ow are you doing? Are you coping? Rocking life? Or only just hanging on by a thread? There is no right or wrong way. We are all enduring our own individual battle. We are ALL rock stars, whether we look (or feel) like one or not. Nobody’s individual needs are greater than yours. Your needs aren’t greater than anyone else’s. Your own battle is relative only to you. The way I see it? We have a choice. We can look after ourselves. Wrap ourselves in foil and shut the world out. Worry about how we compare to others. Build up resentment. Beat ourselves up for not having it together… Or - we can love! There are so many new rules
Dear Rockstar Mama YOU HAVE BEEN ON MY MIND - HOW HAVE YOU BEEN? I AM SURE YOU ECHO ME WHEN I SAY “NOVEMBER? ALREADY?!” and restrictions in our world, but love - love is not restricted. We don’t need to preserve it. There is enough. You have enough love in your heart to share. Empathising with others does not weaken you, hurt you or diminish your own strength. Instead it does the opposite. Empathy BREEDS empathy. Love creates love. So this month, I encourage you to unwrap your
heart, creep out of your shell, spread the love, and allow yourself to be loved, most of all, by yourself. Let’s remind each other that we are all rock stars. Smile at a mum in the carpark, cook a meal for a friend. Check in on that mama who ALWAAAAYS has it all together - because I GUARENTEE you that she doesn’t, and maybe you will be THAT person that she needs today. The power of caring and being cared for is insurmountable. With love, Em.
Emma Wijnberg is an Occupational Therapist and Parenting Mentor at Little Lives Occupational Therapy. You can contact her on: emma@littlelivesoccupationaltherapy. com or visit her website for more info: www.littlelivesoccupationaltherapy.com.