limited resources. In an initiative organised by the Girls Day School Trust of which NHEHS is part, Claire Sargison, Assistant Head and Year 3 Teacher at the NHEHS Junior School, along with several other teachers from GDST schools around the UK, travelled to India in August. They spent three and a half weeks working with teachers and over 60 children in the Florida English School. Under the guidance of the Limited Resource Teacher Training team, which runs the programme, Claire and her colleagues shared teaching methods and strategies relating to phonics and demonstrated concepts like having a positive mindset in the classroom. “As a teacher, my time in India has made me more confident. I can’t wait to tell my class all about my experiences.” Said Claire.

Orley Farm School

Enjoyed a bumper year on the scholarship front with 32 pupils being offered a staggering 51 scholarships this year - this is a record as previously the highest was 46 such awards. A particular highlight was receiving more scholarships to Harrow than any other prep school - something that they also managed two years ago. What’s their secret…? They run a unique and highly creative curriculum that means that young learners are not looking to be ‘right’, they are looking to go beyond the question. Tim Calvey, headteacher says “Too many schools run education like a FTSE 100 company chasing short term hikes in stock prices… look to the banking crisis for an unhappy ending to that approach! At Orley Farm we are only interested in one thing... long term growth, in fact lifetime growth - simple really! It means that we can focus on the important things like learning an instrument, playing in the cricket team, forging friendships or even organising a colour run for our charity… I count myself to be extremely lucky to work with inspirational teachers who share a passion to bring out the best in everyone around them!” Orley Farm School is in South Hill Avenue, Harrow on the Hill and takes children ages 4-13. Contact them on: 020 8869 7634. or email: registrar@orleyfarm.harrow.sch.uk www.orleyfarm.harrow.sch.uk

Clifton Lodge School

From September 2020, Clifton Lodge School in Ealing will become a solely 11+ prep school, with one exit point in Year 6. This will enable the school to focus on their excellent Nursery provision through to 11+ preparation for senior school entry. Clifton Lodge will better serve the developing trend, whereby a number of traditionally 13+ senior schools are now offering an entry point at 11+, or only offering entry now at 11+. This change enables the school to enhance their facilities whilst strengthening the support for pupils and parents in securing entry to their 11+ secondary schools of choice, be it a selective Independent senior school or one of the highly sought-after Grammar Schools. The next Open Day is on Saturday 6th October, or informal, private tours can be arranged. Clifton Lodge School is at 8 Mattock Lane, Ealing, London, W5 5BG. Call them on: 020 8579 3662. www.cliftonlodgeschool.co.uk

Heathfield House School

Heathfield House School, Chiswick, is now in its 15th year and has grown significantly since its early days. The school benefits from being placed in a prime location and makes use of numerous local facilities. Heathfield House School continues to be fast paced and ever evolving. A positive growth mindset is fostered in pupils, where they develop an understanding that they can learn from challenges. Pupils achieve well and go on to a wide range of highly selective secondary schools with many pupils receiving scholarships. For further information please visit: www.heathfieldhouse.co.uk

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St Helen's College

Due to more and more parents asking for extended care options for their children, St Helen's College in Hillingdon now offers a totally flexible package which could be seen as 'boarding without the boarding'. The co-educational prep school for boys and girls aged from two to eleven has a Breakfast Club from 7.30am, extended care until 6.00 pm and care available from 7.30 am to 6.00 pm throughout the school holidays (excludes bank holidays and Christmas), all provided by the college’s staff. This means that the school's expectations and core values of love, harmony and growth run through everything the children do, in both work and play. So, whether they are eating breakfast, in a classroom or taking part in an after-school club or holiday camp, they will feel loved, secure and happy. For more information, visit: www.sthelenscollege.com

Durston House

This year Durston House school have decided to use the first few days of term to focus on one topic. “It’s not something we have ever done before but so far, it is going down a treat! Durston House have kicked off the year with a focus on Study Skills. Education here at Durston is shaped by a boy’s development of character, curiosity to learn and discover more, and his expanding capability. Linking with our ‘3 C’s,’ we feel that study skills is an area where the boys are never too young to start to understand how they learn and how they could improve. It also links with mental health which is hugely important. With this in mind, the whole school has got involved in participating in two days’ worth of fun interactive assemblies and activities. These include the topics: Growth Mind-set, Instructions, Organisation, Learning Styles, Presentation and Mindfulness. The PE and Games Department have also produced special lessons focusing on Healthy Body = Healthy Mind. We have even invited the parents to a special event focusing on memory techniques. We will revisit Study Skills throughout the year, especially in the run up to exam season. We hope that developing pupil study skills and therefore their approach to learning, will ultimately have a positive impact both on results and the overall mental health of our boys.” www.durstonhouse.org

Kensington Park School

London’s new senior school, has opened its doors! Situated in the heart of London, Kensington Park School (KPS) is a new day and boarding school for boys and girls aged 11 - 18. With top-flight teaching, an extensive co-curricular offering and an innovative curriculum, the school is fast making a name for itself as a top educational choice for parents. Despite being a new school, pupils benefit from some of the best teachers in the country. The core team has been drawn from the UK’s top schools including St Paul’s School, Dulwich College and Winchester College. They’re led by headmaster Paul Vanni, previously deputy head of St Paul’s Girls’ School, who brings a proven track record of academic excellence and comprehensive pastoral care to KPS. The school has put together a modern and dynamic curriculum geared towards preparing its pupils for the challenges of the 21st century. Its co-curricular provision is second to none; activities on offer range from technical theatre and dance to fencing, ice hockey and swimming. Visit the website for more information: www.kps.co.uk familiesonline.co.uk

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The benefits of boredom

“I’m bored!”

