The GuideEssential Familiesforin West Kent
Your Essential Family Directory
Upcoming Summer Family Events

2x Amazing Recipes from 'Annas's Family Kitchen' Pinapple, Lime & Coconut Trifle Recipe
Holiday Schemes & Activities
Hypnobirthing - Strong Like Mama
The National Trust
Win a family ticket to Howletts

Win a family ticket to The Wizard of Oz

Win a family ticket to The Snail & The Whale
Win a family ticket to Bad Dad
Win a family ticket to The Spa Valley Railway
Win a family ticket to The Good Vibrations Society Festival

Win a signed copy of Amy The G.O.A.T

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A huge welcome to our Summer online edition of The West Kent Family Grapevine Magazine. The Family Grapevine is a free publication for families, full of essential listings, local information, events and competitions. Just click on an advert to visit their website!
In this edition we have some incredible prizes to win, we have two amazing recipes from 'Anna's Family Kitchen', A pinapple, lime and coconut trifle from Del Monte, plus we've included our selection of top local family events over the Summer months. There is also an article from 'Strong Like Mama' about the benefits of Hypnobirthing.
We publish our magazine three times a year, both in print and online, reaching thousands of parents throughout West Kent, and we also have a fantastic website and great social media feeds. Please do follow us on social media and visit our website for regularly updated family information. We focus on local families and local businesss and are passionate about supporting both.
Our full and comprehensive directory of listings is always available on our website as well, just head over to www.thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/west-kent

We are proud to feature our brilliant advertisers who all have a product or service they want you to know about, please do visit them and if you like what we do, please let them know where you saw them
If you have a local business and would like a free business listing, a free events listing, or are interested in advertising in our magazine, on our website or on our social media, please do get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.

Our Winter edition is published in November and is live until the end of February. Until then, have a wonderful Summer.
Our Very Best Wishes James and Clare
If you’re a family focused business in West Kent, we’d love to have you in our FREE online & print directory

Our Review
Brilliantly illustrated by Rob Page, this heart warming, uplifting and page ripping story (literally) is about being yourself. Or a Goat, or whoever you want really... it deals with issues of acceptance, conformity and not being afraid of being who you want to be.

Amy is 10x years old and lives with her 'unconventional' family, I say unconventional, however what this fantastic book tries to convey is that unconventional doesn't really exist. Amy is unhappy at school and at home, but after being forced to attend her mum's circus performance rehearsal (on her birthday), she comes across a Goat.... and then the fun begins.
What follows is a hilarious and touching tale about what it means to find your inner G.O.A.T, to find true friendship and a sense of belonging.
With an evil head teacher, two school bullies, a moody brother, a step dad, a Mum who tries her best (despite it not always coming across that way), a herd of goats and a happy ending, it has pretty much everything, including an introduction to conversational French!
Aimed at the middle and upper primary school age group, the story is a genuine page turner and we loved it. Just resist eating each page after reading and shouting 'Mehhhhhhhh' . OR be a G.O.AT, eat each page after reading and shout 'Mehhhhhhh' as often as you like!
We’d highly recommend getting your hooves on a copy!
About the Author (Louiseee)
This book sees Louise with three eee’s fulfil her lifelong ambition to pen a children’s book. She commeted: “After completing a masters in scriptwriting, I knew I wanted to pour all my spare time into penning stories for children. My two nieces, aged five and seven, read the manuscript and their feedback was incredible. They both loved the silliness of it all. At a time when everything in society is under the microscope, I enjoy writing stories that reflect topical debates and my view on reality. Amy the G.O.A.T is a playful exploration of a
serious subject that will hopefully offer insight into the knotty world of identity.” The book is available as a paperback and Kindle e-book on Amazon from April 28th. To order your copy use the link below or click on the QR Code below!

The Charity Partner
Louiseee with three e’s is proud to support the UK’s ONLY registered Goat Charity, Buttercups Sanctuary for Goats. An incredible charity whose sole purpose is to dedicate their time rescuing abandoned, abused and neglected goats.
5% from every sale of AMY THE G.O.A.T - Greatest of all Time will be donated to this fine charity and one that sits close to the author’s heart. For more information on Buttercups, please visit their website: www.buttercups.org.uk

An Excerpt
Amy charged into the house, through her mother’s legs, sending her falling to her bottom. “What on earth are you doing, Amy!?” Amy stampeded into her parents’ peaceful Sunday afternoon like a bull in a china shop. No, like a goat in a tidy Kent living room. She raced across the white cashmere carpet, leaving a trail of muddy hand prints. Then she bit into the flowery curtains, ripping the whole rail down. “What has got into you, Amy!?” shouted Mum, still sat on the floor in the hallway. But Amy wasn’t listening. Instead, she was heading straight for the Egyptian cotton rug she’d been craving to chew for weeks. Amy leapt over, sinking her buck teeth into it. Dribble ran down her chin.“Oh no you don’t, you pesky girl!” Mum shouted, jumping up onto her daughter. She desperately pulled at Amy’s legs, but with no success, so searched the living room for a new idea. Suddenly she spotted a copy of the Daily Express and rolled it into a long tube. She turned back to her daughter and started swatting her around the head as if she were an irritating mosquito. “Let. It. Go. Let. It. Go. Drop. It. This. Minute!” Colin, who had momentarily stepped out to get a hanky, now returned to an utter circus. “I hadn’t finished reading that paper!” he announced over the chaos. “And that’s your daughter you’re bonking on the head.”“No daughter of mine would be chewing the expensive Egyptian cotton rug!”
Amy’s stepdad looked down at the wrestling pair. “Don’t, Amy. That rug was a gift.” He explained this in a very matter-of-fact kind of way. He appeared oblivious that his stepdaughter had rejected her human life to become a goat. Amy’s mother, however, had certainly noticed. “So this is what’s got into you, hmm? You’ve chosen this life of a ‘goat’,” she huffed while tugging at her daughter’s back legs, desperate to save the rug. “We should have listened to your brother who told us weeks ago. And then we really should have clocked when we found those ‘How To Be A Goat’ magazines in your room!”
Out of nowhere, Amy lost interest in the rug and charged up the stairs to her bedroom. Her parents raced after her. Mum shoved poor Colin out of the way as he fumbled around, continually sneezing.
Once in her bedroom, Amy ripped her pillows apart with her big teeth. Feathers fluttered around the room and out onto the hallway. “Oh no, feathers make me sneeze terribly, achhhoooooo!” Colin sneezed, falling back down the staircase. Now that Amy was a goat, she didn’t want to sleep in a normal, boring, human bed. She wanted to make herself a goat pen. “You better be prepared to tidy up after yourself Amy,” said Mum, standing in the bedroom doorway. “It’s fine to redecorate your room on occasion, but I won’t have you turning it into a pigsty just because you feel like it one day.”“It’s not a pigsty, dear,” sniffed Colin, climbing to the top step on his hands and knees. “It’s a pen for a goat.” “I don’t care what you call it! Enough is enough Amy, I’ve been incredibly patient during this ‘experimental’ stage of your life. I’ve turned a blind eye to you chewing the tea towels and that collection of hay in the corner of the bathroom. But this must stop now. And preferably before I take you to your stamp collecting class tomorrow morning.” “I think that might need to be missed,” said Colin who was sitting on the landing, gasping for air. Mother remained in the doorway, feathers fluttering around her. She watched her daughter, silently panicking at how to put a stop to this.
Family Services • Antenatal & Postnatal
Local Businesses
ABCS UK, award-winning bookkeeping practice helping parents with their business accounts www.abcsuk.com, 01732 495224
Babyprints, Unique 3D casts of babies, children, families and pets, 07714 531747
Baldwins Travel, independent travel agent, 01892 506445
Bubbly Books: FREE Books for Schools; Start your Own Business; Buy Usborne Books, 07500 707243
Family & pet-friendly taxis, up to 8 seats, for those who need extra care, 01892 642121
Felicity Harvest, Humanist UK Clebrant, for your namings & other ceremonies, 07708 933607
Independent travel agent specialising in family holidays worldwide, 01892 882750
KMJ Property, your local, independent Estate Agent
KW Cleaning, professional cleaning with a personal touch, 07586 830056
Mum2Mum, nearly new sales in Kent
MyChristie, Professional & Creative Graphic Design Services, 07796 105190
Radhuni Indian Takeaway, 3 Castle St, Tunbridge Wells, www.radhuniindian. co.uk, 01892 524242
RMW Services, Kitchen painting and custom painted furniture, 07761 530679
RSK BSL provides cutting-edge software development companies in UK, 01732 833111
Rural Atelier, we sell a variety of ecofriendly, ethical, sustainable and fairly traded goods, www.ruralatelier.co.uk
Sarah McIntyre specialises in bespoke baby naming ceremonies. Truly memorable, 01732 833121
The Diamond Setter, Professional Ear Piercing Services, 01892 458042
The Magical World of Children’s Books. Huge discounts. Find us on fb, 07895 243757
Tunbridge Wells Wedding Dance Company’, wedding dance lessons, 07722 844599
Vibrance Beauty, Mobile Beauty Therapist. Tonbridge & surrounding areas, 07377 994655
Xtreme2Clean, professional Carpet & upholstery care, 07903 654710
ZarabaWeb, results driven agency, web design, SEO, Logo Design, PPC Marketing, Branding, 07955 249264
Local Information Offices
Tourist Information Centre and Council office, Tonbridge Castle, Tonbridge, 01732 770929
Diana Dissington Photography, Maternity, Newborn, www.dianadissingtonphotography.com
Esther Nichols Newborn Photographer, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, 07578 596183
Lottie Topping, Wedding Photography & Family Portrait Photography, 07595 988453
Lucy McKenzie Photography, Maternity, Baby & Children, Tunbridge Wells, 07863 550676
Nic Bisseker Photography - Family Portrait and action dog photography, 07879 840171
Outdoor EquipmentActivity
The Adventure Zone- try before you buy, swings, trampolines, 01732 822659
Employment Opportunities
Successful Mums help mums return to work, change career or start a business, 07761 615371
Bereaved Parents and Family Members
Financial & emotional support for families who’ve lost a young adult aged 16-25, 01323 482772
Child and Family Health
Woodland Chiropractic Clinic caring for the whole Family, Borough Green, 01732 887177
Family Bear Club, creating healthy beginnings- from pregnancy to age 2. Mother & baby wellness, 07393 995583
Hairforce, nit and head lice professional treatment, 0208 2497381
Hayley G Wellness Hypnotherapist, Life Coach, EMDR, EFT & TFT Practitioner, 07818 426171
Health Visiting Services, supporting families with a new baby or a child aged under five-years-old, 0300 7900243
Tiz Kids, mindfulness classes, 3-11 yrs, tunbridge wells. private and group sessions, 07887 951968
Tracey Cambridge, Osteopath specialising in babies, 01342 323 851
Tunbridge Wells Cloth Nappy Library, Tunbridge Wells and the surrounding areas, 07733 161744
Child and Family Support and Advice
Amanda Sokell Practical support for parents with a child struggling at school, 07711 183919
CASPA supporting Autistic young people and their families and adults, 07957 924297
Certified sleep consultant, newborn to 6 yrs. Gentle, tailored approaches used www.ameliapasfieldsleepconsultant. com, 07857 575723
Citizens Advice, providing free, independent, impartial and confidential advice, 08082 787810
Gemma Coe, highly qualified sleep specialist for infants and children up to 5 years - www.childsleepspecialist.co.uk, 07706 656880
The Money Advice Service, clear unbiassed money advice, 0300 500 5000 The Weller Way, helping families become fully functional through coaching and mentoring, 07825 411793
Children and Young People with Disabilities
Auditory Verbal UK- helping deaf babies and children listen and talk, 01869 325000
IMAGO, support and empower vulnerable groups, 01892 530330
Counselling Services
The Weller Way. helping families become fully functional through oaching and mentoring, 07825 411793
Domestic Abuse, Support and Advice
National Centre for Domestic Violence
www.ncdv.org.uk, 0800 970 2070
Fostering and Adoption
Anchor Foster Care, Foster Care Services, Medway & surrounding areas, 01634 283140
Mediation Services
West Kent Mediation, free family mediation for families living in West Kent, 01732 469696
Parenting Courses and Support
Baby and You, a course for new parents and their babies, 6wks-6mths, 03000 411035
Baby and You, The Ark Children Centre, 6wks-6mths, 03000 411035
Daisy First Aid Tunbridge Wells & Sevenoaks, Baby & Child First Aid Classes, 07939 507662
New Parents Groups, Paddock Wood Children’s Centre . New Borns-Crawling, 03000 411035
Registered Children’s Complementary Therapists
Osteopath for the little ones with Ian Clutton, Integrated Health, 01732 464109
Speech and Language
Hayley Quinn, Speech Language Therapist, 07780 910992
Stay Fit and Healthy
Group and Private classes, suitable for All levels, including Prenatal/Postnatal, www.yogabymargarita.com
MyPilates group mat mixed abilities classes, Sundridge & Brasted, , 07375 200495
Tonality Dance/Aerobic Fitness Classes
- Frant Hall, Frant Near Tunbridge Wells, 07721 747201
Antenatal Services
Hey Baby 4D is a boutique private ultrasound clinic based in Tunbridge Wells, 01892 489166
KW Mother Nurture, Hypnobirthing & Antenatal Education, Group & 1-to-1 courses, 07817 512865
Providing practical and emotional support for new mothers and their families, 07974 001362
Strong Like MamaPregnancy Relaxation classes, Hypnobirthing & Breastfeeding, www.stronglikemama.co.uk
Antenatal and Postnatal Exercise
Group and Private classes, suitable for All levels, including Prenatal/Postnatal, www.yogabymargarita.com
Better Body Group, a safe environment for mums to exercise comfortably and confidently post birth, 01732 451979
Birth Holistic, Hypnobirth. Comprehensive mindbody antenatal training in Tunbridge Wells, 07702 751143
KW Mother Nurture, Pregnancy Relaxation weekly classes, Snodland, 07817 512865
Pregnancy Yoga & Postnatal Yoga with Baby Massage in Tunbridge Wells, 07702 751143
Pregnancy YOGA, Paddock Wood Children’s Centre, TW, Saturdays at 10.30am, 07885 754556
Sandrines Pilates, Mum and baby pilates, 01892 618493
Good Birth Practice, practical & fun hypnobirthing classes, courses & workshops, 07905 986810
Strong Like Mama, hypnobirthing and antenatal - for a calm, confident birth!, www.stronglikemama.co.uk

