Families Upon Thames Issue 127 November/December 2018

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Issue 127 November/December 2018


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Early Years

...endless ideas for families of young children in



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20 Days Out 22 Where’s Santa 23 What’s On

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To advertise in this magazine contact: MIMA WALIA, Editor JULIETTE BARBER, Managing Editor DESIGN & PRINT, Ridgeway Press m: 07792 006546 e: editor@familiesuponthames.co.uk

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News New Reception Test Criticised Children who start Reception in September 2020 will be the first group to take the new Reception test, a baseline measure to track pupils’ progress during primary school. It is proposed that it will take place during the first six weeks of the Autumn Term. Guidelines recently released by the government says the new reception baseline assessment will be short (about 20 minutes), interactive and practical. It will cover language and communication, early mathematics and social and behavioural skills. However, the proposed test has been criticised in a report written by an expert panel and published

by the British Education Research Association. The report’s authors say that the assessment is highly likely to produce unreliable and invalid results, as it fails to recognise that young children develop at different paces and doesn’t adjust for key factors, such as differences in ages and family background. Add to this the fact that teachers and practitioners are likely to become increasingly pressured to ‘teach to the test’, and it is difficult to see how baseline results will have any real value. For more information, visit www.bera.ac.uk

Compulsory Relationship and Sex Education

Relationship and health education will become compulsory for school children from September 2020, the Government has announced.

relationships education in primary school and, at the appropriate time, extend teaching to include intimate relationships as well.

Under the proposals, all pupils will study compulsory health education and new-reformed relationship education in primary school, as well as relationship and sex education in secondary school.

At both primary and secondary school, pupils will learn about staying safe online and how to use technology safely, responsibly and respectfully.

Teachers will talk to primary school pupils in an age-appropriate way about the features of healthy friendships, family relationships and other relationships they are likely to encounter. At secondary school, teachers will build on the foundation of

Odd Socks Day for Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying Week runs from 12 to 16 November 2018 and the theme this year is choosing respect over bullying. The aim of the week is to support schools to help children understand: • The definition of respect • That bullying is a behavioural choice • That we can respectfully disagree with each other (i.e. we don’t have to be best friends or always agree with each other) but we do have to show each other respect • That we all need to choose to respect each other, both face to face and online Students are being encouraged to wear odd socks to school on Monday 12 November to show their support and raise money for a good cause. To get involved, visit www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk

Classes will also cover physical health, such as the importance of exercise and healthy eating, as well as the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and how it contributes towards the prevention of health problems. More information can be found under Consultations at www.gov. uk/government/publications

4 • Kingston • Richmond • Brentford • Isleworth • Spelthorne • North Surrey - November / December 2018



A Daily Mile Improves Children’s Health An initiative to get school children to walk or run a mile every day leads to significant improvements in their health, according to a study. The Daily Mile scheme was originally the brainchild of a Scottish head teacher who started it in 2012.

activity (MVPA) they were undertaking every day, and for how long they were sedentary. Children who were doing the Daily Mile were significantly healthier than those who were not.

Researchers at Stirling University compared the health of children at a primary school taking part in the scheme with those at a school that wasn’t participating.

According to the Daily Mile Foundation, more than 3,600 schools worldwide have introduced the initiative, including about 1,200 in England, 770 in Scotland, 210 in Wales, 85 in Northern Ireland and more than 100 in the Republic of Ireland.

The children wore accelerometers which recorded how much moderate to vigorous physical

For more information, visit www.stir.ac.uk and www.thedailymile.co.uk

Beat Head Lice and Nits with the Bug Buster Kit If your children have had head lice before, then you may have been put off using expensive neuro-toxic pesticides on their heads. Bug Busting is a head louse detection and eradication method, which works by combining specially designed bevel-edged combs with your own family shampoo and conditioner. The Bug Busting method detects and clears lice completely without special treatments, removes lice systematically, breaking the life-cycle in four sessions spaced over two weeks and eliminates unsightly eggshells comfortably.


The Bug Buster Kit is NHS approved and safe for babies, children, pregnant women, nursing mothers and those with allergies. It costs £6.40 plus P&P but is reusable, so only one kit is required per family! To order a kit or for further information and advice, visit Community Hygiene Concern (CHC) at www.chc.org

Email: editor@Familiesuponthames.co.uk • Tel: 07792 006546

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Early Years

Play or Structured Learning in the Early Years? By Maxine Henderson

often meet resistance, as a child does not want to complete the task in the way that we expect. However, this leads to other teaching opportunities and is equally as important as play-based learning. The two work well in tandem, giving the children opportunities to develop core skills, find their own strengths and become well-rounded individuals. Currently observations are made about a child’s development while they play, helping carers plan structured learning activities relevant to that child’s development. These observations include the individual interests, abilities and levels of assistance required by each child. This makes it possible to organise interesting, achievable but challenging adult-led activities for each child, taking account of their preferred learning style and developmental level. During the den-building activity, carers were able to identify which children: • confidently led the action • preferred to watch • were interested in creating the tents and dens • disappeared when all the building and mending was done • wanted to play in the dens when they were completed, delegating characters to each other and adding furniture to create narratives for their games.


n England, the current Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum stipulates a 50/50 balance between child-centred, playbased learning and adult-led learning. Over the years there have been individuals who question the system and look to introduce new ideas. For example, Liz Truss, a past Education and Childcare Minister, championed the introduction of a French-style ‘structured learning’ approach, with a graduate-led workforce responsible for larger groups of children, and a reduced child-to-carer ratio. Whilst the benefits of a more highly qualified workforce are indisputable, there are other considerations. If teachers are responsible for larger groups then opportunities for vital playbased learning are reduced. Whilst the ‘structured learning’ model is hailed for its effectiveness in socialising children, teaching them manners and creating a calm, organised atmosphere, it is not an environment in which young children learn best. And it definitely doesn’t encourage them to be inquisitive, self-motivated learners. Children need to practise negotiating with each other and experience problem-solving situations, without the direct supervision of an adult. If they are unable to practise these skills in free play, they become too reliant on adults to both intervene for them in social situations and to motivate and inspire them to learn.

A great example of the benefits of playbased learning happened in one of our nursery settings recently. I observed the children carrying large construction blocks, lengths of fabric, pegs and sticky tape out of the building and realised they were busy working together to construct a range of interestingly shaped homes in the garden, entirely from their own imaginations. Some children were making signs to indicate who lived where; others were adding connecting tunnels and others were creating places for everyone to sit and a welcoming atmosphere. It wasn’t all smooth sailing. The children often disagreed about how to construct the dwellings and tempers flared when some children ‘borrowed’ things from one den to improve their own, but the whole process was fascinating to observe. Our carers were on hand to support the children – making sure they were safe and allowing them to negotiate between themselves. When necessary, they offered suggestions to help the children make decisions, but they provided choices rather than answers. They also asked open questions throughout the process such as: ‘How many pegs have you used?’ ‘How is this staying up?’ ‘What does your sign say?’ The learning that took place that afternoon was incredible – the children were selfmotivated, interested in the task and invested in a positive outcome. In adult-led learning, we

A mixture of adult-led and play-based learning is important for the development of every child. The individual child needs to learn structure and rules and participate as part of a group, but they also need time to explore their own interests, likes and dislikes and see where they fit into the whole. When considering the introduction of new ways of learning for children, it’s important to consider the impact this can have on the individual development of a child, as well as the changes that will need to be made to group learning. For example, increasing the number of children each worker has in their care makes it more difficult for detailed observations to be made about each child and to organise adult-led activities which are appropriate for both the development of individual children and the group. Inevitably, this forces settings to move to a classroomstyle environment in which, sadly, children lose vital free-play learning and development opportunities.

EXTRA Maxine Henderson is a Childcare Expert at Tinies Childcare, a leading childcare specialist with over 30 years’ experience helping families, nurseries and other childcare settings find the right childcare professionals to suit their needs. For more information, visit www.tinies.com

6 • Kingston • Richmond • Brentford • Isleworth • Spelthorne • North Surrey - November/December 2018


Early Years

Can Babies Sense Stress?

Babies may not be able to convey complex emotions, but they can still feel what their mothers are feeling, at least when it comes to stress. In a recent study, 69 mothers and their babies ages 12 to 14 months had cardiovascular sensors attached to them to record heart rate. The mothers were divided into groups to perform tasks ranging from “no-stress” to “high stress.” Their babies were not with them whilst they carried out these tasks and they were reunited ten minutes later.


