Families Hampshire West Nov/Dec PRINT issue

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Issue 91 November/December 2022 Familiesonline.co.uk Christmas fun What’s On Birthday parties Gift guide FREETakeMeHome IN THIS ISSUE
Come together this Christmas. Discover plenty of sparkle, festive spirit and family fun in our decorated houses and gardens. nationaltrust.org.uk/hampshire © National Trust 2020. Registered Charity no. 205846. Photography © National Trust Images made at Mottisfont, Hinton Ampner & The Vyne Priceless memories

Some of you love it and others find it overwhelming….we think you all know what we’re talking about! Yes, the festive season is just round the corner and it’s not too soon to start planning. Start with our gift guide in this issue. If you fancy a festive family city break before Christmas – which could also double as a gift-buying opportunity – then investigate some of the cities that put on the best show in the lead up to the big day.


get increasingly busy, it’s important that you don’t burn out before Christmas even arrives. Take a look at our tips for lightening your load in the run up.

Plus, we have education articles on Black History Month, dealing with conflict in the playground, indoor winter children’s party ideas and buying presents on a budget. And, don’t forget to take a look at our What’s On guide for all the festive events happening in Hampshire.

Finally, especially for you, we have Christmas gifts for kids and adults, as well as tonnes of Weebles to giveaway! Apply for these adorable wiggly, wobbly mini-toys at familiesmag.co.uk/go. By doing so, you’ll also ensure you receive our digital magazine with lots more content and goodies on offer.

Wish you and your family a very Merry Chrismas!


Editor, Families Hampshire West

© Families Hampshire West 2022. Families is a registered trademark of LCMB Ltd, Remenham House, Regatta Place, Marlow Road, Bourne End, Bucks SL8 5TD. The contents of this magazine are fully protected by copyright and none of the

matter may be reproduced in any form without prior consent of Families Print Ltd. Every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine but Families Print Ltd, its distributors, franchisees and LCMB Ltd cannot be held responsible for the claims of advertisers nor for the accuracy of the contents, or


consequences thereof.

November/December 2022 Families Hampshire West 3
4 News & Views 5 Education 7 Parenting 8 Birthday parties 12 Christmas gift guide 14 Festive city breaks 16 What’s On Cover image: Depositphotos.com IN THIS ISSUE: Editor: Rebecca Carr T: 07789 882467 E: editor@familieshampshirewest.co.uk Advertising sales: Claire Clarricoates T: 07812 218331 E: claire.clarricoates@familiespublishing.co.uk Next issue: January/February Booking deadline: 2 December Readership of over 40,000 local parents, carers and teachers every issue. Published six times a year. For families from birth to twelve. Contact us
T&Cs applyMagazine Apply at familiesmag.co.uk/go Christmas gifts to give away! Nature Curious Activity BoxAnnual Subscription (6 boxes) Worth £120 Tinted Lip Balm Kits 3 available Worth £19.99 Empowering Book Bundle 5 bundles Worth £16.98 each Confidence Booster Book Bundle 5 bundles Worth £15.98 each Grown ups Grown ups Kids Kids

Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying Week runs from 14 to 18 November this year, with the theme ‘Reach Out.’

The week will kick off with Odd Socks Day on Monday 14 November, during which adults and children wear odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique.

The theme of ‘Reach Out’ is about empowering children to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes.

Visit www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk to get involved.

Songs, games and learn music

Songplay music classes are a fun way for

Classes include singing, games and a dynamic curriculum of activities that develop rhythm, pulse, pitch awareness, coordination, active listening and the rudiments of music notation. These skills support the development of children who are already learning an instrument, or plan to do so in the future.

They also support emotional development, social skills, and self esteem. Each lesson is planned and adapted according to the strengths, interests and learning styles of the

A warm winter welcome awaits you at Hampshire libraries

This winter, Hampshire Libraries are sending out a clear message that everyone who visits will receive a warm welcome.

As household budgets come under increased pressure from rising costs your local library can offer free library membership for anyone who lives, works or studies in Hampshire, free after school and weekend clubs for all ages, a warm, calm place to do homework, with lots of fact books that could be helpful too! Stories to share and comfy places to share them, free activities for children, including Christmas crafts, free public computers and WiFi and low-cost printing, plus board games and jigsaws and not forgetting free Rhymetime and story time sessions for younger children.

Library visitors can bring snacks and drinks or use the onsite cafe at The Arc in Winchester. Many libraries have a public toilet and they’re all open on Saturday mornings so you can make a trip to the library your family’s weekend this winter.

Find out more by visiting www.hants.gov.uk/library

Forest Fledglings: new for children under 5

If you are looking for something fun to do with your little ones during term time, visit the New Forest Heritage Centre and enjoy 30-45 minutes of Forest Fledglings - themed activities for under 5s including storytime and crafts followed by free play.

The cost is £2 per child to attend, supervising adults go free. (no more than two adults per child.)

Booking is essential, contact education@newforestheritage.org.uk

Visit newforestheritage.org.uk for more details about Forest Fledglings and all their children’s events. You can also follow them on social media @ForestFledglings

Get your child a letter from Santa


in the class. Class

are strictly limited

this reason.

All children love to receive a letter addressed to them in the post. And what could be more special than a letter from Santa?

Here are two ways of making this happen.

Royal Mail Letter to Santa


For children to receive a FREE letter from Santa via the Royal Mail children must post their letter to Santa in an envelope with either a first or second class stamp and addressed to Santa/Father Christmas, Santa’s Grotto, Reindeerland, XM4 5HQ. The letter must include your child’s full name and address.

Check the deadline for posting the letter to Santa at www.royalmail.com/christmas/letters-to-santa

NSPCC Santa Letter

Children can also receive a personalised reply from

via his elves at the NSPCC in exchange for a donation to the charity.

The letter is ordered online. Check the deadline at https://letterfromsanta.nspcc.org.uk

November/December 2022Families Hampshire West4 NEWS & VIEWS
Music Classes For Children Aged 5 8 Mondays in Bitterne Park Southampton Sing songs, play games Learn music, have fun! songplaysouthampton com
your child to get more music into their life.
songplaysouthampton.com for more information.

Reasons to teach black British history in schools

Black British history is British history. Not only is this phrase true but it is necessary to acknowledge.

The teaching of black British history in schools is imperative. It is important for every student to understand and acknowledge the contributions that Black Britons have made to this country.

During Black History Month in October, a few black Britons are generally spotlighted during school lessons. But it’s by embedding black British history throughout the curriculum, in all key stages and throughout the year, that it will be possible to deliver a more accurate view of British history in general.

There are many reasons why the teaching of black British history is crucial. The focus of schools first and foremost should be their students. The integration of black British history into the curriculum will give all students a sense of identity and representation.

Learning about important figures like John Blanke, Mary Prince and Olive Morris gives children the opportunity to find a way in to history by getting to know real people. What follows is greater engagement and interest from those children in topics that previously they may not have felt were relevant to them.

Furthermore, teaching black British history helps alleviate any inequality within the curriculum. By not teaching children about the contributions made by black Britons to British society, it’s as if they are deemed to be unimportant and trivial.

So teaching black British history is inclusive and helps children feel seen, heard, understood and represented.

