Brighton & Hove Family Grapevine - Winter 2023/24

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Inside!! Inside DAYS OUT

In & around Brighton and further afield

SPECIAL CHRISTMAS What is On | Greener Gifts <new>



Prizes from: A - Z of Sport & Leisure ● Childcare ● Education ● Parties ● Places to Visit ● Toddler Groups ● and more...







United Kingdom School of the Decade THE SUNDAY TIMES



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Over 50 different makers, artists & foodies at each curated event

CHRISTMAS MAKERS FAIRS Sat 18th November @ Bhasvic 205 Dyke Road, Hove BN3 6EG • 10AM–3.30PM

SAT 25th + SUN 26th Nov @ WAGNER HALL 2 Regency Road, Bighton BN1 2RU • 11AM–4PM

Lots of family fun & attractions:

Kids craft zones & free goody bags Workshops • Live craft demos • Facepainting Glitter bar • Visit from Olaf Charity fundraising - tombola & raffle Onsite cafe, cakes & drinks

Sat 2nd December @ the SHOREHAM CENTRE 2 Pond Road, Shoreham BN43 5WU • 10AM–3.30PM

Sun 10th December @ CIRCUS STREET Circus Street, Brighton BN2 9AS • 11AM–4PM


Anglo-Swiss touring company Fideri Fidera in association with Komedia Kids present a Christmas run of a new comedy for Baron children Will Tell and the Big Bad Baron. Family audiences at Komedia can expect a fun-packed festive theatre treat with capers around castles, damsels in distress, medieval Strictly Come Dancing, and a jaw-dropping joust on life-size horse puppets. In a show which fuses all the fun, exuberance, and popular appeal of traditional pantomime with brand new characters and an exciting original storyline, Will Tell and the Big Bad Baron introduces British audiences to a new legendary character the ‘Swiss Robin Hood’ Wilhelm Tell, who famously shot an apple off his child’s head to save his family’s lives from a wicked Austrian tyrant. In Fidera Fidera’s reimagining of the legend, this child is Wilhelm Tell’s daughter Will who sets off on a chivalric quest to rescue her father from the Big Bad Baron’s deepest darkest dungeon. Will, inspired by the adventures of Robin Hood, knows how to stand up to tyrants but is clueless when the Baron’s daughter Edel falls madly in love with her and wants to be rescued too. Can Will with just pots and pans for armour and a donkey for a steed defeat the Bad Baron and free her father and Edel? “A great family show. Highly recommended” Fringe Review Sat 16 – Sun 24 December 11am (18 – 20 Dec); 2pm (16 & 17, 21 – 24 Dec) KOMEDIA Gardner Street, Brighton Box Office 01273 647100



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In This Issue

Welcome to the WINTER 2023/24 issue! This issue of the Family Grapevine is filled with ideas to take you through to Christmas and beyond to the New year. We have added some useful information to help you navigate this busy period, with a list of Primary School open days (page 18) if your little ones is starting school in September 2024, as well as a ‘GREENER CHOICE’ section (page 5) with some of the options available in the area for a more sustainable living – may this inspire you in your New Year’s resolutions!! To celebrate the festive season, we have 6 competitions to win some fabulous prizes; a family ticket to the magical ROYAL PAVILION ICE RINK, a family ticket to CINDERELLA - PANTOMIME at the Hilton Brighton Metropole, as well as a family ticket to BORDE HILL GARDEN (inc. their lovely Christmas Trail). We have also have prizes for events to look forward to in 2024: a family ticket to visit SPRING LIVE! at the South of England Showground and a family weekend ticket to ELDERFLOWER FIELDS FESTIVAL taking place in May. Last, but not least, to celebrate the launch of our ‘Greener Choice’ section, we have collaborated with IT’S YOUR PLANET TOO and are offering 3 eco-friendly kit subscriptions to win. Finally, THANK YOU to our wonderful advertisers, please continue to support these hardworking local businesses and don’t forget to mention that you have heard about them through the FAMILY GRAPEVINE! Our SPRING 2024 issue, will be out early March, so keep an eye out for it!

Bettina Horne-Muller - Editor | 01444 443068

Bettina x

Over 1600 useful contacts!

A-Z of Sport & Leisure........19 - 20 Independent Schools................ 2, 3 Advice & Support...........................9 ..........................................................14 -17, 24 Antenatal/Postnatal.............. 9 - 10 Parties.................................................8 Babies, Baby Group..................... 10 Places to Visit.........................20 - 21 Competitions........7, 8, 9, 14, 21, 23 Pre-School Activities.................. 12 Daycare Nurseries...............13 - 14 Pre-School Nurseries...13 - 14, 17 Greener Choice...............................7 Primary Schools.....13, 14, 16 - 18 Grown-Up's Wellbeing..................8 Primary School Open Days...... 18 Language Classes........................ 14 Toddler Groups............................. 11 Local Businesses........................ 7, 8 What’s On...................4 - 5, 22 - 23


WIN a 3-BOX subscription from IT'S YOUR PLANET TOO


WIN a Family Ticket to the ROYAL PAVILION ICE RINK




WIN a Family Ticket to CINDERELLA - Pantomime


WIN a Family Ticket to BORDE HILL GARDEN + Christmas Trail


WIN a Family Ticket to SPRING LIVES!

Cartoons by Lesley Harvey (see advert p.10) Front cover: Siarhei Shuntsikau -

BTNFamily Grapevine brightonhovefamilygrapevine


Shoes or food? Clothing or electricity? This is the reality for the families we support. Whether donating items or money, please help families living in poverty this winter. Visit our website for more info on how to help:

Disclaimer: The Family Grapevine Brighton & Hove is independently owned and part of The Family Grapevine Group operated by Grapevine Media Group Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means, either wholly or in part, without the prior permission of the publisher. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of the material in this publication and to ensure the accuracy of its content, no warranty is given as to its correctness. All adverts are submitted and approved by the advertiser and this does not imply a recommendation or necessarily the views of the publisher. You should make your own enquiries and comparisons as with any other form of advertising. I accept no liability for loss, damage or difficulties resulting from contacts made through the directory, from errors or omissions, from claims made by advertisers or from omissions or inaccuracies relating to an advertisement or other entry, regardless of how caused.


We Cover BN15•BN43•BN42•BN41•BN3•BN1•BN2•BN10

“Households in the UK are estimated to throw away 66 items of plastic packaging per week on average. This means that 1.85 billion plastic packaging items are thrown away each week across all UK households, equating to almost 100 billion items a year.” [Statista, August 2023]



Brighton Bike Hub, 6b St Martin’s Place, Brighton BN2 3LE, bike repair space, secondhand bike shop, Facebook: @BrightonBikeHub Brighton Repair Café, St George’s Hall, Moulsecoomb BN1 9JG, 10am -12pm, 1st Sat of the month, Facebook: @Brighton Repair Café Community Repair Café, Bristol REFILL STORE Estate Community Hub BN2 5DJ, monthly Tue pm, check Facebook: Harriet’s Of Hove, refill store, plastic@Bristol Estate Community Hub free pantry, Hollingdean Repair Café, HISBE, 20-21 York Place, Brighton Hollingdean Community Centre BN1 4GU, refill store, loose veggies BN1 7BH, 10am-12pm, 1st Sat of and fruits, the month, Facebook:@Hollingdean Kindly of Brighton, 10-114 Dyke Repair Café Road, Brighton BN1 3TE, refill Prestonville Repair Café, Exeter store, loose veggies & fruits, vegan, Street Hall, Brighton BN1 5PG, 2nd Sun of the month, 10am-12pm, Store Brighton, 253E Ditchling Road, Brighton BN1 6JD, refill store, MPB, buy, sell or trade used camera plastic-free household/toiletries, & video kit, Tech-Takeback & Revaluit, TACKLING FOOD WASTE sustainable solution for unwanted Olio Mobile App, giveaways, electronics & sale of refurbished borrowing/lending things to tech, reduce household, food waste, TOP-TIP: plan a weekly BEACH CLEAN The Real Junk Food Project: 'Leftover-Tapas' Leave No Trace Brighton, meal to use your Community Beach clean Hub, Bevedean BN2 4LW, leftovers! usually on a Sunday, spring/ pay-as-you-feel, Mon-Fri pm. summer, check FB for info: @ Book: 'Rescue Recipes: Fighting Leavenotracebrighton Food Waste One Meal at a Time'. Pop-Up Cafe, pay-as-you-feel: Surfer Against Sewage Brighton ►The Fitz Cafe BN2 1AP, Tue-Thu, Beach Clean, from 2024, 3rd Sun of coffee & cake 10am, lunch 12-2pm, the month, various locations, check ►St Luke’s Church BN1 5DD, Tue & Instagram: @sasinbrighton Wed, 12.30-2pm The Deans Beach & Environment ►Hollingdean Community. Centre Volunteers Beach Clean, 1st Sun BN1 7BH, Thu 12.30-1.45pm of the month, 11am-12.30pm, FB: @realjunkfoodbrighton check Facebook @ Too Good to Go App, GREEN thedeansvolunteers connecting customers to CLEANING GIVEAWAYS restaurants/stores that [bathroom]: have surplus unsold food, make a paste with Freecycle, network washing up liquid, for giving away or getting things for free, bicarb & slowly TOOL/SUPPLY/ adding vinegar. CLOTHES RENTAL *all available from Freegle Shop, drop small refill stores unwanted items & pick Brighton & Hove Library of something you need, Planet Things, Castle Square, Brighton Brighton, Fri & Sat, BN1 1EE, tool library, rental, Tuecommunityevent/159365 Sat, brighton Freegle App, online dating app for Brighton Borrowers, community stuff, free giveaway of unwanted library of things, order things, online, donation welcome, OTHER GREEN BUSINESSES reuse-a-bowl, stop the single use GREEN Plastic Free Baby, eco-friendly The Green Cleaner, & hire your kid’s party plates, cups, CHRISTMAS online shop, website: for a cleaner, healthier cutlery & bowls, FB: @reuse-a-bowl Plastic-free or DIY home, 01273 726886 SuperLooper, Brighton’s baby Christmas crackers. Zedify, green cycle clothing rental library, save money Buy what is needed, Playpress Toys a Sussex courier offering same & & reduce waste! 0-24mths, get an experience based, eco-friendly buildable next day deliveries, (see box here & or a voucher! connectable playsets, advert P.10)

