Crawley and Horsham Family Grapevine spring 2023

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The Essential Guide for Parents, Carers & Grandparents CRAWLEY & HORSHAM | MARCH - JUNE 2023 What's On Local events March - June Sport & Leisure ● Baby Groups ● Education ● Parties ● Holiday Schemes ● Helplines ● and more... FREE! WIN Prizes From Supporting Local Businesses of ALL sizes

If it looks like a magazine, and the pages flip like a magazine, but it hasn't been birthed by a printing press, is it still a magazine...? If you have noticed that sometimes this edition is printed, and sometimes it's only available online, and you're wondering what's going on, the answer is twofold; first, it's 2023 - we need to move with the times, reduce paper waste, cut out delivery miles, appeal to the Tiktokers (research needed on that) and second, rather less prosaically, due to paper and fuel prices, it no longer makes commercial sense to print and deliver this edition. So, we are embracing a new way of doing things; there's no limit to the number of pages that can be included (and they don't have to be a multiple of 4), listings don't have to be cut down dramatically to fit, more editorial can be included, more puzzles, more competitions!

No, you can't roll it up to swat a mosquito, and Grannie probably prefers a printed version, but with an online-only version we can go for quality and quantity! Plus, keep an eye on for even more marvellous related content!

We have Six excellent Competitions in the spring issue. Make sure to get your entries in to all of the competitions, so that you have a chance of winning a Family Ticket to the following: Borde Hill Garden, The Loxwood Joust, Drusillas Park, Into the Trees, South of England Show and Godstone Farm.

As always, many thanks go to all of the advertisers who have placed adverts in the Crawley & Horsham Family Grapevine spring 2023 issue. Please do remember to let them know that you have seen their adverts in the Family Grapevine magazine. Take care everyone and have a fantastic spring and summer 2023!

07786 244 698 / 01444 451 449

Businesses around town

Where Can I Find...? Additional Needs..............................4 Advice & Support..............................4 Antenatal............................................4 Babies............................................4 - 6 Competitions.........2, 3, 6, 8, 10 & 15 Daycare Nurseries ............................9 Gifts & Toys.........................................2 Holiday Schemes............................11

Independent Schools....................10 Local Events......................................21 Martial Arts........................................13 Parties...............................................4 Places to Visit...........................14 - 22 Pre-schools.......................................9 Pre-School Activities.................6 & 8 Swimming........................................13 02 Borde Hill - Family ticket to the Easter trail, Haywards Heath 03 Loxwood Joust - Family ticket to the medieval festival, Billingshurst 06 Drusillas Park - Family ticket, Alfriston 08 Into the Trees - Family weekend ticket, Ashdown Forest 10 South of England Show - Family ticket to the June event, Ardingly 15 Godstone Farm - Family ticket for May half term, Surrey

many thanks to

Rhiannon Amy Park of Bibbliboo who drew the great seasonal images

FairKind Child, locally made toys, games & gifts Horsham,

Fiesta Tots, free delivery in Horsham,

Outdoor Adventure Kit gifts, including bushcraft, navigation, den building, fire-lighting & whittling, Balcombe,

Vacalola, shoes & clothing, Horsham,

Swimming is a fun and healthy year-round activity, and as the weather warms up, so does our appetite to go for a dip.

With these special shampoo bars, there are no worries about chlorine damaging

take a minute, be part of the solution tracys little gift shop tracys_little_gift_shop

hair or irritating skin. They’re quick to pack, smell delicious and the shape makes them easy to hold for all the family. Plastic free and vegan, the full range is available locally in Mabel’s Emporium Shampoo bars £3.75

And once the bluebells are over,

these eco candles can help to remind you of the season’s joys: Made from a coconut and rapeseed blend, the wax is truly sustainable, and all packaging is plastic free.

A selection of candles and wax melts can be found locally in Mabel’s Emporium and Bella June Flowers Eco candles £12.95 Wax melts £4.95

Available at Mabel’s Emporium, Burgess Hill or via Messenger: Tracyslittlegiftshop

Disclaimer: The Family Grapevine Crawley and Horsham is independently owned and part of The Family Grapevine Group operated by Grapevine Media Group Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form, or by any means, either wholly or in part, without the prior permission of the publisher. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of the material in this publication and to ensure the accuracy of its content, no warranty is given as to its correctness. All adverts are submitted and approved by the advertiser and this does not imply a recommendation or necessarily the views of the publisher. You should make your own enquiries and comparisons as with any other form of advertising. I accept no liability for loss, damage or difficulties resulting from contacts made through the directory, from errors or omissions, from claims made by advertisers, or from omissions or inaccuracies relating to an advertisement or other entry, regardless of how caused.

Cover image Matt Fiddes Sussex (advert p13) Elizabeth Crawley and Horsham
COMPETITIONS - win a Family Ticket to: Publication dates: Early March, July and November each year Copy deadlines 10th February | 10th June | 10th October
Toys, Books, Clothes & Gifts
With spring in the air, it will soon be bluebell season. Short and sweet, but just long enough for us all to enjoy a relaxing woodland walk.
Toy Barnhaus, Crawley,

Win1of2 FamilyTicketstoThe LoxwoodJoust!

The UK’s most spectacular immersive medieval & jousting festival, The Loxwood Joust, returns to create excitement & intrigue on the 5th, 6th, 12th & 13th August 2023. Be transported back to Medieval England as you interact with townsfolk & rub shoulders with royalty. Witness full-contact jousting & daring displays of weaponry, archery & cannon fire. Wander the Living History Village, visit the gruesome executioner, see the witches perform their incantations & feast in the banqueting hall.

Participate in a workshop activity, & let young princes & princesses revel in the Children’s Kingdom.

For your chance to win a family ticket to the Loxwood Joust tell us: In what time period is The Loxwood Joust set?

Enter via T & C apply. One entry per household, competition closes at midnight on Friday 16th June 2023

Advance tickets available at

The UK’s most spectacular immersive medieval and jousting festival, The Loxwood Joust, returns to create excitement and intrigue on the 5th, 6th, 12th and 13th August

The magical Kingdom of Loxwood will transport you back to Medieval England as you interact with townsfolk and peasants and rub shoulders with royalty. Witness full-contact jousting and daring displays of weaponry, archery and cannon fire, along with the impressive knight on knight combat waged in the quest for Regent. Building on fast-paced battles, and the challenges that have shaped the story’s gallant chivalry and mediaeval mayhem, visitors to the Joust will be immersed in the plot to decide who should be their King.

On entering the realm, guests will be met by colourful characters; each with a story to tell, rumours to spread, or a favour to ask. Accept the right invitations, choose a quest and become a citizen or ‘Squire of Loxwood’ on a unique day of adventure, intrigue, fun and merriment. Wander the Living History Village where mediaeval life plays out, visit the gruesome executioner, see falconry displays, the witches’ incantations and learn about the spirits of nature.

Dishes of the finest fayre will be adorning the banqueting hall, with jesters, storytellers, live music and riddlers to lead a merry dance and embroil you in gossip and laughter. Take your place at a workshop activity, and in the Children’s Kingdom, young princes and princesses can try have-a-go-archery, pelt-the-peasant, non-contact sword fighting and circus school, in addition to watching court jester shows and enjoying face and wound painting too.

The Loxwood Joust is excellently located just off the B2133 between Wisborough Green and Loxwood at The Loxwood Meadow, RH14 0AL and includes ample Free Parking.

Advance tickets now on sale; Adult £18 and Child £8 available at this price until 30th June

3 To advertise please email or call 07786 244 698
Festival • Competition!

Hall Hire

Beeding & Bramber Village Hall,

Broadfield Community Centre, Crawley,

Charis Centre, indoor & outdoor, Crawley,

Crawley Borough Community Centres,

Haven Centre, Crawley Down,

Lardner Hall, The Ghyll, Pevensey Road, Southwater,

Laurie Apted Building, hall with kitchen, Church Lane, Southwater,

Penfold Church Hall, Steyning,

Pulborough Village Hall,

Springboard House, Horsham,

Storrington Village Hall, 01903 744592

The Ark, Turners Hill,

The Holbrook Club, North Heath Lane, Horsham,

The Wiston Meeting Place, Wiston near Steyning,

Active Parties

Ariel Parties, princess parties & more,

Driver Wood Activity Centre, Copthorne,

Glide Bike disco parties & bike assault course parties, 3-10yrs,

GlowBugParties, 4-9yrs, UV disco, games, facepaint & more,

Go Wild, 5yrs+, fun-filled outdoor birthday parties,

Inspire Academy of Dance, 3-12yrs, Copthorne studio or your venue,

Kicks Dance, Crawley & Horsham,

Lazer World, 7yrs+, Spindle Way, Crawley,

Little Street Horsham, children’s role play centre, Rudgwick, little-street.

Out of Bounds, 3yrs+, soft play, clip ‘n climb, bowling, laser tag, adventure nets, adventure golf, footgolf,

Snap! Parties, high energy, fun filled entertainment,

Art & Craft Parties

Ceramic Shack, 3yrs+, Horsham,

Sand Art Parties, Crawley,

Farm & Animal Parties

Fishers Adventure Farm Park, birthday parties & pony parties,

Princess Pony Parties, Billingshurst, website

Soft Play Parties

CJ’s Play Café, Three Bridges, Happyscamps, Swan Walk, Horsham,

Mini Mayhem, Crawley County Mall,

Out of Bounds, 0-12yrs, Rustington,

Treasure Chest Soft Play Centre, 0-11yrs, Crawley,

Sport Parties

Football parties at The Holbrook Club, North Heath Lane, Horsham,

Hawth Gymnastics Club, 3-9yrs, Crawley,

Infinity Gymnastics, supervised activities, Southwater,

Kids’ All Star Sports, tailored sport parties, 5-14yrs, Horsham,

Little Kickers Football Parties, 2-7yrs,

Mini Musketeers, 7yrs+, fencing parties,

South Coast Sports, football, archery & multisports, 3yrs+, Horsham,

Southwater Watersports, 8yrs+, kayaking & canoeing parties,

Springfit gymnastics & trampoline parties, Crawley & Copthorne,

Tiny Tekkers multisport parties, 4-14yrs, games & prizes,

Top Rock, clip & climb parties, Crawley,

Party Entertainers

Allsortsoffun, scientist, pirate, knight, spy party, magic, puppets, (see advert)

Angels n Divas, 4-16yrs, pamper parties for girls,

Brookfield Day Nursery, 2yrs+, Lowfield Heath, (see advert p9)

Crazy Beanz, themed parties, 0-7yrs, Horsham,

DNA Kids parties, 26 different themes for girls & boys,

Themed parties at The Holbrook Club, North Heath Lane, Horsham,

Woods for Learning, Horsham,

X1 Gaming Lounge & Parties, Horsham,

Party Equipment & Supplies

Ritz Party Shop, Crawley,

Child & Family Support

Crawley Bewbush Family Hub, Dorsten Square, 01403 229900

Crawley Broadfield Family Hub, Creasys Drive, 01403 229900

Happy Talk, individual speech & language assessment & therapy for pre-school children, Horsham,

