East Surrey Family Grapevine - Summer 2020 online

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eaSt Surrey | July to NoVeMBer 2020


Keeping your finger on the pulse...


to all our readers. What a change in fortunes from last time I wrote! The lockdown has been a challenge for all of us; particularly for families who have new babies or have been home-schooling over the last few months. The Grapevine Group has chosen to be proactive in the face of these unusual circumstances and many of our editors have decided to put their magazines online for this Summer issue. • In place of our calendar of events, there are crafts, games and puzzles to download and keep your kids busy – pages 14 and 15.

Our NEW digital newsletter is published weekly and designed to keep you informed about the latest local news! For a FREE subscription...

Click HERE

• There is also a feature on some fun play activities to engage your children over the Summer, whatever the weather – page 16.

2020 NO 4 • 22 JUNE-29 JUNE 2020

• As well as carefully picked listings, we have included recommendations of outdoor venues which are gradually opening up during the course of the Summer – page 21.

E-6 JULY NO 5 • 29 JUN


The East Surrey magazine has also launched a weekly newsletter for an agile response to the fluid situation. You will be able to download the supplement from our website and discover our featured advertisers on our social media. See more in our advert here: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

R to do SLETTE NEWThings



N OPE AS RE-and more... PLAY ARE Support

Open venues

ion HERE and

subscript Apply for a FREE

Like us Visit us See us Like us Follow us See us Forward us to a friend Follow us a friend Forward us to to Polesden Lacey is pleased car parks, welcome you back. The open gardens and toilets are now – please prebook your visit.

Hunt for the Secret Formula

online newsletter! me to our fifth ed Hello and welco followers inform our readers and t to Designed to keep , it is a supplemen with local news and up-to-date vine magazine. Grape tic our fantas – crack the fun, free treasure hunt Join a first our and Watch out for track down a lost formula clues, of the combined digital issuesolve the mystery. This is a is e around magazine which walking and cycling challeng coming out on the surrounding town is centre and Reigate and July. Wedneday 1 July 31 which or will run until villagesload available to down website. view from our things There are lots of to do at for your children er home in our Summ games, pages: puzzles, activity crafts and play ideas – enjoy!!!

Fran Stevens • Editor T: 01737 242141 E: fran@thefamilygrapevine.co.uk W: www.thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/east-surrey EastSurreyFamilyGrapevine eastsurreyfamilygrapevine @GrapevineEastSY

direct every week receive your copy Visit us

is DELIGHTED to Godstone Farm a visit for when invite you to book Saturday 4 July they re-open on to here.Council plans Surrey County 2020 – prebook reopening libraries start gradually July, in across the county from 6 . line with Government guidance

-personal-challenges/ nvolved/challenge-events/challenge-150 https://www.ymcaeastsurrey.org.uk/get-i

Join us at de p GliHarts CamLittle Summe are r! thisMusic

To find out how your business can reach out to local families, contact us by emailing

fran@thefamilygrapevine.co.uk online!

g is still open Online bookin Common er at our Wray with weekly live therapeutic for summ you PODS. NEW Providing as site for our TWO you can access at home music sessions to book your need. online store any anytime you Go to our often and not be releasing place. We will until after the receive your first bookings up now adhoc Sign expected tand cemen annou our Sleep EP free d be ment downloa governsession and on to also ambiti our er. usic.com/sleep! on 4 July. It ishttp://lit summ tlehartsm of week from open for the last will for September Our session dates go live on 1 July.

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In this issue

Over 1,500 useful contacts!


Employment Opportunities 3

Independent Schools


IN a year’s family membership W to the BRITISH WILDLIFE CENTRE!


IN a copy of the SECRETS OF W THE STAFFROOM by primary school teacher, Jane Chappell!

A-Z Help & Support 3-5 Antenatal & Postnatal Care


Breastfeeding & Weaning


Preschool Activities


Nurseries & Preschools 8-12


STAYCATION ACTIVITIES 14-16 A-Z for 5 to 18 Years


2020 year groups for September Places available in some • INFANTS • JUNIORS NURSERY • PRE-SCHOOL Surrey, CR3 5PB Essendene Road, Caterham denelodge.co.uk Call 01883 348349 • www.essen




For our full listings, please visi: www.thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/east-surrey

Have you visited us online yet? n Find our complete listings, regular updates and our advertisers’ news online at: www.thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/east-surrey n We are busy on our Facebook and Instagram pages – please visit and Follow us at: www.facebook.com/EastSurreyFamilyGrapevine


k.co www.faceboo Things to do


Open venues


and more...

20 WIN a large mystery craft box delivered to your door from BEADING BRILLIANT!

Disclaimer: The Family Grapevine East Surrey is independently owned and part of The Family Grapevine Group operated by Grapevine Magazines Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means, either wholly or in part, without the prior permission of the publisher. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of the material in this publication and to ensure the accuracy of its content, no warranty is given as to its correctness. All adverts are submitted and approved by the advertiser and this does not imply a recommendation or necessarily the views of the publisher. You should make your own enquiries and comparisons as with any other form of advertising. I accept no liability for loss, damage or difficulties resulting from contacts made through the directory, from errors or omissions, from claims made by advertisers or from omissions or inaccuracies relating to an advertisement or other entry, regardless of how caused.

Publication Dates: 1st week in March, July and November


Reigate • Redhill • Horley • Oxted • Caterham • Banstead • Dorking • Warlingham • Lingfield • Godstone

Employment Opportunities • Outlets • A-Z Help & Support Employment Opportunities

Cornerways Fostering Services, foster carers urgently needed for children 0-18ys, 01293 826830 Everycare, full and part-time care workers wanted, Redhill, Reigate, Horley, 01737 246000 Forever Living, recruiting self-motivated Mums and Dads, flexible, part-time, 07877 705247 The Warwick Partnership, offering initial teacher training with School Direct, 01737 764356 Three Central Ltd, 7 varied sized rooms and hot desks, Redhill Town Centre, 01737 888638 Unemployed? FREE mentoring, IT and jobskills training & volunteering opps, 07717 000567

Local Information Offices

Mole Valley District Council, Pippbrook House, Reigate Road, Dorking, 01306 885001 Reigate and Banstead Borough Council Helpline, 01737 276000 Surrey County Council Information Line, 03456 009 009 Tandridge District Council, Council Offices, Station Road East, Oxted, 01883 722000

Maternity Wear

NCT, Redhill, Reigate and Horley, nearly new sales, 01737 303203

Baby & Toddler Equipment

East Surrey Slings library & 1:1 baby carrying advice, offering hires, workshops, 07718 117801 NCT Sling Library, Slings and Baby Carriers available for 2 week loan, Dorking, 01306 776222 Nearly New Sales, Dorking NCT, North Holmwood Village Hall, 01306 776222 The Sling Consultancy, professional workshops, 1:1 home visits, Dorking area, 07957 340843

Baby & Toddlerwear

Green Monkey Events Nearly New Sales! For upcoming events visit website JJ’s Childrenswear, Station Road West, Oxted, 01883 715262 Magnolia, affordable shoes,shoe fitting and clothes for all ages, Banstead, 01737 377638 Mum2Mum Market, buy/sell your preloved babies and children’s items, Oxted, 07950 214316 Rootspins for handmade baby and toddlerwear, blankets and accessories, 01737 769506

Childrens Toys & Gifts

1st Stop Stationers, the ultimate office/ student/toy shop, Reigate, 01737 226688 Alligator Pear, novelty gifts, learning toys and more, Tadworth, 01737 818011 Balfe’s Bikes, kids bikes, scooters and accessories, Reigate, 01737 242163 JJ’s Childrenswear, Station Road West, Oxted, 01883 715262 Kiddicone, themed gifts for children to celebrate First Day at School, 07976 828348 The Gamers Guild, family friendly game shop without a plug in sight, Redhill, 01737 789123 The Little Things Gift Ideas and more! East Surrey, 07824 773284 The Wonder of Books, Usborne children’s books, 07950 197434 Toy Barnhaus, The Belfry, Redhill, 01737 789089

Schoolwear & Shoes

JJ’s Childrenswear and shoes, Station Road West, Oxted, 01883 715262 Magnolia, affordable shoes and shoe fitting for all ages, Banstead, 01737 377638 Swots, the one stop school shop, Church Street, Reigate, 01737 243825


Fame of Surrey, dancewear and shoes for all types of dance, Redhill, 01737 779617 JJ’s Childrenswear, Station Road West, Oxted, 01883 715262 The Ballet Box, ballet and dancewear specialists, Caterham, 01883 342518


TELEPHONE: 01737 246459



Bereaved Parents & Family Members

Child Death Helpline for anyone affected by the death of a child of any age, 0800 282 986 Cruse National Helpline, bereavement counselling, 0808 808 1677 Dinkie Dannies, stillborn baby 3D hand & feet casts, from 20wks+, 07594 665476 Jigsaw (South East), a charity supporting bereaved children and their families, 01342 313895 SANDS, Surrey Helpline for the Stillbirth and Neo-natal Death Society, 07817 410075 The Compassionate Friends, offering support on the death of a child of any age, 0345 123 2304 The Lullaby Trust, for anyone suffering a sudden or unexpected death of a baby, 0808 802 6868 You Raise Me Up, 24hr support for families who’ve lost a young adult, 16-25yrs, 01323 482772

Carer’s Support

Action for Carers (Surrey), for advice and support for adult carers, 0303 040 1234 Action for Carers (Surrey), learning for work team, 01737 244220 BRAAIN, ADHD, Autism (& SEN) Information Network for families/carers/ profs, visit website East Surrey Carers Support Association, helping carers to care, 01883 745057 East Surrey Face2Face, a free service helping parents of addit’l needs children, 01737 229230

Child & Family Support & Advice

Achieve Together, support people with learning disabilities, 01372 364000 Audrey Sandbank, family therapy for under 12s, Reigate, 01737 221347 Counselling, psychotherapy and support, for families and children, 07429 192787 Crisis Line, for people with mental health problems, 0300 456 8342 East Surrey Counselling Group, child, adolescent, adult and couples, Godstone, 07926 357955 Family Support Drop In Sessions, YMCA Horley Family Centre, Tues 1011am, 01293 775777 Home-Start East Surrey, Redhill, Reigate, Horley, Tandridge, supporting families, 01737 770220 Home-Start, Banstead, supporting thousands of families every year, 01737 379902 Independent Special Needs Advisor for families and professionals, 07917 454573 Introduction To Family Foods, starting your baby onto solids, YMCA Horley FC, 01883 340922



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Management/support/coaching for children with autism/other addit’l needs, 07769 116382 Mole Valley Family Centre, Goodwyns Road, Dorking. Mon-Fri 9am-4pm, 01306 740095 Multilingual Mums, friendship and mutual support, 01737 779616 National Autistic Society Helpline for parents and carers, 0808 800 4104 National Autistic Society Surrey Branch, parent to parent support group, 07423 435413 Samaritans, East Surrey, free number, 116 123 SupportLine, confidential emotional support for children and young adults, 01708 765200 Surrey CC Children’s Services, South East, 0300 123 1620 Surrey Family Information Service, 0300 200 1004 The Red Oak Family Centre, Merstham, drop in daily, 9am-4pm, 01737 645908 Victim Support East Surrey, working for victims of crime, free supportline, 0808 168 9111 Welcare Redhill Centre RH1 1BU, please call to book an appointment, 01737 780884 Young Epilepsy, Lingfield, 01342 832243

Child Protection

ACT, intervention and counselling for children who have perpetrated sexual abuse, 01483 519606 Stop It Now! To help prevent the sexual abuse of children, freephone, 080 8100 0900

Childrens Crisis Contacts

Childline, FREE 24-hour helpline for children, 0800 1111 Kidscape, helping to prevent bullying and child abuse, national number, 020 7730 3300

We are seeking full-time and part-time Care Workers to assist our clients in the Reigate, Redhill and Horley area. Evening, weekend and short shifts also available. Rewarding work, with good rates of pay.

Tel: 01737 246000 NSPCC, helpline for adults concerned about a child, 0808 800 5000

Children & Young People with Disabilities A space to come, The Red Oak Family Centre, Tues 10-11.15am, drop in, stay, play, 01737 645908 Achieve Together, support people with learning disabilities, 01372 364000 Auditory Verbal UK, helping deaf babies and children listen and talk, 01869 325000 Children with Disabilities team, East Surrey, 01737 737828 Children’s Physio Ltd, paediatric and neuro physiotherapy and hydrotherapy, 01306 886883 Contact a Family, information and support for special needs families, 0808 808 3555 Dyspraxia Foundation Surrey, support for children and adults with dyspraxia, 01372 702984 East Surrey Social Services Children’s Disability Team, 0300 123 1620 Family Voice Surrey helps parents improve opportunities for their children, 01372 705708 Independent Special Needs Advisor for families and professionals, 07917 454573 MERU, custom and ready-made disability equipment for young people, 01372 725203 National Deaf Children’s Society helpline, 0808 800 8880 New Life, providing nursing care and equipment for children with disability, 01543 462777 One Step at a Time, play and communication for under 5s, Welcare, Monday pm, 01737 780884 Orbitshed, inclusive theatre workshops, Reigate/Banstead, Tues, term-time, 4yrs+, 07961 948804

Please tell advertisers you found them in the ‘Grapevine’ or online at www.thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/east-surrey


Competitions • A-Z Help & Support

British Wildlife Centre Pip’s ‘Tell the Tail’ Competition WIN A YEAR’S FAMILY MEMBERSHIP TO THE BRITISH WILDLIFE CENTRE WORTH £150 Can you match each tail to the correct animal? Good luck.



