Families London Surrey Borders Jan/Feb 2021

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London Surrey Borders


Education Family Health Early Years Activities

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January/February 2021


Familiesonline.co.uk January/February 1

Save the Date For Wear A Hat Day

Calling all families across the country: join us on Friday 26 March to take part in one of the UK’s biggest and most important brain tumour research fundraising and awareness-raising days. Join thousands of families and create entertaining hat-themed fundraising events to help find a cure for brain tumours. After a very challenging year, we know that Wear A Hat Day 2021 is perfectly timed to become a huge event, bringing hope and inspiring the nation like never before! Thanks to the brilliant charity partnership with Venture Studios, we’ve been gifted with inspirational and uplifting portraits of key worker families who, despite having their own devastating brain tumour stories, are determined to show the joy and positivity that is being involved in Wear A Hat Day. Register to take part.

Sign up today for your



Families urgently need a research breakthrough now www.wearahatday.org

#WearAHatDay | Together we will find a cure

Registered charity number 1153487 (England and Wales) SC046840 (Scotland). Company limited by guarantee number 08570737.

2 January/February

MARCH 2021

Photos by Venture Studios


©Venture Studios



In This Issue





New Year’s Resolutions for Kids


Activities: Crafts

We have the dark, chilly days of winter to get through and, despite the Christmas break, many of us are feeling battle-weary and fatigued. So it’s a great time to make some New Year’s resolutions that will get the family’s health back on track, mentally and physically. Check out our great health tips and ideas, as well as a fabulous ‘pull out’ New Year’s resolutions chart for kids on page 8.

20 Early Years 22 Outdoor Activities 24 Health

As we continue our 30th anniversary celebrations, there are lots of giveaways to come so be sure to sign up to receive free future issues of this magazine.

28 Family Life 29 Activities: Cooking 32 Online Classes

Hang in there everyone – better times are coming!

Get in touch Families is a registered trademark of LCMB Ltd, Remenham House, Regatta Place, Marlow Road, Bourne End, Bucks SL8 5TD. The contents of this magazine are fully protected by copyright and none of the editorial or photographic matter may be reproduced in any form without prior consent of Families Print Ltd. Every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine but Families Print Ltd, its distributors, franchisees and LCMB Ltd cannot be held responsible for the claims of advertisers nor for the accuracy of the contents, or any consequences thereof.

Competition Winners Santa’s Lapland Holiday – Julia Cockwill Elfie’s Christmas Advent Letters Story Bundle Cheryl Davenport-Thomas Runners up: Loli Carballo, Rebecca Castle, Lisa Brennan, Claire Brown, Susan Turner

Families Magazine turns 30!

To celebrate, we have FREEBIES for YOU! -In

The Grrreat Colour Reward Chart STEP 1



Tell your child when to Fill in daily Explain behaviour rewards your colour in the animals! targets child will receive



e Real Animals! it th

for a day at a WIN Family Tickets Park of your choice! UK Zoo or Wildlife children. two adults and two Tickets are valid for

info@familiesmagazine.co.uk completed chart to an image of your child’s you or your child explaining How to Enter: Email up to 50 words from 2020 to enter. age, your postcode and You have until 30 June with your child’s name, them achieve their targets. how the chart has helped


Easter activities & What’s Ons for * Win chocolates Mother’s Day & family day out tickets * Play café guide * School open days * Reader offers

2020 Issue 10 March/April

estkent.co.uk email: editor@familiesw



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Magazine January/February 3


Make Your Food Waste Matter Too much food is still going to waste in Surrey. The latest research shows that a staggering 58% of food waste ends up in rubbish bins instead of being reduced or recycled. That’s 28,000 tonnes each year - the equivalent of 2,258 double decker buses. January is a great time to watch your waste and start reducing your environmental impact. Try these 5 simple tips to make a difference and protect the planet in 2021. 1. Plan your shopping and meals in advance to avoid over-buying. 2. Freeze leftovers and food that is nearing its use by date. 3. Turn your potato peelings into crisps or your dry bread into pizza. 4. Try out a new recipe to use up leftovers. 5. If you can’t eat it, caddy it. For leftover recipes, food waste reduction tips and more information on recycling click here.