GREENER GIFTS Brighton & Hove Calendar, celebrating unique spirits the city, Caricatures, personalised name by Lesley Harvey (see advert p.10) It’s Your Planet Too, award winning eco activity & subscription boxes for children for hours of fun, (see competition)

Goodmoney, gift vouchers supporting the local businesses, Kemptown Bookshop, books, stationery, toys & games,& café, 01273 682110 Larissa Karl Photography, family, maternity & baby photoshoot, gift voucher, (see advert)

Puzzle Bored, 27 New Rd, Brighton BN1 1UG, puzzle shop featuring local artists, café & puzzle space, (see advert p.20) Squiggle & Bean, handmade crochet toys & comforters, Timeless Toys, Portland Rd, Hove BN3 5DP, plastic free, planet friendly wooden toys, The Book Nook, First Avenue, Hove, independent specialist children’s bookshop,

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Party Entertainment, Venues, Supplies & more

Party Entertainment

Animazing, parties, talks & displays with reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, owls & mammals, Reg: AW047, (see advert) Balance Kids yoga parties, 2-16yrs, 07584 208913 Cartoons & drawing parties + face painting with Lesley Harvey, 5yrs+, within 10 miles of Seaford, 07722 236741 (see advert p.10) Circus Brighton, interactive circus show & free play on equipment, 07422 954807 Hartbeeps, sensory music parties for 1 year olds up to pre-school, 07786 446119 (see advert p.10) Hula Hoop Parties, 5yrs+, parties with hoops for dance, games, exercise & fun, 07503 932543

Miss Sparklefun, the Magical Fairy Godmother: magic, fairy dust, balloons, games, dancing & prizes, 0-8yrs, 07944 301948 (see advert) Mr Pineapple Head, family clown show & silent slapstick to music, 01273 473913

Party Venues

Artpod, Rottingdean, Art & Science bespoke parties, Sat 3-5pm, Sun 11-1pm & 3-5pm, 5yrs+, artpodbtn. com (see advert) High Sports Climbing Centre, Withdean Sports Complex, bouldering, rock box & roped climbing, 4yrs+, 0345 3631177 (see advert p.19 Out of Bounds, Angmering, Clip n’ Climb, bowling, softplay, footgolf, laser tag, adventure golf, 01903 788588 (see advert p.23)

Party Inflatables, Food & Supplies

Brighton Bouncy Castles, bouncy castles & inflatables, soft play hire, ascots, events, 07999 081512 Brighton Soft Play, hire of soft play equipment for parties/events, under 8yrs, 07984 999965 Hush Beats Silent Disco kit for your party (home or away), family sized or larger events, @ hushbeatsdisco (see advert) Hannah’s Cake Pops, extremely tasty themed cakes on sticks for any occasion, 07966 797132

Find full listing online, scan QR code or visit: thefamilygrapevine. directory/parties/

Local Businesses • Competition • Grown-Ups' Wellbeing Local Businesses & Services

Black Olive Construction, expert builders in Brighton, specialising in conversions & delivering exceptional construction services, Brighton & Hove Citizens Advice Bureau, Hove Town Hall, Tisbury Rd, Hove BN3 3BQ, 0808 278 7815 Brighton & Hove Community Works, connect charities, volunteers & businesses in Brighton, Adur, Kutchenhaus, award-winning German manufacturing quality modern kitchen ranges, 01273 456789 Lease Advice drop ins, Platf9rm Hove, BN3 2AF, Fridays twice a month, 3.30-5.30pm, check website, for dates: MPB, buy, sell or trade used camera & video kit, ParentShield, child-safe & parent friendly mobile network, The Nest Family Club, co-working space with nursery/childcare on site, The Recruitment Lab, helping candidates find full or part time roles in the local community, 01273 805811


Sussex Police, non emergency incidents, report on line or call, 101 or 01273 470101 WRAP Co-working, meeting, event rooms with flexible nursery & cafe all under one roof, 01273 359349 Zedify, green cycle courier offering same & next day deliveries,

Health, Wellbeing & Beauty

Centred Space Yoga classes, yoga for menopause, 1-2-1s, workshops & Thai Massage Treatments, Craniosacral Therapist Women’s and children’s well-being, Brighton & Lewes, 07880 811403

Fine Feather Wellness Hub, Hove BN3 3JG, holistic practitioners & therapists, various classes, HempWell CBD, 3b Kensington Gardens, Brighton BN1 4AL, CBD products, health supplements, Howl choir, drop-in adult choir where your pre-school children are welcome, Hove, Fri 10.30am, (see advert p.11) Mumbop, dance fitness fun where you can bring the little one to!, 07809 646018 Restore Fitness Therapies, pilates, women & men, group or 1 to 1, face to face & online, 07919 185100 Salt Space, salt therapy can help immunity, lung and skin health in children (6mths+) & adults, Singing Mamas & Papas, ACT Brighton, bring your baby and learn to sing,Tue am, 01273 818266 Singing Mamas Choir Sussexby-Sea, Hove, Shoreham, find on Facebook Ubermummies, fitness session where you can bring your child, Hove & online, 07909 542280 Up to Scratch Beauty Room, Woodingdean, Brighton, 07786 363295

Family Support • Special Needs • Antenatal/Postnatal

Family & Parenting Support

Beat, Eating Disorders Association helpline, 0808 801 0711 (youthline) Brighton Women’s Centre, supporting women, 01273 698036 Dad-La-Soul, support group for dads, monthly events with/without kids, Brighton/Worthing, Dyslexia Inspire, dyslexia assessments & specialist tuition, Hove, 07886 258534 Front Door for Families, central BHCC service inc. all family support agencies in the city, 01273 290400 Lucy Francis Nutrition, nutrition service for all ages to improve health, wellbeing, Money Advice Plus, support for managing money/financial affairs, 01273 664000 Mothers Uncovered: creative support network for mothers & workshops, some free, Rainbow Families, informal social group supporting LGBTQ Relate Brighton, 58 Preston Rd BN1 4QF, 01273 697997 RISE, helps people affected by domestic abuse with practical solutions, 01273 622828 Sophie Thwaites, OT, helping children to read, write, coordinate their bodies, 07584 857861 SPIN, (Single Parent Info. Network), information sharing network inc. meetups etc, Teenage Meditation 13-19yrs & calm, confident tweens 9-12yrs, Tree of Life Hove, 07967 824596 Toddlerology, troubleshooting/help with toddlers & older, 07810 892635 Triple P Parenting Courses, 01273 294471 Find the listing online, scan QR code or visit: thefamilygrapevine. directory/a-z-support.../

Children with Disabilities & Additional Needs

Amaze & PaCC Coffee Mornings for parents & carers, monthly Hove/ Moulsecoomb Thu, Hangleton Tue, 01273 772289 Amaze, support & advice for parents of children with special needs & disabilities, 0-25yrs, 01273 772289

Aspens; support services for those with autism & other complex needs, 01892 822168 Barnardo’s Brighton & Hove Link Plus, family based overnight/ day care for children with disabilities, 01273 411767 Brighton Expert Tutors, 1:1, warm & nurturing environment, incl. therapy dogs, 4-16yrs, 07800 952078 Contact a Family, advice for families with a disabled child, 0808 808 3555 Dads Group, Stoneham pub function room, Hove, last Thu 7.30-9.30pm, informal social group, 01273 772289 Inclusive Communication Therapy for children with communication needs, Telscombe Cliffs, Mon 1.30pm, 07876 032258 Let’s Play, Play Therapy for emotional and behavioural difficulties, 3-11yrs, 07782 338496 PRESENS: Pre-school special educational needs service, 01273 294944 (term time only) Seaside View Child Dev Centre, Brighton General, for children with disabilities & their families, 01273 265780 Triangle, 7 Hunns Mere Way, Brighton, intensive support for children with complex needs, 01273 305888 Whoopsadaisy, Pavilion, Preston Park, conductive education for children with cerebral palsy, 01273 554178 Find the full listing online, scan QR code or visit

thefamilygrapevine. directory/additional-.../

Antenatal & Postnatal Groups & Support

Abi England Reflexology-Pregnancy, Induction, postnatal, home visits Brighton & Hove, 07515 872376 Angie Bowles, private midwife, uncomplicated, complex pregnancy & pregnancy loss, home visits, 07974 729566 Bluebell Bras, mobile bra fitting service for pregnant & breastfeeding women, Brighton & Hove Maternity Voices Partnership, Dad NCT Parents in Mind, weekly zoom, monthly walks: 1st Sat Peacehaven, 3rd Sat Hasting, 0-2yrs, Eva Bay, birth doula, emotional, spiritual & physical support in pregnancy, birth & early weeks, 07915 406520 First Embrace Birth and Baby, active birth antenatal, pregnancy yoga, hypnobirthing, Hove & Brighton, 07917 418279 Helen Taylor, gentle, effective Chiropractic care for pregnancy, birth & baby, Brighton, 07718 208743 Julia Gray, group and 1-21 Hypnobirthing classes, birth & postnatal doula services, 07944 546631 LushTums, Preparing for Birth Course, birthing partner attends for free, Tue pm, 07908 949419 Marein Schmitthenner, birth & post natal doula, 07796 263559 Mummyshock, unique 10-week therapeutic postnatal group for new mums & their babies, NCT antenatal classes: essentials, waterbirth, introducing solids. workshops, baby group, find on Facebook, @NCTBrightonHove Positive Reasons-Hypnobirthing, full antenatal & relaxation programme, 07956 573713 Sacred Pregnancy Circles in Sussex, 07915 406520 The Parents Class, antenatal classes, WRAP Brighton BN1 3XE, Youtous, antenatal classes, small & informal group & 1-2-1 sessions,

First Aid Training

Baby and Child First Aid Courses at set venues or in your own home, 07946 391117 Birth, Baby & You, parent first aid workshops; First Aid ABC, training for childcare poviders, 07754 020143 Daisy First Aid, paediatric first aid courses for parents, carers, childcare providers & school 07766 524595 Mini First Aid East Sussex, Brighton & Hove: award winning courses for all ages, 07484 332421 Red Cross First Aid Training, Unit 1A St Joseph’s Business Park, Hove, 0344 871 8000 St John Ambulance, Crowhurst Rd, Hollingbury, paediatric first aid training courses, 01273 371500 To Baby and Beyond - baby & child first aid courses at home, 01273 702496

To add a FREE listing or advertise please email:


Antenatal/Postnatal • Babies • Baby Groups

Antenatal & Postnatal Exercise

Brighton Pilates Studio, Ralli Hall, Hove, pre & post natal pilates, 01273 911710 Fit Mums buggy fitness classes, St Ann’s Wells, Preston Park & The Level, 07790 538958 Hannah West Therapy, pregnancy/ postnatal massage & C section scarwork, Loving Your Bump aqua natal yoga classes, Upper Gardner Street, Brighton BN1 4AN, 01273 229390 Mum & Baby Yoga classes, Mini-movers Yoga & postnatal workout, Saltdean, 07974 250207 Mum On The Run, pre/ post natal fitness classes; 1:2:1 training; running coaching, Mon 10am: Queens Park, Thur 11am: Saunder Park, Fri 11am: Preston Park, book via Happity @mumontherun, (see advert) Ora Fitness, 121-131 Conway Street, Hove, specialist ‘mummy’ 6-week course, 07947 101629 Physiotone, pregnancy Pilates, postnatal Mummy MOT, 07545 445656 Restore Fitness Therapies, pre & post natal pilates, face to face & online, 07919 185100 Ubermummies, fitness session where you can bring your child, Hove & online, 07909 542280

Breast Feeding

Birth, Baby & You, breastfeeding support & tongue tie practitioner, 07754 020143 Brighton Breastfeeding Drop-in, Hanover CCentre BN2 9UD, Tues 10.30am-noon,@NCTBrightonHove National Breastfeeding Helpline, open 9.30am-9.30pm, 0300 100 0212 NCT - Breastfeeding Line, 0300 3300700 NHS Milk Clinic, breast feeding support drop-in, North Portslade Family Hub, Mon 12-2pm ; Tarner Family Hub, Fri 10amnoon, 01273 293545

Baby & Childrenswear

SuperLooper, Brighton’s baby clothing rental library, save money & reduce waste! 0-24mths, 07971 163845 (see advert)

Complementary Therapies & Sleep Problems

Cry-sis helpline for crying, sleepless & very demanding babies, manned by volunteers, 9am-10pm, 0800 4480737 Nordic Slumber, gentle sleep consultant with bespoke support for the early years, 07776 448972 OsteoSian, paediatric osteopath, helps with issues from birth/ feeding, reflux, colic, The Space Hove, Savvy Sleep Coach, gentle, experienced sleep consultant for 0-8yrs, 07833 762321 Sleep Through Jen, sensitive, results-driven Brighton baby sleep consultant,

Other Baby Groups

Baby College, multi-activity classes to enhance baby development, Brighton & Hove, 07985 350632 Baby Sensory, fun class to enhance early learning, Brighton, Hove, Shoreham, 0-13mths, 07930 154613 Baby Time, Peacehaven Family Hub, drop in, all year round, birth to walking, Mon 11.15am-12.30pm, 01273 336930

Become a Baby Scientist with the Sussex Baby Lab! Fun activity for 2-8mths, Brighton Sling Babies, meets 1st Fri of the month 10am-noon, Phoenix Com. Centre, find on Facebook BYO Baby group, Ropetackle, Shoreham, 0-18mths, Wed, 10.3011.30am, Instagram @b_y_o_baby Hartbeeps, sensory music classes for toddlers, Brighton: Tue at WRAP, Wed & Fri at Yellowave; Hove: Thur at St George's RC Church; Mon at Southwick Comm.Centre, Thu at The Shoreham Centre, 07786 446119 (see advert) KANGA + ROO MOVES, babywearing dance class, The Loft, Brighton, 6wks-3yrs, 07308 570467 Little Dippers, baby swimming, Upper Gardner Street, Brighton BN1 4AN, 01273 229390 (see advert) NCT Bumps & Babies, Salt Café Saltdean, Mon am, text 07919 371725 Parent & Baby Group, Brighton Waldorf School BN2 5RA, 0-18mths, weekly am, 01273 386300

Baby & Toddler Signing

Inclusive Communication Therapy, Baby Signing, Telscombe Cliffs, 4-18mths, Wed 10.30am, 07876 032258 Sing & Sign, venues throughout Brighton & Hove, 4wks-22mths, 07922 456207

Baby Massage & Yoga

Balance Kids Yoga, parent & baby yoga, Brighton Mon am, Hove Tue am & Fri pm, 07584 208913 CalmerSoul, private 1-2-1 or group classes in the comfort of your own home, 07845 068051 First Embrace Birth and Baby, baby massage & yoga classes, Hove & Brighton, 07917 418279 Lucy’s Angels, baby massage, Loft Studio, Upper Gardner St, Tue & Thu,

Childcare Advice

Family Information Service: advice on childcare & family services, 01273 293545

HEALTHY CHILD CLINICS are currently by appointment only. For a full list of FAMILY HUBS check our website.


Puddle Ducks, baby & pre-school swimming, Hilton Metropole, Brighton & Herons Dale PS, Shoreham, 01892 617246 (see advert p.12) Wyld Mothers Fire, mother & baby group, Brighthelm Church Gardens, Mon 10am-12pm, 07572 383722 Zoe’s Twinkle Tots, parent led baby sensory group, Funplex BN2 4JE, Thu am, 0-2yrs, 07501 655553

More on BABIES online, scan QR code or visit: brighton-hove/directory/

Community Toddler Groups Community Toddler Group usually operate term-time only & generally drop-in groups for which the cost varies between FREE to about £6. For more structured classes see Pre-School Activities on p.12.

Monday am

Blue Bird Parent & U3yrs Group, Central United Reform Church, Hove BN3 3YF, 9.15-11.30am, 01273 881348 First Steps, Peacehaven Family Hub, 1-3yrs, drop in, all year round, 9.30-10.45am, 01273 336930 Happy Monday’s Toddler Group, Hangleton Com. Centre, 9.3011am, call from Wed 10am to book, 01273 292962 Little Boat Playgroup, Stay & Play, Old Boat Corner, Hollingbury, 9:00am-noon, 01273 540779 Mini-Museum Explorers, Booth Museu /Hove Museum of Creativity alternating, crafts, story & museum expedition, Mon, 10:30am, 2yrs+, 03000 290902 St Matthias Play Café Brighton, community café supporting young families, 9.30-12pm, 01273 239999 Storytime, Hove & Jubilee Library, 10.15am, 01273 290800 Teddy Bears, Southwick Methodist Church BN42 4NA, 10-11.30am, 01273 596374 The Hive Playgroup, drop-in & play, Portslade Village Centre, 10am-noon, 07970 530935 Wadurs Swimming Pool, Shoreham, parent & toddler dropin, 10.30-11.30am, 01903 905050

Monday pm

Little Fishes, All Saints Church, Hove, 1-3pm, 01273 733331

Tuesday am

Arts & Crafts or Baking at Funplex, Bevendean, 11am-12pm, normal admission price, 01273 690888 Baby & You, Hangleton Family Hub, 0-crawling, 10.30am-12pm, 01273 293545 Baby Boogie, Whitehawk Library, 1st Tue 10.15am, 01273 290800 Baby Walk, Talk & Play, Crew Club, Whitehawk BN2 5QW, 9.3010.30am, 01273 608607 Blue Bird Parent & U3yrs Group, Central United Reform Church, Hove BN3 3YF, 9.3011.30am, 01273 881348 Fledglings Toddler Group, Holland Road Baptist Church, Hove, 10am12pm, 01273 732111 Hippy Kids, South Portslade Com. Centre, messy play, art, drama & yoga,10-11.00am, 07957 432586 Jungle Run play & stay, Moulsecoomb Leisure Centre, soft play, giant games, U2s free, 9.30 -11.30am, 01273 622266 Litte Boat Soft Play, Old Boat Corner Com. Centre, Hollingbury, 9am-noon, 01273 540779 Little Fishes, All Saints Church, Eaton Rd, Hove, 9.30-11.30am, 01273 733331 Mini Mee’s play group, role play, Elim Church, The Fountain Centre BN1 8HG, 9am-12pm, Instagram: @mini__mees

Parent & Toddler Group, Patcham Methodist Church, 9.15-11.15am, 01273 554953 Rainbow Plus, Friendship Centre, Peacehaven BN10 8SP, 9.3011.30am, 01273 587352 REAL Woodingdean Caterpillars Group Drop-in, Woodingdean CCentre, 18mths-5yrs, 9.4511.15am, 01273 293545 Rhymetime, Shoreham Library BN43 5ZA, 10.15 & 11.15am, 01273 467966 Soft Play, King Alfred Leisure Centre, 9.30am-12.30pm, 01273 980892 St Martin’s Family Playgroup, St Martin’s church hall BN2 3HQ, 9.00-11.30am, 01273 707114 (see advert p.13) St Matthias Play Café, see Mon am Stay & Play, Exeter Street Hall, off Dyke Rd, Brighton BN1 5PG, 9.3011.30am, 01273 561149 Storytime, Jubilee Library, 10.15am, 01273 296960 Toddler Time at Duke of York’s Picturehouse, Preston Circus BN1 4NA, 11am, see website Wickers Gymnastic Club, stay & play sessions, babies & pre-schoolers, 9.30am-12pm (£7), 01903 752503

Tuesday pm

Kemptown Koalas, St Mary’s Church Hall BN2 1PR, 2.304pm, 01273 698601 Penhill Playgroup, Stay & Play session, Guide Hall, Lancing BN15 8HA, 12.30-2.30pm, 01903 767513

Wednesday am

Baby Boogie, Jubilee Library, 10.15am, 01273 296981 Baby Rhythm & Rhyme, Crew Club, Whitehawk BN2 5QW, 1011am, 01273 608607 Children’s Creative Class,The Dance Space, 11.15am, 0-5yrs, Fun and Friends, St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School BN1 4GP, 8.45-11am, 07456 739293 Hanover Playgroup, Hanover Com. Centre, 9.15-11.15am, find on FB Jungle Fun Session, Stanley Deason Leisure Centre BN2 5PB, 9.30-11am, 01273 694281 Little Angels Playgroup, drop in, St Michael’s place BN1 3FU, Brighton, 9.30-11am, 07813 098049 Little Boat Soft Play, Old Boat Corner, Hollingbury, 9amnoon, 01273 540779 Little Lambs, singing & story group, Holy Cross Church hall, Woodingdean, 10.30-11.30am, FB:@LM PersonalTutoring Little Lions baby & toddler stay & play, St Leonard’s Hall, Glebe Villas BN3 5SL, 9.3011am, 01273 027300 Mighty Mites, Southwick Leisure Centre, bouncy castle, soft play activities, 9.10 & 10.45am, 0-5yrs, 01903 905050 Mini Mee’s play group, role play, Elim Church, The Fountain Centre BN1 8HG, 9am-12pm, Instagram: @mini__mees

