TOP FROM LEFT: Helsinki – South Harbour; old architecture; and new architecture. BOTTOM FROM LEFT: Helsinki city centre park; getting ready for a skiing competition in Ruka.
known as a “living meeting place”. Contrary to what I had heard about the Finnish, everyone we came across was friendly, and everywhere we went we were spoken to in English. And all restaurants had English menus. From a vegan cafe to the local pasta eatery, a food market and even a very special fine dining meal at The Peak Restaurant in Ruka, I can honestly say all our
There was much to explore in Helsinki. If you’re into admiring beautiful architecture, you’ll be overwhelmed at the mixture of old and new meals were tasty and memorable. By day Helsinski seemed like any other city, but when daylight faded – at about 3pm – and the lights came on, the ambiance and vibe was awesome – especially with Christmas lights adding to the festivities. The shops came alive – in fact by day I didn’t even notice most of them, but by night there was a special kind of magic. One thing that did stand out was how impeccably clean the city was, »
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