Issue 106 September/October 2022 FREETakeMeHome IN THIS ISSUE ClubsWhat’sEducationOn&Classes IGNITE at Polesden Lacey 20 Oct to 6 Nov Families London Surrey Borders Missed something off your checklist in the back to school rush? You can still get all your school essentials at the Belfry Shopping Centre, from great value uniforms and school shoes, to jackets, backpacks and stationery, now the kids are back in the classroom. Find everything you need at your favourite high street stores all under one roof. Christmas all in! ...with Away Resorts *Price based on 2-nights in Comfort accommodation at Sandy Balls Holiday Village in December. Correct at time of print. Forest of Light, Sandy Balls 04 Nov - 31 Dec 04TattershallWinterfest,LakesNov-31Dec Family getaways from £66* Book today at or call 03333 634189

 Families London Surrey Borders 3 Families London Surrey Borders Magazine is part of Families Print Ltd, a franchise company. Families is a registered trademark of LCMB Ltd, Remenham House, Regatta Place, Marlow Road, Bourne End, Bucks SL8 5TD. The contents of this magazine are fully protected by copyright and none of the editorial or photographic matter may be reproduced in any form without prior consent of Families Print Ltd. Every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine but Families Print Ltd, its distributors, franchisees and LCMB Ltd cannot be held responsible for the claims of advertisers nor for the accuracy of the contents, or any consequences thereof. CONTENTS Welcome Wishing everyone a brilliant start to their 2022/23 academic year. Our Education Focus Feature: Education Overview showcases the best education options in our area. Packed with local education news, an autumn open day directory and advice on how to make the best start to this academic year. Meet the Head of both Croydon High School and Elmhurst School for Boys to get a better insight into why both these independent schools have such an excellent reputation. As always, we have hunted high and low for the best family activities and events for you and your children. IGNITE is returning to Polesden Lacey this Autumn, which is a true spectacular for all the family. We also have details on where to pick your own pumpkin this Halloween and where the best fireworks display will be, including Low Bang Fireworks at Godstone Farm, perfect for the littlest member of your family. Happy reading! Tamar xx Contact us: EDITOR: Tamar Pearson T: 07537 141 998 E: Design: Rebecca Carr Printed by: Buxton Press Limited Next issue: November/December Booking deadline: 7 October Readership of over 65,000 local parents, carers and teachers every issue. Published six times a year. For families from birth to twelve. 4 News & views 5 Education focus 7 What is autism? 9 New term teething problems 11 School open events 14 Clubs & classes 16 What’s On Cover image: IGNITE at Polesden Lacey In this issue: Would you like to promote your business in our next issue and reach 1,000’s of local parents? Email Tamar for more info at Nursery | Boys | Girls | Surrey Cumnor House School, has a proud tradition of providing an exceptional education to boys and girls between the ages of 2 and 13. Contact Admissions 0208 660 3445 There’s Thedifferentaway.CumnorWay.

Welcome to the world of Away Resorts!
CBBC star writes mixed-race storybook on friendship
A Good Friend features a mixed-race family as the main characters and aims, according to Gemma ‘to give Jesus a face which isn’t the ‘stereotypical, blonde-haired and blue-eyed Jesus so many of us grew up with.’
Give the autumn term a confidence boost with Perform
21 beautiful holiday resorts, each in outstanding UK locations, with their own style and personality. Whether you desire coastal or country, each resort is alive with character, surrounded by awesome local attractions and perfect for full on family fun. Many of our parks are jam-packed with fantastic facilities, from arcades to swimming pools, and everything in between. As for entertainment, activities and events –well, there is something to keep every member of the family grinning from ear to ear. So, are you ready to fall in love with a holiday where new experiences await at every turn?
The term runs from September to December and children are welcome to try a free class at any point. Venues in Shirley, Caterham, Purley, Reigate and Oxted.
To book a free no-obligation trial class visit
Inspire - Develop - Nurture Ashtead Ballet School has a reputation for providing a happy, nurturing environment where everyone is encouraged to reach their own potential, promoting confidence and creating lifelong memories. Taught by highly trained and qualified teachers. For students from 3 years of age onwards. Get in touch to find out which class is best for your child.
This term, Perform 4-7s will venture into The Magician’s Chamber for some confidence-building fun with Merlin the Wizard whilst 7-12s will work on a funky festive performance of Ebenezer, based on the Charles Dicken’s classic, A Christmas Carol. BALLET TAP & M ODERN ‘After having tried other dance schools I can honestly say Maxine and her fellow teachers are amazing! Ashtead Ballet school definitely stands out as one of the best.’ Mrs de Atouguia PhotographyImagesYoungCredit: Open day LCA STAGE ACADEMY MUSICAL THEATRE CLASSES AND DRAMA CLASSES FOR MORE INFORMATION WWW.LCA-STAGE.COMINFO@LCA-STAGE.COM Saturday
Ashtead Ballet School 17th September Oxted School, Drama Studio
A Good Friend can be purchased at
Book today at or call 03333 634189.
CBBC star Gemma Hunt is publishing her first children’s book, a fun, mixed-race retelling of the stories of Jesus, which aims to teach children how to be good friends to one another. The presenter decided to write the new stories after being unable to find any children’s books which featured a mixed-heritage family like her own.
A common struggle shared by many children as they start school or return after the summer break is a lack of confidence, and this can stop them reaching their full potential. Whether you’re looking for a confidence boost for your child or just a weekly dose of drama, dance and singing fun, Perform is back for the autumn term with two exciting productions for 4-7s and 7-12s.
“Perform is not a stage school” stresses Perform Principal, Lucy Quick. “Our classes teach life skills using fun confidence-boosting drama games which results in a celebratory end of term production. The primary aim of our classes is to develop what we call the 4Cs: Confidence, Concentration, Coordination and Communication.” Families London Surrey Borders LOCAL PuttingNEWSona show is integral to any performing arts school Ashtead Ballet School hold full school shows every two years in a professional theatre and all students of school age, and over are invited to take part, regardless of experience or ability. The commitment to working towards something, and then experiencing the huge rewards which come from seeing it through are life affirming. Here’s what parents said about the recent show: “a memory for our daughter and us to “Shecherish.”had a great time and a great sense of “She“amazingachievement.”memories!”hadthetimeofher life!” Dancing is great for our bodies, minds, and overall wellbeing. So come and give it a try this autumn!

