Spring 2016
Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking Boroughs
FAMILY DIRECTORY Your Essential Family Guide
North West Surrey
pick u p family your guide
Over 3,000 Family Contacts at your fingertips
Best Bounce
Pregnancy Services
Bouncy Castle & Party Hire
Baby Classes
01483 608279
Preschool Activities 5yrs to Teens Groups Childcare
01276 856182
Holiday Clubs & Birthday Parties in Surrey
Helplines & Support
Education Nutkin Nannies
Parties Fun Days Out
Nutkin Au Pairs
01932 565623
Providing Quality Childcare Solutions for Families 15
Local Services What’s On Guide
07920 022870
Katy Anne Robinson School of Dance Free Ballet Class 35
Easter & Half Term Schemes & Activities Exciting New Businesses
01932 342069
Dancing Shoes Dance School Free Class 35
Competitions Prizes
from LEGOLAND® Windsor Resort, Safari Adventure Golf, The Look Out Discovery Centre, Bocketts Farm Park + enter our Front Cover Photo Competition Things to Do • Parties • Childcare • Education • Helplines • What’s On Guide • Covering Pregnancy, Baby to Teens facebook.com/familydirectorynwsurrey
FAMILY DIRECTORY Your Essential Family Guide
ids on the Block! K w e N Winter 2015 / 2016 Edition • Contents
Fantastic new businesses & classes near you!
localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690
Read about The Little Gym Cobham on page 21
New 3 NewLocal LocalBusinesses Businesses FAMILY DIRECTORY n t o h e s d B i l K o ck! ew Your Essential Family Guide
Fantastic new businesses & classes near you! Brand new nursery and pre-school academy opens in Egham
Little Ducks Stay & Play under new management in Shepperton
The Egham Nursery and Pre-School Academy offers a unique and complete baby package that provides everything required to create a secure and loving environment for babies. In addition, staff to child ratio of 1:2 is lower than any other local nursery. All our meals are prepared onsite by our nursery chef.
Little Ducks Stay & Play is a friendly play group open every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings 9.15am-12pm. We are in a bright, clean village hall in Charlton Village with lots of equipment for under 5s such as Soft play equipment, Ball pool, ride on toys and plenty more. Parents and carers can enjoy a cup of tea or a costa coffee and a snack in our cafe area.
Welcoming babies and children from 0-5years, our nursery really couldn’t be a more perfect place for your child to flourish and grow.
Little ducks is the perfect way for both children and adults to meet new friends. We also cater for children parties at weekends.
www.busybeeschildcare.co.uk/nursery/egham 01784 438 713 See advert on page 23
facebook.com/littleduckssoftplay 07437 922251
Lemon Tree Tutors to unlock potential
Organic & Natural Bath & Body Products for Kids
Bringing a fresh approach to tuition is Lemon Tree Tutors. Having coached children to exam success for over two decades, I’ve brought together the finest team of educational specialists who transform struggling children into super successful students. Since our fully vetted tutors are hand-picked for their experience and empathy, your child is in the best hands. Please call Nikki de Villiers for a friendly chat when you need 1:1 Maths, English, Science or 11+ tuition.
www.lemontreetutors.co.uk 079 070 23031
See advert on
page 30
New Laundry & Dry Cleaning service in the heart of Woking
See advert on
page 19
Locally handcrafted bath and body products by ONjuniper made from all-organic & all-natural ingredients. At ONjuniper we are what we say we are, and in doing so, provide you with an honest, high-quality product without synthetic or harmful ingredients. ONjuniper’s Guarantee: • 100% Organic • Skin-Friendly Ingredients • 100% Natural • GMO-Free Ingredients • No Animal Testing These [bath bombs] smell lovely and are very gentle on the skin! - Rachel themed party bags • lip balms • bath bombs • perfume oils
www.etsy.com/uk/shop/onjuniper 07739 517877
See advert on
page 6
‘The Ark’ at St George’s Junior School opens
Mazzi Laundry is a laundry and dry cleaning business offering quality, turnaround, free pickup and delivery of your laundry and dry cleaning at a competitive price. Our domestic services include: Service Wash Dry & fold, Dry Cleaning, Wash and Iron service, Iron only service, Bed linen, Duvet Cleaning. As well as door to door laundry and dry cleaning services, we also provide a laundry service for the commercial industries including Hotels, Restaurants, Care Homes, Garages and many many more.
Front Cover Star & Competition Winners
November 2015 was an exciting and truly historic month for the Lower Years’ pupils and staff of St George’s Junior School, Weybridge, as the doors to their amazing new building - called ‘The Ark’ - opened.
Our Spring Front Cover Star is Antonia Gibson aged 6 months & her mum from Frimley who’s Spring image was captured by Kim of Early Moments Photography and she has won a CD of Photo’s worth £195 as well as appearing on our Front Cover - congratulations.
Imaginatively built and brightly decorated throughout, The Ark provides girls and boys in the Lower Years with a range of modern learning facilities, including animal themed classrooms, cleverly designed resource areas, a dedicated IT suite, a new ‘Rainbow Room’ for assemblies and various outdoor learning spaces, as well as a living grass ‘sedum’ roof to help the building blend into its surroundings.
www.mazzilaundry.com Congratulations to all of the winners of the November 2014 Edition 01483 765400 See advert on page 7 details have been announced on www.localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey.
Cover photo by www.earlymomentsphotography.co.uk Carrianne Markham carrianne Photography new to Byfleet MARKHAM
Carrianne Markham Photography is a Newborn & Baby photographer offering Maternity, Newborn, Baby and 1st Birthday Cake Smashes shoots in her home studio in Byfleet. Sessions are tailored to meet your family’s needs capturing those special moments for you to treasure. Carrianne has a huge passion for photography and recently undertook a Newborn photography training course with one of the UK’s leading Newborn photographers. Carrianne features in the Front Cover Photo Competition on page 14.
A new look Nursery for girls and boys rising 3+ is also currently being built to sit harmoniously alongside The Ark, and will open in spring 2016. It replaces the existing Nursery at the School. Parents and prospective pupils are welcome to visit The Ark and the rest of St George’s Junior School and Nursery at its Open Mornings on 4 and 5 March 2016. To book a place, visit www.stgeorgesweybridge.com
01932 839437 advert on page 25 07793 244890 See advert on page 14 Distributed to North West Surrey Where did you findSee these services? within Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking boroughs Tell advertisers in your Local Family Directory
Spring March - July 2016 Edition • Contents
Your Essential Family Guide
Hello & welcome to the Spring edition of Local Fa mily Directory As a busy parent Your Essential Family Guide has all your local family related services right at your fingertips. You are holding in your hand a wealth of information about local classes from pregnancy, baby to teens plus local services and job opportunities too. Local Family Directory is packed full of over 3,000 useful contacts for your family including things to do, places to go, education, party ideas, helplines and much more. New classes & businesses are featured on pages 2 & 3. All the local businesses & organisations featured in Local Family Directory are an important part of our community, so do support them and tell them you found their details in Local Family Directory. When was the last time you entered a competition? I am so excited to have teamed up with some wonderful companies to give you the chance to win some amazing prizes including a family day at Legoland® Resort Windsor page 40, Family Tickets to Safari Adventure Golf page 43, Bocketts Farm Park page 42, The Look Out Discovery Centre page 42 and your family or child could feature on the Front Cover of the July publicaiton in our photo competiton on page 14. The What’s On Guide Section sees Easter & Half Term Holiday Ideas plus lots of other wonderful events for you and your family to attend. Plus check the website or Facebook for daily events. Have a wonderful Spring,
In this issue Antenatal Advice & Support.....................16 Pregnancy Services........................................16
Next edition July - Nov 2016 19,000+ distribution Deadline 10 June 2016 Front page image courtsey of
Miranda Roos Photography
Your Esse ntia
Baby Classes..............................................17 - 18 Breastfeeding Support.................................18 Preschool Classes Preschool Classes...................................20 - 22 Soft Play Centres .............................................19 Toddlers Timetable...............................18 - 19 A-Z Activities 5 to Teens Archery to Youth Activities..............33 - 39 Dance & Drama........................................ 34- 37 Uniformed Groups..........................................39 Youth Clubs.........................................................39 Childcare Daycare Nurseries................................... 23 -25 Forest Schools....................................................27 Montessori Nurseries.....................................25 Preschools & Playgroups.................... 25 -27 Helplines & Support Advice & Support..................................10 - 11 Children’s Centres..................................12 - 13 Family Support........................................10 - 11 Special Educational Needs..............11 - 13 Education Independent Schools.........................28 - 29 Schools & Colleges...............................27 - 28 Tuition...........................................................30 - 31
Family Friendly Eateries...............................32 Holiday Schemes.............................................31 Places to Visit............................................31 - 33 Parks & Playgrounds.......................................32
Surrey Heath &
Run a business aimed at families with children in North West Surrey?
Woking Borou
Spring 2016
l Family Guide
North West Surrey
pick fam up you ily gu r ide
Over 3,000 Family Contact at your fingertips s Pregnancy Services Baby Classes
• Targeted Family Marketing • In Print, Online & Social Media • 19,000+ Distribution • From just £48 or £12 a month for a Display Advert (60mm height x 45mm) • Free Line Entry in Directory • Contact Debbie on 01932 854 690 debbie@localfamilydirectory.co.uk
Best Boun
Preschool Activities 5yrs to Teens Groups Childcare Helplines
Runnymede , Spelthorne,
Pregnancy Services
Fun Days Out
Bouncy Castle
& Party 01483 608279 Hire
& Support
Education Parties
01276 856182
Holiday Clubs & Birthday Parties in Surrey
Fun Days Out Local Service s What’s On Guide
Nutkin Nannies
Nutkin Au Pairs
01932 565623
Providing Quality Childcar Solutions for Families e
Easter & Half Term Sche mes & Activ New Business ities es Competitions Prizes from LEGOL
07920 022870
Katy Anne Robinson School Dance Free Ballet Class of
AND Winds 01932 342069 + enter our or Dancing Shoes Front Cover Resort, Safari Adven Dance Photo Compe ture Golf, Free Class School The Look Things to tition Out Discov Do • Parties 35 ery Centre • Childcare , Bocketts • Education milydirectorynw Farm Park • Helplines surrey • What’s On @SurreyFamilyM Guide • Coveri ag ng Pregna ncy, Baby www.localfamily to Teens directory ®
Special Features New Classes & Businesses.....2 - 3 Competitions..............................40 - 43
Photo Competition..........................14
Your Essential Family Guide
Easter & Half Term Guide....41 - 42 What’s On Guide......................40 - 43
Covering Towns in a 5 mile Radius of KT15
Runnymede Borough
Stanwell Wraysbury
Spelthorne Borough
Englefield Green
Surrey Heath Borough
Virginia Water
Windlesham Bagshot
Ashford Sunbury
Egham Shepperton
Ottershaw Chobham
New Haw Byfleet
Lightwater Bisley
Pyrford Wisley Mayford
Woking Borough
Ripley Send
Local Services & Job Opportunities Keepsake Gifts...................................................14 Local Services & Jobs.................................5 - 7 Nannies, Au Pairs, Babysitting .......15 - 16 Party Time!....................................................7 - 10 Photographers..................................................14
Elmbridge Borough
Guildford Borough
Area Map
Distributing 57,000 copies per year within Elmbridge, Guildford, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking Boroughs
School Holiday Dates 2016
Easter Break............. 25 March - 8 April May Half Term.......... 30 May - 3 June Summer Break......... 25 July - 5 Sept
What’s On Guide
Independent School’s dates may vary
March - July Events...............................40 - 43
Independent School Open Days - Adverts on Pages 28 - 29
Contact the Editor
Debbie Conibere Director of Redline Media Ltd producing Local Family Directory North West Surrey for towns in Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking boroughs Tel: 01932 854690 Email: debbie@localfamilydirectory.co.uk Web: localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey Twitter: @surreyfamilymag Facebook: facebook.com/familydirectorynwsurrey Current Occupation: Nov 2014 to present day Local Family Directory Editor Experience: March 2004 to Oct 2014 Family Grapevine Woking area Editor
1 March / 4 Oct: 3 & 8 March / 1 Oct: 11 March / 12 May: 4 & 5 March:
Hoe Bridge School, Woking, 01483 772194 Halliford School, Shepperton, 01932 223593 St Andrew’s School. Horsell, 01483 760943 St George’s Junior School, Weybridge, 01932 839400
Subscribe to E-Newsletter online to receive details about new classes, events & more. Advertisers - DEADLINE is 10 June 2016 for July 2016 Edition
Rates Card available on website. Smaller adverts start from just £85 for a whole years worth of advertising (3 editions). Our design service is free. Prices include a complimentary copy.
Free Listing - DEADLINE is 10 June 2016 for July 2016 Edition
All listings are FREE as long as your business is relevant to Family Directory content (i.e. the listings categories) and your business is conducted in the boroughs of Woking, Surrey Heath, Spelthorne, Runnymede & Elmbridge areas. You do not have to advertise to have a listing.
Disclaimer: The Local Family Directory is published in March, July and November. All rights reserved. No part of Local Family Directory may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means, either wholly or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Letters, manuscripts, photographs and illustrations should be sent with a stamped self addressed envelope, on the understanding the magazine cannot be held liable for their safe custody or return. While all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of the material in this magazine and to ensure the accuracy of its content, no warranty is given as to its correctness and accordingly neither the authors nor the publishers accept liablility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any statements in it. All advertisments are supplied by the advertisers, and this does not imply a recommendation by the publisher. You should make your own enquiries and comparisons, as with any other form of advertising.
localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690
Local Services • Job Opportunities
FAMILY DIRECTORY Your Essential Family Guide
Man & Van Transport Services
• Local Friendy Service • Next Day Delivery Karl 07920 146446 karlbicknell@hotmail.com
Helen Morris 07921 100870 www.betterlife-4u.co.uk
Earn up to £270 pw Become a Host Family
(tax free)
Benefits: They are out all day which allows you to get on with your normal daily routine. They usually arrive and depart during the week leaving your weekends free. Will suit married or single parent families alike. Also retired couples. February through to July season.
We are a locally-based, family company that offers 24/7 support. Join us and.... • Help pay bills • Make new friends, both here and abroad • Have fun • Save for a holiday • No language skills needed
Accomodate: The students are on organised UK visits and stay for 3 or 4 nights, aged between 13-16 years. You make take up to 4. Teachers/ Drivers also require accommodation. Cater: You provide breakfast, packed lunch and hot evening meal. Transport: You need to drop them off a.m. and collect them p.m. from a local meeting point.
Call Sue on 01932 851366 for more details Jackson & Jackson Europe Ltd www.jjeu.co.uk
Distributed to North West Surrey within Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking boroughs
Where did you find these services? Tell advertisers in your Local Family Directory
Local Services • Adult Health & Fitness • Job Opportunities
Your Essential Family Guide
100% organic and 100% natural products for children & adults Fine dining experience
ONjuniper’s Guarentee: 4 100% Organic Ingredients 4 100% Natural Ingredients 4 Only Skin-Friendly Ingredients 4 GMO-Free Ingredients 4 Not Tested on Animals Above: flavoured lip balm, perfume oil & mini bath bomb; Right: flavoured bath bomb with hidden surprise.
A unique 12 course tasting menu full of unusal contrasts of flavours. A wonderful fun filled evening with those that love great food.
themed kid’s party bags | lip balms | perfume oils | bath bombs women’s day & night facial serums | bath salts
ONjuniper Ltd 56 High Street, Horsell, Woking, GU21 4UA Ph 07739 517877 Email info@onjuniper.com Etsy store: www.etsy.com/uk/shop/onjuniper
• Indoor Class Englefield Green • Outdoor Class Staines • Virtual Fitness Training Scheme
Off 10% e Coder2016 nip
tantalizefood.wordpress.com Book now on 07711 254321
Contact Debbie 07733 005925 www.mumplusone.net mumplusone@fastmail.co.uk
Do you hate ironing? or have
Free Exercise Classes in Woking
no time?
Then help is at hand for a fast and reliable service at competitive rates, 24hr turn around with FREE local collection & delivery just call
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An opportunity to improve fitness levels and have fun Call Lynne on 01483 772490 or 07962 168556
Lucy Finnegan 07899 801362
No two people are the same.
We create truly personalised books No two stories for children and adults based on key should be either. ideas provided to us by you. Books are professionally printed and can even be illustrated by our wonderful artist. We are the only company who provides this truly personalised service. Every book is different and individual.
Please visit www.littlepeabooks.com for more information
Mums (and dads too)
Are you a mum (or dad) looking for flexible work? You could be making money in your spare time on Facebook... Please contact me for an informal chat on 01403 267804 or 07833 736594.
localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690
Local Services: Party Venues • Party Supplies & Inflatables
FAMILY DIRECTORY Your Essential Family Guide
1F wi REE C th la thi ss s
Best Bounce - Bouncy Castle & Party Hire Not just a clever name Best Bounce offer a wide selection of Bouncy Castles, Party and Event Equipment to hire throughout Surrey, Berkshire, North Hampshire & Middlesex. Established in 2011, Best Bounce is a family run business and a trusted name in all things party and event hire offering everything from Bouncy Castles, Fun Runs, Inflatable Slides and Assault Courses to Fun Foods, Party Tent and Furniture Hire and even Rodeo Bull Rides. Call our friendly team on 01483 608279 / 07890 400909 or visit our website at www.BestBounce.co.uk
Call us on 07830 450466 Crossley Club, Lightwater, 07831 624467
Staines Community Centre, Staines, 01784 449800
Downside Village Hall, Cobham, 01932 865414
Staines Congregational Church, Various Hall Sizes, Staines, 01784 453256
Elm Grove Hall, Walton, 01932 254750 Fordbridge Centre, Ashford, 01784 243880 Goldwater Lodge Community Centre, Goldsworth Park, 01483 836281 Greeno Centre, Shepperton, 01932 246173 HAC, Bisley Camp, Brookwood, 01483 472376 Halliford Community Centre, 01932 785761 Hersham Centre, 01932 246267 Hersham Village Hall, 01932 254750 Horsell Parish Hall, High Street, Horsell, 01483 747870
Hall Hire 1st Weybridge Scout HQ, hallhire@1stweybridgescouts.org.uk All Saints Community Hall, Lightwater, 01276 453121 Arbor Centre, Teggs Lane, Pyrford, 01483 870384 ARCH Alpha Road Community Hall, Maybury, 01483 776877 Ashford Community Centre, 01784 247606 Ashford Recreation Ground Pavilion, 01784 250816 Bishop David Brown School, Sheerwater, 01932 349696 Bishop Duppas Recreation Ground Pavilion, Shepperton, 01784 451499 Bishop Wand School, Hall Hire, Sunbury, 01932 778626 Bisley Village Hall, Bisley, 07773 121884 Briars Centre, Lightwater, 01276 453134 Brookwood Memorial Hall, 01483 489699 Buckland Primary School, Laleham, Halls for Hire, 01784 455022 Byfleet Methodist Hall, Byfleet, 01932 349683 Byfleet Village Hall, Byfleet, 01932 336236 Cedars Recreation Ground Pavilion, Sunbury, 01784 451499 Charlton Village Hall, 01784 451499 Chertsey Hall, Heriot Road, Chertsey, 01932 425684 Chertsey Road Hall, Windlesham, 01276 855074
Stoke D’Abernon Village Hall, Cobham, 07909 933083 Sunbury Golf Club, 01932 771414 The Cornerstone Centre, St John’s Church, West Byfleet, 07534 633859 The Hollytree Inn, Addlestone, 01932 844700 The Old School Building, Shepperton, 01932 784933 The Salvation Army, Small Room Hire, Woodthorpe Rd, Ashford, 01784 423424
From Budget Bouncers to Serious Show Stoppers Stunning Castles for All Occasions Available for Indoor & Outdoor Hire Castles · Soft Play ·Sports · Slides · Toys
The Tenth Hole, Abbeymoor Golf Club, Green Lane, Addlestone, 01932 570293 The Thames Club, Staines, 01784 463100
Hythe Centre, Egham, 01932 425684
The Vine Hall, Molesey, 01932 254750
Kempton Cricket Club, Sunbury, 07903 458755
The Walton Playhouse, Walton, 01932 254750
King George’s Hall, Esher, 01932 254750
Thorpe Village Hall, Egham, 01932 425684
Lakeview Social Centrel, Goldsworth Park, 01483 743620
United Reformed Church, Cobham, 01932 864769
Tringham Village Hall, West End, 01276 857307
01483 608279 07890 400 909
Laleham Village Hall, 01784 451424
Walton Youth Centre, 01932 247569
Lancaster Hall, Send Road, Send, 01483 223076
Weybridge Centre, 01932 844391
Lightwater Leisure Centre, Lightwater, 01276 472662
Weybridge Town Hall, 01932 254750
Allsorts Inflatables, New Haw, 01932 336306
London Irish Sunbury Clubhouse, Sunbury, 07989 540809
Windle Valley Centre, Bagshot, 01276 479185
Allsorts of Parties, Party Supplies, Addlestone, 01932 855988
Lyne Village Hall, Lyne Lane, Lyne, 01932 873350
Woking College, Woking, 01483 761036
Maybury Centre, Maybury, 01483 776877
Apollo Party Hire for Marquees & Kids Party Furniture, 01932 336899
Party Venues
Balloons Only - Parties, weddings, events, Shepperton, 01932 770111
Molesey Centre, 020 8979 5773
Addlestone Leisure Centre, 01932 858966
Old Woking & District Community Association, Woking, 01483 763974
Cheeky Chimps Soft Play Café, East Molesey, 07732 388338
Best Bounce Bouncy Castles, Soft Play & Toys, 01483 608279
Methodist Church Hall, Walton, 01932 953801
Pavillion, Whitemoor Road, Bagshot, 01276 475035 Pyrford Village War Memorial Hall, 01932 344805 Spelthorne Gymnastics, Ashford, 01784 880474 St Andrews Church Hall x 2, Goldsworth Park, 01483 723879 St Andrew’s United Reformed Church, Walton, 07981 956505
Windlesham Club and Theatre, 01276 472210
David Lloyd Leisure Club, Pool, Kidsports, Old Woking, 01483 722113 Egham Leisure Centre, 01784 437695 Fullbrook School Sports Centre, New Haw, 01932 348484 Genevieve the Gallery, Englefield Green, 01784 430516 Hythe Social Centre, Egham, 01784 452182
St Annes Parish Hall, Bagshot, 07050 106649
Kidabulous, Sunbury, 0-12yrs, 01932 500370
St Hilda’s Church Hall, Ashford, 01784 211756
Lakers Youth Centre, 01483 727253
St Ignatius halls for Hire, Sunbury, 07725 023811
Maybury Centre Party Time, hall for party hire, Woking, 01483 776877
St James Church Parish Hall, Weybridge, 01932 856399 St Johns Hall, Windlesham, 01276 451570 St Lawrence Church Hall, Chobham, 01276 858124 St Mary’s Church Hall, Byfleet Village, 01932 346605
Piglets Play Centre, Hersham, 01932 241323 Pony Parties at Pond Farm, Ockham, 4-11, 01483 211805 Spur Steak & Grill, Great Childrens Parties, Staines, 01784 492333
Party Supplies / Inflatables
Bohannas Bounce , New Haw, 07870 266614 Boomerang Bouncers, Bouncy Castle Hire for kids, Sunbury, 07519 519697 Bouncy Biz, Bouncy Castle Hire covering Spelthorne, 01932 782075 Bouncy Castles Surrey, 07887 948341 Character Mascot Hire, 0800 862 0909 Chocolate Fountain Hire by Choc Amor, for any occasion, 07809 411488 Elmbridge Inflatables, Surrey, 01932 700365 Giraffe Inflatables Bouncy Castles & Soft Play, Ashford, 01784 559 247 Jelly Legs Inflatables, Bouncy Castle, Sunbury, 01932 789997 Jump Zone Bouncy Castle Hire, Chertsey, 07719 146755 Little Cherry, stylish eco-friendly party supplies, 01784 470570
Chobham Cricket Club, Chobham, 01276 857961
St Mary’s Church Rooms, Oatlands, Weybridge, 01932 226740
Chobham Parish Pavilion, Chobham, 01276 856633
St Matthew’s Church Hall, Ashford, 01784 257846
Staines Congregational Church, Various Hall Sizes, Staines, 01784 453256
Chobham Village Hall, Chobham, 01276 855266
St Nicholas Parish Centre, Shepperton, 01932 221621
The Big Apple, Woking, 01483 727100
Christ Church, Town Square, Woking, 01483 727496
St Paul’s Community Hall, Maybury, 01483 772081
The Jungle Bus, cover Surrey & Middx, 07887 837142
Christ The Prince of Peace Church Hall, Weybridge, 01932 842643
St Paul’s Hall, St Paul’s Rd, Egham Hythe (near Staines), 01784 459444
Wizz Kidz, Walton, 01932 269038
Church of the Good Shepherd, Pyrford, 01932 346345
St Peter’s Church Hall, Hersham, 01932 253452
Churchill Hall, Sunbury, 01784 451499
Woking Leisure Centre, 01483 771122
Minnies Bounce About, Castles, Slides and Soft Play hire, 01483 487994
Staines & Laleham Sports Association, Staines, 07746 819966
Woking Miniature Railway (Mizens), Fun Birthday Parties, 01932 571941
Party Bags At Home - Partybags delivered cont... to home or work, 07790 283170
Cobham Village Hall, 01932 867870
Woking Gymnastics Club, 01483 771426
Distributed to North West Surrey within Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking boroughs
Little Ollys Soft Play Hire, Shepperton, 07719 122377 Love Dressing Up, Fancy Dress Costumes,Woodthorpe Rd,Ashford, 01784 253107 Magical Moments Mascot Hire, Surrey, 07908 937946
Where did you find these services? Tell advertisers in your Local Family Directory
Local Services: Party Supplies • Party Catering & Cakes
Your Essential Family Guide
DIY Parties £49 Fed up with paying DJs to play what THEY want? Then try out our iPod package and play YOUR playlist and save yourself ££’s. (We can also supply lights)
Phone/Text 07748 655 731 or
E-Mail barry@bpsound.co.uk for more info and for all your party needs.
Just Jan
Having a party but don’t want to spend hours preparing the food…then give me a call. Creative, interesting, fun and yummy ideas for children’s parties. WEDDING & NOVELTY CAKES I can work with whatever theme you have chosen and supply the CATERING FOR ALL cake to complete the occasion. Children love to graze and eat OCCASIONS with their fingers so special mini sized treats designed just for them add to the fun. All my food is homemade and I use only the best natural ingredients. If you are taking the children out Call Jan for a treat how about a scrumptious party foodie box for each 01932 347997 child, or a hamper for a picnic. 07773 582443 Weddings to picnics, Birthdays or Anniversary’s a great way to www.Just-Jan.biz socialise. Whatever the occasion or budget whether canapés Just_Jan2000@hotmail.com or bangers & mash we can help you have a great celebration.
Free Lo ca De live r l y
DIY Parties from £49 £49 includes 2 speakers, Stands, Amp & All Cables
New to Byfleet Village - the one stop shop for parties!
• Fancy Dress • Partyware
• Fireworks • Balloons
99 High Road Byfleet KT14 7QX
01932 351929
Celebration Cakes for all Occasions & Cake Decorating Parties
Fun & Exciting Equipment Hire for 1yr-5yr olds
Candyfloss & Popcorn Hire, 07905 001666
CGOccasions, Candy Buffet Hire and much more, 01784 654017
01932 854690
Kiddy Cook Parties, 07954 149739 The Cookie Club, Cupcake Parties, 01483 797955
Kiddy Cook Parties 2 - 11 years Call Laura on 07954 149739 www.kiddycook.co.uk
Custom Creams, Bespoke Ice Cream Vendor, All Areas, 0845 4500055
Dance & Music Parties
Good Elf Fine Foods, party catering, Stoke D’Abernon, 01932 860572
Bea’s Allstars Cheerleading Parties, 01784 730227 Dancestar dance parties, 7yrs +, 07767 293 984 Diddi Dance, Children’s dance parties all over Surrey 2-7yrs, 01483 474706 Disco Diva, 2ys-teens, 07778 122 277
Party cakes,Cupcakes andChildrens Cupcake decoration parties, 01483 715353
See the equipment in Action! Visit our website...
Cookery Parties
Buttercream Cakes & Confectionery, as gifts, favours, events, 07974 837898
Luckey Cakes, Woking, 07946 449091
FREE Party Train Tickets
Jungle Fortress, 4-14yrs, Surrey, 01932 226609
Party Cakes & Catering
Luc & Lucy’s Cupcakes for any special ocassion, Woking, 01483 865476
Great Weekend Discounted Packages
Global Geckoes Creepy Crawly Parties, Windlesham, 5yrs+, 01276 423137
The Shetland Pony Club, Pony Parties & Birthday Treats, 2½+, 01372 844077
Just Jan Cakes and Catering, New Haw, 01932 347997
s Thoma New r Coaster Rolle
Crocodile Encounters, invite a crocodile to your event/party, 0845 0204364
ReptoParty, Surrey, 5yrs+, 07508 179243
facebook Surrey Sugarworks
Jane Lizzy Cakes, Cupcakes for everyone, Addlestone, 07715 272672
Bocketts Farm Park Children’s Parties, 01372 363764
Pentangle Aquatics Reptile Parties, Knaphill, 01483 489757
07813 171 107
Caroline’s Cakes, Celebration Cakes, Shepperton, 07734 258944
Party Train, Roller Coaster & Soft Play
Animal & Farm Parties
Popcorn, Candy Floss, Hot Dog Machine Hire, 0845 309 6369 Scrummy & Delicious, Novelty Cakes, Ashford, 07796 264902 Sugar Sculpture, Cakes for all occasions, Addlestone, 01932 831991
DreamCatchers, Kids Drama and Dance Birthday Parties, 07854 395311 Froggle Disco parties and dance parties, 4yrs+, 08450 504 509 Mad Academy Parties, 0-5years, 07746 922648 Party! Professional recording studio, all ages, 0742 999 1759 Pop Factor Party, 01276 24196 The Egg Recording Studio Parties, Shepperton, 5yrs+, 07400 713023 Zumba for Kids parties, 4yrs+, 07732 887314
Surrey Cakes, Cakes for All Occasions, Byfleet, 01932 401071
Girly Parties
Party Supplies / Inflatables cont...
Planet Bounce, Bouncy Castles,Costumes, Fun Run cover Surrey, 07920 187170
Surrey Sugarworks, Celebration Cakes, Surrrey, 07813 171107
Bea’s Allstars Cheerleading Parties, 01784 730227
Party Bounce, inflatables, chair & table hire, 020 8399 5679
Proscreens, Screen & PA Equipment Hire, 07876 755357
Sweet Inspiration, Novelty Cakes, Laleham, 01784 469040
Little Divas, makeover parties, 5yrs +, 07906 166593
Party People, Ballons, Decorations etc, Ashford, 01784 420401
Roller Coaster Hire, ride on toy, Surrey/Middx, 2-5yr, 01932 854690
Sweets and Treats Cart Co, 07885 524746
Party Planet, party supplies, balloons, costumes, Byfleet, 01932 351929
Soft Play Hire, Surrey/Middx, 1-5yr, 01932 854690
Ticky Dix Cakes, Celebration & Party Cakes, Woking, 01483 729712
Staines Balloons & Cards, Stainash Parade, 01784 455991
Timeless Cakes, celebration cakes, Sunbury, 07786 070611
Surrey Bouncy Castle & Soft Play Hire, Woking, 0800 612 5393
Truffles, Byfleet, 01932 352300 Wendys Cake Booth, Celebration Cakes, 01784 481441
Once Upon a Time Birthdays, Perfect Princess Parties, 0800 804 4383
Webb Castles, Delivered 10 Mile Radius of Egham, 07501 757335
Animation Parties
Popstar Parties, games, dance routines, mini makeovers, 5-13, 01932 782588
Wendyhouse Party Shop, West Byfleet, 01932 344105
Animation Parties using puppets, media to create film, 07952 418212
Pure Poppy Parties, Jewellery Making Parties & Workshops, 5+, 07803 610829
Party Train Hire, ride on battery train, Surrey/Middx, 2-5yr, 01932 854690 Peppa Pig Costume Hire, 07989 354 504 Personalised sweetie cones. Fab kids party favours, 07766 335341 Pickle Peeps Soft Play, Shepperton, 07868 653765
DreamCatchers, Pamper Parties, 07854 395311 Little Princess Spa Parties, Chertsey, 07881 386617 Miss Princess Mini Make-over & Princess themed parties, 07905 001666 My little princess parties, 0333 772 0705 Once Upon a Party, Princesses, stories & songs, Sunbury, 07415 491506
localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690
Local Services: Party Ideas
FAMILY DIRECTORY Your Essential Family Guide
Sporty Kidz Holiday Clubs, Parties & Classes Sporty Kidz is a professional sports coaching company offering Holiday Clubs, Birthday Parties, PE Lessons, After School Clubs, Tots classes and Soccer Saturdays throughout Surrey. Sporty Kidz Parties are the ultimate “must have” fun packed party for energetic kids at excellent prices! Holiday Clubs are run every school holiday from 9am - 3pm for 3 - 12 years at just £20 a day with 10% sibling discounts. For website and more information contact: 01276 856182 07751 228196 info@SportyKidz.co.uk www.SportyKidz.co.uk
Sports Parties Campaign Paintball, 12yrs+, Cobham, 01932 865999 David Lloyd Leisure Club, Parties and Special Events, 01483 722113
Panna Party! Inflatable Football skills arena + F.A Qualified Coach
Egham Leisure Centre, Football, Sports & Soft Play Parties, 01784 437695
Elmbridge Xcel Leisure Centre, Walton, 01932 260300
FunFit Club, New Haw, 3-12yrs, 01932 843471
0800 020 9169
Go-Kart Parties, Woking, 07595 636333
Themed Parties
Imber Court Sports Club, East Molesey, 020 8398 1267
Childrens Themed Parties, 01252 682500
Kickstart Coaching UK Parties, Woking, 5-18yrs, 0800 0209169
Circus Workshop for all Ages, 0118 9761702
Kiddi Karts, Go Karts, 4-Adult, 01932 770770
Dramatize’s themed theatrical parties for all ages!, 07912 183085
Kids Parties, Club Energy, Football, Dance, Lightwater LC, 01276 472662
Froggle Theme Parties. Over 40 themes to choose from, 4yrs+, 08450 504 509
MZM South East Martial Arts, Kick Boxing Parties, 07939 208 909
Octopus Parties, 07807 055858
Pirate Island Adventure Golf, Woking, 4yrs+, 01483 722611
The Egg Recording Studio Parties, Shepperton, 5yrs+, 07400 713023
Plaides Partnership Birthday Parties, 01483 270160 Sandown Ski Centre, Ringo, Sledging, Skiing Parties, 01372 467133
Perform Media Ltd, ages 4 to 7yrs, 0845 400 4000
Twizzle Parties, a team offering a complete party service, 0208 392 0860
Safari Adventure Golf, Hersham, 01932 267666 Spelthorne Gymnastics, Ashford, 01784 880474 Sporty Kidz, fun Fitness Classes 4-11yrs, throughout Surrey, 01276 856182 Surrey Sports Parties, fun sports and activity parties, 07749 597838 Tennis Parties by professional Tennis Coach, 07887 547981 The Hoop Dance Co, fun, lively hola hoop parties, Chertsey, 07910 344 089 Top Golf, Birthday Parties, Addlestone, 01932 858551 Twenty20 Cricket Company Sports parties 5+, 08455202026 Wacky Wheelers, fun jeep driving parties for ages 4-10, 01491 818609 Whizzfit fun sports themed parties, Cobham & Esher, 07960 683199
Distributed to North West Surrey within Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking boroughs
Where did you find these services? Tell advertisers in your Local Family Directory
Local Services: Party Entertainers • Face Painters
Your Essential Family Guide
Dazzle & Fizz Kids Parties, Surrey, 07890 665113
CHILDREN’S SAND ART PARTIES Create multicoloured sand filled bottles & sand art pictures
Beanstalk Kidz Parties
07786 988490 www.sandarty.co.uk
Fun filled themed parties!