How many times do we hear those words as parents? I have lost count of the number of times my precious moppets have whined over the years that they are ‘bored’ as they demanded some form of entertainment be provided (or at the very least that their electronics be returned after being confiscated yet again). But being bored is good for children; it’s part of childhood; it’s the catalyst to spark their imagination; it’s the pathway to creative play and to finding solutions to problems themselves. Between work commitments and school, our time with our children is often limited and, of course, we want that time to be ‘quality time.’ However, by providing a constant carousel of activities, entertainments and days out, we are failing to teach them how to amuse themselves, to develop inner resources and be happy with their own company. It’s natural to want our children to have fun, enjoy their childhood and have happy memories

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to look back on, but in our quest to do that, sometimes we forget that some of their best memories will come from the things they learned, discovered, explored and sometimes struggled with themselves, not the things that were handed to them on a plate. When my children have friends over, it’s always obvious which ones are used to boredom, and which ones are accustomed to a constant programme of events. My usual response to the

plaintive wail of ‘I’m bored’ is ‘Only boring people get bored’ to which my children roll their eyes and huff at me. The children whose parents are like me and allow them to be bored, soon start inventing games, building worlds and coming up with things to do, whereas those children who are used to being given a series of suggestions and things to do, struggle with the concept of being told to just ‘go and play!’ After a little while

October 2018

though, when no entertainment is forthcoming, most of them do get the hang of making up games, and using their imagination, instead of being directed through a series of crafts or activities. In some cases, they even declare being handed an old blanket and told to go and make a den, to have been ‘the best fun ever!’ My conviction about the benefits of boredom partly stems from fairly lazy parenting. I’m just not one those parents who enjoy spending hours making playdough creations (in fact, although my children have outgrown playdough, the very thought of the texture still makes me shudder). So I always encouraged my children to play independently, whether that was building Lego, mooching round the garden, or spending hours sitting in a box that was variously a castle, a racing car and an aeroplane. They did have real toys too, but for some reason empty boxes were always extremely popular perhaps my kids are part cat? But think back to your own childhood. How much of it was spent with your parents organising you into activities, undertaking craft projects with you, or taking you on days out, and how much of it was spent complaining you were bored and being told to go and read a book, or find something to do? Mine certainly involved a great deal of boredom, that in


By Gill Sims turn led to imaginary worlds and people and that perhaps then led to me become a writer. Without a healthy dose of boredom, there is no incentive to learn to think for ourselves, or to change things to alleviate boredom! Of course, I’m not suggesting that children don’t deserve some fun, special treats and parental input. Just that sometimes, it doesn’t hurt them to be bored. There are enough things we

are made to feel guilty about as parents and our children occasionally being bored should definitely not be one of them! If your child complains often of boredom, fill a jar with paper slips with tedious tasks written on them, like ‘tidy your room,’ ‘do the dusting,’ ‘weed a flowerbed,’ ‘sort out your sock drawer.’ Any time someone complains or boredom, they have to pick a slip out randomly and complete the chore on it. When faced with

this, it was astonishing how quickly my children found themselves something more interesting to do! So, embrace boredom! Your cherubs will thank you for it one day. And even if they don’t appreciate what you are so selflessly doing for them now, you might get a tidy house with impeccably ordered sock drawers out of it!

Gill Sims is the bestselling author of Why Mummy Drinks, which spent a staggering 30 weeks in the Sunday Times Top 10 and was the bestselling debut hardback novel of 2017. Her second novel Why Mummy Swears was published in Hardback by HarperCollins in July 2018. RRP £12.99.

“HOME TUITION” FULLY QUALIFIED TUITION IN ART, CRAFTS AND DESIGN Help with exams for school, portfolio’s for college, or, just for fun!! ALL AGES WELCOME

Contact: Vivien Bornemann 020 8932 1010

Image credit: Perform


October 2018

Families west London 13

Diary Dates & Events DIARY DATES

6 Oct EALING 135 PRE-LOVED SALE Sell and buy baby and toddler items at Kingsdown Methodist Church, Northfields Ave, London W13, 10.30am-12.30pm. If you would like to book a table please get in touch with Nilam Melvin at: ealing135prelovedsale @gmail.com

19-21 Oct THE BABY SHOW AT OLYMPIA The UK's biggest pregnancy and parenting event of the year, with over 200 baby retailers all under one roof. It's a fantastic shopping event and will give nervous parents the chance to speak to experts either one to one or hear from them live on stage as they tackle topics such as birth choices, breastfeeding, sleep, post-partum fitness and weaning. From nursery furniture to feeding equipment, slings to sleep aids, changing products to clothes, visitors will be spoilt for choice. Tickets £20 on the door, discounted when booked ahead online. www.thebabyshow.co.uk 25-27 Oct MUSEUMS AT NIGHT Explore museums, galleries and heritage sites after hours and enjoy a host of spooky events, themed talks and immersive workshops late into the evening. www.museumsatnight.org.uk 26 Oct EALING 135 HALLOWEEN PARTY 10-11.30am at Northfields Community Centre, W13 9SS. ealing135events@gmail.com

29 Oct-4 Nov THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS FAIR AT OLYMPIA Over 825 independent stallholders and small business start-ups showcase and sell their festive produce in a home of Christmas shopping. Browse a plethora of gifts across fashion, home & interiors, decorations, baby and child, pet wear and male grooming; meet the makers and take advantage of exclusive show offers and competitions. 10am daily, tickets £28 for unlimited entry, day tickets from £22.50, under 12 children free. www.spiritofchristmasfair.co.uk

14 Oct KENSINGTON AND CHELSEA NCT NEARLY NEW SALE Clothes for ages 0-7, plus baby and toddler equipment, toys and books, 10am for members and 10.15am for non-members, close time 12 noon. Taking place at Westbourne Grove Church, Westbourne Grove, London W11 2RW. nns.kensington@nct.org.uk

Remember, remember the 5th of November…! Your guide to Guy Fawkes Night By Olivia Malaure

Gunpowder, treason, and plot I see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.