The team at Godstone Farm Day Nursery and PreSchool have just started a Mini Farmers programme of activities for the children. Being located next door to Godstone Farm itself, the children get to undertake lots of specially designed activities to encourage a sense of curiosity and independence. The children were helping the farm’s gardener, Mike with potato picking and carrot pulling! They also got to sit behind the wheel (fully supervised!) of a real-life tractor!
Email Tamar for more info
Sixth Form Open Evening: Thursday 22nd September 6pm-8pm Whole School Open Morning: Saturday 24th September 9.30am-11.30am Whole School Open Morning: Monday 26th September 9.15am-10.45am
More info at
More info at
See website for timings and further details Where Children Thrive Independent Co-educational Day School A Through School For Pupils Aged 3-18
Cumnor House School shortlisted in the Independent School of the Year Awards
Cumnor House School for Girls have been shortlisted for two awards in the Independent School of the Year Awards 2022: Small Independent School of the Year’ and ‘Independent School of the Year for Student Wellbeing. These nominations acknowledge the care, passion and dedication the school has put in to delivering the very best education for their girls.
From Zero to Hero in just one season!
Education Focus
Royal Russell is an Independent Day and Boarding School for boys and girls aged 3 to 18. Located 8 mins from East Croydon station, pupils enjoy the 110-acre campus, which contains incredible facilities to inspire learning and personal growth; from cutting-edge science labs, extensive sporting facilities, Chapel, Great Hall, spacious dining areas, Performing Arts Centre and beautiful Houses surrounded by green open space. The School offers bespoke educational pathways to support children to realise their vision of success and is guided by expert tutors, teachers, coaches and pastoral teams. Pupils benefit from learning in a co-educational setting and as part of an open community that reflects the real world. Royal Russell was founded in 1853 as a charity to look after orphans and is proud to have Her Majesty the Queen as the School’s current patron.
Last September, Dunottar School began investigating the idea of starting a recreational volleyball club for pupils, and just a few weeks later the “Dunottar Warriors” played the first ever volleyball fixture for Dunottar School. With more fixtures under their belts, the team showed continuous improvement in every training session. The perseverance and tenacity shown by the players paid off, and in February the team was invited to participate in the 1st Surrey Junior Volleyball League, where they achieved the first position and were declared the winners of the 1st U15 Surrey Junior Volleyball League!
East Families London Surrey Borders EDUCATION5OPEN EVENTS
Meet the Mini Farmers DayGodstoneatFarmNursery
A fabulous achievement for a team of beginners who, until a couple of months ago, had never played volleyball before.
Would you like to include your nursery in our 2022/23 education features? Contact us to save your space.
It is also with great excitement that Cumnor House School for Boys and Kindergarten & Pre-School has been shortlisted in the category of ‘Independent Prep School of the Year’. Cumnor House is particularly delighted to have been recognised in this way, as their submission focused on their very clear approach to pupil wellbeing as the foundation to both academic and future successes.
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If this sounds ideal for your little one, the nursery and pre-school is running a series of Open Days each month. Book a space today.

The Tennis Academy programme is unique in that the tennis is funded by the school, including strength and conditioning, nutrition and tournament planning from LTA referee, Alison Battista. Understandably, the places for the tennis academy are very competitive and there are a high number of applicants for the scholarship day in November.
to March 2020 and remember that this is the group of pupils who had to be told that they would not, after all, be sitting the GCSE examinations that they had so diligently worked towards over the previous two years.
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Nestled in the Surrey Hills on its own private estate in Holmbury St Mary, Belmont is an independent school for boys and girls from Early Years to GCSE.
Plan ahead and respect the boundaries What planning ahead does is releases your mind from the ongoing struggle of holding information and allows you to be more productive and connected to those around you. If you plan your day, stick to it, and then set a clear boundary for when each hat is worn, you will start to see a huge difference in what you can achieve and how much time you have to do the things on your priorities list.
Here are 3 top tips from Samantha Dholakia, Founder of SPD Tuition and Coaching: Decide what matters What are your priorities and what is less important? Grab a pen and get down all the most important parts of your life. Cleaning, exercise, quality family time, seeing friends: what is most important to you? Get to know yourself Jot down all your likes, dislikes, and your character strengths. Including your good points, what do you do best and your skills and interest areas? Now, look at your weak points. What do you have difficulty doing and what makes you feel frustrated? We all have positive and negative sides. We let our strengths shine, and we build on our weak points to help us mature and grow.
Belmont’s aim is for each pupil to leave as a well-rounded individual and so the academic curriculum is enriched by sport, performing arts, visual arts and other cultural and creative opportunities.
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Much of the success lies in the high level of coaching from the Director of Tennis resulting in us securing some of the best players in Surrey and Middlesex.
The juggle, the struggle, the muddle!
Balance the career, business, and life that works for you. Whatever your now, whatever your want, you can create your own reality. There is no such thing as a work- life balance. We are chasing after this mythical notion that they are two separate entities. When, in fact, they are two sides of the same coin.
The deadlines to apply for scholarships for September 2023 entry are 7 October (11+entry) and 14 October 16+ entry.
An exciting year for Ewell Castle School AcademyTennis Ewell Castle School Tennis Academy has been awarded ‘Surrey LTA School of the Year’, an acknowledgement of the incredibly hard work in establishing the tennis academy as one of the top five tennis schools in the UK.
2023 Scholarship forms available at admissions/
Croydon High’s Class of 2022 have chancetheirto shine!
Croydon High School are delighted to report stellar A Level results for the Class of 2022 with a remarkable: 91% of all grades awarded being A*-B.
From the age of three, pupils receive specialist teaching in Music, Performing Arts, French, Forest School, Art, IT and PE as well as the option to learn Ballet. Throughout their time at Belmont, pupils encounter a broad and challenging curriculum in small class sizes, each child is stretched or supported to reach their personal best.
The Class of 2022 will forever be remembered as the year group who faced adversity and delivered, with an outstanding set of A Level grades exceeding the already high expectations of this talented Rewindcohort.
If you would like support in bringing balance to your life, some harmony to your home, or to shine a light on where you would like to be within your work life, book a free 30 minute coffee catch up with Samantha directly at spdtuitionandcoaching@ or visit
MUMECHI is a range of services specifically created by SPD Tuition and Coaching to support mums in the whole 360 of life: creating and building the careers and businesses they long for, parenting with peace of mind, and finding balance within their lives. From 1-2-1 coaching, to group networking sessions, each element of the MUMECHI range is created with mums in mind.
At Belmont School, the happiness and well-being of every pupil is of paramount importance and lies at the heart of a successful education as summed up in the school’s strapline, Achievement through Happiness. Families London Surrey Borders EDUCATION E M P O W E R I N G , E N C O U R A G I N G , E D U C A T I N G W W W S P D T U I T I O N A N D C O A C H I N G @ G M A I L C O M Confidence and Communication Coaching Behaviour Management Emotional Processing Academic Tuition Self Regulation and Co Regulation Social Skill Development Educational Consultancy and Parental support 07884271025 spdtuitionandcoaching@gmail com Supporting parents children and educational settings

It can sometimes be a long and difficult road for parents who want their child investigated for a possible autism diagnosis.
Lisa Taylor-Jones is a Speech and Language Therapist and an accredited assessor of autism (ADOS). She provides online support to help children learn new communication skills.
is Autism?
Book on to our Spring 2022 open events the QR code to book your www.dunottarschool.complace
This article will describe the terminology, diagnostic criteria, and some of the signs a parent may see. Autism has many different labels. In my work I have heard the terms ASC – Autism Spectrum Condition, and ASD – Autism Spectrum Disorder. I prefer to say, ‘a child, with autism’.
First, it’s important to understand that the team of professionals who diagnose autism must centre their observations around 2 specific 1.criteria:Thediagnosis criteria centres around 2 specific observations: Persistent social communication and interaction deficit in multiple 2.contextsRestricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests, and Nointeractionssingletype of communication, interaction or behaviour can be used to diagnose autism, no matter how troubling this behaviour may be at home.
When seeking advice for autism parents can often recall and give examples of repetitive behaviours or special interests their child has but can struggle to pin-point which aspects of communication and interaction their child has difficulty with. NHS staff must ensure that a child has a range of difficulties, not just with behaviour, but with communication and interaction, in order to refer a child in the autism assessment pathway.
Here are some of the questions that I ask when assessing a child for autism; Is the child using words and phrases to communicate, if not what are they doing? Are they showing a reduced response to a social smile, their name being called or requests to ‘look’? Are they using appropriate non-verbal communication such as eye-contact or pointing? Do they seem more interested in objects than people?
Answers to these questions can help me organize support for the child to make progress with their early communication and find new ways to communicate with the children and adults around them. Families London Surrey Borders 7
I had this conversation with a mother who was concerned about her daughter’s behaviour, who liked a set routine before bedtime and got upset if the routine was changed. However, when I met the girl, she was very sociable and engaged in beautiful back and forth conversation - telling me all about her naughty teddy bear who flew out of the window at night and caused all kinds of mischief! This demonstrated fantastic creativity and interest in communication, so I was able to reassure parents and offer some strategies to support the girl’s behaviour.
Most people think that they must wait until their child is 4 years old to get an autism diagnosis, but a child can be diagnosed with autism from the age of 2.
By Lisa Taylor-Jones
Book on to our Autumn Open Events the QR code to book your place