Midwives and Doulas
Emma Mills, private midwife prenatal & postnatal care. One-off appointments/ packages of care, 07985 526595
Flourish Birth & Baby, Carole Youdan, Birth & Postnatal Doula, 07786 610328
Strong Like Mama - postnatal doula support in the early weeks with your baby, www.stronglikemama.co.uk
Breastfeeding, Weaning Help and Support
BoobieMilk Ltd, Maternity and Nursing Bra fittings and sales, 07951 600777
NCT Baby Café, Manna Café, Tunbridge Wells, 01892 522323
NCT Breastfeeding Helpline, 0300 330 0700
South Tonbridge Children’s Centre, Tonbridge, 03000 418008
Spring House Children’s Centre, Sevenoaks, 03000 411035
How Can Hypnobirthing Help with a High-risk Pregnancy?
There’s a really common misconception about hypnobirthing – that its only for so-called “natural” births. Home births. Water births. “Low-risk” births. No pain relief, no forceps and definitely no c-sections.
But this is absolute rubbish!
Hypnobirthing is made up of a number of pillars, including:
• Education – understanding physiology and how to support it (and what will hinder it)
• Mindset techniques to help with reducing fears and building confidence
• Relaxation and pain-coping techniques
• Knowledge of your rights and options and feeling able to advocate for yourself
And all of this can be applied to any kind of birth scenario!
So here are 3 ways in which hypnobirthing can really help if you are having a high-risk pregnancy:
1. It helps you to relax and bond with your baby
Pregnancy can be a really anxiety-inducing time. Not only are you coping with big physical changes and huge life changes, but your body’s default position is to be more anxious. Yes, really! Your amygdala (the part of your brain that controls your emergency-response, putting you into freeze-fight-flight-fawn) is 4 times larger during pregnancy! So that increased anxiety that you’re feeling – it’s totally normal and to be expected! Throw in a high-risk pregnancy and you have a recipe for a pretty stressful time.
But, whilst your amygdala can be life-saving, those perceived threats often aren’t really there. So we need it to pipe down a little! It can be really difficult to bond with your baby and enjoy your pregnancy, if you’re constantly in a state of “but what if…?!” My client’s often describe hypnobirthing as a complete game-changer when it comes to their ability to relax, connect with their baby, and even get a better night’s sleep! (The holy grail, right?!)
2. It helps you to make decisions about birth, interventions and the care that you receive
Every felt like a rabbit in the headlights? Totally stressed and worried and unable to think properly. You may have experienced this during an antenatal appointment, particularly if you were hearing words like “high-risk’, ‘induce labour early’ or ‘c-section’.
When your body jumps into that stress response, it’s way harder to think clearly. This makes some of the big decisions about how and where you plan to give birth really difficult. It can also leave many women feeling that they have no voice
and that someone else is making these decisions for them. Not only are you the only one who can make decisions about your birth (it’s the law!) but we know from research that parents who are not involved in decision-making are more likely to suffer birth trauma. Hypnobirthing helps you to gain the knowledge and confidence to decide what is best for you and your baby. Whether that’s an elective caesarean or a water birth in your lounge! A great question to ask yourself is this: Am I making this decision from a place of fear or fact?
3. It helps you to support your body (and your baby!) through the stages of pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period
However and wherever you give birth, you’re still going through the same hormonal (and to some extent, physical) process. We can influence things like which hormones are being produced, your levels of blood-loss, your breastmilk-supply and your postnatal recovery. Hypnobirthing enables you to support your body through that process. So even if you end up having all the intervention and all the drugs (whether that’s part of your plan or not), you still feel informed about how to support your body and your baby – and feel calmer and more in control throughout!
Rachel QuickendenStrong Like Mama
Hypnobirthing & breastfeeding courses, antenatal & postnatal support
Tonbridge, Tunbridge Wells, Sevenoaks & Online

Baby & Toddler • Preschooler Groups
Strong Like Mama - prenatal breastfeeding preparation and postnatal support, www.stronglikemama.co.uk
Children’s and Family Centres
Edenbridge Children’s Centre, 03000 420995
Harmony Children’s Centre, Rusthall, 03000 420890
Little Forest Children Centre, Tunbridge Wells, 03000 420892
Little Foxes Children’s Centre, Waveney Road, North Tonbridge, 03000 418008
Paddock Wood Children’s Centre, open week days 9am-12pm. Activities for 0-5 yrs, 03000 411035
South Tonbridge Children’s Centre, Tonbridge Youth Hub, 03000 418008
Southborough Children’s Centre, 03000 420891
Spring House Children’s Centre, Sevenoaks, 03000 421137

The Ark Childrens Centre, Broadwater Lane, 03000 414600
West Kingsdown Children’s Centre, 01474 854624
Babysitters Childmindersand
Angel Placements Childcare Agency, 01622 815271
Nannies and Au Pairs
A TRAVEL NANNY, professional Nanny providing travel nannying all year round, 07852 345124
Angel Placements Childcare Agency, 01622 815271
County Nannies, meeting the needs of parents and childcarers, 01795 520060 East Green Childcare Services, taking care of all your childcare needs, 01732 838417
Elizabeth Henry Nannies: Nannies, Maternity Nurses, Nursery Staff, babysitting, 01732 851313
Katie Nanny, professional Nanny Ad Hoc, Daytime, Evening, Travel, Temporary, Emergency, 07852 345124
The Little Au Pair Agency: Bromley based, small, friendly, covering the UK, 020 8462 6041 Tinies Childcare, 0203 6918828
Baby and Toddler Groups
Baby Yoga with Margarita, postnatal yoga for mums, gentle baby yoga and massage for babies under 10 months, www.yogabymargarita.com
At home fun Mama & Baby/child workouts, suitable for all ages incl, prenatal, 07707 346552
Baby Sensory, baby development classes from birth to 13 months in Frant, TW, 07921 998654
Baby Stay and Play, The Ark Childrens Centre, Broadwater Lane, 03000 414600
CYCLEme TOTS, Mid-Kent Classes, 2-7 years, 07739 389281
Dad & Me 0-5yrs Tunbridge Wells Baptist Church 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 01892 541118
Daddy and Me 0-5yrs, Pantiles Baptist Ch, Frant Rd, Tunbridge Wells 2nd Sat am, 01892 521093
Nature Makers is a nature based arts and crafts class for children aged 0-6, 07415 780943