Researchers then examined changes in heart function. Within minutes of being reunited, Infants of mothers in the “highstress” condition experienced matching changes in heart rate. This stress contagion effect grew stronger as time passed. “Your infant may not be able to tell you that you seem stressed or ask you what is wrong, but our work shows that, as soon as she is in your arms, she is picking up on the bodily responses accompanying your emotional state and immediately begins to feel in her own body your own negative emotion” said study researcher Sara Waters of New York University. More info, visit www.parentingscience.com

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Equipping our Children for a Digital Future By Casey Farquharson

Analysts Gartner have predicted that £19bn will be spent globally on educational technology by 2019. But are we sure that this will make our children better prepared to succeed in the future? Will they possess the necessary skills to thrive in an increasingly digitalised world?


oding is a key tech skill which can help prepare our children for the future. Yet, according to an article in The Guardian, over 67% of primary and secondary school teachers believe they cannot teach coding because of a lack of 'skills and teaching tools’. Many schools simply don't have personnel with the required skills and understanding to teach pupils how to code. There is an urgent need for more investment in the education sector to train teachers to code, to attract more individuals to learn and teach coding, and to equip schools, both secondary and primary, with the necessary hardware. However, it isn’t all about technology. Yes, we want our children to have good tech and digital skills, but character, creativity and social skills are also vital. No matter how digitalised the world becomes, these three attributes of success cannot be compromised. The components of character are courage, determination, the audacity to be different, focus and the ability to ask questions and make one’s own decisions. With creativity comes problem-solving skills, innovation, critical thinking and the ability to think outside the box. Rapport and relationship building, the ability to effectively express oneself both orally and in writing, confidence and collaboration are key components of social skills. Plying our children with tablets and other forms of tech hardware is most definitely not a sure-proof way to ensure they have these attributes. The point here is not that tablets are bad or not useful, but that they should never

be utilised as a be-all and end-all. Technology should not be a foundation of learning, but rather an enabler and a catalyst. There are seven learning styles* that need to be understood and embraced if our primaryage children are to get the most from their technology learning experiences: Aural Listeners – individuals that respond primarily to sound. Technology can be utilised to effectively engage with such individuals via the use of podcasts and audio teaching tools. Logical Learners – individuals with logical and organised minds. Mind mapping technology can be effectively utilised to improve their learning experience. Physical Learners – individuals who respond to words that incite feeling and activity. They like to understand what it feels like to go through the motions of what they are learning. Virtual reality technology can be utilised to optimise their learning experience. Social Learners – Individuals that respond to teachers who are inquisitive and ask what they are thinking and feeling about key topics and concepts. Search engines such as Google, Google Assistant and Siri can be utilised to maximise their learning experience. Solitary Listeners – individuals that are more comfortable sorting out problems on their own. Videos, online tutorials and audio learning can be utilised to optimise their learning experience. Verbal Listeners – individuals who absorb information more effectively via verbal instruction. Innovative technology such as Siri,

Cortana and Ok Google can be utilised to teach such individuals. Visual Learners – individuals that learn more effectively with pictures and imagery. Tablets and virtual reality technology can be utilised to optimise their learning experience. It’s clear from the above that technology has the potential to be an effective enabler of specific and overall learning experiences. However, the key to its sustained effectiveness when it comes to education lies in technology being utilised in a supportive capacity, as against a leading one. If we want our children to succeed in the future, then we must protect their emotional and psychological wellbeing. It is time to take responsibility for educating children, not only on the distinct dangers of the digital world but also on the importance of the true foundations of positive self-esteem. In order for our children to prosper in the future it is absolutely vital that we improve and preserve their emotional well-being; appropriate technology training and learning scenarios can play a part in that education. *Source: www.educationdegree.com

EXTRA Casey Farquharson is the founder of IDEAS Bus, an interactive educational platform (on wheels!) designed to help educators discover the latest cutting-edge learning technology and students to get hands on coding, tech and digital media experience. For more information, visit http://theideasbus.org.uk

8 • Kingston • Richmond • Brentford • Isleworth • Spelthorne • North Surrey - November/December 2018


After School Nannies – Franchise Opportunities and what qualities make the best candidates.

After School Nannies, not surprisingly, is passionate about after school care. Managed well there’s no limit to what we adults can help our children achieve in those hours out of school! We all want the best for our children – particularly when we can’t be there to give it to them ourselves. It’s no secret that after-school nannies don’t grow on trees, but After School Nannies has spent over 15 years sourcing excellent candidates for thousands of families across South West London. It knows where to look


The world may have changed considerably since 2003 when After School Nannies was founded, but the needs of children at the end of the school day remain the same as they have been for longer than it has been in business. Its challenge now is to expand its provision to enable more families to try its particular brand of after school care – because it works. Time and again, tried and tested. This is why After School Nannies is launching its long-awaited Franchise programme, initially reaching out to the rest of London and the Home Counties. And then? Well, watch this space, or better still, join the franchise! For more information, visit www.afterschoolnannies.com

Parenting They’re in it to win it! Coombe Boys’ School PFA hope a grant from the Aviva Community Fund will help create an innovative outdoor learning area and it needs your help to win it. The Hands-on Hub project will transform an area of the school grounds in New Malden into a mini woodland. A tipi with wood burning stove will provide an allweather space for outdoor learning where young people will get the opportunity to learn hands-on skills and get outside to reconnect with the natural world. Neil Beckett, of Coombe Boys’ School, says outdoor education gives all pupils, whatever their ability, a chance to shine. ‘When you take learning outside the classroom, pupils’ confidence grows, and they learn skills like co-operation, resilience and

problem-solving which are crucial for success not only in school but also in life.’ To secure the funding, Coombe Boys’ PFA needs as many votes as possible and it is asking the local community to help. Voting is easy. Just visit the website, register and cast your vote by 20 November. To vote, visit: www.avivacommunityfund.co.uk/ voting/project/view/4-3051


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Clubs & Classes Dramacube Scoop Two Arts Richmond Swan Awards

With an incredible six nominations for Dramacube at this years’ Arts Richmond Swan Award ceremony, it was a nervous but exciting evening for all concerned. With nominations for Best Boy Performer and Best Girl Performer (aged 14 and under) and Best Youth Production (under 19 category), the young Dramacube actors were hopeful of picking up an award, but knew competition was high with judges seeing hundreds of performers throughout the year. The ceremony was presented by television personalities Lynn Faulds Wood and John Stapleton and hosted at the Landmark Arts Centre in Teddington, and it wasn’t long before the Dramacube team had something to cheer about. First came an award for Best Girl Performer which was won by Lili Ram, who played the title role of Annie in Annie Jr., and before the clapping had died down, the award for Best Boy Performer was announced which was won by Daniel Nascimento for his role of the

Caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland Jr. Having won two awards last year, it was a great achievement to win again, and a tribute to the immensely talented group of students who participate in the shows at Dramacube Productions. You can see Lili, Daniel and many of the other nominees in the Dramacube Christmas production, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe which is playing at Hampton Hill Theatre on 22 and 23 December. If your child is interested in appearing in a production, workshop-auditions for the spring term show Aladdin Jr. are taking place on 25 November at Hampton Hill Theatre and at the Studio Theatre, St Mary’s University,

Twickenham. Students participating in the workshop will enjoy a fun session working in small groups on a song, basic routine and scene from the show. For further details, visit www.dramacubeproductions.co.uk

10 • Kingston • Richmond • Brentford • Isleworth • Spelthorne • North Surrey - November / December 2018


Clubs & Classes

PERFORMANCE ACADEMY Is the UK’s Premier grassroots player development programme for boys and girls aged 7-17 years old. BOOK YOUR







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Clubs & Classes ART & CRAFT

CERAMICS CAFÉ KEW Ages: All Children can create something unique. Starting with a plain white bisque shape, they paint on their design using ceramic under-glazes, it is then fired in the kiln, and their piece is ready for collection within 2 to 4 days. Open Tuesday to Sunday, Mondays on Bank Holidays/half terms. In: Kew Contact: Joanna Wronka 020 8332 6661 www.ceramicscafe.com

DANCE JUST IMAGINE BALLET Ages: All Just Imagine Ballet is an inclusive ballet and dance school for all ages and abilities. Just Imagine values creativity and expression and focuses on the healing and nurturing aspects of the creative arts. Children can progress through four separate ballet programmes created to be in line with their physical, emotional and social development and aligned with the National Curriculum key stages. Glimmer (0-18 months), Twinkle (18 months-5 years), Sparkle (6-10 years), Dazzle (11+ years). Plus: Tap, Contemporary, Street, Jazz, Character Dance, Classical RAD Ballet, Boys Only Ballet, Family Dance/Homeschool Classes, Holliday Camps, Birthday Parties, Adult, Silver Swans Dance (60+ years) and SHINE (SEN Dance classes, workshops and one2one sessions with a Dance Therapist). In: Richmond, East Twickenham, St Margarets, Teddington, East Sheen, Kew Contact: The Fairy Godmother or Miss Jessica, Principal 07813 741189 info@justimagineballet.com www.facebook.com/ JustImagineBalletLondon


DRAMACUBE PRODUCTIONS Ages: 7−15 Dramacube Productions provides students aged 7 to 15 with an opportunity to perform in fullscale musical theatre shows at impressive professional/purposebuilt theatres in and around the Richmond borough. Inspired by a talented team of performing arts professionals, students participating in the productions are guided and supported in their own development as young performers. Shows are carefully selected to ensure students experience a diverse range of musical theatre styles, maximising opportunity to enhance skills in acting, singing and dance. Dramacube works with leading licensing agents for musicals, using scripts which are inspired by commercially successful shows but written specifically for young people. Auditions for Dramacube’s next production, Aladdin Jr., take place on 25 November. Rehearsal Venues: Hampton Hill, Strawberry Hill, Twickenham Contact: Steve 020 8408 0245 contact@dramacube.co.uk www.dramacubeproductions. co.uk