Other Party Ideas Activities & Parachute Party, Entertaining Acorns, 07722 334494 Big Hat Bushcamp, Chertsey, 7-18yrs, 07957 184341 Ceramics CafÊ, Pottery Painting Parties, Hersham, 5-16yrs, 01932 988482 Gamewagon, the ultimate video game party, direct to you, 0845 319 4263
www.beanstalkkidzparties.com Contact Chief Beanstalk Climber Kathryn on: 07876 792187 or 01428 608301 kidzparties@btinternet.com
Little Acorns Art Parties, Shepperton, 2yrs+, 07813 171107
Party Entertainers
Mercedes-Benz World, Driving Parties - height restricted, 0870 400 4000
Allsorts of Fun, PIRATE, KNIGHT, SPY Parties, Surrey, 07845  320001
Painshill Park, fun adventure parties, Cobham, 4-12yrs, 01932 868113
Party Kraft; Themed Craft & Teddy Bear Making Parties, 0800 862 0909 Quad Squad UK, activity parties, 8-16yrs, Apps Court, Walton, 01264 848181 Rugged Earth Adventures, Action Packed Parties, Bisley, 07956 964779 Sand Arty Children’s Sand Art Parties, Esher, 07786 988490
Allsorts of Fun PIRATE, KNIGHT, SPY parties Puppets, parachute, balloons
07845 320001 allsortsoffun.co.uk
Science Wizards, Fun Science Parties, 5-12yrs, 08456 521215
Amazing Mr McDonut, Madcap Magic, Juggling, Ballons, Disco’s, 01932 561722
Silk Painting Parties for Children aged 8+ with Jane Cameron, 07958 580598
Beanstalk Kidz Parties, Fun Filled Parties, Surrey, 07876 792187
Sumo Experience - Fun fat-suit parties. 7 & up, 01483 825804
Billy Bonkers, magic & disco’s, Laleham, 3yrs+, 01784 454111
Surrey Jewellery Sch, Jewellery making parties, Woking, 8+, 07896 727798
Charlie Farley, Children’s Entertainer, All Areas Cover, 020 8395 7929
Woking Miniature Railway (Mizens), Fun Birthday Parties, 01932 571941
Crazy Chris, magic, juggling, discos, not just for kids, 07976 242274
Yoganory parties for 3 - 12yrs, Woking, 07725 402650
Crazy Corin, Magic Shows & Discos, 4yrs upwards, Byfleet, 07860 235678
Face Painting Balloon Modelling Glitter Tattoos Crafts Make-overs * Training Courses *
80 07
2 84244
Crazy Hazy, disco & games, Sunbury, 3yrs+, 01932 788801
g e lf a c
Face Painters
Non Emergency Surrey Police, 101
Froggle Parties, All Ages, covering Surrey, 08450 504 509
SPCC, National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 0800 800 5000
Giggles Entertainment, Drama & Theme Parties, Surrey, 07919 354585
Surrey Crimestoppers, 0800 555 111
Jelly Kelly magic, balloons, face painting, amazing games, 01932 706273 Jives Parties, tailor made & themed parties & entertainment, 07813 071412 Jolly Dolly’s Magic Show, Mini Disco, Games, 07855 768986 Magic Mike, Woking, 4yrs+, 07749 775494 Magic Moments - Magic, Disco, Balloons, Rabbit, 07956 160 552
Birthday Parties & School Disco’s
01932 788801 / 07901 556351 www.crazyhazy.co.uk
Absolutely Fabulous Face Painting, 0800 862 0909 Bunnies Face Painting, Surrey, 07585 906343
Parenting Courses, run regularly helpful advice, Molesey, church.office@smem.org.uk
Stress FREE fun filled magic shows ages 3+, Enhanced CRB/PLI, 07796 095372
Surrey Care Trust, Parenting Circles, support, skill sharing, 01483 426990
Wiz Biz, Magic Parties, Fun Disco’s, School Disco’s, 4-11yrs, 01753 867039
The Parenting Puzzle, Weybridge Children’s Centre, 01932 820106
Local Government
Working Families helpline advising parents rights at work, 020 7253 7243
Elmbridge Borough Council, Esher, 01372 474474
Young Mums to Be, Ashford & St Peters Hospital, 13-19yrs, 01932 7229732
Guildford Borough Council, 01483 505050 Guildford Information Centre, 01483 444333 Runnymede Borough Council, Addlestone, 01932 838383 Spelthorne Borough Council, 01784 451499
Youth Services Connexions Addlestone, information, advice, support 13-19yrs, 01932 857690
Surrey County Council, 03456 009 009
Connexions Staines, information, advice, support for 13-19yr, 01784 455081
Surrey County Council Road Safety Department, 03456 009 009
Connexions Stanwell, information, advice, support for 13-19y, 01784 243247
Surrey County Council Tourism Unit, 03456 009 009 Surrey Heath Borough Council, Camberley, 01276 707100 Woking Borough Council, 01483 755855 Woking Library Information Centre, 0300 200 1001
Citizens Advice Bureaux CAB Elmbridge District, 01932 248660
CAB, Runnymede & Spelthorne (Sunbury), 01932 827187 CAB, Woking, 01483 541666
Connexions Woking, information, advice, support for 13-19yrs, 01483 760041 Educational Psychology Service, NW Surrey, 0300 200 1004 Gay Surrey, Youth Development Worker, Advice and Support, 07976 974742 Lakers Youth Centre, resources for young people, 01483 727253 Lifetrain Trust, training and life skills for young people, 01306 730929 Little Legs, Young Parents under 24s, Stanwell Childrens Cnt, 01784 241407 Outline, Helpline for Gay Youngsters in Surrey, 01483 727667 Spelthorne Young Parent Group, 01483 519424
Voluntary Work With Children SAVI Surrey Voluntary Association for the Visual Impairment, 01372 377701
St Peter’s Hospital Social Services Team, Chertsey, 01932 794400
Face Painting by Gemma, Lightwater, 07860 460309
Parenting Success Coaching, Egham, 07756 918126
Tiny Twisters Entertainments, Shepperton, 01932 761499
Spelthorne Social Services, 08456 009 009
Face Painting by Fascinating Faces, 07796 950566
Parenting Courses and Support
Rob Woods Magic Show, 01252 512938
Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages, West Surrey, 08456 009 009
Face Painting & Jewellery Parties, 07766 225329
Millbrook Animal RSPCA Centre, Chobham, 0300 123 0740
Gay Surrey Parents Group, support for parents & children, 07766 688018
Chertsey and Addlestone Social Services Centre, 08456 009 009
Face Painting & Balloon Modelling for all occasions, 07803 299922
Animal Protection Trust, animal rescue and rehoming, Surrey, 01293 785595
Mr Wizard, magic shows and Punch and Judy for all ages, 01344 777564
Social Services
Chameleon Face Painting & Body Art all ages covering Surrey, 07841 577503
Pets & Aminal Welfare
Ali McClure Parenting Workshops, Woking, 07974 855971
Volunteer Centre Elmbridge, voluntary & community work, 01372 463587
AngelFaces for Little Devils, Bisley, 07802 842446
Surrey Fire and Rescue Service, 01737 242444
Magical Marty, London, Surrey, Sussex, 0800 0463939
CAB, Runnymede & Spelthorne (Addlestone), 01932 842666
Childrens Entertainer From 3 years upwards
Police and Crime Prevention
Dotty Dee Balloon Lady, 07754 465455
CAB Esher District, 01372 464770
ANGEL w FACES n w. a e s. n
DNA Kids Parties, 01621 85 3000
Surrey County Council Youth and Community Office, 03456 009 009 The Crescent Project, Heathside Crescent, Woking, 01483 750616 Young Mums to Be, Ashford & St Peters Hospital, 13-19yrs, 01932 7229732 Youth Counselling Service. NHS,12-24yrs, free, confidential, 0845 600 2516
One Parent Families Gay Surrey, Parent Network Club, 07766 688018 Gingerbread, for lone parents, ring for local groups, 0800 018 4318 Spelthorne & Runnymede Community Mediation Service, 0958 714199
Facebusters Face Painting, Stanwell, 01784 244827
Surrey Children Services Runnymede, 01483 519216
Froggle Parties Face painting. All ages, 08450 504 509
Surrey Children Services Surrey Heath, 01483 519009
Surrey Family Mediation Service, 01306 741777
Funny Faces, Face Painting, Pyrford, 07803 299922
Surrey Children Services Woking, 01483 519119
Painting Faces, Balloon modelling, Candyfloss & Popcorn Hire, 07905 001666
Surrey Social Services, for urgent crisis after office hours, 01483 517898
Woking Community Mediation Service, 01483 769499
Perfect Picture Parties, Shepperton, 07718 230657
or email: sheridan.holloway@ntlworld.com
Spelthorne Young Parent Group, 01483 519424 Walton Child Contact Centre, 01932 253920
Woking Social Services Centre, 08456 009 009
Women’s Aid, Surrey, advice, support, refuge accommodation, 01483 776822
localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690
Family Support & Helplines
FAMILY DIRECTORY Your Essential Family Guide
Fathers Support
Outreach Support & Home Visiting, Bagshot, 01276 473093
Families Need Fathers,Help & Advice keep families in contact, 0300 0300 363
Relate Relationship Counselling, Woking, Staines & Elmbridge, 01483 602998
Gingerbread, for lone parents, ring for local groups, 0800 018 4318
Roadpeace, for victims of traffic accidents, Surrey branch, 0845 4500355
Suicidal Thoughts? Dads call CALM for Support Today 5pm-12am, 0800 585858
Samaritan Centre, North West Surrey, 01932 844444
Surrey Family Mediation Service, 01372 749911
Samaritans, Guildford, 01483 505555
Working Families helpline advising Fathers rights at work, 020 7253 7243
Spelthorne & Runnymede Community Mediation Service, 0958 714199
Fostering and Adoption
SSAFA Forces Help, assisting the families of servicemen, 0845 1300 975
Family Finding and Recruitment Team, Surrey County Council, 08000 969626 Hillcrest Fostercare, a local agency, are seeking carers, 01344 780200 Surrey County Council Adoption Services, 01932 566272 The County Permanency Team, Chertsey, 01932 566272
Bereaved Parents Birth Reflections, St Peter’s Hospital, 01932 722879 Cruse Bereavement Care for Elmbridge, Runnymede & Woking, 01932 874914 MAMA Academy berevement support, 07917 162 306 SANDS, Surrey Stillbirth and Neo-natal Death Society, 07817 410075
Child and Family Health Children and Families with HIV/AIDS, 08456 009 009
Surrey Drug Care, 24hr 365 day helpline,confidential support, 01483 300112 Surrey Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership, 03456 009 009 Surrey Families Information Service, 0300 2001004 Victim Support Spelthorne, 0845 389 9528 Victim Support Woking, 01483 770 457 Victim Support, North West Surrey, 01483 770457 Woking Churches Scheme, 01483 772265 Woking Community Furniture Project, 01483 750005 Woking Community Mediation Service, 01483 769499 Woking Twins Club, 01483 823500
Disability Advice & Information for Runnymede & Spelthorne, 01932 567131
The National Endometriosis Society, Helpline, 0808 808 2227
Disability Initiative Support Team, 01276 676302
Child and Family Welfare
Face to Face, befriending parents of special needs children, 01932 567131
Addlestone Foodbank, for families unable to buy food, 01932 569474
Headway Surrey, support for head injured and their families, 01483 455225
Domestic Abuse Outreach Service, 01932 260690
National Autistic Society, Surrey Branch, 07423 435413
Nursery and therapy services, White Lodge Centre, Chertsey, 01932 567131
Home Start Runnymede, support for families with under 5’s, 01932 350035
SID - Social Information on Disability, 0800 0439 395
Oasis, supporting children & family life, 01932 887947 Out of the Blue Therapy & Support Service, 07725 971325
Company Number: 7675246 Charity Number: 1143408
North West Surrey Association of Disabled People, 01483 750973
SAVI Surrey Voluntary Association for the Visual Impairment, 01372 377701
National Association for Children of Alcoholics, 0800 3583456
or email
help@familyline.org.uk www.familyline.org.uk
Dyslexia Action, 01784 222325
Home Start Elmbridge, support for families with under 5’s, 0203 757 7220
Kidscape, helping to prevent bullying and child abuse, 08451 205 204
0808 800 5678
Woking Nuffield Hospital, 01483 227800
The Autistic Society, 0845 070 4004
Home-Start, Surrey Heath, 01276 681121
We’re here to listen
Woking Community Hospital, Heathside Rd, Woking, 01483 715911
Babysitting & Family Support for Children with Autism & SEN, 07769 116382
Home Start, Woking, 01483 740367
Call our free helpline to talk through any problems in confidence
St Peter’s Hospital, Chertsey, 01932 872000
Children with Disabilities
Home Start Spelthorne, support for families with under 5’s, 01784 463200
Please visit our NEW website to find out more about our local meetings, talks, activities and online support group.
Upset? Frustrated? Stressed?
Runnymede Hospital, Ottershaw, 01932 877800
Surrey Alcohol and Drugs Advisory Service, SADAS, 01483 590150
FamilyLine Surrey, here to listen on any family issues, 0808 800 5678
National Autistic Society Surrey Branch Surrey-wide support groups, talks and information for families that include someone with an Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Ashford Hospital, London Road, 01784 884488
STEPS Charity, lower limb conditions like club foot & hips, 0871 7170044
Englefield Green Child Contact Centre, 07749 103506
a free helpline for everyone
Surrey Family Mediation Service, 01372 749911
St John Ambulance Training Services, for parents and carers, 01483 450000
Contact us on T: 01372 749911 E: admin@surreymediation.co.uk or look us up on www.sfms.org.uk
Surrey County Council Children and Families Team, 03456 009 009
Frank - drug helpline 24hrs, 0800 776600
Shooting Star CHASE Hospice Care for Children, Surrey, 01932 823100
Established since 1981, SFMS offers Family Mediation to all couples going through separation, divorce or the dissolution of civil partnerships. We work with our clients on all issues relating to separation including Children, Finance and Property; child consultations within mediation are available. Child counselling for 5– 3 year olds funded by BIG Lottery Fund. Supervised Contact Centre. Parenting Information Programme provider.
Surrey Care Trust, support for victims of domestic violence, 01483 426990
Women’s Aid, Surrey, advice, support & refuge accommodation, 01483 776822
National Meningitis Trust North Surrey Help Group, 0800 028 1828
SFMS can offer FREE MEDIATION to those who are eligible under the Legal Aid assessment for couples separating, divorcing and dissolving civil partnerships. A sliding scale of fees apply to those who are ineligible for Legal Aid. WE can help you negotiate your way through the confusion and distress of family breakdown.
Surrey Care Trust, helping vulnerable people in Surrey, 01483 426990
CLAPA, Cleft Lip & Palate Association Surrey & South London, 01483 275672 National Autistic Society, Surrey Branch, 07423 435413
Registered Charity 1091539
Surrey Social Services Deaf Services and Resource Centre, 01372 376558 Voluntary Association for Surrey Disabled, 01306 741500 WIDE, Woking Information for Disability Enquiries, 01483 747400
Speech and Language Carol Rowe Speech and Language Therapist, Esher, 2yrs+, 01372 479873 SENse, support, speech and language difficulties, 0845 127 0076 Stepgates Community School, language & literacy centre, 01932 563022
Distributed to North West Surrey within Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking boroughs
ENGLEFIELD GREEN CHILD CONTACT CENTRE The Englefield Green Child Contact Centre is based at the Village Centre in Englefield Green. We run two sessions per month on the first and third Saturday from 130pm till 430pm. We provide a neutral and friendly environment for children to spend time with their non resident family member and the emphasis is on the child feeling safe and having fun. We receive referrals from courts and solicitors as well as self referrals. Please email on coordinator@villagecentre.org.uk or phone on 07749 103506 for more information or see our website at www.englefieldgreenccc.org.uk.
Where did you find these services? Tell advertisers in your Local Family Directory
Sure Start Children’s Centres
Your Essential Family Guide
Spelthorne Sure Start Children’s Centres
Offering a wide range of activities and services to local families with children under five including • Play and Learn sessions • Advice about your child’s development • Support in the home for you and your child • Help to find the services you need • Opportunities for adult learning Contact your local Sure Start Children’s Centre for individual details Clarendon Children’s Centre
Stanwell Sure Start Children’s Centre
Knapp Road Ashford TW15 2HZ Tel: 01784 424759 www.clarendoncc.co.uk
Hadrian Way Stanwell TW19 7HE Tel: 01784 241407 www.stanwellchildrenscentre.org.uk
Kenyngton Manor Sure Start Children’s Centre Bryony Way Sunbury TW16 7QL Tel: 01932 755110 www.kenyngtonmanor.org
Buckland Primary School (within the grounds) Berryscroft Road, Laleham,TW18 1NB Tel: 01784 227977
Saxon Sure Start Children’s Centre Saxon School, Briar Road, Shepperton TW17 0JB Tel: 01932 569742 www.saxonchildrenscentre.com
Spelthorne School, Chertsey Road Ashford, TW15 1SF Tel: 01784 251976
localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690
Sure Start Children’s Centres • Special Needs
FAMILY DIRECTORY Your Essential Family Guide
Sure Start Children’s Centres in Bagshot and Chobham Did you know that Sure Start Centres are here to support you and your family through the early years of being a Parent?
We can offer you:• • • • • • • • •
Play and early learning sessions Expert advice, healthcare, parenting & family support Brushing up on your skills and learning new ones Fun family activities and meeting friends Antenatal and Post Natal classes Advice on breast feeding Signposting to Early Years provision Links to Job Centre Plus and adult training Outreach support and home visiting
Please contact your nearest Centre or visit the website for full details of all our play sessions and courses.
We look forward to welcoming you to our Centres very soon! Chobham, Bisley and West End Children’s Centre St Lawrence C of E Primary School, Bagshot Road, Chobham GU24 8AB 01276 855675 ccentre@stlawrenceprimary.co.uk www.chobhamcc.co.uk Bagshot Sure Start Children’s Centre covering Bagshot, Lightwater and Windlesham Bagshot Infant School, School Lane, Bagshot GU19 5BP childrenscentre@bagshot.surrey.sch.uk 01276 473093 www.bagshotchildrenscentre.co.uk
Childrens Centres
Special Schools
Darryn Leslie, Children’s Occupational Therapist, 07879 054 348
Tuesday Club, 16yrs+ with learning disabilities, 01784 434710
Bagshot Sure Start Children’s Centre, 01276 473093 Brookwood & Pirbright Sure Start Children’s Centre, 01483 473315 Buckland Sure Start Childrens Centre, Staines, 01784 227977 Burhill Sure Start Children’s Centre, Walton, 01932 246918 Chertsey Surestart Children’s Centre, 01932 568758 Chobham & West End SureStart Children’s Centre, Chobham, 01276 855675 Clarendon Sure Start Children’s Centre, Ashford, 01784 424759 Cobham Children’s Centre, 01932 596034 Grovelands Sure Start Children’s Centre, Walton, 01932 229313 Horsell Sure Start Children’s Centre, 01483 729146 Kenyngton Manor School & Sure Start Childrens Centre Sunbury, 01932 755110 Old Woking Children’s Centre, 01483 727900 Pyrford & Byfleet Children’s Centre, 01932 339055 Saxon Sure Start Childrens Centre, Shepperton, 01932 569742 Sayes Court Sure Start Children’s Centre, Addlestone, 01932 851502 Spelthorne Children’s Centre, 01784 251976 St John’s School and Sure Start Children’s Centre, Knaphill, 01483 476450 Stanwell Sure Start Children’s Centre, 01784 241407 Sythwood Sure Start Childrens Centre, Horsell, 01483 727900 The Haven Sure Start Childrens Centre, Englefield Green, 01784 43035 The Haven Sure Start Childrens Centre, Staines, 01784 464395 The Poplars Sure Start Children’s Centre, New Haw, 01932 350605 Three Rivers Sure Start Children’s Centre, West Molesey, 020 8481 7212 Weybridge Children’s Centre by Churchfields Park, 01932 820106 Woking Sure Start Children’s Centre, 01483 730517
Fordway Centre, Ashford, 5-11 (Referal Only), 01784 243365
Dyslexia Action, 01784 222325
White Lodge Centre Chertsey, child assessment service, 01932 560909
Freemantles School, Pyrcroft Road, Chertsey, 4-14 yrs, 01483 545680 Kingsway Centre, Woking, 11-16 (Referal Unit), 01483 728474 Knowl Hill School for Dyslexic Children, Pirbright, 01483 797032 Manor Mead School, Shepperton, 2-11, 01932 241834 Meath School, Ottershaw, 5-11, 01932 872302 Philip Southcote School, Addlestone Moor, mixed 8-16yrs, 01932 562326 St Peter’s Teaching Centre, Chertsey, 5-16 (Referal Unit), 01932 874761 Sythwood Primary, Horsell, visually impaired unit, 3-11yrs, 01483 770063 The Park School, Woking, 8-16, 01483 772057 Walton Leigh School for Special Educational Needs, Walton, 01932 223243 Wishmore Cross School, Chobham, 11-16, 01276 857555
Face to Face, befriending parents of special needs children, 01932 567131 Family Link, practical support for Surrey Families, 03456 009 009 Family Link, White Lodge, Chertsey, 01932 567131 Heathrow Special Needs Farm & Disabled Horse Riding, 01753 680330 Learning Disabilities Service Community Team, Chertsey area, 08456 009 009 Little Stars for disabled toddlers White Lodge, 01932 567131 Mencap Family Adviser Service, Woking, 01483 760125 Mencap, Woking, 01483 416362 Mums and Sons Specialist Passenger Transport, 07768 567249 Partnership with Parents, Surrey County Education Helpline, 01737 737300 Play & Learn for disabled toddlers White Lodge, 01932 567131 Qualified Teacher of Dyslexic Students, Woking, 7+, 01483 772664
Special Needs & Learning Difficulties
Rainbow Group for Special Needs & Carers, Weybridge, 01932 820106
A Space, Autsim & Aspergers Saturday Social Skills Group, 01932 341922
Runnymede & Spelthorne Mencap Society, 01784 453404
ADD & ADHD Support Group, Chertsey, 01784 884817
Saturday Club for disabled teenagers White Lodge, 01932 567131
ADHD/ADD Support Group for Parents/Carers, Spelthorne, 01784 444233 Aspergers and Autistic Spectrum Support Groups, Staines, 01784 446234 BIG, ABA therapy for children with Autism, 01483 206996 Challengers play and youth schemes for disabled children, 01483 579 390 Chertsey Children’s Centre, Pyrcroft Road, 3-5yrs, 01932 568758 Children With Disabilities, Woking, 01483 517950
Sensory Room - Snoezelen Room Booking Required, Weybridge, 01932 820106 Special Needs Activity Club, 1st Mon, Haven Centre, 0-5yrs, 01784 464395
Carers Support Action for Carers and Employment, helps carers back to work, 01483 565874 Action for Carers, Surrey, 01483 302748 Carers Support Elmbridge, 0203 757 7231 Carers Support Runnymede, Chertsey, 01932 564446 Carers Support Spelthorne, 01784 444233 Carers Support, Woking, 01483 727277 Crossroads, Woking, supporting carers at home, 01483 766336 Runnymede Care Assistant Scheme, 01932 571616 SID - Social Information on Disability, 0800 0439 395 Squirrel Lodge, Woking, respite care, learning difficulties, 01483 760515 Surrey Association for Respite Care, SARC, 01932 567131 Surrey Community Action, sources for transport, 01483 566072 Surrey Domiciliary Care Association, 01372 360593 Surrey Young Carers, Spelthorne and Runnymede, 01737 248111 Surrey Young Carers, West/East Surrey and Surrey Heath, 01483 568269
Surrey Deaf Children’s Society, advice and support, 07904 191342
SW Surrey Children with Disability Team, Respite Care, 01483 517950
Surrey Portage Early Education Support Service, 01372 832494
Tree Tops, respite care for disabled children (White Lodge), 01932 568365
The Grass Roots, one stop shop for all SEN Help, Egham, 01784 472005
White Lodge Centre Family Link Scheme, Woking area, 01932 567131
Distributed to North West Surrey within Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking boroughs
Where did you find these services? Tell advertisers in your Local Family Directory
Local Services: Family Photographers • Keepsake Gifts
Your Essential Family Guide
Local Family Directory PHOTO COMPETITION Enter Today Take part in the Local Family Directory Photo Competition and your family, baby or child(ren) could star on the front cover of 19,000 copies of the July edition, plus the winner receives a copy of the photo! How to Enter: Simply contact one of the photographers as featured below to arrange your Free Sitting no later than the 1 June 2016. For your Free Sitting contact either Rebecca Searle Photography 07949 136772, MariAnnG Photography 07723 528277 or Carrianne Markham Photography carriannemarkhamphotography@hotmail.com today.
Competition closing date 1 June 2016. See website for full terms & conditions.
Keepsake Gifts Capturing your child’s artwork & photos on canvas, Sunbury, 0757 831 5982 Casting Impressions, 3D castings of your child’s hands/feet, 07976 576102 Casting Love, 3D hands & feet casts, 07948 399619 Hand Painted Personalised Kid’s Paintings & Door Plaques, 07870 582594 Kiddies Kanvas, beautiful affordable bespoke canvas, 07789 937385 KZ Art, Portraits Artist, Byfleet, 07947 676360 Little Impressions, unique casts of childs hands & feet, 01932 222795
Tiny Treasures helps you create treasured fingerprint, footprint and handprint gifts
Maisie Moo Keepsakes, Woking, 07788 425912
Silver Touch Charms, 07834 771610
Use promo code ‘Family’ at checkout for 10% off your order
Small Print Fingerprint Jewellery, 0208 408 1741 Timeless Casting, hands, feet & body casting, 01932 856755
Offer not valid with any other offer, P O B o xFTT, 4 5 1 , discount W e s t B y f l e eor t , voucher S u r r e y , K T 1 4 9 AY Tel: 0845 458 4332 www.tinytreasuresgifts.co.uk
Tiny Treasures Fingerprint Jewellery, 0845 458 4332
Family Photographers
Jojo Cooper Photography, Surrey, 01483 272016
AMDPhotography Studio, Weybridge, 07949 506473
Kerry J Photography, Woking, 07879 640484
Aztec Photography, Chertsey, 01932 560191
Laura Gioffredo Photography, Cobham, 07540 420799
BKS Photography, West Byfleet, 07800 605074
Lovelight, Pirbright, 01483 237300
Brian Stobbs Photographer, Sunbury, 07956 920065
Lucy Down Photography, Cobham, 07985 407797
Carly Sykes Photography, Lightwater, 01276 470178
Mango Studios Photography, Cobham, 07748 186463
Carrianne Markham Photography, Byfleet, 07793 244890
MariAnnG Photography, Weybridge, 07723 528277
Claire Walder Photography, Walton, 01932 599764
Natasha Hanna Photography, 07703 818894
Clear Portraits, 07730 781352
Notton House Photography, 07706 599815
David Ward Photography, Virginia Water, 01344 843421
Photo-Call, Addlestone, 01932 844604
Denise Winter Photography, Windlesham, 07800 606802
Rebecca Searle Photography, Staines, 07949 136772
Early Moments Photography, 07850 263849
Sarah West Photography, Sunbury, 07950 790547
Eddie Judd Photography, Hersham, 07966 132075
Studio 65 Photography, Chobham, 0800 043 5034
Jeff Fernandes Photography, 07961 196590
Think Memorable Photos, 07899 982112
Jo Douet Images, Walton, 07766 142712
Toni Ward Photography, Chertsey, 01932 569109
Please call for more info or to make an appointment.
Jo Temple Photography, Woking, 07967 112607
True Story Photo, Woking, 01483 750111
Katie Lister Photography, Walton, 07855 366 494
Timeless Casting Specialising in 3D castings of baby & children’s hands & feet, beautifully hand finished and framed.
Miranda Roos Photography, Weybridge, 07712 508800
Sarah Aires Photography, Woking, 01483 516472
Tiny Treasures and Tiny Treasures Gifts are trading names for Tiny Treasures Gifts Ltd registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 6268539 Registered Office: 43 Caillard Road, Byfleet, Surrey, KT14 7JA
Capture your child’s hand or foot forever in a lifelike cast. Beautifully hand finished and framed, these individual mementos will be a lasting and timeless memory of those early years. ● Various finishes available ● Entirely safe product ● Prices from £60.00 Also available in pure bronze and aluminium
Caroline 01932 856755 or 07957 900646
Home visits available. Group bookings welcome, £55 per child. £10 off with this advert.
01483 210 243 / 07976 576 102 www.castingimpressions.co.uk
localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690
Local Services: Nanny, Au Pair & Baby Sitting Agencies
FAMILY DIRECTORY Your Essential Family Guide
Toys Shops
Nutkin Nannies
Addlestone Models Ltd, Addlestone, 0870 9095440 Farrants Funtasia Toy Shop, Cobham, 01932 862184
Nutkin Au Pairs
Kids-Biz Ltd, Baby Gifts, Windlesham, 01276 300120 Quality wooden toys, trikes, trains for babies/ young child, 01276 408494
We take the stress out of finding childcare
Toy Shed, 4 Baker Street, Weybridge, 01932 855833
Please visit our website for more information
Outdoor Play Equipment
Contact Sarah on 01932 565623 or sarah@nutkinnannies.co.uk
Bocketts Farm, Supplies TP, Supertramp, Holtland in Surrey, 01372 363764 Rainbow Play Systems, Cedar Climbing Frames, Bagshot, 08444 938080 The Outdoor Toy Company, Chobham, 01276 855600
Quality Childcare from Nutkin Nannies & Nutkin Au Pairs
Nannies and Au Pairs Blossom Night Nannies, Supplying Nighttime Nannies, Walton, 07802 222285 Brilliant Nannies, Surrey, 020 3286 8208 Buttons Nanny Agency Surrey Branch, 020 3637 4040 Enchanted Childcare, 01883 330899 Forget-me-not nannies, covering Surrey, Middx & Hampshire, 07557 445755 Great Oaks Nannies, Surrey, 01483 825807 Harmony At Home - Childcare Specialists, Office in Surrey, 01444 891677 Hattie’s Nannies, Covering Surrey, 01483 415406 Heart Nannies, covering Surrey, 07902 996240 Holiday Nannies, For perfect holiday childcare, 01494 772400 Home Away From Home Au Pair Agency, 020 8763 1206 Larah Au Pairs, to help with housework and childcare, 01932 341704 Last Minute Childcare, Ad-hoc Childcare / Part Time Nannies, 07787 105726
24/7 Emergency Response Babysitting Register Daily Nannies Night Nannies Mobile Créche Consultancy/Troubleshooting Telephone 01483 560320 Mobile 07985 445 851 www.thesurreynannyagency.co.uk lorraine@thesurreynannyagency.co.uk
Nutkin Nannies is founded by Norland Nanny Sarah Cozens. Sarah has worked as a nanny for nearly 20 years and so fully understands the need for a perfect harmony between nanny and family. This year Nutkin expanded and now cover the whole of the south east of England and also have an aupair department that is nationwide. We meet nannies in the offices and where possible, families in the comfort of their own homes, taking the time to discuss the requirements in detail going that extra distance thus allowing us to provide the best quality childcare. We take away as much of the stress as possible when looking for a nanny or a new position and we will stay in touch regularly to offer both Families and Nannies support, advice and guidance all the way, even after a successful placement.
