FREE Issue 4 Nov/Dec 2010
Inco rporating Perth & Kinross
The really useful magazine for Families living in Fife, Perth & Kinross ✱ What’s on locally including Xmas shows ✱ Clubs and classes listings ✱ Useful information for parents
Families Gift Guide New ideas to ring the changes this season
Pick up your copy in Dunfermline Glenrothes Kirkcaldy Perth Kinross Cupar St Andrews or a village in between
Features Contents Ho! Ho! Ho!
FestiveforFun all the Family!
01383 602302
Jock and The Beanstalk at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline 7 – 31 Dec
Aladdin at Adam Smith Theatre, Kirkcaldy 8 Dec – 8 Jan
ROTHES HALLS 01592 611101
The Singing Kettle Santa’s Fun Factory at Rothes Halls, Glenrothes 16 – 20 Dec
Book online at
Inco rporating Perth & Kinross 3 Welcome to Families Fife 4 Who, What, Where, When: What’s new and readers tell Families their stories 6 Parent to Parent: We meet Kinross’s local events organiser Bouwien Bennet
Scandinavian children’s clothing 59 Crossgate Cupar Fife KY15 5AS 01334 659 047
Fife Childcare Information Service Childcare costs keeping you awake at night? To get a better night’s sleep, call us. We can advise on: • Childcare costs and how to pay • Options – nursery or childminder • Availability It’s our job to get you to yours. And get you a good sleep the night before. Call us on: 01592 583146 or visit
2 | Families Fife Issue 4
7 Education and Childcare: Families learns about a Montessori education and looks at early years options 8 Give a gift: Families Guide to Christmas shopping for locals 11 Clubs and Classes: News and course details 12 Birth, Baby and Beyond: Advice on using real nappies and how to treat Molluscum 13 Entertainment and Shows: Families guide to Panto season 14 Out and About: What to do and where to see Santa
Contact us Families Fife, PO Box 29205, Dunfermline, KY12 2BL Editor: Susan Kirkwood, Tel: 01383 735938 or 07734 289 143 Circulation: 12,000 copies printed. Distributed free of charge throughout Fife, Perth and Kinross by kind permission of Fife Libraries, Fife Leisure Centres, antenatal clinics, health visitors, surgeries, community use schools, Theatres in Fife and Perth, places of historic interest, local attractions, selected shops and playgroups and play centres. Print: J Thomson. Due care was taken to source print and other services required to produce this magazine from within the local area.
Deadline for Issue 5 Jan/Feb: 3rd December 2010 Families Fife© is a part of a larger group of magazines headed by Families SW London©. All franchised magazines are independently owned and operated under license. We take every care preparing this magazine, but the publishers and distributors cannot be held responsible for the claims of advertisers nor for the accuracy of the contents nor for any consequences. Any original materials submitted for publication are sent at owner’s own risk and, while every care is taken, neither Families nor its agents accept liability for loss or damage.
Features Happy Birthday Families & Hamleys!
his as you can see, is our fairly poor attempt at dressing up for Halloween. As I find this to be one of the most overated festivals that we celebrate, the dressing up budget didn’t get into double figures. It’s possibly because I don’t really understand what it is that we are celebrating. AllHallows-Even, I believe, which is the night before All Hallows Day, which was the ancient mass day of all saints. ‘Just give us masks and carved pumpkins and stop worrying about it mum,’ I hear them cry. It is a funny time of year this though; you don’t know whether your are dooking, guising or buying Christmas presents. The shops are full of ghouls and pumpkins, whilst our town centres are full of posters reminding us to get along to local fireworks displays. I grew quite tired of fireworks some years ago and was getting to the ‘yeah, so what’ stage. But I am happy to say that watching my then 3 year old hanging out of our kitchen window last November, straining to see the display from ‘the Glen’ served as a timely reminder of the joy that those newer to the world and its wonders can still have in such proud civic pyrotechnical displays. I admit to looking forward to Bonfire Night this year. And to Christmas too! I hope that you will enjoy the gift guide and check out the local business who are all, in their own way, trying to help us out of this financial crisis we are in, - do support them! As always, I ask you to get in touch if you’ve anything to promote - feedback says that mums love our What’s On and Clubs and Classes listings so make sure you are in it. Feedback to please. Merry Christmas when it comes. Susan Kirkwood, Editor
he Families magazine group is proud to be 20 years old. Today Families Fife is part of a thriving group of 30 franchised magazines across the UK from the Solent to Fife - yes we’re the most northern outpost! Families Fife launched in May this year and who knows may run for another 20 years – though your editor will be 60 by then if she makes it that far! Throughout this period, every Families magazine has remained true to its creator’s original thinking: to be a handson guide for busy mums, packed with useful information, centred around the local community. There is another company with an important birthday to celebrate this year too. That is the world’s most famous toy
AP er t h
store Hamleys. Established by Cornishman, William Hamley, in London, in 1760, it remains synonymous with theatre, magic and entertainment. £250 in Hamleys vouchers to be won! To celebrate our joint birthdays Families has teamed up with Hamleys to give you the chance to win £250 of Hamleys vouchers. To enter log on to competitions. Vouchers can be used online at or in any of their UK stores. Nearest store is in the St. Enoch Centre, Glasgow T: 0141 227 3040 or buy online at *Closing date for the competition is 8th December. See online for full Terms and Conditions.
ve and Theatre production by Ian Grie
B r uc
e Fum
Fri 3 Dec 2010 – Sat 8 Jan 2011 7pm, various matinees
tickets: 01738 621 031 Horsecross Arts Ltd is a charity registered in Scotland, no SC022400
supported by
Wts NO ea s k o st
Bfoor b
Issue 4 Families Fife | 3
News: Who, What, Where, When … Features
Is 2010 the year of the mumpreneur? A
ccording to a recent survey carried out by BT Business amongst more than 1000 mums, 15% had already started their own business and one in ten were keen to do the same. As women put their creative and business skills to use they are setting up all kinds of enterprises, working flexibly and following dreams they may have nurtured for years. In Fife, the number of women
entrepreneurs has grown steadily, pursuing all kinds of business ideas from accounting to massage, taxi driving to fashion. Many seek advice from the Business Advisers at Business Gateway who offer free information on all kinds of subjects from finance and promoting your business to tax and IT. They also run free evening events to help you plan getting started and meet others in the same position as well as
informal workshops on particular business skills like bookkeeping or marketing. Coming in November is Fife Business Week which offers a packed programme of free events for networking, learning special skills and finding out about the range of support available for inspired mums…or anyone else! Click onto for details. Contact Business Gateway in Fife on 01592 858333 or email
New children’s clothing store opening in Cupar
unky Rascal will open its doors to the families of Fife on Saturday 6th November bringing cool Scandinavian clothing for children to the area. Anne Black and her husband Graeme have lived in Cupar for four years and are now taking the plunge, opening their own store. Anne’s Swedish background meant that she was often back in Sweden with the children where she would buy clothes for them. They were bright, colourful and individual and soon other parents
at the nursery their children attend were Scandinavian children’s clothing commenting on how much they preferred 59 Crossgate Cupar Fifewas KY15 5AS the clothes compared to what generally 01334at659 available the047 chains. It all made sense. There was no children’s clothing store in Cupar, parents and children clearly liked the Scandinavian designs and it was a chance to put something back into the town they enjoy living in.
