Mid Sussex Family Grapevine summer 2023

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A - Z of Sport & Leisure ● Baby Groups ● Education ● Holiday Schemes ● Helplines ● Parties ● and more... MID SUSSEX | July - October 2023 FREE! WIN Prizes From What's On Locally July - October The Essential Guide for Parents, Carers & Grandparents Supporting Local Businesses of ALL sizes Sheffield Park and Garden National Trust

Where Can I Find...?

You will find Seven fantastic competitions in the summer issue to win family day tickets to local attractions and events, a family weekend ticket to a local festival, swim lessons and a family theatre trip. We are increasingly using QR codes as the method of accessing the competition page, so let us know in the comments section of the entry form if you think this is a positive change, or if it makes it more difficult to enter the competitions. We regularly receive feedback from readers that they would like us to run more competitions, so I thought I would mention that there are often additional giveaways added to the website competition page:

thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/midsussex/competitions/ to win themed goody bags, hampers, family tickets to see new releases and more; so do keep an eye on the Mid Sussex Family Grapevine Facebook page for details of all new competitions as they are launched!

As always, many thanks go to all of the advertisers who have placed adverts in the Mid Sussex Family Grapevine summer 2023 issue. Please do let them know that you have seen their adverts in the Family Grapevine magazine. Take care everyone and have a fantastic summer and autumn 2023!


05 Crest Swim School - Half a term of swim lessons, Burgess Hill

06 Sheffield Park and Garden - Family day ticket, near Danehill

13 Wizard of Oz - Family theatre trip, The London Palladium

15 Autumn Show & Horse Trials - Family day ticket, Ardingly

16 Out of Bounds - Family ticket, Angmering

17 Loxwood Joust - Family ticket to the medieval festival, Billingshurst

19 Good Vibrations Society - Family weekend ticket, Ashdown Forest

Cover image: Amy & Parker at Sheffield Park

Greener Choices

Beading Brilliant, eco-conscious craft kits, plastic free packaging, beadingbrilliant.co.uk

Clough’s Deli, loose cupboard staples, liquid refills, organic fruit & vegetables, Lindfield, cloughsdeli.co.uk

Freecycle.org join your local online Freecycle group to offer & collect unwanted items locally & for free Lindfield Repair Cafe, 10am-1pm, 1st Sat of the month, Lindfield United Reformed Church, facebook.com/LindfieldRC

Morning Gorgeous, collection of skin & hair products made in the UK using natural ingredients, morning-gorgeous.co.uk info@morning-gorgeous.co.uk

Natural dog food & loose treats in paper packaging & dog toys & accessories, Haywards Heath, pawsontrack.co.uk (see advert)

Scrapless, plastic-free refills & ecohomewares, collection or home delivery, Martlets Square, Burgess Hill, scrapless.co.uk

The Seasons, household goods & organic & biodynamic foods, delivery available, Forest Row, seasonswholefoods.co.uk

Tracys Little Gift Shop, sustainable gifts, Mabel’s Emporium, Burgess Hill & Bella June Flowers, Hassocks High Street, facebook.com/tracysshop

Disclaimer: The Family Grapevine Mid Sussex is independently owned and part of The Family Grapevine Group operated by Grapevine Media Group Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form, or by any means, either wholly or in part, without the prior permission of the publisher. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of the material in this publication and to ensure the accuracy of its content, no warranty is given as to its correctness. All adverts are submitted and approved by the advertiser and this does not imply a recommendation or necessarily the views of the publisher. You should make your own enquiries and comparisons as with any other form of advertising. I accept no liability for loss, damage or difficulties resulting from contacts made through the directory, from errors or omissions, from claims made by advertisers, or from omissions or inaccuracies relating to an advertisement or other entry, regardless of how caused.

and Garden ©National Trust Images/Arnhel de Serra nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/sussex/sheffield-park-and-garden Local Events.......................................19 Parties................................................4 Places to Visit............................16 - 20 Pre-School Activities....................6 - 7 Pre-Schools...................................8 Puzzles............................................16 Swimming.........................................15 Toys, Books, Clothes & Gifts.......2 & 4 Tuition & Language classes.........10 A - Z of Sport & Leisure............12 - 15 Additional Needs.................................5 Advice & Support.................................4 Antenatal................................................ 5 Babies.................................................5 - 6 Businesses around Town..................2 Competitions...5, 6, 13, 15, 16, 17 & 19 Daycare Nurseries................................7 Holiday Schemes........................10 - 11 Independent Schools..............3, 8 - 10 Publication dates - 9,000 copies delivered across Mid Sussex In early March, late June and early November each year Copy deadlines 10th February | 10th June | 10th October Elizabeth Wickenden - Editor elizabeth@thefamilygrapevine.co.uk 01444 451 449 / 07786 244 698 www.thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/midsussex Mid Sussex Family Grapevine @midsussexfamilygrapevine Elizabeth Businesses
town www.thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/midsussex Scan to view full listings online To find out more call 01684 252757 or email hostfamilies@pippasguardians.co.uk Receive up to £520 per student for welcoming them into your family home for half term Host families needed for international students Scan me



Support Services

Popsteps dance, Zumba & pamper parties, popsteps.com

Swoove with Amy, tailored parties including dancing, singing, games, face painting & Swoove, 07803 610170, swoovefitness.com/ instructors/amy-stuttle


The Outdoors Project, Nerf, Minecraft, Harry Potter, bushcraft, fire lighting, den building, theoutdoorsproject.co.uk

Toys, Books, Clothes & Gifts

7 Pages UK, bilingual children’s books & world fiction in English for readers aged 8+, facebook.com/7pagesuk

Beading Brilliant, handmade craft kits, self contained, easy to follow, beadingbrilliant.co.uk

Ditchling Museum of Art + Craft gift shop, ditchlingmuseumartcraft.org.uk

Nibs and Scribbles, personalised children’s prints & bespoke gifts, facebook.com/nibsandscribbles

North Park Farm outdoor activity equipment, Albourne, northparkfarm.co.uk

Outdoor Adventure

Kit gifts, including bushcraft, navigation, den building, fire-lighting & whittling, Balcombe, wildkidscompany.com

PJ and the Hare, clothing, books & gifts for children, Cuckfield, facebook.com/pjandthehare

The Little Nappy Cake Shop, handmade baby nappy cakes & gifts, Burgess Hill, facebook.com/thelittlenappycakeshop

Tracys Little Gift Shop, gifts & treats, Mabel’s Emporium, Burgess Hill & Bella June Flowers, Hassocks High Street, facebook.com/tracysshop

Hall Hire

1st Lindfield Scout Hut, Eastern Road, lindfieldscouts.org/make-a-booking

Ashdown Forest Centre, rustic barn with basic kitchen, seats approx 40, conservators@ashdownforest.org

Borde Hill, hall with kitchen & large car park, Haywards Heath, bordehill.co.uk

Bramble Hall, seats max 60, hall with kitchen, balcombeparishcouncil.com

Cuckfield Village Hall, London Lane, cuckfield.gov.uk/hall-hire

East Court & Meridian Parish Halls, East Grinstead, eastgrinstead.gov.uk

Fairfield Community Centre, Burgess Hill, burgesshillyouth.org

Haywards Heath Methodist Church, Perrymount Road, haywardsheathmethodistchurch.co.uk

Hillians Bar & function room, Burgess Hill Town FC, bhtfc.co.uk/bar-hire

Horsted Keynes Village Hall, performances & parties for up to 100 people, horstedkeynesvillagehall@gmail.com

Hurstpierpoint Village Centre, Trinity Road, hurstpierpoint-pc.gov.uk/venues

Martindale Centre, Horsted Keynes, stgileschurchhorstedkeynes.org.uk/ information/martindale-centre.html

Methodist Church, Gloucester Road, Burgess Hill, csua.org.uk/ burgesshillmethodistchurch.htm

Parish Room, seats 40, hall & kitchen, balcombeparishcouncil.com

Queen’s Hall, High Street, Cuckfield, cuckfield.gov.uk/hall-hire/queens-hall

Scaynes Hill Millennium Village Centre, Lewes Road, scayneshillcentre.org

Scout Hall, up to 40 children, Franklands Village, Haywards Heath, 07739 902181

St Andrew’s Church Halls, Burgess Hill, 01444 232337

St Richard’s Church Hall, Sydney Road, Haywards Heath, strichards.co.uk

The Henfield Hall, henfieldhall.co.uk

The King’s Centre, 33-35 Victoria Road, Burgess Hill, tkc.org.uk/venuehire

The Old School, Church Street, Cuckfield, oldschoolcuckfield.co.uk

The Yews Community Centre, rooms with kitchen, garden & parking, Haywards Heath, facebook.com/theyewscentre

Victory Hall, seats max 180, balcombeparishcouncil.com

Wivelsfield Village Hall, Wivelsfield Green, wivelsfieldvillagehall.co.uk

Party Venues

Blackland Farm, wide range of outdoor activities, East Grinstead (see advert p18) girlguidingactivitycentres.org.uk/centre/ blackland-farm

Broadstone Warren Scout Site & Activity Centre, Forest Row, 01342 822573

Freedom Leisure Centre Hassocks, freedom-leisure.co.uk

JumpIn Inflatable Fun, fully catered parties for all ages, Burgess Hill, jumpinfun.co.uk

Latchetts Farm Creamery, children’s ice cream parties, Heaven Farm, Danehill, latchettsfarm.co.uk

Let The Dolphin Leisure Centre, Haywards Heath, organise your party, dolphin.placesleisure.org

Let the Kings Centre, East Grinstead organise your party, kings.placesleisure.org

Let The Triangle, Burgess Hill organise your party, triangle.placesleisure.org

Once Upon a Boutique, princess party packages, Burgess Hill, onceuponaboutique.co.uk

Out of Bounds, 0-12yrs, indoor & outdoor parties, Rustington, out-ofbounds.co.uk (see competition p16)

Sharky’s Soft Play Parties, henfieldleisurecentre.co.uk

Washbrooks Family Farm, Hurstpierpoint, washbrooks.co.uk

Party Entertainers

Allsortsoffun, Lego, scientist, pirate, knight, spy, magic, puppets, allsortsoffun.co.uk (see advert)

Beading Brilliant, crafty parties, beadingbrilliant.co.uk

Fun Pots paint at home parties, or parties in the studio, 4-12yrs, Haywards Heath, funpots.co.uk

Made & Making, sewing parties, 8yrs+, madeandmaking.co.uk

Music Bus Mid Sussex, 1-5yrs, singing, percussion, parachute play, puppets, games & fun, musicbus.com/mid-sussex

Nutritional Ninjas, fun themed cookery parties, 3yrs+, nutritionalninjas.co.uk

Poppy’s Parties, immersive, imaginative & fun, poppysparties.co.uk

Sounds Wicked Disco, karaoke, teen parties, smoke, bubbles, lightshow & lasers, sounds-wicked-disco.co.uk

TechZone, the ultimate gaming truck for kids to teens, ultimategamingparty.co.uk

Animal Parties

Animazing, parties, talks & displays with reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, owls & mammals, Reg: AW047, animazing.co.uk (see advert)

Deano’s Snake Shack, fun, educational animal & reptile handling, Reg: LN/201900514, Ditchling, themacsfarm. co.uk/deanos-snake-shack

Puppet Parties

Rust & Stardust, puppet parties with handmade entertainment, crafts, games, rustandstardustproductions.co.uk

Active Parties

Adam Virgo Academy, 4-12yrs, adamvirgoacademy.com

Clip ‘n’ Climb parties for up to 16 children, The Triangle, Burgess Hill, , triangle.placesleisure.org