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Stock up for the new term at the Belfry – from uniforms and school shoes, to jackets, backpacks and stationery, all at affordable prices. With the cheapest parking in town, it’s easy to shop for everything you need at your favourite stores all under one roof, including M&S, Clarks, H&M Kids, Trespass, WHSmith and Waterstones.
There is also an exciting children’s soft-play area and free table tennis for some after-shopping family fun! Families London Surrey Borders EDUCATION
More than 400,000 children take part annually with 50 teams making it through to the finals across the country. It is a unique and exciting way to motivate, inspire, encourage, and reward children in their quest for knowledge and provide them with the opportunity to celebrate their achievement.
LEO opportunitieswithtermTrustAcademysummerfilledamazing
Our KS2 children had an exciting Summer Term as they embarked on residential trips across the country, venturing to Staffordshire, Kent, Box Hill, and the Isle of Wight to take part in adventurous activities such as zip-wiring, abseiling, and much more. We also celebrated all of the Arts during the LEO Arts Festival, which was run in partnership with Arts Network Sutton. The theme: ‘We are all artists’ aimed to promote pupils’ sense of identity, giving them the opportunity to use the Arts to express themselves.
People of all ages and families have the opportunities for interactive and educationally tailored exotic encounters. Company team building packages and workshops can bring communities together, focusing on many different themes from the environment and conservation to child behavioural support and mental wellbeing.
As a school, Elmhurst School for boys is very proud of this massive achievement and thank all the parents who supported this event.
House,KingswoodEpsoman schoolco-educationaloutstanding Kingswood House was founded in 1899 and has long enjoyed an outstanding reputation as a well-rounded school for boys from Reception to GCSE; we are thrilled to announce that our doors are now officially open to girls and our first cohort has grown in numbers throughout each year group in school. We are happy to assess each potential new starter on their individual merit at time of application. Join Kingswood House School on one of their Autumn Term Open Mornings on 17 Sep or 4 Nov as they are the perfect opportunity for families to come and tour the school, meet our pupils, parents, and staff. Contact Mrs Zoe Ashton, Head of Admissions, for further information. Email or visit
There have also been a wide range of sporting opportunities, including ‘LEO Athletics Day’ and ‘LEO Panathlon’, where our pupils took part in a wide range of activities; showing exemplary teamwork. Cheam Park Farm Girls’ football team had the privilege of representing Crystal Palace FC in the Premier League Primary Stars National Finals.
Elmhurst had 2 teams in the finals in Years 5 & 6. Congratulations to Year 5 for coming 17th and to Year 6 for winning the competition.
Elmhurst School Year 6 wins the ChampionshipsMathematicsNational The National mathematicalwayChampionshipMathematicsisanexcitingtochallengethepupils’ability,testing mental dexterity, accurate question comprehension and speed of calculation, whilst offering schools a unique platform for their most able young mathematicians to showcase their abilities.
Pupils develop into capable, confident, and connected young individuals; well positioned to continue on to the next stage of their educational journey at 11+.
Kids Critters interactive educational workshop
In schools, animal assisted therapy for pupils in need of mental health support, is available, offering sessions individually or in Kidsgroups.Critters is aware of individuals needing particular requirements, hence individualized packages are created ensuring the experience with the critters is unique. More info at
Kids Critters offers interactive educational workshop experiences individually tailored to the needs of schools, preschools, home schooled pupils and youth groups, across all pupils and key stages.
Old Palace Pre School & Preparatory is situated in South Croydon, just a short walk from Lloyd Park tram stop. It provides a nurturing environment for girls aged 3-11.
More info at
More info at
Old Palace Pre School
Back to School at the ShoppingBelfryCentre
In September, they are looking forward to welcoming a new Head of Prep, Mrs Jodene Panteli, who joins from Downe Primary School in Kent. Mrs Panteli has a wealth of experience in both state and independent schools and will be welcoming prospective families to Old Palace Pre & Prep School at our first Autumn Open Morning on Thursday, 22nd September at 9am. More info at
With a background in special education, curriculum, topics, age and additional needs are of no concern, Kids Critters can cater for all.

Liat Hughes Joshi is a journalist and author who specialises in writing about parenting and family life. Her most recent book Help Your Child Cope with Change is published by Vie.
RH5 6LQ #BelmontAchievementHappinessThroughAchievementEarlyYearstoGCSE|Day& Boarding | Co Ed
If neither of these are the cause, the grouchies could be down to difficulties at school. Are they having issues with friends or being bullied? Talk to their teacher to find out if they’re aware of any problems too.
My child can’t manage this year’s curriculum
term teething troubles
The autumn term has begun, and your child has started or returned to school. What kind of challenges might occur over the next few months, and how should you deal with them? Here we look at some common ‘teething troubles’ and what you could do to help. My child is having trouble making friends Perhaps they’re in a different class or their closest friend has left the school. There are a couple of things you can do to boost your child’s friendships. Firstly, talk to your child’s teacher and ask if there’s anyone your child might particularly gel with, and invite them over for a playdate or arrange to meet them and their parent in the park.
Holmbury St Mary, Surrey
The family school of choice Royal Russell Exceptional Independent Education for boys and girls aged 3-18 110 acre campus Just 8 mins from East Croydon station
It’s common to greet your child at the school gate expecting to catch up on news of their day and instead being faced with a grouchy monster. Even if this wasn’t happening last year, your child might be finding the new school year more tiring, or they could be hungrier due to a growth spurt. So check these basics. If they’re getting tired, look to adjust their bedtime. A giveaway here is if the grouchiness tends to happen towards the end of the week. If it’s hunger, give them a snack for the journey home.
My child is grumpy after school
Families London Surrey Borders EDUCATION9
By Liat Joshi-Hughes
Primary school learning is a double act: a partnership between parents and teachers. Have a chat with the teacher to try and understand your child’s level and find out what you can do to support your little one. This needn’t be anything formal, just reading more together or encouraging them to do some basic adding up when you’re at the shops or baking. For writing practice, write a post card to their grandparents or other relatives. My child is struggling to behave appropriately With each move up a year at primary school, come new privileges but also new expectations of behaviour. So, perhaps in Reception, children were not expected to sit still for very long but now they’ve moved to Year 1, they must stay still and listen more. Catch up with their teacher to find out what they can do to support your child with the change but also look at practicing at home.