STAGECOACH PERFORMING ARTS Ages: 4-18 Fun, educational and confidenceboosting classes in singing, dancing and drama, which cater for the varying needs of young performers, whether reserved or budding talents. Classes focus on the Performing Arts and having fun in a structured safe environment, whilst learning life skills to prepare them for the stage of life. Two-week trial available. NEW: Saturday class at St Mary’s & St Peter’s School, Teddington, 2.30-5.30pm. In: Chertsey, Cobham, Hinchley Wood, Kew, New Malden, Richmond, Staines, Teddington & Twickenham, Weybridge Contact: Chertsey: 0772 517 6102 Cobham: 020 3723 9702 Hinchley Wood: 01372 238238 Kew: 020 8487 1456 New Malden: 020 8540 7791 Richmond: 020 8332 6741 Staines: 07802 800633 Teddington & Twickenham: 020 8979 5276 Weybridge: 0808 208 5134 www.stagecoach.co.uk


Mondays to Fridays: Dance, Drama and Music at The Exchange Arts Centre, 90 London Road, Twickenham (opposite station) – Drama, Dance and Singing Classes, LAMDA, Trinity and ISTD. Saturdays: Dance and Musical Theatre at Hampton Hill Theatre, United Reform Church, Hampton Hill and St James Church, Hampton Hill – Musical Theatre, Ballet, Tap, LAMDA, ISTD and Trinity exams. Contact: Emma Tinniswood 07973 900196 info@steponstageacademy.co.uk www.steponstageacademy.co.uk

SPORT PLAYBALL Ages: 1-6 Playball is an international sports and movement programme where your children will thrive in fun-filled, high-quality sport lessons. There are six agespecific programmes which aim to boost confidence and self-esteem, with each class tailored to your child’s developmental, emotional and physical needs. Playball will equip your child with a wide range of sports skills and ensure them a future of positive and competent sports participation. In: Barnes, Kingston, Richmond Contact: 07850 324 116 kingston.playball@gmail.com www.playballkids.com



COERVER COACHING PERFORMANCE ACADEMY Ages: 7-16 The Performance Academy is the UK’s premier football development programme for boys and girls aged 7 to16 and offers unrivalled level of support, both on and off the training pitch. Book a FREE Trial Session today! In: Hounslow, Kingston Contact: Michael Cook 020 3544 2284 westlondon@coerver.co.uk www.coerver.co.uk/westlondon

FOOTIE TOTS Ages: Footie Tots (2.5-5), Footie Wizards (5-13) An introduction to the world of fitness and football with lots of goal scoring and fun along the way! Classes encourage the children to lead an active and healthy lifestyle from a young age. All classes indoors. In: Hampton, Twickenham, Teddington, Thames Ditton, Hinchley Wood, Molesey Contact: Andy Scates 07931 707720/020 8979 1497 andy@footie-tots.co.uk www.footie-tots.co.uk

12 • Kingston • Richmond • Brentford • Isleworth • Spelthorne • North Surrey - November / December 2018

TEAM SWIM SCHOOL Ages: 2.5yrs+ Swimming lessons for all abilities and ages. Fun and engaging classes for non-swimmers, as well as taxing for stroke improvers. Children enjoy the whole pool, not just sectioned areas. NEW: Water Polo for kids – Stage 4 swimmers and above. Contact the school to register interest. Small groups, great results. Plus club swims available three evenings a week. Call or email to arrange a trial lesson. In: Cobham Contact: Paul Furness 07915510720 info@teamswimschool.com www.teamswimschool.com

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Clubs & Classes WATER BABIES Ages: 0-4 An incredible sensation of freedom and empowerment. Babies have a real affinity with water and because they’ve spent 9 months floating in the womb, being in warm water feels much more familiar to them than being on dry land. However, this early confidence usually diminishes with time and can even turn to fear. That’s one of the main reasons why Water Babies believes in starting them young. But a baby never swims against their wishes, and lots of bonding, fun and socialising is always incorporated so you can be sure that a Water Baby is a happy baby. In: Chessington, Kingston, Morden, Shepperton, Richmond, Surbiton, West Horsley, Woking, Godalming, Cobham, Farnham, Addlestone, Cranleigh Contact: Melissa Holt 01932 227 428 underthewaves@waterbabies. co.uk www.waterbabies.co.uk


Handwriting Tutor HANDWRITING WITH MRS CUTLER For Ages: 4 to 11+ Achieve neat, cursive, joined-up handwriting and boost your child’s self-confidence with one-to-one handwriting lessons. Half term group courses are available for pre-school and older children. Pre-school children will learn to build fine motor skills to improve strength and dexterity in their hands and fingers. The courses for older children will focus on learning how to hold a pencil correctly, letter formation, spacing and cursive handwriting. In: Twickenham Contact: Selene Cutler 07521 554 188 selene.cutler@ handwritingsupport.co.uk



Please tell advertisers KEW LEARNING CENTRE For Ages: 6+ Kew Learning Center provides Year 4 and Year 5 (11+) English and maths tuition as well as an English reading club, Mandarin Chinese language lessons, computer coding, chess, painting and drawing plus voice and LAMDA speech and drama lessons. At Kew Learning, by working with small groups, it offers tailored, sensitive support and teaching according to the needs of its students, while also maintaining the focused, collaborative classroom environment. In: Twickenham Contact: 020 3488 3277 info@kewlearning.co.uk www.kewlearning.co.uk

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Mrs Jones


For Ages: 8 to 11Mrs Jones Education aims to enable your child to reach their full potential and successfully gain a place at a good senior school where they will achieve and be happy. Learning is structured to maintain your child’s enthusiasm and imagination and allow them to enjoy learning. In Year 4 children attend 11 Plus Foundation before moving onto 11 Plus Preparation in Year 5. 11 Plus Mock Exams are also available for both age groups. In: Kingston, Surbiton, Wimbledon, South Wimbledon/Sutton, Hampton, Richmond, Twickenham, Chiswick, Ealing, Hounslow and Isleworth Contact: 020 8390 6076 www.11plustuition.co.uk

Auditions Sunday 25 Nov at Hampton Hill Theatre & St. Mary’s University

FOR HAMPTON HILL OR TWICKENHAM CASTS For 7-15yrs Performances 25 Mar - 2 Apr 2019

Register now at www.dramacubeproductions.co.uk 020 8408 0245 / contact@dramacube.co.uk DramacubeProductions @Dramacubeshows Dramacube Dramacube Productions

Music by ALAN MENKEN. Lyrics by HOWARD ASHMAN, TIM RICE and CHAD BEGUELIN. Book by CHAD BEGUELIN. Based on the Disney film written by Ron Clements, John Musker, Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio and directed & produced by Ron Clements & John Musker. This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Music Theatre International (Europe). All authorised performance materials are also supplied by MTI Europe www.mtishows.co.uk


To advertise here contact: MIMA WALIA, Editor m: 07792 006546 e: editor@familiesuponthames.co.uk Please tell advertisers you found them in

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Families Upon Thames • 13

Upon Thames

Christmas Ideas

14 • Kingston • Richmond • Brentford • Isleworth • Spelthorne • North Surrey - November / December 2018


This Year’s Must-Have Christmas Toy Guide Every year, desperate parents exhaust themselves searching high and low for the most wanted toys on their child’s Christmas list. To avoid last minute panic and possible disappointment, the key is to do your research and start shopping early. To help you get prepared, we’ve put together a guide to Families top ten favourite Christmas toys for 2018. By Claire Winter Dino Fingerling (£16.99) www.argos.co.uk Age: 6+ This year WowWee Toys' popular Fingerlings are all about dinosaurs (or mythical unicorns, if you fancy something a little less fierce). The dinos respond to motion and sound and are bound to be a massive hit.

Densters (£19.99) www.firebox.com Age: 3+ All children love building a den! This great kit allows kids to set up their own hideaway in minutes. The set contains flexible toy monsters so you can create a magical den from everyday household items. It’s a great way to get your kids off a gadget!

LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Set (£89.99) www.amazon.co.uk Age: 9-15 Lego and Harry Potter in the same box, what’s not to love? If you've got a wizard-mad child at home, this 878 piece set will allow them to recreate the magic of Hogwarts. This lovely set has lots of detail that will give Harry Potter fans hours of fun.

Ani-Mate Mini Movie Maker Kit (£14.99) www.findmeagift.co.uk Age: 8+ Create quirky little movies with your own phone and this ingenious Mini Movie Maker Kit. It includes modelling clay, modelling tools and googly eyes to make your own kooky characters, and backdrops so kids can create their own film. This is a great present or stocking filler for a budding animator or storyteller.