Crest Swim School, 8yrs+, mermaid & shark parties & experiences, crestswimschool.co.uk

Debutots, drama & storytelling parties, 3-7yrs, Haywards Heath, debutots.co.uk

Get Your Skates On, private parties or at a public session, gysoleisure.co.uk

Go Wild, fun-filled outdoor birthday parties, 5yrs+, gowildworkshops.org

Hatt Adventures, outdoor adventure parties, thehatt.co.uk

Kicks Dance, themed dance parties for 3-11yrs, kicksdance.co.uk

Learn to Skateboard, parties & lessons, learntoskateboard.co.uk

Let’s Dance! 5yrs+, dance or cheerleading parties, Hassocks, letsdancehassocks.co.uk

Little Kickers Football Parties, 2-7yrs, littlekickers.co.uk

Nature Nurture Sussex, birthday parties in woodland settings, naturenurturesussex.com

Out of Bounds, 3yrs+, soft play, clip ‘n climb, bowling, laser tag, adventure nets, adventure golf, out-of-bounds.co.uk (see competition p16)

Poi Passion Circus Arts, circus skills workshops, performances & parties, poipassion.com

Tiny Tekkers, multisport parties 4-14yrs, tinytekkers.com

Party Supplies

Bintems Crazy Golf, handmade, portable, crazy golf holes to hire for special events, Burgess Hill, facebook.com/ bintemscrazygolf

Fete by Rachel, event designer for children’s parties, fetebyrachel.com

Freya’s Sleepovers, themed teepee & bed hire for sleepovers, facebook.com/ freyassleepovers

Izzy’s Party Shop, partyware, fancy dress, retro sweets, balloons, cake decorating, Haywards Heath, izzys-party-shop.com

Mid-Sussex Super Cream, electric ice cream van hire for special events, mid-sussexsupercream.co.uk

Popcorn & Pyjamas Parties, sleepover packages & tent hire, facebook.com/ PopcornandPyjamastentparties

The Dreamy Den Company, popup sleepover parties for 5-13yrs, dreamydens.com

Counselling & Emotional Support

Beacon House Therapeutic Services & Trauma Team, Cuckfield, beaconhouse.org.uk

Childline, help & support for under 19s, 0800 1111

Girls’ Net, online mentoring groups for girls 8-18yrs, girlsnet.org

Mid Sussex Family Hub, Penn Crescent, Haywards Heath, information, advice & guidance service, 01403 229900

Nicola Headley Birth Therapy, specialist support following a difficult birth experience, nicolaheadley.com

PANDAS support for pre & postnatal mental health issues & birth trauma, pandasfoundation.org.uk

Relate, help with parenting & family life, Haywards Heath, 01273 697997

Ruth Gregory Coaching, skills & tools for 13-18yrs to help face challenges with confidence, ruthgregorycoaching.co.uk

She Who Dares Shines, mind-body trauma healing, subconscious therapy for women & teen girls, facebook.com/ SheWhoDaresShines

Volunteer for Time 4 Children listening course, time4children.org.uk

Support Groups for Specific Conditions

Eczema Support Group, eczema.org

Group B Strep Support, information & support, gbss.org.uk

Mid Sussex Wellbeing, FREE local service to help families lead healthy lifestyles, midsussex.westsussexwellbeing.org.uk

Support for sufferers of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & ME, remembercfs.org.uk

Time to Talk, NHS postnatal depression support group, 01403 620434

Women’s Aid information & support, womensaid.org.uk

4 www.thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/midsussex Talks, Displays & Birthday Parties featuring living Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians & Invertebrates FULLY INSURED AND DBS CHECKED Contact us on 077436 75253 animazing@btinternet.com www.animazing.co.uk FULLY INSURED & DBS CHECKED - LICENCE NUMBER AW047
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Fertility & Conception

Fountain Therapies, homeopathy can support you through all the stages of looking to start a family, fountaintherapies.co.uk

International College of Oriental Medicine Clinic, specialist acupuncture for fertility, East Grinstead, icomclinic.org

Nicola Headley Fertility Coach, specialist support for women & couples on their fertility journey, nicolaheadley.com

Rosie Weston Nutrition, specialising in preconception fertility & pregnancy care, East Grinstead, rosiewestonnutrition.co.uk

Sandy Christiansen Fertility Coach, providing expert IVF & fertility support, sandychristiansen.com

Midwives & Doulas

Angie Bowles, full care or single appointments, including complex pregnancy, fully insured for home birth, walkingwithyou.org.uk

Becky Warn, postnatal doula, practical, emotional & informational support, beckywarnpostnatal.co.uk

Emma Mills, private midwife for antenatal & postnatal care, oneoff appointments & packages, emmamillsmidwife.com

Lydia Retusch-Webb, Your Birth Choice, doula care, birth & postnatal, yourbirthchoice.co.uk

Sarah Syms, midwife & antenatal/ postnatal massage therapist, sootheababy.co.uk

Antenatal Classes & Support

ABumpsABaby antenatal classes with registered midwives, Burgess Hill & Haywards Heath, abumpsababy.com

Angie Bowles, midwife, antenatal appointments, home birth plans, NIPT (Harmony) & fetal rhesus tests, walkingwithyou.org.uk

Hypnotherapy Solutions Sussex, hypnobirthing classes, Haywards Heath, hypnotherapysolutionssussex.co.uk

Lushtums prepare for birth & baby courses, for a positive birth experience & transition into parenthood, lushtums.co.uk

Midwife-led pregnancy, fertility & gynaecology scanning, Haywards Heath, thescanningroom.co.uk

Reflexologist specialising in maternity support, mobile treatments, or at the Perrymount Clinic, Haywards Heath, Insta melissascrivensreflexology

The Wise Hippo Sussex, hypnobirthing with a practising midwife & qualified hypnotherapist, thewisehipposussex.co.uk

Antenatal & Postnatal Exercise

Bumps, Babies & Beyond

Personal Training, postnatal exercise classes, facebook.com/ bumpsbabiesandbeyondPT

Louise Cornish Fitness, 1-1 coaching for mums; regain pelvic floor confidence, build core strength & boost self-esteem, 07786 331402 louisecornishfitness.com

Lushtums pregnancy & mum & baby yoga, to prepare for birth, stay calm & fit & regain core strength, lushtums.co.uk

Mini Splashers, parent & baby swimming lessons in warm, private pool, East Grinstead, facebook.com/ minisplashersswimschool

Parent & baby circuits, Burgess Hill, triangle.placesleisure.org

Parent & baby group cycling & cicuits, dolphin.placesleisure.org

Pre & postnatal Pilates classes with a chartered physio, therapy-centre.net

Pre/postnatal personal trainer, 1-2-1 individual programmes, 07873 986625

Pregnancy & Mum & Baby Yoga, precious time to focus on you, Lindfield & Ardingly, yogawithalison.org

Pregnancy & postnatal massage, core & pelvic floor, diastasis, C-section recovery, musclebalancemassage.com

Prenatal & postnatal Aqua Yoga, stretch, strengthen & relax in warm pool, Hassocks, theblissfulgroup.co.uk

Ruth Polden, pre & postnatal yoga, Forest Row, ruthpolden.com

Sona Studio, barre & Pilates studio offering pre & postnatal classes, Lindfield, sonastudio.co.uk

Swoove with Esther, gentle, fun fitness classes where you sing along to the music, swoovefitness.com/instructors/ esther-featherstone

Complementary Therapy for Babies

Fountain Therapies, homeopathic remedies are safe & helpful for labour & the postnatal & formative years, fountaintherapies.co.uk

James Bibby & Associates, Registered Paediatric Osteopaths, jamesbibbyandassociates.com

Osteopath specialising in babies, Tracey Cambridge, sussex-cranial.co.uk

Sleeping Bunnies, sleep clinic & consultancy, sleeping-bunnies.co.uk

The Perrymount Clinic, mother & baby support clinic, cranial osteopathy, private midwife, theperrymount.com

Baby Equipment

Funmi, sustainable maternity, breastfeeding & feminine products, shopfunmi.com

Sweet Wrappers, baby sling library, carrying consultancy & postnatal doula services, sweetwrappers.co.uk

Baby Massage

Mynewbaby, online 1 2 1 or group sessions, Kings Weald, Burgess Hill, mynewbaby.uk

NCT baby massage 5 week course, discounts available, nct.org.uk/coursesworkshops/nct-baby-massage

Sootheababy, baby massage classes by midwife & certified instructor, sootheababy.co.uk

Tuesday’s Child Baby Massage & Yoga, Haywards Heath, 07918 817085, tuesdayschildbabymassageandyoga. co.uk

Bereaved Parents

Angie Bowles, private midwife, support at home or in hospital for pregnancy loss & in rainbow pregnancies, walkingwithyou.org.uk

Jigsaw South East, grief support for bereaved children & families, jigsawsoutheast.org.uk

Oscar’s Wish Foundation, providing support following the loss of a baby before, during, or shortly after birth, oscarswishfoundation.co.uk

You Raise Me Up, financial & emotional support for families who’ve lost a young adult, youraisemeup.co.uk

Wellness & Complementary Healthcare

Be You & Thrive, deep self coaching for women, mothers & girls, beyouthrive.com

WIN Swimming Lessons

with For your chance to win 7 weekly swimming lessons with Crest Swim School at their new location in Burgess Hill, starting in September 2023, enter your contact details & answer a simple question via the QR code:

T & C apply | One entry per household Closes 11/08/23 & two winners will be chosen at random

College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM), courses & training in natural therapies, East Grinstead, naturopathy-uk.com

Family Chiropractic Sussex, Old Station House, East Grinstead, familychiropractic.clinic

Fountain Therapies, homeopathy provides subtle, gentle help with seasonal ailments, with remedies tailored to your needs, fountaintherapies.co.uk

Helen’s Natural Treatments, holistic therapies, crystals tailored to your Chakra prescription + raw & tumbled crystals, facebook.com/ helensnaturaltreatments

Hypnotherapy Solutions

Sussex, Haywards Heath, hypnotherapysolutionssussex.co.uk ICOM, acupuncture, massage, psychotherapy & counselling, low cost student clinic, East Grinstead, icomclinic.org

Nimbus Clinics, chiropractic care for babies & women during & after pregnancy, nimbusclinics.com

Physio Therapy Centre, Haywards Heath & Burgess Hill, therapy-centre.net

Singing Mamas Choir, friendly informal choir group for mums; babies & children welcome, Forest Row, singingmamaschoir.com

Singing Mamas for ALL women (children welcome), Friday am, Wivelsfield Green, singingmamaschoir.com

Additional Needs

Albion in the Community SEND Football Club, 6yrs+ Burgess Hill, albioninthecommunity.org.uk

Aspens, high quality care & support for individuals on the autism spectrum & with learning disabilities, aspens.org.uk

Auditory Verbal UK, helping deaf babies & children communicate, avuk.org

AutismClub, printed tops for those with autism & their families, supporting the Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity, autismclub.co.uk

Bluebird Community Transport, ctsussex.org.uk/our-charities/bluebirdcommunity-partnership

Burgess Hill Library, multi-sensory Story magic SEND, 2.30-3.15, 2nd Sat of the month, westsussex.gov.uk

Chailey Heritage School, nursery age19yrs, chf.org.uk/school.html

Disability Access East Grinstead Area, facebook.com/www.egaccess.co.uk

Gateway Club, for older teenagers & adults with a learning difficulty, East Grinstead & Burgess Hill, FB Mid Sussex Mencap Gateway Club

Haywards Heath Library, multi-sensory Story magic SEND, 2.30-3.15, last Sat of the month, westsussex.gov.uk

Jigsaw Occupational Therapy, assessment & sensory integration therapy centre for children & young people, jigsaw-ot.co.uk

Kangaroos charity for children & young adults with learning disabilities, Haywards Heath, kangaroos.org.uk

London Dyslexia Network, assessment, tuition, advice, South East area, londondyslexianetwork.org

Out of Bounds, 4yrs+, bowling, Clip ‘n Climb, soft play, adventure golf, Rustington, out-of-bounds.co.uk (see competition p16)

Riding for the Disabled, South East Region, rda-southeastregion.org.uk Seahorses Swimming Club, teens upwards, The Dolphin, Haywards Heath, facebook.com/seahorsesswimclub SEN swim lessons, Saturday am, Burgess Hill, triangle.placesleisure.org

SEND Forest School for all ages up to teen, East Grinstead, naturenurturesussex.com

SEND Information, Advice & Support Service, facebook.com/WSSENDIAS

Signposts drop in centre for anyone with learning difficulties, Burgess Hill, signpostsmidsussex.org.uk

The Disabilities Trust, Burgess Hill, thedtgroup.org

Windmills Opportunity Playgroup, Maple Drive, Burgess Hill, windmillsplaygroup.co.uk

Woodlands Meed, for children 4-19yrs with multiple learning difficulties, Burgess Hill, woodlandsmeed.co.uk

With many thanks to Rhiannon Amy Park who drew most of the brilliant seasonal images

5 To advertise please email elizabeth@thefamilygrapevine.co.uk or call 07786 244 698 Antenatal • Babies • Wellbeing • Additional Needs • Competition!