SEVENOAKS, Baby and Parent Cinema Club, Stag Community Arts Centre, Tues10.30am, 01732 450175
Sing and Sign Bromley & Sevenoaks, for babies from 5 months to 2.5yrs, singandsignbromley@gmail.com
Toddler Sense, toddler adventure classes from 13 months to 4 years in Frant, TW, 07921 998654
Tots Play Baby and Toddler Development classes, Paddock Wood and Tonbridge www.totsplay.co.uk/tonbridge
Trinity Theatre, mums and babies film club, 01892 500673
Father’s Groups
Dad & Me 0-5yrs Tunbridge Wells Baptist Church 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 01892 541118
Pandas Playgroup Daddy and Me, 2nd Saturday mornings 0-11yrs, Tunbridge Wells, 01892 521903
Mother’s Groups
Singing Mamas, St Stephen’s Church Community Centre, Tonbridge, Mondays 10.30-12, www.lauralamn.com/singingmamas
Baby and AdditionalToddler Needs Groups
The Children’s Trust School Taddies Playgroup for children with complex needs, 01737 365810
Baby and Toddler Yoga
Baby Yoga with Margarita, postnatal yoga for mums, gentle baby yoga and massage for babies under 10 months, 07305 622446
Baby Bumpkin: Age 6 weeks-2 yrs, Baby Massage and Yoga, 07511 048803
Banana Studio Yoga, Toddlertastic Yoga Club. Pre School & Youth Yoga Courses, 07834 518619
Creating healthy beginnings- from pregnancy to age 2. Mother & baby wellness, 07393 995583
Fitness and Form, mother and baby pilates class, www.fitnessandform.co.uk, 07913 994432
Mummy & Me Pilates Classes every Wednesday at 11am at Pembury Pavilion, , 07876 787869
Postnatal Yoga for Mum & Baby Massage, Yoga and songs for babes!, 07702 751143
Tatty Bumpkin, Sevenoaks, fun yoga-inspired activity, 6wks-7yrs, 07870 598606
Yoga for children 4+ Available for group sessions in schools or youth clubs, 07885 754556
Zen Baby Massage, Baby Massage & Yoga, Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery, Tunbridge Wells, www. zenbabymassageyoga.com, 07539 501402
Baby and Toddler Massage
Baby and Toddler Explorers, for 0-2 years, for your child’s sensory development, 07947 380135
Baby Massage, for babies 6-16 weeks, Sevenoaks, 07788 971627
Baby Yoga and massage classes and courses in Tunbridge Wells, www. yogabymargarita.com
Blissful Bébé Massage group and private baby massage courses, 07732 808623
KW Mother Nurture, Baby Massage, Snodland, 0-12months, 07817 512865
Baby and Toddler Music and Dance
Babee Ballet, ages 2.5-5yrs. Buzzie Bee Ballet fun! Various locations and times, 07889 647338
babyballet Song and Dance Academy, Sevenoaks, Tonbridge, Tunbridge Wells, 07809 148348
Cascade Dance: Creative Dance for 3&4 years with Cascade in Tunbridge Wells, 07540 724027
Colourstrings Music Classes, Tunbridge Wells, babies - 7yrs, various groups, 01892 559319
Gymboree Play and Music, Dunton Green, Sevenoaks, 0-5 yrs, 07827 910978
Gymboree Play and Music, Royal Victoria Place, Tunbridge Wells, 0-5 yrs, 07308 160024
Lamberhurst School of Theatre Dance, Tunbridge Wells, 07817 290552
Monkey Music - Tunbridge Wells, Sevenoaks, Pembury, Hildenborough, 01892 671997
Mummy and Me Ballet with Just Dance, Tunbridge Wells, 01892 864517
Musical Bumps Music Classes with traditional songs, lullabies and musical games, 07784 737183
Tatty Bumpkin, Yoga and Music 2-7yrs, 07511 048803
Baby and Toddler Signing and Communication
Sing and Sign Baby Signing the fun way, Tunbridge Wells and Tonbridge, rebeccaclowsingandsign@gmail.com
Baby and SwimmingToddler
Aquatots, Strood, Sevenoaks, Sidcup & Orpington. 10 weeks - 5yrs, www. aquatots.com, 0208 6886488
Little Fishes, parent and baby/toddler/ children 4ys+, Oxted and Westerham, 07834 737211
Mini Splashers Baby & Toddler swimming lessons, private warm pool, East Grinstead. Wednesday AM, 07990 534463
Puddle Ducks, Swimming classes from 0-4 yrs - Sevenoaks, Hildenborough & Tunbridge Wells, 01892 617246
Baby & Toddler • Preschooler Groups
SwimKidz NW Kent & Sevenoaks, for Pregnancy, Babies, Toddlers and Children, 07809 227637
Water Babies East Sussex & Tunbridge Wells. Lessons from birth to 5 years, 01424 892568
Preschooler’s Dance and Drama
Babyballet Song and Dance Academy, Sevenoaks, Tonbridge, Tunbridge Wells, 07809 148348
Cascade Dance: Creative Dance for 3&4 years with Cascade in Tunbridge Wells, 07540 724027

Catherine Bellinger School of Dance, Tunbridge Wells 2yrs+, 01892 542549
Drama Kids, Kindy Drama, preschool classes, 2½-5 yrs, www,dramakids.co.uk, 07587 006176

Evolution Dance Academy, ballet, street, musical theatre, several venues, 2yrs+, 07709 348723

Firefly Dance School, Ballet, Modern, Tap, National, Irish Boys/Girls, all ages, 07734 816989
Inception Dance, fun, lively ballet and dance classes, Hartfield, 2yrs+, 07920 181454

Jigsaw Performing Arts, 3-18 years, Sevenoaks, 020 8447 4530
KA Dance Academy, Ballet, Tap and Stage, 3yrs+, Crockham Hill Village Hall, 07810 443575
Lamberhurst School of Theatre Dance, Tunbridge Wells, 07817 290552
Mini Motion, creative parent/toddler classes, Crowborough, T’ Wells, Langton Grn, 07734 863791
Razzamataz FREE TASTER SESSIONS in Singing Dance & Drama for ages 2-18, 07401 801318
Showtime Performing Arts 3.5yrs+ Malling School Oxted School Weekends Only, 07749 650222
Southborough School of Dance, Tunbridge Wells 3yrs+, 01892 531632
Theatre Train Mini’s Dance Act Sing 4-5yrs, 07710 478246
Preschooler’s Gym and Physical Play
Charlton Football Coaching 3-5yrs, Sevenoaks Leisure Centre, 01732 442365
Jumping Beans: Creative, physical and fun classes, 3mths-5yrs, 07768 038172
Little Kickers, Tunbridge Wells, Tonbridge and Sevenoaks, 18mths-7yrs, 0208 432 0982
Pre School Gymnastics, 6mths-3yrs with parents or 3-4yrs, 01892 540744
Preschool Gymnastics and Trampoline, U5yrs, Angel Leisure Centre, 01732 359966
Ready Steady Sport - Multi sport for all children 3yrs upwards, 07764 187401
Sevenoaks Leisure Centre, Toddlers Gym, 01732 442365
Tiggers Trampolining Time, Preschool, Sevenoaks Leisure Centre, 01732 442365
Toddler Gym, under 5yrs Sevenoaks Leisure Centre, 01732 470700
Toddler Sports, U5yrs, Edenbridge Leisure Centre, 01732 442364
Toddler Trampolining under 5yrs
Sevenoaks Leisure Centre, 01732 442365
Want to learn to dance and have fun? evolution Dance academy classes are for you!
Educational and Multilingual Sessions
Caroline Cunnington-King, French tutor, Tonbridge, 07884 255749
Kidslingo Preschool French and Spanish, from 18 months, 07726 590289
Multisensory Sessions
Baby Massage, Rhyme and Music, Sevenoaks, 4 -18 months, 07788 971627
Preschooler’s Music and Movement
Brittens Music Colourstrings
Kindergarten music classes for 0-7
Tunbidge Wells, 07724 466064
Family Music Fun 3mths-5yrs Angel Centre, Tonbridge, Friday am’s, 01732 359966
Hartbeeps, various venues, 07795 103197
Humpty Dumpty Club Music and Movement, 07860 801173
Little Notes Music Classes by top notch musicians, 01892 300103
Monkey Music - Tunbridge Wells, Sevenoaks, Pembury, Hildenborough, 01892 671997

Street, MuSical theatre, Ballet, MODERN, TAP, conteMporary & perforMance Group iDta exaMS offereD, with a 100% paSS rate Bi-annual dance show claSSeS in eDenBriDGe & linGfielD contact us for more details on: 07709 348723 or evolutionda@outlook.com
Music Bugs, Tonbridge, Tunbridge Wells, Sevenoaks, 07738 878821
Musical Bumps Music Classes with traditional songs and musical games, 07784 737183
Pipsqueaks Music, Otford, 07951 587806
Preschooler’s Swimming
Alison Marks Swim School, Hildenborough, 3yrs+, 01732 365440
Aqua Swimming Ltd, Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells venues, 3 years+, 01732 455800
Puddle Ducks, Swimming classes from 0-4 yrs - Sevenoaks, Hildenborough & Tunbridge Wells, 01892 617246
Soft Play Centres
Buzy Bee’s, Soft Play Area and Café and outside toys, Ash, 0 to 12 years, 01474 874118
Edenbridge Leisure Centre 0-4yrs, 01732 442364
Godstone Farm Playbarn, www.godstonefarm.co.uk
Little St Sevenoaks, Children’s Role Play Centre, 01732 668347
Minor Mania, soft play, Tunbridge Wells, 01892 752042
Tunbridge Wells Sports Centre, 01892 540744

Daycare Nurseries
7 Acorns Day Nursery, Sevenoaks. 0-5 years. Enquire now www.7acorns.co.uk, 07803697404
BRENCHLEY, Kinderversity Pre-school, wrap around care, holiday clubs, 0-11 years, 01892 458231
DUNTON GREEN, Broughton Cottage Day Nursery, TN13, 3 months to 5 years, 01732 462339
EDENBRIDGE, Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery, 3 months - 5 years, 01732 605341
HILDENBOROUGH, Stables Daycare, TN11, 3 months to 5 years, 01732 833266 Ofsted Registered Childminder ‘Trish’s Tiddlers’ Please call for availability, 07940 029793

PADDOCK WOOD, Barnies Day Nursery, Hop Farm, 3 months to 5 years, 01622 872788

PENSHURST, Well Place Day Nursery and Preschool, 3 mths-5 yrs, 01892 870118
SEVENOAKS Day Nursery, Otford Road,