Chow Crown Game (£24.99) www.argos.co.uk Age: 5+ A silly game for the whole family. The hat plays music, and while the beats are going, the crown spins round, and the wearer has to eat as many of the food items attached to the forks as possible. A game that’s most fun when hunger looms, you are in charge of loading the food items on to the forks. You can choose tasty treats like marshmallows and strawberries or items that might not be so palatable! Great fun for parties and sleepovers too. Pie Face Cannon (£26.99) www.amazon.co.uk Age: 5+ Pie Face continues to make the Christmas list year after year, and 2018 looks to be no different. This year you can buy a Pie Face Cannon. The cannon fires a pie every time, and it’s up to the contestant to use the red hand to stop getting “pied”. A great game to play after Christmas dinner! Pies away! The Poopsie Unicorn Surprise, £49.99 www.amazon.co.uk Age: 3+ Mums and dads across the country will be delighted to find this defecating unicorn on Christmas lists! The Poopsie Unicorn Surprise is a ‘cute’ toy that poops out glittery slime when you feed it special unicorn food. While I can hear parents visibly groaning, this is sure to be a hit with unicorn-lovers everywhere. Plus if you are worried about getting unicorn glitter poo all over your carpet on Christmas day, never fear, the toy comes with its own potty!


VTech Kiddizoom Smart Watch (£44.99) www.amazon.co.uk Age: 4+ This cool watch features a camera for photo and video taking, 3D style digital and analogue clock faces and eight great games. It also has a motion sensor for a pedometer so they can measure their steps. The watch also has a calculator, calendar, alarm, stopwatch and voice recorder. Plus the option to download more apps and games! Gravitrax (£48.29) www.amazon.co.uk Age: 8+ A cool game that encourages kids to boost their STEM skills. Use your imagination to build superb tracks and set the Gravity Spheres rolling! The game combines physics, architecture, and engineering, to engage and improve young minds. You can also buy additional packs to extend the system. A great buy for kids that love building, marble runs and Lego. My Rebounder Mini Rebounding Trampoline, £89.99 www.myrebounder.co.uk Age 4+ Classic fun, these rebounders (small trampolines) will keep kids active all year round and can be used inside and out. They help improve strength, balance, co-ordination and general fitness. They can also be folded, so they won’t take up too much room.

Email: editor@Familiesuponthames.co.uk • Tel: 07792 006546

Families Upon Thames • 15

Christmas Cooking Inspiration By Claire Winter The festive season is a great time to get cooking in the kitchen. Families ® has talked to chefs, food influencers and readers across the country to give us the best ideas on what to cook with the children this Christmas. FESTIVE DARK CHOCOLATE AND BERRY VEGAN MUFFINS

• 250ml of soy milk • 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar • 1 tsp of pure vanilla extract • 2 tsp of chia seeds • 3 tablespoons of coconut or olive oil • 125g of spelt flour • 60g of millet flour • 100g of sugar • 1 tsp of baking powder • 1 tsp of bicarbonate of soda • 200g of frozen berries • 100g of dark, vegan chocolate 3 tbsp of puffed quinoa

Jessica Prescott author of Vegan Goodness says that baking is always her favourite thing to do at this time of year. ‘My son Louie loves helping me in the kitchen and I feel that getting him involved is a great way for him to connect with food and the process of turning raw ingredients into delicious creations. ‘Because he is still little, we stick mostly with baking for now. Muffins are a great one – I measure out all of the ingredients and get him to line the muffin tray with little paper cups, and then he adds the ingredients to a bowl one by one and we both have a turn at mixing. These muffins are great for


To make: Add 300g of chicken or turkey breast to a bowl with 2 finely chopped small shallots, 2 plum tomatoes cut into quarters, 1 spoon of garlic paste, 1 spoon of ginger paste, ½ tsp of salt, 1 tbsp of mixed curry power and ¼ tsp of turmeric powder. Make sure the chicken or turkey is fully covered. • 300g of chicken or turkey breast • 2 finely chopped small shallots • 2 plum tomatoes • 1 spoon of garlic paste • 1 spoon of ginger paste • ½ tsp of salt • 1 tbsp of mixed curry power • ¼ tsp of turmeric powder • 2 tbsp of sunflower oil • ½ pint of water Award winning Indian food expert, Sarah Ali Choudhury, suggests making a simple curry, which is tasty, nutritious and easy to make. This is a great dish to cook with the kids on Boxing Day.

Next, add 2 tbsp. of sunflower oil to a wok or pan and when it’s hot add all of the ingredients, stirring thoroughly. Cook for 3 minutes and then add ½ pint of water and cook for a further ten minutes. The water should be reduced and the chicken cooked thoroughly. Chop up some fresh coriander to garnish the curry and you are now ready to serve it. The curry would be delicious with some rice or Naan bread. You can find more recipes at Sarah’s website sarahalichoudhury.com

Christmas time, especially if you roll them in dehydrated raspberry powder to give them a festive hue.’ To make: Heat the oven to 180°C. Line a muffin tin with paper muffin cups. Combine 250ml of soy milk, 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp of pure vanilla extract, 2 tsp of chia seeds and 3 tbsp of coconut or olive oil in one bowl. Sift 125g of spelt flour, 60g of millet flour, 100g of sugar, 1 tsp of baking powder and 1 tsp of bicarbonate of soda into another bowl and then add 200g of frozen berries and 100g of dark, vegan chocolate.

Roughly combine. Make a well in the centre of the mixture and pour in the wet ingredients until just combined. Spoon the mixture into the muffin cups and sprinkle with the toppings, some extra dark chocolate and 3 tbs of puffed quinoa. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes, cool on a wire tray and then tuck into your delicious vegan treat! Vegan Goodness: Feasts by Jessica Prescott (Hardie Grant, £15) is available to buy on Amazon.

WHITE CHOCOLATE DIPPED GINGER BISCUITS • 340g of flour • 1 tsp of bicarbonate of soda • A pinch of salt • 3 level tsps. of ginger • 1 tsp of cinnamon • 1/4 tsp of nutmeg. • 100g of butter • 130g of light brown sugar • 1 egg • 100g of white chocolate These delicious ginger biscuits from mylittlepiccolo.com are great on their own with a cuppa, or dipped in white chocolate, and are fabulous to make with children or wrap up as a present. For a less sweet biscuit, you can make them with half the sugar – they don’t stay as crisp as long, but are still just as delicious! To make: In a mixing bowl, whisk 340g of flour, 1 tsp of bicarbonate of soda, a pinch of salt, 3 level tsps. of ginger, 1 tsp of cinnamon and 1/4 tsp of nutmeg. Set aside. Either in a mixer or by hand, cream together 100g of butter and 130g of light brown sugar until light and creamy. Mix in one egg and combine. With the mixer set on low speed, slowly add in the dry ingredients and mix until you have a dough.

16 • Kingston • Richmond • Brentford • Isleworth • Spelthorne • North Surrey - November / December 2018

Cover bowl with cling film and chill in the fridge for 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F during the last 10 minutes of chilling. For a smooth top to the biscuits, roll out the dough to around ½ inch thick and cut circles out with a cookie cutter. For a more rustic ‘ginger nut’ top, scoop out a dessert spoon of mixture from the bowl and shape into a ball, transfer to the baking sheet and, spacing around 2 inches apart, flatten tops slightly. Bake for around 8 to 10 minutes until golden brown. Transfer to a wire rack to cool. In a microwave-safe bowl, melt 100g of white chocolate in the microwave (in 10 second intervals until melted). Dip half of each cookie in melted white chocolate mixture then run bottom of cookie slightly along edge of bowl to remove excess, then return to Silpat or parchment paper to set at room temperature. If you are feeling artistic you could also pipe on a holly leaf. Yummy! Tip: Make double the dough and freeze half for another time, or just make double quantity as they disappear pretty quickly! familiesonline.co.uk

Christmas Fun

Festive Fun at Whiteley Village

This December head over to Whiteley Village near Walton on Thames for some festive family fun. On 9 December (4pm to 8pm), Whiteley Village will be inviting

visitors to celebrate the festivities early with a whole host of activities including Christmas crafts, lantern making and face painting. You can then join a twilight lantern trail through the Village and stop off to visit Santa on the way who will be waiting to welcome his special guests. As the trail comes to an end, join in with some traditional carol singing around the Village’s spectacular Christmas tree and keep warm with a hot chocolate or mulled wine. Please note tickets will be limited on the day. To purchase tickets and for more information, visit www.whiteleyvillage.org.uk

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Join Hansel and Gretel at Eden Walk’s Christmas Light Switch On! Hansel and Gretel invite you to follow their trail of breadcrumbs to join in Eden Walk’s Christmas Light Switch On (15 November, 3.30pm to 6.30pm) where there will be free festive activities. Live music by Soul Beat will sweeten the mood in this evening of delicious entertainment. Little ones can attend a cookie decorating workshop or visit the facepainting station for some festive sparkle or a favourite design; there’s even a themed photobooth for a memento to take home. Make sure you say hello to Gingerbread Man and of course, the man of the night, Santa Claus; if you’re on the

nice list you can get one of the free advent calendars (while stocks last). But the real gobstopper is at 6pm when the lights are switched on and that Christmassy feeling begins. For more information, visit www.edenwalkshopping.co.uk

Room on the Broom sees a witch fly into the Lyric Theatre for Christmas

Tall Stories’ hit family show Room on the Broom will fly into the Lyric Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue from 23 November 2018 to 13 January 2019. After a successful run in 2014, Room on the Broom returns to its West End home for a limited run this Christmas. Renowned theatre company Tall Stories has adapted the best-selling book of the same name by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, published by Macmillan Children’s Books, for the stage. familiesonline.co.uk

The Olivier Award nominated production tells the story of a friendly witch, her cat and three loveable animals who take to the skies on a broom and face a fearsome dragon in this magical, musical adventure. With enchanting puppetry, original singalong songs and scary fun, Room on the Broom is ideal for families with children aged three and up.

