Brighton & Hove
Ma rch -
Ju ly 10
A Sussex Family Grapevine Activities for all ages A Directory for all the family
Sports Clubs Children and Education
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Toys & Gi�s • Pets • Family Holidays
North Park Farm Activity Toys TP Toys, Step2, Maxplay, Dino Go-Karts, Rolly Tractors & many more top brand names in stock and on display We are your local stockists. Come and see us and tell us what you want and how we can meet your needs. We deliver and assemble & offer a service you won’t find on the internet!
Month t Come��on for a 12 the Win this Fantas�c Ar to le op r up to five pe Pass Family Pass fo
E Cu geEt 12NmTonR Lt onIFly E A s th SE will yo which No LIFE into the 10 UK SEA unlimited FREE entry ies, you can also take ar centres and Sanctu scounts exclusive to di advantage of other nual Pass* An E LIF A SE
Tel 01273 833643 www.northparkfarm.co.uk
North Park Farm, Church Lane, Albourne BN6 9BY Open Mon-Fri 9-5, Sat 9-4, Sun 9-12 Brighton & Hove Childrens Fes�val is invi�ng 250 children to take part in a live art installa�on. From 12 - 18 April children aged 5-11 will appear ‘in the frame’ for five minutes at a �me. They can spark a debate, sing a song, draw a picture, tell jokes, blow bubbles or just about anything else! For more details email <childrens.fes�val@brighton-hove.gov.uk> or call 01273 293907. The deadline for entries is 8th March.
To enter this Fantas�c Compe��on, send your drawing or pain�ng of a Turtle to The Family Grapevine, PO Box 145, Haywards Heath RH16 3ES by 1st May with your child’s name, age, school, address and telephone number wri�en clearly on the back of your entry, together with a stamped addressed envelope so your entry can be returned to you. * SEA LIFE Annual Pass is not valid for entry at SEA LIFE London Aquarium
We are the biggest voluntary organisation for girls and young women in the UK. Rainbows 5-7 yrs, Brownies 7-10 yrs, Guides 10-14 yrs, Senior Section 14-25 yrs, Leaders 18-65 yrs
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Adopt a Greyhound Brighton Re�red Greyhound Trust Despite popular misconcep�ons greyhounds - are gentle & adaptable, making them ideal family pets for all ages - Lazy couch potatoes needing only two 20 minute walks a day although they will go further! When re-homed responsibly, they can live in harmony with other pets including cats
www.re�redgreyhounds.info.org/brighton Call Jenny Bun�ng 01444 881788
Your child’s first impressions captured forever in fine silver
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Contents A-Z of Ac�vi�es for All the Family: Pages 11, 12, 13, 14 Babysi�ng & Childminding: Page 6 Business Opportuni�es: Page 4 Dance & Drama: Page 11 Daycare Nurseries: Pages 7 & 8 Family Holidays: Pages 2, 4 Family Informa�on: Page 5 Independent Schools: Pages 8, 9, 10 Language Classes: Page 10 Local Informa�on: Pages 3, 4 Music Teachers: Page 13 Nannies & Au Pairs: Page 6 Par�es: Pages 4, 5 Pets: Page 2 Photographers: Page 4 Schools & Colleges: Page 8 Signing for Babies & Toddlers: Page 5 Snowsports: Page 13 Swimming: Pages 12, 13, 14 Toddler Gym & Fitness: Page 7 Toddler Ac�vi�es & Informa�on: Pages 6, 7 Toddler Informa�on: Page 6 Toddler Music: Page 6 Toys & Gi�s: Page 2 PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ACCEPT NO LIABILITY FOR LOSS, DAMAGE OR DIFFICULTIES RESULTING FROM CONTACTS MADE THROUGH THE DIRECTORY, FROM ERRORS OR OMISSIONS OR FROM CLAIMS MADE BY ADVERTISERS. PUBLICATION OF AN ENTRY DOES NOT IMPLY A RECOMMENDATION. READERS MUST MAKE THEIR OWN ENQUIRIES TO ESTABLISH THE CREDENTIALS OF EACH ENTRY.
Police & Crime Preven�on
Household Emergencies
An�-Social Behaviour Team for Brighton & Hove, 0845 605 2222 Crimestorppers, to give anonymous inform�on about crime, 0800 555111 Police - non emergency 24 hour number, 0845 6070999
Electricity, 08457 708090 Electricity Emergencies, 08457 70 80 90 Southern Water emergencies, 0800 820 999
Sussex Police, 0845 607 0999
Fire Brigades West Sussex Fire & Rescue, 01243 786211
Hospitals Acre Day Hospital, 01903 216807 Brighton General, Elm Grove, Brighton, 01273 696011 BUPA Hospital, Portsmouth, 023 92456083 Nevill Hospital - Adult Mental Health Services, 01273 821680
Welcome to the Spring & Summer edi�on of The Family Grapevine
hope you will enjoy reading this edi�on of the Family Grapevine which I have published in the Mid Sussex area for over 10 years. Whilst we have lots of full colour adver�sing, the heart of the magazine is our lis�ngs and ac�vi�es in the Sussex area. I hope that this will give you lots of ideas for you ]and your family to enjoy this spring. I am proud to announce that the Sussex Family Grapevines now have their own designated website for Sussex www.sussexfamilygrapevine.co.uk and I do hope you all like the new Family Grapevine branding. The Family Grapevine offers affordable adver�sing within the budget of all adver�sers both large and small. This makes the range of adver�sing in The Family Grapevine very diverse and interes�ng, which is a�rac�ve to both readers and adver�sers. Please let me know if you wish to adver�se in the 1st July edi�ons, 1st november or 1st March. The Family Grapevine is personally distributed to all local libraries, sports centres, medical centres, with the help of health visitors and estate agents and also my very loyal and suppor�ve readers and adver�sers - thank you!
Publisher & Editor - Gill Evaroa Sales Consultant - Nicola Coughlin & Emma Cleary Design - Strong On Design 01444 417001 Printed by Evonprint 01273 494631
The Family Grapevine PO Box 145, Haywards Heath RH16 3ES Tel: 01444 487748 Email: gill@sussexfamilygrapevine.co.uk. www.sussexfamilygrapevine.co.uk Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital, Eastern Road, Brighton, 01273 696955 Royal Sussex County, Eastern Road, Brighton, 01273 696955 Sussex Eye Hospital, Eastern Road, Brighton, 01273 606126
Ci�zens Advice Bureaux Appointments Line, 01273 733390 ext 29 Benefits Enquiry, 01273 733390 Brighton & Hove Ci�zens Advice Bureau, 0845 1203710
Community Legal Services online, www.clsdirect.org.uk Money Advice Specialist, 01273 733390
Libraries Brighton History Centre, 01273 296972 Coldean Library, 01273 296902 Equal Access Centre, 01273 296906 Hangleton Library, 01273 296904 Hollingbury Library, 01273 296908 Hove Library, 01273 296937
Photograph of Gill by Emma Duggan 01342 811631. www.emmaduggan.co.uk
Cover photograph by Nick Rain Images at Susan Worth Photography. Tel: 01342 823131. www.susanworthphotography.co.uk
Business Opportuni�es • Par�es
Would your child like a pony party to celebrate their next birthday? The Ashdown Forest Riding Centre offers two hours of super horsey fun-filled parties for children. Parties include: • A pony trek for each child • A lesson in grooming, feeding, saddling & pony care • Picnic area for the children to enjoy party food while the ponies munch hay • Friendly, experienced staff to supervise the pony activities so parents can relax and take photos!