Horsham Family Hub, Three Acres, 01403 229900

Ten Little Toes Baby Bank, support for young families in difficulty, Cowfold,

Additional Needs

Air Dance Company, 2yrs+, any level of experience, disability or ability, Horsham,

Hillcrest Farm Riding School, Plummers Plain,

Horsham Swim School, 0-11yrs,

Muntham House School, for boys with ASD/challenging behaviour, 5-18yrs, Horsham,

MXT Swim School, Steyning & Storrington,

Out of Bounds, 4yrs+, bowling, Clip ‘n Climb, soft play, adventure golf, footgolf, Rustington,

Stay & Play & activity sessions, Springboard House, Horsham,

Treasure Chest Soft Play, monthly SEN evenings, Crawley,

West Sussex Portage Services, preschool children,

Yippee & Yip4Youth short breaks,

First Aid Training

Brinley First Aid Training, for nurseries, preschools, charities & all groups, special local rates available, all levels,

Daisy First Aid, for families, Crawley, 07974 360982, Horsham, 07968 486862 KeepaBeat, first aid courses for parents & carers,

Fostering & Adoption

Cornerways Fostering Services, foster carers urgently needed,

County Adoption & Fostering Team, fostering,

Five Rivers Child Care need short-term & long-term foster carers,

West Sussex County Council Adoption South East,

Fertility & Conception

Fountain Therapies, homeopathy can support all the stages of starting a family,

Ante & Postnatal Exercise

Aqua Natal Yoga, Horsham,

Fit Mummy, pregnancy & postnatal fitness classes-, Crawley, completecorecontrolandfitmummy. com

Fitness classes, Busylizzy, Horsham,

SweatyMama, upbeat exercise class for mum & baby, from 6 weeks, Crawley,

Ante & Postnatal Services

A Step At A Time, hypnobirthing,

Acupuncturist supporting women in pregnancy, Horsham,

Bluebell Bras, mobile bra fitting service for pregnancy & breastfeeding,

Bump, Birth & Beyond, Horsham,

Clarity Hypnotherapy for calmer childbirth, Pound Hill Glow reflexology, pre-conception, pregnancy & postnatal treatments,

Journey to Birth, Hypnobirthing, Horsham,

NCT course bookings, Crawley & Horsham,, 0300 330 0700

Complementary Therapy for Babies

Fountain Therapies, homeopathic remedies are safe & helpful for labour & the early years,

Sara Eloquin Craniosacral Therapy, Horsham,

Equipment for Babies & Children

Fiesta Tots, free delivery in Horsham,

Funmi, sustainable maternity, breastfeeding & feminine products, (see advert)

My First Furniture, ready-made or bespoke children’s furniture, Southwater,

Breastfeeding & Weaning Support

NCT Breastfeeding Line, Crawley & Horsham, 0300 330 0700

4 Hall Hire • Parties • Support • Additional Needs • Antenatal • Babies

Benefits, Tips and Tricks from Cath Kidston Implementing Hygge into Your Parenting

If you’re soon to become a first-time parent, we want to start off by saying a huge “congratulations!”. We understand that an occasion as significant as this can encourage a whirlwind of emotions, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and anxious, as well as excited and proud. Because of this, we want to introduce you to a term you may not have heard of: hygge. Hygge is a Danish and Norwegian word that roughly translates to ‘cosiness’ and describes a warm, relaxing atmosphere. Those who practice hygge believe in wholly enjoying the ‘little’ things in life.


can hygge improve your life

There are a multitude of benefits to following the hygge lifestyle, many of which will contribute to a happier, more soothing environment for first-time parents. Reduced levels of stress, lowered depression and anxiety, increased optimism, and increased self-esteem are all positive benefits associated with practising hygge.

Denmark is continuously ranked highly among the happiest countries in the world, and hygge plays a crucial role in this. Evidently, it works, so why wouldn’t the rest of the world want to at least give it a go? When welcoming a newborn into this world, especially when it’s your first time doing so, you should look towards whatever avenues are available to improve your experience.

How to practice hygge

Hygge can mean something different to everyone. Used as both a noun and an adjective in Denmark, it represents a way of life more than just one or two things. Essentially, to follow a hygge lifestyle, you must regularly and mindfully practice the things that bring you solace. In Denmark, the following things are considered hygge:

● Candles

● Fireplaces

● Tracksuit bottoms

● Blankets

● Comfort food

● Hot drinks

If there’s something specific to you and your life that makes you feel warm, comfortable, and at peace, regularly indulging in that something is classed as hygge. For new mums and dads, creating a cosy atmosphere that allows you to unwind physically and mentally becomes even more crucial, for your wellbeing and the baby’s.

How not to practice hygge

As a society, we’ve picked up some bad habits that are very much not the way to practice hygge! Life can get so busy, and with multiple responsibilities, and our mobile phones making us accessible 24/7, it can be easy to get swept up in the type of behaviour that actually prevents us from feeling relaxed and calm. This includes:

● Staring at a phone or computer screen all day

● Spending too much time indoors alone

● Purchasing unnecessary products just to be ‘on trend’

Becoming a parent for the first time may mean you don’t have the time, effort, or disposable cash to give the above list much attention, but you may find that other things get in the way of you and your hygge intentions. Remember to breathe, relax, and make time for the things that help you do both.

Top hygge tips for new mums and dads

Remember to look after yourself – As a new parent, it may feel like your own wellbeing is less important than your baby’s, which can be a common occurrence. In what feels like a blink of an eye, you’ve gone from having just yourself to look after, to now having a whole other life that’s completely dependent on you.

To practice hygge during this exciting, staggering milestone, make sure you carve out time to look after yourself. When your newborn is asleep or spending time with relatives, have a hot bubble bath, make a cup of tea, put on a fresh pyjama set, and snuggle up with your favourite book. You’ll be a better parent for it!

Don’t be afraid to ask for help – Life as a new mum, or dad, can be stressful – but remember that you’re not alone! To enforce feelings of cosiness and serenity, you need to reduce feelings of worry and tension, and asking for help can tip the scales in hygge’s favour. Don’t feel like you’re being a burden, either. Chances are that the family and friends around you will want to help, because they will want to spend time with your adorable new mini-me. Even if it’s asking your mother-in-law to babysit for one hour while you catch up on life admin, or enlisting the help of your sister to make sure you’re doing bath time the right way. Whatever would be helpful to you and your situation, don’t be afraid to ask.

Detox from technology – If you get a spare minute or two to yourself, try not to reach for your phone or spend that sacred time on the computer. Mobile devices and heavy social media usage can lead to both psychological and physical issues and, therefore, should always be used sparingly. As a new parent, this becomes even more important as your responsibilities and duties have rapidly expanded, and an excellent attention span becomes fundamental. Use this time to detox from technology. With your hands full with a newborn and time already against you, this is the perfect time to start. Keep any unnecessary technology out of sight and allocate yourself a specific point in the day when you’re allowed just fifteen or twenty minutes to use it. Not only is this good for your health, but it’s also a simple way to practice hygge and reap the benefits of doing so.

We wish you the best of luck on your new journey

Becoming a parent for the first time is a huge milestone... and it’s not supposed to be plain sailing. Embrace every part of the journey and appreciate the downs, just as much as the ups. Using what you’ve learned about hygge, you should be able to create a happier, more tranquil environment that will help nurture both yourself and the baby.

Good luck!

5 To advertise please email or call 07786 244 698
Funmi wearable single or double rechargeable breast pumps come with 240ml milk collection cups that are worn in-bra, so mums can pump hands free and keep their clothes on - 2 sizes of silicone breast shield available shopfunmi Wearable breast pumps Reusable milk storage bags Shea butter nipple balm
Babies • New Parents


Wellbeing • Baby & Toddler Timetable • Baby Groups • Competition!

Drop In Library Groups

Billingshurst Library, Rhyme Time, Tuesday am

Broadfield Library, Baby Rhyme Time, Tuesday 10.30am, Saturday 11am

Wellness & Complementary Healthcare

A Step At A Time, therapy for children,

Angelic Reiki for healing emotional, mental or physical imbalances & to achieve better overall health,

Fountain Therapies, homeopathy can really help with childhood ailments such as teething, asthma, warts & verrucas, 01444 401271,

Holly Stone Hypnotherapy, overcoming fears & phobias, Billingshurst,

Natural Sleep Remedies, highly rated at combatting insomnia & snoring, natural & organic, for all ages,

Childminders & Babysitting

BabyHands Babysitting, local, friendly & reliable,

Hannah Rosalie Childcare, Barn Cottage, Pulborough,

Baby & Toddlers Monday am

Mini Notes, 9.45 & 10.45, St Barnabus Church, Crawley,

Rainbow Toddlers, Billingshurst Family Church, FB Rainbow Toddlers Billingshurst

Toddler Morning, Mini Mayhem, Crawley County Mall,

Twinkle Tots Music Group, Haven Centre, Crawley Down, cdhavencentre.

Baby & Toddlers Tuesday am

Crawley New Parents Connect, 0-18mths, 10.30-12, term time, Crawley Bewbush Family Hub,

Horsham Gymnastics Centre, 9.1510.15, parent & toddler, walking-3yrs,

Jungle Tots, 9.30-11.30, childminders only, The Charis Centre, West Green Drive,

Little Builders Horsham, 0-5yrs, 10-11.30, Kingdom Faith Church, Foundry Lane, littlebuildershorsham

Storrington baby & toddler group, 1012, Trinity Methodist Church, facebook. com/storringtonbabyandtoddlers

Toddler Morning, Mini Mayhem, Crawley County Mall,

Baby & Toddlers Tuesday pm

Music Bus, 1.30-2.30, term time, Northolmes Junior School, Horsham, office@jackandjillchildcarefacilities. com

Petite Parkour, 3-5yrs, 1.45-2.30, Crawley,

Toddlers at St Barnabas, 1-3pm term time, Pound Hill, ToddlersStBarnabas

Baby & Toddlers

Wednesday am

Crawley New Parents Connect, 0-18mths, 10.30-12, term time, Crawley Bewbush Family Hub,

Horsham New Parents Group, 0-18mths, 10-11.30, term time, Salvation Army Hall, Depot Road,

Jungle Tots, 9.30-11.30, The Charis Centre, West Green Drive,

Little Chicks Toddler Group, 9.30-11.30, term time, Northolmes Junior School, Horsham, office@jackandjillchildcarefacilities. com

Mac Playgroup, 0-4yrs, Steyning Methodist Church Hall,

Toddler Morning, Mini Mayhem, Crawley County Mall,

Warnham Bambies, warnhamchurch. bambies-mother-and-toddler-group

Baby & Toddlers Thursday am

Horsham Gymnastics Centre, 9.15-10.15, parent & toddler, walking-3yrs,

Infinity Gymnastics, 10.35-11.20, parent & toddler sessions, Southwater,

Jungle Tots, 9.30-11.30, The Charis Centre, West Green Drive,

Kinderoos baby & toddler group, 1011.30, St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath, kinderoo-4

Little Builders Horsham, 0-5yrs, 10-11.30, Kingdom Faith Church, Foundry Lane, littlebuildershorsham

Toddlers at St Barnabas, 9-11am term time, Pound Hill, ToddlersStBarnabas

Twinkle Tots Music Group, Haven Centre, Crawley Down, cdhavencentre.