Nurseries • Preschools • Independent Schools
TN14, 01732 460384
SEVENOAKS, Acorns Day Nursery, TN13, 6 months to 5 years, 01732 459162
SEVENOAKS, Asquith Nursery and Preschool, TN13, 0330 057 6242
SEVENOAKS, Busy Bees Children’s Day Nursery, TN13, 6wks-5yrs, 01732 450466
SEVENOAKS, Oakley Day Nursery, TN13, 3 months -5 years, 01732 459651
SEVENOAKS, Steps to School Day Nursery, TN15, 3 months - 4 years, 01732 780431
SEVENOAKS, Teddies Nurseries, (Bright Horizons), TN13, 01732 742252
SOUTHBOROUGH, Asquith Woodlands Day Nursery, TN4, 0330 057 9741
TONBRIDGE, Asquith Nursery and Preschool, Pembury Road, TN9, 0370 218
TONBRIDGE, Asquith Nursery, West Kent College, Brook Street, TN9, 0330 057
TONBRIDGE, Barnies Day Nursery, Hadlow, TN11, 3 months to 5 years, 01732 850033
TONBRIDGE, Hilden Oaks Nursery, TN10, 3mths+, 01732 353941
TONBRIDGE, Oaklands Day Nursery, TN9, 4mths-5yrs, 01732 353486
TONBRIDGE, Teddies Nurseries, (Bright Horizons), TN9, 01732 500565
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Asquith Day Nursery and Preschool, TN4, 0333 920 2726
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Forest Park Nursery and Pre-School, TN2, 0-5yrs, 01892 512313
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Juniors Day Nursery, 07940 728905
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Little Cottage, Breakfast / Tea available, 2-4 yrs, two sites, 07702 180487
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Little Rascals Nursery, TN1, 6 months-5 years, 01892 313245
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Nuffy Bear Day Nursery, Knights Park, TN2, 01892 882795
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Rainbow Creche and Nursery, Tunbridge Wells Sports Centre, TN4, 01892 517215
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, St Georges’ Childrens Project Nursery, TN4, babies-5yrs, 01892 543982
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Teddies Nurseries, (Bright Horizons), TN4, 01892 531128
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, The Green Cave Day Nursery, TN1, 6mth-5yrs, 01892 800033
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, The Tunbridge Wells Nursery and Montessori PreSchool, 3mth-5yrs, 01892 540068
Montessori Nurseries
SEVENOAKS, Hollybush Montessori Nursery, TN14, 07984 133318
SEVENOAKS, Moniques Montessori Day Nursery, 01732 452931
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, New World Montessori, Linden Park Cricket Club, Fir Tree Road, 07787 155247
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, The Tunbridge Wells Nursery and Montessori PreSchool, 3mth-5yrs, 01892 540068
Sessional Preschools and Nurseries
BIDBOROUGH, Village Nursery School, Village Hall, TN3, 2 to 5 years, 07517 145731
CHIDDINGSTONE, Chiddingstone Nursery School, TN8, 2 to 4 years, 01892 871315
EDENBRIDGE Nursery School, Edenbridge Primary School, 3 to 4 yrs, 01732 863787
EDENBRIDGE, Church House Preschool, Rickards Hall, 07748 673798
EDENBRIDGE, Marsh Green Preschool, St John’s Church, 01732 864553
EDENBRIDGE, St Paulinus PreSchool, 2-5 years, 07796 795811
FORDCOMBE, Fordcombe PreSchool, Village Hall, 07895 472610 Groombridge, Groombridge PreSchool, 01892 861113
HADLOW Community Pre School, 2 to 5 years, 01732 853225
HARTFIELD, Hartfield Playschool, am and pm sessions, 2 -5 years, 01892 770830
HILDENBOROUGH, Stocks Green Preschool, TN11, 2½ to 5years, 01732 834115
HILDENBOROUGH, The Oaks Nursery, Riding Lane, TN11, 01732 834401
LANGTON GREEN, Little Birches Nursery and Pre School, day care from 7.30am until 5.30pm, 01892 862943

Little Fosse Nursery, Fosse Bank School
2-3yrs, 01732 834212
PADDOCK WOOD, Scalliwags PreSchool, 01892 835980
PEMBURY School House Nursery, TN2, 2-5 years, 01892 825580
PENSHURST, Penshurst Pre-School, Village Hall, 2 -5 years, 01892 870250
RIVERHEAD, St. Mary’s PreSchool Group, Village Hall, 07502 428413
SEAL, Top Banana PreSchool, 2-4 years, 07958 528808
SEVENOAKS, Bradbourne Park PreSchool, grds of Sevenoaks Primary, 2¾ to 5 years, 01732 779149
SEVENOAKS, Chevening School Nursery, TN13, 2½-5 years, 01732 452342
SEVENOAKS, Halstead Nursery, Otford Lane, TN14, 2-5 years, 07950 681846
SEVENOAKS, Pipkins Nursery School Chevening, TN14, 2-5 years, 07480 832356
SEVENOAKS, Platt School Nursery, TN15, 2-5 years, 01732 886600
SEVENOAKS, Plaxtol Nursery School, TN15, 2½-5yrs, 01732 811395
SEVENOAKS, Radnor House Nursery, 2.5 years +, 01959 563720
SEVENOAKS, Spring Board PreSchool, TN13, 2 years 3 mths-4 years, 01732 452039
SEVENOAKS, St Lawrence PreSchool, TN15, 01732 763354
SEVENOAKS, Steps to School Day Nursery, TN15, 2 - 4 years, 01732 780431
SEVENOAKS, The Children’s Workshop, TN13, 2-5 years, 01732 741391
SEVENOAKS, Weald PreSchool, Church Road, 01732 450272
SOUTHBOROUGH, Holden Park Preschool, 2 to 5 years, 01892 520626
SOUTHBOROUGH, Southborough Preschool, Community Centre, Crundwell Rd, 2-5 years, 01892 538666
SPELDHURST, Kinderversity, Village Hall, St Mary’s Lane, 07787 483520
The Little Learning Tree Preschool @ Salvation Army TW, for children 2-5 years, 07948 085991
The Little Learning Tree Preschool, Number One Community Centre, TN2, 2-5 yr, 07925 177730
TONBRIDGE, Brenchley Preschool Limited, 2-5 years, 01892 724261
TONBRIDGE, Capel Preschool Playgroup, 01892 833363
TONBRIDGE, Delarue Crickets Pre-School (2-5 Years), Welland Rd, TN10 3TD, 07496 288372
TONBRIDGE, East Peckham Preschool, 01622 871268
TONBRIDGE, Happy Faces PreSchool, Hectorage Rd, TN9, 2 to 5 years, 01732 368823
TONBRIDGE, Horsmonden Kindergarten, 2-5 years, TN12, 01892 724805
TONBRIDGE, Longmead Nursery (Robin Class), 3-5 years, 01732 350601
TONBRIDGE, Playaway Preschool, Cage Green School, TN10, 01732 354325
TONBRIDGE, Roselands Preschool, Woodlands School Grounds, TN10, 01732 368580
TONBRIDGE, St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Nursery School, TN9, 2-5 yrs, 01732 358000
TONBRIDGE, STEPS, St Stephens Church Pre School, Waterloo Road TN9, 01732 363642
TONBRIDGE, Tots Teachers Preschool, 07752 127522
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Bishops Down Primary School Nursery 3+ yrs, 01892 520114
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Hawkenbury Nursery School, Forest Road, 07833 772857
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Little Dragon’s Playgroup at St George’s, 01892 543982
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Little Owls, Toch Hall, 07840 977238
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Little Rascals Preschool, TN1, 2 -5 years, 01892 313244
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Manor Road PreSchool, 07972 739852
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Nivan Lodge PreSchool, King Charles the Martyr Hall, 2-4 yrs, 07563 908977
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Niven Lodge PreSchool Nursery, Tunbridge Wells TN2, 01892 547259
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, St Augustine’s Nursery, TN4, 01892 542783
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, St James’ Church PreSchool, TN2, 07905 276612
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, St Matthew’s High Brooms PreSchool, Church Hall, TN4, 2-5 years, 07768 518191
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, St. Luke’s Nursery School, St Luke’s Church Hall, TN4, 2½4yrs, 01892 619955
TUNBRIDGE WELLS, The Rocking Horse Nursery, TN1, 2 yrs+, 01892 532704
Independent Schools
Beechwood Sacred Heart, Tunbridge Wells 3-18yrs, 01892 532747
Fosse Bank School and Fosse Bank Kindergarten, Hildenborough 2-11yrs, 01732 834212
Hilden Grange School, Tonbridge, co-ed, 3-13 years, 01732 351169
Hilden Oaks Preparatory School & Nursery, Tonbridge, 01732 353941
Holmewood House School, Langton Green, Tunbridge Wells 3-13yrs, 01892 860000
Kent College Prep School, Pembury 2.511yrs, 01892 822006
Kent College Senior School, Pembury TN2, 11-18yrs, 01892 822006
New Beacon School, Sevenoaks, boys 4-13yrs, 01732 452131
Primary Schools
Radnor House Prep School, Sevenoaks, 01959 564320
Radnor House Senior School, Sevenoaks, 01959 563720
Rose Hill School, Tunbridge Wells, 3-13yrs, 01892 525591
Russell House School, Otford, Sevenoaks, 01959 522352
Sackville School, Hildenborough 1118yrs, 01732 838888
Sacred Heart School, Wadhurst 3-11yrs, 01892 783414
Sevenoaks Preparatory School, 2½-13 years, 01732 762336
Sevenoaks School, co-ed, day and boarding, 11-18yrs, 01732 455133
Solefield School, boys, Sevenoaks TN13, 4-13yrs, 01732 452142
St Michael’s Preparatory School, Otford 3-13yrs, 01959 522137
The Granville School, Sevenoaks girls 3-11yrs boys 3-4yrs, 01732 453039
The Mead School, Tunbridge Wells TN2, co-ed, 3-11yrs, 01892 525837
The Schools at Somerhill, 3 schools, preprep co-ed, boys 3-13yrs, girls 3-11yrs, 01732 352124
The Schools at Somerhill, Derwent Lodge, Tonbridge TN11, girls, 7-11 years, 01732 352124
The Schools at Somerhill, Somerhill Pre-Prep Tonbridge TN11, co-ed, 3-7 yrs, 01732 352124
The Schools at Somerhill, Yardley Court, Tonbridge TN11, boys, 7-13 years, 01732 352124
Tonbridge School, boys, day and boarding, 13-18 years, 01732 365555
Walthamstow Hall, Sevenoaks 3-18yrs, 01732 451334
Primary Schools
Bishops Down Primary School, Tunbridge Wells, 3-11 years, 01892 520114
Brenchley and Matfield Primary School, Tonbridge TN12, 4-11 years, 01892 722929
Broadwater Down Primary School, Tunbridge Wells TN2, 4-11 years, 01892 527588
Cage Green Primary School, Tonbridge, 4-11 years, 01732 354325
Edenbridge Primary School, 4 to 11 years, 01732 863787
Fordcombe Cof E Primary School, Tunbridge Wells TN3, 01892 740224
Four Elms Primary School, Edenbridge, 4 to 11 years, 01732 700274
Ide Hill Cof E Primary School, Sevenoaks, 4-11 years, 01732 750389
Ightham Primary School, 4 to 11 years, 01732 882405
Kemsing Primary School, 4 to 11 years, 01732 761236
Langton Green Primary School, 01892 862648
Long Mead Community Primary School, Tonbridge, 3-11 years, 01732 350601
Longmead Community Primary School, 01732 350601
Paddock Wood Primary School, Paddock Wood, 01892 833654
Pembury Primary School, 4-11 years, 01892 822259
Penshurst Primary School, Penshurst
TN11, 01892 870446
Platt Primary School, TN15, 4 to 11 years, 01732 882596
Rusthall Primary School, TN4, 01892 520582
Seal Primary School, Seal, 5-11 years, 01732 762388
Sevenoaks Primary School, TN13, 4-11 years, 01732 453952
Shoreham Village School, Sevenoaks
TN14, 4 to 11 years, 01959 522228
Southborough C Of E Primary School, 01892 529682
Speldhurst C of E Primary School, 4-11years, 01892 863044
St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School, Tunbridge Wells TN4, 01892 529796
St George’s C of E Voluntary Controlled Primary School, 4 to 11 years, 01732 882401
St James School, 7- 11 years, 01892 523006
St Johns C of E Infant School, Sevenoaks
TN13, 01732 453944
St John’s Cof E Primary School, Tunbridge Wells TN4, 4-11 years, 01892 678980
St Katharine’s Knockholt Church of England Primary, Sevenoaks TN14, 4 to 11 yrs, 01959 532237
St Lawrence C of E Primary School, Sevenoaks TN15, 4 to 11 years, 01732 761393
St Mary the Virgin C of E Primary School, Hartfield, 4 to 11 years, 01892 770221
St Michael’s Primary School, Withyham, 4 to 11 years, 01892 770307
Temple Grove Academy, Tunbridge Wells, 4-11 years, 01892 520562
Weald Primary School, come and visit us just outside Sevenoaks to find out more, 01732 463307
West Kingsdown CE Primary School, 4 to 11 years, 01474 853484
Woodlands Primary School, Tonbridge, 01732 355577
Tutoring, standard school subjects and 11+
11+ mock tests and revision courses
Tunbridge Wells run by experienced tutors, 07517 861487
English all ages to A level/IB, Creative Writing, French, 07786 392763
Exams Access Arrangements Assessor
(Y5-Y13) available now West Kent/ Sussex, 07504 939649
Extra Tuition Centre, all over Kent, 11+, 0800 917 4194
First Class Learning in Sevenoaks maths and English tuition for all ages, 07760 419307
Fleet Tutors: Britain’s Leading Tutoring Service Provider, 0333 920 9629
IELTS Exam Lessons. 1:1 with very experienced teacher. Tunbridge Wells area, 07504 939649
Private Tutoring
Kip McGrath, English and Maths Tuition, Tunbridge Wells, 6-16 years, 01892 458184
Kumon Maths, Sevenoaks, 01342 851221
Kumon Maths, Tonbridge, 01622 817544
Lyn Wurf private tutor - I teach primary Maths/English/touch typing from my home, 07792 052292
Private tutor, Tunbridge Wells and surrounding areas, primary school, 11+, SATs, www.yltuition.com
Bradbourne Riding Centre (Riding for the Disabled), Sevenoaks, 01732 453592
Arts and Crafts
Little Springers: Baking, cooking, Crafts, Gardening, Music 3yrs+, 07768 466327
Nature Makers is a nature based arts and crafts class for children aged 0-6, 07415 780943
The Ceramic Studio provide pottery classes for adults and children, www. theceramicstudio.co.uk
Sevenoaks Leisure Centre 14-15yrs, 01732 442365
Tunbridge Wells Sports Centre, under 16s, 01892 540744
Ceramic Painting Studios
The Handwriting Tutor Kent, Learn neat, legible and joined up handwriting, www. thehandwritingtutorkent.co.uk Tutor English GCSE. Very experienced teacher. Tunbridge Wells area, 07504 939649