Baby Groups

Toddler Timetable

Toddlers Tuesday am

Active Bounce & Play, 0-4yrs, East Grinstead, kings.placesleisure.org

Active Play & Bounce, 0-4yrs, Haywards Heath, dolphin.placesleisure.org

Active Play & Bounce, 0-4yrs, Burgess Hill, triangle.placesleisure.org

Baby College, family group 0-3yrs, 10.3011.15, infants group 0-9mths, 11.3012.15, Mabels, Burgess Hill, babycollege.co.uk

Monday - Friday


Kings Church, Burgess Hill with cafe & play area

07505 021453

Café, play area & free parking at The King's Centre in Burgess Hill 07505 021453



Baby & Toddler Groups

Baby Sensory, 0-13mths, East Grinstead, babysensory.com/tunbridgewells

Baby Sensory, baby development classes, The Old School, Cuckfield, babysensory.com

Little Footsteps, non-mobile babies, term time, pre-booking essential, The King’s Church, Victoria Road, Burgess Hill, little.footsteps@tkc.org.uk

Music Bus, 4mths-4yrs, music & play, Haywards Heath, Cuckfield & Ardingly, musicbus.com/mid-sussex

Toddler Sense, 13mths-4yrs, East Grinstead, toddlersense.com/ tunbridgewells

Signing for Babies & Toddlers

Sing & Sign East Grinstead, learn baby sign language through song & communicate with your babies & toddlers, singandsign.co.uk

Sing & Sign, Haywards Heath, Bolnore Village & Burgess Hill, singandsign.co.uk

Toddlers Monday am

Active Play & Bounce, 0-4yrs, Haywards Heath dolphin.placesleisure.org

Burgess Hill Library, Rhyme time, 0-4yrs, 10-10.30 & 11-11.30, westsussex.gov.uk

Cuckoos Toddler Group, 0-3yrs, Mondays 9.30-11am term time, The Old School, Cuckfield, 07379 661653 East Grinstead Library, Rhyme time, under 5s, 10-10.30 & 11-11.30, westsussex.gov.uk

Little Stars, 10-11.30, Jubilee Community Centre, East Grinstead, jcceg.co.uk Music Bus, 4mths-4yrs, music & play at St. Francis Social Club, Haywards Heath, musicbus.com/mid-sussex

Noah’s Ark, mobile babies/pre-schoolers, term time, pre-booking essential, The King’s Church, Burgess Hill, noahs.ark@tkc.org.uk

Okey Cokey Toddler Group, 1011.30 term time, United Reformed Church, All Saints, Burgess Hill, allsaintsburgesshillurc.org/youth

The Sanctuary, 9.30-11.30, term time, Hurstpierpoint Village Centre, facebook.com/TheSanctuaryaplacetobe

Whoosh Messy Play sessions for parent & child, 9.30-10.30am, Haywards Heath, whooshlearning.co.uk

Toddlers Monday pm

Balcombe & Lindfield Dance School, 2-4½yrs, Balcombe, facebook.com/ BalcombeandLindfieldDanceSchool (see advert p13)

Sunbeams, 1.15-2.45, Cants Lane, Burgess Hill, standrewsbh.org.uk

Core Confidence Group Programme (babies & toddlers welcome) 10-11am, Hickmans Lane Rec Ground, Lindfield, 07786 331402 louisecornishfitness.com

Fairfield Toddler Group, 9.30-11.30, Cuckfield Road, Hurst, just drop in Family Fun, 9.30-11.30 term time, Welcome Cafe, Trinity Methodist Church, Lingfield Road, East Grinstead, trinitymethodist.org.uk

Hassocks Library, Rhyme time, under 5s, 9.30-10am, westsussex.gov.uk

Haywards Heath Library, under 5s, Rhyme Time, 9.45-10.15 & 11-11.30, westsussex.gov.uk

Melodymakers, 10am, Cants Lane, Burgess Hill, standrewsbh.org.uk

Mini Notes, The Jubilee Centre, East Grinstead, mininotes.co.uk

Music Bugs & Baby Bugs, Mabel’s Emporium, Burgess Hill, kelly@musicbugs.co.uk

Parent & Toddler Club, 10-11.30, term time, Haywards Heath Methodist Church, Perrymount Road, just drop in, haywardsheathmethodistchurch.co.uk

Stepping Stones, 0-3yrs, 10-11.30, Lindfield United Reformed Church, lindfieldurc.org.uk

Tiny Treehoppers parent & toddler group, 9.30-11, under 5s, East Grinstead, treehoppersfk.com

West End Wigglers, toddler group 10.30am & baby group 11.30am, St Francis of Assisi, Hassocks, westendwigglers.com

Toddlers Wednesday am

Burgess Hill Library, Storytime, under 6s, 10.30-11, westsussex.gov.uk

CBC Toddlers, 9.30-11.15 term time, Cuckfield Baptist Church, Polestub Lane, cuckfieldbaptistchurch.com/toddlers

First Steps Toddler Group, 9.30-11 term time, above Handcross Hardware, 01444 400212

First Steps, babies & toddlers, 9.3011.30 term time, Martindale Centre, Horsted Keynes, 01825 790467 Hurstpierpoint Library, rhyme time, under 5s, 9.30-10 & 10.15-10.45, westsussex.gov.uk

Little Fish Toddler Group 10.15-11.30, 0-3yrs, Gateway Baptist Church, Burgess Hill, gatewaybaptist.org.uk

LullaBaby ULH, sensory classes from 2mths-2yrs, Wivelsfield Village Hall, lullababy.co.uk/uckfield-lewes-andhaywards-heath

Mini Notes, The Jubilee Centre, East Grinstead, mininotes.co.uk

Music Bus, 4mths-4yrs, music & play at The Old School, Cuckfield, musicbus.com/mid-sussex

Noah’s Ark, 10-11.30, term time, The Tiger, Lindfield, allsaintslindfield.org

Paint & Play, under 5s, Burgess Hill, triangle.placesleisure.org

Scallywags, 0-3yrs, 9.30-11.15am, United Reformed Church Hall, Hassocks, hassocks-urc-church.org.uk

St Paul’s Baby & Toddler Group, 9.1511.15, St Paul’s Church, Hazelgrove Road, Haywards Heath, 01444 473940

Tea & Toys, 10-11.30, St Swithun’s Church Hall, East Grinstead, swithun.co.uk

Whoosh Messy Play sessions for parent & child, 9.30-10.30am, Haywards Heath, whooshlearning.co.uk

Toddlers Wednesday pm

Balcombe & Lindfield Dance School, 2-4½yrs, Lindfield, facebook.com/ BalcombeandLindfieldDanceSchool (see advert p13)

Toddlers Thursday am

Active Play & Bounce, 0-4yrs, East Grinstead, kings.placesleisure.org

Active Play & Bounce, 0-4yrs, Haywards Heath, dolphin.placesleisure.org

Angels & Urchins, term time, St Peter’s Centre, ardinglychurch.org.uk/news/ angels-and-urchins

Baby Drop In, 0-6mths, 10 -11am, Haywards Heath Baptist Church, trudy@hhbchurch.org.uk

Balcombe Baby & Toddler Group, 9.3011.30 term time, Bramble Hall, Balcombe, just drop in East Grinstead Library, Rhyme time, 0-4yrs, 10-10.30, westsussex.gov.uk

Henfield Library, Rhyme time, 0-4yrs, 10.15-10.45, westsussex.gov.uk

Music Bus, 4mths-4yrs, music & play at The Yews, Haywards Heath, musicbus.com/mid-sussex

Tots, babies & toddlers, 10-11.30 term time, Christ Church, New England Rd, Haywards Heath, cchh.org.uk/families

West End Wigglers, baby group 9.30am & 11.30am & toddler group 10.30am, Presentation Church, Haywards Heath, westendwigglers.com

Toddlers Thursday pm

Balcombe & Lindfield Dance School, 2-4½yrs, Lindfield, facebook.com/ BalcombeandLindfieldDanceSchool (see advert p13)

Bumps, Babies & Toddlers, 1-2.30, St Francis Church Hall, Hassocks, claytonwithkeymer.org.uk

Cygnets, for rising 5s, 12.30-2.30 in June, West Hoathly Village Hall, whpsadmissions@gmail.com

Lunch Bunch, 12-2pm term time drop-in lunchtime club, Wivelsfield Church Hall, 01444 233937

Toddlers Friday am

Active Play & Bounce, 0-4yrs, Burgess Hill, triangle.placesleisure.org

Burgess Hill Library, Rhyme time, 0-4yrs, 9.45-10.15 & 11-11.30, westsussex.gov.uk

East Grinstead Library, Toddler time, 0-4yrs, 10-10.30, westsussex.gov.uk

Explore! Baby & Toddler Group, 10-11.30 term time, Centre Church, Leylands Rd, Burgess Hill, centrechurch.uk/explore

Family Focus, 9.30-12 term time, Welcome Cafe, Trinity Methodist Church, Lingfield Road, East Grinstead, trinitymethodist.org.uk

Little Fishes, 9.30-11, St Peter’s Church, Henfield, henfield.org

Little Pelicans Toddler Group, 9.3010.30, term time, Ardingly College, info.ardingly.com/Toddlergroup

Mini Notes, The Jubilee Centre, East Grinstead, mininotes.co.uk Music Bus, 4mths-4yrs, music & play at Hapstead Hall, Ardingly, musicbus.com/mid-sussex

Orion Babies, films for parents & babies, Burgess Hill, orioncinema.com

Rise Gymnastics, toddler & pre-school, Haywards Heath, dolphin.placesleisure.org

Saplings Baby & Toddler Group, 9.3011, upstairs at The Woodside, Bolnore, facebook.com/BolnoreVillageSaplings

The Baby Station, 0-18mths, 10-12, United Reformed Church Hall, Hassocks, hassocks-urc-church.org.uk

Tiny Treehoppers parent & toddler group, 9.15-10.30, under 5s, Borde Hill, Haywards Heath, treehoppersfk.com