Baby & Toddlers Friday am

Little Monkeys, 10-11.30, toys, ride on cars, crafts, 0-4yrs, Pulborough Village Hall, pulboroughslittlemonkeys

Mini Notes, 9.45, St Barnabus Church, Crawley,

Noah’s Ark at All Saints Roffey, term time,

Baby & Toddlers Friday pm

Infinity Gymnastics, 1.50-2.35, parent & toddler sessions, Southwater,

Crawley Library, Baby Rhyme Time, Monday 2.15, Tuesday & Friday 10am & 11am

Crawley Library, Saturday Story Time, 10.30-11.15

Horsham Library, Rhyme Time, Tuesday am, Friday am

Pulborough Library, Rhyme Time, Friday am

Southwater Library, Rhyme Time, Thursday am

Steyning Library, Rhyme Time, Friday pm, Toddler Time, Monday pm

Storrington Library, Rhyme Time, Tuesday am

Baby Massage & Yoga

Baby massage & Mummy & me yoga, Busylizzy, Horsham,

Loving Touch, Horsham,

Musical Hands, Maidenbower,

Tuesday’s Child Baby Massage & Yoga, Crawley, tuesdayschildbabymassageandyoga.

Baby Music & Dance

Baby music & baby boogie, Busylizzy, Horsham,

Baby Sensory

Baby Sensory, multisensory sessions, Crawley,

Baby Sensory, multisensory sessions, Horsham,

Baby Signing

Baby signing, Busylizzy, Horsham,

Musical Hands, Maidenbower,

Sing & Sign, Horsham & Crawley,

Other Baby & Toddler Groups

Acorns & Embers: The Mother’s Fire, nature-based mother & child group, Billingshurst,

Crawley Twiglets multiple birth group, for parents & children 0-3yrs, term time, Broadfield Family Hub,

Horsham Twiglets multiple birth group, for parents & children 0-3yrs, term time, The Needles,

Wish your listing would stand out more?

To enhance your listing with bold, coloured text, contact

every effort has been made to check that the details of the Baby, Toddler & Pre-school groups listed here are correct, please double check with the individual organisations.

Hiring Now!

We’re recruiting Reablement Support Workers

in Bognor, Crawley, Horsham, Worthing, Chichester and surrounding areas

£13.50ph Monday to Friday • £15.50ph Weekends

(£27,000 Full Time Equivalent)

Plus £500 new starter bonus

• Flexible guaranteed

• Annual salary reviews

weekdays£13.50ph £15.50ph weekends

Local Job Opportunities • Puzzle Time!

Pre-School Activities • Competition!

ADHD: An A to Z

Navigating the world with an ADHD brain can be exhausting. The rollercoaster ride from the long waiting lists for assessments, to medication and understanding what it all means, can leave your child feeling completely overwhelmed. New book, ADHD: An A to Z, is here to change that. If your child has (or you suspect they have) ADHD, they will know the frustration of being misunderstood and told to ‘just pay attention’ – but this A-Z is the ultimate guide to help your child survive, and thrive, with ADHD.

Easy to digest and full to the brim with practical life advice – from diagnosis and medication, to organization and sleep, Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria and time management – ADHD Coach and Director of ADHD Works, Leanne Maskell, provides the essential roadmap for parents to confidently understand and support their child’s ADHD.

Leanne Maskell is an ADHD Coach, author of ADHD: An A to Z and Director of coach training company ADHD Works

Pre-School Art & Messy Play

Baby Picassos, Busylizzy, Horsham,

Pre-School Dance & Drama

Air Dance Company, 2yrs+, any level of experience, disability or ability, Horsham, airdancehorham

babyballet Crawley & Horsham, boys & girls 18mths-6yrs,

Cheneler School of Dance, 18mths+, Crawley & Horsham,

Desire2Dance, parent & toddler classes, Bewbush,

Elsden School of Dance, 3yrs+, ballet, tap & modern, Southwater,

Fi Steps Performing Arts, 3yrs+, Crawley,

Glynde Place Dance Studio, 2½yrs+, dance & musical theatre, Horsham,

Gracie Grooves, 3yrs+, Crawley Down,

Horsham School of Dance, ballet, contemporary, tap, modern & musical theatre,

Inspire Academy of Dance, 2yrs+, Copthorne & Horsham,

JBA Dance, 3yrs+, ballet, tap & lyrical, Horsham,

KDF Academy of Dance, 2½yrs+, Broadbridge Heath,

Kicks Dance, 18mths+, Crawley & Horsham,

Musical Hands Performing Arts, ballet, tap & musical theatre,

N-Vision Dance Schools, 3yrs+, freestyle, street, show, Crawley,

Rhythm & Sole Street Dance, 3yrs+, Horsham,

Roshe School Crawley, 2yrs+, ballet, modern & tap,

Sandra Powell School of Dancing, 18mths+, Horsham,

Silver Ribbons Dance School, 2½yrs+, ballet & tap, Horsham,

Stages Performing Arts, Crawley,

Vicky Michelle Academy of Dance,1½yrs+, Rudgwick & Billingshurst,

Pre-School Music & Movement

Hartbeeps, The Charis Centre, Crawley,

Little Notes, Horsham, horsham-and-dorking

Mini Notes, musical fun, 0-5yrs, siblings welcome. Taster sessions available,

Moo Music, music & multi-sensory classes for 0-5yrs, Crawley Down,

Music Bus, babies & toddlers, Horsham,

Musical Friends, 0-4yrs, Horsham & Crawley,

Pre-School Other

Nature Tots, 3-5yrs, Sussex Wildlife Trust, Crawley, sussexwildlifetrust.

Pre-School Sport & Gym

Active Kids, 18mths-5yrs, K2 Crawley, 07725 721749

Glide Balance Bike Classes, bike classes to teach the skills to ride a pedal bike, 2-6yrs,

Hawth Gymnastics Club, 6mths-4yrs, Crawley,

Horsham Gymnastics Centre, 3-5yrs,

Infinity Gymnastics, 3-4yrs, Southwater,

Inner Child Yoga School, children's yoga classes in person & online,

Little Kickers Football, 18mths-7yrs, Crawley & Horsham,

Mini Athletics, 2-7yrs, Crawley Down & Broadbridge Heath, cdhavencentre.

Out of Bounds, pre-school Clip ‘n Climb & soft play, Rustington,

Purely Sport, 18mths+, multisport, Billingshurst,

Rugbytots, 2-7yrs, Crawley, Horsham & Billingshurst,

South Coast Sports, Active Tots Football & Multiskills, 2-5yrs, Horsham,

Springfit gymnastics & trampoline club, 2yrs+, Crawley & Copthorne,

Water Babies, 0-5yrs, Copthorne, Crawley Down & Crawley,

Is your free listing completely up to date?

07786 244 698 / 01444 451 449 --
Please let me know if any amendments are needed. Does your local children's club or society need a free listing?

Daycare Nurseries

Coolham Montessori Nursery School 2-5yrs, term time,

Ashington Day Nursery ashington-day-nursery-pre-school

Bewbush Community Nursery, Crawley,

Bluebells Day Nursery, Partridge Green, Horsham,

Bright Horizons, Crawley,

Brookfield Day Nursery, Lowfield Heath, (see advert)

Busy Bees, Crawley & Horsham

Catkins Nursery, Three Acres, Horsham,

Clover Court Nursery, Maidenbower,

Coach House Nursery, Copthorne Prep School,

Copthorne Kinders Day Nursery, 3mths7yrs, Copthorne,

Country Mice Nursery, Cowfold,

Daisy Chain Day Nursery, Crawley,

Elan Nursery, Steyning,

Garden Cottage Nursery, Highden,

Giggles Day Nursery, Springfield Road, Horsham, Giggleshorsham

Happy Steps Nursery, Upper Beeding,

Honey Pots Childcare, 1-8yrs, Crawley,

Horsham Nursery School,

Jack & Gill Forest School, Rudgwick, jackandgillchildcareandforestschool.

K2 Pre-School Academy, Crawley,

Keeley’s, Horsham,

Kids Capers Day Nursery & Pre-School, Crawley,

Little Barn Owls at Farlington, Horsham,

Little Barn Owls Nursery & Forest School, Southwater, littlebarnowls.

Little Monkeys Day Nursery, Horsham,

Lower Beeding Day Nursery & PreSchool lower-beeding-day-nursery-pre-school

Natural Nurture Nursery, Billingshurst,

Nuffy Bear Day Nursery, Nuffield Health, Crawley, nuffy-bear-day-nursery

Pembroke Park Nursery, Commonwealth Drive, Crawley,

Rabbit Patch Day Nursery, Horsham,

Daycare Nurseries • Pre-Schools

Rainbow Nursery, Crawley Hospital, 01293 600300 ext 3790

Solid Rock Pre-school & Day Nursery, Warnham,

The Nursery School Company Charlwood, Lowfield Heath,

Treetops Pre-school & Day Nursery, Nuthurst,

West Chiltington Montessori PreSchool Nursery,

Sessional Pre-Schools & Nurseries

Amber Pre-School, The Scout Hut, Amberley Road, Horsham,

Barns Green Playgroup, Horsham, Playgroup/

Beeding & Bramber Pre-School Playgroup,

Bluecoat Nursery, Christ’s Hospital School, Horsham, bluecoat-nursery

Bobtails Montessori Nursery & Primary School, 2-11yrs, Billingshurst,

Browns Lane Pre-School, Storrington,

Caterpillar Nursery, Leechpool Primary School, Horsham,

Caterpillars Pre-School, Ifield, Crawley,

Chuckleberries Pre-School, Coldwaltham, Pulborough,

Cootham Pre-School, Pulborough & Storrington,

Dauxwood Pre-School, Billingshurst,

Desmond Anderson Academy Nursery, Tilgate, desmondandersonprimary

Fittleworth Playgroup & Baby Room,

Friary Pre-School, Southgate, Crawley,

Giggle and Grow Preschool, Dorsten Square, Bewbush,

Giggle and Grow Preschool, Gossops Green,

Greenway Nursery School, Horsham,

Heather Playgroup, Horsham,

Holbrook Community Pre-School, North Heath Hall, Horsham,

Honey Pot & Beehive, Pennthorpe School, Rudgwick,

Horsham Montessori, 2-5yrs,

Horsham Nursery School, horshamnursery.w-

Jack and Jill Pre-school, Littlehaven Infant School,

Our childrens daycare nursery provides the highest standard of childcare and teaching to ensure that all children have an enjoyable, productive and secure time whilst in our care. The children are provided with a stimulating structured day to include a balance of busy and quiet activities both indoor and when possible outdoors.