Weasel Fox Red Squirrel


How to enter: One winner will be drawn at random. Please fill out your answer on the competition entry form and see terms & conditions here: thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/east-surrey/competition-entries Closing date: midnight Friday 4th September 2020. A REAL natural history experience! www.britishwildlifecentre.co.uk


WIN a copy of Staffroom SecretS by Jane Chappell

A teacher’s guide to your child’s primary education Closing date 31 July 2020. To enter the competition and to see our T&Cs, visit thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/east-surrey/competition-entries/

PSDS, Downs Syndrome family support group, Outwood, 07940 432053 QEF neuro rehabilitation services, Banstead, 01737 356222 Respond, for children with disability who have experienced abuse or trauma, 020 7383 0700 Sensory services by Sight For Surrey, for the visually impaired/hard of hearing, 01372 377701 Shine Surrey, support for families affected by spina bifida or hydrocephalus, 07391 868858 St Stephen’s C of E Primary, Visual Impairment Unit, South Godstone, 4-11yrs, 01342 892219 Surrey Deaf Children’s Society, advice and support, 07904 191342 Surrey Local Offer, online hub for 0-25yrs, 0300 200 1004 The Children’s Trust, UK’s lead charity, children with brain injury/disability, 01737 365000 The Voluntary Association for Surrey Disabled, 01372 841148 YMCA Yippee (5-11) and Yip4youth (12-18) holiday clubs, Godstone, 01737 222859 YMCA Yippee (5-11)/Yip4youth (12-18) after-school, weekends, holidays, Reigate, 01737 222859

Children with Reading or Learning Difficulties

Caroline Willacy, supports children with specific learning difficulties, Reigate, 07941 480456 Contact a Family, information and support for special needs families, 0808 808 3555 Independent Special Needs Advisor for families and professionals, 07917 454573 Juunipa, creative, visual tutoring and touch-typing for dsylexia and SpLD, 07971 647618 London Dyslexia Network, assessment, tuition, advice, South East area, 0330 113 7778 National Autistic Society Surrey Branch, parent to parent support group, 07423 435413 SEND Advice, Surrey County Education helpline, 01737 737300 South East Surrey Dyslexia Association, helpline, 01737 556173 The Sunflower Programme, helping children be the best they can be, 01483 531498 Time to Shine (SEND Group), Horley Baptist Church, Weds, 9.30-11am, 01293 775777

Domestic Abuse Advice & Support

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NHS Surrey I-Access, drug and alcohol service, Redhill, 01737 768333 Surrey Drug and Alcohol Care helpline for confidential support, 080 8802 5000

Fostering & Adoption

Adoption South East, advice and support, 01932 794347 Cornerways Fostering Services, foster carers urgently needed for children 0-18ys, 01293 826830 Diagrama Foundation, adoption, foster care and family support services, 020 8668 2181 Fostering People South, your local independent fostering agency, 0800 077 8159 General Register Office, bringing adopted people and birth relations together, 0300 123 1837 Surrey County Council Fostering, recruitment line, 0800 096 9626

Health Helplines

Anaphylaxis Campaign, supporting people at risk of severe allegies, helpline, 01252 542029 CLAPA Cleft Lip and Palate Association, Surrey and South London, 07985 538982 Diabetes UK, supporting everyone affected by diabetes, 0345 123 2399 Meningitis Now, information and advice, 0808 801 0388 National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service, 020 8952 2800 National Autistic Society, autism helpline, 0808 800 4104 NHS Direct, 111 Placenta Encapsulation, covering the South East, 080 8123 4454 Sense, support for deaf blind people with complex disabilities, 0300 330 9256 St Peters House Project, for people affected by HIV, 01737 245521 The Rare Chromosome Disorder Support Group, 01883 723356 Unique, Understanding Rare Chromosome and Gene Disorders, 01883 723356 Versus Arthritis, living well with arthritis, 0800 520 0520

Health Visitors 0-19 Teams advice line, for children and family health, East Surrey, 01883 340922


Beat Eating Disorders Association, helpline, 0808 801 0677 Families Need Fathers, 0300 030 0363 Roadpeace, support for victims of road crashes, 0845 450 0355 Victim Support Surrey, free and confidential help for victims of crime, 0808 168 9111

ESDAS, East Surrey Domestic Abuse Outreach Services, 01737 771350 Mankind Initiative, for male victims of domestic abuse, all areas, 01823 334244 Men’s Advice Line, advice/support for men in any abusive relationship, freephone, 0808 801 0327 National Domestic Violence, 24hr Helpline, FREE, Confidential, 0808 200 0247 Respect Phoneline, for perpetrators of domestic abuse, 0808 802 4040 Your Sanctuary, advice, support, refuge accommodation, 01483 776822


Drugs and Alcohol Advice & Support

CAMHS Community Team South East, Redhill and Tandridge, 01737 288700 CYPHaven, Mental Health Drop In for 10-19yrs, Redhill RH1 1HX, 07580 900743

Catalyst, Addictions Advisory Service, support and counselling, 01483 590150

Dorking Hospital, 01306 646200 East Surrey Hospital, 01737 768511 NHS Direct, 111 North Downs Hospital, private hospital, Caterham, 01883 348981

Mediation Services East Surrey Community Mediation, family and neighbour disputes, 033 0134 0176 Surrey Family & Mediation Services, free child inclusive mediation, 01737 919675

Mental Health for Children

Reigate • Redhill • Horley • Oxted • Caterham • Banstead • Dorking • Warlingham • Lingfield • Godstone

A-Z Help & Support • Antenatal Care • Postnatal Care East Surrey Counselling Group, child, adolescent, adult and couples, Godstone, 07926 357955 Oak Trees Psychology, support for children, adolescents and families, Redhill, 07949 243788 Skylight Counselling, confidential therapy, 12yrs-adult, Dorking, 07810 634789

One Parent Families

Gingerbread, advice line for lone parents, 0808 802 0925

Parenting Courses & Support

East Surrey Counselling Group, child, adolescent, adult and couples, Godstone, 07926 357955 Family Voice Surrey helps parents improve opportunities for their children, 01372 705708 Introducing Family Foods, The Red Oak Family Centre, Thurs pm, call health team, 01883 340922 JP Parent Coaching, workshops, group and 1-2-1 coaching, Dorking and Reigate, 07967 497779 LGBTQ Rainbow Families Crawley and Horsham area, social and support group, via Facebook Oak Trees Psychology, support for children, adolescents and families, Redhill, 07949 243788 Parenting and other courses, Mole Valley Family Centre, Goodwyns Rd, Dorking, 01306 740095 Parenting Puzzle, Horley Sure Start Children’s Centre, please call for details, 01293 775777 Talking Teens, 4 week course, Red Oak Family Centre, call to book, 01737 645908 Unemployed? FREE mentoring, IT and jobskills training & volunteering opps, 07717 000567 Welcare Redhill Centre RH1 1BU, call for details, 01737 780884

Registered Complementary Therapists

Acupuncture in the heart of Reigate for fertility, pregnancy and for children, 01737 248448 Anne Hellinger Homeopathy, family hypnotherapy, kinesiology and reflexology, 07963 510226 Sally Flaxman mobile Complementary Therapist, Dorking and surrounding area, 07837 460008, www.soulmatesreflexology.co.uk Baby Reflex, Reflexology for babies hands-on workshops, Redhill, Reigate, Horley, 07967 569011 Caterham Osteopaths, babies, colic, crying, glue ear, hyperactivity and more, 01883 331006 Children’s Physio Ltd, paediatric physiotherapy, neurodisability, Bobath trained, 01306 886883 Cranial osteopathy for babies, children, adults, Nutley Lane Osteopaths, Reigate, 01737 224488 Equilibrium Holistics Pregnancy Massage, Reflexology and Swedish Massage, Oxted, 07977 098334 Fiona Tosh Expertise Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Chair Massage, 07494 709487 Footmech Podiatry, functional biomechanics, musculoskeletal pain, verrucae, 01737 244160 Happy Health, Craniosacral Therapy, Horley, 01293 780442

Homeopathy2U, 24x7 mobile service covering the Dorking area, 07526 029998 Kids Nutrition Surrey, talks and 1:1 consultations supporting kid’s health, 07946 571153 Laura Worsfold Osteopathy, Holmwood Clinic, Dorking, 01306 898975 Mary Watson Counselling MBACP, post natal depression, life changes, Lingfield, 07763 923744 Mindful Surrey, for parents and children, effective ways to deal with stress, 07366 333273 Osteopathic treatment for mothers, babies and children, Reigate area, 07939 520328 Wanderlust Therapy, children’s physiotherapy available at home or school, 07340 897661

Relationship Counselling & Support

Claudia Smith, email counselling for busy parents, 07806 806954 Mary Watson Counselling MBACP, post natal depression, life changes, Lingfield, 07763 923744 Relate Mid Surrey, counselling couples, individuals and families, 01737 245212 Surrey Family & Mediation Services, free child inclusive mediation, 01737 919675

Sexual Health & Contraception NHS Earnsdale Clinic, Redhill, appointments or walk-in service, visit CNWL website Sexual Health CNWL, booking information line, Redhill, 020 3317 5252

Speech & Communication Skills Caroline Willacy, supports children with speech and communication difficulties, 07941 480456 Chatterboxes, speech and language therapy, 3-18yrs, 07866 438228 Clark SLT, speech and language therapy in schools and colleges, 07801 701070 East Surrey ASLTIP Speech and Language Therapist group, 07941 480456 Encore Arts, Sarah Locke vocal, singing, speech tuition, Redhill, 7yrs+, 07941 368860 Every Child A Talker, 5wk course, The Red Oak Family Centre, Fri, call to book, 01737 645908 Every Child a Talker, 6 week course for parents, Welcare Redhill Centre RH1 1BU, 01737 780884 Help with Talking, website to find a speech and language therapist in your area, visit website Little Talkers Ltd, speech and language therapy, at your home, school or nursery, 07706 222447 Lorna Meech, Speech and Language Therapist, Horley, 0-19yrs, 01293 775069 Surrey Speech Therapy Ltd, fun, engaging assessment and therapy for 2-11yrs, 07796 694090

Antenatal Groups & Support

Massage In Your Home: aromatherapy, Swedish, deep tissue and sports massage, 07711 724129 Mummas and Beans, judgement-free antenatal courses devised by midwives, Dorking, 07508 594381 NCT Dorking antenatal classes, first-time and refresher, Dorking, 01306 776222 NCT Dorking early pregnancy classes, up to 26 weeks, Dorking, 01306 776222 NCT, Redhill, Reigate and Horley, antenatal classes, 01737 303203

NCT, Redhill, Reigate and Horley, home birth support, 01737 303203 Parent Tribe Hypnobirthing, antenatal courses and events, Redhill and Reigate, 07979 946392 Sussex and Surrey Antenatal Classes, midwife-led antenatal classes, Horley, 07912 259932 The Lemon Tree Birth, hypnobirthing antenatal courses, Smallfield, 07878 992270 The Lullaby Trust, for parents who have suffered the death of a baby, 0808 802 6868

Midwives Doulas & Birth Support

Anne Fawcett NCT Doula (Births), 07721 730754 Birth and Postnatal Doula, here to help you, antenatal, during or post birth, 07773 888307 Birth Doula and Mobile Maternity Massage Therapist, home visits, East Surrey, 07762 441769 Dorking and Reigate Community Midwives, 01737 768511 Horley Community Midwives, 01737 768511 Independent Midwives, support through pregnancy, birth and early weeks, 07877 862444 NHS Maternity Voices Partnership, your feedback and suggestions welcome, 07721 730754 Redhill Community Midwives, 01737 768511 Tandridge Community Midwives, 01737 768511 Yogamoo Labour Preparation Hypno Yoga Birth Rehearsal, Bell Street, Reigate, 01737 911313 Your Birth Choice, birth and postnatal doula care, 07979 760977

Birth Hypnosis

Calm Mama Collective, classes towards a positive birth, East Surrey, 07545 171166 HypnoBirthing classes in your own home by Janice Champion, a qualified midwife, 07957 663195 Hypnotherapy Caterham, hypnobirthing, 01883 342277 Inspiring Births, hypnotherapy, birth/ doula support, fertility coaching, Reigate, 07775 425301 Mindful Mamma Hypnobirthing, Surrey Hills, classes by a midwife for a calm birth, 07940 429466 Mummas and Beans, hypnobirthing in a down-to-earth style, Dorking and Reigate, 07508 594381 Nama Mama Ante-natal Hypnobirthing Classes, take control of your birth journey, 07760 164393 Parent Tribe Hypnobirthing, antenatal courses and events, Redhill and Reigate, 07979 946392 The Lemon Tree Birth, hypnobirthing antenatal courses, Smallfield, 07878 992270 The Mama Space, hypnobirthing classes, contact Wendy, 07716 321477

Multiple Pregnancies & Births

Audrey Sandbank, therapy for families with twins and adult twins, Reigate, 01737 221347 East Surrey Twins Club and Bumps and Babies group, visit website Epsom and Leatherhead Twins Club, covering Banstead, Kingswood, Tadworth, 07796 666219

Postnatal Groups & Support

CAKE, support group for new parents, St Joseph’s Scout Hut, Thur 11am-1pm, 01737 303203

Happy Health Craniosacral Therapy

Many infant problems, like colic, sucking issues, severe reflux, restlessness and irritability, may result from craniosacral imbalances caused during the birth process. Treatment of young infants may help to relieve such problems. It’s not just great for babies; craniosacral may help with lots of stages within your child’s life; teething, tantrums, phobias, bed wetting and stresses from exams with older children.