Funky Rascal will cater for children from 0-10 with a broad range of everyday clothing, primarily sourced from Anne’s home country of Sweden. They will also stock Sweden’s favourite brand of outdoor clothing, Didricksons. Let’s face it, the Swedes know a thing or two about keeping out the cold and damp and they have an extensive range to keep your little ones warm, dry and most importantly happy! Find Funky Rascal at: 59 Crossgate, Cupar. Tel: 01334 659 047
I need expert advice on starting a business, but who can help me? Thinking of starting your own business? We can offer advice on everything from formulating ideas and writing your business plan, to market research and finance. We help over 9,000 Scottish businesses get started every year. And continue to offer practical advice and support once they’re established. For help starting up your business, contact us today.
0845 609 6611 your local Fife office on 01592 858333 or visit your local office
Business Gateway services are delivered by Local Authorities, Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Government, with the support of associated partner organisations. Maximum call charge from BT landline is 3p per minute. Call costs from other networks may vary. Text costs vary depending on your mobile operator.
4 | Families Fife Issue 4
Feedback Features @ Families Fife
Good cause Doing Their Bit… E to shop Friday 19th November
s if we need an excuse! Fancy a fun Friday night out with a difference? Then grab some friends and get along to the Bellyeoman Parent & Toddler Group’s charity Christmas shopping event on Friday 19th November. Here is the perfect opportunity to indulge in some guilt-free shopping as it’s all in a good cause with funds raised on the night going to the Dunfermline Women’s Aid charity and CHAS. From children’s’ books to chocolate, and jewellery to gifts there really promises to be something for everyone. Pampering treats are also on the menu. As shopping is thirsty work, refreshments will be available and you might even win something for yourself in a raffle to be held on the night. Venue: St Andrews Erskine Church, Robertson Road, Dunfermline Doors Open - 7.30pm Tickets £1 on door or Contact: Juliecon73@ or tel 07812 177945. Any local companies interested in hosting a stall at this event can contact Julie for availability.
very issue I urge readers to get in touch and to tell me what they like and what they don’t about the magazine or simply to put their tuppence ha’penny worth in. Here are a couple of readers that did just that.
The Fife Diet – Family Food by Mike Small
Concerned that I had misrepresented the Fife Diet in last issue’s summer food feature, Mike Small from Fife Diet got in touch to say that the Fife diet doesn’t entail forgoing your morning cuppa and that I was wrong to suggest so. So in the interest of fairness and knowledge I asked Mike to set us straight. Mike: I am one of hundreds of people who chose to eat this way for a year. I then decided to continue doing so. I did it mostly out of a real sense that climate change and peak oil decline were converging along with all of the other multiple dysfunctionalities of our food system, to make eating locally a change that would be coming anyway. The idea was never to try and eat 100% regionally but rather to get to really know your food region and to celebrate what your place could produce. So, what did we eat and what did we miss? We ate seasonally and we ate what could be easily produced here – without
Sweet Dreams – An Inspired Mum
fter reading our mumpreneur feature in Families’ summer edition which was all about mums who successfully combine working for themselves with family commitments, Nicola Sweet felt empowered and ready to launch her new nursery makeover business. Under the banner of Wee Dumplin’ Decor, Nicola, will work wonders to transform your child’s room with a mixture of mural techniques and furniture painting to create your child’s ideal space. After an initial consultation with the parents to discuss what will work best in the space and to ascertain favourite themes/characters, Nicola will create artworks for the child’s room or nursery. This can be done directly onto the walls, or for those parents who don’t fancy the permanance of a mural, onto canvases which can be hung in the room. Furniture can also be given the ‘theme’ treatment and tables turned into toadstools or whatever takes your fancy. The idea
of setting up in business came to Nicola after she painted Snow White and the Seven Dwarves for her niece’s bedroom and to her amusement said niece was found to be kissing the dwarves the next morning! A secondary school art teacher herself, Nicola seized the opportunity to set up in business with the arrival this year of baby daughter Corrie. ‘I thought that I’d like to use my maternity leave year as a springboard to starting this business’ said Nicola, and when it takes off, I’d eventually combine it with my other family and work commitments’. Nicola also welcomes commercial enquiries for large spaces such as soft play centres/ schools/nurseries etc. If interested please phone or email to discuss ideas. Costs based on an hourly rate. All ideas can be adapted to suit any budget. Nicola is happy to provide images to inspire design ideas. Email: or call on 07881653609 or 01383 889252
great artificial heating and – for the most part without pesticides. At the end of the year we polled participants. Sam from Rosyth ate: ‘potatoes, carrots, onions, pork, beef, beans, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, pumpkin, ice cream, butter and oats’. Another participant wrote of eating: ‘Meat: beef, buffalo, chicken, lamb, pork, venison from the farmer’s market. Fish: various fresh from Inverkeithing, and St Monans kippers. Vegetable from a local box scheme and fruit from the farmer’s market. Also eggs, honey, cheese.’ What did we miss? The ease of ripping open the pizza and 10 minutes later chowing down on some rubbery hydrogenated tomato product was something we yearned for. But the ‘convenience’ of food is predicated on a lifestyle lashed to the job and the hectic whirlwind of the treadmill. The credit crunch might change things. Fast foods can be replaced. Omelettes and frittata replaced pizza. We kept coffee and tea and sugar and debated about vegetable oils. It was easy enough to source the vast bulk of your food from the region of Fife. Beer from Clackmannanshire and wine from Perthshire constituted welcome ‘contraband’ goods. Everybody chooses their own way of doing this with the Fife Diet offering only producers list, online maps, recipes and lunch events to taste and swap ideas. Families have always been at the heart of the Fife Diet, with childcare at all our meetings. Our members are 3:1 women mostly with kids. Appealing to families is that this diet is made up of unprocessed foods, it is vegetable rich and healthier for this. Summing up Mike said ‘We just need to re-learn how to cook and grow together, how to pickle and bottle, then how to exchange the things we long for, but can’t grow here – for some of our own delicacies.
See for more details.
Wee Dumplin’ Decor Unique hand painted designs to brighten your ‘wee dumplin’s’ day! Murals . Canvases . Hand Painted Furniture . Designs to suit all budgets
Nicola Sweet
BA Hons Art & Design
07881 653609
Issue 4 Families Fife | 5
Parent to Parent it turned into a little competition amongst children who could earn the most money. It saved hugely in clearing the site afterwards.
Best planet saving tip Use own
bags instead of plastic ones.
No parent should be without Cuddles and slobbery kisses
from the kids.
This issue we meet Bouwien who lives in Kinross with her husband Niall and four children, Fraser 1, Lyndsey 6, Hazel 8 and Alastair 11. Originally from Holland, Bouwien makes a mean Dutch apple pie and great flapjacks. When she’s not busy in the kitchen she spends her time working for Kinrossshire Local Events Organisation (KLEO) organising events and putting on entertainment for the local community. Why you like living where you do? I love living in Kinross because it
is exactly the right size...not too small and not too big. We live near the centre so can walk to school, to the shops, the park and to all the other amenities. I like the fact that when I am walking through Kinross I always meet people in the street I know. You just wave hello or have a wee chat. My eldest two are at an age that they can walk/cycle to friends, which makes life a lot easier!
Favourite shop Not that I am such
a big meat eater but my favourite shop in Kinross is Iain Hunter’s Butcher’s. We pass the shop every day on our school runs. Iain and his staff are always very friendly, always have a little chat and are very nice to the children! Giving them strawberries or raspberries.