Brookfield Day Nursery is a full-time daycare nursery for babies and young children aged 3 months to 5 years

Brookfield Day Nursery Ltd is a Registered Childrens Day Nursery under the provisions of the Childrens Act 1989 and is regulated by Ofsted, the Office for Standards in Education. Set in 1½ acres, Brookfield Day Nursery at Brookfield House is located on the A23 north of Crawley, Sussex

Open from 7.30 - 6.30. Mon - Fri 51 weeks a year

Holiday Club for 5 -12 years open every school holiday

Please contact Nicola or Jenny on 01293 535300

K2 Pre-School Academy, Crawley,

Kookaburra Playgroup, Hills Farm Lane, Horsham,

Little Barn Owls Nursery & Farm School, Horsham, horsham-nursery

Little Bears Pre-School, Sullington,

Little Explorers, St Mary’s Primary, Pulborough,

Little Oaks Preschool, Turners Hill School, turners-hill-tots

Little Stars Pre-School at The Mill Primary School, Ifield,

Maidenbower Playgroup, Harvest Road,

Muddy Puddles Pre-School, Ifield Community Centre,

New View Nursery, St Mark’s Lane, Horsham,

Over the Rainbow Playschool, Horsham,

Peter Pan Playgroup, Copthorne Village Hall,

Pulborough Village Pre-School, Pulborough Village Hall, pulboroughvillagepreschool.weebly. com

Rainbow Preschool, Barrington Road, Southgate,

Ready Steady Grow Community Preschool, Langley Green, Crawley,

Rusper Playgroup,

Skylarks Pre-School, Village Centre, Broadbridge Heath,

Slinfold Pre-School at Slinfold Primary School, Horsham,

Southdown Nursery, Steyning,

Southwater Village Hall

Pre-School, Church Lane,

St John’s Sunshine Preschool, Copthorne,

St Margaret’s Nursery School, Ifield,

Stepping Stones Playschool, Gossops Green,

Thakeham Pre-School,

The Barn Preschool, Bewbush, Crawley, Facebook The Barn Pre-School

Tots Pre-School, Bewbush, Crawley,

Wakoos Centre4Children, Station Road, Billingshurst,

Water Lilies Pre-School, Ifield West,

Willow Tree Pre-school, Cherry Lane, Langley Green,

9 To advertise please email or call 07786 244 698

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Broadbridges, 3 Piries Place, Horsham,

Sussex Uniforms, Horsham,

Taylor Made Uniforms, Faygate,

Independent Schools

Christ’s Hospital, 11-18yrs, co-ed, boarding & day school, Horsham,

Copthorne Prep School, mixed, day & boarding, 2-13yrs,

Cottesmore School, co-ed, 4-13yrs, Pease Pottage,

Dorset House School, 4 -13yrs, co-ed, Pulborough,

Farlington School, 4-18yrs, Strood Park, Horsham,

Little Windlesham Pre-prep, 4-7yrs,

Pennthorpe School, co-ed, 2-13yrs, Rudgwick,

Windlesham House School, day & boarding, co-ed, 4-13yrs, Washington,

Worth School, 11-18yrs, co-ed, Turners Hill,

Tuition & Home Educating

Eden Tutors, primary tuition provider with qualified tutors,

English tutor, KS3, GCSE, A Level, Eng Lang/Lit/Media Studies, Crawley Down,


First Class Learning, English & maths tuition, EY to GCSE, Crawley, 01293 226449

Home-School Tutoring, all subjects, all levels, Crawley & Horsham, 01424 848586

Kip McGrath Education Centre, English & maths online tuition, Horsham,

Kumon Crawley, English & maths, Pound Hill,

Kumon Crawley, English & maths, Tilgate,

Kumon Horsham, English & maths,

Maths & science tuition to GCSE level, Billingshurst, romysgermanandothertuition

Foreign Language Tuition

German tuition to GCSE level, Billingshurst, romysgermanandothertuition

Italian tutor, KS4 & KS5, Crawley Down, ReigateLanguageServices

Out of School Clubs

art-K teaches children aged 6-18 art in a permanent studio in central Horsham,

Caterpillar Club, Leechpool Primary School, Horsham,

Children’s Meditation Sussex, 5-16yrs, techniques to improve sleep, enhance focus & achieve calmness; online sessions, childrensmeditationsussex

Greenway Nursery Rainbow Club, 2-11yrs, Greenway, Horsham,

Nature Nurture Forest School & Woodland Playdays, 3yrs+, Turners Hill,

Out of Bounds, 4-15yrs, Clip ‘n Climb, Rustington, Rocketeers, breakfast & after school clubs, Horsham,

The Den, Elan Nursery, Steyning,

Holiday Schemes & Activities

Ariel Drama Academies, summer holiday workshops,

Barracudas Activity Day Camps, 4½14yrs, Christ’s Hospital & Millais School, Horsham,

Billingshurst Leisure Centre, intensive swimming courses, centres/billingshurst-leisure-centre

Brookfield Day Nursery, 5-12yrs, Lowfield Heath, (see advert p9)

Bubbles Swim School, intensive courses over Easter, week commencing 3rd April for 4yrs & upwards, (see advert p13)

10 Independent Schools • Tuition • Out of School Clubs • Competitions!
for a chance to win t he SuperQuesters book series.

Copthorne Kinders Holiday Club,

Easter Holiday camp at the REC Rink for 7-11yrs, Horsham,

Go Wild, den building, archery, bushcraft & survival skills, Horsham,

Greenway Nursery Rainbow Club, 2-11yrs, Greenway, Horsham,

Happy Steps Nursery, 2-11yrs, Upper Beeding & Steyning,

Hawth Gymnastics Club, 6mths-4yrs & 5-13yrs, Crawley,

Hillcrest Farm Riding School, Plummers Plain,

Horsham District Sports Centres,

Infinity Gymnastics, 4yrs+, Southwater,

Inspire Academy of Dance, 3-12yrs, Copthorne,

J & C Coaching, football & multi-sports holiday camps, boys & girls, 4-11yrs, Crawley,

Kids’ All Star Sports, multi-sport camps throughout the school holidays for 5-12yrs, Horsham,

Matthews Tennis Coaching, 4yrs+,

Natural Nurture Nursery, 2-8yrs, Billingshurst,

Holiday Schemes & Activities

Out of Bounds Active Kids Holiday Camps during school holidays, all dates available online, Perform, 4yrs+, drama, dance, singing, Horsham,

Pied Piper Activities, 4-12yrs, multi-activity

Easter & summer holiday camps,

(see advert)

Secret Garden Summer School, 4-9yrs, Slinfold, Horsham, 07487 375684 South Coast Sports, multisports, Horsham,

Southeast Kids Camps, 4-11yrs,

Southwater Watersports, 8yrs+, wide range of watersports available,

Steyning Leisure Centre, intensive swimming courses, 5-12 yrs,

The Outdoors Project, fun holiday schemes, 6-12yrs, Three Bridges,

Ultimate Activity Camps, Easter & summer camps 4-14yrs, (see advert)

United Swimming Academy, holiday swim courses, 07391 420931 (see advert p13)

Wakoos Centre4Children, Station Road, Billingshurst,

11 To advertise please email or call 07786 244 698

Arts & Crafts

Art 4 All, art lessons, 7yrs+, Horsham,

Ceramic Shack, hand & foot prints & pottery painting, Horsham,

Ceramic Spirit, ceramics lessons, 8yrs+, Horsham,


Out of Bounds, 4yrs+, Clip ‘n Climb, Adventure Nets, Rustington,

Top Rock, clip & climb, bouldering & rope climbing, Crawley, everyoneactive. com/centre/k2-crawley/k2-climbingtop-rock


Horsham Sports Club, 5 years+,

Dance & Drama

Ace Academy Of Irish Dance, Crawley, aceacademyofirishdance

Act Too Arts Academy, Horsham,

Air Dance Company, 2yrs+, any level of experience, disability or ability, Horsham, airdancehorsham

Ariel Drama Academies, singing & LAMDA lessons, 4yrs+, Crawley & Steyning, 7yrs+, Horsham,

Cheneler School of Dance, 18mths+, Crawley & Horsham,

Dance In Style, dancewear, Horsham,

Desire2Dance, Bewbush,

Elsden School of Dance, 3yrs+, ballet, tap & modern, Southwater,

Fi Steps Performing Arts, 3yrs+, Crawley,

Glynde Place Dance Studio, 2½yrs+, dance & musical theatre, Horsham,

Gracie Grooves, 3yrs+, Crawley Down,

Happy Feet

Song and Dance Company, 3-18yrs, Copthorne,

Horsham School of Dance, ballet, contemporary, tap, modern & musical theatre,

Inspire Academy of Dance, Copthorne, Crawley & Horsham,

JBA Dance, 3yrs+, ballet, tap & lyrical, Horsham,

KDF Academy of Dance, 2½yrs+, Broadbridge Heath,

Kicks Dance, 18mths+, Crawley & Horsham,

Musical Hands Performing Arts, ballet, tap, modern, jazz, musical theatre, acro dance & pilates, Maidenbower,

N-Vision Dance Schools, 3yrs+, freestyle, street, show, Crawley,

Perform, 4-12yrs, Horsham,

Phoenix Creative Arts, 4-19yrs, Horsham,

Platform Performance Group, theatre school with a contemporary approach,

Rhythm & Sole Street Dance, 3yrs+, Horsham,

Roshe School Crawley, 2yrs+, ballet, modern & tap, rosheschoolcrawley.

Sandra Powell School of Dancing, 18mths+, Horsham,

Showdown Theatre Arts, Horsham & Billingshurst,

Silver Ribbons Dance School, ballet, tap, freestyle & drama, Horsham,

Sophie’s Studio, 4yrs+, dance & musical theatre, Horsham,

Stagecoach Theatre Arts, 4yrs+, Crawley,

Stagecoach Theatre Arts, 4yrs+, Horsham, Stages Performing Arts, Crawley,

Sussex Youth Theatre, 6-18yrs, Pulborough & Steyning,

The Hawth Youth Theatre, 6-18yrs, Youth-Sign-Up

The Pauline Quirke Academy of Performing Arts, Crawley,

The Vincent Martin School of Dance & Musical Theatre (DMT), 4yrs+, Crawley,

Vicky Michelle Academy of Dance,1½yrs+, Rudgwick & Billingshurst,

West End Theatre Academy, Horsham & Billingshurst,


Crawley Angling Society

junior members 12-18yrs,


ACB Football Coaching, 1-2-1 & group sessions, Horsham,

Horsham Football Club Youth,

Late Birthday Project, football coaching for players born January-August, Crawley,

Little Kickers Football, 18mths-7yrs, Crawley & Horsham,

North Sussex Soccer Academy, Horsham,

Out of Bounds, 4yrs+, footgolf, Rustington,

Purely Sport, 3-7yrs, Saturday am, Billingshurst,

Sport4Kids, 18mths+, Horsham,


Rustington Golf Centre, 4yrs+, golf, footgolf & junior coaching,

Gymnastics & Trampoline

Hawth Gymnastics Club, 5yrs+, Crawley,

Horsham Gymnastics Centre, 3yrs+,

Infinity Gymnastics, Southwater,

Springfit gymnastics & trampoline club, 2yrs+, Crawley & Copthorne,

Stars Gym Club, Storrington & Upper Beeding,

Steyning Leisure Centre, 5yrs+,


Horsham Sports Club,


Hillcrest Farm Riding School, Plummers Plain,

Lessons & pony experiences, Billingshurst, princessponypartie.