Toddler Club at Great Walstead School, free entry, 10-11am term time, Lindfield, 01444 483528, greatwalstead.co.uk (see advert p10)

Tootsie Time, 9.30-11 term time, West Hoathly Village Hall, westhoathlypreschool.org

Tots Club, 9.30-11.30am, term time 0-3yrs, Evangelical Free Church Hall, Lindfield, lefc.co.uk

West End Wigglers, baby group 10am & toddler group 11am, Mabel’s Emporium, Burgess Hill, westendwigglers.com

Toddlers Friday pm

Mini Notes, The Jubilee Centre, East Grinstead, mininotes.co.uk

Toddlers Saturday am

East Grinstead Library, Storytime, 3-6yrs, 11-11.30, westsussex.gov.uk

Haywards Heath Library, Storytime, under 7s, 10-10.30, westsussex.gov.uk

Saturday Tots, babies & toddlers, 10-11am, monthly, term time, Christ Church, New England Rd, Haywards Heath, cchh.org.uk/saturdaytots

Toddlers Sunday am

Sparklers, pre-schoolers, 10.15-11.30, Jubilee Community Centre, East Grinstead, jcceg.co.uk/0-18s/ages-0-4

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Pre-School Dance, Drama & Music

Balcombe & Lindfield Dance School, ballet, tap & modern dance classes, 2yrs+, facebook.com/ BalcombeandLindfieldDanceSchool

(see advert p13)

BPM Dance Academy, 3-4yrs, urban hip hop, street dance & contemporary classes, bpmdanceacademy.co.uk

(see advert p13)

Drusilla Duffill Theatre School, 3yrs+, ballet, modern theatre, tap, jazz, performance, Burgess Hill, drusilladuffilltheatreschool.co.uk

(see advert p12)

Gielgud Academy of Performing Arts, ballet, modern, tap, singing & drama, gielgudacademy.co.uk (see advert p12)

Hartbeeps, from birth, Haywards Heath, hartbeeps.com/east-surrey-west-sussex

Hayley Beeson School of Dance, 3yrs+, ballet, contemporary, street, commercial, musical theatre jazz, stretch & flex, hbdance.co.uk

Kicks Dance classes from 18mths, East Grinstead, kicksdance.co.uk

Kindermusik by Jan, 0-7yrs, classes

Monday - Friday, King’s Church, Burgess Hill, kindermusikbyjan.co.uk (see advert)

Limepalm Little Limes, pre-school drama club, 3yrs+, Lindfield & Haywards Heath, limepalmproductions.com

Little Let’s Dance! 6mths-3yrs, Hassocks, letsdancehassocks.co.uk

Mini Notes, musical fun to encourage development for 0-5yrs, siblings very welcome. Taster sessions available, mininotes.co.uk

Music Bus, 4mths-4yrs, music & play, Haywards Heath, Cuckfield & Ardingly, musicbus.com/mid-sussex

Turning Pointe School of Dance, ‘Tiny Turners’ creative dance from 18mths, ballet from 2½yrs & tap & modern from 4yrs, turningpointedanceschool.co.uk

VBDance, pre-school ballet, 2-4yrs, Burgess Hill, vbdance.com

Walkhouse School of Dance, 2 ½-4yrs, pre-school ballet for girls & boys, walkhousedance.com (see advert p12)

West End Wigglers, babies & toddlers, Hassocks, Haywards Heath & Burgess Hill, westendwigglers.com

Pre-School Sport & Gym

Charlotte Yoga, pre-school yoga classes, charlotteyoga.co.uk

Hurstpierpoint Pre-School Gymnastics, Village Centre, hurstpierpointgym.co.uk

Little Kickers, fun football training, Burgess Hill & Haywards Heath, littlekickers.co.uk

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Mini Splashers, baby & toddler swimming lessons in warm, private pool, East Grinstead, facebook.com/ minisplashersswimschool

Out of Bounds, pre-school Clip ‘n Climb & soft play, Rustington, out-of-bounds. co.uk (see competition p16)

Rugbytots, Haywards Heath & East Grinstead, rugbytots.co.uk

Springfit FunFit gymnastics & trampoline, Jubilee Centre, East Grinstead, springfit.org

Swoove with Amy, streamed & on demand fitness classes for the whole family 1 hour (£6) or 20 min classes for 4-7yrs (£3), swoovefitness.com/ instructors/amy-stuttle 07803 610170 online.swoovefitness.com/amy

Tuesday’s Child Baby Massage & Yoga, Haywards Heath, 07918 817085, tuesdayschildbabymassageandyoga. co.uk

Wigglebums, Movement & Mindfulness, 18mths-4yrs, yoga-inspired storytelling & sensory play, wigglebums.uk

Pre-School Other Groups

Debutots, storytelling & dramatic play classes for 0-7yrs, debutots.co.uk

Doddle Pony Walks, 4yrs & under, Three Greys Riding School, Pyecombe, 3greys.ecpro.co.uk

Les Bidous, 0-5yrs, Ashenground Centre, Haywards Heath, lesfranglophones.co.uk

Mum Child & Free, joins single mothers together, FB @mumchildandfree

Daycare Nurseries

Acorns Nursery & Forest School, Denmans Lane, Lindfield, theacornsnurseryandforestschool.com

All Kids Ltd, 0-5yrs, East Grinstead, allkidsltd.co.uk

Apple Tree Montessori Forest School, Clayton, Hassocks, appletreenurseryschools.co.uk

Ardingly College Nursery, 2yrs+ rising 4’s taught by a qualified teacher, info. ardingly.com/Nursery

Bright Horizons Lavender Lodge, 0-5yrs, Burgess Hill, brighthorizons.co.uk

Bright Horizons Rosebud, 0-5yrs, Lower Church Rd, Burgess Hill, brighthorizons.co.uk

Bright Horizons Tudor House, 0-5yrs, Burgess Hill, brighthorizons.co.uk

Bright Horizons, Grove Lodge, Burgess Hill, brighthorizons.co.uk

Burgess Hill Nursery, boys & girls, 2½4yrs, Keymer Road, burgesshillgirls.com/ nursery (see advert p3)

Busy Bees, East Grinstead, busybeeschildcare.co.uk

Busy Bees, Southdowns Park, Haywards Heath, busybeeschildcare.co.uk

Children’s House Montessori Nursery School, 6mths-5yrs, East Grinstead, childrenshousenursery.com (see advert)

Cranbrook Nursery, Buttercup Barn, Balcombe, cranbrooknursery.co.uk

Cumnor House Sussex, 2yrs+, Danehill, cumnor.co.uk

Elan Nursery, under 3s, Elan Pre-School, 3yrs+, Haywards Heath, elannursery.com

Erskine Day Nursery, 0-5yrs, Hurstpierpoint, erskinedaynursery.co.uk

Fledglings Nursery & Pre-School, East Grinstead, fledglingseastgrinstead.co.uk

Handcross Park Nursery School 2-4yrs, handcrossparkschool.co.uk (see advert p9)

Hassocks Happy Feet, 0-5yrs, Hassocks, erskinedaynursery.co.uk

Kiddi Caru Day Nursery & Preschool, Burgess Hill, grandiruk.com

Kiddie Capers Childcare, Scaynes Hill, Hurstpierpoint, Ardingly, Hassocks & Whitemans Green, kiddiecaperschildcare.co.uk

Little Explorers Nursery & Preschool, Burgess Hill, littleexplorersnurseryandpreschool.co.uk

Little Lambs Preschool, 3mths4yrs, Jubilee Centre, East Grinstead, littlelambscpn.co.uk

Mightysaurus Nursery, 6mths-5yrs, Burgess Hill, saurusnurseries.co.uk

Norto5 Kidz Academy, 2-5yrs, Cricket Pavilion, Cuckfield, norto5kidzacademy.com

Norto5 Kidz Academy, 2-5yrs, Cricket Pavilion, Lindfield, norto5kidzacademy.com

Oscar Bear Day Care, 0-5yrs, located between Albourne & Henfield, oscarbear.co.uk (see advert)

Perfect Start Children’s Day Nursery, 0-5yrs, Haywards Heath, perfectstartnurseries.co.uk

Primrose House Montessori, 0-5yrs, Haywards Heath, snowdrophousemontessorigroup.co.uk

Robins Nest Day Nursery, 3mths-5yrs, Haywards Heath, robins-nest-nursery.co.uk

Rose Cottage, Borde Hill, Haywards Heath, rosecottage-daynursery.co.uk

Snowdrop House Montessori, 0-5yrs, Haywards Heath, snowdrophousemontessorigroup.co.uk

Tiny Tigers Day Nursery, 3mths-5yrs, East Grinstead, tinytigers.co.uk

Toybox Day Nursery, East Grinstead, toyboxnursery.co.uk

Treetops Day Nursery, 0-5yrs, Franklands Village, Haywards Heath, treetops-day-nursery.co.uk (see advert)

Wendy House Nursery, 6mths-5yrs, Princess Royal Hospital, Haywards Heath, bsuh.nhs.uk/nurseries

Windmill Day Nursery, 3mths-4yrs, East Grinstead, windmilldaynursery.co.uk

7 To advertise please email elizabeth@thefamilygrapevine.co.uk or call 07786 244 698
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Pre-School Nurseries & Playgroups

Absolute Angels Pre-school, Mount Noddy Pavilion, East Grinstead, absoluteangelspre-school.yolasite.com

Albourne Under 5s, Village Hall, Albourne, albourneunder5s.com

Ardingly College Nursery, 2yrs+ rising 4’s taught by a qualified teacher, info.ardingly.com/Nursery

Ashdown Day Nursery, Forest Row, ashdowndaynursery.co.uk

Ashurst Wood Community Pre-School at Ashurst Wood Primary School, ashurstwoodpreschool.co.uk

Badgers Nursery School, Haywards Heath, badgersnursery.co.uk

Bolney Under Fives, pre-school & forest school, Rawson Hall, Bolney, supervisor61.wixsite.com/ bolneyunder5sgroup

Bolnore Village Pre-School, The Woodside, Bolnore Village, bolnorepreschool.co.uk

Cottis Pre-School, 2-5yrs, Cuckfield Road, Hurstpierpoint, cottispreschool.com

Cuckfield Preschool Playgroup, London Lane, Cuckfield, cuckfieldpreschool.co.uk


Brambletye, Lewes Road, Sussex www.brambletye.co.uk +44 (0) 1342 321004

Dicker House Nursery School, 2 ½-5yrs, Burgess Hill, dickerhouse.co.uk (see advert)

Dove Nursery, Henfield Cricket Pavilion, dovenursery.co.uk

Fish & Bricks pre-school, Station Road, Burgess Hill, fishandbricks.co.uk

Forest Row Community Pre-School, Hartfield Road, forestrowpreschool.co.uk

Hedgehogs Nursery School, Albemarle Centre, Haywards Heath, hedgehogsnurseryschool.co.uk

Honeybees Preschool, 2-5yrs, Plumpton Green, honeybeespreschool.co.uk (see advert)

Horsted Keynes Village Preschool, Ofsted Outstanding, 2-5yrs, small group, term time, Village Hall, horstedkeynespreschool.org.uk

Hurstpierpoint Pre-School, Village Centre, Hurstpierpoint, hurstpreschool.org.uk

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Registered Charity No: 1032597 Ofsted No: EY 443287

Little Owls Nursery at Handcross Primary School, handcrossprimary.uk/Nursery

Mayflower Playgroup, Christ Church, New England Rd, Haywards Heath, cchh.org.uk/mayflower