For more information and booking, visit: www.roomonthebroomlive.co.uk Room on the Broom © Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler 2001 - Macmillan Children’s Books

BSL Interpreted Performance: Thurs 6 Dec, 11am Relaxed Performance: Thurs 13 Dec, 11am & Fri 28 Dec, 12pm

The cast of Room on the Broom includes Amy Harris as ‘Witch’, Emma Crowley-Bennett as ‘Cat’, Charlie Guest as ‘Dog’ and ‘Frog’, Andrew Mudie as ‘Bird’ and the ‘Dragon’; Alastair Chisholm completes the cast as understudy and Assistant Stage Manager. Tickets start at £15, with a family ticket for four costing £66 (applies to £19 tickets only).

Email: editor@Familiesuponthames.co.uk • Tel: 07792 006546

Families Upon Thames • 17

Christmas Fun Make the run up to Christmas extra special this year with a visit to a National Trust property. There are decorated houses, exhibitions, visits from Father Christmas, atmospheric estates and wintery countryside all bringing festive fun and Christmas to life through the ages. So why not make your Christmas extra special in these winter wonderland locations? This year, Hatchlands Park is brimming with festive family fun. Step back in time as you take a ride on the Victorian Carousel, its galloping horses having entertained crowds since the reign of Queen Victoria (weekends in December, plus 26 to 28 December). Follow the Boscawen family through the woodland on the children’s trail and discover the story of Gulliver’s Travels (Lost in a Book: A Georgian Christmas Trail, 1 December to 6 January, 10am to 4pm). Then stop by the courtyard to admire the Christmas tree, meet the resident donkeys and listen to some carol singing (Family Christmas Carols, 16 December); you might even be able to meet Father Christmas.

With its cosy fairytale cottage, traditional children’s trail and snug famiy friendly café, Claremont Landscape Garden is the perfect place to visit over the festive period. From 12 December, discover the fairytale Christmas Cottage, nestled in a secret woodland glade, full of traditional toys and games to entertain people of all ages, while little ones will love searching for clues on the Rescue Rudolph Trail (8 to 23 December, 10am to 3pm). Winkworth Arboretum is a winter wonderland, waiting to be explored. Visit between 8 and 23 December (10am to 3pm) and visitors taking part in the Mince Pie Hunt can win a voucher for a free mince. If you’re looking for lastminute gifts, then the Christmas Shopping Event on 13 December (3.30pm to 7pm) is perfect for you. There is a great choice of gifts and visitors can meet Santa Paws and pay a visit to Father Christmas’s grotto in the boathouse, specially decorated for the occasion. Polesden Lacey is celebrating a 1930s Christmas Party

Get festive with a tree from Pines and Needles Christmas isn’t Christmas until you’ve chosen your tree, so to get the festivities under way, head over to Pines and Needles in Kingston. From 24 November, the kiltwearing experts at the luxury Christmas tree specialist’s store in Hawker Centre will be on hand to give advice so why not pay them a visit? Pines and Needles was founded by brothers Sam and Josh Lyle and first made the headlines two years ago when royal power couple Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were spotted at its Battersea store; other celebrity clients include Elton John and Madonna. A trip to Pines and Needles provides a great family day out and there is even a local delivery service for an extra cost (enquire in store for details), so getting your perfect tree home couldn’t be

Photo © NT John Millar

Visit a National Trust property for a little Christmas sparkle!

(30 November to 23 December and 26 December to 3 January). Guests will be greeted with a house blooming with seasonal flower displays, Christmas trees twinkling gently in the salon and 1930s tunes floating through the air. Children can follow the trail to find Mrs Greville’s furry friends who seem to be having a party of their own! If you’re looking for some outdoor

entertainment, then a game of Polesdenopoly is for you. Visitors will love playing this get rich quick family version of Monopoly throughout the gardens and grounds (26 January to 2 January, £5 per group of up to five players). For further information and more great ideas, visit : www.nationaltrust.org.uk/surrey

Christmas Day Richmond The Christmas Day Dinner invites 50 local care leavers aged between 18 and 25 for a magical Christmas Day Dinner. Its goal is to provide a safe and welcoming place for care leavers to spend Christmas day, complete with traditional Christmas lunch, lovely gifts and festive fun. Christmas Day Richmond is inviting community participation to help this deserving group of people, through volunteering and donations, so please get involved! To find out more, visit https://christmasdayrichmond.com/

Snug as a bug in a rug at Hatchlands Park As the countdown to Christmas begins, what better way to run off some of that pre- festive energy than a visit to the natural adventure area at Hatchlands Park near Guildford?

easier. The stores are re-stocked every morning with dozens of trees, freshly cut and delivered straight from the Pines and Needles plantations ensuring you won’t get fresher, fuller or more fabulous trees anywhere else! Use code: FESTIVE18 to get a FREE gift with your purchase. For more information, visit www. pinesandneedles.com/pages/realchristmas-tree-stores-london

Pop down to Wizard Wix’s Willow Warren and explore the new Bug Burrow. Visitors can clamber through the camouflaged tunnel to discover a cosy little bug home, complete with decorative creepy-crawly friends and comfy seats, or climb the tree house and see the glorious woodland from a bird’s-eye view. There are also balance beams, hand-crafted willow tunnels and stepping stones for your little ones to enjoy and

18 • Kingston • Richmond • Brentford • Isleworth • Spelthorne • North Surrey - November / December 2018

plenty of seats for the grown- ups! You could also try a spot of geocaching before enjoying a wellearned treat in the cosy Kitchen café and browse the shop for some early Christmas stocking-fillers. For more information, visit www.nationaltrust.org.uk/ hatchlands-park familiesonline.co.uk

Christmas Fun

Photo © NT John Millar

The Wind in the Willows at Polka Theatre There’s something for the whole family to enjoy at Polka Theatre in Wimbledon this winter (9 November to 17 February). Theatre goers will love The Wind in the Willows, in this delightful adaptation of Kenneth Greene’s classic story of friendship and bravery. The wonderfully funny tale is brought to life with music, songs and the usual Polka magic and is suitable for audiences aged five plus.

to 6.30pm), followed by one of the theatre’s legendary, fun-filled, themed after-show parties with the cast and director, including an amazing winter feast and prizes and surprises to delight all ages? An experience not to be missed! Tickets cost £38. For more information and booking, visit www.polkatheatre.com Relaxed Performance: Sun 2 Dec, 2.30pm Audio Described Performance: Sat 8 Dec, 11am

Why not treat your family to a VIP performance of The Wind in the Willows (8 December, 3pm

Captioned Performance: Sat 15 Dec, 2.30pm Integrated BSL Performance: Sat 12 Jan, 2.30pm

Christmas Magic at London Wetland Centre

Have a glowing Christmas at RHS Garden Wisley

barking joyfully along the way. Not to be left out, the donkeys have saddled up in their Christmas finery, ready to take little ones on a ride.

Visit London Wetland Centre on 8 and 9 December for some festive Christmas fun for the whole family to enjoy. This magical experience includes a visit to Santa’s Grotto (also available on 15 and 16 December) where you can meet the man himself in his cosy setting, have your photo taken with him and receive a special gift (tickets available to purchase online from 1 November. Once you’ve bid farewell to Santa you can hop aboard the festive husky sleigh ride which will take you through the beautiful wetland scenery. Your little ones are sure to fall in love with the friendly husky dogs as they pull your sleds, familiesonline.co.uk

After your outdoor fun, head to the Elves Workshop as they desperately need your help. Unfortunately, this year they are a little behind schedule and need some extra hands to ensure there are enough presents in time for Christmas. Help them prepare and make your own Christmas gifts (a small charge may apply for some crafts). If all this excitement has left you feeling a little peckish, step into the Kingfisher Kitchen and Shop and warm up with a hot drink and choose from the delicious array of festive food before browsing for any last-minute Christmas gifts and decorations. For more information, visit www. wwt.org.uk/wetland-centres/ london/whats-on/2018/12/08/ christmas

Christmas Glow (1 December to 2 January) returns to RHS Garden Wisley again this year and promises to bigger and brighter than ever. Fantastical flowers will light your way on this magical adventure as you wander along the trail and marvel at the spectacular light installations. As you step into The Glasshouse, venture into the Woodland Realm and see if you can spot Santa’s reindeer and the Wood Elves, who live there and care for the forest creatures. If you look up into the trees you may even spot their homes, hung with plants growing in glass balls and sparkling with crystals like raindrops. As the illuminated trail nears its end,

Email: editor@Familiesuponthames.co.uk • Tel: 07792 006546

visitors are treated to a spectacular view of the Laboratory and Jellicoe Canal. Christmas Glow is free with admission to the garden and is open daily from 4pm to 8pm, with last entry to the garden at 7pm. Timeslots must be booked in advance and will incur a £1 fee. For more information, visit www. rhs.org.uk/wisley

