• Things to do • places to go • Hobbies • Support • and more...
Local practitioners, providing professional Estate Planning Services
Welcome to the ONLINE Mid Surrey Silver Grapevine! No sooner had Silver Grapevine got off the ground, Covid-19 overtook our lives and changed so much for so many people. With the ever evolving situation, it has been difficult for me to know how to move forward. Societies, groups, organisations, businesses...call them what you will, everything ground to a halt out of necessity. Only now we are getting the green light to get up and running again, albeit with restrictions. Advertisers in this magazine have been linked to their respective websites, so all you have to do is click on the advert web address and you will be able to get updated information directly from them. Please don’t forget that pretty much everywhere has been closed for some time and having to regroup generally, so this needs to be taken into consideration as you look through adverts and listings. Your continued support for this magazine and other local businesses is really appreciated. I hope to be back with a printed magazine in the winter. Meanwhile, stay safe and well.
Will Instructions Limited offer the following Core Services: Will instructions and amendments Inheritance Tax advice and planning Lasting Powers of Attorney Pre-paid Funeral Plans Probate and Estate Support Services Make it easier for the loved ones you leave behind Please contact Keith Flashman to arrange a free and no obligation consultation Telephone: 0773 990 4260 Email: keith@willinstructions.co.uk Members of the Society of Will Writers
Contact:Genevieve Arlidge - Editor T: Genevieve on 01372 209200 E: genevieve@thesilvergrapevine.co.uk W: www.thesilvergrapevine.co.uk/mid-surrey Thank you to everyone who has contacted me with really positive and constructive feedback. Rest assured it has all been taken on board. I have to be honest and say that over the last few months some momentum has been lost in respect of sourcing information for this magazine, but with your help I am hopeful of producing something worthwhile for the winter period! The next issue is planned for mid November and the deadline for bookings and artwork is 25th October. Please download the advertising information from the website or contact me directly. I am here to help you promote your business or group to our readers. There is never any hard sell!
Disclaimer: The Silver Grapevine Mid Surrey is independently owned by Grapevine Media Works Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means, either wholly or in part, without the prior permission of the publisher. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of the material in this publication and to ensure the accuracy of its content, no warranty is given as to its correctness. All adverts are submitted and approved by the advertiser and this does not imply a recommendation or necessarily the views of the publisher. You should make your own enquiries and comparisons as with any form of advertising. We accept no liability for loss, damage or difficulties resulting from contacts made through the directory, from errors or omissions, from claims made by advertisers or from omissions or inaccuracies relating to an advertisement or other entry, regardless of how caused.
Silver Grapevine - Supporting Local Businesses Delicatessen and Catering
Good Elf!
Family Owned and Run Good old fashioned service with a smile! Home Cooking Party Food Ready Meals
Introducing Stokebuskers!
A fun group of local multi-instrumentalist musicians and singers, Stokebuskers perform a wide repertoire of family friendly popular cover songs, including Folk, Pop and Rock hits and other favourites spanning the decades.
42 Station Road, Stoke D’Abernon 01932 860572
Local Information Offices Age Concern Epsom and Ewell, varied services offered, 01372 732456 Age Concern Mole Valley, varied services offered, 01306 899104 Age UK Surrey, information and advice on any issue for older people, 01483 503414 Age UK Surrey, provides services to help people 50+ make the most of life, 01483 503414 Cheer, providing advice, friendship and support to older people, Elmbridge, 01372 879321 Consumer Helpline, free and confidential advice on consumer issues, 03454 04 05 06
Delighting audiences and bringing musical life and soul to many a public and private function, Stokebuskers would be pleased to entertain you, your friends and guests, at your party or special event. For enquiries and bookings, please contact the band at: stokebuskers@gmail.com
Free Debt Advice, Christian’s Against Poverty, Bookham Baptist Church, 0800 328 0006 Help Shop, in Leatherhead Library (Mole Valley District Council), 01306 885001 Mole Valley District Council, Pippbrook House, Reigate Road, Dorking, 01306 885001 Mole Valley District Housing Association, 01306 885001 Surrey Community Action, communities working together, 01483 566072 Surrey County Council Information Line, 03456 009 009
Residents Associations Ashtead Residents Association, 07877 565377
Elmbridge Borough Council, Esher Civic Centre, 01372 474474
Bookham Residents Association, 0300 030 9890
Epsom and Ewell Borough Council, Epsom Town Hall, 01372 732000
Fetcham Residents’ Association, 07833 620744
Equality Advisory and Support Service, issues relating to equality/human rights, 0808 800 0082
Leatherhead Residents’ Association, 01372 813013 Malden Rushett Residents Association, 07751 024358
Please tell advertisers you found them in the ’Grapevine’
Silver Grapevine - Supporting Local Businesses Supporting older people in your neighbourhood Growing older doesn't come with a manual, and that’s where Age UK Surrey can help. We are a local, independent charity and our goal is to help everyone aged 50+ make the most of later life. We provide one to one support and social group activities. Below are some of our services in the area.
Information & Advice We provide free, confidential and impartial information, advice and support to enable you to maximise your income and maintain your independence, and if we cannot help we are usually able to signpost you to someone who can.
Help at Home Whether you need someone to do light housework, laundry, go to the shops or tidy your garden, our Home Helps and Gardeners can make life easier for you at an affordable cost.
• Tea and Chat – Come as strangers…leave as friends. Our tea and chat sessions offer a space for you to
socialise and meet new people. They are held in: Caterham: Monday fortnightly, 10.30am – 12.00pm, Westway Centre. Lingfield: Thursday monthly, 2.30pm – 4.00pm, Lingfield Day Centre. Oxted: Tuesday monthly, 2.30 pm – 4.00pm, Bluehouse Social Centre. GO50 Walks - our volunteer-led walks are a great way to meet people and build regular exercise into your routine. Walks are between 2-11 miles. The Surrey walk programme is available from our website.
For more information, please visit www.ageuk.org.uk/surrey call 01483 503414 or enquiries@ageuksurrey.org.uk
Community Policing, Crime Prevention
Epsom, Epsom Methodist Church, Ashley Road, Fridays 2-4pm, 020 8786 8221
Community Safety Officers, Epsom and Ewell, 01372 732000
Ewell, Ruxley Church, Ruxley Lane, Wednesdays 2-4pm, 020 8786 8221
Crimestoppers, 0800 555 111
Foodbank Vouchers, enquiries in Epsom and Ewell area, 020 8786 8221
Domestic Violence, if in immediate danger, 999 EMERGENCY ONLY, 999
Foodbank Vouchers, enquiries in Mole Valley area, 01306 885001
Epsom and Ewell Community Alarm Service, 01372 732000
Foodbank Vouchers, Walton and Hersham area, 020 3328 0243
Surrey Police, non emergencies, 101
Hersham, St Peter’s Church, Burwood Road, Mon. 3-5pm and Tues 2-4pm, 07745 256753
Victim Support for Surrey, free and confidential help to victims of crime, 01483 639949
Food Banks Bookham, Baptist Church, Lower Road, 01372 811313 Cobham, The United Church, Stoke Road, food distribution, Tues, noon-1.30pm, 01932 450282 East Elmbridge, Food Bank Vouchers, for enquiries in this area, 07908 777475
Leatherhead, North Leatherhead Community Centre, Kingston Rd, Saturdays 10-11.15, 020 8786 8221 Walton-on-Thames, St Johns Church, The Furrows, Thurs and Fri 11am-1pm, 07745 256748 Weybridge, Runnymede Foodbank, St James Church, Church Street, Thurs 1-3pm, 01932 988350
Silver Grapevine - Supporting Local Businesses Farmers and Community Markets Ashtead - Friday Market, 2nd Friday monthly, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Just turn up Bookham - Fridays 10.15-11.30am, The Old Barn Hall, Church Road, Just turn up Cobham - Fourth Saturday of the month, Hollyhedge Road, 9.30am-2.00pm, Just turn up Epsom - 1st Sunday of every month, 9.301.30pm. Market Square, Just turn up Leatherhead - Artisan Market, last Friday of month in the High Street, Just turn up Leatherhead - each Thursday and Saturday 9am-3pm, High Street, Just turn up Leatherhead - Martha’s Market, L’head Parish Hall, 1st, 3rd and 5th Fridays, 01372 374914 Stoke d’Abernon - Wed and Sat, 9.30-12.30, Squires Garden Centre car park, Just turn up Thames Ditton - fourth Saturday, 9am-1pm, amenity space of the George & Dragon, Just turn up Walton-on-Thames - 1st Saturday monthly, 9.30am - 2pm, outside The Heart, Just turn up
Have you moved recently? Then talk to us to receive a free local information pack to welcome you to your new home. T: 01372 470301
EE up! FR pick
Citizens Advice Bureau Chessington and Hook (Kingston CAB number), in the Hook Centre, 020 3166 0953 Citizen Advice Sessions, Leatherhead, appointments and drop in, mon-thurs, 03444 111 444 Dorking Citizens Advice Bureau, Lyons Court, walk in and appointments, 03444 111 444
Epsom and Ewell, Old Town Hall (next to new Town Hall), 0300 330 1164
Published by Grapevine Media Works Ltd. Established 1997
A quality A5 magazine full of useful local information for you, your family and your friends
• Activities • Learning • Exercise • Hobbies • Help and Support • Places to Visit • Events and so much more...
