Pcna’s, education provision, news & zookeeper joe

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PCNA’s, Education Provision, News & Zookeeper Joe 19th March 2016 Dear All If you’re looking for a childminder, see our notes on the Local Offer below. Plus, remember that all comments and questions sent directly into the Local Offer must be published and answered - which is to the benefit of all of us…

The right to ordinary lives – more on PCNAs… PCNA = Parents Carers Needs Assessment. The PCNA form is in its final stages… it has been co-produced by SEND Family Voices (SFV), the local Kingston & Richmond Carers organisations and Achieving for Children (AfC) – and it currently being made ‘pretty’ by the AfC branding people. As soon as it is available, it will go onto the Local Offer and we will also circulate copies. There is no doubt that the first version of the form is imperfect – however, we can review this after a few months. We are, however, quite clear that:  no parent/carer should come away from the assessment empty handed  whilst there is no duty to commission new services (only to assess), the data the PCNA will produce will (and must) inform future commissioning. What may also surprise you is that SFV and AfC are national leaders in this work – it seems that very few local authorities have got to grips with this new duty.

That’s all very well isn’t it, but what’s the point of a PCNA? Very simply, a PCNA looks at what parents & carers need to enable them to carry on caring. We know that our task as parents of children & young people with additional needs brings additional stresses outside ‘normal’ parenting (most parents are not as familiar with hospitals as we might be). It is your chance to consider your role as a carer and what help you may need to support you, to maintain your own health, as well as balancing your caring role with other aspects of your life, such as work and family. Your PCNA will help to clarify your needs and to identify sources of support which could help you.

What can I expect as a result of this assessment? This assessment is a tool by why which your needs are understood and described; and as result determine which needs could be met by Achieving for Children. You can complete the assessment form yourself, or ask for help. You will receive a Personal Support Plan which may include (for example):  Advice and signposting to services within the Local Offer  A one off payment to meet a specific need  Short breaks and respite care  Spot purchase of support services (including counselling)  Disabled Children’s Team (DCT) Family support services  Family assessment via Common Assessment Framework (CAF)  Lead professional support and co-ordination  Care planning and future planning

Presentations & notes… Following on from our seminar with Steve Broach, we also sent a parent representative to the London Strategic Managers Network meeting (sounds fun?). Steve was presenting at this event, as he had done so in the past. We have the slides and have made notes for all of these events which are available on request:

1. Key Legal Issues around Social Care Support to Disabled Children – 16th March Childcare – There is an overlap here with Short Breaks. The key distinction is that Short Breaks provide respite and allow parents to live ordinary lives. Childcare allows parents to work. If a parent uses a Short Break to do some work, that is the parent’s choice. Panels – What is the role of a panel? What is rational and fair? Hounslow case (which Hounslow won) on the social care duty in the case of parental choices The new National Framework for children &young people (CYP) continuing care.

2. Key Legal Issues in the provision of Short Breaks – 25th January Duties to assess – and implications of Warwickshire judgment on the Local Offer (= failure to consult) Duties under the Short Breaks Regulations - Sufficiency duty & Short breaks services statement Operation of Chronically Sick & Disabled Persons Act (CSDPA 1970) section 2 duty - can family resources be taken into account? (yes, but an authority would be on very sticky ground) Implications of Children’s & Families Act (2014) section 19 = to have regard for the views and aspirations of the child or young person and their family.

3. Disabled children, young people and families – the law in a day – 7th March We have 19 pages of notes from our seminar with Steve Broach, plus can send the slides electronically.

SEN Support Also at the same event, we learnt that the Department for Education is soon to make an announcement on a piece of commissioned research into SEN Support (what works, what doesn’t). This will inform future advice and practice. For most children and young people with additional needs, SEN Support is what the school should be doing for that young person (it replaces the previous SEN Action & SEN Action Plus). It is when the provision of SEN Support is not improving things that an Education, Health & Care Plan may be applied for.

Clarendon & Strathmore Multi Academy Trust The two specialist schools named above are proposing to join forces as a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT). Attached is the consultation brochure. This is also being sent to all schools in Richmond and Kingston, to all Clarendon and Strathmore parents and staff, and the great and the good. In the current financial climate, this could be a real ‘good news story’ for families of children and young people with SEND, in that they are looking to provide outstanding education and support as locally as possible.

Please take the time to read this and contribute your views. Hard copies are available on request.

Richard Challoner PEP prospectus… Attached is the draft prospectus for this brand new provision based at Richmond Challoner school in New Malden. They open in September 2016. PEP stands for ‘Post-16 Entry Programme’ and is a further education course for young people with moderate learning needs. The plan is to provide a similar provision in Richmond borough for September 2017. We’re delighted that members of SEND Family Voices will be consulting with the school on how the provision will work in practice.

Free training - understanding the health system… “The Expert Parent Programme is training to help parents understand the health system better and get the most from the health services that their children use; helping them to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to navigate the system. We have adapted the existing workshop to suit parent carers of children and young people with learning disabilities and behaviour that challenges. This training session will be delivered by parent trainers and will help you to understand the health support that is available to your children and help you navigate the complex health systems in place relevant to LD and behaviour that challenges. Please note that this session will not cover strategies to manage behaviour that challenges but trainers/resources will signpost you to this type of support. 14th April - 10.30am to 3pm http://expertparentlondon.eventbrite.co.uk We are holding a free session in April in central London for parent carers of children and young people with learning disabilities and behaviour that challenges, booking link above, please do encourage parents to attend.”

News… NNPCF Priorities The National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF) have presented family’s priorities to the Minister Edward Timpson (15th March) and to Minister Jane Allison (16th March). Attached is the national priorities document which cover a broad range of subjects that shows the variety of areas that forums are engaging in. “In light of the conversations we have had with Ministers we feel increasingly confident that your voice is being heard and that these priorities will continue to be part of the national agenda.” NNPCF Ofsted / CQC survey results “Back in October 2015, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) launched a consultation on proposals to inspect the SEND provision of local areas. By the time the public consultation had closed in January earlier this year, over 2000 responses were made. As a result of the feedback, Ofsted and CQC have today announced that they have decided to extend the notice period for inspections from 2 to 5 days. This will ensure that everyone involved in inspections including young people, parents and carers have more time to provide their views about local education, health and social care services.

In the next few weeks, Ofsted and CQC will be preparing an inspection framework and handbook which will be published before the inspections take place in May. For more on the consultation, the response document is available online: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/local-area-send-consultation “ White paper – Educational Excellence The Department for Education (DfE) have published the white paper Educational Excellence Everywhere. It sets out the government's plans for the next 5 years and includes further information on their announcement to make every school an academy. A white paper is “an authoritive report or guide that informs readers concisely about a complex issue and presents the issuing body's philosophy on the matter” (in this case, the DfE) You can view the DfE press release here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/nickymorgan-unveils-new-vision-for-the-education-system To read the white paper please click here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/educational-excellence-everywhere The State of Caring survey The State of Caring Survey 2016 is the most comprehensive survey into carers' views in the UK, especially important this year following the launch of the cross-government Carers Strategy. The survey closes on Friday 15 April 2016. CLICK HERE to complete the survey.

Questioning the Local Offer… The Children and Families Act states that there is a requirement to publish information about provision available within and outside the authority’s area, and that it must consult and publish comments about the Local Offer – the first set of published comments & response are due. With the exception of complaints & vexatious comments; the Local Offer must publish and respond to insufficiencies within the Local Offer (services). Please send your feedback on our Local Offer, and know that your questions will be published and answered (to the benefit of us al): https://www.afclocaloffer.org.uk/enquiries/new

What’s new on the Local Offer SEN Case Officers… If you are not certain who yours is, please look to the Local Offer. https://www.afclocaloffer.org.uk/pages/home/assessment-and-education-health-and-careplanning/sen-teams-contact-details-and-case-allocations-lists Childminders… A parent asked us recently for details of childminders. As well as the Ruils Sitting & Befriending Service ( http://www.ruils.co.uk/our-services/sitting-befriending ), Karen Lowry from the Local Offer sent us this… “You can find all childminders (and other childcare providers) here: For Kingston For Richmond http://askk.kingston.gov.uk/P http://www.richmond.gov.uk/home/services/children_and ublicEnquiry/Default.aspx _family_care/childcare_information/fis_search.htm “A disclaimer - both these systems are in a state of change and in the case of Richmond may be very slightly out of date. This will all be updated when a new joint directory is live on a new site. However still useful as a starter.

All childminders and childcare providers are inclusive but some will have more experience than others. All have access to support from Achieving for Children (AfC) if they need to access it when caring for a child with a disability or SEN. AfC also have Childcare Brokerage Officers who can assist parents who are finding it harder to find a suitable childcare place or have a child with additional needs.” For Kingston For Richmond Maxine Darling Aileen Steward Childcare Brokerage Officer Childcare Brokerage Officer Telephone 0208 547 6581 Tel: 020 8831 6429 maxine.darling@achievingforchildren.org.uk aileen.steward@achievingforchildren.org.uk

Eye Tests & Zookeeper Joe… this book takes the child through a series of eye tests whilst following a story. We picked up a free copy in Boots (copies may still be available) or you can view it here: https://www.afclocaloffer.org.uk/pages/home/health/useful-links-or-resources Seems good for children and young people who wouldn't welcome an optician appointment.

Thinking of others… “Girl Guiding has just introduced a new mental health focus to the Girl Guides programme – including a badge Guides can earn when talking about their emotional wellbeing. The initiative, called Think Resilient, was created with the aim of taking down the stigma around mental health, teaching young girls how to deal with social pressure, and encouraging the Guides to seek support when they need it.” Read more here: http://metro.co.uk/2016/03/18/girl-guides-will-now-earn-badges-for-talking-about-mentalhealth-5760079/#ixzz43LWqozCW And this website shows you what it can be like to read if you have dyslexia… http://www.thememo.com/2016/03/08/this-website-shows-you-what-its-like-to-read-as-adyslexic/ As ever, if you have any queries at all, please ask and we'll always do our best to find an answer. With best wishes, Romany (for Richmond) and Caroline North (for Kingston) Phone: 07469 746 145 www.sendfamilyvoices.org

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