Noah’s Ark, Hounsom Memorial Church Hall BN3 7NG, 9.45-11.45 am, 01273 551926 Out of Bounds, Angmering, PreSchool Climb ‘n’ Soft Play, £10, 11am-12pm, U5s, 01903 788588 (see advert p.23) REAL Jump for Joy Drop-in, Whitehawk Family Hub, 18mths5yrs, 10.00-11.30am, 01273 293545 St Matthias Play Café, see Mon am Storytime, Coldean Library / Hove Library/ Portslade Library, 1st Wed/ Moulsecoomb, last Wed, 10.15am, 01273 290800 Tiny Tots, Ascension Church Hall, Mill Rise, Westdene 9.15-11.15am, U3yrs, waiting list, 01273 552377 Toddler Storytime at The Book Nook and play in the pirate ship, 10am, Wickers Gymnastic, 12.30-3pm, see Tue am

Wednesday pm

Children’s Creative Class, 3.30pm, see Wed am Jump Start Stay & Play, Moulsecoomb Family Hub, 1.152.45pm, 01273 290458 Just Play! Peacehaven Family Hub, drop in, all year round, 0-5yrs, 1-2.15pm, 01273 336930

Thursday am

Baby Boogie, Woodingdean Library, last Thur 10.15am, 01273 290800 Barnacles, All Saints Church barn, Patcham BN1 8YE, 9:30 -11:30am, 01273 552509 Creative Cow, The Circular Space, Shoreham, arty crafty playing fun, 10.30am-12pm, 07717 413710 Dragonflies Toddlers, Knoyle Hall, Preston Park, 10am-noon, book: Little Lights Toddlers, Portslade Baptist Church BN41 2LE, 9.3011.30am, 07888 792002 New England Road Playgroup, Emmanuel Church, Clarendon Centre BN1 4GQ, 10-11.45am, see Facebook group Oasis, St Luke’s Church, Prestonville, 10am-noon, 01273 557772 Out of Bounds (see Wed am) Play Café at St Peter’s Church, York Place, Brighton, 9.3011.30am, 01273 698182 Play Café at St Richard’s Church Hall, 10am-12pm, Facebook: @strichardshollingdean

To find out more about howl: A Family of Community Choirs scan the QR code:

St Matthias Play Café, see Mon am Stay & Play, St Nicolas’ Parish Church, Slatdean BN2 8HA, 8.45-11.15am, 07726 460765 Storytime, Patcham Library, 1st Thu, 10.15am, 01273 290800 Storytime, Jubilee Library, 10.15am, 01273 296960 Tearaway Tots, Dorset Gardens Methodist Church BN2 1RL, 9.30am & 11am (1h.15), 01273 605502 Tikes & Trikes, Peacehaven, Ascension Church Hall, BN10 8HR, 9.30-11.30am, 01273 588419

Thursday pm

Hangleton Multiples (birth), Hangleton Family Hub BN3 8BW, Thu 12-2pm, U5s, 01273 293545 Toddlers Gym, Portslade Sports Centre,Thu 9am-1pm, 01273 411100

Friday am

Baby Boogie, Hove Library Storytime, Jubilee Library,Fri, 10.15am, 01273 290800 Howl choir, drop-in adult choir, pre-school children are welcome, Hove, Fri 10.30am, (see advert) Lamb’s Tales, Church of Good Shepherd, Shoreham BN43 5LG, 9.30-10.45am,

Saturday & Sunday

Acro-tots, Bevendean Gymnastics Club, U5s, Sat 10-10.45am, 07780 584706 Dad’s Baby Boogie, Jubilee Library, 2nd 3rd Sat 10.15-10.45am, 01273 296981 Jungle Fun Session, Stanley Deason, BN2 5PB, 9.30-11am, 01273 694281 Jungle Run, Portslade Sports Centre (check times), U5s, Sat & Sun, 01273 411100 Puzzle Bored, Brighton BN1 1UG, freeplay, colouring, puzzles; quiet room, 9.30-10.30am, 3yrs+, (see advert p.20) Story Time, Kemptown Bookshop BN2 1EE, Sat 10.30am, 01273 682110 The Book Nook, Sun: storytime 11am, craft 1pm,

Please tell our fantastic advertisers that you saw them in the Family Grapevine!


Pre-School Activities for U5's Pre-School Arts & Crafts (find online) Pre-School Dance & Drama (more online)

Alexandra Dance Academy, Howard Rd, Brighton, ballet, tap, modern, street, Mon, Wed & Sat, 3yrs+, 01273 565881 babyballet, Hove, Shoreham, Peacehaven, 6mths-5yrs, 07799 603263 Brighton Ballet School, baby ballet & tap, 2½-4yrs, 07595 303180 Creative Dance Club, creative dance classes, Exeter Street Hall, Brighton BN1 5PG, 4yrs+, 07900 911859 Diddi Dance, funky pre-school dance classes for girls & boys, Brighton & Lancing, 07730 576597 Disco Duck Hove, preschool dance class, All Saints Church Hall Hove, 18mths-5yrs, 07515 813364 Get Creative in Brighton, Drama Tots, Mon 9.30-11am, Patcham Methodist Hall, 18mths5yrs, 07967 633438 Italia Conti Performing Arts, ‘Introduction to the Performing Arts’, Sat am, 3yrs+, 07956 890307 JustDance Academy, Southwick,3yrs+, 07777 692632 Leap & Bound Dance School, Little Leapers 2yrs+, Hanover CC; Shoreham Centre; ACT Brighton/Hove, 07817 398215 Magic Moves Dance, creative dance, Brighton & Hove venues, 2yrs+, 01273 600126 Sian Ballet, parent & baby ballet, The Loft, North Laine BN1 4AN, Fri 11.30am, 16 mths-2yrs, sian_ South East Dance, The Dance Space, Project Female: Mini, Sat am, 4yrs+, Stagecoach Performing Arts Hove, Fri pm, Sat & Sun am, 4-6yrs, 01273 258318 (see advert p.19) Story Moves, Creative Movement classes, The Barn, Westdene BN1 5EE, Mon, 9.30-10.15am, 18mths5yrs, West Hove Dance Academy, toddler street dance, Holy Cross Church, Hove, Mon pm, 2-5yrs, 07890 530073 WWSDance, Seven Dials, Dance Tots, 3yrs+, 07803 907092

Pre-School Languages (find online)

Pre-School Music (more online)

Bambino Beatz, baby & toddler, new theme weekly, Meridian Centre, Peacehaven, Tue 1010.40am, 07931 534605 Da Capo Baby & Toddler music with live guitar & piano, Under the Bridge Studios, Brighton, MonFri, 07719 029488 Hartbeeps, sensory music classes for toddlers, Brighton: Tue at WRAP, Wed & Fri at Yellowave; Hove: Thur at St George's RC Church; Mon at Southwick Comm.Centre, Thu at The Shoreham Centre, 07786 446119 (see advert p.10) Music Bugs, Hove Mon, baby & mixed age classes, 0844 822 1174




TRY RUGBYTOTS Our dynamic weekly play sessions enable boys and girls aged 2–7 to develop their social and physical skills in a fun, positive environment. For more details, just call or email:

Music for Aardvarks, weekly, year round, drop in classes with live original music, Brighton Unitarian Church, Thu & Fri 10am, 6mths4yrs, book on, 07886 927081 (see advert) Ukeboxbaby, introducing babies & toddlers to the magic of music, Brighton Girls, Tue & Fri am, 07833 945113

Pre-School Sport & Gym (more online)

4-Corner Football, development programme, boys & girls, Wish Park Hove, 1-4yrs, 07964 785511 ACE Football Academy, Soccer Tots, Lancing & Sorrington, Sat am, 3 1/25yrs, Dyson Gymnastics, rear unit 101 Conway St, Hove BN3 3LA, Mon, Wed & Thu 1.45pm, 2.5yrs+, 07760 669393 (see advert p.19) Football flyers, football coaching, Shoreham, 18mths-6yrs, find on Facebook: @footballflyers21 I-star Academy, gymnastics, Southwick, 3-4yrs, Little Kickers, fun football training, Brighton, Patcham, Hove & Shoreham, 18mths+, 01293 226201 Mini Athletics Brighton & Lewes, play-based athletics, Rottingdean Sat am, Portslade Sun am, 2-5yrs, 07557 985769 Ninja School at The Samurai Centre, New England St, Brighton, 3½yrs+, 01273 570940 PW Performers, gymnastics, Manor Gym Whitehawk, Sat am, 3yrs+, 07972 416947 Rugbytots, weekly play sessions in Brighton, Hove, Worthing & Lewes for boys & girls 2-5yrs, 0345 3130421 (see advert) Tumble Tots, Hove: Mon/Sat, Hollingbury: Thu, Portslade: Fri, 6mths+, 07710 090 035 Withdean Sports Complex, Didi Tennis, coached parent & child club, 3-5yrs, 01273 542100

Pre-School Swimming

Aqua Swim, Surrenden pool, Brighton, 1yrs+, Sat & Sun classes, 07702 075091 Aquanauts Swimming School, Hove, 4mths+, 07957 364534 Brighton Swimming School, , Eastern Rd, 1yrs+, 01273 434400 Kids’ swim lessons in Lancing, only 6 per class, £58 per month, online booking, (see advert p.20) King Alfred Leisure Centre, swimming lessons 4mths+; parent/ toddler fun swim, Mon/Wed-Thu am, U5s, 01273 980892 Little Dippers, baby swimming, Upper Gardner Street, Brighton BN1 4AN, 01273 229390 (see advert p.10)

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Puddle Ducks, baby & pre-school swimming, Hilton Metropole, Brighton & Herons Dale PS, Shoreham, 01892 617246 (see advert) Ridgeside Pool, private pool hire on an hourly basis for a swim with your family/friends, Sinclair’s Swimming School, parent & baby swimming, 01273 583760 The Little Swim School, Brighton, pre-school swimming & water safety, 1-5yrs, 01273 207992 Water Babies, 7 days a week, teaching water confidence, Brighton, 0-4½yrs, 01273 552454

Pre-School Yoga (more online)

Balance Kids Yoga, yoga for U5s, Brighton Mon am, Hove Tue am & Fri pm, 07584 208913

Kids’ Yoga with Iona, story-based yoga Tree of Life, Hove, Fri 9.45am, U5s,

Pre-School Outdoors

Baby Bee Woodland Playgroup, Stanmer Park, Mon/Tue am & Fri am/ pm, 07880 727679 Fledglings: by the Beach, near the West Pier on Fri & in the Orchard, Race Hill Community Orchard, Whitehawk on Wed, 10am-noon, 18mths+, Saplings, St Ann’s Well Gardens, forest school for toddlers & their parents, Wed/Fri am, 18mths-4yrs, 01273 933781 Find full listing online, scan QR code or visit: brighton-hove/directory/az-of-pre-school-activities/

Daycare & Pre-School Nurseries

Please tell our fantastic advertisers that you saw them in the Family Grapevine!