Favourite park Kirkgate Park. We live nearby this park and it has great playing facilities for kids. You also have a great view
Looking for childcare Mon - Fri mornings for your pre-school child? Pitcorthie Pre-School Playgroup @ the John Marshall Community Centre
in the grounds of Pitreavie School is a long-established, friendly, playgroup at the heart of the community. We have places for children between ages 2.5 and 5. Sessions available Mon-Fri 9.30-12.00. Further info: Susan 01383 729666 or 01383 602382 or visit our website: Funding options available for nursery aged children. Regularly inpected by HMIe and Care Commission
6 | Families Fife Issue 3
over Loch Leven.
Favourite children’s club/ class Hazel’s Highland Dance class on
Saturday morning by Mrs Crawford at the Masonic Hall. Mrs Crawford is doing a great job with all the dancers. We had the older ones dancing with the pipe band at a few of our KLEO events.
Favourite day out Go with the
little boat to the castle on the island in Loch Leven. Take a picnic and the children can play in and outside the ruin. We also love to take the bikes on the cycle/foothpath around Loch Leven (8 miles). You can cycle from Kirkgate Park to Vane Farm and have a lunch or coffee break at Loch Leven’s Larder.
Favourite child friendly restaurant Loch Leven’s Larder for
lunch as children can play outside in the garden area.
Proudest eco-friendly moment At our Gazebo Gathering events
we have collection points for the plastic glasses. People receive 10p back. Last year
Most embarrassing moment
When we were still living in Holland, one morning I had dropped Alasdair of at the nursery and while I was cycling to work through busy Utrecht I suddenly noticed I still had these bright blue shoe covers on my feet. We always had to put these on when we entered the nursery.
Funniest comment One of my children once asked ‘why is the moon broken mummy?’ Favourite family holiday spot We love to go to my home country
Holland in the summer. Enjoying the beach there with some great weather! We love to camp in Scotland as well as it gives the children a lot of freedom, being outdoors and playing with friends at the campsite.
Best book
I love Pipi Longstocking
Most played with toys In our house that’ll be lego. They all enjoy playing with it and it is age-less. Biggest waste of money
Purchase of our tumble dryer. We hardly use it as I think it uses too much energy. The downside of that is that we have very often lots of washing hanging up in the house to dry....when we have another rainy day! With her KLEO hat on Bouwien has been busy organising two weekend film events taking place at the Kinross Cinema at the Community Campus - a Star Wars weekend in November and a Santa Claus one in December. See Out and About for details.
Pitcorthie Pre-school Playgroup
itcorthie playgroup currently has spaces for children from 2 1/2 to 5 years of age. The playgroup is a long-established playgroup in the heart of the community in the south of Dunfermline. Sessions run from Mon-Fri from 9.30-12 noon and cost £6.50 per session and children are welcome to attend from 1 to 5 sessions a week. All children are welcome, a healthy snack is provided and special diets accommodated. The playgroup is in partnership with Fife Council which means that funding is available for children of nursery age. It
is regularly inspected by the Care Commission, HMIe and the Fife Council Environmental Services. The playgroup is currently planning a lunch club from 12-1pm from which children could be walked to the neighbouring nursery if they have an afternoon place. For further info visit our website,, call the playgroup on 01383 602382 or Susan on 01383 729666 to arrange a play visit for your preschooler. John Marshall Community Centre, Pitreavie School Grounds, Pitcorthie Drive.
Education and Childcare
Big Results for Lilliput T
he staff and children at Lilliput Nursery in the heart of Dunfermline are celebrating this month following a really successful visit from inspectors, The Scottish Commission for the Regulation of Care. The nursery, part of the multi award winning Bertram Nursery Group, was visited in September and has achieved a really positive report praising the infection control procedures and the active parent’s forum. The nursery team have gathered lots of evidence regarding their delivery of the new Curriculum for Excellence and were really pleased when this was highlighted at the inspection. Staff deliver learning experiences led by children’s interest and have had lots of fun during recent topics including Bugs, Transport and Doctors and Nurses. The children participated in activities including trips to the zoo, mini beast hunts, exploring transport methods and role play opportunities. The Curriculum for Excellence has four capacities, Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Responsible Citizens and Effective Contributors and through these aims to ensure that all children develop the knowledge and skills needed to thrive and prosper in life, learning and work. Lilliput staff have undertaken training to ensure they have the knowledge and skills required to deliver the curriculum effectively.
ÊÊ Learning through creative play
Nursery Manager, Michelle Nelson, said “We are delighted to have achieved positive results at our recent inspection. It has been an exciting year for us with further refurbishment at the nursery, new resources, training opportunities for staff and of course lots and lots of fun.”
Contact Michelle on 01383 626261 or call into the nursery, 30-32 Canmore St, Dunfermline to find out just how much fun your child could have at Lilliput while you are secure in the knowledge they are safe, happy and well cared for. See advert on back cover.
The Montessori School – Education for Life Q.
What do the founders of Amazon and Google, the Nobel prize winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez and the children at Rathillet have in common? They are all Montessorians, and they all wake up (or woke up) excited about going to school.
Why? – We asked the children
Maya aged 8 enjoys school because she doesn’t have to do the same thing as anybody else. She chooses which bits of her work she wants to do and when. Madesha aged 10 likes being able to choose where to work, be it on a mat, on the ground or at a table – sometimes you just don’t feel like sitting at a desk. Anya aged 6 likes helping other children when she sees that they need help. She helps them with their reading. She even helps her Dutch elementary teacher with her English pronunciation.
Cleodie (10) likes answering the telephone and making appointments by phone or email. She has already arranged a visit to the Planetarium. Now she is trying to find a hockey teacher.
Which shows that Maria Montessori understood a thing or two
ÊÊ That children learn more from what they find out for themselves than from what they are told. ÊÊ That children learn from each other. ÊÊ That when children are trusted they can move mountains. ÊÊ That high academic achievement is a byproduct of learning with joy.
And where is this Rathillet?
Not far – 25 minutes from St Andrews and a little less from Dundee. The school bus runs from both each morning and afternoon.
ÊÊ Learning with joy
To see for yourself
Make a phone call and talk to one of our children about an appointment. Telephone: 01382 330660. Or visit our website at
Issue 3 Families Fife | 7
Christmas is coming …
Don’t buy a present this year, give a gift Susan Kirkwood For contact details of companies see box on P10
NOTHING from Santa. Nowadays however I am fast becoming an adherent of the less is more approach to giving. As Orla Beaton points out, ‘Do I really need this item or where will I put this gorgeous…birdcage?’ [I did ask for it!] There is nothing nicer than to find a gift that you think is just right for someone you care about, something that will show that you thought about it and didn’t just pick up in BOGOF haste at the till in a supermarket. This is why shopping locally and finding small scale producers and those-out-of-the-way shops can be so rewarding. Give me an afternoon in shops like the fabulous Boo Vake in Perth or Harbour House in Elie add a glass of wine or a timely piece of cake and hey presto – a chore can become an enjoyable yuletide experience. Children love this time of year. But to make sure that it isn’t eclipsed by the shadow of the much longed for toy, it’s worth getting them involved in the build up to Christmas by making things. This can be done on a small scale of course in the home, making cards, advent calendars and even fudge, truffles or handmade oatcakes perhaps to give as a gift. But to make a gift that will be treasured it is worth checking out what you can do and with a little help from local experts, pass off as your own creative genius! To take the pain out of your yuletide, read on.