Where Children Thrive

Calling all young Scientists!

Help us discover how babies & kids learn! We’re recruiting infants from birth to school age to take part in fun studies at the Birkbeck Babylab in central London. Our prime location is easy to reach and we refund travel expenses. We also have online studies you can do from the comfort of home www.cbcd.bbk.ac.uk/online-studies 020 7631 6258 babylab@bbk.ac.uk www.cbcd.bbk.ac.uk 4 January/February

Independent Co-educational Day School For Pupils Aged 3-18

APPLY NOW FOR 2021 ENTRY Virtual Tours On School Website

www.ewellcastle.co.uk Familiesonline.co.uk


Books for Navigating Tricky Times

Seaton House School is now offering Early Years Funding

A book can be a friend in lonely times, a delightful escape, a comfort blanket to wrap around us when the going gets tough. As a parent, sharing this understanding with your children is one of the best gifts you can give them. Find out how.

Seaton House School is now participating in the Government 15 hours funding scheme for Early Years. The funding is applicable for children attending a minimum of 5 morning sessions.



By Smriti Halls


January/February 5


Big Thinking at Little Downsend Toddlers of today are the leaders and innovators of tomorrow. They will work in job types that do not yet exist. It is more important than ever for educators to try to equip children with the skills they will need to navigate the future of work and the future of societies. In this rapidly changing world, even our youngest members of society are now embracing new ways of playing and learning. Little Downsend’s Nursery and Early Years schools are leading the way with their approach to encouraging their little people to think big! Striking the perfect balance between play and innovative teaching, they work to stimulate creativity and curiosity through play and exploration, gently build digital skills, and develop children’s awareness of the wider world, whilst developing their emotional intelligence, resilience and adaptability to set them on the best possible path for their future educational journey and beyond. More information about Little Downsend.

How to Improve your Child’s Concentration

Encouraging Constant Learning

By Gail Hugman

By Dr Cath Bishop

If ever there was a time to help your child improve their learning skills, it’s now! Even without disrupted routines, many young children need help developing the skills of listening and concentration required in the classroom. Here’s how you can help your child. READ MORE

“Who’s going to win?” From a young age, it seems natural to compare and compete with others. But, historically, what distinguished us from our ancestors was learning by cooperating, communicating and connecting. How can we help our children learn in this way? READ MORE

6 January/February


Yoganory, slippery slopes and enormous turnips. Just another normal day at Little Downsend.

Downsend’s STEAM storytelling “The wonderful teamand at Little Downsend School have approach nurtured from dayadventure one. given my is children an amazing each day. Through fun games, they don’t even realise they are To find outand more creative learning, theabout qualityour of care givenSTEAM by all the staff is based teaching what it means for thethe gates clear to see. My and children bounce in through way childand learns, join us enormous at one of our eachyour morning leave with smiles.” Open October and Little Mornings Downsendthroughout parent November at Little Downsend Epsom, Ashtead or Leatherhead. To find out more about our inspiring and creative ‘future skills’ vision and what it means for your child, visit downsend.co.uk/welcome-to-little-downsend or call To check dates and book your place, us to arrange a chat with Head of Little Downsend, visit downsend.co.uk Familiesonline.co.uk Vanessa Conlan: 01372 372 311.

Part of the Cognita Schools Group Part of the Cognita Schools Group January/February 7


London Surrey Borders

Contact Us Call Tamar on 07947 535986

8 January/February


Independent school and nursery for girls and boys aged 2-11, where there’s more to a good education. Click to take a virtual tour of our school. SUTTON LANE | BANSTEAD | ADMISSIONS@BANSTEADPREP.COM | 01737 363600 Familiesonline.co.uk January/February 9


10 January/February


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VIRTUAL OPEN ORNING Saturday 6 February, 10am - 12pm

Call us on 020 8688 0661 or visit www.elmhurstschool.net to register


January/February 11


Classic Free Audio Books for Kids A great way to introduce your child to these classic stories with no cost attached.