Tracy Evans RCST, BCST, ABD, Centre for Health, Reigate Road, Hookwood RH6 0AP Appointments: 01293 780442 For further info: 07977 377219 Website: tracy-evans.co.uk

East Surrey Slings library & 1:1 baby carrying advice, offering hires, workshops, 07718 117801 Milk, feeding support group, 2nd/4th Tuesdays, 1-2.30pm, St Paul’s, Dorking, 01306 776222 Mole Valley Family Centre, Goodwyns Rd, Dorking, ring for more details, 01306 740095 National Childbirth Trust, Dorking, 01306 776222 NCT, Redhill, Reigate and Horley, postnatal classes, 01737 303203 Slimming World, make your weight loss dreams come true, Horley, Redhill, Reigate, 07834 459767

Baby Signing & Communication

Busylizzy Reigate, Baby Signing, 3mths-walking, 01737 887227 Music Bees, music, song, signing, Infinity, Earlswood, Monday, 1.15pm, 2-6mths, 07456 257588 Music Bees, music, song, signing, Infinity, Earlswood, Monday, 2pm, 6-13mths, 07456 257588 Sing and Sign Caterham, award winning baby signing/music programme, 0-2½yrs, 07812 734448 Sing and Sign, Lingfield and Dormansland Community Centre, 0-2yrs, 01342 836743 Sing and Sign, venues around Reigate, Redhill and Godstone, 6wks-22mths, 07971 663268 TinyTalk Baby Signing and Toddler Talking, Mons & Weds, Woldingham/ Oxted, 0-4yrs, 07754 313789 TinyTalk Baby Signing Classes, Banstead Community Centre,  07872 927191 TinyTalk Baby Signing Classes, Dorking and Horley, 0-2yrs, 07599 551882

Baby & Toddler Sleep Problems

Sleeping Bunnies, professional baby and infant sleep consultancy, 0-5yrs, 07816 761406

Baby Clinics

Banstead Clinic, child health drop-in, The Horseshoe, alt Weds, 9.30-11.30am, 01737 351836 Child Health Drop In Clinic, Welcare Redhill Centre RH1 1BU, alternate Weds, 01737 780884 Drop-in 0-5s incl self-weigh, Mole Valley FC, Goodwyns Rd, Dorking, Thur 1-3pm, 01883 340922 Godstone child health drop-in, White Hart Barn, second Thursdays, 9.30-11.30am, 01883 723496

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Breastfeeding & Weaning • Childminders and Babysitting LOCAL FRIENDLY & RELIABLE BABYSITTERS

Bumps, Babes and Toddler Group Arts and Crafts as well as lots of play! Welcome every Friday in term time from 10.00am -11.30am 01342 712311


Dorking Nursery School Funded nursery provision for 2, 3 & 4 year olds West Street, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1BY 01306 882397

BabyHands Babysitting

Hurst Green child health drop-in, Infant School, alt Tuesdays, 9.30-11.30am, 01883 723496 Midwife Discharge clinic, Mole Valley FC, Goodwyns Rd, Dorking, Tues, appt only, 01306 740095 Reigate child health drop-in, St Luke’s Church, alt Mondays, 9.30-11.30am, 01737 243846 Surrey-wide 0-19 Advice Line for your nearest drop-in or clinic, working hours, 01883 340 922 Tadworth child health drop-in, Merland Rise Church, alt Mondays, 9.30-11.30am, 01737 362440 The Red Oak Family Centre, Thurs 12.30-2.30pm, fortnightly, 01737 645908 YMCA Horley Family Centre, Child Health Drop In, alternate Mons, 9.30-11.15am, 01293 775777

Breastfeeding & Weaning

Mole Valley Family Centre Support for families in the Mole Valley Area Goodwyns Road, Dorking, Surrey RH4 2LR 01306 740095


Baby Café, Horley Young People’s Centre, Albert Road, RH6 7JA, Monday, 10am-12pm, 01293 775777 Breastfeeding support, Mole Valley FC, Goodwyns Rd, Dorking, Thurs 1-3pm, 01306 740095 La Leche League East Surrey, breastfeeding online support and information, visit FB La Leche League GB, breastfeeding helpline, 0345 120 2918 Mummas and Beans, judgement-free breastfeeding support, Dorking and Reigate, 07508 594381 National NCT, breastfeeding helpline, 0300 330 0700 NCT Dorking, breast pump hire, 01306 776222 NCT, Redhill, Reigate and Horley, breast pump hire, 01737 303203 The Breastfeeding Network, national helpline, 0300 100 0212 The Lemon Tree Birth, mindful breastfeeding workshops, Smallfield, 07878 992270


Dorking Nursery School remains open Dorking Nursery School has continued to remain open throughout the Covid-19 outbreak to support children who are vulnerable and those of critical workers. The school is now beginning to invite more children back into school for the final weeks of the academic year. In July, approximately 60 of our children will move on to Primary School. We still have some places for 3 and 4 year olds in our Nursery for September, so if you know someone born between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018, do get in touch and enquire about a Nursery place in our Ofsted rated ‘Outstanding’ school. Contact the Nursery at admin@dorking.surrey.sch.uk


Draper’s Organic, washable real nappies, Godstone, 0333 456 3560 NCT reuseable nappy consultant, 01737 303203 Surrey Environment Partnership, real/ cloth nappy trial kits available, visit website

Birth Registration & Ceremonies

Celebrate your child’s arrival with a humanist naming ceremony, 01306 509087 Registration of Births, East Surrey, 0300 200 1002

Get Fit & Stay Healthy

Bumps, Buggies and Bundles walking group, Priory Park, Reigate, 01737 303203 Caterham Gymnastics Academy, Gym Challenge, 12yrs+, 07989 977542

We offer a premium babysitting service throughout East Surrey and West Sussex.

www.babyhands-babysitting.co.uk babyhands@hotmail.co.uk • 07745 379 760 • •

Feel Good Yoga, Caterham and Warlingham, 07798 501844 GO! Fitness, ladies only gym and classes for all ages and abilities, Redhill, 01737 762186 Katie Cox Dance Studio, Dance, Pilates, Body Conditioning, Warlingham, 07887 578958 Oakwood Sports Centre, Gym and eGym, 55 classes incl. Body Blitz, Spin, Pilates, 01293 822238 Pip Skinner Fit Club, Reigate, HIIT, small group training, 07780 600005 Very Yoga Reigate, new hot yoga studio offering a variety of classes, 07999 275954 YMCA Weight Management 10 week courses, incl. membership to gym/ classes, 01737 779979 Yogamoo Core Strength Thurs 9.20am, Power Yoga Monday/Wednesday 6pm, Reigate, 01737 911313

Childcare Advice Surrey Family Information Service, 0300 200 1004

Childminders & Babysitting

BabyHands Babysitting, local, reliable, friendly babysitters, 07745 379760 Great Kids Childcare & After School Club, Ofsted-rated Good, 8am-6pm, Warlingham, 07789 815467 Happy Learners, Ofsted reg, fun/ educational childminder nr Reigate train station, 07889 690006 Little Cherubs Babysitting Services, based In West Clandon, covering Surrey, 01483 223186 Night Nannies Surrey, sleep trainers and maternity nurses, 07800 843618 Premier Nannies Surrey, nannies, night nannies, baby sitting and temps, 020 8339 0298 Sitters, experienced evening and daytime babysitters, 033 3003 2888 Surrey Family Information Service, 0300 200 1004 The Surrey Nanny Agency, daily childcare and evening babysitters, 01483 560320 Tinies Childcare, babysitters available, 020 8642 8866 Unique Beginnings Childcare & Forest School, Walton-on-the-Hill, 0-8yrs, 07885 238072

Nannies & Au Pairs

A2Z Au Pairs, free to register, 24 hour emergency support, 01984 632422 Au Pairs by Pebbles, 020 3514 9105 Baby Steps Nannies, the right nanny for your family, Surrey, 0208 652 9949 Buttons Nanny Agency, committed to outstanding service, 020 3637 4040 Event Childcare, nannies and mobile creches for special events, 07557 043736 Harmony At Home Nanny Agency and Childcare Specialists, East Surrey, 01252 820313

Reigate • Redhill • Horley • Oxted • Caterham • Banstead • Dorking • Warlingham • Lingfield • Godstone

Preschool Dance & Drama • Preschool Music & Movement Hattie’s Nannies, nannies, maternity nannies and mother’s helps, 01483 415406 Heavenly Au Pairs & Nannies Ltd, top childcare agency: APNA, BAPAA & IAPA member, 0333 800 8085 Looking for a Nanny? JEM Nannies can help, excellent rates, 8am-8pm, Mon-Fri, 01737 248158 Millennium Au Pairs and Nannies, 020 8241 9752 Premier Nannies Surrey, nannies, night nannies, baby sitting and temps, 020 8339 0298 Pure Nannies, helping parents and childcarers to match for your requirements, 0800 130 3434 Select Nannies, daily and live-in nannies, full or part time, 01932 852735 Smileys Childcare Agency, 0845 201 1630 Sunny Smiles Au Pair Agency, specialising in placing European au-pairs in the UK, 07717 214041 The Housekeeping Agency Surrey, providing housekeepers, nanny-Hk’s & couples, 07709 541830 The Little Au Pair Agency: Bromley-based, small, friendly, covering the UK, 020 8462 6041 The Surrey Nanny Agency, daily childcare and evening babysitters, 01483 560320 Tinies Childcare, nannies, mothers helps, maternity care, 020 8642 8866 Wimbledon Nannies, 020 8947 4666

Family Centres

Mole Valley Family Centre, Goodwyns Road, Dorking, 01306 740095 The Red Oak Family Centre, Radstock Way, Merstham RH1 3NH, 01737 645908 Welcare Redhill Centre, 24 Warwick Road, Redhill RH1 1BU, 01737 780884 YMCA Horley Family Centre, The Old Fire Station, Albert Road, Horley RH6 7JA, 01293 775777

Preschool Dance & Drama

Babyballet Song and Dance, Reigate, Redhill, Dorking and Nutfield, 6mths-5yrs, 07834 452095 Babyballet Warlingham and Caterham, fun classes for preschoolers, 07590 313011 Banstead Academy of Performing Arts, 3yrs+, 07749 111353 Cada Stars, Funky & fun dance academy, Kingswood, Tadworth, boys & girls, 18mth+, 07903 801802 Caterham Performing Arts, ballet, jazz, modern, tap, musical theatre, 2½yrs+, 07786 061349 Desire 2 Dance, baby bop, musical theatre, Dorking and Reigate, 3-5yrs, 07880 232134 Diddi Dance, Banstead and Reigate, 2-4yrs, 07749 111353 East Surrey Dance, RAD Ballet, Tap, Modern & DDMIX classes, from 18mths, 01737 764668 Evolution Dance Academy, ballet, street, musical theatre, Lingfield, 2yrs+, 07709 348723 Feetbeats, ballet, tap, modern, musical theatre, street dance, Tadworth, 2½yrs+, 07725 323786 Footsteps Dance and Musical Theatre, tap, ballet, Redhill YMCA, 2½yrs+, 07889 877127 Godstone Dance Academy, RAD ballet classes, IDTA tap, free jazz, 2½yrs+, 07985 124067 Inception Dance, fun, lively ballet and dance classes, Oxted, Limpsfield, 2yrs+, 07920 181454

The Laird Academy of Dance & Drama Little Ballerina’s and Tap Classes Fab little dance school full of fun and friendly students. Free trial class suitable for ages 2.5 to 7 years Silver Ribbons School welcome you to join us on Mondays, 4.30-5.30pm at Regent House Albert Road, Horley Call Miss Deryn on 07590 697356

The renowned and highly regarded laird academy offers classes in all dance and performance relaTed disciplines We offer training from 3 to 18 years of age in weekday classes for Pre-school ballet, RAD ballet from Primary grades through to Advanced and RAD teaching certificate. Also weekday classes in ISTD Modern and Tap, a full Saturday course for all ages which includes Musical Theatre, Drama, Vocal Coaching, Contemporary and Commercial Jazz Dance. All classes given by highly qualified and experienced teaching staff.

www.silverribbons.co.uk Inspire Academy of Dance, Dorking, Horley and Redhill, 2yrs+, 07783 138348 Italia Conti, Reigate School, 2½-5yrs, 07841 144071 Judith Essex School of Dancing, Oxted and Hurst Green, 18mths+, 01342 837454 Katie Cox Dance Studio, Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Modern, Musical Theatre, Acro, 3yrs+, 07887 578958 Laird Academy of Dance, Ballet, Tap, Modern, Drama, Banstead, Tadworth, 2½yrs+, 07816 008969 Lewiston School of Dance, ballet, modern, jazz, St Francis Horley, 3yrs+, 01903 756346 Maureen Brown School of Dance, Caterham, 3yrs+, 01883 348196 N-Vision Dance Schools, freestyle, street, show etc, Merstham/Dorking, 2½yrs+, 07887 930131 Phillomena Dance School, Disco Duck programme, Banstead/Tadworth, walkers-4yrs, 07597 388489 Phoenix Creative Arts, ballet, street, drama, musical theatre, Dorking, 3yrs+,  07814 998212 Production Bugs, acting, singing, dancing, RH2, RH4 and RH5, 2½yrs+, 07786 061057 Reigate Dance Studio, ballet, modern, street, musical theatre, 2yrs+, 07730 284343 Reigate School of Ballet, award winning dance school, toddler classes, 01737 247795 Shooting Stars Performing Arts, Redhill area, all ages, 07572 490865 Silver Ribbons Theatre Dance School, Regent House, Horley, from 2½yrs, 01403 243057 SSPA, Twinkletoes Ballet/Tap/Mini Street Dance/Musical Theatre, Horley, 2-7yrs, 07805 306529 Stagecoach Performing Arts, Dance, Act, Sing, Hazelwood School, Oxted, 4yrs+, 01883 708158 Stagecoach Theatre Arts, Reigate and Dorking, 4yrs+, 0800 007 5482 Stagecoach Theatre Arts, Salfords Primary School, RH1 5BQ, 4yrs+, 0800 007 5482 Star Dance Academy, Street hip hop break dance, Warlingham, Reigate, Oxted 3yrs+, 07522 935240

online classes available For more information, please contact

Deirdre Laird

T: 07816 008969 E: laird.ballet@gmail.com W: www.laird-academy.co.uk

Star Steppers Caterham, fun, active, dance, singing drama classes, 3yrs+, 07810 808228 Star Steppers Horley, fun, active, dance, singing drama classes, 3yrs+, 07810 808228 Star Steppers Reigate, fun, active, dance, singing drama classes, 3yrs+, 07810 808228 Starlight Tots, fantastic interactive singing, dancing & drama classes, 2-4yrs, 01737 247795 Starmakerz, musical theatre, ballet, tap and more, Oxted School, 3-18yrs, 07771 595171 Surrey Academy of Ballet & Performing Arts, Dorking, 3yrs+, 07941 008321 The Garland Dance Academy, ballet and tap, Nork, 2½ years+, 07817 413633 The Hawthorns School of Dance, ballet, tap, modern and more, Bletchingley, 2yrs+, 01883 743377 The Hawthorns School of Dance, ballet, tap, modern and more, Horley, 2yrs+, 01883 743377 The Hawthorns School of Dance, ballet, tap, modern and more, Redhill, 2yrs+, 01883 743377 Whiteside’s School of Dance, ISTD ballet, street+, Smallfield and Horley, 3yrs+, 01293 454542 Zapphire School of Dance, Earlswood, Redhill, Horley 2-16yrs, 07880 735838