h the spectre of Christmas looms again… Remember that publishing being what it is, I am actually writing this in early October even though you may be reading it in November or December. I had to do a double take the other day when my husband announced that one of his colleagues had not only bought all her Christmas presents but that she’d actually wrapped them too. And when he announced a couple of days later (still in the month of September mind), that said colleague had also written her Christmas cards, I had to be revived with smelling salts! But where’s the fun in that? I was heard to mutter on coming round. No, for me Christmas wouldn’t be the same without that whole ‘one last thing to get’ on Christmas Eve and the battle with my husband for the sellotape and frantic wrapping of gifts before midnight on the 24th! But does Christmas have to be as stressful as we sometimes make it? The pure commercialism of Christmas just tends to sweep us along so that we end up buying lots of ‘extras’ that we probably don’t really need or want. Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas because I love …getting presents. But in fact, the older I get, the more pleasure I get in giving presents and the less I get in receiving. I do remember as a child feeling a bit sorry for my parents as they only got a couple of gifts each and
The Ceramic Experience
ÊThe Ê Ceramic Experience in Dunfermline is Fife’s original ceramic painting studio with free
The Ceramic Experience Dunfermline
l Ceramic
Painting Studio
l Free l Cafe
Soft Play
with snacks
l Homebaking l Easy
Parking & Access
The Ceramic Experience 17b Elgin St. Ind. Estate Dunfermline, KY12 7SN 10am – 5pm 01383 840640 Open 7 days a week 8 | Families Fife Issue 3
soft play and café. It’s a buzzing hive of activity with great coffee and delicious home-baking, don’t let your children have a shortbread star, they’ll expect one every time! With ample car parking right in front, it’s the perfect place to drop in for creative family fun for everyone. There are fairies or dinosaurs to paint for little ones or choose to put your child’s hand or footprint on a mug, picture frame or clock as a gift for grandparents. A clay impression of your baby’s hand or footprints really makes for a lovely keepsake and is something you should consider if you adore little baby feet – as they don’t stay small for long [as mums of older children know, as we are contantly buying rather expensive footwear]. Residents in East Fife don’t have to miss out as there is a Ceramic Experience in the centre of Cupar too with the same great facilities. With the festive season in mind, both locations have a wide range of Christmas themed ceramics, including baubles (perfect for hand prints), Santa and
choose your favourite fragrance and colour from a wide selection to make your own fabulous, soaps, lip balms, bath bombs, body glitter gel or lip gloss. There is also a gift shop selling a range of beautiful gifts and luxurious wrapping papers and ribbons to wrap up your handmade creations - either for yourself or as a gift for someone special. In the run up to Christmas Honey Pot Ceramics will be running a number of Christmas Present Making Workshops details of these are on their website – see box on p10. You will be amazed at what you can do....
Harbour House, Elie
snowman themed plates, mugs and bowls and lovely cookie jars to decorate. These jars make a great gift for Grandpa to keep a secret biscuit stash in the shed. As an alternative to their ceramic items, the Ceramic Experience also offers sterling silver finger print charms which make a unique gift for someone special. Gift vouchers for those difficult-to-buy-for-friends and relatives if you know someone who’d really enjoy a session, perhaps making something special for mum with dad? (hint, hint…)
Honeypot Ceramics
ÊHoney Ê Pot Ceramics is a new business which opened its doors in Ratho at the Edinburgh International Climbing Arena in October this year. A short hop for west Fifers, it offers a range of craft activities including, pottery painting, jewellery making and the unique opportunity to make your own cosmetics. Sure to be a bit hit with young women both sides of the Forth, you simply
ÊFor Ê a truly divine place to Christmas shop, residents of East Fife are lucky to have Harbour House on their doorstep, and for the rest of us – it’s worth a trip. Harbour House is a treasure trove of beautifully presented gorgeous items which would be hard to beat. Laura the owner confesses that she loves buying and looking round the shop you can tell this. She has a great eye and has spared customers hours of time by separating the wheat from the chaff and getting the stock just right. The shop has a wide selection of cool brands; While Isla Sleeps, No Added Sugar, Bombay Duck, Gorjuss by Santoro, MAKE International and Skibz to name but a few. You will find everything from toiletries to gorgeous notebooks and diaries, with a fantastic range of cards and bags. There is also a well chosen selection of children’s clothes and toys. What you won’t find here are ornaments. A definite adherent to the William Morris beautiful or useful school of thought, Laura prefers to stock things that are a little bit different and importantly, well made. And just to make your shopping task that little bit more pleasant, you can stop here for a coffee and piece of cake to contemplate your purchase. I for one think Laura has got it spot oneverything in Harbour House is beautiful or useful.
Boo Vake, Perth (bùth bheag)
ÊAlthough Ê this shop has been there for years, I only recently discovered it on my Families related business in Perth. Situated down a side street it would be all too easy to miss. But do this at your peril. It is lovely and filled with an
Celebrate this Christmas with the good oldfashioned flavour and texture of a Kellybronze Turkey. Fed a diet of 70% cereals our turkeys are free range, free from animal protein free from growth promoters and free from additives. Order online at or call 01382 541 783 for Christmas 2010 orders
Call Susan on 07734 289 143 to advertise here
Orla Beaton Massage
ÊDo Ê we really need more things? Whilst opening Christmas presents can be a lot of fun, often we are left feeling "yet another thing I don't need" or "where will I find the space"!! Why not avoid the consumer route this year when buying for loved ones.... and see their face light up when they receive a Gift Voucher for Massage. Give them something to look forward to in the long winter months. Make a real difference to their health & wellbeing. Now that's what I call Christmas!! Gift Vouchers for Massage with Orla Beaton can be purchased online at www.orla-beaton. They are presented in beautiful handmade paper cards & can be posted to the sender or recipient. Orla Beaton works from Dunfermline & Kinross specialising in maternity bodywork.
eclectic mix of useful and decorative pieces. Check out Gillian Kyle’s collection of tunnocks teacake bags, aprons, tea towels & mugs from £7 to £17.50 or Shetland designer Donna Smith’s gorgeous felt-covered notebooks from £14 to £20. Unlike some little gift shops, it’s not overpriced and it has a good range of items across different price ranges from brooches to lampshades. Well worth a look.
Smallprint jewellery
ÊNot Ê blessed with the creative gene yourself? Don’t fear, you can still give someone a really special keepsake with just a little thought and planning. Abi Green from Smallprint can create gorgeous jewellery from your own images. Cufflinks and charms can feature fingerprints or even hand or footprints. Do you have a treasured piece of children’s artwork on your fridge? Let Abi create a pendant or keyring in silver which can be given with love and worn long after the little artist has
Bored of the same old stuff from the high street? Why not drink coffee and eat cake whilst browsing our range of unique gifts & homewares? Stockists for mWhile Isla Sleeps mNo Added Sugar mBombay Duck mGorjuss by Santoro mMAKE International
2 Bank Street Elie Fife KY9 1BW t: 01333 331 011 Issue 3 Families Fife | 9
Honeypot Ceramics EICA, South Platt Hill, Ratho, Edinburgh, EH28 8AA, T: 0131:333:6348, W: Harbour House 2 Bank Street, Elie, KY9 1BW, W:, T: 01333 331 011, E: harbourhouseelie@ boo vake (bùth bheag) 5 Watergate, Perth, PH15TF, T: 01738442263, W: B: Smallprint Fife, Perth & Kinross, W:, E:, T: 07747 707527 Trinkets to Treasure T: 07779 272 872 E: W: Wee Tikes Togs Dunfermline, E: W: Orla Beaton Massage vouchers T: 07854 196 955, W: Usbourne Books Representative: Anne Mcilvean, E:, T: 01383 624103, W: Phoenix Trading East Fife Ind. trader Elizabeth Donald, T: 01592 652215, E: W: West Fife Ind. trader Claire Johnston T: 01383 623013, E: W:
Kellybronze Turkeys Peacehill Farm, Wormit, Fife, T: 01382 541 783 W: Bread In Fife High Street Freuchie, Fife, KY15 7EZ, T: 01337 858 031 E: W:
For the complete selection of Usbourne books contact: Anne m.07770 830260 t. 01383 624103
e. amcilvean@ 10 | Families Fife Issue 3
The Ceramic Experience 17b Elgin Street Industrial Estate, Dunfermline, KY12 7SN, T: 01383 840640 49 Bonnygate, Cupar, KY15 4BY, T: 01334 652355 W:
Christmas is coming … Contacts
grown up. A particularly nice touch about the Smallprint jewellery is that Abi doesn’t use moulds or casts so that your chosen piece will be touched by someone you love. Over the Christmas period, Abi will be visiting lots of venues so check out her Facebook page and website for details on where to catch her. She is also happy to visit toddler groups or nurseries to display her work and to take prints. And fear not, if you want your gift to be a secret – she is a master of the complete surprise. Abi is taking commissions now for Christmas but do book early to avoid a last minute rush.