By Carlo Collodi. Ages 3+.

The Wind in the Willows

By Kenneth Grahame. Ages 6+.

When We Were Very Young

The Secret Garden

The Railway Children

Peter Pan

Adventures of Pinocchio

By Frances Hodgson Burnett. Ages 8+.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland By Lewis Carroll. Ages 4+.

12 January/February

By E. Nesbit. Ages 8+.

Aesop’s Fables Ages 4+.

By A.A. Milne. All ages.

By J.M. Barrie. Ages 8+.

The Swiss Family Robinson

By Johann David Wyss. Ages 7+. Familiesonline.co.uk


Online Tutoring Providers for Primary School Children Does your child need to catch up on some learning?

Teachers to Your Home


Dulwich Tutors Online

Bigfoot Tutors


Owl Tutors

Mentor Education

Kings Tutors

Think Academy


January/February 13


Learning Challenges for Kids From Bella Learning, these are open-ended, purposeful tasks, differentiated by age, that your child can do as part of home-schooling or at the weekend.

Challenge 1

Challenge 2

Challenge 3

Create a poster.

Create a rainbow collage.

Audit your toys.

Challenge 4

Challenge 5

Challenge 6

Celebrate a story.

Make a family tree.

Make a sunshine picture.

Challenge 7

Challenge 8

Challenge 9

Create an observation chart. 14 January/February

Interview a relative.

Make a treasure hunt.




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Download + sign up to BEANSTALK, the newest member of the KidStart Family. The family app with one goal in mind, to make saving + investing easy for all!

And you’ll qualify for a 34% discount off your Reading Eggs + Mathseeds subscription. £46 for BEANSTALK members, usually £69.90.

Sign up now! Please note: capital as risk. As with any investment, the value can go down as well. Terms and conditions apply. Beanstalk is a trading name of KidStart Limited. KidStart Limited is authorised and regulated by Familiesonline.co.uk 15 January/February the Financial Conduct Authority. Our FCA number is 473606.

My New Year’s Resolutions!


This year I want to:

This year I need to:

This year I am going to start:

This year I am going to stop:

This year I am going to learn:



16 January/February




New Year’s Resolution Ideas for Children Pre-School

Ages 5 to 8

I need to brush my teeth every morning and before going to bed.

I need to go to bed on time every night. I need to wash my hands before every meal. I will start eating at least three fruits and vegetables every day. I will start doing my chores every day. I will stop fighting with my brother/sister/others. I will stop interrupting when someone is talking. I will learn how to tell an adult if I see anyone being bullied.

I need to wash my hands after going to the bathroom and before I eat anything. I am going to start tasting a new food every week. I am going to start listening to my mum/dad. I will learn a new word every day. I will learn how to help clear the table when I have finished eating. I will stop hitting my brother/ sister/others.

Ages 9 to 11

I will learn to make a simple meal. I will learn how to tidy my room properly. I want to choose one author and read every book they have written. I will start having one screen free day every week. I want to save ÂŁ20 in my piggy bank. I need to eat fruit or vegetables with every meal. I need to do my homework before anything else after school. I will stop leaving my clothes on the floor.


January/February 17


Fabulous Crafts to Celebrate Chinese New Year 11-26 February

Easy Chinese Lantern

Egg Carton Dragon Dancing Puppet

Paper Dragon Slinkie

Dragon Mask

Chinese Lantern Suncatcher

Chinese Fan

Panda Paper Bag Puppet

Year of Ox Headband

Year of Ox Paper Plate

18 January/February



Get Moving with our Family Dance Party Playlist!

