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Making Miracles Charity
navigating the pathway through the journey that is grief.
Memorial Bear, eedback from families has shown us that there is a genuine need for an affordable and beautiful teddy bear to keep their precious memories of their baby in.
Making Miracles
Making Miracles is the birth trauma and baby bereavement care charity offering families the support, services and tools they need to help find their “new normal” following trauma and grief.

At Making Miracles, we understand that no grief is ever the same and this is reflected in the variety of services that are customized to suit individual needs. Listening is at the heart of what we do. We listen to the families who come to us and we adapt our services based on their needs, recognizing that these needs also evolve over time. Our services and care pathway, allow families to access what they need, when they need it most. Making Miracles is open to the whole family from parents to grandparents and siblings; and is the only UK charity to offer this. We understand the ripple effect that loss has across families, the impact it has on relationships and how culture can affect how this shows up.
Our services are at the core of what we do. Our services include specialist professional counselling for singles, couples, children, and grandparents.
Our support groups which families can access following counselling or as a stand-alone service.
Support following loss which enables any parent feeling the anxiety around pregnancy following loss to get 1-1 support via a counsellor.
Our beautiful Baby Memorial Garden which means there is somewhere to visit and remember. It is very much a community garden for the whole family and events are held throughout the year.
Podcast, Baby Loss, Grief & Love. Making Miracles is the first Baby Loss charity in England to release a Podcast and we are very proud to do this. It is a fantastic platform for us to raise awareness, help people access self help or therapy who may live out of the area and discuss relevant emotions, conditions, concerns and anxieties whilst
Children’s Book ‘The Baby’ is a magical rhyming book we created with the talented children’s author Joseph Hopkins specifically after hearing our families express the struggle they had to inform and explain the loss of a sibling.
Volunteer Opportunities
We strive to be a volunteer led organization and have opportunities for community involvement which include: Bucket collection, community stall, gardening at our Baby Memorial Garden and working in our NEW store ‘Handmade with Love”.
Please contact Jodie on jodie@makingmiracles.or.uk