25 years changing the face of cancer 2021 2012
1996 FA M I LY R E AC H
The Financial Crisis of Cancer
1 in 3 families are
unable to meet their basic needs 2/3 of cancer patients are
unable to work full-time
during cancer treatment, including housing, food, and utilities1,2
after a cancer diagnosis1
Cancer patients who experience financial hardship are more likely to die from their disease4
87% of survivors said their cancer care team had
not discussed finances5
Over 1 in 3 cancer patients
stop adhering to treatment because of cost3 Cancer patients are more likely to experience financial crisis if they are: Younger (18-54) People of color Less educated Lower income (<400% FPL)6
1. “2016 CancerCare Patient Access and Engagement Report.” CancerCare, 2016. 2. Bona K, London WB, Guo D, Frank DA, Wolfe J. Trajectory of Material Hardship and Income Poverty in Families of Children Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Prospective Cohort Study. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2016;63(1):105-111. doi:10.1002/pbc.25762 3. Patient-Oncologist Cost Communication, Financial Distress, and Medication Adherence Christine M. Bestvina et al., Zafar Journal of Oncology Practice 2014 10:3, 162-167 4. Ramsey S, Blough D, Kirchhoff A, et al. Washington State cancer patients found to be at greater risk for bankruptcy than people without a cancer diagnosis. Health Aff (Millwood). 2013;32(6):1143-1152. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2012.1263 5. “Financial Impact of Cancer on Survivors.” LIVEStrong Survey Results, 2015. 6. Han X, Zhao J, Zheng Z, de Moor JS, Virgo KS, Yabroff KR. Medical Financial Hardship Intensity and Financial Sacrifice Associated with Cancer in the United States. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2020;29(2):308-317. doi:10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-19-0460
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To ensure no family has to choose between their health and their home
Core Values
Removing financial barriers standing between cancer patients and their treatment Compassionate: People come first. Courageous: We mirror the strength of our families by choosing hope over fear. Innovative: We are pioneers in an overlooked reality of cancer. Scrappy: We do what it takes and then some. Collaborative: Together, we are stronger. SEE: Meet patients and families early in their cancer journey SOLVE: Remove immediate and near-term financial barriers through the Financial Treatment Program EVOLVE: Deliver long-term impact and systematic change
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Table of Contents
Message From Our Family Founders + CEO
Year 25: Collaborating to Amplify Impact
Our Reach in 2021
Cancer Treatment Center Partners
Our Impact in 2021
Our Impact in Focus: Meet Raven and Noel
Major Donors + Fundraisers
History: 25 Years at a Glance
Board + Staff
Message From Our Family Founders + CEO 25th Anniversary Reflections From Founding Families: As Family Reach enters a quarter century of existence, we are eternally grateful to have such a dedicated, compassionate, and innovative community representing us. Our sincere thanks and appreciation goes out to the team, benefactors, and supporters who have witnessed the importance of our mission and jumped in to make it a reality.
As we look forward to achieving even greater accomplishments in the next 25 years, we know Family Reach will innovate and adapt while staying anchored to our foundation. Christopher and Kristine live on through this remarkable endeavor. The sky is the limit! Bravo to all!
It’s truly humbling to think of the magnitude of families who do not have to walk their cancer journey alone because of Family Reach. We celebrate how far we have come to provide timely support for families, address the disparities in healthcare, and spread awareness on the national stage.
With love and gratitude, The Colangelo, Morello, and Wiatrak families
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To Our Impactful Collaborators And Supporters: Armed with a quarter century’s worth of data, Family Reach marked 25 years by expanding our reach. We had a proven Financial Treatment Program in our ranks and it was time to scale through launching new pilots and building equitable pathways to our services. The world began to move on from the pandemic in 2021, though its devastating effects on the cancer community lingered. With a surge in late-stage diagnoses, interrupted treatment plans, and enhanced financial hardships, families facing cancer needed our support and expertise. Our knowledge that every cancer experience looks different drove our collaborative pilot programs. We offered targeted solutions to combat evidence about food insecurity among cancer patients and uncover unique financial journeys by cancer type. We entrenched ourselves in communities in need of our support, collaborating with local organizations and adding a Field Resource Navigator inside community cancer centers in Philadelphia. To remove language barriers, we made our financial guidebooks available in Spanish and launched phone interpretation services.
The pandemic boosted national awareness of health disparities. People saw that in the wealthiest country in the world, we still have the poorest health outcomes because of financial barriers. Families need to meet their basic needs before they can afford and access care. We have come so far in cancer research and treatments, but preventing cancer deaths takes more than science. It’s time to make financial treatment a standard of cancer care. Will you join us? Thank you to everyone who helped us come this far and to all those sticking with us to celebrate what comes next. With gratitude,
Carla Tardif Family Reach CEO
In 2021, we served patients of all ages in every state and collaborated with 855 cancer treatment centers. We focused on putting the Financial Treatment Program in the hands of as many patients as possible because every family facing cancer needs to know they’re not alone and that we can help. They need to know, this is cancer. FA M I LY R E AC H
Our Reach in 2021
40% The Financial Treatment Program offers free education, resource navigation, coaching, and emergency White relief to families facing cancer. The comprehensive support helps families meet their basic needs and Hispanic/Latinx reduces financial stress so theyBlack can focus on healing.
Asian Multiracial Other
$0 - $19,999 PEDIATRIC (0-17)
$20,000 - $39,999 $40,000 - $59,999 $60,000 - $79,999 $80,000 - $99,999 YOUNG ADULT (18-30) $100,000
ADULT (31+)
Leukemia Breast Brain Sarcoma Lymphoma Neuroblastoma Lung Colon Other
White Hispanic/Latinx Black Asian Multiracial Other
Alaska $0 - $19,999 $20,000 - $39,999 $40,000 - $59,999 $60,000 - $79,999 $80,000 - $99,999 $100,000
Puerto Rico
$0 - $19,999 $20,000 - $39,999 $40,000 - $59,999 $60,000 - $79,999 $80,000 - $99,999 $100,000
38% of families supported in 2021 were singleparent households
64% of families supported in 2021 lost half or more of their income since treatment began
Our Impact in 2021 Many of the families we supported in 2021 struggled with everyday costs like housing, food, and transportation on top of unaffordable medical expenses.