The ‘plot’ was simple - to blow up The Houses of Parliament with barrels of gunpowder hidden in its cellar. Guy Fawkes was given the job of lighting the fuse but, on the 5 November 1605, the plot was discovered and he was taken to the Tower Of London and executed. To celebrate his own survival, King James 1 ordered his people to light a great bonfire every year on the night of 5 November. You don’t have to go far to be part of the crackle and fizz of Bonfire Night. New local fireworks events pop up annually, whilst the biggest bonfire extravaganzas, (see below) are firmly cemented in the calendar. If the idea of being outdoors with very young children on a cold November evening sends a chill down your spine, here are some ideas to help you enjoy Bonfire Night at home.

Start with a Bang: Kids love listening to the popping of microwave popcorn that they can munch on. Add some Colour: Make a rocket! Wrap silver paper around an empty kitchen roll tube and stick down. Cut out a circle of coloured card (approx 9cm) and make a cone shape. Tape the cone to the top of the cylinder. Decorate the cylinder with stickers and stick strips of red or orange cellophane to the bottom for flames. Kids can fly their colourful creations around the garden! Bonfire Baked Potatoes: Cook up edible bonfires! Fill jacket potatoes with child-friendly toppings. Sprinkle some Red Leicester cheese on top for flames, or put the fire out with a spoonful of creme fraiche on top!

Light Up the Night Sky: Kids love torches and they’re a fun, safe way for them to play in the dark and enjoy the atmosphere of Bonfire Night.

BONFIRE NIGHT SAFETY Did you know that sparklers burn at 200 Degrees Centigrade - 5 times hotter than cooking oil? Whether you’re planning sparklers in the garden or a full-blown bonfire and fireworks, here are some simple tips to keep you safe this Bonfire Night.

• Sparklers should not be given to children under 5 • Keep a bucket of cold water outside in case of burn injuries • Children can be sensitive to loud noises, consider investing in a pair of ear defenders. • If you are planning to let off fireworks, consult the Firework Code at: www.rospa.com • Keep pets indoors. Animals have acute hearing and loud noises disturb them • Remember, the safest way to celebrate Bonfire Night is to attend an organised display

EALING CRICKET CLUB 4 Nov, Fireworks this year will be set to classical and includes a laser display beforehand. Gates open at 6pm and display starts at 7.45pm. Activities include rides for children, glow novelties, refreshments inc. bar and bbq. Venue: Corfton Road, Ealing W5 2HS Advanced booking at www.ealingcc.co.uk

BRENTHAM CLUB EALING 3 Nov, Children's entertainment and activities from 6pm. Fireworks start at 7.30pm. www.brenthamclub.co.uk

RAVENSCOURT PARK 4 Nov Gates open at 6pm and children’s fireworks starts at 7.15pm. Main firework display starts at approximately 8pm. Under 5s go free. This year’s theme is based on the famous Full Moon beach parties in Thailand - colourful music-filled celebrations after each full moon. There will even be a playlist of moon hits from the likes of Pink Floyd and Bruno Mars to accompany the fireworks spectacle. There will also be a funfair, food stalls and bars. Venue: Paddenwick Road, London W6 0UA. www.lbhf.gov.uk BISHOPS PARK 3 Nov Gates open at 6pm and children’s fireworks starts at 7.15pm. Main firework display starts at approximately 8pm. There will be a funfair and refreshments. Venue: Bishop's Ave, London SW6 6EA. www.lbhf.gov.uk

TRAILFINDERS SPORTS CLUB 5 Nov Gates open at 6pm and firework display starts at 7.30pm. Bar, sweet stand, food stalls, stilt walkers and fire eaters! Venue: Vallis Way, West Ealing, London W13 0DD. www.tfsc.co.uk


WC1B 3DG www.britishmuseum.org DIGITAL WORKSHOPS Takes place at weekends and school holidays on a variety of themes. Free, 11am-4pm, for ages 7+ (unless stated).

14 Families west London

October 2018

WORKSHOPS FOR CHILDREN UNDER 5 14 Oct LITTLE FEET: ANIMAL HOME Find out where in the world animals call home and programme a robot to help find them in the galleries.11am-4pm, free.


WC1N 1AZ www.foundlingmuseum.org.uk 23 Oct BAGS OF EQUALITY Explore silkscreen printing, stencils and other printing techniques, then print slogans and images onto a canvas bag.11am-4.30pm for age 5+ 24 Oct INFLUENTIAL TEA Get ready for a tea party and design your own teacup for an inspirational woman of the 21st century. 11am-4.30pm for age 5+ 25 Oct JEWELLERY OF DISTINCTION Learn all about metal embossing techniques and make jewellery for one of the women who worked behind the scenes of the Foundling Hospital. 11am-4.30pm for age 5+ 26 Oct SPELLING OUT INJUSTICE Make a demonstration sandwich board and get your message across in this workshop led by Sculpture Lab. 11am-4.30pm for age 5+


6 , 21, 28 Oct, 3, 10 Nov POPPY MAKING FAMILY CRAFTS Learn about the meaning of the Remembrance poppy and make your own in a drop-in family craft sessions and add it to the growing Remembrance garden. Free, drop-in, 10.30am-4.30pm. 13 Oct TANK WARS Command a remote-controlled tank and test your mettle with a series of challenges. Navigate an obstacle course, traverse dangerous ravines and battle it out with other tanks. How many rounds will you last? 11am-3pm for ages 6+ 20, 22-27 Oct CRAFTING COMMUNICATIONS TOOLS Construct your own signalling device. Learn how soldiers send and decipher secret signals with telescopes and heliographs. 10.30am-4.30pm, free, drop-in, for age 6+ 23, 25 Oct SEEING, SIGNALLING AND STORIES Bring your toddlers to this session of stories and song all about communicating with telescopes and signals. 10.30am – 12pm for ages 3-6. 11am-5pm.


WC2N 5DN www.nationalgallery.org.uk Every Sun FAMILY SUNDAYS Activities designed for families to enjoy and learn together, 11am and 3pm. MAGIC CARPET STORYTELLING For children aged 2-5. Sundays 10.30-11am and 11.30am–12pm. Fly away on the magic carpet, coming to land in front of a different painting each day. Every Weds WELCOME WEDNESDAYS Bring paintings to life through interactive music, storytelling, art and messy play activities. Every Wednesday, 10.30 and 11.30am for walkers under age five, 1pm for sitting babies to walkers.