Families Upon Thames • 19

Visit Bocketts Farm for a magical Christmas Head to the beautiful Surrey countryside for a fantastic festive family day out at Bocketts Farm (22 November to 24 December). Children will love to hop on board the Santa Express which will take them to Father Christmas’s magical and traditional hay barn workshop. Once inside, each child will meet Father Christmas and receive a special gift! Children can also meet the baby lambs, complete the fun Christmas trail and get creative in the festive craft corner. Plus, experience a ‘white Christmas’ in the giant snow globe and enjoy

Experience a magical Christmas Enjoy festive fun at Hatchlands Park, Claremont Landscape Garden, Winkworth Arboretum and Polesden Lacey. Follow the winter trails, enjoy wreath making and visit Father Christmas. #nationaltrust

endless amounts of indoor play in the heated play barn. Tickets cost £9.50 per child (plus normal admission) and are available in advance online. For more information, visit www. bockettsfarm.co.uk

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© National Trust 2018. The National Trust is an independent registered charity, number 205846. Photography © National Trust Images\National Trust Images/Tom Soper. Based on the bestselling book by

Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler


Room on the Broom © Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler 2001

Enjoy a fantastic festive family day out with a visit to meet Father Christmas in his magical haybarn workshop!

Just £9.50 per child in addition to farm entry cost

ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE ONLINE Visit www.bockettsfarm.co.uk. Book early to avoid disappointment!

PLUS: Heated indoor play barn, newborn lambs, giant snow globe, Christmas trail and festive craft corner!


Situated in Leatherhead, Surrey. 5 minutes from J9 M25.


OFF PEAK WINTER WEEKDAY RATES: ONLY £7.50 per person age 2 years+

Valid Monday - Friday 5th Nov - 7th Dec 2018 & 7th Jan - 15th Feb 2019. FM




20 • Kingston • Richmond • Brentford • Isleworth • Spelthorne • North Surrey - November / December 2018


22rd November - 24th December 2018


Where’s Santa? BARNES Santa’s Grotto at London Wetland Centre Queen Elizabeth’s Walk, Barnes SW13 9WT Open: 8-9 and 15-16 Dec Visit Father Christmas in his cosy grotto where you will receive a gift and have a photo taken with him. Pre-booking required. 020 8409 4400 www.wwt.org.uk BRENTFORD Breakfast or Tea with Santa Wyevale Garden Centre, Syon Park TW8 8JF Open: 8-9, 15-16 and 22-23 Dec Cost: £10.95 (includes meal, biscuit decorating and gift) Enjoy a delicious breakfast or tea and meet Father Christmas. Pre-booking required. 0844 288 5069 www.thegardencentregroup.co.uk CHESSINGTON Chessington Garden Centre Santa’s Christmas Grotto Leatherhead Rd, Chessington KT9 2NG Open: 24 Nov to 24 Dec Cost: Children £14.50 (includes gift), Adults £4 Start at the Christmas Creations Room before embarking on a fantastical journey through a snow-covered landscape, a wild countryside scene full of toadstools, willow trees and fairies and a special bakery full of wonderful treats before you meet Father Christmas in his traditional Grotto. Pre-booking required. 01372 725638 www.chessingtongardencentre.co.uk Chessington World of Adventures Winter's Tail with the Gruffalo Leatherhead Road, Chessington KT9 2NE Open: 1 Dec to 2 Jan (various dates) Cost: from £15 The Gruffalo will be leading the festivities this year with plenty of Christmas activities and selected rides, including Vampire, to enjoy. Join Mouse on The Gruffalo River Ride Adventure, a magical riverboat journey through the deep dark wood, team up with the Gruffalo’s Child on a treasure trail around the Park and decorate festive treats in the Gruffalo’s kitchen before visiting Father Christmas and his mischievous elves and his trusty reindeer, Drizzle. www.chessington.com


COBHAM Santa’s Grotto at Squires Garden Centre Stoke Road, Cobham KT11 3PU Open: Weekends from 25 Nov to 24 Dec Cost: £6 (includes gift) 01932 862530 www.squiresgardencentres.co.uk Father Christmas in Santa’s Toy Factory at Painshill Park Portsmouth Road, Cobham KT11 1JE Open: 24 Nov to 23 Dec (various dates) Cost: Child £15 (includes gift), Adult £18.50 (includes admission to Festive Illuminations) Jump into the festive spirit, explore the twinkling landscape of the Festive Illuminations and then join Father Christmas in his new Toy Factory at Painshill. This year families can enjoy the brand-new children’s experience, Santa’s Toy Factory, where they will meet the cheeky elves who will lead them through the toy factory before receiving a gift from Father Christmas himself! Booking required. 01932 868 113 www.painshill.co.uk EPSOM Santa at Hobbledown Horton Lane, Epsom KT19 8PT Open: 24 Nov to 24 Dec (various dates) Cost: £12.95 (includes gift and personalised souvenir photo keyring and candy cane) plus Normal Admission OR £14.95 Grotto only Enjoy an enchanting experience with Santa and his elves when they take up residence at Hobbledown. Pre-booking required. 01708 385096 www.hobbledown.com GUILDFORD Meet Father Christmas at Hatchlands Park East Wing Hatchlands, East Clandon, Guildford GU4 7RT Open: 1-2, 8-9 and 22-23 Dec Cost: £5 per child (includes gift) plus Normal Admission Meet Father Christmas in the glorious surroundings of Hatchlands Park. Pre-booking required. 01483 444334 www.nationaltrust.org.uk/hatchlandspark HAM Father Christmas at Ham House Ham Street, Ham TW10 7RS Open: 15-23 Dec Cost: £5 plus Normal Admission (includes gift) Visit Father Christmas in his new grotto and receive a traditional Christmas gift. Pre-booking required. 08442491895 www.nationaltrust.org.uk/ham-house

HAMPSHIRE Santa Special at the Watercress Line Alresford, Hampshire, SO24 9JG Open: 1-2, 8-9, 15-16 and 19-24 Dec Cost: Adult £18, Child (1-16) £18, Baby £10 (includes gift and refreshments) See Santa on a steam train as you take a one-hour round trip through the scenic Hampshire countryside. Santa visits every child at their seat with a special gift. Includes wine and mince pie for the grown-ups and soft drinks for the children. Pre-booking required. 01962 733810 www.watercressline.co.uk HERSHAM Santa’s Grotto at Squires Garden Centre Hersham Burwood Rd, Hersham KT12 4AR Open: Weekends from 25 Nov to 24 Dec Cost: £6 (includes gift) 01932 247579 www.squiresgardencentres.co.uk ISLEWORTH Breakfast and Tea with Santa Wyevale Garden Centre, Windmill Lane, Osterley TW7 5PR Open: 1 to 24 Dec (various dates) Cost: £10.95 (includes meal and gift) Enjoy a delicious breakfast or tea, decorate a biscuit and meet Father Christmas. Pre-booking required. 0844 288 5145 www.thegardencentregroup.co.uk KEMPTON Santa Special at Kempton Steam Railway Snakey Lane, Feltham TW13 6XH Open: 8-9 and 15-16 Dec Cost: Adult £6, Child £7 (includes gift) Santa will be in his magical Grotto waiting to give a present to every passenger. www.hamptonkemptonrailway.org.uk LEATHERHEAD Bockett's Farm Santa's Grotto Young Street, Fetcham KT22 9BS Open: 22 Nov to 24 Dec Cost: Child from £14.50 (includes admission) Hop on board the Santa Express trailer for a short trip to his magical hay barn workshop where each child will meet Santa and receive a wrapped gift. Booking required. 01372 363764 www.bockettsfarm.co.uk

MORDEN Father Christmas at Morden Hall Park Morden Hall Rd, Morden SM4 5JD Open: 24-25 Nov, 1-2, 8-9 and 15-16 Dec Cost: £10 Come and meet Father Christmas and receive a personal gift. Booking is essential. 0344 249 1895 www.nationaltrust.org.uk/mordenhall-park SHEPPERTON Christmas Circus – The Greatest Snowman at Squires Garden Centre Halliford Road, Shepperton TW17 8SG Open: 1 to 24 Dec Cost: Child from £13 (includes gift), Adult from £13 Enjoy this magical circus with its host of jaw-dropping acts, and cheer on Frosty as he causes mayhem in his quest to become ‘The Greatest Snowman’. After the show, children will get a chance to meet Santa. Booking required. 01932 784121 www.squiresgardencentres.co.uk TWICKENHAM Santa’s Grotto at Squires Garden Centre Sixth Cross Road, Twickenham TW2 5PA Open: Weekends from 17 Nov to 9 Dec and 15-24 Dec Cost: £6 (includes gift) 020 8977 9241 www.squiresgardencentres.co.uk WOKING Stories and Songs with Santa at RHS Wisley Woking GU23 6QB14 De Open: 28-30 Nov and 5-7 and 12-14 Dec Cost: Child from £14, Adult Free with child (max. two adults per child) Enjoy a classic Christmas tale, have a sing-song and a story or decorate gingerbread with Santa and Mrs Claus and receive a small gift. Booking required. 0845 260 9000 www.rhs.org.uk/wisley