Mortimer Nannies, Lightwater, 07793 502483 Nutkin Au Pairs, Surrey, 07745 666504 Nutkin Nannies, professionals with the personal touch, 01932 565623
We provide Permanent or Temporary Nannies, Fulltime and Part-time, Live-in or live-out, Maternity and Special Needs, we can find emergency childcare and babysitters.
Piccalilys Night Nanny Services, Weybridge, 07739 724673 Premier Nannies covering Surrey, 0208 339 0298 Select Nannies, nanny service for the Surrey area, 01932 852735
We also work closely with pay-roll companies to be able to offer a complete package.
The Housekeeping Agency Surrey, 07709 541830 The Nanny Company, Finding perfect childcare matches, Surrey, 07958 235042
For more information visit the website www.nutkinnannies.co.uk call us at the Chertsey Head Office 01932 565623 or email info@nutkinnannies.co.uk
The Surrey Nanny Agency and Babysitting Service, 01483 560320 thenannysharers, share a nanny with a local family service, 020 8879 9556 Tinies Childcare, Nannies, Mothers Helps, Maternity Care, 020 8642 8866
Nannies, Maternity Nannies, Sitters, Temporary Staff safe, flexible, relable childcare
Babysitting and Flexible Childcare
Distributed to North West Surrey within Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking boroughs
c ac
0844 879 7189
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07793 502 483 www.mortimernannies.co.uk info@mortimernannies.co.uk
• Babysitting • Flexible Daytime Childcare • Temporary Nannies • Part Time Nannies • Holiday Nannies
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cred ited
Where did you find these services? Tell advertisers in your Local Family Directory
Antenatal & Postnatal Well-Being
Your Essential Family Guide
Childminders and Babysitting
Antenatal Reflexology
Bimbi Babysitting Services, Shepperton, 07949 941689
MamaToto, Pre-conception, Pregnancy & Post-natal care, 07766 782311
Home Organisers day & evening babysitting & domestic help, 01932 254686 Last Minute Childcare, Babysitting / Ad-hoc Childcare, 07787 105726 Like Minders, Babysitting and flexible childrcare, 0844 879 7189
Maternity Reflexology, Woking & surround areas, 01483 858258 Michelle Hillman, Qualified Maternity Reflexology, Cobham, 07958 121076
Little Cherubs Babysitting Agency, 01483 281016
Reflex & Relax, for Staines and surrounding areas, 07723 398055
Sitters, experienced evening & daytime babysitters, 08447 367367
Renewing Harmony, Antenatal Reflexology, Woking, 0775 786 3482
Surrey Children’s Information Service, 0300 2001004
Self Balance, Maternity Reflexology, Pyrford, 07745 509362.
The Surrey Nanny Agency and Babysitting Service, 01483 560320
Birth Hypnosis
West End Childminders & Nannies, social and self help group, 01276 858939
HypnoBirthing Practitioner by Mandy Mole, 07878 549941
Self Balance, Hypnobirthing, Pyrford, 07745 509362
Club-V-Virgin Active, 01932 755762 DLKids Creche, David Lloyd, 3m-5yrs (Members Only), 01483 712905 Egham Leisure Centre, Vicarage Road, Egham, Members only, 01784 437695 Nuffield Health Creche, W Byfleet, 3m-5yrs, 01932 353481 Nuffield Health, Fitness & Wellbeing, WByfleet, Members Only, 01932 351835 The Thames Club, members only, Staines, 3m-5yrs, 01784 463100 Wentworth Tennis and Health Club Creche and Playscheme, 01344 846369 Woking Leisure Centre, 01483 771122
Childcare Advice Surrey Children’s Information Service, 0300 2001004
MAMA Academy educates mums and midwives throughout pregnancy, 07917 162 306 Maternity Service Info PM, 1st Wed Month, St Peters Hosp, 01932 872000 NCT, Byfleet and District, 0844 243 6340 NCT, Knaphill & Woking, 0844 243 6181 NCT Addlestone, Weybridge & Walton, 0844 243 6322 NCT Esher, 0844 243 6126 NCT Molesey, 0844 243 6211 NCT Staines, Ashford & Egham, 07505 289131
Options - unplanned pregnancy & post abortion support, 01932 566525 Parent Craft Classes for Couples run by experienced Midwifes, 01932 844202 Pregnancy crisis? post-abortion & miscarriage support. Free, 01784 248710 The Bump Hub, midwife lead antenatal education classes, 07742 844178
ABC Kickstart, First Aid Courses for Families / Businesses, 07706 243747
Midwives and Doulas
Baby Steps, Baby First Aid & Illness Courses in your home, 077 969 42771
Birth & Postnatal Doula, Addlestone, 07773 888307
Care for Children First Aid course run by a Children’s Nurse, 01483 273315
Hypno Doula Babes, Surrey, 07526 116850 North Surrey Midwives, 07877 862444 Parent Craft Classes for Couples run by experienced Midwifes, 01932 844202
Daisy First Aid Training for Parents, Carers & Professionals, 07594 334901
The Midwifery Practice, providing tailored midwifery care, 07905 326705
First Aid private training for Schools & Nurseries, 0208 883 9613
Your Birth Doula, 07825 130765
Infant First Aid Training Sessions Parents, Weybridge, 01932 820106 St John Ambulance, 01932 340307
Pregnancy Massage Addlestone Therapy Centre - Pregnancy Massage, 07881 627707
Pregnancy & Baby Yoga Classes in Ottershaw
Baby Yoga
Suitable for babies from newborn to walking. Mondays 11.15am-12.15pm
Yoga for Pregnancy
Specialised yoga to help you through pregnancy & birth. From 12 weeks to birthing. Mondays 6.30pm - 8.00pm in Ottershaw (one to one sessions available)
Swami Satvikananda Saraswati 01932 872587 / www.satvikyoga.co.uk (Other Yoga Classes available + Individual Yoga Therapy & One to One General Yoga Tuition)
National Childbirth Trust, Woking, 0844 243 6331
First Aid Training Courses
British Red Cross, Woking, 01483 749066
It’s NOT just a walk in the Park
Lazy Daisy Active Birth Classes, Runnymede & Woking, 07443 227063
NCT Windlesham, Lightwater, Bagshot Antenatal Classes, Branch.windlesham@nct.org .uk
07594 334901
E angela@fit4mum.com M 07877 620 714
Achor Pregnancy Crisis Counselling Centre (support/testing), 01483 729108
NCT Walton & Hersham, 0844 243 6312
Angela Paterson
Antenatal Services
NCT Sunbury, Shepperton & Chertsey, 08442 436288
Ashley Mills
Your local Buggyfit trainer is
Multiple Birth Pregnancies Parent Education Classes for Parents Expecting Twins+ Babies, 01932 722972 Tamba support for multiple births, 0800 138 0509 Walton Twins Club, Thur 9.30-11.30am, The Furrows, Walton, waltontwinsclub@yahoo.co.uk
Cranial & Structural Osteopath www.abc-osteopath.co.uk Can be treated whilst sitting (particularly in pregnancy) Babies while awake, feeding or sleeping & young children can play/read Treatment for the whole family. Sports, work/leisure related injuries, whiplash and help after surgery.
Suzanne Hoddinott BSc(Hons) Ost Med DO DPO ND
Tel. 01483 764582
Would you like to feel relief from the symptoms of pregnancy? Book a reflexology treatment to help: • combat morning sickness • balance your hormones • reduce swelling • reduce stress
Learn how to help your baby naturally with reflexology • Strengthen the bond between you and baby • Relieve colicky pains • Help baby go to sleep • Boost the immune system • Relieve constipation
Dawn - 07757 863 482 www.renewingharmony.com Mum & Little One, Buggy Fitness, Bagshot & Lightwater, 07983 301685
Home Start Elmbridge, 0203 757 7220
Mum plus One, Pregnancy and Postnatal Fitness Sessions, 07733 005925
Home Start Runnymede, 01932 350035
NCT Relax, Stretch & Breathe Yoga Classes, Goldsworth Park, 01483 770177
Home Start Spelthorne, 01784 463200 Home Start, Woking, 01483 740367 Home-Start, Surrey Heath, 01276 681121
Nuffield Health, Fitness & Wellbeing, West Byfleet, 01932 351835
Postnatal Depression Support Group with creche, Sheerwater, 01483 757461
Pilates Works Studio, Pregnancy Classes, 01932 820810
Antenatal & Postnatal Exercise
Pregnancy Yoga from 12 weeks +, Ottershaw, 01932 872587
Alison Brooks offers 1-2-1 tutition for Ante/ Postnatal Yoga, 01483 725629
Rose Pilates, Ante & Postnal Work, Goldsworth Park, 07771 577687
Buggy Babes, Woking, 07908 770998
Simply Movement pregnancy yoga, Walton, 01932 234711
Woking Twins Club, 01483 823500
Michelle Hillman, Qualified Maternity Reflexology, Cobham, 07958 121076
Pregnancy Ultrasound
Fit 4 Mum, Buggyfit Classes, Walton & Cobham, 07541 232059
Overtones Pregnancy Massage, Weybridge, 07771 642449
4D Baby Scans and 3D Baby Scan Clinics, Woking, 0845 058 3919
FRESH - Pre & post natal fitness, Shepperton, 01932 225953
Pregnancy Massage in Woking at The Sunshine Clinic, 01483 225147
Babybond Ultrasound Scanning Service, Ashford, 01784 244975
Fullbrook Sports Centre, Ante & Postnatal class, New Haw, 01932 349380
Restoring your body’s balance
Postnatal Help & Support
Buggyfit, Cobham, Esher, Walton, Weybridge, 07877 620714
Renewing Harmony
Woking Leisure Centre, Ante and Post Natal exercises, 01483 771122 Yoga Seeds, Yoga for Pregnancy, Bagshot, 01276 452489 Yogabellies, New Haw, 07780 849633 Yoga-Flow, Pregnancy, Mother & Baby Yoga, Pyrford, 07980 680764
localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690
Baby Classes
FAMILY DIRECTORY Your Essential Family Guide
Promoting nurturing touch and communication
Vo Gif Av uch t ail er ab s le
Baby Massage Classes
Did you know that infant massage can:
For group, one to one, father’s classes from birth to 1 year old, or follow on sessions for your growing child. Sessions are tailored to meet you and your baby’s needs. Each session is baby led, relaxing and fun!
Small groups or 1:1 in Staines & surrounding area
- strengthen baby-parent relationship Relaxed, supportive - relax parent and baby and fun classes - encourage deeper sleep & reduce crying - relieve wind, colic & constipation
Classes are held in the comfort of your home or mine. Based in Addlestone - covering the North West Surrey area
07961 804755 sharon@babychildmassage.com
www.stainesreflexology.co.uk Fun, relaxing & beneficial baby yoga & massage classes for you & your baby in Ashford, Staines, Chertsey, Walton, Weybridge, Hersham & surrounding areas
07985 428 555
Yoga & massage bring many benefits including relieving wind, constipation & colic and encouraging relaxation and sleep. You will learn techniques to calm & sooth your baby and it’s a great way to make friends and feel supported. For details on upcoming courses please visit www.ambertherapies.co.uk or for bookings & enquiries contact ambertherapies@live.co.uk or 07450 409186
Baby Massage
Baby Swimming
Amber Therapies, Baby Massage, Ashford, Esher, Hersham, 07450 409186
Aqua Tots, Ashford, Bisley, Bagshot & Hersham, 020 8688 6488
Baby Child Massage, 1-2-1 or groups, Weybridge & Addlestone, 07961 804755
Aqua Tots, Ottershaw, Staines & Sunbury, 020 8688 6488
Baby Massage & Baby Yoga, North West Surrey, 07957 17262
Babies Go Swimming, Bagshot, 01189 890 543
Baby Massage 1-2-1 or Groups by Sarah Kroner, Ashford, 07891 976 395
Baby Swimming, Addlestone & Walton, 020 3176 5666
Developmental Baby Massage, 1-2-1 & Courses, Spelthorne, 079600 46469
Baby/Toddler & Parent Classes, David Lloyd, Woking, 01483 712905
fit2drop Baby Massage Classes, Woking, 07878 549941 Lazy Daisy Baby Massage, 07443 227063
Charlotte’s Swim School, Ripley, Walton & Weybridge, 3m+, 0777 3377714
Liz Simha Baby Massage, Staines, 07985 428555
H2o Kidz, Addlestone, 3m - 4yrs, 07584 995 372
Your Baby Time, Woking, 07803 924329
Jacky Stone Swimming, Chertsey, 4m-5yrs, 07941 937906
Baby Signing & Communication
JEMA Swim Sch ASA lessons Parent/Baby/Toddler/ 3yrs, 07702 412090
Baby Sensory Baby Dev Classes, Egham & Weybridge, 0-13months, 07970 421355 Baby Sensory Dev Classes, Cobham, 0-13 months, 07951 535734
• Small Classes • Dads welcome! • Bagshot & Bisley • Thursdays & Fridays Specialising in Baby Swimming, Pre-school Swimmers and Toddlers For more information call 0208 947 2149 or email info@waterlifeswimschool.com
Seriously Fun Swimming, 4m-3yrs, Staines, 0844 3511461 Swimming Nature, Bagshot & Walton, 3m+, 08445 040506 Turtle Tots, Bagshot, 0771 848 2069
Baby Sensory Woking & Knaphill, 0-13months, 07899 803502
Water Babies, Addlestone, Cobham, Woking & Shepperton, 01932 227428
Sing and Sign, Chobham, Woking & Windlesham, 6 months+, 01252 838984
Waterlife Swim School, Bisley & Bagshot, 3m - 5yrs, 0208 947 2149
Tiny Talk Walton & Weybridge, 07957 305212
Whippersplashers, Addlestone, Ottershaw, Woking, 3m upwards, 07753 386867
TinyTalk, Addlestone, birth-2yrs, 07973 937 505
• Warm pools
Baby Splash, Bagshot & Woking, birth - 6yrs, 0118 9968958
Baby Massage with Emma, Goldsworth Park, 0-1yr, 01483 770177
Baby Sensory Baby Dev Classes, Addlestone & Sunbury, 0-13m, 07810 540 352
This unique programme combines the benefits of both music and baby signing to stimulate your baby’s speech and language development. Hearing babies from as young as 2 months are using gestures to communicate BEFORE their first words.
for CAMBERLEY, FRIMLEY, CHOBHAM, SANDHURST, SUNNINGDALE, WINDLESHAM contact Michelle on 01252 838984 or signwithmichelle@btinternet.com
Distributed to North West Surrey within Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking boroughs
Where did you find these services? Tell advertisers in your Local Family Directory
Babies & Breastfeeding Support • Libraries Rhyme & Storytime
Your Essential Family Guide
Baby Reflexology MamaToto, Reflexology for Babies, 07766 782311 Renewing Harmony Baby Reflexology for Babies, Woking, 0775 786 3482
Baby Yoga Baby Yoga from newborn to walking, Ottershaw, 01932 872587 Grow Yoga, Mum & Baby Yoga, Cobham, 07890 100105 Lazy Daisy Baby Massage, Runnymede & Woking, 07443 227063
Family Clubs Busy Lizzy Woking Family Club for Mum, Baby & Toddlers, 01483 610333 Dotty & Jack’s Family Club Classes for Mum, Baby & Toddlers, 07793 025193
Crazy Hazy Song Time
Libraries & Story/Rhyme Time
Toddlers Monday pm
Telephone number for all Surrey Libraries 0300 200 1001
Ashford: Play & Learn at St Matthews Church Hall, 01784 424759
Addlestone Library, Rhymetime Wed 2pm & Sat 11am, Storytime Thur 3.45pm, 4-7yrs
Englefield Green: First Time Mum Group at Jurgen Centre, 01784 464395
Ashford Library, Rhymetime Fri & Sat 10.30am, Stories & Stuff, Tues 3.45, Term Time,2-7yr
Woking: Bethany Babes (Term Time), 01483 723424
Bagshot Community Library, Rhymetime Tue 2.15pm, Storytime 1st Sat of Month
Woking: Halstead Little Chicks, Halstead Prep School, 2-3pm, 01483 772682
Byfleet Library, Story & Rhymetime Tue 10.30am & 11.15am, Storytime Alternate Thur, 4pm
Toddlers Tuesday am
Chertsey Library, Rhymetime Tue & Sat at 10.30am
Addlestone: Little Fishes Toddlers, Addlestone Methodist Chu, 01932 820274
Cobham Library, Rhymetime Fri & Sat every 4 weeks 10.30am, Storytime one Tues a Month 2pm Egham Library, Rhymetime Thur 10.30am & Sat 11am, Storytime Wed 10.30am & Thur (4-7yrs) 4pm Esher Library, Rhymetime Wed & Thur 10am Stories Thur 3.45pm Hersham Library, Rhymetime Tue 10.45am Knaphill Library, Rhytmetime Fridays 10.30am
Bagshot: Oasis Mother & Toddler Group, Brook Church, Square, 01276 479316 Egham: St Cuthberts Baby & Toddler Group, Jurgen Centre, 01784 477620 Egham: The Rainbow Club Toddler Group, The United Church, 01784 436771
Molesey Library, Storytime Sat 11am, Rhymes Thur 11am
Egham: Tuesday Tots,Hythe Community Church, 01784 465765
Go Real, real nappy information service for Surrey, 0800 328 8175
New Haw Library, Stories & Rhymes Mon 2.15pm
Englefield Green: Stay & Play at Englefield Methodist Hall, 01784 464395
Surrey County Council Nappy Advice, 03456 009 009
Staines Library, Rhymetime Wed, Thur & Sat at 10.30am, Storytime every Monday 2 - 2.30pm,
Goldsworth Park: Lakeside Toddlers, Wishbone Way, 07900 675490
Stanwell Library , Rhymetime Fri 10.30am
Hersham: Little Gems, St Peters Church Hall, Burwood Rd, 01932 222617
Babies Birth Reflections, St Peter’s Hospital, 01932 722879 Royal Holloway Baby Lab, Researching Babies 0-11m Egham Free, 01784 276135 Woking Twins Club, 01483 823500
Breastfeeding Help & Support Breastfeeding Clinic by Midwives, Ashford, Mon 12.30-2.00pm, 01784 424759 Breastfeeding Line (NCT), 0300 330 0771 Breastfeeding Support Café, Ashford, Thur 12.302pm, 01784 424759 Chertsey NICU Milk Bank, Requires Breastmilk for Prem Babies, 01932 722667 La Leche League, Breastfeeding Help & Support, 0845 120 2918 Snuggles & Cuddles, Support, Tue 12:30-14:30, Addlestone, 01932 851502 The Breastfeeding Network, Help & Support, 0870 900 8787 Tongue-Tie Breastfeeding Specialist, 1-2-1, home visits, 07870 179979
Shepperton Library, Rhymetime Mon 2pm
Sunbury Library, Rhytime Fri 10.15am & Alternate Sat 10.30am, Storytime Thur 2pm Virginia Water Library, Rhymetime Fri 10.30am, Storytime Tue 3.30pm Walton Library, Rhymetime Thur 10.30 & 11.30am, Sat 3pm, Storytime Mon (4-7yrs) 4pm West Byfleet Library, Rhyme Time for Babies Fri 10.30pm, Story Times for Under Fives Tue 2.15pm
Woking Library, Story & Rhymetime Wednesday 11am & 2.30pm
New Haw: Hopscotch Minis Baby Group, Heathervale Cnt, 01932 343588
Toddlers Monday am
Pyrford: Little Beans Story Babes, 0-1yrs, 07944 557353
Addlestone: Little Tykes, Crouch Oak Lane, Baptish Church, 01932 854195
Pyrford: Tots Praise, Church of the Good Shepherd, 01932 346345
Ashford: Butterflies, The Salvation Army, Woodthorpe Road, 01784 423424
Shepperton: Hop Little Bunnies, St John Fisher Church Hall, 07921 409402
Chertsey: Bumps & Babes, Mums to be and Babies up to walking, 01932 568758
Shepperton: Songs & Stories, Shepperton Square, 07958 474729
Chertsey: Chatters Mother & Toddler Group, Stepgates School, 01932 883533 Chertsey: Gogmore Plark Play & Learn Session, 01932 568758
Birth Registration
Cobham: Bolts Playgroup, Cobham Scout HQ, 10am-11.30am, bolts_playgroup@yahoo.com
Babywear & Equipment Cachet Kids, all clothing + christening, communion, Ashford, 01784 229660
Knaphill: Knaphill Baptist Mums and Toddlers, 01483 474083 Molesey: Little Moles, St Marys Church, St Mary’s Rd, 9.15am, 0208 941 5901
Chobham: Play & Learn at Children’s Centre, 01276 855675
Surrey Celebrants, Woking, 07763 476031
Horsell: St Mary’s Mother and Toddler Group, 01483 772134
Weybridge Library, Rhymetime Fri 10am, Stories Tue 4pm
Woking Baby Café, Breastfeeding Support, Ypod Centre GU216JD, 01483 757160
Registration of Births, Weybridge, 0300 200 1002
Hersham: Little Saints, All Saints RC Church, Queens Rd, littlesaintshersham@gmail.com
Goldworths Park: Parent & Toddler Group, St Andrews Church, 01483 750645 Hersham: Mini Gems, St Peters Church Hall, Burwood Rd, 01932 222617 Knaphill: Bumps, Babes & Toddler group for twins, triplets+, 01276 476675
Staines: Buggies & Bikes, Staines Congregational Church Hall, 01784 455313 Sunbury: Coffee Pot, The Open Door Church Centre, Green St, 01932 782005 Sunbury: NCT Baby & Babes, Loyola, St Ingatius, 01932 246997 Upper Halliford: St Andrews Baptist Tiddlers Club, The Green, 01932 219768 Virginia Water: Little Lights, Harvestime Church, 1011.30am, 01344 843341 Walton: New Creations Toddler Group, St John’s Church, 07809 298902
Knaphill: Woking Twins Club, St Hugh of Lincoln, 01483 855090
West End: West End Toddlers, Sports Pavillion, 07725 881573
Bumpsters, an initivative ALTERNATIVE cot bumper, 01932 344373
Lightwater: Parent & Toddler, Leisure Centre, The Avenue, 01276 472662
Weybridge: Smart Toddler Group, St Mary’s Church Oatlands, 01932 231274
Dresses for Gorgeous Girls, Pyrford, 01932 943000
Molesey: Little Fishes, Three Rivers Surestart Centre, 020 8481 7212
Woking: Bethany Babes (Term Time), 01483 723424
Dribblebuster - Fashion bib that catches drool, Bisley, 0844 6643663 G & S By Valentino, Knaphill, 01483 475051 Jigsaw Woking, providing pre-owned toys, clothing for 0-5yrs, info@jigsawwoking.org Kids-Biz Ltd, Baby & Childrens Clothing, Windlesham, 01276 300120 Natural Baby Shower, Organic clothing, bedding & toys, 01276 408494 Pearl Button, Bandanas, Bibs & More handmade in Spetlhorne, 07521 835395
Molesey: Molies Mother & Toddler Group, St Pauls Church, 07775 502450 Pirbright: Angel Tots, St Michaels, The Green, 01483 473332 Shepperton: Jublees Toddler Group, The Jubilee Centre, 01932 228882 Shepperton: St Nicholas Parent & Toddler Group, Parish Cntr, 01932 221621 Staines: NCTeenies, Staines Congregational Church, 0-1yr, 0794 6369178
Woking: Coigne Mums and Toddlers, Church St West, 01483 714150 Woking: St Paul’s Toddler Group, St Paul’s Church, Maybury, 01483 772081 Woking: Tots, St Marks Church, 01483 755852 Woodham: Mother and Toddler Group, All Staints Woodham, 01483 727835
Toddlers Tuesday pm
Sythwood: Teddy Toddlers, Salvation Army Hall, 1011.45am, 01483 793704
Chertsey: Sunshine Club, Chertsey Childrens Centre, 01932 568758
Room Design & Murals
Weybridge: Jack and Jill Toddler Group, St Mary’s Oatlands, 07813 891088
Cobham: BlueBelles Parent & Toddler Group, Notre Dame School, 01932 869990
Inspire Murals, specialising in children’s murals, 020 8288 1869
Woking: Brookwood Toddlers Group, Memorial Hall, 078571 61111
Walton: Mother & Toddler Group, St Mary’s Church Hall, 01932 224244
for babies from 6 months to 5yrs Wednesday in Sunbury, 10am-11am Thursday in Ashford, 10am-11am
Call Tracy 01932 788801
plus Confidence Building Course in Staines, aaaa Tue, 1.30-2.30pm, 3yrs+ (advance booking)
Toddlers Wednesday am Addlestone: Ducklings Toddler Group, Garfield Road, 01932 847674 Ashford: Butterflies, The Salvation Army, 01784 423424 Ashford: Toddlers Together Church Hall, Clarendon Rd, 07986 719674 Bagshot: Sticky Fingers Toddler Group, St Anne’s Hall, stickyfingersbagshot@gmail.com Bisley: Bisley Base Tots, Guildford Road, 07789 177127 Cobham: Baby Talk Toddler Group, St Andrews Church, 01932 862178 Esher: Toddlestop Toddlers, Esher Green Baptist Church, 01372 469800 Knaphill: Bumblebees Toddler Group (NCT), Methodist Church, 0844 243 6181 Laleham: Thameside Toddlers, Methodist Church Hall, 07899 800845 Lightwater: Parent & Toddler, Leisure Centre, The Avenue, 01276 472662 Molesey: Allsorts Baby & Toddler Group, Three Rivers Centre, 0208 481 7212 New Haw: Hopscotch, Heathervale Christian Centre, 10am, 01932 343588 New Haw: Little Rollers, 0-5yr, Heathervale Christian Centre, 01932 343588 Old Woking: Baby & Toddler Group,Old Woking Community Centre, 07823 770755 Old Woking: Sparks, St Peter’s Church Centre, 01483 722098 Ripley: Little Munchkins Playgroup, Village Hall, 07718 797688 Shepperton: St Nicholas Parent & Toddler Group, Parish Cntr, 01932 221621 Staines: Make & Do Toddler Group, Christchurch, Kingston Rd, 07551 644740 Staines: St Mary’s Playgroup, St Mary’s Church, Wraysbury Rd, 01784 450407 Virginia Water: Little Angels Toddler Group, Christ Church, 01344 844946 Walton: St Erconwald’s Church Toddler Group, 07900 020063 West Byfleet: Mother & Toddler Group, Our Ladys Catholic Ch, 07793 060077 West End Group for Childminders, 01276 858939 Weybridge: Bumps & Babes, above Weybridge Library, 07891 976 395 Weybridge: NCT Bumps & Babes, Weybridge Library 1st Floor, 07738 983521 Weybridge: Thriving Toddlers, Weybridge Children’s Centre, 01932 820106 Weybridge: Toddler Group, United Reform Church, Queens Rd, 07967 040210 Windlesham: Ma’mites, St John’s Hall, Church Road, 01276 474429 Woking: Bethany Babes (Term Time), 01483 723424 Woking: Coigne Mums and Toddlers, Church St West, 01483 714150 Woking: Heathside Corner Toddler Group, Whiterose Lane, 01483 714216 Woking: St Johns Church Toddler Group, St Johns, 07798 783820 Woking: Sunbeams Tots and Toddlers, Christ Church, 01483 740897
Toddlers Wednesday pm Ashford: Butterflies, The Salvation Army, Woodthorpe Rd, 01784 423424 Virginia Water: Cherubs Toddler Group, Christ Church, 01344 844946 West Byfleet: Baby & Toddler Group, Cornerstone St John’s, 01932 344520 West Byfleet: West Byfleet Baby & Toddler Group, 07977 202033 Woking: Sunbeams Tots and Toddlers, Christ Church, 01483 740897 Wraysbury: Toddler Group, St Andrew’s Church, 01753 689751
localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690
Toddler Time Table (Term Time unless otherwise stated) • Soft Play Areas
Your Essential Family Guide
Toddlers Thursday am
Lightwater: Parent & Toddler, Leisure Centre, The Avenue, 01276 472662
Addlestone: St Paul’s Toddlers Group, 01932 846059
Maybury: Emmanuel Chapel Toddlers, 01483 835240
Ashford: Butterflies, The Salvation Army, Woodthorpe Rd, 01784 423424
Molesey: Molies Mother & Toddler Group, St Pauls Church, 07775 502450
Bisley: Stay & Play at Bisley Village Hall, 01276 855675
New Haw: Hopscotch, Heathervale Christian Centre, 10am, 01932 343588
Chobham: Chobham Toddlers, St Lawrence Church Hall, 07733340155 Cobham: Bolts Playgroup, Cobham Scout HQ, 10am-11.30am, bolts_playgroup@yahoo.com Egham: Songs & Stories, St Paul’s Church Hall, Egham Hythe, 01784 453625 Esher: Toddlestop Toddlers, Esher Green Baptist Church, 01372 469800 Horsell: Evangelical Church Mother and Toddler Group, 01483 829880 Old Woking: Little Seeds, New Life Church, High Street, 01483 772920 Pyrford: Bumps & Babes, St Mary’s, Byfleet, 0-3yrs, 07876 416184 Pyrford: Pyrford Mother & Toddler Group, 07961 978959 Send: Little Lambs, Send Evangelical Church, 01483 351153 Sheewater: Rainbow Club, Christchurch Hall, 01932 407562 Shepperton: NCT Sponge Fingers, Shepperton Village Hall, 07801 866453
Woking: Parent and Toddler Group, 01483 740897 Woking: St Dunstan’s Mother and Toddler Group, 01483 772981
Toddlers Thursday pm Chertsey: Messy Monkeys, every other week, 01932 568758 Knaphill: Holy Trinity Parent and Toddler Group, 01483 473489 New Haw: Parent & Toddler Group, Parish of All Saints 1-3pm, 01932 340360 Pirbright: German Bilingual Playgroup, Pirbright Hall, 01483 578856 Staines: Seedlings, Staines Baptist Fellowship, Hale St, 01784 441882 Staines: Stay & Play, Haven Centre, Thorpe Road, 01784 464395 Woking: The Nest Baby Group, St John’s Memorial Hall, Woking, thenest.at.stjohns@gmail.com
Toddlers Friday am Addlestone: Little Oaks Toddler Group, Baptist Church, 01932 855852 Byfleet: Mother and Toddler Group, St Mary’s Church Hall, 01483 590536 Chertsey: Chatters Mother & Toddler Group, Stepgates School, 01932 883533 Cobham: Friday Funtime, St Andrew’s CofE School, 01932 596038 Cobham: Runtime by Cobham Sure Start, St Andrews School, 01932 596034 Englefield Green, Childminders Group, The Haven, 01784 464395 Horsell: Trinity Toddlers, Methodist Church, 01483 853565 Laleham: Mother & Toddler Group, Methodist Church Hall, 07899 800845 Lightwater: Baby & Toddler Group, All Saints Community Hall, 07917 638 565
(Siblings & childminder concessions available)
Sunbury: Parents & Toddler Group, Sunbury Methodist Church, 07944 111479
Under 5’s Birthday Parties
ay & Play
Toddlers Friday pm Egham: Playtime, St John’s Church Centre, 01784 430964 Laleham: Parent & Toddler Group, Youth Centre, Laleham, 01784 463047
Toddlers Saturday
Messy Church, Englefield Village Centre, 07952 418212
Windlesham: NCT Bumps ‘n’ Babes, Lightwater & Bagshot branch, Branch.windlesham@nct.org.uk
Opening Hours Wed / Thur / Fri 9.15am - 12pm £5 per child per session 0 to 5 years
Stanwell: Stanwell Pre-School Messy Play, Stanwell Cong Chur, 07790 310550
Stanwell: Stay & Play Session, Stanwell Childrens Cnt, 01784 241407
Windlesham: Baby & Toddler Group, The Link, St John’s Church, 01276 453886
TW17 0SL 07437 922251 littleducksstayandplay@hotmail.com
Staines: NCT Bumps & Babes, Staines Congregational Church, 0794 6369178
Staines: St Peter’s Parent & Toddler Group, Church Hall, 07972 376601
Windlesham: Baby & Toddler Group, The Link, St Johns Church, Branch.windlesham@nct.org.uk
Shepperton: Bublees Baby Group, The Jubilee Centre, 01932 228882
Chertsey: Family Club, lots of activities for under 5’s, 01932 568758
Weybridge: Toddler Group, Christ the Prince of Peace Church, 01932 842643
Hetherington Road
Ottershaw: Fledglings Mother & Toddler Group, 01932 873652
Addlestone: Dad’s Breakfast with Kids 1st Sat of Month, 07803 259954
Weybridge: Thriving Babies & Mums-2-Be, Children’s Centre, 01932 820106
Charlton Village Hall
New Haw: Little Rollers, 0-5yr, Heathervale Christian Centre, 01932 343588
Staines: Buggies & Bikes, Staines Congregational Church Hall, 01784 455313
West End: West End Toddlers, Sports Pavillion, 07887 984962
ti tle D u c k s L
New Haw: Who Let Dads Out? 0-5y Heathervale Christian Centre, 01932 343588 Saturday Play at Poplars SSCC, New Haw 1st Sat of Month, 01932 350605 Sunny Saturday Play, Weybridge Children’s Centre, 9am-12pm, 01932 820106
Toddler Special Needs Groups Chertsey: Little Stars for disabled toddlers White Lodge, 01932 567131
Mini Playhouse for 0-5 year olds
Opening Times Mon, Wed & Fri 9am - 3pm
Jacobs Well Village Hall Mon, Tue, Wed 9.30am - 12.30pm facebook.com/ MadhattersPlayhouse
07931 157769
Ashford Community Association Woodthorpe Road Ashford, TW15 3NJ
For more info please contact Amanda on
ive lus ty c Ex Par re Hi
T: 07809 411488 E: info@thesecretplayhouse.com W: www.thesecretplayhouse.com
Chertsey: Play & Learn for disabled toddlers White Lodge, 01932 567131
Soft Play & Fun for 0–5 year olds
Special Needs Activity Club, 1st Mon, Haven Centre, 0-5yrs, 01784 464395
Soft Play Areas
* Bouncy Castle * Ball Pool * * Baby Area * Sit & Rides * Café * * Free Parking *
Adventure Zone, Xcel Leisure Centre, Walton, 2-10yrs, 01932 260300 Baby Gym Stars, Spelthorne Gym, 01784 880474 Buzzy Bumbles, Squires Garden Centre, Shepperton, 01932 784121 Cheeky Chimps Soft Play Café, Dean Pavillion, East Molesey, 07732 388338
Tues, Wed & Fri 10.30am – 2.30pm
Cheeky Monkeys Soft Play, Sunbury, 0-5yrs, 07539 735145
Scout Hall, Waterers Rise, Knaphill, Woking, GU21 2HU
Creepy Crawlies, Tue & Fri, Xcel Leisure Centre, Walton, 01932 260300 David Lloyd Leisure Club Woking, Adventure Challenge 2-10yrs, 01483 722113
Hazel 07885 702 414
Egham Leisure Centre, Multi Level Play, up to 9 years, 01784 437695 Fun Tots Softplay, Chertsey, 0-5yrs, 07902 506304
Giggles Indoor Play, Bagshot, 01276 453555 Hopscotch Play, Laleham Golf Club, Chertsey, 0-5yrs, 01932 564211 Jumping Jacks Soft Play, Hersham, 01932 222812 Kidabulous, Sunbury, 0-12yrs, 01932 500370 Kids Zone, Brookwood, 01483 472827 Little Ducks Soft Play, Charlton Village, 0-5yrs, 07437 922251 Madhatters Playhouse, Jacobs Well, 0-5yrs, 07931 157769 Mini Me’s Soft Play, Esher, 01372 878225 Pick ‘n’ Mix, Woking Leisure Centre, Holidays & Weekend ONLY, 01483 771122 Piglets Play Centre, Hersham, 01932 241323 Planet Zoom Soft Play, Woking, 01483 727100 PlayZone Spelthorne Leisure Centre, FREE, under 5’s, 01784 493493 Rainbow Tots, Soft Play, Knaphill, 07885 702414
Private Birthday Parties Available
l ay D Party Shop & Soft P
Tel: 01932 344105
43 Station Approach West Byfleet KT14 6NE www.wendyhouseparty.co.uk Playden and Soft play located next to West Byfleet station. Open 7 days a week. Suitable for babies up to children age 8. We have lots to entertain children including large bouncy castle, ball pond, sit and rides, mini trampoline, slides, train ride. We also have a well stocked party shop specialising in balloons for all occasions. We hold exclusive childrens parties for children age 1 to 8. We also hold non exclusive parties Monday to Friday for smaller numbers (8 to 14 children) at £8 a head including party food. Soft Play Area, Crockford Bridge Farm, Addlestone, 01932 852630 The Play Café Sandown Park, Esher, under 5’s, 01372 469260 The Secret Playhouse, Ashford Community Hall, Ashford, 0-5yrs, 07809 411488
Distributed to North West Surrey within Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking boroughs
Tiny Tots, Egham Leisure Centre, Mon & Fri, 1yr 5yrs, 01784 437695 Wendyhouse Soft Play Den, West Byfleet, 0-5yrs, 01932 344105 Wizz Kidz, Walton, 01932 269038
Where did you find these services? Tell advertisers in your Local Family Directory
Preschool Dance • Preschool Drama
Your Essential Family Guide
Ballet Tots
An exciting & fun filled introduction into the magical world of classical ballet taught by a Royal Ballet trained teacher
in association with
Rebecca Jackson Dance Academy
Ballet Tots is ideal for girls & boys from 2-4yrs helps develop co-ordination, posture & rhythmical awareness Budding Ballerina classes 4+yrs Musical Theatre classes 5+yrs Royal Academy of Dance syllabus classes 5+yrs Fully qualified, registered RAD teachers and professional dancers. Classes Monday - Friday in Pyrford (nr Woking) Call Rebecca on 07906 33 98 43
www.ballettots.co.uk Netmums Winner Best pre-school activity in Surrey Imaginative, Energetic Dance 2-14yrs & Adult Classes Movement with Melody Bear ® (pre-school dance) 2 -4yrs RAD Ballet 5-14yrs Contemporary Dance 10-14yrs ‘Discovering Zumba®, BalletBeFit™ and fulfilling the potential Weight Management, Personal Training of each child Workshops, Examinations, Performances Fullbrook School, New Haw and nurturing All Saints Church, Woodham their creative St James School, Weybridge development’ The Green School, Isleworth
Now in Woking, West Byfleet, Frimley Green, Guildford & Mytchett
Call Liz on 07714 401642
Parties for children up to 7!
