4 minute read
Parties • Support for Parents & Children
Party Entertainment (cont.)
Mini Motion dance parties, 3-7yrs, choose your dance style! Crowborough & Uckfield, 07734 863791
Once Upon A dreamZ sleepover parties, covering the Sussex area, 07786 466549
Ravebugs, rhythm parties for all ages, 15 miles from Eastbourne, 07850 890026
Ray & Jacqui Sparks, face painting, Punch & Judy, balloon modelling etc, 01323 509622
Rising Stars Multi-Sports & Adventure Parties, weekends, 20 mile radius of Seaford, 01273 579606
Science Wizards, fun science parties, 5 - 12yrs, 08456 521215
Sing and Sign parties, Lewes, Uckfield & Ringmer, in a venue or at your own home., 07958 539903
SportsCool Brighton, multi-sports birthday parties, Brighton/Sussex, 5-11yr, Facebook@SSCBrightonLtd
Starlight Discos, children’s disco specialist, 07930 196966
The Outdoors Project, Nerf games, bushcraft, Harry Potter, Minecraft, nature themes, outdoors games, 07498 284792 (see advert p.16)
Time 2 Potter, Hailsham, pottery painting, 4yrs+, 01323 505000
Wishworks, puppet shows for children 3yrs+, 07712 612006
Woodland Birthday Parties, Lewes area, bushcraft, den building, fairies & wizards, unicorns + cooking snacks over the fire, wildinthewoods. weebly.com (see advert p.12)
Face Painting
The Faceplace, face painting, glitter tattoos, gel nails, parties & events, 07778 642687
Tickles Face Painting, children’s parties/events, Eastbourne, sign language trained, 07545 461839
Celebration Cakes
Be Creative, 13 Sutton Park Rd, Seaford, cakes & cake decorating workshops, 8yrs+, 01323 490912
Emily’s Mixing Bowl, Wedding & Celebration cakes & catering, Hailsham, 07980 893846
The Coffee Cup Cake Company, Eastbourne, amazing birthday cakes made to order, 07759 814117
Fancy Dress
All Dressed Up, Horam, fancy dress hire & sales for children & adults, 01435 408050
The Fairy Princess, online party & fancy dress shop for girls, 0845 4154169
Bouncy Castles and Inflatables
Ace Inflatables, bouncy castles, slides etc, 01825 732742
Bounce Bounce Whizz, castles with slides, soft play & sumo, 10 miles from Eastbourne, 01323 506504
Caroles Castles, free local delivery to Eastbourne, Hailsham, Pevensey areas, 01323 760985/07722 625602
Cookes Castles, bouncy castles, pirate ships & slides, 20 mile radius of Uckfield, 07929 109186
KBS Inflatable Kingdom, inflatables, soft play, Wealden, 01892 661799
Health, Wellbeing & Beauty
Elisabeth Reichert-Eckersley, online life coaching, 07752 630319
Aeracura Image, Colour Analysis, Style Consultation and Wardrobe Detox, 07956 311759
Breast Cancer Support Group, Eastbourne, peer2peer support, safe/friendly environment, meet monthly, 07982 682746 (see box)
Child and Family Welfare
Al-Anon Family Groups, for friends & families of alcoholics, Lewes, Telscombe & Eastbourne groups, 0800 0086 811
Childline, 0800 1111
Children’s integrated therapy service covering speech & language, occupational & physiotherapy, 0300 1232650
Eastbourne Counselling Hub, qualified, independent counsellors based in central Eastbourne, 07746 897576
Eastbourne Survivors,support group for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, 01323 416 316
Family Support Work, free confidential service in areas of Wealden to families dependent on need, 01273 832963
Fegan’s Counselling for children & families, Eastbourne, 01892 538288
Going Hungry? Visit your local Citizens Advice Bureau & ask about a foodbank voucher, 01825 745489
Holding Space, family support group drop-in sessions, Eastbourne, Thurs 10am-1pm or 3-5pm, free, contact@holdingspace.org.uk
Home Works, free housing support service for anyone in difficulties with housing, 01273 898700
Let’s Play - play therapy for emotional and behavioural difficulties., 07782 338496 NSPCC, Child Protection Helpline, get advice or share their concerns about a child, 0808 8005000 NYAS, for young people with disabilities or in need, 0808 8081001 Relate, Family Counselling service for divorce, separation, arguments, 0300 100 1234 WAVES, Seaford, social & practical support for families, 01323 873797
Working Families Helpline - employment/legal advice, 0300 0120312
Mediation+, Time 2 Talk, help with family, inter-generational & neighbour disputes, 01323 442781
International Family Clubs
Les Franglophones, open to any person or family who habitually speaks fluent French at home, info@lesfranglophones.co.uk
Parenting Courses and Support
Bourne this Way, LGBTQ+ parent support group, meet ups every last Sunday of the month, bournethiswaylgbtparents.co.uk
Eastbourne Children’s Centres run adult courses eg back to work, toddler tantrums, parenting etc, 01323 464340
New Breast Cancer Support Group in Eastbourne
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women in the UK. Being diagnosed is usually a shock and although effective treatments are improving there is a lack of peer-topeer support especially in East Sussex. A new support group has been set up in Eastbourne by women who have received a diagnosis with the aim of offering a friendly supportive environment to share experiences.