The benefits of teaching students about black British history are plentiful, not least helping to prevent racism and ignorance from a young age. Educating students on both black British history and the black British lived experience also helps dispel any stereotypes, preconceived notions and bias that children may have towards black Britons. It also allows for students that are not of Afro-Caribbean descent to understand, empathise and engage with different cultures, ethnicities and backgrounds.

Teaching black British history allows children to understand our collective British history better.

Ilhan Rayen Awed is from The Black Curriculum (www. theblackcurriculum.com), a social enterprise founded in 2019 to address the lack of black British history in the British curriculum. It delivers arts focused black history programmes for children ages 8 to 16 which aim to give them a sense of identity, provides teacher training and encourages young people to mobilise and facilitate social change.

November/December 2022 Families Hampshire West 5 EDUCATION
Bookkeeping I VAT returns Payroll I Self-Assessments Call today for a free consultation 0330 2234 316 WWW.SANDWBOOKKEEPING.CO.UK Get our digital magazine! There’s lots more fun, interactive content and goodies on o er. IT’S FREE!

Resolving playground conflict

Playground conflicts can shape a child’s experience at school. When we show children how to manage them, they are learning vital life lessons about getting on with other people.

Conflict vs bullying Conflicts in the playground can flare up and be forgotten from one day to the next.

As parents, we can’t swoop in and save our children from uncomfortable or even painful situations while they are at school. However, we can equip them with their own skills to use when teachers are not immediately available to intervene. Using well-chosen words can change the course of a conflict and help equip children to deal with future ones.

Of course, it’s important to understand where conflict ends and bullying begins: bullying involves a repeated, intentional act to hurt someone; it can take many forms. All schools must have an anti-bullying policy should bullying occur.

Take action

When conflict occurs, explain to your child that ‘hotting up’ a conflict makes a disagreement worse and ‘cooling down’ makes it better; we can help children realise they have the power to influence and resolve situations.

Start by listing which behaviours can hot up a conflict, such as shouting, name-calling, invading personal space, accusing, lying and being physical. Then list the behaviours that can cool down a conflict: admitting to what you did wrong, saying sorry, saying what you would like to happen, using a calm voice and avoiding words such as ‘always’ and ‘never’ which can immediately make someone feel defensive.

Active listening is a fundamental skill in resolving conflicts. Help your children practise by asking them to listen and repeat instructions back and paraphrase what you have said. Encourage them to ask questions so they learn how to develop healthy dialogues.

Older children may have more complex conflicts involving social media. These require a slightly different approach. Childline (www.childline.org.uk) and UNICEF (www.unicef.org.uk) offer solid support and advice for those who are experiencing issues online.

Dealing with conflict provides an opportunity for growth, emotionally, socially and intellectually. By continuing to observe and give children a safe space to talk about any conflicts they have, we are providing useful safeguards against potential bullying scenarios.

Zuzu Jordan is a Mastery for Maths specialist who has taught primary aged children for sixteen years and is interested in early years and home learning. For free homework and home learning resources, find the Instagram page @edumate_uk

November/December 2022Families Hampshire West6 EDUCATION
17-19 Winn Road Southampton SO17 1EJ Tel: 023 8055 7352 office@thegreggprep.org www.thegreggprep.org The Gregg Prep School An independent prep school for boys and girls aged 4-11 years in the heart of the City of Southampton Open Morning Wednesday 30th Nov 2022 9.30am to 11.30am Please call the registrar to book your tour of the school. AdGreggPrepFamilies Nov-Dec.indd 1 14/10/2022 14:33:03 Collect adorable tv characters like CoComelon, My Little Pony & Bluey Magazine Apply at familiesmag.co.uk/go *while stocks last Styles may vary T&Cs apply Start your wiggly, wobbly Weeble collection! Get your FREE toy now*

How language difficulties impact sibling communication

Winter is such a lovely time for indoor play. Families can get together over a deck of cards, blow the cobwebs off boards games and huddle together, fortifying bonds of togetherness and connection. The shorter days lend themselves to cosy nights indoors and are a fantastic time for siblings to enjoy quality time together.

But what happens when siblings can’t, or won’t, play together?

One of the most common barriers preventing sibling play is language difficulty. One of the children in question may have delayed speech or there could be a more significant cognitive impairment such as a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder. From a child’s perspective, having their attempts to play with a sibling refused can be hurtful and distressing. For their sibling, being unable to play for any reason can be a source of confusion, even trauma, because they don’t understand what is needed of them or perhaps even why the other child is so upset.

Using various tools and tips, it is possible to foster emotionally grounded play between siblings.

Communicating with an infant

Communication starts long before formal talking begins. When our children are babies, they will often look at us and return our smiles, which is the very start of what we call ‘receptive language skills.’ We point to objects and the growing infant points too, understanding that we are communicating about the same thing. It could be a plane in the sky or a duck or even another member of the family. This process is known as ‘joint attention,’ which a child uses to develop the ability to understand language and respond appropriately when asked questions.

For example, they may be asked what they want to eat and be shown a choice of toast or cake. They may not know the right word but they can certainly point to the food they want the most (probably cake!). This shows the infant can understand and decide.

If this development is delayed for any reason, it can become an obstacle to playing with a sibling. However, you can help this by modelling non-verbal play at different levels. For example, Hide and Seek can start with something much simpler, such as

Lego play therapy

Snap card games can be played with fewer cards and in shorter bursts.

These modified activities nurture joint attention and receptive language skills. It is about scaling back ambitious play and getting co-operation.

The importance of feeling safe

When the more verbal child demands that the non-verbal child play with them, it can make the non-verbal child feel unsafe. They do not necessarily understand what is expected of them and they will often disengage.

Parents can help by modelling a softer, gentler tone for their more verbal child to use when they want to play with their sibling. The human voice plays an important role in creating safety, as shown by Dr Stephen Porges, who spent over forty years researching it before inventing the Safe & Sound Protocol (https://bit.ly/safeandsoundpro), a fantastic pre-language tool often used by parents.

Usha Patel is a neurocognitive therapist who runs Raviv Practice London (www.ravivpracticelondon.co.uk) and uses the therapeutic programme, ‘iLS focus therapy’ to help children build their receptive language skills.

Charities to help parents

I Can (www.ican.org.uk) gives parents/carers and practitioners the information they need to help children develop their speaking and understanding skills.

Afasic (www.afasic.org.uk) is a UK charity representing children and young people with speech, language and communication disabilities, working for their inclusion in society.

Children who find social interaction challenging and do not want to be in the same space as their siblings can benefit from Lego Play therapy.

Lego Play therapy nurtures co-operation using job roles: the builder, the engineer and the supplier. Children are allocated one of these roles and must work together to build something specific. This simple concept can greatly help social interaction, teach how to take turns and be done in relative silence if noise is difficult for a non-verbal child to handle.

Words for life (www.wordsforlife.org.uk) offers activities and support for parents, children and young people to improve language, literacy and communication skills from home.

The Royal College of Speech and Language (www.rcslt.org) helps parents locate accredited speech and language therapists.

November/December 2022 Families Hampshire West 7
peek-a-boo. Throw and catch can start with rolling and trapping a ball when sitting on the floor.

Indoor party ideas for winter

The skies might be dull and gloomy but that doesn’t mean your child should miss out on a fabulous birthday party! However, it is probably best to head indoors to avoid a washout, freezing cold kids or limited daylight.