What’s On listings continue on page 16



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What’s On HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS 22 Oct MESSY MONDAYS: EXPLORING THE STUDIO Drop-in session for children under 5 years. Become a mini artist by exploring materials and mark making in a tactile environment inspired by a painting. 10.30am and 12.30pm. 22, 24, 25, 26 Oct A RENAISSANCE FAMILY BUSINESS Work together as a family of artists in the Renaissance workshop to seek out and sample traditional techniques. Drop-in session, 11am-4pm for all ages. 24, 25 Oct ARTIST'S APPRENTICE WORKSHOP: THE FAMILY PRINTWORKS Team up to work a printmaker’s studio. Spend a day in the life of a working artist and learn about screen-printing to create new designs. For ages 8-13, advanced booking essential, 11am-3.30pm. 26 Oct SMALL CREATURE SKETCHING WITH ZOOLAB Creepy-crawlies come out of the paintings and onto the page. Hear from ZooLab experts and get up-close to sketch from real animals, bugs, and insects. For ages 5-11, advanced booking essential, 10.30-11.15am


SW7 5BD www.nhm.ac.uk Until 6 Jan 19 LIFE IN THE DARK Leave daylight behind and put your senses to the test in this illuminating exhibition. Kids go free. Until 30 Dec THE WIDER EARTH This is a play about the story of a young Charles Darwin, on HMS Beagle’s daring voyage to the far side of the world. Discover the gripping story behind one of the most important discoveries in history. For age 8+ Every weekend INVESTIGATE FOR FAMILIES Explore hundreds of real nature specimens that form the evidence Museum scientists use in their daily work. Drop-in, 11am-5pm. Every Sun until 23 Dec ADVENTURE TO THE DEEP Kids will dive through a reef, come face-to-face with a giant squid and see if they have what it takes to survive 3,000 metres below the surface. For age 6+. 13 Oct, 10 Nov DINO SNORES Ever wondered what goes on at the Natural History Museum at night? 7 - 11 years. 7pm till morning, torchlit trails through the museum, live animal shows and more. For ages 7-11.

Feline fables and folktales at the BRITISH LIBRARY WALLACE COLLECTION

W1U 3BN www.wallacecollection.org 7 Nov THE LITTLE DRAW Free drop-in drawing workshop for all ages and abilities. With artist Grace Holliday. She will invite participants to use specialist drawing, handling and surface design techniques to respond to the stimulating forms and colour palettes of the Wallace Collection. Suitable for all the family.1:30 - 4:30pm, all ages. 20 Oct FAMILY FILM SCREENING: THE PIRATES! IN AN ADVENTURE WITH SCIENTISTS Swashbuckling animation adventure for all the family to enjoy. Before or after the film make sure you pick up a copy of the Pirate treasure hunt trail and go on your own museum adventure. Free 23 Oct WACKY WAXES Art workshop for children ages 9 - 13. Take a look at Richard

Wallace’s rather wacky collection of sixteenth-century wax sculptures. Learn about the technique and then have a go at making one yourself. 24 Oct AUTUMNAL LEAF MOBILES Free, drop-in art workshop for families Create your own mobile structure decorated with leaves and golden frames using the Collection of Sir Richard Wallace as your starting point. 26 Oct STORYTELLING SHOW: DOUBLE, DOUBLE, TOIL AND TROUBLE Meet an Elizabethan innkeeper who needs a theatrical entertainment to rival Mr Shakespeare for her Hallowe’en celebrations. She has had an idea for a play about a Scottish king who dabbles in witchcraft. Come and help her put her ideas into action with a little inspiration from the weaponry and art in the Collection. Free, for age 5+


W6 9TA www.williammorrissociety.org.uk 24 Oct PRINTING WITH LIGHT A workshop in two parts for children 6-12 years. Be inspired by the exhibition of photographs “Drawing with Light” to: Session 1: Create your own photo using sunlight and autumn leaves and berries Session 2: Then create a 2019 calendar to frame your unique sun print. 10am-12.30pm.



Giant LEGO brick animal trail LONDON WETLANDS CENTRE

16 Families west London

SW3 4HS www.chelseaphysicgarden.co.uk Environmentally themed workshops all summer long. 23 Oct CHOCOLATE TUESDAY Learn about chocolate, take part in craft activities. For ages 6-10, 10.30am-3pm.

October 2018

24 Oct STORM IN A TEACUP The history, science and art of all things chai, served with a special blend of dynamic story-telling, dramatic adventure and brilliant botany. 25 Oct LOTIONS AND MAGIC POTIONS Learn how the power of plants can heal and soothe, make some of your own natural and low-cost healing potions and plant a mini medicinal garden to take-away. 10.30am-2.30pm for ages: 8+


SE10 9NF www.rmg.co.uk/cuttysark Every weekend: CUTTY SARK CHARACTERS Come aboard to hear Cutty Sark’s incredible stories brought to life by characters from the ship’s past. Suitable for ages 3+ Every Weds TODDLER TIME Bring your little sailors along for songs, stories and playtime on board. 10-11.30am for ages 4 and under. 6, 7 Oct CARRY YOUR CARGO Use all your creative skills to stamp, print and design your own tote bag to carry your belongings. 11.30am and 2pm for ages 4+ 22-27 Oct SHE TELLS SEA TALES: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE Tales of adventure, mermaids and storms in a teacup. Also make your own adventure kid suitcase or create your own animated sea story with Chocolate Films. Activities vary throughout the week so please check our website for details 10.30am-4pm, for ages 3+


SW6 6EA www.fulhampalace.org every Mon and Tues THE PALACE EXPLORERS A weekly parent/carer and toddler sessions for children aged 2-4. £3 per child, which includes a drink and healthy snack.