A-B-C, Easy as 1-2-3! ABCmouse.com

Happy Pharrell Williams (feat. Minions)

Can’t Stop the Feeling! Justin Timberlake

Gangnam Style PSY

Twist & Shout The Beatles

YMCA Village People

Dancing Queen ABBA

Who Let the Dogs Out Baha Men

Roar! Katy Perry


January/February 19


Best Nursery Rhymes & Action Songs for Pre-Schoolers

Little Peter Rabbit Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush

Baby Shark

Finger Family Song

Little Bo Peep

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Little Miss Muffet

The Ants Go Marching

Itsy Bitsy Spider

20 January/February



The Benefits of Nursery and Things to Consider

The Lowdown on Potty Training

By Gabrielle Nash

By Andrew Campbell

Choosing good quality childcare is one of the most important decisions parents make. So whether you are assessing options for returning to work or considering part time childcare for your toddler, a nursery may be what you need. So what factors should you consider? READ MORE

There are various potty training methods and none of them are right or wrong! Each comes with advantages and disadvantages. So it’s important to consider what style is the best fit for your family. Slow and gentle, get it over quick or somewhere in between…. READ MORE

Working with Little Ones at Home

By Dr Sarah Mundy

Like me, you may be thinking that your multi-tasking skills were pushed to the limit before Covid! Working from home whilst looking after a preschooler isn’t easy so here are my tips on maximising your work time whilst still meeting your little one’s needs. READ MORE Familiesonline.co.uk

January/February 21


RSPB Bird-Related Garden Activities

Celebrate the Big Garden Birdwatch from 29 to 31 January!

Build a Bird Bath

Make a String Bird Go Bird Watching

Make a Flock of Fingers

Build a Bird Box

Go on an Indoor Scavenger Hunt

Play ‘Hungry birds’ Online

Make a Recycled Bird Feeder

Make a Speedy Bird Cake

22 January/February



Outside Activities Whatever the Winter Weather Rain


Float your boat. Make a boat and float it in a puddle or stream. Wet chalk art. Rain intensifies and blurs the colours of chalk for a spectacular effect. Make mud pies. Use old aluminium or plastic containers and have a bake off! Gauge the rain. Make a rain gauge with a plastic bottle and keep a log. Puddle jumping. Try jumping over, rather than in – who can jump the biggest? Collectathon. Gather some different sized containers outside and guess which will fill first.

Fly a kite. Make one from different materials and see which works best. Blow bubbles. Let the wind do the blowing and watch them swirl. Parachute play. Make a toy parachute using a handkerchief and toy figurine and throw up. Make wind chimes. Hang spoons, keys and beads from a coat hanger. Play Frisbee. Go somewhere with lots of space and let it rip! Make a wind sock. Attach streamers or ribbons to one end of a toilet roll holder and string to the other.


Break out the binoculars. Since leaves have fallen from trees, it’s a lot easier to spot birds and other creatures. Take a night hike. Using torches explore your neighbourhood during these dark early evenings. Build a campfire. Bring out hot chocolate and roast marshmallows and cook jacket potatoes in the embers. Go stargazing. Cold nights generally mean clear skies, perfect for watching stars. Hunt for treasure. Look for holly leaves, lichen, leaf skeletons, sticks, pinecones and acorns. Frost art. On a frosty morning, draw or write in the frost on the pavement


January/February 23


Kids’ Wellbeing Books All books can be purchased via Bookshop.org, an online bookshop with a mission to financially support local, independent bookshops.

First Emotions: How am I feeling?

Don’t Worry, Little Crab

The Worrysaurus

Mindful Kids

A gentle and simple A picture book working introduction to strong through anxiety and emotions for little ones. building courage.

A fun, reassuring tale about dealing with worries, by a bestselling author.

24 January/February

Ollie uses superpowers to overcome school bullies.

No Worries

50 creative mindfulness Interactive self-care games/exercises to activities for children help children find calm to find happiness, calm and relaxation. and confidence.

Mind Hug: The First Ruby’s Worry: A Story Big Bright Feelings A picture book Book adventure into mindfulness.

Ollie and His Superpowers

A perceptive and poignant story.