Call 07818 093 880
Libraries (cont)
Baby & Childrens Furniture
Jubilee Library, Brighton, 01273 296969
Wigwam Baby, 01273 554056
Mile Oak Library, 01273 296916
Toys & Gi�s
Mobile Library, 01273 296914 Moulsecoomb Library, 01273 296910
Now We Are Six, 44 Church Road, Hove, 01273 722533
Patcham Library, 01273 296912
Pi�er Pa�en, 01737 773768
Portslade Library, 01273 296914
Toby Tiger, 11 Gardner Street, Brighton, 01273 710610
Ro�ngdean Library, 01273 296918 Westdene Library, 01273 296922
Yummies, organic & fairtrade, 15 Bond Street, Brighton, 01273 738733
Westdene Library, 01273 296924
Woodingdean Library, 01273 296928
Present Tense Photography, 07533001255
Local Government
Susan Worth Photography, 01342 823131
Saltdean Library, 01273 296920
Adult Social Care Access Point, 01273 295555
Party Venues
Adur District Council, 01273 263000
Baby Boogie www.babyboogie.moonfruit. co.uk, 07989 642715
Brighton & Hove City Council, 01273 290000 Business Rates, 01273 291981 City Clean, 01273 292929 Council Tax, 01273 291291 Highways, 01293 292929 Housing Advice, 01273 293111 Housing Benefits, 01273 292000 Planning, 01273 292923 Register Office, 01273 292016 Social Services, 01273 295555
Pets & Animal Welfare Cats Protec�on Leaque, 01903 200332 Re�red Greyhound Associa�on, 01444 881788 Royal Society for the Protec�on of Animals, Na�onal HQ, 0870 010 1181
Family Friendly Holidays Baby-Friendly Boltholes, 0845 094964 Motor Homes Company - Hire a motorhome today, 0800 781 1922
Childrens Clothing Cat & Mouse, 17 Sydney Street, Brighton, 01273 600145 Charlie Barley, 17 Mee�ng House Lane, Brighton, 01273 774000 Chilled Turtle, 0845 3884107 Mamissima Mother & Child, 82 North Road, Brighton, 01273 626676 Raindrops Swedish Clothing www.raindrops. co.uk, 01730 810031 Yummies, organic & fairtrade, 15 Bond Street, Brighton, 01273 738733
Drusillas Park, children’s zoo, Alfriston, Sussex, 01323 874100 Gymboree Brighton, 01273 772900 Lagoon Watersports, 01273 424842 Lewes Castle & Barbican House Museum, 01273 486290 Monkey Bizness - Family Entertainment Centre, Lewes, 08458 739645 Old Boat Community Centre, Hollingbury, 01273 540779 Spring Barn Farm Park, 01273 488450 Washbrooks Farm Centre, Hurstpierpoint, 01273 832201
Party Entertainers ABRA-CA-DA-BRA-THEO (Magic Circle), magical fun for all, 020 8642 6519 Absolute Events, 07721 831 263 allsortsoffun - www.allsortsoffun.co.uk, 020 8677 1667 Amazing Children’s Par�es, fully guaranteed, 0800 0188118 Animal Encounters, 07984 695768 Arieli Children’s Jewellery Par�es, 07811 346639 Ashdown Riding School for par�es, 07818093880 Aunty Freckles, 01273 846758 Ba�lefield Live, mobile laser par�es for age 8+, 01903 722488 Beau�ful Bun�ng, 01273 479464 Bobbies Bouncers, 01903 502969 Boing Boing Fun, 07834 713363 Bounce Mania, 01903 771863
Character Par�es, 01323 768149 Circus Clown Rico, tradi�onal slaps�ck and circus skills, 01689 846887 Coerver Coaching Sussex, 01273 463355 Crea�ve Art Par�es Catered to your childs imagina�on, 07989472760 Dandelion Puppets, 01273 857482 Darren Talbot Cricket Coaching, for 7yrs+, led by prof coach, 07912 873591 David’s Puppets, 01903 239732 Do�y Children’s Party Fun, 01273 502744 Felicity Fairy & Muddlehead the Pixie, 07779 220729 Fire Engine Party - rides in a real fire engine, 01444 400226 Fun Food Academy, 01243 787766 Gamesagogo.co.uk, 07721 831263 Girls just Wanna Have Fun! Pamper Par�es for girls 4-14, 07771 964626 Go Nuts Quad Hire, 01245 828405 Go-Kart Party, A driving experience for 4-9 year olds!, 01293 888948 Gymboree Play & Music Brighton, 01273 772900 H2oh! Entertainment for Children’s Par�es, 07915 064149 Happy Cheeks, face to face pain�ng, 01273 729345 Happy Days, face pain�ng and balloon modelling, 01233 623713 Hi Society, 01903 230773 Incy Wincy Music Group, 01273 277688 JK Disco Par�es, 01903 520552 Jonathan Cann - Magic, Punch & Judy, 01444 230409 Kindermusik Par�es, 07505 021453 Kukizu Circus Workshops, 01273 510586 Lily Lou Entertainment, 07763 911061 Li�le Kickers Football Par�es, 01293 226201 Magic Mar�n, 01903 532413 Magical Rooms, 01428 608340 Make Me Beau�ful Make-Up Par�es, 01737 832127 Marjin Entertainment - Circus Skills, Clowning & lots more, 01293 526569 Marky Wild, 01903 695194 Marky Wild Magical Children’s Entertainment, 01903 695194 Mary Sandford Music, Magic, Fun and Games for Par�es, 01883 622544 Miss Sparkle’s Super Special Party Time, 01273 739296 Monkey Business, 0845 8739645 Mr Giant - Children’s Entertainer www. mrgiant.co.uk, 01420 472525 Mr Pumpkin - The Children’s Entertainer, 01903 525902 NamNam’s Face Pain�ng, 07832 291595 PARTY CREW - Children’s Par�es & Entertainment, 01737 350490 Party Poppers! offering children’s, 01435 812777 Party Princesses, 07954 967798 Peter Wells Magician, 01273 844136 Pop Par�es, 01403 891944 Postman Pat’s personal deliveries, 01395 512337 Po�y the Pirate, 01273 220299 Professor Joe’s Punch & Judy, 01903 217928 Robbie the Magician, magic for all ages, 01903 734171
Science Wizards
08456 521215
Hands-on, Fun, Science Par�es www.sciencewizards.co.uk Rondo the Magic Clown, 01273 307905 Science Wizards, 08456 521215 Silly Simon Show, 01903530880 Socatots Brighton, 07738 545925 Splat Cooking Par�es and workshops for children, 0870 766 8290 Splodge Cra� Par�es, 01323 728230 Sugar & Spice Par�es, 01273 814760 Ta�y Bumpkin - Brighton, 08456 808041 The Big Yellow Party Bus, 01243 671276 The Mobile Ark, 01403 738321 The Party Fairy, 01903 205358 Tomfoolery, 01903 815728 Tommy Tickle.com, 01273 279812 Zip Zap Boing - Birthday par�es that burst with fun!, 07974 250207 ZTBrand, 01273 202226
Par�es Ac�vity Packs (for par�es, long journeys, etc), 07986 007549 BABY CAKES - Handcra�ed cakes, www.babycakes.co.uk, 07900 984523 Celebra�on Banners, 01273 440007 Crazy Clowns, bouncy castle hire, 02392 654493 Dreams, 07990 832105 Extreme Cakes, 01903 813987 Fantasia Fancy Dress, 01903 693369 Party Bags - www.theli�lethings.info, 05600718116 Party in a Box, par�es by post, run your own cra� party, 020 8123 8122 Speedy Inflatables, 01444 882126 The Cake Corner - Homemade Cakes for All Occasions, 0845 0522253
Interna�onal Family Clubs English Class, Hollingdean Comm Centre, Fri am, 01273 295623 Mosaic Hollingdean Comm Centre for black & mixed parentage, 01273 295623
Paren�ng Courses & Support Family Informa�on Service, 01273 293545 Parentline Plus, 24 hour helpline, 0808 8002222 Sussex Children’s Centre, 0844 967 0362
One Parent Families CDA for Family Support Work, 01273 425699 FUN In Ac�on For Children, 01273 559794
Family Informa�on • Babies • Childminders
Telephone: 01273 463355 info@coerver.co.uk www.coerver.co.uk
Friendly, reliable evening babysitters all with professional childcare experience. Most are Registered Childminders or qualified Nursery Nurses & Nannies & have their own transport. All are carefully interviewed & reference checked.
� Development and Academy Classes � Holiday Courses � After School Clubs � Birthday Parties � School PPA Sessions
Call now to experience the Coerver Coaching Method
� All coaches fully qualified with enhanced CRB checks One Parent Families|Gingerbread, 020 7428 5400 Single Parent Informa�on Network (SPIN), 01273 675773 Single Parents Ac�on Network (SPAN), www. singleparents.org.uk
Fostering & Adop�on Adop�on and Fostering with Brighton and Hove Council, 01273 295444 Cabrini, professional and caring adop�on service, 01273 821234 Remand Fostering Service, 01903 718739 The Fostering Network, 0207 620 6400
Bereaved Parents Brighton & Hove Bereavement Support, email: bereavementsupport@hotmail.co.uk Brighton & Hove Sands befriending service, 07799 031645 Vic�m Support - Brighton, 020 7268 0200
Children & Family Centres Bevendean Children’s Centre, Heath Hill Avenue, Brighton, 01273 696347 Coldean Children’s Centre, Kenwards, Brighton, 01273 294917 Conway Court Children’s Centre, 01273 266011 Cornerstone (gateway) Children’s Centre, 01273 327757 Goldstone (gateway) Children’s Centre, 01273 295272 Hangleton Park (gateway) Children’s Centre, 01273 295272 Hollingbury and Patcham (gateway) Children’s Centre, 01273 293311 Hollingdean Children’s Centre, Hollingdean, 01273 295623 Moulsecoomb Children’s Centre, 01273 294040 North Portslade Children’s Centre, 01273 294062 Roundabout Nursery, Whitehawk Road, Whitehawk, 01273 294780 Rundabout Children’s Centre, 01273 290300 South Portslade (gateway) Children’s Centre, 01273 296914 Tarners Children’s Centre, 01273 296700 The Deans Children’s Centre, Woodingdean, 01273 306387 West Hove (gateway) Children’s Centre, 1273 266011
Junior & Middle Schools Balfour Junior School, 01273 553521 Benfield Junior School, 01273 294950 Downs Junior School, 01273 558422 Hangleton Junior School, 01273 294858 Her�ord Junior School, 01273 557341 Patcham Junior School, 01273 295020
Somerhill Junior School, 01273 739659 St Lukes Junior School, 01273 675080 St Nicolas’ CEJunior School, 01273 418026 Stanford Junior School, 01273 565570 West Hove Junior School, 01273 295484
Carers Support Carers Support, 01273 295555
First Aid Training for Parents & Carers Baby & Beyond - Baby & Child First Aid Courses, 01273 702496 Baby and Baby & Child First Aid Courses, 01273 702496 Enhance Services Limited, First Aid Courses for Adults, 0845 226 2407 H&H First Aid Training, First Aid Course to suit your needs, 07740 998789 St Johns Ambulance, Early Years Paediatric First Aid, 01273 371510
Antenatal & Postnatal Exercise And Breathe - Doula Services / Postnatal Support, 01273 555044 Pushy Mothers buggy workout in Hove, 07931 758307
Babies Associa�on of Breas�eeding Mothers, 0870 4017711
0800 38 900 38
Please Quote Ref: GRAPEVINE Childcarers - if you have impeccable childcare references and are interested in evening babysitting to suit you, please call us.