Preschool Music & Movement

Babyballet Song and Dance, Reigate, Redhill, Dorking and Nutfield, 6mths-5yrs, 07834 452095 Babyballet Warlingham and Caterham, fun classes for preschoolers, 07590 313011

Caterham Allstars Cheerleading, cheerleading boys and girls, 4yrs+, 07884 006743 Hartbeeps, multi-sensory musical for babies, 6wks-4 yrs, Banstead and Tadworth, 07784 016901 Hartbeeps, multi-sensory musical for babies, 6wks-4 yrs, Lower Kingswood, 07784 016901 Hartbeeps, multi-sensory play, Magical Enchanted Forest, South Nutfield, 0-5yrs, 07590 371923 Jingle Bugs music class, guitar-led & imaginative, Mon/Wed am, Reigate, 3m-5yrs, 07956 256721 Jo Jingles, musical fun, Earlswood, Redhill, Reigate, Tadworth, 3mths-5yrs, 07472 697082 Jo Jingles, musical fun, Horley, Merstham, 3mths-5yrs, 07472 697082 Jo Jingles, musical fun, United Reform Church Hall, Banstead, Tues, 3mths-5yrs, 07376 381617 Little Harts Music, therapeutic music for you and your little ones, 07825 260201 Little Notes, St Pauls Church, weekly music sessions, Mons, Dorking, babies-5yrs, 01403 336454 Monkey Music, all rhythm and no blues, Banstead Centre, 3mths-4yrs, 01932 223309 Monkey Music, Dorking and Walton on the Hill, 3mths-4yrs, 020 8432 0811 Moo Music, fun class to original songs on CD and live instruments, Oxted area, 07940 503624 Music and Movement, YMCA Sovereign Centre, Reigate, Fri 9.30-10.15am, 0-5yrs, 01737 222859

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Singing & music making for little ones & their grown ups! 10.30-11.00am Every Friday on Facebook Live Bringing a little bit of sunshine into your living room! MusicBeesUK@gmail.com 07456 257588 | @MusicBeesUK #yourbabyneedsmusic

AB Swim School, Rookie Lifesaving, Reigate and Dorking, 3yrs+, 07411 122103



1-2-1 swimming lessons, Small groups, Instructor in the water with non-swimmers


Find us on

Music Bees, music, song, movement, Earlswood Baptist’s, Tues, 2pm, walkers, 07456 257588 Music Bees, music, song, movement, St Phillips, Reigate, Fri, 10.30am, crawlers, 07456 257588 Music Bees, music, song, movement, St Phillips, Reigate, Friday, 9.30pm, walkers, 07456 257588 Music Bees, Sign Rhyme Storytime, Pistachios, Redhill, Mon, 10.30pm, under 5s, 07456 257588 Musical Minis, pre-school fun time music group, Lingfield College, 07968 565789 Pipsqueaks Music, Dance and Drama, Banstead, 6mths-4yrs, 07808 921113 Rhyme, Rhythm and Song, Mon/Tues, The Scout Hall, Woodmansterne SM7 3HR, 0-5yrs, 07989 344608 Rhymetime, Merstham Library, Fridays 10.30-11am, 01737 645908 Rhythm Kids, exercise and song, Caterham, 3 months to walking, 01883 371971 Sing Along Singing and Fun for the Under 5’s, Caterham and Banstead, 07941 532558 Sing Rainbows, music and movement classes, Oxted Community Hall, 3mths-5yrs, 07905 750966 Tiny Tunes Music & Dance, PAYG, Horley, Oxted, Redhill, Reigate, 3mths-5yrs, 07977 585020 Toddler Sense, adventure play classes, Mickleham and Reigate, 13mths-3yrs, 07950 353529

Preschool Swimming

SWIM SCHOOL Parent & baby/toddler swimming classes, Swimming lessons for children from 4 years +

Acey Swim School, fun classes, Woldingham School, Monday 4.30-6.30pm, 3yrs+, 07716 263636 Aqua Skills Swim School, Warlingham School, 4yrs+, 020 8651 2140 AQUARIUS SWIMMING, babies and toddlers, adult & child, very small groups, Sats, 07736 251800 Aquatots, Caterham, Oxted, Woldingham and Whyteleafe, 10wks-6yrs, 020 8688 6488 Aquatots, Dorking, Horley, Redhill and Reigate, 10wks-6yrs, 020 8688 6488 Aquatots, Woldingham and Bletchingley, 3½yrs+, 020 8688 6488 Caterham School Sports Centre, lessons on Mon, Thurs and Sun, 3yrs+, open to all, 01883 335078 Dorking Ducklings Swim Lessons, St John’s School, Dorking, 8wks-4yrs, 07879 417780 Group swimming lessons, Tandridge Leisure Centre, Oxted, 5mths+, 01883 716717 option 1 Group swimming lessons, The Village Health Club, Caterham, 5mths+, 01883 716717 option 3 Hippocampus Swim School, specialising in SEN, Burstow, Horley, from 0yrs, 07379 167344 JG Swimming, Tadworth, parent and toddler, Mondays, 1.45pm, 01737 812470 L&M Swimming Club, Caterham, Oxted and Woldingham, 3mths+, 01883 627668 Little Fishes, parent and baby/toddler/ children 4ys+, Reigate, Oxted, Caterham, 07834 737211 PoolSchools, Reigate and Oxted, 2½yrs+, 0845 604 2476

Good Provider

Rachel Wootton Swim School, Whyteleafe, beginners, 2½yrs+, 07956 165618 Seriously FUN Swimming School, Oxted, 3-12yrs, 01293 366016 Splash Swimming Club, lessons in warm private pool, Oxted, babies and toddlers, 01342 316232 Splash Swimming Club, mum/dad/baby evening sessions, Oxted, Monday/ Tuesday, 01342 316232 Surrey Swim School, Banstead and Reigate, babies to advanced, 01737 211160 Swimkidz, Oxted, Sunday classes, 3mths-10yrs, 07809 227637 Swimsense, small group swimming lessons for all abilities, Dorking, 3yrs+, 07971 915187 Swimwell Swim School, Warlingham, Fridays, 2½yrs to adult, 07568 561830 The Flipper Club at Brooklands and Dunottar Schools, Reigate, Mon-Fri, 2-16yrs, 07927 950841 The Flipper Club Swim School, Wray Common School, Reigate, Thursdays, up to 6yrs, 07927 950841 The Hawthorns School Swim Club, qualified, caring teachers, children 3yrs+, 01883 743377 Turtle Tots, baby and toddler swimming, Oxted, birth+, 07920 854714 Water Babies, Reigate, Redhill, Caterham and Oxted, birth-4yrs, 01293 279229

Family Hubs Infinity – space to grow, community and early years activities, Earlswood, 07971 881448

Good Provider

The Magical Enchanted Forest, hosting early years classes, South Nutfield, 07590 371923

Daycare Nurseries

Acorn Cottage (Cranbrook), Shipley Bridge, 0-5yrs, 01293 785215 Active Learning, Moores Road, Dorking, 3mths-5yrs, 0330 057 0986 Banstead Day Nursery and Preschool, Banstead, 3mths-5yrs, 01737 851116 Banstead Prep, co-educational independent school and nursery, 2-11yrs, 01737 363600 Bear & Bunny Nursery and Pre-School, Charlwood, Nr Horley, 0-5yrs, open 7am-7pm, 01293 387234 Brambly Montessori at the Georgian House, Rockshaw Road, Merstham, 2-5yrs, 01737 644466 Bright Horizons Reigate Day Nursery & Preschool, Cockshott Hill, Reigate RH2 8AN, 01737 303975 Bright Horizons Reigate Holmesdale Road Preschool and Nursery, 3mths-5yrs, 01737 242826 Bus Stop Preschool Nursery and Forest School, Polesden Lacey, 0-5yrs, 01372 879712 Busy Bees Day Nursery, Chichester Road, Dorking, 0-5yrs, 01306 876316 Busy Bees Day Nursery, day care and education, Dorking, 0-5yrs, 01306 742933 Busy Bees, Lesbourne Road, Reigate, 3mths-5yrs, 01737 249109 Caterham Burntwood Lane Day Nursery and Preschool, Caterham, 3mths-5yrs, 01883 330122 Chatterbox Nursery, Ashcombe School, 0-5yrs, 01306 742050

Reigate • Redhill • Horley • Oxted • Caterham • Banstead • Dorking • Warlingham • Lingfield • Godstone

Forest Schools

Brambly House

Montessori School

Full and sessional care and education from 8am to 6pm for children aged 2-5 years Delicious, healthy food freshly prepared for the children ‘Children thrive in a fantastic environment that enables them to become deeply involved with the excellent range of activities provided’ (OFSTED, March 2016)

For details call Andrea Thornton or Tamsyn Hendry on

01737 644466 www.bramblyhouse.co.uk Brambly House Montessori School, at The Georgian House, Rockshaw Road, Merstham RH1 3DB Coppingham Cottage (Cranbrook), Balcombe Road, Horley, 0-5yrs, 01293 823163 Daisy Chain Montessori Nursery, Reigate, 18mths-5yrs, 01737 242001 Fennies Nursery, Albert Road, Horley, 3mths-5yrs, 020 8770 3208 Fennies Nursery, Amy Road, Oxted, 3mths-5yrs, 020 8770 3222 First Steps Nursery, Merstham, 3mths-5yrs, 01737 215136 Hazelwood School’s Nursery and Early Years, 6mths-5yrs, 01883 714171 Huggetts Nursery and Preschool, Blindley Heath, 0-5yrs, 01342 832218 Ivy Cottage (Cranbrook), Balcombe Road, Horley, 0-5yrs, 01293 825192 Kenley Kindergarten, Whyteleafe, Mon-Fri, 7.30am-6.00pm, 3mths-5yrs, 020 8660 3232 Kid Co Ltd, Day Nursery and Holiday Club, Balcombe Road, Horley, 0-10yrs, 01293 775107 Kiddi Caru Nursery, state-of-the-art nursery with sensory room, 0-5yrs, 01737 762013 LETS Explore Day Nursery offers an educational and fun setting for under 5yrs, 01293 826802 Lingfield Nursery School, 4mths-5yrs, 01342 836540 Little Treasures Day Nursery, The Naafi, Weston Drive, Caterham, 0-5yrs, 01883 343678 Nutfield Day Nursery Forest School, 7.00am-7.00pm, 0-5yrs, 01737 822014 Okewood Nursery School, Ockley, 1-4yrs, 01306 627067

Old Barn Day Nursery, Woodmansterne Lane, Banstead, 3mths-5yrs, 01737 373715 Pippa’s House Nursery, family owned, private day nursery, Reigate, 01737 457004 Rainbows Day Nursery, Caterham, flexible 8am-6pm, 3mths-5yrs, 01883 330335 Royal Earlswood Day Nursery, Earlswood, 3mths-5yrs, 01737 767629 Shapes Day Nursery in Banstead High Street, for children aged 3mths-5yrs, 01737 355332 Shapes Day Nursery, high quality childcare for children, Woodhatch, 0-5yrs, 01737 221441 Sunshine Day Nursery, East Surrey Hospital, open to NHS staff and the community, 01737 768511 x2829 Tall Trees Day Nursery, high quality, safe early learning, Reigate, 10mths-5yrs,  01737 668460 The Co-operative Childcare, Tadworth Court, 3mths-5yrs, 0800 954 0669 The Laurels Children’s Day Nursery and Preschool, Caterham, 3mths-5yrs, 01883 337702 The St Mary’s Preschool, Betchetts Green Road, South Holmwood, 2-4yrs, 01306 740135 Tiddlywinks Day Care Nursery, Emlyn Road, Redhill, 0-5yrs, 01737 218427 Toad Hall Nursery, Horley, 3mths-5yrs, 01293 823500 Tots Village Nursery, de Stafford School, Caterham, 3mths-5yrs, 01883 340825 Warlingham Park School, 2-5yrs, 01883 626844

Bobtails Preschools, Horley Where memories are made

We have two Ofsted Outstanding preschools in Horley, Surrey for children from 2 to 4 years old. We are a charity run, term-time organisation welcoming families for over 30 years. Bobtails Preschool, Horley Infant School 01293 784701 • hi@bobtailspreschool.com

Bobtails Preschool, St Francis Church Hall 01293 775534 • stf@bobtailspreschool.com

Wee One’s Day Nursery, learning to play, Lingfield, 3mths+, 01342 836884 Woodlands Day Care Ltd, Oxted, 0-5yrs, 01883 373777

Forest Schools

Bear & Bunny Nursery and Pre-School, Charlwood, Nr Horley, 0-5yrs, open 7am-7pm, 01293 387234 Bletchingley, Toddler Forest School, Wed 9.15-11.15am, please book, 2-5yrs, 01883 743377 Bus Stop Preschool Nursery and Forest School, Polesden Lacey, 0-5years, 01372 879712 Hopscotch Nursery Oxted, Gospel Hall, Old Oxted, 8.30am-4pm, term-time, 2-5yrs, 01883 713446 Hurst Green Busy Bees Preschool and Forest School, 8am-4pm, term-time, 2-5yrs, 01883 722796 Leafy Learners, outdoor sessions, Earlswood Lakes, Fri 10-11.30am, 2½-5yrs, 07932 032626 Learning through play! Tandridge Village Pre-School and Forest School, 2-5yrs, 07491 143833

Leigh Lollipops Nursery, nr Reigate, forest school sessions Wed/Thurs pm, 2-5yrs, 01306 611381 Little Acorns Preschool with amazing space for outdoor learning, Tadworth 1-5yrs, 07740 197410 Little Chums Pre-school, Lingfield, 2yrs+, 07849 308762 Little Oaks Preschool, Community Centre, Hurst Green, 2-5yrs, 07887 527542 Little Seeds Forest School, Cedar Wood, Gatton Park, Mondays, term-time, 2½-5yrs, 01737 649066 Muddy Bunnies Forest School, Banstead, Wednesday pm, 3-5yrs, 07946 507692 Newdigate Pre-School, Ofsted outstanding 2016, Forest School sessions, 2-5yrs, 01306 632882 Nutfield Day Nursery Forest School, 7.00am-7.00pm, 0-5yrs, 01737 822014 Portfield Farm Eco-nursery & Forest School, child-lead outdoor learning, 0-5yrs, 07427 633238 St Michael’s Community Nursery and Forest School, Mickleham, 2-5yrs, 01372 361021

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Sessional Preschools & Nurseries

For children with complex education, health, therapy and care needs. The Children’s Trust School is a non-maintained special school dedicated to the education, health, therapy and care of children and young people aged 2-19. Located in Tadworth, Surrey, just south of London and within the M25 (J8), we are able to support children and young people with a wide range of special needs including neurodisability and complex education, health, therapy and care requirements through day and residential placements. As a regional school, we admit children and young people from a wide catchment area and can be commissioned by education, health or care teams, either individually or jointly.