7 Oct APPLE DAY CELEBRATION Displays and tastings, live music, bee keeping and wood turning demonstrations, a hotly anticipated baking competition, children’s activities, storytelling, refreshments and more. Free, no booking necessary. 11am-3pm. 21 Oct HANDS-ON ARCHAEOLOGY: TREE PIT DIG Learn more about the rich and varied history of this ancient site and what the recent Apple Arch Dig uncovered.


KT8 9AU www.hrp.org.uk/hampton-court-palace until 28 Oct THE MAGIC GARDEN Come face to face with mysterious mythical beasts, storm the battlements, besiege the towers and explore the secret grotto. Each area represents myths, legends, stories and even real objects that can be found at Hampton Court. 7 Oct STORYTELLING Immerse yourselves in the sights, sounds and smells of history. Help tell the palace stories through rhymes, role-play and song.

20 - 28 Oct BEAST QUEST Vanquish the beasts unleashed throughout the palace in this brand-new immersive family experience. embark on an interactive journey around the palace and undertake a variety of fun tasks along the way. The evil Malvel has cast a spell over the palace, bringing the fantasy Beast Quest world to life. The beasts are under his wicked spell and he must be defeated! From the phoenix on the roof of the Great Watching Chamber, to the Royal Lion in the Chapel Court Garden, it’s time to experience these impressive beasts and meet the heroes Tom and Elena.

HOLLAND PARK ECOLOGY CENTRE W8 6LU www.rbkc.gov.uk/subsites/wildlife.aspx 22-26 Oct HALF TERM WORKSHOPS environmental themed activities for ages 510 which utilise the centre and wooded Wildlife Area. The fun packed programme includes outdoor activities like minibeast hunting and nature trails, and animal themed craft sessions.


From Baby to Ballerina

Classes for Boys and Girls aged 21/2 to 16 years old Ballet, Pointe Work, Jazz, Tap, Annual Performances

Classes held in: Bayswater, Notting Hill Gate, Oxford Street, Shepherds Bush and South Kensington


October 2018

Families west London 17

What’s On 25 Oct BATTY BATS: ECOLOGY CENTRE OPEN AFTERNOON Discover the nocturnal world of bats. Find out more about bat ecology and what types of bats live in Holland Park. Take part in craft activities including mask making, bat books and bat models. Drop-in 12 noon to 4pm. 2, 9 Nov CHILDREN’S NIGHT SAFARIS A fun filled evening to search for the Park’s nocturnal inhabitants and explore the woods at night. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Please bring a torch with you. For ages 5-8 on 3 Nov and 8-12 on 10 Nov. Booking essential


HP10 0LX www.oddsfarm.co.uk A FABULOUS DAY OUT AT THE FARM! Meet the farmers and get close to the animals in the hands-on area and in the large undercover animal barns. There is a massive adventure play area with a four lane astra slide, two drop slides, a netted area with zig zag chicanes and tunnels, swinging ropes and much more. Also a special Toddler and Under 5’s areas. 20-28 Oct HALLOWEEN FESTIVAL: PIG-A-BOO! Enjoy exciting daily Halloween Shows and pick your own pumpkin to carve and take home! Plus, discover the frightfully fun Crafty Trick or Treat Walk, with even more surprises.


TW7 4RD www.nationaltrust.org.uk/osterley-park-andhouse Every Sun JUNIOR PARKRUN A free timed run around the front lawn area of Osterley as part of the national Junior parkrun series for 4-14 year olds. 21-29 Oct HALLOWE'EN PUMPKIN FESTIVAL Play silly games, jump around in crunchy leaves, toast marshmallows on the open fire pits, make wild art in the garden, find the hidden pumpkins in the house and carve your scariest face on your own pumpkin between 11am and 4pm. 27, Sat 28 Oct EVENING TOUR A creepy evening tour of Osterley - discover the darker side of this Georgian party manor's history. 7-8.30pm.


SW13 9WT www.wwt.org.uk 6 Oct-18 Nov GIANT LEGO® BRICK ANIMAL TRAIL The amazing animal trail is returning with three new friends - Sam the short-eared owl, Walter the water vole and Skye the stork. Book your place on one of the LEGO workshops to take part in exciting challenges and build your own miniature version of Sam the short-eared owl to take home!


UB3 2UE www.becktheatre.org.uk 3 Oct VIENNA FESTIVAL BALLET: COPPELIA Following the adventures of eccentric toymaker, Dr. Coppelius with his beloved doll on an enchanting evening of mischief, frivolity and a lovers‘ tiff. Colourful costumes, lively characters and beautiful music promises to delight audiences of all ages. 21 Oct RAPUNZEL In a far away land, in a lonely tower lives the beautiful princess Rapunzel. Captured as a child by Mother Gothel, she uses Rapunzels magical hair to upkeep her youth and beauty. An exciting mix of familiar songs and original compositions. 24, 25 Oct BING GOES TO THE THEATRE Join Bing, Sula, Coco and Pando as they find out how to tell stories by pretending, dressing-up and singing songs. A show full of fun, laughter and music, perfect first theatre trip for pre-schoolers and their families.


WC2H 9HU www.matildathemusical.com Booking until Feb 2019 MATILDA THE MUSICAL The Royal Shakespeare Company’s production of Roald Dahl’s magical story about a girl with extraordinary powers.

Signalling and communications at the NATIONAL ARMY MUSEUM LYRIC HAMMERSMITH

W6 0QL www.lyric.co.uk 6 Oct THREE LITTLE PIG TAILS A brand new version of the classic story of the 3 little pigs. A grumpy old wolf wants some pigs' tails for his soup. Will the little pigs outwit the wolf and what kind of house will they build? For ages 3-7. 13 Oct THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF Jacob is a young boy who loves to be playful. When he is given the responsibility of being the village shepherd his wild imagination leads him astray... For ages 3-10. 20 Oct HOW TO HIDE A LION When a lion is chased out of town, Iris embarks on a mission to squash her new friend into a variety of tight spots as the town folk try to track him down. For ages 3-6. 23-27 Oct PIRATE PEARL AND THE BIG BLUE MONSTER Pirate Pearl lives aboard the good ship Mirabel with her crusty old shipmate - Grandpa Bert. One day, she finds a stowaway aboard the ship. It’s a little blue monster. There’s trouble ahead for Pirate Pearl! For ages 3-11. 3 Nov THE TIME SEEKERS Have you ever dreamt of seeing a dinosaur? Meeting an Ancient Egyptian? Sharing tea time with a robot? A thrilling journey through time where you take the steering wheel. For ages 3-8.


