6 minute read
Drusilla Duffill Theatre School
Artistic Director: Drusilla Duffill DDE FISTD Examiner, RAD, RTS, Adjudicator Principal: Vikki Harris DDE AISTD Polestar Pilates Equipment and
Children from 2 - 18 years of age are offered a fun introduction to the world of dance. Students can enjoy performing at local events, join holiday Dance Camps & take NATD Graded Exams & Theatrical Awards.

Wallabies holiday club, Bolney, supervisor61.wixsite.com/ bolneyunder5sgroup
Blackland Farm, Grinstead Lane, East Grinstead, girlguidingactivitycentres.org. uk/centre/blackland-farm
Broadstone Warren Scout Site & Activity Centre, Forest Row, 01342 822573
Cuckfield Archers, inclusive archery club for 10yrs+, cuckfieldarchers.org.uk
To find out more contact Nikki Gower 01444 454684 / 07834 922 862 nikkigower@hotmail.co.uk www.facebook.com/ BalcombeandLindfieldDanceSchool

Holiday Schemes & Activities (continued)

Pioneer Holiday Camps, 4-11yrs, pioneerchildcare.co.uk
Southeast Kids Camps, day camps 4-11yrs, southeastkidscamps.co.uk
Stagecoach, performing arts workshops, Haywards Heath, stagecoach.co.uk
Sussex Wildlife Trust holiday clubs for 6-11yrs, sussexwildlifetrust.org.uk
The Art Shed, holiday art workshops for under 16yrs, Lindfield, theartshed.co.uk
The Outdoors Project, holiday schemes, 6-12yrs, theoutdoorsproject.co.uk
Tiny Tekkers, 5-14yrs, multisport camps, tinytekkers.com
Ultimate Activity Camps, Easter & summer camps 4-14yrs, ultimateactivity.co.uk (see advert p11)
Ditchling Archery Club, accompanied children 8yrs+, ditchlingac.org.uk
Arts & Crafts
Art Styles Academy, art classes with a difference, artstylesacademy.co.uk
Fun Pots paint in the studio, or at home, pottery kits, H Heath, funpots.co.uk
Isobel Roope, children’s ceramic classes, Lindfield, isobelroope.com
Badminton, 5yrs+, The Dolphin, dolphin.placesleisure.org
FastStep Badminton Academy, junior section, Haywards Heath, faststepbadminton.co.uk
Hassocks Badminton Club Under 18s, hassocksbadmintonclub.co.uk
Racket Pack junior badminton, term time, The Triangle, Burgess Hill, triangle.placesleisure.org
Bikes & Cycling
Beacon Bikes, mountain & electric bike hire for 14yrs+, free parking & rural location near Hurst, beaconbikes.co.uk
Deers Leap Bikes, mountain bike hire & trails, East Grinstead, deersleap.co.uk
Hassocks Community Cycle Hire, mountain bike hire, Hassocks Station southbound side, hassockscommunitycyclehire.com
Blackland Farm, rock climbing, boulder wall, zipwire & abseiling, East Grinstead, girlguidingactivitycentres.org.uk/centre/ blackland-farm
Broadstone Warren Scout Site & Activity Centre, climbing & abseiling, Forest Row, 01342 822573
High Places, 16 themed climbing walls, 4yrs+, The Triangle, triangle. placesleisure.org (see advert p15)
Burgess Hill Cricket Club, Youth Academy, burgesshillcc.co.uk
Cuckfield Cricket Club, 5yrs+, cuckfieldcc.co.uk
Haywards Heath Cricket Club, junior section, haywardsheath.play-cricket.com
Henfield Cricket Club, Colts section, henfieldcricketclub.com
Hurstpierpoint Cricket Club, junior section, hurstpierpoint.play-cricket.com
Keymer & Hassocks Cricket Club, junior section, keymer.play-cricket.com
Lindfield Cricket Club, Under 9s upwards, lindfield.play-cricket.com
Scaynes Hill Cricket Club, 5yrs+, junior section, scayneshill.play-cricket.com
St Andrews Cricket Club, juniors, Burgess Hill, standrews.play-cricket.com
St James’s Montefiore Cricket Club, 5yrs+, Hassocks, stjamescricket.com
Dance & Drama
Balcombe & Lindfield Dance School, ballet, tap & modern, facebook.com/ BalcombeandLindfieldDanceSchool (see advert)
BPM Dance Academy, urban hip hop, street dance, contemporary dance & Acro classes, bpmdanceacademy.co.uk

(see advert)
Drusilla Duffill Theatre School, 3-19yrs, ballet, modern theatre, tap, jazz, performance, Burgess Hill, drusilladuffilltheatreschool.co.uk
(see advert)
Gielgud Academy of Performing Arts, ballet, modern, tap, singing & drama, gielgudacademy.co.uk (see advert)
Walkhouse School of Dance, imperial classical ballet, modern theatre, tap & Pilates, Burgess Hill, walkhousedance.com (see advert)
Adam Virgo Academy, 5-13yrs, Hassocks, Burgess Hill & Henfield, adamvirgoacademy.com
Burgess Hill Town FC, juniors, bhtfcjuniors.co.uk
Cuckfield Cosmos Football Club, girls
Under 6s+, cuckfieldcosmosfc.co.uk
East Grinstead Town Football Club, Under 8s upwards, egtfc.co.uk Forest Row Junior Football Club, Under 5s & upwards, frjfc.org.uk
Little Kickers, football training, Burgess Hill & Haywards Heath, littlekickers.co.uk
Keep your little ones active at Places Leisure
We can’t wait to welcome you to our centres across the district to move your body and engage your mind.
