Families Hertfordshire September/October 2021

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Education Autumn activities Halloween Family life

ISSUE 100 September/October 2021


Familiesonline.co.uk September/October 1

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Back to school already! Our Education feature will help ease the transition and provides helpful tips and support.

Email: editor@familiesherts.co.uk

Autumn is a beautiful season and a great time for getting outside with the family. Hunt down some autumn trees in our downloadable Scavenger Hunt, enjoy some Autumn crafts and get organised early for Halloween with our great costume and decoration ideas.

Web: www.familiesonline.co.uk Editor: Dale Harry /FamiliesHerts /FamiliesHerts

In This Issue 5 13 15 16 19 21 23 24 25 32

Education Scavenger hunt downloadable Tween Autumn activities Halloween Family life Bonfire Night Early years Black History Month What’s On

Get prepared for Ride to School Week with our family cycling feature and challenge your kids with our Black History Month quiz. How many faces can they match to names? Whether you’re an existing subscriber to this magazine or haven’t signed up yet, take advantage of our fabulous free gifts for you in this issue!

Dale Competition Winners from our May/June issue

Rebecca Sherrett whose family won an Away Resorts holiday. David Morris, Jessica Li, James Parry, Kerry Lloyd, Simon, Neil and Ruth (no surnames) who each won a board game. Lynne Ironmonger, Kim Dimant, Carol Evans and Kate Humphreys who each won a Disney Princess Wooden Toy set. Colette Bruce, Julia Holcroft, Sarah Lavin, Diane Savin, Marie Catherine Luten, Katie Bainbridge, Katie-Anne Staples, Clare Cardoza, Rebecca Inman, Amelia Fernandez, Janine Caddick, Matthew Kermode, Hayley Thomas, Katie Hartless-Rose, Kati Whiteoak, Paul Green, Jackie Pritchard, Sonal Thakral, Ilaria Tosti, Stephanie Lawrence and Donna Leonard who each won an outdoor toy. Families is a registered trademark of LCMB Ltd, Remenham House, Regatta Place, Marlow Road, Bourne End, Bucks SL8 5TD. The contents of this magazine are fully protected by copyright and none of the editorial or photographic matter may be reproduced in any form without prior consent of Families Print Ltd. Every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine but Families Print Ltd, its distributors, franchisees and LCMB Ltd cannot be held responsible for the claims of advertisers nor for the accuracy of the contents, or any consequences thereof.

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September/October 3

News & Views

We’re offering Families readers a special £40 introductory discount on bookings made by 15 October Just quote HE151021.

Join Perform for confidence building fun this autumn term Perform weekly classes are packed with drama, dance and singing but have a special focus on developing confidence, communication, coordination and concentration. We don’t worry about whether children get their lines or moves right, instead, we use a mix of drama games and fun activities which boost self-esteem and allow every child to shine. Our magical end of term shows for friends and family are a wonderful celebration of everything the children have achieved. The Perform curriculum focuses on fun, friendship and laughter alongside catchy songs and funky dances. Class material is specially designed by Perform, with apps, downloads and videos for the children to enjoy at home. Classes are available for ages 4-7 and 7-12 with a new creative theme each term and, this autumn, we’re taking our 4-7s to Outer Space while the 7-12s will be appearing in Bluebeard’s Bride. To book a no-obligation FREE trial class at St Albans, Harpenden, Welwyn GC, Sawbridgeworth, Bishop’s Stortford, Broxbourne, Hertford, Hitchin and Radlett. Visit WEBSITE, call 020 7255 9120 or email enquiries@ perform.org.uk.


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4 September/October


Herts Freemasons supporting Stevenage’s Lister Hospital A volunteer service that offers dying patients at Stevenage’s Lister Hospital comfort and support as they reach the end of their lives, is to become a 24/7 operation thanks to a grant of £60,000 from Hertfordshire Freemasons. The Butterfly Volunteer Service, funded by the East and North Hertfordshire Hospitals’ Charity, provides volunteers to sit with patients when family members are not available or need to take a break. They provide the reassurance that, when the end comes, the patient will not be alone. Representatives of Hertfordshire Freemasons were honoured to be invited to meet HRH The Princess Royal [pictured meeting with volunteers] when she awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service to the Butterfly Volunteer Service at the Lister Hospital recently. Set up in 2016, the Butterfly Volunteer Service has grown each year – with trained volunteers working alongside East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust’s specialist palliative care team.

Black History Month The month of October is Black History Month in the UK, and has been celebrated in this country for over 30 years. There are some great free resources available for parents to engage their children with when discussing topics on race and racism. The BBC has a wealth of videos and articles on its newsround pages and another fantastic resource on Black History Month, also covering Black Lives Matter, is this guide from Yoopies. The official Black History Month website also provides relevant content and details on events taking place throughout the year. Go to WEBSITE Turn to page 25 for BHM quiz and more. Familiesonline.co.uk