Families chats to Annabel Davies, Head at Croydon High School.
What attracted you to Croydon High School? There were so many things that attracted me to Croydon High School! Firstly, I am passionate about girls’ education and believe in providing opportunities for girls to develop the skills and qualities they will need to succeed in a dynamic and everchanging world. I don’t believe there should be any barriers to what an individual can achieve, and I feel strongly that every girl has individual qualities to be nurtured. I could see so much of this already happening at Croydon High, making me feel confident that I would be a good fit for the school and the school a good fit for me. How would the students from Harrow International School, Hong Kong describe you? This is such an excellent question! In answering it, I thought I would firstly look at some of the cards I received from my pupils on leaving. The main themes that come across are my commitment and passion for teaching and my pleasure in seeing young people succeed. They told me I always do this with positivity, kindness and a smile which made me Beinghappy!a music teacher, I was lucky to be teaching lessons as well as leading ensembles. It is a particular privilege to see pupils flourish in the co-curricular sphere. What skills do you bring with you from leading an international co-ed boarding school, that makes you the perfect fit to lead an all-girls’ day school in the UK? Having experienced the all-girls educational environment as both a teacher and a pupil, I know I am passionate about developing girls who will flourish in a complex world. I bring a global perspective, an understanding of diverse and vibrant communities as well as a passion for striving for excellence in all areas. How do you think a head can make a real difference to an individual pupil?
Throughout her career, she has held leadership positions in both international and UK-based schools, including Surbiton High School. Ms Davies is a musician and studied at Wells Cathedral School before moving on to Royal Holloway, University of London, to continue her study of music. She was awarded the National Qualification of Headship in March 2022.
MeetEDUCATIONthe Head: Croydon High School
At Croydon High, our teaching staff are fantastic and definitely focus on each individual girl. Our mantra is ‘every girl, every day’ and this underpins all we do. What is your biggest challenge at present? Well, I have just made a country move and am about to start a new job so there have been lots of logistics involved! This has definitely kept me busy. I am so looking forward to the year ahead and to being part of the next chapter in Croydon High School’s remarkable history. What did you want to be when you grew up? Well, I remember creating my own markbook and marking work as a child, so I think perhaps I was always destined to be a However,teacher!Ialso considered other options throughout my childhood, such as becoming a singer or a lawyer (quite a diverse mix!). I think that is what is so wonderful about growing up; there are so many changes as you develop. What is interesting about the world today is that we are preparing the girls for jobs that don’t yet exist and this is a key reason why the development of essential ‘human skills’ such as resilience, problem solving, and collaboration is so important. What is your real-life superpower? I think probably my empathy and belief in people. I really believe in nurturing and empowering people so they can be the very best they can be. We are all different, with different skills, views and perspectives, so being able to build relationships and mutual understanding is definitely so important.
Meet SpecialHeadthefeature Families London Surrey Borders
Find out more about Croydon High School at
At Croydon High, every girl is known and nurtured for being the unique and interesting individual she is. As Head, it is key to set the ethos, vision and culture that enables all pupils to thrive. School should be exciting and filled with opportunities! I believe it is about being interested in everything the pupils do and feel and in celebrating their successes and achievements. What are the qualities of a great teacher? Great teachers are passionate about what they do and are committed to their pupils. They bring learning to life. They celebrate the achievements of their pupils, no matter how small. They make a difference each and every day.
Ms Annabel Davies recently returned to the UK from Harrow International School Hong Kong, where she was Principal Deputy Head (Curricular) leading on curriculum and teaching and learning across the school, for pupils aged 3-18.
Ms Davies is an enthusiastic advocate of the benefits of an all-girls’ education, believing that the development of skills such as resilience, creativity, emotional intelligence, and the ability to lead are essential traits to be developed in a girl’s educational journey. Families London Surrey Borders EDUCATION11You probably think your daughter is unique. At Croydon High School, we know that however alike they may look on the outside, every single one of our girls is a remarkable individual with her own talents, hopes and dreams. Our goal is to bring out the very best in them releasing the potential that could take them anywhere they want to go. To find out more about the school everyone is talking about, why not come and visit us? We know she is. Independent School Open Events Many open events require advance booking, so please contact the school to check. Aberdour School Burgh Heath, KT20 Fri 2 BansteadOct Prep Banstead, SM7 3RA 01737 Co–educational363601 Prep Pupilsschool 2–11 Limitedwww.bansteadprep.comyrsplacesstillavailable for Reception and Year 3 entry in Sep 2022. Thu 13 Oct & Fri 18 Nov Belmont School Dorking, RH5 013066LH Co-educational730852 Independent Day and Boarding School Pupils 2–16 www.belmont-school.orgyrs Early Years/Prep Tue 27 Sep & Tue 22 Nov Senior School Fri 23 Sep & Fri 25 Nov Croydon High School Croydon CR2 8YB 020 8260 gdst.netwww.croydonhigh.PupilsdayIndependent7508girlsschool3–18yrs Sat 8 Oct Cumnor PreKindergartenHouseandSchool Locations in South Croydon and www.cumnorhouse.comPurley Cumnor House Boys 020 8660 3445 Pupils 2–13 Cumnor House Girls 0208 668 0050 Pupils 2–11 Whole School Open Week 26-29 DownsendSep School Leatherhead, Ashtead and Epsom Fri 23 DunottarSepSchool Reigate, RH2 comwww.dunottarschool.PupilsschoolCo-educational7ELday11-18yrs Tue 13 Sep, Thu 22 Sep, Wed 12 Oct and Wed 2 Nov Elmhurst School for Boys and Little Elms Nursery South Croydon, CR2 0207DW8688 Independent0661day school for boys Pupils 2–11 www.elmhurstschool.netyrs Fri 7 Oct Essendene Lodge Caterham, CR3 Sun 2 Oct Ewell Castle Junior and Senior Ewell, KT17 2AW 020 8393 Co-educational1413 day school. Pupils 3–18 Sixth Form - Thu 22 Whole School: Sat 24 & Mon 26 TheSep Hawthorns School Bletchingley, RH1 www.hawthorns.com4QJ Sat 8 KingswoodOct House School Epsom, KT19 8LG 01372 723590 Pupils 3–13 www.kingswoodhouse.orgyrs Sat 17 Sep & Fri 4 Nov Lingfield College Lingfield, RH7 Prep School in Action Week Mon 10-Thu 13 Oct Manor House School & Nursery Little Bookham, KT23 www.manorhouseschool.org4EN Sat 8 Oct Old Palace School of John Whitgift Prep: South Croydon, CR2 Independent020CR0Senior:7YNCroydon,1AX86882027day school for girls Pupils 4–18 www.oldpalace.croydon.sch.ukyrs Prep School: Thu 22 Sep & Mon 7 Nov. Senior School: Sat 1 Oct Royal Alexandra & Albert School Reigate, RH2 Sat 17 Sep & Sat 8 Oct Royal Russell Junior School Croydon, CR0 5BX 020 8651 Co-educational5884 day and boarding school. Pupils 3–18 Sat 24 Sep St Christopher’s School Epsom, KT18 Fri 4 Nov St John’s School Leatherhead, KT22 Fri 23 & Sat 24 Sep

Having been part of Croydon for so long, it is important to us that we work with our local community, whether from litter picking in the surrounding streets to the school or filling a minibus for the Croydon Refugee Centre, we are always looking to play a role in our local area.
Mrs Sara Marriott took up the role of Head at Elmhurst School for Boys in September 2021, having spent the fourteen years before that working in a boys independent prep school in Bromley.
A Maths teacher by training, Sara is a mum to three almost all grown up sons and is passionate about making school experiences positive for young people. With her three boys attending Whitgift and Royal Russell, Sara is no stranger to the Croydon schools and one of the attractions to the role at Elmhurst has been the opportunity to prepare boys for such excellent senior schools.
How would you describe the ethos of Elmhurst? Nurturing is an overused word in education, but I cannot think of a school that nurtures as well as Elmhurst does.
For example, this September we launch our new drama programme in the curriculum providing boys with the chance to be creative and expressive in a different way, building their confidence and communication skills.
Staff at Elmhurst care deeply about the children and as a Head it is my job to support and encourage that. What advice would you give to parents choosing a school? Choosing a school is a responsibility that can overwhelm parents and I will often say to parents embarking on that journey that it is important to trust their instincts.
Head: Elmhurst School
A little like choosing a house, some schools just feel right. Elmhurst is a small, family school with a strong academic reputation committed to doing the best for each boy who comes here.
As a small school we are uniquely positioned to support each individual on their learning journey and our staff do this on a daily basis. Whether that looks like a teacher inventing a game to play with a pupil to familiarise him with a forthcoming change in routine, or participation in a sports event being planned in recognition of emerging talent or potential of a player or group of players.
Alongside that though we have the opportunity to focus on what makes learning great for boys, and we enjoy a broad curriculum full of activitiesinterestingandoptions to capture our boy’s attention.
Prior to training to be a teacher, Sara spent a number of years working in advertising and marketing. That experience has been invaluable in the move into teaching and school management. With over 10 years of school leadership experience Sara is honoured to lead Elmhurst.
Across the school, boys from Little Elms upwards benefit from specialist teaching in Art, Music, PE as well as outdoor learning and Forest School experiences.
Families chats to Sara Marriott, Head at Elmhurst School for Boys. Meet SpecialHeadthefeature
Elmhurst has a long history with the school being founded in 1869 by the Carr family. Occupying three Victorian buildings on 44-48 South Park Hill Road, the school enjoys excellent transport links, a large car park and a central location for taking advantage of superb local facilities. What do you particularly enjoy about working at Elmhurst? The heritage of the school and its beginnings as a family school still shape the feel of our community today and its warmth and supportive nature is one of the reasons I enjoy working here so much. Our boys love their school and have great relationships with their teachers, something we work hard to ensure turns into excellent learning outcomes for every boy. In what way does the school link with the local community?
What attracted you to Elmhurst?
Find out more about Elmshurst School at
The school welcomes boys from aged 3 into their pre-reception class, Little Elms, and work in partnership with their families to build a successful journey to 11+ when boys leave to join local grammar and independent schools. Can you tell us a little about the history of the school?
There is a tremendous freedom that comes with independent schools, but alongside that the responsibility to deliver an excellent education is paramount. With strong and supportive governance from being part of the Bellevue family of schools, Elmhurst has excellent academic process and rigour.
Visiting Elmhurst is the best way to decide if it is the right school for your son. The next Open Morning will be held on Friday 7 October between 9.30am and 12pm. See the school in action, speak with the Head and discover why an Elmhurst education is the right choice for your son. To book a space email
With the freedom to respond to the needs of the boys in front of us, we pride ourselves on nurturing the brilliance in every boy.
MeetEDUCATIONthe Families London Surrey Borders