Here are some ideas for indoor parties during the winter months:


Rather than you climbing them, let the party goers climb up all the walls they want at a rock climbing centre. You can usually find one fairly close, and it’s a perfect party place for energetic kids. They offer a variety of climbing structures to choose from, so they’re great for children of all ages. If everyone’s new to the sport, then go for the party package, which typically includes instructions and all the gear to keep them vertical for hours. Take a look at Golden Gecko Climbing in Romsey.

Go to the theatre

There are always plenty of holiday plays and puppet show performances during the winter season. Take the party goers out to a matinee, then afterwards, head out for a pizza. Make invitations look like a playbill and include autograph books with pens for

goody bags – they may come in handy after the show!

Poolside fun

Invite kids to shed their coats, put on their swimsuits, and dive right into some fun at a wintertime pool party.

Most local leisure centres and fitness centres offer great party packages and many have water flumes which add to the excitement. This option is guaranteed to keep active youngsters fully occupied and catered for in a warm environment.

Cooking up a storm

Kids of all ages will enjoy the mess, the creativity and the tasting involved when put in charge of preparing their own party food. If you are not up for this culinary challenge you will find there are now plenty of very good local providers of cooking parties for kids.

Hit the ice

Take advantage of the pop up ice rinks that appear in the winter or any permanent indoor rinks that are within striking distance of your home.

You may be able to hire one of the teachers at the rink or from a skating club to teach beginners the basics and pros some new tricks.

There’s likely to be a minimum age below which children cannot skate unaccompanied by an adult, so you may need to be on the ice with your group of children. Ideally you need to be fairly competent on the ice yourself or bring other adults along to help out, as you may be required to support the kids that are less confident.

Laser action

Laser Tag parties are ideal for kids to let loose and enjoy action-packed fun. Your local centre will usually offer packages including your group’s own area overseen by a marshall.

Disco time

Disco parties are great for older children and can include lots of fun and energetic party games.

Find a local hall and get in a mobile disco with DJ and sit back and watch them practice their moves.

Bounce to a trampoline park Trampoline parks can be massive with literally acres and acres of trampolines, all

interconnected so the kids can bounce all over the place.

There are walls they can bounce off, giant foam pits they can dive into, slam dunk basketball with launch pads and more. Most of them have viewing or ‘relaxing’ areas and cafes so you can keep an eye on the action.

Face painting and crafts Face painting is a great addition to any party and is a great time-filler. The best thing about it is its broad appealtots as young as 2 can join in the fun whilst older children will love using the paints on each other, to get into a character or to complement a fancy dress outfit.

You can also lay out a few craft tables at which they can be creative. If you don’t have all the kit or the requisite skill then there are plenty of local face paint party entertainers available at reasonable rates. BellaCrafts run lovely local crafting parties for ages 2 to 14. They have venues in Fair Oak and Winchester.


We’re not all cut out to be perfect party hostesses, so if the thought of trying to entertain a bunch of excitable little people fills you with trepidation, an entertainer could be just what you need.

When you consider what you’ll spend on add-ons to try and keep the party goers entertained, they usually work out to be fairly cost-effective.

November/December 2022Families Hampshire West8
Plan your par ty th e e asy wa y using our cut-out planner and che cklis t! Bir th da y Par tyCountd own Planner Send out a ‘save the date’ by email Pick your theme Plan the party food you wish to order 6 we eks b efore 4 we eks b efore Buy party food Pick up cake Write list/timings for party day 1-3 da ys b efore Prepare invitations Buy/make party decorations Order cake Set a budget and a date Make a guest list Book a venue/ entertainer 3 m onths b efore Don’t forget cost of venue, party entertainment, food and decorations. TIP Decorations can make or break the party vibe! Popular options may need to be booked even earlier! TIP Choose a theme your child loves. TIPTIP Ask for an RSVP. TIP Get your child to hand out invites at school/ nursery. TIP Par tyDa y Sort out the party bags Plan party games Send out reminder by email Don’t just leave this to chance. Roughly plan enough games to last for at least half the party. TIP Allow research time and get the birthday boy or girl to help. TIP 1-2 we eks b efore Reconfirm party food if ordered from a supplier. TIP TIP Leave plenty of time to get to the venue… Enjoy the da y and take lots of pictures!

Birthday presents on a budget

Party invitations are a thrill for children, less so for presentbuying parents! However, fun does not have to be expensive. Here are some great gift ideas that will delight the recipients without breaking the bank.

The present box

Buying gifts throughout the year (during the sales or ad-hoc promotions) and setting them aside saves money and avoids the last-minute panic shopping dash. Great gifts to keep an eye out for are the mini Orchard Toys games (www.orchardtoys. com), which are usually not gender specific, cater for a broad age range and retail at £5.35. Look out for craft or gardening kits, books and outdoor games such as skipping ropes, hula hoops, goalie gloves or frisbees, which have lasting play value.


Multi-packs can be divided up to create gift sets, which can be very cost effective. Mix and match the items to suit the age and interests of the birthday child. For younger kids, a bundle of ten books (The Works usually sell ten books for £10), a party pack of bubbles or a bumper pack of assorted playdough make a great gift.

Savvy shopping

High street discount shops all stock very well priced toys, craft items and books. There are also some good resources online such as www.poundtoy.com and The Entertainer (www.thetoyshop.com).

Favourite ‘go to’ gifts

Presents that get children outdoors or being creative are always a win; something like a magnifying glass and a bug identification

book (which come in under £10), ‘scavenger hunt’ type cards, a kite, pavement chalks or a gardening or craft kit.

‘Non toy’ gifts

Children are often inundated with toys on their birthdays, so a fun t-shirt or some funky socks can work well, especially if you can find something featuring their favourite superhero or TV character. These can be very reasonably priced in high street chains and most supermarkets and parents will be pleased you’ve bought their child something to wear.

Club together Club together with other parents in the class and buy one larger toy, voucher or experience. The birthday child will get a much bigger present and it will have cost you each less.

Creative gift-wrapping can zing up the contents and it doesn’t have to cost a thing. Use pages from an old magazine or street map, leftover wallpaper or personalise a brown paper bag with lots of colour.

For more birthday party tips, read Tamsin’s blog at www.icecreamandjelly.com or Insta @icecreamandjelly_uk

Running a party at BellaCrafts is what they were set up to do!

They offer super soft play parties for little ones including craft station, yummy party buffet and plenty of space for parents to relax.

They also run their popular Creative Craft parties with your chosen crafty theme and projects, a tea party, party bags and party passport to make it the perfect fun!

And, BellaCrafts also offer a bespoke girly bash for older children which includes jewellery making, button project, beautiful decorations and a mini afternoon tea.

They really have the passion and experience to deliver your perfect celebration, and the best bit you’ll just sit back and let them host everything! You’ll find easy booking, friendly help and a fantastic party!

Find out more at www.bellacrafts.co.uk

Eco ideas

Handmade: With a little time and creativity, handmade presents are a very cheap option; hair scrunchies, superhero masks, embellished t-shirts, crochet toys, personalised totes or hand knitted beanies.

Scrap schemes: These are a great source of free and cheap craft materials, such as paper, fabric, elastic, ribbons, beads and sequins. Not only do these make crafting even cheaper, they also help the planet by using up materials that would otherwise have gone to landfill, so it’s win-win! Try www.reusefuluk.org

Pre-loved: Gifting pre-loved is becoming more acceptable. So many toys are untouched and unloved and whether it’s something your own children don’t want or a toy purchased from a charity shop, children really don’t mind! It’s also worth noting that many pre-loved marketplaces and charity shops also sell brand new toys that are looking for a new home; some real bargains can be found that anyone would be very happy to re-gift.