Nappies Cheekies Nappies, home collec�on laundry service, 01903 784291 Cloth Nappies - Local agent for advice & sales - Jody Monk, 01737 779942
BLISS, 020 7378 1122
Baby & Childrenswear
Brighton Breas�eed Drop In, 01273 672706
born2swim, 0870 1454380
CHOICES - Suppor�ng young parents in the city, 01273 294103
Lili May Baby, 01273 411331
Cry-sis helpline for crying and very demanding babies, 08451 228 668 NCT - Breas�eeding Line, 0300 330 0771 NCT - Prenancy & Birth, 0300 330 0772
Baby Massage
Baby Massage, Hove, 01273 208410 Sussex Baby Massage with Deborah Wade, 01273 326828
BabiesWelcome, 01825 712373
The Li�le School of Baby Massage, 07973 717541
Premaman - Baby, Toddler, Maternity & Equipment, 01293 550002 The Baby Bou�que, 01273 833448 The Big Red Company - bandanas & feeding bib - special needs, 07774 768021
Baby Equipment Beau�ful Birth, 01273 474927 Samsara, 01273 516583 Snugazabug, 01273 504307
Belltree Music Therapy Centre, 01273 681691 Making Sense, 01273 541604 Youth Offending Team (YOT), 01273 296169
Dad’s Groups Families Need Fathers, 08707 607496 Fathers Involvement Worker - Dad’s Groups, 01273 294097 HomeDad UK, 07752 549085 Parentline Plus, 0808 8002222
Antenatal Beau�ful Birth Centre large selec�on of maternity lingerie, 01273 522001 fromtheseed, 01273 542358 Gentle Water Birthing Pools, 01273 522001 NCT - find your nearest course, 0300 330 0770 Pilates at The Acupuncture Clinic, 143 Portland Road, Hove, 07904 472605 Sussex Antenatal Classes, 0777
Maternity Wear Beau�ful Mamas, 01737 246888 Mamissima Mother & Child, 82 North Road, Brighton, 01273 626676 Yummy Mummy Maternity, Brighton, 01273 327892
Midwives & Doulas DOULA, birth and postnatal care, 07933 431722 Teenage Pregnancy Liaison Midwifery Service, 07876 357443
Nannies & Au Pairs • Baby Signing • Toddler Music & Ac�vi�es
Can you Hit the Right Note! Music
Run your own business in BRIGHTON & the surrounding areas offering pre-school music & singing classes with a Jo Jingles Franchise
• • • • •
National franchise established 15+ years Low start-up costs from £8,000-£9,000 + VAT Flexible working hours to suit family life Comprehensive training and own area Class programmes and full promotional support provided • Full Members of the British & Irish Franchise Associations
Childcare Advice Childcare - provides info about all types of childcare, 01273 293545 ChildcareLink, na�onal childcare informa�on service, 0800 096 0296 Family Informa�on Service, 01273 293545 Office For Standards in Educa�on (OFSTED), 08456 40 40 40 ParentsCentre, 0870 000 22 88
For further information call Jo Jingles on 01494 778989
The Family Informa�on Service, 01273 291920
Childminders & Babysi�ng Jolly Roger Childminding Service, 01273 276792
Maternal Response, maternity nurses,emergency childcare, 0845 838 2885 Si�ers, for mature, reliable evening babysi�ers, 0800 38 900 38
Nannies & Au Pairs A2Z Au Pairs, 08456 445506 Abacus Au Pair Agency, 01273 203803 About Au Pairs, 08704 420075 Antoine�es Aupair and Nanny Agency, 01326 572660 Applyby Ltd, 0845 2304720 Au Pairs by Pebbles, 01273 491594 Au-pairs - Angel Au-Pairs, 0800 093 8276 Baby Rock Childcare Agency, 01273 672391 Brighton Nanny Agency, 01273 505001 Bunnies of Brighton Nanny Agency, 01273 505001 Harmony at Home, 0870 4423237 Holiday Nanny, For perfect holiday childcare, 01494 772400 Li�le Darlings Nanny Agency, 0870 777 1936
The Childcare Solu�on, 01444 453566 The Family Nanny Agency located In W Sussex, 01403 730311 theChildcareSolu�on, 01444 453566* thenannysharers, share a nanny with a local family, 020 8789 9556 Tigerlily Childcare Agency, 01273 818660 Tinies Childcare, 01273 557671 Toybox Nanny Agency, 0845 2300 191
Baby & Toddler Sign Li�le Monkey Signers, 01273 727088 Li�le Monkeys Signers, 01273 727088 Sing and Sign (Brighton & Hove), 01273 550587
Toddlers Music Broadway Babies, 07889 184776 Hopscotch, 01273 385577
Hullabaloo!, 01273 504002 Incy Wincy Music Group, 01273 277688 Kindermusik, 07505 021453 Mini Music, 01273 327509 Music for Aardvarks - Brighton, Hove, Patcham, Hassocks, 07886 927081 Pickles Music Group, 01273 273675 Twinkle Tots Music 0-5 Club, 01903 859171 Twinkle Twinkle, 01273 416360 Talking Tots, 01273 299321 Tinkerbell’s Music for Pre School Children, 01444 882240
Leaps & Bounds, 01825 744171
Trivoli Music Workshops, 01273 563089
Sunbeam Toddlers, Hangleton Centre, Harmsworth Cres, Hove, 01293 235721
Toddlers Gym & Fitness Approved football training for children 18mnths -7 years, 01293 226201 Freedom Leisure - Brighton & Hove, 0845 8035515
Leaps and Bounds Programme, 01825 744171 Portslade Sports Centre, 01273 411100 Ta�y Bumpkin - Brighton, 08456 808041 Tumble Tots - Brighton & Hove, 01323 899840 Yoga for Kids, 07986 767561
Toddlers Monday am Crea�ve Na�ves - Winchelsea Beach Group, 01797 223121 Old Boat Community Centre, Hollingbury, 01273 540779
The Book Nook Baby Chat, First Avenue, Hove, 01273 911988 The Music Workshop, Under the Bridge, 07799 564620
Toddler Gym & Fitness • Daycare Nurseries
20 years o brating f Cele
Do you want ‘Outstanding’ childcare in Brighton & Hove? Early Years Childcare is an award winning childcare provider, with 7 locations across Sussex. Both our Brighton and our Hove nursery have been rated ‘Outstanding’ by OFSTED. Our fees include nappies, food, milk and washing facilities, so there are no hidden costs. So whether you’re looking to return to work, or simply wish to socialise your child, why not get in touch? Brighton Nursery 44-46 Harrington Road BN1 6RF 01273 506455 brighton@earlyyearschildcare.co.uk
Hove Nursery 41 Dyke Road Avenue BN3 6QA 01273 500151 hove@earlyyearschildcare.co.uk
www.earlyyearschildcare.co.uk Approved football training for kids aged 18 months to 7th birthday
C������, H������, E��� G��������, B������ H��� ��� U�������
Brighton & Hove and Shoreham Venues Start April Midweek & Weekend (with FREE TRIAL CLASS) available And we do Birthdays too! Call for more details on 01293 226201 pbanister@li�lekickers.co.uk www.li�lekickers.co.uk
Tiny Tinklers Music Group, Hollingdean Com Centre, 01273 295623 Twinkle Twinkle - Westdene, Brighton, 01273 416360
Toddlers Tuesday am Crea�ve Na�ves - Winchelsea Beach Group, 01797 223121 Kiddiewinks, Hollingdean Community Centre, Thompson Rd, 01273 236160/552071 Portslade Sports Centre - Toddler Gym Sessions, 01273 411100 Twinkle Twinkle - Westdene, Brighton, 01273 416360
Toddlers Tuesday pm
Toddlers Thursday am
Cha�erbox Toddlers, Hollingdean Comm Centre, 01273 295617 Red Jelly - crea�ve play for children U6, 01273 930013
Art/Cra� Club, Aldrington Place, Bellingham Cres, Brighton, 01273 424966
Toddlers Wednesday am Crea�ve Na�ves - Winchelsea Beach Group, 01797 223121 Hullabaloo! - Woodingean, 01273 504002 Salut Les Pe�ts! - St.Luke’s Hall, Exeter Street, Brighton, h�p://salutlespe�ts.co.uk Sunbeam Toddlers, St Richard’s, Egmont Rd, Hove, 01293 235721 Toddler Group, Hollingdean Comm Centre, 01273 295623
Hollingbury Library Events, 01273 296908 Portslade Sports Centre - Toddler Gym Sessions, 01273 411100 The Music Workshop, Southover Street, 07799 564620 Tumble Tots - 3-5 yr old - All Saints Church Hall, Hove, 01323 899840
