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Pre-School Activities
Try Rugbytots
Our dynamic weekly play sessions enable boys and girls aged 2–7 to develop their social and physical skills in a fun, positive environment. For more details, just call or email: 0345 313 0421 helen@rugbytots.co.uk rugbytots.co.uk

Pre-School Other Groups
Pre-School Sport and Gym
Cai Baby Yoga, 1-2-1 & group classes, 12wks to mobile, 07999 286778
Downs Leisure Centre, Seaford, gymnastics from 4yrs+; Thur 4-6pm, 01323 490011
Eternity Gymnastics, Hampden Park, Eastbourne, 22mths-5yrs, Thu am, 07925 052397
Frontier School of Karate & Kickboxing (FSK), Heathfield, Uckfield, Battle, Crowborough, 3yrs+, 07970 686054 (see advert p.18)
Fun Abounds, Uckfield, Mini Fun, Mon & Fri am, 0-5yrs, 01825 768479
Giggle & Tumble, Heathfield Leisure Centre, Sat 10am-12pm, 0-5yrs, 01435 868824
Glide Balance Bike, activity led bike classes to teach the skills to ride a pedal bicycle, 2-6yrs, 07930 676035
Hampden Park Sports Centre, Eastbourne, Little Tekkers Football, Tue 5-5.45pm, 4- 6yrs, 01323 509859
Happyjacks Pop Up Gym Play gymnastics based play events for walkers-5yrs, various venues, 07738 381384 (see advert p.6)
Kids Yoga with Iona, story-based yoga sessions in Lewes for U5s, 07452 961321
Little Kickers, fun football training, Eastbourne, Lewes, Heathfield, 18mths-5yrs, 07802 864719 (see advert)
Mini Mornings, trampoline & softplay fun for U5s, Urban Jump, Healthfield, Mon & Fri, 10am/noon, 01435 863277
Ninja Arena Eastbourne BN21 3NW, activity & obstacle course, U5s (conf. walker), Tue/Thur, 10am12pm, 01273 054949
Pre-School Gymnastics lessons at the Sovereign Centre 4yrs+, 01323 738822
Rugbytots, weekly play sessions in Eastbourne & Lewes for boys & girls, 2-5yrs, 0345 313 0421 (see advert)
Tom’s Rhinos Rugby School, Saturday mornings, Eastbourne, ages 2+, free trial class available, 07572 010771
Tumble Tots Lewes, Tuesdays, sessions from 6 months - 5 years held at Kings Church, 07774 123814
Uckfield Gymnastic Club, from crawling to adults, led by British Gymnastics qualified coaches, office@uckfieldgymnastics.co.uk
Zen Toddler Yoga, Horam Manor Farm, Heathfield, walking5yrs, 07539 501402
Pre-School Swimming
Crest Swim School, swimming lessons
4 mths+ in Chailey, 01444 213707
Crowborough Leisure Centre, swimming 6mths+, 01892 665488
Hailsham Leisure Centre, swimming lessons from 2yrs+, separate toddler area, 01323 846755
Hydro School, Eastbourne, 3yrs+, 07840 146248
Lewes Leisure Centre, fun swimming & lessons available from birth, 01273 486000
Love Baby Swim School, birth upwards, Oaklands Park Pool Isfield, nr Uckfield, Mon-Fri, 01825 840377
Motcombe Pool, Eastbourne, swimming lessons from 3mths+, 01323 410748
Ottertots, from 6 weeks 4 years, Eastbourne, Tuesdays 10am-12pm & Thursdays 11.30-1.30pm, term time, 07936 592840
Puddle Ducks baby & preschool swimming lessons, North Chailey, Crowborough & Hailsham, 01892 617246
Seaford Head Pool, pre-school lessons, 5mths+, 01323 897632
Seahaven Swim & Fitness Centre, Newhaven, pre-school lessons, 5mths+, 01273 512498
Small Splashes, Wilmington, babies - 9yrs, 07951 129354
Sovereign Centre, Eastbourne, lessons from 3mths+, 01323 738822
Uckfield Leisure Centre, swimming lessons from 6mths+; Little Splasher sessions for U5s MonFri, 01825 761160