Grow your own: Gift wrap a plant pot with a little bag of compost and some seeds for a gift that will keep growing!

November/December 2022Families Hampshire West10 PARTIES
time with

Winter fun at The Race Centre

Golden Gecko is an exciting indoor

in Romsey and the ideal place



With 190m2 of climbing available on the Climbing Tower and Challenge Wall, children will never be bored at Golden Gecko. What’s more, any child age 5 and above can join in, with or without climbing experience. For those that do have experience, bouldering is also available.

With more than seventy routes and easy access to roped climbing, safety is taken care of with seventeen easy auto belay devices which lower the climber to the ground at a controlled rate and act as a safety check if they fall.

Gecko also offers a range of instructed sessions for both kids and adults.

If you’re coming to watch your family climb or need fuel between climbs, The Golden Gecko cafe provides a range of delicious food, snacks, and great coffee for you to enjoy.


The Race Centre in Chandler’s Ford offers an awesome experience for all the family.

They offer exclusive venue hire for Junior Birthday Parties. Up to ten drivers competing head-to-head in a series of qualifying and race sessions. Racing concludes with podium presentations and can be rounded off with additional time for pizza and cake.

But that’s not all…This Christmas, The Race Centre will also be holding their ever-popular School Holiday Specials. These events are half-price for groups with ‘drivers’ aged 8 to 17.

Using their Track of the Month, drivers start with an entrylevel car, learning the circuit and controls. Drivers can then stick with that car, or upgrade to something more challenging! All drivers are on track together competing to be the quickest. All lap times go into a monthly leaderboard to make comparison between friends super easy. Mum, Dad, and Guardian adults are also welcome to join in at the discounted rate.

Book online at www.theracecentre.co.uk

November/December 2022 Families Hampshire West 11 www.ggclimbing.com INDOOR BOULDERING & CLIMBING CENTRE Mon-Fri 10am-10pm Sat 10am-7pm Sun 12noon-7pm. 34 Romsey Industrial Estate, Greatbridge Road, Romsey, SO51 0HR 01794 590022 I info@ggclimbing.com
climbing centre
your child’s birthday party. Everyone will enjoy plenty of climbing and food can
For more info visit
Climbing parties at Golden Gecko! PARTIES New Systems I New Cars New Tracks I Stunning New Visuals Junior Birthday Parties Exclusive venue hire from £185 Catering options available Try before you buy (Call to book) Christmas Holiday Specials Discounted Daily Sessions Monday Friday For Under 18's and Accompanying Adults Book online for just £15 per driver

Barekind Bamboo Socks

These jolly Bamboo socks are great stocking fillers that save endangered animals too. Bright and colourful, they will brighten up your children’s feet, while 10% of the profits are donated to help save the animal on the sock. £7.50.


Christmas GIFT GUIDE

Spread a bit of festive joy by being good both to your family and the planet this year. These gorgeous gifts for kids and adults will make everyone’s day without costing the earth.

Elf Letters

We’re all for an advent calendar that encourages children to read! This one has daily, personalised Elf letters directly from a North Pole Elf. Read the stories every day to find out what happens in the North Pole as Santa and the elves get ready for Christmas. £25.99.


Nature Curious Subscription Boxes

Buttercup’s Nature Curious activity subscription boxes encourage children to explore the British wildlife on our doorsteps. Their eco-packaged worksheets and nature prints with augmented reality are designed and printed in the UK. £20 per month with bonus access to an online community.


Families has an annual subscription to give away! Apply at familiesmag.co.uk/go

Kabode Alphabet Children’s Bedding

This gorgeous natural children’s bedding from Kabode is designed to inspire big dreams. The Alphabet collection makes it fun for your child to learn their ABCs and the playful design is decorated with colourful letters. Made from 100% certified organic cotton. £44.95.


Play Kits Subscription Boxes

The Play Kits imaginative subscription boxes help parents make the most of playtime and support pre-school brain development. Created with leading child development experts, these are built to last and are made with sustainable wood, organic cotton, non-toxic paint and baby-safe plastics. From £80.

Bake at Home Gingerbread People

Cake or Death’s Bake At Home Gingerbread People make the perfect gift for little bakers. Delivered through your letterbox, each kit comes complete with delicious ready-made gingerbread dough, a cutter and recipe card. £15.


Families Giveaway
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JOGB Luxury Candle

A JOGB luxury candle is a lovely treat for someone who has everything (else)! They are artisan-made, eco-friendly candles, made using 100% natural luxury fragrances from quality essential oils. Available in three gorgeous fragrances: Relaxing SLOJO, Uplifting GOJO and Sensual MOJO. £65.


DIY Lip Tint or Cheek Balm Kit

Let the makeup lover in your life design their own allnatural lip tints or

balms. These DIY kits have gorgeous

and are plastic-free. £19.99.


Families has three



Target Wool Blanket

Warm up with the Tartan Blanket Co.’s 70% recycled wool blankets which are as good for you as they are for the planet. They are made from a mix of at least recycled wool and preloved, recycled fibres. Available in a range of beautiful designs and colours. £65.


Halo Water Bottle

Perfect for fitness fanatics, Halo insulated bottles are compact and lightweight. Designed to be incredibly handbag (and even coat pocket)-friendly, Halo is a bottle you will never leave at home, making hydrating on the move that little bit easier. From £22.


We loved these games!

History Heroes Card Game

A Race in Time Board Game

Blast through history with this fantastic new family board game A Race in Time. From Aristotle to Angelou, from Caesar to Columbus, answer facts about 120 amazing heroes as you travel through the ages, from the Egyptian pyramids to the Space Race. Move along the game board by guessing the correct History Hero and enjoy a battle of wits to win the best 5 History Hero cards. Ages: 8+ £29.95


Also from History Heroes, their awardwinning range of card games are ideal stocking fillers, from famous explorers to British kings and queens. With thirteen different packs to choose from and 40 heroes in each pack, they are great for learning and testing your knowledge of famous people in history from King Alfred the Great to Elizabeth II, Galileo to Neil Armstrong and Florence Nightingale to Rosa Parks.

Ages: 8+. £9.99


give away! Apply
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Festive family city breaks

It’s the MOST wonderful time … of the year! It sure is! And what better way to experience Christmas with little ones than on a city break? Our friends at Tested by Tots have identified some of the most family-friendly UK cities in which to experience the full magic of Christmas.

Glasgow holds all the festive fairs that you would expect from a city but it also offers a range of theatre and entertainment for little ones. From a variety of pantos to Children’s Classic Concerts such as The Night Before Christmas, there is plenty to keep you entertained.



Travel by Santa Trains (www.svr.co.uk/ events/santatrains22) from Kidderminster to Arley to see your favourite characters in pantomime. Twenty minutes away, Bodenham Arboretum’s (www.bodenhamarboretum.co.uk) live nativity play is superb.


Nottingham’s festive markets offer something for everyone, from retro style to a sparkling Winter Wonderland!

Trinity Square is a city highlight and last year it contained a specially constructed Christmas village which offered visitors the chance to relax with hot chocolates in a number of igloo-style domes. A unique experience!