3 54% FOOD
$1.5 million
distributed in funding to help families with rent and mortgage payments
550 families
could keep food on the table through grants and free food delivery codes
1,618 families
received support with travel-related costs so they could get to treatment
of families felt less financial distress after receiving Family Reach’s comprehensive Financial Treatment Program2
of families said Family Reach support increased their knowledge of available financial resources2
“The help with my bills while I was in the hospital was amazing. I didn’t have to worry, ‘Do I have enough money to eat today?’” - Caregiver in Massachusetts
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Our Impact in Focus: Meet Raven and Noel When Raven’s 4-year-old son Noel was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, cancer threatened to take everything away — including her path to homeownership after a recent divorce. As a single mom of four, Raven is the family’s only source of income. She had to miss work frequently to get Noel to treatment and care for him while his immune system was too weak to be at daycare. “It was a very scary place to be,” Raven shared. “I had to choose my son’s health or money for bills to stay in our home. It’s not a fair decision to have to make. Do I leave my 4-year-old son at the hospital with the nurses and go to work? Or be there to accompany and comfort my sick child? A mom is always going to choose their child.” Before she knew it, Raven wiped out her savings. She watched the overdraft fees pile up as she paid for rent and other bills, and found herself needing resources like local food pantries.
To restore Raven’s confidence in her finances, Family Reach leaned on our partnership with Freshly and provided Raven with free access to healthy meals. We also paired her with one of our volunteer Certified Financial PlannerTM professionals for free financial coaching. “Robert showed me ways to manage my finances and stretch my money through the month, how to deal with debts, and helped me stay consistent with a home buying program,” Raven said. “With his guidance and encouragement, I was able to keep my budget, save my income tax refund, and officially purchase my first home — 4 bedroom, 3 bath. It is life-changing!” Noel’s cancer journey taught Raven how connected finances are to her family’s health. She encourages others to know that help is out there to “carry some of the load.”
100% of families
would recommend financial coaching to someone with a cancer diagnosis in their family
2006 Celebrated serving more than 100 families in one year
History: 25 Years at a Glance Family Reach passed two major milestones in 2021: 25 years of service and over 60,000 families served. As we celebrate our reach and impact over the past quarter century, we hold the memories of Christopher Colangelo and Kristine Morello-Wiatrak in our hearts. In 1996, the Colangelo and Morello families saw the life-threatening financial impacts of cancer and chose to do something. They built community, raised awareness, and developed a model that could scale. Grounded in this strong foundation, we march forward.
“Since Jake’s illness, finances have been tight and it meant a lot to talk with someone who knows what we are dealing with.” — The Witte Family
Chef Ming Tsai launched the Cooking Live event series
1996 The Colangelo, Morello and Wiatrak families launched the CMW Cancer Fund and donated funds to local cancer treatment center
‘06 ‘03
2003 Earned official 501(c)3 status and rebranded as the Family Reach Foundation
2008 Welcomed our CEO, Carla Tardif, and first Resource Navigator to the team
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2020 Celebrated serving more than 10,000 families nationwide in one year + created an internal Impact team “We cannot just treat cancer as a physical disease without acknowledging the financial, emotional, and mental disease it also brings.” — Renée, single mom living with breast cancer
2017 Published the first edition of our Financial Guidebook for Cancer
2015 Hosted first Family Council meeting to prioritize family voices in our program development
‘18 ‘17 ‘14
2014 Celebrated serving more than 1,000 families in one year “I truly believed I had failed as a parent, provider, and caregiver but Family Reach renewed my hope.” — Raquel, mom and caregiver to Mikalo
2016 Invited to join Vice President Biden’s Cancer Moonshot and announced the Financial Treatment Program on the national stage
2021 Launched the Cancer Equity Initiative to provide equitable access to our services for Black and Hispanic/Latinx communities
AbbVie invested $5 million, which helped launch The LiFT Network and financial coaching
2016 Created the Imagine Series to bring together thought leaders and inspire collaborations
Year 25: Collaborating to Amplify Impact By uniting organizations who serve patients at varying points along the cancer continuum, we’re alleviating disparities in cancer outcomes rooted in financial health.
In 2016, Family Reach responded to Vice President Biden’s Cancer Moonshot by launching the Financial Treatment Program. It’s the only comprehensive support program that prioritizes financial health in cancer care. By reducing financial stress for patients and caregivers, the Financial Treatment Program improves access to care, adherence to treatment, and survival rates. In the five years since launching the Financial Treatment Program, Family Reach has invested in collaborations that bring our proven services to atrisk patients, wherever or however they are accessing cancer treatment and support resources. Knowing that socioeconomic factors impact cancer outcomes, we use data to identify gaps in our reach and prioritize communities with the deepest financial needs.
SERVICES PROVIDED Financial Education Resource Navigation Financial Coaching Emergency Relief
COLLABORATIVE DELIVERY MODEL IN 2021 Working with community cancer centers and local nonprofits to identify and address inequities in our program delivery Partnering with 855 treatment centers and disease-specific organizations to reach more patients on a national scale
FIELD RESOURCE NAVIGATOR Entrenching Family Reach in the community with an on-site representative in Philadelphia hospitals
RESEARCH THE LIFT NETWORK Unites cancer nonprofits and empowers them to deliver our Financial Treatment Program to their service regions
PHILADELPHIA PATIENTS 95% of patients served through Philadelphia community pilot identify as people of color
LIFT SPOTLIGHT: NUEVA VIDA Nonprofit that supports Latinas living with cancer in D.C. and Baltimore 83% of patients served by Nueva Vida fall below 150% of the Federal Poverty Line
AT A LOCA L L E V E L . . .