Daycare & Pre-School • Language • Independent Schools Little Oaks Nursery at Mile Oak Primary School, Graham Avenue Portslade BN41 2WN, 8am-4pm, 01273 077114 (see advert p.17) Shoreham College Little Lions Nursery, St Julian’s Lane, Shoreham BN43 6YW, mixed, 3-5yrs, 01273 592681 (see advert p.16) St Martin’s Primary School Nursery Class, Hartington Rd, Brighton BN2 3LJ, 3-4yrs, 01273 707114 (see advert p.13) St Peter’s Community Primary School Nursery, St Peter’s Rd, Portslade BN41 1LS, 3-4yrs, 01273 916610 (see advert)


Language Classes

Pre-School Nurseries

Dolphins Pre-School, The Pavilion, Nevill Playing Fields, Hove BN3 7QD, 2-5yrs, 01273 500513 (see advert) Lancing College Preparatory School at Hove BN3 6LU, Pre-School, 3-4yrs, 01273 503452 (see advert p.16) Find the full listing online, scan QR code or visit: brighton-hove/directory/ pre-schools-sessional/

BonjourKidz, French classes games, arts & crafts, Hove, 01273 921821 China Special, Brighton, creative Chinese Mandarin tuition, groups or 1-1, 3yrs-adult, 07796 210160 Elisabeth Reichert-Eckersley, online lessons in German & English foreign language, (see advert) FrangloNature, forest school in French, Stanmer Park, Sat, 4yrs+, Franglophones, weekly French classes in Hove for French speaking children, Poncho Spanish, online Spanish classes, from beginners classes to GCSE exam support, Home Ed, group sessions or 1:1, 7yrs+, (see advert) Private German tuition in person or online, Language Garden, Brighton/ Falmer,

SPANISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Enrol your child from anywhere in the world!

SRCC Kalinka, Russian speaking language classes & cultural events, adults & children, The Language Guru, French, Spanish, English, 6yrs+, GCSE, A levels, degree, adults, 01273 222900 The Migrant English Project, free informal English lessons for refugees, asylum seekers & migrants, 01273 696104

Independent Schools

Daycare Nurseries

Brighton College Nursery, Eastern Rd, Brighton BN2 5JJ, 3-5yrs, 01273 704343 (see advert p.2) Burgess Hill Nursery (located at Burgess Hill Girls), Keymer Rd RH15 OEG, boys & girls, 2½-4yrs, 01444 241050 (see advert p.15) Happy Learners Day Nursery, Edward Ave, Hove BN3 6WL, Nordic-inspired setting & curriculum, 8am-6pm, 9mths-5yrs,, Instagram: @happylearnershove, (see advert p.13) Hopscotch Children’s Nurseries: Nizells Ave, Portland Rd, Hove Station, Preston Park, Peacehaven & Seaford, 01273 385577 (see advert p.13)

Starting School in September 2024? You'll find details of the primary school open days on p.18 Find full listing online, scan QR code or visit: brighton-hove/directory/ daycare-nurseries/



(up to 6 people in premium seats) to Cinderella this Christmas at The DoubleTree by Hilton Brighton Metropole. Cinderella famously leaves her slipper at the ball, but what is it made of? A. Leather B. Suede C. Crystal Scan the QR code and follow the instructions. Closing date: 3rd December 2023 Ts & Cs apply | One entry per household

Bartholomews Tutorial College Brighton (aka ‘Barts’), small independent 1:1 college, GCSE, A levels, Brighton & Hove Montessori School, 67 Stanford Avenue, Brighton BN1 6FB, 2 1/2-12yrs, 01273 702485 Brighton College Nursery & Pre Prep School, Eastern Rd, Brighton BN2 5JJ, 3-7yrs, 01273 704343 (see advert p.2) Brighton College Prep, Walpole Rd, Brighton BN2 0EU, 8-13yrs, 01273 704343 (see advert p.2) Brighton College, Eastern Rd, Brighton BN2 0AL, 13-18yrs, 01273 704200 Brighton Girls Prep School, Montpelier Rd, Brighton BN1 3AT, 4-11ys, 01273 280200 (see back cover) Brighton Girls Senior School & Sixth Form, Montpelier Rd, Brighton BN1 3AT, 11-18yrs, 01273 280280 (see back cover) Brighton Waldorf School, Roedean Rd, Brighton BN2 5RA, 2yrs 6mths16yrs, 01273 386300 Burgess Hill Girls, Keymer Rd, Burgess Hill RH15 OEG, 2½-18yrs, 01444 241050 (see advert p.15) Hove Micro-School, bespoke primary education for up to 6 children per class, Hove BN41 1DF, 5-11yrs, 01273 459022 Hurst College, Hurstpierpoint BN6 9JS, Pre-Prep, Prep & Senior School, 4-18yrs, 01273 833636

Tomorrow’s Women



Please tell our fantastic advertisers that you saw them in the Family Grapevine!


Independent Schools • Primary Schools

Independent Schools (cont.)

St Christopher’s is a co-educational Prep School for children aged 4-13 in the heart of Hove. Part of the Brighton College family of schools, we are a school that balances many strengths. The school delivers a high achieving academic programme, with first rate sport and a strong tradition in the creative and performing arts, all within a warm, family environment which nurtures each individual child. For full editorial, scan the QR Code: Kings Brighton, 27-33 Ditchling Rd, Brighton, BN1 4SB, GCSE’s, A Levels, art foundation, revision, 01273 443403 Lancing College Preparatory School at Hove BN3 6LU, mixed 3-13yrs, 01273 503452 (see advert) Lancing College, BN15 0RW, 13-18yrs, 01273 452213 Michael Hall Steiner Waldorf School, Forest Row, Independent School for 0-18yrs, (see advert p.17) Roedean School, Roedean Way, Brighton BN2 5RQ, girls 11-18yrs, 01273 667500


Shoreham College, St Julian’s Lane, Shoreham BN43 6YW, mixed, 3-16yrs, 01273 592681 (see advert) SML College, West Rd, Fishersgate BN41 1QH, offering an alternative to schooling for 9-16yrs, 01273 987629 Sompting Abbotts Prep School, Church Lane, Lancing BN15 0AZ, 2-13yrs, 01903 235960 St Christopher’s Hove, a Brighton College School, New Church Rd BN3 4AD, boys & girls 4-13yrs, 01273 735404 (see advert p.3 & box here) The Drive Prep School, 101 The Drive, Hove BN3 6GE, 7-16yrs, 01273 738444 The Montessori Place, 45 Cromwell Rd, Hove BN3 3ER, 18mths-18yrs, 01273 773764 Windlesham School & Nursery, 190 Dyke Rd, Brighton BN1 5AA, 3-11yrs, 01273 553645

Primary Schools

Aldrington CE Primary School, Eridge Rd, Hove BN3 7QD, 01273 542656 Balfour Primary School, Balfour Rd BN1 6NE, 01273 507722 Benfield Primary School, 255 Old Shoreham Rd, Portslade BN41 1XS, 01273 916540 Bevendean Primary School, Heath Hill Avenue, Lower Bevendean, Brighton BN2 4JP, 01273 681292 Bilingual Primary School, The Droveway, Hove BN3 7QA, 01273 916212

Shoreham College


An independent day school for all abilities

The quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements is

EXCELLENT Independent Schools Inspectorate 2023

All-through education from ages 3-16 | Spacious facilities and grounds On-site Forest School | Family environment 01273 592681

Independent Schools • Primary Schools

Human connection in all we do

Open Days 16th November Lower & Middle School ~ ages 6 to 14 8th December Saplings ~ age 2 24th January Lower & Middle School ~ ages 6 to 14 30th January Early Childhood ~ ages 2 to 6 13th March Upper School ~ ages 14 to 18 To register please visit: @michaelhallschool @michaelhallsteinerschool

To add a FREE listing or advertise please email:


Primary Schools & Open Days Primary Schools (cont.)

Brackenbury Primary School, Locks Hill, Portslade BN41 2LA, 01273 418850 Brunswick Primary School, Somerhill Rd, Hove BN3 1RP, 01273 711816 Carden Primary School, County Oak Avenue, Brighton BN1 8LU, 01273 916606 Carlton Hill Primary School, Sussex Street, Brighton BN2 9HS, 01273 604966 City Academy Whitehawk, Whitehawk Rd, Brighton BN2 5FL, 01273 681377 Coldean Primary School, Kenwards, Brighton BN1 9EN, 01273 094911 Coombe Road Primary School, Milner Rd, Brighton BN2 4BP, 01273 077130 Cottesmore St Mary Catholic Primary School, The Upper Drive, Hove BN3 6NB, 01273 555811 Downs Infant School, Ditchling Rd, Brighton BN1 6JA, 01273 099854 Downs Junior School, Rugby Rd, Brighton BN1 6ED, 7-11yrs, 01273 558422 Elm Grove Primary School, Elm Grove, Brighton BN2 3ES, 01273 708004 Fairlight Primary School, St Leonards Road, Brighton BN2 3AJ, 01273 601270 Glebe Primary School, Church Ln, Southwick BN42 4GB, 01273 592163 Goldstone Primary School, Laburnum Avenue, Hove BN3 7JW, 01273 077110 Hangleton Primary School, Dale View, Hove BN3 8LF, 01273 916213 Hertford Infant School, Hertford Rd, Hollingdean, Brighton BN1 7GF, 01273 552931 Hertford Junior School, Lynchet Close, Hollingdean, Brighton BN1 7FP, Y3-Y6, 01273 557341 Hove Junior School, Portland Rd BN3 5JA & Holland Rd BN3 1JY, Y3-Y6, 01273 916609 Middle Street Primary School, Middle Street, Brighton BN1 1AL, 01273 323184 Mile Oak Primary School, Graham Avenue Portslade BN41 2WN, 01273 077114 (see advert p.17) Moulsecoomb Primary School, The Highway, Lewes Rd, Brighton BN2 4PA, 01273 605700 Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School, The Green, Rottingdean BN2 7HA, 01273 306980 Patcham Infant School, Highview Avenue South BN1 8WW, 01273 509766 Patcham Junior School, Ladies Mile Rd BN1 8TA, Y3-Y6, 01273 087513 Peter Gladwin Primary School, Drove Rd, Brighton BN41 2PA, 01273 916592 Queen’s Park Primary School, Park Street, Brighton BN2 0BN, 01273 686822 Rudyard Kipling Primary School & Nursery, Chalkland Rise, Woodingdean BN2 6RH, 01273 303328 Saltdean Primary School, Chiltington Way BN2 8HB, 01273 303358