Health should always be a priority. Keeping active as a family deepens bonds, sets a lifelong example, and expends all the pent-up energy that comes with youth!
No two families are the same – that’s why our centres are ideal; there really is something for everyone. But where to start?
We have rounded up our favourite activities to get stuck into this spring…
Make a swimming start.
Take the plunge and get involved in lessons ahead of the sunniest season. Our centres offer teaching for all ages and abilities, so whether you want to start from scratch, overcome a lifelong fear, or simply want your child to brush-up on water safety, we can’t recommend our lessons enough!
If you’re just looking to enjoy a splash, come on down to one of our Family Fun sessions. Watch the pool transform into floats galore with colourful balls, toys and sinking weights to play with in the water, as well as giant inflatable obstacle courses… who will beat the course first without slipping over the edge?! Or take a journey round the winding rapids, or venture down the speedy flume at The Triangle for an actionpacked hour.
Let’s get sporty.
Sports are a great active option when it comes to making progress, team building and using up energy. Our centres offer a wide variety of courses for all children, from football and tennis, to gymnastics and trampolining – and what better time to start?
Extra-curricular activities have been linked to improving time spent in the classroom – offering children a chance to have fun, improve selfesteem and take pride in overcoming physical challenges.
For the little adventurers…
Our Soft Play and Active Play & Bounce sessions are perfect for little ones looking to explore the world through play. It promotes better posture and balance, builds stronger bones, muscles and heart, as well as contributing to brain development. The chance to socialise with children of the same age is particularly important in learning and creating social bonds.
Looking to flex their independence?
Clip ‘n Climb is a fantastic option for the adrenaline junkies, engaging every muscle in the body and giving children the opportunity to do something different. Ignite your inner intellect and combine agility with problem-solving – just like our ancestors!
Teens keen to get fit can visit our Junior Gym sessions from 11 years old. Bring them along to try out the different machines in a comfortable and supervised setting.
Combining fitness with fun.
Add a touch of music, and test your dancing skills alongside family and friends at our Roller Disco – one of our most popular events. Confident you got the moves? Find out more about our private hall hire for special occasions.
We also run a range of holiday clubs and camps to encourage children to engage in an array of different activities; from group games and sports, to arts and crafts.
What are you waiting for? Choose the active option. Find your Place. And remember you can’t put a price on memories.
Plus… WIN a three-month Premium membership for the family that gives access to a variety of activities. Please note that activities and prices may vary depending on the centre and availability.
Keep your eyes peeled for competition details inside this issue of the magazine!