Unique Beginnings Childcare & Forest School

We are also able to consider private placement applications. With day and residential placements available for up to 44 children, our residential placements are across three CQC rated ‘Outstanding’ children’s homes, co-located in the beautiful woodland of our 24-acre site. We operate a flexible residential programme of up to 52 weeks, including weekend home stays where suitable. 39 weeks of our academic programme are educational, and nine are based around extra-curricular and social activities during half terms and holidays.

Little House Montessori, Burstow, term-time only, 2-5yrs, 07938 524184 Sweetpeas Montessori, Furze Hill Barn, Priory Farm, 2-5yrs, term-time only, 01737 823859 The Beeches Montessori Nursery School, Banstead, term-time only, 2-5yrs, 01737 359500

Sessional Preschools & Nurseries

Opening September 2020 Reserve your place now! Breech Lane, Walton-on-the-Hill W: www.uniquebeginnings.co.uk T: Danni on 07885 238 072 E: info@uniquebeginnings.co.uk

Tall Trees Day Nursery, high quality safe early learning, Reigate, 10mths-5yrs, 01737 668460 The Little Forest School On The Green, Walton on the Hill, 2-5yrs, 01737 813960 Unique Beginnings Childcare & Forest School, Walton-on-the-Hill, 0-8yrs, 07885 238072

Montessori Schools & Nurseries Brambly Montessori at the Georgian House, Rockshaw Road, Merstham, 2-5yrs, 01737 644466 Burgh Wood Montessori Nursery School, Banstead, 2½-5yrs, 01737 356105 Daisy Chain Montessori Nursery, Reigate, 18mths-5yrs, 01737 242001 Hopscotch Nursery Oxted, Gospel Hall, Old Oxted, 8.30am-4pm, term-time, 2-5yrs, 01883 713446


100 Acrewood Pre-school, Birchwood Community Centre, Redhill, 2-5yrs, 07799 541168 Abinger Common Nursery, Evelyn Hall, Mon-Fri, term time only, 2-5yrs, 07842 978823 Banstead Bunnies Pre-school, 2½-5yrs 07946 507692 Bear & Bunny Nursery and Pre-School, Charlwood, Nr Horley, 0-5yrs, open 7am-7pm, 01293 387234 Betchworth and Buckland Children’s Nursery, The Street, Betchworth, 2½-5yrs, 01737 843610 Bletchingley Village Nursery School, term-time only, 2-5yrs, 01883 743337 Bobtails Preschool, Horley Infants, Horley, 2-5yrs, 01293 784701 Bobtails Preschool, St Francis Church Hall, Horley, 2-5yrs, 01293 775534 Brockham Green Nursery, Brockham Green Church Hall, 2½-5yrs, 07765 151384 Burgh Wood Montessori Nursery School, Banstead, 2½-5yrs, 01737 356105 Butterfly Nursery School, Horne, 9mths-5yrs, 01342 843655 Butterhill Playgroup, Friends Meeting House, Dorking, 2½-5yrs, 07716 680220

For further information on The Children’s Trust School, please contact us on: 01737 365 810, or visit: thechildrenstrustschool.org.uk

The Children’s Trust, Tadworth Court, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 5RU Registered charity number 288018. TCT_833 06/20

Capel Preschool, for ages 2-4yrs, 01306 712717 Caterham Burntwood Lane Day Nursery and Preschool, Caterham, 3mths-5yrs, 01883 330122 Caterpillars Nursery School, Tadworth, 2-5yrs, 01737 813032 Chaldon Preschool, Village Hall, Chaldon, 2-5yrs, 01883 343866 Charlwood Pre-School, Chapel Road, Charlwood, 2½-4yrs, 01293 862302 Daisy Chain Pre-School, learning the fun way, caring environment, Old Coulsdon, 07519 398186 Dorking Nursery School, West Street, 2-5yrs, 01306 882397 Dormansland Pre-School Ltd, 2-5yrs, 07855 279934 Ducklings Pre-school, Caterham, 2-5yrs, 01883 342477 East Horley Playgroup, Scout Hut, M&F 9.15am-1.00pm, T/W/T 9.15am-2.30pm, 2-5yrs, 07811 799284 Godstone Village School Nursery, qualified teacher, 15/30 hour places, 2yrs+, 01883 742326 Hopscotch Nursery Oxted, Gospel Hall, Old Oxted, 8.30am-4pm, term-time, 2-5yrs, 01883 713446 Horley Community Pre-School, Horley, 9am to 3pm, term-time only, 2-5yrs, 01293 665091 Horley Row Community Preschool, St Wilfrid’s Church Hall, 2-5yrs, 01293 783259 Huggetts Nursery and Preschool, Blindley Heath, 0-5yrs, term time only, 01342 832218 Hurst Green Busy Bees Preschool and Forest School, 8am-4pm, term-time, 2-5yrs, 01883 722796

Jack and Jill Pre-School, ChristChurch, Banstead, 2-5yrs, 07732 901546 Kiwi’s Playgroup and Pre-School, Woodmansterne, Meadvale, Nork, 18mths-5yrs, 07899 654463 Langshott Ladybird Nursery, Langshott Primary School, Horley, 2½-5yrs, 07713 622761 Learn Through Play, Centenary Hall, Smallfield, 2-5yrs, 07704 604918 Learning through play! Tandridge Village Pre-School and Forest School, 2-5yrs, 07491 143833 Lee Street Church Playgroup, Horley, large outdoor area, FEET-funded, 2-5yrs, 01293 784294 Leigh Lollipops Nursery, nr Reigate, 2-5yrs, 01306 611381 Little Acorns Preschool with amazing space for outdoor learning, Tadworth 1-5yrs, 07740 197410 Little Chums Pre-school, Lingfield, 2yrs+, 07849 308762 Little Gems 1, Methodist Church, Coulsdon Road, Caterham, 2-5yrs, 01883 343678 Little Gems 3, United Reform Church, Harestone Hill, Caterham, 2-5yrs, 01883 343678 Little Green Hut Nursery, Tadworth Village Hall, term-tme only, 2-5yrs, 01737 816231 LittLe Haven nursery scHooL, ofsted outstanding Provider, Banstead, 2-5yrs, 01737 213034, www.littlehavenns.com Little House Montessori, Burstow, term-time only, 2-5yrs, 07938 524184

Reigate • Redhill • Horley • Oxted • Caterham • Banstead • Dorking • Warlingham • Lingfield • Godstone

Sessional Preschools & Nurseries We believe that children learn through play Ages 2 to 4 years Fully funded places (no top up fee) • We are open 38 weeks • Forest School Sessions • We help get our children school-ready • Early Morning drop off from 8.30am • Open Mon-Fri 9am-3pm Hurst Green Community Centre RH8 0BA • •

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Little Oaks Preschool, Community Centre, Hurst Green, 2-5yrs, 07887 527542 Little Treasures Pre-School, The Naafi, Weston Drive, Caterham, 0-5yrs, 01883 343678 Manorfield Nursery School, Sangers Drive, Horley, 2-4yrs, 01293 782839 Newdigate Pre-School, Ofsted outstanding 2016, Forest School sessions, 2-5yrs, 01306 632882 Nippertime Preschool, warm and friendly nursery, Warlingham, 2-5yrs, 07903 361054 Noah’s Ark Pre-School, amazing outdoor area, 30 hour funding, Caterham, 2½-5yrs, 01883 330201 North Holmwood Preschool, Village Hall, North Holmwood, 2-5yrs, 07931 212006 Oxted Pre-School, Bluehouse Lane, Mon-Fri 9.15-2.45, morning, lunch, all day, 2+, 07733 289486 Panda Nursery, Glebe Meadow, Limpsfield, 2-5yrs, 07812 522492 Portfield Farm Eco-nursery & Forest School, child-lead outdoor learning, 0-5yrs, 07427 633238 Pre-school at The Red Oak Family Centre, Merstham, 3-5yrs, 01737 645908 Rainbow Preschool, Baden Drive, Horley, Monday-Friday, 8.30am-2.30pm, 2-5yrs, 07794 149995 Redhill Baptist Church Preschool, 2-5yrs, 07546 215824 Reigate High Street Playgroup, Reigate Methodist Church, 2½-5yrs, 01737 221718 Reigate Parish Playgroup, Blackborough Road, Reigate, 2-5yrs, 01737 225649 Reigate Park Church Playclub for 2-3yrs, 01737 241530

07491 143833

All Funding AccePTed Reigate Park Church Playgroup for 3-5yrs, 01737 241530 Salfords Primary School and Nursery, play based learning, 2-4yrs, 01737 762940 South Nutfield Preschool, Village Hall, Mid Street, 2-5yrs, 01737 823722 St John’s CoE Primary and Nursery School, Goodwyns Road, Dorking, 3-5yrs, 01306 884506 St John’s Nursery Group, Philanthropic Road, Redhill, 2-5yrs, 01737 768415 St Joseph’s Preschool, Ladbroke Road, Redhill, 2½-5yrs, 07847 221367 St Matthews Preschool, Station Rd, Redhill, MonTuesFri 9-3, WedThurs 9-12, 2yrs+, 07972 059389 St Michael’s Community Nursery and Forest School, Mickleham, 2-5yrs, 01372 361021 St Stephen’s C of E Primary, Nursery, 2-4yrs, 01342 892219 St Teresa’s Pre-Reception Effingham, RH5 6ST, boys and girls, 3-4yrs, 01372 750204 Sticky Fingers, Whitebushes Village Hall, Masons Bridge Road, RH1 5LE, 2-5yrs, 07905 429523 Tadworth Tots, special needs support nursery at The Children’s Trust School, 01737 365810 The Beeches Montessori Nursery School, Banstead, term-time only, 2-5yrs, 01737 359500 The Horseshoe Community Preschool, friendly/caring, term-time, Banstead, 2-5yrs, 07814 791528 The Little Forest School On The Green, Walton on the Hill, 2-5yrs, 01737 813960 The St Mary’s Preschool, Betchetts Green Road, South Holmwood, 2-4yrs, 01306 740135

We're still here for you We look forward to welcoming you and your family back soon.

After School Club Holiday Club Pre-Schools Disability Playschemes

For more service re-opening information, visit:


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Independent Schools

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Click to take a virtual tour of our school.

An independent day and boarding prep school for boys and girls aged between 2-13 years offering an excellent all round education.


Trinity Oaks CofE Primary School, Horley, Acorns Nursery, 3yrs+, 01293 776935 Warlingham Park School, 2-5yrs, 01883 626844 Wise Owls Preschool, Warlingham Rugby Club, 30 hours, 2-5yrs, 07790 195931 Woldingham Nursery Class, Village Hall, 2-5yrs, 01883 652085 YMCA Merstham Hub Pre-school for children aged 2-5yrs, Mon-Fri term-time only, 07732 602999 YMCA Sovereign Pre-school, Reigate, for children aged 2-5yrs, Mon-Fri term-time, 01737 222859

Independent Schools Aberdour School, Brighton Road, Burgh Heath, co-ed, 2-11yrs, 01737 354119 Banstead Prep, co-educational independent school and nursery, 2-11yrs, 01737 363600 Belmont School Early Years, Holmbury St Mary, co-ed, from 2yrs, 01306 730852 Belmont School, Holmbury St Mary, co-ed, 4-16yrs, 01306 730852 Box Hill School, Old London Road, Mickleham, co-ed, 11-18yrs, 01372 373382 Caterham Preparatory School, co-ed, 3-11yrs, 01883 343028 Caterham School, Harestone Valley Road, Caterham, co-ed, 11-18yrs, 01883 343028 Chinthurst School, Tadworth, mixed, 2-11yrs, 01737 812011 Dunottar School, High Trees Road, Reigate, co-ed, 11-18yrs, 01737 761945 Essendene Lodge, Caterham, co-ed, 2-11yrs, 01883 348349


*Fridays during term time 10.00am - 11.30am

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Hazelwood School, preparatory school, Limpsfield, co-ed, 5-13yrs, 01883 712194 Hurtwood House, Holmbury St Mary, independent co-ed, 15-19yrs, 01483 279000 Lingfield College, Prep School, St Piers Lane, Lingfield, co-ed, 2-11yrs, 01342 833372 Lingfield College, Senior School, St Piers Lane, Lingfield, co-ed, 11-18yrs, 01342 832407 Micklefield School, Reigate, co-ed, rising 3-11yrs, 01737 224212 Moon Hall School Dorking, Specialist Dyslexia School, mixed, 7-11yrs, 01306 731464 Moon Hall School Reigate, Specialist Dyslexia School, mixed, 6-16yrs, 01306 611372 Oakhyrst Grange School, Caterham, co-ed, 4-11yrs, 01883 343344 Reigate Grammar, a first class education, co-ed, 11-18yrs, 01737 222231 Reigate St Mary’s Preparatory and Choir School, co-ed, 2-11yrs, 01737 244880 St Teresa’s Preparatory School Effingham, RH5 6ST, girls, 3-11yrs, 01372 750204 St Teresa’s School Effingham, RH5 6ST, girls, 11-18yrs, 01372 452037

Continuing to deliver a comprehensive and extensive education across the whole School... Look under the ‘Admissions’ tab on our website to view virtual tours.