Elmbridge West CAB, Community Hub, High Street, Walton-on-Thames, 0300 330 1179
Essential information for the active over 60's
The next issue will be available in November 2020
Ideas for the active over 60’s
Activities - Learning - Exercise - Hobbies and so much more
!e EEhom FRtake
Esher, Harry Fletcher House, near Civic Centre, 01372 464770 Molesey, drop-in, Tuesdays 10-12.30pm, Joseph Palmer Centre, (Esher Tel. number), 01372 464770 Weybridge CAB, Weybridge Centre for the Community, Thursday am, 0300 330 1179
LISTINGS ARE FREE! Adverts from only £35
Series bookings discounts
Please call or email Genevieve 01372 209200 Genevieve@thesilvergrapevine.co.uk https://thesilvergrapevine.co.uk/mid-surrey
If you run an activity for the over 60's in Mid Surrey contact me for a FREE listing and more information about this magazine
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A - Z Leisure: Amateur Dramatics - Arts & Crafts Due to the situation of the last few months, free listings have not been checked for current accuracy. Please take that into consideration when contacting any business. If you would like a free listing for your business or group, fill in the form by clicking HERE. Is your information listed but no longer correct? Contact me directly so I can make the changes.
Amateur Dramatic Groups Ashtead Players, everyone welcome to join our vibrant group, 01372 279614 Ember Players, Friendly Esher based club who perform at Walton Playhouse, 07974 444320 POSE, drama group, social events and theatre trips, Bookham, 01372 458254 Woodfield Entertainers, new members on or off stage welcome, Ashtead, 07900 883544
Ashtead Art Group, Peace Memorial Hall, Ashtead, 01737 357263 Chessington Art Group, informal group of artists, all welcome, 020 8391 5362 Chessington Art Group, The King’s Centre, 020 8391 5522 Cobham Art Group, Tuesday afternoons, Village Hall, new members welcome, 07976 260955 Conquest Art, for anyone with a long term illness or disability, Ashtead, 01372 272987 Craft Group, 3rd Monday monthly, 10am-noon, St Joh’s Centre, Stoneleigh, 020 8786 7048 Craft Group, drop-in, bring your own craft, Mondays 2-4pm, St Andrew’s Oxshott Epsom & Ewell Art Group,meet at Bourne Hall, Ewell, 01372 722843 Knit and Natter in the Conservatory, Walton Centre for the Community, 01932 247549
Arts and Crafts
Knit and Natter, Claygate Centre for the Community, 01372 463476
Art and Crafts, Community and Wellbeing Centre, Epsom, 01372 720563
Knit and Sew, Molesey Community Centre, 020 8979 5773
Art and Crafts, Weybridge Centre, 01932 844391
Knit Natter Crochet & Chatter, Ye Olde Windsor Castle, Little Bookham, 7-8.30pm, Just turn up
Art Class, Drawing and Painting, Leatherhead and Fetcham, 07796 897846
Knitting Group and Knit and Natter Group, Hersham Community Centre, 01932 246267
Art Class, Hersham Community Centre, 01932 246267
Mole Valley Quilters, all welcome, Bookham, 01372 579321
Art Class, Molesey Community Centre, 020 8979 5773
Oxshott Art and Crafts Society, friendly club for local artists and craftspeople, 01483 283269
Art Class, Thames Ditton Centre for the Community, 020 8398 5921
Sew Spice, 2nd Saturday monthly, St Mary’s Hall Chessington, 07581 405784
Art Freedom, help relieve anxiety caused by mental health issue, Riverhouse Barn, 07930 731335
The Arts Society Ashtead, monthly lectures by renowned art experts, 07958 560707
Art Group, Little Bookham Hall, 01372 378334 Art, Claygate Centre for the Community, 01372 463476 art-k Dorking, develop new artistic skills, beginners to improvers, 07541 921427 art-K Ewell, develop new artistic skills, beginners to improvers, 07949 366592
The Seasons Art Class, beginners to improvers, Ashtead, Tadworth, Ditton areas, 020 3669 6197 Woodcarvers, join our friendly, informal group, Riverhouse Barn, 01932 253354 This is your community diary...If you run a group or club and want people to know about it, why not list it here?
A - Z Leisure: Badminton - Card & Board Games Badminton Ashtead Badminton Club, Monday evenings, Leatherhead Leisure Centre, 07774 429225 Badminton for the over 50’s Thursday 2-4pm, Dorking Sports Centre, 01306 870180 Badminton Group, Ruxley Church, Ewell, Tues. evenings, 7.30-9.30pm, 07783 455034 Badminton, The King’s Centre, Chessington, 020 8391 5522 Cobham Badminton Club, Cobham Village Hall, Tuesday evenings, 01932 701875 Oxshott Badminton Club-do you play Badminton? Contact Geoff Moyle, 01372 843844
Bell Ringing Bell Ringing at St Andrew’s Church, Cobham, 07779 757184 The Parish Church of St Mary, Oatlands, new and experienced bell ringers welcome, 01932 241045
Bingo Bingo and Musical Bingo, Community and Wellbeing Centre, Epsom, 01372 720563 Bingo, Claygate Centre for the Community, 01372 463476 Bingo, Hersham Community Centre, 01932 246267 Bingo, Walton Centre for the Community, 01932 247549 Bingo, Weybridge Centre, 01932 844391
Bowls, Boules, Boccia, Petanque Ashtead Bowls, free coaching for beginners, Thursday. Need flat soled shoes, 01372 273142 Ashtead Bowling Club, welcome for bowlers of all ages and experience, 01372 273142 Boccia, Claygate Centre for the Community, 01372 463476 Bookham Bowling Club, Dorking Road, 01372 452665 Chessington Bowling Club, Churchfields Rec. Ground, all welcome, 01737 351119
Cobham Bowling Club, Lushington Drive, Summer and winter bowling, 07747 342477 Ember Bowling Club, Grove Way, Esher, 01483 282384 Esher Bowls Club, very friendly, 020 8941 7270 King George Field Indoor Bowls Club, Lawn Bowls, Jubilee Way, Chessington, 020 8397 7025 Leatherhead Bowls Club, Fortyfoot Road, Leatherhead, KT22 8RR, 01372 375576 Mole Valley Indoor Bowling Club, Leatherhead Leisure Centre, 01372 289873 Petanque Club, Oxshott Sports Club, all welcome, 01306 740623 Short Mat Bowls, The King’s Centre, Chessington, 020 8391 5522 Wingham Court Bowls Club, Oaken Lane, Claygate everyone welcome, 01372 469931
Card and Board Games Ashtead Chess Club, Peace Memorial Hall, Ashtead, 01372 813487 Beginners and Inter Bridge Class, Thames Ditton Centre for the Community, 020 8398 5921 Bridge Club, Molesey Community Centre, 020 8547 2328 Bridge, Community and Wellbeing Centre, Epsom, 01372 720563 Bridge, Rummikub, Backgammon, Board Games, Hersham Community Centre, 01932 246267 Canasta Class and Bridge, Walton Centre for the Community, 01932 247549 Cards, Dominoes, Bridge, Claygate Centre for the Community, 01372 463476 Chess Club, Scrabble Club, Community and Wellbeing Centre, Epsom, 01372 720563 Cobham Village Bridge Club, Village Hall, everyone welcome, 01932 862213 Esher Bridge Club for relaxed Bridge on Tuesday evenings, Esher Bowls Club, 01372 468109
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A - Z Leisure: Card & Board Games - Computer Support Card and Board Games continued Games, Bridge, Mahjong, Weybridge Centre, 01932 844391 Leatherhead Bridge Club, Fairfield Centre, training courses available, 01372 459115 Oxshott Bridge Club, Oxshott Village Hall, Wednesday evenings, 01932 863541
Would you like copies of the SILVER GRAPEVINE for your business or group? Contact me so you can be added to the distribution list. Delivery will be directly to you in March, July and November (no charge)
Rubber Bridge, Downside Village Hall, 01932 865414
Leatherhead Choral Society, Monday evenings, URC, Leatherhead, 07850 230516
The Great Indoors, your favourite board games, The King’s Centre, Chessington, 020 8391 5522
Oxshott Choral Society, Oxshott Village Hall, 01372 842300
Trumps Bridge, Leatherhead Institute, Thursday evenings, 01372 374653 Wheel of Care Scrabble Club, West Horsley, 01483 281703 Whist, Molesey Community Centre, 020 8979 5773 Woodcote Bridge Club, beginners, intermediate and experienced players, Epsom, 07979 491749
Choirs and Singing Groups All Aloud Community Choir, natural voice by ear. Open to all, Tues, Leatherhead, 01932 865364
