Family Life: Strategic Plan Outline 2021-2024

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Strategic Plan Outline 2021 - 2024

Indigenous Acknowledgement Family Life, and all the individuals who make up our organisation respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the country on which we live and work. We especially acknowledge the Boon Wurrung / Bunurong people, and other peoples of the Kulin nation on whose ancestral lands Family Life provides services to the community. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging and acknowledge their living culture and centuries of custodianship of these lands, which were never ceded. We acknowledge that the land on which we stand always was and always will be Aboriginal land.


Family Life - Strategic Plan Outline | 2021 - 2024

Message from the Board

Message from the CEO

Family Life was established more than 50 years ago by people who wanted community change. Although our founders were a group of volunteers who met in borrowed spaces and each other’s homes, a world apart from the organisation we have become today, we are not so different. True to our initial intention, we are still a group of concerned community members, working to support and uplift families experiencing challenges and hardship in the local community.

It is with pleasure that we present our Strategic Plan. This document provides a structure of how Family Life will create positive community change and improve outcomes for children and families over the next three years.

As we look to the future, the Family Life Board continues to drive and support our work with government, community organisations, universities and businesses who are equally committed to address the root causes of social problems. We also value partnerships which ensure integrated responses to often complex, diverse issues confronting people who need our help. With more than 50 years in the community creating change, we look forward with anticipation as to what we will be able to achieve in the coming three years and beyond.

Steve Walsh Chair - Family Life

It outlines our vision, focus, strategic goals and objectives, as well as the core values that guide our work with clients, colleagues and stakeholders. Through its development, we have sought collaboration with our network of government stakeholders, partners, staff, peers, clients and volunteers. As a result we have developed a strategy that has strong alignment with the needs of our communities, takes into account the historical patterns of needs and emerging trends and can be implemented with a chorus of support from those who have felt their voices heard. Our past strategic plan provided a foundation that allowed Family Life to respond in the extended period of upheaval that COVID forced upon us. As we look to a future with similar uncertainty, we are confident the vision provided in this plan will give us the stability our organisation will require to achieve its goals and thrive.

Allison Wainwright CEO - Family Life


Who We Are




Adults, young people and children learn and participate within supportive communities.

Families experience positive wellbeing and strong and respectful relationships.

Children and young people experience optimal development and are safe from harm.

Our Purpose Transforming lives for stronger communities.

We Believe Every child has the right to grow up safely in the care of their families with the support of a caring community.


Family Life believes that we are able to create more significant change by working together. When we channel the efforts of our many and varied partners and stakeholders, we can create lasting and transformative change in systems, policies and practice, and ultimately, improvements in the daily lives and futures of children, families and communities. Family Life recognises how important it is to ensure that voices of children are heard and their best interests are always served. This is driven by evidence informed responses to the needs of traumatised children and their families.

Family Life - Strategic Plan Outline | 2021 - 2024



Family Life embraces diversity and the rights of all people.

Family Life supports individuals and families to participate in their communities.

Community We understand that Family Life exists as part of a network of relationships and interactions vital to everyone’s health and wellbeing.

Our Values

Empowerment Family Life enables individuals, families and communities to make connections and achieve change.



Family Life - Strategic Plan Outline | 2021 - 2024

Who do we serve?

Family Life works with individuals, families and communities. Whether that be by strengthening community capacity, developing programs to respond to growing trends or directly supporting clients and their families.

We deliver evidence informed services grounded in the principles of trauma informed care.

Family Life Way Principles The Family Life Way principles are at the heart of the trauma informed work that we do. They guide us to achieve the best results for our clients and the communities we serve and exemplify our commitment to support our people to produce quality services and outcomes.

The Family Life Way

Create Safety

Be Real

Celebrate Difference

Dream Big

Be Bold

Embrace Everyone


As part of our process to inform the 2021 - 2024 Strategic Plan, Family Life hosted engagement sessions with different internal and community stakeholders. This engagement provided an opportunity for participants to share their perspectives about our vision, purpose and priorities for the next three years. Interviews were also conducted with external partners and funders, peak bodies, thought leaders and university partners. All contributions were completely confidential with the purpose of securing the most honest feedback. A thorough analysis of the interviews and focus groups revealed the key opportunities our community wishes us to pursue. This was followed by a series of internal workshops to develop the first draft pillars of the plan.

Goals for the strategic planning sessions: • to identify community need • to deepen engagement and co-design with partners • to deepen conversations about our focus on diversity and inclusion • to provide an opportunity to hear from as many people as possible • to determine how to work collaboratively with partners • to enhance knowledge about the model of care; and • identify strategic challenges and opportunities.


Family Life - Strategic Plan Outline | 2021 - 2024


Family Life’s Theory of Change Family Life supports it’s community through its Theory of Change. A Theory of Change is a methodology for planning, participation, and evaluation that is used in companies, philanthropy, not-for-profit and government sectors to promote social change. It defines long-term goals and then maps backward to identify necessary preconditions. The change is that which Family Life wants to make in the world and the theory is how we will do so.