Next Step Nursery, Ofsted Outstanding Provider, The Old School, Cuckfield, nextstepnursery.com (see advert)

Paddington Pre-School, 2-5yrs, East Grinstead, paddingtonpreschools.co.uk

Platform 3 Playgroup, at Manor Field School, Burgess Hill, facebook.com/ platform3preschool (see advert)

St Andrew’s Pre-School, Cants Lane, Burgess Hill, standrewsps.co.uk

St Paul’s Pre-School, Hazelgrove Road, Haywards Heath, stpaulspreschoolhh.co.uk

St Peter’s Pre-School, 0-5yrs, Street Lane, Ardingly, st-peters-preschool-ardingly.org

Sunnyside Pre-School, East Grinstead, sunnysidepreschool.co.uk

The Good Start School, 2-5yrs, The Street, Poynings, goodstartschool.co.uk

The Lindfield Nursery, 2-4yrs, King Edward Hall, lindfieldnursery.co.uk

Tiger Cubs Pre-School, 2-5yrs, The Tiger Hall, Lindfield, tigercubslindfield.org

Treehoppers Forest Kindergarten, 2yrs+, Mon-Thurs, East Grinstead & Borde Hill, Haywards Heath, treehoppersfk.com

Warren Playgroup, Church Lane, Henfield, warrenplaygroup.home.blog

West Hoathly Pre-School, Village Hall, West Hoathly, westhoathlypreschool.org

Willow Tree Pre-School, Barn Cottage, Haywards Heath, 07861 612492

Windmills Opportunity Playgroup, Maple Drive, Burgess Hill, windmillsplaygroup.co.uk

Yarburgh Community Pre-School, 2-5yrs, East Grinstead, yarburghpreschool.com

Independent Schools

Ardingly College Pre-Prep, Reception, Prep & Senior School, ardingly.com

Brambletye School, 2-13yrs, East Grinstead, brambletye.co.uk (see advert)

Burgess Hill Girls, 2½-18yrs Keymer Road, Burgess Hill, burgesshillgirls.com (see advert p3)



Isabello’s Pre-School, 2-5yrs, Sayers Common, isabellos.co.uk

Jack & Jill Playgroup, Pavilion, London Road Recreation Ground, Hassocks, jackandjillplaygroup.co.uk

Jack & Jill Pre-school, Trinity Methodist Church, East Grinstead, jackandjill-preschool.co.uk

Little Chums Pre-School & Forest School, East Grinstead, littlechums.com

Cumnor House Sussex, 2-13yrs, Danehill, cumnor.co.uk

Great Walstead, 2½-13yrs, Lindfield, 01444 483528, greatwalstead.co.uk (see advert p10)

Greenfields Montessori nursery - 18yrs, Forest Row, greenfieldsschool.com

Handcross Park School 2-13yrs, handcrossparkschool.co.uk (see advert)

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All photos by: lauracullenphotography.co.uk

Pupils of all ages develop a scholarly ethos and a love of learning in wanting to find out as much as possible and to embrace new challenges

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Independent Schools


Hurst College, pre-prep & prep, 4-13yrs, senior & sixth form, 13-18yrs, Hurstpierpoint, hppc.co.uk

Michael Hall, a Steiner Waldorf School, 0-18yrs, Forest Row, michaelhall.co.uk

Trefoil Montessori School, 5-11yrs, East Grinstead, trefoilmontessori.co.uk


1-2-1 maths tutoring with qualified & practicing school teacher, all levels, 07970 974867

Discover and Be, tuition for Primary to A level in all academic subjects, discoverandbe.com

Anne Allott, maths tuition to GCSE, 07783 033634

Effective Education Centre, wide range of subjects, Monday-Saturday, East Grinstead, effectiveeducation.net

Fran Rabin, specialist SEN pupils & learning delay, reading, writing & GCSE maths, francoiserabin@gmail.com

Helen Hayes, speech & drama tutor, madaboutdrama.org

Janet Irwin, English, Maths, French & educational assessment, janetirwin.com

Katy Terry, experienced tutor, English, maths, phonics & reading tuition for 4-8yrs, katylouiseterry@hotmail.com

Ken Stafford, experienced maths tutor, 07763 838690

Kumon Centre, English & maths, Burgess Hill, kumon.co.uk

Marianne Sawford, Maths & English tutor for Key Stages 1-3 & GCSE, TheLearningGroove.co.uk (see advert)

Mary Mathai, English tutor, face to face or online, englishtuitionsussex.co.uk

Marianne Sawford

Maths & English Tuition

Key Stages 1, 2, 3 & GCSE 07986 851539

marianne.sawford@hotmail.com www.TheLearningGroove.co.uk

Maths Tuition KS1-GCSE, Niki Lancaster, 07540 263410

Maths tuition online, 11-16yrs, catch up & GCSE revision, mathsathome-online.co.uk

Ruby Cooper, experienced English/ literacy tutor, online or in-person tutoring, I come to you, 07446 882325

Sheila Clarke, Cert SpLD (Dyslexia)

Maths or English tuition KS2 & KS3, 01444 450136

Sussex Tuition Centre, all subjects & all exams, online or face to face, Haywards Heath & East Grinstead,, sussextuitioncentre.co.uk

Teaching at Home, qualified primary school teachers providing remote lessons, teachingathome.co.uk

The Art Shed, art tuition for GCSE & A level, Lindfield, theartshed.co.uk

Wendy Florence Murray, speech & drama tuition, 01444 456208

Language Classes

Acorns French Club, 2-11yrs, Lindfield, janetirwin.com

Bonina Moran, Portuguese tutor, portugueselessonsonline.co.uk

English Language College, 1-2-1, group or online lessons, East Grinstead, gelc.org.uk

English lessons for individuals or groups, Forest Row, sussexschoolofenglish.com English lessons for non-native speakers, online or face to face, call Mrs Horsfall, 01444 450199

Franglophones weekly French classes for French speaking children, Haywards Heath, lesfranglophones.co.uk

Gloria Sandoval, qualified native Spanish teacher, all levels, online or face to face, facebook.com/spanishtuitionwithgloria

La Jolie Ronde, Spanish language classes for 3-12yrs, lajolieronde.co.uk (see advert)

Out of School Clubs

Haywards Heath Library, board & card games, Mon 2-4pm, westsussex.gov.uk

Henfield Leisure Centre, breakfast & after school clubs, henfieldleisurecentre.co.uk

Inkpots creative writing workshops, 10yrs+, inkpots.org

Little Lambs Preschool, 5yrs+ Jubilee Centre, East Grinstead, littlelambscpn.co.uk

Made & Making after school sewing club, 8yrs+, madeandmaking.co.uk

Messy Church, accompanied under 14s, monthly Friday 4-6pm, Lindfield United Reformed Church, lindfieldurc.org.uk

Mini Athletics, athletics for walking to 7yrs, East Grinstead, miniathletics.com

Out of Bounds, 4-15yrs, Clip ‘n Climb, Rustington, out-of-bounds.co.uk (see competition p16)

Pioneer Childcare, breakfast & after school clubs, Haywards Heath, Lindfield & Burgess Hill, pioneerchildcare.co.uk

Tiny Tekkers, multisport classes for all ages & abilities, tinytekkers.com

Wallabies breakfast & after school club, Rawson Hall, Bolney, supervisor61. wixsite.com/bolneyunder5sgroup

Yellow Brick Lab, weekly STEM, LEGO® Robotics & Coding workshops, The Dolphin, Haywards Heath, yellowbricklab.co.uk

Holiday Schemes & Activities

Act Too, workshops, Haywards Heath, acttooacademy.co.uk

Adam Virgo Academy, football camps, 5-12yrs, Hassocks, Burgess Hill & Henfield, adamvirgoacademy.com

Advantage Over, tennis camps, all abilities, East Grinstead, advantageovertennis.com

All Kids Ltd, 5-11yrs, East Grinstead, allkidsltd.co.uk

Ardingly Active, theme weeks, sport & swim school activities, Ardingly College, info.ardingly.com/activecamps

Balcombe & Lindfield Dance School, dance camps, facebook.com/ BalcombeandLindfieldDanceSchool (see advert p13)

Children’s House Montessori Nursery, kids' club, East Grinstead, childrenshousenursery.com (see advert p7)

Crest Swim School, 4yrs+, group & private intensive sessions, Lindfield, crestswimschool.co.uk (see advert)

Family Yoga Camp, 24-30 July, Forest Row, yogapushpanjali@gmail.com

Football Fun Factory, sport meets inflatables, Haywards Heath, thefootballfunfactory.co.uk

Go Wild, den building, archery, Nerf, bushcraft, survival skills & more, 5-12yrs, Haywards Heath, gowildworkshops.org

Hatt Adventures, outdoor adventure holiday clubs, thehatt.co.uk

Hayley Beeson School of Dance summer school, 4-18yrs, 14-18 August, Turners Hill, hbdance.co.uk

Henfield Leisure Centre, kids club, henfieldleisurecentre.co.uk

Holiday Day Camps, East Grinstead, , kings.placesleisure.org Haywards Heath, dolphin.placesleisure.org Burgess Hill, , triangle.placesleisure.org

Hurstpierpoint Lawn Tennis Club, coaching camps, clubspark.lta.org.uk/ hurstpierpointlawntennisclub

Isobel Roope, children’s ceramic workshops, Easter, half term & summer holidays, Lindfield, isobelroope.com

(see advert)

JK Theatre Arts summer workshops, Burgess Hill, jktheatrearts.com

Kudize Club, all day club for 4-11yrs, Hassocks, kudizeclubltd.com

Lindfield Lawn Tennis Club, summer camps 5-14yrs, lindfieldtennisclub.co.uk

Little Lambs Preschool, 5yrs+ Jubilee Centre, East Grinstead, littlelambscpn.co.uk

Made & Making sewing workshops, 8yrs+, madeandmaking.co.uk

Out of Bounds active kids' camps, all dates online, out-of-bounds.co.uk (see competition p16)

Pied Piper Activities, 4-12yrs, multi-activity holiday camps, piedpiperactivities.co.uk (see advert)

Pioneer Holiday Camps, 4-11yrs, Haywards Heath, Burgess Hill & East Grinstead, pioneerchildcare.co.uk

POINT4 performing arts workshops, 6yrs+, Hassocks, letsdancehassocks.co.uk

Pro Star Sports, Y1-9, Cuckfield, prostarsportscamps.weebly.com

Sally Turner Tennis, 4-15yrs, 24-28 July, Cuckfield, sally79turner@gmail.com

South Coast Sports, 7-13yrs, girls’ football, Haywards Heath, southcoastsports.org.uk

Stagecoach, performing arts workshops, Haywards Heath, stagecoach.co.uk

The Art Shed, art workshops for primary & secondary school children, Lindfield, theartshed.co.uk

The Only Camps, expert-led sports camps, 4-18yrs, Hurst College, theonlycamps.com

The Outdoors Project, 6-12yrs, theoutdoorsproject.co.uk

Tiny Tekkers, 5-14yrs, multisport camps, tinytekkers.com

To the Beat, dance workshop, 14th - 16th Aug, 9-3pm, Burgess Hill Methodist Church, tothebeat.co.uk

10 www.thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/midsussex
Independent Schools • Tuition • Languages • Out of School
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Holiday Schemes & Activities

Ceramics classes

Creative, fun 3 day classes for children wanting to get their hands on clay & learn new techniques

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Great Walstead, Lindfield isobelroope.com

Turning Pointe School of Dance summer school, dance fun for 4-18 year olds, 22nd-26th August, Plumpton Village Hall, office@turningpointedanceschool.co.uk