Birdwatching guides or reference to craft. Also, popular this year are snap cards games which come in animal, princess, pirate, fairy, and dinosaur varieties and at £4.99 are great value. They also do highly practical wipeable activity cards and wind up books with trains and planes which are a big hit for younger ones. See box for website and a local agent.
And to wrap it all up… Phoenix Stationery
ÊA Ênewcomer to West Fife, Trinkets to Treasure is a new venture set up by Carol McGirr. Carol makes bespoke and affordable individually handcrafted jewellery for all ages. She specialises in commissions to create personal pieces to reflect the recipients interests or hobbies. Her sparkly ballet bracelets at £8 would make a lovely gift for a young dancer for example. See box for how to contact Carol.
ÊIs Êa remarkable company. It has no shops, only agents who sell mainly to friends and family and at local events and shows. The quality of their cards is fantastic – lots of fancy cut outs and high quality card with glitter and everything and they are really reasonable. Organised mothers buy these in bulk, a blue set and a pink set and a card in every age range! Phoenix also do lots of Christmas and birthday wrapping paper, cards for every occasion imaginable and lovely advent calendars – not the brash commercial ones you see on the high street. See box for website and local agents.
Wee Tikes Togs
Christmas Fayre
Trinkets to Treasure
ÊAnother Ê enterprising local mum, Alison Mitchell lives in Dunfermline and has taken to making lovely, quirky baby items in her spare time. [How she finds any spare time with an 8 month old child and another life as a GP is another question.] Her baby items are made from socks, felt and recycled fabrics and are all one offs. To see these marvellous monkeys, lovely legwarmers and felt footwear visit Alison’s website. At great prices these will make excellent Christmas gifts. See box for details.
Gift of Knowledge Usbourne Books
ÊIÊam pretty firmly of the school that says that books are the greatest gift you can give. But buying the right book can be difficult – I always worry if that child will have it – particularly with classics or best sellers. To get round this why not take a look at the nonfiction titles from Usbourne? They have a really fantastic selection, from Castle lift flap books to
Call Susan on 07734 289 143 to advertise here
ÊNo Ê Christmas Feature would be complete without a mention of food. So a timely reminder that if you haven’t already booked your bird for Christmas, then now is a good time. Kellybronze turkeys are local, free range, free from additives and growth promoters. To ensure a ‘good old-fashioned tasting Christmas’ with a good conscience call Peacehill to order your bird.
Use your loaf
ÊLooking Ê for something really different to gift someone with a culinary bent? Bread in Fife based in Freuchie offer bread making courses. And that from a master porrige maker. Why not get someone you love a course voucher? In a 4 hour sesssion you can usually make two yeasted breads and perhaps even a non rising variation too such as oatcakes. Sessions usually run from 10am till 2pm or from 6pm till 10pm and start with coffee and tasting and end the same way. See box for more details.
X Pendants X Charms X Cufflinks X Keyrings X Capture your child’s fingerprint in polished silver. Beautiful pieces of handcrafted silver jewellery. Hand & footprints & Mini masters too. For further details please contact Abi on or 07747 707527 www.smallp.c
Christmas charms available
Clubs and Classes Buckhaven Brass Beginnings ÊCollege Ê Street, Buckhaven. Wednesday 5.45 pm – 7.15 pm. Contact: Brian Hutchison 01333 351231 or 07800771929 or e-mail Please check out our page on Buckhaven and Methil Miners Band’s website www.
Doodle and Splat
ÊNew Ê Term: 01/10 -10/12 Tue 9.30 Play Planet, Dalgety Bay (1-2.5yrs) Tue 10.30 Play Planet, Dalgety Bay (1- 2-5 yrs) Wed 1.30 Duloch Library, Dunfermline (2-5 yrs) Thur 10.00 Dunnikier Scout Hall, Kirkcaldy (12.5yrs) 10.30 Dunnikier Scout Hall, Kirkcaldy (1-2.5yrs) 1.30 Duloch Library, Dunfermline (2-5 yrs) Fri 9.30 Our Lady of Lourdes Church Hall, Dunfermline (1-2.5yrs) 10.30 Our Lady of Lourdes Church Hall, Dunfermline (2-5 yrs). Details/Bookings please contact Lynda or Pamela on 07942825114 or or see www.
Baby Classes
ÊBaby Ê Sensory Classes - West Fife Monday 10.00 and 11.30 Lady of Lourdes Church Hall, Dunfermline Wednesday 10.30 Cowdenbeath Community Centre Friday 10.30 Play Planet, Dalgety Bay Friday 1.45 Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline Tel: Claire Wilson 07749468864 Baby Massage Classes Tiny Tender Touch. Learn to massage your baby a skill you can use for life with your growing child. Classes start Wed 15/09/10 at 14.30pm and Friday 17/09/10 10.30am. Tel: Claudia: 01383 733 146 or email: Baby & Toddler Reflexology Workshops Bookings for workshops now being taken Classes max 6 people per workshop so early booking recommended. Contact Judith Spriggs: 07843 615220 or Water Babies Unique structured swimming programme for under 1s. Classes Kirkcaldy Swimming Pool, Wed am and Levenmouth Swimming Pool, Leven, Thur am. Tel: 0131 554 6682 to book a class. Info: www. or email: woggle@
Exercise Classes
ÊMum Ê and child friendly classes at Mind and Body Studio, Kirkcaldy Choose from Body Pump - Tuesdays @10.45am, Body Vive - Weds @ 10.30am, Bums, Tums & Thighs - Thurs @ 10.30am Cost: £5.50 per class Feel free to bring your preschooler along to socialise while you work out. Tel: 01592 263700 or www.mindand bodystudio. Lochore Family Night Every Thursday night at Lochore Centre. From 5.30pm-7.00pm fun for all the family. Different activites every week. Contact Nicole Nolan by email on
ÊFife Ê Dance Academy Opened its doors in the former Red Cross Hall in Pilmuir Street, Dunfermline in August this year. Offering Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Rock n’ Roll, Contemporary, Street and Russian Ballet as well as the extremely popular adult Zumba classes, there is a class to suit everyone. Karen Drummond who ran Steppin Out for 18 years prior to becoming the Fife Dance Academy, has 7 teachers, 5 of whom are former pupils. Both Karen and principle teacher Katie, feel that dance and music are all inclusive activities without boundaries or barriers. With this in mind, they offer a class called Indipendance for adults with learning difficulties or disabilities. Classes take place on a Wednesday morning at 10:30. To find out about this and other classes on offer contact Karen Drummond on 07977 093676 ÊDoodle Ê and Splat Are running special Christams sessions for toddler groups/play groups during the week of 13th Dec to 17th Dec – some spaces still available. Contact details under listing. Labour Massage Tuition for Birth Partners Contact Orla Beaton on 07854 196 955 or email See for more info.
