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Baby & Toddler • Preschooler Groups

Telephone: (07834) 737211

Swim School

Parent & baby/toddler swimming classes, Swimming lessons for children from 4 years +

Want to learn to dance and have fun? evolution Dance academy

Street, MuSical theatre, Ballet, MODERN, TAP, conteMporary & perforMance Group iDta exaMS offereD, with a 100% paSS rate Bi-annual dance show

Little Kickers, Tunbridge Wells, Tonbridge and Sevenoaks, 18mths-7yrs, 0208 432 0982

Pre School Gymnastics, 6mths-3yrs with parents or 3-4yrs, 01892 540744

Preschool Gymnastics and Trampoline, U5yrs, Angel Leisure Centre, 01732 359966

Ready Steady Sport - Multi sport for all children 3yrs upwards, 07764 187401

Sevenoaks Leisure Centre, Toddlers Gym, 01732 470700

Small groups, Instructor in the water with non-swimmers

Small groups, 1-2-1 lessons, Instructor in the water with non-swimmers

1-2-1 swimming lessons, small groups, Instructor in the water with non-swimmers claSSeS in eDenBriDGe & linGfielD contact us for more details on: 07709 348723 or evolutionda@outlook.com

Evolution Dance Academy

Tiggers Trampolining Time, Preschool, Sevenoaks Leisure Centre, 01732 470700



Little Fishes, parent and baby/toddler/ children 4ys+, Oxted and Westerham, 07834 737211

Puddle Ducks, Swimming classes from 0-4 yrs - Sevenoaks, Hildenborough & Tunbridge Wells, 01892 617246

SwimKidz NW Kent & Sevenoaks, for Pregnancy, Babies, Toddlers and Children, 07809 227637

Water Babies East Sussex & Tunbridge Wells. Lessons from birth to 5 years, 01424 892568

Preschooler’s Art and Messy Play

Messy Monsters - Messy play company, weekend Sessions, suitable for 6m - 5yrs, 07538 952689

Preschooler’s Dance and Drama

Babyballet Song and Dance Academy, Sevenoaks, Tonbridge, Tunbridge Wells, 07809 148348

Cascade Dance: Creative Dance for 3&4 years with Cascade in Tunbridge Wells, 07540 724027

Catherine Bellinger School of Dance, Tunbridge Wells 2yrs+, 01892 542549

Dynamic Dance, for all ages from toddlers, various venues, based in Tonbridge, 01732 357518

Evolution Dance Academy, ballet, street, musical theatre, several venues, 2yrs+, 07709 348723

Firefly Dance School, Ballet, Modern, Tap, National, Irish Boys/Girls, all ages, 07734 816989

Helen O’Grady Drama Academy, Kindy Drama, preschool classes, 2½-5 yrs, 07587 006176

Inception Dance, fun, lively ballet and dance classes, Hartfield, 2yrs+, 07920 181454

Jigsaw Performing Arts, 3-18 years, Sevenoaks, 020 8447 4530

KA Dance Academy, Ballet, Tap and Stage, 3yrs+, Crockham Hill Village Hall, 07810 443575

Lamberhurst School of Theatre Dance, Tunbridge Wells, 07817 290552

Make Believe Sevenoaks: Sing, Act, Dance Ages 3-18, 0208 123 7927 Mini Motion, creative parent/toddler classes, Crowborough, T’ Wells, Langton Grn, 07734 863791

Razzamataz FREE TASTER SESSIONS in Singing Dance & Drama for ages 2-18, 07401 801318

Showtime Performing Arts 3.5yrs+ Malling School Oxted School Weekends Only, 07749 650222

Southborough School of Dance, Tunbridge Wells 3yrs+, 01892 531632 Theatre Train Mini’s Dance Act Sing 4-5yrs, 07710 478246

Preschooler’s Gym and Physical Play

Charlton Football Coaching 3-5yrs, Sevenoaks Leisure Centre, 01732 470700

Toddler Gym, under 5yrs Sevenoaks Leisure Centre, 01732 470700

Toddler Sports, U5yrs, Edenbridge Leisure Centre, 01732 865665

Toddler Trampolining under 5yrs

Sevenoaks Leisure Centre, 01732 470700

Preschooler’s Educational and Multilingual Sessions

Caroline Cunnington-King, French tutor, Tonbridge, 07884 255749

Kidslingo Preschool French and Spanish, from 18 months, 07726 590289

Preschooler’s Multisensory Sessions

Baby Massage, Rhyme and Music, Sevenoaks, 4 -18 months, 07788 971627

Preschooler’s Music and Movement

Family Music Fun 3mths-5yrs Angel Centre, Tonbridge, Friday am’s, 01732 359966

Hartbeeps, various venues, 07795 103197

The physical benefits of swimming for all children

Swimming very famously exercises all parts of the body. Our friends at Puddle Ducks explain below how swimming helps your little one’s body.

Heart and lungs

Swimming works your child’s heart and lungs, training the body to use oxygen more efficiently, which is generally reflected in declines in the resting hearting heart and breathing rate. When they are swimming, the working muscles of their arms, legs, and core are demanding additional oxygen, and this makes their heart pump faster. As a result of regular swimming exercise, their heart will become stronger and able to pump more blood with each contraction. Your child’s lungs adapt by learning to absorb more oxygen, and the muscles in their diaphragm and ribs that control their breathing become stronger too.


Swimming feels amazing to the body and mind, instantly lifting our mood. Little swimmers benefit from new relationships that are formed by being a member of a pool, swim class, or swim team. Learning to respond to key words can make your child sharper mentally, increase levels of awareness and understanding, and improve communication between you and them. Swimming facilitates development of crucial higher brain functions, core muscles and co-ordination, often seeing earlier physical and mental development that non-swimming peers.


It would be quicker to list the muscles your little one won’t work by swimming! The constant pulling and pushing in water builds great muscle endurance and work capacity in the following muscles in particular: shoulders, back, abdominals, lats, legs, and triceps!

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