Kate’s School of Dance info@katesschoolofdance.co.uk www.katesschoolofdance.co.uk 07957 639 460
Preschool Dance Angelina Ballerina Classes at Kelli Dixon Academy, Ashford, 07956 696509 Baby & Nursery Ballet, Woking, 3 - 4yrs, 07711 322 512 Baby Ballet Academy, Staines, Egham & Virginia Water, 3yrs+, 0794 642 9883 Baby Ballet Woking, Weybridge & Cobham, 07881 496275
Hot Steppers School of Dance
Ballet Bugs, Molesey & Hersham, 18m - 5yrs, 07889 621207 Ballet Tots, Ballet for boys & girls 2-4yrs, Pyrford, 07906 339843
Camberley • Lightwater •Frimley Green
Zumba for Kids • Pre-School Tap & Disco • Street • Tap • Ballet • Jazz
Classes running in
Sunbury & Esher
Jennifer Todd School of Dance
offers classes for children from 2yrs to adults in ISTD Ballet, Tap & Modern, Jazz, Cheerleading and Street dance.
Classes at Old Woking Community Centre on Tuesdays & Saturdays For more information, to book a place or a free trial please contact Jenny on:
07989306660 jennifertoddsd@hotmail.co.uk
Trial Class
Kingston & Walton classes coming soon!
Angela on 07944 506140 angela.jeffery@diddidance.com
Budding Ballerina Classes for 4-6yrs, Pyrford, 07906 339843
FIRST SESSION FREE! 07813 071412 andreabelcher04@gmail.com *Also run parties up to 7yrs*
www.under5sjives.co.uk Preschool Drama & Theatre BKD Performers Junior Musical Theatre Classes, Woking, 4yrs+, 07711 322 512 Mini Monkeys Musical Theatre, 4-7yrs, 01483 730603
Classical Ballet Centre, Lightwater, 2½yr+, 07979 496140
Mini Musical Madness, West Byfleet & Sheerwater, 4yrs+, 07876 177615
Diddi Dance, Sunbury, Esher & Walton, 07944 506140
Plays & Workshops for ages 2-12yrs, 01483 724633
Diddi Dance, Woking & West Byfleet, 2-4yrs, 07714 401642
Theatre Bugs, Weybridge, 1-5yrs, 01483 882244
Diddi Dance, Woking, West Byfleet & Lightwater, 2-4yrs, 01483 474706
07732887314 hotsteppers@hotmail.co.uk
Fir st cla trial ss is F
BKD Performers, Woking, 3yrs+, 07711 322 512
Under 5’s Jives
Pre-school music & movement classes Mondays at Chobham Pavilion
DreamBabies, Surrey, 2-4yrs, 07854 395311 Dynamic Tots, Dance, Perform, Act, Woking & Weybridge 2-5yrs, 07766 077043 InStep School of Dance, Laleham, Staines & Weybridge, 3yrs+, 07725 343369
Theatre Tots, Hersham, 07741 495466
Preschool Music Crazy Hazy Songtime, nursery rhymes, Sunbury & Ashford, 0-5y, 01932 788801 Dot to Dot, Music & Crafts, Elmbridge, 1-4yrs, 07900 020063 Jinglebabies & Jingletots, Ashford, 01784 423424 Jo Jingles, Cobham, 07751 438943
Jennifer Todd School of Dance, Woking, 07989 306660 Kate’s School of Dance, Addlestone Chertsey & Weybridge 2yr+, 07957 639460
Jolly Babies, 0-1 yrs, Lightwater & West End (Woking), 07511 493244 Jolly Babies, 0-1yrs, Staines, 07812 542293
Little Primas First Steps, Valley End & Windlesham, 18m+, 01276 476667
Jolly Babies, Goldsworth Park, 0-1yrs, 07905 913376
MM Dancecraft, Esher, 2-7yrs, 0208 399 6276 Molesey School of Ballet, 2½yrs+, 01932 227456
Lucy’s Monday Music & Movement at Molies, East Molesey, 07900 246262
Nina Monteiro Ballet School, Hersham 2½ - 11yrs, 07794 520 068
Mad Academy Bagshot, Lightwater & Chobham, 07784 484482
Pyjama Drama, Cobham, Esher, Walton & Weybridge, 01932 807150 Terri Jayne School of Dance, Chobham, 2½yrs+, 01276 474275
Little Dance Stars, Ottershaw, 2yrs+, 01932 342069
Mad Academy, Staines, Stanwell & Ashford, 07746 922648 Merry-Go-Round Music, Molesey Hall, 1-5yrs, 07743 161303
Tiptoes Pre-School Ballet & Musical Movement, Chobham/Woking, 07790 823434
Monkey Music, Chertsey, Byfleet, Ottershaw, Pyrford, Knaphill, Horsell, Ripley 3m-4yrs, 01932 429240
Totsdance, Cobham, Hersham & Weybridge, 18m-3yrs, 07970 910066
Monkey Music, Cobham, Hersham, Molesey & Weybridge, 0208 224 0096
localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690
Preschool Gym & Fitness • Preschool Music
FAMILY DIRECTORY Your Essential Family Guide
Construction Begins on The Little Gym of Cobham It’s only a matter of time before children in the local area will be bouncing, tumbling, skipping and jumping at The Little Gym of Cobham. Construction of the new location of the motor skill-development facility will get underway with an official groundbreaking at Unit 3 Silverglade Business Park, Leatherhead Road, Surrey, KT9 2QL. Offering a curriculum-based core program of gymnastics and other programs to promote coordination, balance, rhythm and flexibility, The Little Gym is based on a philosophy of allowing kids to experience success in a fun, caring and non-competitive way. Children’s listening, social and cognitive capacities are all enhanced in the process, as students are encouraged to progress at their own pace. “I am delighted to bring The Little Gym and its values to the Cobham area,” said Glynis Sutherland owner of The Little Gym of Cobham. “Our nurturing and supportive environment will enable local children to build their confidence, which will result in happy kids who are secure in their interactions at home, at play and in the classroom.” Classes at The Little Gym are designed for children between the ages of four months and 12 years, and are taught by trained and caring instructors who provide individual attention and positive feedback to reward every student’s efforts. Although gymnastics is at the base of The Little Gym’s curriculum, classes also incorporate sports, games, listening and cooperation. For more information about The Little Gym of Cobham, please contact Glynis Sutherland at 07515 853 336.
Monkey Music, Esher, 3m - 4yrs, 01932 223309 Music with Mummy Lightwater & West End, 07511 493244 Music with Mummy, 1-3yrs, Staines, 07812 542293 Music with Mummy, Englefield, Egham, Thorpe & Virginia Water, 07874 050034 Music with Mummy, Goldsworth Park, 1-3yrs, 07905 913376 Music, Mime & Movement, Walton, 2½-5yrs, 01932 254198 Onik & Fizz, Music, Songs, Action Classes, Hersham, 6m-4yrs, 01932 961422 Songs & Stories, Shepperton, 07958 474729
E: woking@monkeymusic.co.uk T: 01932 429240 Ottershaw Brook Hall, KT16 0HG Byfleet Village Hall, KT14 7QL Horsell Bowling Club, GU21 4SS
St. John's Youth Centre, GU21 7QN Pyrford Village WM Hall, GU22 8SP Woking Leisure Centre, GU22 9BA
WEYBRIDGE - COBHAM, HERSHAM, MOLESEY, WALTON-ON-THAMES E: weybridge.cobham@monkeymusic.co.uk T: 020 8224 0096 Cobham Methodist Church, KT11 2AA Hersham Village Hall, KT12 5LT Oatlands St. Mary's Church, KT13 9TS
Weybridge Hall, KT13 8DX Molesey Vine Hall, KT8 9LF Walton-On-Thames, KT12 1LG
Group discounts for NCT members when 3+ people join together at the same time.
British Gymnastics Registered Club offering classes from 4yrs+ Cleves Academy Weybridge
Totsercise! Our new pre-school class for 2+ years
Songs & Stories, Egham, 0-4yrs, 01784 453625 Stepping Notes Music School, Englefield Green, 2-8yrs, 01932 241196 Story & Song Group, The Haven Childrens Centre, Englefield, 01784 464395 Tempo Tots, Staines,Woking 3m-4yrs, 07956 447118 Tiny Tunes, Cobham, Staines & Weybridge, 3m-5yrs, 07977 585020
St. Mary Oatlands, Weybridge Tel: 07960 568 754 E: AMcAvera@hotmail.co.uk www.WeybridgeGymnastics.co.uk
Under 5’s Jives, Chobham, 8m-4.5yrs, 07813 071412 Zebedee’s Music, Horsell, 6m-4yrs, 07816 172225
Preschool Gym and Fitness Backflip Performers, Woking & Webridge, 4yrs+, 0208 940 7998 FunFit Club, New Haw, 3-12yrs, 01932 843471 Gymboree, Walton, 01932 221371 Kindergym, Woking Gymnastics Club, 12m - 5 years, 01483 771426 Spelthorne Gymnastics, Ashford, 2½-5yrs, 01784 880474 Sporty Kidz, 2-4yrs+, Surrey, 01276 856182 Terri Jayne Gym Club, Lightwater, 4yrs+, 01276 474275 The Little Gym Cobham, Oxshott, 4m-12yrs, 07515 853 336 Toddlers Gym & Tramp, 3-4 yrs, Egham, 01784 437695 Yoga Seedlings, Bagshot, 01276 452489 Yoganory parties for 3- 2yrs, Woking, 07725 402650
Distributed to North West Surrey within Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking boroughs
Where did you find these services? Tell advertisers in your Local Family Directory
Preschool Sports • Preschool Language & Art
Your Essential Family Guide
Skill Zone, Soccer & Multi Sports, 4yrs+, 07766 143114 Small Wonders Little Kickers, Shepperton, Weybridge, 18m-2½, 01932 847439 Sporty Kidz, Fun Fitness Classes 2-4yrs+, throughout Surrey, 01276 856182
‘....where fitness is fun for everyone’ Children’s FUN Fitness Club for 3 to 14 years Term Time Classes Holiday Club Saturday Club Holiday Club Parties Nursery Classes Parties for more details contact Helen Morris 01932 843471 www.funfit.co.uk
Fun & Active Sports Classes 18mths to 9 years
TDK Tigers, Total Kids Defence Classes, Egham, 2-6yrs, 07949 745555 Topspin Monkeys Byfleet, Weybridge & Cobham, 07779 130596 Tots Tennis Woking Tennis Club, 3-4yrs, 077230 91969 Tots Tennis, Churchfield Park, Weybridge, 3-4yrs, 07711 576030 Tots Tennis, David Lloyd, Woking, 3-5yrs, 01483 712905 Tots Tennis, Woking Lawn Tennis Club, 3-4yrs, 01483 730104
Preschool Arts & Crafts Dib Dab Art Club, Cobham & Esher, 3-8yrs, 07801 368559 Dot to Dot, Music & Crafts, Elmbridge, 1-4yrs, 07900 020063 Little Acorns Art Club, Shepperton, 18m - 5yrs, 07813 171107 Messy Church, St Andrews UR Church, Walton, 3rd Sun a month, 0844 884 2828 Messy Mondays at Weybridge Children’s Centre, 0-5yrs, 01932 820106 Play & Art Drop in Session, Weybridge Children’s Centre, 0-5, 01932 820106
Free Trial No Joining Fees
The Creation Station Woking, 07516 401835 The Creation Station Sunbury, 07854 005640
Contact Rebecca Ward
The Creation Station, Weybridge, Esher & Hersham, 07592 504464
07843 283 830
Preschool Cookery Cookie Tots, cooking for 2-4 yrs, New Haw, 07954 149739
Preschool Sport
Preschool Language Classes
1st Touch Football Coaching, Sunbury & Walton, 3-12yrs, 07792 663338
Busy Buttons CS: Art & Spanish/French, Windsor, 3yrs+, 07952 418212
Abbey Rangers Community Soccer School, 3-6yrs, 07711 042588
Chattertots Francais, Englefield Green & Virginia Water, 6m+, 07989 418179
Catch-a-Balls, Esher, Hersham, Claygate, 020 8398 3034 Enjoy-a-Ball, Woking, 3yrs+, 07843 283830
French Fun Classes, Fun Games/Puppets, New Haw, 3yrs+, 07946 816844
Footie Tots, Spelthorne Area, 2-5yrs, 07931 707720
German Saturday School, Pirbright, 01483 825707
Kiddikicks, Byfleet, Molesey, Pyrford & Weybridge, 18m-7yrs, 01932 489335
Linguaplay Russian School, Saturday Classes, Woking, 3yrs+, 07513 726307
Kiko Soccer Schools, Cobham, Hersham & Weybridge, walking-5, 01372 273505
Preschool Phonics & Literacy
Letz Play Sports Tots Football & Tennis, Addlestone & Woking, 07527 649388
Bright Little Stars, Esher, 07871 493083
Little All Sports, Walton, 1½ - 5yrs, 07806 094641 Little Kickers, Toddler Football, Chobham, 2-5yrs, 01276 600393 Little Kicks, Toddler Football, Byfleet, Pyrford, 18m-2½yrs, 01932 847439 Little Rugby, Toddler Football, Chobham, 2-5yrs, 01276 600393
available in the UK
Little Sports Stars, 07722 334864
Australia’s largest
multi-sport & exercise
Muddy Boots Kids Sports, 07791 886348 MultiSports Little Sporties Classes, Woking, 4 & 5 years, 0844 3350450
programme for children aged 2–7 years
Your local Ready Steady Go Kids classes are held at:
St Michaels Church Hall
Ignite your child’s passion for sport and exercise
Ashford, TW15 2QD Shepperton, TW17 9AU
Matthew Arnold Sports Centre
Pro Elite Martial Arts Woking, 3yrs+, 07710 252727
Staines, TW18 1PF
Call the team or visit us online for class times.
Planet Soccer, Addlestone, Ottershaw & Virginia Water, 4-12, 07919 206146 Playball, Esher, Hersham & Molesey, 2-6yrs, 07538 700951
Shepperton Village Hall
Ready Steady Go Kids, Spelthorne, 2-7yrs, 0800 6906591 FR AV AN AI CH LA IS BL ES E
www.rsgk.co.uk info@rsgk.co.uk 0800 690 6591
Physi-Ball, Toddler Skills Through Play, Woking, 18m-2.5yrs, 07843 283830
Rugby Tots, Hersham & Woking, 2-5yrs, 08453 136704 Rugger Kids, 2-7 year olds, 07789 773835 Rugger Rascals, Esher & Cobham, 2yrs+, 07505 582938
Phonic4Fun, Bisley, 2 year olds, 01483 487714 Phonics for Four Year-Olds, Bisley, 3 and 4 year olds, 01483 487714
Preschool Other Classes Crazy Hazy Songtime, nursery rhymes, Sunbury & Ashford, 0-5y, 01932 788801 E-TOTs, Computer Sessions for Preschool Children, 01483 480322 Play & Learn, Advanced Booking-Free, Pyrford Children Centre, 01932 339055 Playschool Mornings, Woking Leisure Centre, 18m-5yrs, 01483 771122 Story & Song Group, The Haven Childrens Centre, Englefield, 01784 464395 Tea time with Dad, play & tea for Dads & Kids, Haven Centre, 01784 464395
Toy Libraries Addlestone Toy Library, The Kings Centre, for all families, 01932 840432 Spelthorne Toy Library, Stanwell Youth Centre, 01784 463200
localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690
Daycare Nurseries
FAMILY DIRECTORY Your Essential Family Guide
Daycare Nurseries
Chertsey: White Lodge Centre Nursery, 2-5yrs, 01932 567131
Addlestone: Dawny’s Day Care, 3m - 5yrs, 01932 988202
Chobham: Pennypot Day Nursery, Pennypot Lane, 3m - 5yrs, 01276 855886
Ashford: First Steps Nursery, Ashford Hosp, 3m-5yrs, 01784 884757
Chobham: Summerfield House Day Nursery, 3m-5, 01276 856556
Ashford: Footprints Day Nursery, 3m-5yrs, 01784 257747
Cobham: Little Acorns Day Nursery, 3m-5yrs, 01932 864675
Ashford: Little Gems Childcare, 0-5yrs, 01784 421139
Cobham: Merrileas Day Nursery, Stoke d’Abernon, 2½-5yrs, 01932 862749
Bagshot: Little Echoes Day Nursery, 3m - 5yrs, 01276 453113
Cobham: Red Balloon Day Nursery, 3m-5yrs, 01932 866505
Chertsey: First Steps Day Nursery, St Peter’s Hospital, 3m-5, 01932 722192
Egham: Bizz Kidz Day Nursery, 2-5yrs, 07867 124346
Chertsey: Lyne and Longcross Nursery, 2-4yrs, 01932 875274
Egham: Englefield Green Nursery, 3m - 5yrs, 0800 085 4074
Chertsey: Rainbow Nursery, Lyne, 3m - 5yrs, 01932 570888
Egham: The Egham Nursery & Preschool Academy, 3m-5yrs, 01784 438713
Kiddiwinks Child Care has been providing
high quality full and part day-care for children aged from 3 months to 5 years since 1996. The nursery is conveniently situated mid-way between Woking and West Byfleet stations and has on-site parking. We operate a biometric door access system for parents to facilitate drop off and pick up times. The nursery is open 7.30am to 6.00pm for 51 weeks of the year to meet the needs of working parents. We also offer morning and afternoon sessions, and the Early Years Free Entitlement sessions for children aged 3 and over each term-time morning. Please contact us to check current availability. As well as a genuine love of children, all our staff have a child care qualification, plus first aid and child protection training. Several staff have been with us for many years looking after 2nd/3rd children from the same families. Our meals are freshly prepared and cooked on the premises daily. We provide a well-balanced menu for breakfast, lunch and tea, as well as healthy snacks and drinks. The children spend time outside each day in one of our garden areas. Inside and out, they take part in a wide range of activities planned to meet each child’s individual needs and interests, as required by the Early Years Foundation Stage. If you would like further information about the nursery, or would like to arrange a visit, please call us on
01932 350039 or visit our website at
Distributed to North West Surrey within Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking boroughs
Where did you find these services? Tell advertisers in your Local Family Directory
Daycare Nurseries
Your Essential Family Guide
White Lodge Centre Nursery – a very special place
Our nursery caters for all children aged five years and under, including those with cerebral palsy or similar conditions. We provide the highest quality nursery care and education focusing on the development of each individual child. Children are encouraged by highly experienced staff to explore and learn through play in a caring, encouraging and stimulating environment.
Ofsted registered: Identified as an Outstanding Nursery
Daydream Nurseries Ltd quality care from 3months - 5yrs
We offer quality care from 8.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday
To book your appointment please phone Jayne Noble on 01483 714827 www.daydream-nursery.co.uk
Round and Round the Gardens Childcare
Monday to Friday 9.30 – 3.30 term time only Flexible hours for 15 hours free childcare Follows the Early Years Foundation curriculum
5 Large Garden Areas
Outstanding facilities, beautiful landscaped play areas Contact Lesley Green for more information or to arrange a visit to view the nursery. Call: 01932 577983 Email: lgreen@whitelodgecentre.co.uk White Lodge Centre, Holloway Hill, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 0AE 01932 567131 Take a virtual tour online whitelodgecentre.co.uk
Little Echoes
A wonderful full day care setting in Pyrford, Surrey. Offering childcare from 8am - 6pm Monday to Friday, 51 weeks per year. Lovely natural environment with 5 large play areas for all children in our unique, fun and stimulating surroundings.
10% sibling discount and 10% army families discount available Call us to find out more information on - 01932 355322 or visit our website - roundandroundthegardens.co.uk Jack Temple Building, Pyrford Road, Surrey, GU22 8UQ
Day Nursery
Convenient for families who live in Bagshot, Windlesham & Lightwater We are a private day nursery located at
Whitmoor Road, Bagshot GU19 5AE A small friendly Nursery
For children aged 3 months to 5 years Open 51 weeks a year
Ofsted Approved & Inspected
Offering full days 8am till 6pm and a range of half days
From 3 months to 5 years
We also offer FEET funding for two year olds as well as funded sessions for 3-5years
Full and part time sessions High Ratio of Qualified Staff Childcare vouchers accepted
For more information please contact the nursery manager 01276 453113 | www.littleechoes.co.uk
Registered for 3 & 4 year old funding CCTV & air conditioned rooms Open 7am - 6pm, 51 weeks of the year For more information, please call or visit our website
www.littlecherub.com 01932 348348 60 Station Road, West Byfleet
localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690
Montessori Nurseries • Preschools
FAMILY DIRECTORY Your Essential Family Guide
doodles II
Small, 6-Place Day-Care Nursery with two NVQ-qualified staff for children from 3m to school age Open 8:00am to 6:00pm Mon-Fri Run from a private house, the nursery offers a very relaxed “home from home” atmosphere for children
For information, please contact: Mrs J. Charge, 26 Keston Avenue, New Haw, Addlestone, KT15 3EF
01932 888342
Rainbow Day Nursery & Pre-School
in Sunbury
We cater for children aged 2-5 years. Offer half sessions and full days. Education Grant available for 3-5yr olds. Open term time only. Children need not be toilet trained. Your children can play and learn in a fun, safe and friendly environment. Come and see what activities we have available and have a chat about you and your child’s needs.
Call Kathryn on
020 8751 2304 or 020 8890 7162
Daycare Nurseries cont... Esher: Esher Day Nursery, Hinchley Wood, 0203 780 3042 Esher: Horseshoe Day Nursery, 3m-5yrs, 01372 473970 Esher: Teddies Nursery, 3m - 5yrs, 01372 210904
Staines: Knowle Green Day Nursery, 6weeks-5yrs, 01784 464141 Staines: Playtime Nursery, 3m-5yrs, 01784 457514 Staines: Roslin Day Nursery, 3m-5yrs, 01784 462028 Staines: Springtime Day Nursery, 3m-5yrs, 01784 464316 Staines: Staines Day Nursery, 2-7yrs, 01784 442929 Stanwell: Jollies House Day Nursery, 2-5yrs, 01932 267700 Sunbury: Pavilion Day Nursery, 3m-5yrs, 01932 780005 Sunbury: Sunshine Nursery, 2-5yrs, 01932 786586 Sunbury: The High Scope Nursery, 2½-4yrs, 07958 441712 Walton: The Danesfield Manor Early Years Centre, 01932 220930 Walton: Toad Hall Nursery, 3m - 5yrs, 01932 226975 West Byfleet: Little Cherubs Full Daycare Nursery, 3m - 5yrs, 01932 348348 West Byfleet: Positive Steps Day Nursery, 6m-5yrs, 01932 347061 Weybridge: Cherrylands Nursery, 3m-5 years, 01932 354175 Weybridge: Churchfield House, 3mths-5yrs, 01932 854465 Weybridge: Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery, 3m-5yrs, 01932 988400 Weybridge: Red Balloon Day Nursery, 3m - 5yrs, 01932 842800 Windlesham: Hatton Hill Day Nursery, 3m - 5yrs, 01276 474764 Woking: Asquith Nursery, David Lloyd, 2-5yrs, 01483 712910 Woking: Bright Horizons Day Nursery - Opening Jan 2016, 01483 617711 Woking: Busy Bees, Knaphill, 3m-5yr, 01483 797966 Woking: Caring Daycare Nurseries, 0-5yrs, 01483 729330 Woking: Christopher Robin Day Nursery, 3m to 5 yrs, 01483 757507 Woking: Daydream Nurseries, Hillersdon, 3m - 5yrs, 01483 714827 Woking: Golden Owls Day Nursery, Goldsworth Park, 2-4yrs, 01483 728276 Woking: Kiddiwinks Day Nursery, Bishop David Brown, 3m-5yrs, 01932 350039
Hersham: Lilliput Children’s Centre, 01932 252202
Woking: Noah’s Ark Day Nursery, 0-5, 01483 233832
Hersham: The Nest Day Nursery, 3m-5yrs, 01932 247449
Woking: Stepping Stones St Dunstans Nursery, 3-5, 01483 730052
Lightwater: Major Minors, MacDonald Road, 3m-5yrs, 01276 453 595 Molesey: Home from Home Children’s Day Care, 6m+, 0208 941 8312 Molesey: Little Crickets, 3m-5yrs, 020 8979 2800 Molesey: Sapphires Nursery School, 3m-5yrs, 07932 164376 New Haw: Cherrybrook Nursery, 3m - 5, 01932 336662 New Haw: Doodles II, 3m-5yrs, 01932 888342 New Haw: Teddies on a Rainbow, 2-5, 01932 352516 Ottershaw: Toad Hall Nursery, 3m-5, 01932 874286 Pirbright: Cherrywood Nursery, 3m - 5yrs, 01483 799514 Pirbright: Pirbright Day Nursery, 2-5, 01483 797554 Pyrford: Round and Round the Gardens Childcare, 1-5yrs, 01932 355322 Ripley: Toad Hall Nursery, 3m-5, 01483 222020
Woking: Teddies Nurseries, The Grove, 3m-5, 01483 770054 Woking: The Fun Factory Nursery, 01483 766473 Woking: Toad Hall, 3m-5yrs, 01462 427020
Preschools Elmbridge
Merry-Go-Round, Weybridge, 2½-5yrs, 07792 449235
Bell Farm Primary School Nursery, Hersham, 3-5yrs, 01932 224009
Penny Farthing Nursery, Weybridge, 2½-5yrs, 07803 131742
Building Blocks Preschool & Daycare, Walton, 2-5yrs, 07887 393938
River Mole Pre-school, Esher, 2-5yrs, 01372 802419
Burwood Playgroup, Hersham, 2-5yrs, 01932 988120
Stoke Tots Nursery School, Stoke D’Adbernon, 01932 865339
Children’s Workshops, East Molesey, 2½-5yrs, 0208 979 0692
Oatlands Preschool, Weybridge, 01932 850143
St Barnabas Playgroup, Molesey, 2-5yrs, 020 8941 6375
Tiddlers Pre-School, Hersham, 2-4yrs, 07975 561884
Flying Start Pre-School, Molesey, 2-5yrs, 07976 041790
Young Explorers, Cobham, 2-5yrs, 07950 166338
Happy Days Preschool, Webybridge, 2-4yrs, 07894 077408
Preschools Runnymede
Happy Stars Preschool, Hersham, 2-5yrs, 07931 267863
Addlestone Preschool, within Ongar Place School, 2½-4yrs, 01932 851744
Honeypots Preschool, Walton & Weybridge, 2½5yrs, 01932 829275
Montessori Nurseries
Little Angels Nursery, Cobham, 2 ½-5yrs, 07990 578682
Blossom Montessori School, Woking, 2½-4, 01483 488292
Little Squirrels Nursery, Walton, 2-5yr, 07598 159248
Little Sparrows Nursery, Esher, 2-5yrs, 07946 520738
Buckles and Bows Preschool Nursery, Addlestone, 2½-5, 01932 827556 Chertsey Nursery School, 3-5yrs, 01932 568758 Englefield Green Village Pre-School, 2½-5yrs, 01784 431230
Bluebell Montessori, Byfleet, 2-4yrs, 07568 552363
Farthings Nursery School, Ottershaw, 2½-5yrs, 01932 840179
Caring Daycare Nurseries, Woking, 0-5yrs, 01483 729330
Footprints Pre-School, Addlestone, 2-5yrs, 07773 813 569
Carol’s Montessori Day Nursery, Woking, 3m-5yrs, 01483 776229
Frog Hollow Nursery School, Thorpe, 3-4yrs (AM Only), 01932 565252
Cobham Montessori Nursery School, Cobham, 2-5yrs, 01932 863397
TEL: 01483 476361
Englefield Green Montessori School, 2½-5yrs, 01784 472668
Manorcroft Nursery, Egham, 2½-5yrs, 01784 438977 Minus 5 Preschool, Addlestone, 01932 820811 Playbox St John’s Pre-school Nursery, Egham, 2½5yrs, 01784 605408 Sunbeams Pre-School, Chertsey, 2½-5, 01932 562394
Milton Hall Montessori School, Englefield Green, 2-5yrs, 07949 824326
The Egham Nursery & Preschool Academy, 3m-5yrs, 01784 438713
Shepperton: First Learning, 3m-5yrs, 01932 260600
Rosalita Edwards Montessori, Molesey, 2-5yrs, 07956 104785
Shepperton: Jollies House Day Nursery, 2-5yrs, 01932 267700
Stagecoach Montessori School, Walton, 2-5yrs, 01932 256214
The Nursery School, Addlestone, 2½-5yrs, 07917 446848
Shepperton: Kids Club Daycare, 2m-5yrs, 01932 221423
The Bisley Montessori Nursery School, Bisley, 2-5yrs, 01483 476361
The Squirrels Preschool, Chertsey, 07840 208616
Shepperton: Playtime Nursery, 3m-5yrs, 01932 246747
Wendover Montessori, Staines, 2½-5yrs, 01784 557348
The Grove Nursery, New Haw, 2-5, 07951 128086
skylake.bisleymontessori@gmail.com www.bisleymontessori.co.uk
Distributed to North West Surrey within Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking boroughs
Thorpe Nursery Pre-School, Thorpe, 01932 569592 Virginia Water Community Preschool, 2½-5yrs, 01344 842892
Where did you find these services? Tell advertisers in your Local Family Directory
Your Essential Family Guide
Magical Moments Preschool Westfield Open 9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday Ages 2 to 5 years Contact Sharon or Liz 07875 569495 / 07450 405 530 Email: sharon@mmpreschool.co.uk
phonics4.co.uk A Fun Approach!
