d l i h c r u o y support l o o h c s g n i t r a t s e r
The coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdown is an unprecedented situation in modern times. It is hard to gauge the full impact that the situation is having on children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing. Childrens’ experiences of the lockdown period will have been very varied and reactions to returning to school will also be mixed. While some children will be excited and look forward to returning, others will feel anxious, especially they are transitioning from early years care to formal education; from key stage 1 to 2, or from primary to secondary school. Schools and teachers are used to supporting their pupils through challenges that they face in life and communication is key if you have any concerns. Parents and carers have an in-depth understanding of their child’s worries, frustrations and fears about the pandemic and the return to school. Reassurance and comfort are the best ways of helping children manage anxieties, here are a few suggestions: Encourage your child’s excitement and enthusiam...but talk through unrealistic expectations, both positive and negative, remind your child of previous similar experiences, add realism and help them think more constructively. Things will be different at school this year and your child may be worried about what to expect. If you don’t know the answer to their questions ask the school or check their website. Set up a ‘worry pot’ in which your child puts pieces of paper on which they have written and/or drawn their worries. Talk them through, rip them up or throw them away! Being organised and prepared with uniform, bag, stationery etc will reduce stress. Take stock and make lists of what to get and what needs doing.
Get into appropriate daily routines as the term start gets nearer.
Meet up with friends and classmates so your child feels connected. Going back to school may be exhausting and even an ordeal for some children. There may be a few outbursts or tantrums in the first few days or weeks. Have some favourite snacks and activities ready for when they return home. Be available to talk when they need to but remember that some children also need a bit of quiet.
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