W9 2PF www.puppetbarge.com 20 Oct-18 Nov THE TOWN MOUSE AND THE COUNTRY MOUSE These two famous mouse cousins take it in turns to visit one another. Each mouse ends up much the wiser as a result of their exciting adventures. A delight for young and old, told with rod puppets, music and sing- along songs.


Pirate Pearl and the Big Blue Monster at the LYRIC HAMMERSMITH

18 Families west London

TW9 1QJ www.atgtickets.com/Richmond 3-7 Oct HORRIBLE HISTORIES TERRIBLE TUDORS From the horrible Henries to the end of evil Elizabeth, hear the legends (and the lies!) about the torturing Tudors. 4-7 Oct AWFUL EGYPTIANS From the fascinating Pharaohs to the power of the pyramids, discover the foul facts of death and decay with the meanest mummies in Egypt. It’s the history of Egypt with the nasty bits left in! 9, 10 Oct GUESS HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU Join Little & Big Nutbrown Hare, as they leap

October 2018

off the page and onto the stage in this magical journey through the seasons. A playful story of love and nature as it unfolds on stage through puppets, live music and interactive play for ages 3+


SE1 8PX www.southbankcentre.co.uk Every Mon DRAGON BABIES Bring your little ones to shake, rattle and gong. Gamelan for ages 3-5. Every Mon GONG BABIES GAMELAN Bring your babies aged under six months for a fun music workshop, with no experience required. Every Fri RUG RHYMES FOR THE UNDER FIVES A short session of nursery rhymes, poems and rhyming stories, and the opportunity to look at and borrow books. Free but booking essential. 20, 23-25 Oct FAMILY GAMELAN TASTER SESSION Play in a Javanese gamelan percussion orchestra. For age 6+ 14 Oct FUNHARMONICS: THE HIGHWAY RAT A new animated special based on the picture book written by Julia Donaldson, with the animated film projected on big screen, and live music performed by the LPO. 18-25 Oct PRAM JAM: WORDS AND RHYMES Start off your day with nursery rhymes, poems and rhyming stories with your child aged under 5. 22 Oct THE BOLDS Join writer Julian Clary and illustrator David Roberts for another hilarious tale from their children’s book series, The Bolds, about a family of hyenas. Hear the story accompanied by live illustration. 25 Oct KNIGHTS AND BIKES Gabrielle Kent, author of the Alfie Bloom series, introduces her new mystery novel for ages 8+. Welcome to the sleepy Cornish island of Penfurzy, where nothing exciting ever happens. Or does it? 26 Oct LIZ PICHON'S MONSTER FUN WITH TOM GATES As well as reading from the newest book in the series, Tom Gates: What Monster?, the illustrator and children's writer shows you how to draw your own monsters plus a live performance from Tom’s favourite band in the whole wide world Dude3. Age 7+ 27 Oct SOUTHBANK SINFONIA FAMILY CONCERT In the concert, specially-made videos and projections provide up-close insight into the music being played, then afterwards you can meet the musicians and try out their instruments. For ages 5-11.



WC2B 5JF www.reallyuseful.com/theatres/theatreroyal-drury-lane Until 5 Jan 42ND STREET the song and dance, American dream fable of Broadway. Young Peggy Sawyer is fresh off the bus from small-town America and just another face in the chorus line on Broadway’s newest show. But when the leading lady gets injured, Peggy might just have the shot at stardom she's always dreamed of... For age 5+


SE1 2HZ www.unicorntheatre.com Until 27 Oct MOUTH OPEN, STORY JUMP OUT Polarbear makes things up. This is about the moment that started it all, and how one little decision set off a chain reaction that changed his life forever. International assassins, secret codes, dogeating boa constrictors and more emerge when a father disappears and a boy discovers a talent for telling tales. For ages 8-11. 23-28 Oct ON THE ROAD A wordless story told using sound, dance and movement to explore what it feels like to be a refugee and the universal need we have to belong. For ages 8-12.


www.bachtobaby.com/londonnorth All concerts at 10.30am. 31 Oct in Kensington (Christ Church, Victoria Road, W8) 22 Oct in Notting Hill (St. John's Church, Lansdowne Crescent, W11) 26 Oct in Chiswick (St. Michael and All Angels, Bath Road, W4) 20 Oct in Ealing (Haven Green Baptist Church, W5 2DP)


SW7 2AP www.royalalberthall.com 11, 18, 23 Oct, 7 Nov STORYTELLING AND MUSIC SESSIONS A series of sessions for babies and toddlers aged 0-4, to encourage interaction between parents/carers and their little ones using musical instruments, singing, movement and stories. 10am and 11.30am, £5. 13 Oct FUN DMC A daytime family block party in town, featuring the best hip hop tunes with live projected music videos as well as games and activities. 26 Oct ALBERT'S BAND PRESENTS: SHOWTIME Perfect for the whole family, this fun-packed hour will feature famous tunes from some of the big-screen musicals including West Side Story, The Jungle Book and The Wizard of Oz. Buggies, babies and budding musicians all welcome! 27 Oct JAZZ FOR KIDS - JAZZ IN THE MOVIES A concert aimed at children of all ages and their families to enjoy.


