Family Network Magazine Issue 1

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Family Network S P R I N G

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The cast of “Siblinghood” take NEW YORK CITY MAJOR IMPACT GLOBALLY! WebTv

Online Radio

Cruise Give-A-Way

February 2011 You won’t want to miss the premiere of Family Network TV!! Stay Tune for more details

January 2011 Tara Ecklund will be interviewing the cast of each show as each show premiere’s!!

[Date] Don’t miss your chance to win!! “LIKE” our fanpage to enter!!

The FIRST WebTv & online Radio Network with programming for the special needs founded by a grandmother..

Family THE Network LOREM Magazine IPSUMS

Issue 1

January SPRING2011 2016

It’s A Matter of Law Hosted by Sheryl Frishman and Jill Faber

Show Lineup Includes: • • •

The importance of being an effective advocate for your child. The relationship between the School District and the Parent. Special Education 101: What are the laws you must know to be an effective advocate for your child. The Starting Point: The importance of good evaluations. Understanding who your child is and how your child learns Preparing for the BIG meeting. Make The IEP: Your contract with the District Assistive Technology: Can my child benefit? Transition from school to the Post-School: The college Bound Child Transition from school to the Post-School: The NonCollege bound Child What Happens if we just can’t agree? (Parent and School District) Success Stories Building Tolerance: Disability Awareness in Schools TO JUST NAME A FEW…….

• • • • • • • • • • • •

THERAPY CENTRAL Susan Varsames discusses everything from music therapy, art, dolphin, listening, nutrition, ABA and other holistic options that are available. Some you will agree with other’s you might not. She also lets us join her YOGA class! Learn more at

Dare to be Rare Family Network’s first international show comes from Australia, hosted by Meagan Cross. Meagan talks with families that are struggling with either very rare diagnosis or those that have no diagnosis yet. Several episodes feature her parents and in-laws


Family THE Network LOREM Magazine IPSUMS

Issue 1

January 2011 SPRING 2016

Family Network TV . COM Our website, while overcoming obstacles along the way, will soon launch. The designer’s have worked tirelessly to ensure the site operates properly giving every visitor an enjoyable smooth experience! Video chatting HD Video Streaming Custom player Sortable Resources Blogger Directory AND MORE!

“SIBLINGHOOD” host by Nick, Alex, Maggie & Evan Amid-Cameraman

4 Teens come together to talk about growing up with a sib that has additional needs. They share how they have navigated this journey from their perspective while also interviewing adult sib’s that have gone on to make a powerful impact on the sib’s community. Guest include besting selling author’s, founder’s of international non-profit organizations and just group chats that will have a powerful impact on other kids. So don’t miss this show.. be sure to tell your kids to tune in and take advantage of opportunities to get involved! They also take on New York and will give a tour of this fabulous city. With the help of a Alex’s dad (a high school history teacher) they share little known history facts about New York that you’ll find pretty interesting.


Family THE Network LOREM Magazine IPSUMS

Issue 1

January SPRING2011 2016

Abilities Expo TV ABILITES EXPO TV will showcase expo’s held across the US in 2011 interviewing vendors and attendee’s. Families can talk face to face with vendor’s demonstrating the most current equipment and products available to improve the quality of life for individuals with additional needs. Don’t miss an Expo near you. For a schedule visit Look us up and appear on the show!!

What’s Happening? Join Mary McHugh, sibling and best selling author, as she talks with other siblings, government officials and celebrities to get the scoop on “What’s Happening?” around the world in the special needs community. Learn more about Mary and the books that she has written at

The Imperfection Connection Author’s of “Shut Up About Your Perfect Kid” and sister’s, Gina Gallagher and Patty Konjoian host this show with a line up of guest that will be a real favorite. Combining their unique sense of humor and real life applications.. parents will learn valuable lessons. Learn more about these imperfect sister’s at

World Congress On Disabilities The WCD is dedicated to improving the lives of those with developmental and physical disabilities, their families and professionals who work with them. Tara Ecklund and Susan Stephens attend this conference and filmed interviews with vendor’s and attendee’s. Lot’s of GREAT information!! Also check out Exceptional Parent Magazine is a great monthly resource for familes around the world! 4

Family THE Network LOREM Magazine IPSUMS

Issue 1

January 2011 SPRING 2016

GET INVOLVED!! JOIN The Family Network “PAC” Parent Advisory Committee Parents around the world are getting involved with Family Network TV by visiting our facebook page and joining this volunteer group we have named our PAC. Parents in this group will help us as we grow with creative new ideas. Many have gotten involved with helping the team make things happen. Some simply help us spread information on facebook and in

other chat rooms. The hope is that parents around the world will take an active role in the network created for “YOU” and have a voice in what the future holds for our presence online. For more information email us at We look forward to hearing from you!

Submit a page for “your” Family Network Magazine! Send to : word documents only please

FREE Banner Ad’s on Family Network TV website

For ALL Non-Profits Email a static 300:100 banner to

CALLING ALL BLOGGERS We would like to promote your blog on Family Network TV! Send a link with a brief description of the topic of your blog to for our team to consider including here in Family Network Magazine AND on our website! Blog must be topic based relevant to the special needs community.



Issue 1

January 2011 JANUARY 2011

Thanks to everyone for being so patient as we’ve worked towards our launch. There’s really no way to have a crystal ball and plan for all the bumps that we’ve had along the way. Your Family Network Team has worked tirelessly to launch as smoothly as possible even if that means having the delays that we’ve had. I would like to thank EVERY cast member and their families for making this possible. There is absolutely NO way that any “ one” person could have gotten Family Network TV to this point. Thanks also to the members of our PAC.. a special thanks to Jennifer Bolton for doing such a great job with our twittering! Thanks also to Tara Ecklund for filling in the gap wherever it’s needed. Thanks to Ryan.. our awesome staff website developer!! Keep in mind.. this is a grass roots effort. Everyone involved has a family member that is additionally abled and it’s our desire to make a positive impact on the special needs community around the world.

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