Worry Angels

Particularly suitable for struggling, reluctant and dyslexic readers. Ages 8+. Familiesonline.co.uk


New Year Family Mental Health Resolutions

Five Tips for Feeling Fab in 2021

By Helen Spiers

By Karlin Sloan

On 1 January 2020, many of us made resolutions with no idea that a global catastrophe was imminent. The impact of the pandemic on our wellbeing is huge. So let’s use our 2021 resolutions to be kinder to ourselves and prioritise our family’s mental health. READ MORE

From the Covid-19 pandemic to the wave of economic loss, personal loneliness, isolation, and deep uncertainty about what’s in store, this is a time when even the toughest of us can find ourselves struggling. Here are some ideas to get you get back on track. READ MORE

Eating for Immunity By Claire Winter

Maintaining a balanced diet can be difficult in a world where unhealthy and processed foods are advertised frequently and are convenient. But during the pandemic, it is more important than ever to eat well and stay hydrated. How do you start off on the right foot? READ MORE Familiesonline.co.uk

January/February 25


Support Your Child’s Mental Health Help your child to understand how they are feeling and why with these free downloadable resources from PlanBee.

Feelings and Emotions Cards

These cards will get your child thinking and talking about feelings.

Design your Own Emotion Emojis

Your child can draw emojis that represent their feelings.

Worry Monster Activity Sheets

Help your child deal with their emotions. 26 January/February

Mood Tracker

Children can express emotions they are experiencing by colouring in an object.

Synonym Emotions Booklet

Identify words that are similar to emotions like angry, sad and happy.

Draw the Emotion

Feeling Check-in Cards

Emoji Emotion Faces Cards

Mindfulness Colouring Sheets

Challenge your children Check in with your to think about how different emotions are child and see what they are feeling. expressed facially.

Ask your child to talk about when they’ve felt these feelings.

Perfect to help young minds relax. Familiesonline.co.uk


Six Steps to Good Mental Health Help support your child’s mental health with these steps from PlanBee. Name emotions and feelings This helps your child develop a vocabulary to explain their feelings. Explain the physical sensations Help your child recognise how different emotions feel physically. Understand when/why Once your child can spot/name their emotions, help them understand the triggers. Help regulate Once they understand the source of an emotion, help them regulate. Keep everyone safe When feeling a big emotion, your

child’s brain doesn’t work in the same way as when they are calm. Help them stay safe and maintain boundaries. Once your child is calm, relate Listen, empathise and share similar experiences to help them understand their feelings and know you care.

Example of Steps 1-3

Example of Steps 4-6


Regulate/Keep Everyone Safe/ Relate

Name “I can see you are really angry.”

Regulate “Take a deep breath with me.”

Explain “Your face is scrunched up and your fists are clenched.

Keep Everyone Safe “I cannot let you hit me. If you need to get your anger out, try hitting this cushion.”

Understand “I am wondering if you are angry because someone didn’t let you play.”

Relate “Once I was so angry I wanted to throw things. Your grandad helped me calm down by giving me playdough to squeeze.”


January/February 27


Find ‘Me-Time’ and Achieve your Goals

Vegan Food for the Family – By Stealth!

By Carina Lawson

By Louise Palmer-Masterton

The pandemic arrived like a whirlwind, changing the way we live. Whilst it is still here, we have to make sure we and our families are motivated to stay on top of things and enjoy life as best we can. Here are some tips.

In my view, the way to win hearts and minds to veganism is by serving ridiculously delicious vegan food! But children can be notoriously difficult nuts to crack food wise and it helps to master the art of getting healthy food in by ‘stealth!’ READ MORE


Family Fitness By Claire Winter

It’s easy to use excuses like ‘too tired’ or ‘too busy’ to exercise. Exercising through the pandemic, with gyms and sports clubs often closed, is challenging. But regular exercise promotes physical and mental health in many ways. How can your family get fit this year? READ MORE 28 January/February