Foreign Language Tuition
Caroline Cunnington-King, French and Spanish Tutor, Tonbridge, 07884 255749
Elisabeth Reichert-Eckersley, conversational german tuition, 01342 811099
German Saturday School, Tonbridge Kidslingo Spanish Classes, 07984 207908
My Spanish Tutor, One to One Online Spanish Tuition for All Ages and Levels, 07545 018144
Sevenoaks English Language Centre, english for foreigners, 07717 214041 Spanish for children, Edenbridge rea, native teacher, 07917 744515
Tonbridge Russian School, Beginners to GCSE and A-level, 10yrs experience, 3yrs+, 07715 559035
Instrumental and Vocal Tuition
Caroline Stinton, Piano, Bassoon and theory lessons, Tunbridge Wells, 01892 524315
Classical singing lessons Tunbridge Wells from beginners to advanced. all ages, 01892 538453
Funky Monkey Keyboard Classes
Sevenoaks! Electronic keyboard group classes 4+yrs, www.funkymonkey.info, 01732 457100
Joe’s Academy of Music: music for all ages and abilities, Tunbridge Wells, 07938 226435
Timothy Lowe ARCM, FISM Expert piano and theory tuition, 07588 549622
Tunbridge Wells Music Lessons - Clarinet, Saxophone, Flute, Piano - Tunbridge Wells, 07904 320750
TW Music School: Drum, Guitar, Bass, Vocal Piano, 01892 750157
Activities for additional needs children
A place to be, Creative, sensory fun for kids with or without disabilities. 1-2-1 at home support, 07837 576611
The Ceramic Studio provide pottery classes for adults and children, www. theceramicstudio.co.uk
Circus Skills
Showtime Performing Arts 3.5yrs+ Malling School Oxted School Weekends Only, 07749 650222
Chimera Climbing Centre, a vibrant and modern public amenity, Tunbridge Wells, 01892 457294
Clip n Climb, Indoor climbing arena for adults and children, 01732 753330
Extreme Ventures, outdoor rock climbing courses, nr Tunbridge Wells, 6yrs+, 07835 528548
Kent and Sussex Climbing Indoor, Climbing Academy 6yrs+, 01892 673167
Kids @ Chimera, minimum age 5 years (under 16’s adult supervision required), 01892 457294
Nuts 4 Climbing Outdoor Climbing activities, 01892 860670
The Climbing Experience Fun Wall and Bouldering Gym, Maidstone 4+, 01622 677977
Tunbridge Wells Cricket Club 7yrs+, 01892 825513
CYCLEme TOTS, Mid-Kent Classes, 2-7 years, 07739 389281
Southborough and District Wheelers, 8yrs+, 01892 537758
Dance and Theatre Arts
Act II Academy of Drama & Performing Arts, LAMDA Teaching in the Sevenoaks Area, 01732 463293
Cannon Holt Irish dance, classes for children and adults from age 3 years, Tonbridge & Aylesford, 07977 500673
D2Dance School: Ballet, Modern, Street, Singing, Tap, Musical Theatre 3yrs-adult, 07709 173256
Dance Academy Sevenoaks, RAD Ballet Cont tap Modern, Commercial Jazz, 3yrs+, 01732 469806
Dancing Boutique, 82 Victoria Road, Tunbridge Wells, 01892 529720
A-Z Activities for Children 5-16yrs
First Aid Courses for Children
British Red Cross, 0800 028 0831
Daisy First Aid Tunbridge Wells & Sevenoaks, Family First Aid Classes, 07939 507662
St John Ambulance Kent, enquiries, 0344 770 4800
Fitness and Activity Clubs
‘A’ Team Fun Club, 5-12yrs,Sat 09:3012:00, Angel Centre, Tonbridge, 01732 772685
At home fun Mama & Baby/child workouts, suitable for all ages incl, prenatal, 07707 346552
Mummy & Me Pilates Classes every Wednesday at 11am at Pembury Pavilion, 07876 787869
Sarah’s Runners, Nevill Pavillion Cricket Ground, TN2 5ES, minimum age 17 years, 07900 825836
Sevenoaks Nordic Walking, 01732 453271
Target Shooting School - Term time classes, holiday workshops, parties 8-18 yrs, 07426 301849
TeenFit and Junior Spin 11-15yrs, Tunbridge Wells Sports Centre, 01892 540744
Charlton Football Coaching 3-13yrs, Sevenoaks Leisure Centre, 01732 442365
Lamberhurst Golf Club, Tunbridge Wells 6yrs+, 01892 890591
Nevill Golf Club, Tunbridge Wells 6yrs+, 01892 525818
Poult Wood Golf Centre, Tonbridge 8yrs+, 01732 364039
Tonbridge Golf Centre 3yrs+, 01732 353281
Wildernesse Sports Centre, Sevenoaks, 01732 451437
Gymnastic Club Kent, Tunbridge Wells, all ages, 01892 550530
Gymnastics, Angel Leisure Centre, Tonbridge, 01732 772685
Gymspire offers quality gymnastic classes to children of all abilities and ages, www.gymspireacademy.com
Kent College Gymnastics Academy Gym lessons 5-18yrs, 01892 822006
PreSchool, Juniors, 7-11yrs and Tramps, 5-14yrs, Tunbridge Wells Sports Centre, 01892 540744
Sevenoaks Leisure Centre, Gymnastics, 4-16yrs, 01732 442365
Tunbridge Wells Hockey Club 6-16yrs, Email via website

Tunbridge Wells Inline Hockey Club 6yrs+, 01892 535439
Drama Kids, Otford, Sevenoaks, 5-18yrs, www.dramakids.co.uk, 01689 812336
Evolution Dance Academy, ballet, street, musical theatre, Edenbridge area, 2yrs+, 07709 348723
Firefly Dance School, Ballet, Modern, Tap, National, Irish Boys/Girls, all ages, 07734 816989
Happy Me Kids, fun and funky dance classes for your child in Tunbridge Wells, 07427 371396
Inception Dance, fun, lively ballet and dance classes, Hartfield, 2yrs+, 07920 181454
Italia Conti, Tunbridge Wells, 01892 529112
Jigsaw Performing Arts, 3-18 years, Sevenoaks, 01732 386053
JPA Academy, Acting Singing Dancing Academy 6-18yrs, 07870 460687
Judy Hamlet School of Dance, Kemsing - Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Street for 3yrs+, 07971 679055
Just Dance: Ballet, Modern, Tap, Street Dance, Musical Theatre, Tunbridge Wells, 01892 864517
Kent College Theatre Academy, Theatre and Drama lessons, 5-18yrs, 01892 822006
Lamberhurst School of Theatre Dance, from babies to adults, Tunbridge Wells, 07817 290552
Make Believe Sevenoaks, Sing, Act, Dance Ages 3-18, 0208 123 7927
Medway School of Dance, Tonbridge, Latin Ballroom and Disco Dance 3 yrs+, 01732 358355
Pauline Quirke Academy Summer School, Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells, 07961 387798
Perform weekly drama, dance and singing class for 4-7yrs and 7-12yrs, 020 7255 9120
Razzamataz FREE TASTER SESSIONS in Singing Dance & Drama for ages 2-18, 07401 801318
Showtime Stage Schools now in Kent & Medway, Sat & Sun 4-18yrs Free Trials, 01732 430300
SJ School of Dance Academy 5yrs+, 07880 499801
Southborough School of Dance, Tunbridge Wells, 01892 529720
Stagecoach Performing Arts, 4-16 yrs, Tonbridge, 01444 456208
The Dance Studio, 2.5yrs+ Ballet, Tap and Jazz. T Wells, Paddock Wood, Otford, 07812 565826
The Talentz Musical Theatre 5-16yrs, 07899 998249
Theatre Train Dance Act Sing 6-18yrs, 07710 478246
Trinity Youth Theatre 8-18yrs, 01892 500673
VR School of Dance, Ballet, Street
Jazz, Modern, Musical, Sevenoaks, 07539 551568
Junior Fencing, School ages, Angel Centre, Tonbridge, 01732 359966
Royal Tunbridge Wells Fencing Club, 7 years +, 07786 000488
D&D Footie Focus, weekend and evening football coaching for 2½ to 8 years, 07969 669153
First Class Football: Advanced Football Skills Coaching 2yrs+, 07929 861394
Little Kickers, Tunbridge Wells, Tonbridge and Sevenoaks, up to 7 years, 0208 432 0982
Pure Football Academy, Additional Training, Kent & Sussex, 18mnths - 14yrs, 07872 864016
The Rondos Advanced Football Academy, 5-18yrs, Hildenborough, 01892 822554
Toddler Football, up to 4yrs, Edenbridge Leisure Centre, 01732 442364
Tonbridge Invicta FC, New! Girls Football for 11yrs+, football club and coaching, 07891 626537
Tunbridge Wells Foresters FC, Football Club and coaching 5yrs+, 07718 393138
Tunbridge Wells Ladies FC, Girls Football 5-16yrs, 07801 045941
Tunbridge Wells Sports Centre, Fun Footie 5-7yrs, Girls 11-14yrs, Junior U16yrs, 01892 540744
Hever Castle Golf Club 5yrs+, 01732 700771
Hilden Golf Centre, Tonbridge 3yrs+, 01732 833607
Knole Park Golf Club, Sevenoaks, junior membership 11-17 years, 01732 452150
Bradbourne Riding Centre, Sevenoaks, 01732 453592
Hadlow College Equestrian Centre, Tonbridge, 01732 852204 , 01732 853588
Matfield and District Riders Association, 5yrs+, 01892 836058
Orchid Riding School, 6yrs+, Tunbridge Wells, 01892 652020
Riding Farm Equestrian Centre, 4yrs+, Hildenborough, 01732 838717
South Farm Riding Stables, 5yrs+, Tunbridge Wells, 01892 864807
Wellgrove Farm Stables, Pembury 3yrs+, 01892 822087
White Rocks Farm Western Riding, near Sevenoaks, 01732 761888
Leisure Centres
Angel Leisure Centre, Angel Lane, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1SF, 01732 359966
Edenbridge leisure Centre, Stangrove Park, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 5LU, 01732 442364
Putlands Sports and Leisure Centre, Mascalls Court Rd, Tonbridge TN12 6NZ, 01892 838290
Everyone Activey Leisure Centres, Edenbridge, 01732 442364
Everyone Active Leisure Centres, Sevenoaks, 01732 442365
Tunbridge Wells Sports Centre, 01892 540744
Wildernesse Sports Centre, Seal Hollow Road, Sevenoaks, 01732 451437
All Things Party • Holiday Schemes & Activities
Martial Arts, Self Defence
Bushido Judokan, Tunbridge Wells 5yrs+, 07823 441460
Fortitude Taekwondo, 3yrs+, Sevenoaks, Edenbridge, Westerham, Hildenborough, 01342 302192

