3 minute read
Local Business • Family Health & Support
Local Businesses
ABCS UK, award-winning bookkeeping practice helping parents with their business accounts www.abcsuk.com, 01732 495224
Babyprints, Unique 3D casts of babies, children, families and pets, 07714 531747
Bubbly Books: FREE Books for Schools; Start your Own Business; Buy Usborne Books, 07500 707243
Felicity Harvest, Humanist UK Clebrant, for your namings & other ceremonies, 07708 933607
Independent travel agent specialising in family holidays worldwide, 01892 882750
KMJ Property, your local, independent Estate Agent Mum2Mum, nearly new sales in Kent, www.mum2mummarket.co.uk
MyChristie, Professional & Creative
Graphic Design Services, 07796 105190 RMW Services, Kitchen painting and custom painted furniture, 07761 530679
Rural Atelier, we sell a variety of ecofriendly, ethical, sustainable and fairly traded goods - www.ruralatelier.co.uk
Sarah McIntyre specialises in bespoke baby naming ceremonies. Truly memorable, 01732 833121
The Good Estate Agent Sevenoaks, friendly & professional local agents, low rates, 01732 617066
The Magical World of Children’s Books. Huge discounts. Find us on fb, 07895 243757
Tunbridge Wells Wedding Dance Company’, wedding dance lessons, 07722 844599
Vibrance Beauty, Mobile Beauty Therapist. Tonbridge & surrounding areas, 07377 994655 Family Photographers
Blanke Atelier Photography, school photos, family photos, children portraits, 07903 749019
Esther Nichols Newborn Photographer, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, 07578 596183
Lottie Topping, Wedding Photography & Family Portrait Photography, 07595 988453
Lucy McKenzie Photography, Maternity, Baby & Children, Tunbridge Wells, 07863 550676
Nic Bisseker Photography - Family Portrait and action dog photography, 07879 840171
Gifts and Keepsakes
Babyprints, Unique 3D casts of babies, children, families and pets, 07714 531747
Kiddicone, themed gifts to celebrate the first day at school, 07976 828348
Personalised toddlers, kids & adults tote bags by Cat Sparrey, www.catsparrey.com
Outdoor Activity Equipment
The Adventure Zone- try before you buy, swings, trampolines, 01732 822659
Bereaved Parents and Family Members
Financial & emotional support for families who’ve lost a young adult aged 16-25, 01323 482772
Child and Family Health
Woodland Chiropractic Clinic caring for the whole Family, Borough Green, 01732 887177
Family Bear Club, creating healthy beginnings- from pregnancy to age 2. Mother & baby wellness, 07393 995583
Hayley G Wellness Hypnotherapist, Life
Coach, EMDR, EFT & TFT Practitioner, 07818 426171
Health Visiting Services, supporting families with a new baby or a child aged under five-years-old, 0300 7900243
Tiz Kids, mindfulness classes, 3-11 yrs, tunbridge wells. private and group sessions, 07887 951968
Tracey Cambridge, Osteopath specialising in babies, 01342 323 851 Tunbridge Wells Cloth Nappy Library, Tunbridge Wells and the surrounding areas, 07733 161744
Child and Family Support and Advice
Amanda Sokell Practical support for parents with a child struggling at school, 07711 183919
CASPA supporting Autistic young people and their families and adults, 07957 924297
Citizens Advice, providing free, independent, impartial and confidential advice, 08082 787810
Gemma Coe, highly qualified sleep specialist for infants and children up to 5 years - www.childsleepspecialist.co.uk, 07706 656880
The Money Advice Service, clear unbiassed money advice, 0300 500 5000
The Weller Way, helping families become fully functional through coaching and mentoring, 07825 411793
Children and Young People with Disabilities
Auditory Verbal UK- helping deaf babies and children listen and talk, 01869 325000
CASPA supporting Autistic young people and their families and adults, 07957 924297
IMAGO, support and empower vulnerable groups, 01892 530330
Domestic Abuse, Support and Advice
National Centre for Domestic Violence www.ncdv.org.uk, 0800 970 2070
Fostering and Adoption
Anchor Foster Care, Foster Care Services, Medway & surrounding areas, 01634 283140
Mediation Services
West Kent Mediation, free family mediation for families living in West Kent, 01732 469696
Parenting Courses and Support
Baby and You, a course for new parents and their babies, 6wks-6mths, 03000 411035
Baby and You, The Ark Children Centre, 6wks-6mths, 03000 411035
Daisy First Aid Tunbridge Wells & Sevenoaks, Baby & Child First Aid
Classes, 07939 507662
New Parents Groups, Paddock Wood Children’s Centre . New Borns-Crawling, 03000 411035

Tiger Stripes, classic antenatal course and new mama & newborn, 07864 596165
Registered Children’s Complementary Therapists
Osteopath for the little ones with Ian Clutton, Integrated Health, 01732 464109
Speech and Language
Hayley Quinn, Speech Language Therapist, 07780 910992
Stay Fit and Healthy
Group and Private classes, suitable for All levels, including Prenatal/Postnatal, www.yogabymargarita.com
MyPilates group mat mixed abilities classes, Sundridge & Brasted, 07375 200495
Tonality Dance/Aerobic Fitness Classes - Frant Hall, Frant Near Tunbridge Wells, 07721 747201
Antenatal Services
Hey Baby 4D is a boutique private ultrasound clinic based in Tunbridge Wells, 01892 489166
KW Mother Nurture, Hypnobirthing & Antenatal Education, Group & 1-to-1 courses, 07817 512865