Reading, Writing and Spelling for rising 4 year-olds - helping to gently prepare for school
Jackie Smith 01483 487714
Little Lanes Preschool Maybury for ages 2 to 5 years
* Conveniently located in Maybury
* Beautifully equipped premises, large garden
* A nurturing and stimulating environment * am and pm sessions for children aged 2+ * Our multi-age room fosters independence * We encourage responsibility and respect
Please contact info@littlelanesmaybury.co.uk or 07936 016134 The Maybury Centre, Board School Road, Maybury Woking GU21 5HD
Preschools Guildford
Preschools Surrey Heath
German Bilingual Playgroup, Pirbright Village Hall, 01483 578856
Bagshot Community Preschool, Bagshot Infant School, 2½-5yrs, 01276 452623
Little Owl Playgroup, Send, 2-5, 01483 212669
Bagshot Preschool, Bagshot, 2-5yrs, 01276 475395
Ripley Preschool, Ripley CofE School, 2½yrs+, 01483 225307
Bisley Preschool, 2½-5yrs, 07855 194070
The Ark, Ripley, mixed, 2½ - 5yrs, 01483 225217
Jackanory Preschool, Chobham, 2-5, 01276 857209
Preschools Spelthorne
Lightwater Nursery School, 2-5yrs, 07730 220804
Angels Preschool, Wraysbury, 3-5yrs, 0794 4848347 Clarendon Primary School Nursery, Ashford, 2-4yrs, 01784 253379 Cygnets Nursery, Littleton, 3yrs+, 01932 240333
Young Explorers Pre-School Woking Onslow Crescent
Pre-school am/pm/all day sessions for rising 3’s - 5 years
Through play we explore to learn & together we all grow! • Monday – Friday, 8.45am – 15.15pm, 38 weeks per year • Privately run Pre-school based on the grounds of a school • Superb indoor/large secure outdoor learning environment • Located within walking distance of town/train/bus station • Good Ofsted Inspection
For more information please contact 01483 730052 or email info@youngexplorerswoking.co.uk
Happytots Preschool, Ashford, 2½-5yrs, 01784 243570 Jack In The Box Playschool, Sunbury, 2½-5yrs, 01932 761273 Laleham Church Playgroup, 2½-5yrs, 01784 463047 Little Angels, St Andrews Church, Wraysbury, 2-4yrs, 0794 4848347 Our Lady of the Rosary Playschool, Staines, 01784 460506
Little Grove Pre-School is an independent pre-school set in the grounds of Hall Grove School, Bagshot. Follows the revised Early Years Foundation Stage. ● Takes boys and girls from 2-5 years
Little Villagers Pre-School is an independent pre-school set in the grounds of Windlesham Village Infant School. Follows the revised Early Years Foundation Stage. ● Takes boys and girls from 2-5 years
● Very high adult: child ratio
● Very high adult: child ratio
● Outstanding Ofsted report in all areas
● Outstanding Ofsted reports in all areas
● Excellent grounds and facilities ● Quality Assurance Scheme
Tel: 01276 473434
Little Villagers Pre-School
● Superb outside play area ● Quality Improvement award
Tel: 01276 473845
Little Grove Pre-School, Bagshot, 2 - 5 years, 01276 473434 Little Lotties Preschool, Chobham, 2-5yrs, 07884 238153 Little Villagers Pre-school, Windlesham, 2-5yrs, 01276 473845 Phonics for Four Year-Olds, Bisley, 3 and 4 year olds, 01483 487714 Skylark Nursery, Chobham, 3-5yrs, 01276 855707 Squirrel’s Nursery, Chobham, 2-5yrs, 01276 451841 The Cabin and Briars Centre, Lightwater Village School, 01276 65616 Windlesham Village Pre-School, 2-5 yrs, 07932 008323
Pomfrett Cottage Nursery, Sunbury, 2-5yrs, 01932 779556
Preschools Woking
Pumpkins Preschool, Wraysbury, 2-5yrs, 07500 224115
ABC Preschool, Westfield, Woking, 2½-4, 077331 38895
Rainbow Playgroup, Salvation Army, Ashford, 2½4yrs, 01784 423424
Beaufort Preschool, Goldsworth Park, 2-5yrs, 01483 488787
Rainbow Preschool, Sunbury, 3-5yrs, 020 8751 2304
Bright Sparks Nursery, Sythwood, 2-5yrs, 07563 798066
Roseacre Playgroup, Shepperton, 07846 750663 Saint Michael Catholic Nursery, 2-4yrs, 01784 253333 Scallywags Nursery, Staines, 2½-5yrs, 07931 341002
Little Grove Pre-School
Blossom Pre-School, Valley End, 2½-4, 01483 488292
Scallywags, Staines, 2-5yrs, 07793 849192 Shepperton Preschool, Shepperton, 3-5yrs, 01932 240333
Foundations Community Pre-School, Old Woking, 2-5yrs, 07553 988109 Holy Trinity Pre-School, Knaphill, 2.5-4yrs, 01483 473489 International School of London in Surrey, Woking, 01483 750409 Jack & Jill Pre-School, Horsell, 2½-5, 01483 767216
Springtime Nursery School, Shepperton, 3-5yrs, 01932 570780
Jiminy Cricket Playgroup, Horsell, 3-5yrs, 01483 720120
St Peter’s Nursery School, Staines, 2½-5yrs, 07703 814788
King’s Pre-school, 2½ - 5yrs, Byfleet, 01932 403116
Sunny Days Pre-School, Ashford, 2-5yrs, 07947 498478
Knaphill Lower School Nursery, 3-4yrs, 01483 473282
The Rainbow Children Community Preschool, Stanwell, 2-5yrs, 01784 244497
Knaphill Pre-School, 07914 707802
Towntree Pre-School, Echleford School Grounds, Ashford 2-5yr, 01784 886266
Little Lanes Pre-school Maybury, 2-5yrs, 07936 016134
Towntree Pre-School, Methodist Church Hall, Ashford, 2-5yrs, 01784 229700
Magical Moments, Westfield & Sheerwater, 2-5yrs, 07875 569495
Whizz Kids Preschool, Ashford, 2½-5yrs, 01784 250655
Oaklynn Playgroup, Pyrford, 2½ to 5, 07593 572266
Woody Woodpeckers Preschool, Upper Halliford, 2-5yrs, 01932 770364
Peter Pan Playgroup, Alexander Barracks, Brookwood, 01483 798264
Linden Nursery School, Byfleet, 2½-5, 01932 356361
localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690
Forest Schools • Schools
FAMILY DIRECTORY Your Essential Family Guide
Woodlands Pre-School Woking, GU22 9QJ
Sessional childcare for 2 to 4+ year-olds Mon to Fri 9.15am-12.15pm Monday, Wednesay & Thursday 12.45pm-3.15pm FEE/FEET funded hours sessions offered flexibly
07593 812718
Primary Schools Elmbridge
Hurst Park Primary School, West Molesey, 4-11yrs, 020 8979 1709
Primary Schools Surrey Heath
Ashley C of E Primary, Walton, 4-11yrs, 01932 227695
Manby Lodge Infant School, Weybridge, 4-7yrs, 01932 851848
Bagshot Infant School, Bagshot, 4-7, 01276 473385
Bell Farm Primary School, Hersham, 7-11yrs, 01932 224009
Oatlands School, Weybridge, 4-7yrs, 01932 843990
Burhill Community Infant School, Hersham, 3-11yrs, 01932 225836 Cardinal Newman Catholic Primary School, Hersham, 4-11yrs, 01932 222536 Chandlers Field Primary and Nursery, West Molesey, 3-11yrs, 020 8224 4731 Cleves School, Weybridge, 7-11yrs, 01932 224300 Cranmere Primary School, Esher, 4-11yrs, 020 8398 5580
Walton Oak Primary School, Walton, 4-11yrs, 01932 259604
Beaufort Community Primary School, Woking, 4-11, 01483 474986
Primary Schools Guildford
Broadmere Primary Academy, Woking, 3-11 + Nursery, 01932 343747
Pirbright Village Primary School, Pirbright , 4-11, 01483 473884 Ripley C of E Infant School, Ripley, 4-7yrs, 01483 225307 Send C of E First School, Send, 4-7, 01483 223464 St Bede’s C of (Aided) Junior School, Send, 7-11, 01483 222143
The Little Acorns Preschool, Woking, 2½-5, 07947 145710 For location and booking details contact Jacqui Allbert
Tringham Preschool, Woking, 2½-5, 07906 527870
07762 198863
wildwoodsforestschool@gmail.com www.wildwoods.uk.com
Young World Preschool, Horsell, 2½-5, 07774 942627
The Village Nursery & Forest School, Whiteley Village, 2-5, 01932 825806
Child led learning in a private woodland based in Ripley for children aged 1-12yrs Term Sessions: Wed & Fri 10am-12pm Holiday Club: Mon-Fri 10am-3.30pm
Den Building • Themed Activities Making Campfires • Making Friends Cooking • Taking beneficial risks in an controlled Learning About environment Our Environment
West End Playgroup & Forest School, Esher, 2-5yrs, 01372 469157
• • • •
Wildwoods Forest School, Cobham, 2-5yrs, 07762 198863
Please visit our website for further info
Treetops Forest School, Ripley, 2yrs+, 07816 756047
Willow’s Forest School, Term Time, Chertsey, Woking, 2-5yrs, 07734 188174
Windlesham Village Infant School, 4-7, 01276 472212
Barnsbury Primary School, Woking, 4-11, 01483 763114
St Saviour’s Preschool Nursery, Brookwood, 2-5yrs, 01483 888531
The Forest Garden, Sunbury, 3 & 4yrs, 07702 628867
Valley End C of E Infant, Chobham, 4-7, 01276 858299
The Orchard Infant School, East Molesey, 4-7yrs, 020 8979 2945
St Mary’s Nursery School, Byfleet Village, 01932 410300
Nature Link, Forest School & Outdoor Learning, 2-8yrs, 07494 582459
St Lawrence C of E Junior School, East Molesey, 7-11yrs, 020 8941 0846
Lightwater Village School, 4-7, 01276 473346
Primary Schools Woking
Pyrford Playgroup, Pyrford Village Memorial Hall, 2-5yrs, 01932 336395
Little Sparrows Forest School, Esher, 2-5yrs, 07749 998923
St James C of E School, Weybridge, 4-11yrs, 01932 851762
Hammond Community Junior School, Lightwater, 7-11, 01276 473972
Grovelands Infant School, Walton, 5-7 yrs, 01932 227816
Pyrford Playgroup, 2-5yrs, 01932 336395
Forest Schools
St Charles Borromeo Catholic School, Weybridge, 4-11yrs, 01932 842617
Connaught Junior School, Bagshot, 7-11, 01276 472489
St Matthew’s C of E Infant, Cobham, 4-7yrs, 01932 863212
Pied Piper Preschool, Knaphill, 2½-5, 07946 284636
Young Explorers Pre-school, Woking, 01483 730052
St Andrew’s C of E Primary, Cobham, 4-11yrs, 01932 863452
Chobham St Lawrence C of E Aided Primary School, 4-11, 01276 858336
Esher C of E School, 4-11yrs, 01372 463139
Peter Pan Preschool Nursery, Woking, 2½-5, 01483 799838
Woodlands Preschool Group, Woking, 2½-5, 07593 812718
St Alban’s Catholic Primary School, East Molesey, 4-11yrs, 020 8979 5893
Bisley C of E Primary, Bisley, 4-11, 01483 473341
www.treetopsforestschool.co.uk Call Natalie 07816 756 047
Brookwood Primary School, Brookwood, 4-11, 01483 473315 Byfleet Primary School, Byfleet, 4-11, 01932 403116 Goldsworth Primary School (Academy), Woking,4-11, 01483 771321 Holy Trinity C of E School, West End, Woking, 4-11, 01276 858297
Primary Schools Runnymede
Horsell C of E Aided Junior School, Horsell, 7-11, 01483 761531
Christ Church C of E Aided Infant School Virginia Water, 4-7, 01344 842308
Horsell Village School (Academy), Horsell, 4-7, 01483 714804
Darley Dene Infant School, Addlestone, 4-7 + Nursery, 01932 847674
Kingfield School, Westfield, Woking, 4-7 + Nursery, 01483 761885
Englefield Green Infant School & Nursery, 3-7, 01784 435586
Knaphill School, Knaphill, 7-11, 01483 888899
Holy Family Catholic Primary School, Addlestone, 4-11, 01932 846366
Maybury Primary School, Woking, 4-11, 01483 763272
Lyne and Longcross C of E Aided School, Lyne, Chertsey, 4-11, 01932 872327
New Monument Academy, Woking, 4-11 + Nursery, 01483 769302
Manorcroft Primary School, Egham, 4-11, 01784 432155
Pyrford C of E Primary School, Pyrford, 4-11, 01932 342693
Meadowcroft Community Infant School, Chertsey, 4-7, 01932 561419
St Dunstan’s Catholic Primary School, Woking, 4-11, 01483 715190
New Haw Community Junior School, New Haw, 7-11, 01932 336571
St Hugh of Lincoln Catholic Primary School, Knaphill, 4-11, 01483 480441
Ongar Place Primary School, Addlestone, 4-11, 01932 842785
St John’s Primary, Knaphill, 4-11 + Nursery, 01483 476450
Ottershaw C of E Infant School, Ottershaw, 4-7 + Nursery, 01932 873652
St Mary’s C of E Controlled Primary, Byfleet, 4-11, 01932 410300
Ottershaw C of E Junior, Ottershaw, 7-11, 01932 872323
Sythwood Primary School, Horsell, 4-11 and Nursery 3-4, 01483 770063
Pyrcroft Grange Primary School, Chertsey, 4-11, 01932 564094
The Hermitage School, St John’s, Woking, 7-11, 01483 472047
Sayes Court Primary School, Addlestone, 4-11, 01932 845093
The Knaphill Lower School, Knaphill, 4-7 + Nursery, 01483 473282
St Anne’s Catholic Primary School, Chertsey, 4-11, 01932 562251
The Marist Catholic Primary, West Byfleet, 4-11, 01932 344477
St Ann’s Heath Junior School, Virginia Water, 7-11, 01344 842900
The Oaktree School, St John’s, Woking, 4-7, 01483 474981
St Cuthberts Catholic Primary School, Englefield Green, 5-11, 01784 434128
West Byfleet Community Infant School, 4-7, 01932 343260
St Jude’s Church of England School, Englefield Green, 7-11, 01784 432180
West Byfleet Junior School, 7-11, 01932 348961
St Paul’s C of E Primary, Addlestone, 4-11, 01932 848528
Westfield Primary School, Woking, 4-11, 01483 764187
Stepgates Community School, Chertsey, 4-11, 01932 563022 The Grange Community Infant School, 4-7yrs, New Haw, 01932 346113 Thorpe C of E Aided Infant School, Thorpe, 5-7, 01932 562329 Thorpe Lea Primary School & Nursery, Egham, 3-11, 01784 456398 Trumps Green Infant School, Virginia Water, 4-7, 01344 843928
Distributed to North West Surrey within Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking boroughs
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£85 a year
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Schools • Colleges • Independent Schools
Your Essential Family Guide
Primary Schools Spelthorne
Free Schools
Ashford C of E Primary School, Ashford, 4-11, 01784 253310
Cobham Free School, 4-18yrs, 0330 330 0237
Ashford Park Primary School, Ashford, 4-11, 01784 250305 Beauclerc Infant School, Sunbury, 3-7, 01932 780672 Buckland Primary School, Laleham, 5-11yrs, 01784 455022 Chennestone Primary School, Sunbury, 5-11, 01932 785477 Clarendon Primary School, Ashford, 4-11, 01784 253379 Echelford Primary School, Ashford, 4-11, 01784 253233 Hawkedale Infants - A Foundation School, Sunbury, 5-7, 01932 789412 Hythe Primary School, Hythe, Staines, 4-11, 01784 452972 Kenyngton Manor Primary School, Sunbury, 3-11, 01932 783778 Laleham C of E VA Primary School, Laleham, 4-11, 01784 453556 Littleton C of E Infant School, 4-7, 01932 563271 Our Lady of The Rosary RC Primary School, Staines, 4-11, 01784 453539 Riverbridge Primary School (Kingscroft), Staines, 5-11, 01784 457933
Hoe Valley School, Woking, 11-18yrs, 01483 661091
Colleges 16 to 18 yrs Brooklands College Weybridge, 01932 797700 Heathside School 6th Form College, Weybridge, 01932 846162 Horsell Adult Education Centre, 01483 518568 Sheerwater Adult Education Centre, 01483 518568 St Paul’s Catholic College, Sunbury, 16-18, 01932 783811 Strode’s College, Egham, 16+, 01784 437506 Sunbury Adult Education Centre, 01932 794514 Tante Marie School of Cookery, Woking, 16yrs+, 01483 726957 The Bishop Wand 6th Form, Sunbury, 16-18, 01932 778600 Woking Adult Education Centre, 01483 518568 Woking College, state Sixth Form College, 16 to 19 yrs, 01483 761036
Riverbridge Primary School, Knowle Green, 3-7, 01784 457933
Independent Schools
Saxon Primary School, Shepperton, 4-11, 01932 563035
American Community School, Egham, 3-18, 01784 430800
Spelthorne School, Ashford Common, 3-11, 01784 253311 Springfield Primary School, Sunbury, 4-11, 01932 782815 St Ignatius RC Primary School, Sunbury, 4-11, 01932 785396 St Michael’s Roman Catholic Primary School, Ashford, 4-11, 01784 253333
Bishopsgate School, Englefield Green, 3-14, 01784 432109 Bloo House, Esher, 5-11yrs, 01372 477113 Claremont Fan Court, Esher, 3-18yrs, 01372 467841 Coworth-Flexlands School, Chobham, boys 3-7, girls 3-11, 01276 855707 Emberhurst School, Esher, 2½-7yrs, 020 8398 2933
St Nicholas C of E Primary School, Shepperton, 5-11, 01932 227744
Feltonfleet School, Day & Weekly Boarding, Cobham, 3-13yrs, 01932 862264
Stanwell Fields C of E Primary School, 3-11yrs, 01784 258082
Greenfield School mixed 3-11, Woking, 01483 772525
Town Farm Primary School, Stanwell, 3-11, 01784 254380
Hall Grove, Bagshot,mixed 4-13, 01276 473059
Wraysbury Primary School, Wraysbury, 4-11, 01784 482603
Secondary Schools Bishop David Brown School, Woking, 11-16, 01932 349696 Esher C of E High School, 11-18yrs, 01372 468068 Fullbrook School, New Haw, 11-18, 01932 349301 Gordon’s, West End, 11-18, 01276 858084 Heathside School, Weybridge, 11-18yrs, 01932 846162 Jubilee High School, Addlestone, 11-16, 01932 884800
Halliford School, Shepperton, Boys 11-18yrs, Girls 16-18yrs, 01932 223593 Halstead Preparatory School for Girls, 3-11, 01483 772682 Hampton Court House, East Molesey, 3-16yrs, 0208 942 0889 Hoe Bridge Pre Prep, Old Woking Road, Woking, mixed, 2½-7, 01483 772194 Hoe Bridge School, Woking, boys 7-13, girls 7-11, 01483 760065 Milbourne Lodge, Esher, 4-13yrs, 01372 462737 Notre Dame School, Cobham, 2-18yrs, 01932 869990
Salesian School, Chertsey, 11-18, 01932 582520
Parkside, Stoke d’Abernon, boys 5-13yrs, 01932 862749
St John the Baptist Catholic Comprehensive, Woking, 11-18, 01483 729343
Reed’s School, Cobham, boys 11-18yrs, 01932 869044
St Paul’s Catholic College, Sunbury, 11-18, 01932 783811
Ripley Court School, Ripley, mixed, 2½-13, 01483 225217
Sunbury Manor School, Sunbury, 11-16, 01932 784258 Thamesmead School, Shepperton, 11-16, 01932 219400 The Bishop Wand CofE Secondary School, Sunbury, 11-18, 01932 778600 The Magna Carta School, Staines, 11-16, 01784 454320 The Matthew Arnold School, Staines, 11-16, 01784 457275 The Thomas Knyvett College, Ashford, 11-16, 01784 243824 The Winston Churchill School, Woking, 11-16, 01483 476861 Woking High School, Woking, 11-16, 01483 888447
Halliford School - Shepperton
Independent school for boys 11-18 and girls 16-18 Set in six acres close to the River Thames
Open Days 2016
Thursday 3th & Tuesday 8th March Thursday 5th May Tours at 9.30am & 11.30am by appointment
Open Morning
Saturday 1st October 10.00am - 12noon
Small school where pupils are known as individuals
Various Open Days are held throughout the year For further information please contact the Registrar on Tel: 01932 223593 Email: registrar@halliford.net www.hallifordschool.co.uk Russell Road, Shepperton, TW17 9HX Tasis - The American School in England, Thorpe, 3-18, 01932 565252
Alternative Schooling
Shrewsbury Lodge, Esher, 3-8yrs, 01372 462781
The Danesfield Manor School, Walton, 2-11yrs, 01932 220930
Helpline for families wanting non school based education, 01942 897779
Sir William Perkins’s School, Chertsey, Girls 11-18, 01932 574900
Westward Preparatory School, Walton, 3-11yrs, 01932 220911
Education Information
St George’s College Junior School, Addlestone, mixed, 2½-11, 01932 839400
Woodcote House School, Windlesham, boys, 7-13, 01276 472115
Surrey County Council Education Information, 03456 009 009
St George’s College, Addlestone, mixed, age 11-18, 01932 839300
Yehudi Menuhin School, Specialist Music Sch, Cobham, 9-18yrs, 01932 864739
St George’s Nursery and Junior School, Weybridge, 3-11yrs, 01932 839400
International Schools
G & S By Valentino, Knaphill, 01483 475051
St James’s Independent School for Senior Boys, Ashford, 01784 266930
ACS International, Cobham, 3-19yrs, 01932 867251
St. Andrew’s School, Woking, mixed 3-13, 01483 760943
International School of London in Surrey, Woking, 01483 750409
Kids-Biz Ltd, Windlesham, 01276 300120
Staines Preparatory School, Staines, mixed 3-12, 01784 450909
The American School in England - Tasis, Thorpe, 3-18yrs, 01932 565252
Unismart, School Uniforms, Scouts, Dance Outfits, Cobham, 01932 868233
Janet’s, School Uniforms & Dancewear, Englefield Green, 01784 436301 School Uniform Direct, West Byfleet, 01932 354409
localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690
Independent Schools
FAMILY DIRECTORY Your Essential Family Guide
Distributed to North West Surrey within Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking boroughs
Where did you find these services? Tell advertisers in your Local Family Directory
Your Essential Family Guide
Hunter’s Harmony
Hunter’s Harmony runs a wellestablished music academy for one to one music lessons in Surrey, taught by our team of professional practicing musicians. Lessons provided at home or at one of our venues
www.huntersharmony.co.uk 07974 378 004
Cello, Piano & Bass Guitar, Woking, 01483 832545
Tina Robinson Singing Tuition, 0779 0823434
Clarinet & Piano Lessons, All Ages & Grades, Woking, 01483 714614
Trumpet, Keyboard & Piano, All Ages & Levels,Woking, 01483 763067
Classical & Electric Guitar Lessons, West Byfleet, 01483 721100
Ukulele Tuition Grades Cobham Claygate Esher and Hersham, 01932 910814
Classical guitar tuition, Staines area, 01784 450889
Violin & Recorder Tutition, Woking, 01483 831914
Dr Groove, Drummer, Percussionist, Shepperton, 01932 220280
Violin Tuition / Music Theory. Sunbury based. Female Tutor, 07933 930891
Drum Lessons by Pro Player/Educator, Contemporary, 8-16yrs, 07768 606957
Violine, Viola & Piano Tutition, Woking, 01483 730875
Drum Lessons, Mayford, 01483 721100 Flute & Piano Tutition, Woking, 07952 268937 Flute tuition, B(Mus), PGCE Secondary Music, Chertsey, 07906 745359 Flute Tutition, Beginners to Advanced, Woking, 01483 476666 Flute Tutition, Ottershaw, 07834 994495 Flute, Obeo & Piano, 8yrs+, Woking, 01483 715781 Guitar & Bass Tutition, Staines, 01784 457694 Guitar (Bass/Acoustic/Classical), Banjo & Mandolin, Knaphill, 07946 318768
PIANO LESSONS WITH A DIFFERENCE Sue specializes in musical beginnings, and concepts are taught in a fun way through movement and colourful props. From age 5 Susan C. C. Hamilton Hamilton CTABRSM, ctabrsm, alcm , Susan ALCM, Member of ISM, EPTA & The Dalcroze Society
Member of ISM, EPTA & The Dalcroze Society
Qualified Dalcroze Teacher
Please phone phone on on 01483 Please 01483 772008 772008
UKULELE Tuition RGT Acoustic Guitar & Ukulele Grades 10 week courses Home Visit DBS Checked Teacher
Guitar Galleries all styles all ages , Addlestone, 01932 847131 Guitar Lessons - Electric, Acoustic/Bass, All Levels, Woking, 07711 802079 Guitar Lessons MA Grad Pop Styles, Beg to Int, Shepperton, 07971 840193
Voice in a Million, Singing Workshop/Tuition, Chertsey, 7yrs, 01784 438700 Weybridge Music, Piano, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Any Age, 01932 850772 Yamaha Music School at Britten’s Music, West Byfleet, 01932 351165
Tutoring Adele Quinn Math Tutor, All Key Stages, Weybridge, 07876 030951 Angela Bareford Tutor specialising in Dyslexic & Dyspraxic, 07814 812543 Ashtead Tutors, Cobham, 01372 229186 Big Bear Bespoke Education, Cobham, Esher, 3yrs+, 07854 159897 Carol Handyside, Specialist Maths Tutor in Woking, 07818 455546 Complete Learning, Molesey, 10yrs+, 020 3489 7412
Guitar Lessons, Egham, 01784 436724
Explore Learning Woking, 01483 447410
Guitar Tuition Grades Cobham Claygate Esher and Hersham, 01932 910814
Explore Learning, Walton, 01932 252033
Harp Lessons by Ruth Cartledge, Knaphill, 01483 473639 Hunters Harmony, Singing, Piano Guitar Drums, Cobham/Byfleet, 01932 865234 Jo Andrews. Piano, Flute, Recorder, all ages. Woking area, 01483 476548 Kodaly Music School of Runnymede, various instruments, 2yrs+, 01784 437801 Nancy Parker, Singing Tuition, Staines, 8yrs+, 07855 438849
Fenton Tutoring, All Sciences GCSE & A Level, Egham, 14yrs+, 01784 437930 First Class Learning, Maths & English, Ashford & Staines, 01784 409280 First Class Learning, Maths & English, Esher & Woking, 020 3021 3620 First Class Learning, Maths & English, Weybridge, 07724 924 256
Kumon Ashford Study Centre, Ashford, 020 8568 8214 Kumon Maths & English, Egham, 01784 437199
Piano & cello lessons, music theory, GCSE/A-level tutition, 07879 688397
Kumon Maths & English, Weybridge, 01932 423144
Piano & Keyboards, Jazz, Pop & Classical, Addlestone, 07832 264863
Kumon, Woking Centre, 01483 726961
Piano Teacher Susan C Hamilton CTABRSM ALCM, Woking, 5yr+, 01483 772008
(AMBDA from The Dyslexia Action)
Teacher with 25 years experience in both state and private schools offers one to one tuition for 6-16 year olds who are falling behind or need Examination help.
Contact Angela Bareford 01483 760803/07814 812543 Woking area CRB/DBS Checked
Kumon Addlestone Study Centre, 01932 506509
Piano & Acoustic Guitar Lessons, Addlestone, 01932 343587
Piano Lessons, Woking, 01483 714406
Specialist Qualifications
Key Tuition Surrey, English & Maths, Woking, 6-16y, 01932 342100
Oboe, Piano & Recorder Tuition, Woking, 01483 767017
Piano Lessons, 7yrs+, Knaphill, 01483 474078
English Tutor
Kumon Maths & English, Esher & Cobham, 01737 359812 Kumon Maths, Pyrford, 01932 402737 Lemon Tree Tutors, North West Surrey, 6-16yrs, 079 070 23031 Literacy & Numeracy Tuition by experienced infant teacher, 01483 729156
Piano Teacher, Sunbury, 5-16yrs, 01932 226991
Literacy Tutoring, Bisley age 5 to 7, Jackie Smith, 01483 487714
Piano Tutition, All Grades & Ages, Woking, 01483 765975
Little Star Tutoring, Sunbury, 5-11years, 07957 427677
Piano Tutition, Bisley, 01483 474874 Piano, all ages, West Byfleet, 01932 342355
Madeleine Neslany, Study Skills GCSE Levels onwards, Sunbury, 07956 522759
Piano, theory & recorder tuition (all ages), Knaphill, 07503 924964
Maths & English Private Tutor, Chobham, 01276 858284
Instrumental & Vocal Tuition
Pop School UK, Song & Dance, Pyrford, Walton, Woking, 8yrs+, 01932 343531
Maths Tuition, all secondary key stages & exams, Ashford, 07899 735899
Improve 11+ vocabulary in a flash
Academy of Contempory Music, Vocal & Instruments, Woking, 01483 757471
Professional Vocal Coach, 1-2-1, All Levels & Ages, Chertsey, 07973 432556
Maths,English and Science tutor, Primary-GCSE, 07852 545945
ACM Junior Rock & Pop Workshops, Knaphill, 5yrs+, 01483 757471
Qualified Violin, Guitar Tuition. CRB Checked. Shepperton, 01932 267920
Phonics for Four Year-Olds, Bisley, 3 and 4 year olds, 01483 487714
Recorder lessons for 3 and 4 year olds in Woking, 01483 857655
Reading Therapist, does your child struggle with reading?, 01483 726783
Saxophone, All Ages, Woking, 01483 474903
Science Tutor Alan Tucker, KS3 & KS4, Esher, 0208 398 7365
Looking to boost your child’s vocabulary ahead of the 11+ exam? Farquhar’s Vocabulary Flash Cards have been specifically created to improve children’s verbal reasoning skills and ultimately help them succeed in the 11+ Entrance Examination.
Tel 01932 910814
All Brass, Beginners upwards, Woking, 07956 625623 Bass & Guitar Tutition, All Levels, Woking, 01483 473148 Beginner piano lessons at your house, Woking, 7-11yr, 07985 299686 Brass Instrument Tutition, Woking, 01483 715474 British School of Rock, Weybridge, 8yrs+, 01932 645044 Britten’s Music, West Byfleet, details of local teachers, 01932 354911
Saxophone, Clarinet & Piano, All Ages/Grades, Windlesham, 01276 476481 Stepping Notes Music School, Englefield Green, 2-8yrs, 01932 241196
Tutor Doctor, experienced, professional tutition, Woking, 01483 312593
Surrey Singing School, Shepperton & Esher, 01932 221542
Tutor Doctor, Walton & Weybridge, 0845 474 0076
Cello Lessons, any age, Woking, 01483 750590
The Surrey Acoustic Guitar and Ukulele Tuition Courses, 01932 910814
Cello Lessons, Woking, Adults & Beginners with Jane Cameron, 07958 580598
The Surrey Guitar School, guitar grade tuition, home visits, 01932 843407
The Student Support Centre (Southern), 0800 13 22 77
Weybridge International School of English, 07737 046790 Woking Maths tuition. Primary to GCSE, 01483 751370 Woking Tutors: Maths & English, primary to GCSE, 01483 857655
Available as a pack of four sets, building a bank of challenging vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms and compound words. Easily portable in small sets, they are perfect for vocabulary practice on the go. For more information visit:
localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690
After School Clubs • Holiday Schemes
FAMILY DIRECTORY Your Essential Family Guide
Private Tuition in Maths and English to help children (8 to 15) with Dyslexic learning difficulties succeed at school if they are struggling to keep up. Accredited Qualified Advisor offers one to one sessions at mutually convenient times and location.