Sweetland’s Farm, Billingshurst,

Karting & Quad Bikes

TeamSport, 8yrs+, go karting, Crawley,

& Leisure:
& Crafts - Karting
Visit: for additional online competitions, local event information and more...

Leisure Centres

Bewbush Leisure Centre,

Sport & Leisure: Leisure Centres - Youth Clubs

Billingshurst Leisure Centre, pool, gym & classes, billingshurst-leisure-centre

Bluecoat Sports, Christ’s Hospital, Horsham,

K2 Crawley, centre/k2-crawley

Pavilions in the Park, pool, gym & classes,

Steyning Leisure Centre, pool, gym & classes, steyning-leisure-centre

The Bridge Leisure Centre, Broadbridge Heath,

The Holbrook Club, North Heath Lane, Horsham,

Martial Arts

Arun Taekwon-Do, Thakeham Village Hall,

Crawley Black Belt Academy, 4yrs+,

Funakoshi Shotokan Karate

Association, K2, Crawley,

Horsham Mixed Martial Arts Academy, kids classes,

Karl James Taekwondo, Crawley, Horsham & Billingshurst,

Kung Fu Schools, 4yrs+, Crawley,

Kung Fu Schools, 4yrs+, Horsham,

Matt Fiddes Martial Arts, learning

martial arts, respect & discipline, Crawley & Horsham, mrwain.mattfiddes (see advert)

Sama Southeast, karate, 4yrs+, kickboxing, 7yrs+, Steyning,

Music Groups & Tuition

Flute, piano & singing lessons, 6yrs+, Southwater, 07710 757736

Little Notes Choir, Horsham,

Woodshed Music School, qualified teachers with years of experience, Horsham, 01403 336333


Luv2Sk8 Roller Disco at local Leisure Centres,

Roller Disco Crawley, 2 sessions every Friday, Bewbush Centre, RollerDiscoCrawley

Rugby & Mini Rugby

Pulborough RFC, Minis & upwards,

Rugbytots, 2-7yrs, Crawley, Horsham & Billingshurst,


Horsham Sports Club,


Aquafins lessons, Cottesmore School, Pease Pottage,

Billingshurst Leisure Centre, 2yrs+,

Bubbles Swim School, 8wks-10yrs, Barns Green, bubbles-swimschool. (see advert)

Hippocampus Swim School from birth,

Horsham Swim School, 0-11yrs,

Jellyfish Swim School, from 12mths, Copthorne,

MXT Swim School, 3mths+, Steyning & Storrington,

Pavilions in the Park, centres/the-pavilions-in-the-park

Puddle Ducks, 0-10yrs, West Grinstead,

Puffins Swim School, from 3mths, Pound Hill,

Steyning Leisure Centre, lessons from birth, steyning-leisure-centre

The Sussex Swim School, Lower Beeding & West Grinstead,

United Swimming Academy, fun & focused, all ages & abilities, lessons from £10, free trial available,

07391 420931 (see advert)

WetWetWet Swim School, expert tuition for all abilities, Upper Beeding,

Table Tennis

Crawley Table Tennis Club,

Ping Pong Parlour, Swan Walk, Horsham, swan-walk-ping-pong-parlour


Horsham Sports Club,

The Holbrook Club, junior tennis coaching, Horsham,

Uniformed Groups

1015 Horsham Squadron Air Cadets,

Crawley Sea Cadet Unit,

Horsham Sea Cadet Unit,

Rainbows, Brownies, Guides & Rangers meet on various days & venues throughout Horsham & Crawley. Register via,

Sussex Army Cadet Force, armycadets. com/county/sussex-acf


Southwater Watersports, 8yrs+, wide range of watersports available,

Tilgate Park Watersports, Tilgate Park, Crawley,

Youth Clubs

Bewbush Youth Club, BewbushYouthCentreCCYS

Crawley FindItOut Centre, westsussex. finditout-centres

Horsham FindItOut Centre, westsussex. finditout-centres

Sussex Clubs for Young People, Y5-Y9, Upper Beeding Sports & Youth Hall,

Sussex Clubs for Young People, Y7 & above, Steyning Cuthman Centre, sheri.

13 To advertise please email or call 07786 244 698 Learn / Swim / Train Fully Qualified Instructors Safe Fun Lessons Technical Excellence Call today to book your FREE trial 07391 420 931

Places to Visit Around Sussex

Family Farms

Coombes Farm near Lancing BN15 0RS. Working farm open for lambing visits 11th March-16th April 2023. Ewes lambing, cows calving, tractor rides & stunning views. Book online in advance for visits and group tours during the summer, open some Sundays and school holidays for individual bookings. See advert

Ferring Country Centre Rife Way, Ferring, Worthing BN12 5JZ –01903 245078. Meet the farm animals, walk the nature trails and enjoy the café, soft play and garden centre. Special Riding Therapy Unit for those with learning and physical disabilities. Open 7 days a week.

Fishers Farm Park Newpound Lane, Wisborough Green RH14 0EG – 01403 700063. Lots of animals, rides and adventure playgrounds, summer splash attack and beach, theatre, indoor soft play area for toddlers – 10 year olds, gift shop and regular seasonal events. Open every day 10am – 5pm or until dusk in winter.

Godstone Farm Surrey RH9 8LX. Indoor and outdoor play areas, ‘The World of Dinosaur Roar’, soft play, ride-ons, go karts, trampolines, farm animals, petting zoo, pony and tractor rides. See advert back cover and competition facing page

Heaven Farm Furners Green, Uckfield TN22 3RG. 100-acre farm on the Greenwich Meridian, with nature walks, wallabies, deer, seasonal bluebell trail, tea room, indoor play barn, ice cream parlour, adventure golf and camping.

Tulleys Farm Turners Hill, Crawley RH10 4PE – 01342 718472. Metrobus 84. One of the country’s best rated Escape Room settings. Special seasonal events; PYO in summer and autumn, ice skating and Santa’s Grotto in winter.

Animals, Sealife and Nature

Arundel Wetland Centre Mill Road, Arundel BN18 9PB – 01903 883355. Nature reserve in the South Downs with guided boat safaris through the wetland habitat. With adventure playground, children’s weekend and holiday activities and a visitor centre with gift shop and café. Open every day except Christmas Day 10am –4.30pm.

British Wildlife Centre Newchapel, Surrey RH7 6LF – 01342 834658. Home to over 40 species of British animals including red squirrel, otters, badgers, foxes and deer. Open at weekends, on

bank holidays and during school holidays.

Donkey Walking Experiences East Clayton Farm, Storrington Road, Washington RH20 4AG. All walks are accompanied by a farm host who will guide you and help you manage your donkeys. Huxley’s Birds of Prey Centre at Hilliers Garden Centre, Brighton Road (A281), Horsham RH13 6QA – 01403 273458. Bird of prey flying displays, gardens and Meet an Owl. Open on weekends in winter, 11am – 4pm, and from Easter – October half term from Wednesday – Saturday, plus bank holidays from 11am – 5pm and Sundays 11am – 4.30pm.

Pagham Harbour (RSPB) Local Nature Reserve, Selsey Road, Chichester PO20 7NE – 01243 641508. Protected wetland bird and wildlife habitat and visitor centre running childfriendly educational activities and events. Visitor Centre open daily 10am-4pm.

Pulborough Brooks (RSPB) RH20 2EL – 01798 875851. Located in the Arun Valley nature reserve, includes plenty of nature-themed activities from bug hunting to den building and pond dipping to bird watching. With guided walks, café and shop. Good access for pushchairs and wheelchairs. Visitor centre open every day 10am –4pm.

Tilgate Park, Crawley RH10 5PQ Metrobus 271 and 273. Outdoor play area, hedge maze, tea shop, woodland and lakeside walks, Go Ape, Golf Centre, Smith and Western restaurant, fishing and water sports with Tilgate Watersports Tilgate Nature Centre – 01293 521168 open winter 10am – 4pm, summer 10am – 6pm, last admission 1 hour before closing.

Woods Mill Nature Reserve Henfield BN5 9SD – 01273 492630. Headquarters of Sussex Wildlife Trust and an environmental education centre with pre-bookable regular and holiday activities. The 47-acre nature reserve provides a peaceful setting comprising coppice woodland, meadows and a reed-fringed lake. Open all year, except for two weeks at Christmas, admission free, donations very welcome, no dogs except assistance dogs.

Walking, Cycling and Open Spaces

Aldingbourne Trust Country Centre Blackmill Lane, Norton, Chichester PO18 0JP – 01243 542075. Woodland walks, open farm, mini tractors, outdoor and indoor play areas, sand and water play areas and mini golf, with award-winning café. Open 7 days a week, 10am – 4pm.

Ardingly Reservoir West Sussex RH17 6SQ – 01444 892549. The Kingfisher Trail nature walk and limited cycling/horse riding. Ardingly Activity Centre water sports centre with pre-bookable

Many activities need pre-booking. Please refer to individual websites for further information


Places to Visit - Competition!

activities such as sailing, windsurfing, kayaking, rowing and raft building.

Arundel Castle and Gardens Arundel BN18 9AB – 01903 882173. Open 1st April – 31st October, Tuesday – Sunday 10am – 5pm, plus bank holidays and Mondays in August. With restaurant, coffee shop, gift shop and 40 acres of sweeping grounds and gardens, Arundel Castle has been open to visitors seasonally for nearly 200 years. It is one of the great treasure houses of England, and is home to priceless works of art; view paintings, furniture, tapestries, stained glass, china, clocks, sculpture, carving, heraldry and armour in stunning room settings.

Ashdown Forest Centre Wych Cross RH18 5JP – 01342 823583

Metrobus 270. Once a Norman deer hunting forest, Ashdown Forest is now one of the largest free public access sites in the South East, and the ‘home’ of Winnie the Pooh. Walks, Forest Centre and riding with a permit.

Borde Hill Garden Haywards Heath RH16 1XP – 01444 450326. With a 17-acre garden, outdoor adventure playground, zip wire, woodland walks, cafe, gift shop, plant sales and children’s holiday and Halloween activities. Open daily, generally 10am – 5pm and 10am – 6pm on weekends in July and August, woodland closes in mid September for the winter. See competition p2

Buchan Country Park Horsham Road, Crawley RH11 9HQ. Regularly recognised as one of the best green spaces in the UK, covering 170 acres. Great access for pushchairs and wheelchairs, numerous picnic sites, sculptures, plenty of wildlife, fishing via Crawley Angling Society. Free parking, donations welcomed.