Educating the whole child in a modern world Abbot’s Hill; perspective and purpose. Abbot’s Hill is a school for girls aged 3-16, and has a unique personality. Founded over 100 years ago to ‘educate young women of character’; this is an inclusive school which celebrates diversity, develops kind, resilient and discerning pupils and encourages ambition in the school community. The school places great value on the development of the individual. Pupils leave as confident, compassionate citizens who will go on to make significant and lasting contributions to others throughout their lives. We are proud of our pupils’ achievements, whatever their starting point. All pupils make excellent progress and their GCSE results reflect this. The majority choose A-levels as their next step, often at highly selective schools and colleges, although some choose a different route into practical or vocational courses. What the girls have in common is early leadership experience (no waiting for the glories of Year 13), diverse array of future hopes and ambitions, and the maturity and work ethic to achieve these. Where has this maturity been derived? How are they prepared for ‘life beyond’ Abbot’s Hill? In large part, it’s because of what they do beyond the regimen of examination specifications. Results matter: of course they do. The school wants the pupils

to have the widest possible range of choices ahead of them, and good results equal choices. However, how you arrive at these good results is what matters, and this is where Abbot’s Hill stands out. We are not a hothouse. But we are at the leading edge of pastoral care and wellbeing, we invest in our highly trained and dedicated staff and while we don’t jump on the latest bandwagons we are alive to developments in girls’ education and are research-led in our approach to teaching and learning. Positive relationships are at the heart of a successful school: at Abbot’s Hill, the sense of being part of an extended family and caring community, coupled with the care and dedication of the staff means that girls thrive from an early age. The particularly high standard of pastoral care provides girls with the foundations needed to move on with confidence, to lead happy and successful teenage and adult lives while striking the balance of looking after themselves and others. Authentic and true to the spirit of its founders, and yet ready to challenges of the fast-paced 21st Century world, the school is asking itself what ‘character’ means in a post-Covid world. With examinations stripped away for the second year in a row, perhaps it’s fair to say that ‘character’ doesn’t begin and end with a set of numbers on a piece of paper. It begins at Abbot’s Hill with young women poised and confident, ready for whatever comes their way.

Did you know?

Open Days

Abbot’s Hill was originally the home of the Dickinson family – of Apsley Paper Mill and Basildon Bond fame. The buildings were acquired by Katherine and Mary Baird in order to establish a school for ‘young women of character’. The Baird sisters opened Abbot’s Hill in May 1912 as an independent boarding school for girls. The Scottish roots of the Baird sisters are reflected to this day in the school’s ‘Clan System’.

Registrations are now open for all Autumn Term Open Events: Prep School Open Morning, including nursery (Friday 24 September); Prep School Working Open Event (Tuesday 9 November); Whole School Open Afternoon (Saturday 25 September); Senior School Working Open Event (Friday 12 November). Abbot’s Hill is in Hemel Hempstead. If you would like to visit on one of the days above, register at WEBSITE


September/October 5


St Christopher School – not your typical independent school Are you searching for a school with a difference for your child? For more than 100 years, St Chris in Letchworth Garden City has been a pioneering voice in the world of education, embracing new ideas based on sound educational principles. St Chris is built on the belief that every individual is at the heart of the school. Each child is there to meet their potential, and they do so in a relaxed but vibrant and purposeful atmosphere. Girls and boys, from nursery to sixth form, thrive in a kind environment, where humanity, compassion and healthy doses of laughter are evident together with an expectation that each child should be hungry to learn and to participate. To find out whether St Chris is the right school for your child, why not book a visit this autumn, and experience the difference for yourself. Open Days: Virtual Open Day at stchris.co.uk Junior School: Tuesday 28 September and Wednesday 20 October Senior School & Sixth Form: enhanced private visits available throughout autumn. Book online at WEBSITE, call 01462 650947 or email admissions@stchris.co.uk for more information.

A leading independent school Located in parkland a short distance from Harpenden, St Albans and Berkhamsted, Beechwood Park School is one of the country’s leading independent co-educational day and boarding schools for children aged 3-13. The school’s mission is to nurture, engage and inspire, develop confidence and independence in all pupils, and give them the skills which will prepare them for future life and a love of learning. Beechwood offers boys and girls a safe, happy and uniquely child-centred learning environment in which they can enjoy building friendships and develop creativity, curiosity and character. Pupils have opportunities and time and space to enjoy a rich learning experience, taught by experienced teachers. Teachers encourage children to engage as active learners, to work hard, to challenge themselves and take increasing ownership of their studies. Academic results are consistently impressive, with leavers heading off to a range of excellent local and national day and boarding schools, frequently with academic and other scholarships. Learning does not just take place in the classroom and school facilities include established onsite forest school and an indoor swimming pool complex. There is a music technology suite and dedicated facilities for Art, DT and Ceramics. Main entry points are nursery, reception and Year 7, and Beechwood Park School’s next open morning is 15 October. For more information visit WEBSITE.

Visit the Family Learning Festival The Family Learning Festival which runs from 16 October to 30 October is a national celebration to inspire a love of learning in family life. Organisations across the UK, including schools, libraries, museums, children centres and galleries will be staging a range of FREE and low cost creative family learning activities. Organisers of the festival, the lifelong learning charity, Campaign for Learning, believes learning that takes place in the family and home should be valued as much as learning that takes place in school classrooms and formal education. The family is where we learn important life skills and positive attitudes to learning, which enable us to become confident, motivated lifelong learners. To find a local Family Learning Festival event, visit www.familylearningfestival.com 6 September/October

Bringing lessons to life Artwork from students at Markyate Village School and Nursery has been used to make the subway close to the school a much more attractive place to walk through. The school have been busy educating their pupils about climate change, clean air and how small actions such as leaving the car at home and walking to school can all help to make a difference. Now they are putting their learning into action, by encouraging active travel through the improvement of the subway. A whole school competition was run for pupils to design posters about what they have learnt in their lessons about looking after the planet. As part of Hertfordshire County Council’s Local Transport Plan, the local subway has recently been given a new lease of life as part of a countywide programme to brighten and improve walking routes. As part of this initiative, frames have been installed in the subway to display the colourful and thoughtprovoking art from the students, giving the subway a real connection to the to the local community. Familiesonline.co.uk

Where enjoyment creates achievement

Independent day & boarding school for girls and boys aged 3 – 18.