The Hawthorns School, Bletchingley, a thriving day co-ed school, 2-13yrs, 01883 743048 Warlingham Park School, 5-11yrs, 01883 626844 Woldingham School, leading Independent Boarding & Day School for girls, 11-18yrs, 01883 654206

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Reigate • Redhill • Horley • Oxted • Caterham • Banstead • Dorking • Warlingham • Lingfield • Godstone

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Floral Fondants...


Spot the

6 differences!



Make some simple sweet treats or decorations for cup cakes – this is a rewarding activity for little crafters on a rainy day! Ingredients: 300g of icing sugar Flavouring essence 200g of condensed milk 3 different food colourings A tube of Smarties Method (makes about 20): Tip the icing sugar into a mixing bowl and add 2 drops of the flavouring essence of your choice. Gradually add the condensed milk, a tablespoon at a time, and knead until you have a smooth dough. Cut the dough into three and knead a drop of colouring into one of the thirds until you have an even mix. Repeat with the remaining two thirds using the other food colourings. Roll out the dough on a flat surface dusted with a little icing sugar to avoid sticking. When your dough is about 5mm thick cut out some flowers with a small fluted cutter of about 25mm in diameter. Press a contrasting Smartie into the centre of each floral shape. Leave to harden overnight in a cool, dry place (but not the fridge!). Find out how to make some fondant animal faces by viewing the Youtube video HERE!

The Dictionary Game

Alphabet Shopping!

This fun word game is ideal for older children (7yrs+) though younger ones can join teams with supervision and help. You will need a large dictionary and at least two teams of three. One member of each team finds a word from the dictionary which they think is unknown and obscure. A copy is made of the definition; the other two members of the team create fake definitions of their own. These should be as plausible and funny as you can make them! When ready, each member of the team presents the word and definition to the other team(s) that have to guess the correct definition. Each team member gets to choose their own word from the dictionary. The winners are the team with the most correct guesses. This is a great game that can be played on Zoom with a little preparation.

This is a memory game that is great to play on long car journeys particularly when stuck in traffic! One person starts by saying ‘We Went Shopping and bought an A---’ and selects an object. The next player repeats the phrase adding another object to the list beginning with B---; and so on through the alphabet. The list grows as everyone takes their turn. The person who doesn’t remember all the items drops out. The game goes on getting longer, with players dropping out until there is a winner. You can buy absolutely anything from a pea to the Statue of Liberty! Try your own variations such as having to add the next object beginning with the last letter of the previous object. Or adding an adjective with the same initial letter. Have fun!

Reigate • Redhill • Horley • Oxted • Caterham • Banstead • Dorking • Warlingham • Lingfield • Godstone

PRINTABLE KIDS COLOURING A selection of printable colouring pictures from the simplest for little ones to more complex for older children or adults to have a go at: CLICK HERE FOR FULL SIZE IMAGES!

Animal Headbands

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free children’s activities for the Summer

We are all itching to get out and about again. However some FREE indoor and outdoor activity tips to keep your family amused will be very welcome too. Here are 10 inspiring ideas that may relieve the boredom of those long Summer days... STAYING INSIDE…


Go camping

Get the kids to make a hideaway under a table with old sheets or blankets. It can be themed as an Aladdin’s tent, a teddy bear’s lair or a dolly’s hospital. Let them have a tea time picnic in their sanctuary or even camp overnight. Alternatively, set older children the task of putting up your tent if you have one. Or improvise and use your washing line or fence as a support. On a fine night, it is always great fun to camp out in the garden.


Organise a Junior Bake-off competition!

A cupcake decorating competition is a great way to keep the kids busy and get ready for tea time! Decorate iced cupcakes with fondant shapes (see our Floral Fondants activity), bought cake decorations or sweets! Judge the winner and present with small prize!


Put on a catwalk parade

You may already have a ‘dressing-up’ collection to parade in; or why not give the kids access to your wardrobe and let them try on your less precious clothes. They are bound to think it absolutely hilarious. Light up your landing or hall with fairy lights, put on some music, get a camera ready and stand back to watch the fun. Daring parents may even add make-up and hair gel to the mix!


Bring the Oscars to your own home!

Pick a movie series or genre, such as action, comedy or fantasy and settle down for a viewing marathon. Perfect for a rainy day!


Make it a red carpet event by getting the kids to create cinema tickets. Set up a box office where everyone can ‘buy’ their tickets or snacks. Suggest the kids dress up for a grand entrance. Close the curtains, turn out the lights and use a torch to conduct everyone to their seats.


Digital Name, Place, Animal, Thing

Get in touch with your friends and their children on Zoom with this popular kids’ game. The games master picks a letter; each team has to list a famous person, a place, an animal, and a thing that begins with that letter. Repeat for five rounds. The overall winners are the team that are quickest to type in their answers in the Group Chat function.


Stir up some DIY goo

For a fascinating ‘slime’ that will keep your kids amused for hours, all you need is corn flour. Add water in a bowl and start mixing. Keep adding water until it reaches the consistency you want (a good place to start is 2 parts corn flour to 1 of water). You can also add food coloring. Pour the mixture into a shallow baking tray and let the kids draw in the goo with their fingers. This mini science experiment demonstrates how a starchy mixture solidifies and then liquefies depending on the amount of movement. So… educational too!



Create a bowling alley

Fill up 10 plastic drinks bottles with water. Place the bottles in four rows in the shape of triangle like bowling pins. Roll a large ball to knock the bottles over – a great activity for building strength and coordination.


Hold a mini-beast hunt

Whether you choose to take your kids to local woods or let them loose in your garden, get them to search under stones or dried leaves, in tree bark and on flower heads for some interesting creepy-crawlies. Carefully scoop up their discoveries with a spoon and drop them onto a thin layer of soil in the bottom of a plastic food container. Then it’s time to identify the ‘beasts’ using a magnifying glass and reference book. Let your young naturalists keep their specimens for a day before freeing the bugs outside.


Make a DIY obstacle course

Design an obstacle course with your kids with the toys or the odds and ends you have to hand: • lay hoops on the ground to leap from one to the next; • tie a hula hoop to a tree branch to climb through;

• balance a plank on a brick to make a low seesaw to walk over; • create a rope maze to belly crawl under with some clothes line and garden chairs; • use a fabric tunnel or large cardboard box as a crawl through; • create a snaking line of ‘stepping stones’ from spare bricks or small paving stones. See how inventive you and your children can get! Whilst this can be great fun, get your kids to wear trainers when playing and make sure your course area is free of any lose or broken material and sharp stones.


Set up a water slide

Source a roll of thick plastic film or a large smooth ground sheet. Lay it over a grassy area (best on a slight slope if possible), pour on some bath foam or washing-up liquid to make it slippery and add water. Combined with a plastic slide, water pistols and a hose pipe this activity can result in hours of hysterical fun!

Reigate • Redhill • Horley • Oxted • Caterham • Banstead • Dorking • Warlingham • Lingfield • Godstone

A-Z for 5 to 18 Years • Tutoring • Arts & Crafts Tutoring of Standard School Subjects

2tutor, fun and engaging one-to-one and group tuition, Reigate, Years 2-6, 07957 283044 A-level and GCSE Maths Tuition, Redhill and Reigate, excellent references, 07747 700089 Dial-A-Tutor, private tuition, all subjects, levels, ages. New tutors welcome, 01883 712148 English Literature and Language tuition, literacy support, 11+, GCSE & A level, 01293 784415 Enthusiastic and experienced English tutor/examiner, GCSE, AL, 10yrs+, 07960 377667 Experienced tutor, KS1, KS2 and 11+ practice, basic English KS3, Oxted, 07773 517063 FCL Redhill and Reigate, maths and English tuition, Thurs, Sats, 5-15yrs, 07930 526557 First Class Learning Horley, English, maths, science tuition, Mons, 5-15yrs, 01293 226449 Fleet Tutors, all subjects, all ages, 0333 920 2383 Inner Art Tuition, Reigate, fun, flexible, fulfilling art learning for all ages, 07713 242597 Juunipa, tutors specialising in dyslexia and specific learning difficulties, 07971 647618 KP Tutors, all subjects from Primary to A level, 01737 355444 Kumon Maths and English, Oxted, 3yrs+, 01883 712599 Kumon Maths and English, Redhill Study Centre, 4yrs+, 01737 277380 Kumon Maths and English, Tadworth, 4yrs+, 020 8394 1698 Kumon Maths and English, The Arc, Caterham on the Hill, 3-18yrs, 020 8654 2878 Literacy Academy, 1-1 tuition, phonics, reading, writing, Banstead, 4yrs+, 07913 852301 Literature can be fun, join classes to enjoy literature, Dorking area, 9-16yrs, 07905 158202 Maths Graduate, mother of two offers maths tuition for 7-16yrs, incl GCse. redhill, Godstone, horley, Oxted, Woldingham areas. Will travel to you or teach online, 01342 892240, jungfamily@btinternet.com Maths KS1-KS4 & English KS1-KS2 & Entrance Exams, Kings College trained, fun!, 07912 741133 Maths Masters, after school clubs in Redhill and Lower Kingswood, 4-11yrs+, 07722 869613 Maths tuition, experienced A level examiner and teacher, Redhill, Years 10-13, 07914 131748 Miss Elaine Tutoring, early years/primary montessori tutor, 2-11yrs, Banstead,  07930 627567 Mobile maths tutor, CRB checked, Redhill, Horley, 11+ to GCSE, 07518 353719 Morton Tutoring, Entrance and SATS, small group in Central Reigate, 01293 773373 Postal Phonics, fun courses, ages 3-8yrs, 01483 487714 Primary Learners, maths, English and 11+ private tuition, 5-11yrs, 07983 456745

Dial-A-Tutor (established 1985)

PrivATe TuiTion

– all ages, subjects, levels – by qualified teachers

01883 712148

www.dialatutor.co.uk new TuTors AlwAys welcome admin@dialatutor.co.uk

Qualified DBS-checked teacher offers primary and entrance exam tuition, 01293 773373 Reading, English, Maths, individual tuition, Smallfield, 5-11yrs, 01342 842138 Science Tutor, GCSE Science, Redhill and Reigate, 07530 611834 Science Tutor, qualified, all sciences KS2-KS4, A-level biology, Caterham area, 07917 713882 Sharp Spark Saturday Science for Yr 1-4 at Tesco Gatwick Community Room, 07966 867775 The Learning Club, Maths and English tuition classes, Reigate, 4-11yrs, 07402 479436 The Revision Courses, GCSE, IGCSE, AS and A level courses, Reigate, 01737 226509 Very experienced, enthusiastic English tutor, specialising in GCSE and A level, 01737 763996

Instrumental & Vocal Tuition

Annette Faulkes, piano lessons, beginners welcome, Caterham, 6yrs+, 01883 344272 Another Way Theatre, singing, piano and drama, all ages, 07919 488198 Beginners Guitar and Bass Tuition, Rock, Blues, Funk, Indie, Redhill, 9yrs+, 01737 778747 Dido Xenakis, violin and piano tuition, all ages, 01737 211978 Dunedin School of Music, for string players, Lingfield, 3-11yrs, 07969 394239 Electric and acoustic guitar tuition, beginner specialist, Bet’worth area, 8yrs+, 07887 781004 Encore Arts, Sarah Locke vocal, singing, speech tuition, Redhill, 7yrs+, 07941 368860 Flute lessons, beginners to advanced, all ages, Redhill/Reigate area, call Catherine, 07766 467261 or visit www.theflutetutor.co.uk Jackey Birch, recorder from pregrade to diploma, 5yrs+, 07931 442207 Music Tutors, trumpet, cornet, guitar, saxophone, clarinet, Redhill, 01737 270972 Open 2 Music, guitar, drums, piano, singing, free tasters, Dorking, 8yrs+, 01932 343531 Suzuki flute tuition with Tina, Banstead, 4yrs+, 01737 356883 MusiC theoRy lessons, ABRsM Grade 1-6, holiday courses, Redhill/ Reigate, call Catherine, 07766 467261 or visit www.theflutetutor.co.uk

Arts & Crafts

Art and Soul Ceramics, mobile pottery painting parties in Surrey, 07949 028811 Art Now, classes for all ages and abilities, beginners welcome, online, Banstead, 07900 033236 art-K Dorking, weekly art classes for adults and children, 6yrs+, 07541 921427

Bluebell Studio, pottery painting, clay and floral workshops, Horley, ALL ages, 01293 785200 Chocolart, make your own chocolates, workshops for children, Reigate, 01737 246857 Dinky Doodlers, art and creative activities, Reigate, 18mths-12yrs, 07984 757613 Dish Ceramics Studio, painting and gifts, Sew TherapeuTic. Do you enjoy Reigate, sewingall orages, 01737 241567 would you like to learn? Sign up for workshops in east Surrey at www.seworiginal.co.uk East Surrey Young Embroiderers, monthly, Redhill, 8yrs+, 01737 761552 Inner Art Club, Reigate, Sundays, art fun for 6-10yrs, 07713 242597 Inner Art Crafter-noons, Reigate, Fridays, craft fun for 8-12yrs, 07713 242497 Kate Creative, fully mobile Pottery Painting Studio, parties, clubs and events, 01342 718777 Paint Your Own Ceramics, imprints/ casting, glass fusion, Dorking, 01737 844815

Painty Pots, family and group pottery painting, baby keepsakes, Surrey, 07747 826972 Splattercraft studio shop, for a creative arts and crafts experience, Oxted, 01883 370044