Music and movement classes
ÊJo Ê Jingles Preschool music, singing and rhyme fun. Can you copy these from last time please gavin and add these classes under Wednesday: Jumpin Jacks, Kirkcaldy 11.45 -12.30 Mixed Class 1.30-2.10 Baby Class. Includes free entry to Jumpin Jacks. Tel: 01383 734080 Email: fiona.jojingles@ Fiona Musical Steps: Singing music, rhyme and movement for preschoolers. Classes across Fife. MON AM Lomond Centre Glenrothes, West End Dundee MON PM Bongo’s Play Centre Glenrothes TUE AM St. Leonards Parish Church St Andrews & Swansacre Playgroup Kinross TUE PM Swansacre Playgroup Kinross. WED AM Old Parish Church Cupar & St Andrews Erskine Church Dunfermline WED PM Millbridge Hall Kinross THUR AM Collydean Neighbourhood Centre Glenrothes & Crossford Scout Hall THUR PM Free Church Kirkcaldy FRI AM Dance Bank Dunfermline FRI PM Dance Bank Dunfermline, Newton of Falkland Village Hall & Action Zone Leven SAT AM Queen Anne High School Dunfermline Tel: Inga 0845 224 0613 or
Twinkle Stars Pre- School Music Classes Fun educational classes for children aged 4 months to 5 years. Tuesday: Duloch Leisure Centre 1.25pm 4 months - 18 months 2pm 18 months - 3 years Thursday: Dalgety Bay Leisure Centre-1.20pm 4- 18 months 1.55pm 18 months- 3years Friday: Duloch Leisure Centre - 11.10 pm 3-5 years 1.15 pm 4 - 18 months 1.50pm 3-5 years For more info Tel Morag 01383 622315 email
Pilates Classes
ÊMind Ê & Body Studio offers 6 Pilates Classes per week in Kirkcaldy. These include prenatal and post natal classes for mums who want to strengthen those abdominals in a sociable setting Cost: £6 per class. Tel: 01592 263700 or www.
Dance Classes
ÊThe Ê Dance Bank Dunfermline, Dalgety Bay, Kelty, Perth, Kinross. Children’s ballet, tap, bellydance, tribal classes. Tel: Rhona 01383 872132 or Saut Burgh Highland Dancers Monday: Dysart Community Hall, West Port, Dysart, KY1 2TD. 5.00 - 5.30 - Tinies/Beginners Class; 5.30 - 6.30 - Bronze upwards; 6.00 - 7.00 gold upwards. Tel: Cath 01592 651370 or With Baby Yoga. Inverkeithing on Thur am, New classes in South Queensferry & Dunfermline in the pipeline. Yoga for Pregnancy & Birth Inverkeithing on Tue pm, Dunfermline on Wed pm. Couple s birth workshops also regularly running in the Dunfermline area. Yoga Classes. Regular classes in Inverkeithing on Tuesday evening, and Dunfermline on Wednesday evening. One-to-one classes also available. For all the above yoga classes call: Susannah Dean Inner Yoga Trust, Yogabirth, Wheel of Yoga, IAIM. Tel: 01383 413121.
yoga 3
for pregnancy, birth baby & beyond see website for all classes
Susannah Dean Qualifications: Yogabirth, IAIM, Inner Yoga & British Wheel of Yoga
01383 413121
Issue 3 Families Fife | 11
Features Birth Baby and Beyond
Nappy Christmas!
ooking for something a bit different for new parents? Real (cloth) nappies could be just the thing. A recent survey by a top supermarket comparison website found that Scottish parents spend on average £55 a month on disposable nappies per baby, that’s 45% of the monthly baby cost on something which gets used once and thrown away! Using real nappies can save at least £500 against the cost of using disposables, no small thing in the current economic climate. Real nappies are also better for the environment than throwaways (a recent government study found that when laundered sensibly, they can be up to 40% better) and dramatically reduce the amount of waste filling your bin and going to landfill. They have come a long way since the days of terry squares, plastic pants and nappy pins and are now shaped to fit, have velcro or popper fastening and come in a huge range of soft and absorbent fabrics. Real nappies even come in a wide range of colours, funky prints and designs with some parents now choosing to use them because of how they look and feel on their baby. If you are interested in using or gifting real nappies then an excellent port of call for any Perthshire / Kinross resident is the
Perth & Kinross Real Nappy Network
Offering: 4impartial advice 4demonstrations 4nappucinos 4incentives
Contacts: 401738 476476
Or look us up on Facebook: 4perthandkinrossrealnappynetwork 12 | Families Fife Issue 4
hen I was a child molluscum was non existent, nowadays, however, it is a fairly common problem in young children. It is a viral problem and like most viruses it is opportunistic and can affect healthy children as well as those with a compromised immune system. It has a distinctive appearance and could be described as “water warts”, which eventually scab over before they disappear. The herbal approach is to support the immune system with antiviral remedies while addressing any underlying constitutional weakness. i.e addressing skin weakened by eczema or an immune system weakened by antibiotics or nutritional imbalance. Ensuring a rich intake of essential fatty acids and boosting zinc status, as well as vitamin D, may be indicated when treating molluscum, as these may help to boost a child’s general resistance. In addition herbs can be prescribed by a medical herbalist to help speed the healing process. There are few, if any, conventional treatments for molluscum, which is why we perhaps see so many families attending our herbal clinic for help.
Perth & Kinross Real Nappy Network. A local voluntary group, they offer impartial advice and guidance and ongoing support on the different types of nappies available to parents, carers, parents to be and health professionals. The network holds demonstrations from its comprehensive nappy library and has lending kits to allow you to try real nappies at home before you buy. They also run monthly coffee mornings with free coffee and cake and the chance to meet up and chat with other real nappy users and prospective users. PKRNN currently give out free starter kits* to every new baby born in Perth & Kinross and offer a financial incentive* to help get parents or carers started. For more information about PKRNN and the current real nappy incentives please contact 01738 476476 or or find us on Facebook. * while stocks last and subject to some basic terms and conditions Tayside residents can contact the Dundee Real Nappy Campaign at real.nappies@ and Fife residents can contact the Fife Real Nappy Network at . Each network runs different activities and incentives.
Reader Offer
To list your class in the Out and About pages contact
ealth Food and More and Solgar Nutritional Supplements have teamed up to offer five lucky Families Fife readers the chance to win a supply of Solgar Kangavites Kids Chewable Multivits and Solgar Kids DHA supplements worth £25. Send an email to: enquiries@ with Families Fife in the subject box and your contact details. Alternatively, write with your name, address and telephone number and simply pop it in the post to Families Fife Vitamins at Health Food and More, 142n St Clair Street, Kirkcaldy. Winners will be sent a jar of vitamins and essential fatty acids. Reader offer closes 31st December 2010.
Features Entertainment and Shows
It’s Panto time again. Oh no, it isn’t. Oh yes, it is! W
ell, folks it’s that time again – Panto time! Oh no it isn’t. Oh yes, indeed it is. Let’s have a look at what the region has in store for us this season.