Chesworth Farm Horsham RH13 0AA. Walks, Sussex Wildlife Trust Nature Tots timetable, bridleways, cycling via a network of footpaths, main paths are wheelchair accessible, 90 acres, open all day, free entry.

Forest Way footpath, bridleway and cycle path running approx 10 miles from East Grinstead to Groombridge, with seats and picnic benches along the route. Indirectly linked to the Worth Way from Three Bridges to East Grinstead.

Horsham Park a haven of green spaces with ducks on the lake, colourful flower-beds, a Sensory Garden and Human Nature Garden. There are tennis courts, football pitches, a large skate park, café, picnic benches and play area.

Horsham Pump Track a pump track is a type of off-road terrain for bike riders consisting of a circuit of banked turns and features. It is designed to be ridden without pedalling, riders ‘pump’ the features using the up and down movement of their body to make forward momentum. To visit the track use postcode RH12 1FF. Parking is available at The Bridge Leisure Centre which has free parking. You can then walk across the footbridge over the A24 into

WIN a Family Ticket to Godstone Farm at Whitsun Half Term PLUS FREE

Dial Post RH13 8NN – 01403 713230. Visit one of the largest rewilding projects in lowland Britain. Encounter herds of wild ponies, cattle, deer and pigs as they roam 3,500 acres of Sussex, driving the forces of habitat regeneration. Plus, stay over in a treehouse, yurt, hut or camp in a wildflower meadow. South Downs National Park and South Downs Way, including Ditchling Beacon, which is the second highest point in the South Downs National Park with spectacular views across the Weald. As the name suggests, Ditchling Beacon was one of a chain of fires lit to warn of impending invasions. It was once an Iron Age hill-fort, with its steep northern slope used as a natural defence. It’s now managed by The National Trust and Sussex Wildlife Trust You can reach Ditchling Beacon via Breeze Buses which are open top in summer – weather permitting.

Tilgate Park Crawley RH10 5PQ Metrobus 271 and 273. Outdoor play area, hedge maze, tea shop, woodland and lakeside walks, Go Ape, Golf Centre, Smith and Western restaurant, fishing and water sports with Tilgate Watersports Tilgate Nature Centre –01293 521168 open winter 10am – 4pm, summer 10am – 6pm, last admission 1 hour before closing.

Warnham Nature Reserve Horsham – 01403 756238. Walks across the 92 acre site, wildlife, pond-dipping, cafe and Visitor Centre.

15 Find even more places to visit at
Highwood. Please be aware that many roads along the Boulevard
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Wolstonbury Hill in the South Downs, Pyecombe, has been an important landmark for thousands of years. Iron Age farmers grazed animals on its summit and the Romans left pottery remains on its slopes.

Worth Way – 01293 542088 A 7 mile long shared-use route from Three Bridges to East Grinstead used by walkers, cyclists and horse riders and indirectly linked to the Forest Way which continues to Groombridge.

Places of Historic Interest and Gardens

Arundel Castle and Gardens Arundel BN18 9AB – 01903 882173. Open 1st April – 31st October, Tuesday – Sunday 10am – 5pm, plus bank holidays and Mondays in August. With restaurant, coffee shop, gift shop and 40 acres of sweeping grounds and gardens, Arundel Castle has been open to visitors seasonally for nearly 200 years. It is one of the great treasure houses of England, and is home to priceless works of art; view paintings, furniture, tapestries, stained glass, china, clocks, sculpture, carving, heraldry and armour in stunning room settings.

Bignor Roman Villa Bignor RH20 1PH – 01798 869259. Discovered over 200 years ago, one of the largest Roman villas to be open to the public, with fine mosaics, tea room and gift shop.

Open 9th April – 31st October Monday and Thursday – Sunday, 10am – 4.30pm, open 7 days a week in August.

Borde Hill Garden Haywards Heath RH16 1XP – 01444 450326. With a 17-acre garden, outdoor adventure playground, zip wire, woodland walks, cafe, gift shop, plant sales and children’s holiday and Halloween activities. Open daily, generally 10am – 5pm and 10am – 6pm on weekends in July and August, woodland closes in mid September for the winter. See competition p2 Chichester Cathedral PO19 1RP. Chichester Cathedral has welcomed people through its doors for over nine centuries. This beautiful building, and its services and events, are open to all.

Fishbourne Roman Palace Roman Way, Chichester PO19 3QR – 01243 785859. Roman palace with the largest mosaics in situ in the UK, recreated formal gardens and family activities.

Open March – September, 10am – 5pm, February, October and November, 10am – 4pm.

High Beeches Gardens High Beeches Lane, Handcross RH17 6HQ (just off the A23) – 01444 400589. 27 acres of beautiful woodland and water gardens. Open daily April – October 1pm – 5pm closed on Wednesdays, last admission 4.30pm.

Leonardslee Lakes and Gardens Brighton Road, Lower Beeding, Horsham RH13 6PP – 08718 733389. This magnificent Grade I

listed garden was nearly lost forever and has been the subject of the largest garden restoration in England and possibly Europe. With Michelin starred restaurant, boutique hotel, sculpture trail, wallaby enclosure and art gallery. Open 364 days a year.

Nymans House and Gardens (National Trust) Handcross, Haywards Heath RH17 6EB – 01444 405250 Metrobus 271 and 273. Natural play trail, lovely walks in the Millennium Wood, cafe, gift shop, second-hand bookshop and family programmes in school holidays. Gardens open daily all year round. See website for opening times and dates for visiting the house.

See advert back cover

Parham House and Gardens Pulborough RH20 4HS (for satnav use RH20 4HR) – 01903 742021. Well-loved family home; its foundation stone was laid in 1577 during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. With collections of period furniture, needlework, clocks, paintings and award winning gardens. See website for opening dates and times.

Sheffield Park and Garden (National Trust) TN22 3QX – 01825 790231. Four lakes form the heart of the garden, with paths circulating through the glades and wooded areas surrounding them. Each owner has left their impression, which can still be seen today in the layout of the lakes, the construction of Pulham Falls, the planting of Palm Walk and the many different tree and shrub species from around the world. Parkland open daily dawn till dusk, the garden is open daily between 10am – 5pm, see website for details of seasonal events.

Standen House and Garden (National Trust) West Hoathly Road, East Grinstead RH19 4NE – 01342 323029 Metrobus 84. Arts and Crafts family home with Morris and Co interiors, great views and woodland walks. Open all year round, see website for dates and times of seasonal events. See advert back cover

St. Mary’s House Bramber BN44 3WE – 01903 816205. Medieval house and 5 acres of gardens which are still lived in. Open May –September, Sundays and Thursdays, 2pm – 6pm, see website for opening dates and times of seasonal events.

Sussex Prairie Garden Henfield BN5 9AT – 01273 495902. Britain’s largest ‘Prairie’ or ‘Naturalistic’ garden, with eight acres of stunning garden to roam around. Open June to mid-October, see website for dates and times of seasonal events.

Wakehurst Gardens and Millennium Seed Bank Ardingly, Haywards Heath RH17 6TN – 01444 894066 Metrobus 272. ‘Kew in the Country’, botanic gardens run by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. With lots of walks, children especially love the rocky Himalayan Garden. Explore the Adventurous Journeys natural play spaces, Rock Walk and Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank, plus restaurant, café, plant and gift shop. Open daily at 10am, see website for details of seasonal events.

Weald and Downland Open Air Museum Singleton, Chichester

16 Many activities need pre-booking.
refer to individual websites for further information

Places to Visit

PO18 0EU – 01243 811363. Fascinating collection of historic buildings dismantled from their original locations and reassembled in 40 acres of Sussex countryside, includes woodland walks, picnic areas and farm animals. Open January – 23rd December, 10.30am – 6pm during summer and 10.30am – 4pm during winter, see website for details of seasonal events.

West Dean Gardens West Dean, near Chichester PO18 0QZ –01243 818210. Highlights include a 300-foot-long Edwardian pergola, newly restored Sunken Garden, walled kitchen garden, Victorian glasshouses and a beautiful parkland walk with views over the South Downs. Open May – September on Sundays and bank holidays only, 2.30pm – 5pm.

Museums and Galleries

Amberley Museum and Heritage Centre nr Arundel BN18 9LT – 01798 831370. Home to a collection of listed buildings and monuments linked to the area’s industrial past , many of which have been relocated from around Sussex. There are also vintage vehicles, rural crafts and woodland walks, plus many events planned throughout the year. Open February – October, Wednesday – Sunday, 10am – 4.30pm, November – January, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, 10am – 4pm, see website for opening dates and times of events.

Brighton Museum and Art Gallery Royal Pavilion Gardens, Brighton BN1 1EE – 03000 290900. History of Brighton; pottery, fashion and style, performance and more. Open Tuesday – Sunday, plus bank holiday Mondays, 10am – 5pm, free entry for local residents with proof of address.

Christ’s Hospital Museum Horsham RH13 0YP – 01403 247444. Christ’s Hospital Museum represents and celebrates the remarkable 465 year history of one of the oldest boarding schools in England. Open on Tuesday and Thursday, 10am – 4pm and during term time, call before visiting.

Crawley Museum 103 High Street, Crawley RH10 1DD – 01293 539088. Permanent displays of Crawley’s history, from the Stone Age to the development of the new town, plus changing exhibitions. Open Thursday – Saturday, 10.30am – 4pm, admission free.

East Grinstead Museum Old Market Yard, Cantelupe Road, East Grinstead RH19 3BJ – 01342 302233. Telling the story of East Grinstead and the surrounding area from its early beginnings to the present day. Open Wednesday – Saturday 10am – 4pm, admission is free, donations very welcome.

Henfield Museum Henfield Hall, Coopers Way, High Street, Henfield BN5 9EQ – 01273 492507. The collection ranges from prehistoric flint artefacts telling of the earliest human activity in the area to objects from the 20th century. Temporary, themed

exhibitions are staged three or four times a year. Open Monday –Saturday, see website for times.

Horsham Museum and Art Gallery 9 Causeway, Horsham RH12 1HE – 01403 254959. Horsham Museum & Art Gallery has been collecting objects relating to Horsham and the wider District since 1893. Open Thursday – Saturday, 10am – 4pm, admission free.

Marlipins Museum High Street, Shoreham-by-Sea BN43 5DA –01273 462994. The story of Shoreham’s maritime and local history in the oldest secular (non-religious) building in Sussex. Open May – October, Tuesday – Saturday 10.30am – 4.30pm, admission is free.

The Novium Museum Tower Street, Chichester PO19 1QH –01243 775888. Built over the remains of a Roman bath house and with three floors of fantastic exhibitions. The Novium Museum tells the fascinating story of Chichester District and its rich heritage. It looks after 500,000 artefacts, both on display and in storage. Located close to Chichester Cathedral and opposite Chichester Library. Open Tuesday – Friday, 10am – 4.30pm and Saturday, 10am – 5pm, admission free.

