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Terms and conditions apply.
Primary Schools (cont.)
West Rise Community Infant School, Chaffinch Road, Eastbourne
BN23 7SL, 5-7yrs, 01323 764062
West Rise Junior School, Chaffinch Road, Eastbourne BN23 7SL, 7 - 11yrs, 01323 764037
Western Road Community Primary School, Southover High St, Lewes
BN7 1JB, 5 - 11yrs, 01273 473013
White House Academy, Hailsham
BN27 2FB, 5 - 11yrs, 01323 841615
Willingdon Primary School, Rapsons Road, Eastbourne BN20 9RJ, 5 - 11yrs, 01323 482619
Independent Schools
Annan School, Eason’s Green, Uckfield, 2 - 11yrs, 01825 841410
Bede’s Preparatory School, Eastbourne, 7-13yrs, 01323 734222
Bede’s Senior School, Upper Dicker, 13-18yrs, 01323 843252
Burgess Hill School for Girls, 2½18yrs, 01444 241050
Claremont Nursery, Preparatory & Senior School, St Leonards & Bodiam, 3months18yrs, 01424 751555
Cumnor House Sussex, Nursery, Pre-Prep & Prep, 60 acre site, 01825 792006
Eastbourne College, mixed, 1318yrs, 01323 452300
Lewes Old Grammar School, 318yrs, 01273 472634
Mayfield School, girls 1118yrs, 01435 874600
Michael Hall Steiner Waldorf School, Forest Row, Independent School for 3-18yrs, 01342 822275
Northease Manor School, Rodmell, 8 - 17yrs, for pupils with specific learning difficulties, 01273 472915
Sacred Heart School, Wadhurst, mixed, 3 - 11yrs, 01892 783414
Skippers Hill Manor Prep School, Mayfield, mixed, 2-13yrs, 01825 830234
St Andrew’s Prep, Meads St, Eastbourne, co-ed, 9mths13yrs, 01323 733203
International Schools
EF Eastbourne International Language Schoo, 1 Upper Avenue, Eastbourne, BN21 3XA, 01323 819050
Aim High Tuition, individual & group tuition in many subjects from qualified and experienced tutors, 07862 006302
Charlotte Windham, Maths tutor for KS3, GCSE, iGCSE & A Level, 07712 534283
Claire Barrass, English and Maths
Tuition to boost confidence age 5-11yrs, based in Eastbourne, 0776 2584009 or 01323 732599
Eastbourne Tuition Centre, Upperton Rd, 5-16yrs, Maths, English, IT for families, 01323 720072
Heike, German Tuition, all standards & ages to university, 01323 841703
Jarvis Brand, 1:1 maths, science, KS2 to A level, based in the Uckfield area, 07957 220 891
Johnson Tuition, Meads Eastbourne, Maths & English to 11+, KS2&3 English & KS2 Maths support, 07730 556590
Kenneth Stafford, experienced maths tutor, home and online tuition offered, discounts available, 07763 838690
Kumon Eastbourne Study Centre, affordable maths and English tuition, Mon 4-6pm on zoom, Tue & Thu, 4-6.30pm, Ratton school, 01323 332455 (see advert)
Private Tutoring: Maths Y5 & 6, Biology GCSE/A level, Chemistry GCSE, Heathfield, 01435 865462 Spanish tuition, to suit your needs, all levels & ages. Eastbourne area, 07969 807830
Sue Farrant, 1-1 tuition for primary English & maths, experienced teacher, Robertsbridge area, 01580 881677
Language Classes
Elisabeth Reichert-Eckersley, German, English Foreign Language, 07752 630319 (see advert)
Les Franglophones, French lessons, Wed pm, ecole@lesfranglophones.co.uk
Lingotot, French & Spanish classes for children & families, Eastbourne, Alfriston, Hastings, 0845 6808148 kumon.co.uk
Out of School Clubs
After School Art Club, The Art House Café, Eastbourne, pre-booked, 5yrs+, 01323 728691
Camelot Kids, Lewes Rd, Eastbourne, 5-11yrs, open 7am to 7pm inc holidays, 01323 725207
Homework & Activity Club, Eastbourne Library & Seaford Library, Fri 3.30-5pm, 5-11yrs, FREE, 0345 608 0196
OASTies & TOAsties, Wadhurst, before/after school & holiday club, 5 - 11yrs, 01892 786585
Ocklynge School Out of School Club, 5 - 12yrs, breakfast & after school, 01323 725839
SportsCool Brighton, weekend clubs starting in September/ October - contact Steve to find out more, Facebook@SSCBrightonLtd
Sussex Wildlife Trust Wild, Wild Life Ranger, Rye Harbour, 12-16yrs (check website for dates), 01273 497561
The Outdoors Project, adventure clubs run on school premises, check website for venues, 5-12yrs, 07498 284792 (see advert p.16)
Toddlers Inn at St Peter’s Primary School, North Chailey, up to 8yrs, 01825 721800 (see advert p.13)
Tots & Time Out, After school pickup and minding, Eshton Road, Eastbourne, 0-11yrs, 01323 726132
Whitehill After School Club, Luxford Road, Crowborough, 2-12yrs, pick ups from local schools, 01892 610816
Zylo Performance, drama clubs for primary schools, 07796 305205
Holiday Schemes and Activities
Art & Craft Classes, The Art House Café, Eastbourne, 01323 728691
Buzz Active, Eastbourne, RYA sailing & windsurfing, multi-activity; Cuckmere: paddlesport, adventure week; Busy Wood: adventure days, 6-14yrs, 01323 463300 (see advert)

Cherry Wood Adventures, outdoor activities, Arlington near Eastbourne, 4-9yrs, 07887 556336
Dernwood Children’s Woodland club - Horam, Sun am (summer only), Family Holiday Group - Lewes, wildinthewoods.weebly.com (see advert p.12)
Eastbourne Borough FC, holiday courses, 4- 13yrs, Boys & Girls, call for dates, 01323 766265
Elevate Tennis Coaching, school holiday tennis camps, Cross in Hand & Horam, 07790 037030
Funabounds, Uckfield, coached trampoline courses & fun sessions on the trampolines etc, 5yrs+, 01825 768479
Holiday Club, Hailsham Parish Church, Easter and Summer Holiday clubs, phone for details., 01323 442410
Horam Tennis Club, Holiday Fun with Good4Tennis, Easter: 3-6 & 11-12 April/Summer, 10am-3pm, 5-16yrs, 07484 140811 (see advert)

Lewes Startrack Athletics, check website for dates, Y3-6, lewesac.co.uk