Singing for the Brain Class, free, Walton Centre for the Community, 01932 247549 Singing for the memory, Claygate Centre for the Community, 01372 463476 Singing Group, singing for pleasure, Community and Wellbeing Centre, Epsom, 01372 720563 St. Andrew’s Choir and Music Group, Cobham, 01932 867883 The Downsmen Male Barbershop Chorus, every Wed. (excl. August) -7.30pm, L’head, 01372 275177 The King’s Quire, singing group, Thames Ditton, 020 8399 1296
Ashtead Choral Society, Peace Memorial Hall, Ashtead, Monday, 01372 278852
Weybridge Male Voice Choir, members welcome from surrounding areas, 01252 326514
Bookham Choral Society, Eastwick Church Hall, Tuesday evening, 07946 160679
Computer Support and Clubs
Bookham Light Operatic Society, amateur music theatre, 07712 651891
Age Concern Mole Valley, Free computer training/support, Dorking/Leatherhead, 01306 899104
Epsom Choral Society has over 100 singers, puts on four concerts a year, 01372 277205
Bookham Seniors Computer Club, Little Bookham Hall, contact Sue, 01372 454461
Fetcham Singers, Ladies Choir, no auditions, new members very welcome, 01372 276736
Computer Café, Claygate Centre for the Community, 01372 463476
Fitznells DIVAS women’s singing group, no audition necessary, Ewell, 07956 284172
Computer classes, Weybridge Centre, 01932 844391
Hook Singers, all standards welcome, Chessington Methodist Church, 07746 234508
iPad Classes, Molesey Community Centre, 020 8979 5773
Horsley Choral Society, East Horsley Village Hall, no auditions, 01483 283683
iPad support group sessions, Hersham Community Centre, 01932 246267
A - Z Leisure: Conservation - Dancing Conservation and Wildlife Friends of Bookham Commons, help conserve the habitat on the commons, 01372 459972 Leatherhead and District Countryside Protection Society, 01372 386453
dance partner required I’m looking for a lady to accompany me to Latin & Ballroom Dance classes within a reasonable distance of Leatherhead. If you may be interested please email terrymoody-@tiscali.co.uk
National Trust, North Downs Countryside Management, Mickleham, 01372 220640
Dancing with live entertainment, Claygate Centre for the Community, 01372 463476
RSPB, Dorking and District, Leatherhead and Bookham areas, 01306 889976
Leatherhead Barn Dance Club, 1st Thursday, Leatherhead Institute, 01403 750844
Line Dancing, Claygate Village Hall, improver and intermediate classes, 020 8942 6970
Ember Croquet Club, beginners welcome, Grove Way, Esher, 07917 017453 Epsom Croquet Club, all abilities welcome, May to September, 01372 722487
Line Dancing, Community and Wellbeing Centre, Epsom, 01372 720563 Line Dancing, Hersham, 07958 991685
Dancing, Various Styles
Methodist Church, Epsom, Ballroom & Latin for beginners, 07979 802521
50+ Silver Swans Ballet,Tuesdays 2.45-3.45pm St Joseph’s Church, Dorking, 07798 916306
Paracise, dance styles to fabulous old style music, E. Molesey and Hersham, 07973 825279
Adelmo Leah Dance, Ballroom Dancing, Thames Ditton, 07828 048040
Rainbow Moves, dance class, Rainbow Leisure Centre, Epsom, 01372 727277
Adult Ballet and Tap in Fetcham Village Hall, all ages welcome, fun and friendly, 07961 104867
Ruxley Church, Ewell. Ballroom and Latin for Improvers, 07979 802521
Assoluta Dance, adult extended barre, ballet fitness, all levels, Molesey, 07449 728979
Scottish Dancing, Little Bookham Hall, 01372 45269
Assulota Dance, tap, Vera Fletcher Hall, Thames Ditton, 07449 728979
Sequence Dance Club, Molesey Community Centre, 020 8890 0233
Ballroom dancing, Hersham Community Centre, 01932 246267
Silver Swans, ballet and tap for over 55s RAD reg, West Horsley, 01372 457274
Beginners and standard line dancing, Weybridge Centre, 01932 844391
Silver Swans Ballet, Parish Hall, Leatherhead, Friday afternoon, 07940 503971
Belly Dancing, Community and Wellbeing Centre, Epsom, 01372 720563
Solo Latin dance, Weybridge Centre, 01932 844391
Belly Dancing, Little Bookham Hall, 07760 162385
SteprightDance, Ballroom and Latin and fun dances, Esher, 07951 777541
Dance Aerobics 60+, Rainbow Leisure Centre, Epsom, 01372 727277
Surrey Dance Addicts, ballroom and latin classes in Chessington, 07795 082932
Dance First, Adult Ballet, Leatherhead and Fetcham, 07526 933756
Surrey Hills Dance Centre, ballroom and latin, Dorking, 01306 883808
Dance Tap 60+, Rainbow Leisure Centre, Epsom, 01372 727277
Wheel of Care Seated Dance, West Horsley, 01483 281703
Dance2BFit, tailored for the over 60’s, St Josephs Church Hall, Epsom, 07958 584289
Zumba dance exercise class, Walton Centre for the Community, 01932 247549
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A - Z Leisure: Film & Theatre Clubs - Fitness Film and Theatre Clubs Musical Film Afternoon, Churchgate House, Cobham, 01932 867883 Spiritual Cinema, watch a film, have refreshment and discussion, Cobham, 01932 867883 The Silver Screen Over 60s Film Club, Riverhouse Barn Arts Centre, Walton, 01932 253354
FLexercise, flexible, friendly exercise classes, Leatherhead and Molesey, 01932 848763 Fun and Exercise Group, Ruxley Church, Ewell, Tues. am’s., 2 classes, 020 8542 7518 Gentle Exercise for over 60’s, Leatherhead Leisure Centre, 01372 377674 Group Cycling, Elmbridge Xcel Leisure Complex, Walton-on-Thames, 01932 260300
Fitness and Exercise
Gym equipment exercise with Viv, Walton Centre for the Community, 01932 247549
50+ Keep Fit, Monday 1-2pm and Thursday 1011am, Dorking Sports Centre, 01306 870180
Karine’s Fitness, most classes suitable for over 60’s, West Horsley Village Hall, 07710 257779
Active Surrey, various activities for health and wellbeing, 01483 518944
Keep Fit for the over 50’s, Claygate Centre for the Community, 01372 463476
Arm Chair Based Exercise, Community and Wellbeing Centre, Epsom, 01372 720563
Keep Fit, Community and Wellbeing Centre, Epsom, 01372 720563
Balance and Strength Class, Claygate Centre for the Community, 01372 463476
Kettlebells with Louise, Epsom, 07903 085777
Balance Class, Community and Wellbeing Centre, Epsom, 01372 720563 Body Balance, Bodypump, Boxercise, Elmbridge Xcel, 01932 260300 Boogie Bounce, low impact, mini trampoline with handlebar, Epsom, 07903 085777 Chair Based Exercise, Zumba Gold Exercise, Hersham Community Centre, 01932 246267 Chair Based Exercises, Claygate Centre for the Community, 01372 463476 Dance and Exercise Classes, Bourne Hall, 01372 722487 Dance Exercise, Claygate Centre for the Community, 01372 463476 Elmbridge Leisure and Cultural Services, free cycle rides, up to 8 a month, 01372 474574 Epsom Strength and Balance (Otago) for over 55’s, Weds., Epsom Methodist Church, 07771 647132
Kettlercise, fun class, low impact exercises, very low weights, Stoke D’Abernon, 07808 174758 Low impact circuits with Louise, Epsom, 07903 085777 Medau, general flexibility and mobility, Fetcham Village Hall, 01372 818222 Medau, great for general mobility and flexibility, Ashtead, 01372 459906 Mindful Motion, combines Tai Chi/Yoga, (gentle exercise) Ebbisham Sports Club, 01372 720647 Move it or Lose it!, exercise to music, no floor work. Hinchley Wood & Ashtead, 07967 599986 Moves Fitness Gold, with Sara-Jane, St Mary’s Centre, Church Lane, Chessington, 07958 480662 Moves Fitness, keeping fit for life, Chessington, Cobham, Stoneleigh, 07912 176371 Moves Fitness, keeping fit for life, Claygate, 01932 701950
Exercise Class (chair based), Weybridge Centre, 01932 844391
Moves Fitness, keeping fit for life, East Molesey and Hersham, 07762 932373
Exercise Class (limited mobility), Walton Centre for the Community, 01932 247549
Moves Fitness, keeping fit for life, Walton on Thames, 07941 092932
Extend, gentle exercise-to-music classes, older and disabled people, Weybridge, 01932 227473
Moves Fitness, keeping fit for life, West Ewell, 07885 108986
A - Z Leisure: Fitness & Exercise continued
pring Into Step With A Healthy Walk