W1U 2PB www.wigmore-hall.org.uk 3 Oct CHAMBER TOTS: AUTUMN, 18 Oct, 7 Nov CHAMBER TOTS: BEAR HUNT An interactive music-making workshop featuring


Castaway Island at PERFORM DRAMA songs, percussion and the chance to meet some exciting instruments up close. 27 Oct FAMILY DAY: AUTUMN SENSES Join music leader Georgia Duncan to explore senses during this season, and be inspired to create your own music and soundscapes. For ages 5+ 3 Nov FAMILY CONCERT: THE KING WITH DONKEY EARS A morning of musical storytelling for families, inspired by this traditional Somali folk tale. For age 5+ 8 Nov FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Hear outstanding performances by musicians from the Royal Academy of Music in these concerts presented especially for parents or carers and babies under 1 to enjoy together in a relaxed and accommodating environment.


PERFORM DRAMA, DANCE AND SINGING www.perform.org.uk/castaway 22-24 Oct CASTAWAY ISLAND: PERFORM’S THREE DAY OCTOBER HALF-TERM COURSE FOR 4-10’s An imaginative adventure filled with drama, song and dance. Prepare to climb aboard The Jammy Dodger as they voyage to a tropical island of lush sandy beaches and Caribbean sounds. Joining Long Gone Silver, the Pirates Pants Gang and the Mermaids of the Pink Lagoon, the team of theatre professionals will take your child on a sparkling adventure using confidence building games, songs and dances, topped off with a mini-musical performance on the last day. For ages 4-10, 10am-3pm in Kensington at the URC Kensington United Reform Church, Allen St, London W8 6BL. Call 020 7255 9120 or email: enquiries@perform.org.uk

HOLLAND PARK ECOLOGY CENTRE SCIENCE AND NATURE www.rbkc.gov.uk/ecology 22-26 Oct CHILDREN’S HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES AT THE ECOLOGY CENTRE runs outdoor and creative activities utilising the park and wooded Wildlife Area. For ages 4-8 and longer sessions for ages 8-12. 10am-12 noon and 2-4pm. CHISWICK THEATRE ARTS www.chiswicktheatrearts.com 22-26 Oct 3 Hour workshops for ages 3-8 9.30am - 12.30pm. 22 Oct The Ice Queen & Rapunzel 23 Oct Disney Magic 24 Oct Fairies and Pirates 25 Oct Incredible Super Heroes 26 Oct Spooky Halloween Full Day Workshops for 6-14 years, 10.15am - 4.00pm 22 Oct The Greatest Showman 23 Oct Broadway Bound Day 24 Oct ‘Thriller’ Dance workshop 24 Oct Hamilton 26 Oct ‘Orrible ‘Alloween! Venue: 2 Belmont Road, Chiswick W4 5BQ. Call 020 8742 2861 email: mimi@chiswicktheatrearts.com

HYDE PARK EDUCATION CENTRE www.supporttheroyalparks.org/events/ events_in_hyde_park 23 Oct Nature Explorers: Wild Filmakers For ages 8-11, a full day of of guided outdoor games and activities. Children will be taking photographs of the wildlife in Hyde Park and using them for discussion.10am-3pm. 24, 25 Oct Discovery Day: Hair-raising Halloween. Halloween themed activities including exploring feely boxes in the witches den, a hair-raising nature trail, creating potions using herbs and plants and building a bat box. 11am-3pm.

October 2018

KIDS COOKERY SCHOOL www.thekidscookeryschool.co.uk 22-26 Oct Cookery workshops for ages 3-14 in Acton.

WILLIAM MORRIS SOCIETY www.williammorrissociety.org.uk 24 Oct Workshop for ages 6-12: “Printing with Light” Be inspired by the exhibition of photographs. 10.30am-12.30 pm A workshop in two sessions: Session 1: Create your own photo using sunlight and autumn leaves and berries. Session 2: Create a 2019 calendar to frame your unique sun print. Advanced booking required. Location: Hammersmith

EALING TRAILFINDERS www.ealingtrailfinders1stxv.com/news/ october-half-term-camp-at-ealing-trailfindersbook 23-25 Oct Three-day camp for children aged 6-12 who are aiming to improve their rugby skills. Professionally coached to a high level, with a focus on development whilst ensuring there is the main aim of fun and enjoyment. First team players will also be joining in with coaching, and there will be the opportunity for kids to take part in a Q&A to get an insight in to being a professional. 9am-3pm. Call 07792852695 or email: info@etprm.com

See all the latest news, views and What’s On listings on our lovely, shiny website: www.famililiesonline .co.uk

Families west London 19

Activities, Clubs & Classes MUSIC AND MOVEMENT

HARTBEEPS Award-winning, original, multi-sensory musical baby and toddler classes with original music, bubbles, costumes, twinkles, sparkly parachutes, puppets and more. Classes in West Kensington, North Kensington, Notting Hill, Shepherds Bush and Maida Vale. t: 07738 522856 Classes in Ealing, Fulham, Putney, Kew, Chiswick, Hammersmith, Wandsworth, Barnes and Acton.


BALLET4LIFE Since 2004. Ballet4life offers top quality. Welcoming daily ballet, dance and fitness classes taught by professionals. All classes are held in large dance studios and our programme includes creative dance classes for kids, beginner ballet and barre courses, and dance fitness. Mums and babies welcome. www.ballet4life.com Follow us: @ballet4lifeuk Like us: www.facebook.com/ballet4life.uk/ DANCE GALLERY Dance Gallery is Ealing’s leading dance school and specialises in modern, jazz, tap and musical theatre productions for children aged 4-18 years. t: 0208 566 9672 www.dancegallery.co.uk

KENSINGTON BALLET 18 months - 2 years. Kensington, Chelsea, Knightsbridge, Notting Hill and Fulham. t: 07957 650 042 www.kensingtonballet.com

STAGECOACH PERFROMING ARTS Provide fun and engaging weekly classes in dance, drama and singing in a safe and happy

Party Listings DRAMA

Perform Parties Based around a colourful theme, Performs energetic party leaders use a magical mix of songs, games and laughter to create fun-filled, actionpacked parties. t: 0207 255 9120 www.performparties.co.uk