A beautiful, picturesque city that truly embraces the spirit of Christmas. Alongside its regular markets, the city holds an annual Christmas Festival. This year’s Festival will run from 2 to 4 December. In addition, Durham will be full of festive music, seasonal storytelling, Carols in the Cathedral, a children’s Lantern Procession and so much more.


www.allevents.in/kidderminster/ christmas


Perhaps not the first destination that comes to mind when you think about Christmas but Norwich has lots of festive charm, including the most anticipated Christmas attraction in the UK - The Tunnel of Light! As one of the largest of its kind in Europe, the Tunnel of Light consists of more than fifty seven thousand LED bulbs and over five and a half miles of cabling!



Why not celebrate Christmas with a trip to a festive castle? Cardiff Castle has a fantastic Christmas festival with incredible shows such as Santa’s Wish, Castellana and The Nutcracker, all performed in the round. Plus, there’s the usual spectacular Christmas Market and Winter Wonderland.


Tested by Tots checks out and recommends only products and services that are genuinely child-friendly. For hints and tips on holidaying with children, including holiday packing checklists, go to www.testedbytots.com


This city goes big when it comes to Christmas with light shows, displays, markets and a Georgian experience. The kids won’t believe their eyes!



Winchester Cathedral’s Christmas Market is widely recognised across Europe and is inspired by German Christmas markets. The Cathedral is at the heart of the city’s festivities, lighting up in celebration with Christmas services and other festive activities that carry on into the New Year.



Exeter city comes alive this time of year with an ice rink and Winter Wonderland plus the usual carol concerts and pantomimes. Drive twenty minutes and you’ll also find Pennywell Farm (www.pennywellfarm.co.uk) which boasts one of the best live nativity and Christmas experiences in Devon.


November/December 2022Families Hampshire West14
Glasgow Winchester Cathedral Christmas Market Norwich Cardiff Belfast Glasgow

Lightening the mental load this Christmas

Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year for parents. The pressure to create the perfect experience for everyone builds into a behemoth balancing on a plate of mince pies, threatening to crumble at any minute.

The upward comparison with Insta-perfect mums and crafting geniuses, let alone the constant narrative in the press, on television and on social media, means the mental load reaches an all-time high during the festive season and it’s well documented that mums bear the heaviest burden.

The sheer volume of things to think about and do can quickly lead to high-stress, low mood and burnout and not enjoying a minute of Christmas.

It’s very British to need to present the perfect picture. But when you realise that you can’t control everything, including the actions of your extended family or your delivery man, it can be truly liberating!

How to create your ‘perfectly imperfect’ Christmas

Here’s a few tips on how to manage the mental load this Christmas and feel good about it too.

Grab a pen and paper and write a list of the top three things that mean the most to you this Christmas.

Slow down to speed up. Running on caffeine at one hundred miles per hour is detrimental to your mind and body. Slowing down and taking some deep breaths or even indulging in a movie, will help you reset, re-energise and get some headspace.

Ask yourself what your children really want and need this Christmas and focus on that rather than succumbing to the pressure to spoil them or compete with peers.

Reduce your time on social media. It’s amazing how many hours you’ll get back.

Avoid too many excesses. Don’t deprive yourself of a glass of fizz and a few mince pies but counter them with a family walk in the fresh air or a healthy breakfast or lunch.

And don’t forget to give yourself the gift of self-care so that you

Chloe Lowe is founder of @parentlistapp (www.parentlist. app), the app for busy parents who want to find joy in

Families Hampshire West 15
Live action immersive adventure with Santa Weekends and school holidays 3rd to 24th December

What's On Fun for all the family


Throughout Nov & Dec Superworm Trail

Alice Holt Forest, Farnham, GU10 4LS

The self-led trail features brightly illustrated panels and a trail pack full of fun activities, including your very own mask. Ages 3-9. £3.50.

Throughout Nov & Dec Gruffalo Sculptures

Alice Holt Forest, Farnham, GU10 4LS

If you venture into the deep dark wood you may bump into the Gruffalo and other characters from Julia Donaldson’s fantastic story! Each sculpture has been carved in a different position unique to Alice Holt Forest, and they bring this much-loved story to life in the forest.

Until 13 Nov

We Are Aliens

Winchester Science Centre SO21 1HZ

Are we alone? Is there life beyond Earth? Let’s go on a journey together to find out! We Are Aliens is a subtitled film show. Weekends and school holidays. 11am, 2.15pm. £4 plus admission.

Until 13 Nov

Science Starz

Winchester Science Centre SO21 1HZ

It’s your final chance to take a trip down memory lane with their final show celebrating some of the best show themes and demos from the past 20 years – all with a retro 2002 twist. The last stop is sound.

Until 13 Nov

Solar System Adventure

Winchester Science Centre SO21 1HZ

Ready to blast off into the Solar System for the ultimate family adventure? Solar System Adventure is a presenter-led live show. £4+ general admission.

Sat 12 Nov

NCT Nearly New Sale

Oasis Academy Mayfield, Southampton, SO19 9NA Affordable, preloved maternity, baby and children’s clothes, toys and essentials. £1.50 on the door. 1.30-3.30pm.

Sat 12 Nov to Mon 2 Jan

A Tudor Christmas Winchester City Mill, SO23 9BH Ancient Winchester City Mill is set for a Tudor Christmas this winter. Discover a festive royal feast, costumes to dress up in, and a throne to sit on for a Tudor photoopp. The café is serving festive specials and at weekends you can watch volunteer millers make fresh stoneground flour, plus collect recipe cards for seasonal baking inspiration. 10am to 4pm Wed to Sun, closed 25 to 27 Dec. FREE.

Tues 15 Nov

Arty Party (Too Good Tuesdays)

The Point, Eastleigh SO50 9DE A jam-packed interactive session, with games, laughs and fun things to do. Perfect for your little pickle on a Tuesday morning. 10.30am. £3. Parents with babies, from pram to toddler.

Fri 18 Nov to Thu 22 Dec

Winchester Cathedral Christmas Market Winchester, SO23 9LS

Winchester Cathedral Christmas Market is renowned for its bustling atmosphere, stunning location and handpicked high quality exhibitors, which attracts visitors who come to shop at the pretty wooden chalets, situated within the historic grounds.

Fri 18 Nov to Fri 30 Dec


Marwell Zoo, Winchester SO21 1JH Winter light trail: an immersive light extravaganza that will see Marwell’s majestic grounds turned into a twinkling wonderland full of fairy lights, magic and delight. On selected dates. Pre-booking required. www.marwell.org.uk/ christmas

Fri 18 Nov to Fri 30 Dec

Steam Illuminations

Watercress Line, Alresford, SO24 9JG

A unique Christmas, pixel mappable digital LED train! It’s an incredible light show on and in a steam train.

Sat 19 Nov

Advent Calendars - Winter Watercolour Workshop City Art Gallery Southampton, SO14 7LY

Work with watercolour to create a large winter scene with a little sparkle and then create 24 miniatures to hide behind the doors. There will be plenty of opportunity to draw and paint from your (Christmassy!) imagination. Children can be left, or adults can stay. 2pm, £12. Ages 8+.