Toddlers Friday am Hullabaloo! - Patcham, 01273 504002 Red Jelly crea�ve play for U6s, 01273 930013
Salut Les Pe�ts! Church of the Good Shepherd, Dyke Rd, h�p://salutlespe�ts.co.uk Singing with Shan at Book Nook, First Avenue, Hove 18mths+, 01273 911988 Twinkle Twinkle - Hove, 01273 416360
Toddlers Friday pm Portslade Sports Centre - Toddler Gym Sessions, 01273 411100
Toddlers Saturday am Hollingbury Library Events, 01273 296908 Picturehouse Kids Club, 01273 818549 Red Jelly - crea�ve play for children U6, 01273 930013 The Big Scream! at the Duke of York’s Picturehouse, 0871 704 2056
Pre School Nurseries & Playgroups • Schools
8 Toddler Groups
Educa�on Travel Group, Brighton, 01273 648273
Caterpillar Music - Sessions for 0-4’s with songs & puppets!, 01903 230 810
Home Elephant, www.homeworkelephant.co.uk
Crea�ve Na�ves - Winchelsea Beach Group, 01797 223121 Gymboree Brighton, 01273 772900
Independent Schools Council Informa�on Service, South East, 020 7798 1560
Li�le Monkey Signers, 01273 727088
Learning & Skills Council, 0870 900 6800
Salut Les Pe�ts!, h�p://salutlespe�ts.co.uk
Schools Admission Team, 01273 293653
Sing and Sign (Brighton & Hove), 01273 550587
South Downs Learning Centre, 01273 703691 Workers’ Educa�onal Associa�on, 01273 648926
So� Play Areas Monkey Bizness - Family Entertainment Centre, Lewes, 08458 739645
Toy Libraries
Schoolwear A�ach-a-tag, 01757 638926
Hollingdean Comm Centre, Wednesday am, 01273 295623
Poets Corner Nursery, 01273 561100
Southwick Nursery, 01273 592865
www.easy2name.com, 01635 298 326
Poets Corner Nursery, 01273 735155
Whitehawk Library, 01273 296924
St Georges Neighbourhood Nursery, 01273 530880
Performing Arts Services
Pumpkin Patch Nursery, 37 Preston Drove, Brighton, 01273 554484
Reading Groups Brighton Storytellers, 01273 566647
Pumpkin Patch Nursery, Hove, 01273 227000
St Joseph’s Pre-School, Davey Drive, Hollingdean, Brighton, 07757 865277
Italia Con� Performing Arts, 01273 325209
Primary & Infant Schools
Regent House Day Nursery, Brighton, 01273 724038
Tarnerland Nursery, 01273 294199 Teddybears, 01273 412100
Balfour Infant School, 01273 500617
ABC Mobile Creche, 01273 309543 Alive, 01273 739606 Asquith Nursery, 01273 624842 Portslade Sports Centre, 01273 411100
Regent House Day Nursery, Hove, 01273 724038
The Ark Preschool, Portslade, 01273 433433
Bevendean Primary School, 01273 681292
Daycare Nurseries
St Mary’s Hall, Brighton, 01273 647762
Tinysaurus Nursery, 01273 423666
Strawberry Hill Nursery, 01273 561100
Torah Academy, 01273 328675
Sunshine Nursery, 01273 680280
Village Under 5’s Pre School, Windlesham Close, Portslade, 01273 430704
Acorns Nursery, 01273 455622 Beach House Day Nursery, 01273 441100 Blueberry Nursery, 01273 733799 Brighton & Hove High School, 01273 505004 Coral Pre School, Orchard Road, Hove, 01273 731262 Daisy Chain, 01273 272279 Deepdene Nursery, 01273 418984 Early Years Nursery, Brighton, 01273 506455
Robins Nursery School, Eaton Road, Hove, 01273 725600
Teddy Bears Day Nursery, 01273 412100 The Play Sta�on, 01273 501300 Wonder Years Nursery School, near Preston Park, 01273 553083 Wonder Years Nusery, 01273 566759 Young Sussex Aldrington, 01273 777001 Young Sussex Dyke Road, 01273 736948
Early Years Nursery, Hove, 01273 500151
Young Sussexs Nurseries, 01273 736948
Footsteps Day Nursery, 01273 416164
Preschool Nurseries & Playgroups
Footsteps Day Nursery, 44 Cromwell Road, Hove, 01273 779034 Growing Up Green Day Nursery, 138 Beaconsfield Villas, 01273 551333
Acorn Nursery, 01273 293980
Happy Days Nursery, 01273 694447
Buffer Bear, 01273 609333
Hillbury House Day Nursery, 01273 730004 Home from Home Nursery, 56 New Church Rd, Hove, 01273 245377
First Step Nursery, 01273 302449
Joyland Nursery, 01273 554886
Honeycro�, 01273 220323
Joyland Nursery, 01273 554886
Kingston Pre-School, Kingston, 01273 486060
Jump Star Nursery, Hodshrove Lane, Moulsecoombe, 01273 290460
Kipling Lions Pre-School, 01273 309352
Coombe Road Primary School, 01273 707878
Westdean Pre School, the Barn, Barn Rise, Westdene, 01273 541026
Co�esmore St Mary’s RC Primary School, 01273 555811
Whiteway Pre School, Whiteway Centre, Ro�ngdean, 01273 307431
Davigdor Infant School, 01273 731397
Educa�on Informa�on
Eastbrook Primary, 01273 593814
Advisory Centre for Educa�on, 0808 800 5793
Elm Grove Primary School, 01273 708004
Childcare NVQs from Small�me Training, 01293 565558
Fairlight Primary School, St Leonards Road, Brighton, 01273 601270
Educa�on Otherwise - Informa�on on home educa�on, 0870 7300074
Goldstone Primary School, 01273 294851
Downs Infant School, 01273 296868
Hangleton Infant School, 01273 294874
Affordable, child-centred learning in a friendly and creative environment. Friday 19th March 9.00 - 11.30am
Li�le Angels Nursery, 01273 380067 Li�le Ducklings, 01273 248532
Nurserytyme, 01273 772263
Parish Centre Pre School, Portslade, 01273 430561
Ovingdean Nursery, 01273 302991
Orchard Day Nursery, 01273 622883
Patcham Pre-School, Community Centre, Patcham, 01273 502122
Paddington’s Choices4Children, 208 Preston Road, Brighton, 01273 542669
Pixies, 01273 700556
Pepperpot Nursery, 01273 709595
Coldean Primary School, 01273 294914
Kirlomina Nursery, 01273 779977
Noahs Ark Nursery, 01903 533326
Pepper Pot Nursery, 01273 709595
Children’s House, a Montessori School, 01273 696373
Help at Hand, 0845 070 5960
Moulsecoombe Nursery, Lewes Road, Moulsecoomb, 01273 605700 Oak Co�age Nursery, Woodingdean, 01273 680541
Carlton Hill Primary School, 01273 604966
Denton Island Nursery, 01273 515125 Grays Nursery Annexe, 01273 515230
Li�le Oaks Childrens Nursery, 89 Ishingword Road, Brighton, 01273 694847
The Good Start School, 01273 857411
Carden Primarty School, 01273 293677
Asquith Nursery, 01273 624842
Hopscotch Children’s Nuseries, Brighton & Hove, 01273 385577
Li�le Oaks Brighton Nursery, 01273 694847
The Dolphins Pre-School Group, 01273 500513
Aldrington CE Primary School, 01273 542656
Poppies at the Park, 01273 430101 Poppies Day Nursery, 01273 439999
Pixies Child Day Care, 01273 700556
Railway Nursery, 01273 510777
Playcare Nursery, 01273 746316
Royal Spa Nursery, 01273 607480
To book a place, for all enquiries or to arrange a visit please contact:
01273 502055 www.dharmaschool.co.uk THE WHITE HOUSE LADIES MILE ROAD PATCHAM BRIGHTON BN1 8TB
Independent Schools
9 Her�ord Infant School, 01273 552931
Early Years Childcare, 01273 778775
Middle Street Primary School, 01273 323184
Falmer High School, 01273 691191
Mile Oak Primary School, 01273 294880 Moulsecoomb Primary School, 01273 605700
Greater Brighton Construc�on Training Ltd, 01273 410066
Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, 01273 306980
Hove Park School, 01273 295000 Longhill High School, 01273 304086
Patcham Infant School, 01273 509766
Nacro Educa�on and Emplyment Services, 01273 704010
Peter Gladwin Primary School, 01273 294959 Portslade Infant School, 01273 418850 Queens Park Primary School, 01273 686822 Rudyard Kipling Primary School, 01273 303328 Saltdean Primary School, 01273 303358 Singing Tree, a Steiner-inspired kindergarten, 01273 889796 St Andrew’s CE Primary School, 01273 294800 St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School, 01273 692463