St Andrew’s CE Primary School, Belfast Street, Hove BN3 3YT, 01273 770082 St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School, Ann Street, Brighton BN1 4GP, 01273 692463 St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School, Preston Rd, Brighton BN1 6UT, 01273 553813 St John the Baptist RC Primary School, Whitehawk Hill Rd, Brighton BN2 0AH, 01273 607924 St Joseph’s RC Primary School, Davey Drive, Hollingdean BN1 7BF, 01273 556607 St Luke’s Primary School, Queens Park Rise, Brighton BN2 9ZF, 01273 675080 St Margarets CofE Primary School, Whiteway Lane, Rottingdean BN2 7HB, 01273 303109 St Mark’s CE Primary School, Manor Rd, Brighton BN2 5EA, 01273 605588 St Martin’s CE Primary School, Hartington Rd, Brighton BN2 3LJ, 01273 707114 (see advert p.13) St Mary Magdalen’s Catholic Primary School & Nursery, Spring St, Brighton BN1 3EF, 01273 327533 St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Church Rd, Portslade BN41 1LB, 01273 418416 St Nicolas CE Primary School, Locks Hill, Portslade BN41 2LA, 01273 418026 St Paul’s CE Primary School, St Nicholas Road, Brighton BN1 3LP, 01273 721001 St Peter’s Community Primary School, St Peter’s Road, Portslade BN41 1LS, 01273 916610 (see advert p.14) Stanford Infant School, Highcroft Villas, Brighton BN1 5PS, 01273 555240 Stanford Junior School, Stanford Rd, Brighton BN1 5PR, 7-11yrs, 01273 565570 West Blatchington Primary School, Hangleton Way, Hove BN3 8BN, 01273 770777 West Hove Infant School, 2 sites: School Rd Site BN3 5JA & Holland Rd Site BN3 1JY, 01273 733386 (see advert p.17) Westdene Primary School, Bankside, Brighton BN1 5GN, 01273 916618 Woodingdean Primary School, Warren Rd, Brighton BN2 6BB, 01273 680811

Out of School Clubs & Holiday Schemes

Artpod, Rottingdean, art classes every week days 3.15-5.15pm, Sat 10am-12pm; Art & Science Clubs during the holidays, 5-15yrs, (see advert p.8) Dyson Gymnastics Club, holiday activities, rear unit 101 Conway St, BN3 3LA, 07760 669393 (see advert p.19) High Sports Climbing Centre, indoor climbing activities for everyone, starting from age 4yrs+, 0345 3631177 (see advert p.19) Full listing online, scan QR code or visit: brighton-hove/directory/

Primary School Open Days

For parents & carers of children starting school in Sep 2024 [please double check the school's respective websites for days and times]

Brighton Primary Schools BN1 area Balfour

2 Nov | 21 Nov | 9 Jan. Please book.


14 Nov | 15 Nov | 28 Nov. Please book.

Hertford Infants

16 Nov. Please book.

Patcham Infants

4 Nov | 6-9 Nov | 14 Nov | 16 Nov. Please book.

St Bartholomew's

15 Nov | 30 Nov | 9 Jan. Please book.

St Joseph's

8 Nov | 15 Nov. Please book.

St Mary Magdalen's

Please call to book a personal tour.

Stanford Infants

6-9 Nov | 14 Nov | 16 Nov | 20 Nov | 23 Nov | 27 Nov 8 Jan. Please book.

Brighton Primary Schools BN2 area Carlton Hill

15 Nov | 10 Jan. Please book.

Coombe Road

11 Nov | 17 Nov | 5 Dec. Please book.

Elm Grove

1 Nov | 6 Nov | 16 Nov |10 Jan. Please book.


13/15 Nov | 28/30 | 5-6 Dec | 8/11 Jan. Please book.


8 Nov | 16 Nov | 21 Nov | 30 Nov. Please book.

Rudyard Kipling

15 Nov | 22 Nov. Please book.

St John the Baptist

14 Nov | 22 Nov. Please book.

St Luke's

7 Nov | 10 Nov | 13 Nov | 16-17/20 Nov. Please book.

St Margaret's, Rottingdean

Nov [full] | 6 Dec | 9 Jan. Register online.

St Mark's

Please call to book a personal tour.

St Martin's (see advert p.13)

Thu 2 Nov 1.30pm | Wed 8 Nov 10.30am & 6pm | Sat 11 Nov 2.30pm | Wed 15 Nov 1.30pm | Tue 21 Nov 10.30am | Sat 25 Nov 2pm | Thu 30 Nov 10.30am | Tue 5 Dec 10.30am | Wed 13 Dec 6pm. Please book.


7-8 Nov | 6 Dec | 5 Jan. Please book.

Hove Primary Schools BN3 area Aldrington

17 Nov. Please register.


8 Nov | 16-17 Nov | 22 Nov | 24 Nov | 29 Nov | 5 Dec. Book online.


3 Nov | 6-7 Nov | 9-10 Nov | 20/22 Nov. Please book.

St Andrew's

8 Nov | 21 Nov | 23 Nov | 11 Jan. Book online.

West Hove Infant (see advert p.17)

[School Rd Site] Mon 6 Nov 9.30/10.45am | Wed 8 Nov 9.30/10.45am | Wed 15 Nov 5pm | Tue 9 Jan 9.30am [Holland Rd Site] Tue 7 Nov 10.45am | Thu 9 Nov 10.45am | Thu 16 Nov 5pm | Thu 11 Jan 10.45am

Portslade Primary Schools BN41 area Benfield

7 Nov | 12 Nov | 9 Jan. Please book.


Please call to book a personal tour.

Mile Oak (see advert p.17)

2 Nov 9.30am | 17 Nov 9.30am | 27 Nov 1.30pm | 9 Jan 9.30am. Please book.

Peter Gladwin

21 Nov | 28 Nov | 4 Jan. Please book.

St Mary's

Personal tour available on a Wednesday, call to book.

St Nicolas

16 Nov | 24-25 Nov | 8 Dec. No need to book.

St Peter's (see advert p.14)

14 Nov 5pm | 6 Dec 10am | 8 Jan 9.30am. Please book.

Admission closing date: 15 January 2024 and National Offer Day: 16 April 2024

A - Z of Sport & Leisure for 5 years old to Teens

Arts & Crafts (more online)

Artpod, Rottingdean, art supplies, out of school & holiday art classes, 5yrs+, (see advert p.8) House of Culture, after school club, holiday sessions, Home Ed, parties, Brighton, 5-11yrs, Phoenix Centre, free, monthly family drop-in sessions, accompanied 5-14yrs, 01273 603700 Puzzle Bored, Brighton BN1 1UG, freeplay, arts & crafts, jigsaw puzzles; quiet room, Sat 9.3010.30am; after school club, Tue 4-5.30pm, 3yrs+, (see advert p.20) The Scrap Space, Shoreham, redistributes donated waste for art,craft, DIY at low cost + events, @ thescrapspace

Athletics (more online)

Brighton & Hove Athletics Club, Withdean, Tue &Thu evening, 9yrs+, see website Junior Park Run, Hove Park/ Preston Park/ Peacehaven, 2k run for 4-14yrs, free, Sun 9am, register before 1st run:


Boulder Brighton, Portslade, tasters, clubs courses & parties, 7-15yrs, family sessions, 01273 422408 Hatt Adventures, fun-filled family outdoor climbing day out, 8yrs+, 01273 358359 High Sports Climbing Centre, Withdean Sports Complex, indoor climbing activities for everyone, 4yrs+, 0345 3631177 (see advert)

Dance & Drama (more online)

ACT, professional theatre training & kid’s drama school, Kemptown, Sat am, 6-17yrs, 01273 818266 Boys’ Movement Classes, The Dance Space, developing confidence through movement, 5-7yrs, Brighton School of Samba, drumming, percussion & dance, Brighton Theatre Group Youth, musical theatre productions, Facebook: @Brighton Theatre Group (see advert p.22) Magic Moves Dance, creative dance, venues across Brighton & Hove, 2-16yrs, 01273 600126 PW Performers, street, contemporary, commercial, musical theatre, drama, tricks & flips, 4-15yrs, 07972 416947 South East Dance, The Dance Space, Project Female: Min 4yrs+/Youth 7yrs+, Sat am, Stagecoach Performing Arts Hove, Fri pm, Sat & Sun am, 4-18yrs, 01273 258318 (see advert) Streetfunk, streetdance classes, 4-18yrs, Brighton, Hove & Shoreham, 07936 454589 The Young Actors Group, small group, focussed fun and professionally run weekly acting classes, 07709 446816 ThirdSpace Theater, actor training & youth theatre company, Hove & Brighton venues, 5-21yrs, 07932 776114

Gymnastics & Trampoline (more online)

Bevendean Gymnastics Club, recreational & competitive classes, Moulsecoomb Primary School, 5yrs+, 07780 584706 Dyson Gymnastics Club, rear unit 101 Conway St, Hove BN3 3LA, Sat-Thu, 4-18yrs, 07760 669393 (see advert) Hollingdean Gymnastics Club for girls, Hertford School, 5yrs+, Mon & Thu eve, 07795 008772 Longhill Sports Centre, Rottingdean, gymnastics, Mon, Thu, Fri, Sat, Rec-Y6, 01273 391683 Moulsecoomb Community Leisure Centre, trampolining, Tue 3.305.30pm, 5-16yrs, 01273 622266