Tel: 01276 858284
CRB checked
After School Clubs
Big Hat Bushcamp, Chertsey, 7-18yrs, 07957 184341
326 Club, Chertsey, 01932 569326
Building Blocks Holiday Club, Walton, 07887 393938
Acorn After School Club, St. Paul’s College, Sunbury, 01932 780005 Acorns Out of School Club, 01932 259604 Anna’s Language Lab, French Club, Knaphill, 6yrs+, 07771 964124 Barnsbury Buddies, Barnsbury Infant School, Woking, 4-11yrs, 01483 768271 Bisley Base out of school care, Bisley, 4-11yrs, 01483 799915 Byfleet Primary School Playscheme, 01932 403116 Crocs Playscheme and After School Club, Woking, 3 - 8yrs, 01483 772194 Every One Active, Spelthorne Leisure Centre, Staines, 01784 493493 Funtasia After School Club, Weybridge, 4-7yrs, 07913 229560 Holloway Heroes, Egham, 4-8yrs, 01784 443892 Hop, Skip and Jump Club, Chertsey - holidays only, 01932 722192
Language Classes Anna’s Language Lab, French & German Tuition, 6yrs+, 07771 964124 Busy Buttons CS: Art & Spanish/French, Windsor, 3yrs+, 07952 418212 Chattertots Francais, Englefield Green & Virginia Water, 6m+, 07989 418179 El Club Español’, Spanish classes, Baghsot, 3yrs+, 01483 751533 El Club Español’, Spanish classes, Woking, Valley End, 3yrs+, 01483 751533 El Club Francais, Esher & Molesey, 0208 979 4586 English as a Foreign Language, Basic Italian & Spanish, 0796 9676138 Fiona Garrett, English as a foreign language for children, 01372 842661 FREE Spanish Classes for Spanish Children only, Woking, 01483 751533 French Fun Classes, Fun/Traditional Songs, New Haw, 3yrs+, 07946 816844 French Lessons, Staines, 07813 336483 French, German & Spanish Tutor, 7-18yrs Esp. Public Exams, 01932 347497 German Saturday School, Pirbright, 01483 825707 Hindi for All, 5yrs, Woking, 01483 797943 Kids learn Chinese Mandarin, Egham, 3-12 yrs, 07450 167442 La Jolie Ronde, French for Children, Addlestone, 3-11yrs, 01932 841832 Language Learners, Germany & French, Wokings, 5yrs+, 07968 589 263 Le Club Francais, Bagshot, 01932 829488 Le Club Francais, Woking, West Byfleet, Byfleet, 4-11, 0208 286 35 66 Linguaplay Russian School, Saturday Classes, Woking, 3yrs+, 07513 726307
Busy Buttons Creative Studio, Creative Camps, Windsor, 3-14y, 07952 418212 Camp Beaumont Day Camp, Esher, 4-16yrs, 01603 851 000 Challengers play and youth schemes for disabled children, 01483 579 390 Chertsey Playscheme, Egham, 4 - 11yrs, 01932 425693 Cobham Tennis Club, Coaching Lessons, 07946 586013 Cranfield Golf Academy, Sandown, Esher, 5yrs+, 01372 469260 Crocs Playscheme and After School Club, Woking, 3 - 8yrs, 01483 772194 Egham Playscheme, Egham, 4 - 11yrs, 01932 425693 Elmbridge Borough Council Shout! Holiday Activities, 5-13yrs, 01372 474634
Runnymede Playscheme, 5-11yrs, 01932 425693 Runnymede Splash, holiday activities for ages 1116, 01932 425693 SCL Club Energy & Soccer Camp Holiday Clubs 4-12 yrs, 0845 644 5747 SCL Play, Lightwater Leisure Centre, 01276 472662 Score Kidz Activitiy Club Staines, 0203 488 0680 Shetland Pony Club Holiday Camp Cobham, 01372 844077 Shey Copse Riding Centre, Own a Pony Course, 4yrs+, Woking, 01483 770022 Show Stoppers Holiday Club, Sal Army, Ashford, 5-11yr, 01784 423424 Show Stoppers Holiday Creche, Sal Army, Ashford, 3-5yr, 01784 423424 Skill Zone, Fun/Multi Sports, Ottershaw & Woking, 4-12yrs, 07766 143114 Skoolz Out, Playscheme, Sunbury & Stanwell, 3-11yrs, 07981 002774 Spanish Amigos, Summer Holiday Club, Virginia Water, 5-11yrs, 01784 463678 Spelthorne Leisure Centre Play Scheme, 5-11yrs, 01784 493493
Horsell Village After School Club, 0776 0342 139
Elmbridge Xcel Leisure Centre, Walton, 01932 260300
Junior Coding Club from Gamewagon, 0845 319 4263
Energy Kidz Holiday Clubs, Addlestone, Guildford,Send,Woking, 0333 577 1533
Kids Club 2001, Shepperton, 4-11yrs, 01932 221423
Sporty Kidz, fun Fitness Classes 4-11yrs, throughout Surrey, 01276 856182
Esher College Kids Club, 0208 398 0291
Kidsports, David Lloyd Leisure Club (members only), 01483 722113
St George’s Enterprises, Weybridge, 01932 839441
Every One Active, Spelthorne Leisure Centre, Staines, 01784 493493
Stepping Stones, Hinchley Wood, 0208 398 9959
Kidz Enterprise, Stanwell, 01784 241496 Laleham Fun Club, 5-8yrs, 01784 464472
First Steps Day Nursery, for age 4-10 yrs, 01932 722192
Link Leisure schemes for children with learning difficulties, 01483 770037
Fullbrook School Sports Centre, 5 to 14 yrs, New Haw, 01932 348484
OSCAHS holiday playscheme, Spelthorne School, 4-11yrs, 07803 182819
Fun Attack Holiday Scheme, Woking 5-13yrs, 01483 743821
Our Lady Of The Rosary Early Years And Child Care Facility, 01784 460506
Funsport Coaching, 01483 270160
Spanish Amigos, After School Club, Staines, 5yrs+, 01784 463678
Garden Explorers Membership, Wisley, 01483 224234
Sports Xtra Surrey NW, 07894 708444
Sythwood Sure Start Childrens Centre, Horsell, 01483 770063 The Base (Bisley After School Experience), Bisley, 4-12yrs, 01483 799915 The Combat Factory, Sutton Green, 07837 210922 The Haven Playscheme Beaufort County Primary Woking, 4-11yrs, 01483 474986 The Pete Fuller Junior Academy coaching weeks, Pirbright, 8+, 01483 473183
Hoe Bridge School, Woking, 01483 760065
Total Soccer Football Funweeks, Ashford, 6-13yrs, 0208 572 1379
Spelthorne Leisure Centre After School Club, 4-11yrs, 01784 493493
Holiday Fun and Bounce, Woking Leisure Centre, 6-11yrs, 01483 771122
Wentworth Tennis and Health Club Creche and Playscheme, 01344 846369
St Paul’s After School Club, (priority for pupils), 4-11yrs, 07753 118646
Hop, Skip & Jump Playscheme, Ashford Hosp, 4-10yrs, 01784 884757
Weybridge Equestrian Centre, Holiday Courses, 2-10yrs, 01932 248544
Starfish Remedial for 8-11yrs run by Primary Teacher Horsell, 01483 821020
Horsell Village After School Club, 07760 342139
Wild Learning, Holiday Forest School, Esher, 01483 424400
Sundowners, Oaktree and Hermitage Schools, Woking, 4-11yrs, 01483 474981
JEMA Swim Sch crash courses, 07702 412090
Sunrise Breakfast Club, Holy Trinity Church Hall, Knaphill, 01483 473489 Sunshine Breakfast Club, New Monument School Woking, 4-11yrs, 01483 769302 Surrey Children’s Info Service, 0300 2001004 Sythwood Sure Start Childrens Centre, Horsell, 01483 727900 The Base (Bisley After School Experience), Bisley, 4-12yrs, 01483 799915 The Haven Club, Beaufort County Primary, Woking, 4-11yrs, 01483 485296 The SAFE After School Club , Stanwell Youth Centre, 4-11yrs, 0775 9757685 Thorpe Nursery Playgroup, Thorpe, 01932 562587 Toad Hall Playscheme, Staines Prep School, 4-8yrs, 01483 486116 Willow’s Forest School, Woking, 07734 188174
Imber Court Sports Club, East Molesey, 020 8398 1267 Junior Golf Academy, Hoebridge Golf Centre, Day Camps, 01483 722611 Kiddy Cook, cookery workshops for 4-11yrs, Rowtown, 07954 149739 Kingswood Pop Up Camps & Residential, Egham & Staines, 01603 851000 KOOSA Kids, Egham, 4-13yrs, 0845 094 2322 Link Leisure for children with learning difficulties 3-19yrs, 01483 770037 Little Acorns Art Holiday Club, Shepperton, 2 - 8yrs, 07813 171107 London & Surrey Voice Academy, Shepperton, 6-12yrs, 07895 710106 London Irish RFC Master Class, Sunbury, 8-16yrs, 01932 750107 Mini & Junior Tennis Woking Tennis Club, Camps 4yrs+, 077230 91969
Wild-Life Kids, Day Camps & Activities, Cobham, 01276 536281 Willow’s Forest School, Chertsey & Woking, 2-11yrs, 07734 188174 Wing Bats, West Byfleet, 4 - 11yrs, 01932 343260 Woking Lawn Tennis Club, Day Camps, 3yrs+, 01483 730104 Woking Leisure Centre Day Camps, 5-7yrs & 8-13yrs, 01483 771122
Theatres and Cinemas Baby Flicks, Quiet Shows for Parent & Baby, The Ambassadors, 01483 545945 New Victoria Theatre, The Ambassadors, Woking, 01483 545900 Rhoda McGaw Theatre, The Ambassadors, Woking, 01483 545900 Riverhouse Barn, Walton, 01932 254198
Wing Bats, West Byfleet, 4 - 11yrs, 01932 343260
MultiSports Workshops & Camps, Woking, 4-16yrs, 0844 3350450
The Ambassadors, Woking, six screen cinema, 01483 545945
Wise Owl Club, Goldsworth Park, 01483 771321
NT Sports, Woking, 07810 786659
The Walton Playhouse, Walton, 01932 254750
Holiday Schemes & Activities
OSCAHS holiday playscheme, Spelthorne School, 4-11yrs, 07803 182819
Vue Cinemas, Two Rivers, Staines, 0871 224 0240
326 Club, Chertsey, 01932 883533
Pavillion Club, Holiday Camps, Molesey, 7yrs+, 0208 979 2800
PePe and TeTe, Spanish Classes, Weybridge, 4yrs+, 07484 324326
Addlestone Leisure Centre Holiday Events unsupervised, 5-11, 01932 858966
Primary French by Parlez French, Mimbridge, 07891 533625
Andy Little, Junior Golf Day Camps, 5yrs+, 07736 300817
Russian classes for children in Woking, 3 yrs+, 01483 850732
Barnsbury Buddies, Barnsbury Infant School, Woking, 4-11yrs, 01483 768271
Spanish Amigos, Spanish Lessons, 2-11yrs, Staines, 01784 463678
Barracudas Day Camps, Woking, Ripley, Ashford & Cobham, 0845 123 5299
Play for 1.00, Egham Leisure Centre, Up to 16 yrs, 01784 437695 Premier Tennis Mini Coaching Camps, Cobham, 6yrs+, 0845 475 1147
Woking’s New Cinema Club, Mayford Village Hall Cinema, 01483 475745
Miniature Railways Miniature railway rides in Staines Park, Staines, April-Sept, 01784 241891
RB Kids Club, Chertsey, 01932 560560
The Great Cockcrow Miniture Railway, Longcross Rd, Chertsey, 01932 255514
Rugged Earth Adventures, Action Packed Day Camp, Bisley, 07956 964779
Woking Miniature Railway (Mizens), 7¼ gauge, Knaphill, 01483 720801
Distributed to North West Surrey within Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking boroughs
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Family Friendly Eateries • Fun Days Out
Your Essential Family Guide
Esher Common, Wooden Play Equipment, Copsem Lane, 01372 474474
New Haw, Amis Ave - climbing frame, swings etc, not known
Gogmore Farm Park, riverside park, Guildford St, Chertsey, 01932 425686
New Haw, Heathervale Rd - paddling pool, swings etc, not known
Homewood Country Park and nature trail, not known
Ottershaw Memorial Fields Park, Foxhill Road, 01932 425686
Horsell Common (off Shores Rd), common & large sand area, not known
Ottershaw, Foxhills Rd - Basket Ball, swings etc, not known
Ice Cream Parlour & Coffee Shop with Play area, Addlestone, 01932 852630
Outdoor Play Area with Ice Cream Parlour, Addlestone, 01932 852630
JGF Passenger Boats, Thames Cruise Chertsey to Walton, 01932 253374
Pyrford Common -Swings, climbing frame, slide, r-about, not known
Lightwater Country Park - ponds, nature trail, playground, 01276 707166
Ripley Common - swings, roundabout, slide etc, not known
London Bus Museum, Brooklands, 01932 837994
Runnymede Pleasure Grounds, Egham, Park , Pool etc, not known
Mercedes-Benz World, Weybridge, 0870 400 4000 PainshillPark, Portsmouth Road, Cobham, Surrey, 01932 868113 Royal Horticultural Society Garden, Wisley, 01483 224234 Runnymede Pleasure Grounds, Egham, Park , Pool etc, not known Salters Steamers, Staines - Runnymede, Boat Trips, 01865 243421 Savill Garden, Egham, picnic area, 01753 847518 Spelthorne Museum, 1 Elmsleigh Road, Staines, 01784 461804 St Ann’s Hill, Chertsey, wooded parkland, nature trail, not known Sunbury Park, Walled Garden and Orchard Meadow, 01932 785841 Surrey Gardens Trust, 03456 009 009
The Lightbox, Gallery and Museum, Woking, 01483 737800
Blubeckers, Chobham, 01276 857580
The Harrow Inn, Charlton Village, 01932 783122
Blubeckers, Shepperton, 01932 243377
The Grove Pub, Chobham, 01276 858196 The Kingfisher, Chertsey, 01932 579811
Bridge Barn, Horsell, 01483 763642
The Moorhen, Pirbright, 01843 799715
Buffers, Ashford, 01784 252552
The Otter Harvester, Ottershaw, 01932 873217
Café Piccolo, Egham, 01784 435553
The Queens Head, Byfleet, 01932 345433
Café Uno, Egham, 01784 472628
The Rowbarge, St John’s, 01483 761618
Cricketers Inn, Horsell, 01483 762363
The Sunrise Café, Squires Garden Centre, Horsell, 01276 858446
Hangar Café Coffee Shop, Fairoaks Airport, Chobham, 01276 485897 Hungry Horse, Bagshot, 01276 473812
The Wheatsheaf, Virginia Water, 01276 858652
Hungry Horse, Chertsey, 01276 473812
The Windlebrook (Harvester), London Rd, Bagshot, 01276 479942
Hunters Lodge, Knaphill, 01483 798101
The Windmill, Windlesham, 01276 450060
JJ American Diner, West Byfleet, 01932 35 51 51
The Yeoman, Harvester, West Byfleet, 01932 344553
La Piazzetta, Virginia Water, 01344 845098 Outback Steak House, Staines, 01784 459494
Toby Cottage, Ripley, 01483 224225 Twynersh Hungry Horse, Chertsey, 01932 568231
Shepperton Rec, Glebeland Gdns, Playground, not known Shepperton, Bishop Duppas, Walton Bridge Rd, 01932 242314 Staines Park, Commerical Rd, Mini Railway, Playground, 01784 455387 Staines, Ashby Lammas, Wraysbury Road, Paddling Pool/Train, 01784 451026 Stanwell Rec, Stanwell Close, Playground, 01784 254297 Stanwell, Long Lane Rec, Cambria Gdns, Playground, 01784 253624 Sunbury, Grovely Road, not known
Sutton Green Garden Nursery, pick your own, 01483 232366
The Cricketers, Bagshot, 01276 473196
Sheerwater, Blackmore Cres, - swings, see-saw etc, not known
Sunbury, Cedars, Green Street, 01784 451499
Surrey Museums Information Service, 01483 518737
Family Pubs & Restaurants
Sanway Road, Byfleet - Swings, slide, rockers, goal, not known
The Living Planet Centre, Interactive Zones, Woking, 01483 426444 The Medicine Garden, family friendly with lots to do, Cobham, 01932 589536 Thorpe Park, Staines Road, Chertsey, 0871 663 1673 Virgina Water (off A329) - lake, woodland, picnic areas, not known Wheatsheaf Common, Horsell, not known
Sunbury, Kenyngton Manor, Bryony Way, 01784 451499 Sunbury, Spelthorne Grove, Playground, not known West Byfleet, Camphill Rd - swings, climbing frame etc, not known Woking Leisure Centre - swings, climbing frame, etc, not known Woking Park Skatepark, not known Woking, Goldsworth Park - stepping stones, swings etc, not known
Out of Area Attractions
Windsor Great Park, Virginia Water, 01753 847518
Aldershot Military Museum, Aldershot, Hampshire, 01252 314598
Playgrounds & SkateParks
Arundel Castle, Arundel, West Sussex, 01903 882173
Addlestone,Victory Park, - bowling, pool, tennis, etc, 01932 425686 Ashford Rec, Rosary Gardens, Ashford, 01784 252586 Ashford, Fordbridge Park, Kingston Road, 01784 249142 Bagshot, Albert Road, not known Bagshot, Whitmoor Road, not known
Ashtead Common, Surrey - National Nature Reserve - Free, 01372 279083 Basing House, Old Basing, Basingstoke -Ruins of Basing House, 01256 467294 Basingstoke Ice Rink and Lido, 01256 355266 Beaulieu National Motor Museum, Brockenhurst, Hampshire, 01590 612345 Birdworld & Underwaterworld, Farnham, Surrey, 01420 22838
Whyvale Restaurant, Addlestone, 01932 845084
Boudary Road Recreation Ground SkatePark, not known
Places to Visit
Byfleet , Rectory Lane - Pool in Summer, swings, slide, not known Byfleet Recreation Ground Skatepark, not known
Burpham Court Farm Park, Jacobs Well, Guildford, Surrey, 01483 576089
Pizza Hut, Woking, 01483 755845
Brooklands Museum, motorsport/aircraft, Weybridge, 01932 857381
Royal Oak, Play Area, Kids Menu, Knaphill, 01483 473330
Chertsey Abbey, Staines Lane, abbey ruins and garden, 01932 565764
Chertsey Recreation Ground, Guildford Road, Paddling Pool, 01932 425686
Chessington World of Adventures, Chessington, Surrey, 01372 727227
Rumbles, Shepperton, 01932 227475
Chertsey, Guildford Rd - paddling pool, swings etc, not known
Chobham Common, Surrey - National Nature Reserve - Free, 01276 858291
Shepperton Charcoal Grill, 01932 227374
Chertsey Meads, 170 acres of parkland bordering the Thames, not known
Goldsworth Park Lake, not known
Spur Steak & Grill, Two Rivers, Staines, 01784 492333
Chertsey Museum, 33 Windsor Street, Chertsey Free Entry, 01932 565764
Lakeview Skatepark, not known
Claremont Landscape Garden, Esher, Surrey, 01372 469421
St Andrew’s Coffee Shop, Woking, 01483 723879
Chertsey recreation ground and paddling pool, 01932 425686
Laleham Park, Riverside, Play Area, Fields, not known
Coral Reef, Bracknell, Berks - Water Flumes, Swimming, 01344 862525
Chobham Common, not known
Lightwater Country Park - ponds, nature traill, playground, 01276 707166
Dapdune Wharf, Guildford, Surrey - Restored Wey Barge, 01483 561389
Egham Museum, Literary Institute, High Street, 01784 434483
Littleton Rec, Laleham Road, Playground, not known
Drusillas Park, Alfriston, East Sussex, 01323 874100
Elmbridge Museum, Hersham, lots for kids, 01372 474568
New Haw - Heathervale Recreation Ground, Park Side, 01932 425686
Pizza Comodor, Byfleet, 01932 354888 Pizza Express, Staines, 01784 456522 Pizza Express, Woking, 01483 750310 Pizza Hut, Staines, 01784 454095
Surrey Homespread, St John’s, 01483 474312 Terazza Restaurant, Ashford, 01784 244887 Thames Court, Shepperton, 01932 221957 The Boat House, Chertsey, 01932 565644 The Brickmakers, Windlesham, 01276 472267
Bocketts Farm Park, Fetcham, Nr Leatherhead, Surrey, 01372 363764
Fishers Farm Park, Wisborough Green, West Sussex, 01403 700063 Fizzy Kids Playspace, Farnborough, 01252 669977
localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690
Sports Centres
FAMILY DIRECTORY Your Essential Family Guide
Leisure and Sport Services
Foxhills Health Club, Tennis Club and Golf Club, Ottershaw, 01932 872050
Active Surrey, helps and encourages sports for 1016 yr olds, 01483 518944
Fullbrook School Sports Centre, New Haw, 01932 348484
Funsport Coaching, 01483 270160
Futurepro Sports Coaching, Byfleet area, 01372 365025
Runnymede Borough Council Sports Development Officer, 01932 425683
SEN Leisure and Sport Abel Karate, Be Inspired Project, SEN, Molesey, 4yrs+, 07960 427301 Adventurers Club, Walton, 5-18yrs, 01932 221304 British Disabled Water Ski Association, Wraysbury, 01784 483664 Chertsey Children’s Challenge, White Lodge Centre, playgroup, 01932 568359 Children’s Challenge Playgroup, New Horizons Centre, Woking, 01483 416362 Godstone Farm, Tiburstow Hill Road, Godstone, 01883 742546
Marwell Wildlife, Winchester, Hampshire, 01962 777407
Gravity Force, Ultimate Trampoline Park, Guildford, 01276 35850
Milestones Hampshire’s Living History Museum, Basingstoke, 01256 477766
Guildford Museum, Guildford, Surrey, 01483 444750
Museum of Army Flying, Stockbridge, Hampshire, 01264 784421
Guildford Spectrum, Parkway, Guildford, Surrey, 01483 443322 Hampton Court Palace & Maze, East Molesey, Surrey, 0870 752 7777 Heathrow Academy (Visitor Centre), Hayes, 020 8745 6655 Hever Castle & Gardens, Hever, Kent, 01732 865224 Hobbledown, Children’s Farm & Indoor Play Barn, Epsom, 0843 289 4979 Hounslow Urban Farm, Feltham, play & picnic area, 0208 831 9658 Kew Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey - 300 acres of gardens, 020 8940 1171
The Bluebell Railway, Sheffield Park, East Sussex, 01825 720800
Little Street, Inspirational Play Centre, Frimley, 01276 423100 Lockwood Donkey Sanctuary, Farm Cottage, Guildford, 01428 687749 London Aquarium, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1, 020 7967 8000 London Dungeon, 28-34 Tooley Street, London, SE1, 0207 403 7221 London Planetarium, Madame Tussauds, Marylebone Road, London, 0870 400 3000 London Transport Museum, London, WC2E, 020 7565 7299 London Zoo, Regent’s Park, London NW1, 020 7722 3333 Longleat Safari Park, Warminster, Wiltshire, 01985 844400 Loseley House and Gardens, Loseley Park, Guildford, Surrey, 01483 304440
The London Eye, Jubilee Gardens, SE1, 0870 5000600 The Look Out Discovery Centre, Bracknell Forest, 01344 868222 The Parachute Regiment & Airborne Forces Museum, Aldershot, 01252 349619 Tower of London, Tower Hill, London, EC3N, 0870 7515177 Tulleys Farm, Crawley, W Sussex - Huge Maze, Farm, 01342 717071 Watercress Line, Themed Train Rides, Hampshire, 01962 733810
Sandown Sports Club, Esher, 01372 467133
Sunbury Leisure Centre, Nursery Road, Sunbury, 01932 772287
Family Fun Session, Walton, 01932 221304
Surrey County Playing Fields Association, 01342 713384
Lifetrain Trust, training and life skills for young people, 01306 730929
Legoland Windsor Park, Windsor, Berkshire, 08705 04 04 04
River Bourne Health Club Pool, Gym, Squash, Creche, Chertsey, 01932 560560
Dramatize’s themed theatrical workshops for all ages, 07912 183085
Pooh Corner, Hartfield, East Sussex, Winnie the Pooh Country, 01892 770456
Snakes and Ladders Adventure Centre, Brentford, Middlesex, 020 8847 0946
Reed’s School Sports Club, 01932 869039
St George’s Hill Lawn Tennis Club, Weybridge, 01932 843541
Interact, Drama, Dance, Music Workshops, 1018yrs, 01932 256223
Ladyland Farm, Horley, Surrey, 01293 784469
Pavillion Club, Health, Tennis, Leisure, Molesey, 0208 979 2800
Disability Sports Development Officer, 01784 446306
Odds Farm Park, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, 01628 520188
Royal Logistic Corps Museum, Camberley, Surrey Free, 01252 833371
Nuffield Health, Fitness & Wellbeing, West Byfleet, 01932 351835
Spelthorne Leisure Centre, Knowle Green, Staines, 01784 493493
Heathrow Special Needs Farm & Disabled Horse Riding, 01753 680330
Rokers Little Angels Playworld, Fairlands Farm, Worplesdon, 01483 236667
Matthew Arnold Sports Centre, Staines, 01784 453963
Crossroads Saturday Club, Walton, 5-19yrs, 01372 469942
Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7, 020 7942 5000
Richmond Park, Richmond, Surrey, 020 8948 3209
Lightwater Leisure Centre, The Avenue, Lightwater, 01276 472662
Link Leisure schemes for children with learning difficulties, 01483 770037 Littleton Phabsail, Littleton Sailing Club, Adapted Boats, 01784 251218 Queen Mary Sailability, Ashford, 01784 343219 Runnymede Rascals Cricket Club, Addlestone Leisure Centre, 01483 771553 Sensations multi sensory suite, Woking Leisure Centre, 01483 771122 Surrey Rams Wheelchair Basketball Club, Sunbury, 01932 784258 White Lodge Centre, Chertsey, Play and Leisure Services, 01932 567131 Woking Gymnastics Club, Kingfield Rd, Woking, 01483 771426
Health Clubs & Sports Centres Addlestone Leisure Centre, Addlestone, 01932 858966 David Lloyd Leisure Brooklands, Weybridge, 01932 827900
Wildwood Adventure, Guildford, 0844 880 0026
David Lloyd Leisure Club, Pool, Kidsports, Old Woking, 01483 722113
Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, 01753 831118
Egham Leisure Centre, Egham, 01784 437695
Winkworth Arboretum, Hascombe Road, Godalming, Surrey, 01483 208477
Elmbridge Xcel Leisure Centre, Walton, 01932 260300
Distributed to North West Surrey within Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking boroughs
Thamesmead School Sports Centre, Shepperton, 01932 260050 Weybridge Health Club, 01932 237770 Woking Leisure Centre, 01483 771122 Woking Pool in the Park, leisure lagoon and pools, 01483 771122
Archery Laleham Archery Club, Worple Road, Laleham, 8+, 01784 451281 Leacroft Centre Archery Club, Staines, 01784 453220 Rivernook Bowmen Archery Lessons, Walton, 7yrs+, 07801 299731 Spelthorne Archers, Sunbury, 10yrs+, 01784 259723 Woking Archery Club, 8yrs+, 01932 402414
Reader Testimonial “It’s great [Local Family Directory]. I am able to get a lot of information to help find courses and things on for the kids which I can’t always find on the internet.” Ashleigh Bliss, Mum to two children, in West Molesey
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Activities for 5 to Teens (Arts - Dance & Drama)
Your Essential Family Guide
Abbeyfit Junior Badminton Club, Addlestone Leisure Centre, 01932 858966
Bea’s Allstars Cheerleading, Stanwell, 01784 730227
Badminton, The Arbor Hall, Pyrford, Woking, 01932344757 Fullbrook School Sports Centre, New Haw, 01932 348484 Goldsworth Badminton Club, Woking High School, Horsell, 01483 767748 Hoebridge Junior Badminton Club, 01483 726735 Leacroft Centre Badminton Club, Staines, 01784 453220 Lightwater Leisure Centre, The Avenue, Lightwater, 01276 472662 Racqueteers Badminton, Ashford, 5-16yrs, 01784 257964 Ricky Evans Badminton, Xcel Leisure Centre, Walton, 07870 917117
Arts and Crafts
Art and Soul Ceramics, Woking, 01276 855 821
Fullbrook School Sports Centre, New Haw, 01932 348484
Ashford Art Club, Under 16’s must be accompanied by adult, 01784 259342 Busy Buttons CS: Art & Illustration course, Windsor, 4yrs+, 07952 418212 Busy Buttons CS: Sewing & Art course, Windsor, 6yrs-Adults, 07952 418212 Ceramica, Claygate, 01372 462447 Ceramics Café, Hersham, 01932 988482 Constructa Kids, Carpentry Workshops, Cobham & Weybridge, 07968 770123 Craft Club, Hythe Fields Gospel Hall, Egham, 5yrs+, 07831 660 898 Dib Dab Art Club, Cobham & Esher, 3-8yrs, 07801 368559 Genevieve the Gallery, Englefield Green, 01784 430516
Goldhawks Basketball, Weybridge, 7-16yrs, 07732 806120 Junior Basketball at Xcel Leisure Centre, Walton, 07415 769308
Sunbury Sonics Basketball Club, Sunbury, 11yrs+, 07855 128538 Surrey Basketball Association, 01483 518944
Woking Blackhawks Juniors Basketball Club, 1218yrs, 01483 833162
Cycling British Cycling Federation (Go-Ride Coach), Surrey Division, 07793 660480
Rainbow Arts & Crafts - Children’s Craft Parties & Workshops, 07730 493805
Cycle Proficiency Awards, Surrey County Council, 03456 009 009
Saturday Craft Club, The Resource Centre, Staines Park, 5-11, 01784 461769
Elmbridge Eagles Bike Club, Weybridge, 8-16yrs, 01372 474634
Stanwell Art Group, Stanwell, 16yrs+, 01784 241452
Runnymede Rockets BMX Club, Addlestonemoor, 07870 581626
Sunbury & Shepperton Arts Association, Riverside Art Centre, 01932 782788 Surrey Jewellery Sch, Jewellery making classes, Woking, 8+, 07896 727798 Thameside Art Group, Staines, 16yrs+, 01784 454699 Thameside Sewing Bees, Ashford, 16yrs +, 01932 565917 The Art Class, Surrey, 5-12yrs, 07971 475373 The Vintage Art Studio, Woking, 8-14yrs, Sat AM, 07968 629899 Young Archaeologists’ Club, Chertsey Museum, 8-16yrs, 01932 565764
Animation Clubs
High Sports Climbing Wall, Xcel Leisure Centre, Walton, 08701 624890
Surrey County Council Cycling Officer, Information & Routes, 03456 009 009
E-TOTs, Computer Sessions for Preschool Children, 01483 480322
Performing Arts Services
SAVI Surrey Voluntary Association for the Visual Impairment, 01372 377701
Surrey County Wardrobe, Costumes single or group, Woking, 01483 721697
The E-IT Club, Computer Lessons for Primary Children, 01483 480322
Dancewear Shops
Conservation and Wildlife Surrey Amphibian and Reptile and Pond Restoration Groups, 01483 275281
Unismart, Dance Outfits, Cobham, 01932 868233
Surrey Badger Protection Society, 020 8660 9827 Surrey Wildlife Watch, Education Dept, 01372 379509 West Surrey Badger Group, 01483 811989
Cookery Active Cookery Club, Laleham, 6-10yrs, 07980 204628 Kiddy Cook, cookery workshops for 4-11yrs, Rowtown, 07954 149739 Spicy Kitchen, Vegetarian Cooking Lessons, Shepperton, 8yrs+, 01932 706912 Tante Marie School of Cookery, Woking, college, age 16+, 01483 726957 The Cookie Club, fun, weekly 1hr class, Knaphill, 5 to 11yrs, 01483 797955
Cricket Ashford Cricket Club, 7yrs+, 01784 252288 Bagshot Cricket Club, 7-13yrs, 01276 474116 Chertsey Cricket Club, Sir Edwards Stern Sports Ground, 01932 560658 Chobham Cricket Club, 01276 855562
Dance and Drama ACT, Acting, Singing and Dancing, Addlestone, 1016, 01932 225441
Cobham Avorians Cricket Club, 5yrs+, 07961 359067
Allegro Dance Academy 3 to adult, Sheerwater & Byfleet, 07747 316988
East Molesey Cricket Club, 5-17yrs, 020 8783 1489
Ann Langley School of Dancing, Shepperton, 12yrs+, 020 8751 2177
Chertsey Bowling Club, Chertsey Recreation Centre, 01932 569433
Fullbrook School Sports Centre, New Haw, 01932 348484
Stanwell Bowling Club, Stanwell Rec Grounds, 12yrs+, 01784 254297
Imber Court Sports Club, Molesey, 020 8398 1267
Woking Park, bowling green, 01483 771122
Dance Depot, Bagshot High Street, 07818 414321 Janet’s, School Uniforms & Dancewear, Englefield Green, 01784 436301
Bowling and Skittles
Woking Park Bowls Club, 01483 756537
Cabaret Dancewear, Knaphill, 01483 488440
Butterfly Conservation, Surrey and SW London branch, 01306 882097
Egham Cricket Club, 8-16yrs, 01932 563602
The Big Apple, Woking, Ten Pin Bowling, 01483 727100
Croquet Woking Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, 01483 730104
Surreys Environment Magazine, 03456 009 009
Sunbury Mini Basketball Club, Sunbury, 7-10yrs, 07855 128538
Welcomes ALL cricket players 5yrs to adult Find out more at www.avorianscc.co.uk email avorianscc@gmail.com or call 07961 359067
Heights Climbing Club, Sunbury, 8yrs+, 01932 772287
Spelthorne Atoms Basketball Club, Ashford, 7yrs+, 01784 248042
Little Acorns Art Club, Shepperton, 18m - 5yrs, 07813 171107
Potty Paintbrush Mobile Ceramic Pottery for all ages, 07908 032007
Climbing and Mountaineering
Surrey Wildlife Trust, 01483 795440
Thamesmead School Sports Centre, Shepperton, 01932 260050
Mini Masterpieces, 18m-4yrs, West End Sports Pavillion, 01483 489443
Diamond Twirlers, baton twirling group, 5yrs+, 01483 858366
Lightwater Leisure Centre, The Avenue, Lightwater, 01276 472662
Halliford Pottery, Baby & Childrens Hand & Feet Impressions, 01932 766179
Make & Do, Staines, 01784 440703
Dancing Shoes Cheerleading, Ottershaw Village Halll 6yrs+, 01932 342069
Cobham Avorians Cricket Club
Esher Cricket Club, 5-18yrs, 07905 915560
Kwik Cricket, Thamesmead School Sports Centre, Shepperton, 01932 260050
Baby Ballet Academy, Staines, Egham & Virginia Water, 3yrs+, 0794 642 9883 BKD Performers, Woking, 3-16yrs, 07711 322 512 Bollywood Dance Fitness at Woking Dance Space, Mayford, 07747 102570
Old Woking Cricket Club, 01483 730079
Boppin Dance School, Classes in Woking, 2½ys+, 01730 829948
Ottershaw & Hamm Moor Cricket Club, 11-17yrs, 020 8570 3439
Brookwood Children’s Drama, 5-16yrs, 07512 866300
Pyrford Cricket Club, 01932 342076
Budding Ballerina Classes for 4-6yrs, Pyrford, 07906 339843
Busy Buttons CS: Design & Animation course, Windsor, 6yrs+, 07952 418212
Bushcraft & Outdoor Education
Big Hat Bushcamp, Chertsey, 7-18yrs, 07957 184341
Addlestone Panther Club, 01483 518944
Rugged Earth Adventures, Action Packed Parties, Bisley, 07956 964779
Stoke D’Abernon Cricket Club, 7-17yrs, 01372 750591
Willow’s Forest School, Chertsey & Woking, 2-11yrs, 07734 188174
Sunbury Cricket Club, 5yrs+, 01932 783869
Castaway Dance, Shepperton, 3yrs+, 07969 753155
Surrey County Cricket Club Development Department, 020 7582 6660
Charters School of Dance, Englefield Green, 3yrs+, 07817 691660
Valley End Colts (u9’s-u17’s), Chobham, 01276 471004
Childrens Ballet Centre, 4-12yrs, Staines, 0794 642 9883
Weybridge Cricket Club, under 11’s, 01932 842484
Clandon School of Dance, Send & Ripley, 01483 282506
Panther Athletic Club Staines, 11-13yrs, 01483 518944 Spelthorne Junior Athletics, Staines, 7-11yrs, 01784 255779 Surrey County Athletic Association, 020 8393 8950 Walton Athletics Club, 9yrs+, 01932 225351 Woking Athletic Club, Sheerwater, 01932 356266 Woking Panther Athletic Club, 9-13yrs, 01483 518944
Woodcraft Folk, Activities, Outings, Camping, Walton, 01932 226808 Woodcraft Folk, games, drama, projects, crafts, Woking, 6-15, 07855 254368 Woodcraft Folk, games/drama/projects/crafts, Ashford, 6-15y, 01784 252966
Shepperton Cricket Club, 7yrs+, 01784 881249 Shepperton Girls & Ladies Cricket Club, 5yrs+, 01932 221722 Staines & Laleham Cricket Club, 6yrs+, 01784 456399
Whiteley Village Cricket Club, Walton, 7yrs+, 01932 844671 Woking and Horsell Cricket Club, 07725 607343
Burge School of Dancing, Charlton Village & Ashford, 5yrs+, 01784 256161 Carlo Rossi School of Dance, Walton, 2½yrs+, 07968 533696
Classical Ballet Centre, Tap, Jazz, Street, Lightwater,2½yr+, 07979 496140
localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690
Activities for 5 to Teens (Dance & Drama)
FAMILY DIRECTORY Your Essential Family Guide
Comotion Theatre School, Bagshot, 6yrs+, 07729 214655 Cremona School of Dance, Woking, ages 3-18yrs, 01483 851212 Dance Divas, Thamesmead School Sports Centre, Shepperton, 01932 260050 Dance Education Centre, Weybridge, 07770 727543 Dance Stars, Ballet, Tap, Modern, Street, Ashford, 2yrs+, 07753 748819 Dancing Shoes, Ottershaw Village Hall (Brook Hall), 2yrs+, 01932 342069 Denise School of Dancing, Woking, All Ages, 01483 870112
RAD and ISTD Registered School Classes in Ballet, Tap and Modern From 2 1/2 Years of Age to Adults Branches in Laleham and Shepperton
Derek & June Green, Freestyle, Rock ‘n’ Roll, Ashford, 01276 475680 Dramatize’s special needs themed theatrical workshops, 07912 183085
DreamCatchers Dance & Drama Classes, Surrey & London, 07854 395311
07920 022 870
Emilie Den Englesman School of Dance, Sunbury, 7yrs+, 01932 220280
Book now for a free ballet class!