Dance & Theatre Arts 808 Dance, Freestyle Disco, Acrobatic, Street Dance, Banstead Community Hall, 07946 258753 Amareece School of Dance, street, tap, ballet, theatre craft, Tues/Weds, 4yrs+, 07967 670792 Applause Youth Theatre Company, Dorking Halls, Sundays, 8yrs+, 07785 385711 Archway Theatre, youth drama workshops, Horley, 9-16yrs, 01342 712862 Babyballet Warlingham and Caterham, fun classes, up to 10yrs, 07590 313011 Banstead Academy of Performing Arts, 3yrs+, 07749 111353 C&C Dance School, ballet, modern, street and more, Nutfield, 5yrs+, 01737 763391

Please tell advertisers you found them in the ‘Grapevine’ or online at www.thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/east-surrey


A-Z for 5 to 18 Years • Dance & Theatre Arts

Confidence, Communication & Creativity Expert professional tuition in a fun and friendly atmosphere 1994–2020

Ages 5-18

Now in our 27th year in the UK Banstead • Reigate • Chipstead • Beckenham • Norbury • Park Hill Sanderstead • Upper Norwood • Thornton Heath • Wallington West Wickham • Selsdon • Purley • Croydon • Waddon croydon@helenogrady.co.uk | www.dramaschoolforkids.co.uk | 020 8667 9812

We are a long established Dorking based school of over 30 years with a beautiful studio in the centre of Dorking. We are proud of our reputation maintained by our talented team of fully qualified and experienced teachers. Students enter exams termly, perform in local pantomime, National Youth Ballet, London Children’s Ballet, English Youth Ballet and in our spectacular biennial shows at Epsom Playhouse. Try a class with no obligation. Classes for 3 year olds and upwards. * RAD Ballet * ISTD Modern * ISTD Tap * Singing * Jazz * Adult Ballet * Musical Theatre



Contact the Principal Mrs Rosemary Walters on 01342 325478 or the Administrator on 07941 008 321


Want to learn to dance and have fun? evolution Dance academy classes are for you! Street, MuSical theatre, Ballet, tap, conteMporary & perforMance Group iDta exaMS offereD, with a 100% paSS rate Bi-annual dance show claSSeS in eDenBriDGe, linGfielD & SevenoakS contact us for more details on: 07709 348723 or evolutionda@outlook.com

Evolution Dance Academy


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Ballet, Modern, Tap, Drama, Musical Theatre, Mini Movers, Jazz Hip Hop/Commercial Jazz, Tread the Boards & Adult Classes. www.facebook.com/candcdanceschool

t: 01737


e: info@candcdanceschool.co.uk w: candcdanceschool.co.uk




Cada Stars, Funky & fun dance academy, Kingswood, Tadworth, boys & girls, 18mth+, 07903 801802

Desire 2 Dance, street, jazz, ballet, contemporary, Dorking and Reigate, 5yrs+, 07880 232134

Caterham Dance School, ballroom and latin, 5yrs+, 01883 330301

Dorking School of Dance, Ballet, Tap, Street, 3 free trials, 07710 174485

Caterham Performing Arts, ballet, jazz, modern, tap, musical theatre, 2½yrs+,  07786 061349

Dorking School of Performing Arts, drama classes and workshops, 6-18yrs, 01737 428049


Street, Tap, Theatre Craft and Ballet from age 4 years At St John’s School, Markfield Road, Caterham Complete your physical Duke of Edinburgh award with us and achieve a street dance medal as well. All enquiries to the principal:

Sarah Hastings-Holland

F.I.D.T.A. (MF) M.I.D.T.A. (CL) A.I.D.T.A. (T, CW, TC) I.D.T.A. Graduate (BT1) Stunt Dip. AQA/NSAP – Key Stages 1-4, CPFT (BSY) B.C.A – Examiner

07967 670792 sarah@amareece.co.uk www.amareece.co.uk East Surrey Dance, RAD Ballet, Tap, Modern & DDMIX classes, from 5yrs, 01737 764668 Evolution Dance Academy, ballet, street, musical theatre, Lingfield, 2yrs+, 07709 348723 Expressions, lets children build confidence in friendly classes, Redhill/ Reigate, 07866 109327 Feetbeats, ballet, tap, modern, musical theatre, street dance, Tadworth, 2½yrs+, 07725 323786 Footsteps Dance and Musical Theatre, tap, ballet, modern, Redhill YMCA, 2½yrs+, 07889 877127 FREE TRIAL at Showtime Performing Arts, Oxted, Sunday, 10.00am-1.00pm,  01732 430300 Gatton Community Theatre, Gatton Park, 7yrs+, 01737 832757 Glow Theatre Group, discover the fun of performance, Caterham, 8-18yrs, 07813 916105 Godstone Dance Academy, RAD ballet classes, IDTA tap, free jazz, 2½yrs+, 07985 124067 Helen O’Grady Children’s Drama Academy, Banstead and Reigate, 5yrs+, 020 8667 9812 Inception Dance, fun, lively ballet and dance classes, Oxted, Limpsfield, 2yrs+, 07920 181454 Inspire Academy of Dance, Dorking, Horley and Redhill, 2yrs+, 07783 138348 Italia Conti, Reigate School, 2½-18yrs, 07841 144071 Judith Essex School of Dancing, Oxted and Hurst Green, 18mths+, 01342 837454 Junior WODS, pantomimes and musicals, Woodmansterne, 10yrs+, 01737 200073 Katie Cox Dance Studio, Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Modern, Musical Theatre, Acro, 3yrs+,  07887 578958 Keady Academy, Irish dancing, Redhill, 4yrs+, 07793 436430 Kicks Dance, fun, stress-free classes, Redhill/Reigate, 18mths-11yrs, 07954 785064 Laird Academy of Dance, Ballet, Tap, Modern, Drama, Banstead, Tadworth, 2½yrs+, 07816 008969 Lewiston School of Dance, ballet, modern, jazz, St Francis Horley, 3yrs+, 01903 756346 Maureen Brown School of Dance, Caterham, 3yrs+, 01883 348196 Mindful Surrey, fun drama workshops, learning about staying calm, Reigate area, 07366 333273

N-Vision Dance Schools, freestyle, street, show etc, Merstham/Dorking, 2½yrs+, 07887 930131 Orbitshed, inclusive theatre workshops, Reigate/Banstead, Tues, term-time, 4yrs+, 07961 948804 Oxted Reel Club, Scottish Country Dancing Club, 14yrs+, 01732 866557 Oxted Young Persons Theatre, confidence-boosting workshops, 10-16yrs, 07900 223646 Oxted Young Persons Theatre, Oxted Library, 11-19yrs, 07900 223646 Perform, drama, dance and singing, Caterham, Oxted, Reigate, 4 -7yrs and 7-12yrs, 020 7255 9120 Phoenix Creative Arts, ballet, street, drama, musical theatre, Dorking, 3yrs+, 07814 998212 Production Bugs, acting, singing, dancing, RH2, RH4 and RH5, 2½yrs+, 07786 061057 PSDS, after-school drama club, St Matthews Church, Redhill, 4yrs+, 07940 432053 Rachael Reynolds School of Dance, dance and musical theatre, Caterham, 4-18yrs+, 07878 161246 Redhill, YMCA East Surrey, Ballet & Musical Theatre Courses, 3-16yrs+, 01737 779979 Reigate Dance Centre, fun Commercial Dance classes, 18mths+, 01737 247795 Reigate Dance Studio, ballet, modern, street, musical theatre, 2yrs+, 07730 284343 Reigate School of Ballet, Ballet/Dance specialists, from 2½yrs+, 3 free trials, 01737 247795 Shooting Stars Performing Arts, Redhill area, all ages, 07572 490865 Silver Ribbons Ballet School, ballet, tap, funky modern and more, Horley, 2½yrs+, 01403 243057 SSPA, Musical Theatre Classes in new studio in Horley, 3yrs+, 07805 306529 Stage Kings, Fun-filled DRAMA and THEATRE arts classes for 3-13 years, Tadworth, 07513 956373 Stagecoach Performing Arts classes, Hillcroft Primary, Caterham, Sat am, 4-16yrs, 0345 078 0805 Stagecoach Performing Arts, Sundays, Hazelwood School, Oxted, 4-6yrs and 6-18yrs, 01883 708158 Stagecoach Theatre Arts, Beacon School, Banstead, 6-18yrs, 01372 730363 Stagecoach Theatre Arts, Reigate and Dorking, 4-6yrs and 6-18yrs, 0800 007 5482 Stagecoach Theatre Arts, Salfords Primary School, RH1 5BQ, 4-6yrs and 6-18yrs, 0800 007 5482 Stagecoach Theatre Arts, Sing, dance, act, Coulsdon, Fri/Sat, 4-18yrs+, 0345 078 0805 Star Dance Academy, Street hip hop break dance, Warlingham, Reigate, Oxted 3yrs+, 07522 935240 Star Steppers Caterham, fun, active, dance, singing drama classes, 3yrs+, 07810 808228 Star Steppers Horley, fun, active, dance, singing drama classes, 3yrs+, 07810 808228 Star Steppers Reigate, fun, active, dance, singing drama classes, 3yrs+, 07810 808228 Starlight Performing Arts, leading singing, drama, dancing classes 3 free trials, 01737 247795

Reigate • Redhill • Horley • Oxted • Caterham • Banstead • Dorking • Warlingham • Lingfield • Godstone

A-Z for 5 to 18 Years • Martial Arts & Self Defence Starmakerz, musical theatre, ballet, tap and more, Oxted School, 3-18yrs, 07771 595171 Street Dance, YMCA East Surrey, Redhill, Mondays, 5-6pm, 5-11 yrs, 01737 779979 Street Dance, YMCA Sovereign Centre, Reigate, Tuesdays 5-6pm, 5-11yrs, 01737 222859 Surrey Academy of Ballet & Performing Arts, Dorking, 3-18yrs, 07941 008321 Surrey Hills Dance Centre, Ballroom, Latin American, Dorking, 5-16yrs, 01306 883808 The Hawthorns School of Dance, ballet, tap, modern and more, Horley, 2yrs+, 01883 743377 The Phillomena Dance School, various dance styles, Banstead and Tadworth, 2½yrs+, 07597 388489 Top Hat Stage & Screen School, Lower Kingswood, Banstead, 4-17yrs, 01737 831184 Whiteside’s School of Dance, ISTD ballet, street+, Smallfield and Horley, 3yrs+, 01293 454542 Young Oxted Players, Barn Theatre, Oxted, 8yrs+, 01342 893217 Zapphire School of Dance, Earlswood, Redhill, Horley, 2-16yrs, 07880 735838

Martial Arts & Self Defence

Athena Martial Arts in Horley and Reigate, 4yrs+, 07801 442730 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Kickboxing classes for all ages in Reigate town centre, 01737 223339 Caterham TAGB Tae Kwon Do Club, Tuesday, de Stafford School, 6yrs+, 07981 244551 Children’s Aikido with Darren, Reigate, 5-15yrs, 01737 222400 Dorking Sports Centre, martial arts classes, 01306 870180 Ellis Academy of Self Defence, GJJ and Yong-gi-musul, Redhill, 3yrs+, 01737 761999 Fortitude Academy, Taekwon-Do, Caterham, Limpsfield, Oxted and Redhill, 3yrs+, 0870 166 2568 Kickboxkarate Martial Arts, first lesson free, Dorking area, 4yrs+, book now! 07941 838668 Living Well TKD, learn self-defence, self-discipline and make friends, 5yrs+, 07973 366253 Low Fu Kung Fu and Kickboxing, Horley Leisure Centre, Thurs, 4.45-5.45pm, 6yrs+, 07790 760990 Meadvale Karate, Mondays and Wednesdays, 5yrs+ to adult, 07954 563271 Mountain Warriors, Salfords, Redhill, Horley, 4yrs+, 07742 056154 Nutfield Judo Club, juniors from 5yrs, intermediates/seniors, Friday 5.30-9.30pm, 07919 821970 Peak Performance Martial Arts and Fitness, Horley, 4yrs+, 07590 559421 Sama Karate, Kung Fu and Kick-Boxing, Redhill, Reigate, Caterham, Dorking, 4yrs+, 01903 412671 Surrey Hills Aikido Club, the thinking person’s martial arts club, 15yrs+, 01306 711745 Surrey Taekwondo, Dorking Sports Centre, Mondays and Thursdays, 07818 224532 Tae kwon-do lessons, YMCA East Surrey, Tues and Suns, 6yrs+, 07990 751578 The Fight Sanctuary, kick-boxing, free trial class, Nutfield, 4yrs+, 07958 123837 Vision Taekwon-Do classes, self-confidence, awareness, fitness, Redhill, 3yrs+, 07746 533214

Nutfield Judo Club Weekly Judo sessions on Friday evenings

Swim School Weekly Lessons and Holiday Crash Courses Croydon • Wallington• Warlingham •Purley t: 01424 852935 • m:07949 184463 m:07568 561830 e:info@swimwelluk.com


• 5 to 7 years: 5.30pm to 6.30pm • 8 to 15 years: 6.40pm to 7.50pm • 16 years and older: 8.00pm to 9.30pm To find out more or for 2-week free trial period please contact: nutfieldjudoclub@gmail.com or search Nutfield Judo Club on Facebook

Are Are you you and and your your children children safe safe in in the the water? water? Quality swimming classes in small groups at Downsend School, Ashtead and at Epsom College

Swimming & Pool Sports

AB Swim School, Rookie Lifesaving, Reigate and Dorking, 3yrs+, 07411 122103 Acey Swim School, fun classes, Woldingham School, Monday 4.30-6.30pm, 3yrs+, 07716 263636 Aqua Skills Swim School, Warlingham School, 4yrs+, 020 8651 2140 AQUARIUS SWIMMING, lessons in Warlingham, Oxted, Caterham, Hurst Green, 07736 251800 Aquasafe Swim School, lessons for all ages and abilities, RAA School, Reigate, 07734 671181 Aquatots, Aqua Natal Classes, many venues in East Surrey, ring for details, 020 8688 6488 Aquatots, Caterham, Oxted, Woldingham and Whyteleafe, 10wks-6yrs,  020 8688 6488 Aquatots, Dorking, Horley, Redhill and Reigate, 10wks-6yrs, 020 8688 6488 Box Hill Swim Team and Academy, St Teresa’s, Dorking, 3yrs+, 07813 355525 Caterham School Sports Centre, lessons on Mon, Thurs and Sun, 3yrs+, open to all, 01883 335078 de Stafford Sports Centre, Caterham, swimming lessons for all ages 5yrs+, 01883 716717 option 2 Dorking Life Saving Club, Dorking Sports Centre, Tues 7.30pm, 13yrs+, 07745 111752 Dorking Snorkelling Club, Dorking Pool, Sun am, term-time, 8yrs+ and parents, 07941 984227 Dorking Sports Centre, pool inflatables, Saturdays 3-4pm, 01306 870180 Dorking Sports Centre, swimming lessons and courses for all age ranges, 01306 870180 Dorking Swimming Club, a friendly family club, 4yrs to teens, 01306 885371 Group swimming lessons, de Stafford Sports Centre, Caterham, 5yrs+ 01883 716717 option 2 Horley Swimming Club, Tues 7-9 pm, Horley Leisure Centre, 5yrs+, 01293 737008 JG Swimming, Tadworth, daily lessons including weekends, 4yrs+, 01737 812470 L&M Swimming Club, Caterham, Oxted and Woldingham, 3mths+, 01883 627668 Little Fishes, parent & baby/toddler & children 4ys+, Reigate, Oxted, Caterham, 07834 737211 Marlin Swimming Club, Donyngs, Mondays, 7-9pm, 7-18yrs+, 01737 400162 PoolSchools, Reigate and Oxted, 2½yrs+, 0845 604 2476

Non-swimmers, improvers, advanced... or just to keep fit! Classes for children from 21/2 years. Book a class NOW and improve your swimming – a set of swimming lessons from COliN Bull is all that it takes.