Open Days Virtual Open Day at stchris.co.uk

Junior School Tuesday 28 September Wednesday 20 October

Senior School & Sixth Form Enhanced private visits available throughout autumn +44 (0) 1462 650947 admissions@stchris.co.uk stchris.co.uk

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September/October 7


Tips for a positive Parents’ Evening By Annabel Gray Despite the sore throat and spinning head by the end, as a teacher, I used to love parents’ evenings. Those ten minutes can make all the difference to a child’s experience and outcomes at school. So, to make the most of them:

What do you want to know? Their level? Their test results? How they interact with others? How confident they are? What the homework is about? How to do long division? This is your chance! Don’t waste it!

Work these top tips into your parents’ evening and you’ll feel positive, productive and informed by the end of it. Want other tips to support your child’s learning? READ MORE

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8 September/October



Celebrate their work. Pandemicpermitting, let your child show you their work on display and their books. Most parents are surprised at the quality of the work their children do at school.

Be proud. Your kids are amazing! Tell them that!


Come armed with questions. The most productive meetings are when a parent brings all the queries they have to the meeting so they can be ironed out quickly.


Smile. The teacher you are meeting spends just as much time as you do with your child and will know them very well. Make them feel at ease and create a positive vibe from the outset.

Focus on solutions. If there are tricky issues to tackle, from either side of the desk, focus on solutions rather than blame. Like you, teachers want the best for your child. If an issue can’t be resolved, book a further meeting.


Attend. Obvious maybe – but vital if you want to show your child that you value their learning.

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July/August 2021

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Dealing with back to school anxiety By Lisa Wander and Catherine Loble For most children, back to school anxiety fades quickly. But how do we support our children when it lingers? Prevent common worries from becoming deep-rooted by establishing good practice and routines. For children whose worries persist, this simple five step programme can to our children is that they don’t help. need to worry. Take care of the basics. Ensure a Not sure how to be an ‘active good sleep routine, healthy snacks listener?’ and regular exercise. Provide empathy. Find READ MORE uninterrupted opportunities to listen to your child’s worries, expectations and fears. Car journeys, bath time and walks are ideal. Listen actively, withholding judgement and advice. Validate their feelings. Ages Problem solve. Discuss coping Art Lab 6+ strategies, ideally led by your child. Pouring Showing confidence in their own Art problem solving abilities nurtures Studio greater resilience. Highlight the positives. Encourage 3 your child to recognise the fun available elements of school and not fixate on the negatives. Use questions like: ‘What was your favourite thing for Let budding artists lunch?’ and ‘What was the funniest explore colour & design thing that happened today?’ Be mindful of your own emotions T&Cs apply and reactions. They can create APPLY HERE learnt behaviour. By staying calm Magazine and seeming positive, the message



September/October 9


Teacher talk

Getting your school acronyms muddled? Confused by terminology your child’s teacher is using? Check out our handy guide. Blended Learning: A mixture of face-to-face and online teaching. Blending: The merging together of the separate sounds in a word. CAHMS: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services CATS: Cognitive Abilities Tests. These assess strengths and weaknesses in reasoning and are used in some primary and secondary schools. Circle time: This is time that children spend sitting on the mat or on chairs in a circle to discuss a particular topic. Core subjects: These are the subjects making up the core part of the overall curriculum, such as English and maths. Differentiation: Teachers can vary activities in class depending on the ability of different children and make sure that each student is appropriately challenged. DfE: Department for Education. EAL: English as an additional language. Early Help Assessment (EHA): An assessment which identifies children and families who need support. Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS): The Early Years Foundation Stage includes Nursery and Reception classes. The focus here is learning through high quality play. When your child moves from 10 September/October

Reception into Year 1, more formal teaching is introduced. Fine motor skills: The ability to make movements using the small muscles in our hands and wrists. These are important when learning to write or threading a needle, for instance. Foundation subjects: Non-core subjects eg History, Geography, IT, DT, Modern Foreign Languages, RE, Music, PE and Art. Want the rest of the alphabet? READ MORE

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Can dyslexia be the key to success? By Jemma Zoe Smith

It can be worrying when your child is diagnosed with dyslexia and, with one in ten people in the UK challenged by dyslexia to some degree, this is a situation that many parents face. I’m dyslexic. I hold three Oxford degrees, am a qualified teacher and run two businesses. I was diagnosed after my first year at university, meaning that I went through school without any support or accommodations. I knew that I had to work for longer than others (I started my GCSE revision the day I started Year 10) and certain subjects, like French, were much trickier. Several teachers mentioned that I may want to look into dyslexia as I displayed some of the traits such as poor organisation and time management. But because I scored well in exams and no-one really knew about it in my family, it wasn’t something I looked into until university. The days of believing that students with dyslexia just need to try harder are over; now, schools and universities employ dyslexia specialists and provide accommodations such as extra time for exams, so that dyslexic students aren’t left at a disadvantage. In fact, concrete evidence shows that a high percentage of entrepreneurs are dyslexic, compared with the general Familiesonline.co.uk

population. Famous dyslexic entrepreneurs include Sir Richard Branson, Anita Roddick and Jamie Oliver. So can dyslexic students actually have an advantage over their peers? READ MORE

Get the kids modelling! Receive 3 FREE Plasticine® gifts when you sign up to our magazine* You receive:

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September/October 11


Ride to school safely It’s Ride to School Week starting 27 September! To get your family riding to school (and beyond) safely, check out our great videos and articles.