Elmbridge is a beautiful part of the county with woodlands, rivers, stunning meadows, picturesque villages and historic towns. Whether you think you know the area inside out or are new to it, there has to be somewhere you haven’t ventured yet. So, pull on your walking shoes and join a Healthy Walk. Our walks pass through some amazing natural habitats and give you the opportunity to have a look at the changing seasons. They cover various distances and allow for experienced or novice walkers to get the most out of local beauty spots. Why not make the most of the free walks on this great scheme? There are so many destinations to choose from and a chance to make new friends. There is always a convivial atmosphere on the Healthy Walks and having a coffee together afterwards is a great way to round off a nice morning spent together. If you want to find out more, why don’t you view or download your copy of the quarterly Healthy Walks and Cycle Rides Programme. It is available at elmbridge.gov.uk/health. If you would like to receive a copy of the programme, contact by email leisure@elmbridge.gov.uk or call 01372 474568 Otago exercise, strengthen your muscles and improve balance, East Molesey, 01372 474574
Strength and Conditioning 60+, Rainbow Leisure Centre, Epsom, 01372 727277
Otago strength and balance classes, call Fairfield Centre, Leatherhead, 01372 376058
Tennis Therapy, Community and Wellbeing Centre, Epsom, 01372 720563
Otago strength and balance classes, Rainbow Leisure Centre, Epsom, 01372 727277
Wheel of Care Movement to Music, West Horsley, 01483 281703
Otago, strength and balance classes, various Elmbridge venues, 07973 825279
WowFitness for healthy lifestyles, all levels of fitness welcome, Bookham, 07747 886961
Paracise Exercise, gentle on the joints, no floor work, Oxshott Village Centre, 07477 475167
Fitness and Exercise, Aqua
Paracise Exercise, gentle on the joints, no floor work, Ruxley Church, Ewell, 07477 475167
Aqua Aerobics, Mon and Wed 10-11am, Fri 9.30-1030am, Dorking Sports Centre, 01306 870180
Paracise, gentle exercises, improve strength, balance, flexibility, East Molesey, 01372 474574
Aqua Aerobics for over 50’s, Leatherhead Leisure Centre, 01372 377674
Physio Fitness, gentle exercise, The King’s Centre, Chessington, 020 8391 5522
Aqua Fit, Elmbridge Xcel Leisure Complex, Walton-on-Thames, 01932 260300
Springboard Activity, Wellbeing Day Care, Community and Wellbeing Centre, Epsom, 01372 720563
Hook Swim School, aqua aerobics and swim classes and sessions, Chessington, 020 8397 7731
Strength and Balance Class, Weybridge Centre, 01932 844391
Just Swim older adults, Dorking Sports Centre, 01306 870180
Please tell advertisers you found them in the ’Grapevine’
A - Z Leisure: Flower Clubs - Martial Arts Flower Clubs
Epsom Golf Club, 01372 721666
Ewell Floral Art Club, Ruxley Church Ewell, 2nd Wed monthly, 7.45pm for 8pm, 020 8224 0738
Hersham Golf Club, 01932 267666
Ikebana Sogetsu, Japanese flower arranging for anyone, Epsom, 01372 729733
Moore Place Golf Club, Esher, 01372 463533
Oxshott Floral Arrangement Society, Oxshott Village Hall, 01372 842134 Walton and Weybridge Flower Club, 1st Thursday, St Andrews Church Hall, KT12 1LG, 07985 951310
Garden Clubs and Gardening Ashtead Horticultural Society, Peace Memorial Hall, Ashtead, 01372 373348 Bookham and Fetcham District Garden Society, 01372 456713 Cobham Community Garden, Thu, Sat. 10am - 12pm and 2 - 4 pm, Leg O’Mutton Field, Just turn up
Leatherhead Golf Club, 01372 843966 Pachesham Park Golf Centre, Leatherhead, 01372 843453 Sandown Park Golf Club, Esher, 07905 926887 Silvermere Golf Complex, offers something to suit everyone, Cobham, 01932 584314 St. George’s Hill Golf Club, Weybridge, 01932 847758 The Drift Golf Club, Leatherhead, 01483 280641 Tyrrells Wood Golf Club, Leatherhead, 01372 376025
Language Classes French and Italian private tutoring, all ages and levels, based in Cobham, 07477 540177
Cobham Garden Club, £5 pa membership, contact for information, 07866 511699
French Club Epsom Ewell, conversation, expert speakers, films and music, 07903 544546
Effingham Garden Club, meetings 4th Tuesday monthly, KGV Hall, all welcome, 01372 454498
Learning Centres
Epsom Garden Society, Meetings, shows and outings. See website for details, 020 8394 2168 Gardeners Under Glass, Molesey Community Centre, 020 8979 5773 Thrive, information on how to make gardening easier and more enjoyable, 0118 988 5688 Walton Community Allotment, Terrace Road, Walton on Thames, 07599 868852
North Surrey Adult Learning, Esher and Molesey venues, 0300 200 1044 Riverhouse Barn Arts Centre, 01932 253354 The Hook Centre, adult learning courses, Chessington, 020 8547 6254
Martial Arts Age Concern Mole Valley, Tai Chi, 01306 899104
Qigong Tai Chi, Community and Wellbeing Centre, Epsom, 01372 720563
Abbey Moor Golf Club, Weybridge, 01932 506447
Surrey Hills Physiotherapy, tai chi classes, The Barn at Denbies, 01306 500181
Beaverbrook Golf Club, Leatherhead, 01372 380980
Tai Chi and Chi Gong, Walton Centre for the Community, 01932 247549
Claremont Park Golf Course, 9 hole oasis of tranquility,unique experience, Esher, 07925 164242
Tai Chi for improvers, Community and Wellbeing Centre, Epsom, 01372 720563
Dorking Golf Club, Deepdene Avenue, lots of membership options, 01306 886917 Effingham Golf Club, 01372 452203
Tai Chi Qigong classes, all abilities, Wednesday afternoons, Cobham, 07944 872332 Tai Chi, Thames Ditton Centre for the Community, 020 8398 5921
A - Z Leisure: Meditation & Mindfulness - Pilates Tai Chi Qigong: Meditation in Motion For balance, strength, energy and inner peace Weds 1.30-3pm, Downside Village Hall Call Liz Kendall TCUGB on 07944 872332 www.surrey-shiatsu.co.uk
Meditation and Mindfulness Jade Circle Surrey, Taoist Meditation and Qigong for women, East Horsley, 07944 872332 Mind Body Maintenance, Meditation and Mindfulness, Thames Ditton, 07971 194948
Sunday morning Pilates Classes in Ashtead Lead by an APPI qualified Instructor with more than 10 years in the fitness industry Free first class! Bring a friend! Contact Becky on 07773 420017
Mindfulness Courses, reduce stress, find greater joy and calm, free tasters, 07366 333273
Surrey Hills Mindfulness, Ashtead, 07801 983586
Banstead Pilates, for adults, Harrier Centre, Ewell, Mon and Wed evenings, 01737 361524
Men’s Sheds
Becky Kershaw Fitness, Sunday class, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 10 to 11am, 07773 420017
Dorking Men’s Shed, offering woodwork and re-purposing, Hampstead Road, Sat am’s, 07950 775766 Elmbridge Men in Sheds, Mon and Thurs,Thames Ditton Centre for the Community, 020 8398 5921 Men’s Shed, The King’s Centre, Chessington, 020 8391 5522 Men In Sheds, Social carpentry, Thames Ditton Centre for the Community, 020 8398 5921
All4Pilates, beginners, mixed ability and improvers, Walton and Hersham, 07940 726783
Better Body Pilates, Seated and Standing, Weybridge and Hersham, 07957 571513 BH Pilates, modified traditional Pilates exercises to suit all ages, Bookham, 07734 823498 Fine Fettle Healthcare, Bookham, 01372 458984 Fitness Pilates with Louise, Epsom, 07903 085777
Music Groups
Helen Otway, Pilates, fun and friendly, Fetcham Village Hall, 07961 104867
Dorking Choral Society, Crossways Community Baptist Church, each Wed 7.30pm, Contact via website
Jessica Pilates, helps relieve aches and pains, West Horsley and Bookham, 07789 176416
Fitznells Concert Band, new members are very welcome, level grade 3+, Ewell, 07956 284172 Fitznells Jazz Band, Ewell, 020 8330 3075 Leatherhead Orchestra, Leatherhead Institute, 01372 450453 Oxshott and Cobham Music Society, Claygate Church, 020 8398 4377 Tutoring in singing, piano, performance for joy & health with therapy support, 01372 457274 Ukulele Group, Community and Wellbeing Centre, Epsom, 01372 720563
Mind Body Maintenance, Pilates Mixed Level and Rehab Classes, Thames Ditton, 07971 194948 Mole Valley Pilates, Bookham and Fetcham, 07870 423966 Pilates (Nicole), West Horsley Village Hall, 07399 871129 Pilates 4 All, beneficial whatever your age, Leatherhead and Ashtead, 07759 005551 Pilates 60+, Rainbow Leisure Centre, Epsom, 01372 727277
Pilates continued over the page
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A - Z Leisure: Pilates - Social Groups Seated and Standing Gentle Pilates Tuesday 1.30-2.30pm Term time Bookham Scouting Centre, Eastwick Park Ave. Tel: 07709 400419 www.principle6pilates.com