Fortitude Taekwondo, Martial Arts for ALL ages and abilities in Tunbridge Wells. 4 WEEK FREE TRIAL, 01342 302192
Frontier School of Karate and Kickboxing (FSK), Crowborough, 3yrs+, 07970 686054
Oaks Martial Arts, 3yrs+, Sevenoaks, Hildenborough, Edenbridge, 01732 759988
PPCKD Self Defence for children as young as 3.5 years. Fun, fitness and friends, 07590 559421
Sama SouthEast, Karate School from 4yrs+ Kickboxing School from 7yrs+, www.samasoutheast.co.uk, 01444 461889
Shinseido Karate, Riverhead Parish Hall, Sevenoaks, 18yrs+, 07710 437485
Synergy Taekwondo, 4yrs to adult. Angel Centre & Delarue Hall www. tonbridgetkd.co.uk, 07973 613221
Multiple Sports
EXCEL Fitness Programme, 11-16yrs, Angel Centre, Tonbridge, 01732 359966
Kickstart Fitness mixed games 5-10yrs, Angel CentreTonbridge, 01732 772690
Langton Green Community Sports Association, 01892 862967
Multi sports for 3-16yrs 3rd Sun 13:0014:30 Tunbridge Wells Sports Centre, 01892 540744
Tunbridge Wells Sports Centre, 5yrs +, 01892 540744
Music Groups, Centres
Brittens Music School, Tunbridge Wells, 01892 559319
West Kent Music Centre - Music lessons and groups for musicians of all ages, 01622 358408
Outdoor Pursuits Centres
Bowles, Eridge Green nr Tunbridge Wells, 01892 665665
Rollerblading and Skateboarding
Tunbridge Wells Tigers Inline Roller Hockey 7yrs+, 01892 535439
Rugby Tots for 2-7 yr olds, weekday and weekend classes throughout West Kent, 0345 3130807
Tunbridge Wells RFC Girls RugbyYears 7-13 girls only / Years R-6 Mixed, 07753 933936
Snow Sports
Dry Ski Slopes at Bowles, Eridge Green nr Tunbridge Wells, 01892 665665
Tunbridge Wells Squash Rackets
Club - Junior Squash and Racket Ball, 01892 527736
Wildernesse Sports Centre, Sevenoaks, 01732 451437
Swimming, Pool Sports
Alison Marks Swim School, Hildenborough, 3yrs+, 01732 365440
Angela’s Swim School, Sevenoaks, 07703 185837
Aqua Swimming Ltd, Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells venues, 01732 455800
Edenbridge Leisure Centre Swimming, Classes and fun swimming, 01732 4423645
Helens Swimming School, 4 months +, 01892 662484
Holmewood House Swim School 5yrs+, Langton Green, 01892 860035 Little Fishes, parent and baby/toddler/ children 4ys+, Oxted and Westerham, 07834 737211
RTW Monson Learn To Swim (Level 3-competitive swimming), 07779 703317
Sevenoaks Leisure Centre, Classes and fun swimming, 01732 442365
Starfish School of Swimming all ages and abilities, Sevenoaks, 01732 834186
Tonbridge Swimming Pool, Castle Street, indoor and outdoor pools, 01732 367449
Tunbridge Wells Sports and Tennis, Swimming classes for all ages, 01892 540744
Table Tennis
Byng Hall Table Tennis Club 7yrs+, 07768 742414
Evolution Tennis Coaching at Brenchley and Matlock Tennis Club Juniors, 01622 532354
Jarrett Tennis School at Tunbridge Wells Sports and Indoor Tennis Centre, 01892 538445
Jarrett Tennis School for 5-14yrs, Tunbridge Wells, 01892 538445
Oakbury Tennis Club Juniors, Sevenoaks, 07821 621403
Short Tennis, Tunbridge Wells Sports Centre 4-10yrs, 01892 540744
St Johns Tennis Club, Tennis Courses, 5-18yrs, 01892 546252 Tennis Academy, Tonbridge and Sevenoaks, 01959 523377
Tunbridge Wells Lawn Tennis Club, 01892 525625
Edenbridge Leisure Centre, trampolining coaching 5-16yrs, 01732 442364
Putlands Sports and Leisure Centre, Paddock Wood 5yrs+, 01892 838290
Sevenoaks Leisure Centre, Trampolining, 4-15yrs, 01732 442365
Trampolining, Tunbridge Wells Sports Centre, 01892 540744
Wildernesse Sports Centre Trampolining, Sevenoaks, 01732 451437
Uniformed Groups
Girlguiding UK for your nearest Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Rangers, 0800 999 2016
Scoutbase UK for nearest Beaver, Scout, Venture, Air and Sea, 0345 300 1818
Bewl Water Outdoor Centre: canoeing, sailing, wind surfing etc, 8 years +, 01892 890000
Edenbridge Sub Aqua Club, Edenbridge Leisure Centre, 14yrs+, 07702 473898
Banana Studio Yoga, Kids Yoga & Teens Yoga, 07834 518619
Youth Clubs
The Hub, South Tonbridge, 03000 418008
Party Venues
Angel Leisure Centre, Tonbridge, 01732 359966
Birthday experiences at Bowles, Eridge Green nr Tunbridge Wells, 01892 665665
Diggerland, Medway Valley leisure Park, Roman Way, Strood ME2 2NU, 0871 2277 007
Edenbridge Leisure Centre, 01732 442364
Extreme Ventures, outdoor rock climbing/scrambling, nr Tunbridge Wells, 6yrs+, 07835 528548
Minor Mania, soft play, Tunbridge Wells, 01892 752042
Parties at Tunbridge Wells Sports Centre, 01892 540744
Putlands Sports and Leisure Centre Paddock Wood, 01892 838290
Sevenoaks Leisure Centre, 01732 442365
Temper Temper Chocolate, Chocolate workshops and parties, 01892 538758
The Pottery Box, Tonbridge’s latest go-to pottery-painting destination for all ages - www.thepotterybox.co.uk, 01732 617440
Wildernesse Sports Centre, Seal Hollow Road, Sevenoaks, 01732 451437
Woodland Parties, the perfect woodland venue for children’s parties, 07889 094821
Party Supplies and Planners
Sleepy Teepeez Kent offer tailor made sleepovers for children, www. sleepyteepeezkent.co, .uk
Country and Garden Tent Hire, we hire beautiful bell tents for all occasions, www.countryandgardententhire.com
Party Bag Online, your one stop shop for personalised filled party bags, 07976 728857
Soft Play Kent, soft play hire for under 5s in Kent, www.softplaykent.co.uk
The Little Play Company, soft play hire, lots of different packages available, 07887 713436
Twilight Tents provide beautiful themed Tent Sleep Over Party packages, 07710 078467
Walking Balloons offer a great variety of animal balloons that walk beside you, 07763 860066
Wishful Winks provide a stress free sleepover party experience, 07957 491146
Party Catering, Cakes
Clever Cooks, Catering and China Hire, 07768 993456
I own Special Occasion Cakes by Tess, I make bespoke cakes for all occasions, www.cakesbytess.co.uk
Large selection of partyware, balloons & cake decorating in Tunbridge Wells, 01622 717177
Vintage Afternoon Tea served in your own venue perfect for that special occasion, 07545 807031
Party Entertainers
Allsortsoffun, Pirate, knight, spy party, magic, puppets, Lego Guy, 07845 320001
Buzy Bee’s, themed parties such as Frozen, Princess, Football and more, 0-12 yrs, 01474 874118
Captain Fantastic Parties, Parties for 3 - 7 year olds, 07540 539190
Childrens party entertainer and magic shows, Kent, Sussex and Surrey, 4-11 years, 07734 101987
D&D Footie Focus, football themed parties, 5 to 12 years, 07969 669153
Dance Parties for girls and boys, aged 3-12yrs. One or two hours available, 01892 864517
Dandelion and Clover Yoga - Yoga and art parties with a theme of your choice, 07734 435708
Enchanted Events, magical party & events entertainment, styling & catering, 07788 998441
Face and body painting, glitter designs and tattoos. Surrey Kent & Sussex, 07931 935539
First Class Football Parties 2yrs+, 07929 861394
Holiday Schemes & Activities
Froggle Parties, drama games, dancing, story telling, balloon models, prizes, www.froggleparties.com
Froggle Parties, face painting, glitter tattoos, any kind of designs, www. froggleparties.com
Funky Footsteps, high energy disco parties, games, facepainting & fun!, 07912 685680
Hartbeeps the most original musical parties on the planet, 07795 103197
Humpty Dumpty Club Musical Parties, 07860 801173
Jewls Falconry we come to you with our Owls for childrens, adults party or School, www.jewlsfalconry.co.uk, 07422 945659
Jumping Beans Parties, 07768 038172
Kazzamataz comedy magic show, crazy games and dance routines, 07859 015231
Little Kickers, Tunbridge Wells, Tonbridge and Sevenoaks, 18mths-7 yrs, 0208 432 0982
M Sporti Football and Multisports, 07920 780983
Moondreamers is a luxury Teepee sleepover company providing for East Sussex/Kent, 07943 958937
Music Bugs: Tonbridge, Tunbridge Wells, Sevenoaks, 07738 878821
My Unique Sleepover, Sleepover parties for 5-13 year olds. Covering West Kent, 01732 905373
Nuts 4 Climbing Outdoor Climbing activities, 01892 860670
Once Upon a Wish Events - Events and Party entertainment tailored to suit you!, 07739 584988
Perform Parties for 4-7 years are high energy, fun and totally infectious, 020 7255 9120
Pic-n-Mix Parties for boys and girls, 1-11yrs, 07860 801173