Tots’ Village also accept childcare vouchers and Early Years free entitlement
The South Croydon setting is open 51 weeks a year, 7.30am–6pm, and the Term time Nursery in Purley in open 8am–3pm. Godstone Farm Day Nursery and Pre-School, RH9 co.ukwww.godstonefarmdaynursery.8LX
arts, sports, music,
Sunshine Day Nursery are a South Croydon based nursery, providing high quality part-time and full-time care and learning to children from 3 months to 5 years old from Monday to Friday between the hours of 8am and 6pm for 51 weeks in the year. The nursery follows the Early Years Foundation Stage to support all aspects of learning and development for young children. This offers children the very best start and develops confidence, independence, knowledge and understanding to support their transition to school.
The next enrolment week is 10-17 September. Prospective parents can visit the Book a Tour page to book a slot. Little Elms Nursery at Elmhurst School, CR2 www.elmhurstschool.net7DW
Nursery provision for 2 to 4 years olds. 15 and 30 hours. Free Early Education for 2 years olds. Wrap around care from Set7.30am-6pm.intheextensive grounds of Bletchingley Village Primary School, the nursery provides a welcoming environment which is inclusive, caring and stimulating, and where children develop good self-esteem and Pupilsresilience.learn and develop through imaginative and creative play, interwoven with short, structured adult-let sessions based on Development Matters, the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. Families London Surrey Borders 13 est Nurturing brilliance in every boy See the school in action, speak with the Head and discover why an Elmhurst eduation is the right choice for your son. To book your place, please visit our website at or call 020 8688 0661 Located in South Croydon, CR2 7DW Friday 7th October 2022 9.30am to 12.00pm Open Morning subjectsSpecialistinclude: Maths, Science, Art, PE*, Forest School*, Music*, Computing*, French and English *Available from nursery age EDUCATION Early Years Directory Banstead Prep Nursery, SM7 www.bansteadprep.com3RA
Tots’ Village Nursery based in the grounds of de Stafford School in
All year round care for boys aged From3+. their arrival, pupils are given the opportunity to learn routines and behaviours that will support and enhance their learning. The curriculum is well structured, families are involved in their child’s learning and our Little Elms spend time with specialist subject Ateachers.triptoForest School is a highlight for many with all boys spending half a day per week for at least one term in the year.
Part of the whole school community, children in Nursery explore a broad curriculumincluding forest school languages –enjoying the facilities and outdoor spaces across the school site. The nursery offers 15 hours of free early education and flexible nursery sessions, wraparound and holiday care are available.
Bletchingley Village Primary School Nusery, RH1
Term time and year-round nursery provision for ages ages 2 to 4 years at their two sites in South Croydon and Purley.
Godstone Farm Day Nursery and Pre-School welcome children ranging from 6 weeks to 5 years old, offering a whole host of nature-based adventures every day across their 45 acres of natural countryside at Godstone Farm and set within our beautiful new farmhouse conversion.
Tots’ Village Nursery is a small, friendly, independent nursery for children aged 3 months to 5 years. Apart from public holidays and between Christmas and New Year, the nursery is open all the year from 8am to 6pm. Children can attend during term time only or the school day between 8.45am and 3.30 pm.
Cumnor House Kindergarten & Pre-Schools, South Croydon & www.cumnorhouse.comPurley
Sunshine Day Nursery, CR0 co.ukwww.sunshinedaynurseries.1EY

SaturdayDunottar Music Academy MusicReigatetuition for young musicians aged 5-18. All abilities welcome. Piano, Singing, Woodwind, Strings, Brass and Music Theory.
ACTIVE SPORTS Great Waves Swimming Academy Various Lessonslocationsforswimmers of all ages and abilities. 1-2-1 and 2-2-1 lessons are available. Multisports Nonsuch High School for Girls MultiSports gives boys and girls of all abilities between 4-16 years a unique learning experience in the world of sport. The extensive programme covers 18 individual and team sports across the year. ART, LANGUAGE AND MUSIC
Venues ballet,yearsstudentsClassesAshteadacrossforfrom3toadultintap,modern and, for older students, body conditioning and pointe work.
Ambition Dance DanceEpsom classes for children aged 18 months to adult. C&C Dance School S.Nutfield, Redhill, Reigate, AMersthamwiderange of classes in dance & drama for pupils aged 18 months to adults, including ISTD Graded examinations in Ballet, Modern & Tap and LAMDA Speech and Drama.
Perform weekly drama, dance and classessinging andReigate,Caterham,Oxted NEW venue in ConfidenceShirley building weekly drama, dance and singing classes for 4-7s and 7-12s. Classes are designed to boost confidence, communication, concentration, and coordination. Book a FREE trial class. Call 020 7255 9120,
Baby Ballet East Surrey Redhill, Reigate, Merstham, Horley, Dorking Award winning Babyballet!
Calling all young Scientists! Help us discover how babies & kids learn! We’re recruiting infants from birth to school age to take part in fun studies at Birkbeck’s Babylab & ToddlerLab in central London Our prime locations are easy to reach and we refund travel expenses We also have online studies you can do from the comfort of home www cbcd bbk ac uk/online studies 020 3926 1207
Based in Oxted, Surrey. Netball for all! Minis, juniors and seniors term time clubs and holiday camps. Term starts in September, next camp Oct 24/25 2022. Come and join us regardless of your age or experience. Fun, expert coaching.
Croydon, Sutton, Epsom, Reigate, Leatherhead and more Rugby play programme offering dynamic weekly sessions which enable boys and girls aged 2-7 to develop their social and physical skills in a fun, positive environment.
The Lotus Practice: Baby Massage and Yoga BabyCroydonyoga is relaxing and enjoyable for both mum and babies and supports bonding. Massage offers a unique way to raise the “feel-good” hormone oxytocin in both you and your baby.
Classes Directory
Various locations Swim programme for children from 10 wks-8 yrs.
Starlight Learning Kenley, Caterham, Purley, Coulsdon Starlight Learning is a small tuition group for children who are in yrs 3-6.
Teaching the next generation of boys and girls how to dance and have fun! From 18 months+. With a real focus on learning through play, babyballet offers ballet and tap classes where every child can build their confidence and social skills, learning manners, discipline and respect while developing their basic ballet technique, coordination, musicality, balance, posture and rhythm.
Girls Attack and NetballLadiesOxtedClub
Clubs &
LCA AcademyStage Oxted, classesofProvideAshfordarangeperformanceandworkshops in singing, acting and dancing, including technique training, one to one sessions, and a range of performance opportunities for young, aspiring performers aged 3-18.
Kidslingo Coulsdon, Tadworth, Banstead Fun French classes suitable for children of all ages from birth-11 yrs. Stitches Academy SewingCheam and textiles classes for children and adults. Lessons take place daytimes, afterschool, evenings and at the weekends. 121 and home education groups available.
Ewell Dance Ewell, Epsom and Stoneleigh. Ewell Dance offer classes in ISTD Ballet, ISTD Modern, ISTD Tap, Contemporary Dance, Street Dance, Acro and Musical Theatre, providing a supportive, nurturing and fun environment for your child which focused on encouraging each child to develop dance skills and technique appropriate to their level of development. FREE trial lesson and no registration fees.
Surrey Heath Yoga Tadworth and Walton on the GentleHill and calming adult yoga classes. 1-2-1 & private group sessions in your home or local studio. Fun and interactive children’s yoga classes in studio or at schools.
Get your club or class seen by 1000’s of local parents for less than £20 per month. Email Tamar on for more information.
Art K Various locations Art learning in the studio and at home, to suit every pupil who loves art! Families London Surrey Borders CLUBS & CLASSES
Craft My Day Worcester Park Crafts activities for all ages and abilities that range from papercraft, decoupage, painting, printing, powertex, sewing and much more! SPD Tuition SPD Tuition and Coaching provides tailored teaching on a one-to-one basis, allowing each individual student to achieve their full potential. Alongside the academic development of our students, we also offer our students support in developing fundamental life skills such as building self-esteem, awareness, resilience and emotional intelligence through confidence and communications coaching. co.ukwww.spdtuitionandcoaching.
Epsom, Ewell, Sutton, North Cheam A progressive play programme to develop children’s balance, climbing and co-ordination, and enhances brain development. From 6 months
Maths Masters Epsom, Tadworth & Redhill Maths Masters provides professional, affordable maths tuition clubs for children at Key Stages 1-2. Fun and friendly, small groups 1-3 ratio.
Mock Test Masters Sutton, Croydon, Wallington Specialist providers of 11+ mock tests in the UK.

