Families North London Small businesses directory - Education and Tuition

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Education and Tuition These small businesses are operating now in our North London area and need your support. Golden Circle Tutors www.goldencircletutors.co.uk

The Golden Circle is a network of 200 qualified teachers who deliver professional home schooling and after school tuition. Our teachers are subject specialists, hold PGCE teaching qualifications and have a minimum of two years of classroom experience. Many are also GCSE and A level examiners.Lessons can be delivered in person or online via Skype, Zoom or FaceTime.

Niki Leonidou www.nikileonidou.com

I am a freelance illustrator/graphic designer based in Enfield. I illustrate children's books, create business cards and logos, paint portraits and basically create anything that has to do with images :) I also (currently only online) teach children of all ages how to draw, illustrate a book, create their own characters and build a story through images! My website is: www.nikileonidou.com

Hello Italia


Lion's Den Tuition  One of our tutors is Meela, who is a PhD student at UCL (University College London) with a Bachelor and Master in Experimental Pharmacology & Therapeutics.

Meela, along with our other experienced tutors, can offer their expertise at this time of need to those who require it. Please get in touch on: meeladahghani@gmail.com or 07305751991.

We are running italian language classes at fincheley catholic school every friday ,elementary pre GCSE and A level ,we are closed due to Cov 19 but we are running our classes online . September 2020 registrations open on 1st of April.

Education and Tuition These These small small businesses businesses are are operating operating now now in in our our North North London London area area and and need need your your support. support.

Tutor Time 121 www.tutortime121.co.uk

Kidslingo Barnet


Part of the Kidslingo Franchise doing live spanish classes. Check us out!

I have been teaching for 15 years and have taught a wide range of age groups. Also, I have helped to prepare lots of children for their 11+ exams and have an excellent understanding of what is involved in these exams. I like to find out what the children find difficult and find fun ways to take the fear out of learning new and unfamiliar things. I can offer face to face or online tutoring. Ria.

Silvia Belatigui Spanish Classes Hi, Hola My name is Silvia, I'm originally from Bilbao in Spain, now living in the Uk for many years. It's really has advantages to be able to speak Spanish. Do you want to teach your child? Are you a beginner? Do you want to learn before a trip? Do you need to converse and practice your Spanish? Do not understand the Spanish tasks of the school? Do you want a refresher on the Spanish you learned many years ago? PLEASE MESSAGE ME and we will schedule an appointment to start our online classes.

Express Tuition www.expresstuition.org

• Express Tuition - Live Internet Lessons in English, Maths and Science forstudents from Year 1 to Year 11 with 20% discount (from £8 per hour) • Book your place on www.expresstuition.org • All registered students for our live internet courses will qualify for a free IXL online English and Maths account (RRP £155.88 per annum per person).

Education and Tuition These These small small businesses businesses areare operating operating now nowininour our North North London London area area and and need need your your support. support.

Tutor Time 121 YellowBird Education https://yellowbirdeducation.com/onlinelearning

Your children can now enjoy Yellowbird Workshops online. We have been busy at Yellowbird HQ developing our online workshops so that your child can continue their learning through the Easter holidays. BOOK EARLY, spaces are limited!

Bejewelled Academy www.bejewelled-acacdemy.com

Dear Parents, Do you have or know a young person who now has lots of spare time and nothing to study towards? I have created an online course specifically for 15 - 19 year-olds, called The Youngpreneurs Course. It consists of a number of over 17 hours of learning and also includes quizzes, business challenges that can be done at home, profit and loss calculations, a “bounce-back-ability” section and more. Students also get a free copy of my 5-star rated eBook “Starting From the Bottom Up” This course can be done in students’ own time from laptop, tablet or phone and has been heavily discounted to make it more accessible in this time. We also have a similar course available for 10 - 14 year olds. For more information, as well as to preview some of the lessons, please visit: https://bejewelled-academy.com/courses/youngpreneur/

Potters Bar Tutorial www.pottersbartutorials.co.uk

•I tutor for the 11 + entrance exams. I have over 20 years experience and while, I usually offer face to face lessons, I can email past papers to students and mark accordingly. I work with Y3-Y6 pupils. Please email me on s.hodgsonjones@btinternet.com or visit my website pottersbartutorials.co.uk In addition, I offer dyslexia assessments for children and students. Please see website www.dyslexia-assessment.me.uk At the moment assessments are suspended due to the current climate but once lifted, will be in full operation again.

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