Teaching your child to ride a bike

Cycling as a family By Catherine Ellis

There’s no better time than the Autumn to start cycling: it’s generally mild but not too warm, it’s a beautiful season and cycling is a great way to see it unfold. But preparation is key to ensuring you get the best out of the experience and take an appropriate route. READ MORE 12 September/October

Safety-checking your child’s bike

Transporting children by bike

It can be difficult to know how to best transport your growing family by bike. What if you have a baby? What if you also have a toddler? What if you have an older child too? Cycling UK explains how to make the best cycling choices for your family. READ MORE Familiesonline.co.uk


Top questions to ask on a school visit By Emma Lewry Choosing a school for your child is a big decision that can feel charged with pressure and uncertainty. As a teacher, former head teacher and a mum, I’ve been through the process from both sides of the classroom door, so here’s my simple advice to make the most of your visits. Firstly, read my tips on preparation for your visit here: So what should you ask at the school? • What’s the best thing about your school? • What are you working on to improve as a school currently? • What do the children say about your school? (or ask a child if you can!) • How are your classes organised? Are the mixed ages and abilities? • How do you deal with behaviour incidents and bullying? • About any logistics that are important to you; Do you offer a breakfast club? Do you teach

Watch Emma’s top school visit tips

particular sports or musical instruments? What time does the school day start? For more essentials to get the most out of a school visit and dealing with NOT being able to visit in person. READ MORE

Ages Free gift 5+ for our subscribers!*

Equazen Family Pack (180 capsules) Support your child’s brain health! Clinically researched combination of Omega 3 & Omega 6

APPLY HERE *while stock last

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September/October 13

Autumn tree Scavenger Hunt


Get outdoors and go on a treasure hunt with your kids, matching leaves to their trees and trees to their fruit. Download this activity and instructions.


14 September/October



The best foods for pre-teens By Katie O’Connell We have a running joke in our family. If it’s not burger-shaped, my son won’t eat it. Finding out what we should be feeding our tweens is one challenge, working out what they will actually eat is another! Teen and pre-teen experts at wearetwixt offered us this advice from Katie, nutritionist and gut health expert.










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Chuck a handful of prawns into a stir fry/pasta sauce with some chilli and lime. Mackerel has a mild flavour that works well mashed into a dip with a squeeze of lemon and garlic. Add pesto or cherry tomatoes to baked salmon steaks; serve with potato wedges. Try salty anchovies in pasta sauce or on pizza. They taste great amongst other complicated flavours. Spread nut butters - peanut, almond or hazelnut- onto toast. Slice apple wedges for dipping in a small bowl of peanut butter.

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Fishy and nutty food ideas

Katie O’Connell is an experienced nutritionist offering consultations to parents and children. Find out more.


Healthy fats are probably the most important food group for growing tweens and are vital to healthy brain development. The best sources are fish, nuts and seeds. I recommend oily fish twice a week - salmon, sardines, mackerel, tuna (fresh not tinned), herrings, prawns and whitebait – and a handful of nuts a day.

Sprinkle mixed seeds over breakfast cereal, salads, in sandwiches and stir fries.

Fa m

Fats are not the enemy




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Magazine September/October 15


Best Autumn crafts for all ages Celebrate the season and get creative with these colourful and rewarding activities.

Autumn garland

Apple stamping

Hanging leaves

Pine cone peanut butter bird feeder

Leaf people

Paper plate flappy owl

Pine cone people

Nature ‘tic tac toe’ game

Nature wand

16 September/October



Autumn outside It’s a great season to be outside with the kids and here’s how to keep them happy and busy enjoying nature.

Track local wildlife

Create a journey stick

Spider web safari


Make a leaf stack

Build a den

Discover a wood near you

Make a mini garden

Build a hedgehog home


September/October 17


Growing oak trees from acorns According to the Woodland Trust, trees are our most powerful weapon in the fight against climate change. Join Luke Cook and The Acorn Project to give nature a helping hand in encouraging acorns to grow into trees. 1




Here’s what to do. 1. Start looking for green or brown acorns around mid-September. Make sure they have no insect damage or holes/cracks from falling. 2. Take the caps off your acorns. Fill a clear container up with water and drop in the acorns. Fertile acorns will sink. Non-fertile ones can be put outside for birds and squirrels (but out of reach of dogs, as acorns are poisonous for them). 3. Keep your fertile acorns in a cool, dark place until they sprout. When the roots appear, fill a small

18 September/October

container with compost and some gravel. A yoghurt pot or plastic bottle cut in half, with drainage holes at the bottom works well. Make a hole and plant the acorn (about an inch below the surface). Cover with compost and put outside/in a dark spot until shoots appear (usually in the spring). 4. Look around your local area to see where trees could be planted. Council-owned parks, schools and hospitals are likely to be grateful for your saplings!



DIY Halloween costumes Does your heart sink when your child asks if you can make them a costume for Halloween? If so, check out this great but simple ideas.