Tomorrow’s People, 01273 773913 University of Brighton, 01273 600900
Summer Camps
St Paul’s CE Primary School, 01273 721001 St Peters Community Infant School, 01273 418069 Stanford Infant School, 01273 555240 The Dharma School, Patcham, 01273 502055
An independent day school for boys and girls aged 3 to 11 in Brighton
Sigta Training, 01273 416989
VT Plus Training - Brighton, 01273 722666
St Mary’s RC Primary School, 01273 418416
Eastern Road T: +44 (0)1273 667500 Brighton BN2 5JF E: info@roedean.co.uk Registered charity 307063/2 www.roedean.co.uk
Rewards TRC, 01273 739028
St Lukes Infant School, 01273 699924
St Mary Magdalen RC Primary School, 01273 327533
Page 1
Protocol Skills Limited, 01273 735061
St Joseph’s RC Primary School, 01273 556607
St Mar�n’s CE Primary School, 01273 707114
Portslade Community College, 01273 416300
University of Sussex, 01273 606755
St Mark’s CE Primary School, 01273 605588
Patcham High School, 01273 503908
St Bernade�es RC Primary School, 01273 553813
St Margarets CE Primary School, 01273 303109
Family Grapevine Advert:2005
NVQs.com Hairdressing Training, 01273 425258
West Blatchington Primary School, 01273 770777 West Hove Infant School, 01273 733386
Varndean College, 01273 508011
Barracudas Ac�vity Day Camps, 0845 1235299 Exspor�se, 01444 444777 Pied Piper - fun packed mul�-ac�vity holiday camps 4-12yrs, 01273 504485
A�er School Clubs A�erschool Art Clubs in Brighton & Hove, 07989472760 Class of their Own www.classo�heirown, 01273 733337 Freedom Leisure - Brighton & Hove, 0845 8035515 Lagoon Watersports, 01273 424842 Orchard A�er School Club, 01273 622894
Westdene Primary School, 01273 294900
Independent Schools
Whitehawk Primary School, 01273 681377
Bartholomews Tutorial College, 01273 205965
Woodingdean Primary School, 01273 680811
Brighton & Hove High School, 01273 505004
Secondary Schools
Brighton & Hove High School, Junior School (Girls 5-11), 01273 505004
Blatchington Mill School & 6th Form College, 01273 736244 Cardinal Newman Catholic School, 01273 558551
Brighton & Hove Montessori School, 01273 702485 Brighton College, 01273 704201
Dorothy Stringer School, 01273 852222
Brighton Steiner School, 01273 386300
Falmer High School, 01273 691191
Burgess Hill School for Girls, 01444 237008
Longhill High School, 01273 304086
Children’s House, a Montessori School, 01273 696373
Patcham High School, 01273 503908 Portslade Community College, 01273 416300 Varndean School, 01273 561281
Colleges BHASVIC (Brighton, Hove & Sussex 6th Form College), 01273 552200 BHTA, 0845 6654111 Blatchington Mill School & 6th Form College, 01273 736244 Brighton Swimming Teachers Centre, 01273 414214 Cardinal Newman Catholic School, 01273 558551
Cornerstones Independent School, 01273 734164 Deepdene School, 01273 418984 Hamilton Lodge School for Deaf, 01273 682362 Hurstpierpoint College Pre-Prep & Prep School, 01273 836936 Lancing College, 01273 452213 Lancing College Preparatory School, Mowden, 01273 503452 Lewes New School, 01273 477074 Lewes Old Grammar School, 01273 472634 Li�le Windlesham Pre-prep, 01903 8724700
Junior School Open Morning 2010
City College Brighton & Hove, 01273 667788
Saturday, 8 May 10.30am-12.30pm To reserve your place contact events@roedean.co.uk
Dorothy Stringer High School, 01273 852222
Moira House Girls School, 01323 636800
Downs View School & Downs View Link College, 01273 507719
Newlands School, 01323 490000
Northease Manor School, 01273 472915
Independent Schools
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A - Z of Ac�vi�es For All The Family
Old Boat Community Centre, Hollingbury 8-11 yrs, 01273 540779
Shoreham Old Fort, 01273 263047
New Venture Theatre, 01273 746118
Shoreham Port, 01273 598100
Nigh�ngale Theatre, 01273 702563
Pied Piper - fun packed mul�-ac�vity holiday camps 4-12yrs, 01273 504485
South Downs Planetarium, 01243 774400
Pavilion Theatre @ The Dome, 01273 709709
Southwater Country Park, Cripplegate Lane, Southwater, 01403 731218
The Big Scream! at the Duke of York’s Picturehouse, 0871 704 2056
Stoneywish Nature Reserve, Ditchling, 01273 843498
The Brighton Centre - Brighton, 01273 290131
Family Farms Blackberry Farm, Whitesmith near Lewes Coombes Farm Tours, near Steyning, 01273 452028 Godstone Farm, Godstone, 01883 742546 Fishers Farm Park, Wisborough, Billingshurst, 01403 700063 Holmbush Farm World, 01293 851700 Middle Farm, 01323 811411 Spring Barn Farm Park, Kingston near Lewes 01273 488450
Sussex Past, 01323 844224 Tangmere Military Avia�on Museum, 01243 790090
The Dome - Brighton, 01273 700747 The Hove Centre, 01273 292910 The Li�, 01273 779411
The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, Arundel, 01903 883355
The Odeon - Brighton, 0871 2244007
Tilgate Park, Crawley - Lake, Nature Centre, Gardens, 01293 521168
The Wick Theatre Company, 01273 597094
Uppark, 01730 825415
Theatre Royal - Brighton, 01273 764400
Warnham Nature Reserve, Horsham, 01403 256890
The Old Market, 01273 736222 Theatre Royal, 01273 328488 UGC Cinemas Brighton, 0870 155 5145
Our Lady of Sion Senior School, 01903 204063
Tulleys Farm, PYO, ac�vi�es, Maize Maze, Turners Hill, 01342 717071
Ovingdean Hall School for the Deaf, 01273 301929
Washrbooks Farm Centre, Hurstpierpoint, 01273 832201
Roedean School, 01273 667500
Places to Visit
Sandhurst School, 01903 201933
Arundel Castle, Arundel, 01903 882173
Shoreham College, 01273 592681
Ashdown Forest Llama Park, 01825 712040
Singing Tree, 01273 889796
Bateman’s, Burwash, 01435 882302
Singing Tree Kindergarten, 01273 889796
Bignor Roman Villa, 01798 869259
Amberley Working Museum, 01798 831370
Singing Tree, a Steiner-inspired kindergarten, 01273 889796
Birdworld, Farnham, 01420 22140
Henfield & District Sports Centre, 01273 494984
Somp�ng Abbots School, 01903 235960
Blue Reef Aquarium, 023 9287 5222
Anne of Cleves House Museum, Lewes, 01273 474610 Brighton History Centre, 01273 296972 Bentley Wildfowl and Motor Museum, Lewes, 01825 840573
La Fitness Brighton, 01273 724211
Somp�ng Abbo�s Prep School, 01903 235960
bluereef Aquarium, Has�ngs, 01424 718776
St Aubyns School, Ro�ngdean, 01273 302170
Borde Hill Gardens & Playground, Balcombe Rd, Haywards Heath, 01444 450326
St Christopher’s School, Hove, 01273 735404
Brighton History Centre, 01273 296972
St Mary’s Hall, Brighton, 01273 647762
Brighton Palace Pier, Brighton, 01273 609361
St Mary’s Hall, Junior & Senior Schools, Brighton, 01273 647762
Brighton Sealife Centre, Brighton, 01273 604234
The Dharma School, Patcham, 01273 502055
Bri�sh Wildlife Centre, Newchapel, 01342 834658
The Drive Prep School, 01273 738444 The Fold School, Hove, 01273 410901 The Towers Convent School, 01903 812185 Windlesham House, 01903 874700 Windlesham School, 190 Dyke Road, Brighton, 01273 553645 Windlesham School, Washington, 01903 874700
Buchan Country Park, Horsham Rd, Crawley, 01293 542088 Chichester Harbour Water Tours, 01243 670504 Coastal Link, 01243 777100 Devil’s Dyke, Devil’s Dyke Road, Poynings, 01273 857712 Diggerland, Roman Way, Strood, 08700 344437
Wa�lehurst Farm Park, Kingsfold, Horsham, 01306 627490 Weald & Downland Open Air Museum, 01243 811363 West Wi�ering Estate, 01243 514143 Underwater World, 01424 413634