Peacehaven Leisure Centre, gymnastics, Thu pm, 5-15yrs, 01273 588858 Portslade Sports Centre, gymnastics, Mon, Thu & Fri pm & trampoline, Tue pm, 5yrs+, 01273 411100 PW Performers, gymnastics, Manor Gym Whitehawk, Sat am, 4-16yrs, 07972 416947 Sky High Trampoline Park, Peacehaven, weekends & school holidays, U5s: 9am-10am, 5yr+: 10am-6pm, 01273 580029 Stanley Deason Leisure Centre, trampolining, Mon from 4pm, 5-15yrs, 01273 694281 Stars Gym Club, venues across Brighton & Hove, 4½yrs+, check website Wickers Gymnastic Club, Lancing, pre-school to adult, 01903 752503

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A - Z of Sport & Leisure

Places to Visit

Visit o t s e d Plac roun a & in ton Brigh

Music Groups & Teachers (more online)

Adaptatrap Percussion, tuition & instruments from around the world, 26 Trafalgar St, 01273 672722 Create Music, orchestras, bands, ensembles, choirs, Brighton & Hove, Go Kid Music, Online Music Club, 4-8yrs, Harp Academy, harmonica clubs, 07525 256954 Howling choir, informal, drop-in youth choir, new song each week! Hove, Wed 5 -6pm, 10-16yrs, (see advert) Philharmonic Friends Youth Orchestra Club, all levels, Queens Park, Piano & cello teacher, adults & children from 5yrs+, Hove, lessons on baby grand, 07748 937036 Sussex Keyboard Lessons, Hangleton Community Centre Hall, all ages, pay-as-you-go, Wed 3-6pm, 07835 273155 Sparker Studios, Tidy Street, North Laine, guitar, bass, drums & vocal tuition, all ages, 01273 818184


Brighton Blues Rugby, Waterhall Playing Fields, Waterhall Rd, U6U16, mixed until U12, 01273 562729 Hove Rugby Club, U6-U11 mixed, U12-18 boys, U12-18 girls, adult teams, coaching, holiday camps, 01273 505103 Rugbytots, weekly play sessions in Brighton, Hove, Worthing & Lewes for boys & girls 5-7yrs, 0345 3130421 (see advert p.12)


Swimming & Scuba (more online)

Aqua Swim, Surrenden pool, Brighton, 2yrs-adult, Fri, Sat, Sun classes, 07702 075091 Brighton Surf Lifesaving Club, 7yrs+, life guard training, water-awareness programmes, Finn’s Swim School, fun, progressive swimming classes, Windlesham School, Brighton, 5yrs+, Kids’ swim lessons in Lancing, only 6 per class, £58 per month, online booking, (see advert) King Alfred Leisure Centre, Hove, lane swimming, lessons 4mths+, free swimming for U16yrs, 01273 980892 Patcham Water Survival Group, Patcham High School, Ladies Mile Rd, lessons for 4½yrs+, 07554 373607 Penguins Swimming School, Lancing College for all ages & abilities & intensive holiday courses, Prince Regent Swimming Complex, Junior Fun w/ slide, Fri-Sun, U16yrs & Inflatable Aqua Run, Sat 4.6.15pm, U8 with adult, 8-16yrs, 01273 685692 St Luke’s Swimming Pool BN2 9ZE, lessons, lane swimming & fun sessions, 01273 602385 Wadurs Swimming Pool, 5 lane 25m x 10m swimming pool, Shoreham, 01903 905050

Booth Museum of Natural History, A Rd BN1 5AA. Quirky celebration of natural history, FREE. Brighton i360, nr the West Pier, 162m tower with viewing pod climbing to 138m, 360° views of the Sussex coastline up to 26 miles. Brighton Fishing Museum, Kings Road Arches BN1 1NB. Sussex fishing boat, plus prints, photos & fishing memorabilia, FREE. Brighton Footgolf, Hove BN3 8EB, game involving kicking a football into a hole in as few kicks as possible, 9- or 18-hole available, 3yrs+. Brighton Karting at Q Leisure, Albourne, outdoor karting for 8yrs+. Brighton Marina BN2 5WA, bowling, cinema, children’s rides, mini-golf, boat trips, fishing, sailing, diving, events. Brighton Museum & Art Gallery, Royal Pavilion BN1 1EE. History of Brighton, pottery, fashion & more (FREE for Brighton/Hove residents). Brighton Palace Pier, amusement arcades, rides, indoor play area for children over 0.9m & U0.9m. Brighton Sea Life Centre Marine Parade. The world’s oldest operating aquarium with over 1,500 creatures. Brighton Toy & Model Museum, Trafalgar St, BN1 4EB. toys, models, inc. 2 working model railways. Brighton Zip, Madeira Drive BN2 1TB. 300m long run/, 24m drop zone down Brighton beach, tandem ride, 6yrs+. Globalls, Brighton Marina, 12 hole indoor themed-ultraviolet crazy golf. Hollywood Bowl Brighton, Brighton Marina. 26 bowling lanes, amusement area, Hollywood Diner. Hove Lagoon, enclosed playground located on the seafront, Big Beach Café, skate park & picnic tables. Hove Park ~40 acres of open grass, mature trees & recreational facilities, playground, climbing rock, trim trail, café.

Hove Museum of Creativity, Hove BN3 4AB. Toys, cinema, local history & fine art, children’s activities, cafe, FREE admission. Jungle Rumble Adventure Golf, Madeira Drive BN2 1EN. 2 exciting 18-hole mini-golf courses, beach view, roof terrace café. Jurassic Beach adventure golf, Kingsway, Hove BN3 2WW. fun & challenging Jurassic-themed 18 holes mini-golf & coffee shop. Peter Pan Park, Madeira Drive. Playground, open-air café. Pier Pressure Escape Rooms, Brighton’s biggest escape rooms venue with 5 top rated games to choose from, 12yrs+. Preston Park Brighton BN1 6HN. Largest urban park, playground & cycle velodrome, large rockery, walled garden, cafés. Puzzle Bored, 27 New Rd, Brighton BN1 1UG. Coffee shop, jigsaw puzzle space & shop with puzzles featuring artwork from local artists! Open Mon-Sat 10am6pm, Sun 11am-4pm, children & grown-ups events. (see advert) Queens Park Brighton BN2 0QU. Wildlife garden, grade II listed clock tower built in 1915, playground, tennis courts, café. Rampion Offshore Wind Visitor Centre, Kings Road Arches, east from i360. Hands-on exhibitions, interactive displays, games, videos & 360˚ VR experience taking you out to the wind farm, 10am-4pm, holidays activities, FREE entry. (see advert) Royal Pavilion Brighton, built between 1787 & 1823, exotic oriental appearance inside & out. Royal Pavilion Ice Rink. Seasonal ice rink, ice powered exclusively by green energy, with the backdrop on the Royal Pavilion, open until 7 Jan 2024. (see competition p.8)

Full listing available online

Places to Visit - find many more great suggestions on our website Sixes Brighton, at the Brighton i360 (former West Beach Bar & Restaurant). Immersive social cricket experience, indoor and weatherproof outdoor enclosed nets, food & drinks. Stanmer Park, Falmer. Park, walks, football pitches, village, home to Earthship Brighton & One Garden. St Ann’s Well Gardens nr Hove seafront. Scented garden for the visually impaired, pond, playground & the Garden Cafe. Undercliff Walk just over 5km from Brighton Marina to Saltdean. Upside Down House Brighton, museum of illusions incl. a variety of designed rooms. Vrroom Virtual Racing Room, Brighton Marina. F1 simulator race training facility, 12 motion race car simulators networked together, 12yrs+. Yellowave Beach Sports, Brighton Beach, beach volleyball/ soccer, tag rugby, clubhouse for hire & private parties, 6yrs+.

Visit o t s e ay Plac r aw e h t fur Amberley Museum & Heritage Centre, Arundel. Collection of listed buildings, vintage vehicles, rural crafts, events. Arundel Wetland Centre WWT BN18 9PB, nature reserve, guided boat safari, adventure playground, children’s activities, visitor centre & café, family trails & Christmas events. (see advert) Ashdown Forest Centre Wych Cross, RH18 5JP. Once a Norman deer hunting forest, now free public access space & the ‘home’ of Winnie the Pooh. Beachy Head Countryside & Visitor Centre walks, shop & breath-taking views. Bedgebury Pinetum Goudhurst TN17 2SJ. 2,000-acre forest with numerous walks, cycling trails, mountain bike & dirt jump area, adventure play trail, cafe. Blackberry Farm near Lewes BN8 6JD. Home to over 200 friendly animals, play area. Borde Hill Garden Haywards Heath RH16 1XP, 17-acre garden, walks, playground, zip wire & Christmas family trail/ events. (see competition) British Wildlife Centre Surrey RH7 6LF. Over 40 British animals inc. red squirrel, otters, foxes, deer. Butterfly Gardens at Middleton Common Farm, Ditchling. Free flying butterflies from all over the world. Cuckmere Valley & Seven Sisters Country Park. Chalk cliffs, stunning views on the Seven Sisters & the river valley, rock pooling, cycling to the beach. From there walk to or visit Burling Gap. Devil’s Dyke, Poynings BN1 8YJ. Longest, deepest & widest ‘dry valley’ in the UK.

WWT Arundel Wetland Centre

Drip drip hooray! Let the illustrations of Quentin Blake guide you through our wildlife rich wetlands.

Search WWT Arundel

© WWT 2023. Registered charity no. 1030884 England and Wales, SC039410 Scotland. Images © Quentin Blake 2023. All rights reserved.

Ditchling Beacon, 2nd highest point in the South Downs NP, great views across the Weald. Fishbourne Roman Palace nr Chichester. Roman palace with the largest mosaics in situ in the UK. Friston Forest Exceat, walks, cycling, mountain biking, play area. Drusillas Park off the A27, BN26 5QS. Zoo, ride, adventure playgrounds, restaurants, cafes. Knockhatch Adventure Park Hailsham BN27 3GD. Animals, falconry, soft play’, outdoor playgrounds & more. Lewes Castle & Barbican House Museum. 1,000 year old Norman Castle, museum of Archaeology. Living Coast cycle route, ideas of bike ride along the rich landscape of the Living Coast. Marlipins Museum Shorehamby-Sea BN43 5DA. The story of Shoreham’s maritime and local history in one of the oldest Norman buildings in Sussex, ThuSat 11am-3pm, FREE (donation).