For more, ring now on 01372 739600 or email colin@cbswimming.co.uk

Rachel Wootton Swim School, Whyteleafe, beginners, 2½yrs+, 07956 165618 Redhill and Reigate Swimming Club, competitive swimming, visit website Seriously FUN Swimming School, Oxted, 3-12yrs, 01293 366016 Splash Swimming Club, lessons in warm private pool, Oxted, birth to adult, 01342 316232

Come and try a class FREE!

Superkids Swimming School, Warlingham School, non-swimmers to advanced, 4yrs+, 020 8651 2002 Surrey Swim School, Banstead and Reigate, babies to advanced, 01737 211160 Swimkidz, Oxted, Sunday classes, 3mths-10yrs, 07809 227637 Swimsense, small group swimming lessons for all abilities, Dorking, 3yrs+, 07971 915187

Please tell advertisers you found them in the ‘Grapevine’ or online at www.thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/east-surrey


Amazing Parties • Party Supplies • Out of Area Attractions Party Supplies

Water Babies, Reigate, Redhill, Caterham and Oxted, birth-4yrs, 01293 279229

Amazing Parties

Swimwell Swim School, Warlingham, Fridays, 2½yrs to adult, 07568 561830 Tandridge Leisure Centre, Oxted, Splash Dance Disco, term, Friday 7-9pm, 8-12yrs, 01883 716717 option 1 Tandridge Leisure Centre, Oxted, swimming lessons for all ages from 5mths+, 01883 716717 option 1


The Flipper Club at Brooklands and Dunottar Schools, Reigate, Mon-Fri, 2-16yrs, 07927 950841 The Hawthorns School Swim Club, qualified teachers, 3yrs+, 01883 743377 The Village Health Club, Caterham, swimming lessons for all ages from 5mths+, 01883 716717 option 3

Allsortsoffun, Pirate, Knight, Spy Party, Magic, Puppets, 07845 320001 Bouncy Rainbows, a wide range of party themes to choose from, 01293 888776 Crazy Beanz, children’s themed party entertainers, 07955 854881 Crime Scene Party be a detective, find the culprit, real police methods, 8-12yrs, 07768 433113 Dandelion and Clover Yoga, yoga and art parties with a theme of your choice, 07734 435708 Dazzle & Fizz Magical Bespoke Parties, speciality performers, all ages, 01483 849009 DNA Kids, a range of themed parties, across Surrey, 4-14yrs, 01245 401401 Face painting and glitter by Katie’s Festival Faces, all occasions, 3yrs+,  07850 337031 Fizz Pop Science, a science party to remember, East Surrey, 5-12yrs, 01293 855343 Force Academy Parties, Star Wars themed birthday parties, 6-8yrs, 07793 280378 Froggle Parties, science parties, bubble parties, clowns, discos, games/dancing, 020 8617 9070 Harlequin Theatre and Cinema, Redhill, 01737 276500 Little Party Pickles with choice of mascot, up to 12yrs, 07932 433885 Master Builder Parties, lots of LEGO, 6-9yrs, 07793 280378 Nutty’s Children’s Parties, adventure parties, drama workshops, discos and more, 07884 050954 Professor Chippy Wood, magic, Punch & Judy and balloon sculpture, 020 8669 9685 Professor Twist, bespoke balloon sculptor and magician, suitable for all ages, 07813 138788 Science Wizards, high-energy and hands-on science parties, 5-12yrs, 0845 652 1215 Sublime Science Parties, all across Surrey (Dragon’s Den winner!), 0845 508 5387 Super Hero Parties, themed parties for children aged 4-7yrs, 07793 280378 Take Shape Obstacle Course parties, outdoor fun, May to Oct, Bletchingley, 6yrs+, 07803 002236 Theo the Magician: interactive fun magic with games and plate spinning, 07711 724129

4 Ur Party, balloons, hire soft play, mascots, tables and chairs and covers, 07940 086426 Children’s party bag fillers, loot bags, stocking fillers, under 10yrs, 0844 884 4647 Fun4U Photobooth Hire, parties and events, 07941 663442 Gamewagon, junior game creators, something different for girls and boys, 0845 319 4263 GIANT LIGHT UP NUMBER hire for birthday parties, from £25, 01883 770666 Monkey Business, party shop, 51 Lesbourne Road, Reigate RH2 7JX, 01737 221081 Packaway Parties, cool themed kids party pack hire, one-stop party solutions, 07739 722482 Party Bits and Bobs, balloons, fancy dress and party supplies, Ockley, Dorking, 01306 743119 Party Parcels, balloon decorators and party supplies, Kingswood, 01737 832656 Partylily party boxes and accessories, everything for your themed party, 01306 731343 Putty Cakes Cake Shop, specialist sugarcraft retailer, Charlwood, 01293 863600 Revolution Recreation * Party tent and games hire * Reigate and Caterham areas, 01883 770666 The Little Things Party Bags & Sweet Cones party favours and more! East Surrey, 07824 773284

Out of Area Attractions Blacklands Farm, a multi-purpose outdoor activity centre, East Grinstead,  01342 810493 Bluebell Railway, preserved steam trains running through the heart of Sussex, 01825 720800 Bocketts Farm, a working family farm, beautiful site, indoor/outdoor play areas,  01372 363764 Chessington World of Adventures, 0871 663 4477 Chobham Adventure Farm, indoor play, outdoor play and animal farm, 01276 919212 Diggerland, ride real construction machinery, restrictions apply, Strood, Kent, 0871 227 7007 Drusillas Park, children’s zoo, a great family day out, Alfriston, 01323 874100 Fishers Farm Park, farm animals and adventure play, Wisborough Green, 01403 700063 Hobbledown Children’s Farm, Horton Lane, Epsom, 01372 848990 Knockhatch Adventure Park, fun for all the family whatever the weather, Hailsham, 01323 442051 Knockhatch Ski Centre, Ski & Snowboard Centre, Hailsham, 01323 843344 Knockhatch Ski Centre, Ski & Snowboard Centre, Hailsham, 01323 843344 Manic Monsters, children’s indoor soft play centre, Edenbridge, 01732 866115 Mill Cottage Farm Experience, hands-on experiences with friendly farm animals, 01420 86206 Tilgate Park and Nature Centre, lakes, gardens and extensive woodland to explore, 01293 438437 Tulleys Farm, fun family seasonal events, Crawley, 01342 718472

Reigate • Redhill • Horley • Oxted • Caterham • Banstead • Dorking • Warlingham • Lingfield • Godstone

Outdoor Venues to Visit in East Surrey

Animals and Nature Bocketts Farm Park: Young Street, Fetcham, Leatherhead KT22 9BS Bocketts Farm is a working family farm set in the beautiful Surrey countryside, with lots of animals to see and play areas inside and out, suitable for all weathers, open every day all year round from 10am to 5.30pm (except Christmas day, Boxing day and New Years day), 01372 363764 British Wildlife Centre: Eastbourne Road, Newchapel, Lingfield RH7 6LF With over 40 species of native wildlife, the Centre opens every Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays (excludes 21 to 26 December, also open daily during state school holidays), 01342 834658 Godstone Farm: Tilburstow Hill Road, Godstone, Surrey RH9 8LX Family farm, playgrounds, indoor playbarn, tractor rides, woodland maze and more. Open daily from 10am to 4.30pm in winter and until 5.30pm from Feb half term until October half term, 01883 742546.

Parks and Gardens Denbies Wine Estate: London Road, Dorking RH5 6AA For great family days out, see their website for activities including birds of prey demonstrations, arts and crafts, children’s theatre, animal encounters during the school holidays, 01306 876616 Gatton Park: (The Gatton Trust) Reigate, RH2 0TW Beautiful Capability Brown parkland with Edwardian gardens. Stretching across 260 acres, the estate lies within the Surrey Hills AONB. Discover the Japanese garden, rock garden and lakeside bird hide. The Wild Things Play Trail features play areas made from natural materials. Open Days are on the first Sunday of the month from February to October from 1pm to 5pm. In addition, there is a programme of special events, workshops and children’s activities. The Education Team have a range of activities for children including Little Seeds Forest Schools and Trails and Tales, 01737 649068 Hannah Peschar Sculpture Garden: Black & White Cottage, Stanton Lane, Ockley RH5 5QR Set in ten acres of secluded Surrey countryside and more reminiscent of a tropical rainforest than an English garden, over 150 sculptures in the garden, exotic large-leafed plants, a magical atmosphere surrounds the garden appealing to children and adults alike. Opening hours from April to October, Thursday to Saturday, 11am to 6pm, Sunday 2pm to 5pm, 01306 627269 Leith Hill Place: (National Trust), nr Coldharbour, Dorking RH5 6LU An atmospheric house with panoramic views across the Surrey countryside, Leith Hill Place was the childhood home of one of England’s greatest composers, Ralph Vaughan Williams. His grandparents, Josiah Wedgwood III and Caroline (née Darwin) moved here in 1847 and his great uncle, the famous naturalist Charles Darwin, conducted experiments in the grounds, open Friday to Sunday, March until November, 01306 711685

Polesden Lacey: (National Trust) Great Bookham, Dorking RH5 6BD Royal country retreat, offers an insight into the opulence of a classic Edwardian manor, set in 1,400 acres of grounds. Including gardens, woodland, meadow and wide open spaces for play and picnicking, The Squirrel’s Corner Adventure Playground has simple, natural style equipment suitable for most ages and abilities, 4 nature trails of varying length (pick up trail maps and other information at the big white tent in the Dairy Courtyard), binoculars offered on loan to use from the many bird hides and resting areas, May to September croquet (small charge), plus other activities during most school holidays. Opening 10am to 5pm with seasonal variations, be sure to check their website, 01372 452048


Open Spaces Box Hill: (National Trust), The Old Fort, Box Hill Road, Tadworth KT20 7LB The perfect place to discover a family walk and explore the Surrey Hills, forming part of the North Downs, views across the surrounding countryside, home to lots of wildlife and plants too, including the Adonis blue butterfly and bee orchid, download or collect one of our walks, see website for activities, 01306 885502 Earlswood Lakes and Common: Woodhatch Road, Reigate RH2 7QH The Common contains a variety of habitats including two large lakes, a number of smaller ponds, wetland corridors, scattered trees and woodland, 01737 276000 Holmwood Common: Blackbrook Road, Holmwood, Surrey, RH5 4NX Dappled woodland and sunny clearings making beautiful countryside for walking, horse riding and cycling. The common is fairly flat and ideal for families to explore, but it can be wet underfoot. The common is home to much of our well-known British wildlife. In the warmer months, dragonflies hover above the ponds and amphibians live in the dark pools, 01306 712711 Leith Hill Tower: (National Trust), near Coldharbour village, Dorking Explore the trails through woodland, heathland, and farmland before climbing to the top of the majestic Leith Hill Tower



There are lots of outdoor places in East Surrey which are gradually opening again to visitors, with social distancing measures in place. Please check for updates, opening times and to see whether you need to pre-book before travelling.


British Wildlife Centre Over 40 different native wild animal species l otters l wildcats l foxes l deer l owls l badgers l free-ranging red squirrels & many more

A real natural history experience!

Places to visit that may re-open over the Summer.

Museums Dorking Museum & Heritage Centre: 62 West Street, Dorking RH4 1BS With family events available, the museum opening times are Thursday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm, 01306 876591 East Surrey Museum: 1 Stafford Rd, Caterham CR3 6JG Hands on activities for all ages. Open Wednesdays and Thursdays, 10am to 5pm, and Saturdays 10.30am to 4pm, 01883 340275

Something Different Dorking South Street Caves: South Street, Dorking Cut out of pure sandstone dating as far back as medieval times, the caves descend to over 50 feet below busy South Street. Open days every last Saturday in the month, 01306 876591 Reigate Caves: Tunnel Road, off High Street, Reigate RH2 9AA Tours of Reigate’s historic underground heritage are available in the summer months. Check website for dates or email ReigateTours@wcms.org.uk

REOPENING FROM SUNDAY 5 JULY! All visits must be pre-booked online www.britishwildlifecentre.co.uk We look forward to seeing you!

We’re on the A22, Newchapel, nr Lingfield, Surrey RH7 6LF

01342 834658 www.britishwildlifecentre.co.uk

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