Brighton Toy & Model Museum. 52-55 Trafalgar St, Brighton, 01273 749494 Booth Museum, Brighton, 01273 292777
Sports Centres Adur Outdoor Ac�vi�es Centre, 01273 462928 Alive, 01273 739606 Davison Leisure Centre, 01903 204668 DC Leisure, 01273 685692 Deans Leisure Centre, 01273 391683 Freedom Leisure - Brighton & Hove, 0845 8035515
King Alfred Leisure Centre, 01273 290290 Moulsecoomb Community Leisure Centre, 01273 622266 Old Boat Community Centre, Hollingbury, 01273 540779
Brighton Fishing Museum, Brighton, 01273 723064
Portslade Sports Centre, 01273 411100
Brighton Museum and Art Gallery, Brighton, 01273 292882
Stanley Deason Leisure Centre, 01273 694281
Brooklands Museum, avia�on and motoring, 01932 857381
Youth Clubs
Buckley’s Yesterday’s World, Ba�le, 01424 774269
67 Centre - Youth Centre, 01273 293634
Chichester District Museum, 01243 784683
Air Training Corps, 01903 746075
Petworth Co�age Museum, 01798 342100
Army Cadet Force, 01273 552222
Race Courses
Arun Youth Council, 01903 737609
Regency Leisure, 01273 729734 Withdean Sports Complex, 01273 542100
Adur Youth Council, 01273 263291
Brighton & Hove Ba�alion Boys’ Brigade, 07917 147991
Drusillas Park, children’s zoo, Alfriston, Sussex, 01323 874100
Brighton Racecourse, 01273 603580
Magikats, 01273 473757
Earnley Bu�erflies and Gardens, Bridham, 01243 512637
Plumpton Racecourse, 01273 890383
Brighton Youth Centre Youth Club, 01273 681 368
Ready Steady Coach, 01273 251224
Fishbourne Roman Palace, 01243 785859
Theme Parks
Crew Club (Youth Centre), 01273 608607
Chessington World of Adventures, 01372 727227
Cuthman Centre, 01903 815515
Legoland, Windsor, 0990 040404
Hollingdean Youth Project, 01273 295812
Leeds Castle, Maidstone, 01622 765400
Thorpe Park, 01932 562633
Hove YMCA, 01273 731724
Leonardslee Gardens, Lower Beeding, Horsham, 01403 891212
Theatres & Cinemas
Nymans Gardens, Handcross, 01444 405250
Akademia, 01273 622633
Moulsecoomb Parish Youth Group, 01273 680680
Observatory Science Centre, Herstmonceux, 01323 832731
Brighton Dome, 01273 700747
Holiday Schemes & Ac�vi�es
Petworth House, Petworth, 01798 342207
Chichester Fes�val Theatre, 01243 781312
Pulborough Brooks Nature Reserve, 01798 875851
Cinematheque Cinemas, 01273 384 300
Sabc Clubs For Young People (Sussex), 01273 440138
Children Holiday Sport Courses, 01273 292570
Preston Manor, Brighton, 01273 292770
Cineworld, 01273 818 094
Sea Cadets Hove Unit, 01273 770656
Darren Talbot Cricket Coaching, for 7yrs+, led by prof coach, 07912 873591
Seven Sisters Sheep Centre, East Deen, 01323 423207
Cineworld Brighton Marina, 0871 200 2000
Sussex Clubs For Young People, 01273 441499
Dome Complex, 01273 709709
Tarner Youth Project, 01273 679900
Exspor�se, 01444 444777
Submarine World, Gosport, 01705 529217
Gardner Arts Centre - Brighton, 01273 685447
Whitehawk Crew Club, 01273 608607
Freedom Leisure - Brighton & Hove, 0845 8035515
Shoreham Airport, 01273 467373
Glyndebourne Opera House, 01273 812321
Shoreham Beach, 01273 263047
Komedia, 01273 647100
Whitehawk Youth Centre, 01273 293636 Woodingdean Youth Centre, 01273 600606
Fleet Tutors, Private tui�on in your home, 0845 644 5452
Student Support Centre, 0800 132277
Has�ngs Castle, Has�ngs, 01424 781112
The Student Support Centre - extra tui�on in English & Math, 0800 132277
Harbour Park, Seafront, Li�lehampton, 01903 721200
Upgrades, 01273 502661
Language Classes La Jolie Ronde for children aged 3-12 yrs, 01273 389594 Spanish for Under 5’s, 01273 323431
Fontwell Park Racecourse, 01243 543335
Chicester Fes�val Theatre, 01243 781312
Hangleton Youth Centre, 01273 293510
Patcham Youth Centre, 01273 293638 Portslade Community College Village Centre (Youth Club), 01273 416838
A - Z of Ac�vi�es For All The Family
YMCA Hove, 01273 731724 Athle�cs Young Men’s Chris�an Associa�on, 01273 220900 Youth & Connexions Service, 01273 293591 Youth 2 Youth - www.youth2youth.co.uk, 020 8896 3675 Youth Clubs Sussex Ltd, 01273 821789
Adventure Playgrounds
Arena 80 Athlec�cs Club, arena80.tripod.com Brighton & Hove City Athle�c Club, 01273 682108 Brighton & Hove Time Trials 5K, 07788 928536 Phoenix Athle�c Club, 01273 298860
Boxing Alive, 01273 739606 Brighton Women’S Kick Boxing & Self Defence, 01273 423378 Firecracker Boxing Club, 07948 248415 Hove Amateur Boxing Club, 01903 762643 Portslade Sports Centre, 01273 411100 White Crane Mar�al Arts, 07885 963979 Whitehawk Abc, 07738 527677
Circus & Stunts BandBazi Circus Theatre, 01273 245584 Bandbazi Youth Circus Theatre 11yrs+, 07805 451530
St James’S Montefiore Cricket Club, 01273 834028 Sussex County Cricket Club, 0871 282 2000 Sussex Cricket Board, 01273 827113 Sussex Sharks Visually Impaired Cricket Club, 07786 238168 The Ocean Sports Co Ltd, 01273 412241
Croquet Preston Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club, 01273 505731 Sussex County Croquet Club, 01273 452925
Dance & Drama actkidstheatre, 01273 818266 Adult Ballet, 01273 475648 Adur Theatre Company, 01273 453165
Brighton and Hove Junior Chess Club (BHJCC), 07882 121506
Aldrington Sco�sh Country Dance Group, 01273 416893
Sussex Junior Chess, 01342 315075
Alive, 01273 739606
Climbing & Mountaineering
All Saints Line Dancers, 01273 736974
Adur Outdoor Ac�vi�es Centre, 01273 462928 Brighton Explorers Club, 01273 452126
Amazonas Capoeira Brighton, 07919 586299 American Street Locking, 07951 117887
Craggers, 01273 231186
Amethyst: Inspired Ac�vi�es For Young People, 01273 724620
Ha� Adventures, 01273 358359
Axfords, 01273 327944
Mountain Ac�vi�es Limited, 01273 400415
Bd4U Eastern Promise, 07974 908758
Rock Court Indoor Climbing Wall, 01273 681058
Beach Streetdance Club Kids age 4-11 years, Shoreham Beach, 07885 205307
Children’s Book Shops & Storytelling
Belly Dance Classes, 07957 636151
Book Nook, Independent Children’s Bookshop, 01273 911988 Hove Children’s Book Group for pre-school children, www.fcbg.org.uk
Belly Dance Classes, 07900 441993 Bertram School Of Dance - Ballet And Tap, 01273 703328 Breakdance Class, 07733 404399 Brighthelm Line Dancing, 01273 736974
Li�le Green Pig Wri�ng Project, 07976 548856
Brighton & Hove Sco�sh Country Dance Club, 01273 564963
Storytelling at Booknook daily 4pm & Sat
Brighton Dancing, 01273 772462
11am & 3pm, 01273 911988
Brighton School Of Samba, 07766 516376
Conserva�on & Wildlife
Brighton Youth Centre, 01273 675011 Carnival Dance (Afro-Brazilian, African, Samba), 07854 542856
Adventure Unlimited, 01273 681058
Badminton Development Officer, 07725 413874
Henfield District Badminton Club, 01273 494 831
Royal Society for the Protec�on of Birds, 01273 775333
Carroll-Turner School of Dance, 01273 705798
County Oak Archery Club, 01273 592795
Li�lejohns Badminton Club, 01444 243 584
RSPB Wildfowl Reserve, 01273 763600
Arts & Cra�s
Park Centre Badminton Club, 01444 242 199
Sussex Wildlife Watch, 01273 497561
Dance Art Studio, Ballet, Tap, Modern, Jazz 3yrs upwards, 01273 556313
Racketeers Badminton Club, 01444 236 689
Acme Art, 01273 601639 Acme Art, 01273 601639
St Luke’s Badminton Club, 01273 675316
Adur Arts Forum, 01273 411228
Art Room - workshops for children & young people, 01273 240308
Brighton Cougars, www.intheteamcom/brightoncougars
Artworks & Art Club 4-12, 01273 557124
Brighton Cougars Basketball Club, 01273 551884