Water Babies, Chailey Heritage School, weekends, birth4yrs, 01273 552454
Water Babies, Bexhill, Crowborough, Eastbourne, Ticehurst, Tunbridge Wells, birth - 4yrs, 01424 892568
Water Nippers, Isfield nr Uckfield & Seaford, 0-8yrs,, 01273 621333
Action Tots, Eastbourne, Mon & Thu am, 2.5-4yrs, 07973 168585 (see advert p.9)
Baby College, multi-activity classes to enhance toddler development, Mailing CC Lewes, Wed am, 07988 029284 (see advert)
Cherry Wood Adventures Bluebell Club, outdoor activities, Arlington, Fri, 2-4yrs, 07887 556336

Hellingly Preschool, Breakfast and after School club plus holiday club 9am - 2pm, 07396 271396
Messy play and sensory classes at KiddiCity, U5s, 07947 080902 Role play sessions with toys, props and dressing up, U7s., 07947 080902
Social Tots, Eastbourne, Mon-Thu am, crawler-2.5yrs, 07973 168585 (see advert p.9)
WAVES Family Drop In, Seaford, coffee, breastfeeding, info, play, TueThu 9.30-12.30pm, 01323 873797
Woodland Playgroup/Forest School Lewes, craft, campfire, storytelling & more, Fri 10-11.30am, 2yrs+, wildinthewoods.weebly.com (see advert)
Daycare Nurseries
Attwood Farm Nursery School, Bodle Street Green, Nr Hailsham, birth - 5yrs, 01323 831781
Bede’s Nursery & Pre-Prep, Eastbourne, 3mths-7yrs, 01323 356987
Bluebell Barn Nursery, Stone Cross, Eastbourne, 3mths - 5yrs, 01323 487081
Bluebell Hill, Seaville Drive, Eastbourne, 3mths - 5yrs, 01323 724017
Bluebell Wood, Goward Hall, Cade St, Heathfield, 3mths - 5yrs, 01435 868949
Bright Beginnings, Enys Road, Eastbourne, 3mths - 5yrs, 01323 648484
Bunny Run Childcare Centre, Hellingly, 0-5yrs, 01323 848490
Busy Bees Nursery, St James Street, Lewes, 05yrs, 01273 480736
Busy Bees, Larkspur Drive, Eastbourne BN23 8BS, 8wks - 5yrs, 01323 743838
Camelot Kids, Lewes Rd, Eastbourne, 0-5yrs, baby room availability, register now for September, 01323 725207
Copperfield’s Day Nursery, Saffrons Road, Eastbourne, 4mths - 5yrs, 01323 644661
Cumnor House Sussex, Private Nursery, flexible hours, funded places, 2yrs+, 01825 792006
Denton Island Nursery, Newhaven, 3mths - 5yrs, 01273 517250
High Cliff Academy Nursery, Southdown Rd, Newhaven, 3yrs+, funding accepted 9am-3pm, 01273 041471
Hopscotch Children’s Nursery, Seaford & Peacehaven, 0-5yrs, 01273 385577
JHM Holy Cross Nursery, Uckfield, 2 - 5yrs, 01825 769050
Ladybirds Pre-school, Ticehurst, large outdoor area, sensory room, 0-5yrs, Mon-Fri year round, 01580 201617
Leaps & Bounds Day Nursery, Eastbourne Town Centre, 3mths5yrs, 01323 410585
Little Acorns Day Nursery, Elim Family Centre, Hartfield Rd, Eastbourne, 0 - 5yrs, 01323 731843
Little Poppets at Seaford Primary School, 2 - 5yrs, 01323 896069
Little Rockets Childcare, Langney Shopping Centre, Eastbourne, open Mon - Fri, 0 - 5yrs, 01323 301220
Little Tinkers Nursery School, Five Ashes, 3mths - 5yrs, 01825 830772
Manor Twiglets Nursery, Downsview Crescent, Uckfield, 2 - 5yrs, 01825 765487
Meadows Mere Nursery School, Kingsmere, Eastbourne, 1 - 5yrs, 01323 461114
Oakwood Academy Nursery, Hampden Park, Eastbourne, 6mths - 5yrs, 01323 501251 ext 5
Old School House Montessori Nursery, De Monfort Rd, Lewes, 05yrs, 01273 480492
Owlets Nursery School, Priory Learning Centre, Eastbourne, 2-5yrs, funding available, 07745 347352