Social Groups - Men’s Ashtead Probus Club, monthly lunch, talk and socialising, 01372 277112 Epsom and Ewell Men’s Group, meet likeminded men and share activities, 65+, 01372 732456 Leatherhead Probus Club, fellowship for retired businessmen, 07947 361406
PILATES MAT CLASSES - ALL AGES AND ABILITIES ADULT BALLET CLASS ADULT TAP CLASS All classes at Fetcham Village Hall Non-Syllabus, fun and friendly classes
Please contact Helen Otway on 07961 104867 or helenotway@yahoo.co.uk
Pilates continued from previous page Pilates at Little Bookham, East Horsley and Stoke D’Abernon, 07884 375332 Pilates for Bone Health, West Horsley Village Hall, Mondays and Wednesdays, 07702 559974 Pilates, achieve your fitness objective, Bookham, 01372 800115 Pilates, Elmbridge Xcel Leisure Complex, 01932 260300 Pilates, Pay As You Go, The King’s Centre, Chessington, 020 8391 5522 Pilates, suitable for all ages and abilities, Little Bookham Hall, 07970 159872 Pilates, Walton Centre for the Community, Walton-on-Thames, 01932 247549 Principle 6 Pilates, Pilates for all, Bookham, 07709 400419 Surrey Hills Physiotherapy, pilates, yoga & tai chi classes, The Barn at Denbies, 01306 500181
Men’s Breakfasts, occasional social meetings with speaker, St Andrew’s Oxshott, 01372 842071 Probus Club of the Bookhams, 01372 450908 St Mary’s Men’s Group, Fetcham, ad hoc meetings, for more information contact, 01372 375000 The Armada Probus Club, Bookham and Leatherhead, for retired /semi retired, 01372 459461
Social Groups - Women’s Ashtead Evening Townswomen’s Guild, 4th Wednesday of each month, 01372 272631 Ashtead WI, meetings, guest speakers and more, 01372 276736 Ashtead WIng. Part of a new generation of WI’s, 07540 343302 Bookham Bees WI, monthly meetings, Old Barn Hall, call Federation for details, 01483 233230 Buckland Women’s Club, social club, weekly, Chessington Methodist Church Hall, 020 8391 5362 Chessington Cake and Community, Hook Centre Library Café, Thursdays, 9.30am, Just turn up Eastwick WI, meets 3rd Wed. monthly, St Mary’s Annex, The Ridgeway, Fetcham, 01372 289822 Fetcham Village W I, 1st Wed. monthly except August, 7.30pm, Village Hall, 01372 842498
The Garden House Pilates, private and class sessions, Ashtead, 07985 923545
Grans coffee club, Weybridge Centre, 01932 844391
Zoe Bennett Well Being, Pilates, BarreConcept and wellbeing, Esher & near areas, 07764 685197
Hook and Chessington WI, 2nd Thursday of the month, Southborough Parish Hall, 020 8397 2885
A - Z Leisure: Social Groups The Silver Grapevine Roving Reporter was invited to visit the...
Roving Reporter
Great Bands Well Stocked Mini Bar Good Value Food I was delighted to be invited to the Jazz Club and what a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon! Upwards of 65 people were undeterred by exceptionally bad weather and the very talented Golden Eagle Jazz Band members had travelled from several counties to entertain. The sound quality was excellent, the crowd was lively - with much finger drumming and foot tapping - not to mention plenty of enthusiastic Jive dancers! Classic and New Orleans Revival Style Jazz was the order of the day and the band introduced tunes with an injection of humour and clear knowledge of the era. You don’t have to know anything about Jazz to enjoy this wonderful (no membership) club and all ages are welcome. Find out more from Mick at *mickywelstead@gmail.com and let him know you heard about the club through the Grapevine! *Please check with Mick for up to date club meeting dates
Many thanks to Mick Welstead, for the kind invitation and very warm welcome. I will be back!
Ladies Friendship Group, Oxshott Village Hall, first Tuesday of the month, 01372 843113
Tylney Lunch Club For Ladies, 2nd Wed. monthly, Leatherhead, 01932 864822
Mole Valley WI (Fetcham), something for everyone, 01372 602134
West Ewell Ladies Group, talks and social gatherings, 020 8393 1270
Mother’s Union, 2nd Wednesday monthly, St Christopher’s Hinchley Wood, 020 8398 9095
WI (Women’s Institute), Little Bookham Hall, 01372 452250
Mother’s Union, supporting family life, helping the community, Oxshott, 01372 842071
Women’s Breakfasts, St Andrew’s Oxshott, 01372 842071
Surrey Federation of Women’s Institutes, 01483 233230
Social Groups - Men and Women
The Cobham branch of the Mothers’ Union, 01932 867883 The Eight O’Clock Ladies Circle, 1st and 3rd Thursday, Chessington, 020 8397 1559 The Royal British Legion, Leatherhead, Women’s Section, 01372 811422
Ashtead Friendship Centre, social meetings, Peace Memorial Hall, 01372 274288 Ashtead Over 60’s Lunch Club, weekly, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 01372 813276 Chatty Café, chatter and natter tables, see website for locations, 07465 966597
Social Groups continued over the page
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A - Z Leisure: Social Groups - Swimming Social Groups - Men and Women Australian
continued from previous page Buttons and Bow, speakers, bingo, raffle, holidays, lunches and much more, Esher 01372 465937
Sun Protective Beach and Swim Wear Excellent quality UV protective clothing
Coffee Corner, Wednesdays 9-11am, St Andrew’s Church Hall, Oxshott, Just drop in
for the whole family. Stay safe in the sun with specialist clothing, hats and shoes
Colouring & KnitWits, bring colouring pencils or knitting, St Mary’s, Oatlands, 01932 660280 Connections, activities, chat, coffee, cakes, call for detail of dates, 01372 463603 option 3 Crafts and board games, for over 75’s, alternate months, St George’s, Ashtead, 01372 813200 Epsom & Ewell Veterans Community Hub, 1st Wed. monthly 10.30-12.30, all welcome, Just turn up Evergreen, for over 75’s, monthly, every 2nd Wednesday, St George’s, Ashtead, 01372 813200 First Thursday Club, Christ the Prince of Peace Parish Hall, tea and talks, 01932 842643 Friendship Club, The King’s Centre, Chessington, 020 8391 5522 Hinchley Wood Fellowship, monthly meetings at Hinchley Wood Secondary School, 020 8398 9095 Leatherhead and District Lions Club, Leatherhead, 01372 274618 Lunch Club for those generally on their own, Churchgate House Centre, Cobham, 01932 867883 Lunch Club, St Andrews Hall, Oxshott, for over 60’s on their own, 2nd /4th Weds., 01372 842005 Old Barn Hall Jazz Club, Bookham, Sundays 1-4pm dancing, refreshments, 01444 243745 Oxshott Club, indoor sports and social club, Oakshade Road, 01372 842232 Phoenix Social Club, for over 60s, The King’s Centre, Chessington, 020 8391 5522 Retirement Fellowship Leatherhead, monthly talks, events, Fetcham Village Hall, 01372 373484
Rotary Club of Ashtead, weekly meetings, 01372 275860 Rotary Club of Leatherhead, the Police Federation Building HQ, weekly meetings, 07753 821964 Ruxley Church Ewell, Coffee Time! Join us for a chat on Mon and Thurs, 9-11.30am, 020 8224 5026 St George’s Christian Centre, Ashtead, 3 day holiday club, over 75’s, July/Aug, 01372 813200 St Mary’s Coffee Morning, 3rd Thursday of the month, drop-in, Fetcham, 01372 375000 St Peters Fellowship, friendship and companionship, Hersham, 07500 265304 T4U, afternoon tea and conversation, Churchgate House Centre, Cobham, 01932 867883 The Arts Society Ashtead, monthly lectures by renowned art experts, 07958 560707 The Arts Society Leatherhead, monthly lectures on a wide variety of subjects, 01372 376640 The Arts Society of Cobham and Oxshott (ASCO), friendly monthly meetings, 01372 454203 Time for Tea, Leatherhead Methodist Church Hall, 1st Friday monthly, 2.30-4.30pm, 01372 362145
Swimming Angela’s Swim School, small classes, beginners to serious swimmers, Cobham, 07415 118440 Colin Bull Swimming for adults, beginners to advanced, Epsom and Ashtead, 01372 739600
A - Z Leisure: Swimming - Tennis ADULT SWIMMING LESSONS
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Downsend School
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All standards including advanced length swimmers
01372 739600