Encore Theatre Arts, Chertsey 2½yrs+, 07786 854287 First Dance Academy Musical Theatre, Woking, 7yrs -16yrs, 01483 750075 Flipside Dance, Cobham Village Hall, 2½yrs+, 01932 911064 Harfield Dance Studio, Sunbury, 3yrs+, 07939 302106
Saturday Performing Arts Academy & Children’s Agency 10:30am-12:30pm Manorcroft School, Egham, Ages 4-12
Harmony Dance, classes in Ripley, 2½yrs+, 01372 454262 Holly’s School of Dance, Staines, Ashford, Stanwell, 07950 040152 Hot Steppers School of Dance, Lightwater, 2yrs+, 07732 887314 InStep School of Dance, Laleham, Staines & Weybridge, 3yrs+, 07725 343369 Jennifer Todd School of Dance, Woking, 07989 306660
13:00pm-15:00pm Magna Carta School, Staines, Ages 4-12 15:00pm-18:00pm Magna Carta School, Staines, Ages 13+
07973 526012 info@pindartheatreperformers.co.uk www.ptpacademy.co.uk
Jenny Reeds School of Dance, Knaphill and New Haw, 2½yrs+, 07428 517334 Julie Sianne Theatre Arts, Byfleet, 2½-18yrs, 01932 347159 K.D.A.D Stage School, Ashford, 07956 696509 Kate’s School of Dance, Addlestone Chertsey & Weybridge 2yr+, 07957 639460 Katy Anne Robinson School of Dance, Ashford, 2½yrs +, 079200 22870 Kelalou Academy, Irish Dance Classes, Old Woking, 3yrs+, 07934 952414 Kelli Dixon Academy of Dance, Ashford, 2½yrs +, 07956 696509 Leanne Edwards School of Theatre Arts, Bisley, 2½yrs+, 0777 3121884 Lightwater Leisure Centre Dance Classes from 2½yrs+, 01276 472662 Little Primas Performing Arts Academy, Windlesham, 18m-5yrs, 01276 476667
If your son or daughter loves to dance our Music and Movement classes are a great place for them to learn the first steps of ballet whilst having fun! At the Katy Anne Robinson School of Dance we aim to promote our pupils’ physical, intellectual, creative and emotional well-being. We create a safe and stimulating environment where dancers are supported and encouraged to develop at their own pace. Our professional approach is supported by encouragement, fun, friendship and a commitment to allowing every dancer the opportunity to achieve their true potential. Book now for a free trial class for children aged 2½ and upwards! For pupils aged 4 and upwards our RAD Ballet and ISTD Tap and Modern classes provide the opportunity to learn official syllabuses, take exams and participate in shows! The school provides a great platform for people who are interested in dancing professionally and many of our students have taken vocational exams with the school and then gone on to study at professional dance colleges such as ArtsEd, Urdang and Millennium Arts College. Adult tap classes for beginners and advanced students are also available. Please get in touch to arrange a free trial class!
www.katyannerobinson.co.uk katyannerobinson@hotmail.co.uk 07920 022 870
Dancing Shoes Dance School Free Trial Dancing Shoes Dance School is a well established dance school and is a friendly, fun place to learn the art of Dance. We offer classes from 2 years to adult in Ballet, Tap, Modern, Streetdance, Streetcheer and adult fitness and are based in Ottershaw, Byfleet and West Byfleet. Contact Angela today for a free class for new children. Please give us a call on 01932 342069 or check out our website www.dancingshoesdanceschool.co.uk
Distributed to North West Surrey within Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking boroughs
Dancing Shoes Dance School
Classes in Ottershaw Tuesdays
Little Stars Dance • Street Dance • Street Cheer • Modern 2½ Years to Adult Total Beginners Welcome • Adult Classes Coming Soon A great way to express yourself Encouraging quality dance instruction in Ballet, Tap and Street Dance Qualified Teachers, CRB checked and First Aiders For more Information please call
Tel 01932 342069
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Activities for 5 to Teens (Dance & Drama)
Your Essential Family Guide
Ages 3 to Professional Academy for Aspiring Performing Artists BALLET | TAP | MODERN | STREET DANCE JAZZ | MUSICAL PRODUCTION | DRAMA ISTD and RAD exams undertaken
classes in
Horsley Ripley Ockham Send www.harmonydanceanddrama.com
Dance and Drama cont...
Pirbright Ballet School, Pirbright, 01276 709393
Little Stars Drama Club (school holidays), Woking, 3-12yrs, 07919 436757
Pond Grainger Performing Arts, Addlestone & New Haw, 2yrs+, 01932 232830
Lorna Timms Theatre Arts, Bagshot, 3yrs+, 07818 414321
Pop School UK, Song & Dance, Pyrford, Walton, Woking, 8yrs+, 01932 343531
Lost for Words, Woking, 8yrs+, 01932 340538
Pyjama Drama, Cobham, Esher, Walton & Weybridge, 01932 807150
Louise Hudson School of Dance, Ashford & Stanwell, 2½yrs+, 01784 473139
Rebecca Jackson Dance Academy, RAD Ballet/ Musical Theatre 5+, 07906 339843 Rebekah’s Dance School, Lightwater, 07966 579829
Mini Musical Madness, West Byfleet, 4-11yrs, 07876 177615
Riverside Youth Theatre, Sunbury, 12-18yrs, 020 8890 7789
MM Dancecraft, Esher, 2-7yrs, 0208 399 6276
Shani Nash Lets Dance, Saturday Ballet Club, Woking, 2yrs+, 07891 924409
Monarch Studios, Tap, Jazz, Drama, Acro, 2½yrs+, 07798 830158 Nichols School of Dance, Addlestone & Walton, 3-18yrs, 07557 238044
Silke Mackay School of Dancing, Knaphill, 2½yrs+, 01252 449855 Simply Dance, Egham, 3yrs+, 07786 050361 St Hilda’s Entertainers, Ashford, 10yrs +, 01784 245298
Nina Monteiro Ballet School, Hersham 2½ - 11yrs, 07794 520 068
Stagecoach Cobham, 01932 348844
Nuffield Health, Fitness & Wellbeing, W Byfleet, 2½10yrs, 01932 351835
Stagecoach Staines, 01483 235216
Oak Academy of Performing Arts, Ottershaw, 7-13yrs, 07961 372486 OTB Dance Company, Hersham, Byfleet & Walton, 07926 707700 Peer Productions Youth Theatre, Knaphill, Woking, 8yrs+, 01483 476825 Perform, Woking, Virginia Water, Staines & Laleham, 0845 400 4000 Pindar Theatre Performers, Staines, Egham, Ripley, 4-18yrs, 07973 526012
Plays & Workshops for ages 2-12yrs, 01483 724633
Mini Molesey Theatre Club, 5-10yrs, 07964 260301
Molesey School of Ballet, 2½yrs+, 01932 227456
tel:01372 454262
Stagecoach Esher, 01372 238238 Stagecoach Theatre Arts, Chertsey, 4-16yrs, 0845 265 7081 Stagecoach Theatre Arts, Woking, 4-16yrs, 01483 235216 Stagecoach Walton, 01932 506806 Starlight Academy, Esher 18m+, 01276 476667 STARS Performing Art Shepperton, 4-16yrs, 07772 924399 Street Dance Academy UK, Woking, 4-18yrs, 07855 041859 Street Vibes, Woking, 07715 102903
localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690
Activities for 5 to Teens (Fitness - Gymnastics)
FAMILY DIRECTORY Your Essential Family Guide
Jenny Reeds School of Dance RAD Ballet & ISTD Tap & Modern Jazz
Classes in New Haw & Knaphill Children from 2½ years to advanced students You are welcome to come and observe classes and take a 3 week trial for £10 For further information contact Jenny on
07428 517334 or reedsjenny@gmail.com
www.jennyreedsdance.co.uk Summerscales Performing Arts, Horsell, 3+, 07949 468 808
Surrey Arts North, Woking, 01932 794584
1st Touch Football Coaching, Sunbury & Walton, 3-12yrs, 07792 663338
Surrey County Art West, covering Woking area, 01483 761039 Surrey County Arts, 01483 728711 Surrey County Arts Dance 6-16yrs, 01483 776128 Surrey County Youth Theatre, 01483 519285 Surrey Singing School, Shepperton & Esher 5yr+, 01932 221542 Surrey Young Dancemakers, Staines & Woking, 6-16yrs, 01483 776128
Abbey Rangers Football Club, Addlestone, 01932 422962 Abbey Rangers Under 10, 07506 576201 Abbeyrangers Girls Football, Addlestone, U12’s, 07760 106115 Active Soccer Woking, 7yrs +, 07951 480729 Ashford Boys Football Club, under 15, 01784 245908 Ashford Town (Middx) FC, Stanwell, 7+, 01784 440613
Susan Handy School of Dance, Woking, 2½-adult, 01753 542672
Bakez Kickz Coaching for Boys & Girls, New Haw, 4-16yrs, 07866 212346
Susan Roberts Academy of Performing Arts, Cobham & Weybridge, 01932 590441
Byfleet Village Football Club, U5’s - U18’s, 01932 340600 Chelsea Soccer, Xcel Leisure Centre, 01932 596139
Susan Robinson School of Dancing, Byfleet and Woking, 3+, 01932 342238
Chertsey Town Football Club, 01932 561774
Terri Jayne School of Dance, Lightwater & Chobham, 2½-adult, 01276 474275
Children’s Round-Robin Football, Thamesmead Sports Centre, 01932 260050 Colne Valley Girls FC, Staines, 6yrs+, 07932 622293
The Biz Theatre School, Woking, 8-16yrs, 01483 765548
Egham 5’s Football Coaching Sessions, Egham Leisure Centre, 01784 437695
The Performance Academy, Laleham, Staines, 3yrs+, 01784 452782
Enjoy-a-Ball, Woking, 3yrs - 9yrs, 07843 283830
Theatre Work Biz, Byfleet, Hersham & Weybridge, 07741 495466
Football Association (FA), Surrey Branch, 01372 373543
Thorpe Players under 14’s, 01753 860518
Footie Tots, Preschool Ball Skills, Spelthorne Area, 2-5yrs, 07931 707720
Tiptoes Dance Chobham & Woking, 4yrs+, 07790 823434
Fullbrook School Sports Centre, New Haw, 01932 348484
Gymnastics & Trampoline
Urban Dance School, Shepperton, Staines 5yr+, 07852 322758
Girls Soccer School, Addlestone, 07711 042588
Abbeymoor Golf Club, Addlestone, 6+, 01932 570293
Abbey Sports Acrobatic Club, Addlestone, 5+, 07967 759052
Wentworth Dance Centre, Virginia Waters, 3yrs+, 01344 884749 Woking Dance Space, 16yrs+, 01483 474808 Woking Youth Arts Centre, 01483 480507 Wyoming Raiders, Western Re-enactment, Sunbury, All ages, 01932 761212 Yates School of Dancing, Addlestone 3 to adult, 01932 821534
Fitness and Exercise FunFit Club, New Haw, 3-12yrs, 01932 843471 Ice Teenz Indoor Cycling, Woking Leisure Centre, 13-15yrs, 01483 771122 Indigo Children’s Yoga, Laleham & Ashford, 1-12yrs, 07515 766163 Junior Fitness Club, Woking Leisure Centre, 1315yrs, 01483 771122 Junior Gym, Egham Leisure Centre, 12-15yrs, 01784 437695
Goalkeeping Schools & Football Munchkins, 07903 177414 Just4Keepers, Goalkeeper Academy, Woking & Esher, 0845 094 1809
Kiddikicks, Byfleet, Molesey, Pyrford & Weybridge, 18m-7yrs, 01932 489335
Chobham Golf Club, Knaphill, Woking, 01276 855584
Flair Gymnastics, Bisley, Woking, 4yrs+, 08450 346 700
Knaphill Wanderers FC, 7yrs+, 01483 476302
Cranfield Golf Academy, Sandown, Esher, 5yrs+, 01372 469260
Fullbrook School Sports Centre, New Haw, 01932 348484
Letz Play Sports Football Coaching, Addlestone & Woking, 07527 649388
Flair Gymnastics and Trampolining, Sunbury, Bisley, 2yrs+, 08450 346 700 Flair Trampolining, Sunbury, 5yrs+, 0845 8900 144
Lightwater Leisure Centre, 01276 472662
Foxhills Health Club, Junior Golf, Ottershaw, 3-16, 01932 872050
Fun and Bounce, Woking Leisure Centre, 6-11yrs, 01483 771122
Little Kickers, Toddler Football, Chobham, 2-5yrs, 01276 600393
Golden Putter Mini Golf, Staines, for all the Family, 07967 638915
Gym, Lightwater Leisure Centre, 11yrs +, 01276 472662
Little Kicks, Toddler Football, Byfleet 18m-2½yrs, 01932 847439 Manorcroft United JFC, Egham, All Ages, 07772 306670 Mayford Athletic Football Club, 01483 764111 Old Wokingians and Meadow Sports Football Club, 01483 730737 Planet Soccer, Addlestone, Ottershaw & Virginia Water, 4-12, 07919 206146
Sporty Kidz, Fun Fitness Classes 4-11yrs, throughout Surrey, 01276 856182
Small Wonders Little Kickers, Sunbury & West Byfleet, 2-5yrs, 01932 847439
Supervised Gym, David Lloyd, Woking, 12-16yrs, 01483 712905
Sporty Kidz, 4-11yrs, Surrey, 01276 856182
Yoga Sp8ce, Cobham, 7-teens, 07711 284488
Egham Leisure Centre, Egham, 01784 437695
Burhill Golf Club, Lessons, Walton, 5-12yrs, 01932 227345
Skill Zone, Soccer & Multi Sports, 4 - 12yrs, 07766 143114
The Hoop Dance Co, fun, lively hola hoop classes, Chertsey, 07910 344 089
Backflip Performers, Woking & Weybridge, 4-12yrs, 0208 940 7998
Kiddie Kickers, Thamesmead School Sports Centre, Shepperton, 01932 260050
MultiSports weekend classes, Woking, 4-16yrs, 0844 3350450
Thamesmead School Sports Centre, Shepperton, 01932 260050
Andy Little, Junior Golf Day Camps, 5yrs+, 07736 300817
Strikers Saturday am Football, Lightwater Leisure Cntr, 5yr+, 01276 472662 Surrey Football Coaching Centres, Thorpe & Addlestone, 4-13, 01932 454866 Woking & Maybury Football Academy, recruiting boys/girls, 07530 151446 Woking Football Club, 01483 772470
Zing Fitness total workout for students & parents, 11yrs+, 07902 662705
Woking Girls & Boys Football Club, under 6’s to 18yrs, 01483 475993
Zumba Fitness Classes, Lightwater, Windlesham, West End, 13+, 07917 106392
Woking Referees’ Society, age 14 and upwards, 07793 205023
Hersham Village Golf Club, Junior Lessons, 01932 267666 Hoebridge Golf Centre, Woking, 3-15yrs, 01483 722611
Spelthorne Elite Acrobatics, Ashford, 6-18yrs, 01784 881814 Spelthorne Gymnastics, Ashford, 2½yrs upwards, 01784 880474 Spelthorne Leisure Gymastics Club, Staines, 3yrs+, 01784 493493
Laleham Golf Club, Junior Section, 8yrs+, 01932 564211
Springbox Gymnastics, Bisley Village Hall, 5-12yrs, 07887 933065
Mr Mulligan’s Pirate Golf, Woking, 4yrs+, 01483 722611
Teen Tramps, Woking Leisure Centre, 11-17 years, 01483 771122
Safari Adventure Golf, Fun for the whole family, Hersham, 01932 267666 Sandown Golf Centre, Junior Academy, Esher, 5-16yrs, 07962 112505
Terri Jayne Gym Club, Lightwater, 4-16yrs, 01276 474275 The Hoop Dance Co, fun, lively hola hoop classes, Chertsey, 07910 344 089 Trampolining, Thamesmead School Sports Centre, Shepperton, 01932 260050
Sunbury Golf Club, Juniours 5-18yrs, 01932 771414
Tumble Tots, Addlestone, Esher, Walton, Weybridge, 6m - 7yrs, 07545 968189
The Pete Fuller Junior Academy coaching weeks, Pirbright, 8+, 01483 473183
Walton Gym Club, Xcel Leisure Centre, Walton, 01483 476272
Top Golf, Addlestone, 7yrs +, 01932 858551
Weybourne Gymnastics Club, New Haw, 2.5yrs+, 01932 842058
Traditions Golf Course , Pyrford Rd, Woking, 4 Adult, 01932 350353 West Byfleet Golf Club, 01932 343433 Windermere Golf Club, West End, 01276 858727
Distributed to North West Surrey within Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking boroughs
Weybridge Gymnastics Club, Cleves School, 5-12yrs, 07960 568754 Woking Gymnastics Club, Woking, 12mths - adult, 01483 771426
Where did you find these services? Tell advertisers in your Local Family Directory
Activities for 5 to Teens (Hockey - Swimming)
Your Essential Family Guide
Hockey Dragons at Old Georgians Hockey Club, St George’s College 7+, 07887 923 737
New Childrens Classes Old Woking
Music Groups & Centres
Snooker Pool and Billiards
Contemporary Youth Music, Bands/Performances, Staines, 01784 446433
The Big Apple, Woking, Pool Room, 01483 727100
Egham Junior Brass Band, 07946 524900
Woking Snooker Centre Junior Club, 8 to 15 years, 01483 762754
In Accord Youth Choir, Horsell, 8-15yrs, 01483 772487
Snow Sports Sandown Ski Centre, Lessons, 4yrs+, 01372 467133
Surrey Hockey Association, 01737 358224
North Surrey Junior Guitar Ensemble, Staines, 01932 794584
Woking Hockey Club, Goldsworth Park, Woking, 01483 472509
North Surrey Junior String Orchestra, Staines, 01932 794584
Swimming and Snorkelling
Enjoy-a-Ball, Woking, 3yrs - 9yrs, 07843 283830 Staines Hockey Club, 5-18yrs, 01784 456399 Sunbury & Walton Hawks HC, under 14’s, 07740 812613
North Surrey Junior Windband, Staines, 01932 794584
History Archaeology & Genealogy Spelthorne Young Archaeologists Club, 9-16yrs, 01344 843370 Surrey Archeological Society, 01483 532454 Surrey County Archaeology Unit, 01483 518779 Surrey Historic Buildings Trust, 03456 009 009 Surrey History Centre, Goldsworth Road, Woking, 01483 518737 West Surrey Family History Society, Dorking Branch, 01403 242916 Young Archaeologists’ Club, Chertsey, Arts & Crafts, 8-16yrs, 01932 565764
Horseriding Ascot Park Polo Club, Chobham, 01276 858545 Cliff Hatch Stables, Mayford, 3yrs upwards, 01483 721041 Hatch Farm Stables,children’s riding lessons, Addlestone, 5+, 01932 855550 Langshot Equestrian Centre, Chobham, 4yrs, 01276 856949 Laris Farm Riding School, Chobham, 5yrs, 01276 855034 Pony Club, Surrey Union Branch, (sorry, no ponies for hire), 01306 631236 Poynters Riding Centre, Cobham, 4yrs+, 01932 865951 Riding for the Disabled, Surrey County Chairman, 0845 4507044 Rocking Horse RDA, Riding for the Disabled, Woking, 01483 770022 Samber - Riding for the Disabled, 0845 450 6747 Shey Copse Riding Centre, Pony Club, 4yrs+, Woking, 01483 770022
Fighting Edge Martial Arts, Ashford, 6-12yrs, 07768 856902 Fighting Fitness Judo, Pyrford & Woking, 5-16yrs+, 07854 974 933 Fullbrook School Sports Centre, Kung Fu and Tae Kwon-Do, 01932 348484 GKR Karate, Woking, Watlon & Webridge, 5yrs+, 07852 289324 HED TKD Tae kwon-do, Self Defence, Fitness and Fun, 0845 3105784 Junior Kick Boxing, Egham, 12-16yrs, 0800 043 0833 Karate, David Lloyd, Woking, 4-11yrs, 01483 712905 Leacroft Centre Judo Club, Staines, 01784 453220
Spelthorne Young Voices, 01784 465815 St Anne’s Church Bellringers, Bagshot, 12yr+, 01276 471275 St Mary’s Church Bellringers, Horsell, 01483 721212 Staines Lammas Brass Band, Staines, All ages, 07811 927410 Stepping Notes Music School, Englefield Green, 2-8yrs, 01932 241196 Surrey Corps of Drums, Marching Band, 023 8027 3772 Surrey County Latin American Percussion Ensemble, 01483 776128 Surrey County Youth Choir, 12 to 20, 01483 517141 Surrey County Youth Orchestra, 07968 832413 The Listeners, for visually impaired, Sunbury, 16yrs +, 01784 465815
Baby Splash, Bagshot & Woking, birth - 6yrs, 0118 9968958 Baby/Toddler & Parent Classes, David Lloyd, Woking, 01483 712905 Charlotte’s Swim School, Ripley, Walton & Weybridge, 3m+, 0777 3377714 Cobham Swim School, 3½yrs+, 01372 386958 David Lloyd Leisure Club, Woking, Swimming Lessons, 01483 722113 Elmbridge Junior Snorkellers Club, Walton, 8yrs+, 07956 897216 Elmbridge Phoenix Swimming Club, Walton, 7yrs+, 01932 260300 Frogs & Friends Swimming School, Chertsey, 3yrs+, 01344 898330
Jacky Stone Swimming, Chertsey, 4m-12yrs, 07941 937906 Julie’s Swim School, Ripley & Woking, 3½+, 07894 065349
Martial Arts Academy, Egham, 5yrs+, 0800 043 0833
High 5 Netball for girls and boys (KS2), Woking, 07794 452166
Junior Swim Lessons, David Lloyd, Woking, 3yrs+, 01483 712905
Martial Arts All Styles, Sheerwater & Woodham, 01483 720054
Spelthorne Junior Netball Club, Staines, 7-15yrs, 01784 446452
Little Amphibians Swim School, Woking, 2yrs+, 0777 4011516
MZM South East Martial Arts, Chobham, 4-11yrs, 07939 208 909
Thamesmead School Sports Centre, Shepperton, 01932 260050
Parent & Baby Swimming at Staines Swimming Club, Staines, 01784 642981
MZM South East Martial Arts, Ottershaw, 4-11yrs, 07939 208 909
Tringham Netball Club, Woking, 01483 829960
Weybridge Equestrian Centre, Lessons, 2-10yrs, 01932 248544
Pro Elite Martial Arts Woking, 3yrs+, 07710 252727 Pro Mai Martial Arts School, Addlestone & Sunbury, 4-13yrs, 01784 244275 RDA Capoeira, Brazilian Martial Arts, 5yrs+, Staines, 07767 845851
Go-Kart Parties, Woking, 07595 636333
Shin Kick Martial Arts & Fitness Centre, Woking, 07870 626559
Kiddi Karts, Go Karts, 4-Adult, 01932 770770
Shotokan Karate KUGB, Woking, 01344 482814
Weybridge Vandals Netball, Weybridge & Chertsey, 07917 428270 Woking Netball Club, 9yrs+, 01483 743804
Paintball and Laser Games Campaign Paintball, 12yrs+, Cobham, 01932 865999 Delta Force Paintball, Cobham, 8yrs+, 0844 4775115
Enjoy-a-Ball, Woking, 3yrs - 9yrs, 07843 283830
Thames Valley Tae Kwon Do Club, Spelthorne, 5yrs+, 01932 780985
Chikara Judo Club, Hersham, 5yrs+, 07886 335189
Tiger Taekwondo, Shepperton, 5yrs+, 07958 718923
Cobham Choi Kwang Do, Stoke D’Abernon, 5yrs+, 07598 445867
TKD Kids, Staines, Egham & Addlestone, 7-12yrs, 07949 745555
Combat Academy, Self Defence & Kickboxing, 5yrs+, 01784 255629
Walton Academy Kids Kickboxing, Walton,, 07710 737689
Dragon Judo Club, New Haw, Walton & Weybridge 4yrs+, 01932 248441
Motor Vehicles
Eurokwai Shotokan Karate, Community Centre, Virginia Water, 01344 842162
Surrey Youth Motorcycle Trials Sports Club Runnymede, 6-17yr, 01784 452225
Swim It, Shepperton, 15 months upwards, 07983 486261
Swim Together, West End, 4yrs+, 0791 787 3805
Rugby and Mini Rugby
Tae Kwon-Do, Abbeyfit Leisure Centre, Addlestone 8+, 01932 858966
Ashford Aikido Club, 16yrs +, 07973 397448
Stroke 2 Stroke, 1-2-1, Lessons, Bisley & Bagshot, 3yrs+, 0751 260 7288
Swim Quest, Sunbury, 3yrs+, 07791 913124
Quad Squad UK, Walton, 6-15yrs, 01264 848181
Thai Boxing, David Lloyd, Woking, 11-16yrs, 01483 712905
Staines Swimming Club, Staines, 4yrs+, 07818 426717
The Big Apple, Woking, Laser Games, 01483 727100
Silvermere Fight Academy, Weybridge, 07824 885375
Abel Karate, for able bodied & SEN children, Molesey, 3yrs+, 07960 427301
Seriously Fun Swimming, Baby Swimming, 4m-3yrs, Staines, 0844 3511461
Swim Kidz, Bagshot & Wisley, birth upwards, 01189 597874
Chobham Rugby Football Club, 01276 858616
Taekwon-Do, Woking, 7yrs+, 07818 224532
Parent & Toddler Splash, Pool in the Park, Woking, 0-5yrs, 01483 771122
Go Ballistic Paintball, Chobham, 12-16yrs, 0844 745 5000
Mercedes-Benz World, Stars Driving Club - height restricted, 0870 400 4000
Aquademy Swimming, Cobham, 18m+, 07505 489815
JEMA Swim Sch ASA lessons 3yrs+, 07702 412090
Pilsungdo Martial Arts, W Byfleet, Woking, 4yrs+, 0800 756 6316
BUSEN Martial Arts and Fitness, Woking Leisure Centre, 07956 291064
Aqua Tots, Ottershaw, Staines & Sunbury, 0-4yrs, 020 8688 6488
Fullbrook School Sports Centre, New Haw, 01932 348484
The Shetland Pony Club,2½yrs+, 1st rides & Parties, Cobham, 01372 844077
Martial Arts
Aqua Tots, Higher Level and Snorkelling, Sunbury, upto 6yrs, 020 8688 6488
Enjoy-a-Ball, Woking, 3yrs - 9yrs, 07843 283830
MZM South East Martial Arts, Woking, 4-11yrs, 07939 208 909
Daytona at Sandown Park, Esher, 5-15yrs, 0845 644 5502
Spelthorne Choral Society, Stanwell, 12yrs +, 01784 211944
LiL’ Dragons, Cobham, 4-6yrs, 01932 866922
Sunbury Equestrian Centre, 01932 787 666
Karting & Quad Bikes
Aqua Tots, Ashford, Bisley & Hersham, 0-4yrs, 020 8688 6488
North Surrey Youth Orchestra, Staines, 01932 794584
Reserve a space now! 07818 224532 richard@surreytaekwondo.com
3 T’s Swimming School, Ottershaw & Horsell, 3-9yrs, 07908 748169
Cobham Rugby Club, 5yrs+, 01932 864441 Esher Mini Rugby, 5yrs+, 07880 711288 Little Rugby, Toddler Football, Chobham, 2-5yrs, 01276 600393 London Irish RFC Master Class, Sunbury, 8-16yrs, 01932 750107 Reeds Weybridge RFC, Hersham, 5yrs+, 07792 615 065 Rugby Tots, Herhsam & Woking, 2-5yrs, 08453 136704 Rugger Kids - Fun rugby play sessions for 2-7 year olds, 07789 773835
Swimming Nature, Bagshot & Walton, 3yrs+, 08445 040506 Swimtime, Woking, 4yrs+, 01727 881555 Teach me Swimming, Addlestone, Ripley & Byfleet, 3yrs+, 01932 355594 The Hurst Pool, Swimming lessons, Hersham, 0208 941 6544 WAG Scuba Diving Courses, Woking Pool in the Park, 12-25, 01483 715126 Water Babies, Addlestone, Cobham, Woking & Shepperton, 01932 227428 Waterlife Swim School, Bisley & Bagshot, 3m - 5yrs, 0208 947 2149 Whippersplashers, Addlestone, Ottershaw, Woking, 07753 386867 Woking Dolphins, sheltered swimming for disabled, 0-adult, 01276 857113
Tag Rugby Coaching Sessions, Woking, 7-8yrs, 2 a session, Greenfield school
Woking Lifesaving Group, Pool in the Park, Woking, 01276 473757
Weybridge Vandals RFC, 5yrs+, 01932 227659
Woking Pool in the Park, swimming lessons, 01483 771122
Woking Rugby Football Club, Byfleet, 01932 346403
Xcel Leisure Centre, Walton, all ages, 01932 260300
localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690
Activities for 5 to Teens (Tennis - Youth Clubs)
FAMILY DIRECTORY Your Essential Family Guide
Table Tennis
Girls Brigade. Addlestone, New Haw, Woking, All Ages, 01252 541577
Ashford Table Tennis Club, All ages, 01784 250952
St John Ambulance Badgers, Surrey, 5-10yrs, 01483 567163
Fullbrook School Sports Centre, New Haw, 01932 348484 Junior Tennis, Woking Lawn Tennis Club, 7yrs+, 01483 730104
Tennis Ad Tennis, Lightwater & Cobham, 3yrs+, 01932 588016 Ashford Junior Tennis Club, 4yrs+, 01932 221196 Byfleet Tennis Club, Pyrford Road, Woking, 01932 342849 Cobham Tennis Club, 07946 586013
St John Ambulance Cadets, Surrey, 10-16yrs, 01483 567163
Your Essential Family Guide
St John Ambulance, Broad School Rd, Woking, 01483 720600 St John Ambulance, Windsor Court Road, Chobham, 01276 858753 Staines & Egham Sea Cadets, Staines, boys & girls 10-18yrs, 01932 788483 Surrey Army Cadet Force, HQ, 01483 425371 The Sunbury & Walton Sea Cadets, Shepperton, 1018yrs, 01932 222006
Cobham Tennis Club, lessons 4yrs+, 07946 586013
Woking Cadet Sea Rangers, HQ, Westfield Avenue, Woking, 01483 480725
Elmsway Tennis Club, Ashford, All ages, 01784 258570
Woking Sea Cadets, 01483 768323
Foxhills Health Club, Junior Tennis, Ottershaw, 3-12, 01932 872050 Fullbrook School Sports Centre, New Haw, 01932 348484
Ramblers Association, Woking, 01483 480651 Spelthorne Ramblers, All Ages, 01344 843014 Staines Ramblers, Staines, All Ages, 01932 250389
Jet Tennis, Bagshot, 3yrs+, 07766 916464
Surrey County Council, leaflets, maps for local walking, 03456 009 009
Lightwater Leisure Centre, The Avenue, Lightwater, 3+, 01276 472662 Mini & Junior Tennis Woking Tennis Club, Camps 4yrs+, 077230 91969 Mini Tots Tennis, Woking Lawn Tennis Club, 4-7yrs, 01483 730104 Park Tennis, Woking, 3 - 10yrs, 077230 91969 Pavillion Club, Kids Tennis, Molesey, 5yrs+, 0208 979 2800 Professional Tennis Coaching by Giles Davey, 07887 547981 St George’s Hill Junior Tennis, Weybridge, 3yrs+, 01932 843541 Tennis All Stars & Tots Tennis, David Lloyd, Woking, 3-12yrs, 01483 712905 Tennis and Children. Lessons & Holiday Courses, Woking, 4+, 07779 430179 Tiger Tennis, Woking, 4-11yrs, 07748 767339 Woking Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, 01483 730104 Woking Park, tennis courts, 01483 771122 Woodham Court Tennis Club, Martyrs Lane, 01483 762949
Local Family Directory facebook.com/familydirectorynwsurrey
Imber Court Sports Club, East Molesey, 020 8398 1267 Junior Tennis, Churchfield Park, Weybridge, 5-9yrs, 07711 576030
Watersports Addlestone Canoe Club, 12yrs upwards, 01932 874592 British Disabled Water Ski Assoc, Wraysbury, All ages, 01784 483664 Burway Rowing Club, Laleham, 12yrs+, 01784 454860
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Byfleet Boat Club, rowing boats for hire, West Byfleet, 01932 340828 Chertsey Meads Marine Hire, Thames self drive boats, 0870 411 9888 Elmbridge Canoe Club, Staines, 8yrs+, 01784 454772 John Battleday Waterski, Chertsey, 0870 606 1270 Littleton Sailing Club, Shepperton, All ages, 01932 242027 Queen Mary Sailing Club, Ashford, All ages, 01784 248881 Shepperton Slalom Caneo Club, 01252 541374