Pop Up Arcade, The Ultimate Gaming Birthday Party. Set up inside or in our heated gaming tents, 0203 0892439 Princess and the Pea Events, fun singing & dancing character packages, 07557 145648
Ready Steady Sport - Multi sport for all children 3yrs upwards, 07764 187401
Show Offs Parties: Circus Acts, Balloon modelling, themed parties, 07749 650222
Stagecoach Parties, 01444 456208
Superstar Pamper Parties exclusive pamper parties for girls aged 5-14 years, 07941 509495

The Pottery Box, Tonbridge’s latest go-to pottery-painting destination for all ages - www.thepotterybox.co.uk, 01732 617440
Vintage Afternoon Tea served in your own venue perfect for that special occasion, 07545 807031
Zebadee Kidz Parties Tonbridge, one stop shop for all your entertainment needs!, 07773 066645
Holiday Schemes and Activities
Activity packs for kids, crammed with snacks and travel activities, 3-10 years, 07798 773960
Alison Marks Swim School Holiday Courses, Hildenborough, 3 years+ (not Winter), 01732 365440
Angel Centre, Tonbridge - Drop in fun sessions, 01732 359966
Aqua Swimming Ltd, Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells venues, 01732 455800
Barracudas - Activity Day Camps, Sevenoaks, Tonbridge, Maidstone, 0845 123 5299
Bewl Water Outdoor Centre, kids camps, variety of activities, 4 years+, 01892 890000
Bishops Down Holiday Play Scheme, Tunbridge Wells, 3-11yrs, 01892 520114
Camp Beaumont Holiday Camps, Kent College, Tunbridge Wells, 01603 851000
Funtech.co.uk - Summer Tech camps, Tonbridge, 01628 621216
Hubbub, School Holiday Childcare, education, fun & adventure, High Brooms, 07942 937006
Junior Summer Golf Camps, Poult Wood, Tonbridge. 7-14yrs, 01732 364039
M Sporti Football and Multisports, 07920 780983
Nuts 4 Climbing Outdoor Climbing activities, 01892 860670
Perform, holiday activities and workshops, 020 7255 9120
Pied Piper Activities, 4-12yrs, multiactivity summer holiday camps, piedpiperactivities.co.uk
Play ‘n Grow holiday club is a new club for 2-11 yrs, 8am-6pm Mon -Fri, 07727 692645
Recre8 Tonbridge

Recre8 runs a fantastic programme of summer activities throughout the holidays from 10th July to 25th August. With more than 40 sports, arts & educational activities to choose from, there’s bound to be at least one to suit your child, from toddling to teenage!
As part of Tonbridge School, Recre8 uses the first-class all-weather artificial pitches, tennis courts and athletics track. There are also the incredible facilities available at the Tonbridge School Centre, EM Forster Theatre & Barton Science Centre as well as specialist teaching kitchens, art rooms, and much, much more. Courses range from Art, Cookery, Forest School and Photography, to Archery, Gymnastics, Marksmanship and Trampolining! There’s also full-day Football camps and Musical Theatre workshops, a range of fantastic Scuba Diving courses and even 11+ revision courses and mock exams!
Early and Late Clubs provide extra flexibility, taking the pressure off working parents and allowing children to attend a week of fantastically fun full-day activities.

All teachers, tutors and coaches are fully qualified in their specific field including those industry leading organisations who bring some very specialist courses to the programme like Bricks 4 Kidz and Working Science. All staff and partners undergo enhanced DBS checks so that you know your children are safe and secure as well as receiving the highest quality tuition and coaching available.

For Recre8, providing a fun and inclusive atmosphere is at the absolute centre of their programme with the aim of ensuring every child has an incredible experience every time they attend!

For more information about the fabulous summer programme and which courses are running this year, visit www.recre8courses.co.uk

Holiday Schemes & Activities
Premier Playscheme - action packed activity days, several venues, 01953 499040
Recrea8 Tonbridge, , Sporting & Creative term time and holiday courses, www.recre8courses
Southeast Kids Camps, school holidays activities club 4-11 years old Sport activities, games, arts & crafts, 01444 461889
St Georges’ Childcare, 5-12 yrs

Tunbridge Wells, 01892 543982
Super Camps, holiday activities in Sevenoaks and Tonbridge, 01235 467300

Target Shooting School - Term time classes, holiday workshops, parties 8-18 yrs, 07426 301849
Wilder Holiday Club with Kent Wildlife Trust, book online now at www. kentwildlifetrust.org.uk/holiday-club, 01622 662012
Workshops & science activities, school summer holidays, 01323 832731
Family Days Out
Chartwell, family home and garden of Sir Winston Churchill, Westerham, 01732 868381
Chiddingstone Castle, Edenbridge Kent TN8 7AD, 01892 870347
Emmetts Garden, an Edwardian estate, 01732 868381
Groombridge Place, moated manor house, fun things to do for families, 01892 861444
Heaven Farm, nature trail, camping, tea room, family fun, 01825 790226
Hever Castle and Gardens, Edenbridge, 01732 865224
Penshurst Place and Gardens, the medieval Baron’s Hall is one of the grandest, 01892 870307
Quebec House, the birthplace of General James Wolfe, 01959 567430 Spa Valley Railway, journey through the High Weald countryside, 01892 300141
The Hop Farm Family Park, full of attractions, Paddock Wood, 01622 872068
Tonbridge Castle, Motte and Bailey Castle with a splendid 13th Century Gatehouse, 01732 770929
Places to Visit
Chartwell, family home and garden of Sir Winston Churchill, Westerham, 01732 868381
Chiddingstone Castle, Edenbridge Kent TN8 7AD, 01892 870347
Creams Café, T-Wells, Geltao, Waffles, Sundaes, Crepes, Indulge your senses, 01892 680059
Diggerland, Medway Valley leisure Park, Roman Way, Strood ME2 2NU, 0871 2277007
East Grinstead Museum - Kid’s activities and exhibitions take place all year, 01342 302233

EM Forster Theatre, Tonbridge, 01732 304241
Emmetts Garden, an Edwardian estate, 01732 868381
Hever Castle and Gardens, Edenbridge, 01732 865224
Kent Life Heritage Farm, 01622 763936
Kent Wildlife Trust, lots of events for the whole family, Sevenoaks, 01622 662012
Penshurst Place and Gardens, the medieval Baron’s Hall is one of the grandest, 01892 870307
Port Lympne Wild Animal Park, Hythe CT21 4LR, 50 species of animals to see, 01303 264647
Quebec House, the birthplace of General James Wolfe, 01959 567430
Riverhill Himalayan Gardens, Sevenoaks, 01732 459777
Scotney Castle, National Trust, Lamberhurst, Kent, 01892 893820
Spa Valley Railway, journey through the High Weald countryside, 01892 300141
The Hop Farm Family Park, full of attractions, Paddock Wood, 01622 872068
The Observatory Science Centre, Herstmonceaux, 01323 832731
Tonbridge Castle, Motte and Bailey Castle with a splendid 13th Century Gatehouse, 01732 770929
Attractions Out of Area
Blue Reef Aquarium, the ultimate undersea safari, Hastings, 01424 718776
Bluebell Railway, steam hauled trains, great day out, 01825 720800
Bodiam Castle, Bodiam, 01580 830196
British Wildlife Centre, Newchapel, nr Lingfield, RH7 6LF, 01342 834658
Chislehurst Caves, miles of mystery and history, 020 8467 3264
Christmas Tree Farm, Downe Village, feed the animals, 01689 861603
Farmyard Childrens Parties at Christmas Tree Farm, Downe Village, 01689 861603
Go Ape, Bedgebury, high-wire Tree Top Adventure and Tree Top Junior, 01603 895500
Godstone Farm, so much to do, a great family day out, 01883 742546
Hastings Adventure Golf- outdoor family fun on the seafront, 01424 437227
Heaven Farm, nature trail, camping, tea room, family fun, 01825 790226
Leeds Castle, 900 years of history, 500 acres of beautiful parkland and gardens, 01622 765400
Michelham Priory, Upper Dicker, Hailsham BN27 3QS, 01323 844224
The Llama Park at Ashdown Forest with Christmas Wonderland, Wych Cross, 01825 712040
Anna's Family Kitchen
Anna’s Family Kitchen is a fun family-friendly cookbook, which shares nutritious but minimal faff recipes with families across the country. Including more than 70 recipes, this book explores the variety of dishes you can bring to the table for any occasion. From lights bites to fakeaways and working smarter not harder in the kitchen, you can achieve fun and easy mealtimes every day.
Anna’s Family Kitchen was inspired by the author’s love of food and desire to feed her family healthy, home-cooked, wholesome meals that are beautifully presented but don’t require hours of prep in the kitchen. Her cookbook showcases the reality of family life, and how to achieve fun and easy mealtimes that aren’t all-consuming.
Anna describes the book as the go-to cookbook for busy families, intending to transform cooking from an everyday chore to an enjoyable process. It includes over 70 recipes, created for families of all shapes and sizes, inspiring people to take a new approach to cooking. The recipes are divided into five chapters, covering all aspects of everyday challenges faced in the kitchen. These include Light Bites & Snacks, Quick & Easy Weekdays, Weekends & Gatherings, Fakeaways, and Cook Clever, which is full of useful hints and tips to save money, batch cook ahead of time and utilise your freezer to make sure you aren’t wasting food!
Anna’s Family Kitchen also includes tailored tips and tricks to assist families in cooking nutritional but tasty dishes. Perfect for any home cook, it contains a diverse range of recipes that are easy to follow and cover all occasions. Almost every recipe can be adapted with easy swaps to cater to individual needs within the demanding task of feeding a family. Dishes include Beef Massaman Curry, Summer Roast Chicken, Harissa Hake & Couscous Traybake, Chana Masala and Foolproof Bread.
About the Author
Anna Stanford, is a self-taught cook and mother of three, started Anna’s Family Kitchen 4 years ago as a passionate hobby, creating recipes for her family and friends on Instagram and Facebook, and has now achieved a loyal following on social media. You can find more information about her and her recipes on her social media pages @annasfamilykitchen or on her website www.annasfamilykitchen.com

Anna’s Family Kitchen is a 192-page hardback and retails at £25. It is available to pre-order from www.annasfamilykitchen.com and www.mezepublishing.co.uk and then to purchase from Amazon, bookshops including Waterstones and online.
Chicken Nuggets
Chicken Nuggets. Mealtimes during the school holidays can seem relentless, even if you love cooking. How about outsourcing these chicken nuggets to the children to make? The trick to making these without getting in a mess is to have a production line of bowls lined up for the egg, flour and breadcrumbs, and use just one hand to dip the chicken into each. They can be cooked in the oven or airfryer. Serve with fries and veg or salad or try them loaded into pittas or wraps with some salad and spicy mayo. A tsp of sriracha, chipotle or Harissa mixed with 1 tbsp mayo will give a lovely kick!
4 chicken breasts cut into 5cm pieces
4 tbsp flour generously seasoned with salt and pepper
2 whisked eggs
For the breadcrumbs :
100g Panko (or use 2 day old bread whizzed in a food processor)
1 tsp garlic granules
1 tsp paprika
3 tbsp groundnut or veg oil
Mix together the breadcrumb ingredients in a bowl. They will stick together a little to begin with - don’t worry - just break down with a fork Line a baking tray and heat the oven to 200 fan.
Dip the chicken pieces into the flour shaking off excess, then into the egg, then into the breadcrumbs. Lay each on the baking tray and bake for 15 minutes. Or cook in the airfryer for 8-10 minutes at 180.