No sew spider

Luna Lovegood

No sew ghost




Duct tape skeleton

Velcro vampire

Halloween face painting - step by step


September/October 19


Halloween decoration ideas Get into the spirit of the Halloween season with these fabulous decoration ideas.

Milk carton ghosts

Halloween shadow puppet activity

Easy jar lantern

Witches cauldrons

Pumpkin paper plates

Puffy ghosts

Conker spider

Mini broomstick

Flapping bat

20 September/October



The benefits of family pets

Kids’ books that promote diversity

By Caroline Wilkinson

By Tamsy Ashman

While raising kids can feel like enough of a job without the added responsibility of pets, bringing animals into your family home can be incredibly beneficial. A pet can provide huge confidence-boosting opportunities for children and can also reduce anxiety levels. READ MORE

As conversations about race continue to dominate the headlines, it’s the perfect time to explore books featuring people from different racial backgrounds with your child.

Saving tips for families


By Clare Francis

Over the last tumultuous eighteen months, families have realised the importance of having a financial safety net. Financially supporting the various stages of your child’s life requires planning and the earlier you start to save, the less you will feel the impact on your day-today budget. READ MORE Familiesonline.co.uk

Here’s some recommendations. READ MORE

Turn your child’s life adventures into personalised tales with a Tales of Me book 5 of each book available APPLY HERE Magazine

IT’S FREE! *while stock last T&Cs apply

September/October 21


Is it really over?

Journaling for kids

All relationships have ups and downs but when the balance has tipped very much in favour of downs, you may be wondering whether your marriage can be saved or whether divorce could be the right decision.

Journaling is an excellent activity for kids. It creates an outlet for thoughts and feelings and a safe space for children of all ages to explore their emotions.

By Rhiannon Ford

You may have talked to your spouse about your unhappiness and not received a satisfactory response? Or feel you’ve done everything you can to improve your relationship and it’s just not working? Find out what to do next.

By Stacie Swift

Journaling can foster greater self-awareness, self-belief and help with decision making. It’s also a great tool for encouraging gratitude, kindness and positivity. Check out my five starter activities for children. READ MORE

Dozens of family activities! Check out the FREE resources at Only Mums & OnlyDads and find out about 101 Questions Answered About Separating With Children, an invaluable resource for parents in the early days of separation. 22 September/October

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Staying safe on Bonfire Night Animals and children (particularly younger ones) often find fireworks scary. Help them relax and stay safe using a few simple tips. Indoor pets Keep your pets in the house whenever you think there will be fireworks; Walk dogs during daylight hours; Shut windows and doors, close blinds and curtains; Put on some music or television to mask the firework sounds; Create a quiet space or hiding places where your pet can feel secure; Make sure your pet can’t escape if startled by a sudden noise.

Outside pets Partly cover outside cages, hutches and pens with blankets. Provide extra bedding inside cages and hutches so small animals can burrow in. Consider bringing outside pets indoors – this may need to be done gradually so plan ahead. More at RSPCA

Enjoy fireworks with kids

Bonfire Night safety tips

Invest in a pair of earmuffs to protect their sensitive hearing;

Don’t build a bonfire too high;

Sparklers offer fizz and glow without the bang but never give them to a child under 5;

Keep a bucket of water nearby; Only buy fireworks with the CE mark;

Decorate the garden with fairy lights;

Never go near a firework that has been lit;

Hide glow sticks in the garden for a treasure hunt in the dark;

Never give sparklers to a child under 5;

Let off some party poppers;

Light fireworks at arms length;

Invest in torches tinted with cellophane;

When a sparkler is finished, put it in a bucket of cold water;

Giant bubbles are easy to make and are great fun at night.

Follow ROSPA’s sparkler safety advice.


September/October 23


Bonfire Night for under 5s It’s a fun night for older kids but little ones can sometimes get overwhelmed by the loud bangs and noise. So here are some ideas to help them celebrate more quietly!

Firecracker pull string pinata

Firework star hat

Sparkly fireworks picture

Fork stamped fireworks

Edible sparklers

Shaving foam fireworks

Toilet roll rocket

Pretend bonfire

Firework cookies

24 September/October



Black History Month ‘Who’s Who’ Quiz Look at these photos and clues with your kids and match them to the list of important figures from black history on the next page. How many do you know?

His art is displayed in galleries all around the world.

Famous for her books for young adults, including Noughts and Crosses.

First black driver to win a Formula One championship.

Born a slave in Maryland, She paid her own way to the Crimean War, setting USA, she led military campaigns to free slaves. up a hotel for soldiers.

He served twenty seven years in prison and was finally freed in 1990.

She was a ‘human computer’ making the calculations required for space flight.

He campaigned for laws to end racial segregation and discrimination in the USA.

He served two terms as president, leaving office with a sixty percent approval rate. Familiesonline.co.uk

September/October 25


What do you know about Black History Month? October marks Black History Month (BHM) in the United Kingdom. The event was first officially recognised by the US government in 1976 and was first celebrated in the UK in 1987. Events celebrating African and Caribbean cultures will take place across the UK until October 31. People from African and Caribbean backgrounds have been a fundamental part of British history for centuries. However, many have highlighted that their value and contribution to society is often overlooked, ignored, or distorted. Many schools still teach a history curriculum which focuses on traditional events and the achievements of white figures. BHM gives everyone the chance to

share, celebrate and learn about the impact of black heritage and culture – something we should, of course, be doing all year round. BHM also goes further than the traditional concentration on slavery and segregation in the history of African and Caribbean people, giving us the chance to uplift figures previously disregarded in British and world history. www.blackhistorymonth.org.uk

Answers. Left to right Row 1: 1. Chris Ofili 2. Malorie Blackman 3. Lewis Hamilton Row 2: Harriet Tubman, Mary Seacole, Nelson Mandela Row 3: Barack Obama, Katherine Johnson, Martin Luther-King Jr.