Perth Theatre, 3 Dec 2010 - 8 Jan 2011 This year ever-popular Aladdin is Perth Theatre’s traditional family pantomime. Break out your cheers and laughter, brush up your boos and hisses, prepare your singing voices and join Aladdin, Wishee Washee, Widow Twankey and friends as they leave the silliest laundry in China for a magic carpet ride into adventure at Perth Theatre. Poor Aladdin is penniless, the Emperor is after him, his one true love has never met him and a suspicious uncle wants to put him in a cave. Can he defeat the wicked Abanazer, free the Genie of the Lamp, win the heart of the beautiful princess and live happily ever after? With your help - yes he can! Packed with songs, slapstick, silliness and audience participation for the whole family, this show is full of all the adventure and magic of traditional pantomime. The Scotsman claims that ‘Perth panto is one of the most traditional and well loved in the land’ so make sure you don’t miss out. Tickets from the Box Office: Tel: 01738 621 031
Jock And The Beanstalk
Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline, 7-31 December While there will be many Jacks shimmying up beanstalks all over the UK this December, there will be only one Jock, trying to drag his fat head (and even fatter backside) up to the castle in the clouds.
Jock and the Beanstalk is the tale of one big dafty, his highland cow Morag, and piles upon piles of dung. Jock is not your traditional hero, but an overgrown, lazy lump of a ‘man-boy’ still living at home with his long suffering mother who has finally reached the end of her tether and shown him the door. Cue a hilarious journey involving a wizard troll, a bad tempered giant and the eponymous antihero. Part fairy tale, part panto and part dung fest, Jock and the Beanstalk promises to be the muckiest Christmas show of them all. From Wednesday 8 Dec: Adults £10, Children £8, Concessions £8 Family Ticket (Max 2 adults) £30. Group discounts available. Duration: 1hour and 45 minutes, including interval. Box Office Tel: 01383 602302 Recommended from Age 5+. Tue 7 Dec@ 7pm Fife Pound Fife-all tickets £5.
ÊÊ Spout, handle, lid of metal what’s inside the Singing Kettle?
And look sharp as long before curtain up on 7th December visitors to the Carnegie Hall will be amazed at its transformation. Sponsored by Robert Wiseman Dairies, and supported by Fife Council Celebrating Fife 2010, be prepared to see the theartre like you have never seen it before...
Did you know…
ÊÊ Did you know that this year for the first time ever in Scotland, the Christmas show will be streamed into hospitals and hospices? AttFife, with help from Wiseman Dairies, is working with the children’s wards in Victoria and Queen Margaret hospitals in Fife, Ninewells Hospital in Dundee, and Sick Kids, Edinburgh, as well as Rachel House Children’s Hospice in Kinross to broadcast the Jock and the Beanstalk into each hospital. An Attfife host will in situ in the hospitals to ensure that the ‘it’s behind you’ style calls and responses, sweetie throwing and necessary silliness are every bit as present as in Carnegie Hall itself. Great news for all children who are unlucky enough to have to spend the festive season in hospital.
Aladdin comes to Kirkcaldy
Another chance to catch Aladdin as Att Fife is also putting on this sparkling family pantomime on at Adam Smith Theatre in Kirkcaldy from Dec 8 to Jan 8 and also welcomes.
The Singing Kettle Gets Around
This year Fife’s favourite singing ensemble is bringing Santa’s Fun Factory to a venue near you. Catch the Singing Kettle crew in Perth, Perth Concert Hall on Thu 23 + Fri 24 Dec: 11am + 2pm Glenrothes, Rothes Halls from 16 - 20 December Dunfermline, Alhambra Theatre 31 Dec 2pm £12.
Issue 4 Families Fife | 13
Features Out and About November
5 DUNFERMLINE Fireworks Display in Pittencrief Park
Santa Sightings
5 DUNFERMLINE Bang free fireworks for the very young at the Carnegie Hall t: 01383 602 302
Santa’s Grotto, Dobbies Saturday 20th November* Children are invited to meet the big man in red in his very own traditional grotto. Tickets £5 and will be available to purchase in-store from Saturday 6th November. Advance booking is advisable to avoid disappointment. Grotto times will vary from store to store. *Please contact your local Dobbies for further information.
5/6/7 KINROSS Star Wars Weekend 5 Nov, 7pm Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope (U). 6 Nov: 2pm Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (U). 7 Nov: 2pm Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (U) . Tickets from £3. Please visit for more info. 1, 8, 15, 29 PERTH Mini Music Makers between 10am-12.30. Call for details. Perth Theatre Let the music team and their puppet friends open up the world of music to tiny ears! t: 01738 621031 or online at 6 DUNFERMLINE Mini Raft Building with Dunfermline Woodcraft. Meet outside the Museum in Pittencrieff Park, Dunfermline 2pm*. 7 DUNFERMLINE Little Seedlings Club, Dobbies. Caring for our feathered friends (FREE) A hands-on workshop designed to teach children how to care for birds during the winter. 10–13 Byre@ Programme – VARIOUS VENUES Tiny Volcanoes. 10th Byre@ Tayport, 7.30pm; 11th Byre@ Markinch, 7.30pm; 12th Byre@ Aberdour, 7.30pm; 13th Byre@ Byre Theatre, 7.45pm. Theatrical performances tour the communities of Fife. 13 PERTH Girlguiding Centenary Show 3pm + 7pm Perth Concert Hall. A mix of dance, music and sketches with everyone from the youngest of Rainbows, Brownies and Guides taking to the stage. £5 20 DUNFERMLINE Exploring Inzievar Woods with Dunfermline Woodcraft. Meet at Church of the Holy Name, Oakley 2pm* 21&22 DUNFERMLINE Craft Fair and Christmas Workshops Glen Gates. Go and see the live Daft for Crafts glass bead making
St Andrews Erskine Church, Dunfermline Tickets: £1.00 or 07812 177945 proceeds to Dunfermline Women’s Aid 14 | Families Fife Issue 4
Breakfast with Santa, Dobbies From Saturday 27th November Join Santa for a special breakfast and take part in party style entertainment. Tickets £9.95 per child. Advanced booking is advisable. Please check in-store for specific dates and times. (Excludes Kinross store) Santa’s Post Box (Free) Pop into your local Dobbies and post your special Christmas letter to Santa
Santa’s Grotto, Baxters Home Farm, Kelty November 28th Santa will make a special arrival at Baxters in Kelty to open his Grotto. Great opportunity to take the family to see Santa and stock up on Christmas treats from the Baxters Store. FREE December A Glenshee Christmas 11 & 12 Christmas Market at Gulabin Lodge, Spittal of Glenshee, Blairgowrie PH10 7QE With stalls as well as Santa’s Grotto, Christmas trees for sale, cafe, activities and much more. FREE Tel. 01250 885255 for details. Supper with Santa, Dobbies From Saturday 18th December Join Santa for a special meal and take part in party style entertainment. Tickets £9.95 per child. Advanced booking is advisable. Please check in-store for specific dates and times. (Excludes Kinross).
demonstrations, stained glass, knitwits, christmas gifts & much more.
27 PERTH The Remarkable Romans – Living History with the Antonine Guard – 1.30pm. All ages FREE
26 – Sun 28 PERTH LIGHTNIGHT Perth Theatre All weekend. Various events. See website for details
27 DUNFERMLINE Twelve trees of Christmas Glen Gates. Decorate the 12 trees of Christmas. Make baubles, angels , garlands and sparkly bells.