9 Best Pancake Recipes for Shrove Tuesday Experiment with some pancake-making on and around 16 February!

Banana Pancakes

Fluffy Black Forest Pancakes

Vegan Pancakes

Flourless Rainbow Pancakes

Upside-Down Pineapple Pancakes

Teddy Bear Pancakes

Mary Berry’s Easy Drop Scones

Easy Pancakes

Baby’s First Pancakes


January/February 29


Handling Co-Parenting Differences

The Guilty Parent Syndrome

By Rebecca Giraud and Bob Greig

By Dr Jan MacGregor Hepburn

Co-parenting is not easy, mistakes can and will be made but it’s the effort that we as parents put in that will really be of long-term benefit to our children. After all, loving our children is what we have in common with our ex-partner. READ MORE

As a parent, do you feel constantly guilty? About what you’ve said/done or not said/ done? If so, you’d be forgiven for thinking that guilt and parenting must be inextricably linked. And you would be right! BUT they don’t have to be….... READ MORE

Embracing your Inner Child

Special 15% Discount!

By Ed James, Mark and Nicky Taylor

Despite your intentions to parent your kids differently to the way you were parented, they probably view your parenting style in much the same way. But imagine the difference if you could combine the essential parts of adulthood and still be in touch with your inner child.... READ MORE 30 January/February

101 Questions Answered About Separating with Children has become an indispensable guide to divorce/ separation for parents. To mark the publication of the second edition, enjoy an exclusive 15% discount for Families readers from Only Mums and Only Dads. Use code FM10121 here. With legal help, tips and insights from professionals and parents, this book will save you time and money. Familiesonline.co.uk


The Impact of Covid-19 on Working Mums By Mandy Garner The Covid-19 pandemic has been hard for many individuals and groups, with working mums, particularly single working mums, being one of them. But the picture is complex. Women dominate in many of the most risky frontline sectors such as health, social care and education and in some of the hardest hit sectors such as hospitality and retail. Parttime jobs, traditionally done by women, have seen a precipitous fall, BUT women are less likely to be unemployed than men and many have gone into full-time roles. Then there is self-employment which has seen a big decline. A recent report from IPSE and Starling Bank showed women freelancers have been hardest hit financially by late payments of money owed to them and the associated mental impact and women-led businesses have suffered disproportionately. What is clear is that the impact of childcare problems during the pandemic has been most keenly felt by women, with countless studies, including our own surveys, showing women have been carrying most of the childcare/home schooling burden, despite dads increasing their input generally.

Our latest survey shows lockdown restrictions and school or year group closures are still causing huge challenges. READ MORE

Bella Learning Games

Fun educational games to download, print and play.

Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 Packs

Available Now!

For examples, tips and advice, find Bella Learning Games on Facebook and Instagram.

www.bellalearning.co.uk Familiesonline.co.uk

January/February 31


Live and Pre-Recorded Online Classes for Kids

Singing Hands

Live online baby/ toddler signing sessions.

Kidslingo LIVE

Mother Nature Little Gym at Home Science Online Club Online pre-recorded Live online science activity classes. Ages 4-12.

gymnastics based activities. Ages 4mths-12yrs.

Tots Play

SA Dance

Live online language classes. Ages 0-11.

Live online baby and toddler play classes.

Live online dance classes. Ages 2½+.

Teddies Online Music Club

La Jolie Ronde

Parrot Street Book Club

Pre-recorded online musical fun and arty ideas for under 5s. 32 January/February

Live online French and Spanish classes. Ages 5-11.

Monthly subscription book club. Ages 5-11. Familiesonline.co.uk


Live and Pre-Recorded Online Classes for Kids


The Place

Funky Moves

Live online language classes. Ages 0-12.

Live online dance classes. Ages 4-18.

Live online yoga and ballet classes. Ages 4-11.

Tiger Crane Kung Fu

Music Monsters

Smart Raspberry Cookery School

Live online martial arts classes. Ages 5+.

Go Sketch Club

Live online and prerecorded drawing and painting classes. Ages 7-12. Familiesonline.co.uk

Live online piano lessons. Ages 3-18.

Funky Monkeys Keyboard Classes Online pre-recorded tutorial programme. Ages 4-12.

Live online cookery classes. Ages 2+.

Bright Light Creative Writing Live online creative writing courses. Ages 6-11.

January/February 33

34 January/February


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