Ultimate Activity Camps, summer camps for 4-14yrs at Handcross Park School, ultimateactivity.co.uk (see advert)

VIM Holiday Clubs, 5-12yrs, Thursday & Friday, 13th July - 1st September, Henfield, vimcamps.com

Wallabies holiday club, Rawson Hall, Bolney, supervisor61.wixsite.com/ bolneyunder5sgroup

Wivelsfield Holiday Camps, 4-12yrs, cookery, outdoor adventures & sport, 24th Jul-18th August, Wivelsfield Primary School, bookwhen.com/ wivelsfieldsummercamp

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Drusilla Duffill Theatre School


Blackland Farm, Grinstead Lane, East Grinstead (see advert p18) girlguidingactivitycentres.org.uk/centre/ blackland-farm

Broadstone Warren Scout Site & Activity Centre, Forest Row, 01342 822573

Cuckfield Archers, inclusive archery club for 10yrs+, cuckfieldarchers.org.uk

Ditchling Archery Club, accompanied children 8yrs+, ditchlingac.org.uk

Arts & Crafts

Art Styles Academy, art classes with a difference, artstylesacademy.co.uk

Fun Pots, paint pottery in the studio, or at home, Haywards Heath, funpots.co.uk

Isobel Roope, children’s ceramic classes, Lindfield, isobelroope.com (see advert p11)


Burgess Hill Runners, bhrunners.co.uk

East Grinstead Athletics Club, Y4 & upwards, eg-ac.co.uk


Badminton, 5yrs+, Haywards Heath, dolphin.placesleisure.org

FastStep Badminton Academy, junior section, Haywards Heath, faststepbadminton.co.uk

Hassocks Badminton Club Under 18s, hassocksbadmintonclub.co.uk

Racket Pack junior badminton, Burgess Hill, triangle.placesleisure.org

Bikes & Cycling

Deers Leap Bikes, mountain bike hire & trails, East Grinstead, deersleap.co.uk

Hassocks Community Cycle Hire, mountain bike hire, Hassocks Station southbound side, hassockscommunitycyclehire.com


Forest Garden Shovelstrode, yurts & cabins, East Grinstead, forestgarden.info

The Mac’s Farm, family friendly campsite with fire pits, reptile shack, live music & regular family events, Ditchling, themacsfarm.co.uk

Cheerleading & Baton Twirling

Let’s Dance! cheerleading, Hassocks, letsdancehassocks.co.uk

Sussex Supremes Baton Twirlers, 4yrs+, facebook.com/supremestwirlers


Blackland Farm, rock climbing, boulder wall, zipwire & abseiling, East Grinstead (see advert p18), girlguidingactivitycentres.org.uk/centre/ blackland-farm

Broadstone Warren Scout Site & Activity Centre, climbing & abseiling, Forest Row, 01342 822573

High Places, 16 climbing walls, 4yrs+, Burgess Hill, triangle.placesleisure.org

Out of Bounds, 4yrs+, Clip ‘n Climb, Adventure Nets, Rustington, out-of-bounds.co.uk

(see competition p16)


Burgess Hill Cricket Club, Youth Academy, burgesshillcc.co.uk

Cuckfield Cricket Club, 5yrs+, cuckfieldcc.co.uk

Haywards Heath Cricket Club, juniors, haywardsheath.play-cricket.com

12 www.thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/midsussex Holiday Schemes • A - Z of Sport & Leisure: Archery - Cricket F R E E T R I A L C L A S S E S A g e 2 5 - A d u l t B a l l e t , M o d e r n , T a p , J a z z , C o n t e m p o r a r y , M u s i c a l T h e a t r e , L A M D A G r o u p D r a m a , L A M D A G r o u p S i n g i n g , A c r o b a t i c s , P i l a t e s , P r o g r e s s i n g B a l l e t T e c h n i q u e C L A S S E S A T C Y P R U S H A L L A N D T H E T R I A N G L E L E I S U R E C E N T R E B U R G E S S H I L L W W W . W A L K H O U S E D A N C E . C O M M I C H E L L E @ W A L K H O U S E D A N C E C O M M I C H E L L E W A L K H O U S E F I S T D
Suite F, KBF House, 55 Victoria Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 9LH 01444 232672 drusilladschool@btinternet.com • www.drusilladuffilltheatreschool.co.uk FREE TRIAL CLASS •Ballet •Modern •Tap •Jazz •Pre School Classes •Musical Theatre •Adult Classes •Examinations •Competitions •Acrobatic Arts •Fully equipped Pilates Studio Artistic Director: Drusilla Duffill DDE FISTD Examiner, RAD, RTS,
March 22 DDTS Ad A4.indd 1 28/03/2022 12:22
Adjudicator Principal: Vikki Harris DDE AISTD Polestar Pilates Equipment and Mat


Children from 2 - 18 years of age are offered a fun introduction to the world of dance. Students can enjoy performing at local events, join holiday Dance Camps & take

NATD Graded Exams & Theatrical Awards.

Ariel Company Theatre, Haywards Heath, Burgess Hill & East Grinstead, arielcompanytheatre.com

Aspirations School of Dance, Russian ballet, tap, acrobatic dance & musical theatre, Henfield, aspirations.dance

Balcombe & Lindfield Dance School, ballet, tap & modern dance classes, 2-18yrs, facebook.com/ BalcombeandLindfieldDanceSchool

(see advert)

Win a Family Theatre Trip to see The Wizard of Oz at The London Palladium

Follow the yellow brick road this summer to the iconic London Palladium for a spectacular new production of

THE WIZARD OF OZ, one of the world’s most beloved musicals.

Featuring the iconic original score from the Oscar-winning MGM film, including Over The Rainbow, Follow The Yellow Brick Road and We’re O To See The Wizard, with additional songs from Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. This spectacular production will be a magical experience for all the family.

Starring award-winning comedian and musical theatre star Jason Manford as The Cowardly Lion, Diversity star Ashley Banjo in his West End musical debut as The Tin Man, and London Palladium legend Gary Wilmot as The Wizard.

The Wizard of Oz will be at The London Palladium for a limited run from 23 June to 3 September, with tickets from just £20.

Book your tickets now at wizardofozmusical.com

Scan the QR code to enter to win tickets

T & C apply, one entry per person, prize to be taken on selected dates only, competition ends 19/07/23

Limepalm Drama Clubs, Reception year upwards, Lindfield & Haywards Heath, limepalmproductions.com

Live Wire School of Dance, 4½yrs-teens, disco, street, jazz, ballroom, latin & modern line, Burgess Hill & Cuckfield, livewireschoolofdance.co.uk

Walkhouse School of Dance, imperial classical ballet, modern theatre, tap & Pilates, Burgess Hill, walkhousedance.com (see advert)

Wendy Florence Murray, speech & drama tuition, 01444 456208


Adam Virgo Academy, 5-13yrs, Hassocks, Burgess Hill & Henfield, adamvirgoacademy.com





To find out more contact

Nikki Gower 01444 454684 / 07834 922 862 nikkigower@hotmail.co.uk www.facebook.com/ BalcombeandLindfieldDanceSchool

Henfield Cricket Club, Colts section, henfieldcricketclub.com

Horsted Keynes Cricket Club, juniors, hkcc.co.uk

Hurstpierpoint Cricket Club, juniors, hurstpierpoint.play- cricket.com

Keymer & Hassocks Cricket Club, juniors, keymer.play-cricket.com

Lindfield Cricket Club, Under 9s upwards, lindfield.play-cricket.com

Scaynes Hill Cricket Club, 5yrs+, scayneshill.play-cricket.com

St Andrews Cricket Club, juniors, Burgess Hill, standrews.play- cricket.com

St James’s Montefiore Cricket Club, 5yrs+, Hassocks, stjamescricket.com

Dance & Drama

Act Too Arts Academy, theatre arts training, Haywards Heath, acttooacademy.co.uk

BPM Dance Academy, urban hip hop, street dance, contemporary dance & Acro classes, bpmdanceacademy.co.uk

(see advert)

CC Dance, cheerleading, commercial, street & lyrical, Haywards Heath, cc-dance.co.uk

Drusilla Duffill Theatre School, 3-19yrs, ballet, modern theatre, tap, jazz, performance, Burgess Hill, drusilladuffilltheatreschool.co.uk

(see advert)

Gielgud Academy of Performing Arts, ballet, modern, tap, singing & drama, gielgudacademy.co.uk (see advert)

Hampton Ballet Academy, 4yrs+, Hurstpierpoint, hamptonballetacademy.co.uk

Hayley Beeson School of Dance, 3yrs+, ballet, contemporary, street, musical theatre jazz, Cuckfield, Bolnore & Haywards Heath, hbdance.co.uk

Hurst Players, 5yrs+, The Players Theatre, Hurstpierpoint, hurstplayers.org.uk

JK Theatre Arts, drama & theatre training, 4yrs+, Burgess Hill, jktheatrearts.com

Kicks Dance classes, from 18mths, East Grinstead, kicksdance.co.uk

Let’s Dance! ballet, tap & modern, Hassocks, letsdancehassocks.co.uk

Madaboutdrama, individual tuition, exams, vocal coach, acting, be heard, Burgess Hill, madaboutdrama.org

Perform, 4-7yrs, Haywards Heath, perform.org.uk

Sophie Eastwood Dance Academy, ballet, tap & modern, Forest Row, sophieeastwooddance.com

Stagecoach Theatre Arts School, East Grinstead, stagecoach.co.uk

Stagecoach Theatre Arts Schools, Haywards Heath, stagecoach.co.uk

Sussex Youth Ballet Company, dance productions for ballet students 10-18yrs, sussexyouthballetcompany.co.uk

Tanzen Academy, ISTD ballet, tap, modern, street jazz & musical theatre, Ardingly, facebook.com/tanzenacademy

The Perrymount Players, youth theatre group, Saturday afternoons, 9yrs+ Haywards Heath Methodist Church, 07824 439305

The Young Actors Group, professionally run, award winning acting group for 5-19yrs, theyoungactorsgroup.com

Turning Pointe School of Dance, ballet, tap, modern, contemporary & musical theatre, Haywards Heath & Lindfield, turningpointedanceschool.co.uk

VBDance, 2-18yrs, classical ballet, modern theatre, jazz, tap & acro, Burgess Hill & Hassocks, vbdance.com

Burgess Hill Town FC, juniors, bhtfcjuniors.co.uk

Cuckfield Cosmos FC, girls Under 6s & upwards, cuckfieldcosmosfc.co.uk

East Grinstead Town Football Club, Under 8s upwards, egtfc.co.uk

Forest Row Junior Football Club, Under 5s & upwards, frjfc.org.uk

Little Kickers, football training, Burgess Hill, Haywards Heath & East Grinstead, littlekickers.co.uk


Cuckfield Golf Centre, 5yrs+, cuckfieldgolf.co.uk

Haywards Heath Golf Club, juniors, haywardsheathgolfclub.co.uk

Lindfield Golf Club, East Mascalls Lane, juniors, lindfieldgolfclub.co.uk

Pyecombe Golf Club, Hassocks, juniors, pyecombegolfclub.com

Royal Ashdown Forest Golf Club, juniors, Forest Row, royalashdown.co.uk

Rustington Golf Centre, 4yrs+, golf & junior coaching, out-of-bounds.co.uk (see competition p16)