Steyning Museum Church Street, Steyning, West Sussex BN44 3YB – 01903 813333. The Museum tells the story of the local area from pre-history to the present day, with permanent and temporary displays. Open Wednesday – Sunday, 10am – 4pm, admission is free.

Tangmere Military Aviation Museum nr Chichester PO20 2ES –01243 790090. Home to an impressive display of historic aircraft and a unique collection of aviation memorabilia stretching from the First World War through to the Cold War. Among the many attractions are numerous interactive displays and several aircraft simulators for visitors to experience, plus the Cockpit Cafe. Open daily March to October, 10am – 5pm and February and November 10am – 4pm.

Upside Down House Seafront, Brighton BN1 2LN – 07761 802281. An amazing museum of illusions including a variety of designed rooms in a luxurious beach house based on the Brighton Seafront in between the i360 and Brighton Beach Club. Don’t forget to take lots of photos. Open Monday – Friday 10am – 6pm, Saturdays and bank holidays, 10am – 9pm and Sundays 10am –8pm.

Weald and Downland Open Air Museum Singleton, Chichester PO18 0EU – 01243 811363. Fascinating collection of historic buildings dismantled from their original locations and reassembled in 40 acres of Sussex countryside, includes woodland walks, picnic areas and farm animals. Open January – 23rd December, 10.30am – 6pm during summer and 10.30am –4pm during winter, see website for details of seasonal events.

17 Find even more places to visit at

Places to Visit Around Sussex

Wings Museum Unit 1, Bucklands Farm, Balcombe RH17 6JT – 07769 688064. World War 2 remembrance museum with a fascinating insight into life in WW2. Variety of themed displays of original memorabilia and relics relating to the Home Guard, Battle of Britain, The Blitz, The Home Front, RAF Bomber Command, US 8th Air Force, D-Day and the Russian Front. Open Tuesday –Sunday, 10am – 5pm.

Railways, Buses and Boats

Beech Hurst Miniature Railway Beech Hurst Gardens, Haywards Heath RH16 4BB. Almost half a mile of track run by volunteers; includes two tunnels and automatic colour signals. Operating 2pm – 5pm weekends and bank holidays from Easter – end September, plus Wednesdays during summer school holidays. See website or Facebook page for timetable which is published in spring each year.

Bentley Miniature Railway Ringmer, Lewes BN8 5AF – 0845 8672583. One mile of track run by volunteers. Trains run every weekend from Easter – end of September, plus October half term, mid-week operation during August and other East Sussex school holidays. See website for detailed timetable and details of seasonal events.

Bluebell Railway from East Grinstead to Sheffield Park Station TN22 3QL – 01825 720800. Volunteer preserved steam railway. See website for the timetable of train services and special and regular events.

Goffs Park Light Railway Horsham Road, Southgate RH11 8PB –07517 184543. 1,250-foot-long elevated track miniature railway run by Crawley Model Engineers. Open Sundays and bank holiday Mondays 2pm – 5pm, late March – late October.

Shoreham Harbour Lifeboats Kingston Beach, Shoreham-by-Sea BN43 6RN – 01273 596376. Visit the lifeboat station and its state of the art Tamar all weather lifeboat. The boathouse on Kingston Beach comprises a large boat hall, crew training room, drying facilities for wet kit, changing facilities and a viewing platform for the public. Open 10am – 2pm Monday – Friday and 10am – 4pm Saturday and Sunday, free to visit, donations very welcome.

South Downs Light Railway Pulborough Garden Centre, Stopham Road, Pulborough RH20 1DS – 07518 753784. The trains take you on an exciting trip through the gardens from Stopham Road Station. Open March – September, see website for timetable of train running times and special events.

Uckfield and East Grinstead British Rail Lines Leave the car behind and explore Sussex by train – stopping at stations all over Sussex and along the Sussex coast.

Volks Electric Railway Madeira Drive, Brighton BN2 1EN –01273 292718. The UK’s oldest electric railway, hop on, hop off

along the seashore, trains run from Easter – early November, dog friendly, see website for timetable.

Wey and Arun Canal Centre located behind the Onslow Arms in Loxwood RH14 0RD – 01483 505566. Operating March –October, runs every Wednesday, Friday – Sunday, subject to volunteer availability. All canoes, kayaks, paddleboards and small unpowered craft are welcome on the canal.

Play Centres

Active Play and Bounce Kings Centre, Moat Road, East Grinstead RH19 3LN – 01342 328616. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2 session times, soft play, ride-ons and bouncy castle suitable for walking –4 years old.

Active Play and Bounce The Bridge Leisure Centre, Broadbridge Heath, Horsham RH12 3YS – 01403 211311. Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 2 session times, soft play and bouncy castle suitable for walking – 4 years old.

Antics Softplay Triangle Way, Burgess Hill RH15 8WA –01444 876000. Antics is an indoor soft play adventure zone, which promotes fun, healthy play for under 12s, max height 140cm (4ft 7ins), in a safe, clean environment. With 3 tiers to explore, kids will love the excitement, adventure and creative play that Antics offers. Open Monday – Friday 9.15am – 5.30pm, Saturday and Sundays, 9am – 1pm.

CJ’s Play Café Three Bridges Road, Crawley RH10 1HL – 07824 161118. No admission fee, small charge for use of the soft play area, open Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm, close at 2pm on Tuesday, check Facebook page for weekend opening hours.

Dolphin Cafe Pasture Hill Road, Haywards Heath RH16 1LY –01444 457337. Sports centre cafe with active soft play area for under 8s, open every day.

Doves Play Barn Heaven Farm, Furners Green, Uckfield TN22 3RG – 01825 790424. Made from sustainable wood with ride-ons, rope bridges, slides and ball pond. For 0-8 years, with cafe and ice cream parlour, open every day.

Happyscamps Play Café 1st Floor, 12 Swan Walk, Horsham RH12 1HQ – 01403 754597. Indoor soft play for 0 – 5 year olds.

High Places The Triangle, Triangle Way, Burgess Hill RH15 8WA – 01444 876000. Colourful arena featuring 16 fun themed climbing walls towering over 20 feet high, each showcasing striking designs. Book in advance or attend an open session.

Hope Hive Pilgrim House, St Dunstan’s Road, West Worthing BN13 1AA. Children’s role play centre offering fun and stimulating role play for young children to grow their imagination and creativity. Children can visit a variety of role play areas and small world activities, open Monday – Friday, see website for session times.

18 Many activities
further information
Please refer to individual websites for

Places to Visit

JumpIn Inflatable Fun 5-7 Jubilee Road, Burgess Hill RH15 9TL – 01444 241595. All ages welcome, 25,000 sq ft inflatable theme park with obstacle course, giant ball pit, 5 metre slide and toddler soft play area.

Little Street Rudgwick, Horsham RH12 3JJ – 01403 451677. The indoor play town encourages role play and imagination and features a pizza parlour, beauty salon, supermarket, construction site and vets.

Mini Mayhem County Mall Shopping Centre, Crawley RH10 1FD – 01293 538377. Family-run soft play and role play centre for 0 –10 year olds. With four fun areas, a separate area for under 5s, and babies under 1 away from the main play frame. Open Monday –Saturday 9am – 4.30pm and Sunday 10am – 4.30pm.

Out of Bounds Golfers Lane, Angmering BN16 4NB – 01903 788588. Family entertainment centre, Clip ‘n’ Climb, ten pin bowling, soft play, jumping pillows, adventure nets, footgolf, laser tag and adventure golf, plus cafe. Open 7 days a week.

Sharky’s Soft Play Henfield Leisure Centre, Northcroft, Henfield BN5 9QB – 01273 494984. The soft play is open for children up to 12 years old, with a separate play area for under 3s.

Springboard House 52 Hurst Road, Horsham RH12 2EP – 01403 218888. Soft play, role play room and sensory room.

Treasure Chest Faraday Road, Crawley RH10 9PX – 01293 549009. Soft play for children up to 11 years old, with cafe, open daily 9.30am – 5.30pm.

Adventure Parks and Family Fun

Black Cat Treasure Hunts fun and affordable walking, cycling or driving treasure hunt routes around Sussex for families and groups, choose a ready-to-use hunt or a personalised adventure.

Brighton Karting at QLeisure London Road, Albourne BN6 9BQ – 01273 834403. 800 metres of pure adrenaline plus some of the finest facilities in the country make QLeisure outdoor karting well worth a visit. A fast, furious, frenetic and exhilarating track that will provide you with plenty of challenges and an invigorating race for you and your friends.

Brighton Palace Pier Madeira Drive BN2 1TW – 01273 609361. Traditional rides, amusement arcades, rides with VR headsets, indoor Palace Play area with a height restriction of 0.9m – 1.8m plus toddler area for under 0.9m, food outlets and souvenirs.

Brighton i360 Lower Kings Road BN1 2LN – 03337 720 360, on the seafront near the West Pier. 162m tower with passenger viewing pod climbing to 138m, making it the tallest moving observation tower in the world. Stunning 360-degree views of the Sussex coastline for up to 26 miles.

Caddies Crawley Crawley Leisure Park, crazy golf, tasty burgers, and quirky cocktails at the Crazy Golf Restaurant & Bar.

Drusillas Park Alfriston just off the A27, BN26 5QS – 01323 874100. Zoo animals, interactive displays, extensive adventure playgrounds, rainforest-themed carousel ride, Safari Express Train and Hello Kitty Secret Garden including three children’s rides; a specially designed Hello Kitty car ride, a teacup ride and a ‘Reach for the Sky’ hopper ride. Plus restaurants, cafes and a splash park in the summer. Open every day 10am – 6pm in summer and 10am – 5pm in winter. See competition p6

Go Ape Tilgate Park, Crawley RH10 5PQ – 01603 895500 Metrobus 271 and 273. The high ropes course features a tricky Treetop Challenge for the really daring, and a gentler Treetop Adventure for younger climbers.

Hollywood Bowl Crawley RH10 8LR – 0844 826 1457. With 28 bowling lanes, a private VIP area, an American themed bar diner, an extensive amusements area and plenty of free parking.

Knockhatch Adventure Park on A22 at Hailsham BN27 3GD –01323 442051. Small animals and birds, year-round indoor soft play at Froggies and for older children at the Lost World, The Sherlock Holmes Experience immersive attraction, Dino Safari simulator ride, children’s farm, Dragon Castle, go karts, outdoor playgrounds, rides, jumping pillows, Wave Runner water slide and Pirates Cove paddling pool. Special features at Halloween and Christmas, open 10am – 5.30pm 361 days of the year.

Out of Bounds Golfers Lane, Angmering BN16 4NB – 01903 788588. Family entertainment centre, Clip ‘n’ Climb, ten pin bowling, soft play, jumping pillows, adventure nets, footgolf, laser tag and adventure golf, plus cafe. Open 7 days a week.

Southwater Country Park Southwater, Horsham RH13 9UN – 01403 731218 Metrobus 98 and 398. Located next to the Downs Link off-road trail, with Visitor Centre, cafe and paddling beach. Stroll around to the Dinosaur Island playground or hire bikes, canoes or kayaks.