The group called Breast Cancer Connect meets for a monthly coffee in Eastbourne town centre and also has a private Facebook page.
Contact Caroline Streatfield on 07982 682746 or Jude Rolfe on 07941 217751
For more details or email: eastbourneconnect@gmail.com
Family Learning Courses, SCDA, Newhaven including story, snacks etc, 01273 517250
Fegan’s Parenting Courses for all ages, Eastbourne, call for dates, 01892 538288
Free Buggy Walk, led by Early Help 0-19 volunteers, Big Park Peacehaven, 0-4 yrs, Wed 9.3010.30am, 01273 335100
FREE mum’s support group, children welcome, More Than Cake, Eastbourne BN21 4DB, Mon, 12-2pm, 07944 730515
Information for Families Service - East Sussex County Council, 0345 6080192
Lewes Cluster Children’s Centres, free adult education courses, 01273 336870
Parenting Workshops, WAVES Seaford + drop-in with family solicitor, 01323 873797
Young People’s Advice and Support
Infopoint at the Square Youth Café, Hailsham, 01323 843377
National Youth Advocacy Service supports any young person in need, 0808 8081001 (9am-7pm helpline)
Newhaven Young People’s Drop in, Wed 4-6pm, 11- 19yrs, Denton Island CCentre, 01273 517250
NYAS, for young people with disabilities or in need, 0808 808001 Seaford Connexions, Community College, 13-19yrs, 01323 896051 (limited hours)
Young Parents
Care to Learn - child care scheme for parents under 20, 0800 1218989
Young People’s Employment and Apprenticeships
Heathercroft Training Academy, apprenticeships & training in many areas, 01323 411517
SASBAH Social Enterprise Centre, Horam, work experience for young people with additional needs, 01825 873045
One Parent Families
Aquila Divorce Recovery Workshops, call for dates, Crowborough, 01892 652292
Eastbourne Family Contact Centre, 07922 631901
Fostering and Adoption
Barnardo’s, 0800 0277 280
Blue Sky Fostering & Children Services, recruits & supports foster carers, 01323 482601
Blue Sky Fostering, looking for foster carers with ol, 0845 6076697
East Sussex County Council Adoption Team, 01323 747154
East Sussex County Council Fostering Team, 01323 464129
Outlook Fostering Services Ltd, 01233 610661
Bereaved Parents
You Raise Me Up, Financial & emotional support for families who’ve lost a young adult aged 1625, 01323 482772 24hrs
Child and Family Health
Beat, Eating Disorders Association helpline, 0808 801 0711
Blue Chair Counselling, PersonCentred approach. Couples, adults, children, family sessions, Ebourne, 07738 879691
Breast Cancer Support Group, Eastbourne, peer2peer support, safe/friendly environment, meet monthly, 07982 682746
Children with Cancer Fund, supporting families across E. Sussex, Brighton & Hove,01323 488561
Cranial Osteopath, Mala Davangers Hiremath, Town Centre Eastbourne, 07790 976089
East Sussex Hearing Resource Centre, Eastbourne, drop in on Tue/ Wed + outreach service, adults only, 01323 722505
Hailsham Child health clinic, Health visitor support, Hailsham Health Centre, call, 01323 464340