Who’s Who Quiz names Barack Obama Chris Ofili Harriet Tubman Katherine Johnson Lewis Hamilton Malorie Blackman Martin Luther King Jr Mary Seacole Nelson Mandela 26 September/October

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Time to get tough with Tonka! Find out about the new additions to their range. Tonka has been a favourite with kids for more than seventy years! Built Tonka-tough and designed to look just like the real thing, these terrific toys from Basic Fun remain a staple fixture in every child’s toy box. Year on year the Tonka selection has grown and a new generation of Tonka fans are created every day. Top of the picks are the Tonka Steel Classic vehicles that are instantly recognisable and are ready for super tough play whether indoors or out!

other trucks have issues on site, the Tow Truck comes into its own and is built to take on the toughest vehicle rescue jobs.

Already firm favourites, you can choose from a Mighty Dump Truck, Bull Dozer, Front Loader and the epic Toughest Mighty Dump that is built to last and withstand even the toughest Tonka Kids!

If you love Tonka as much as we do and have a kid that’s ready to get tough, you can find the collection at John Lewis.

New for this autumn are the Tonka Crane and Tow Truck. Kids will have hours of pretend play with the beast of a crane which stands almost 2 feet tall with its long stretching moveable arm, working winch and grabber. Or, for when the

We have a bumper Tonka Steel competition prize worth £100 for one lucky reader! Simply go to the Tonka competition page here to enter. Full terms and conditions on the page. Closing date is 1 October 2021.


Enter the Tonka competition! WIN

September/October 27


The must-have family game! Get playing this Autumn With the summer holidays now behind us and children back to school, ToyMonster introduces the BEST family card game ever: Kids Against Maturity! This is the perfect game for unwinding after a day at school; an ideal way to spend a rainy weekend and a brilliant surprise to have up your sleeve for play time and family time over the October half term… and, dare we say it – the Christmas holidays, too! It’s impossible not to love this award-winning, fill-in-theblank game. Its age-appropriate toilet humour and witty innuendos for adults, make Kids Against Maturity enjoyable for players of all ages from ages 8 and up. Easy to learn, simple to play, and absolutely hilarious, this game is a staple for every family home.

The player with the highest number of most amusing responses wins the game. Each game set includes six hundred cards – a mix of question and answer cards – from which players can create over forty thousand combinations of answers. Kids Against Maturity is available now from Smyths Toys Superstores, RRP £19.99.

Best enjoyed with 4+ players, all you need is to ‘be the worst to be the best.’ Each player gets ten white answer cards and takes turns asking the blue question cards. Everyone answers each question with their funniest white card choice and places it face down. The question reader chooses what they think is the funniest answer and the player who placed down that card wins the hand. 28 September/October



Toys for girls AND boys Break down gender stereotypes with these toys all tested by children and endorsed by The Good Toy Guide.

Baking Set from Galt

The Genius Square

Pillowfight Warriors® Medieval Range

Smartibot Building Kit

Get budding little bakers started in the kitchen. £12.99. 3-5 years.

Pretend fight and play. £11.99. 3-8 years.

Pepper Mint Great Treehouse Engineering Adventure £35. 8+ years.


Race opponents to complete in this great game. £16.99. 7-9 years.

Build an A.I. Bot, Teabot or Unicorn from cardboard. £55. 11+ years.

Little Brian’s Face Painting Sticks

A fun, clean and messfree way of face painting! £19.99. 3-8 years.

Magicube Full Color

Enchant children with this magnetic construction system. £18-£35. 18-36 months.

Geosafari® Jr. Kidnoculars® Extreme™

See and hear the birds up close. £22.50. 3-8 years.

Discovery Adventures Digital Walkie Talkies £24.99. 6-8 years.

September/October 29

Get the kids modelling! Receive 3 FREE Plasticine® gifts when you sign up to our magazine* You receive:

Toolz Kit

Softeez Noodle Doodle Creator Kit

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A family modelling favourite, ideal for kids to make and create. Magazine

Worth more than £12.99


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What’s On CAMPS, COURSES, CLASSES CAMP BEAUMONT campbeaumont.co.uk Half-term fun for 3-16 year olds Camp Beaumont has been bringing joy to lots of children and young people since 1980. Children have the time of their lives at the half-term camps, which has a choice of over 30 activities per age group, from tennis to rocket building! The camps take place in St Albans and other school sites in Herts, London, and surrounding counties. For more information, visit campbeaumont. co.uk PAULINE QUIRKE ACADEMY pqacademy.com Act, dance, sing and make films! The Pauline Quirke Academy of Performing Arts provides outstanding performing arts tuition every weekend for children and young people aged 4-18 years old. Book a free taster session by visiting pqacademy.com. TAPPY TOES HEMEL HEMPSTEAD www.tappytoes.com/toddler-classeshemel-hempstead/ Do you have a baby, toddler or preschooler and looking for a new class to join? Book 3-week trial classes with Tappy Toes for just £18 and watch your little one dance, sing, march, roar, and gallop. There are magical adventures to enjoy, rainbow parachute, bubble machine, disco lights and tons of fun props! ERFORM DRAMA, DANCE AND P SINGING CLASSES www.perform.org.uk Confidence building drama classes for 4-7 and 7-12 year olds. A unique mix of fun drama games, dance and singing specially designed to boost confidence, communication, concentration and coordination. Classes in St Albans, Harpenden, Welwyn GC, Sawbridgeworth, Bishop’s Stortford, Broxbourne, Hertford, Hitchin and Radlett. Visit www.perform.org.uk/try to book a FREE class. Call 020 7255 9120 or email enquiries@perform.org.uk for more information. TWISTED CHEER AND DANCE Unit 4, 28 Rucklers Lane, Kings Langley, WD4 8AU www.twistedcheeranddance.co.uk Fun cheerleading classes where you can learn to jump, stunt, tumble and dance! Various classes thoughout the week across the age-groups (starting aged 4). For more information email: info@twistedcheeranddance.co.uk BABY SING AND SIGN St Albans, Harpenden and Redbourn www.singandsign.co.uk There are so many benefits for your child from learning to baby sign... and you gain a new skill too! These classes are all about singing, signing and 31 September/October