colin@cbswimming.co.uk www.colin-bull-swimming-lessons.co.uk www.facebook.co.uk/cbswimming
Equator Sun, Australian UV Protective Swim/ Beachwear, 01932 230907
Epsom Lawn Tennis Club, astro-turf, clay, hard and grass courts, 01372 272419
Hook Swim School, aqua aerobics and swim classes and sessions, Chessington, 020 8397 7731
Epsom Lawn Tennis Club, Padel Tennis on the new floodlit court, 01372 272419
Table Tennis Effingham Table Tennis Club, KGV Hall, Browns Lane, Effingham, 01372 452197 Table Tennis, Claygate Centre for the Community, 01372 463476 Table Tennis, The King’s Centre, Chessington, 020 8391 5522
Tennis Ashtead Tennis Players Club, 01372 721104 Bookham Tennis Club, Christie Recreation Ground, Dorking Road, 07540 352562 Dorking Lawn Tennis and Squash Club, Ridgeway Road, Dorking, 01306 889009 Ember Tennis Club, Grove Way, Esher, 07803 086606
Leatherhead Tennis Club, Cannon Grove, Fetcham, 07789 819647 Social Racket Mornings, variety of racquet sports, drop-in, Ebbisham Sports Club, 01372 720647 Softball Tennis Games, Community and Wellbeing Centre, Epsom, 01372 720563
Events are currently thin on the ground! Have you managed to get a confirmed date for something you are organising? Click HERE and add to the website. If the timing is right and there is space, the event will be included in the next issue.
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A - Z Leisure: U3A - Volunteering U3A Groups Ashtead U3A, monthly meetings, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 01372 273690
Volunteer 2020
Bookham and District U3A, 01372 452046 Elmbridge U3A, monthly meetings at Claygate Village Hall, 020 8979 2737 Epsom and Ewell U3A, 01372 721104 Leatherhead U3A, monthly meetings, URC Hall, Epsom Rd., Leatherhead, 01372 375756
Volunteering Age Concern Epsom and Ewell, always looking for drivers and befrienders, 01372 732461 Ashtead Good Neighbours, neighbourly help to Ashtead residents in need, 07752 665066
Calling for volunteers Surrey-wide for local visits. “My volunteer lights up my life”
Cinnamon Trust, charity offering help to older people needing care for their pet, 01736 757900 Dorking Museum and Heritage Centre, West Street, Dorking, 01306 876591 Elmbridge Volunteer Centre, Central Surrey Voluntary Action, 01372 463587
Call Ingrid today on 01306 881816 www.brigittetrust.org/volunteering
Living the best life with a serious diagnosis A diagnosis of cancer or any life-limiting illness can be a shock to the whole family, and having someone from outside the family to listen can be a real help. We are inviting new volunteers to join us. For 35 years the Brigitte Trust, an independent Surrey charity, has been offering help to people suffering the effects of cancer and other life-limiting illness, with a free volunteer service of emotional and practical help at home. It’s preferable for most people to stay at home, with pets and familiar possessions around them, with family and friends nearby. With the help of The Brigitte Trust, it is often possible for a family member to stay at home for longer whilst living well with their illness beyond diagnosis. Our volunteers make weekly home visits, helping in ways like this: • Sharing memories and writing memoirs • Visits to special places • Transport to hospital • Offering respite for carers • Pets as Therapy visits • Time to share life stories and build relationships May we help you? Join our next volunteer taster session to find out more about the courses. You will be joining a welcoming, supportive team. Full contact details in the advert above
A - Z Leisure: Volunteering - Yoga Volunteering continued Epsom Volunteer Centre, Central Surrey Voluntary Action, 01372 722911 Painshill, 18th century landscape garden, Cobham, 01932 868113
‘Zone In Yoga’ offers Gentle Yoga for Seniors Combination of seated chair poses and standing postures Movement for overall joint mobility, balance, stability, strength Wed.10-11.15am, Lady of Sorrows Church Hall, Effingham Hannah Juliano / info@zoneinyoga.co.uk / 07767 391324 www.zoneinyoga.co.uk
Polesden Lacey, National Trust, a beautiful country house and gardens, 01372 452048
Citrus Tree Yoga, grow strong and breathe, Stoke D’Abernon Village Hall, 07821 178584
The Brigitte Trust, help at home for people with a life-limiting illness, 01306 881816
Community Yoga, Molesey Community Centre, 020 8979 5773
Volunteer Centre Dorking, 01306 640369
Holly’s Breathing Space Yoga, Bookham, Cobham and Horsley, 07504 740370
Walking Groups Age UK Surrey, GO50, introducing the 50+ age group to a healthier lifestyle, 01483 503414 Elmbridge, free walks and cycle rides, 01372 474574 Epsom and Ewell Ramblers, local group of Ramblers, 020 8946 5395 Guided walks, Dorking Museum and Heritage Centre, West Street, Dorking, 01306 876591 Silver Strollers, walk in good company at a slower pace, Bookham, 01372 452048 Strollers Walking Group, The King’s Centre, Chessington, 020 8391 5522 Surrey Striders, Nordic Walking, 07837 130100 Walk and Talk, up to early 70’s, light exercise and conversation. Dogs welcome, 01372 463603 option 3
Walking Netball Walking Netball, Elmbridge Xcel Leisure Complex, Walton-on-Thames, 01932 260300 Walking Netball, Leatherhead Leisure Centre, 01372 377674 Walking Netball, Rainbow Leisure Centre, Epsom, 01372 727277
Yoga Barbara Currie School of Yoga, all levels, Hersham, Esher and Oxshott, 01372 467177 Chessington Yoga (suitable for all levels), Ruxley Church, Ewell, Tues evenings, 07833 221666
Iyengar Yoga, health of the spine and general mobility, Thames Ditton, 020 8940 7437 Live Yoga, strength building and flexibility, Weybridge, 07908 786523 Liz Daffen Yoga, Ruxley Church Ewell, Thursday evenings, 07779 622628 Michele Schnaier Yoga, chair, better balance and posture, Bookham area, 07748 652056 Mind Body Maintenance, Yoga Flow and Restorative Classes, Thames Ditton, 07971 194948 Surrey Hills Physiotherapy, pilates, yoga & tai chi classes, The Barn at Denbies, 01306 500181 Surrey Yoga Classes, many styles offered to cater for abilities, Weybridge, 07906 337594 Surrey Yoga Clinic, Bourne Hall Yoga Therapy Class, 07957 431383 Yoga and Chair Yoga, Community and Wellbeing Centre, Epsom, 01372 720563 Yoga with Hélène, work to your own ability, Little Bookham Village Hall, 07811 380377 Yoga, Elmbridge Xcel Leisure Complex, Walton-on-Thames, 01932 260300 Yoga, Weybridge Centre, 01932 844391 Zone In Yoga, gentle yoga exercises on Wednesday mornings, Effingham, 07767 391324
Thought for the day: ‘Don’t be sad it’s over, be happy it happened’
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A - Z Leisure: Other Sports & Interests Other Sports and Interests Bookham Stamp Club, Old Barn Hall, 01372 450288 Bookham Wine Club, monthly presentations and wine tasting, Old Barn Hall, 01372 459852 Bury Hill Angling Club, four lakes offering fantastic fishing, Dorking, 01306 877540 Caged Cricket, Community and Wellbeing Centre, Epsom, 01372 720563 Chessington Cricket Club, Sir Francis Barker Sports Ground, 020 8397 9194 Cobham Reading Group, 3rd Thursday monthly, Sainsburys Cobham, 01932 862832 Curling, Walton Centre for the Community, 01932 247549 Dorking Camera Club, new members welcome, meetings in Dorking, 07919 488507 Dorking Lawn Tennis and Squash Club, Ridgeway Road, Dorking, 01306 889009 Effingham Local History Group, Methodist Church Hall, 01483 283785
Epsom and Ewell Model Railway Club, Ruxley Church, Ewell, Mon evenings, 01483 576274 Philosophy Class, discussions, current affairs, Leatherhead Institute, 01380 830946 Riverhouse Barn Arts Centre, fortnightly writing workshop, improve word power, 01932 253354 Riverhouse Readers, join us for book of the month, Walton, 01932 253354 Squash and Racketball, 4 week courses or drop-in, Ebbisham Sports Club, 01372 720647 Squash and Racketball, 4 week courses or drop-in, Ebbisham Sports Club, 01372 720647 Walking Football, Elmbridge Xcel Leisure Complex, Walton-on-Thames, 01932 260300 Walking Football, Rainbow Leisure Centre, Epsom, 01372 727277 Walking Hockey, Epsom Hockey Club, Old Schools Lane, Ewell, 01372 722487 Walking Rugby, Esher RFC, Molesey Road Hersham, mixed every Friday morning, 07768 368575