Sat 19 Nov

The Nutcracker & The Mouse King Winchester Cathedral Nave SO23 9LS

Journey to magical kingdoms this Christmas with music, puppetry

and characters the whole family will love. Taking place in the majestic nave of Winchester Cathedral, a play adaptation based on the original novel by E.T.A Hoffman. Experience the actors stepping off the stage to bring their performance to you! 1pm and 7pm. Ages 7+.

Sat 19 to Sun 20 Nov Artful Christmas Weekend Sir Harold Hillier Gardens Romsey, SO51 0QA

The perfect opportunity to shop small this Christmas. Discover and buy contemporary art, craft and gifts for Christmas, directly from the Makers. Including fine art, ceramics, jewellery, printmaking, textiles, glass, sculpture and woodwork. FREE festive craft activities for children and live music from local groups.

Sat 19 & Sun 20 Nov

Christmas Grotto: Meet Santa The Point, Eastleigh SO50 9DE Christmas lists at the ready? The festive season is fast upon us, and Father Christmas is making a special trip to The Point this November - he can’t wait to see you! One of Santa’s helpers will take you to meet him in his Grotto, where Santa will be ready to listen to your Christmas wishes with a small gift for all his young visitors. Expect a few other surprises with a dress up station and some fun family activities to enjoy. £5, prebook.

Sat 26 to Sun 27 Nov Christmas Market Basing House, Basingstoke RG24 8AE

Discover 25-30 market stalls, a living history re-enactment from the English Civil War Society. There will be mulled wine, homemade soup and tasty cakes to enjoy in the café. £3.50 (under 5s go free). 11am-4pm.

November/December 2022Families Hampshire West16 WHAT’S ONCLUBS & CLASSES
promote your local event, coffee morning, nearly new sale, parenting courses or community group in the next What’s On listing. Email editor@familieshampshirewest.co.uk Listings in this section are FREE for most non-commercial ventures. Please check details of the events before setting off in case anything has changed since going to print. Don’t forget to sign up for our digital magazine for more interactive content at familiesmagazine.co.uk/go All listings correct at the time of going to print. Please check with the venue before visiting to ensure events are still going ahead and venues are open.
Where your adventure begins!New Forest Explore the fascinating history of the New Forest in our free museum. Visit our website for details about family events running during the summer. newforestheritage.org.uk nfheritage newforestheritage newforestheritage The New Forest Heritage Centre, Lyndhurst, Hampshire, S043 7NY REGISTERED CHARITY NUMBER: 1186656

Enjoy Christmas sparkle with the National Trust

There is spectacle and sparkle galore at National Trust places in Hampshire this Christmas, bringing sprinkles of magic to family days out.

Step into a Narnia-inspired world at Mottisfont, with scenes from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Follow wartime evacuees Edmund, Lucy, Susan and Peter into the kingdom of the White Witch – a landscape of snow and Turkish Delight. There is a family activity trail, plus loads of ‘wow’ moments –walk through the magic wardrobe, visit the Beavers’ cottage, and sit in the throne room at Cair Paravel.

At Hinton Ampner you can follow The Wind in the Willows’ Mole, Rat and Badger as they leave their sheltered lives in the woods and along the riverbank to rescue friend Toad from his wild adventures.

Beautifully decorated rooms tell the story, and outside, you can visit the characters’ homes, from Mole’s sweet little burrow to the grandeur of Toad Hall. There’s storytelling in Hinton’s cosy second-hand bookshop.

Enjoy The Vyne decked out in festive finery, with twinkling lights and glittering Christmas trees. Inspired by the mansion’s 18th century ‘Grand Tour’ collection, you’ll also find decorations that celebrate Christmas in Europe - look out for Venetian masks and mini ‘Colosseums’.

A special ‘Passport’ takes families on their own ‘Grand Tour’ adventure in the gardens, with activities exploring festive traditions in other countries.

For more information visit www.nationaltrust.org.uk/ hampshire

The countdown to Christmas in Southampton is on!

From late night-shopping and delicious dinners to stopping over for a show and sipping on mulled wine, there is a joyous festive feeling in Southampton this holiday season.

On 17 November, the Countdown to Christmas event kicks off the season with roaming street characters and entertainment as well as live music in the city centre from 5–7pm before the lights are officially switched on for Christmas.

Glide your way into the festive spirit with family and friends as Westquay on Ice returns to the Esplanade from 11 November until 2 January accompanied by Après Bar serving mulled wine, hot chocolates, and other winter delights.

Plus, there is The Big Christmas Giveaway, a free family walking trail and plenty of offers to get you in the Christmas spirit.

Visit www.visitsouthampton.co.uk/christmas to start planning your Christmas in Southampton.

Christmas In Lymington

This family evening event on Friday 25 November is bursting with festive fun, delicious hot and cold food and drinks and funfair amusements. There will be a FREE inflatable toboggan slide with a toboggan ring for a unique photo experience! The Mayor will be switching on the Christmas lights, with carol singing outside St. Thomas Church and Santa will make an appearance on his sleigh.

FREE car parking in all NFDC car parks in Lymington for the whole day. 4-8pm. The event takes place in the High Street, Lymington, SO41 9AA

Great Elf Investigation

Go on a FREE family festive adventure around Southampton to find the elves who have escaped and taken the toys with them!

Follow the trail, find the clues and receive your prize at the end for all your hard work.

November/December 2022 Families Hampshire West 17
EXPLORE SOUTHAMPTON AND JOIN THE www.visitsouthampton.co.uk/christmas-trail 25 NOV 2022 – 3 JAN 2023
FREE EVENT © Nick Upton

Cosmic Christmas launches at Winchester Science Centre


On weekends and during the Christmas school holiday between Sat 3 Dec and Sat 24 Dec visitors can join Santa in Cosmic Christmas, a brand-new 45-minute immersive family adventure in the iconic and totally unique Planetarium.

Listen as Santa and Aster, the intergalactic planetary elf, recreate the epic tale of their first mission to the International Space Station. And watch as the story is brought to life through immersive experiences, live science and an out-of-this-world journey through space.

Families will be encouraged to become part of the story through cheering, moving in their seats and making noise.

The performance will come alive even further with the use of awe-inspiring immersive elements, explosive live science and an awesome journey through the stars on the 360 degrees Planetarium screen.

Santa will narrate the experience but, due to his busy Christmas schedule, there will not be an opportunity for a meet and greet. He will however be leaving Christmas gifts for all children who purchase a ticket.

Tickets to Cosmic Christmas also include entry to the Science Centre’s two floors of interactive exhibits and festive Space Station Science activities.

out of his busy schedule to come and hand out gifts to our youngest visitors. 11am to 4pm.

Sat 26 Nov to Tues 3 Jan Christmas at The Vyne Sherborne St John RG24 9HL Enjoy The Vyne decked out in Victorian festive finery, with twinkling lights and glittering Christmas trees. Inspired by the mansion’s 18th-century ‘Grand Tour’ collection, you’ll also find decorations that celebrate Christmas in Europe - look out for Venetian masks, mini ‘Colosseums’ and Moravian stars. A special ‘Passport’ takes families on their own ‘Grand Tour’ adventure, with activities that explore countries’ festive traditions. 11am to 3pm, closed 24 & 25 Dec. Passport £2. If arriving by car, pre-booking is essential, at www.nationaltrust.org. uk/the-vyne or call 0344 249 1895.