Egham Youth Club, Community Centre, Egham, 1318yrs, 01784 434710
Souled Out Youth Club, Heathervale, New Haw, 5-14yrs, 07985 40110
Enterprise Club, Ashford, kids with learning difficulties, 01784 250811
Stanwell Youth Centre, Stanwell, 01784 243247
Gay Surrey YGS-Crossroads Youth Club, 07947 420282
Sunbury Methodist Church Lasers, Sunbury, 01932 788259 Sunbury Youth Centre, 11-21yrs, 01932 765489
Staines Boat Club, All Ages, 01784 453595
Groovy Kids Club, Byfleet Methodist Church, 7-11yrs, 01932 342093
Staines Sailing Club, Staines, All ages, 01784 451704
Surrey Federation of Young Farmers, 10-26, 01483 769786
Hersham Youth Club, 11-19yrs, 1932 2671570
Targetted Youth Club, Kenilworth Road, Ashford, 13yrs+, 01784 250811
Surrey Canoe Club, Laleham, 6yrs+, 0208 399 1858
Hotspot: Youth Café at The Village Café, Bagshot, 13-18’s, 07768 305060
Girl Guides
Thames Punting Club, Staines, 12yrs+, 01784 452301
Ignition Youth Group, Byfleet Methodist Church, 11-14yrs, 01932 342093
(Rainbows Brownies Guides & Rangers)
WAG Canoeing Courses, Woking Pool in the Park, 12-25, 01483 715710
GirlGuiding Surrey West County Office, 01483 454788
WAG Dinghy Sailing, Littleton Sailing Club, Chertsey, 12-25, 01483 474470
Inters Youth Club, Stanwell Youth Centre, 12-14yrs, 01784 243247
Westel Canoe Club, Ashford, 12yrs+, 01784 255085
Junior Youth Club, Salvation Army, Ashford, 7-11yrs, 01784 423424
Thameside Youth Arts Centre, Staines, 01784 453557 The Lifetrain Trust, youth personal development, Spelthorne, 01372 360875 Tuesday Club, 16yrs+ with learning disabilities, 01784 434710 Twister Spelthorne, Gay, Lesbian, Bi, 13-19yrs, 07976 974742
Weybridge Rowing Club, 12-16yrs, 01932 842993
Kidzklub, fun and games, Old Woking, 6 to 11 years, 01483 725660
Windsurfing Team 15, Queen Mary Skimmers, Ashford, 8-15yrs, 01784 243219
Lakers Youth Centre, Woking, 01483 727253
Surrey County Scout Office, for information on Surrey groups, 01483 203451
Youth Clubs
Leacroft Centre, Staines, 01784 453220
Windle Valley Youth Project, Bagshot, Lightwater, Windlesham, 07768 305060
Uniformed Groups
Addlestone Youth Centre, 01932 857690
Lifetrain Trust, training and life skills for young people, 01306 730929
Woking Junior Cru’s at Emmanuel Chapel, Maybury, 7 to 11’s, 01483 835240
Ashford Youth Centre, Kenilworth Rd, 13yrs +, 01784 250811
Live & Direct Music Project in Ashford, 01784 250811
Woking Senior Cru’s at Emmanuel Chapel, Maybury, 11 - 16’s, 01483 835240
Ashford Youth Club, Sal Army, W’thorpe Rd, Fri 6.30pm-10pm, 01784 423424
Molesey Youth Centre, 13-25yrs, 01932 794743
Air Training Corps, Egham, 13yrs+, 01784 455946
Woking Youth Arts Centre, 01483 480507
Air Training Corps, Sunbury, boys & girls 13-20yrs, 01932 787894
Woking Youth Centre, 01483 766903
Blaze Youth Club, Addlestone Salvation Centre, 1215yrs, 07726 580034
Open Youth Club, Kenilworth Road, Ashford, 1012yrs, 01784 250811
Air Training Corps, Woking Squadron, boys and girls 13-20, 01483 714243
Bright Lights Junior Youth Club, Egham, 5-13yrs, info@brightlights-club.com
Army Cadet Force, Cobham, 12-16yrs, 020 7924 3770
Chertsey Museum’s Children’s Club, 01932 565764
Scouting (Beavers Cubs & Scouts)
Addlestone Army Cadets, 12yrs+ (Recruiting Now), 07447 053079
Army Cadet Force, Staines, 12-18yrs, 01784 442295 Boys Brigade, Ashford Common Methodist Church, 5-19yrs, 01932 772711 Boys Brigade, Sunbury, 8-16yrs, 01442 231681
Parish of All Saints, New Haw, 13yrs+, 01932 343187 Schools Out Youth Club, Sal Army, Woodthorpe Rd, Ashford, 7+, 01784 423424
Walton Youth Centre, 13-18yrs, 01932 247569 Weybridge Youth Centre, 10-18yrs, 01932 851692
Woodcraft Folk, games, drama, projects, crafts, Woking, 6-15, 07855 254368 Woodcraft Folk, games/drama/projects/crafts, Ashford, 6-15y, 01932 565832
Send Evangelical Church Youth Club, 01483 722671
Youth café in Staines, Coffee Republic, Two Rivers, 01784 453220
CODS Youth Action Group, Esher, 07948 711150
Sheerwater Youth Club, The Crescent, Woking, 01483 598301
Youth Club, Staines Congregational Church, 1115yrs, 01784 453256
Duke of Edinburgh’s Youth Club, Kenilworth Road, Ashford, 01784 250811
Shepperton Youth & Development Centre, Shepperton, 01932 222509
Zone, Parish of All Saints, New Haw for 8-11yrs, 01932 343187
Chobham Youth Club, 13 yrs upwards, 01483 598301
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What’s On Guide March 2016 • Competitions
Your Essential Family Guide
What’s On Guide March 2016 Tue 1 - Sun 6: Butterflies in the Glasshouse RHS Wisley RHS Garden Wisley, Woking, GU23 6QB rhs.org.uk/wisleybutterflies See the beautiful butterflies in the Glasshouse, booking recommended Sat 5: 15 Minutes of Fun Mothers Day Card FREE, 9.30am Chertsey Museum, The Cedars, 33 Windsor St, Chertsey, KT16 8AT. Free monthly drop-in family craft session. www.chertseymuseum.org/events Sat 5: Say aaaaahhhh! Family Fun Event 2pm - 4.30pm Elmbridge Museum, Hersham Hill Hall, Queens Road, Hersham, KT12 5LT Make a toothy mask. elmbridgemuseum.org.uk Sun 6: Mothers Day Events FREE Entry for Mothers at Painshill Park www.painshill.co.uk Enjoy afternoon tea and butterflies at RHS Wisley www.rhs.org.uk/wisley FREE Entry Claremont Gardens when accompanied by a child www.nationaltrust.org.uk Sun 6: Junior Rangers - Mini-Beasts FREE 10am - 11am Horseshoe Clump Car Park, Portsmouth Road, Esher, KT10 9JQ Make your own mini beast & spider web, hunt for bugs. www.elmbridge.gov.uk/events Sat 19: Bisley Preschool Spring Fayre 10am - 12pm Bisley Scout & Guide Hut, School Close, Bisley. Games, Stalls, Toys, Arts & Crafts and more. Sat 19: Earth Hour at 8.30pm - 9.30pm Brewery Rd, Woking GU21 4LL 01483 42644 Join in too www.earthhour.wwf.org.uk. Millions will switch off their lights across the UK and around the world for Earth Hour. Sun 20: Pond Dipping FREE 10am - 11.30am Little worth Common, pop Cafe Rouge, Portsmouth Road, Esher, KT10 9AD Join us for pond dipping fun. www.elmbridge.gov.uk/shout 01372 474634 Wed 30: Xplorer Drop in Sessions FREE 10am - 12noon Coronation Recreation Ground, Molesey Road, Hersham, KT12 4QR A family fun challenge for all ages using a map to find secret animals and facts. www.elmbridge.gov.uk/shout 01372 474634
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2016 marks twenty years since LEGOLAND first opened its doors! Back then it was a little bit smaller with only 25 million LEGO bricks; today it boasts more than 80 million LEGO bricks and hundreds of models across the Resort! With over 55 rides, live shows and attractions there’s plenty across the Resort to keep the whole family entertained. To win one of two family days out (2 adults and 2 children) please answer the following question by the closing date 1 June 2016:
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How many awesome years is the LEGOLAND Windsor Resort celebrating in 2016?
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To Enter and for Full Terms & Conditions visit www.localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey/competition
Drop-in Family Workshops - Dates Below Suitable for children aged 4+. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Materials included. Free Entry (suggested donation, £2). Drop in from 1.30pm-4.00pm Wed 30 March: Making Chicken Egg Holders Fri 1 April: Creating Woolly Spring Lambs Wed 6 April: Make & Decoration Paper Plane Message Cards Fri 8 April: Creating Rainbow Castanets
LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configurations, DUPLO and LEGOLAND are trademarks of the LEGO Group. (c)2016 The LEGO Group.
Workshops for Children & Young People - Dates Below Suitable for children aged 4+. Children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult. Materials included. Advanced booking required. Tue 29 March: Dreamcatchers Workshop £6.50, 1pm (4-7yrs) & 3pm (8-11yrs) Thur 31 March: Create a 3D landscape £6.50, 1pm (4-7yrs) & 3pm (8-11yrs) Tue 5 April: Let’s Go Fly a Kite! £6.50, 1pm (8-11yrs) & 3pm (12-16yrs) Thur 7 April: Puffy Paint Workshop £6.50, 1pm (4-7yrs) & 3pm (8-11yrs) TUESDAYS: Check www.thelightbox.org.uk for dates Storytelling for the Under 5’s, 11am - 11.40am Stories and hands-on creative fun. Limited spaces, allocated from 10.30am. Free Entry (suggested donation £2) FRIDAYS: Check www.thelightbox.org.uk for dates Painting for the Under 5’s, 11am - 11.45am Dress for mess and painting fun. Advanced booking required. £3 per child
@SurreyFamilyMag facebook.com/familydirectorynwsurrey Events & Classes added daily: www.localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey/events Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690
Easter Holiday Schemes & Activities 2016
FAMILY DIRECTORY Your Essential Family Guide
Easter Activities & Holiday Schemes March & April 2016 Also see “The Lightbox Events” for more great Easter activities Fri 25 & Sat 26 March: Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt Claremont Gardens Claremont Landscape Garden, Portsmouth Road, Esher KT10 9JG No booking required, simply turn up and hunt for the Cadbury eggs. www.nationaltrust.org.uk Fri 25 March - Sun 10 April: Bocketts Farm Easter Eggstravaganza Bocketts Farm Park, Young Street, Leatherhead, KT2 9BS www.bockettsfarm.co.uk Easter activities, indoor & outdoor play, go karts and hundreds of newborn animals. Fri 25 March - Sun 10 April: Easter at Wisley RHS Garden Wisley, Woking, GU23 6QB www.rhs.org.uk/wisley The Lindt Gold Bunny Hunt. Music, storytelling and activities every day. Fri 26 March: Bonnet Parade Claremont Landscape Garden Claremont Landscape Garden, Portsmouth Road, Esher KT10 9JG Take part in the Easter Trail and take part in the Easter Bonnet parade, prizes for Children & Adults. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/claremont-landscape-garden Sun 27 - Mon 28 March: Painshill Park Children’s Easter Egg Hunt Painshill Park, Portsmouth Road, Cobham, KT11 1JE www.painshill.co.uk Find the hidden clues and take a chocolate treat home.
Easter Activiies & Holiday Schemes April 2016
Mon 28 March - Sat 9 April: Brooklands Museum Easter Activities Brooklands Road, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 0QN www.brooklandsmuseum.com Lots of activities including popular car rides, trails and family workshops
Fri 1: Xplorer Drop in Sessions FREE 10am - 12noon Coronation Recreation Ground, Molesey Road, Hersham, KT12 4QR A family fun challenge for all ages using a map to find secret animals and facts. www.elmbridge.gov.uk/shout 01372 474634.
Mon 28 March - Fri 1 April: Mad Hatters Workshops and Tea Party Manor Road, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, KT12 2PF. www.riverhousebarn.co.uk Come and make a mad hat to take home , join us for a Mad Hatters Tea Party on 2 April.
Fri 1: Towpath Toddle Walton FREE 10am - 12noon Elmbridge Xcel Leisure Complex, Walton, KT12 2jG www.elmbridge.gov.uk/shout Bring a picnic, feed the ducks, watch the boats on the Towpath Toddle. 01372 474634
Tue 29 March - Sat 9 April: Shakespeare Celebrations FREE Surrey History Centre, 130 Goldsworth Road, Woking, GU21 6ND 01483 518737 Free family drop in activities celebrating William Shakespeare and his plays.
Sat 2: Go Wild with Outdoor Play FREE 10am - 1pm Brooklands Community Park, Sopwith Drive, Weybridge, KT13 0XF Drop in and make models with junk, ball run, hunt for bugs and more. www.elmbridge.gov.uk/shout
Tue 29 March - Fri 8 April: Sporty Kidz Easter Holiday Club Woking Camps in Woking. Book before 11/3 to get early bird special – Only £20 a day & 10% off sibling discount www.SportyKidz.co.uk 01276 856182
Mon 4 - Fri 8: Holiday Swimming Courses Julie’s Swim School Where swimming is fun, holiday swimming course. www.juliesswimschool.com Contact Julie to book your child’s place on 07894 065 349
Tue 29 March - Fri 1 April: Sports and Arts Camp Bell Farm School, Hersham Road, Walton-on-Thames, KT12 5NB. An action packed day of sports and artswith the chance to try out new activities every day and take part in coached sessions for 5 to 13 year olds www.elmbridge.gov.uk/events 01372 474634
Mon 4: Diversity and Little Mix Dance Day King George’s Hall, High Street, Esher, KT10 9RA www.elmbridge.gov.uk/shout Make your own Diversity Group to Little Mix’s Dance tunes. 01372 474634
Tue 29 March - Fri 8 April: Ready, Set, Shout! Sports Camp Elmbridge Xcel Leisure Complex, Waterside Drive, Walton on Thames, KT12 2JG. Come and get involved in a week packed with fun sports, games and challenges for 5-13yrs! www.elmbridge.gov.uk/events 01372 474634 Tue 29 March - Fri 8 April: SHOUT! Activity Schemes Chandlers Field School, High Street, West Molesey, KT8 2LX. Sports, Games, Arts & Crafts for 6-13yrs! www.elmbridge.gov.uk/shout 01372 474634 Tue 29 March - Fri 8 April: Wild Easter Activity Camp Painshill Park, Cobham, advanced booking required for 8-13yrs Call 01932 868113 or book online www.painshill.co.uk Tue 29 March - Fri 15 April: Busy Buttons Creative Camps offers children from ages 3 to 14 years a unique opportunity to learn, experience and be entertained while they gain skills from film and theatre industry professionals this Easter. www.busybuttons.org/eastercampsummercamp Wed 30 March: Xplorer Drop in Sessions FREE 10am - 12noon Coronation Recreation Ground, Molesey Road, Hersham, KT12 4QR A family fun challenge for all ages using a map to find secret animals and facts. www.elmbridge.gov.uk/shout 01372 474634. Thur 31 March: Be a CSI with the “Detective Project” 9am - 5pm King George’s Hall, High Street, Esher, KT10 9RA www.elmbridge.gov.uk/shout An exciting day or crime solving with real police detectives. 01372 474634
Tue 5: Panda Power 10,30am, 11.15am & 12noon The Living Planet Centre WWF UK, Brewery Rd, Woking GU21 4LL 01483 426444 Showing clips from “Kung Fu Panda 3” and creating a beautiful collage panda. 4yrs+ Donation £3. wwf.org.uk/whatson Tue 5: Finding Dory Arty Crafty Day King George’s Hall, High Street, Esher, KT10 9RA www.elmbridge.gov.uk/shoutCreate a wonderful undersea world. 01372 474634 Tue 5: Xplorer Drop in Sessions FREE 10am - 12noon Coronation Recreation Ground, Molesey Road, Hersham, KT12 4QR A family fun challenge for all ages using a map to find secret animals and facts. www.elmbridge.gov.uk/shout 01372 474634. Wed 6: Arty Crafty Foam King George’s Hall, , Off Esher High Street, Esher, KT10 9SD Create works of art from foam. www.elmbridge.gov.uk/events 01372 474634 Thur 7 : Panda Power 10,30am, 11.15am & 12noon The Living Planet Centre WWF UK, Brewery Rd, Woking GU21 4LL 01483 426444 Showing clips from “Kung Fu Panda 3” and creating a beautiful collage panda. 4yrs+ Donation £3. wwf.org.uk/whatson Thur 7: Raising Your Bilingual Child: parent workshops 7pm - 9pm International School of London, Old Woking Road, Woking, GU22 8HY Free workshop. www.islsurrey.org Thur 7: Undersea Explorers Woking 1pm - 4.30pm Goldsworth Primary School, Bridge Barn Lane, Woking, GU21 6NL 2 sessions of fun educational activities and learn basic snorkelling skills in this transformed pool, ages 7 -11. surreywildlifetrust.org/whats-on Fri 8: Raising Your Bilingual Child: parent workshops 9am - 11am International School of London, Old Woking Road, Woking, GU22 8HY Free workshop. www.islsurrey.org Fri 8: Den Building FREE 2pm - 4pm Copsem Lane Car Park, Copsem Lane, Esher, KT10 9HQ www.elmbridge.gov.uk/shout Build a den and for younger siblings bring a teddy and build them a woodland home. Sat 16: Create a Mini-Garden Family Fun Event 2pm - 4.30pm Elmbridge Museum, Hersham Hill Hall, Queens Road, Hersham, KT12 5LT Create a mini-garden. elmbridgemuseum.org.uk
Distributed to North West Surrey Remember to& check event within Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath Woking boroughs
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Starlab shows in our inflatable planetarium 13th September - 4th January 2015 What’s May - June • Competitions r System. SolaGuide oring theOn Space Stories or Expl
FAMILY DIRECTORY site for further information. See web
Your Essential Family Guide
this advert to get 1 FREE child
Bring WIN 1 ofpayin 3 Family g adult. Tickets to with 1 full
What’s On Guide May 2016 Mon 2: Chobham Carnival, 11.30am onwards Petting Zoo, Bake Off, Dog & Duck Show. 11.30 Procession Leaves Burrow Hill www.chobhamcarnival.co.uk
ary 2015 Centre 4th Janu until Out Valid The Look Discovery nds-On Science Fun
Mon 2: Ottershaw May Fair 12noon - 4.30pm Ottershaw Memorial Fields, Foxhills Road, Ottershaw, KT16 0NQ. A fun afternoon for the whole family - a variety of stalls, Inflatables, Miniature ponies, Punch & Judy, beer tent and bbq, ice cream and so much more. www.facebook.com/TheOttershawMayFair
... edHa Be Amaz The Look Out Discovery Centre
The Look Out Discovery Centre
Nine Mile Ride, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 7QW
Sat 7: WW1 Periscopes Family Fun Event 2pm - 4.30pm Elmbridge Museum, Hersham Hill Hall, Queens Road, Hersham, KT12 5LT WW1 Periscopes. elmbridgemuseum.org.uk Family Grapevine
Tel: 01344 354400 www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/be
A great family day out whatever the weather!
The Look Out is a fun place to visit with over 90 hands-on science and nature activities. There is a real variety of activities such as taking a picture of your shadow, making a mini animation, firing up a hydrogen rocket, building an unfinished house, playing in the toddler supermarket, launching the hot air balloon or creating circuits (plus, much more!). The hands-on activities are mostly geared towards primary school and pre-school children. However, there is something for all ages!
Over 90 hands-on science fun activities Starlab shows in our inflatable planetarium
Sat 7: Bell Farm School Fair 12noon - 3pm Hersham Road, Walton, KT12 5NB www.bell-farm.co.uk. Stalls, fun and refreshments. Sat 14: Oatlands Village Fair, Weybridge, 12.30pm - 4.30pm Oatlands Recreation Ground, Oatlands Drive, Weybridge, KT13 8NA Popular large fair with attractions, stalls, music and more. oatlandsfayre.org.uk Sat 14: Lightwater Village Fête visit www.lightwaterlocal.co.uk for full details Sat 21: Holy Trinity Primary School May Fair 12noon - 3.30pm Holy Trinity Primary School, Benner Lane, West End, Woking, GU24 9JQ Traditional Fair with BBQ, Beer & Pimms tent, games, toys, crafts and more.
2015 question: arysimple Januthis - 4th For your chance to win answer ember Sept 13th r System.at The Look Sola theyou experience oring can ies or Expl e Storhands-on Spac How many activities Out Discover a)er 120 b) 57on. c) 90 informati for furth websiteCentre? See
Sat 21: Little Howard’s Big Show for Kids 2pm - 3pm Riverhouse Arts Centre, Manor Road, Walton, KT12 2PF www.riverhousebarn.co.uk Featuring Big Howard and Little Howard funniest show, age 5yrs+
Enter online by 1 June 2016 at
Thur 26: Raising Your Bilingual Child: parent workshops 7pm 9pm International School of London, Old Woking Road, Woking, GU22 8HY Free workshop. www.islsurrey.org
this advert to get 1 FREE child Bring www.localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey/competition with 1 full paying adult. Valid until 4th January 2015 see website for full terms & conditions Tel: 01344 354400 n www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/thelookoutdiscoverycentre Hands-On Science Fu The Look Out Discovery Centre, Nine Mile Ride, Bracknell, RG12 7QW The Look Out Discovery Centre
Sun 22: St Matthew’s 5K and 10K Fun Run 10am - 12noon Downside, Cobham, KT11 3NA www.stmatthewsinfantscobham.co.uk 5K and 10K fun run, sign up details on website.
Fri 27: Raising Your Bilingual Child: parent workshops 9am - 11am International School of London, Old Woking Road, Woking, GU22 8HY Free workshop. www.islsurrey.org
Nine Mile Ride, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 7QW
Tel: 01344 354400 www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/be www.facebook.com/thelookoutdiscovery
Family Grapevine
Half Term May to June 2016 Sat 28 May - Sun 5 June: Bocketts Farm Park Spring Spectacular Bocketts Farm Park, Young Street, Fetcham, KT22 9BS www.bockettsfarm.co.uk Enjoy the Spring Spectacular Programme with Pony Parlour, Birds of Prey Display, newborn animals and more. Mon 30 May - Fri 3 June: Holiday Swimming Courses Julie’s Swim School holiday swimming course. Contact Julie to book your child’s place on 07894 065 349 www.juliesswimschool.com Tue 31 May - Fri 3 June: Brooklands Half Term Family Activities Brooklands Road, Weybridge, KT13 0QN Car rides, childrens trails and family workshop. www.brooklandsmuseum.com
Holiday Swimming Courses Easter Holiday 4th - 8th April Boxgrove school Guildford May Half Term 30th May - 3rd June Goldsworth school Woking
info@juliesswimschool.com Tue 31 May - Fri 3 June: Busy 07894 065 349 Buttons Creative Camps www.juliesswimschool.com offers children from ages 3 to 14 years a unique opportunity to learn, experience and be entertained while they gain skills from film and theatre industry professionals this Half Term. www.busybuttons.org/eastercampsummercamp Wed 1 & Thur 2 June: Painshill Park Story Pocket Theatre Painshill Park, Portsmouth Road, Cobham, KT11 1JE www.painshill.co.uk Arabian Nights 11.30am - 12.30pm A Pocket Full of Grimms 2.30pm - 3.30pm suitable for 5yrs+ Half Term at RHS Wisley Gardens Woking, GU23 6QB rhs.org.uk/wisley. Daily activities, displays & hands on experiences.
www.localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey/competition 1st June 2016
This “What’s On Section” is constructed in February, so check out localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey/events for more Half Term Activities being added all the time.
@SurreyFamilyMag facebook.com/familydirectorynwsurrey Remember to check event is taking place before leaving localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey home Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690
What’s On - JulyOn • Nearly Sales •Competitions Competitions HalfGuide Term June & What’s Guide New • Amazing
FAMILY DIRECTORY Your Essential Family Guide
What’s On Guide June 2016 Fri 10: Open Morning at St Matthew’s Infant School 9.30am - 11am Downside, Cobham, KT11 3NA www.stmatthewsinfantscobham.co.uk All prospective parents welcome
on iti t pe m o C
Sat 11: Shepperton Fair, 12noon onwards Shepperton Village Square. Starts 11am with Procession. Large and popular fair with a huge variety of stalls and attractions. www.shepperton-fair.org Sat 11: Tudor Smells Family Fun Event 2pm - 4.30pm Elmbridge Museum, Hersham Hill Hall, Queens Road, Hersham, KT12 5LT Make a pomander bead/plague doctor’s mask. elmbridgemuseum.org.uk
1 of 3
18 Holes of Safari Adventure Golf
at Hersham Golf Club
Great fun for all the family!
Sat 18: Buckland Primary School Summer Fair 12noon - 3pm Buckland Primary School, Berryscroft Road, Staines, TW18 1NB Jungle Themed Fair, tumble, games, assault course, BBQ and more Sat 18: Wraysbury Village Fair, 1.30pm-4pm Wraysbury Village Green, TW19 5NA. www.facebook.com/WraysburyVillageFair Sat 18: Scarecrow Festival Pirbright The Green, Pirbright, Surrey, Surrey GU24 0JN Sun 19: Fathers Day Events Free Entry for Fathers at Painshill Park www.painshill.co.uk Sat 25: Summer Fair at St Matthew’s Infant School 12noon - 2pm Downside, Cobham, KT11 3NA www.stmatthewsinfantscobham.co.uk All the fun of the fair. Sun 26: Staines upon Thames Day from 11am Memorial Gardens, Thames Street, Staines, TW18 4SD. Free Family Day with lots of entertainment, Duck Race & activities. www.stainesuponthamesday.co.uk Sun 26: St Charles Borromeo Summer Fete 11.30am - 2.30pm St Charles Borromeo Primary School, Portmore Way, Weybridge, KT13 8JD. Lots of stalls offering gifts, cakes, sports, BBQ & entertainment. www.stcharlesb.surrey.sch.uk Sun 26: Bisley Strawberry Fayre, 1.30pm - 5pm Bisley Village Green, Bisley, GU24 9EG. Traditional Fayre, 60 Stalls, family fun. www.bisleyvillagehall.webspace.virginmedia.com Sun 26: International Mud Day FREE 10.30am - 12noon West End Lane, Edge of Woods, near Chequers Pond, Esher, KT10 8LF Try out mud painting, mud sculptures, plant some seeds, play in the mud and hunt for bugs. www.elmbridge.gov.uk/events
Simply answer the following question for a chance to win a family pass for 2 adults and 2 kids How many holes are there at Safari Adventure Golf? A 4 B 9 C 18 Enter online at: www.localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey/competition Closing date: 1st March 2016
What’s On in the first week of July 2016 Sat 2: FRoGS Summer Fair New Haw 12noon - 3pm The Grange Community Infant School, The Avenue, New Haw, KT13 5RL Stalls, Refreshments & Attractions. www.grange.surrey.sch.uk Sat 2: Pirbright Village School Summer Fair 1pm - 4pm School Lane, Pirbright, GU24 0JN www.pirbrightvillageprimaryschool.com Hamburgers, Hotdogs & Pimms, Plate Smashing, Face Painting, Tombola, Cakes, Gifts, 2nd Hand Toys and Games, Bouncy Obstacle Courses and lots more
REMINDER: Pick up your FREE copy of the July - Nov edition from the first week of July from local Libraries, Leisure Centres, Soft Play Centres and many other outlets.
Nearly New Sales 2016 Sat 5 March: NCT Knaphill Nearly New Sale 10.30am - 12noon St John’s Memorial Hall, St John’s Lye, Woking, GU21 7SQ NNS.knaphill@nct.org.uk Sat 16 April: Windlesham, Nearly New Sale 2pm - 4pm Tringham Hall, Benner Lane, West End, GU24 9JP nns.windlesham@nct.org.uk Sun 17 April: Esher NCT Nearly New Sale, 12pm-2pm Claygate Day Centre, Elm Road, Claygate, KT10 0EH eshernctsale@gmail.com Sat 7 May: Good As New Sale 1.30pm - 3.30pm Esher College, Weston Green Road, Thames Ditton, KT7 0JB Proceeds to Cancer Research UK. www.crukgoodasnewsale.org.uk
Distributed to North West Surrey within Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath & Woking boroughs
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Events & Classes added daily: www.localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey/events Tell advertisers in your Local Family Directory
North West Surrey Area • Next Edition out in July 2016
Your Essential Family Guide
localfamilydirectory.co.uk/northwestsurrey Editor, Debbie Conibere - 01932 854690