LONG DITTON Santa’s Grotto at Squires Garden Centre Long Ditton Woodstock Lane North, Long Ditton KT6 5HN Open: Weekends from 24 Nov to 24 Dec Cost: £6 (includes gift) 020 8398 7170 www.squiresgardencentres.co.uk

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Families Upon Thames • 21

What’s On EVERY WED DURING TERM TIME PANDEMONIUM AT WATERMANS ART CENTRE 40 High St, Brentford TW8 0DS Ages: 0-2 & 2-4 Cost: £5 A popular, drop-in musical workshop with plenty of fun and games, a brilliant way to introduce music to your children and to make new friends. 020 8232 1010 www.watermans.org.uk EVERY WED MORNING PARENT AND BABY CINEMA AT WATERMANS ART CENTRE 40 High St, Brentford TW8 0DS Times: 11.30am Cost: £6.50 Screenings of the latest films for parents or carers with babies under one. 020 8232 1010 www.watermans.org.uk EVERY FRI DURING TERM TIME AND SCHOOL HOLIDAYS SEE SAW DROP-IN SESSIONS AT ORLEANS HOUSE GALLERY Riverside, Twickenham TW1 3DJ Ages: under 5s Time: 10.30am-12.30pm Cost: Child £6 (additional sibling £3) Multi-sensory sessions which include music, play materials, soft play, creative activities, stories and rhyme time in a relaxed informal environment. 020 8831 6000 www.orleanshousegallery.org EVERY SAT MORNING FAMILY CINEMA AT WATERMANS ART CENTRE 40 High St, Brentford TW8 0DS Times: 11am Cost: £5 per person Your favourite family films old and new, on the big screen. See website for details. 020 8232 1010 www.watermans.org.uk UNTIL 6 JAN DINOSAUR SHOW AT THE LOOK OUT DISCOVERY CENTRE Nine Mile Ride, Bracknell RG12 7QW Time: 11am-3.15pm Cost: £1.95 plus Normal Admission Become part of the herd and guide your fellow dinosaurs through the challenges to help them survive. 01344 354400 www.bracknell-forest. gov.uk/thelookoutdiscoverycentre 9 TO 25 NOV (FRI-SUN) ENCHANTED WOODLAND AT SYON PARK Brentford TW8 8JF Time: 5-8pm Cost: Adult from £10 Child £5 Wrap up warm and enjoy a magical evening in the Enchanted Woodland of Syon Park. 020 8560 0882 www.enchantedwoodland.com

10 NOV AND 8 DEC DAD DAY AT ORLEANS HOUSE GALLERY Riverside, Twickenham TW1 3DJ Time: 10am-12pm Cost: £6 (£3 for additional siblings) Ages: 0-10 Dads or male carers and their children can enjoy practical artist-led workshops exploring different themes and techniques including animation, print-making, construction and painting based on Richmond’s Riverside Gallery’s current exhibition. 020 8831 6000 www.richmond.gov.uk/arts 12, 19 AND 26 NOV AND 3 DEC BABY MINDFUL SESSIONS AT ORLEANS HOUSE GALLERY Riverside, Twickenham TW1 3DJ Time: 10-11.45am Cost: £10 per session or £30 for a block of four Take inspiration from the gallery’s surroundings and explore Mindfulness techniques designed to enhance the bonding experience between you and your baby. This course is suitable for new or expecting parents and their bumps or babies (pre-crawling). 020 8831 6000 www.orleanshousegallery.org 13 AND 14 NOV DINOSAUR TODDLER DAY AT THE LOOK OUT DISCOVERY CENTRE Nine Mile Ride, Bracknell RG12 7QW Time: 10am-4pm Enjoy dinosaur-themed arts and crafts, storytelling and face painting plus more than 90 hands-on science and discovery activities, all waiting to be pulled, pushed or prodded. 01344 354400 www.bracknell-forest. gov.uk/thelookoutdiscoverycentre 15 NOV CHRISTMAS LIGHTS SWITCH ON CRAFT AND STORYTIME AT KINGSTON MUSEUM Kingston Museum, Wheatfield Way KT1 2PS Ages: 3-7 Times: 3.30-5pm Cost: £3 Make your own frosty snowman decoration and get cosy for some festive stories in the Library. Booking essential. 020 8547 6463 www.kingston.gov.uk/ museum

JAN FEB ISSUE New Year New You, Early Years, Education, Travel

Upon Thames

16 NOV AND 7 AND 21 DEC MUSEUM MONKEYS AT CHERTSEY MUSEUM 33 Windsor Street, Chertsey KT16 8AT Ages: 5 and under Time: 9.30-11am Cost: £5 per child, additional siblings £2.50 Singing, stories and crafts. Book in advance. 01932 565764 www.chertseymuseum. org 17 NOV CYGNETS TRAVELLING ART SCHOOL AT KINGSTON MUSEUM Kingston Museum, Wheatfield Way KT1 2PS Ages: 6-12 Times: 10am and 12.30pm Cost: £25 Learn to make a real-life animation of a bird flying, Muybridge style! Students will be guided step-by-step to create an amazing moving image. Booking essential. 07903132064 www.cygnetsschool.com 17 NOV AND 15 DEC YOUNG ARCHAEOLOGISTS CLUB AT CHERTSEY MUSEUM 33 Windsor Street, Chertsey KT16 8AT Ages: 8-16 Time: 11am or 2pm Cost: £5 Explore the world of archaeology through site visits, artefact handling and investigation and art and craft activities. Booking essential. 01932 565764 www.chertseymuseum. org 21 TO 25 NOV CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR AT RHS WISLEY Woking GU23 6QB Time: 9am-5.30pm (4.30pm on 25 Nov) Find that special Christmas gift as you browse and buy from these fine craftspeople. 0845 260 9000 www.rhs.org.uk/wisley 22 NOV TO 24 DEC CHRISTMAS AT BOCKETTS FARM Young St, Fetcham, KT22 9BS Time: 10am-5.30pm Cost: FREE with Normal Admission Festive family fun including a visit to see Father Christmas on board the Santa Express (pre-booking required) and a Christmas Trail. Daily activities include pony and tractor rides, animal handling and pig racing, plus lots of newborn lambs. Pre-booking advised. 01372 363764 www.bockettsfarm.co.uk 22 NOV TO 5 JAN CHRISTMAS AT KEW GARDENS Kew, TW9 3AB Time: 5-10pm (timed admission) Cost: Adult from £16.50 Child from £10 Family from £48 There’s something for everyone in this magical, fairy tale meets fantasy, afterdark experience. Enjoy the botanical wonderland, with a world of singing trees, larger-than-life flora, ribbons of light, giant baubles and a flickering Fire Garden, plus a dazzling show of laser beams! Little ones will love the vintage fairground rides and may even see Santa and his elves along the way. 020 8332 5655 www.kew.org

22 • Kingston • Richmond • Brentford • Isleworth • Spelthorne • North Surrey - November / December 2018

23 NOV TO 6 JAN ICE RINK AT HAMPTON COURT PALACE East Molesey, KT8 9AU Time: Sessions from 11am Glide around the ice rink with the palace as a magnificent backdrop. 0844 482 7777 www.hrp.org.uk 24 NOV MANGOLAB’S IMAGINEERING STORIES AT KINGSTON MUSEUM Kingston Museum, Wheatfield Way KT1 2PS Ages: 8+ Times: 2-3pm Cost: £10 Imagine and engineer your own story, sketch the storyboard and learn how to take creative and original pictures using props and costumes guided by Mangolab’s expert teachers. All equipment provided. 020 8547 6463 www.kingston.gov.uk/museum 24 NOV TO 23 DEC FESTIVE ILLUMINATIONS AT PAINSHILL PARK Portsmouth Road, Cobham KT11 1JE Time: 5-8pm Cost: Adult £12 Child £8 Enjoy Painshill at Christmas with its landscape transformed with twinkling lights and laser beams. As you walk around the magical trail, discover glowing follies, amazing reflections and breath-taking illuminations. The festivities continue under the stars with a live band, food stalls and a marshmallow camp fire. 01932 868 113 www.painshill.co.uk 24 NOV TO 24 DEC CHRISTMAS AT CROCKFORD BRIDGE FARM New Haw Road, Nr. Weybridge KT15 2BU Time: 10.30am-4.30pm The farm provides a one-stop shop this Christmas with cut-your-own Christmas trees, free range turkeys, seasonal foods, decorations and last-minute gifts. Don’t forget to visit Santa and his enchanted helpers in the Secret Forest (weekends only, booking required). 01932 853886 www. crockfordbridgefarm.co.uk REINDEER AT GARSONS FARM Winterdown Road, Esher KT10 8LS Mark the beginning of the festive season and see the reindeer in their specially built stable. 01372 460181 www.garsons.co.uk 25 NOV CHRISTMAS FAIR AT STRAWBERRY HILL HOUSE AND ST MARY’S 268 Waldegrave Road, Twickenham TW1 4ST Time: 10am-4pm Cost: £4 Stock up on Christmas gifts, let the children enjoy festive arts and crafts and enjoy live music and delicious Christmas fare from local producers. No buggies. 020 8744 1241 www. strawberryhillhouse.org.uk familiesonline.co.uk

