Family Justice Center Alliance
Family Justice Center Legal Network Update
Managing Attorney Alexia Peters, JD with the Legal Network interns and volunteers
In 2011, the FJC Legal Network (operating out of the San Diego FJC) saw a growth in the number of clients served and the number of services provided – averaging 62 new clients a month and filing an average of 40 temporary restraining orders per month. The Network has expanded their services, offering more representation for clients through pro bono attorneys and their first certified law student! The Legal Network began assisting clients with filling out their application for reimbursement from the Victim Compensation Program and obtaining Emergency Protective Orders as well. It has also been amazing to watch the internship and volunteer programs grow. The clinic oversees about 13 interns and volunteers per semester which includes law students, pro bono attorneys, advocates, and undergraduate students. These individuals have been able to come together as a team to provide unified, consistent and quality services to our clients. The Alliance would like to thank the San Diego FJC for giving us the opportunity to continue the growth of the clinic by providing space to work with clients. Looking forward to 2012, the Legal Network hopes to expand the certified legal intern program, allowing more law students to go into the courtroom and represent victims for their restraining order hearings. They also hope to bring more pro bono services to clients and provide more legal assistance including child custody and dissolution services.