ilvermere Lake (between the 17th and 18th holes on Silvermere Golf Course), is better known for its former use as the site where Barnes Wallis tested his famous Dambuster bouncing bomb. In the film and more recent TV documentaries you may recall scenes where Barnes Wallis used a huge catapult to fire mini prototypes across a lake to test whether they should use forward or back spin, a spherical or cylindrical shape or a smooth or dimpled surface. These tests were all conducted on Silvermere Lake, so if you stick the ball in the drink on the 17th or 18th, just put it down to scientific endeavour and be consoled by the thought that your ball has joined other valuable objects in the water! Information supplied by Silvermere Golf Complex https://www.silvermere-golf.co.uk/ Barnes Wallace and Dambusters photographs courtesy of Brooklands Museum https://www.brooklandsmuseum.com/
Help & Support End of Life and Bereavement Support Bereavement Support, St Andrew’s Oxshott, contact parish office, 01372 842071 Claygate Bereavement Café, Holy Trinity Church, 4th Thurs. alternate months, 01372 463603 option 3 Cobham Bereavement Café, United Church, Stoke Road, 2nd Fri monthly, 2.30-4pm, 01932 586988 Cruse Bereavement Care, helpline (national number), 0808 808 1677 East Molesey Bereavement Café, St Mary’s Café, St Mary’s Road, 020 8941 5901 Epsom Bereavement Support, Epsom Methodist Ch, 2nd & 4th Tues. monthly 2.304pm, 01372 721763 Ewell Bereavement Café, St Mary’s Church Hall, 3rd Tues. monthly 2.45-3.45pm, 020 8393 2643 Fetcham Bereavement Café, 1st Wednesday monthly, St Mary’s Church Hall, 01372 375000 Marie Curie, provides end of life care to people with any terminal illness, 0800 090 2309 Surrey East Cruse Contact Line, how to get support, Epsom, Ewell & Mole Valley, 020 8393 7238
Crossroads Care Surrey, support for carers including respite breaks, 01372 869970 Surrey Care Association, supporting social care providers in Surrey, 01372 571174
Domestic Abuse, Support and Advice Action on Elder Abuse, helpline, advice, information, emotional support, 0808 808 8141 Broken Rainbow UK, support for LGBT experiencing domestic violence, 0300 999 5428 Domestic Abuse Outreach Service, N. Surrey branch (Epsom, Elmbridge), 01932 260690 East Surrey Domestic Abuse Services, advice, support and information, 01737 771350 Mankind Initiative, for male victims of domestic abuse, all areas, 01823 334244 Men’s Advice Line, advice/support for men in any abusive relationship, 0808 801 0327 NAPAC, Supporting Recovery From Childhood Abuse, 0808 801 0331 National Domestic Violence 24 hour Helpline, FREE, Confidential, 0808 200 0247 Surrey Against Domestic Abuse helpline, advice, support and refuge accommodation, 01483 776822
National Useful Contacts
Tattenham Corner Bereavement Café, St Mark’s Church, 01737 353011
National Debtline, free confidential/independent debt advice, 0808 808 4000
Thames Ditton Bereavement Café, St Nicholas’s Church Hall, 3rd Wed. monthly, 020 8398 9641
Re-engage, arranges Sunday afternoon tea for people who live alone, 75 years+, 0800 716 543
The Compassionate Friends, support after the death of a child of any age, 0345 123 2304 Walk and Talk, St Mary’s Cafe, St Mary’s Road, East Molesey, gentle stroll, 020 8941 5901
Samaritans, call us free any time, from any phone, 116 123 Shelter, the housing and homelessness charity, national helpline, 0808 800 4444
Carers Support
Tax Help, qualified advice for people in later life on a low income, 01308 488066
Action for Carers Surrey, information for carers, enabling them to have a voice, 0303 040 1234
Telephone Preference Service (TPS), end receiving unsolicited calls, 0345 070 0707
Carers Direct Helpline (NHS Direct), offering help and support to carers, 0300 123 1053
The Silver Line, free helpline for older people, information, friendship, advice, 0800 470 8090
Connect, group for carers and partners living with dementia, Effingham, 01372 457987
Winter Fuel Payment Government Information Line, 0800 731 0160
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Help & Support Specific Medical Conditions ACG, Ashtead Cancer Group, support network, monthly meetings, 07843 620295 Alzheimers Society, advice, information, support for those living with dementia, 0300 222 1122 Asthma UK, support and advice from asthma nurses, Monday-Friday, 0300 222 5800 British Heart Foundation (BHF), information/ support, 0300 330 3311 Claygate stroke support exercise class, 01372 463476 Communication Therapy, Conversation Boxes, Wellbeing Day Care, Epsom, 01372 727583 Diabetes UK Helpline, specialist information and advice, 0345 123 2399 Epsom Stroke Café, for stroke survivors and carers, 07515 596888 FMA UK National Helpline (Fibromyalgia), 0300 999 3333 Love Me Love My Mind, mental health charity, Epsom community, 01372 721518 Macmillan Butterfly Centre, for anyone affected by a diagnosis of cancer, 01372 735456 Macmillan Cancer Support, freephone number, 0808 808 0000 Memory Therapy, Japanese memory/crossword puzzles, Epsom, 01372 727583 MIND, information on mental health issues and support services, 0300 123 3393 Music Therapy, Community and Wellbeing Centre, Epsom, 01372 727583 NHS Hearing Clinic, 3rd Thursday of the month, drop in to St Mary’s Fetcham, 01372 375000 Parkinson’s support and exercise group, Claygate Centre, 01372 463476 Parkinson’s Group, Weybridge Centre, 01932 844391 Parkinson’s UK, helpline for information and support, 0808 800 0303 Reminiscence Café, for people living with dementia, Brooklands Museum, 2nd Thurs, 01932 857381
Royal Osteoporosis Society, helpline and information on local groups, 0808 800 0035 SANEline, out of hours mental health helpline, 4.30pm-10.30pm, 0300 304 7000 Sense, for deaf blind people, telephone or text relay, 0300 330 9256 Sight for Surrey, supporting and enabling people with vision impairment, 01372 377701 Specialist memory loss group, Hersham Community Centre, 01372 474547 Stroke Group, Walton Centre for the Community, 01932 247549 Stroke Helpline, information, support and local services for people affected, 0303 303 3100 Surrey GP Out-Of-Hours Service, NHS 111, nurse advice and information, 111 The Brigitte Trust, help at home for people with a life-limiting illness, 01306 881816 Topic of Cancer, support for those with cancer and supporters, Bookham, 01372 456025 Versus Arthritis, information and support for people with arthritis, 0800 5200 520
Substance Abuse, Help and Support Affected by Addition Support Group, for families and friends of addicts, 07412 094874 Al-Anon Family Groups, helpline for anyone affected by someones drinking, 0800 0086 811 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), local meetings, national helpline, 0800 0086 811 Catalyst, helpline and access to support for users of alcohol or drugs, 01483 590150 DrugFam, support for those affected by someone else’s substance use, 0300 888 3853 Families Anonymous (FAMANON), support for families/friends of drug users, 020 7498 4680 i-access, support/treatment for those with alcohol/drug problems, 0300 2225932 Surrey Drug and Alcohol Care, 24hr/365 day helpline, support/options, 0808 802 5000 Talk To FRANK, honest and confidential information about drugs, 0300 123 6600
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01883 343095
We can help with: • • • • • • • • • • •
Cleaning & Tidying Ironing Gardening Dog Walking Household Maintenance Shopping Meal Preparation Elderly Companionship Respite For Carers Personal Assistants Computer/IT Support
...and so much more! From £12 per hour We do our utmost to offer continuity of the helper, whilst maintaining a high level of care and support
Tel: 01372 285285 www.extra-help.co.uk
Noticed a change in an older person in your family? Call us today to find out how we can support you or your family member to remain happy and independent at home.