What’s On 10 AND 11 DEC SPACE TODDLER DAY AT THE LOOK OUT DISCOVERY CENTRE Nine Mile Ride, Bracknell RG12 7QW Time: 10am-4pm Enjoy space-themed arts and crafts and storytelling, plus more than 90 handson science and discovery activities, all waiting to be pulled, pushed or prodded. 01344 354400 www.bracknell-forest. gov.uk/thelookoutdiscoverycentre

29 NOV AND 6 DEC CHRISTMAS WREATH MAKING WORKSHOP AT MORDEN HALL PARK Morden Hall Road, Morden SM4 5JD Cost: £55 Time: 11am and 2pm Learn how to make a natural wreath using materials from the park and garden centre; hot drink and biscuits provided. Booking essential. 020 8545 6850 www.nationaltrust.org. uk/morden-hall-park

2 DEC SUNDAY AFTERNOON ART AT ORLEANS HOUSE GALLERY Riverside, Twickenham TW1 3DJ Ages: 4+ Time: 2-3.30pm Cost: Child £4 (additional sibling £1.50) Get creative in this relaxed drop-in session for all the family. 020 8831 6000 www.richmond.gov.uk/arts

30 NOV TO 23 DEC AND 26 DEC TO 3 JAN 1930’S CHRISTMAS AT POLESDEN LACEY Great Bookham, near Dorking RH5 6BD Cost: Normal Admission Time: 10am-4pm Step back in time as you experience the glamour of a high society Christmas at this glittering Christmas venue. 01372 452048 www.nationaltrust.org. uk/polesden-lacey

6 AND 7 DEC STORYTME WITH MOTHER CHRISTMAS AT MORDEN HALL PARK Morden Hall Road, Morden SM4 5JD Age: under 5s Cost: £5 Enjoy this festive storytelling session from Mother Christmas and then little ones can step into the enchated grotto to visit Father Christmas and receive a gift. 020 8545 6850 www.nationaltrust.org. uk/morden-hall-park

1 DEC 15 MINUTES OF FUN AT CHERTSEY MUSEUM 33 Windsor Street, Chertsey KT16 8AT Time: 1.30-3.30pm Cost: FREE Drop-in family craft session. 01932 565764 www.chertseymuseum. org KIDS RUN FREE AT MARBLE HILL PARK Richmond Road, Twickenham TW1 2NL Ages: 0-16 Time: 9am Cost: FREE Free running events for children. 08703 331181 www.kidsrunfree.co.uk 1 DEC TO 2 JAN CHRISTMAS GLOW AT RHS WISLEY Woking GU23 6QB Time: timeslots from 4pm Enjoy the atmosphere of the festive season with the Jigantics light installation around the garden which blooms with magical giant illuminated flowers, and don’t forget to visit the stunning Glasshouse display too. Booking essential. 0845 260 9000 www.rhs.org.uk/wisley 1 DEC TO 6 JAN CHRISTMAS CHILDREN’S TRAIL AT HATCHLANDS PARK East Wing Hatchlands, East Clandon, Guildford GU4 7RT Time: 10am-4pm Cost: FREE with Normal Admission Follow the Boscawen family through the woodland as they discover the story of Gulliver’s Travels; you may even discover the correct way to boil an egg! 01483 222482 www.nationaltrust.org. uk/hatchlands-park familiesonline.co.uk

7 TO 9 DEC FESTIVE FAYRE AT HAMPTON COURT PALACE East Molesey, KT8 9AU Cost: Normal Admission The courtyards will be transformed into a food lover’s delight, with delicious artisan food and drink, inspiring seasonal cookery demonstrations and a festive sing-along. 0844 482 7777 www.hrp.org.uk 8 TO 23 DEC RESCUE RUDOLPH TRAIL AT CLAREMONT LANDSCAPE GARDEN Portsmouth Road, Esher KT10 9JG Time: 10am-3pm Cost: £1 plus Normal Admission Rudolph is lost in the garden – can you find him and help him get home in time to help Santa on Christmas Eve? 01372 467806 www.nationaltrust.org. uk/claremont-landscape-garden 8-9, 15-16 AND 22-23 DEC FESTIVE CARRIAGE RIDES AT MORDEN HALL PARK Morden Hall Road, Morden SM4 5JD Time: 10am-3.30pm Cost: Adult £18 Child £13 See the park from a cosy vintage tram-style carriage in this 30-minute festive ride, pulled by shire horses. Refreshments of mulled wine or hot chocolate and mince pies or shortbread are included. Booking essential. 020 8545 6850 www.nationaltrust.org. uk/morden-hall-park

14 DEC DELICIOUS CHRISTMAS WORKSHOP AT MORDEN HALL PARK Morden Hall Road, Morden SM4 5JD Time: 6.30-9pm Cost: £35 Learn how to decorate cakes and edible Christmas decorations and impress your whole family. Booking essential. 020 8545 6850 www.nationaltrust.org. uk/morden-hall-park 16 DEC FAMILY CAROLS AT HATCHLANDS PARK East Wing Hatchlands, East Clandon, Guildford GU4 7RT Time: 12-3pm Cost: Adult £8 Child £4 Sing along with family carols in the music room. 01483 222482 www.nationaltrust.org. uk/hatchlands-park 17 TO 23 DEC COURTYARD CAROL SINGING AT HAMPTON COURT PALACE East Molesey, KT8 9AU Cost: Adult £10 Child £5 Get Christmas off to a traditional start by singing carols. 0844 482 7777 www.hrp.org.uk 18 DEC CHRISTMAS WREATH MAKING AT POLESDEN LACEY Great Bookham, near Dorking RH5 6BD Cost: £30 Time: 10.30am and 1.30pm Make a beautiful Christmas wreath from foliage from Polesden Lacey and the Ranmore Estate; price includes a glass of mulled wine and a mince pie. 01372 452048 www.nationaltrust.org. uk/polesden-lacey 19 TO 21 DEC CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY FAMILY FUN AT BROOKLAND’S MUSEUM Brooklands Road, Weybridge KT13 0QN Time: 10am-4pm Cost: Normal Admission Visit Brooklands in the holidays and come face to face with over 100 years of history. The Kids Tours on Concorde is available so younger audiences can enjoy a specially tailored tour with lots of fun and noise and for the more creative there’s a chance to make your own Christmas ornament to take home. 01932 857381 www.brooklandsmuseum. com 20 TO 21 DEC FAMILY FUN: UPSTAIRS AT THE OSTERLEY DINNER PARTY AT OSTERLEY PARK AND HOUSE Jersey Road, Isleworth TW7 4RB Time: 11am-3pm Cost: FREE with Norma Admission Discover what went into hosting a Georgian dinner party in these free family activities. 020 8232 5050 www.nationaltrust.org. uk/osterley-park

Email: editor@Familiesuponthames.co.uk • Tel: 07792 006546

22 AND 23 DEC SANTA PAWS AT CLAREMONT LANDSCAPE GARDEN Portsmouth Road, Esher KT10 9JG Time: 11am-2pm Cost: from £2 per dog plus Normal Admission Bring your furry friend to meet Santa Paws; after all, dogs deserve a Christmas treat too! 01372 467806 www.nationaltrust.org. uk/claremont-landscape-garden 23 DEC TINSEL 10K RUN AT MORDEN HALL PARK Morden Hall Road, Morden SM4 5JD Time: 8.30-10am Cost: FREE Festive fancy dress 10k run. Booking essential. 020 8545 6850 www.nationaltrust.org. uk/morden-hall-park 26 DEC TO 1 JAN PARTY LIKE IT’S 1819 TRAIL AT CLAREMONT LANDSCAPE GARDEN Portsmouth Road, Esher KT10 9JG Time: 10am-3pm Cost: £1 plus Normal Admission As the countdown begins to 2019, the 200th anniversary of Queen Victoria’s birth, discover what it would have been like at a New Year’s Eve party 200 years ago in this fun trail. 01372 467806 www.nationaltrust.org. uk/claremont-landscape-garden 26 DEC TO 2 JAN POLESDENOPOLY AT POLESDEN LACEY Great Bookham, near Dorking RH5 6BD Cost: £5 per group of up to five players plus Normal Admission Time: 10am-3pm Become a millionaire like Mrs Greville, the last owner of Polesden Lacey, in this fun, outdoor family version of Monopoly. Book on arrival. 01372 452048 www.nationaltrust.org. uk/polesden-lacey

CHRISTMAS LIGHTS SWITCH ON CLAYGATE – 1 DEC KEW SPARKLE – 7 DEC www.kewtw9.org KINGSTON TOWN CENTRE – 15 NOV www.kingstonfirst.co.uk TWICKENHAM - 25 NOV www.trytwickenham.com WALTON ON THAMES - 24 NOV www.wotta.co.uk For further Switch On details including other towns, visit: www.familiesonline.co.uk



Families Upon Thames • 23

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