Sat 3, Sun 4, Sat 10 & Sun 11 Dec

Christmas Fair at Exbury Exbury Gardens, SO45 1AZ

The Exbury Fair will be full of cheer and cosy Christmas atmosphere. Browse stalls presented by artisan creators, makers, crafting experts and local producers. 10am to 4pm. £5.50 includes Garden admission, children are free.

Sat 3, Sun 4, Sat 10 & Sun 11 Dec

Sat 3 Dec to Sun 1 Jan Christmas Trail

Itchen Valley Country Park, Eastleigh, SO30 3HQ

Father Christmas needs help to find his reindeer. Can you help? Collect a trail sheet from the café and find all the reindeer in the woods to earn a prize. 10.30 and 3.30pm. £2 per pack and prize.

Sun 4 Dec

Santa Saves Christmas Hanger Farm, Totton, SO40 8FT Santa Saves Christmas – the show where every child gets a present from Santa! It’s a family show most suitable for ages 2 to 7, where every child will receive a specially wrapped present from Santa. Songs include festive favourites and more!

Sat 3, Sun 4, Sat 10, Sun 11 & Sat 17 to Sat 24 Dec

Santa’s Grotto Milestones Museum, Basingstoke, RG22 6PG

See Santa in his bespoke Grotto, enjoy a photo opportunity as well as gifting eligible children a lovely Gingerbread soft toy! £15 child ticket/£6.50 accompanying adult. Pre-booking required.

Sun 4, Sun 11, Sun 18, Tue 20, Thu 22, Tue 27 & Thu 29 Dec

Sat 26 Nov

A Cultural Christmas

The Arc, Winchester, SO23 8SB

Take an opportunity to support local and handmade at The Arc’s Festive Artisan market! All ages. FREE .

Sat 26 Nov

DIY Elf on a Shelf!

City Art Gallery

Southampton, SO14 7LY

Back for its fifth year this workshop has become a Gallery tradition. Make your very own mischievous elf in time for 1 Dec. 10.15am, 11.45am or 1.30pm. £7. Ages 4+.

Sat 26 Nov to Mon 2 Jan

The Wind in The Willows Christmas

Hinton Ampner, Alresford SO24 0LA

Beautifully decorated rooms tell the story of Mole, Rat and Badger as they leave the peace of the woods and riverbank to rescue friend Toad from his wild adventures. Outside, you can visit the characters’ homes, from Mole’s sweet little burrow to the grandeur of Toad Hall. 10am to 4pm, Wed to Sun, closed 25 & 26 Dec. Pre-booking essential, at nationaltrust.org.uk/hinton-ampner or call 0344 249 1895.

Sat 26 Nov to Sun 8 Jan

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: Christmas at Mottisfont

Romsey, SO51 0LP

Step into a Narnia-inspired world at Mottisfont, with scenes from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Follow wartime evacuees Edmund, Lucy, Susan and Peter into the kingdom of the White Witch – a landscape of snow and Turkish Delight. There’s a family activity trail and loads of ‘wow’ moments –walk through the magic wardrobe, visit the Beavers’ cottage, and sit in the throne room at Cair Paravel. You’ll also find exquisite illustrations by original Narnia artist Pauline Baynes. 10am to 4pm daily, closed 24 & 25 Dec. Trail £1.

Sun 27 Nov

Christmas Festival

The Brickworks, Bursledon, SO31 7HB

The Museum’s Christmas steam event – see the site shining in the glow of Christmas lights and decorations to begin the festive period; shop at the craft market and find out about Christmas’ past in the Victorian cottage display. Father Christmas will also be taking time

Ride the Festive Express Exbury Gardens, SO45 1AZ Soak up Exbury’s unique atmosphere as you await your festive train amidst decorations, carol singers, face painting and live music. Before you depart, write a letter to Santa in the Engine Shed. The Postal Express Service at Exbury Central Station delivers daily to the North Pole! On the train, you will be greeted by a real elf who will guide you on a festive journey and lead you in some jolly carol-singing. 10.30am to 4pm. £7. Under 3 free.

Sat 3 to Fri 23 Dec Christmas at Paultons Paultons Park, Ower, SO51 6AL

See Peppa Pig World decorated for Christmas. There will be Santa’s Storytime, Magical Illuminations around the Park and more.

Sat 3 to Sat 24 Dec Cosmic Christmas Winchester Science Centre, Winchester SO21 1HZ Get set for a brand new 45-minute live-action immersive performance. Join in with Santa and Aster, the intergalactic planetary elf, as the story of their first mission to space is brought to life through immersive experiences, live science and an

Christmas Storytellers Hinton Ampner, Alresford SO24 0LA

Join storytellers on select dates as they tell the tale of the Wind in The Willows in the cosy setting of Hinton’s second-hand bookshop. 11am and 1pm. Free. Normal admission applies. Subject to volunteer availability.

Fri 9 to Sun 11 Dec

Festive Fayre

Beaulieu National Motor Museum, New Forest, SO42 7ZN

Bringing together a handpicked selection of the UK’s finest artisan creators, makers, crafting experts and local producers, plus enjoy access to the world of Beaulieu and its many attractions. Pre-book.

Sat 10 & Sat 17 Dec

Christmas Crafts Tudor House & Garden Southampton SO14 2AD

Discover the magic of a Tudor House Christmas with your family this year. Join in to make some beautiful bunting and traditional decorations in the workshop room. Tickets include free entry to the House and enjoy their Christmas Tudor House Mouse trail.

November/December 2022Families Hampshire West18 WHAT’S ON
out-of-this-world journey through space. Book online. Christmas with The National Trust
festive season families are invited to step inside an intergalactic wonderland at Winchester Science Centre.
For more info visit www.winchesterScienceCentre.org


Father Christmas

Tudor House & Garden, Southampton SO14 2AD

Add a little magic to the festive season with a visit to see Father Christmas at Tudor House. Drop into his grotto to tell him your Christmas wish and receive a special gift. Book at www. wegottickets.com/event/557361

Sat 10, Sun 11, Sun 18 & Mon 19


Santa’s Grotto Experience

Westgate Museum, Winchester, SO23 9AP

Santa will be dropping down the chimney at the Westgate Museum. Plus, head to the City Museum to get stuck into a Christmas craft and trail. Ages 4+. Pre-book.

Sun 11 Dec

Children’s Christmas Special

The Brickworks, SO31 7HB

Father Christmas will be taking a day out from his very busy schedule to hand out gifts to his smallest fans. Tickets available on the day. 11am to 3pm.

Sat 17 Dec

Christmas storytelling and Shows

Winchester City Museum, Winchester, SO23 9ES

Join author and professional storyteller, Dawn Nelson, for a family friendly performance of Charles Dickens’, A Christmas Carol. Following the story, join in a Christmas crafting session and create your own Victorian style wreath. Ages 3+. Various times.

Sat 17 Dec to Sun 1 Jan

Festive Fun

Beaulieu National Motor Museum, New Forest, SO42 7ZN

Enjoy a festive feast of family entertainment this Christmas. See Beaulieu spruced in seasonal decorations and complete a family fun trail that will take you on an adventure across the attraction. Closed 25 Dec. 10am to 5pm.

Mon 19 Dec

Eco Decorations

City Art Gallery

Southampton, SO14 7LY

Join in to design and decorate your very own stunning Christmas decorations. We will work with natural and repurposed materials to make a Christmas tree with a twist. 10.30am, 11.30am or 1.30pm. £6. Ages 6+.