having fun! For more info and to book visit website. ONLINE MATHS TUITION www.acetutors.com Affordable and effective online maths tuition with a qualified teacher (31 years experience). Caters for all abilities for years 7 to 13. Free no-obligation trial lesson. Small groups on Zoom. For more information call or text 07737 853527. STRIVE DRAMA Harpenden www.strivedrama.co.uk Strive is a speech and drama School where students work through a range of LAMDA syllabuses including: public speaking, acting, musical theatre and more. With Strive’s no pressure approach, students get the most out of the classes, while learning vital drama skills needed for exams. Strive for progress not perfection! To book a free trial contact Suzie on 07841018333 or suzie@strivedrama.co.uk AWESOME ENGINEERS Awesome Engineers run STEM sessions for primary school children using LEGO. Sessions are in St Albans, Hemel Hempstead, Harpenden and Rickmansworth. For more information visit www.awesome-engineers.com HALF-TERM ART CAMP St Albans, Loreto College Harpenden, Roundwood Park School www.shedloadsoffun.com Book one or more days of fun with a different drawing and painting project each day. Children get lots of time for play and take home their very own painting on canvas or in watercolour. For ages 6-13. Cost: £38 per day (sibling discount available). More information at: www.shedloadsoffun. com

STREET DANCE ACADEMY ST ALBANS www.streetdanceacademy.co.uk Ever wished you could dance like Jason Derulo, bop like Beyonce or groove like Bruno Mars? Well your wish may have just come true! Street Dance schools offer children aged 5-18 the opportunity to learn new dance skills and routines to music from well-known artists. Limited spaces available for the new term. Call 0800 0236236 for more info. BEEZEE FAMILIES FREE HEALTH PROGRAMME beezeebodies.com A free 12-week face-to-face course run in your local community for families to learn about healthy eating, exercise and wellbeing! This programme starts w/c 20 September running until 13 December (no sessions during half term). Sessions in Welwyn Garden City, Borehamwood, Hemel Hempstead, South Oxhey, and Stevenage. There are online sessions too. Courses are tailored for two age groups (Age 5-8 and Age 9-12) and start running w/c 20 September. The 8-week Henry Programme for 0-5 year olds supports families to create long-term healthy habits, discussing topics such as nutrition, emotional wellbeing, parenting skills and getting more active. Course starts w/c 20 September at the South Hill Centre, Hemel Hempstead.


HARPENDEN FOOD AND DRINKS FESTIVAL Harpenden High Street and green spaces 18 September (12-4pm) There will be an incredible array of attractions across the High Street and green spaces at this free event. More than 70 food stalls, from fresh marketstall produce to street food. The weekend will also include outdoor bars, community seating areas, a DJ playing summertime hits, a live music stage, a children’s zone including a pop-up beach, magic shows, a cookery theatre hosted by professional chef Nigel Brown, and a cocktail master class. FAMILY FUN DAY Radlett, Phillimore Recreation Ground 12 September (12-8pm) Food and craft stalls, fun fair and screening of two films: Lion King (1.30pm) and Mamma Mia! (6pm). Familiesonline.co.uk

We take great care in compiling our events guide, but check with the venues before you leave home just in case times or prices have changed since we went to print. If you would like to feature a listing in a future issue email editor@familiesherts.co.uk

MEAD OPEN FARM Billington, near Leighton Buzzard www.meadopenfarm.co.uk Pumpkin Spooktacular! Stacks of spooky fun at Mead Open Farm. Adventure through the fangtastic Halloween attractions. Help Little Red Riding Hood find her way to Grandma’s house in Scary Tales, brave the terrific twists and turns of Mr Topper’s Twister and meet gruesome ghosts and ghouls in the Haunted House. For those seeking less frightening spooks, take a seat on the Tiny Terrors Tractor Ride with lots of little boos especially for toddlers! OLLY POTS STUDIO P A new family-run arts and crafts studio has opened in Hoddesdon and is providing hours of fun for children and parents alike. If your little one enjoys fabric painting, ceramic painting, card making and decoupage then Polly Pots Studio is the place be. All equipment is provided on your visit. For opening times and costs, visit the Polly Pots Studio website at www.pollypotsstudios.com (birthday party groups also catered for). WILLOWS ACTIVITY FARM Coursers Road, London Colney, St Albans, AL2 1BB 0870 129 9718 www.willowsactivityfarm.com Lots of farmyard fun and games, including sheep shearing weekends. All tickets must be pre-booked online. HATFIELD HOUSE Hatfield Park, Hatfield, AL9 5NB www.hatfield-house.co.uk Firework Champions 18 September (4pm-10pm) Three of the UK’s best firework companies compete against each other with a 10 minute firework display perfectly choreographed to music. It is then up to you, the audience, to choose the winning display via standard rate text voting. Organisers, MLE Pyrotechnics, fire a larger closing display after the voting finishes. In the hours before the shows start you can choose a spot to setup your chairs, tables and food, relax and listen to the background music and interviews with the firework teams. There will also be a selection of food and drink available to buy. Relax in the grounds & soak up the unique atmosphere. CELTIC HARMONY Brickendon Lane, Brickendon, SG13 8NY celticharmony.org With its thatched roundhouses and native woodland, Celtic Harmony is a place like no other. Enjoy a family day out in a unique outdoor setting at Celtic Harmony Camp, a small openair museum, with located in beautiful native woodland. Familiesonline.co.uk

