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Conquesta 2020
Conquesta is a long-time favourite with PAST PAPERS many schools due to their annual olymConquesta has a vast collection of past piads and awesome past papers. Their papers for use as revision in the classpapers are based on what the learners have room and/or at home. Their past papers been taught during the first two terms of the can be ordered directly online at www. year. They cater for grades 1 to 9 learners conquestapastpapers.com or you can and have new papers written every year to email africa@conquestapastpapers.com keep up-to-date. They cover all the subjects or call 031 764 1972. in the curriculum. Purpose and Vision ANNUAL OLYMPIADS Conquesta’s purpose is to encourage EDUCATORS: Their annual Olympiad is still being run this year “WE BELIEVE THAT THE GROWTH WE’VE SEEN OVER THE YEARS IS DUE TO THE and inspire learners to become aware of their self-worth and and due to the lockHIGH STANDARDS WE MAINTAIN. WE potential, building down, schools can get HAVE KEPT OUR PRICING STRUCTURES up their self-esteem their learners to write AS LOW AS POSSIBLE SO THAT and confidence and on any dates to suit their agenda. PARENTS: If your STUDENTS FROM ALL INCOME GROUPS CAN PARTICIPATE.” acknowledging their efforts, regardless of results. To illuminate children are not attending school, get toto parents and teachers alike each child’s gether with other parents and form a ‘home strengths and weaknesses, so they can school’ so that they have one central point be nurtured accordingly, and to provide to send papers to - enter your children so a benchmarking tool where each school that they can at least participate in a great can measure their achievements against form of testing. the national averages of participating
Everything is provided and couriered to your schools. Their vision is to enable a sense doorstep and all papers are personalised for of achievement within the hearts of all each learner. Remember, they do all the markstudents, including those who are not ing and send the results back to you, together academically inclined, encouraging them with a certificate for each participant. to aspire to their full potential.
Contact Melanie Mengel on conquest@iafrica.com or 031 764 1972 for more information. Contact 031 764 1972, conquest@iafrica.com, www.conquestaolympiads.com.