27 PERTH Zombie Style Workshop with Thriller walk Studio, Perth Theatre 10.30am – 12pm | age 12–15 yrs Learn how to transform bits of your body into a zombie. Tickets £6 26-30 ST ANDREWS Festival Centred on its main new attraction Undercover@. A large section of South Street is covered with a canopy and stage creating a massive street venue for the weekend. 26 PERTH Free Family Film The Illusionist (PG) Tickets from Perth Museum and Gallery Shop Tel: 01738 632488 27 St Andrews Children’s Workshops Arts and crafts with a Scottish theme to celebrate our Patron Saint St Andrews Museum, T 01334 659380. E: fife.museums@ 10.30am-12pm (4-7 year olds) 1.30pm-3pm (8-12 year olds). All events must be booked in advance on 01334 659380. Please ensure all children under 8 are accompanied by an adult. 27 BLAIRGOWRIE Wellmeadow Massed Pipe Band and Brass Band extravaganza in celebration of St Andrew. (2pm) FREE
Daily KIRKCALDY Fife Ice Arena Snowbabies – Skating for Under 5’s.Wednesdays 2.30pm – 3.30pm. £3. Public Skating Sessions everyday Kirkcaldy Ice Rink, Rosslyn Street, Kirkcaldy. Tel: 01592 595100
1 DUNFERMLINE Dobbies Farm Foodhall Festive Feast. 6.30pm – 9pm Visit Dobbies Farm Foodhall for an evening of festive inspiration – discover the best produce to make the perfect Christmas dinner and indulge in samples of locally sources produce. 4 DUNFERMLINE Salt Dough Decorations with Dunfermline Woodcraft. The United Reformed Church Hall, Canmore Street 2pm*. 4 DUNFERMLINE GYMTASIA, Alhambra. Show of acrobatics and dance for the whole family. £10 - £5 Tel: 01383 740384, 5 DECEMBER Dobbies Little Seedlings Club – Christmas Party Come along and have some fun at the Little Seedlings Christmas party – you might even get to meet Santa (FREE)
Features 6 & 13 PERTH Mini Music Makers Perth Theatre between 10am-12.30. Call for details. Let the music team and their puppet friends open up the world of music to tiny ears! 7-31 DUNFERMLINE Jock and the Beanstalk Carnegie Hall 7-10 DUNFERMLINE Peter Pan on Ice Alhambra. A spectacular adaptation of J.M. Barrie’s magical story when the world renowned Russian Ice Stars perform Peter Pan on Ice. 7.30pm, matinee 8th and 11th at 2.30pm Tickets: £22.50 - £11.50 11 ST ANDREWS Banish the winter blues with some Christmas sparkle and crafts. 10.30am-12pm (4-7 year olds) 1.30pm-3pm (8-12 year olds) 11&12 Glenshee Christmas Market see Santa sightings panel for details. St Nicholas Day Events 11-12 KINGHORN Ecology Centre. Make Christmas decorations from natural materials. Mincemeat pie & glass of mulled wine provided. 10am - 3pm Booking Essential, please phone 01592 891567 £18 adults, £14 members & £10 volunteers. 12 & 19 KIRKCALDY. Kids Santa Party at Cluny Kids. 3pm till 6pm. Includes carol singing, Christmas buffet and mulled wine (adults only!), Santa visit with gift and party games with the Elves. Cost is £6.50 for kids and £10.00 for adults. Contact: enquiries@ or 01592 720374 to book 17/18/19 Santa Clause Weekend. 17 Dec, 7pm: The Santa Clause 1 (U). 18 Dec: 2pm Santa Clause 2 (U). 19 Dec: Santa Clause 3: The escape Clause (U). Tickets from £3. Please visit for more information. 16 PERTH Sparkly Songs at Christmas. Between 10am-12.30. Call for details.Singing, games and fun. Dress code: sparkly. £3; adults free 18-19 KIRKCALDY Fife Ice Arena Figure Skating Club Christmas Show - Sat at 7pm & Sun at 12pm. Call 01592 595100 for further information. 18 DUNFERMLINE Costume Creating and Parachute Games with Dunfermline Woodcraft. The United Reformed Church Hall 2pm*.
18 ongoing DUNFERMLINE, PERTH DOBBIES Supper with Santa. Join Santa for a special meal and take part in party style entertainment. Tickets £9.95 per child. Advanced booking is advisable. Please check in-store for specific dates and times. (Excludes Kinross) 19 DUNFERMLINE Bellyeoman Parent and Toddler group Charity Christmas Shopping Event. 7.30pm Tickets £1. More info: t 07812 177945 or 19 PERTH The Bethlehem Experience Perth Concert Hall. 2pm + 4.30pm + 7pm £3; children £1 Usually sells out so book early. 20-22 DUNFERMLINE Cinderella Pantomime Alhambra Theatre2pm and 7pm. Price: £16.50 - £12.50 Box Office 01383 740384, 23 & 24: PERTH The Singing Kettle Santa’s Fun Factory 11am + 2pm Perth Concert Hall Remember to dress up for fun in a Santa Hat. £13; Family Saver (4 tickets) £48; groups 10+ £9; babes in arms (under 12 mths) £2 31 DUNFERMLINE Santa’s Fun Factory by Singing Kettle. Alhambra Theatre2pm Tickets: £12 Box Office 01383 740384, *Dunfermline Woodcraft asks that you accompany your children to its outdoor events. Sessions run alternate Saturdays during term time from 2-3:30pm. Cost= £1 per child. Warm, waterproof clothing and wellies are recommended. For more info contact Jackie on (01383) 621245 or Mary at
OF 3 N
teach your baby to swim! WINNE
Let there be lights! Don’t miss the Christmas Lights Switch On: Cowdenbeath Friday, 19 November High Street at 3.30pm. Kirkcaldy Sunday, 21 November – The Mercat, High Street 12noon – 5.00pm. Glenrothes Kingdom Shopping Centre
– Kingdom Centre 12noon – 4.00pm. Dunfermline 21 November Glen Gates and High Street All Day. Leven Saturday 27, November – High Street 11.00am – 4.30pm. Perth 21 November – Town Centre.
fun, innovative classes creating life-saving confidence from birth
0131 554 6682 Issue 4 Families Fife | 15
‘I do not believe there is a method better than Montessori for making children sensitive to the beauties of the world and awakening their curiosity regarding the secrets of life.’ Gabriel Garcia Marquez Nobel Prize Winner for Literature
Montessori children learn, not by being told, but by finding things out for themselves. This makes school more fun. The high academic achievement that usually accompanies Montessori education is a natural consequence of learning with joy. We are a small, friendly school based in Rathillet – 25 minutes drive from Dundee and St Andrews. We pick up children in both towns in our own minibus in St Andrews and Dundee each morning. ‘My girls have developed their reading, writing and understanding more in their 6 months here than in the last two years in their previous and expensive school abroad... And they are happier and actually want to go to school each morning.’ Anna, mother of Anya & Maya, 6 and 7
Come and see the magic of Montessori for yourself. The Montessori School invites parents to come and sit in on a class. WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING ENTRANTS FOR JANUARY 2011 for Children’s House: 3-6 YEARS OLD and Elementary: 6-10 YEARS OLD. Limited number of places available. To book a time to visit, call us – don’t worry if the ‘phone is picked up by a child – we encourage it!
THE MONTESSORI SCHOOL, RATHILLET, FIFE 01382 330660 ÊRead Ê more on Page 7
16 | Families Fife Issue 4