Nymans House & Gardens NT, Handcross, RH17 6EB. Natural play trail,lovely walks in the Millennium Wood, Christmas events. (see advert p.5) Observatory Science Centre, Herstmonceux BN27 1RN. Handson,interactive science exhibits, telescope tours, events. Out of Bounds, Angmering BN16 4NB, family entertainment centre, Clip n’ Climb, softplay & more. (see advert p.23) Peacehaven Big Park, BN10 8RH. Skate park, playgrounds, climbing wall, café, links to the South Downs. Peacehaven Sky High Trampoline Park, BN10 8JQ. Wall to wall interconnected trampolines, toddler bounce, open sessions 5yrs+. Petworth House & Park NT, GU28 9LR. Vast late 17c. mansion in 700-acre, deer park, the house inc. the NT’s finest collection, seasonal events.

Rye Harbour Nature Reserve TN31 7TX. Explore the saltmarsh on a guided walk & Discovery Centre. Seaford Head Local Nature Reserve BN25 4JQ. Downland, cliffs, grassland & shingle beach, views of the Seven Sisters & Cuckmere Valley. Sheffield Park & Garden NT, TN22 3QX. 18c. garden laid out by ‘Capability’ Brown, family activities & woodland play trail. South Downs Planetarium & Science Centre, Chichester (satnav PO19 8AE). educational outlet, group shows as public shows - check website for dates. Standen House & Garden NT, nr East Grinstead RH19 4NE. Arts & Crafts family home with Morris & Co interiors, great views, woodland play area, Christmas events. (see advert p.5) The Novium Museum Chichester PO19 1QH. Built over the remains of a Roman bathhouse, fantastic exhibitions, admission FREE. Wakehurst Gardens & Millennium Seed Bank nr Haywards Heath (Metrobus 272). ‘Kew in the Country’, botanic gardens, walks, natural play spaces, restaurant, café, dogfriendly areas, seasonal trails, Christmas event: Glow Wild. Washbrooks Family Farm, BN6 9EF, animals, tractor rides, in/outdoor play areas, tea rooms. Weald and Downland Open Air Museum, nr Chichester. Historic buildings, woodland walks, open Jan-23 Dec. Woods Mill Nature Reserve Henfield BN5 9SD. Sussex Wildlife Trust HQ, nature reserve, woodland, meadows & reed-fringed lake, FREE.

play Soft res cent Baby Glow Play Centre Hastings TN34 1JN. Fully immersive sensory experience and play centre for the early years (0-5yrs), open Mon-Sat. Funplex, Bevendean BN2 4JE, indoor soft play adventure centre & laser tag parties, toddler activities. Froggies Indoor Soft Play at Knockhatch (see above) all ages with U3yrs toddler area. High Places, The Triangle, Burgess Hill RH15 8WA, 16 fun themed climbing experiences. Hope Hive, Worthing BN13 1AA. Role play centre, Mon–Sat. JumpIn Inflatable Fun, Burgess Hill RH15 9TL, soft play & parties. Magic Castle Soft Play, U10s, Peacehaven Leisure Centre, Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat-Sun 9am5pm. Monkey Bizness, Lewes BN8 6JL, maze of play frames for 5-12yrs; toddler area for 2-5yrs, open daily. Tiny Tim’s U9s, Hangleton CC BN3 8BW, soft play on 3 levels.

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WHAT'S ON This WINTER Brighton Theatre Group presents

14th - 17th February Daily at 2.30pm and 7.30pm* 0333 009 6690* *Fees apply. Calls are charged at standard geographic rate and included in any call plan minutes

by special arrangement with CAMERON MACKINTOSH This amateur production licensed by Music Theatre International Raising funds for Brighton Theatre Group, Registered Charity 258846

NOVEMBER Until 7th January 2024 Royal Pavilion Ice Rink, stunning setting, ice-powered entirely by green energy, childfriendly ice-skating with penguin skate aid for children U1.2m (see competition p.8).

Until the 28th February 2024 Drawn to Water: Quentin Blake at WWT, Arundel Wetland Centre, trail map illustrated with Quentin Blake’s drawings, (advert p.21). 11 November Family Day Take Part | Free, Brighton Dome, a day celebrating multi-cultural arts and heritage.

Festive Family Fun at Brighton Dome There’s plenty to keep children of all ages entertained at Brighton Dome this festive season, from an indoor snowball fight and multi-sensory light installation to magical theatre, singing and classic Christmas films. Throughout December, children aged 0-5 and their families can learn to paint with light in Touch & Glow, a fun, hands-on and immersive experience that explores the world of electronic colouring. In Brighton Dome’s newly refurbished Corn Exchange, family show Snowed In (13-17 Dec) follows the adventures of four friends who wake to find themselves trapped indoors after heavy snowfall. Interactive and playful, it’s ideal for primary school-aged children and their grown-ups. Based on Hans Christian Anderson’s classic story, The Little Match Girl (20-24 Dec) is a timeless fable about family, friendship and hope. It has been beautifully reimagined through dance, song and atmospheric music to enthral children and adults alike. Christmas comes early with the chance to see beloved family favourites The Snowman (17 Dec) and The Muppet Christmas Carol (9 Dec) on the big screen, accompanied by a live orchestra. The whole family will also enjoy Brighton Festival Chorus and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra’s Christmas Concert (10 Dec) and the Big Christmas Singalong with Brighton’s Choir with No Name (19 Dec). For tickets and further information please visit:


12 November Prestonville Repair Cafe, Exeter St. Hall, monthly 2nd Saturday am. Oskar's Amazing Adventure | 2-7yrs, Komedia, Following funloving puppy Oskar. 18 November Robin Hood: Multi-Sensory Pantomime | SEND, Patcham Memorial Hall. Winter Makers & Food Fair | Free entry, BASVIC (see advert p.4). 18 - 19 November Winter Fair, South of England Showground, Santa's Grotto & more. 18 November - 1 January A Nutcracker Christmas Family Trail, Nymans - National Trust (see advert p.5). 18 November - 1/2 January Christmas Mice, Hove Museum of creativity/Brighton Museum, find the hidden mice. 19 November The Splash Test Dummies | 5-12yrs, Ropetackle Shoreham, world-class circus artists. 24 -26 November Shaun by the Sea - Farewell Weekend, Brighton Centre. 25 - 26 November Brighton's Christmas Makers Fair | Free entry, Wagner Hall, Brighton (see advert p.4). 25 November - 19 December Tales of Betwixtmass | 0-12yrs, Standen - National Trust, theatrical experience (see advert p.5).

23 November - 1 January Glow Wild at Wakehurst, Ardingly, award-winning winter lantern trail, celebrating its 10th anniversary,.

DECEMBER 1 December Carol In the Park, Queen's Park outside the Royal Spa, 6.30pm. 1 - 24 December Touch & Glow | 0-5yrs, Brighton Dome, fun immersive multisensory zone (see box here & advert p.5). 2 December Shoreham's Christmas Makers Fair | Free entry, Shoreham Centre (see advert p.4). 2 - 10 December (weekend only) Sail To Santa, WWT Arundel Wetland, meet Santa & grotto (see advert p.21). 2 - 19 December Christmas Trail & Santa's Grotto, Borde Hill Garden (see Competition p.21).


2 December - 3 January Recycled & reused Christmas | Free, Booth Museum. 3 December Rottingdean Festive Beach Clean, The Deans Volunteers, monthly 1st Sun, 11am-12.30pm. 9 December The Muppet Christmas Carols in Concert, Brighton Dome, experience Disney's beloved film with a live orchestra (see box p.22 & advert p.5). 10 December Brighton Christmas Market | Free entry, Circus Street, Brighton (see advert p.4). Christmas Concert, Brighton Dome (see box p.22 & advert p.5). 13 December St Peter's Community Primary School Christmas Fayre, 3.155pm, Portslade (see advert p.14). 13 - 17 December Snowed In | 5-11yrs, Corn Exchange, playful and interactive family show (see box p.22 & advert p.5). 15 - 23 December Brighton Lights, One Garden, Stamner Park, winter light show. 15 - 31 December Jack & the Beanstalk - Panto, Ropetackle Arts Centre Shoreham. 16 December Horrible History Live on Stage - Horrible Christmas | 5yrs+, Royal Theatre Brighton.

16 - 24 December Will Tell and the Big Bad Baron | 3yrs+, Komedia, Will Tell's quest to rescue her legendary dad Wilhelm (see box & advert p.4). 17 December The Snowman, Brighton Dome, (see box p.22 & advert p.5). 18 - 29 December Active Kids Holiday Day Camps | 6-12yrs, Out of Bounds (see advert). 19 December Big Christmas Singalong, Brighton Dome (see box p.22 & advert p.5). 20 - 24 December The Little Match Girl | 4yrs+, Brighton Dome, timeless fable of friendship and hope (see box p.22 & advert p.5). 20 - 30 December Cinderella - Pantomime, at the Doubletree by Hilton Brighton Metropole (see competition p.14 & advert p.22).

21 December Burning The Clocks 2023, celebration of the turning of the year.

...and early 2024 5 - 6 January Elf - The Musical, Brighton Centre. 27 January Brighton College - Nursery, Pre-Prep & Prep school Open Morning | 3-13yrs, register online (see advert p.2). Shoreham College Whole School Open Morning | 3-16yrs, private tour also available, (see advert p.16). Sundae Club: Mr Pineapplehead | 2-8yrs, Komedia, creative fun for kids & their families. 29 January - 9 February Burgess Hill Girls Whole School & Nursery Open Fortnight | 2 1/2-18yrs, register online (see advert p.15).

3 February St Christopher Prep, Hove Open Morning | 4-13yrs, register online (see advert p.3). 14 - 17 February Oliver! - presented by the Brighton Theatre Group, Royal Theatre Brighton (see advert p.22). 18 February SAS Beach Clean (every 3rd Sun), 10am, check Facebook: @sasinbrighton. 22 February Ministry of Science LIVE Science Saved The World | 6yrs+, Royal Theatre Brighton. 25 February Sundae Club: Stinky McFish & the World’s Worst Wish | 2-8yrs, Komedia, grandparent's special show, creative fun for kids & their families. 20 - 21 April Spring Live!, South of England Showground, Ardingly, fun family day out (see competition). 11 May Lancing Prep Hove Open Morning | 3-13yrs, private tour also available, 10am (see advert p.16). 24 - 27 May Elderflowers Fields Festival, Ashdown Forest, family festival (see competition p.9).

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