All Home Helps are security checked Registered Charity No: 1036450
Household Help, Companionship
Care at Home
Age UK Surrey, Help at Home, housework, gardening, companionship, 01483 503414
Absolute Care Services, Home Care and Supported Living, Epsom, 01372 232222
Ashtead Good Neighbours, volunteers needed to help Ashtead residents in need, 07752 665066
Advantage Nursing Agency Limited, nursing services and home care, 01737 213855
Dittons and Weston Green NeighbourCare, helping the less mobile in the community, 020 8398 8600 Extra Help Surrey East, offering the complete solution for your needs, 01372 285285 HomeOrganisers, permanent housekeepers, live in or out, Surrey, 01932 254686 Oxshott Care, for medical appointments, 9.0012.00pm, M-F, 07950 478329 The Housekeeping Agency, placement of domestic staff in private households, 01420 769941 Wheel of Care, help for any person in West Horsley who is in need of assistance, 01483 281703
Aims Homecare, Surrey, live in, live out, hourly and respite care, 01372 386222 Alina Homecare Leatherhead and surrounding areas, live in and live out care, 01372 571222 Alina Homecare Walton-on-Thames and surrounding areas, 01932 901222 Angel Heart Home Care, Surrey, live in, live out and respite care, 01276 804421 Apex Prime Care Surrey, live out care, 01932 903008 Arbour Companions and Care, live in care, live out, respite, 01932 901444 Assisted Bathing, Epsom, 01372 720563 Bluebird Care, Elmbridge and Runnymede, domiciliary care, 01932 567593
Independent Living Mulberry Home Care Services Delivering personalised assistance and support to people in their own home Mulberry Home Care Services
Please contact: Tel: 01932 854827 Email: care@mulberryhomecareservices.uk http://www.mulberryhomecareservices.uk
Boxhill Transport Scheme, 07903 178335 CARE in Weybridge, transport to appointments and more, 9.00am-12.00pm, Monday-Friday, 07881 698381
Care at Home continued
CARE, Walton and Hersham, for medical appointments, tel 9.30am-12.30pm, MondayFriday, 07526 695842
Classic Home Care Services, live in, live out and respite care, 020 8393 7117
Cobham Care, transport to medical appointments, 07913 629926
Crossroads Care Surrey, helping unpaid carers get the break they deserve, 01372 869970
Dittons, Weston Green and Hinchley Wood Neighbourcare, 9.00am-12.00pm, MondayFriday, 020 8398 8600
Home Counties Carers, live in, live out and respite care, 01483 224985 Home Instead Senior Care Elmbridge & East Spelthorne, 01932 241020 Home Instead Senior Care, Epsom and Mole Valley, 01372 741544 Home Support Elmbridge, live out, 01932 267128 JB Elderly Care, personal care, companionship, Ashtead, 07741 146469 Mulberry Home Care Services, live out and respite care, 01932 854827 Promedica24, North and West Surrey, live in care, 01483 319052 Right at Home Sutton and Epsom, live in and live out care, 01372 705785 Smartcare Weybridge, a choice of support tailored to your individual needs, 01932 855353 Surrey Homecare Services, live in, live out and respite care, 01372 462118 Tendacare, helping you to remain independent, live out, short visits not nights, 01372 272240
Dorking Good Neighbours, 24hr answerphone, transport to medical appointments, 07948 568906 East Horsley Care, help with transport needs, 01483 284802 Effingham Volunteer Drivers, for medical appointments, M-F, am’s, 07756 097278 Esher and Claygate Car Service, available 9.00am-5.00pm, 07501 029237 Leatherhead District Voluntary Car Service, book through your own GP surgery Molesey Care, for medical appointments, 9.0012.00pm, M-F, 07891 321986
Mobility Aids, Services and Telecare Abilitystore Limited, mobility solutions for independent life, Epsom, 01372 450667 Community Alarm, Epsom, 01372 732000 QEF Equipment Services, hire mobility/assistive equipment + accessible holidays, 01372 841100 QEF Mobility Services: driving/mobility assessments 01372 841100
Your Quality Care Services, live in care, live out care and respite support, 020 8393 3544
Telecare Services (Mole Valley), supporting independence at home, 01372 204500
Transport Schemes
VASD, Mobility and Living Aids, Leatherhead, 01372 841148
Age Concern Transport Desk, M-F 10am noon, Epsom and Ewell, 01372 728758 Bookham Help your Neighbours, for medical appointments, tel 9.30am-12.30pm, M-F, 07986 177234
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Places To Visit - Advertisers Places To Visit Bourne Hall Museum, telling the story Epsom and Ewell, 020 8394 1734 Box Hill Country Park, 800 acres of woods and downland, 01306 885502 Brooklands Museum, birthplace of British motorsport/aviation, Weybridge, 01932 857381
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, 020 8332 5655 Wey and Arun Canal Trust, boat trips, boating and cruising, 01403 753999 Please check with the venue before travelling. Most places are opening up now, but mainly with restrictions e.g. booking required.
Chessington World of Adventures, Chessington, Surrey, 0871 663 4477
Claremont Landscape Gardens, Esher (National Trust), 01372 467806
Becky Kershaw Fitness, see page 13
Cobham Mill, early 19th century mill, FREE entry, 01932 867387
Crossroads Care Surrey, see page 22
Age UK Surrey, see pages 4 and 24 Colin Bull Swimming, see page 17
Denbies Wine Estate, Dorking, 01306 876616
Dance Partner Required, see page 9
Dorking Museum and Heritage Centre, West Street, Dorking, 01306 876591
Elmbridge Leisure, see pages 11 and 27
Dorking South Street Caves, seasonal opening, call (Museum tel), 01306 876591
Extra Help Surrey East, see page 24
Elmbridge Museum, story of the area since prehistoric times and more, 01372 474568
Hook Swim School, see page 17
Hampton Court Ice Rink, winter season only, end Novermber- early January., 020 3280 6392
New Neighbours, see page 5
Equator Sun, see page 16 Helen Otway, see page 14 Mulberry Home Care Services, see page 25
Historical Royal Palaces, Hampton Court Palace, switchboard, 020 3166 6000
Old Barn Hall Jazz Club, see page 15
Horton Country Park, Epsom nature reserve, FREE to wander, 01372 741191
Roadtrippers Coach Trips, see page 5
JGF Passenger Boats, Cruises on the Thames, based in Walton-on-Thames, 01932 253374
Stokebuskers, see page 3
Leatherhead Museum of Local History, free entry, 01372 386348
Principle 6 Pilates, see page 14 Silvermere Golf Complex, see page 20 Tai Chi Qigong Meditation, see page 13 The Brigitte Trust, see page 18
London Bus Museum, (entry via Mercedes world) Brooklands, 01932 837994
Will Instructions Ltd, see page 2
Painshill, 18th century landscape garden, Cobham, 01932 868113
Polesden Lacey, National Trust, a beautiful country house and gardens, 01372 452048
Zone In Yoga, see page 19
All libraries in the SCC area can be contacted via the central Guildford number, 01483 543599
Some Out Of Area Attractions
Hook and Chessington Library (Kingston Borough), 020 8547 5006
Birdworld, UK’s largest bird park, covering 26 acres, Farnham, 01420 22140
Old Malden Library, (Kingston Borough) near Worcester Park, 020 8547 5006
RHS Wisley (Gardens), wheelchair friendly, 01483 224234
Worcester Park Library, (Kingston Borough) 020 8337 1609
Elmbridge free walks and cycle rides
Walks for all abilities:
Frequency: walks taking place nearly every day Short: 15-30 minutes, as slow as you need Slow: continuous walking at 2mph Moderate: continuous walking at 2.25-2.5mph Brisk: continuous walking at 3mph with steep hill Nordic walks: moderate walk with or without poles with warm up and cool down
Cycle rides Frequency: up to 8 cycle rides per month Cycle rides of several lengths and pace to suit participants. Distances from 6 to 12 to 18 miles (some rides include hills).
Contact details:
To view programme: elmbridge.gov.uk/healthywalks Email: health@elmbridge.gov.uk Tel: 01372 474 574
Elmbridge Borough Council ... bridging the communities ...
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