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A - Z of Sport & Leisure: Swimming - Youth Clubs
Crest Swim School, swimming lessons from 4mths, mermaid & shark lessons, 4yrs+, crestswimschool.co.uk
(see advert p11)
Flippers & Fins, swim lessons from birth, flippersandfinsclub.co.uk
Floaters, swimming classes for all ages & abilities, B Hill & Hurst, floaters.co.uk

Puddle Ducks, baby & pre-school lessons, East Grinstead & Hassocks, puddleducks.com
Seriously FUN Swimming Schools, 3-12yrs, term time, Haywards Heath, seriouslyfun.net (see advert)

Simply Swim Sussex, term time swimming lessons for ages 4-14yrs, simplyswimsussex.com lucinda@simplyswimsussex.com
Swim lessons for pre-school to teens, Kings Centre, East Grinstead, kings.placesleisure.org The Dolphin, dolphin.placesleisure.org The Triangle, Burgess Hill, triangle.placesleisure.org (see advert)
Swimming lessons, 5mths+, St Francis Pool, H Heath, stfrancispool.co.uk
Water Babies Brighton & Mid Sussex, 0-4½yrs, waterbabies.co.uk/classes
Advantage Over, 5yrs & upwards, East Grinstead, advantageovertennis.com
Cuckfield Tennis Club, Junior section, High Street, clubspark.lta.org.uk/
Horsted Keynes Tennis Club, coaching enquiries; rob@egtenniscoaching.com / membership@hktc.co.uk
Hurstpierpoint Lawn Tennis Club, juniors, clubspark.lta.org.uk/ hurstpierpointlawntennisclub
Lindfield Lawn Tennis Club, juniors, lindfieldtennisclub.co.uk/juniors.html
The Weald Squash & Tennis Club, Under 18s, Hassocks, the-weald.co.uk
Charlotte Yoga, pregnancy 1-2-1, mother & baby & pre-school yoga classes, charlotteyoga.co.uk
CJ Yoga, for all levels, online, studio & private classes, facebook.com/cjyoga7
Iyengar Yoga classes Forest Row & Horsted Keynes, sarahdelfasyoga.co.uk
Kate Anderson Yoga, private classes or group hatha yoga & vinyasa flow classes for all levels, kateandersonyoga.com
Wigglebums, Movement & Mindfulness nursery, EY & KS1 stories & sensory play, KS2, rhymes & games, wigglebums.uk
Yoga with Alison, group or 1-2-1 classes, Ardingly & Lindfield, yogawithalison.org
Youth Clubs
Accelerate, Y6-8, The King’s Church, Burgess Hill, tkc.org.uk/kingsyouthmidweek
Awaken, Y7-9, Friday 7.30-9pm term time, Haywards Heath Baptist Church, hhbchurch.org.uk/youth
Bentswood Hub, Fridays, Bentswood Juniors (7-11yrs) 3:15pm5:15pm, Bentswood Seniors (11yrs+) 6pm8pm, Haywards Heath , just drop in

Burgess Hill Youth, Y3-6 & Y7-11 Fairfield Community Centre, burgesshillyouth.org/about Fortify, Y10-13, Friday 7.30-9pm term time, Haywards Heath Baptist Church, hhbchurch.org.uk/youth
FX, Years 6-9, games, craft, fun & Bible teaching, Christ Church, New England Rd, Haywards Heath, 07950 604082
Locus Youth Club, monthly, 11yrs+, Balcombe, achurchnearyou.com/ church/4767/service-and-events/ events/433688
Pulse, Y6-9, Lindfield United Reformed Church, lindfieldurc.org.uk/youth
Rooted, Year 9-13, food, chat & Bible teaching, Christ Church, New England Rd, Haywards Heath, 07950 604082
The Escape Youth Club, Y7-11, Fridays
7-9pm, Cherry Tree Centre, Burgess Hill, theescapeyouthclub.com
The Rising, Y9-13, The King’s Church, Burgess Hill, tkc.org.uk/kingsyouthmidweek
Youth Encounter, Y7-13, Thurs, term time, 7-9pm, St Andrew’s Church, Burgess Hill, standrewsbh.org.uk/groups/youth
YoYo, Years 3-5, games, craft, fun & Bible teaching, Christ Church, New England Rd, Haywards Heath, 07906 242134
YoYo’s Youth Group, girls Y7 & above, 7.30pm, term time, Thursdays, handcrosshardwareandcraft.co.uk
Zig Zag, Reception to Y2, games, craft, fun & Bible teaching, Christ Church, New England Rd, Haywards Heath, cchh.org.uk/families