PARADISE WILDLIFE PARK White Stubbs Lane, Broxbourne,EN10 7QA www.pwpark.com Paradise Wildlife Park has some of the most the amazing animal attractions and activities. Tickets must be booked in advance. Visit the website, call 01992 470 490 or email info@pwpark.com for more information. ADVENTURE PLAYGROUNDS Hemel Hempstead www.dacorum.gov.uk/ adventureplaygrounds Open access play facilities delivering quality play provision and equipment, such as tubular slides, trampolines, multi play units, swings, mini splash areas, 3G Astro turf pitch, and an indoor cabin comprising of pool tables, table tennis tables, computers, games consoles, art and crafts area, kitchen and shop. Free of charge except for hot food and snack, which are all subsidised. Children under 8 years must be accompanied by an adult. CHURCH FARM ARDELEY Ardeley, Nr Stevenage, SG2 7AH churchfarmardeley.co.uk Walk along the trail in Vicarage Field and see the cute farm animals. Explore the farm paths and Woodland Play area. Kids will also have fun doing the bear hunt, farm bingo, puzzles and games in the free activity booklet. For more details visit website or call 01438 861 447. TREASURE TRAILS treasuretrails.co.uk There’s no better time to step outside and rediscover Hertfordshire with Treasure Trails – the perfect solution to safe, socially-distanced outdoor entertainment. These themed selfguided walking trail booklets (£9.99 each) take explorers on a circular outdoor route of approximately two miles. En route, you have the added challenge of working together to hunt down clues and solve a puzzling detective mystery, treasure hunt, or spy mission. Trails in Bishop’s Stortford, Buntingford, Hitchin, Hertford, St Albans, Ware. Trails are available to buy online at treasuretrails.co.uk

THEATRE THE ALBAN ARENA Civic Centre, St Albans, AL1 3LD 01727 844488 www.alban-arena.co.uk Stick Man Tuesday 12 October (1.30pm & 4pm) Wednesday 13 October (10.30am, 1.30pm & 4pm) Touching, funny and original, Freckle Productions’ delightful adaptation of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler’s Stick Man is back in town! What starts off as a morning jog becomes quite the misadventure for Stick Man: a dog wants to play fetch

What’s On

with him, a swan builds a nest with him, and he even ends up on a fire! How will Stick Man ever get back to the family tree? This award-winning production, from the team behind Zog, Tiddler and other Terrific Tales, and Tabby McTat features a trio of top actors and is packed full of puppetry, songs, live music and funky moves. THE OLD TOWN HALL THEATRE High Street, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 3AE 01442 228091 www.oldtownhall.co.uk Ensonglopedia of Animals Saturday 18 September (11:30am and 2.30pm) Twenty-six animal songs, one for each letter of the alphabet. But don’t expect goofy giraffes or fluffy felines. Expect extraordinary echinoderms, distressed damselflies, curious corals, batty birds and amazing arachnids. Expect the unexpected, and expect it to rhyme! Suitable for ages 5 and over. Cost £8. THE RADLETT CENTRE 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, WD7 8HL 01923 859291 www.radlettcentre.co.uk What the Ladybird Heard 23-24 September Two crafty robbers, one tiny ladybird, and a whole farmyard of fun! Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len have a cunning plan to steal the farmer’s fine prize cow. But they reckon without the tiniest, quietest creature of all: the Ladybird has a scheme of her own! With live music, puppetry and a whole farmyard of fun, this 55-minute family favourite is the perfect treat. Mark Thompson’s Spectacular Science Show 26 September You think science is boring, think again; this is science like you have never seen it before. Designed for children and adults alike, Mark’s Spectacular Science Show explores the strange and magical properties of matter with exploding elephant’s toothpaste, vortexgenerating dustbins and even howling jelly babies! Cave Girl – Tiny Mites 25 October An interactive musical for 4-8 year olds and their families. Join Roxy and her clever dog Ralph and be whisked away to the Stone Age! Ride with them on the back of a talking tiger called Sabre for a magical adventure through time. The Amazing Bubble Man 29 October Louis Pearl has been thrilling audiences around the world for over 30 years with the art, magic, science and fun of bubbles. He is a favourite at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, where he has enjoyed 12 years of sell-out success. Louis explores the breathtaking dynamics of bubbles, combining comedy and artistry with audience participation and enough spellbinding bubble tricks to keep everyone mesmerized. September/October 32



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