Artworks & Art Club Beacon Arts, 01273 557124 Artyfacts - art classes & clubs for children & adults, 07989 472760 Beach Dreams, 01273 453768 Crea�ve Na�ves - Winchelsea Beach Group, 01797 223121 Gymboree Brighton, 01273 772900 Masterpiece Studio, 01825 872225 Mucky Pups arts cra�s messy play for preschool, 07734 805945 Red Jelly - crea�ve play for children under 6, 01273 930013
Hove YMCA, 01273 731724
Conserva�on Helpline, 01273 494777
Brighton & Hove Cricket Club, 01273 555534 Children Holiday Sport Courses, 01273 292570 Clayton Cricket Club, 01273 833988 Darren Talbot Cricket Coaching, for 7yrs+, led by prof coach, 07912 873591 East Brighton Cricket Club, 01273 502610
Spiral, 01273 295180
Hangleton Cricket Club (Looking For Players), 07594 365048
Moulsescoomb & District Cricket Club, 07939 235105
Adur Canoe Club, 01903 691473
Open Spaces, 01273 600897 Palmers Cricket Club, 01273 551403
Crea�ng Futures Ltd, 01273 696576
Dance of Awareness, 01273 271408 Dance Party, 01273 505111 Dinki Flowers Stage School, 01273 452868 Doris Isaacs School Of Dancing, 01273 680066 East Sussex Dance School, 07901 962163 Egyp�an Dance Class, 01273 671213 Flamenco Dance, 01273 506681 Friday A�ernoon Tea Dance, 01273 687916 Funky Footsteps Dance Club, 07746 683985 Helen O’Grady Children’s Drama Academy (5-8 years), 01444 458039 Hove Dance Centre, 01273 733937 Hove Dance Club, 01273 778551 Italia Con� Performing Arts, 01273 325209
Brighton Excelsior Cycling Club, 01273 891170 Brighton Explorers Club, 01273 452126
Portslade Cricket Club, 07971 415235
Vc Jubilee Youth Development Cycling Club, 01273 843859
Preston Nomads Cricket Club, 01273 291093
Bowling & Ski�les
Preston Park Cricket Club, 01903 505955
Le Roc Dance, 07801 151636
Ro�ngdean Cricket Club, 07802 244875
Let’s Dance Studio, 07802 852951
Portslade Sports Centre, 01273 411100
Just Dance Academy, 01273 595896 Ladybirds, 01273 671213 Landa Dance Centre, 01903 235348
The Pain�ng Po�ery Café, 01273 628952
Bowlplex, 01273 818180
Spiral, 01273 295180
Magic Moves, 01273 600126
The Po�ery House Café, 01273 773697
King Alfred Leisure Centre, 01273 290290
Sports For Choice, 07786 238168
Medau Movement, 01273 475 570
A - Z of Ac�vi�es For All The Family
13 Kar�ng
Music Groups
Adventure Connec�ons, 01273 858206
Adaptatrap Percussion - Instruments from around the world, 01273 672722
Moulsecoomb Amateur Dance Club, 01273 834420
Rare Range Coaching www.rarerange.com, 07983 555933
Newstyle Hip Hop / Streetdance, 07733 404399
Ro�ngdean Village Football Club, 01273 306 436
Ovingdean Social Dance Club, 01273 300533
Alive, 01273 739606
Patcham Dance Group, 01903 761377
Saltdean United Football Club Ltd, 01273 309898
Brighton Aikido, 01273 696383
The Brighton Rock School Project, 01273 823623
Popdance Uk, 01273 887474
Saturday Soccer School, 01273 711395
Brighton Aikikai, 01273 273258
The Music Workshop, 07799 564620
Portslade Community College, 01273 416300
Socatots, 07738 545925
Portslade School Of Dancing, 01273 455212
Brighton Ishigaki Ju-Jitsu Club, 07710 503611
Tivoli Music Workshop, 01273 563089
Southwick Football Club, 01273 701010
Portslade Sports Centre, 01273 411100
Brighton Ki Society, 01273 323315
Stanley Deason Leisure Centre, 01273 694281
Music Teachers
Reflexions Academy, 01273 549261
Brighton Mar�al Arts, 01273 508120
Sussex County Football Associa�on, 01903 766855
Brighton Self Defence, High St, Ro�ngdean, 01273 307500
Sussex Thunder American Football Club, 07719 918601
Brighton Taekwon-Do, 01273 508120
South East Dance Agency, 01273 696844
Westows 4 A Side Football Leagues, 01273 721338
Buqi Brighton, 01273 679514
Southern Stomp Line Dancing Club, 01273 587714
Westows Play & Indoor Football Centre preschool +, 01273 711944
Choi Kwang Do Academy, 01273 307500
Bmw Netball League, 01273 422959
Springboard Brighton & Hove Performing Arts Fes�val, 01273 326831
Whitehawk Football & Social Club, 01273 609 736
Chris Kents Kicks Mar�al Arts Centres, 01273 673680
Brighton & Hove City Council Sport Development 9-15 yrs, 01273 292570
City Krav Maga, 07895 079133
Children Holiday Sport Courses, 01273 292570
Withdean Sports Complex, 01273 542100
Clear Sky Tai Chi, 01273 239054
Hollingdean Hearts, 01273 541030
Combat Karate Interna�onal, 0845 045 1060
Moulsecoomb Community Leisure Centre, 01273 622266
Rox School of Dance & Drama, 01273 208513 Shana Goldmans Stage School, 01273 789252 Shana Goldman’S Stage School & Agency, 01273 789252
Stagecoach (Hove), 0208 647 4868 Stagecoach Theatre Arts School (Brighton), 01273 559997
Mar�al Arts
Brighton W� Taekwondo, 01273 733076
Deans Leisure Centre, 01273 391683
Bongo Bongo, www.bongoclub.org.uk
Drum Kit Teaching, 07776 290 236 Susanna Cassam Music Tui�on, 01273 504505 The Music Workshop, Under the Bridge, 07799 564620
Stree�unk Dance Class, 07733 404399
Benfield Valley Golf Course, 01273 411358
The Doris Isaacs School of Dancing, 01273 680777
Brighton & Hove Golf Club, 01273 556686
East Sussex Commando Krav Maga, 07908 475794
Darren Cook Pga Golf Centre, 01273 413494
Genbukan Myojo Dojo, 01273 415774
Zodiac Netball Club, 07745 380 741
Dyke Golf Club Ltd, 01273 857296 East Brighton Golf Club, 01273 671 587
Gongfu Classes for Children 7-11yrs, 07799 097776
Outdoor Pursuits Centres
Golf Galore, 01273 412909
Hangleton Community Centre, 01273 292962
Hollingbury Golf Club, 01273 500086
Junior & Senior Self Defence Classes, 01273 423378
The Live Wire School Of Dance, 01273 562996 Wendy Whatling School Of Dance, 01273 735834
Fencing Brighton & Hove Fencing Club, 01273 678073
First Aid Courses for Children
Hollingbury Park Golf Club, 01273 552010 Pyecombe Golf Club, 01273 844176 Roedean Cafe & Miniature Golf, 01273 570513
Child Fire Awareness Scheme. West Sussex, 01243 786211
Ro�ngdean Miniature Golf & Pu�ng Course, 01273 302127
Fish & Fishing
Sussex Golf Centre, 01273 500086
Brighton Diver Charter Boat, Sea Fishing Brighton, 01273 628627
Tiny Tees Golf, 01273 835945 Tiny Tees, Golf for Children 3-6, 01273 834028
Great Escape Charter Boat, Sea Fishing Brighton, 0800 7813623
Waterhall Golf Club, 01273 508658
Hove Deep Sea Anglers Club, 01273 413000
Gymnas�cs & Trampoline
Seabreeze Charter Fishing & Diving, 07850 707572
West Hove Golf Club (Juniors), 01273 413494
Brighton & Hove Gymnas�c Club, 01273 776209
Karate Jutsu Club (University Of Sussex), 01273 678550 Ken Scrase Self Defence, 01273 306 543 Ki & Aikido for KIDS (age 11-13), 07946 709120
Portslade Sports Centre, 01273 411100 Stanley Deason Leisure Centre, 01273 694281
Adur Outdoor Ac�vi�es Centre, 01273 462928
Paintball Combat Games Ltd, 020 8578 6193 Demoli�on Paintball Sport, 01273 418263 Ground Control Paintball, 01903 722 488 Holmbush Paintball Ltd, 0800 279 2525
Ki & Aikido for KIDS age 4-7), 01273 323315
Brighton & Hove Petanque Club, 07917 108117
Kicks Mar�al Arts Centres, 01273 673680
Li�le Ninjas and Junior Korean Karate, 3+, 01323 873753
Cowdray Park Polo Club, 01730 813257
Mar�al Arts Classes for Kids - 2-16 years, 01273 202226
Ki & Aikido for KIDS (age 7-11), 07765 672 794
Hickstead, 01273 834315
Ma� Fiddes, 0800 612 7385
Artworker, 01273 689822
Hollingdean Gymnas�cs Club, 07795 008772
Ma� Fiddes - Mar�al Arts, 0800 612 7385
Fiveways Studios, 01273 505452
