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The Right Decision Today can
The Right Decision Today can Provide a Future Income Tomorrow
As parents, we a month-to-month plough time, monbasis and used to ey and energy into our provide a muchkids because we love needed income. them and want the The first step is very best for them. determining what
If you were no lonpercentage of your ger around to provide income needs to be financial support for substituted if you your family, how will died. Is it 50% of your kids continue to your salary? Or is have what they need, it 100%? follow their passions and stay on track Once you have an idea of what that with their goals? amount is, you’ll need to determine how
How will they continue with their singmany years you’ll need the lump sum pay ing lessons or get to visit the Louvre on out to generate an income. If you have very a school arts tour? How will they pursue young children, then that income might their dream of becoming a pilot or afford need to be drawn on for 20 plus years. If their first set of wheels? your kids are about to head to university
If you are no longer around, where’s the then that time frame would be significantly money going to come from? The cheapest shorter. Your financial adviser can help you and easiest way to guarantee an income to figure out exactly how to plan for your for your family is with a simple life insurunique circumstances and how to nominate ance policy - unless you already have the appropriate beneficiaries. millions stashed away in a bank account Your family relies on the fact that you for a rainy day. come home every month with a pay cheque
The right decision today can secure a and get up every morning to head off to future income tomorrow. work. A small financial commitment towards
Life insurance is often taken out to settle a life insurance policy can help to secure an debts like a home loan or vehicle finance, but income for your family in the future. few realize that it can also provide an income The time is now to get personal cover for family members who are left behind. built around your family’s unique needs.
How exactly does that work? Find out more at www.oldmutual.co.za/
When the proceeds of the life insurance personal-cover or speak to an Old Mutual policy pay out, the money can be invested financial adviser today. or parked in a bank account to generate Old Mutual Life Assurance Company (South Africa) Limited is a returns. These gains can be withdrawn on Licensed Financial Services Provide