Contributing data and analysis on financial needs by cancer type
PILOT PROGRAM Partnering with LUNGevity to deliver combined support services to 200 lung cancer patients
PILOT EVALUATION Analysis of the lung cancer financial journey Development of most effective interventions by diagnosis
Cancer Treatment Centers ALABAMA
Compassionate Cancer Care
Alabama Oncology - St. Vincent’s Birmingham
Arizona Oncology - Craycroft Medical Oncology
Arkansas Children’s Hospital
Dignity Health
CARTI Cancer Center
Eisenhower Medical Center
Alabama Oncology - Bessemer
Banner Children’s at Desert
CHI St. Vincent
Epic Care
Amedisys Hospice
Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center
Highlands Oncology Clinic - Springdale
Genesis Healthcare Partners
Cancer Care Center of Anniston
Banner University Medical Center Tucson
Jefferson Regional Medical Center
Highland Hospital
Children’s of Alabama
Barrow Brain and Spine
Hoag Hospital Network
Clearview Cancer Institute
Cancer Centers of Northern Arizona-Sedona
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Inland Cancer Center
D.W. McMillan Memorial Hospital Hematology & Oncology Associates of Alabama Infirmary Cancer Care Mitchell Cancer Institute Montgomery Cancer Center Southern Cancer Center UAB Hospital USA Children’s and Women’s Hospital ALASKA Alaska Native Medical Center Katmai Oncology Group
Cardon Children’s Medical Center
John Muir Health
Dignity Health St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center
Kaiser Permanente Fontana Medical Center
HonorHealth Virginia G Piper Cancer Network
Adventist Health AIS Cancer Center Bryson Cancer Care Inc
Kaiser Permanente LA Medical Center
California Pacific Medical Center
Kaiser Permanente Moreno Valley Medical Center
Ironwood Cancer & Research Centers - Chandler
California Protons Cancer Therapy Center
Mayo Clinic’s Campus in Arizona
Phoenix Children’s Hospital
Cedars Sinai Medical Center
Phoenix Indian Medical Center
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
Southwest Cancer Care
Children’s Hospital of Orange County
Tucson Medical Center
City of Hope
US Oncology - Arizona Oncology
City of Hope Duarte Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula
Issels Medical Center
Kaiser Permanente Oakland Medical Center Kaiser Permanente Roseville Medical Center Kaiser Permanente San Diego Medical Center Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara Medical Center and Medical Offices Kaiser Permanente Santa
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Rosa Medical Center
Scripps Green Hospital
Kaiser Permanente South Bay Medical Center
Scripps MD Anderson
Children’s Hospital Colorado, Colorado Springs
Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital
Colorado Blood Cancer Institute
Kaiser Permanente Woodland Hills Medical Center
St. Joseph Health
Denver Health
Stanford Medical Center
Kaiser Permanente Lone Tree
Sutter Gould Medical Foundation
Lone Tree Medical Center
Sutter Health
Presbyterian/Saint Luke’s
Sutter Medical Center Sacramento
Medical Center
UC Davis Medical Center
Rocky Mountain Cancer
Middlesex Health Cancer Center, Westbrook
UCI Medical Center
Centers - Aurora
Smilow Cancer Hospital at St. Francis
UCLA Health
Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers - Denver, Midtown
UConn Health
Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital Loma Linda University Medical Center Los Angeles Cancer Network Los Angeles County+USC Medical Center Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford Marin General Hospital MemorialCare Todd Cancer Institute Mercy Medical Center Merced Miller Children’s and Women’s Hospital Long Beach Mission Hope Cancer Center - Santa Maria Mission Hospice & Home Care Olive View-UCLA Medical Center Oncology Institute of Hope and Innovation Pacific Cancer Care Pleasant Hill Cancer Treatment Center Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego Ridley Tree Cancer Center Saint John’s Cancer Center at Providence Saint John’s Health Center Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
UC San Diego Health UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital - Oakland UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital - San Francisco UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers – Lakewood Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers - Thornton Rocky Mountain Health Care Services Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children
USA Health
Shaw Cancer Center
USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center
Sky Ridge Medical Center
Valley Cancer Medical Center
UC Health
Valley Children’s Hospital
UC Health Cancer Care and Hematology at Harmony
UC Health Diane O’Connor Thompson Breast Center - Anschutz Medical Campus
Carol’s Wish Centura Health Children’s Hospital Colorado - Aurora
Swedish Medical Center
Backus Hospital Bristol Hospital Cancer Care Center Carl & Dorothy Bennett Cancer Center Danbury Hospital Day Kimball Hospital Hartford Hospital
Yale New Haven Hospital DELAWARE Christiana Hospital Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA The GW Cancer Center Children’s National Medical Center Inova Health Medstar Georgetown University Hospital Sibley Memorial Hospital
UCHealth Memorial Hospital
University of Colorado Cancer Center
AdventHealth AdventHealth Altamonte Springs
Family Reach partnered with 855 treatment centers in 2021 — a 52% increase from 2020. AdventHealth Cancer Institute - Orlando AdventHealth for Children AdventHealth Waterman AdventHealth Winter Park Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children Baptist Health Care Baptist MD Anderson Cancer Center BayCare Boca Raton Regional Hospital Broward Health Medical Center Cancer Specialists of North Florida
Georgia Cancer Center Clinic
Hematology Oncology Associates
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
Holtz Children’s Hospital
Tallahassee Memorial Cancer Center
Grady Memorial Hospital
Jackson Health System
UHealth - University of Miami Health System
Hamilton Medical Center Peeples Cancer Institute
University Florida Health Shands Children’s Hospital
Harbin Clinic Cancer Center - Rome
Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital Lakeland Regional Health Medical Center Mayo Clinic Hospital in Florida
University of Florida Health Jacksonville University of Florida Health Proton Therapy Institute
Georgia Cancer Specialists
Humanizing Medicine Memorial Health University Medical Center
Wolfson Children’s Hospital
Nancy N. and J.C. Lewis Cancer & Research Pavilion
Miami Cancer Institute
Women’s Care (Tampa Gynecologic Oncology)
Northside Hospital
Millennium Oncology
Moffitt Cancer Center
Nemours Children’s Hospital
Atlanta Cancer Care
Nemours Children’s Specialty Care Jacksonville
Augusta Oncology
Memorial Cancer Institute Mercy Hospital
Nicklaus Children’s Hospital North Florida Regional Healthcare
Beverly Knight Olson Children’s Hospital
Northwest Georgia Oncology, PC- Marietta Piedmont Cancer Institute Roy Richards Sr Cancer Center South Georgia Medical Center Tanner Medical Center University Cancer and Blood Center - Athens
Oak Hill Hospital
Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Atlanta
Cleveland Clinic Martin Health
Orlando Health UF Health Cancer Center
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta - Aflac Cancer Center
Florida Cancer Affiliates - Ocala
Osceola Cancer Center
Coliseum Medical Centers
WellStar Kennestone Hospital
Florida Cancer Specialists
Sacred Heart Hospital
Emory Healthcare
WellStar Paulding Hospital
Florida Medical Clinic
St. Mary’s Medical Center
Emory Proton Therapy Center
Winship Cancer Institute
St. Anthony’s Hospital
Emory University Hospital
Gilda’s Club South Florida
St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital
Emory Winship Cancer Institute
Golisano Childrens Hospital of Southwest Florida
Stuart Oncology Associates
Floyd Medical Center
Adventist Health
Cancer Treatment Centers of America Cleveland Clinic Florida
Gulf Coast Regional Medical Center
University Health Care System Vidant Health WellStar Cobb Hospital
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Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women and Children
Glenbrook Hospital
Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital
Hendricks Regional Health Illinois CancerCare
Ascension St. Vincent Hospital - Indianapolis
Riley Hospital for Children
Kona Community Hospital Pali Momi Medical Center
Jim and Trudy Maloof St. Jude Midwest Affiliate Clinic
Beacon Cancer Care Memorial Beacon Children’s Hospital
Saint Joseph Health System Plymouth Medical Center
Kellogg Cancer Center
Beacon Health System
St. Catherine Hospital
Saint Alphonsus: Cancer Care Center
Little Company of Mary Hospital Loyola University Medical Center
Community Cancer Center East - Medical Oncology
St. Vincent Indianapolis
St. Joseph Regional Cancer Center St. Luke’s Boise Medical Center
North Shore University Health System
Community Cancer Center North
Northwestern Medicine
Community Hospital Anderson
Blank Children’s Hospital
Northwestern Medicine Delnor Hospital
Community Hospital East
Helen G. Nassif Community Cancer Center
Advocate Children’s Hospital
Community Hospital North
Mercy Iowa City Cancer Care
Advocate Christ Medical Center
Northwestern Medicine Lake Forest Hospital
Eskenazi Health Main Campus
MercyOne North Iowa Cancer Center
Advocate Lutheran General Hospital
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Evansville Cancer Center
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
OSF Children’s Hospital Peoria
UnityPoint Health Trinity Regional Medical Center
OSF Healthcare
Fort Wayne Medical Oncology and Hematology
Cancer Care Specialists of Illinois
Quincy Medical Group Cancer Institute
Franciscan Health
Cancer Treatment Centers
Saint Francis Hospital And Health Center
University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics
Rush Health
Indiana University Health
of America Chicago
Rush University Medical Center
AdventHealth Shawnee Mission
Cardinal Bernardin Cancer Center
Safe Haven Hospice
Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center
Carle Cancer Center
SIH Cancer Institute
Central Dupage Hospital
Siteman Cancer Center Illinois
Comer Children’s Hospital
Springfield Clinic Cancer Center at Memorial Medical Center
Community Cancer Center Crossroads Cancer Center DMH Cancer Care Institute
SwedishAmerican Regional Cancer Center
Duly Health and Care Lisle
University of Chicago Medicine
Edward Hospital Main Campus
University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System
IU Health Bloomington Hospital IU Health University Hospital Lafayette Cancer Care
Cotton O’Neil Cancer Center KUMC Westwood Medical Pavilion Olathe Health Cancer Center
Lutheran Children’s Hospital
Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute at Menorah Medical Center
Major Health Partners
Topeka Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center University of Kansas Cancer Center at St. Francis Methodist Hospitals Southlake Campus Northwest Cancer Center - Dyer Clinic
University of Kansas Cancer Center Overland Park
University of Kansas Hospital
St. Jude Baton Rouge Affiliate Clinic at Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Health
University of Maryland Medical Center
Tufts Medical Center
Touro Cancer Center
UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center
Tulane Medical Center
Baystate Children’s Hospital
UMass Memorial Health
Baptist Health Hardin
West Jefferson Medical Center
Baystate Medical Center
University of Kansas Medical Center
Baptist Health Louisville
MICHIGAN Ascension Macomb Oakland Hospital Warren Campus
Baptist Health Paducah
Boston Medical Center
Graves Gilbert Clinic
Central Maine Medical Center
Cape Cod Hospital
Kentucky Children’s Hospital
Harold Alfond Center For Cancer Care
Norton Cancer Institute
Maine Health
Care Dimensions Pediatric Palliative Program
Norton Children’s Hospital
Maine Medical Center
CHA Cambridge Hospital
Beaumont Hospital - Royal Oak
Norton Healthcare
New England Cancer Specialists
Beaumont Hospital - Troy
Saint Claire Healthcare
Northern Light Health
Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer Center
Signature Healthcare
Northern Light Mercy Cancer Care
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Bronson Oncology & Hematology Specialists - Kalamazoo
Franciscan Children’s Hospital
St. Elizabeth Healthcare The Medical Center at Bowling Green
MARYLAND Bon Secours Mercy Health
Frederick Memorial Hospital
Children’s Hospital New Orleans
Johns Hopkins Children’s Center
CHRISTUS Cancer Treatment Center
Johns Hopkins Hospital
LCMC Health
Johns Hopkins Medicine The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center
Ochsner Cancer Center - Baton Rouge Ochsner Medical Center Ochsner Hospital for Children Ochsner Lafayette General Urgent Care at Ochsner University Hospital & Clinics Ochsner LSU Health Shreveport Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Health 20
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Loyola Medicine Maryland Proton Treatment Center MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center Samuelson Children’s Hospital at Sinai UM Upper Chesapeake Medical Center Kaufman Cancer Center
Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates/Atrius Health
Ascension Providence Hospital Beaumont Health
Bronson Health
C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital
Holy Family Hospital - Methuen
Cancer & Hematology Centers of Western Michigan
Massachusetts General Hospital
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Mass General/North Shore Cancer Center Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital Henry Ford Hospital Mass General Cancer Center at Cooley Dickinson Hospital
Karmanos Cancer Institute
Metrowest Cancer Center Milford Regional Medical Center
Karmanos Cancer Institute at McLaren Flint Clarkston
Minnesota Oncology
Mercy Health Saint Mary’s
Mount Auburn Hospital
Michigan Medicine
Newton-Wellesley Hospital
MidMichigan Medical Center - Midland
South Coast Centers for Cancer Care
Sparrow Hospital
Southcoast Health
Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital
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Piper Breast Center - Minneapolis
University of Kansas Health System
Regions Hospital
University of Missouri Health Care
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center
St. John Providence - Ascension
Elliot Regional Cancer Center
St. Joseph Mercy
Forrest General Hospital
Bozeman Health Cancer Center
St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea Cancer Center
Greenwood Leflore Hospital
Logan Health Medical Center
St. Mary Mercy Hospital Livonia
Hattiesburg Clinic- Hematology/Oncology Montana Children’s – Kalispell Regional Medical Center Memorial Hospital at Gulfport
Astera Cancer Care
St. Dominic Hospital
Bristol Myer’s Squibb Children’s Hospital - RWJBarnabas Health (NJ)
Spectrum Health United Hospital Cancer Center Spectrum Health West Michigan
University of Michigan Medical Center MINNESOTA
University of Mississippi Medical Center
Allina Health Allina Health Mercy Hospital - Unity Campus
Children’s Hospital and Clinic – Minneapolis
Children’s Mercy Hospital and Clinics
Essentia Health - Duluth Clinic Fairview Southdale Edina Frauenshuh Cancer Center Grand Itasca Clinic and Hospital Hennepin Healthcare Lakeview Hospital Masonic Children’s Hospital Mayo Clinic’s Campus in Minnesota Methodist Hospital M Health Fairview Minnesota Oncology - Burnsville Minnesota Oncology Minneapolis Clinic Minnesota Oncology Saint Paul Cancer Center
Chub O’Reilly Cancer Center Cox Medical Center South David C. Pratt Cancer Center Hulston Cancer Center Mercy Hospital St. Louis Missouri Cancer Associates - Columbia Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital SSM Health Saint Louis University Hospital SSM Health St. Clare Hospital - Fenton SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital - St. Louis St. Louis Children’s Hospital St. Luke’s Hospital Truman Medical Centers
NEBRASKA Children’s Hospital & Medical Center Omaha
Atlantic Health System
Capital Health Medical Center - Hopewell
MD West One
Childrens Hospital of New Jersey at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center
Nebraska Cancer Specialists
Chilton Medical Center
Nebraska Hematology Oncology - Lincoln
Hackensack Meridian Health
Nebraska Medicine
Holy Name Medical Center
Nebraska Methodist Health System
Inspira Medical Center Vineland
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Jersey City Medical Center
Hackensack University Medical Center
Jersey Shore-Hackensack Meridian NEVADA
John Theurer Cancer Center
Cancer Care Specialists Reno
MD Anderson Cooper Cancer Center
Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada/US Oncology
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Bergan
Cure 4 the Kids Foundation
Morristown Medical Center
Renown Regional Medical Center
Mountainside Medical Center
VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System
Overlook Medical Center Regional Cancer Care Associates Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital
Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
Hudson Valley Hospital
Cancer Center
Mission Health
Rutgers Health
John R. Oishei Children’s Hospital
St. Mary’s Cancer Medicine Center
Saint Barnabas Medical Center
Long Island Jewish Medical Center
Stony Brook Cancer Center
Novant Health Cancer Institute - Ballantyne
Saint Peter’s Healthcare System
Maimonides Medical Center
Stony Brook Medicine
Saint Peter’s University Hospital
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
SUNY Upstate Medical University
Southern OncologyHematology Associates
Montefiore Health System
United Health Services
Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital
Upstate University Hospital
St. Joseph’s Hospital
Mount Sinai Health Network
Virtua Voorhees Hospital
Mount Sinai Kravis Children’s Hospital
UR Medicine Wilmot Cancer Institute - Pluta Cancer Center
New York Oncology Hematology NEW MEXICO CHRISTUS St. Vincent Hospital
New York Presbyterian
Westchester Medical Center Health Network
Novant Health Cancer Institute - Lake Norman Novant Health Cancer Institute – Mount Airy Novant Health Hemby Children’s Hospital Physicians East Greenville Pinehurst Surgical Clinic Scotland Memorial Hospital SECU Cancer Center
Presbyterian Healthcare Services
New York Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center
Atrium Health
New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center
Albany Medical Center
New York Proton Center
CaroMont Regional Medical Center
Bassett Medical Center
Northern Westchester Hospital
Cancer Institute at Lenox Hill Hospital
Northwell Health Imbert Cancer Center
Cone Cancer Center at Wesley Long Hospital
CareMount Medical
NYC Health + Hospitals
Duke Blood Cancer Center
Cayuga Medical Center
NYC Health + Hospitals/Elmhurst
Duke Children’s Hospital
Children’s Hospital at Montefiore
NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln
Duke University Medical Center
Cohen Children’s Medical Center
NYC Health + Hospitals/Queens
Community Health Network
NYOH Albany Cancer Center
East Carolina University
Golisano Children’s Hospital
NYU Langone Health
Good Samaritan Hospital
NYU Langone Hospital - Brooklyn
James and Connie Maynard Children’s Hospital
Good Samaritan Hospital Infusion Center
Oneida Health Hospital
Guthrie Corning Cancer Center
Rochester General Hospital
Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital
Roswell Park Comprehensive
Brenner Children’s Hospital
Southeastern Medical Oncology Center - Jacksonville UNC Children’s UNC Health Care UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center Vidant Medical Center Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center NORTH DAKOTA Sanford Medical Center Sanford Roger Maris Cancer Center
Levine Cancer Institute
Levine Children’s Hospital
Akron Children’s Hospital
Mission Children’s Hospital
Aultman Health Foundation, Aultman Hospital Cancer Center
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Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Geisinger Medical Center
Carteret Health Care
Cleveland Clinic
Hahne Regional Cancer Center
Cleveland Clinic Akron General
Children’s Hospital at Oklahoma University Medicine
Jefferson University Hospitals
Gibbs Cancer Center & Research Institute - Spartanburg
Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center
Integris Cancer Institute
Lehigh Valley Health Network
Medical University of South Carolina
Cleveland Clinic Children’s
Mercy Hospital Oklahoma City
Lehigh Valley Hospital - Cedar Crest
Columbus Oncology and Hematology
Oklahoma Cancer Specialists and Research Institute
Lehigh Valley Reilly Children’s Hospital
MUSC Health Hematology Oncology at Hollings Cancer Center
Good Samaritan Infusion Center-Butler Harold and Eugenia Thomas Comprehensive Care Center
Stephenson Cancer Center The Children’s Hospital at OU Medicine
Kettering Medical Center
Main Line Health Penn Medicine Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital PRISMA Health Prisma Health Children’s Hospital
Lima Memorial Hospital
Saint Christopher’s Hospital for Children
Roper Hospital
MetroHealth Medical Center
Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center
Roper St. Francis
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Compass Oncology/US Oncology
Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson
Ohio Health
OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
Santee Hematology & Oncology
Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center - James
Oregon Health and Science University
UPMC Hillman Cancer Center
South Carolina Oncology Associates
Paulding County Hospital
Randall Children’s Hospital at Legacy Emanuel
UPMC Magee Women’s Hospital
The Christ Hospital
Willamette Valley Cancer Institute
Wexford Health + Wellness Pavilion
Toledo Clinic
Saint Francis Cancer Center
Western Hema Onc Cancer Center
Avera McKennan Hospital & University Health Center
University Hospital’s Rainbow, Babies and Children’s
Abramson Cancer Center
Rhode Island
Monument Health Cancer Care Institute
Allegheny Health Network
Sanford Cancer Center
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Ann B. Barshinger Cancer Institute
Providence Cancer Center Oncology & Hematology Rhode Island Hospital
Roger Williams Cancer Center
Alice and Carl Kirkland Cancer Center
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
ALSAC/St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Fox Chase Cancer Center Main Campus
BI-LO-Charities Children’s Cancer Center
Ascension Saint Thomas
University Hospital Seidman Cancer Center University of Cincinnati Medical Center Wright Patterson Medical Center
Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Philadelphia Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Rutherford Hospital
Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital
Baptist Cancer Center
Baptist Health System
Mays Cancer Center
Baptist Memorial Hospital-Memphis
Baylor Scott & White Health
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Cancer Center - Ascension Saint Thomas Midtown Hospital
Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center
MD Anderson League City
Baylor University Medical Center
MD Anderson The Woodlands
Cancer Center Associates
Medical Center Hospital
Children’s Hospital of San Antonio
Medical City Dallas
Children’s Medical Center Dallas
Memorial Hermann Northeast Hospital
The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
Children’s Hospital at Erlanger Children’s Hospital at TriStar Centennial East Tennessee Children’s Hospital Maury Regional Cancer Center
Texas Oncology - San Antonio Medical Center Texas Oncology - The Woodlands The Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders - Forth Worth
Children’s Medical Center Plano
Memorial Hermann Southwest Hospital
Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt
Toepperwein Medical Center
Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital
Methodist Children’s Hospital
UMC Health System
Regional One Health Medical Center - Main Campus
Methodist Healthcare
University Hospital-University Health
Coastal Bend Cancer Center
Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center
University Medical Center of El Paso
Cook Children’s Medical Center
Millennium Physicians - North Houston
UT Southwestern
Covenant Children’s Hospital
Premier Oncology Consultants
Vannie Cook Clinic
Dell Children’s Medical Center of Central Texas
PRMA Plastic Surgery - Center For Advanced Breast Reconstruction
DHR Health
Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute at Medical City Healthcare
Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital Sarah Cannon Cancer Center Tennessee Oncology Tennessee Oncology PLLC: Sarah Cannon Center for Blood Cancers Tennessee Valley Healthcare System - Nashville Campus Thyme Care TriStar Centennial Medical Center Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital Vanderbilt Health Vanderbilt University Medical Center West Cancer Center & Research Institute
Doctors Hospital at Renaissance - Edinburgh
St. David’s Healthcare
Driscoll Children’s Hospital
St. David’s Medical Center
El Paso Children’s Hospital
St. David’s South Austin Medical Center
Hospice in the Pines
START Center for Cancer Care
Houston Methodist Hospital Texas Medical Center
Texas Children’s Hospital
Joe Arrington Cancer Research and Treatment Center
The Woodlands
John Peter Smith Hospital JPS Oncology & Infusion Center 24
Texas Oncology - Fort Worth Cancer Center
Texas Children’s Hospital -
Texas Medical Center Texas Oncology
UTAH Huntsman Cancer Institute Intermountain Healthcare Logan Regional Hospital Primary Children’s Hospital St. Mark’s Hospital University of Utah Health VERMONT Southwestern Vermont Health Care University of Vermont Children’s Hospital University of Vermont Health Network
A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 0 2 1
Greenbrier Valley Medical Center
Augusta Health
Huntington Internal Medicine Group
Blue Ridge Cancer Care
Compass Oncology - Vancouver Cancer Center
Bon Secours DePaul Medical Center
Confluence Health
Kiggundu Radiation Therapy
Bon Secours St. Francis Health System
First Choice Health
Mon Health Cancer Center
Cancer Specialists of Tidewater
Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital
West Virginia University Medicine
Carilion Clinic
MultiCare Deaconess Cancer and Blood Specialty Center
WVU Cancer Institute at Reynolds Memorial Hospital
MultiCare Rockwood Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine – Downtown Spokane
WVU Cancer Institute Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center
North Star Lodge Cancer Center
Chesapeake Regional Medical Center Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters Emily Couric Clinical Cancer Center Hematology-Oncology Associates of Fredericksburg Hospice of Virginia Inova Children’s Hospital Johnston Memorial Hospital Kaiser Permanente Novant Health Cancer Center Riverside Regional Medical Center Sentara Healthcare Sentara Norfolk General Hospital University of Virginia Health System VCU Medical Center Main Hospital Virginia Cancer Institute Virginia Hospital Center Virginia Oncology Associates
Northwest Medical Specialties Northwest Medical Specialties- Puyallup PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center Providence Hospice and Home Care of Snohomish County Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center Providence St. Peter Hospital Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Seattle Children’s Hospital Swedish Medical Center University of Washington Medical Center Virginia Mason Medical Center WEST VIRGINIA CAMC Women’s and Children’s Hospital Edwards Comprehensive Cancer Center
J.W. Ruby Memorial Hospital
American Family Children’s Hospital Ascension St. Francis Hospital Ascension St. Michael’s Hospital Aspirus Aurora Cancer Care Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Froedtert Hospital
“[Connecting] my patients with an organization that provides such a significant financial benefit relieves a huge amount of stress for these families.” — social worker in Georgia University of Wisconsin Madison Van Dyke Cancer Center Vince Lombardi Cancer Clinic WYOMING St. John’s Health
Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center HSHS St. Vincent Hospital Marshfield Clinic Health System Marshfield Medical Center Mercy Health System The Cancer Team at Bellin Health ThedaCare Regional Cancer Center Turville Bay MRI & Radiation Oncology Center
FUNDRAISING $1,069,520
Public Support + Revenue: $8,533,255
Total Expenses: $8,214,558
A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 0 2 1
PUBLIC SUPPORT + REVENUE Grants + Contributions Contributions In-Kind Event Revenues
$5,749,482 $52,333 $211,000
Less: Related Direct Costs
Net Special Event Income
Investment / Other Income (Gain)
Family Relief + Support
Management + General
Increase/Decrease in Net Assets NET ASSETS - END OF YEAR
With Donor Restrictions: Grants + Contributions
$8,214,558 $318,697 $5,361,434
2011 2013 2021 2009 2015 2017 2019 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Major Donors + Fundraisers We’re grateful to our nationwide community of supporters and collaborators who joined us in 2021. With the collective help of first-time contributors, monthly donors, brand ambassadors, Reach Athletes, LiFT Members, and dedicated supporters who have been with us for many years, Family Reach surpassed 60,000 families served in 25 years.
$550,000 - $999,000
John Krasinski and Emily Blunt
AbbVie Foundation
Robert and Patti Bradley
The Paul & Phyllis Fireman Charitable Foundation
DCU for Kids
The Snider Foundation
$250,000 - $549,999
Foundation for Financial Planning
Subaru of New England
AmerisourceBergen Foundation
The Nicholas and Marion Madonna Foundation
Trillium Brewing Company
Amgen Gilead Sciences Janssen Takeda Oncology
Phalen Family Fund
$10,000 - $24,999
Jesse and Mindy Rogers***
Ben Lund* Bessemer Trust Company
$100,000 - $249,000 B&W Quality Growers Colleen Ballinger Marc and Lynne Benioff Eisai David Stern Pfizer Harris and Nicole Schwartzberg Stratton Charitable Foundation Trust $50,000 - $99,999 Ambrose Packaging BeBOLD
Ming and Polly Tsai ** | ***
OverSimplified Media
$25,000 - $49,999
Jeffrey and Nancy Bilezikian
Bill and Libby Allard***
Sam and Tracey Byrne
Yumin and Amy Choi***
CMC Food
Tom and Angela Civik***
Suzy Corcoran
Ty Curran
Mark and Cindy DeLeo
Hayes Family Fund
Dot’s Pretzels
Haymakers for Hope
Charles and Eileen Dubroff
Hoang Fund
Dick and Michelle Fairbanks**
Karyopharm Therapeutics Inc
Tracy & Allan Foster Charitable Fund
Peter and Lisa Merrigan / Taurus
Foundation Medicine
Investment Holdings***
Franklin M. Berger Foundation
Mario Muredda***
Lawrence Hamann
Mark and Deborah Pasculano
Heritage Helps Fund
A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 0 2 1
$5,000 - $9,999
The Lorrie Parajeckas Group**
William Gagnon
Intex Solutions Inc
Shirley Arata
David and Kiersten Lowe
Gina de Givenchy
The Jean Marie Hynes and Mark Joseph Condon Charitable Fund
Eric Aronson*
Maker’s Mark
GT Medical Technologies
Bank of America Foundation
Madge Meyer
Intel Foundation
Beckley Foundation
Julie Moore
Elizabeth Lane*
Sally Bickford
Joseph and Carolyn Murphy
Paul Lane*
Jeanne and John Blasberg
Derek Raposo*
Daniel Colin Johnson and Susan McNally
Boston Bruins Charitable Foundation
Nicholas Salerno*
Chris McNeill
Norm Cantin and Patricia Chadwick
Michael Travis and Renee Kwok
Janet Mercado*
Fumiko Chino
Jeffrey Trichon
Jennifer Mintzer
Hesler Family Fund
Trish Kennedy Joe Laham MFS Investment Management The Money Source The Montag Group Timothy Moore Michael and Meghan Morrissey NV Charitable Gift Fund Sawyer Parks Charitable Foundation Chip Rives Scientia Diagnostics Syros Pharmaceuticals John and Sandra Thompson T-Mobile Peter and Ellen Vaream Vera and Joseph Dresner Foundation Melissa Walsh** William and Natalie Whelan
Raymond and Shauna Mirra
Coastal Medical Transportation Services Steve Collis
$2,500 - $4,999
Missing Peace Foundation
John Connaughton
Avon Protection
Richard Morello and Dlynne Plummer**
Tricia Dunphy*
B&T Fund
Hiyam Nadel
Mari Fay*
Bernstein Giving Fund
Leopold and Amelia O’Donnell
Kenji and Lala Freedman*
Justin Piccione*
David Grayzel
Kathleen Burke
Julie and Rick Penn
Mindy and Neil Grossman
Cassidy Firth*
Tracy Pozil**
PJ Haley
Rina Cervone*
Jim Quadrini
Peyton Howell
Katie and Matt Cole
Lorraine and Tony Sheply
Andrea Incudine*
Shawn DeLude
Sparks Family Trust
Bill and Lisa Lahey
Patrick and Jennifer Fay
Alex and Taylor Theoharidis
Bill and Nadia Lane
Fit Life Ventures
Tom Huleatt and Krista Thompson
Steven Frank
Stephen and Iris Tsai**
Hope and Doug Turner
Christine Carona
Mary Finn
Richard and Julie Miller
Vartabedian Giving Fund
John Carroll
Hallal Family Fund
Rick Miller
VMware Foundation
Catherine J Malatesta Foundation
Peter Harris
Daniel Molloy
Jenine Wright*
Robert Chamberlain
Tiffany and Byron Haseotes
Chris Murphy*
Yousuf Zafar
Chestnut Hill Realty
Mikiyo Hattori
Northwest Asset Management
Ilana Zalika**
Jeffrey and Pamela Choney
Hodson Family Fund
Kathleen Nuccitelli
James and Andrea Colangelo**
Chris and Donna Horblit
Scott Nussbaum
$1,000 - $2,499
Steven and Laura Coleman
Vaishalee Howey*
Arndt Oesterle
Joseph and Sherri Abruzzese**
Joseph Colucci
Frances Hsing
James Olsztynski
Graham Ackerman
Dan Corey
Alisha Hyslop
The Oushi Fund
Robert and Margaret Ackerman
John and Laurie Cowden
Chris Joyce
Robert and Lorainne Paglia
Nicholas Alberto
Daughters of Penelope Garden District #5 Thomas and Barbara Lake
Irena Paprocki
Lloyd and Chloe Alger
Josephine DelVecchio
Richard Larson
Jessica Patel
Gregory and Marquitta Alia**
Alessandra Di Bacco**
Lauren Lewis
Rick and Terri Pedigo
Anne Capano Charitable Foundation for Giving
Leslie Donato
Michael and Patti Lotane
George and Rosemary Pfreundschuh
Miryam Dreyfuss
Ronnie Lott
John and Marilyn Priori**
The Ayco Company
Kristen Ecord*
Love, Tito’s
Arthur Rabe
Robert Bailey
Andrew Escoll
Cindy Ann Kelly*
Nicole Rakitin*
Terry Banks
Junia Fajardo*
Pete Kern
James and Melissa Ribaudo**
David Berman
The Feder Family Fund
Steven Marshall
Tim Richards
Bignell Family Fund
Elizabeth Fish
Maribeth Merrigan Foundation
Erik Rijnbout
Leah Binder
Flour Bakery + Cafe
Timothy and Katie Merrigan
The RMR Group
Rick Blangiardi
Taylor Giallo
Kevin McCarthy
Suzette Rothberg
Michael Caito
Chris and Mary Beth Gordon
Ben McKee
Katy Rubin
Dennis and Lisa Cameron
Kenneth Gordon
Kevin McLaughlin
Tammy Saben
Peter and Lynne Cameron
Arleen and Charles Gorla
Shauna McLaughlin*
Michael Sabon
Ken Capano
Bryant and Hilary Gumbel
Miceli Family Charitable Trust
Sacajawea Charitable Foundation
A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 0 2 1
Salesforce.com Foundation
LiFT Network Members
Lisa and Bill Schultz
Angels Among Us
Sara and Axel Schupf
Anthony Rizzo Family Foundation
Jeffrey and Stephanie Schwartz
Claire’s Army
Fatima Scipione**
Hands for Holly
Bryan Sergeant*
Gregory Simon
Leigh Sakoda Foundation
Michael and Kerry Smith
Never Had A Bad Day
John Stalling
One Family Foundation
Sarah Suddock
The Tom Coughlin Jay Fund
Scott Tarriff
Tyler Robinson Foundation
TA Realty Taulane Family Gift Fund Thermo Fisher Touch Dynamic Jay and Carol Virshbo Vizient Lester Wade Robert White Christopher Wiatrak** Will Golden Goldy Memorial Fund John and Jennifer Winterhalter** Charles Wong Tsunako Yamazaki Yvette Kanter * Reach Athlete Fundraiser ** Key Holder Monthly Donor *** Executive Circle Member
Estrellita, 17, leukemia
Board + Staff BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board Chair Tracy Ott Foster Former President, Lash Group Vice Chair And Co-Founder Richard J. Morello CEO, CND Life Sciences Secretary Tim Moore Managing Director, Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management Treasurer Jennifer Winterhalter Vice President of Revenue Management, Amneal Pharmaceuticals Peter Merrigan CEO, Taurus Investment Holdings Ming Tsai Founder/President, Ming’s Bings Chef & Restaurateur, Blue Dragon and Baba at the Yellowstone Club Melissa Walsh Vice President, State Government Affairs, AbbVie 32
Chris Wiatrak Regional Sales Director, Exelixis
Justin Connor Salesforce Administrator
Jessica Joseph Operations Manager
Yousuf Zafar, MD Duke University Medical Center Senior Vice President, Medical Informatics, Change Healthcare
Autumn Dube Senior Marketing Manager
Jackie Hess Senior Manager of Programs Innovation
Laura Elder Senior Manager of Donor Relations
Jennifer Lorencovitz Senior Manager of Programs
Fran Firth Relationship Manager, LiFT Network
Francis Ma Director of Communications
Patrick Gallager Director of Development
Amanda Maddalone Financial Coaching Program Manager
Elizabeth Geisel Director of Programs
Alex Markel Director of Partnerships
Ravit Gilletti Patient & Family Engagement Manager
Courtney McHugh Resource Navigator
Adam Heidbreder Administrative Assistant
Ethan Michaud Community & Events Manager
Andrea Incudine Director of Impact
Brian Morello LiFT Senior Project Manager, Family Founder
STAFF Carla Tardif Chief Executive Officer Corey Fick Senior Vice President of Operations & Chief of Staff Rosie Cunningham Vice President of Strategy & Alliances Nicole Ackerman Senior Manager of Family Relations Jesica Broadnax Field Resource Navigator James Casavant Salesforce Administrator
Cindy Jones Director of Operations
Stephanie Nicolette Resource Navigator
A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 0 2 1
Morgan O’Brien Senior Project Manager of Strategic Initiatives Isabella Padilla Design and Web Manager Taylor Ribaudo Development Manager Elizabeth Santiago Partnerships Manager Katie Schweitzer Director of Finance
Tom Stivers Impact Data Manager Chris Strumfels Resource Navigator Megan Tanner Director of Human Resources Devin Traxler Lead Navigator Kate Winder Senior Impact Data Analyst
Joanna Scott Director of The LiFT Network Sanshrut Sharma Communications Project Manager Antoinette Shields Programs Coordinator Stevie Snow Creative and Brand Manager Anastasia Spratley Resource Navigator Lucas, 3, brain cancer
Wendi, 38, thyroid cancer survivor 34
A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 0 2 1
B O S TO N O F F I C E 142 Berkeley Street 3rd Floor Boston, MA 02116 857-233-2764
NJ OFFICE 2001 Route 46 Suite 310 Parsippany, NJ 07054 973-394-1411
Family Reach Manifesto We see you. Forced to choose between your health and your home. Scaling back groceries.
We see past your diagnosis – we know that behind the words patient, sick, cancer, there is a family. A family whose only worry should be getting to the other side of cancer.
Cutting your meds in half so you can turn the electricity back on. Hoping to catch up on rent next month.
Because we believe everybody deserves a fair shot.
We see you standing outside the emergency room at 4 AM, trying to judge exactly how bad the fever is. Wondering if you can afford to wait a few more hours. Knowing an ER co-pay will pull you even further behind on your mortgage. Imagining for the first time in your life that foreclosure is in your future.
We believe the system failed YOU. You did not fail your family. We believe that you are not alone, and that together, we can fix this. We believe in solutions that promise you, and every family after you, only one choice, to focus on your health.
All because you were dealt the cancer card.
We believe the system is broken.
We’re not afraid to fight for you, because that’s what families do. We are Family Reach.
@familyreach www.familyreach.org