 Families London Surrey Borders 15 WHAT’S ON WWW.DUNOTTARSCHOOL.COM High Trees Road, Reigate, Surrey RH2 7EL Tel: 01737 761945 Email: www dunottarschool com/saturda mus academy Dunottar Saturday Music Academ Calling all young aspiring musicians aged 5 18 All abilities welcome from beginners to more experienced musicians. The Academy operates from 8.30am to 3.00pm on Saturdays. Lesson times are arranged between the teacher and pupil. TuitionMusic Piano, Voice and Music Theory Strings: Violin, Viola and Cello Woodwind: Flute, Clarinet and Saxophone At Ewell Dance we offer classes in ISTD Ballet, ISTD Modern, ISTD Tap, Contemporary Dance, Street Dance, Acro and Musical WeTheatre.offer a FREE TRIAL LESSON and NO REGISTRATION FEES LESSONFREETRIALClasses in Ewell, Epsom and Stoneleigh CHILDREN & ADULT YOGA,KT20forbothAdult&Childrensclasses:Lisa07950226249 Sleep specialistconsultant,children’s nurse and family visitor with decades of experience 1. 07391 501589 2. Email : 3. 4. Learning to sleep is a skill that children can be taught and Vicky Scott can help you 5. FREE 30 minute discovery call ü Cranio-sacral therapy ü Baby Massage Courses ü Baby Yoga Courses ü Now TheofferingLotus Practice CranioSacral therapy is a gentle, non-invasive handon technique that supports body’s innate ability to balance, restore and heal itself. It is suitable for everyone from new-born to elderly. 8 ) 07956442223 : Osteopathy

Discovery Land is the perfect place for healthy outdoor activity. Venture along the Halloween themed walkthrough ancient woodland, green pastures, meadows and the fishing lakes. Sun 2 OrchardOctDay Gatton Park, RH2 Apple juicing demonstrations. Children’s themed trail and activities. Online: £6 entry, children go free. On the day: £7. Dogs on leads welcome. Sat 8 Oct What was it like being a suffragette? Bourne Hall, KT17 visitors/
Sat 22 – Sun 30 Oct Fang-tastic half-term Halloween fun and prizes at the Belfry The Belfry, Redhill Give ‘em pumpkin to talk about this half term! Dress up for Halloween, take a photo, add #BelfryHalloween and share it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for your chance to win a prize. Go bats for the Belfry Bat Hunt prize competition! Join in the Belfry’s exciting ‘Hunt the Bats in the Belfry’ prize competition this half term! Just pick up an entry form and hunt for the bats hiding around the Centre. The winner will bag a prize and there’s a treat for everyone who enters! See inCentre posters
Sat 15 Oct – Sun 30 Oct eek! Weeks London Wetland Centre, Barnes Put your spookometer to the test with our interactive activities. Will you dare to put your hand in a snake box, grab a photo op with a bat or get up close and personal with a toad?
Sat 17 Sep Ewell History Day Bourne Hall, KT17 visitors/
Sat 10 ClaremontSep Landscape Garden, KT10 9JG
Celebrating the fruit harvest from the orchard. A free event suitable for all ages. Outside games for the children. Sat 17 Sep The River Wey Festival Dapdune Wharf and River Wey Navigations, GU1
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information displayed here is accurate, always check with the venue before attending. Expect social distancing and pre-booking to still be in place. On events for all the family
Apple Day at Leith Hill Place. Bring along your own apples (and a container) along and have them pressed into juice.
Heritage Open Days with the National Trust Enjoy free admission to National Trust properties as part of Heritage Open Days.
Enjoy the displays of autumn flowers at Ewell Horticultural Association’s Autumn Show. Refreshments, homemade cakes, stalls a raffle, and competitions that children can enter. Sat 17 Sep Apple Day Addiscombe Park, CR0 www.park.addiscombe.net6NE
Sun 11 WinkworthSep Arboretum, GU8 4AD Thu 15 to Sat 17 Sep Polesden Lacey, RH5 6BD As part of Heritage Open Days and to celebrate 80 years since Polesden was gifted to the nation, enjoy FREE entry to Polesden Lacy with lots of activities, including meet the ranger days and pop-up theatre. Find out more at Find out more at Image © Arnhel de Serra
Sat 15 – Sun 30 Oct Enchanted Claremont Claremont Landscape Garden, KT10
Sun 11 HatchlandsSep Park, GU4 7RT
Sat 22 – Mon 31 Oct Weird, Wacky and Wicked Halloween Trail Winkworth Arboretum, GU8 4AD Did you know that fungi is closer to an animal than a plant? There’s a tree that smells like candyfloss? Or that some trees can grow fingers? Discover more on our spooky trail around the arboretum this halfterm. NA+ £2 per trail.
The living history display is filled with replica and reconstructed objects from the Stone Age. This display will be especially valuable for children who are studying prehistory in school.
Sat 22 Oct – Sun 13 Nov Fairy Door Trail Painshill Portsmouth Road, KT11 Walk around the Painshill landscape and discover a series Families London Surrey Borders WHAT’STRAVEL ON
Sun 11 FeastyFestSep Cheam Park
Sat 17 Sep Ewell Horticultural Association’s Autumn Show Blenheim High School, KT19 9BH
25 Sep & 16 Oct Family History Walk Dorking Museum & Heritage Centre, RH4
A great day out for all the family.
The Wandering Witch has been away in her absence the goblins have been up to no good and hidden some of her magical items. Can you help find them? NA +£2.
Enjoy children’s activities, on Adventure Island, browse the craft stalls, enjoy a variety of street food, take a boat trip and stay until dusk to see the fantastic, illuminated pageant of boas. Free.
Discover how the suffragette Emily Davison helped to campaign for women’s rights.
Be historic detectives and try out a family tour of Dorking. Weekends throughout Oct and for the School Holidays Halloween Trail at Discovery Land Priory Farm, RH1
Magical Merlin: the perfect halfterm treat This October half-term, take your children on a trip back in time as they discover a world of witches, wizards, magic and mystery. In Ancient Britain, Magical Merlin is the most miraculous wizard ever. So, when the baby King Arthur is born and jealous older sister, Morgan Le Fay, starts turning people into animals, it’s down to Merlin to save the day. Teaming up with brave Sir Lancelot and beautiful Princess Guinevere, the adventurers ride a fire-breathing dragon to The Lady Of The Lake to discover where true power lies. But can they get back to Tintagel Castle before Morgan turns the baby Arthur into a hamster? With a spellbinding mix of magic, songs and dancing, Magical Merlin is a spectacular mini-musical sure to enchant the whole family. Suitable for 4-10 year olds. Shows run from 24-30 October at The Fortune Theatre, Covent Garden WC2B 5HH. Visit to book.
Fri 1 AppleOctDay Leith Hill Place, Dorking, RH5
Sat 15 TunbridgeOct Wells Puppetry Festival One day puppetry spectacular.
Fri 14 – Sun 16 Oct Giants of Steam The Bluebell Railway, TN22 3QL An intensive and varied timetable showcasing different engines of the BR Southern Region.