Salmon Tikka Wraps
These Salmon Tikka wraps are so easy to knock up, you can even outsource the making of them to the children. They’re a great lunch option but also satisfying enough for an evening meal.

I’ve used a combination of Deli Kitchen’s Wheat & White and Plain Mini Wraps from Morrisons for this recipe but any of the range can be loaded up with salad, the salmon tikka & raita (plus chilli and coriander for more hum and punch!) or you could swap the salmon for chicken or paneer cheese.
What’s your favourite wrap filling? If you’re looking for more inspiration, head over to @ mydelikitchen for more recipes.
Here’s the recipe for my Salmon Tikka wraps.. INGREDIENTS (for 6 wraps)
6 x Wheat & White or Plain Mini Wraps
1 x red onion sliced
For the salmon, combine:-
4 skinless salmon fillets, diced into 3cm cubes
1 tbsp tomato puree
2 garlic cloves crushed
2 tsp chopped ginger
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp smoked paprika
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp oil
For the raita:-
1/2 cucumber Finely chopped
5 tbsp Greek or natural yoGurt
1/2 tsp Garam masala
1/2 tsp salt
Juice oF a lime
to serve:-
shredded lettuce
chopped Fresh chilli and coriander (optional)
Combine all the salmon tikka ingredients. Heat a pan and add 1 tbsp oil and the sliced onion. Soften & colour for 5 minutes.
Meanwhile make the Raita by combining all the ingredients in a bowl.
Add the salmon to the pan with the onions & cook for 5 minutes, turning the salmon over gently with the onions.
Heat your mini wraps in a dry pan for 30 seconds each side. Or you can warm them in an oven or in the microwave.
Load up each wrap with some lettuce, the salmon & onions, followed by the Raita and fresh chilli & coriander if you like.
Pinapple Lime & Coconut Trifle

Ingredients for the coconut custard:
• 1 x (400ml) can coconut milk
• 3 egg yolks
• 50g caster sugar
• 1 heaped tbsp cornflour

• A few drops of coconut flavouring (optional – if you like a very coconutty flavour)
• 1 ginger cake (appx. 200g), cut into roughly 1cm slices
• 2 cans (435g) Del Monte® Pineapple Slices in Juice
• 2 limes, juice of 1 and zest of 2
• 300ml double cream
• Toasted coconut flakes, to finish
1.Start with the coconut custard, which needs time to cool. Put the coconut milk in a saucepan and heat gently, stirring, until completely smooth and amalgamated. Take off the heat.
2. Put the egg yolks, sugar and cornflour in a bowl and beat together thoroughly. Carefully pour the warm coconut milk onto the yolk mixture, stirring all the time. Then pour the whole lot back into the pan and put back over a medium heat. Heat the custard, stirring often so it doesn’t stick to the base of the pan, until it’s steaming hot, just beginning to bubble and noticeably thickened.
3. Pour into a clean bowl or jug, cover the surface directly with a piece of baking parchment to stop a skin from forming, and leave to cool completely. Once cool, put in the fridge.
4. Use the slices of ginger cake to line the base of a 2-2.5 litre trifle bowl.
5. Drain both cans of pineapple, keeping 6 tbsp juice from one of the cans. Mix this pineapple juice with the juice and grated zest of 1 lime. Trickle this over the ginger cake.
6. Set aside 2 pineapple slices for decoration, putting them in the fridge in a covered container. Arrange the remaining pineapple over the ginger cake.
7. If you want to use coconut flavouring, add a few drops to the coconut custard now. Spread the cooled coconut custard over the pineapple. Chill the trifle at this stage for an hour or up to 24 hours.
8. When ready to serve, whip the cream until it holds soft peaks and spoon onto the custard. Cut the remaining pineapple slices into small pieces and arrange on top of the cream. Top with coconut flakes and curls of lime zest and serve. Recipe Courtesy of Del Monte.
The National Trust
Summer of Play at Chartwell and Quebec House
Discover a summer jam-packed with fun at Chartwell and Quebec House from 22 July to 3 September.
Summer at Emmetts Garden The garden
This summer at Emmetts Garden, relax in the sunshine amongst the roses and discover rare trees in bloom. See if you can spot the pink fluffy flowerheads of the Persian silk tree and the distinctive tiered layers of the wedding cake tree. The Italianate Rose Garden is filled with an abundance of pink and white blooms in summer, take time to smell the delicate sweet-scented roses. Emmetts Garden sits at one of the highest points in county and on a sunny day you can see for miles across the Weald of Kent.
Outdoor theatre
Outdoor theatre returns to the meadow at Emmetts Garden this summer. The season kicks off with a production of Peter Pan on 8 July, a theatrical treat performed by Slapstick Picnic. Robin Hood is next up on 4 August, this actionpacked adaptation has plenty of sword fights and will engage audiences of all ages. Back by popular demand, The Lord Chamberlain’s Men will be performing Romeo and Juliet on 10 August. Families will love The Wizard of Oz on 22 August, a magical musical guaranteed to have you in stitches! Bring along a picnic and enjoy the show in beautiful surroundings. Visit the website to book tickets.
Into the Fairy Garden summer trail
Adventures await this summer holidays with Into the Fairy Garden at Emmetts. The fairies’ garden has been invaded by an army of ants! Follow the trail, learn the march and help to build defences before finding out who wins the epic battle. Trail runs 15 July-3 September and costs £3 including a prize.
Music on the meadow
Relax with a picnic on the meadow at Emmetts Garden and listen to popular tunes performed by Biggin Hill Concert Band. Sunday 16 July, 2-4.30pm. No need to book, normal admission applies.
National Trust Summer Events at Emmetts Garden, Chartwell & Quebec House

8th July Outdoor theatre: Peter Pan at Emmetts Garden
4-6pm. This summer Slapstick Picnic are whipping up a theatrical treat at Emmetts Garden – a three-actor production of J.M. Barrie’s classic play Peter Pan. Book tickets online nationaltrust. org.uk/emmetts-garden.
15th July – 3rd September Into the Fairy Garden Summer Trail at Emmetts Garden

10am-4pm. An ant army has invaded Emmetts Garden and the Fairies have retreated. Follow the trail to discover who will win the battle.
22nd July – 3rd September,Summer of Play at Chartwell

10am-4pm. At Chartwell this summer join in a range of activities around the grounds including free dance classes run by LCA Stage Academy on Thursday mornings. Book dance classes online nationaltrust.org.uk/chartwell
22nd July – 3rd September, Summer of Play at Quebec House

Join us in the garden this summer holidays and try your hand at some traditional games and activities inc.luding archery session on selected dates. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/kent/ quebec-house
4th August, Outdoor theatre: Robin Hood at Emmetts Garden
5-6.30pm. A fun and vibrant adaptation of Robin Hood at Emmetts Garden that will capture the imagination and engage audiences of all ages. Book tickets online nationaltrust.org.uk/ emmetts-garden.

22nd August, Outdoor theatre: The Wizard of Oz
4-6pm. This summer join Dorothy and her loyal friends on their quest to the Emerald City. Immersion Theatre presents a brand-new adaptation of The Wizard of Oz in the beautiful surroundings of Emmetts Garden. Book tickets online nationaltrust.org.uk/emmetts-garden. www.

Summer Family Events in West Kent
Summer of Play at Chartwell, 22nd July – 3rd September
Bodiam’s Medieval Fair, Bodiam Castle, 22nd July - 31st August
www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/sussex/ bodiam-castle
Summer of Play at Scotney Castle, Scotney Castle, 22nd July - 3rd September
www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/kent/ scotney-castle
Summer of Play at Quebec House, 22nd July – 3rd September
www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/kent/ quebec-house
Hey Down Hoe Down at Godstone Farm, Godstone Farm, 22nd July - 3rd September

The Oxted Festival, Master Park, 7th-9th July
Summer Garden Tour, Hole Park, 8th July
Outdoor theatre, Peter Pan at Emmetts Garden, 8th July
The Ceramic Studio Open House, Brenchley, 9th July
Recre8 Children's Summer Holiday Activities,

Tonbridge, 10th July - 25th August

The Snail and The Whale at E.M.Forster Theatre, 19th-20th July
Tunbridge Wells Mela, Calverley Grounds, 23rd July
The Wizard of Oz at The Festival Theatre at Hever Castle, 25th July
The Grimm Sisters at The Hever Festival Theatre, Chiddingstone Castle, 30th July
The Wimpy Kid Show at The Hever Festival Theatre, 2nd August
Meet Paw Patrol at Howletts Wild Animal Park, 2nd August
Summer Family Events in West Kent

Jolly Roger's Swashbucklin' Train Ride, Spa Valley Railway, 3rd-31st August
Citizen Science, Bat Emergence Survey at Bore Place, 3rd August
Outdoor theatre, Robin Hood at Emmetts Garden, 4th August
Meet Peppa Pig at Howletts Wild Animal Park, 9th August
Cascade Dance Holiday Workshops, Tunbridge Wells, 9th-10th August
Bore Place Bug Hunt, Bore Place, 10th August
Peter Pan by Slapstick Picnic at The Hever Festival Theatre, Chiddingstone Castle, 13th August

Horrible Histories Live on Stage! Barmy Britain at The Hever Festival Theatre, Hever Castle, 14th August

Meet PJ Maks at Howletts Wild Animal Park, 16th August
The Jungle Book at The Festival Theatre
Hever Castle, Chiddingstone Castle, 20th August
Outdoor theatre, The Wizard of Oz, 22nd August

Meet Hey Duggee at Howletts Wild Animal Park, 23rd August
Bad Dad by David Walliams at The Festival Theatre Hever Castle, Hever Castle, 30th August

Meet Bluey & Bingo at Howletts Wild Animal Park, 30th August
Hops ‘n’ Harvest Beer Festival, Kent Life, 9th-10th September
Stick Man at The E.M. Forster Theatre, 14th-15th October