Mon 19 Dec

Southampton Culture Club: Christmas Crafts

City Art Gallery

Southampton, SO14 7LY

A jampacked day of arts and crafts including thank you card making, xmas gonks and treat tins. All day, £35 or £60 for 2. Ages 6-12.

Mon 19 to Wed 21 Dec

Make and Take Craft Table Forest Arts Centre, New Milton, BH25 6DS

Explore various materials, activities, colouring and make creative objects at the craft table. What will you create with your imagination… the possibilities are endless! Ages 3+. £3 per child. Drop-in event.

Mon 19 & Sat 24 Dec

The Naughty Fox

The Arc, Winchester, SO23 8SB

Experience a world of puppetry, music, light projection, and bubbly energy as storytellers bring

household objects to life. Ages 0-5. Pre-booking required.

Tues 20 Dec

Southampton Culture Club: Time Travelling Christmas Trees City Art Gallery Southampton, SO14 7LY

Explore traditions through the ages and create your own inspired by the past and perfect for your very own mini-Christmas tree. All day, £35. Ages 6-12.

Tues 20 Dec

Play with Sculpture: Gonks City Art Gallery Southampton, SO14 7LY

Create your own gonk to decorate your home this xmas. This session is designed to be enjoyed by adults and children together. 10am, 12.30am or 2.30pm, £7.50. Ages 6+.

Tue 20 & Wed 21 Dec Christmas Crafts New Forest Heritage Centre Lyndhurst SO43 7NY

Join in with some festive fun for with Christmas crafts for children, 10:30-11:30am or 1:30-2:30pm. Drop in but donations welcome.

Wed 21 Dec

Christmas at Hogwarts Tudor House & Garden Southampton SO14 2AD

Step into a world of festive magic as we conjure up Christmas crafts fit for Hogwarts itself. Make and take your own spellbinding gifts, keepsakes and decorations to enchant wizards and muggles alike! Ages 7+. 10am-12pm or 1-3pm. £12.

Wed 21 Dec

Play with Printing: Make your own wrapping paper City Art Gallery Southampton, SO14 7LY Wow your friends and family with your own personalised gift wrap and tags. 10am, 12.30pm or 2.30pm. Ages 4+.

Wed 21 Dec

Southampton Culture Club: Starry Night City Art Gallery Southampton, SO14 7LY

It’s the shortest day of the year so come and explore space and the night sky through a packed day of crafts and activities! All day, £35 or £60 for 2. Ages 6-12.

Thu 22 Dec

Oldilocks and the Three Bears Forest Arts Centre, New Milton, BH25 6DS

A wonderfully funny and warmhearted celebration of the classic story starring a naughty old lady who looks very familiar…and three funny bears who love their breakfast. Ages 3-7. £9/ £32 family of 4. Pre-booking required.

Thu 22 Dec

Play with New Techniques - Dip it Decorations City Art Gallery Southampton, SO14 7LY

Create a set of wire decorations. This creative and accessible workshop is a great opportunity to try something new. 10am, 12.30am or 2.30pm. £7.50. Ages 7+.

Thu 29 Dec

Magic Show and Workshop Winchester City Museum, Winchester, SO23 9ES

Each show will be followed up by a magic workshop, where you can learn how to perform some of the amazing tricks you have just seen. All ages.


Mast Mayflower Studios Southampton, SO14 7DU Box Office: 02380 711833 www.mayflowerstudios.org.uk

Sat 3 to Sat 10 Dec Hey Duggee

This live show is going to be HUGE and will feature Duggee and the Squirrels plus many more of your favourite characters!

Fri 9 to Sat 24 Dec

Down The Rabbit Hole

Inspired by Lewis Carroll’s timeless creations, Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, Down the Rabbit Hole is a brand-new show made especially for young audiences. Filled with colourful characters, music and nonsense of course – things in Wonderland are curiouser and curiouser.

Mayflower Theatre Southampton, SO15 1AP Box Office: 02380 711811 www.mayflower.org.uk

Sat 10 to Fri 30 Dec Goldilocks and the Three Bears Jason Donovan will lead the cast in this year’s magical pantomime, Goldilocks and the Three Bears. This festive extravaganza is packed with riotous comedy, extraordinary special effects, hair-raising stunts and international circus acts!

The Berry Theatre Southampton, SO30 4EJ Box Office: 023 8065 2333 www.theberrytheatre.co.uk

Thu 27 to Sat 26 Nov Cinderella

Get the whole family together to come along and enjoy the spirit of panto and to laugh and boo at all the cast. Follow Cinderella in her search for her Prince Charming. Oh no you can’t - oh yes we can!

Sat 10 to Fri 30 Dec Kipper’s Snowy Day ‘It was a new morning, and it was snowing! Kipper rushed outside. The snow lay deep and smooth and new, like an empty page waiting to be scribbled on…’ Kipper and his best friend Tiger go on an adventure in the snow – but on the way they lose their friend Arnold in a terrible storm. Will they find him? And will they find their way back home? Slot Machine Theatre presents the first ever stage adaptation of Mick Inkpen’s wellloved books. Filled with original songs and music, gorgeous puppetry and gentle humour. Ages 3+. Book tickets here: https://bit. ly/3Smb3D5

Sat 3 Dec to Mon 2 Jan 2023

The Wizard of Oz

The Wizard of Oz tells the story of Dorothy who follows the yellow brick road to the magical Land of Oz where she hopes to find the wizard who will help her get home to Kansas. On her way she makes three friends, who also have wishes they hope the wizard will grant.

Mon 19 Dec

Santa Saves Christmas

Who can save the magic of Christmas? Jack’s beanstalk won’t grow, Cinderella’s glass slipper is broken and what’s happened to the magic in the Fairy Godmother’s wand? It looks as though Christmas might have to be cancelled...Join Jack, Dasher the Reindeer and Pompom the Penguin for this festive, musical, interactive adventure, as they meet Father Christmas at his home in the North Pole and help Santa Save Christmas! Ages 2-7.

Pantomimes a little further away….

Fri 9 Dec to Mon 2 Jan Cinderella Anvil Arts, Basingstoke, RG21 7QR

You shall go to the ball this Christmas! With laugh out loud jokes, stunning scenery, beautiful costumes, and two beautiful Shetland ponies, dig out your best frock and polish your glass slippers, the clock is ticking.

Fri 2 to Sat 31 Dec Cinderella

Kings Theatre, Portsmouth, PO5 2SJ

Fun for all the family, Cinderella has everything you can expect from a classic pantomime including sparkling costumes, hilarious jokes and plenty of audience participation.

Fri 9 to Sat 31 Dec Sleeping Beauty New Theatre Royal, Portsmouth, PO14 4BG

The Princess is searching for happiness, evil Carabosse is searching for revenge, Chester the Jester is searching for someone to laugh at his jokes and Dame Nellie is searching for any man in the front two rows! Get ready for a spectacular show full of music, laughter, amazing special effects and plenty of surprises. Swashbuckling Prince Valiant will make dreams come true this Christmas!

November/December 2022 Families Hampshire West 19 WHAT’S ON Sat 10, Sat 17, Sun 18 & Mon 19
Theatre Royal Winchester Winchester, SO23 8SB Box Office: 01962 840 440 www.theatreroyalwinchester. co.uk
November/December 2022Families Hampshire West20

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