Open to parents/carers and children of preschool age with regular activities including singing and music-making. Tue, 9.30–11am. Term time only Craft, Cooking and Woodland Explorers at Belmont School Aimed at parents and carers with children under 5 years old. Visitors will join in with either a craft or cooking session or join our Outdoor Activities Co-ordinator for Woodland Explorers in Belmont’s dedicated camp area equipped with tyre swings, a shelter, campfire and log seats.
Halloween fun at Hever Castle Families London Surrey Borders 17
Get spooky this half-term with a Halloween trail through the parkland and pumpkin puzzle in the garden at Hatchlands Park. NAA. Sat 23 – Sun 31 Oct Wizards and Witches Week Bocketts Farm Park, KT22 9BS
Mon 24 – Fri 28 Oct Autumn half-term: Light up the Wey Dapdune Wharf and River Wey Navigations, GU1
Head to RHS Garden Wisley this half term, Sat 22 to Sun 30 Oct, and discover the clever creepy-crawlies and super-smart plants that fight back! With lots of fun hands-on activities for all the family to enjoy, find out how plants and insects from cacti to centipedes use fangs, stings, spines and slime to defend themselves and their habitats. Normal garden admission applies. Free to RHS members and children under 5. Find out more at
Sat 22 – Mon 30 Oct Hatchlands Halloween Half Term Hatchlands Park, GU4
In the deep time of prehistory early left behind a vivid record of their way of life and some clues of what they believed in. Discover how and why these paintings were created.
Pop down to the wharf to enjoy children’s activities, and then decorate a jam jar and see how beautiful your decorations look with a candle inside! £2 per child
Returning with a new, after-dark magical trail of light, fantasy and fire for all the family, IGNITE is back at Polesden Lacey from Thu 20 Oct to Sun 6 Nov, from 5-9pm. There are plenty of new installations as you pick up your hand-held lanterns to guide you through the woodland walk featuring fairy-tale scenes from childhood favourites Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk and Goldilocks.
From Sat 22 to Sun 30 Oct, enjoy a jam-packed week of spooky fun with a chance to meet Griswalda the witch in her wand making and spell lessons at Godstone Farm. A nursery crime trail brings turns little ones detectives as they solve the clues, along with pumpkin carving and a heap of usual farm fun. Additionally low bangs fireworks run on selected dates. More info at
As darkness falls, test your stamina and your fears in our 2k night run around the haunted wharf and island. Beware of the spooky surprises on the way! £3 per entry. Sat 29 Oct Scary Grotto and the Graveyard Addiscombe Park CR0 www.park.addiscombe.net6NE
Sat 23 AutumnOctTree Festival Painshill Portsmouth Road, KT11
Find out more at www.
Mon, term time. 10–10.45am Park Explorers Children aged 2-5 years old and their parents/carers. Children and adults learn together about the natural world around them with outdoor activities based in the grounds of Morden Hall Park. £5 per child. First come, first served with no pre-booking possible.
Once upon a Crime at Godstone Farm
Celebrate autumn at Painshill’s annual Autumn Tree Festival Activities on the day will include: Lathe wood turning demonstrations, Autumnal themed craft activity, live music and local goods and craft stalls, with a focus on sustainable and local businesses
of secret doors – there are fairies living in the gardens! Wooden fairy doors are hidden around the woodlands and lake for you and your family to find.
Enjoy a full packed programme of fun and freaky activities this half term including a fun, spooky Quiz Trail and Reptile Roadshow, where you’ll get the chance to meet awesome creepy crawlies up close!
Meet two wise women. They will talk of superstitions, religion and witches also bringing their Barber Surgeon equipment and telling of their gorier treatments. Learn about alchemy: how to turn base metal to gold. Now that’s Magic!
Mon & Fri Trek and Trails at Godstone Children Farm Treks & Trails are fun, interactive story times brought to life with crafts and sensory play. Mondays are aimed at babies and toddlers, and Fridays for pre-school age children. Free with entrance to Godstone Farm. Mini Aces Under 5s Club Brooklands Museum, Weybridge, KT13 0QN
limitedBookandandtreasuresmonth,objects,andtoMiniwww.brooklandsmuseum.comAcesclubbringstheMuseumlifethroughstories,craft,songdance.Withafocusondifferentstoriesandexhibitseachchildrenwilldiscoverthewehaveinourcollectionbuildself-confidenceinanewexcitingenvironment.inadvance,sessionsareto10childrenmax UNDER 5’S WHAT’S ON
A free weekly parent and toddler group featuring toys, activities and fun Led by Miss Compton, the Head of Early Years. Ages 1-3. Mon, 10am–12pm. Term time only Stay and Play at Cumnor House Kindergarten & Pre-School, www.cumnorhouse.comPurley Aimed at children from age of 1 who are steady on their feet. Join the Early Years team for a morning of fun, with themed weeks and planned activities! Mon afternoons. Term time only Stay and Play at Old Palace pre-school/
We’re on the A22, Newchapel, nr Lingfield, Surrey RH7 6LF 01342 834658 Open every weekend & during state school hols Half term open: Sat 22 Oct Sun 30 Oct l Red squirrels l Pine martens l Otters l Weasels l Foxes l Owl display l Deer park l Wildcats & more British Wildlife Centre Over 40 different species! Pre book online and save £1 per ticket!
Sat 29 Oct, from 6pm Halloween Spooky Fun Run Dapdune Wharf and River Wey Navigations, GU1
IGNITE at Polesden
Get into the Halloween spirit at Hever Castle with a family friendly spooky interactive trail from Sat 22 to Sun 30 Oct. Enter different zones including witches, zombies, skeletons, and bats to find letters spelling out a mystery word in return for a small prize. Sport your spookiest costume to really get the most out of the trail. Young visitors can also take part in a garlic bulb planting workshop to try and ward off vampires and spot ghostly decorations around the grounds.
Fri, 9.30–11am. Term time only Toddle Time at Banstead Prep
Sat 29 Oct Wise Woman or Witch? You Decide Bourne Hall, Ewell KT17 visitors/
Deadliest Plants and Bugs at RHS Garden Wisley
Fun for all the family in the Park, lit by fairy lights. Search for Witches, Visit the Scary Grotto and the Graveyard.
The field of fire is bigger than last year with over 1,000 flickering lights and the fire-breathing dragons are back. Find out more at
Wed 26 & Thu 27 Oct Cave Paintings Bourne Hall, Ewell KT17 visitors/