The REC Roller Rink, Albion Way, Horsham RH12 1AH – 01403 274642. Independent roller skate rink with disco lights, funky music and smoke machine. Specialising in parties, freshly cooked burgers, slushies, freakshakes, ice cream and a licensed bar. Treasure Trails – 01872 263692. The fun way to explore, trails available for multiple locations across Sussex.

Outdoor Pursuits

Blackland Farm Grinstead Lane, East Grinstead RH19 4HP – 01342 810493. Wide range of outdoor activities including climbing, bouldering, zipwire, abseiling, canoeing, archery, low and high ropes and orienteering.

Branching Out Adventures Halland, BN8 5AF – 01825 280250. Introducing you to the thrill of treetop activity and

19 Find even more places to visit at

Places to Visit - Competition!

adventure in a safe professional environment. At Branching Out there is something for everyone; low ropes, high ropes, giant swing, climbing wall and speed zipwire. Closed December and January.

Brighton Footgolf Hangleton Lane, Hove BN3 8EB (formerly Benfield Valley golf course) – 01273 761001. Game for the whole family (3 years and above) involves kicking a football into a hole in as few kicks as possible, 9 or 18 hole courses available.

Go Ape Tilgate Park, Crawley RH10 5PQ – 01603 895500 Metrobus 271 and 273. The high ropes course features a tricky Treetop Challenge for the really daring, and a gentler Treetop Adventure for younger climbers.

So Sussex outdoor and woodland activities and Family Festivals Elderflower Fields and Into the Trees See competition p8 Southwater Watersports Southwater Country Park, Cripplegate Lane RH13 9UN – 01403 734424 Metrobus 98 and 398. Canoeing, kayaking, stand up paddle boarding, raft building, orienteering, dinghy sailing, mountain bike hire, team building and family activities.

The Cow Putt is a farm-themed 18 hole adventure golf course based at the tranquil Heaven Farm Furner’s Green, near Uckfield. Plenty of free parking available.

Tilgate Park Watersports The Boat House, Tilgate Drive, Crawley RH10 5PQ Metrobus 271 and 273. With a wide range of activities in and out of the water and acres of countryside to discover. Rowing boat hire, canoeing, kayaking, raft building, stand up paddle boards, mountain biking, orienteering and open water swimming.

Theatres and Cinemas

Chichester Festival Theatre Oaklands Park, Chichester PO19 6AP – 01243 781312. One of the UK’s flagship theatres, renowned for the high standard of its productions. It welcomes children and families and is proud to be a member of Family Arts Standards. Baby changing facilities are provided along with special refreshments and high chairs in the café and lots of space in the foyers for buggies and lively toddlers. Workshops and holiday activities designed to explore the productions on and beyond the stage are also on offer.

Christ’s Hospital Theatre Horsham RH13 0LJ – 01403 211293. In addition to housing Christ’s Hospital’s drama department and student productions, this fully-equipped, modern theatre provides a venue for a wide range of professional entertainment, including top quality theatre, comedy and music which are open to the public. Hawth Theatre Hawth Avenue, Crawley RH10 6YZ – 01293 553636. Main theatre and Studio plus workshops and summer schools.

Orion Cinema Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill RH15 8DX –01444 243300. Cinema with art deco facade and 2 screens showing the latest mainstream releases.

Ropetackle Arts Centre Little High Street, Shoreham-by-Sea BN43 5EG – 01273 464440. Community-run purpose-built arts venue; exhibitions, film, live music, comedy, dance and spoken word.

The Capitol Theatre North Street, Horsham RH12 1RG – 01403 750220. A multi-purpose arts venue with a 410-seat theatre, 2 cinema screens, studio theatre, meeting room and gallery space. No babysitter? No problem – Box Office Babies gives you the chance to enjoy a trip to the cinema whilst spending time with your little one.

The Old Market Upper Market Street, Hove BN3 1AS – 01273 201801. Music, theatre, film, dance, comedy, workshops and exhibitions.

Family Restaurants and Cafes

Bluebell Railway The Bessemer Arms, Platform 1, Sheffield Park Station TN22 3QL. Family pub/restaurant with children’s activity lunch boxes.

Camelia Botnar Garden Centre, Cowfold RH13 8NA Coffee shop and outdoor wooden pirate ship

Heaven Farm Furners Green, Uckfield TN22 3RG –01825 790888. The Stable restaurant and tea room.

Kings Centre Café Moat Road, East Grinstead RH19 3LN – 01342 328616. Sports centre cafe with soft play area for 2 – 8 years.

Latchetts Farm Heaven Farm, Furners Green, Uckfield TN22 3RG – 07542 853842. Creamery serving handmade ice creams, sorbets, cakes, chocolates, pancakes, waffles & traditional sweets. Nymans House and Gardens (National Trust) Handcross, Haywards Heath, RH17 6EB – 01444 405250 Metrobus 271 and 273. The Riding House family friendly café with children’s activity lunch boxes in summer. See advert back cover

Sheffield Park and Garden (National Trust) Sheffield Park, Uckfield TN22 3QX – 01825 790231. The Coach House family friendly café with children’s lunch boxes in summer.

Standen (National Trust) West Hoathly Road, East Grinstead RH19 4NE – 01342 323029 Metrobus 84. The Barn family friendly café with children’s activity lunch boxes in summer. See advert back cover

The Mug Tree Tea Room Ship Street, East Grinstead RH19 4EF – 01342 457100. Award winning, breastfeeding friendly café with craft activities & themed events.

The Wheatsheaf Wheatsheaf Road, Henfield BN5 9BD –01273 492077. Family pub/restaurant with large wooden pirate ship, swings and kids’ menu.

Wakehurst Ardingly, Haywards Heath RH17 6TN – 01444 894066 Metrobus 272. Family friendly café with children’s lunch boxes.

Please refer

20 Many activities
to individual
for further information

Guide to What's On Locally & Key Dates


Sat 11th Mar - Sun 16th April

Lambing at Coombes Farm near Lancing, lambs, calves & tractor rides, online booking recommended coombes. (see advert p14)

Red Nose Day

Friday 17th March


Sat 1st - Mon 10th April

Easter Egg Hunt at Petworth House & Park puzzles, games & crafts, daily 10am - 5pm

Sat 1st - Sun 16th April

The Great Easter Escape at Godstone Farm book at (advert back cover & comp p15)

Sat 1st - Sun 16th April

Mother's Day

Sunday 19th March

Sat 25th Mar - Sun 16th April

Easter at Standen - All the fun of the Fete East Grinstead, daily 10am4.30pm

(see advert back cover)

Sat 25th Mar - Sun 16th April

Nymans Springfest

Handcross, daily 10am4.30pm

(see advert back cover)

Sat 25th Mar - Sun 23rd April

Shaun the Sheep at Leonardslee Lower

Beeding, 'Hide & Sheep'

Augmented Reality Easter Trail, daily 9am - 5pm, book at

British Summer Time Begins

Sunday 26th March

Thurs 30th Mar - Sun 23rd


Superworm at Wakehurst



Fri 9th - Sun 11th June



South of England Show Ardingly, big family day out, book at (see competition p10)

Saturday 17th June

Coronation of Charles III

Ludo's Easter Race at Borde Hill Garden Haywards Heath, daily 10am - 5pm, book at (see competition p2)

Sat 1st - Sun 16th April

Easter Adventures at Sheffield Park & Garden duck-themed Easter Trail, daily 10am - 5pm

Sat 1st April - Sat 13th May

Arundel Castle Tulip Festival book at

Thurs 6th - Sun 16th April

Easter Afternoon Tea at Leonardslee Lower Beeding, suitable for all the family, daily 1pm - 4pm, book at

Fri 7th - Sun 9th April

Arundel Castle Medieval Festival book at

Good Friday 7th April

Easter Sunday 9th April

Tues 11th April

KitsPlay Easter Workshop

Broadbridge Heath Village Centre, 10am - 3pm facebook. com/kitsplayinc

Sat 22nd - Sun 23rd April

Spring Live! South of England Showground, Ardingly, family day out, book at

Sat 29th April

Crawley Model Railway Society Open Day, Milton Mount School 11am - 4pm

Sat 6th May

Coronation Weekend Bank


Mon 8th May

Mon 1st - Sun 21st May

Arundel Castle Allium Extravaganza castle gardens in bloom, book at

Fri 26th - Mon 29th May

Elderflower Fields Ashdown Forest, family festival, book at

Sat 27th May - Sun 4th June

Eco Explorers at Borde Hill Garden Haywards Heath, ecothemed garden & woodland trail, daily 10am - 5pm, book at (see competition p2)

Sat 27th May - Sun 4th June

May Half Term Fun at Fishers Adventure Farm Park Wisborough Green, daily activities, book at

Sun 28th May

Foxglove Cottage open for National Garden Scheme Horsham, 1pm - 5pm, drop in or book at

Jolly Good Festival Ardingly, all inclusive kids' festival, book at jollygoodfestival. (see advert back cover with 10% discount code)

Saturday 24th June

The Big Gig 2023 Horsham Sports Club, live music & tribute acts fundraising event, 1pm - 10pm, book at

Later in 2023...

Sat 5th - Sun 6th & Sat 12thSun 13th August

The Loxwood Joust Medieval Festival, Billingshurst, book at (see further information and competition p3)

Thurs 17th - Sun 20th


The Labyrinth Challenge X Leonardslee Lower Beeding, the UK's largest inflatable obstacle course, daily 9am - 6pm, book at

Sat 2nd - Sun 3rd September

Floral Fringe Fair Loxwood Meadows, 10.30am - 5pm, a celebration of all things vintage & steampunk, book at

Fri 8th - Sun 10th September

Into the Trees Ashdown Forest, book at into-the-trees. (see competition p8)

Sat 23rd - Sun 24th


Autumn Show & International Horse Trials South of England Showground, Ardingly, family day out, book at

The summer issue, featuring events Jul - Oct, will be out in early July

21 Find even more places to visit at
Day Bank Holiday
Ardingly, Easter trail with interactive activities & scuptures, daily 10am5.30pm, book at 1st May
Spring Bank Holiday Mon 29th May

Join Mog the Forgetful Cat on her Remarkable Adventures at Nymans

Explore Mog’s world through extracts from Judith Kerr’s classic stories on a trail around the garden, produced in partnership with HarperCollins Publishers, perfect for pre-schoolers. In the story room take a seat at Mog’s family breakfast table, dress up as characters from the stories, or cosy up and listen to recordings of Mog tales. Picnic with Mog in the café* and find lots more Mog themed fun and games in the play glade.

*Booking essential online – Normal admission applies

this Spring
6 May – Fri 21 July 2023 • Daily, 10am – 4pm
to do
7330_Nym_Mog_half-term_Grapev_125x195_v1.indd 1 03/04/2023 09:50 Not forgetting all the usual farmyard fun this Spring! 1st - 16th April EASTER TIMES ROLL THIS LET THE GOOD BOOK ON LIN E Don’t forget to book the GREAT EASTER ESCAPE too!

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