Gymnastics & Trampoline

Gymnastics & trampoline, 4yrs+, Burgess Hill, triangle.placesleisure.org

13 To advertise please email elizabeth@thefamilygrapevine.co.uk or call 07786 244 698 A - Z of Sport & Leisure: Dance - Gym | Competition! Academy STREET DANCE • CONTEMPORARY • ACRO
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Gymnastics & trampoline, 4yrs+, Haywards Heath, dolphin.placesleisure.org

Hurstpierpoint Gymnastics Club, 3-16yrs, Village Centre, hurstpierpointgym.co.uk

Rise Gymnastics 4yrs+ & trampoline 5yrs+, East Grinstead, kings.placesleisure.org

Springfit gymnastics & trampoline, 2yrs+, Jubilee Centre, East Grinstead, springfit.org

Stars Gym Club, Henfield, starsgymclub.co.uk

Sussex Springers Trampoline Club, Hassocks, gym-sussex.org.uk


Burgess Hill Hockey Club, junior section, burgesshillhockeyclub.com

East Grinstead Hockey Club Juniors, eghockey.co.uk

Horse Riding

All England Jumping Course, Hickstead, hickstead.co.uk

Chestnuts Riding School, Pyecombe, chestnutsridingschool.co.uk

Ponies-n-Kids, fun riding lessons 5yrs+, Henfield, facebook.com/poniesnkids

Porches Farm Stables, 7yrs+, Horsted Keynes, facebook.com/ porchesfarmstables

Three Greys Riding School, Pyecombe, 3greys.ecpro.co.uk

Tremaines Riding Stables, Horsted Keynes, tremainesriding.co.uk


QLeisure Kids Karting Club, London Road, Albourne, qleisure.co.uk

Martial Arts

Burgess Hill Taekwon-Do, martialarts-burgesshill.co.uk

Diddy Deshi traditional karate, 5-7yrs, ryushinkan.co.uk/karate-classes/diddydeshi

Fortitude Taekwondo, 3yrs+, Haywards Heath & East Grinstead, tkd4u.co.uk

Karl James Taekwondo, 3yrs+, East Grinstead, karljamestaekwondo.co.uk

Kinetics Fight Academy, mixed martial arts, 5yrs+, East Grinstead, kfagym.com

Matt Fiddes Martial Arts, learning martial arts, self defence, respect & discipline, Haywards Heath & East Grinstead, facebook.com/mrwain.mattfiddes

Mid Sussex Martial Arts School, juniors, msmas.org

Renshinkan Karate Do, Burgess Hill, Haywards Heath, Cuckfield, Danehill, Ditchling, Hassocks, Ardingly, Scaynes Hill, Turners Hill, renshinkankarate-england.org.uk

(see advert)

Sama Southeast, 4yrs+, karate & kickboxing, samasoutheast.co.uk

White Crane Academy, Haywards Heath, Bolnore & Lindfield, whitecraneacademy.com

Zanshin Wado-ryu Karate Club, 8yrs+, Burgess Hill, zanshinwado.co.uk

Music Groups

Burgess Hill Marching Youth, no prior experience necessary, bhmy.org

Keynotes Music, group piano lessons, facebook.com/KeyNotesHassocks

Music Shops, Choirs & Orchestras

All Saints Children’s Choir, Wednesday pm, Lindfield, allsaintslindfield.org

Forest Row Orchestra, welcoming new players, young & old. Grade 4 standard & above, 07525 127025

Rockability, musical instruments, South Road, Haywards Heath

Music Teachers

Discover and Be, music tuition in various instruments & vocal coaching, discoverandbe.com

Fully qualified & experienced piano teacher (BMus Hons, PGCE, MA, enhanced DBS), lessons for all ages, Burgess Hill, 07931 201553

Judith Rae, accredited Cellobabies teacher, beginner to advanced, all ages, jrae.m35@gmail.com

Miranda Davis, Suzuki violin & viola classes, 07913 084842 Rok Skool, tuition for beginners upwards, Haywards Heath, rokskool.co.uk

Simon Casciano, established piano tutor for all ages & all levels, also accompanies instrumentalists, Forest Row, 07816 113967 simon.casciano@gmail.com


CD Phoenix Netball Club Juniors, East Grinstead, cdphoenixsussex.co.uk

Woodside Netball Club, 7yrs+, training at the Triangle, Burgess Hill, facebook.com/WoodsideNC


Drusilla Duffill Theatre School, V Pilates Studio, Burgess Hill, drusilladuffilltheatreschool.co.uk (see advert p12)

Fisher Pilates, online classes, private appointments & classes in Haywards Heath, fisherpilates.com

Pilates Studio at the Physio Rooms, Haywards Heath, reab.co.uk

Sona Studio, Lindfield, sonastudio.co.uk

Roller Skates & Skateboards

Get Your Skates On, monthly discos at the skate arena, The Triangle, Burgess Hill, gysoleisure.co.uk

Mini Rippers coaching sessions, Hassocks, minirippers.co.uk

Roller Disco, East Grinstead, kings.placesleisure.org

Skateboarding lessons & parties, learntoskateboard.co.uk

Rugby & Mini Rugby

Burgess Hill RFC Youth, bhrfc.co.uk

East Grinstead RFC juniors, egrfc.com

Haywards Heath RFC Youth, hhrfc.co.uk

Rugbytots, Haywards Heath & East Grinstead, rugbytots.co.uk

Sussex Rugby Football, find your nearest club, facebook.com/SussexRFU

Sport & Fitness Centres

East Grinstead Sports Club, indoor & outdoor sports, egsc.org.uk

Freedom Leisure Centre, Hassocks, freedom-leisure.co.uk

Henfield Leisure Centre, Northcroft, henfieldleisurecentre.co.uk

Kings Centre, East Grinstead, pool, gym & classes, kings.placesleisure.org

Linear Health & Fitness, Borde Hill, Haywards Heath, linearfitness.com

The Dolphin, Haywards Heath, pool, gym & classes, dolphin.placesleisure.org

The Triangle Burgess Hill, pool, gym & classes, triangle.placesleisure.org


Squash, 4yrs+, Hayward Heath, dolphin.placesleisure.org

14 www.thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/midsussex A - Z of Sport & Leisure: Gymnastics - Squash Scan to view full listings online
Gymnastics & Trampoline


ADV Swim School, tuition for all ages & abilities, advswimschool.co.uk

Aqua-Artes Swim School, 1-1 & 2-1 swimming lessons, Lindfield, aqua-artes.com

Crest Swim School, swimming lessons from 4mths, mermaid & shark lessons, 4yrs+, crestswimschool.co.uk

(see competition p5)

Finns Swim School, swimming classes for all ages & abilities, Burgess Hill & Hurstpierpoint, finnsswimschool.co.uk

(see advert)

Flippers & Fins, swim lessons from birth, Hassocks & Hurstpierpoint, flippersandfinsclub.co.uk

Kids’ swim lessons in Lancing, only 6 per class, £58 per month, online booking, seriouslyfun.net (see advert)

Puddle Ducks, baby & pre-school lessons, East Grinstead & Hassocks, puddleducks.com

Simply Swim Sussex, term time swimming lessons for ages 4-14yrs, simplyswimsussex.com


Swim lessons for pre-school to teens, East Grinstead, kings.placesleisure.org

Swim lessons for pre-school to teens, Haywards Heath, dolphin.placesleisure.org

Swim lessons for pre-school to teens, Burgess Hill, triangle.placesleisure.org

Swimming lessons, 5mths+, Haywards Heath, stfrancispool.co.uk

Water Babies Brighton & Mid Sussex, 0-4½yrs, multi-award winning programme teaching water confidence, waterbabies.co.uk/classes


Advantage Over, 5yrs+, East Grinstead, advantageovertennis.com

Cuckfield Tennis Club, juniors, High Street, clubspark.lta.org.uk/


Horsted Keynes Tennis Club, coaching enquiries; rob@egtenniscoaching.com membership@hktc.co.uk

Hurstpierpoint Lawn Tennis Club, juniors, clubspark.lta.org.uk/ hurstpierpointlawntennisclub

Lindfield Lawn Tennis Club, juniors, lindfieldtennisclub.co.uk/juniors.html

The Weald Squash & Tennis Club, Under 18s, Hassocks, the-weald.co.uk

Uniformed Groups

Find local Scout Groups, scouts.org.uk

Local Rainbows, Brownies, Guides & Rangers, girlguiding.org.uk

Water Sports

Ardingly Activity Centre, Ardingly Reservoir, sailing, windsurfing, kayaking & paddle boarding, ardinglyactivitycentre.co.uk

Blackland Farm, canoes & kayaks, East Grinstead (see advert p18), girlguidingactivitycentres.org.uk/centre/ blackland-farm


Be Yoga, all abilities, Sussex Road, Haywards Heath, be-yoga.uk.com

Charlotte Yoga, pregnancy 1-2-1, mother & baby & pre-school yoga classes, charlotteyoga.co.uk

CJ Yoga, for all levels, online, studio & private classes, Hassocks, facebook.com/cjyoga7

Iyengar Yoga classes Forest Row & Horsted Keynes, sarahdelfasyoga.co.uk

Kate Anderson Yoga, private classes or group hatha yoga & vinyasa flow classes for all levels, kateandersonyoga.com

Myra Nicol Yoga, Burgess Hill & Hassocks, myranicol.com

Wigglebums, Movement & Mindfulness nursery, EY & KS1 stories & sensory play, KS2, rhymes & games, wigglebums.uk

Yoga Akasha, East Grinstead, yogaakasha.co.uk

Yoga With Alison, gentle yoga classes suitable for all, Ardingly, yogawithalison.org

Youth Clubs

Accelerate, Y6-8, The King’s Church, Burgess Hill, tkc.org.uk/kingsyouth

Bentswood Hub, Fridays: Bentswood Juniors (7-11yrs) 3:15pm-5:15pm, Bentswood Seniors (11yrs+) 6pm-8pm, Haywards Heath , just drop in Burgess Hill Youth, Y3-6 & Y7-11 Fairfield Community Centre, burgesshillyouth.org Fortify, Y7-13, Friday 7.30-9pm term time, Haywards Heath Baptist Church, hhbchurch.org.uk/youth

FX, Years 6-9, Weds, games, craft, fun & Bible teaching, Christ Church, New England Rd, Haywards Heath, 07950 604082

Ignite Kids Club, Reception-Year 6, craft, games, fun & stories, Tuesdays 5-6pm, Haywards Heath Baptist Church, trudy@hhbchurch.org.uk

Locus Youth Club, monthly, 11yrs+, Balcombe, achurchnearyou.com/ church/4767/service-and-events/ events/433688

Pulse, Y6-9, Lindfield United Reformed Church, lindfieldurc.org.uk

Rooted, Year 9-13, food, chat & Bible teaching, Christ Church, New England Rd, Haywards Heath, 07950 604082

The Escape Youth Club, Y7-11, Fridays 7-9pm, Cherry Tree Centre, Burgess Hill, theescapeyouthclub.com

The Rising, Y9-13, The King’s Church, Burgess Hill, tkc.org.uk/kingsyouth

TRAX 10-14yrs, 2nd Sunday of the month, St Swithun’s Church Hall, East Grinstead, swithun.co.uk

Youth Encounter, Y7-13, Thurs, term time, 7-9pm, St Andrew’s Church, Burgess Hill, standrewsbh.org.uk

YoYo, Years 3-5, games, craft, fun & Bible teaching, Christ Church, New England Rd, Haywards Heath, cchh.org.uk/ families

YoYo’s Youth Group, girls Y7 & above, 7.30pm, term time, Thursdays, handcrosshardwareandcraft.co.uk

Zig Zag, Reception to Y2, games, craft, fun & Bible teaching, Christ Church, New England Rd, Haywards Heath, cchh.org. uk/families

The Autumn Show & Game Fair & the South of England International Horse Trials are back together in Ardingly this year as one fantastic event.