I-Star Academy, 07843 666251
Mile Oak Older Persons Tai Chi, 01273 415979
Glazed Expressions, 01273 628 952 Kemptown Terraco�a, 01273 676603
Adur Athle�c Football Club, 01273 700807
Moulsecoomb Community Leisure Centre, 01273 622266
Millwood Self Defence, 01273 294762
Levy M Studio Po�ery Studio, 01273 773776
Albion in the Community, 01273 330594
Portslade Sports Centre, 01273 411100
Mind Boxing/Yiguan with Alkin Emirali, 07775 742935
Approved football training for children 18mnths -7 years, 01293 226201
Postural Gymnas�cs (Stretching), 07817 661165
ASC Strikers Football Club, 01273 464569
The Brighton Angler, 01273 671398
Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club, 01273 776 969
Brighton & Hove Hockey Club, 01273 389945
Portslade Sports Centre, 01273 411100 Portslade Tai Chi, 07717 303078 Prac�cal Tai Chi Chuan, 07900 193230 Shaolin Brighton, 0207 288 1231 Shaolin Kung Fu Nam Pia Chuan, 07812 342058
North Laine Ceramics, 01273 601 641 Paint Pots, 01273 696682 Pain�ng Po�ery Café, 01273 628952 Perfect Po�ery, 07900 292525 Po�ery House, 01273 773697 South Heighton Po�ery, 01273 514330
Brighton Electricity Football Club, 01273 550715
Brighton Stormers Skater Hockey, 07766 762364
Coerver Coaching Sussex, 01273 463355
Children Holiday Sport Courses, 01273 292570
Southern Freestyle Mar�al Arts, 01825 723127
The Pain�ng Po�ery Café, 31 North Road, Brighton, 01273 628952
Ferring Football Club, 01903 243618
Hockey Development Officer, 01424 843076
Sussex Sport Aikido Club, 079511 77936
The Po�ery House Café, 01273 773697
Fishersgate Flyers, 01273 709633
Tai Chi For All 50+, 01273 271140
The Workshop Po�ery, 01273 601641
Hassocks Ladies FC, 07940 464540
Ashdown Riding School, Duddleswell, Nr Uckfield, 07818093880
The Samurai Art Centre, 01273 570 940
Hove Park First4Football, 07817 648013
Patcham United Football Club, 01273 200500
Brendon Horse & Rider Centre, 01273 845545
Peacehaven Junior Football Club, 01273 579489
Chestnuts Riding School, 01273 503842
Local Interest Groups
Rugby & Mini Rugby
Hangleton Farm Equestrian Centre, 01903 240352
West Sussex NAGC Explorers Club for gi�ed & talented kids, 01444 451068
Brighton Rugby Football Club, 01273 562 729
Portslade Sports Centre, 01273 411100
Zench’Uan Academy Of Mar�al Arts, 01273 423 378
Southdown Orienteerers, 07729 729399
5 Rugby Place Ltd, 01273 709701
A - Z of Ac�vi�es For All The Family
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01323 442051 www.knockhatch.com Hove Rugby Football Club, 01273 505103
Girls Rugby at South Sussex Barbarians, 0782 8236386
Brighton Beachcombers So�ball Club, 07747 065535 Brighton Buccaneers Baseball & So�ball Club, 07976 734743
Sussex Rugby Football Union, 01273 292559
Sailing Adur Centre Sailing Club, 01903 232675
Squash Portslade Sports Centre, 01273 411100
Swimming & Snorkelling Angelfish, 01273 726163 Anne Bickmore Swimming, 01273 584151 Aqaubabies - Birth to 4 years in Sussex, 01273 833101 Aquababies/Aquakiddies, 01273 833101
Dolphins Disabled Swimming Club, 01273 307647 Dorian Pools, 01273 307 957 Evergreen Strollers 55, 01273 694989 Flippers & Fins, 01273 831382 Freedom Leisure - Brighton & Hove, 0845 8035515
Squash Development Officer, 01273 644103
Aquability, young children specialists, 4mths - 8 yrs, 01424 838488
Stanley Deason Leisure Centre, 01273 694281
Arun Dolphins Swimming Club, 01903 726531
King Alfred Leisure Centre, 01273 290290
Brighton Scou�ng, 0845 300 1818
Weald Lawn Tennis & Squash Rackets Club, 01273 844283
Brighton Dolphin Swimming Club, 01273 841680
Li�le Dippers, 0844 482 0222
Withdean Sports Complex, 01273 542100
Brighton Swimming School, 01273 425745
MXT Swimming School, 07944 237614
Cra� Jac, learn to use a sewing machine & sew things, 07775 43892
Women’S Sport & Fitness Mornings, 01273 622266
Brighton Swimming Teachers’ Centre, 01273 321 075
Prince Regent Swimming Complex, 01273 685 692
Shoreham Sailing Club, 01273 501711
Hove & Adur Sea Cadets, 01273 770656
Marlin Swimming Club, 01273 416600
A - Z of Ac�vi�es For All The Family Table Tennis
Rookery Tennis Club, 01273 593644
Adur Outdoor Ac�vi�es Centre, 01273 462928
Saltdean Tennis Club, 01273 305684
Arun Yacht Club, 01903 716016
Stanley Deason Leisure Centre, 01273 694281
Bosham Sailing, 01243 572555 Brighton Canoes Ltd, 01273 513200
Sussex County Lawn Tennis Associa�on, 01273 505979
Brighton Explorers Club, 01273 452126
Pavilion Table Tennis Club, 01273 418031
Tennis Development Officer, 01273 505979
Brighton Marina (Lagoon) Watersports, 01273 424 842
Portslade Sports Centre, 01273 411100
Tennis Sussex, 01273 505979
Stanley Deason Leisure Centre, 01273 694281
Weald Lawn Tennis & Squash Rackets Club, 01273 844283
Hove Lagoon Watersports, 01273 424842
B.E.C.C.A. 50+ Club, 01273 571602 Hollingbury Table Tennis Club, 01273 709612 King Alfred Leisure Centre, 01273 290290 Moulsecoomb Community Leisure Centre, 01273 622266 Patcham Table Tennis Club, 01273 501258
Woodingdean Open House, 01273 692987
Tennis Adastra Tennis Club, 01273 843641 Badgers Tennis Club, 01273 677795 Shiverers Swimming Club, 01903 741481 Spiral, 01273 295180
Brighton & Hove Parks Lawn Tennis Associa�on, 01273 734511
St. Lukes Swimming Pool, 01273 602 385
Brighton Health & Racquet Club, 01273 667888
Surrenden Swimming Pool, 01273 504858
Dyke Park Lawn Tennis Club, 01273 508251
Swimability Swim School, 01273 583760
Global Tennis, 01403 255951
Swimbabies, for ages 8 weeks to swimming (pre-school), 01903 717652
Grasshoppers Lawn Tennis Club, 01273 771934
Swimming Nature, 08700 949597 The Li�le Swim School teachs pre-school kids to safely swim, 01444 474573 urchin rock, leading underwater photographers, 020 8896 0082
Preston Tennis Club, 01273 505731
Welbeck Tennis Club, 01273 416559 Withdean Sports Complex, 01273 542100 Woodingdean Community Centre Open House, 01273 685940 Woodingdean Open House, 01273 692987
Volleyball Adur Volleyball Club, 01403 710334 Children Holiday Sport Courses, 01273 292570 King Alfred Leisure Centre, 01273 290290 Portslade Sports Centre, 01273 411100 Stanley Deason Leisure Centre, 01273 694281
King Alfred Lawn Tennis Club, 01273 326074
Yellowave Beach Sports, 01273 672222
Moulsecoomb Community Leisure Centre, 01273 622266
Pavilion & Avenue Tennis Club, 01273 506087
WetWetWet Swim School, 01273 388247
Portslade Sports Centre, 01273 411100
Woodingdean Swimming Pool, 01273 673265
Preston Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club, 01273 505731
Young Ones Swimming School, 01273 506008
Brighton Explorers Club, 01273 452126 Brighton & Hove Ramblers, 07785 740568
kitesur�ings, 07900 323 185 Lagoon Watersports, 01273 424842 Newhaven and Seaford Sailing Club Ltd, 01323 890 077 Ocean Sports Board Riders, 01273 411141 Sailboard, 07720 711143 Small Planet Sur�oards Ltd, 01273 727237 Storm Kayaks, 01273 465406 Sussex Marine Water Sports, 01273 596660 The Brighton Dive Centre, 01273 606068 The Brighton Watersports, 01273 323160 The Brighton Watersports Company, 01273 323160 The Outdoor Group, 01273 202040 Water Nippers, 01273 621333
Wrestling & Boxing
Ac�vity Yach�ng Holidays, 01243 641304
Fishergate Wrestling Club, 07799 728298
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