Family Life - Strategic Plan Outline | 2021 - 2024

Transforming Lives for Stronger Communities

Long Term Outcomes




Everyone learns and participates within sustainable, engaged, inclusive, thriving communities and responsive systems

Individuals reach their potential enabling families to experience positive wellbeing and strong and respectful

Children are safe and reach their full potential


Organisations respond to the needs of their community

Intermediate Outcomes

Individuals have social support and a sense of belonging within their community and culture Individuals are engaged and contributing to their community through employment, training, education and volunteering

Organisations collaborate to provide a holistic response to families and individuals

Short Term Outcomes

Individuals are connected to culture and community networks Individuals have trust and are empowered to seek support when needed Individuals have the skills and support to contribute to their community

Initiatives that strengthen the community

Individuals and families experience optimal functioning and wellbeing

Children experience an environment that optimises their development, wellbeing and safety

Families have healthy relationships and experience reduced conflict and violence

Children have healthy relationships with their support network

Individuals are empowered, resilient and able to manage individual and family challenges.

Children use prosocial strategies to express themselves and have their needs met

Individuals make positive choices and decisions to address their health and wellbeing needs

Children have a range of support networks that enhance their mental health, wellbeing, learning and developmental needs

Individuals are aware of the dynamics and effects of conflict and violence and implement strategies to improve safety

Children are supported to engage, learn and participate in their community

Individuals develop their ability to manage individual and family challenges

The child support network promotes healthy attachment relationships and creates a safe, stable and nurturing environment for children

Caregivers experience parenting as positive

Children have a sense of belonging, are empowered and confident


Community connection and activation

Holistic services with families at the centre

Hear the voice of the community (co-design)

Evaluate impact


Create Safety

Be Real

Celebrate Difference

Build social capital through volunteering and social enterprises

Advocate for social justice and equal opportunities to access services

Innovative programs to increase knowledge and skills

Collaborate with other organisations

Dream Big

Be Bold

Embrace Everyone

Context: Communities experience a range of vulnerabilities including family violence, social isolation and mental health concerns. Factors such as intergenerational trauma and inequality (e.g. gender, social, cultural) exacerbate vulnerability. Services can support communities to heal from trauma and develop resilience. Notes: 1. Family Life acknowledges that families are remarkably diverse both in structure and dynamics. 2. Children include children and young people. 3. Individuals include those who receive our services and those who engage in our community capacity building activities. 4. Organisation could include: government departments, community organisations, schools, businesses, etc.


Over the next three years Family Life will work on five key areas, which we have identified as Pillars.

Service Excellence Consistent high quality stakeholder experience

Community Connection

Our People Develop a people-focused culture that embodies the Family Life Way

Five Strategic Pillars

Financial Sustainability A sustainable organisation


All of organisation commitment to promote engagement and activation of our community

Expanded Impact Increase impact and reach by diversifying service delivery digitally and geographically

Family Life - Strategic Plan Outline | 2021 - 2024

Service Excellence Consistent high quality stakeholder experience

Aim 3

Aim 1

Embedded evidence informed practice through continuous improvement

Engage and activate diverse communities well

Aim 2

Increased quality outcomes for clients and community

Our People Aim 1

Establishing ourselves as an employer of choice

Develop a people-focused culture that embodies the Family Life Way

Aim 2

Family Life Way is consistently evident

Aim 4

Embedded, proactive culture of supporting health and wellbeing of our people

Aim 3

Empowered and capable frontline leaders


Community Connection

Aim 1

All of organisation commitment to promote engagement and activation of our community

Community is engaged in client outcomes

Aim 2

Aim 3

Contemporary and diverse volunteer program integrated throughout the organisation

Measurable increase in brand recognition and awareness, effectively engaging with each of our audience segments with cut through communications

Expanded Impact Aim 1

Increase impact and reach by diversifying service delivery digitally and geographically

Increase outreach through digital service delivery

Aim 2

Strengths and opportunities guide our expansion in new geographic areas


Aim 3

Innovation Project Concept confirmed for the use and future development of 199 Bluff Road Community House

Family Life - Strategic Plan Outline | 2021 - 2024

Aim 1

Grow and diversify our income streams and investment models

Financial Sustainability A sustainable organisation

Aim 2

Increase donations and philanthropic contributions

Aim 4

Scale existing Social Enterprise model for increased economies of scale, innovation and environmental sustainability

Aim 3

Increase service income and partnerships through geographic expansion and digital channels


Family Life in 2024

In 2024 Family Life will have courageously partnered with our community to transform their lives. We will have invested in earlier intervention and community activation programs to give community voice. Our partnerships with them will have kept children safely at home with their families, through the highest quality, evidence informed support. We will have listened and heard the lived experience of those we work with and will continue to support the development of care systems that are responsive, respectful and empowering for the community as they strive for the best outcomes for themselves and their children. Our culturally respectful and inclusive organisation will have been accessible to all, including those who have experienced historical trauma. We will have continued to strive for social justice and sought to level the playing field for those who experience disadvantage, lack of community connection, poverty, social exclusion and trauma.


Our staff, our greatest change makers, will have experienced well being and delivered person centred, evidence based and informed, trauma aware practice. We will have worked to build the expansion of a broader sense of community, recognising that people want flexible support, including digital services. We will do more, and do better, by ensuring that we continuously grow and improve our services through agility, innovation and a strong ethic of care. We will lead responsibly on behalf of our community to ensure sustainability and hold ourselves to account by being transparent and accountable to those who trust in us by measuring outcomes and performance. At the heart of all we do, we will give the community inspiration, hope and dignity as key experts in their lived experiences.

Family Life - Strategic Plan Outline | 2021 - 2024


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