For your chance of winning one of four Family Tickets, simply scan the QR code & follow the instructions:

15 To advertise please email elizabeth@thefamilygrapevine.co.uk or call 07786 244 698
- Z of Sport & Leisure: Swimming - Youth Clubs | Competition!
T & C apply - One entry per household - Closes 8th Sept 23
WINtickets! @midsussexfamilygrapevine

Places to Visit - Puzzle Time - Competition!

The Great Outdoors

Ardingly Reservoir West Sussex RH17 6SQ The Kingfisher Trail nature walk and limited cycling/horse riding. Ardingly Activity Centre water sports centre with pre-bookable activities such as sailing, windsurfing, kayaking, rowing and raft building.

Batchelor’s Field Recreation Ground Bolney RH17 5PE Tarmac pump track designed and built by the company who built the 2012 Olympic BMX Supercross track.

Borde Hill Garden Haywards Heath RH16 1XP With a 17-acre garden, outdoor adventure playground, zip wire, woodland walks, cafe, gift shop, plant sales and children’s holiday and Halloween activities. Open daily, generally 10am – 5pm and 10am – 6pm on weekends in July and August, woodland closes in mid September.

Burgess Hill BMX track RH15 8RW Opened in 2014 in Leylands Park, the track is the only one of its kind in Mid Sussex.

Chailey Common 450 acres of walks, horse riding and cycling on paths only, to protect the wildlife habitats and grazing livestock.

Coombes Farm near Lancing BN15 0RS. Maize Maze in August. Book online in advance for visits and group tours during the summer, open some Sundays and school holidays for individual bookings. See advert p19

Ditchling Common woodland and heathland walks across the 27 acre site and around a pond with ducks, geese and swans, picnic tables, free parking.

Godstone Farm Surrey RH9 8LX. Indoor and outdoor play areas, ‘The World of Dinosaur Roar’, soft play, ride-ons,

16 Many activities
Please refer to individual websites for further
Enter via thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/midsussex/competitions T & C apply. One entry per person. Closes 18th August 23

22nd July - 3rd September


go karts, trampolines, farm animals, petting zoo, pony and tractor rides.

See advert this page

Heaven Farm Furners Green, Uckfield TN22 3RG. 100acre farm on the Greenwich Meridian, with nature walks, wallabies, deer, tea room, indoor play barn, ice cream parlour, adventure golf and camping.

Knockhatch Adventure Park on A22 at Hailsham BN27 3GD – 01323 442051. Small animals and birds, year-round indoor soft play at Froggies and for older children at the Lost World, The Sherlock Holmes Experience immersive attraction, Dino Safari simulator ride, children’s farm, go karts, Dragon Castle, outdoor playgrounds, rides, jumping pillows, Wave Runner water slide and Pirates Cove paddling pool. Special features at Halloween and Christmas, open 10am – 5.30pm 361 days of the year.

Nymans House and Gardens (National Trust) Handcross, Haywards Heath RH17 6EB – 01444 405250 Metrobus 271 and 273. Natural play trail, lovely walks in the Millennium Wood, cafe, gift shop, second-hand bookshop and family programmes in school holidays. Gardens open daily all year. See website for opening times and dates for visiting the house. See advert back cover

Out of Bounds Golfers Lane, Angmering BN16 4NB 01903 788588. Family entertainment centre, Clip ‘n’ Climb, ten pin bowling, soft play, jumping pillows, adventure nets, laser tag and adventure golf, plus cafe. Open 7 days a week. See competition facing page

Skateboard and Scooter Parks at St John’s Park, Burgess

Hill; Victoria Park, Haywards Heath; Bolnore Village, Whitemans Green, Hassocks & Henfield

Sheffield Park and Garden (National Trust) TN22 3QX 01825 790231. Four lakes form the heart of the garden, with paths circulating through the glades and wooded areas surrounding them. Each owner has left their impression, which can still be seen today in the layout of the lakes, the construction of Pulham Falls, the planting of Palm Walk and the many different tree and shrub species from around the world. Parkland open daily dawn till dusk, the garden is open daily between 10am – 5pm. See competition p6 & advert back cover

Standen House and Garden (National Trust) West Hoathly Road, East Grinstead RH19 4NE – 01342 323029 Metrobus 84. Arts and Crafts family home with Morris and Co interiors, great views, children's play space and woodland walks. Open all year. See advert back cover

The Mac’s Farm Ditchling BN6 8TG. Working organic egg farm with family friendly campsite with fire pits, reptile rehoming centre, cocktail shack, PYO organic eggs & regular family music events.

Woods Mill Nature Reserve Henfield BN5 9SD 01273 492630. Headquarters of Sussex Wildlife Trust and an environmental education centre with pre-bookable regular and holiday activities. The 47-acre nature reserve provides a peaceful setting comprising coppice woodland, meadows and a reed-fringed lake. Open all year, except for two weeks at Christmas, admission free, donations very welcome, no dogs except assistance dogs.

17 Find more places to visit at www.thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/midsussex or scan the QR code
to Visit
Competition! Scan to view full listings online godstonefarm.co.uk
BOOK ON LIN E It’s all about Country this summer! Activities including shoot outs, line dancing, crafty cactuses, lasso lessons, horse shoe throwing, pony grooming plus all the usual farmyard fun!

We also do birthday parties!

Packages start at £18 per person!

If you’re looking for something just a little bit different for your child’s birthday, why not book an adventure party with us?

School holidays packed full of fun and adventure at Blackland Farm activity centre

School holidays can seem like a very long time for parents – and even children! Skoolz out at Blackland Farm activity centre is the perfect way for girls and boys (aged 8 – 16-years-old) to have fun, get outdoors and be adventurous this summer! We’ve got an action-packed program lined up - activities across the week may include zipwire, canoeing, abseiling, archery, climbing, bushcraft and many more. Overseen by our trained instructors, these activities will run come rain or shine.

Where is it?

Blackland Farm activity centre, Grinstead Lane, East Grinstead, Sussex RH19 4HP

How much does it cost?

£35 per child, per day.

When is it running?

Skoolz out is running everyday throughout the summer holidays; Monday 24 July to Friday 1 September.

Your child can attend the entire week or just days of your choice. The fun and exciting activities will be running from 9am – 5pm each day. For those parents that need it, we do offer an extended day with drop off from 8am and collection by 6pm, for no additional charge.

How do I book a place?

Go to girlguidingactivitycentres.org.uk and search ‘skoolz out’.

Alternatively, email blackland@girlguiding.org.uk or call 01342 810 493.

If you can’t make it this summer, Skoolz out will return on the following dates: October half-term: Monday 23 October to Friday 27 October

18 Many activities need pre-booking. Please refer to individual websites for further information.

Guide to What's On Locally - Competition!


Until Sunday 16th July

Waterlily Festival at Sheffield Park & Garden (advert back cover)

Until Friday 21st July

Mog's Remarkable Adventures at Nymans Handcross, daily 10am - 4.30pm (advert back cover)

Until Sunday 3rd September Wizard of Oz at the London Palladium (competition p13)

Saturday 1st July

Lindfield Repair Cafe 10-1pm United Reformed Church Hall

Saturday 8th July

Haywards Heath Craft & Gift Fair St Wilfrid's Church Hall, 2pm - 4.30pm

Sat 8th July - Sun 3rd Sept

Summer Holidays at Standen

East Grinstead, daily 10am4.30pm (advert back cover)

Fri 21st July - Fri 1st Sept

Tree Champion at Wakehurst Ardingly, children's trail, book at kew.org/wakehurst

Sat 22nd July - Sun 3rd Sept

Exotic Spots at Sheffield Park & Garden Family summer trail (competition p6 & advert back cover)

Sat 22nd July - Sun 3rd Sept

Summer Holidays at Nymans Handcross, daily 10am - 5pm (advert back cover)

Sat 22nd July - Sun

3rd Sept

Hay Down Hoe Down at Godstone Farm book at godstonefarm.co.uk (see advert p17)

Sat 22nd July - Sun 3rd Sept

The Band of Bears at Borde Hill summer trail, daily 10am5pm, book at bordehill.co.uk


Throughout August Maize Maze at Coombes

Farm Lancing, book at coombes.co.uk (see advert)

Tuesday 1st August

Children's Activities Day at East Grinstead Museum

10.30am - 3pm, no need to book (see advert)

Fri 4th - Sun 6th August

Good Vibrations Society

Family Festival in Ashdown Forest, book at goodvibrationssociety.com (see competition)

Saturday 5th August

Ardingly Summer Fest - The Big Family Day Out book at eventbrite.co.uk

Sat 5th - Sun 6th & Sat 12thSun 13th August

The Loxwood Joust

Medieval Festival, book at loxwoodjoust.co.uk

(see competition p17)

Friday 11th August

Bad Dad at Borde Hill outdoor theatre, 5.30pm, book at bordehill.co.uk

Tuesday 15th August

Children's Activities Day at East Grinstead Museum

10.30am - 3pm, no need to book (see advert)

Tuesday 29th August

Children's Activities Day at East Grinstead Museum

10.30am - 3pm, no need to book (see advert)


Saturday 2nd September

Lindfield Repair Cafe 10-1pm

United Reformed Church Hall

Fri 8th - Sun 10th September

Into the Trees Family Festival

in Ashdown Forest, book at into-the-trees.co.uk

Saturday 9th September

Haywards Heath Craft & Gift Fair St Wilfrid's Church Hall, 2pm - 4.30pm

Saturday 16th September

Handcross Park School

Open Morning, register at handcrossparkschool.co.uk (see advert p9)

Sat 23rd - Sun 24th Sept

Autumn Show & Horse Trials South of England Showground, Ardingly, seas.org.uk (competition p15)

Mon 25th Sept - Fri 6th Oct

Burgess Hill Girls Whole School Open Fortnight, book at burgesshillgirls.com (see advert p3)


Saturday 7th October

Lindfield Repair Cafe 10-1pm

United Reformed Church Hall

Tuesday 24th October

Children's Activities Day at

East Grinstead Museum

10.30am - 3pm, no need to book (see advert)

Later in 2023...

Sat 18th - Sun 19th Nov

Winter Fair South of England Showground, Ardingly, book at seas.org.uk

Thurs 23rd Nov - Mon 1st Jan

Glow Wild 10th Anniversary at Wakehurst Ardingly, winter lantern trail on selected evenings, book at kew.org/wakehurst

19 Find more places to visit at www.thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/midsussex or scan the QR code
Scan to view full events list online

Things to do this Summer & Autumn


Mog’s Remarkable Adventures

Sat 6 May – Fri 21 Jul, 10am–4.30pm, Normal admission

Join Mog the Forgetful Cat on her Remarkable Adventures at Nymans. Explore Mog’s world on this family trail around the garden.

Summer holidays at Nymans

Sat 22 Jul – Sun 3 Sept, 10am – 5pm, Normal admission

Active challenges and play points around the garden will keep the whole family occupied this summer. Try badminton and soft archery or have a go at the obstacle course.


Summer holidays at Standen

Sat 8 Jul – Sun 3 Sept, 10am–4.30pm, Normal admission, £3 trail. Become a Sketchbook Detective, try activities in the garden, enjoy getting creative in the woodland den and picnic on the lawns.

Mog: 1970 © copyright Kerr Kneale Productions Ltd,
7342_N&S_summer_grapevine_125x195_v2.indd 1 24/05/2023 12:17
Photo: © National Trust/Annapurna Mellor

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