Stagecoach Their themed parties for 4-10 year olds combine drama, dance and singing with a wide range of party games and storytelling all based around your chosen theme. You choose the date and the time and they can come to the venue of your choice. Stagecoach Kensington: t: 020 8398 8106 Stagecoach Chiswick: t: 020 020 8398 4709


Adam Ants Parties t: 020 8959 1045 or 07969 121094 e: info@adamantsparties.co.uk www.adamantsparties.co.uk

Boo Boo The Children’s Entertainer t: 07961 355269 www.mr-booboo.co.uk

environment. Students aged 4 to 18 years are taught by a professional and experienced team of teachers. They offer two-week trials for all new students so that your child can try the class out. To enrol go to: www.stagecoach.co.uk info@stagecoach.co.uk Chiswick - 020 8398 4709 Hammersmith & Kensington: 020 8398 8106 Ealing: 01494 260249 WEST LONDON DANCE ACADEMY Ballet classes in Chiswick & Ealing. Free Trial Lesson. e: info@gmail.com t: 07795 578781 www.westlondondanceacademy.com

WEST LONDON SCHOOL OF DANCE 21/2 - 16 years. t: 020 8743 3856 westlondondance@aol.com www.westlondonschoolofdance.co.uk


ARTSED EXTRA Fun and engaging weekly Musical Theatre, Drama and Dance classes in Chiswick. Develop skills and grow in confidence! Available to children 4-16yrs of all abilities. e: ptc@artsed.co.uk · t: 020 8987 6692 www.artsed.co.uk

HUZZAH Performing Arts & Mindfulness Build confidence from the inside out with a Huzzah weekly class. Drama, dance, singing and a touch of mindfulness. Ages 4 - 7. Saturday 1 - 2.20pm in Queen's Park. Sunday’s 10 - 11.30am in West Hampstead. Creative, calm, confident kids. Sign up for a FREE TRAIL at: www.huzzahperformingarts.com

Silly Millie the Clown Parties for 3 - 9 year olds. Funny magic show, puppet’s, party games, silly songs and balloon animals. Impossible = I am Possible t: 020 7823 8329 or 07939 239 397 www.sillymillietheclown.co.uk


Birthday Parties at Odds Farm Park For more information including full party terms and conditions and to book visit: www.oddsfarm.co.uk


Blueberry Playsongs Fun, inter-active, musical parties for the under 5’s since 1991! Guitar-accompanied songs with actions, joining in, instruments, games and dancing. t: 020 8677 6871 e: info@blueberryplaysongs.co.uk

PERFORM Weekly drama, dance and singing classes for 412s. Perform is a unique children’s drama school that has a special emphasis on child development. Perform uses a mix of drama, dance and singing to bring out every child’s full potential. Run by highly experienced actor-teachers, in small groups, Perform classes focus on developing the 4 Cs: Confidence, Communication, Coordination, and Concentration. The perform curriculum ensures plenty of fun, using a mix of energetic games, catchy songs and funky dances. All class materials are written by Perform, with apps, CDs and videos that the children can play at home to keep the magic alive. Perform offer no-obligation FREE trial sessions. Visit: www.perform.org.uk/try to book a FREE class today. Venues: Acton, Brook Green, Chiswick, Ealing, Earls Court, ,Hammersmith, Ickenham, Kensington, Maida Vale, Notting Hill, Shepherds Bush, Turnham Green. e: enquiries@perform.org.uk t: 020 7255 9120 www.perform.org.uk/try STAGECOACH PERFORMING ARTS Provide fun and engaging weekly classes in dance, drama and singing in a safe and happy environment. Students aged 4 to 18 years are taught by a professional and experienced team of teachers. They offer two-week trials for all new students so that your child can try the class out. To enrol go to: www.stagecoach.co.uk e: info@stagecoach.co.uk Chiswick: 020 8398 4709 Hammersmith & Kensington: 020 8398 8106 Ealing: 01494 260249


KIDDIKICKS Football (W2,W4,W8,W10,W11,TW8). For boys and girls from 18 months to age 7. e: info@kiddikicks.co.uk · t: 020 7937 7965 www.kiddikicks.co.uk


Party Plus They have a wide range of themed party ware available from stock. For mail order and more visit: www.partyplus.co.uk

JUMP LDN Empowers people through Double Dutch Skipping! Double Dutch is a socially fun sport and street game which promotes teamwork, communication and unity. Harrow Club, 187 Freston Rd, London W10 6TH JUMP YOUTH: 6pm-7pm (16yrs and under) JUMP FITNESS: 7pm-8pm (16yrs and over) e: info@jumpldn.com www.facebook.com/jumpldn1 www.jumpldn.com


EXPLORE LEARNING Maths & English Tuition Centres. 5 -14 years. Free Trial session. Ealing 020 8090 8710 Hayes 020 8561 8530 Westfield London 020 809 01216 www.explorelearning.co.uk VICTORIA PAGE Private tuition 21/2 - 11 years. t: 07050 246 810

VIVIEN BORNEMANN Home tuition. Art, Craft and design. All ages. t: 020 8932 1010.


WEST LONDON BABIES Chiswick Sling Library, Family First Aid session, Breastfeeding Buddy sessions and Pregnant Parents Social Club. Also The Bub Hub which runs every fortnight and is a collective of professionals working together to support parents during the first year of their baby's life. Mums of More than One, 6-12 month old focus and lots more. t: 020 8090 8710


ARABIC For Women and Children. Female teacher. t: 07956 845 053



Betty Blythe Specialises in bringing the Tea Service party to your own home or venue of your choice. They can also host up to 10 in their Vintage Tea room. e: tea@bettyblythe.co.uk www.bettyblythe.co.uk


For all your party needs, Balloons Partyware · Banners · Decorations and much more. 9:30am - 5pm Monday - Saturday.

020 8987 8404 4 Acton Lane Chiswick Park W4 5NB www.partyplus.co.uk www.partiesbypost.co.uk

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