Gymnastics & Trampoline
Gymnastics & trampoline, 4yrs+, The Triangle, Burgess Hill, triangle.placesleisure.org
Gymnastics & trampoline, term time, 4yrs+, The Dolphin, dolphin. placesleisure.org
Hurstpierpoint Gymnastics Club, 3-16yrs, Village Centre, hurstpierpointgym.co.uk
Rise Gymnastics 4yrs+ & trampoline
5yrs+ term time, Kings Centre, East Grinstead, kings.placesleisure.org
Springfit gymnastics & trampoline, 2yrs+, Jubilee Centre, East Grinstead, springfit.org
Stars Gym Club, Henfield, starsgymclub.co.uk
Sussex Springers Trampoline Club, Hassocks, sussexspringers.co.uk
Burgess Hill Hockey Club, junior section, burgesshillhockeyclub.com
East Grinstead Hockey Club Juniors, eghockey.co.uk
All England Jumping Course, Hickstead, hickstead.co.uk
Chestnuts Riding School, Pyecombe, chestnutsridingschool.co.uk
Ponies-n-Kids, fun riding lessons 5yrs+, Henfield, facebook.com/poniesnkids
Porches Farm Stables, 7yrs+, Horsted Keynes, facebook.com/ porchesfarmstables
Three Greys Riding School, Pyecombe, 3greys.ecpro.co.uk
Tremaines Riding Stables, Horsted Keynes, tremainesriding.co.uk
Martial Arts
Burgess Hill Taekwon-Do, martialarts-burgesshill.co.uk
Diddy Deshi traditional karate, 5-7yrs, ryushinkan.co.uk/karate-classes/diddydeshi
Fortitude Taekwondo, 3yrs+, Haywards Heath & East Grinstead, tkd4u.co.uk
Karl James Taekwondo, 3yrs+, East Grinstead, karljamestaekwondo.co.uk
Kinetics Fight Academy, mixed martial arts, 5yrs+, East Grinstead, kfagym.com
Matt Fiddes Martial Arts, learning martial arts, respect & discipline, Haywards Heath & East Grinstead, facebook.com/ mrwain.mattfiddes
Mid Sussex Martial Arts School, Juniors, msmas.org
Renshinkan Karate Do, Burgess Hill, H Heath, Cuckfield, Danehill, Ditchling, Hassocks, Ardingly, Scaynes Hill, Turners Hill, renshinkankarate-england.org.uk (see advert)
Sama Southeast, 4yrs+, karate & kickboxing, samasoutheast.co.uk
White Crane Academy, whitecraneacademy.com
Zanshin Wado-ryu Karate Club, 8yrs+, Burgess Hill, zanshinwado.co.uk
Music Teachers
Discover and Be, music tuition in various instruments & vocal coaching, discoverandbe.com
Fully qualified & experienced piano teacher, lessons for all ages, Burgess Hill, 07931 201553
Miranda Davis, Suzuki violin & viola classes, 07913 084842
Rok Skool, tuition for beginners upwards, Haywards Heath, rokskool.co.uk
Simon Casciano, established piano tutor for all ages & all levels, also accompanies instrumentalists, Forest Row, 07816 113967 simon.casciano@gmail.com
CD Phoenix Netball Club Juniors, East Grinstead, cdphoenixsussex.co.uk
Woodside Netball Club, 7yrs+, training at the Triangle, Burgess Hill, facebook.com/WoodsideNC
Drusilla Duffill Theatre School, V Pilates Studio, Burgess Hill, drusilladuffilltheatreschool.co.uk (see advert p12)
Fisher Pilates, online classes, private appointments & classes in Haywards Heath, fisherpilates.com
Pilates Studio at the Physio Rooms, Haywards Heath, reab.co.uk
Sona Studio, Lindfield, sonastudio.co.uk
Roller Skates & Skateboards
Get Your Skates On, monthly discos at the skate arena, The Triangle, Burgess Hill, gysoleisure.co.uk
Mini Rippers coaching sessions, Hassocks, minirippers.co.uk
Roller Disco, Kings Centre, East Grinstead, kings.placesleisure.org
Skateboarding lessons & parties, learntoskateboard.co.uk
Rugby & Mini Rugby
Burgess Hill RFC Youth, bhrfc.co.uk
East Grinstead RFC Juniors, egrfc.com
Haywards Heath RFC Youth, hhrfc.co.uk
Rugbytots, Haywards Heath & East Grinstead, rugbytots.co.uk
Sussex Rugby Football, find your nearest club, facebook.com/SussexRFU
& Fitness Centres
East Grinstead Sports Club, indoor & outdoor sports, egsc.org.uk
Freedom Leisure Centre, Hassocks, freedom-leisure.co.uk/centres/hassockssports-centre
Henfield Leisure Centre, Northcroft, henfieldleisurecentre.co.uk
Kings Centre, East Grinstead, pool, gym & classes, kings.placesleisure.org
Linear Health & Fitness, Borde Hill Gardens, Haywards Heath, linearfitness.com
The Dolphin, Haywards Heath, pool, gym & classes, dolphin.placesleisure.org
The Triangle Burgess Hill, pool, gym & classes, triangle.placesleisure.org
ADV Swim School, tuition for all ages & abilities, advswimschool.co.uk