Mon 26 & Tues 27 Sep Dinosaur World Live Grab your compass and join our intrepid explorer across uncharted territories to discover a pre-historic world of astonishing dinosaurs. Meet a host of impressive creatures, including every child’s favourite flesh-eating giant, the Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Sat 29 FiremanOctSam Saves The Circus!
First two weekends of October ONLY. Pre-booking is essential. Pumpkin Festival & Half Term Fun 19 to 31 October Lots of fun activities to enjoy. Priory Farm Sandy Lane, RH1 4EJ
This on-stage experience will see the use of fantastic puppetry and special effects, bringing incredible life-like animals and dinosaurs to the stage right before your eyes.
Polka Theatre, SW19 www.polkatheatre.com1SB Families London Surrey Borders WHAT’S ON BOOK ONLINE A variety of food and drink available.
Sat 5 HorleyNovBonfire & Fireworks Horley Lions
Tue 18 – Sat 22 Oct Epsom Light Opera Company presents Disney’s Hunchback of Notre Dame Be transported back in time to 15th century Paris to discover an epic tale of love, heroism and acceptance.
Sat 5 RoundNovTable Carshalton Fireworks Ruskin Road, SM5 3
Wed 5 – Sun 16 Oct We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
Pick Your Own Pumpkins and Tractor Rides Weekends in October Take a tractor ride to the pumpkin fields and pluck your very own gourd from the ground this. The Hawth, RH10
Epsom Playhouse KT18
Sat 22 - Sun 30 Oct
Thu 13 - Sun 16 Oct
Enjoy another spectacular night of fireworks and funfair fun. There will be a low noise children’s show for younger children at 6.30pm.
Fri 4 Nov: Wimbledon Park Sat 5 Nov: Morden Park events/ Musical, themed fireworks show Plus funfair, refreshments and bar Sat 5 EpsomNovFireworks Display and Funfair Hook Road Arena, www.epsomfireworks.comEpsom
Wed 26 Oct Alice in Wonderland A fantastic ballet for all the family.
25-27 Oct Kids Critters Ltd
Every Fri Trails and Tales Gatton Park, Reigate, RH2 0TW
Sat 29 Oct Once Upon a Princess Get ready to wish upon a star and see all your favourite storybook Princesses perform some of the most popular movie musical songs and chart-topping hits.
Bigger and better than ever. A great evening out for all the family. Under 5’s FREE! Early bird tickets are available from early October
Enjoy hands on music-making, nature-inspired songs, dance, and traditional rhymes accompanied by live instruments. 3 months to 2-year-olds.
Sat 8 & Sun 9 Oct Horrible Histories: Terrible Tudors From the horrible Henrys’ to the end of evil Elizabeth, hear the legends (and the lies!) about the torturing Tudors. Find out the fate of Henry’s headless wives and his punch up with the Pope. Meet Bloody Mary and see Ed fall dead in his bed. Survive the Spanish Armada as they launch their attack!
Gates Open 6pm/Bonfire Lit 7pm/ Fireworks 7.30pm Crockford Bridge Farm New Haw Road, KT15
Wed 19 & Thu 20 Oct Peppa Pig’s Best Day Ever Get ready for a road-trip full of fun adventures. From castles to caves, dragons to dinosaurs and icecreams to muddy puddles – there is something for all the family and their friends to enjoy. Harlequin Theatre, RH1
Fri 28 & Sat 29 Oct Low Bangs Fireworks Godstone Farm, RH9
Wed 28 & Thu 29 Sep Peppa Pig’s Best Day Ever Get ready for a road-trip full of fun adventures – there is something for all the family and their friends to enjoy.
Mon 24 DinosaurOctWorld Live Grab your compass and join our intrepid explorer across uncharted territories to discover a pre-historic world of astonishing dinosaurs. The Leatherhead Theatre, KT22 www.theleatherheadtheatre.com8DN
Fri 28 Oct The Animal and Dinosaurs Experience
Wed 26 Oct Boogie Monsters Haunted Halloween Party Dress your little monsters in their best fancy dress and enjoy chart hits, action songs, singing, dancing and crazy confetti!
Wed 14 Sep & Wed 12 Oct Music and Movement Kew Gardens, Richmond
Join Sam, Penny, Elvis, Station Officer Steele and Norman in an all singing, dancing, action-packed show. You can become a fire-fighter cadet and then watch the magic of the circus. Dorking Halls RH4
Created in response to young children’s experience of anxiety, Butterflies is an uplifting tale of friendship, courage and facing your fears, told using innovative staging, breath-taking physicality, the power of play. 4–8 yrs.
Enjoy the story and go for a walk in the park to bring the story to life. Return to create artwork linked to the story.
Little Manfred With stunning puppetry and original storytelling, this is an unmissable production adapted from Michael Morpurgo’s much loved story. Ages 7–12. 24-28 Oct The Zone Banstead Prep
The Zone is a multi-activity holiday camp operating from Banstead Prep School, in Banstead. Run by the school staff, we welcome children from all schools, that are currently in Nursery to those in Year 6.
Tue 25 Oct, 4-7 yrs, Wed 26 Oct, 1 on 1 SEN camp, all ages. Thu 27 Oct, 8+ yrs. £30 per person.
Low Bangs Fireworks Spectacular is ideal for sensitive ears, meaning children of all ages can enjoy the bright colours and sparkles without the usual noise. Tickets include day entry to the farm for all the Halloween activities PLUS the fireworks event. Capacity is limited, book early to avoid disappointment.
All-inclusive, focusing on animals, geckos,snakes,animalsinteractiveChildrenconservation,environment,andteamwork.willhavecloseupencounterswithexotic-beardeddragons,tortoises,chameleon,frogsandinsects.
Sat 2 CaterhamNov Fireworks Westway Library, CR3
Pumpkin Field Picking
A family go on an expedition of a lifetime - running down the grassy bank, wading through the cold river, squelching over the oozy mud, stumbling into the dark forest, then peering into a cave... what will they find? 3–7 yrs. Families London Surrey Borders 19 JOINTHE R HS TODAY JOIN THE R HS TODAY membersRHSgofree Deadliest andPlantsBugs Sat 22 – Sun 30 Oct Clever creepy-crawlies and super-smart plants. Discover what happens when nature fights back! Your visit supports our work as a charity 1996.BBC©&logo™BBCStudios.BBCbyLicensed2014,LtdAKAStudio©&logos™characterandDUGGEE™HEYTHE THEATRELIVESHOW LONDON SOUTHBANK c ENTRE ‘ S ROYAL FESTIVAL HALL 14 DE c - 8 JAN TI c KET S ON SALE NOW | HEYDU gg E E LIVE .c O m 2762-Halloween-Half-Term-Ad-87x130mm-AW.indd 1 12/08/2022 17:56 Families London Surrey Borders FREE TO BE ME I am smart, funny, brave, kind, curious, unique, creative, energetic, honest, fearless, caring, surprising, determined, playful, musical and a loyal friend. And that’s just today.I’m free to be wonderfullyand wholeheartedly me. Visit for information on our open days and personal tours. We invite applications from girls to start in the term they turn 3 | 020 8688 3863 Mini bus routes covering: Coulsdon | Purley | South Croydon | Sutton | Wallington | Cheam | Bromley 3+ FROMPre School Preparatory& Pre School Preparatory& From age 3+ to 11 Based in Melville Avenue, South Croydon – just a five minute walk from Lloyd Park Tram stop. • Children are academically stretched and challenged • We follow the creative Cornerstones Curriculum • Pre School children free flow between the classroom and the outside space all day • Weekly swimming lessons in our own pool OpenThursdayMornings: 22 September: 9.00am-10.30am 10 November: 9.00am-10.30am Follow us on: