take note*
KEEPING YOU IN THE LOOP CELEBRATING 40 YEARS Of Creative Spaces The East Coast Radio House & Garden Show is back and will be celebrating its 40th birthday bash in carnival style – toasting four successful decades of creative spaces that have led the way locally in inspiration, innovation, entertainment and craftmanship. Themed “Celebrating 40 years of creative spaces”, a host of your show favourites will also return – including the Home Grown Design Fair, Outdoor, Garden and Lifestyle area, Foodie Fair, and Hirsch’s excellent show deals. Find a signature piece for your home, get inspired for your next big renovation project, or bring friends and family to experience a myriad of entertainment and tantalising treats – including plenty of giveaways, special offers, big competitions and more. FOR MORE INFO: From June 24 to July 3 at the Durban Exhibition Centre; www.housegardenshow.co.za; W @housegardenshow
HELPING KZN Flood Victims R3-million was recently donated to Gift of the Givers towards relief efforts for residents of KwaZulu-Natal who were severely affected by the recent floods. Hyundai Automotive South Africa and Hyundai Motor Company of South Korea donated R1,5-million, while Motus Corporation, the holding company of Hyundai Automotive SA, donated a further R1,5-million. The bulk of the donated money will go towards acquiring materials to help flood victims rebuild homes that were damaged or washed away.
LEFT: Dr Imtiaz Sooliman accepts a cheque for R1,5-million from Gideon Jansen van Rensburg (left), regional director of Hyundai Automotive South Africa in KZN, and another cheque for the same amount from Berenice Francis, an executive for corporate affairs, risk and sustainability at the Motus Corporation.
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